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Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology (2 0 0 2 ) V ol. 2 2 , No.

3 , 2 6 0 – 2 6 6


Prenatal anger effects on the fetus and neonate

Touch Research Institutes, University of Miami School of Medicine, 2 Duke University
School of Medicine, 3 Harvard Medical School, and 4 UCLA School of Medicine, USA

Summary significant correlations between pregnancy anger and

J Obstet Gynaecol Downloaded from by The University of Manchester on 12/20/14

One hundred and sixty-six women were classified as neonatal outcome measures than correlations between
experiencing high or low anger during the second trimester of pregnancy depression or anxiety and neonatal outcome
pregnancy. The high-anger women also had high scores on measures (Field et al., 2000). These data highlight the
depression and anxiety scales. In a follow-up across
need to further explore the effects of anger as a primary
pregnancy, the fetuses of the high-anger women were noted
to be more active and to experience growth delays. The high- and/or comorbid pregnancy variable.
anger mothers’ high prenatal cortisol and adrenaline and low The somewhat limited literature on anger would pre-
dopamine and serotonin levels were mimicked by their dict that unexpressed or unacceptable (to the subject)
neonates’ high cortisol and low dopamine levels. The high- anger would be accompanied by depression and physi-
anger mothers and infants were also similar on their relative ological arousal. In one study, individuals who
right frontal EEG activation and their low vagal tone. Finally, considered anger an unacceptable emotion were more
the newborns of high-anger mothers had disorganised sleep likely to have a depressed mood and greater activation
patterns (greater indeterminate sleep and more state changes) of the sympathetic nervous system (Mancuso, 2000). In
For personal use only.

and less optimal performance on the Brazelton Neonatal another study, high anger-out individuals showed the
Behavior Assessment Scale (orientation, motor maturity and
depression). These data highlight the need for prenatal
greatest increases in adrenocorticotrophic hormone
intervention for elevated angry mood during pregnancy. concentrations during acute psychological stress (e.g.
public speaking) (al’Absi et al., 2000). In contrast, in a
study on controlled expression of anger, both depres-
Introduction sion and physiological arousal were reduced (Dahlen
Several recent studies have documented the negative and Deffenbacher, 2000). Similarly, constructive angry
effects of prenatal depression and anxiety on the fetus behaviour has been noted to be a significant predictor of
(Glover et al., 1999; Dieter et al., 2000; Field et al., lower physiological arousal (lower blood pressure)
2000) and the neonate (Abrams et al., 1995; Jones et al., even when controlling for anxiety and depression
1998; Lundy et al., 1999). These have included (Davidson et al., 2000a). Further, matching angry facial
increased fetal activity and delayed fetal growth, and at expressions in a backward masking paradigm has been
the neonatal stage non-optimal performance on the associated with distinct facial muscle reactions that
Brazelton scale, increased indeterminate sleep, reduced correspond with even a very short exposure (30 ms)
vagal tone, relative right-frontal EEG activation and (Dimberg et al., 2000), and with increased regional
neurotransmitter/neurohormone profiles matching the cerebral blood flow in the left and right amygdala as
depressed mothers’ prenatal profiles, including assessed by functional magnetic resonance imaging
increased cortisol and noradrenaline (Lundy et al., (Hariri et al., 2000). In the same study, labelling the
1999) and decreased dopamine and serotonin (Field et angry expression was associated with an increase in
al., 2000). Although less is known about the effects of regional cerebral blood flow in the right prefrontal
elevated prenatal anxiety on the fetus and neonate, cortex.
Glover et al. (1999) have suggested that anxiety effects Further evidence for these associations comes from
would be mediated by elevated noradrenaline levels and cognitive therapy (Dahlen and Deffenbacher, 2000) and
the resulting increase in uterine artery resistance, exercise (at least 2–3 times/week) interventions show-
decrease in blood flow and increased intrauterine ing that anger, depression, anxiety and physiological
growth retardation. Inasmuch as depression and anxiety arousal could be decreased even though, by at least one
are often comorbid (Field et al., 2000), their independent account, anger (anger-in and anger-out), aggression,
effects may be difficult to untangle. depression and anxiety have been notably stable across
Anger is still a third negative emotion that can occur at least an 8-year period (rs = 0·47–0·75) (Magai, 1999).
during pregnancy. Although pregnancy anger has not Intervention models that have been effective with
been the subject of any published papers, a recent study anxiety disorders have also been effectively used with
on pregnancy depression yielded more frequent anger-related difficulties (Brondolo et al., 1997).

Correspondence to: Tiffany Field PhD, Touch Research Institutes, University of Miami School of Medicine, Department of
Pediatrics (D-820), PO Box 016820, Miami, FL 33101 USA. Email: u
ISSN 0144– 3615 print/ISSN 1364– 6893 online/02/030260– 07 Taylor & Francis Limited, 2002
DOI: 10.1080/01443610220130526
Prenatal anger effects 261

Further, data from other literature suggest that these the Center for Epidemiological Studies depression scale
three emotions are comorbid with depression, anger and (CES-D) (Radloff, 1977), the Spielberger trait anxiety
anxiety sharing many clinical features. For example, inventory (Spielberger et al., 1970), and the behavioral
depression and anger comorbidity were noted in a study inhibition system/behavioral approach system Scale
showing greater serotonergic dysfunction in depressed (BIS/BAS) (Carver and White, 1994). The ultrasound
individuals having anger attacks (Fava et al., 2000). sessions were coded for fetal activity, and the ultra-
The purpose of the present study was to determine sonographers’ estimates of weight and growth were
the effects of high anger as self-reported on the profile recorded. First-morning urine samples were obtained
of mood states scale (POMS) during pregnancy on fetal from the mothers during the prenatal visit and from
development and neonatal outcomes. In addition, an them and their newborns within 24 hours of delivery.
attempt was made to establish the relative amounts of The CES-D and POMS were given again shortly after
the outcome variance that could be explained by prena- the delivery, and the medical records were used to score
tal anger and the comorbid emotions, depression and the obstetric complications scale (OCS) and the
anxiety. postnatal complications scale (PNS) (Littman and
Parmelee, 1978). The Brazelton Neonatal Behavior
Assessment Scale (Brazelton, 1984) was also measured
Methods within the first 2 days after birth. In addition, at that
time the mothers’ and newborns’ EKGs and EEGs were
J Obstet Gynaecol Downloaded from by The University of Manchester on 12/20/14

The women were recruited during the second trimester recorded and the neonate’s sleep states and activity
(mean = 20·1 weeks; range = 18–22 weeks) from were coded.
obstetrician–gynaecologists’ offices. The women’s
medical charts were reviewed to screen out any women
who showed recreational drug use during pregnancy Measures
based on routine drug screens. The final sample Profile of mood states (POMS). (McNair et al.,
included 166 pregnant women of lower–middle socio- 1971). The POMS consists of 15 items on rating
economic status (mean = 2·9 on the Hollingshead index, depressed mood, nine items on anxiety and 12 items on
1975). The women averaged 27·7 years of age, 37% anger. They are rated on five-point scales ranging from
were single, and their ethnicity was distributed: 35% (0) ‘not at all’ to (4) ‘extremely’ using words such as
African-American, 28% Hispanic, 28% white Non- ‘blue’ and ‘sad’. The scale has adequate concurrent
Hispanic and 9% other. Eighty-four per cent of the validity, good internal consistency (r= 0·95; McNair and
For personal use only.

infants were full term (mean = 37 weeks) and healthy Lorr, 1964) and it is an adequate measure of intervention
and 55% were female. Based on the profile of moods effectiveness (Pugatch et al., 1969).
anger scale scores the mothers were divided by a
median split into high-and low-anger groups. The two
groups differed on several demographic variables (see Center for epidemiological studies depression
Table I) including that the higher anger group was scale (CES-D; Radloff, 1977). TheCES-Disa20-
comprised of (1) younger mothers, P<0·05; (2) a greater item self-report scale designed to measure depressive
percentage of black mothers, P<0·05; (3) a greater per- symptoms including depressed mood, feelings of guilt,
centage who were single; and (4) a greater percentage worthlessness, helplessness and hopelessness, loss of
of males born to high-anger mothers. energy and sleep and appetite disturbances (Radloff and
Teri, 1986). The 20 symptoms are rated for frequency
(over the past week) from ‘rarely or none of the time’ to
Procedure ‘most or all of the time’. A summary score ranges from
At their prescribed ultrasound session (mean gesta- 0 to 60 by summing all items. Reliability and validity
tional age = 20·1 weeks) the mothers were given the have been acceptable across a variety of demographic
profile of mood states (POMS) (McNair et al., 1971), characteristics including age, education, geographic

Table I. Means for demographic variables

Variables Low anger High anger F P
Mother age 2 8·47 2 6·92 3·8 4 0·05
Mother SES 2·81 3·0 4 2·2 8 ns
Mother ethnicity(%) c2 P
Anglo 3 3·1 2 2·6 9·7 4 0·05
Hispanic 27·1 2 7·8
Black 2 8·8 4 1·7
Other 1 1·0 7·9
Marital status (%) c2 P
Single 18·9 4 4·1 6·7 9 0·03
Married 8 1·1 5 2·9
Divorced 2·9
Infant sex (%) c2 P
Male 3 5·2 5 8·1 5·0 9 0·02
Female 64 ·8 4 1·9
26 2 T. Field et al.

area and racial, ethnic and language groups (Radloff First-morning urine samples. First-morning urine
and Teri, 1986). The CES-D was given to the mother at samples were collected from the women at their ultra-
the time of prenatal recruitment and again within 24 sound visit and from both the women and their
hours following delivery. newborns within 24 hours following delivery. Newborn
first-morning urine samples were collected in the
nursery. The samples were frozen and sent to Duke
The state trait anxiety inventory. (Spielberger et University to be analysed by technicians who were
al., 1970). This was used to assess levels of anxiety.
‘blind’ to group assignment. The urines were assayed
This 20-question four-point Likert scale forms a
for nor-adrenaline, adrenaline, dopamine, serotonin and
summed score from 20 to 80 for the trait subscale.
cortisol levels after correcting for creatinine levels.
Higher scores indicate greater anxiety. The state
Nor-adrenaline, adrenaline and cortisol levels were
anxiety scale is comprised of 20 items and assesses how assessed because of their previously reported positive
the subject feels at that moment in terms of severity association with prenatal anger (al’Absi et al., 2000;
(‘not at all’ to ‘very much so’). The trait anxiety scale is Field et al., 2000), dopamine because of a recent animal
comprised how the subject ‘typically feels’. Character- model implicating a negative association between
istic items include: ‘I feel nervous’ and ‘I feel calm’. dopamine levels and depression (Weiss et al., 1996)
The scores increase in response to stress and decrease and serotonin because of its association with anger
under relaxing conditions (Spielberger et al., 1970). (Fava et al., 2000).
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Research has demonstrated that the state-trait anxiety

inventory has adequate concurrent validity and internal
consistency (r = 0·83). Obstetric complications. Obstetric complications
were assessed on the obstetric complications scale
(OCS) (Littman and Parmelee, 1978), which is
The behavioral inhibition system/behavioral comprised of 41 items taken from the medical charts
approach system scale (BIS/BAS) (Carver and and rated as optimal or nonoptimal.
White, 1994). The BIS/BAS is a 24-item questionnaire
consisting of personal statements followed by four
severity options ranging from very true to very false. Postnatal complications. Postnatal complications
The BIS/BAS is designed to assess the tendency to were quantified using the postnatal complications scale
behave in response to reward or in response to punish- (PNS) (Littman and Parmelee, 1978), which consists of
ment. The behavioral inhibition system (BIS) scale 10 items rated as optimal or non-optimal.
For personal use only.

examines behaviour in response to punishment and the

behavioral approach system (BAS) scale of the Brazelton neonatal behavior assessment scale
questionnaire examines behaviour in response to (Brazelton, 1984). This measured was on the first
rewards and is comprised of three subscales: BAS fun, afternoon after birth. The Brazelton assessments were
BAS reward and BAS drive. BIS/BAS difference performed by researchers who were trained to 0·90
scores are obtained by subtracting Z-transformed BIS reliability and were blind to the group classification of
scores from BAS scores. Positive scores denote the mothers and infants. This neurobehavioural exami-
greater BAS activity, while negative scores denote nation consists of 28 items, each scored on a nine-point
greater BIS activity. The BIS/BAS and EEG activity scale, and 20 elicited reflexes, each scored on a three-
are significantly related in non-depressed (Sutton and point scale. The infant’s performance was summarised
Davidson, 1997) and depressed (Diego et al., 2002) according to the traditional Lester et al. (1982) clusters,
samples. and Lester and Tronick’s (1992), unpublished scale)
depression, excitability and withdrawal factors.
Fetal activity. This assessment was made at 18–22
weeks (mean = 20·1 weeks). For this assessment the Sleep/wake behaviour. Sleep/wake behaviour
technician positioned the scanner to obtain a lateral was deotaped continuously in compressed time
view of the fetus. The observer, who was blind to the (3 hours’ sleep coded in 1 hour using time lapse video)
mother’s group assignment, then watched the fetus for for an inter-feeding interval (2–3 hours) before the
5 consecutive minutes. Every 3 seconds (a total of 100 Brazelton Scale was measured on the first afternoon
samples), a tape-recorded cue (heard through an after birth. Thoman’s studies of term infants’ sleep
earphone) prompted the observer to record the fetal patterns suggest that an interfeeding interval time frame
activity categories including: (a) single limb move- can provide a representative sample (Thoman, 1975),
ments, (b) multiple limb movements and (c) gross body and Sostek and Anders (1975) have used ‘nap’ record-
movements. Inter-rater reliability, calculated on one- ings of this duration. The videotapes were coded for all
third of the sample for two observers, yielded the movements that occurred during that period onto a
following Kappa values: single limb movements = 0·82; laptop computer according to the procedures we have
multiple limb movements = 0·86; gross body move- used in our other sleep studies (Scafidi et al., 1986).
ments = 1·00. For the data analyses, the percentage of Before sleep state coding the examiner was trained to
time the fetus engaged in total movement, as well as 0·90 reliability. An adaptation of Thoman’s sleep state
each movement category, was calculated. No effort was criteria was used to define sleep/wake behaviour cate-
made to discern fetal behaviour states because they gories (Thoman, 1975). Sleep was assessed because
cannot be identified reliably before 36 weeks’ gestation less quiet and more indeterminate (uncodable) sleep
and most particularly during a 5-minute clinical fetal was associated with right frontal EEG activation in
ultrasound examination without confirmation through infants of depressed mothers in our previous study
fetal heart rate monitoring. (Jones et al., 1998).
Prenatal anger effects 263

EEG for a baseline measure of relative right or the natural log power data for both hemispheres in the
left frontal EEG activation. At the neonatal stage frontal and parietal regions. Frontal alpha laterality
the EEG was recorded while the infant was in a quiet ratios (FLR) were computed by obtaining the difference
alert state in a bassinet. The researcher was blind to the of the mean log power density scores of a right hemi-
mother’s depression status. EEG and behaviour were sphere site and its homologous left hemisphere site
recorded for 3 minutes while the infant was awake and (LnRight–LnLeft). A score of zero represents hemi-
alert. We have reported significant 1–3-month stability spheric symmetry, a negative score represents relative
of EEG asymmetry (r= 0·45) (Jones et al., 1996) as well right frontal activation and a positive score represents
as significant 3-month to 3-year stability (Jones et al., relative left frontal activation.
1997). At a separate time during the session the
mother’s EEG was recorded while she sat quietly with
her eyes open for 3 minutes. Vagal tone. For this measure heart rate was
recorded for a 15-minute period while the infant was in
an infant seat and the mother seated on a chair. Vagal
EEG recording. The EEG for both the mother and tone was assessed by placing 3 EKG electrodes on the
infant were recorded using Lycra stretchable caps infant’s chest and back regions. The electrodes were
(manufactured by Electro-Cap, Inc.) that were posi- connected to a Grass Model 12 Neurodata Acquisition
tioned on the subject’s head using anatomical system preamplifier with bandpass frequencies set at
J Obstet Gynaecol Downloaded from by The University of Manchester on 12/20/14

landmarks (Blom and Anneveldt, 1982). Electrode gel 1.0 and 100 Hz and a gain of 2000. The output was
was injected into the electrodes at the following sites: directed to a Dell 325 D PC fitted with Analog Devices
F3, F4, P3, P4, T3, T4, O1, O2 and Cz (used as the RTI-815 A/D board. The data were streamed across the
reference during recording for the majority of subjects), computer screen at a sampling rate of 512 samples per
and impedances were brought below 5000 ohms. Addi- second and then saved to a hard disk using data
tional electrodes were positioned on the external acquisition software (Snapstream, v. 3·21, HEM Data
canthus and above the supra-orbit of the right eye to Corp. 1991). After scoring for artefact, EKG data were
record the subject’s EOG, which was used to determine converted to inter-beat intervals (IBI) using an EKG
horizontal and vertical eye movement artefacts. analysis program (James Long Company, Caroga Lake,
The EEG signals were obtained using a Grass Model NY, USA) and then to vagal tone using Delta-Biomet-
12 Neurodata Acquisition System with filters set at 1 rics, Inc., Mxedit software, which utilizes an algorithm
Hz high-pass and 100 Hz low-pass and a gain of 20 000. developed by Porges (1991).
Before data collection, the signal for each channel was
For personal use only.

calibrated. The output was directed to a Dell 325 D PC

fitted with Analog Devices RTI-815 A/D board. The Results
sampling rate was 512 samples per second and the data As can be seen in Table II, the high-anger group women
were streamed across the computer screen and then also had high depression and high anxiety scores both
saved to a hard disk using data acquisition software prenatally and postnatally. In addition, the high-anger
(Snapstream, v. 3·21, HEM Data Corp. 1991). group women had elevated cortisol and adrenaline levels
and lower dopamine and serotonin levels prenatally (see
EEG analyses. The EEG data were analysed using Table III). At the postnatal period the high-anger moth-
an EEG analysis software package (EEG Analysis ers’ cortisol and nor adrenaline levels were elevated
System v. 5·3, James M. Long, 1987–1990). The first similar to their own prenatal levels and their infants’
step of this process involves computing EEG offline to postnatal cortisol levels were elevated, and their
derive a computer-averaged reference, followed by the dopamine levels were lower.
manual elimination of sections of data that are unusable As can be seen in Table IV, the high anger mothers
due to artefact (eye movements, muscle activity or and their infants were showing right-frontal EEG acti-
technical difficulties). The remaining artefact-free data vation, and the vagal tone of the mothers and their
were analysed spectrally using discrete Fourier trans- infants was lower. As noted in Table V, the infants of
forms to yield power data for the 1–30 Hz frequency high-anger mothers showed a greater number of state
bands in 1 Hz bins. The infant EEG data were plotted changes (see Table V).
spectrally revealing that the majority of activity fell Table VI shows the Brazelton Neonatal Behavior
within the 3–13 Hz frequency bins. The 3–13 Hz has Assessment Scale scores. The infants of the high
also been used in previous newborn EEG research prenatal anger mothers had less optimal orientation,
(Jones et al., 1999). Data analyses were conducted on motor organisation and depression scores.

Table II. Self-report measures prenatally and postnatally (SDs in parentheses)

Variables Low anger High anger F P
POMS– anger 2·7 2(2·17 ) 17 ·8 8(7·7 0) 8 6·25 0·00 1
Prenatal CES-D 10·7 7(7·49 ) 19 ·8 2(8·9 6) 2 8·09 0·00 1
Postnatal CES-D 7·3 0(6·68 ) 14 ·4 8(11 ·48) 1 4·31 0·00 1
STAI– prenatal 31·3 8(8·77 ) 44 ·35 (10·16) 43·51 0 ·001
STA I– postnatal 31·1 5(8·51 ) 41 ·5 5(9·5 2) 3 0·72 0·00 1
BAS-BIS difference 0·0 5(0·75 ) 0 ·0 2(0·9 1) 0·2 1 ns
26 4 T. Field et al.

Table III. Means for prenatal and postnatal neurotransmitters and neurohormones (ng/mg) (SDs in

Variable Low anger High anger F P
Prenatal (mother)
Cortisol 2 53·4 4(16 4·05 ) 32 4·48 (178 ·13) 2·95 0·05
Noradrenaline 53·8 0(26 ·1 1) 54 ·16(24 ·38) 0·07 ns
Adrenaline 5·0 4(3·30 ) 6 ·55(4·7 4) 2·76 0·05
Dopamine 3 35·7 7(10 7·83 ) 26 1·32 (123 ·21) 3·02 0·00 5
Serotonin 49 56·2 4(25 45·3 8) 3 984 ·92(21 00 ·7 5) 2·71 0·05
Postnatal (mother)
Cortisol 1 94·1 6(92 ·2 4) 27 0·79 (211 ·32) 2·58 0·05
Noradrenaline 31·0 5(15 ·8 3) 45·92(24 ·23) 3·83 0·01
Adrenaline 4·2 7(2·90 ) 5 ·19(1·9 9) 1·37 ns
Dopamine 2 59·7 7(11 4·98 ) 25 3·47 (94·9 3) 0·23 ns
Serotonin 45 60·2 8(33 04·0 2) 4 495 ·60(21 91 ·8 6) 0·08 ns
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Cortisol 4 41·0 5(17 7·54 ) 52 6·50 (199 ·92) 2·60 0·05
Noradrenaline 56·5 5(38 ·5 8) 63 ·47(33 ·95) 0·67 ns
Adrenaline 5·8 3(3·31 ) 4 ·91(3·0 8) 1·01 ns
Dopamine 5 00·9 0(24 2·72 ) 35 5·62 (253 ·64) 3·07 0·05
Serotonin 94 06·2 7(75 02·2 8) 6 635 ·74(53 56 ·2 6) 1·21 ns

Table IV. Means for prenatal complications and physiological variables (SDs in parentheses) (high values are
optimal except for fetal activity)

Variables Low anger High anger F P
For personal use only.

Fetal activity 2 2·82(17·23) 37 ·0 2(30 ·09) 3 ·3 2 0·0 5

Obstetric complications 97 ·8 8(26 ·0 6) 94 ·4 1(24·8 3) 0·22 ns
Postnatal complications 14 8·28 (27·7 1) 1 27 ·7 7(36 ·79) 4 ·7 3 0·0 5
Frontal asymmetry– mother 0·01 (0·15 ) -0·13(0·19) 7 ·6 0 0·0 1
Frontal asymmetry– infant 0·03 (0·11 ) -0·05 (0·12 ) 4·9 3 0·0 5
Vagal tone– mother 4 ·1 1(0·4 6) 3 ·8 4(0·2 1) 6 ·6 6 0·0 1
Vagal tone– infant 4·7(1·2 8) 4 ·2 2(0·3 5) 2 ·8 2 0·0 5

Table V. Means for newborn sleep variables (SDs in parentheses)

Variables Low anger High anger F P
Sleep scale
Deep sleep 25 ·74 (23 ·75) 3 6·91 (2 5·65 ) 2·11 ns
Active sleep 1 2·68 (13·60 ) 13 ·61 (1 1·63 ) 0·06 ns
REM sleep 14 ·37 (20·00) 1 2·78 (1 3·05 ) 0·10 ns
Drowsy 9 ·16 (11 ·63) 3·48 (8 ·60) 1·48 ns
Alert inactive 5 ·21 (8·44) 2·65 (5 ·01) 3·30 ns
Awake active 4·26 (7·26) 3·48 (8 ·06) 0·11 ns
Fussing/crying 4 ·00 (7·4 1) 3·13 (5 ·35) 0·19 ns
Indeterminate sleep 39 ·84 (27 ·23) 4 8·91 (1 9·58 ) 1·57 ns
Number of state changes 34 ·21 (20 ·43) 5 1·85 (2 8·73 ) 5·05 0·0 5
Postnatal total movement 0 ·61 (0·1 0) 0·65 (0 ·17) 0·93 ns

Discussion The mimicking of the mothers’ prenatal neurotrans-

That the high-anger group experienced high depres- mitter/neurohormone profile by neonates has also been
sion and anxiety scores was not surprising, given the previously reported for prenatal depression (Lundy et
comorbidity of these emotional states in other studies al., 1999; Field et al., 2000), but this is the first time a
(Field et al., 2000; Glover et al. 1999). Elevated pre- matching of prenatal maternal and neonatal biochemi-
natal cortisol and noradrenaline and low levels of cal profiles has been reported for high-anger women.
dopamine and serotonin typically accompany preg- Similar remarks could be made for the parallel relative
nancy depression (Field et al., 2000), although their right-frontal EEG activation noted at the neonatal
association with anger has not been reported before. period in the high-anger mothers and their infants.
Prenatal anger effects 265

Table VI. Means for Brazelton neonatal behavior assessment scale scores (SDs in parentheses)

Variable Low High F P
Habituation 5·67 (1·72 ) 5·10 (2 ·18) 1 ·80 ns
Orientation 4·73(1·58 ) 3·82 (1 ·79) 6 ·19 0 ·0 5
Motor organisation 4·53 (0·95 ) 3·94 (1 ·42) 5 ·16 0 ·0 5
Range of state 3·82 (1·17 ) 3·50 (1 ·14) 1 ·64 ns
State regulation 4·18 (1·41 ) 4·06 (1 ·69) 0 ·13 ns
A utonomic stability 6 ·27(1 ·5 7) 5·7 7(2·0 7) 1·5 8 ns
Reflexes 2 ·90(2 ·4 8) 2·5 3(1·7 1) 0 ·6 8 ns
Withdrawal symptoms 2·74 (1·98 ) 3·30 (2 ·11) 1 ·59 ns
Excitability 2·15(1 ·7 0) 2·40 (1 ·56) 0 ·49 ns
Depression 2·03 (1·56 ) 4·20 (3 ·01 17·6 7 0·001

Although this has been reported repeatedly for NIMH merit award (MH no. 46586) to Tiffany Field and
J Obstet Gynaecol Downloaded from by The University of Manchester on 12/20/14

depressed mothers and infants (Dawson et al., 1992; funding by Johnson and Johnson.
Jones et al., 1996; Field et al., 2000), this again is the
first observation of this matching of EEG patterns in
angry mothers and their infants. The relative right- References
frontal EEG activation noted in our high-anger moth- Abrams S.M., Field T., Scafidi F. and Prodromidis M. (1995)
ers and infants is consistent with greater blood flow Maternal ‘depression’ effects on infants’ Brazelton Scale
reported for the functional MRIs in the right prefrontal performance. Infant Mental Health Journal, 16, 231–235.
al’Absi M., Bongard S. and Lovallo W.R. (2000) Adrenocor-
cortex (Hariri et al., 2000).
ticotropin responses to interpersonal stress: effects of overt
The frequent report of low vagal tone in depressed anger expression style and defensiveness. International
mothers and infants was also replicated here on the Journal of Psychophysiology, 37, 257–265.
high-anger mothers and infants. Elevated stress bio- Blom J.L. and Anneveldt (1982) An electrode cap tested.
chemistry and lower vagal activity (sympathetic Electroencephalography and Clinical Neurophysiology,
For personal use only.

activation) would have been predicted by studies on 54, 591–594.

anger reviewed in the introduction (al’Absi et al., 2000; Brazelton T.B. (1984) Neonatal Behavior Assessment Scale.
Davidson et al., 2000; Mancuso, 2000). The greater Philadelphia, Lippincott.
number of state changes during sleep and the less opti- Brondolo E., DiGiuseppe R. and Tafrate, R.-C. (1997)
mal orientation, motor organisation, range of state and Exposure-based treatment for anger problems: focus on the
depression scores on the Brazelton are consistent with feeling. Cognitive and Behavioral Practice, 4, 75–98.
Carver C.S. and White T.L. (1994) Behavioral inhibition,
reports on prenatal depression stress effects on neonatal
behavioral activation, and affective responses to impending
sleep and behaviour (Abrams et al., 1995; Jones et al., reward and punishment: The BIS/BAS scales. Journal of
1996; Lundy et al., 1999; Field et al., 2000). Personality and Social Psychology, 67, 319–333.
These non-optimal neonatal outcomes highlight the Dahlen E.R. and Deffenbacher J.L. (2000) A partial compo-
need for prenatal intervention. Anger and its associated nent analysis on Beck’s cognitive therapy for the treatment
depression and anxiety emotions and physiological of general anger. Journal of Cognitive Psychotherapy, 14,
arousal have been notably reduced by cognitive therapy 77–95.
(Dahlen and Deffenbacher, 2000) and by exercise Davidson K., MacGregor M.W., Stuhr J., Dixon K. and
(Hassmen et al., 2000). In addition, we have shown that MacLean D. (2000a) Constructive anger verbal behavior
pregnancy massage therapy can reduce at least depres- predicts blood pressure in a population-based sample.
Health Psychology, 19, 55–64.
sion and its associated stress hormones/
Davidson R.J., Putnam K.M. and Larson C.L. (2000b) Dys-
neurotransmitters, resulting in more optimal neonatal function in the neural circuitry of emotion regulation—a
outcomes (Field et al., 2000). In addition to finding possible prelude to violence. Science, 289, 591–594.
cost-effective prenatal interventions, research is needed Dawson G., Klinger L.G., Panagitotides H., Hill D. and
on separating the effects of prenatal anger and comor- Spieker S. (1992) Frontal lobe activity and affective behav-
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