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Hi my name is Devansh Taparia.I am 9 years old.

What does Ambition mean?

A strong desire to do or achieve something.
“A person without ambition, is a person without life”
Every person whether boy or girl, man or woman has an ambition in their life, but thier
ambitions are different .This purpose creates an objective in life .With which every person wants
to fulfill his ambition .By doing this each person wants to prove his qualities .With purpose we
get a direction in life, on which we can fulfill our ambition. Ambition is the first step of success
and the second step is action .This happens because every person loves his dream a lot .The
ambition in life depends on the choice and interest of the person what would they like to be in
the future .My ambition is to be a businessman. For this I will work hard to provide good things
I always try to bring good products.“ It is said a person with no ambition is like a ship sailing
without any destination ”

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