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UNIT I :Communication Skills

1. Meenu's younger brother Sonu, is a curious learner. Meenu also keeps encouraging him to leam
and understand new things. To make him understand the components of communication, Meenta
told him the following :
"Raja wanted to give birthday wishes to his sister in a Shimla hostel. So, he used his telephone,
dialled her number. When she picked the phone, he said, "Happy Birthday my dear sister!".
His sister was very happy and said, "Thank you so much".

Meenu asked Sonu to identify various components of communication from the above example. Pick
the best option from the choices given below.
(a) Sender : Raja ; Receiver : His sister ; Message : 'Happy Birthday'.
(b) Sender : Raja ; Receiver : His sister ;Message : "Happy Birthday' ;
Feedback : "Thank you so much"
(c) Sender : Raja ; Receiver: His sister ; Message : "Happy Birthday' ;
Feedback: "Thank you so much" ; Communication channel : Telephone
(d) Sender : Raja ; Receiver : His sister ; Message : 'Happy Birthday' ;
Feedback:"Thank you so much' ;Communication channel: Telephone ;
Encoding : Conversion of voice to telephone signal ;
Decoding: Conversion of telephone signal to voice.
2. Mitali has got a scholarship and is now studying in the Great school, which is a residential school.
She is missing her family as it is her brother's birthday and she is not home. However, she wants to
wish her brother through a self-composed poem, which he would cherish forever. Which of the
following is the best way to communicate poem to her brother, so that he is able to feel the love of
his sister everytime and it is stored with him for lifetime ?
(a) Through Oral communication - recite poem over phone
(b) Through Written communication write poem on a letter or email
(c) Through Visual communication - draw a picture/poster
(d) Any of these.

3. The Great school has invited its old student Zoe, who has become a famous scientist, to the school
to encourage students about sciences. However, while addressing the school students, Zoe used
highly scientificterms and jargons and thus students could not get what exactly she wanted to say.
What type of communication barrier is this ?
(a) Physical Barrier (b) Cultural Barrier
(c) Linguístic Barrier (d) Interpersonal Barrier
4. XYZ classes is a popular dance coaching institute. It runs various batches. Attendance of students is
marked, as 75% or more attendance is compulsory. One of its students, Ria, met with a smal
accident while going back home. Ria claimed insurance for this incident. The insurance compan1y
agent came to verity if Ria was present that day or not. However, no one at XYZ classes knew who
will interact with the insurance agent and in what form should this be communicated. What type of
commurnication barrier is this ?
(a) Linguistic Barrier (b) Interpersonal Barrier
(c) Environmental Barrier (d) Organisational Barrier

5. Reet attended a function organised in the 'President's House' representing her school. The
President said in his address to students, "The government has inaugurated 25 new world class
institutes all across India. The government has also launched about 100 different scholarship
While sharing this with her teachers and friends, Reet paraphrased it as :
w25 new world class institutes have beern inaugurated by the government all across India.
About 100different scholarship schemes have also been launched by the Government".
What did Reet actually do while paraphrasing ?
(a) Changed the voice from active to passive.
(b) Changed the voice from passive to active.
(c) Told the information in summary form.
(d) Changed the tense of the address.

UNIT II:Self-Management Skills

1 Saracould not prepare for her exams for many reasons such as first her grandfather passed away
and then she met with an accident. Now exams are very near and she is having symptoms like
aches, shallow breeathing, cold hands and feet. All the symptoms are because of
(a) Bad stress (b) Good stress
(c) Ailment (d) All of these

9 Mr. Verma isa responsible and dependable person. He, in partnership with his brother runs two
companies - one company that manufacturers products as per the demand and another company
which builds buildings, houses and apartments. While Mr. Verma takes care of the manufacturing
unit and his brother takes care of the real-estate unit. Recently his brother met with an accident and
Mr. Verma had to look after both the companies while taking care of his brother.
Since the deadlines for the buildings and the manufactured goods were near, Mr. Verma had to
work for 18-20 hours a day for some months. He is now overworked and feels the burnout. He now
feels no interest in work, feels stressed out all the time, lost appetite (eats very less), and does not
interact with others.
He is not physically ill, yet his family members took him to doctor and the doctor prescribed
something to lower cortisol levels. What could it be ?
(a) Sleep for 10-12 hours a day
(b) Take a vacation break ;go out and do not indulge in any work related activities ; just relax
and enjoy
(c) Shift to a new type of diet
(d) Any of these will work
3. Smriti likes to play adventure sports. She wants to try Rafting also, which she has never done
before. When she went for Rafting, she found that she was late and might miss the last Raft.
However, the instructor told that if 3 more people arrive then he'd allow the last Raft. Smriti felt
very anxious about if she'd able to raft or not. But luckily 3 more people arrived in time and they
went for Rafting. During Rafting Smriti felt very nervous when the rapids in water came. However,
the Rafting adventure ended on a good note.
Smriti went back and excitedly she called many friends to share about this experience. Whole night
she was talking to her friends and thus could not sleep. Next morning, she had to reach her school
where she was very iritable and could not focus in class because of her lack of sleep.
ldentify the Good stress examples from the above situation.
(a) Lack of sleep (b) Feeling nervous during rapids
(c) Irritability (d) Lack of Focus
(e) Feeling anxious for Rafting
Oniti likes to play adventure sports. She wants to try Rafting also, which she has never done
before. When she went for Rafting, she found that she was late and might miss the last Raft.
However, the instructor told that if 3 more people arrive then he'd allow the last Raft. Smriti felt
very anxious about if she'd able to raft or not. But luckily 3 more people arrived in time and they
went for Rafting, During Rafting Smriti felt very nervous when the rapids in water came. However,
the Rafting adventure ended on good note.
Smriti went back and excitedly she called many friends to share about this experience.
she was talking to her friends and thus could not sleep. Next morning, she had to reach her sehright
where she was very irritable and could not focus in class because of her lack of sleep.
Identify the Bad stress exanmples from the above situation.
(a) Lack of sleep (b) Feeling nervous during rapids
(c) Irritability (d) Lack of Focus
(c) Feeling anxious for Rafting
5. Tyrah feels lethargic all day and gets tired very easily. These days she has been having low mood
mostly. Her mother decided to take her to a doctor. Surprisingly doctor did not prescribe any
medicines rather asked her to get up early and go for jogging every day, at least for 30 minutes
Tyrah began with this routine half-heartedly but she continued with the jogging for a month. By the
month end, she noticed that now she does not get tired easily and also she is always in good mood
Her stamina has also increased. But on her social media post, she thanked
endorphins. What are
these endorphins ?
(a) It refers to increased stamina
() It refers to capacity of body to work
(c) It refers to a state of good mood
(d) It refers to body's feel-good chemicals that are
released in brain after exercising
6. Tyrah after her experience with changed routine now
promotes endorphins (feel-good chemicals
released in brain) and keeps writing about it on social media. Which of the following activities will
help in releasing endorphins ?
(2) Deep sleep (b) Sports
(c) Deep breathing (d) Jogging
(e) Running () Meditation
7. Pritha is a young girl. After seeing
sportsmen of her state excel in sports, she also wants to take
sports seriously. She eats healthy food, enjoys
long distances or for long hours. running, however, she does not have stamina to run
Now she wants to participate in yearly
Marathon run
Help her identify her strengths, which you think, are organised in her city.
(a) Eating healthy food
suitable for this.
(c) Low stamina
(b) Enjoy running
(d) Can not run for long hours
8. Considering Pritha's case as
which she needs to work upon discussed in the previous question, help her identify her
in order to participate in weaknesses,
(a) Eating healthy food Marathon.
(c) Low stamina (6) Enjoy running
(d) Can not run for long hours
9. Pritha (as discussed in earlier
to build her stamina and questions) is seriously preparing for yearly 10 km
Marathon. In order
performance, she wants to set some short term goals, which
in attaining the overall goal of Marathon. will help her
Which of the following goals has SMART
marathon ? characteristics, keeping in mind her final goal of
(a) Practice running in the
(0) Complete km of running in one go
() Trycompleting 3km of running in20-25 minutes
(à Complete 10 km of running in one go, taking one break in between
. Pitha is now training with a trainer to participate in Marathon of 10 km, She has to take care of her
Aiet, practice regularly. Which of the following will help her achieve the success ?
(a) She should keep practising regularly
(b She should properly organise her diet plan and running practices.
(e) She should properly organise diet plan, running practice and note down the time taken.
(a) She should properly organise diet plan ;carry out running practice as regulated ;ensure that
if the diet plan is as prescribed ; note down the time taken along with performance check.
11 Manui is a hardworking man. Along with his first job, he is also preparing for a competitive exam.
He has been studying for more than an hour, without any break. He needs to study for at least 2-3
more hours to complete the revision, but he is feeling distracted. His phone keeps buzzing with text
messages, and he's hungry. What would be the best thing for Manuj to do now?
(o) He should keep studying until he falls asleep.
(b) He should talk to his friend, eat a snack and keep studying all at the samne time.
(c) He should take a quick break, so he can get a snack and respond to his texts before he goes
back to studying
(a) He should stop studying and make plans to see his friends.
12. Riba has to submit the project report for two subjects by month end. To effectively manage time,
she just made a list of her tasks and estimated how much time they will take. What should she do
next ?
(a) She should take a break and eat a snack.
(0) She should organize her tasks alphabetically.
(c) She should cross off tasks that she doesn't want to do right away.
(a) She should prioritize her tasks, or put them in order of importance.

UNIT III: Basic ICT Skills-l|
s.a has just started to work on
computers. He is a fast learner and is quickly learning new
hines. He volunteered tor typing house letters depicting the activities done
nleting all the letters, he realised that he has to place the school logo inbyschool houses. After
each the letters.
His teacher has made available the school logo in an image file.
him ?
What is the best possible option for
) Open the logo tile and create the same logo in cach of the files.
() He should open the logo tile ; select and copy the
logo ;open the letter file and paste logo
there : close both the tiles and repeat the process for
each of the letters.
() He should open the logo file; select and copy the
logo ; now open the letter files and place
the copied logo in each of the open letter files. Once done, close
all the files together.
(d) Any of the above.
, Ekaoa also created some images for the letters using an image
editing software. During the
process, he also created some temporary files and some additional files, So he decided to delete
these. But while deleting files, he accidently deleted his letter files too. What should he do now ?
(a) Recreate the letter files once again.
(b) Multiple files cannot be deleted together, so his files are not deleted and
are intact. He
should not worry.
(c) He can undelete the required files from the Recycle Bin.
(d) He needs to take his computer to an expert for this.
3. Omar is working on Linux in his college lab. He created lot of scripts and other files and saved
them in his home directory.
Another new student Zubin also worked on LinuX with his own id and password after Omar left.
Zubin was sitting on Omar's seat. Zubin also created many files and in the end deleted all his work.
Omar came and found out that Zubin has deleted all files in home directory.

Omar is really angry with Zubin thinking that Omar's files are deleted.What would youtellOmar
to do now ?
(a) Omar should take Zubin to the lab incharge and get him warned.
(b) Omar needs to recreate all files in his home directory.
(c) Omar can undelete the deleted files.
(a) and
Zubinall deleted allthe work from Zubin's home directory. Omar's home directory is intact
his files are there.

*AShu regularly uses his computer for his school assignments as well as for the files related to his
interests. He has lot of files stored in his computer. But one day the computer could not boot
Properly and upon booting it kept on rebooting. His seniors told him that it was a virus attack.
Arter a lot of efforts and help from his seniors, he was able to reboot the computer but all his work
1s lost. What could Ashu have done to prevent this ?
(a) Taking backups regularly (b) Getting antivirus installed
(0) Removing temporary files regularly (d) Regular computer scanning
(e) Only (a) and (b) () All of these

Climate 4. 3. ,
EverycolImpact medicines. Poor (a) relate to
lever. dded to cahros Water
?docot/flhush their
existing olderwaves. d Equality
Gender (0) Poverty
(d) Reduced
Inequalities (b)wNo expenditure for essential
WichCreatingmedical n
inequalities (4) (0) (d) vscenar
(a) io
Clean Life He to availability
of Responsible Life
toilets, Sustainable
Affordabl e
and envimorodgy,nment
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some conditions, goals
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can past
the Strong achieving of to
development consumption closet water. discovered cables
triggerextremely high willsettings, environmental communitiesenergy
down make it.
unstableand Indispensable
Institutions contribute and that Rohit, and bio-plastics. (made
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or to and ofwater. to daily aGreen
A.155 who low extreme does payments main embarked
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partial every Which help is as
or this
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weather includes vacuum made in of may Skills
stroke scenario the can the exactly
-whether be
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goal lead to this world. Sustainableplastic
or world patterns access adopting health Development when on40% eco-friendly.
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can this peelsfrom the yet or
or to of
(c) Which and
(a) responsible
Contaminated has By
(d) Climate
(c) (6 Which
Life Life acute 2030,
becomeSustainable Life
of Life
on premature
Land respiratory
two-thirds on Below of
for the
Sustainable an Land
Water the Air Sustainable
increasingly Cities Water
premature of
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Development and world's Development
and Communities
deaths critical
Goal of
from 6.5 issue
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to every
?cancer, the to
year. globalGiven ?

andBetter this,
both urban
air to
chroniequalih healsagend


following from
: health Let

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to erships
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speed,tweet and
accidents. the what
just our equitySocial THE
snapchat (Gert3} GO
) a ALS
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ensure and innovations

injuries eco N9SY



3 towards decoupling
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Work > ’ For
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InspireProvide peoples Be Embrace
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Use Shop By go Don't this,
Use Recycle! Buv
plants. Eat Ereeze
ensure and helpful, disability,
ensure refillable donating
reusable and less bad
value own is be is second-hand ensureConsumption
youth jobs, to what "overbuy-
- is
Economicto opinions differencesjudgemental no eat meat, also production to
youth the the emp0verand (Goal halve
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trainee cloth water you you seasonal your CHALLENGES
contributing byfollowing a following
showing poultry
and to andfriend etlhnicity, don't tollowing and per and
10) bags
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situations. and to wherever zero produce and supply
being promote use Production
: and differences : rather contribute and meals IN
the and and learn hunger leftovers
to origin, and - SUSTAINABLE
ablevalue he
t(Goal clothes, hsh.
society internships getproportion take the possible.
thancoffee from food. and
from food
to an religionsocial, and (Goal
8) vour but plastic. to Producing
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use including
provide educationof people books, waste
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be economic shopping DEVELOPMENT
of time or growers. don't
open-minded econ0mic furniture, the at 12)
UNIT youth different
yourself job, to inequalities.goals meat have
not and lists. retail
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earning in politicalor aiming takes the
EN employment, than food! and
and other
to chance
a consumer
status. lot
education eat lezels
WORKAND 8 10 of them
ON reduceand
irrespectiveof before
training. A.151
they food

Quality Affordable Clean A.152

bring you You awareness. Secondary The
vocational ForenergytargetThe is For Water
" > Education > ’ > etficiency. Target
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charging vehicles create this, means this,
a providing HelpEncourage Implementefficiency.
ProvideEncourage Increase
energy solutions)
Develop Raise
Cut Do
ot carefully isand
and ensure Clean down
not ensure
of to the to is new awareness
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supporting the to waste Sanilation
he needy tertiary to
tSDGs, friends, ensure sustainable clean ensure the the
along cycling, awareness the Energy
use study following universal
education, 4) energy
ofe.g.,each by
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connecting infrastructure public (Goal use
for transport how
SDG equal all solutions. of and
protecting energy : access with :
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disparities including girls
7) toequitable
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and and to alternate
find them policy issues affordable, reliable
people water
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for boys such access
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as water to
land to to
this organisations. study. cycling safe
how or improve
alone and and conserving and
free, electrical and
water, you men
equitable lanes, affordable
will can the modern INFORMATION
energy drinking
4 and
quality services 6
primary and for
te imyro all.

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