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a 5th level D&D 5E adventure
Welcome to vyldenfeld
G ood day travelers, such a dreary day to
welcome you into our wonderful village.
I see you’re well accustomed to the dangers of
the forests and the roads that lead through them.
But I can assure you, one needs spell nor sword
to fend of evil in Vyldenfeld.

Every story is a big story here, unlike the

city, where there’s too many people and every
happening is fleeting in the minds of the masses.
A new visitor, a death of a loved one, a wolf in
the woods,... These stories turn the heads of the
people here... and they often linger...

Please, rest your weary bones in the attic of

the local tavern, take a moment to remove your
soaked boots and dry your clothes.

If there’s anything you need, just come and knock

my door. My name you say?

like fetching milk...

Well, my name is of trivial concern. You may
address me as Judge.

I run this town, it is... My town.

Y ou’ve been hired by a bishop of The Faith

to investigate a village in the forests of the
eastern border. A small priory hasn’t returned
T he road to Vyldenfeld is treacherous, as
creatures of the night dwell under it’s thick
silverleaf maple canopy. That’s why experienced
notice in quite some time. The recent sightings of folk like yourselves have been chosen for this task.
demons and hellish fiends are raising suspicion.
The Townmaster leads a local, well-trained, band
Letters sent to the Townmaster have remained of militia. They’re well suited to stave off the
unanswered. Yet a trader passing through has demons. There’s not a lot of concern in general,
indicated that the village looks lively and well. just a quick check. Like fetching milk.

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the villagers Prior Sala
H ard working labourers live in Vyldenfeld,
they tend to the farms and livestock with
great care. A self-serving community, disciplined.
T he priory’s monks are led by Prior Sala, he’s not on the best terms
with the townmaster, as both gentlemen don’t like to have their
received attention divided.
They aren’t keen on nosy visitors though.
However, since the incident the priory is no longer open for any visitor,
Most travelers are welcome to stock up on not even for prayer. Locals say the monks have become more and more
supplies but are generally kindly requested reclusive and noone really knows whatever unfolds at the priory.
to leave once all necessary transactions have
concluded. It is Sala who suddenly stopped correspondence with The Faith,
which is now under review by the bishop who sent you.
The most noteworthy people in Vyldenfeld are
the following: The priory is undeniably ruined as well, a huge hole in
the roof yawns at the sky and the reclusive monks
patrol the surrounding grounds restlessly.

One traveling alchemist has recently gained
access to the priory’s library, or at least what’s
left of it. It’s a mystery how or why this man did get

T he townmaster, everyone calls him by his

self-proclaimed title: Judge. His real name
is shrouded in mystery, but noone really cares
He likes to talk about the lush red apples on the
marketplace, coming straight from his apple tree
in the forest.
Whilst not even Judge is allowed to come near it.

for he guides the village in orderly fashion.

He seems to be friendly and hospitable enough,

though one can’t really say he’s a charming man.

Judge has a droning voice and doesn’t shy

from the occasional banter. Giving the village
children odd nicknames, keeping a strict
eye on whatever’s happening within his

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Germain Characters
A lways smiling, always helpful. This middle
aged man introduces himself as a scholar,
a merchant, a teacher and an alchemist. Quick-
T he story is set in a dark ages fantasy. A time
before sewers and cobble roads. When
creating a character for this adventure, players
E very professional who’s aware of the occult
and the darkness knows to bring the
following components: Holy water, salt, a silver
witted and knowledgeable, yet skittish. He’s in should take the following into account: cross.
constant search for the unknown.
Magic is reserved for rare, powerful, individuals. Holy water is extremely effective against all
Sometimes one may hear Germain rambling and Only those with the spark of magic ignited within unholy evil. Dousing blades and blunts into salt
whispering to himself about magical corridors and honed through rigorous and extensive prevents demons and akin from regenerating
and distant worlds. At other times you may find schooling, are able to channel their will into spell. their wounds. A silver cross on a necklace
him staring into nothing as if gazing into the prevents vampirism and lycanthropy, often the
abyss. The adventurers are already established hunters necklaces have been enchanted by wizards of
of otherworldly creatures and have seen more The Faith to obtain a more powerful ward.
Finding Germain in the village is easy, just look than their fair share of evil. They understand
for the excentric looking, colourful person. The that evil comes in all shapes and sizes, from When creating a character, think of the feats you
one who’s bragging about his travels throughout night creatures forged by necromancers, to have performed in the past which led to your
the world, all the languages he has mastered and werewolves and vampires. But most of all, the renown in the world, what was your greatest
the kings and emperors he has counselled. greatest evil seems to reside in the hearts of accomplishment? Did you stem from a family
humans themselves. Many so-called heroes have of demon hunters? Or does your unusual talent
Somehow Germain gained the prior’s trust and given up on chivalry and the greater good. stand out so much, that evil skitters back into it’s
was able to study the priory and it’s remaining hole at the mere sight of you?

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The incident
S ome of the villagers speak of “The Incident”,
but noone really knows the details. Most of
the people living in Vyldenfeld were commanded
to stay inside. Whatever it was, it left the priory
in ruins and barely accessible. Several weeks
have passed since.

The prior and his monks retreated into the

catacombs beneath the priory after clearing
most of the rubble. Sala, the prior, warned the
villagers and townmaster not to come near the
priory any longer. At first it was with verbal
notice but soon the monks grew more aggressive
towards the inhabitants.

Lately the monks started patrolling both the

priory grounds as well as the village itself.
Glaring at villagers, behaving cold and distant.
Some even say they’ve been seen with knives
and other small weapons. The priory has about
30 monks, most of them seem to be ready for
combat, almost more so than Judge’s militia. For
now, Judge has left prior Sala alone, hoping not
to increase the tension even more. Little pleasures
A s townmaster, Judge carries the burden
of responsibility. He takes his job very
seriously. All of his subjects have to fall in line to
The apples come from Judge’s apple tree, in a
secret location somewhere in the forest. They’re
shiny deep red gleam invites a juicy munch.
maintain the high discipline within Vyldenfeld’s
walls. Townmaster Judge keeps the town safe with
about 20 highly trained militia, they thoroughly
Loud, playful, children disturb the natural silent guard the gates day and night. It’s only rare, but
atmosphere, so he would stop a running child in at times they end up in harmless skirmishes with
his tracks and spook them with a terrible story. Sala’s monks or with local drunks. But if it ever
would come to a real fight between the prior
Sometimes children go missing, which tends and the townmaster, one would not be wise to
to happen in isolated places, surrounded by place a bet on either one of them. It would be a
dangerous and dark forests. But one might say it bloodbath for both.
happens a tad more often in Vyldenfeld.
If you would ask Judge if he likes to be the
The local specialty in this town is quite peculiar, townmaster, he would say “It has it’s little
the red apples. Such a mundane piece of fruit. pleasures.”
However, these apples seem to have almost
magical properties. They’re sweeter and more
succulent than your average fruity delish.

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Germain’s journal

DAY ONE day six

THE STONE LED ME HERE one can enter the priory
a hidden staircase
HELL the stone
EVIL IS AT WORK day seven
I need to postpone
DAY FIVE nosy travelers arrived
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A Toy Story Encounters
O ne of the houses in the village has been
nailed shut, doors, windows and even the
roof had been reïnforced. So noone could go in,
The man died on his doorstep, Judge’s militia
proceeded to remove the body and nail up all
possible entries of his house. Claiming that the
A ll encounters, monsters, beasts
and others can be found in the
official book: “Van Richten’s Guide to
or out. investigation of the man’s death would soon Ravenloft”.
commence. But ever since, years went by. Both
When asking around the locals say that the place the death of the man and the vanishing of his girl All monsters in the bestiary suit the horror-
is cursed. A toymaker used to live there with are now forever a mystery. themed adventure very well. So depending
his daughter. But one day his daughter went on the amount of players and their skill,
missing, never to be found again. The man was Sometimes, when the night is calm and quiet, encounters can be built accordingly.
arrested at first, but released shortly after as his you could hear the faint cries of a little girl echo
daughter couldn’t be found in his house. out of the house, together with the squeaky noise
of a rolling mechanism. A guard holds watch day
After a while everyone just assumed that the and night in front of the door, so no thrillseekers
young one drifted off into the woods and never would enter the cursed place.

The father, overcome with grief, went mad and

locked himself up in his house. Months later he
appeared in his doorway, bloodied and beaten
to a pulp, teeth pulled out and several broken
fingers. He collapsed begging to burn his house
down, muttering “don’t trust her, burn it down...”

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Encounters Encounters

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About the world
V yldenfeld is just a tiny village, it’s pretty
much secluded and separated from
the rest of civilization. A settlement in the
In the far north, the continent reaches the
Limingster Bluffs, some old dwarven clans
reside in the caverns and deep underground. It
province Glav Skya, set in the nation of Theyya. should be noted that the dwarven race has gone
Theyya lies on the continent Ecclesya, named mad and corrupted over the gems, gold and
by the Church who has a tight, powerful grip on other riches they’ve hoarded over the centuries.
most factions and powers on the continent. They don’t welcome travelers and will instantly
kill anyone who dares tread on their lands. They
Ecclesya has a cluster of biomes, ranging from barely trust eachother.
icy tundras and snowy mountain ranges to
grassy hillsides and murky swamps. It is not very East of the mountain range is the Foggy Pelagic,
densely populated. However, there are some the fog is comparable to the Mists of Mirova,
big cities though, Dismouth, in the southeast of but it’s definitely not as dense. The pelagic is
the Badlands, in the nation of Dismouth, is the uninhabited, some Naga, people from the Sea,
biggest human metropolis. One may find anyone were sighted some years ago, but they seem to
from all backgrounds and races here. have kept to themselves. Further east, past the
Sunpeak Isles is the Great Pond. A seemingly
The continent Ecclesya stops at the eastern endless ocean. One daring traveler claims to have
end, where the Mists of Mirova begin. Those found new land towards the south, he named it
who venture inside never return, sometimes The Lost Expanse, but the man also likes his ale.
eerie shadows can be seen inside the thick fog, so noone takes him seriously.
and rarely strange beasts or undead monsters
emerge. Many researchers and doctors have Vyldenfeld lies in between the Theyyan Glades
tried to find an explanation to the strange and the Broken Pines, west of the continent. On
phenomenon, but until now their efforts were a clear day the peaks of Limingster Bluffs can be
fruitless. seen.

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Addendum Alchemy
T o make Vyldenfeld a sprawling village,
which feels new each time you re-visit it in
seperate oneshots, villagers are randomized.
Each villager has his/her own random plothook
speaking to the DM’s fantasy and creativity.
Hereunder a list with villagers a’plenty.

Name Description Personality Alignment Hook

Carac Commonbrook 33 yr old, Clumsy, 1.82m, blong, Pacifist, knows how to keep Chaotic Neutral Has a duel to the death
long moustache, shop assistant a secret on the morrow, and is
afraid to lose it.
Mirabelle de Molbec 38 yr old wildlife trapper, burly, Caring and honorable Lawful Good She’s obsessed with the Black Sulfur.
short red hair, but kind. A good tavern’s incredible ale. Also named the Leviathan’s cross, it represents the evil in human’s soul.
cook. The devil, hell.
Oliver Cartwright 15 yr old youngster, a mystic, oval Quik to forgive, Chaotic Good He’s fallen in love with
magnificent face generous, always helps a a dryad, deep in the
friend. woods.
Maerwin Crowe 48 yr old weaver, blond long Doesn’t care about risks, Lawful Evil She’s a vampire but
hair, fair skin, dark eyes, slender loves mysteries never feeds on the
build people of the village.
Brom Mornhell 52 yr old forrester, husband of Prone to violence, always Chaotic Neu- His wife’s a vampire,
Maerwin Crowe, tall as a bear, finds his way in the forest, tral he knows. It makes
muscular, green eyes and furry beard. openly defies God him paranoid.
Gavin Glorybluff 36 yr old townguard, strong Talks a lot, loves to duel, Lawful Neutral He has a duel with Carac,
build, nearly 2 meters tall, bald reads occult books but he’s worried and wants
head and stubbly beard. pinecroaker blood.

Marygold Chausser 24 yr old Tavernkeeper, silky Talks loud, knows all the Lawful Good Her blood is the cure Lead.
long, brown hair, slim build, gossip for a terrible sickness The oldest of the seven metals, the prima materia.
dreamy eyes and angelic voice. A contaminated, imperfect material.
It represents the impurities in human’s soul.
John Tworb 59 yr old jailer, skinny, sickly Rarely speaks, fascinated Neutral Wants to get Marygold’s Furthermore associated with death, decay,
looking, looks much older, raspy by weapons, walking cane blood to undo the change and metamorphose.
voice. undead curse of his wife
Isabel Mistsplitter 67 yr old scribe, wife of John Speaks in whispers, foul Chaotic Evil She’s undead and
Tworb, a strange scent sur- breath, always hungry locked inside John’s
rounds her, yellowish eyes. house. Still sentient.
Isolde Farlight 14yr old lass, squire of Gavin Always up for a chal- Lawful Good Gavin raped her, she
Glorybluff, golden glow, stead- lenge, to the point convinced him that
fast resolve. pinecroaker blood will
make him invincible
in a fight

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