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CSE Club is the official association formed by Academic authority headed by Chairman of Computer
Science and Engineering department of Jashore University of Science and Technology.

It was association was first initiated in 2012 by the high authority of CSE.

This Club has a committee of 7 members :

1. Moderator Executive : Dr. Md. Kamrul Islam, assistant Professor, Dept. of CSE.
2. Moderate Finance: Dr. AFM Sahabuddin, Lecturer, Dept. of CSE
3. President : Shariar Oni, roll: 180127,4th year,2018-2019.
4. Vice President:
I. SM Jannatul Nayem,roll:180111,4th year,2018-2-19 session.
II. Susmita Das Gupta,roll:180128, 4th year,2018-2-19 session.
5. Treasurer: Ajmain Muhtady Jorder,roll:190127,3rd year,2019-2020 session.
6. Secretary: Sagor Sarker, roll: 180125,4th,2018-2019 session.

**This academic committee have the power to change ,update and cancel the club committee.

Some Activities under this Club as follow:

1. Arranging different event such as Cutural,sports,Programming,software development.

2. Give Leadership of general students.
3. Arranging Job fair and educational Seminar.
4. Hosting job recruitment event.

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