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These Questions to be used with Training Macro 2

1. What is the indication at position 1 and would you accept or reject the indication to the
given acceptance levels ?
a. Poor toe blend
b. Undercut
c. Lack of fusion
d. Underfill
e. Accept
f. Reject

2. What is the indication at position 2 and would you accept or reject the indication to the
given acceptance levels ?
a. Undercut
b. Poor toe blend
c. Underfill
d. Lack of sidewall fusion
e. Accept
f. Reject

3. What is the indication at position 3 and would you accept or reject the indication to the
given acceptance levels ?
a. Lamellar tearing
b. Corrosion crack
c. Hydrogen crack
d. Lamination
e. Accept
f. Reject

4. What is the indication at position 4 and would you accept or reject the indication to the
given acceptance levels ?
a. Lack of inter run fusion
b. Lack of sidewall fusion and slag
c. Weld boundary
d. Lack of sidewall fusion and silicon
e. Accept
f. Reject

5. What is the indication at position 5 and would you accept or reject the indication to the
given acceptance levels ?
a. Toe crack
b. Hydrogen crack
c. Overlap
d. Lamellar tear
e. Accept
f. Reject

6. What is the indication at position 6 and would you accept or reject the indication to the
given acceptance levels ?
a. Spatter
b. Lap
c. Overlap
d. Hydrogen crack
e. Accept
f. Reject

7. What is the indication at position 7 and would you accept or reject the indication to the
given acceptance levels ?
a. Gas cavity
b. Silicon inclusion
c. Slag inclusion
d. Copper inclusion
e. Accept
f. Reject

8. The area identified at position 8 is referred as ?

a. The Heat Affected Zone
b. Fusion boundary
c. Fusion zone
d. Posihed area

9. The area identified at position 9 is referred as ?

a. The Heat Affected Zone
b. Fusion boundary
c. Fusion zone
d. Posihed area

10. What is the indication at position 10 and would you accept or reject the indication to the
given acceptance levels ?
a. Slag line
b. Overlap
c. Lamination
d. Lamellar tear
e. Accept
f. Reject
Training Macro 2
Welding Process Used MMA (SMAW)

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