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Siddharth Vihar. Ghaziabad

(Under the aegis of DPS Society, New Delhi)

Half yearly Examination 2023 24

Subject : Biology
Class: XII
M.M. 70
Time 3 Hrs

General Instructions:
i. Allquestions arc compulsory.
The question paper has five scctions and 33questions. All qucstions are of 2marks each; Section- C has 7
ii. Section-A has 16 questions of 1mark each; Section-B has 5
questions of 3 marks cach; Section- D has 2 case-based questions of 4 marks cach: and Section-E has 3
questions of 5 marks cach.
in some questions. A student has to
iv. There is no overall choice. However, internal choices have been provided
attempt only one of the alternatives in such questions.
V Wherever necessary, ncat and properly labeled diagrams should be drawn.

the percentage of adeninc in it ?
1. Ifadouble stranded DNA has 20% ofcytosine, what will be
(a) 20%
(b) 40%
(c) 30%
(d) 60%

How many sperms will be produced from 10 primary spermatocytes and how many eggs will be
produced from 10 primary oocytes? 4oo es
3. Variations caused due to mutations are
(a) random and directionless
(b) random and directional
(c) random and smalI
)random, small and dircctional
What willbe the condition of the progeny if the father is normal, while the mother has onc genc for
hacmophilia and onc genc for colour blindncss on onc of the X chromosomes?
(a) Only daughters are haemophilic and colour blind
(b) Both sons and daughters will be haemophilic and colour blind
(c) 50per cent haemophilic and colour blind sons and 50% normal sons
(a) 50per cent haemophilic colour blind daughters and 50% colour blind daughters.
then the sequence of bases in 1
If the sequcnce of bases in coding strand of DNAis ATTCGATG,
mRNA will be JAAGOAG
the outer wall of blastocyst.
6. Name the layer of cells that forms
in the vicinity of an egg cell, only one enters the
7 Despite the presence of so many sperms
ovum. Why?
8 Hunman egg is -
(i) Microlecithal
(ii) Mesolecithal
(ii) Macrolecithal
(iv) Polylecithal
9. Failure of testes to descend into serotal sacs leads to sterility. Why?
10. Expand 1CSH 1

11. What is microsporogenesis?

12. In DNA strand, the nucleotides are linked together by 1
(a) glycosidic bonds
(b) phosphodicster bonds
(c) peptide bonds olouianista
() hydrogen bonds.
13. Directions; In the following questions (OUES NO, 13 TO 16), a statement of assertion is
by a statement of reason. followed
Mark the correct choice as:
(a) If both Assertion and Reason are true and 1
(b) If both Assertion and Reason are true but Reason is the correct explanation of Assertion.
(c) If Assertion is true but Reason is not the correct explanation of Assertion.
(d) If both Assertion and Reason is false.
Reason are false.
Assertion: Primary endosperm nucleus is diploid.
Reason: It is the product of double fertilization.

14. Assertion: Fimbriae are finger-like projections of the

to ovary. infundibulum part of oviduct which is closest 1
Reason: They are important for collection of ovum after ovulation from
15. Assertion: Spermatogenesis starts at the age of puberty. 0
Reason: There is a significant increase in level of gonadotropin 1
releasing hormone at puberty
16. Assertion: Introduction of sex education in schools should be
Reason: This will encourage children to believe in myths aboutencouraged.
sex related
bob 1

17. Define:

Define amniocentesis. Why should there be a statutory ban on
amniocentesis in India?
18. The diagram below shows the sequence of amino acids in part of a
haemoglobin molecule. 2
Val His Leu Thr Pr Glu Glu hacnoglobin
Key:Val valine Thr threonine
His - histihine Pro proline
Leuleucine Glu glutamic acid
a) If the base T*was substituted with A, how would it affect the haemoglobin chain?
b) Namethe condition and the effects associated with the above
19. Explain the process of hormonal regulation of spermatogenesis. 2
Given below is an incomplete flow chart showing influence of hormone on gamctogencsis in 2
male, obscrve the flow chart carcfully and fill in the blank A, B, C and D.


Leydig cel
Name the,cell
Name of ollicle
hormone Factor Stimulates
Name the
process Name the
21. The F2 progeny of amonohybrid cross showed
that of Mendel's monohybrid phenotypic and
F2 ratio. With the help of a suitablegenotypic ratio as 1:2:1, unlike 2
explain how it is possible. example, work out a cross and
Study the figures given below and answer the question.

Cross A

y w

y w
Yellow, white Wild type
Cross B
m m

m Parental)
White, miniature Wild type
ldentify in which of the crosses, the strength of linkage between the genes is
support of your answer. higher. Give reasons in
diagnosed that the fetus she
22. Apregnant human female was advised Ito undergo MTP. It was
with only one X
was carrying had developed from a: zygote having 45 chromosomes
a)What is thisscondion called and how does iarise? Tunr S n a
b) Whywas she advised to undergo MTP?
8-nuclei. Explain with the help
Amatureembryo sac in a flowering plant may possess 7-cells, but
of a diagram.
24. The figure given below shows 3 sperms A, Band C.
a) Which one of the three sperms will gain entry into the ovum?
b) Describe the associated changes induced by it on PandQ.


ertvtieltiise sace
Figure Ovum surrounded by Rew sperms

Explain the phases in embryonic development from the morula stage till the establishment of
pregnancy in a human female.

25. Differentiate between multiple allelism and pleiotropy with the help of an example of each.
Differentiate between dominance, co-dominance and incomplete dominance

26. Draw a well labeled diagram of DNA model given by watson and crick.
27. Across was carried out between a pea plant heterozygous for round and yellow seeds with a pea 3
plant having wrinkled and green secds.
() Show the cross in a Punnett square.
(ii)Write the phenotype of the progeny of this cross.
(ii) What is this eross known as? State the purpose of conducting such a cross.
28. Write the scientific name of the organism Thomas Hunt Morgan and his colleagues worked with 3
for their experiments.
Explain the correlation between linkage and recombination with respect to genes as studicd by
(i) How did Sturtevant explain gene mapping while working with Morgan?
29 Study the diagram of the female reproductive system given below. Answer the questions
based on the diagram.
() What does the diagram depict?
(i) At what stage zygote can be introduced in the fallopian tube in Zygote Intra Falloplan
Transfer (ZIFT)?
(ii) Mention any two events that are inhibited by the intake of oral contraceptive pills to
prevent pregnancy in humans,

30 Read the following and answer the

questions from 16(6) to 16(iv) given below:
Sickle cell anemia is a genetic disorder where
the body produces an abnormal
hemoglobin S. Red blood cells are normally flexible hemoglobin called
and round, but when the hemoglobin
defective, blood cells take on a "sickle" or crescent shape. Sickle cell
mutations in a gene called HBB. It is an inherited blood disorder that occurs ifis caused by
and paernal copies of the HBB gene are defective. In other words, if an both the maternal
one copy of the defective individul receives just
HBB gene, either from mother or father, then the individual has no sickle
cell anemia but has what is called "sickle cell trait'", People with sickle cell trait usualy do not
have any symptoms or problems but they can pass the mutated gene onto their children. There are
three inheritance scenarios that can lead to a child having sickle cell anemia:
- Both parents have sickle cell trait
One parent has sickle cell anemia and the other has sickle cell trait
-Both parents have sickle cell anemia

i. Sickle cell anemia is a/ an disease.

a. X linked
b. autosomaldominant
c, autosomal recessive
d. Y linked

then there is of the child

ii. If both parents have sickle cell trait,
having sickle cell anemia.
a. 25 % risk
b. 50% risk
c. 75% risk
d. Norisk of the chíild
there is
have sickle cell trait, then
iii. If both parents
having sickle celltrait.
a. 25 % risk
b. 50 % risk
c. 75% risk
d. No risk cell traít, there is
and the other has sickle will
anemia anemia and
oneparent has sickle cell sickle cell
iv. If children will have
that their
have sickle cell trait.
a. 25 % risk, 75%
b. 50 %risk, 50% risk
c. 75% risk, 25% risk
d. No risk

31. Placed below are case studies of some couples who were not
ready for adoption or taking gametes from donors. After able to have kids. These couples are not
Assisted Reproductive thoroughly
will you suggest to these couples examining the cases, which
briefly withjustification ofTechnology
each case.
as a medical expert? Explain

Couple Test reports of Female Test reports of male partner

Couple 1 Normal reports Normal sperms testes,
Missing connection inepididymis and
Vas deferens
Couple 2 Blockage in the fallopian Normal reportstube
Couple 3 Normal reports Poor semen parameters in
terns of count, motility andmorphology
Couple 4 low ovarian reserve
Normal reports
Couple 5 Sterilization in male
Morphologically abnormal


Given below are certain situations. Analyse the situation and suggest thename of suitable
device along with mode of action. contraceptive

Situation Requirement of contraceptive Name of Mode

for contraceptive of
device action
blocking the entry of sperms
through cervix
2 spacing between children

3 effective emergency
4 terminal method to prevent any
more pregnancy in female
5 sterilization in male

32. In shorthorn cattie, the coat colours red or white are controlled by a single pair of alleles. Acalf 5
which receives the allele for red coat from its mother and the allele for white coat from its father is
called a 'roan'. It has an equal number of red and white hairs in its coat.
a) Is this an example of codominance or of incomplete dominance?
Give a reason for your answer.
c) With the help of genetic cross explain what will be the consequent phenotype of the calf
i. red is dominant over white
red is incompletely dominant.

Study the given pedigree chart
and answer the questions that
(a)Is the trait recessive or autosomal?
child shown in
(b) s the trait sex-linked or parents shown in generation Iand their third
(C)Gne the genotypes ofgrandchild shown in generation III.
generation Iland the first

cessrtVe or dominant?
human sperm and write their 5

labelled diagram ofa mature

33. Draw a well OR
females. females help as a
menstrual cycle inhuman themenstrual cycle ofhuman
)Explain of
can the scientific understanding
contraceptrve measure?

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