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Information in this document is subject to change without

notice. No part of this document may be reproduced or

transmitted in any form or by any means, for any purpose,
without the express written permission of TEMENOS
HEADQUARTERS SA. © 2021 Temenos Headquarters SA -
VERSION 22.04 all rights reserved.
Journey Workspaces Overview 12

What is Workspaces? 12

Who is Workspaces for? 12

Get t ing St art ed 13

Configurat ion 13

Browser Support 13

What 's new? 14

Journey Workspaces Feat ures 19

Main Feat ures 19

Feat ures by Release 19

Journey Workspaces 22.04 19

Journey Workspaces 21.11 20

Journey Workspaces 20.05 20

Journey Workspaces 19.11 21

Journey Workspaces 19.05 22

Journey Workspaces 18.11 23

Workspaces Core Concept s 25

Roles and Spaces 25

Applicat ions and Tasks 25

Abandoned Applicat ions 26

Service Level Agreement (SLA) | 19.11 This feat ure was int roduced in 19.11. 26

Queues 27

Views 29

Access Cont rol 30

Workspaces UI Tour 32

Page 2 of 234
Spaces Navigat ion Bar 33

Screen Header 33

Spaces Navigat ion Bar 35

Cont ent Pane 36

Field Dat a Types 36

Modal Windows | 19.11 This feat ure was updat ed in 19.11. 36

Time Zones in Workspaces 38

Underst anding t he Workspaces List Screen 39

Overview 39

It em List 43

SLA Indicat or | 19.11 This feat ure was int roduced in 19.11. 44

Queue Select or 45

Form / Product Type Select or 47

Creat ed Dat e Select or 48

View Select or 50

Search, Filt er and Sort 51

Paging Tools 51

Finding Tasks and Applicat ions 53

Search for a Task or Applicat ion 54

Filt er t he It em List 55

Dat e Filt ers 59

Text Filt ers 61

Clearing Filt ers 62

Sort t he It em List 63

The Applicat ion Det ails Screen 65

Overview 65

Key Informat ion 69

SLA Expiry | 19.11 This feat ure was int roduced in 19.11. 70

Act ions | 20.05 This feat ure was updat ed in 20.05. 71

St andard Act ions in Workspaces 20.05 72

St andard Act ions in Workspaces 19.11 and earlier releases 73

Cust om Act ions 74

Applicant Informat ion 76

Applicant Informat ion in Workspaces 19.11 and lat er releases 77

Select ed Applicant 78

Personal Info 80

Background Checks 80

Applicant Informat ion in Workspaces 19.05 and earlier releases 81

Applicant Det ails 81

Background Checks 83

Applicat ion Timeline | 20.05 This feat ure was updat ed in 20.05. 84

Applicat ion Timeline in Workspaces 20.05 86

Applicat ion Timeline in Workspaces 19.11 and earlier 87

Document s | 19.11 This feat ure was updat ed in 19.11. 89

Upload a Document 91

Manage Applicat ion At t achment s 93

Upload a Document Example 94

Cust om Informat ion 97

No Dat a scenario 98

Workspaces Act ions 100

St andard Act ions | 21.11 This feat ure was updat ed in 21.11. 101

Cust om Act ions | 19.11 This feat ure was int roduced in 19.11. 103

Assign – Assign a Task t o a User 106

Claim - Assign an Unassigned Task t o Yourself 108

Decision - Record a Decision for a Task 110

N ew Applicat ion - St art a N ew Applicat ion 112

N ew Form - St art a N ew Applicat ion 113

Receipt - View a Receipt 114

Recover – Recover an Abandoned Applicat ion 116

Release - Release a Task Assigned t o You 120

Resum e - Resum e a Saved Applicat ion 122

Unassign - Rem ove a Task Assignm ent 124

View Form - View a Saved Applicat ion 126

View N ot es - View all N ot es for an Applicat ion 128

Wit hdraw – Wit hdraw an Unsubm it t ed Applicat ion 130

Reviewing Applicat ions 134

List Screen 134

Det ails Screen 136

Process Act ions 138

Claim and ReleaseTasks 138

Take a Decision 139

Process Act ion Examples 139

Claim a Task 139

Release a Task 140

Take a Decision - Approve an Applicat ion 142

Workspaces Helpdesk 145

List Screen 145

Det ails Screen 147

Helpdesk Act ions 149

View a Receipt 149

View a Form 150

Recover an Applicat ion 151

Wit hdraw an Applicat ion 153

Helpdesk Act ion Examples 154

View a Receipt 155

View a Form 156

Recover an Abandoned Applicat ion 157

Wit hdraw an Unsubmit t ed Applicat ion 158

Workspaces Assist ed Channel 161

List Screen 161

Det ails Screen 163

Assist ed Channel Act ions 165

St art an Applicat ion (New Form) 165

Assist ed Channel Act ion Examples 167

St art an Applicat ion 167

Manage Applicat ions in Workspaces 171

List Screen 171

Det ails Screen 173

Manage Act ions 175

Assign and UnassignTasks 175

Manage Act ion Examples 176

Assign a Task 176

Remove a Task Assignment ( Unassign) 178

Workspaces Applicant Space Overview 181

What is t he Applicant space? 181

Who is t he Applicant space for? 181

What 's included? 182

Get t ing St art ed 182

Configurat ion 182

Browser Support 182

The Applicant Space Search Screen 183

Overview 183

Page Header 184

St art a New Applicat ion 186

It em List 187

View Select or 187

Product Select or 188

Creat ed Dat e Select or 189

Search and Sort 191

Search for a Task 191

Sort t he It em List 192

Paging Tools 194

The Applicant Space Det ails Screen 195

Overview 195

Applicat ion Timeline 197

Key Informat ion 197

Applicant Det ails 198

My Tasks 199

Not es 200

My Document s 201

Cust om Informat ion 202

No Dat a Scenario 203

Applicant Space Act ions 204

Resume an Applicat ion 206

View a Receipt 207

Recover an Applicat ion 208

Wit hdraw an Applicat ion 208

Journey Workspaces for Developers 210

Current release 210

Ot her recent releases 210

Older releases 210

Journey Workspaces FAQ 212

Compat ibilit y 212

Deployment 212

Fresh inst allat ion of Workspaces 212

Logging in t o Workspaces 212

Configurat ion 212

Workspaces Feat ures 213

Maest roForm 213

Journey Workspaces FAQ - Com pat ibilit y 214

Is Workspaces available for my browser version? 214

Is t here a compat ible version of Workspaces for my Journey Manager environment ? 214

Journey Workspaces FAQ - Deploym ent 215

How do I promot e Workspaces from lower t o higher Journey Manager environment s? 215

How do I import t he Workspaces WAR file t hrough t he Journey Manager administ rat ion console? 215

How do I deploy t wo Workspaces port als in one Journey Manager environment ? 215

Can Workspaces 19.05/ 19.11 and Workspaces 20.05 be deployed t o t he same Journey Manager inst ance? 218

Can I have mult iple Workspaces 20.05 Open UX forms in a single Journey Manager inst ance? 218

Journey Workspaces FAQ - Fresh Inst allat ion 219

When I login t o Workspaces for t he first t ime, I just see a progress bar cont inuously loading 219

What Journey Manager roles and permissions are required t o access Workspaces? 219

What resources are required by Workspaces aft er a fresh inst allat ion? 220

Journey Workspaces FAQ - Logging in 222

Logging in t o Workspaces while already logged in displays t he login screen wit hout any st yling applied 222

When I login t o Workspaces again aft er logging out , an error page is displayed 222

Can I login t o Workspaces from t wo different browsers (mult iple sessions) at t he same t ime? 222

Journey Workspaces FAQ - Configurat ion 223

Can t he Applicant card or Background Check card be removed from t he Workspaces UI? 223

Can t he Timeline card or Document s card be removed from t he Workspaces UI? 223

How do I configure t he views and t able columns in t he Workspaces List screen? 223

How do I configure t he Key info card in t he Workspaces Det ails screen? 224

How do I configure t he act ions t o be displayed for each Workspaces space? 224

How do I hide a st ep from t he applicat ion t imeline? 224

How do I rest rict a Workspaces user t o view only cert ain spaces in t he Workspaces applicat ion? 225

Are job propert ies support ed in t he space JSON configurat ion for Workspaces? 227

Journey Workspaces FAQ - Feat ures 228

I can't view t he PDF receipt s - is t his due t o access rest rict ions? 228

Searching for a t ransact ion is very slow when t here is a huge volume of t ransact ions in Journey Manager 229

I can't view cert ain t ransact ions in Workspaces 229

Filt ering on more t han t wo submission propert ies at once does not ret urn t he expect ed result s 229

Does Workspaces support part ial searches? 229

I can't filt er on an applicat ion's met adat a aft er t he applicat ion is complet ed 230

When I t ry t o change or reset my password, I can't ent er my old password 230

The Decision act ion but t on is st ill visible aft er t he applicat ion is approved or reject ed 231

How do I pass t he Workspaces locale t o a form rendered in t he Workspaces modal window (for example,
t he decision form)? 231

How do I close t he Workspaces modal window from a form rendered inside it (for example, t he decision
form)? 231

Does Workspaces 20.05 support role-based access t o view cust om cards? 232

Is t here a limit on t he number of not es t hat can be added t o a t ask or applicat ion in Workspaces? 232

Can I hide t he Search bar on t he Workspaces list page? 232

Is it possible t o ret ain search and filt er values t hroughout a user's Workspaces session? 232

- 10 -
If I st art a form in t he Workspaces Assist ed Channel, can I hand it over t o t he cust omer / applicant t o con-
t inue t he journey? 232

Journey Workspaces FAQ - Maest ro Form 233

The Decision form cannot read t he Syst emProfile propert y 233

The Add document s but t on doesn't appear for applicat ions t hat are not yet submit t ed 233

Can I configure Workspaces so t hat Helpdesk users view saved forms in a read-only st at e? 234

How do I configure Workspaces so t hat Assist ed Channel users can fill out a Maest ro form? 234

- 11 -
Journey Workspaces Overview
Workspaces | Workspaces User | 18.11 | 21.11

Efficient resolut ion and assist ance for cust omers is an essent ial part of omni-channel cust omer acquisit ion. Journey
Workspaces, powered by Journey Manager , is an int egral module of t he Temenos Journey Platform t hat enables
your organizat ion t o improve t he qualit y of cust omer experience wit h onboarding assist ance, rapid resolut ion, and
communicat ion of progress, regardless of t he channel t hey are applying from.

What is Workspaces?
Journey Workspaces is a highly configurable and feat ure-rich business port al for banking st aff, designed t o support
resolut ion and cust omer service act ivit ies relat ed t o account opening and onboarding direct ly in t he account open-
ing process. Workspaces support s a digit al workflow for in-bound applicat ions t hat enables bank st aff t o init iat e,
review and resolve cust omer applicat ions, and provide great cust omer service. Bank st aff are offered an efficient
met hod of receiving, t racking, organizing, and resolving pending applicat ions t hat improves bot h t heir product ivit y
and t he accuracy of t he applicat ion review process.

In t he Workspaces port al, you can search and filt er t o find an applicat ion t hen view all t he key applicat ion det ails,
enabling bank st aff t o provide a richer cust omer assist ance experience and make an informed decision about an
applicat ion's out come. You can filt er and assign applicat ions for review based on crit eria such as workloads,
decision st at us, risk, or incomplet e applicat ion dat a. Applicat ion assignment feat ures enable managers t o cont rol
st aff workloads, helping t o reduce t he onboarding delays t hat can lead t o cust omer dissat isfact ion. Throughout
t he account opening process, Workspaces capt ures not es and user- and syst em-init iat ed act ions t hat document
an easy-t o-underst and audit t rail of t he applicat ion life cycle. Wit h visibilit y int o all t he applicat ion informat ion at
your fingert ips, you can quickly resolve pending applicat ions wit h a final decision and communicat e back t o t he
applicant t o increase cust omer acquisit ions and improve cust omer service.

Out of t he box, Workspaces comes wit h a collect ion of t hought fully designed, pre-t est ed t emplat es for several role-
based spaces t hat facilit at e processing, helpdesk, and applicat ion management act ivit ies as well as kick-st art ing
applicat ions on behalf of cust omers and monit oring t heir progress. These t emplat es represent common work scen-
arios and t ake advant age of t hird-part y int egrat ions t o add meaningful feat ures. The t emplat es accelerat e t he
inst allat ion and configurat ion process and can also be used as t he basis for your own cust om Workspaces exper-

Who is Workspaces for?

Workspaces provides feat ures for several user t ypes or purposes.

Processing Workspaces offers review capabilities for pending applications that

St aff need manual action.

Journey Workspaces Overview - 12 -

Workspaces allows support staff to find any application that needs
Sup- Helpdesk St aff
further assistance quickly and easily.

Assist ed Chan- Workspaces allows assisted channel staff to kick start the applic-
Assist nel St aff ation process and track application progress.

M anagers / Workspaces provides tasks management capabilities for man-

Supervisors agers.

The Workspaces Applicant space offers a self-service portal for

Aut hent icat ed
Applic- managing application creation, follow-ups, and keeping track of
Applicant s
ations application progress.

To learn more about t he Workspaces Applicant space, see Workspaces Applicant Space Overview, The Applicant
Space Search Screen , and The Applicant Space Details Screen .

Getting Started
Configurat ion
Workspaces is a highly configurable product , so we provide a set of default configurat ions t o get you up and run-
ning fast er. You can download t he Workspaces dist ribut ion, including t he default configurat ions. More informat ion
is available in t he Workspaces technical documentation t o help you configure your Workspaces port al t o meet
your needs.

Browser Support
Workspaces has been designed for and t est ed against t he following web browsers.

l Google Chrome
l Mozilla Firefox
l Microsoft Edge
l Microsoft Int ernet Explorer 11 (limit ed support - see IE11 Support below)

For t he best experience, we recommend t hat you use t he lat est version of Chrome, Firefox, or Edge, and t hat you
keep your browser updat ed, especially t hrough t he applicat ion of securit y pat ches.

While you may be able t o access Workspaces using ot her browsers, t here's no guarant ee t hat everyt hing will work,
and you may not enjoy t he great user experience available when using a support ed browser. We st rongly recom-
mend t hat you use a support ed browser for t he best Workspaces experience.

IE11 Support

Journey Workspaces Overview - 13 -

Workspaces is support ed on Int ernet Explorer 11 (IE11), commencing from Workspaces v18.11.4. Workspaces is fea-
t ure-compat ible wit h IE11; however, t he user experience on IE11 may not be as great as when using a modern
browser due t o limit at ions imposed by IE11.

What's new?
Here's some informat ion t o help you discover t he great new feat ures and improvement s in each Workspaces

21.11 Here's what 's new and improved in Workspaces 22.04.
18.11 Improved version
Improved control in Product
build and Artifactory that
deployment allows easy access to
process a specific Work-
spaces release.
A brand-new Oper-
ations portal that
allows operations
staff and admin-
Operations istrators to search
Space and view TJM trans-
actions when provid-
ing operational
assistance to banks
and their customers.
Apply a theme to the
Theme sup- Applicant space to
port in Applic- match bank brand-
ant space ing and color
A new notes feature
in the Applicant
space that allows
Notes feature applicants to com-
in Applicant municate directly
space with bank staff for
assistance during
the application pro-
Search Improvements to
improvements the Workspaces

Journey Workspaces Overview - 14 -

search feature, allow-
ing the user to
return to the parent
view quickly after
completing a search.
Improvements to
the Application
view_ Timeline timeline feature to fil-
timeline improvements ter out tasks or trans-
actions that are not
Improvements to
the Workspaces
notes feature to
speaker_ Notes make it easier for
notes improvements bank staff to com-
municate with applic-
ants in the Applicant
Migration from the
Migration to old web driver frame-
new auto- work to the Night-
mation frame- watch framework for
work API, config, and UI

Here's what 's new and improved in Workspaces 21.11.

Improved build and An improved build and deployment process for Workspaces is
deployment process now available from the Product Artifactory.

Applicant Space t em- A fully configurable workspace for authenticated non-bank users
plat e to manage the application journey.

Support for Job Prop- Support for configuring the Key Info card and custom cards using
ert ies the application's job properties.

Localizat ion improve- Support for switching the language within Workspaces, and other
ment s minor enhancements to the localization framework.

Search improve- Configure search to include fields that are not part of the item list
ment s data.

Journey Workspaces Overview - 15 -

Here's what 's new and improved in Workspaces 20.05.

Improved build An improved build and deployment process for Workspaces that
and deployment supports seamless integration to your DevOps practices such as
process CI/CD.

Task-specific Task-specific actions are presented alongside each task in an applic-

act ions ation to give you confidence you are acting on the right task.

A new focused search option that lets you search on a specific applic-
Focused search
ation data item and get results faster.

Improved UI / UX A fresh new user interface for an improved user experience.

Improved cust om
Improved custom card configuration including permission control
card con-
and an option to hide empty/null data.
figurat ions

Improved session
Automatic session logout after a defined period of inactivity.

Dat e picker Enhancements to the date picker to support single date selection
enhancement s and custom date formats.

Enhanced search/ - New search/filter behavior on the List pages: the latest search/filter
filt er behavior is retained in each space until cleared or the session ends.

Enhanced applic-
The assignee full name is displayed when assigning a task to a user.
at ion assignment

Enhanced applic- An enhanced view configuration extending control over line wrap-
at ion list ing ping in data tables.

Enhanced doc- Attachment name is now included for each item in the Documents
ument s panel panel.

Wat ch t his video t o discover t he great new feat ures and improvement s in Workspaces 19.11.

Journey Workspaces Overview - 16 -

Wat ch t his video t o discover t he great new feat ures and improvement s in Workspaces 19.05.

Wat ch t his video t o discover t he great new feat ures and improvement s in Workspaces 18.11.

Journey Workspaces Overview - 17 -

Journey Workspaces Overview - 18 -
Journey Workspaces Features
Workspaces | Workspaces User | 18.11 | 22.04
Journey Workspaces comes packed wit h a wide range of feat ures empowering you t o improve your cust omers'
experience wit h onboarding assist ance, rapid applicat ion resolut ion, and communicat ion of progress, regardless of
t he channel t hey are applying from. Out of t he box, Workspaces includes t he feat ures you need t o accomplish
your business object ives.

Main Features
l Review: Review capabilit ies for pending applicat ions t hat need manual act ion.
l Helpdesk: Support st aff can quickly and easily find any applicat ion t o provide assist ance.
l Assist : Assist ed channel st aff can kick st art t he applicat ion process and monit or progress.
l M anage: Task management capabilit ies for managers and supervisors.
l Applicant s: A self-service port al where aut hent icat ed applicant s can manage applicat ions.
l Operat ions: A view for Operat ions st aff t o search and manage TJM t ransact ions when providing operat ions
assist ance.

Features by Release
Each release of Journey Workspaces has new feat ures and bug fixes t o provide you wit h t he best -in-class soft ware
and t o accelerat e business agilit y and improvement s across t he board.

The key feat ures for each major Workspaces release are list ed below.

Journey Workspaces 22.04

To view t he release not es and learn about all t he new feat ures, improvement s, and bug fixes in t his release, see
Journey Workspaces 22.04 .

Key Feat ures Descript ion

Improved build
Improved version control in Product Artifactory that allows easy access to a specific
and deployment
Workspaces release.
A brand-new Operations portal that allows operations staff and administrators to
search and view TJM transactions when providing operational assistance to banks and
their customers.
Theme support
in Applicant Apply a theme to the Applicant space to match bank branding and color schemes.
Notes feature in A new notes feature in the Applicant space that allows applicants to communicate dir-
Applicant space ectly with bank staff for assistance during the application process.
Search improve- Improvements to the Workspaces search feature, allowing the user to return to the
ments parent view quickly after completing a search.

Journey Workspaces Feat ures - 19 -

Key Feat ures Descript ion

Timeline Improvements to the Application timeline feature to filter out tasks or transactions
improvements that are not required.
Notes improve- Improvements to the Workspaces notes feature to make it easier for bank staff to com-
ments municate with applicants in the Applicant space.
Migration to
Migration from the old web driver framework to the Nightwatch framework for API,
new automation
config, and UI automation.
Journey Workspaces 21.11
To view t he release not es and learn about all t he new feat ures, improvement s, and bug fixes in t his release, see
Journey Workspaces 21.11 .

Key Feat ures Descript ion

Impr oved build and An impr oved build and deployment pr ocess for Wor kspaces is now avail-
deployment pr ocess able fr om the Pr oduct Ar tifactor y.

Applicant Space tem- A fully configur able wor kspace for authenticated non-bank user s to man-
plate age the application jour ney.

Suppor t for Job Pr op- Suppor t for configur ing the Key Info car d and custom car ds using the applic-
er ties ation's job pr oper ties.

Localization impr ove- Suppor t for switching the UI language within Wor kspaces, and other minor
ments enhancements to the localization fr amewor k.

Configur e the sear ch featur e to include fields that ar e not par t of the item
Sear ch impr ovements
list data.

Journey Workspaces 20.05

To view t he release not es and learn about all t he new feat ures, improvement s, and bug fixes in t his release, see
Journey Workspaces 20.05 .

Key Feat ures Descript ion

Impr oved build and An impr oved build and deployment pr ocess for Wor kspaces that suppor ts
deployment pr ocess seamless integr ation to your dev-ops pr actices such as CI/CD.

Task-specific actions ar e pr esented alongside each task in an application to

Task-specific actions
give you confidence you'r e acting on the r ight task.

Journey Workspaces Feat ures - 20 -

Key Feat ures Descript ion

A new focused sear ch option that lets you sear ch on a specific application
Focused sear ch
data item and get r esults faster .

Impr oved UI / UX A fr esh new user inter face for an impr oved user exper ience.

Impr oved custom Impr oved custom car d configur ation including per mission contr ol and an
car d configur ations option to hide empty or null data.

Impr oved session

Automatic session logout after a defined per iod of inactivity.

Date picker enhance- Enhancements to the date picker to suppor t single date selection and custom
ments date for mats.

Enhanced sear ch/- New sear ch and filter behaviour on the List pages, with the latest sear ch/filter
filter behavior r etained in each space until clear ed or the session ends.

Enhanced application
The assignee full name is displayed when assigning a task to a user .

Enhanced application An enhanced view configur ation, extending contr ol over line wr apping in data
listing tables.

Enhanced documents
Attachment name is now included for each item in the Documents panel.

Journey Workspaces 19.11

To view t he release not es and learn about all t he new feat ures, improvement s, and bug fixes in t his release, see
Journey Workspaces 19.11 .

Key Feat ures Descript ion

Multi-applicant /
An impr oved inter face for viewing applications with multiple applicants and
multi-pr oduct inter -
pr oducts.

Enhancements to the suppor ted actions, now offer ing custom actions and per -
Wor kspaces actions
mission contr ol.

Withdr aw an applic-
The ability to withdr aw a saved application fr om Wor kspaces.

Journey Workspaces Feat ures - 21 -

Key Feat ures Descript ion

Recover an applic-
The ability to r ecover an abandoned application fr om Wor kspaces.

Console er r or Detailed console r epor ting of configur ation er r or s that eases the effor t
r epor ting r equir ed by solution builder s when debugging configur ation issues.

The ability to add a visual indicator in the application listing scr een to keep tr ack
Application SLA
of cr ucial ser vice indicator s like application SLA.

An enhanced documents car d inter face and configur ation that suppor ts
Documents car d
options to include or exclude cer tain documents using patter n matching.

Impr oved out-of-the-box templates for pr ocessing staff, helpdesk staff,

assisted channel staff, and manager per sonas.

Journey Workspaces 19.05

To view t he release not es and learn about all t he new feat ures, improvement s, and bug fixes in t his release, see
Journey Workspaces 19.05 .

Descript ion
Feat ures

Role based
An impr oved inter face for viewing applications with multiple applicants and pr oducts.

Task man- Enhancements to the suppor ted actions that now offer s custom actions and per -
agement mission contr ol.

Kickstar t
The ability to withdr aw a saved application fr om Wor kspaces.

Key Info car d The ability to r ecover an abandoned application fr om Wor kspaces.

Multi applic- Detailed console r epor ting of configur ation er r or s that eases the effor t r equir ed by
ant suppor t solution builder s to debug configur ation issues.

Application The ability to add a visual indicator in the application listing scr een to keep tr ack of cr u-
Timeline cial ser vice indicator s like application SLA.

Documents An enhanced documents car d inter face and configur ation that suppor ts options to
car d include or exclude cer tain documents using patter n matching.

Journey Workspaces Feat ures - 22 -

Descript ion
Feat ures

Impr oved out-of-the-box templates for pr ocessing staff, helpdesk staff, assisted chan-
nel staff and manager per sonas.

Journey Workspaces 18.11

To view t he release not es and learn about all t he new feat ures, improvement s, and bug fixes in t his release, see
Journey Workspaces 18.11 .

Descript ion
Feat ures

A view is a pr e-cr eated filter that allows agents to get to the tasks that they must wor k
on quickly.

Views offer the following benefits:

l An efficient way t o keep t rack of pending applicat ions t hat need t o be processed.
l High visibilit y on t he applicat ions t hat ent er and exit t ask queues.
l Reduce overall t ime t o find t he t asks t hat need t o be processed.

Views can be fur ther r efined to suppor t the needs of pr ocessing agents by filter ing
and/or sor ting on specific task list columns.

Filter s offer the following benefits:

Filter s
l Augment a view's pre-configured crit eria.
l Allows furt her narrowing down on search crit eria.
l Specify mult iple filt er condit ions t o hone in on specific applicat ions.

Applicant info summar izes the key infor mation about the applicants.

Applicant Info offer the following benefits:

Info l A simple summary about t he applicant s in an applicat ion.
l See key applicant det ails like name and phone number at a glance.
l Easily different iat e bet ween applicat ions wit h a single applicant or joint applicant s.

Validation r esults fr om thir d-par ty ser vices can be seamlessly integr ated and viewed
Backgr ound in Tr ansact Wor kspaces.
Backgr ound Checks offer the following benefits:

Journey Workspaces Feat ures - 23 -

Descript ion
Feat ures

l Summarise t he result s from int egrat ed t hird-part y services.

l Visual indicat ors t hat aid in ident ifying t he act ions required on pending applicat ions.

A simple application timeline with the ability to add and r eview notes.

Application The Application Timeline offer s the following benefits:

l A st reamlined way t o t rack t he st ages t hat an applicat ion has complet ed.
l A space for processing agent s t o add and review not es about t he applicat ion.

Add and r eview the attached documents captur ed at var ious application stages.

Attached Documents offer the following benefits:

l A cent ralized place for reviewing document s at t ached t o t he applicat ion at various
st ages.
l At t ach addit ional support ing document s while reviewing t he applicat ion.

Journey Workspaces Feat ures - 24 -

Workspaces Core Concepts
Workspaces | Workspaces User | 18.11 | 21.11

Journey Workspaces is underpinned by a set of core concept s. Learning about t hese concept s will help you t o
underst and how Workspaces works, allowing you t o get t he most out of your Workspaces experience.

l Roles and Spaces

l Applications and Tasks

l Service Level Agreement (SLA) | 19.11

l Queues
l Views
l Access Control

Roles and Spaces

Roles and spaces are used t oget her in Workspaces t o define workflow solut ions for various purposes. Each role is
aligned wit h a specific user t ype and represent s a responsibilit y you might have or a job you need t o do. Roles are
also used t o cont rol each user's access t o Workspaces spaces and feat ures.

Workspaces has been designed wit h several roles in mind, each of which is associat ed wit h a space t hat may be
available t o you in your Workspaces port al. Each space is configured wit h various feat ures designed t o facilit at e it s
associat ed role or purpose.

l Process - For processing st aff, offering review capabilit ies for pending applicat ions t hat need manual act ion.
l Helpdesk - For helpdesk st aff, t o find applicat ions quickly and easily so t hey can provide prompt and accur-
at e cust omer assist ance.
l Assist ed Channel - For relat ionship managers, t o kick st art t he applicat ion process on behalf of cust omers
and monit or applicat ion progress.
l M anage - For managers and supervisors, providing t ask management capabilit ies.
l Applicant - Allows applicant s and t heir represent at ives t o int eract wit h applicat ions t hrough t o complet ion.

The default Workspaces configurat ion includes t he Process space, Helpdesk, Assist ed Channel, and Manage spaces
for use by bank st aff in various roles. Alt ernat ively, Workspaces can be configured wit h just t he Applicant space for
use by applicant s and t heir aut horized represent at ives. Regardless of how Workspaces is configured, only aut hen-
t icat ed users can access it .

Applications and Tasks

It 's import ant t o underst and t he difference bet ween an applicat ion and a t ask.

Workspaces Core Concept s - 25 -

l An applicat ion , somet imes referred t o as an applicat ion form, refers t o bot h t he form t hat you ent er dat a
int o when applying for a product and t he dat a it self. The life cycle of an applicat ion progresses t hrough vari-
ous st ages, from t he init ial submission t o a final decision or even abandonment .
l A t ask represent s an applicat ion at a part icular st age of it s life cycle, or st ep in t he processing of an applic-
at ion. As a t ask moves t hrough it s life cycle, it becomes available on different queues making t he t ask avail-
able for at t ent ion by t he st aff t hat have access t o each queue.
Abandoned Applicat ions
Somet imes, an applicat ion is st art ed but not saved or submit t ed. This could be a deliberat e choice by t he applic-
ant , but it may also be due t o circumst ances beyond t he applicant 's cont rol; for example, if t heir browser crashes
or t he form session t imes out . Regardless of how or why it happens, an applicat ion t hat hasn't been saved or sub-
mit t ed event ually becomes abandoned (assuming t he applicat ion form has been configured wit h t he background
save feat ure enabled).

An abandoned applicat ion does not have an assignee. An applicat ion must be submit t ed before it can be
assigned or claimed .

Aft er an applicat ion has become abandoned, t he applicant may decide t hat t hey want t o cont inue t heir applic-
at ion. Workspaces allows you t o recover an abandoned applicat ion, wit hin a configured t ime frame, so t hat t he
applicant can cont inue t he applicat ion t hey st art ed wit hout having t o re-ent er any saved informat ion.

Any Personally Ident ifiable Informat ion (PII) in a recovered applicat ion is not available if t he data retention
period has expired.

Service Level Agreement (SLA) | 19.11

Workspaces enables you t o monit or t he progress of each submit t ed applicat ion against a crucial service indicat or,
such as an SLA1 (Service Level Agreement ). The Workspaces SLA feat ure follows a t hree-st age t ime-based approach
using t wo pre-configured t ime periods:

l SLA Period – The maximum amount of t ime allowed t o complet e processing of t he applicat ion under t he
t erms of t he SLA.
l SLA Warning Period – An amount of t ime, short er t han t he SLA Period, during which t he applicat ion will be
flagged as approaching t he end of t he SLA Period.

1A service-level agreement (SLA) is a commit ment bet ween a service provider and a client . Part icular aspect s of t he

service – qualit y, availabilit y, responsibilit ies – are agreed bet ween t he service provider and t he service user.

Workspaces Core Concept s - 26 -

The t erms of an SLA will st ipulat e t he SLA Period's durat ion and when it commences. It 's common for t he
SLA Period t o commence when t he applicat ion is submit t ed but it may be any t ime aft er t his. While t he SLA Period
is measured from when it commences int o t he fut ure, t he Warning Period, by cont rast , st art s at a point in t ime
measured backwards from t he end of t he SLA Period. The following diagram illust rat es t he relat ionship bet ween
t he t wo periods and t he key SLA milest ones.

You can easily monit or t he progress of applicat ions against an SLA using t he SLA Expiry field in t he Key Info card on
t he Det ails screen. Also, in t he Process space and Manage spaces, t here's a graphical SLA indicator in t he it em list
t hat provides an overview of applicat ion processing progress at a glance.

The default configurat ion of t he Process space and Manage spaces in t he Journey Workspaces port al includes a
default queue select ion. A queue act s as t he source of t asks for populat ing t he item list . The default set t ing is selec-
t ed aut omat ically when t he List screen is displayed causing various screen element s t o be updat ed, and reflect ing
t he t asks t hat are now available for t he select ed queue; for example, t he number of t asks available in t he queue
and t he it ems in t he it em list .

You may have access t o more t han one queue. If you do, you can select a queue t o see a different set of t asks.
When you select a queue, t he it em list on t he List screen is updat ed t o show t asks t hat are available in t he select ed
queue, and t he it em count is updat ed accordingly.

20.05 and later

Prior to 20.05

Workspaces Core Concept s - 27 -

Workspaces Core Concept s - 28 -
The default configurat ion of each Journey Workspaces space includes a default view select ion. A view is a pre-
defined configurat ion of it em list fields, view filt ers and sort opt ions. These default set t ings are select ed aut o-
mat ically when a List screen is displayed causing various screen element s t o be updat ed, and reflect ing t he t asks
t hat are now available for t he select ed view.

You may have several views t o choose from. When you select a view, t he it em list on t he List is updat ed t o show
it ems t hat meet t he filt er and sort crit eria defined for t he select ed view, and t he it em count is updat ed accordingly.

20.05 and later

Prior to 20.05

Workspaces Core Concept s - 29 -

Access Control
Your Journey Workspaces port al imposes various rest rict ions t hat const rain your access t o Workspaces feat ures
and element s such as spaces, queues, t asks and applicat ions, and t he port al it self. Your access t o Workspaces fea-
t ures is enabled t hrough and det ermined by configurat ion. If t here are feat ures t hat you need t o use but you
don't have access t o t hem, cont act your Workspaces administ rat or.

Workspaces Core Concept s - 30 -

Workspaces is accessible t o aut hent icat ed users only. To access your Workspaces port al, login using your Work-
spaces username and password which your Workspaces administ rat or can provide t o you. Once you have logged
in, you can int eract wit h t he feat ures and element s t hat you have been given access t o, such as select ing a space t o
work in or select ing a queue from a list of queues.

The spaces you can access also cont rol which feat ures are available t o you. For example, if you have access t o t he
Process space or Manage spaces, you can select a queue which gives you access t o t he specific t asks on t hat
queue. Then, t he t asks or applicat ions you can access and t heir current st at e det ermine what act ions you can t ake.
For more informat ion about when various act ions are available, see Workspaces Actions.

Workspaces Core Concept s - 31 -

Workspaces UI Tour
Workspaces | Workspaces User | 18.11 | 21.11
Wit h a consist ent layout and common user int erface element s, t he Workspaces port al is designed t o give you a
great user experience right from t he st art . Let 's t ake a look at some of t he common element s t hat make up t he
Workspaces port al user int erface (UI).

List Screen
Detail Screen

1. Spaces navigat ion bar (navbar) : The Spaces navbar let s you select a space t o work in. For example,
select t he Process navbar it em t o swit ch t o t he Process space.

Workspaces UI Tour - 32 -
2. Screen header : The screen header displays when t he Cont ent pane was last refreshed and includes an
opt ion t o refresh it . The name of t he logged in user is also displayed, and t here's an opt ion t o logout .
3. Screen name : The screen name changes depending upon t he screen current ly displayed. For a List screen,
t he screen name is t he same as t he name of t he select ed space. For a Det ail screen, t he screen name cor-
responds t o an it em select ed on a List screen.
4. Cont ent pane : The majorit y of each screen displays cont ent specific t o t he screen t ype (List or Det ail).
5. Screen foot er : At t he bot t om of t he screen is t he screen foot er which displays t he applicat ion name and ver-

The Spaces navbar, screen header, screen name, and screen foot er provide common funct ionalit y applicable t o all
Workspaces port al pages, while t he Cont ent pane present s cont ent and feat ures t hat are specific t o t he select ed
space and t he screen t ype (List or Det ail).

Spaces Navigation Bar

The Spaces navbar shows all t he spaces t hat you can access and provides a way for you t o move bet ween t hem.
Select an it em in t he Spaces navbar t o swit ch t o a different space.

One or more of t he following spaces are available t o you depending on how your Workspaces port al is configured
and which permissions you have been given.

l Process - For processing st aff, offering review capabilit ies for pending applicat ions t hat need manual act ion.
l Helpdesk - For helpdesk st aff, t o find applicat ions quickly and easily so t hey can provide prompt and accur-
at e cust omer assist ance.

l Assist ed Channel - For relat ionship managers, t o kick st art t he applicat ion process on behalf of cust omers
and monit or applicat ion progress.
l M anage - For managers and supervisors, providing t ask management capabilit ies.
l Applicant - Allows applicant s and t heir represent at ives t o int eract wit h applicat ions t hrough t o complet ion.

For more informat ion about spaces, see Roles and Spaces.

Screen Header
The screen header is common t o all Workspaces port al screens, displaying generic informat ion and providing
access t o common feat ures and menus.

Prior to 20.05

Workspaces UI Tour - 33 -
On t he screen header, you can find t he following feat ures.

l When t he displayed informat ion was last refreshed, and an opt ion t o refresh t he displayed informat ion.
l A menu but t on providing access t o User Profile opt ions.

l An opt ion t o select t he language used for st at ic t ext in t he Workspaces UI. | 21.11
l An opt ion t o log out of your current Workspaces session.

Workspaces 21.11 int roduced an aut omat ic session logout aft er a defined period of inact ivit y. To learn more
about configuring t he session t imeout period, see Session Timeout .

Workspaces releases prior t o 20.05 also display t he release version number in t he header, while t his has moved t o
t he page foot er in subsequent releases.

Workspaces UI Tour - 34 -
When you navigat e t o a Workspaces screen, t he informat ion displayed is up-t o-dat e but it can become st ale over
t ime. The elapsed t ime since t he screen was last updat ed is shown in t he screen header on t he Page Refresh but -
t on. If t he screen has not been updat ed recent ly or you want t o see t he lat est informat ion, click Page Refresh t o
updat e it .

To access t he User Profile set t ings, click t he User Profile but t on (1) and select Set t ings (2). Updat e your profile set -
t ings as required (3) and click Save (4), t hen close t he profile window (5). A message confirming your profile updat e
was successful is displayed in t he bot t om left corner of t he main window (6). You can close t he message (7) or wait
for it t o go away aft er a few seconds.

Spaces Navigation Bar

The Spaces navbar shows all t he spaces t hat you can access and provides a way for you t o move bet ween t hem.
Select an it em in t he Spaces navbar t o swit ch t o a different space. One or more of t he following spaces are available
t o you depending on how your Workspaces port al is configured and which permissions you have been given.

l Process - For processing st aff, offering review capabilit ies for pending applicat ions t hat need manual act ion.
l Helpdesk - For helpdesk st aff, t o find applicat ions quickly and easily so t hey can provide prompt and accur-
at e cust omer assist ance.
l Assist ed Channel - For relat ionship managers, t o kick st art t he applicat ion process on behalf of cust omers
and monit or applicat ion progress.
l M anage - For managers and supervisors, providing t ask management capabilit ies.
l Applicant - Allows applicant s and t heir represent at ives t o int eract wit h applicat ions t hrough t o complet ion.

For more informat ion about spaces, see Roles and Spaces.

Workspaces UI Tour - 35 -
Content Pane
This area is where t he main act ion happens and is usually occupied by an it em list (on a List screen) or applicat ion
det ails (on a Det ails screen). The default configurat ion defines a List screen and a Det ails screen for each space. The
List screens are based on a common layout and can be modified as required t hrough configurat ion; for more
informat ion about List screens, see Understanding the Workspaces List Screen . Similarly, t he Det ails screen for
each space is based on a configurable common layout ; for more informat ion about Det ails screens, see Application
Details Screen .

Field Dat a Types

Fields display informat ion of various dat a t ypes including t ext (name, email address, some IDs), numbers (phone,
SSN), and dat es. A dat e may represent eit her a specific point in t ime (dat e of birt h) or a durat ion (applicat ion age).

Numbers and dat es can be configured t o use a variet y of format s. For example:

l Phone numbers can be format t ed for t he current localit y or t o accommodat e int ernat ionalizat ion.
l 9-digit Social Securit y Numbers are commonly displayed using t he format "AAA-GG-SSSS".

l Dat es represent ing a point in t ime can use eit her absolut e ("1 Jan 2022", "t oday") or relat ive ("last Wed-
nesday", "6 days ago") format s.
l Dat es represent ing a durat ion can use eit her specific ("7 days, 3 hours, 26 minut es") or approximat e ("about
7 days", "last week") format s.

Somet imes a value might be t oo long t o fit in t he space available for it ; in t his case, t he value is oft en t runcat ed and
an ellipsis ('…') is appended t o indicat e t hat you're not looking at t he full value. To see t he full value, point your
cursor at t he t runcat ed value and a t ool t ip is displayed showing t he full value.

By default , values in t able columns wrap when t hey are wider t han t he column. However, somet imes t his behavior
is undesirable, and it can be overridden for specific columns via configurat ion.

Modal Windows | 19.11

Workspaces has been purposefully designed t o make key feat ures and import ant informat ion available at your fin-
gert ips. However, somet imes more screen space is needed, or an act ion needs more cont rol over how it 's used,
and in t hese kinds of circumst ances Workspaces uses a modal window.

Here are some examples where Workspaces uses modal windows.

l M anaging t he document s at t ached t o an applicat ion – Workspaces opens a modal window present -
ing all t he document management opt ions.
l St art ing a new form in t he Assist ed Channel space – Workspaces opens a modal window showing t he
form for you t o fill in and save or submit .

Workspaces UI Tour - 36 -
When a modal window is open, Workspaces prevent s you from int eract ing wit h t he main Workspaces screen
behind it . This can help you t o focus on t he act ion at hand which may or may not be a part of your applicat ion pro-
cessing workflow. You can int eract wit h t he element s on t he modal window which may involve dat a ent ry, or t he
window may simply display informat ion in a format t hat wouldn't be possible or might not present well on t he
main Workspaces pages.

You can cont rol t he size of a modal window using t he (Full Screen) and (Exit Full Screen) icons. When

you're finished wit h a modal window, click t he (Close) icon t o close t he modal window and ret urn t o t he Work-
spaces screen where t he modal window was opened. The screen is reloaded t o reflect any changes made while t he
modal window was displayed.

Modal Window
Modal Window - Full Screen

Workspaces UI Tour - 37 -
Time Zones in Workspaces
When you're using Workspaces, from t ime t o t ime you'll encount er dat es and t imes associat ed wit h it ems such as
applicat ions and t asks; for example, t he dat e and t ime when an applicat ion was submit t ed or a not e was added.
Workspaces capt ures and st ores dat es and t imes using t he t ime zone on t he local comput er where t he act ion is
t aking place. Similarly, all dat es and t imes displayed in Workspaces are wit h respect t o t he t ime zone of t he user’s
local comput er. This means t hat you never need t o do t ime zone conversions; Workspaces always t akes care of t his
for you.

Workspaces UI Tour - 38 -
Understanding the Workspaces List Screen
Workspaces | Workspaces User | 18.11 | 21.11

Some of t he images and t ext in t his t opic may be different t o what you see in your Workspaces port al. This is
because t he Workspaces port al has a highly configurable user int erface, and t his t opic describes feat ures
based on a default configurat ion which may differ from how your Workspaces port al is configured; for
example, you may see different branding or ot her fields. Nevert heless, t he feat ures described below work t he
same way in every Workspaces port al.

Each space in a Workspaces port al is configured wit h a List screen t hat displays a list of act ive applicat ion or t ask
it ems, and a set of act ions t hat you can use t o work wit h a select ed it em. Each List screen is configured wit h a set of
common feat ures t hat allow you t o cont rol which it ems are displayed in t he list , including t he following.

l An item list .

l A graphical SLA indicator t hat let s you monit or applicat ion progress against an SLA at a glance. | 19.11
l A second global filt er, Created Date, t hat rest rict s t he in t he it em list based on t he dat e t hey were creat ed.

l A global view select or, used t o apply a pre-defined set of fields, filt ers and sort opt ions t o t he it em list .

l Flexible search, filter and sort opt ions t hat you can use t o refine t he set of in t he it em list .

l Paging tools t hat you can use t o browse t he it em list .

The following image illust rat es where you can find t he common feat ures on t he List screen using t he Process space
as an example.

20.05 and later

Prior to 20.05

Underst anding t he Workspaces List Screen - 39 -

The List screens for t he Process and Manage spaces are configured wit h similar funct ionalit y, while t hose for t he
Helpdesk and Assist ed Channel spaces have some different behavior. The most significant difference is how t he
it em list is populat ed for each space, but t here are ot her differences such as t he SLA column on t he Process and
Manage spaces.

Underst anding t he Workspaces List Screen - 40 -

The main element on t he List screen is t he it em list which displays summary informat ion for a list of t asks- or applic-
at ions. The select ors at t he t op of t he screen, for t he global filt ers and view, are t he main way you cont rol and
ident ify which t asks are displayed in t he it em list . Up t o t hree global filt ers may be configured but t he default con-
figurat ion has just t wo.

l The first global filt er shows t he name of t he act ive queue (Process and M anage spaces) or form / product
t ype (Helpdesk and Assist ed Channel spaces), and let s you select anot her queue or form / product t ype
so t hat you can work wit h ot her t asks or applicat ions.
l The Creat ed Dat e global filt er let s you hone in on it ems creat ed in a specific period, and displays t he dat e or
dat e range t hat is current ly select ed.
l The View select or shows t he name of t he current view, and let s you select anot her view, t hereby quickly
and easily changing how t he it em list appears (including different fields or sort order) and which it ems are dis-

If you've select ed global filt ers and a view, and you can't see t he it em you’re looking for, you can furt her refine t he
list of it ems using t he filt er and sort opt ions. Filt ering rest rict s which it ems are displayed in t he it em list , and sort ing
det ermines t he order it ems appear in t he list . To learn more about t hese opt ions, see Filter the item list and Sort
the item list .

Somet imes, you just need t o find a specific t ask or applicat ion quickly, or you can’t see it in t he it em list using t he
t echniques described above. In t hese kinds of sit uat ions, you can search for t he it em t o find it st raight away (or not
at all). To learn how t o search, see Search for Tasks.

Ot her t imes, you might not be sure which t ask or applicat ion you need unt il you see it , so aft er using t he select ors
and filt ers you want t o browse t hrough t he it em list unt il you find what you need. Workspacesincludes a set of
paging t ools t hat allow you t o browse t he it em list and which also allow you t o choose how many it ems are dis-
played on a page.

20.05 and later

Prior to 20.05

Underst anding t he Workspaces List Screen - 41 -

The number of it ems t hat sat isfy all crit eria for select ion is shown as t he It em Count next t o t he view name. The
global filt ers, current view, search and filt ers all cont ribut e t o t he calculat ion of t he It em Count .

Once you’ve found t he t ask or applicat ion t hat you’re looking for, t here are t wo ways you can int eract wit h it on
t he List screen.

Underst anding t he Workspaces List Screen - 42 -

l Point your cursor at an it em t o reveal one or more act ion but t ons on t he right . Click an act ion but t on t o per-
form t he corresponding act ion.

l Click an it em t o open it in t he current space's Det ails screen where you can see more informat ion about t he
applicat ion and int eract wit h it furt her, including t o perform act ions. To learn more about working wit h t asks
and applicat ions on t he Det ails screen, see The Application Details Screen .

The available act ions for a t ask or applicat ion it em depend on t he current ly select ed space and t he it em’s current
st at e. The Receipt act ion is always available for a submit t ed applicat ion and similarly t he View Form for saved applic-
at ions, allowing you t o see t he informat ion ent ered by t he applicant . To learn about act ions including Receipt and
View Form, see Workspaces Actions.

Some act ions may only be available from t he Det ails screen. If you t hink an act ion should be available but can't see
it in t he it em list , t ry select ing t he it em and check if t he act ion is available on t he Det ails screen.

Item List
The main element on t he List screen is t he it em list , a t abular display of t ask- or applicat ion-relat ed informat ion in
rows and columns. Each row of t he it em list corresponds t o a single it em ( t ask or applicat ion), and displays brief
informat ion for t he it em t hat helps you t o ident ify t he it ems you're int erest ed in. The kind of informat ion dis-
played in each column is configurable, so your Workspaces port al may differ from t he default configurat ion.

The it ems displayed in t he it em list sat isfy a set of crit eria select ed by t he user st art ing wit h select ions from t he
global filt ers and views, t hen refined by searching and filt ering. It ems appear in t he it em list if t hey:

l Are t asks sourced from t he act ive queue, or applicat ions t hat correspond t o t he value of t he form / product
t ypeglobal filt er; and
l Were creat ed on one of t he dat es select ed in t he Creat ed Dat e global filt er; and

l Mat ch t he filt er crit eria imposed by t he current view; and

l Mat ch any opt ional search or filt er crit eria select ed by t he user.

Underst anding t he Workspaces List Screen - 43 -

Not e t hat t he last t hree crit eria (Creat ed Dat e , view, and opt ional filt er/ search) are t he same for all spaces in t he
default configurat ion. This means we can simplify t he descript ion of which it ems appear in t he it em list by focusing
on how t he it em list is populat ed init ially for each space in t he default configurat ion before applying t he common
crit eria. This leads t o t he following:

l In t he Process and M anage spaces, t he it em list is populat ed wit h t asks for submit t ed applicat ions sourced
from t he act ive queue, and t hat sat isfy t he common crit eria.
l In t he Helpdesk space, t he it em list is empt y init ially; search for an applicat ion ID t o populat e t he it em list
wit h saved or submit t ed applicat ions t hat mat ch t he select ed form / product t ype, and t hat sat isfy t he com-
mon crit eria.
l In t he Assist ed Channel space, t he it em list is populat ed wit h saved or submit t ed applicat ions mat ching
t he select ed form / product t ype t hat were creat ed by or are assigned t o t he logged-in user, and t hat sat isfy
t he common crit eria.
SLA Indicat or | 19.11

While t he SLA Indicat or is available in t he default configurat ion of Workspaces, it may not be available in your
Workspaces port al or it may appear different ly depending upon how your Workspaces port al has been con-

In t he Process and Manage spaces, Workspaces enables you t o monit or t he progress of each submit t ed applic-
at ion against a crucial service indicat or, such as an SLA, via a graphical indicat or in t he it em list . A red disc (SLA
Alert ) indicat es t hat t he SLA has been breached, while an amber disc (SLA Warning) indicat es t hat an SLA breach
is imminent . If no indicat or is displayed, t he applicat ion is st ill being processed wit hin t he SLA period and not in
imminent danger of breaching t he SLA.

Underst anding t he Workspaces List Screen - 44 -

A text version of t he SLA indicat or is available on t he Det ails screen, showing how processing of t he applicat ion is
progressing relat ive t o t he SLA.

Queue Selector
In t he Process and Manage spaces, t he List screen allows you t o int eract wit h t asks from any queue t hat you can
access. The Queues select or ident ifies which queue is current ly used as t he source for populat ing t he it em list . You
can select anot her queue from t he Queues select or if more t han one queue is available t o you.

The default Workspaces configurat ion makes t he Queues select or available in t he Process and Manage
spaces only.

20.05 and later

Prior to 20.05

Underst anding t he Workspaces List Screen - 45 -

In t he Process and Manage spaces, when t he List screen is first displayed, a default queue is select ed for you and
t asks from t hat queue are displayed in t he it em list . If no queue is select ed, t he it em list is empt y and you need t o
choose a queue. Thereaft er, Workspaces remembers t he last queue you chose, and select s it aut omat ically when
you open t he List screen.

The available queues are list ed in t he Queues select or’s dropdown list as well as an All it em. You can choose any
queue from t he dropdown list t o be t he source of t asks for populat ing t he it em list . If you choose All, t he it em list
is populat ed wit h t asks from all of t he queues available t o you.

Underst anding t he Workspaces List Screen - 46 -

Select ing t he Allqueues it em populat es t he it em list wit h t asks from all of t he queues t hat you can access.
There may be t asks on ot her queues t hat you cannot access; t hese t asks are not displayed in t he it em list
when t he Allqueues it em is select ed.

Form / Product Type Selector

As ment ioned above, t he first global filt er applied t o t he List screen in t he Helpdesk and Assist ed Channel spaces is
for a form / product t ype. The Form / Product Type select or ident ifies t he current ly select ed form / product t ype,
and allows you t o select anot her form / product t ype t o apply as a global filt er on t he it em list .

The default Workspaces configurat ion makes t he Form / Product Type select or available in t he Helpdesk
and Assist ed Channel spaces only.

20.05 and later

Prior to 20.05

Underst anding t he Workspaces List Screen - 47 -

The Form / Product Type select or behaves different ly t o t he Queues select or. Rat her t han select ing t he source
of t asks t o be displayed in t he it em list , t he Form / Product Type select or rest rict s t he applicat ions displayed by
including only t hose t hat mat ch t he select ed form / product t ype. This has a different affect in each space due t o
t he way t he it em list is populat ed in each space.

l In t he Helpdesk space, t he form / product t ypeglobal filt er is used in conjunct ion wit h a search for an applic-
at ion ID t o populat e t he it em list wit h applicat ions t hat mat ch t he select ed form / product t ype.
l In t he Assist ed Channel space, t he form / product t ypeglobal filt er rest rict s t he applicat ions displayed in t he
it em list t o just t hose t hat were creat ed by or are assigned t o t he logged-in user and which mat ch t he selec-
t ed form / product t ype.

When t he List screen is first displayed, a default form / product t ype is select ed for you. Thereaft er, Workspaces
remembers t he last form / product t ype you chose and select s it aut omat ically when you open t he List screen

The available form / product t ype values are list ed in t he Form / Product Type select or’s dropdown list as well as
an All it em. You can choose any form / product t ype from t he dropdown list t o be applied t o t he it em list . If you
choose All, t he it em list is populat ed wit h applicat ions for all form / product t ypes t hat you can access.

Created Date Selector

Anot her feat ure on t he List screen t hat helps t o reduce t he number of it ems present ed t o you is t he creat ion dat e
global filt er. You can access t his global filt er via t he Creat ed Dat e select or which displays t he current creat ion dat e
filt er and let s you apply a different creat ion dat e filt er.

Underst anding t he Workspaces List Screen - 48 -

20.05 and later
Prior to 20.05

The default creat ion dat e filt er rest rict s t he t asks or applicat ions displayed in t he it em list t o just t hose t hat were
creat ed in t he last 30 days, including t he current dat e, and t his filt er is applied t he first t ime you access t he List
screen. You can select a different creat ion dat e filt er using t he Creat ed Dat e select or. When you click t he Creat ed
Dat e select or, a date picker is displayed allowing you t o choose a dat e or range of dat es so t hat you only see t asks
or applicat ions creat ed on t he select ed dat es. To learn more about how t o use t he dat e picker, see Finding Tasks
and Applications.

Underst anding t he Workspaces List Screen - 49 -

View Selector
The View select or provides a convenient way t o cont rol which it ems are displayed in t he it em list . You can rest rict
t he it ems you see by select ing one of t he views in t he View select or .

20.05 and later

Prior to 20.05

A view is a predefined it em list configurat ion including fields, filt ers, and sort opt ions. When a view is select ed, it 's
configurat ion is applied t o t he it em list t o rest rict t he it ems displayed. You can t hink of a view as a short cut for
applying a set of filt er and sort opt ions on t op of a defined set of fields.

Each it em in t he View select or represent s a view. Click an it em in t he View select or t o make it t he current view
and apply it s configurat ion t o t he it em list . Color highlight ing and an it em count provide a visual indicat ion of which
view is select ed.

Underst anding t he Workspaces List Screen - 50 -

If t here's not enough screen space t o display all t he configured views, left / right scroll but t ons will appear t o allow
you t o access all t he views. The Scroll Left but t on appears if t he first view it em is not ent irely visible. Similarly, t he
Scroll Right icon appears if t he last view it em is not ent irely visible.

Views are configured by a Workspaces developer or administ rat or. As a Workspaces user, you can’t change t he way
a view is defined but you can use filt er and sort opt ions t o refine t he it ems displayed in t he it em list .

Search, Filter and Sort

As ment ioned above, t he it em list shows t ask or applicat ion it ems t hat sat isfy t he crit eria defined by t he global fil-
t ers and t he current view. This may result in a large number of it ems which you might want t o furt her refine. Work-
spaces includes search, filt er and sort opt ions t hat can help you t o focus on t he t asks or applicat ions t hat are
import ant t o you right now.

Search and filt er are similar in t hat bot h reduce t he number of it ems by mat ching values and fields. However, t here
are some key differences bet ween t hese t wo feat ures:

l Search looks at every field (column) in t he it em list (except dat e fields), whereas filt er is t arget ed at specific
l Search compares t he same t ext t o every field, whereas filt er allows you t o look for a different value in each
l Search is support ed for t ext fields only, while filt er is support ed on all dat a t ypes including t ext and dat es.

To learn more about t he Workspaces opt ions for search, filt er and sort , see Finding Tasks and Applications.

Paging Tools
Somet imes, t here are t oo many it ems t o display all at once on t he screen. Paging allows you t o see some of t he
it ems now t hen browse t he it em list one page at a t ime t o see more. Paging t ools let you choose t he number of
it ems t o display on an it em list page, and navigat e (forward or backward) t hrough t he available pages of it ems.

Underst anding t he Workspaces List Screen - 51 -

The ( Previous Page ) and ( Next Page ) paging t ools let you browse t hrough it em list pages t o find t he

it ems you need. Click t hese t ools t o display t he previous or next page of it ems in t he it em list . The ( Previous

Page ) t ool is disabled when t he first it em list page is displayed; similarly, t he ( Next Page ) t ool is disabled
when t he last it em list page is displayed.

Rows per page shows t he maximum number of it ems displayed on an it em list page. You can select a different
page size from t he Rows per page dropdown. Select ing a different page size, reset s t he it em list t o show t he first
page again.

Underst anding t he Workspaces List Screen - 52 -

Finding Tasks and Applications
Workspaces | Workspaces User | 18.11 | 21.11

Some of t he images and t ext in t his t opic may be different t o what you see in your Workspaces port al. This is
because t he Workspaces port al has a highly configurable user int erface, and t his t opic describes feat ures
based on a default configurat ion which may differ from how your Workspaces port al is configured; for
example, you may see different branding or ot her fields. Nevert heless, t he feat ures described below work t he
same way in every Workspaces port al.

The Workspaces it em list shows t asks from t he act ive t ask queue (Process and Manage spaces) or applicat ions for
a select ed form / product t ype (Helpdesk or Assist ed Channel spaces) t hat also sat isfy t he crit eria defined for t he
current view. This may st ill result in a large number of t asks which you might want t o refine furt her. Searching, fil-
t ering and sort ing can help you t o focus on t he t asks or applicat ions t hat are import ant t o you right now.

20.05 and later

Prior to 20.05

Searching and filt ering are similar in t hat bot h reduce t he number of it ems in t he it em list by mat ching desired field
(column) values. However, searching differs from filt ering in a number of ways:

Finding Tasks and Applicat ions - 53 -

l Searching can t arget one field or all fields, whereas each filt er is t arget ed at a single specific field.
l When searching on one field, t he user can choose which field t o t arget , whereas each filt er is t arget ed at a
fixed predet ermined field.
l When searching on all fields, t he same search t ext is compared against all searchable fields. In cont rast , fil-
t ering allows you t o mat ch a different value against each filt er field.
l Searching is support ed for t ext fields only, whereas filt ering is support ed for different dat a t ypes including
t ext and dat es.

Search for a Task or Application

If you know which t ask or applicat ion you're looking for and you can't see it in t he it em list , you can t ry t o search
for it . Searching allows you t o refine t he list of it ems displayed t o show just t hose relevant t o what you are looking

20.05 and later

Prior to 20.05

To search for a t ask or applicat ion:

Finding Tasks and Applicat ions - 54 -

l Workspaces 20.05 and lat er: Select a search scope, t ype your search t ext , and press Enter or click
(Search). Workspaces compares t he search t ext against t he field or fields in t he search scope, and displays
mat ching it ems in t he it em list . If t he search scope is All, t he search t ext is compared against all searchable

l Workspaces 19.11: Type your search t ext in t he (Search) field, and press Enter. Workspaces com-
pares t he search t ext against all t he searchable fields in t he it em list , and rest rict s t he it ems displayed t o only
t hose t hat have one or more fields mat ching t he search t ext .

l Workspaces 19.05 and earlier: Click in t he (Search) field and st art t yping. As you t ype, Workspaces
compares t he t ext you ent er against all t he searchable fields in t he it em list , and rest rict s t he it ems displayed
t o only t hose t hat have one or more fields mat ching t he t ext ent ered. If you pause while t yping t he search
t ext , Workspaces will at t empt t o find it ems t hat mat ch t he t ext you have ent ered. Keep t yping unt il you have
ent ered t he full t ext t hat you want t o search for.

Here are some t hings t o know about how searching works:

l Searching is case-insensit ive; t hat is, it t reat s uppercase and lowercase charact ers as t he same.
l Part ial mat ch is not current ly support ed, so searching only finds it ems t hat mat ch t he search t ext exact ly
(ignoring let t er case).
l When a search is act ive, t he it ems displayed in t he it em list sat isfy t he current view and filt er select ions as
well as t he search crit eria.

A search remains act ive unt il you clear it . To clear a search:

l Workspaces 20.05 and lat er: Delet e t he search t ext , and click (Search) or press Enter.

l Workspaces 19.11 and earlier: Click (Clear Search), or select any space which re-loads t he List screen.

Simply delet ing all of t he search t ext does not clear an act ive search. To clear a search, follow t he inst ruct ions
above for your Workspaces version.

If you select an it em in t he it em list while a search is act ive, when you subsequent ly ret urn from t he Det ails screen

t o t he List screen, t he search will st ill be act ive. This is indicat ed by t he t ext and in t he Search field.

Filter the Item List

If you're looking for somet hing specific and t here are t oo many it ems t o scroll t hrough, filt ers might help you t o
find what you're aft er. A filt er rest rict s what appears in t he it em list so t hat it ems more relevant t o what you are
looking for right now are shown. Filt ers are applied t o t he it em list using t he Filt ers select or, however, a View can
also include filt ers.

Finding Tasks and Applicat ions - 55 -

A filt er is a requirement t hat must be sat isfied for an it em t o appear in t he it em list . A filt er requirement specifies
one or more values t o compare against a column in t he it em list , and all mat ching it ems sat isfy t he filt er require-
ment . Mult iple filt ers can be defined at t he same t ime. Only it ems t hat sat isfy all t he act ive filt ers will appear in t he
it em list .

If you select an it em in t he it em list while a filt er is act ive, when you subsequent ly ret urn from t he Det ails
screen t o t he List screen, t he filt er is st ill act ive. This is indicat ed on t he Filt er but t on by a number in par-
ent heses ident ifying how many filt ers are act ive.

To view t he current filt ers, click t he (Filt er) but t on. The Filt ers select or is displayed showing all t he filt ers t hat
are current ly applied t o t he it em list . Each filt er allows you t o select a value or set of values t o compare against t he

Workspaces support s several t ypes of filt er.

l Single-select : A single value select ed from a predefined list of values.

l M ult i-select : Mult iple values select ed from a predefined list of values.
l Dat e: A single dat e or a dat e range.
l Text : Similar t o searching but applied t o a single column.

When you click a single-select or mult i-select filt er field, a drop-down list appears populat ed wit h a predefined list
of values. For a single-select filt er, select a value from t he dropdown list t o filt er on. For a mult i-select filt er, you can
select one or more values from t he dropdown list .

20.05 and later

Prior to 20.05

Finding Tasks and Applicat ions - 56 -

To apply a filt er t o t he it em list , click (Filt er) (1) t o display t he Filt ers select or t hen select t he filt er values you
want t o apply from t he various filt er it ems (2,3) and click Apply (4). Click out side t he Filt ers select or t o close it . The
number of act ive filt er it ems is displayed on t he Filt er but t on (5).

Prior t o Workspaces 19.11, filt ers are applied t o t he it em list immediat ely aft er values are select ed.

Prior to 20.05

Finding Tasks and Applicat ions - 57 -

Finding Tasks and Applicat ions - 58 -
Dat e Filt ers
Dat e fields in Workspaces can be configured t o accept eit her a single dat e or a dat e range. So, when you click a dat e
filt er field, eit her a dat e picker or a dat e range picker is displayed depending upon how t he field has been con-

You can filt er on a single dat e regardless of configurat ion. To filt er on a single dat e:

l Dat e picker: Simply click t he dat e you want t o filt er on.

l Dat e range picker: Click t he same dat e t wice t o select a one-day dat e range.

To filt er on a dat e range, click t he first dat e (4) t hen click a second dat e (5) t o define t he desired dat e range. You can
click t he dat es in any order; you don't have t o click t he earlier dat e first .

Finding Tasks and Applicat ions - 59 -

When select ing a dat e, use (Previous Mont h) or (Next Mont h) t o browse t o and select dat es in ot her
mont hs. Once you've select ed t he dat e or dat es for t he filt er, click OK (6) t o apply t he dat e filt er.

Prior to 20.05

Finding Tasks and Applicat ions - 60 -

Text Filt ers
To filt er on a t ext field, click t he field in t he Filt ers select or and ent er t he filt er value. In Workspaces 19.11 and lat er
releases, click Apply t o make t he filt er act ive.

Like searching, t ext filt ers find only t hose it ems t hat exact ly mat ch t he filt er crit eria; part ial mat ch is not cur-
rent ly support ed. And like searching, t ext filt ers are case-insensit ive; t hat is, t hey t reat uppercase and lower-
case charact ers as t he same.

Finding Tasks and Applicat ions - 61 -

20.05 and later
Prior to 20.05

Clearing Filt ers

To clear a filt er on a filt er field:

l Single-select , M ult i-select : Select All from t he filt er field’s dropdown list .
l Dat e: In Workspaces 21.11, click Clear on t he dat e picker or dat e range picker. In earlier Workspaces
releases, delet e t he dat e filt er t ext .
l Text : Delet e t he filt er t ext .

In Workspaces 19.11 and lat er releases, you need t o click Apply aft er clearing any filt er field values.

To clear all filt ers t hat you have applied, click Reset .

When you clear all filt ers, t he current view remains select ed and any filt ers defined for t hat view are st ill
applied or re-applied if you had changed t hem.

Finding Tasks and Applicat ions - 62 -

Sort the Item List
It ems in t he it em list are displayed in an order det ermined by t he current sort select ion. This is indicat ed by an icon

on t he right -hand side of a column name. The (Sort Ascending) icon indicat es t he it em list is sort ed by t he

column values in ascending order, while (Sort Descending) indicat es it ems are sort ed by t he column values in
descending order.

Sort – Ascending order

Sort – Descending order

Finding Tasks and Applicat ions - 63 -

You can det ermine whet her a column is available t o use for sort ing by point ing your cursor at a column heading. If
your cursor changes t o t he hand point er and a "Sort " t oolt ip is displayed, you can sort by t he column. To change
t he sort order, click t he column name. If you click t he column name for t he current sort select ion, sort ing will alt ern-
at e bet ween ascending and descending order.

Finding Tasks and Applicat ions - 64 -

The Application Details Screen
Workspaces | Workspaces User | 18.11 | 21.11

Some of t he images and t ext in t his t opic may be different t o what you see in your Workspaces port al. This is
because t he Workspaces port al has a highly configurable user int erface, and t his t opic describes feat ures
based on a default configurat ion which may differ from how your Workspaces port al is configured; for
example, you may see different branding or ot her fields. Nevert heless, t he feat ures described below work t he
same way in every Workspaces port al.

The Applicat ion Det ails Screen, as t he name suggest s, displays informat ion about an individual applicat ion, and
provides feat ures for you t o work wit h applicat ions and t asks. The Det ails screen is displayed when a user clicks an
applicat ion or t ask in an it em list on a List screen , and t he informat ion displayed is reloaded when t he use clicks a
t ask in t he Application Timeline. Applicat ion informat ion is displayed in t he cont ext of a specific t ask, being eit her
t he first t ask for a saved applicat ion or any select ed t ask for a submit t ed applicat ion.

Each space in t he default configurat ion of t he Workspaces port al includes it s own Det ails screen, and all of t hem
share a common layout and a lot of common funct ionalit y. However, each Det ails screen has some differences,
and t hese are ident ified when discussing each of t he spaces separat ely.

20.05 and later

Prior to 20.05

The Applicat ion Det ails Screen - 65 -

The Applicat ion Det ails Screen - 66 -
On t he Det ails screen, you can view informat ion about t he applicat ion and it s associat ed t asks, and t ake appro-
priat e act ions t o complet e t he t asks, t hereby progressing t he applicat ion t hrough it s processing life cycle. The
Det ails screen includes t he following feat ures, each of which is cont ained in a separat e card or in a separat e card
sect ion.

The Applicat ion Det ails Screen - 67 -

l Key information about t he select ed applicat ion and it s t asks.

l The abilit y t o track application progress against an SLA. | 19.11

l A set of standard actions t hat you can perform at t he current st age of t he applicat ion's life cycle. | 20.05
l A list of applicants and products from which you can select an applicant t o view more det ails. | 19.11

l Personal information for t he select ed applicant , including ident it y and cont act det ails. | 19.11
l The out comes of pre-configured background checks which provide an assessment of a select ed applicant 's
suit abilit y. | 19.11
l A feat ure-rich applicat ion timeline of all t he st eps t hat t he applicat ion has progressed t hrough, showing key
applicat ion det ails as well as t asks wit h accompanying not es. | 20.05
l Timeline t ask it ems t hat show t he applicat ion's progress; select one t o reload t he Det ails screen and present
t he applicat ion in t he cont ext of t he select ed t ask. | 20.05
l A dynamic set of act ions t hat are applicable t o t he select ed t imeline t ask and current ly available for you t o
perform, t hereby giving you confidence t hat you're act ing on t he right t ask. | 20.05

l At t ached documents relat ing t o t he applicat ion. | 19.11

l An opt ional display of custom information ; for example, informat ion t hat is not included in t he st andard
cards, or t hat is present ed different ly.

Generally, each informat ion it em or dat a field on t he Det ails screen has a label and a value. The label ident ifies t he
specific ent it y t hat t he field relat es t o, and t he value is t he applicat ion dat a corresponding t o t he label. Somet imes,
t here may be mult iple values for one label; for example, when dat a is present ed in a t able.

Fields display informat ion of various dat a t ypes including t ext (name, email address, some IDs), numbers (phone,
SSN), and dat es. A dat e may represent eit her a specific point in t ime (dat e of birt h) or a durat ion (applicat ion age).

The Applicat ion Det ails Screen - 68 -

Numbers and dat es can be configured t o use a variet y of format s. For example:

l Phone numbers can be format t ed for t he current localit y or t o accommodat e int ernat ionalizat ion.
l 9-digit Social Securit y Numbers are commonly displayed using t he format "AAA-GG-SSSS".

l Dat es represent ing a point in t ime can use eit her absolut e ("1 Jan 2022", "t oday") or relat ive ("last Wed-
nesday", "6 days ago") format s.
l Dat es represent ing a durat ion can use eit her specific ("7 days, 3 hours, 26 minut es") or approximat e ("about
7 days", "last week") format s.

Somet imes a value might be t oo long t o fit in t he space available for it ; in t his case, t he value is oft en t runcat ed and
an ellipsis ('…') is appended t o indicat e t hat you're not looking at t he full value. To see t he full value, point your
cursor at t he t runcat ed value and a t ool t ip is displayed showing t he full value.

By default , values in t able columns wrap when t hey are wider t han t he column. However, somet imes t his behavior
is undesirable, and it can be overridden for specific columns via configurat ion.

To ret urn t o t he , click t he Back t o ... link at t he t op of t he screen, or click an it em in t he Spaces navbar.

Key Information
The Key Informat ion card displays import ant applicat ion informat ion t hat 's handy for Workspaces st aff t o have at
t heir fingert ips.

20.05 and later

Prior to 20.05

The Applicat ion Det ails Screen - 69 -

It ems on t he Key Info card have a label and a value as well as an icon t hat provides a visual represent at ion of t he
t ype of ent it y t hat t he informat ion is relat ed t o; for example, a unique ident ifier (ID), a person or a durat ion. The
Key Info card includes bet ween four and six it ems depending on t he widt h of your browser window. The full widt h
layout accommodat es six key info it ems but as t he widt h of your browser becomes smaller, it ems are removed pro-
gressively unt il only four it ems are displayed.

SLA Expiry | 19.11

While t he SLA Expiry field is available in t he default configurat ion of Workspaces, it may not be available in
your Workspaces port al or it may appear different ly depending upon how your Workspaces port al has been

Workspaces enables you t o monit or t he progress of each submit t ed applicat ion against a crucial service indicat or,
such as an SLA. On t he Det ails screen, SLA Expiry in t he Key Info card shows t he amount of t ime remaining t o com-
plet e processing of t he applicat ion or t he elapsed t ime since t he SLA was breached.

The Applicat ion Det ails Screen - 70 -

Unlike t he graphical SLA indicator on t he List screen, t he SLA Expiry field does not explicit ly indicat e when an applic-
at ion is in t he SLA Warning period.

Actions | 20.05

Workspaces provides a set of standard actions for working wit h applicat ions and t asks. All of t he st andard act ions
are available in t he default configurat ion. In addit ion t o t he st andard act ions, Workspaces also support s t he con-
figurat ion of custom actions t hat allow your Workspaces port al t o be ext ended wit h funct ionalit y t hat is not avail-
able in t he default configurat ion.

But t on labels and hint s (where available) are configurable and may not be t he same as t he st andard act ion
t ypes in your Workspaces port al.

The Applicat ion Det ails Screen - 71 -

St andard Act ions in Workspaces 20.05
St andard act ions can be performed from any Det ails screen. However, t he way act ions are made available on a
Det ails screen varies depending upon whet her t he act ion relat es t o an applicat ion or a t ask.

l For st andard act ions relat ing t o applicat ions, t here are but t ons in t he Act ion panel t o t he right of t he Key
Info card.
l For st andard act ions relat ing t o t asks, t here are icon but t ons on each t ask in t he Timeline.

Different act ions may be available for each t ask as t he act ions t hat can be performed on a t ask at any t ime depend
on several fact ors including t he t ask's current st at e. For example, t he Assign act ion will not be available for a t ask
t hat has been assigned t o a user already. If t here are no available act ions for a t ask, Workspaces indicat es t his by

displaying t he (No Act ions Available) icon, inst ead of t he usual act ion icon but t ons, wit h t he icon's gray color
reinforcing t he lack of available act ions.

The Applicat ion Det ails Screen - 72 -

To perform a st andard act ion, click t he applicat ion or t ask but t on corresponding t o t he desired act ion. Most st and-
ard act ions will display a brief message in t he bot t om right corner of t he screen confirming t hat your desired act ion
was successful or not ifying you t hat somet hing went wrong.

St andard Act ions in Workspaces 19.11 and earlier releases

St andard act ions can be performed from any Det ails screen. On t he Det ails screen, but t ons for t he available st and-
ard act ions can be found in t he Act ion panel t o t he right of t he Key Info card.

Different act ions may be available for each t ask as t he act ions t hat can be performed on a t ask at any t ime depend
on several fact ors including t he t ask's current st at e. For example, t he Assign act ion will not be available for a t ask
t hat has been assigned t o a user already.

To perform a st andard act ion, click t he but t on corresponding t o t he desired act ion. Most st andard act ions will dis-
play a brief message in t he bot t om right corner of t he screen confirming t hat your desired act ion was successful or
not ifying you t hat somet hing went wrong.

The Applicat ion Det ails Screen - 73 -

Cust om Act ions
Cust om act ions can be performed from a Det ails screen only. The available cust om act ions can be accessed via t he
M ore but t on in t he act ion group t o t he right of t he Key Info card on t he Det ails screen.

The default configurat ion of Workspaces does not include any cust om act ions. If cust om act ions are available
in your Workspaces port al, t hese act ions and what t hey do are specific t o t he configurat ion of your Work-
spaces port al and, hence, are not covered by t his document at ion.

To perform a cust om act ion, click t he M ore but t on t hen select t he desired act ion from t he list displayed. What hap-
pens next depends on t he configurat ion of t he cust om act ion and may require user int eract ion, or may t rigger
some back-end funct ionalit y in Journey Manager or anot her back-end syst em.

20.05 and later

Prior to 20.05

The Applicat ion Det ails Screen - 74 -

The Applicat ion Det ails Screen - 75 -
Applicant Information
When an applicant fills out an applicat ion, t hey are usually required t o provide, for each applicant , personal inform-
at ion t hat serves t o ident ify t hem uniquely. This personally ident ifiable informat ion (PII1) is oft en used t o perform
background checks which are crit ical in successfully processing t he applicat ion.

Changes have been made t o t he way applicant informat ion is present ed in Workspaces 19.11. Prior t o Workspaces
19.11, applicant Informat ion and background checks were displayed in t wo separat e cards, Applicant s and Back-
ground Checks, and all informat ion for all applicant s was displayed simult aneously. In Workspaces 19.11, applic-
ant Informat ion and background checks are now displayed for one applicant at a t ime, and in t wo separat e
sect ions of t he Applicant s card, Personal Info and Background Checks. These t wo sect ions are preceded by a
Select ed Applicant sect ion cont aining t he list of applicant s, from which one applicant can be select ed t o see t heir
informat ion.

1Personally Ident ifiable Informat ion (PII) is informat ion about an individual t hat can be used t o dist inguish or t race

an individual‘s ident it y, such as name, social securit y number, dat e and place of birt h, mot her‘s maiden name, or
biomet ric records; and any ot her informat ion t hat is linked t o an individual.

The Applicat ion Det ails Screen - 76 -

Applicant Inform at ion in Workspaces 19.11 and lat er releases
All informat ion pert aining t o t he applicant s is combined int o a single Applicant s card. In t he default configurat ion,
t he Applicant s card uses t he same layout in all spaces, consist ing of t hree sect ions:

l Select ed Applicant - The list of applicant s, wit h some key applicant -relat ed informat ion. This is where you
select an applicant t o show more informat ion about t hem.
l Personal Info - A read-only view of t he select ed applicant 's personal informat ion, or PII1 .
l Background Checks – The result s of various checks or verificat ions relat ing t o t he select ed applicant .

1Personally Ident ifiable Informat ion (PII) is informat ion about an individual t hat can be used t o dist inguish or t race

an individual‘s ident it y, such as name, social securit y number, dat e and place of birt h, mot her‘s maiden name, or
biomet ric records; and any ot her informat ion t hat is linked t o an individual.

The Applicat ion Det ails Screen - 77 -

Select ed Applicant
As ment ioned above, t he Select ed Applicant sect ion serves t wo purposes. In addit ion t o displaying key applic-
ant -relat ed informat ion, you can select an applicant from t his sect ion t o display t heir informat ion in t he Personal
Info and Background Checks sect ions.

In t he default configurat ion, t he key applicant -relat ed informat ion shown for each applicant includes:

The Applicat ion Det ails Screen - 78 -

l A Select ed indicat or (radio but t on) showing which applicant is current ly select ed.

l A St at us indicat or (red disc) showing whet her any of t he background checks require at t ent ion when pro-
cessing t he applicat ion.
l Applicant ident it y informat ion (N ame , Email).

l Finally, on t he right -hand side t here's a column for each product in t he applicat ion.

The product columns correspond t o t he product s in t he applicat ion t hat were select ed by t he applicant , and t he
values in t hese columns indicat e how each applicant relat es t o each product in t he applicat ion; for example,
whet her an applicant is t he primary applicant , a joint applicant , or even a guarant or.

The first four columns in t he Select ed Applicant t able are fixed (in t he default configurat ion), wit h only N ame
and Email being applicant informat ion. St at us is a syst em-generat ed value based on t he result s of t he applicant 's
background checks, and Select ed reflect s a choice made by a Workspaces user. In cont rast , t he number and
names of t he product columns may vary from one applicat ion t o t he next as t hey are det ermined by select ions
made by t he applicant s when complet ing t heir applicat ion. Similarly, t he values displayed in t he product columns
are also applicat ion specific, as t hey correspond t o select ions made by t he applicant s when complet ing t he applic-
at ion.

The Applicat ion Det ails Screen - 79 -

Personal Info
Immediat ely beneat h t he Select ed Applicant sect ion is t he Personal Info sect ion. This sect ion, as t he name sug-
gest s, displays personal informat ion (PII1) relat ing t o t he current ly select ed applicant . Prior t o Workspaces 19.11,
t he personal informat ion for all applicant s was displayed simult aneously in a t abular view. In Workspaces 19.11,
personal informat ion is displayed in a grid layout for just one select ed applicant . This change was made t o improve
t he user experience when dealing wit h applicat ions t hat include mult iple applicant s and/ or mult iple product s.

Background Checks
The Background Checks sect ion displays a read-only view of t he result s of various checks or verificat ions relat ing t o
t he select ed applicant . Examples of checks and verificat ions t hat might appear here include ident it y verificat ion
and risk rat ing.

The background checks are displayed in groups, showing t he name of each background check and t he cor-
responding result s. Those for which result s are not available are shown wit h no data.

1Personally Ident ifiable Informat ion (PII) is informat ion about an individual t hat can be used t o dist inguish or t race

an individual‘s ident it y, such as name, social securit y number, dat e and place of birt h, mot her‘s maiden name, or
biomet ric records; and any ot her informat ion t hat is linked t o an individual.

The Applicat ion Det ails Screen - 80 -

The result of each background check is reinforced t hrough t he use of color. Workspaces support s a set of st andard
colors t hat can be associat ed wit h various result s or st at es. Here are t he available colors and some suggest ions for
how t hey might be used.

l Green, Light Green – Indicat e posit ive result s.

l Red, Black – Indicat e negat ive result s.
l Blue – Used for neut ral st at es.
l Orange – Represent s int ermediat e or ot her st at es.

The Background Checks sect ion includes a legend ident ifying t he principle colors (blue, green, red, orange) and
t heir indicat ion.

Some background checks have addit ional informat ion associat ed wit h t hem which can be useful t o underst and

how t he result was det ermined. The availabilit y of addit ional informat ion is indicat ed by a (Det ail Link) icon t o
t he right of t he result ; click t he link t o view t he addit ional informat ion.

The Background Checks sect ion is highly configurable. The specific background checks displayed are configured by
a Journey plat form developer and cannot be changed by a Workspaces user.

Applicant Inform at ion in Workspaces 19.05 and earlier releases

Applicant Det ails
The Applicant s card displays a brief read-only view of personal informat ion t hat helps you t o ident ify each applic-
ant .

The Applicat ion Det ails Screen - 81 -

Personal informat ion, which could include Personally Ident ifiable Informat ion (PII) such as full name or email
address, is displayed for primary and secondary applicant s, wit h each applicant ’s det ails shown separat ely. A min-
imum of t hree applicant s are shown; if t here are less t han t hree applicant s, t hose t hat are not applicable are
shown wit h no data. Each applicant is ident ified uniquely by an Applicant Number icon which is used elsewhere on
t his screen t o connect informat ion t o a specific applicant .

The number of applicant s displayed is configurable. While t he default configurat ion has t hree applicant s, your
Workspaces port al may have more (or less).

The specific informat ion it ems displayed and t heir arrangement in t his card are configured by a Workspaces
developer and cannot be changed by a Workspaces user.

The Applicat ion Det ails Screen - 82 -

Background Checks

The Applicat ion Det ails Screen - 83 -

The background checks are displayed in groups, showing t he name of each background check and t he cor-
responding result s. Separat e result s are shown for each applicant . A minimum of t hree applicant s are shown; if
t here are less t han t hree applicant s, t hose t hat are not applicable are shown wit h no data. Applicant Number icons
are used t o ident ify t he applicant t hat each background check relat es t o.

The number of applicant s displayed is configurable. While t he default configurat ion has t hree applicant s, your
Workspaces port al may have more (or less).

The result of each background check is reinforced t hrough t he use of color. Workspaces support s a set of st andard
colors t hat can be associat ed wit h various result s or st at es. Here are t he available colors and some suggest ions for
how t hey might be used.

l Green, Light Green – Indicat e posit ive result s.

l Red, Black – Indicat e negat ive result s.
l Blue – Used for neut ral st at es.
l Orange – Represent s int ermediat e or ot her st at es.

Some background checks have addit ional informat ion associat ed wit h t hem which can be useful t o underst and

how t he result was det ermined. The availabilit y of addit ional informat ion is indicat ed by a (Det ail Link) icon t o
t he right of t he result ; click t he link t o view t he addit ional informat ion.

The is highly configurable. The specific background checks displayed on t his card are configured by a Journey plat -
form developer and cannot be changed by a Workspaces user.

Application Timeline | 20.05

The Applicat ion Timeline displays import ant informat ion and accompanying not es relat ing t o st eps and t asks in
t he applicat ion's hist ory.

20.05 and later

Prior to 20.05

The Applicat ion Det ails Screen - 84 -

The st ep t hat is current ly in progress is shown at t he t op of t he Applicat ion Timeline followed by t he complet ed
st eps list ed in order of creat ion wit h t he oldest st ep at t he bot t om.

The Applicat ion Det ails Screen - 85 -

Applicat ion Tim eline in Workspaces 20.05

Each st ep in t he Applicat ion Timeline is represent ed by a separat e t imeline it em which is generally associat ed wit h
one or more t asks, alt hough a st ep t hat is processed aut omat ically by t he syst em may not have any t asks. By
default , t imeline it ems appear in a collapsed st at e, showing summary informat ion relat ing t o t he st ep. However,
you can click a t imeline it em t o expand it and reveal more det ails about t he st ep or t ask. In fact , t he t imeline always
has just a single st ep expanded showing all of t he t asks associat ed wit h t he st ep. As a result , if you click a st ep t o
expand it , t he previously expanded st ep will collapse, hiding it s t asks. Not e t hat a st ep t hat does not have any asso-
ciat ed t asks cannot be expanded.

When a st ep is collapsed, t he following det ails are shown\ :

l The st ep name. This may be t he same as t he name of t he queue t hat t he t ask is or was sourced from, except
for t he oldest t ask whose name ident ifies it as t he t ask t hat was creat ed when t he applicat ion was sub-
mit t ed.
l The dat e/ t ime t hat t he st ep was creat ed.
l The st ep's result , or "NO RESULT" if it is not yet det ermined.
l The number of t asks associat ed wit h t he st ep.
l The number of not es made against t asks belonging t o t he st ep.

When a st ep is expanded, you can see t he st ep's t asks, each of which includes t he following det ails:

The Applicat ion Det ails Screen - 86 -

l The name of t he queue t hat t he t ask is or was sourced from.
l Who t he t ask is or was assigned t o (email address).
l The dat e/ t ime t hat t he t ask was creat ed.
l The dat e/ t ime t hat t he t ask was most recent ly updat ed.
l The t ask ID; t his is unique in your Workspaces port al.

This informat ion can also be viewed in a format t ed t oolt ip t hat appears when you point your cursor at t he t ask.

When a st ep is expanded, you can select one of it s t asks which causes t he Det ails screen t o be reloaded, showing
t he applicat ion in t he cont ext of t he select ed t ask. Select ing a t ask also reveals t he available task-related actions
t hat can be performed on t he t ask, and any not es ent ered against t he t ask. (If, inst ead, you want t o view all of t he
not es for all t asks in an applicat ion, click View Notes in t he Act ions panel.) Furt her, if t he st ep has not been com-
plet ed, you can ent er a not e against t he select ed t ask t o record addit ional informat ion about t he t ask or it s asso-
ciat ed st ep.

The Not e field is limit ed t o 2000 charact ers.

Applicat ion Tim eline in Workspaces 19.11 and earlier

The Applicat ion Det ails Screen - 87 -

Each st ep in t he Timeline is displayed in a separat e St ep Hist ory card. Each st ep generally corresponds t o a single
t ask associat ed wit h t he applicat ion. Only one st ep is expanded at any t ime; clicking a st ep collapses t he st ep t hat
was open. Init ially, all of t he complet ed st eps are collapsed wit h just t he st ep t hat is in progress expanded, but any
st ep can be expanded t o view more informat ion.

When a st ep is collapsed, t he following det ails are shown\ :

l The st ep name. This may be t he same as t he name of t he queue t hat t he t ask is or was sourced from, except
for t he oldest t ask whose name ident ifies it as t he t ask t hat was creat ed when t he applicat ion was sub-
mit t ed.
l The dat e/ t ime t hat t he st ep was creat ed.
l The current (In Progress) or final (Complet ed) result for t he st ep.

l The number of t asks associat ed wit h t he st ep.

When a st ep is expanded, you can see t he st ep's t ask which includes t he following det ails:

l The name of t he queue t hat t he t ask is or was sourced from.

l Who t he t ask is or was assigned t o (email address).
l The dat e/ t ime t hat t he t ask was creat ed.
l The dat e/ t ime t hat t he t ask was most recent ly updat ed.
l The t ask ID; t his is unique in your Workspaces port al.

If you point your cursor at t hese det ails, a format t ed t ool t ip is displayed wit h labels ident ifying what each it em is.

To t he right of t hese det ails, t he dat e/ t ime t hat t he t ask was last updat ed is displayed, and beneat h t hem is t he
t ask name and st at us, followed by one or more not es.

The Applicat ion Det ails Screen - 88 -

While t he current (In Progress) st ep is open, you can record informat ion about t he st ep by ent ering a not e. You
can add a not e t o any t ask of t he st ep t hat is in progress. However, not es cannot be ent ered for older st eps t hat
have been complet ed. To add a not e, select a t ask t hat has t he placeholder t ext 'Add a not e', t hen t ype in your
not e and press Enter. Not es are displayed in t he reverse order in which t hey were made, wit h t he newest not es
at t he t op. Each not e ident ifies t he user t hat added t he not e (email address) and when t he not e was added (dat e/ -
t ime) above t he not e's t ext .

The Not e field is limit ed t o 2000 charact ers.

Documents | 19.11

The processing of applicat ions oft en requires t hat t he informat ion ent ered by applicant s be corroborat ed against
t hird-part y evidence such as a drivers license or an energy bill. Managing t he collect ion of t his kind of document ary
evidence is handled in Workspaces by t he Document s card.

The Applicat ion Det ails Screen - 89 -

The Document s card provides a read-only view of t he document s at t ached t o an applicat ion as well as some sys-
t em-level informat ion relat ing t o each document . Document s are usually uploaded by t he applicant while filling
out t he form and at t ached t o t he applicat ion, but t hey may be provided by ot her means. For example, an applic-
at ion may be at a point where t he applicant can no longer access it but needs t o provide support ing doc-
ument at ion. In t his case, t he applicant may have t he opt ion t o email t he document t o t he person processing t he
applicat ion who t hen uploads and at t aches it t o t he applicat ion.

In Workspaces 19.05 and earlier releases, duplicat e document s were not permit t ed. (Workspaces considers
t wo files t o be duplicat es if t hey have t he same document t it le (descript ion), t he same file name, or if t hey are
copies of t he same file wit h different file names.) Workspaces 19.11 relaxes t his const raint and allows duplic-
at e files t o be at t ached t o an applicat ion.

Each it em in t he Document s card cont ains t he following element s.

l Document Tit le: The document t it le is ent ered by t he user when uploading a document in Workspaces, or
it may be assigned aut omat ically if t he document was uploaded by t he applicant when filling in and sub-
mit t ing t he applicat ion. The document t it le should ident ify t he kind of informat ion in t he document file.
l Uploaded Timest amp: A t imest amp t hat shows when t he document file was uploaded and at t ached t o t he
applicat ion.
l File Det ails: The specific file-level det ails displayed, and where t hey appear, depend on your Workspaces ver-
sion, but may include file name, t ype or size. The images below show which file det ails are available for your
Workspaces version.

l Download: On t he right -hand side of each document it em is a (Download) icon t hat you can click t o
download t he document file.

20.05 and later

Prior to 19.11

The Applicat ion Det ails Screen - 90 -

In Workspaces 19.05 and earlier releases, a circular avat ar was displayed on t he left -hand side of each document
it em ident ifying who uploaded t he document . This avat ar has been removed in Workspaces 19.11. | 19.11

A Workspaces user cannot change t he way document s appear on t he Document s card, however t hey can upload
and manage t he document s at t ached t o an applicat ion.

Upload a Docum ent

While processing a t ask t hat is assigned t o you, you may need t o upload (at t ach) addit ional document s t o t he
applicat ion. You can upload a document from a Det ails screen only, not from a List screen, and from any space.

In Workspaces 19.05 and earlier releases, you can only upload document s for t asks t hat are assigned t o you.
Workspaces 19.11 relaxes t his const raint and allows a Workspaces port al t o be configured so t hat you can
upload a document t o any applicat ion, even if it is not assigned t o you. This behavior is enabled in t he default
configurat ion for Workspaces 19.11.

To upload a document on t he Det ails screen:

The Applicat ion Det ails Screen - 91 -

1. Click Upload Docs (Upload Document s in Workspaces 19.05 and earlier). This opt ion is available only for
t asks t hat are assigned t o you.
2. Ent er a document descript ion. The Upload Document but t on becomes enabled.

3. Click Upload Document and browse for t he document file you want t o upload, t hen select it and close t he
file browser dialog. The appearance of t he file browser dialog and t he way it behaves is dependent on your
underlying operat ing syst em.

The Applicat ion Det ails Screen - 92 -

4. If you're finished uploading document s, t hen go t o t he next st ep. However, If you want t o upload more doc-
ument s, click Add more document s and repeat from st ep 2 above.

5. Click Done or (Close) when you're finished uploading document s.

M anage Applicat ion At t achm ent s

Workspaces provides several opt ions t hat allow you t o manage t he document s at t ached t o an applicat ion. These
opt ions are available on t he At t ached Document s - Add / Remove modal window which you can display by
clicking Upload Docs (Upload Document s in Workspaces 19.05 and earlier) on t he Det ails screen.

l Upload mult iple document s – Follow t he st eps above describing how t o upload a document , and at st ep
4 follow t he inst ruct ions t o upload more document s.
l Upload a different file for an exist ing document – Wit h t he At t ached Document s - Add / Remove
modal window open, locat e t he document you want t o modify. Click (missing or bad snippet ) adjacent t o t he
file t hat is t o be replaced, t hereby removing t he at t ached file. Now, follow t he inst ruct ions in Upload a Docu-
ment above from st ep 3 t o upload a different file and at t ach it t o t his document .
l Remove a document – Wit h t he At t ached Document s - Add / Remove modal window open, locat e t he
document you want t o remove and click (missing or bad snippet ) adjacent t o t his document .

The following image shows where you can find t he various at t achment management feat ures.

The Applicat ion Det ails Screen - 93 -

Upload a Docum ent Exam ple
This example shows how someone who is processing applicat ions can upload an ident it y document , in t his case a
drivers license, t o an applicat ion for an assigned t ask. It is assumed t hat you know how t o find a task t hat is
assigned t o you, or how t o find an unassigned t ask and claim it . This is import ant because you can only upload doc-
ument s for t asks t hat are assigned t o you.

1. Login t o Workspaces and select t he Process space.

2. Locat e a t ask assigned t o you, or find and claim an unassigned t ask, t hen select t he t ask t o display t he t ask's
det ails.
3. On t he Det ails screen, scroll down t o reveal t he Document s card in t he lower right -hand corner of t he
screen, t hen click Upload Docs (Upload Document s in Workspaces 19.05 and earlier) t o open t he
At t ached Document s - Add/ Remove modal window.

The Applicat ion Det ails Screen - 94 -

4. Ent er a descript ion for t he document t hat you want t o upload. Not e t hat t he Upload Document but t on on
t he right is disabled unt il you ent er somet hing in t he descript ion field.

5. Click Upload Document , t hen browse t o and select t he document file you want t o upload. A message is dis-
played briefly confirming t hat t he document has been uploaded successfully.

The Applicat ion Det ails Screen - 95 -

6. Click Done t o close t he At t ached Document s - Add/ Remove modal window and ret urn t o t he Det ails

A new document it em appears in t he Document s card for t he document you just uploaded.

The Applicat ion Det ails Screen - 96 -

Custom Information
In addit ion t o t he informat ion displayed on t he predefined cards, ot her import ant informat ion can be displayed in
cust om cards. Two format s are support ed: a st andard cust om card t o display a set of single-value dat a and a list
cust om card t hat can display list s or t abular dat a.

A st andard cust om card is configured t o display a set of dat a it ems and a single value for each dat a it em. By con-
t rast , t he list cust om card displays dat a in a t abular format wit h each column represent ing a different dat a it em

and each row being a relat ed set of values. A (Det ail Link) icon may be displayed for any dat a it em; click t he link
icon t o display more informat ion about t he dat a it em in a pop-up window.

In addit ion t o st andard dat a values and dat a links, cust om cards also support download links. Click a down-
load link t o download t he t arget file associat ed wit h t he link.

Cust om cards are configured by a Workspaces developer. They provide a read-only view of t he informat ion presen-
t ed. A Workspaces user has no cont rol over t he way t hese cards appear and cannot modify t he displayed dat a.

The Applicat ion Det ails Screen - 97 -

No Data scenario
Somet imes, dat a may not be available in Workspaces for one or more dat a it ems. This could be because t he expec-
t ed dat a does not exist (for example, has not been collect ed) or because a t echnical issue prevent s Workspaces
from being able t o obt ain t he dat a. Workspaces indicat es t hat expect ed dat a is not available by displaying a dash ‘–
‘ inst ead of t he dat a value. The lack of dat a is reinforced by t he use of gray color for UI element s relat ing t o t hese
dat a it ems.

19.11 and later

Prior to 19.11

The Applicat ion Det ails Screen - 98 -

Workspaces can also be configured t o hide it ems wit h no dat a, so you may not even see fields or records wit h no
dat a.

The Applicat ion Det ails Screen - 99 -

Workspaces Actions
Workspaces | Workspaces User | 18.11 | 20.05

Some of t he images and t ext in t his t opic may be different t o what you see in your Workspaces port al. This is
because t he Workspaces port al has a highly configurable user int erface, and t his t opic describes feat ures
based on a default configurat ion which may differ from how your Workspaces port al is configured; for
example, you may see different branding or ot her fields. Nevert heless, t he feat ures described below work t he
same way in every Workspaces port al.

Workspaces provides a set of standard actions for working wit h applicat ions and t asks. All of t he st andard act ions
are available in t he default configurat ion. In addit ion t o t he st andard act ions, Workspaces also support s t he con-
figurat ion of custom actions t hat allow your Workspaces port al t o be ext ended wit h funct ionalit y t hat is not avail-
able in t he default configurat ion.

The st andard act ions relat ing t o applicat ions are:

l New Application – St art a new applicat ion in t he Applicant space.

l New Form – St art a new applicat ion on behalf of someone else.
l Receipt – See a read-only view of a submit t ed applicat ion.
l Resume – Resume an unsubmit t ed applicat ion in a modal window.
l View Notes – View all of t he not es from all of an applicat ion's t asks.

The st andard act ions relat ing t o t asks are:

l Assign – Assign a t ask t o a Workspaces user.

l Claim – Assign a t ask t o yourself.
l Decision – Take a decision about a t ask's out come.
l Recover – Recover an abandoned or wit hdrawn applicat ion so t hat t he applicant can cont inue wit h it .
l Release – Remove a t ask assignment for a t ask assigned t o you.
l Unassign – Remove a t ask assignment for any t ask.
l View Form – See a read-only view of an applicat ion t hat has been saved but not yet submit t ed.
l Withdraw – Cancel an applicat ion t hat has been saved but not yet submit t ed.

While each of t hese act ions is described separat ely, more informat ion about how t o use each act ion is available in
ot her t opics.

Workspaces Act ions - 100 -

l To learn more about how t he Claim, Release, and Decision act ions are used when reviewing applicat ions, see
Process Actions.
l To learn more about t he View Form, Recover and Wit hdraw act ions, see Helpdesk Actions.

l To learn more about t he New Form act ion, see Assisted Channel Actions.

l To learn more about managing t ask assignment wit h t he Assign and Unassign act ions, see Manage Actions.

l To learn more about working wit h t asks in t he Applicant space, see Applicant space Actions.

Standard Actions | 21.11

St andard act ions expose t he core Workspaces funct ionalit y t hat enables you t o process applicat ions, respond t o
helpdesk inquiries, assist cust omers, or manage your t eam's workload.

Each st andard act ion is associat ed (via configurat ion) wit h one or more spaces. For t he spaces in t he default con-
figurat ion, t he st andard act ions available in each space are as follows.

l Process - Claim, Decision, Receipt , Release, View Not es

l Helpdesk - Receipt , Recover, View Form, View Not es, Wit hdraw
l Assist ed Channel - Receipt , Recover, View Form, View Not es, Wit hdraw
l M anage - Assign, New Form, Receipt , Unassign, View Not es

The Receipt act ion is available for submit t ed applicat ions in all spaces, and View Form is available for saved applic-
at ions in t he Helpdesk and Assist ed Channel spaces, so you can always view t he informat ion ent ered by t he applic-
ant when you need t o. Furt her, t he View Not es act ion is available in all spaces so you can always view t he not es
t hat Workspaces users have made against an applicat ion which will help you underst and an applicat ion's progress.
Finally, not e t hat only Assist ed Channel users can kick-off new applicat ions but t hese can subsequent ly be claimed
or assigned t o anot her user.

The st andard act ions available in ot her spaces are as follows.

l Applicant - New Form, Receipt , Recover, Resume, Wit hdraw

The Resume act ion is a new act ion int roduced for t he Applicant space and is only available in t hat space.

Associat ing an act ion wit h a space is just one way t hat Workspaces cont rols which act ions are available for you t o
use on a t ask or applicat ion. Role-based configurat ion of permissions, and t he current st at us of t he t ask or applic-
at ion also cont ribut e t o det ermining whet her an act ion is available for you t o perform on a given t ask or applic-
at ion at any point in t ime. So, as you can see, while cert ain act ions are only available in cert ain spaces, t he
availabilit y of an act ion for a given applicat ion can change as t he applicat ion progresses t hrough it s life cycle. For
more informat ion about how Workspaces cont rols what you can do, see Access Control.

St andard act ions can be performed from any List screen or Det ails screen. On a List screen, act ions are available as
icon but t ons on t he right -hand side of each it em in t he it em list . However, t he way act ions are made available on a
Det ails screen varies depending upon whet her t he act ion relat es t o an applicat ion or a t ask.

l For st andard act ions relat ing t o applicat ions, t here are but t ons in t he Act ion panel t o t he right of t he Key

Workspaces Act ions - 101 -

Info card.
l For st andard act ions relat ing t o t asks, t here are icon but t ons on each t ask in t he Timeline.

Different act ions may be available for each t ask as t he act ions t hat can be performed on a t ask at any t ime depend
on several fact ors including t he t ask's current st at e. For example, t he Assign act ion will not be available for a t ask
t hat has been assigned t o a user already. If t here are no available act ions for a t ask, Workspaces indicat es t his by

displaying t he (No Act ions Available) icon, inst ead of t he usual act ion icon but t ons, wit h t he icon's gray color
reinforcing t he lack of available act ions.

Workspaces Act ions - 102 -

To perform a st andard act ion, click t he applicat ion or t ask but t on corresponding t o t he desired act ion. Most st and-
ard act ions will display a brief message in t he bot t om right corner of t he screen confirming t hat your desired act ion
was successful or not ifying you t hat somet hing went wrong.

Custom Actions | 19.11

Workspaces support s cust om act ions t hat allow your Workspaces port al t o be ext ended wit h funct ionalit y t hat is
not available in t he default configurat ion.

Cust om act ions can be performed from a Det ails screen only. The available cust om act ions can be accessed via t he
M ore but t on in t he act ion group t o t he right of t he Key Info card on t he Det ails screen.

The default configurat ion of Workspaces does not include any cust om act ions. If cust om act ions are available
in your Workspaces port al, t hese act ions and what t hey do are specific t o t he configurat ion of your Work-
spaces port al and, hence, are not covered by t his document at ion.

To perform a cust om act ion:

1. Select a t ask or applicat ion it em from a List screen t o display it in t he corresponding Det ails screen.

2. Click t he M ore but t on t o display t he list of available cust om act ions.

3. Select t he desired act ion from t he list .

20.05 and later

Prior to 20.05

Workspaces Act ions - 103 -

Workspaces Act ions - 104 -
Select ing a cust om act ion init iat es t he funct ionalit y associat ed wit h t he act ion. This may present a form or ot her
int eract ive element t o t he user t hat t hey need t o engage wit h in order t o complet e t he act ion. Alt ernat ively, a cus-
t om act ion may t rigger some back-end funct ionalit y in Journey Manager or anot her back-end syst em. Regardless
of what happens, when t he cust om act ion is complet e, focus is ret urned t o t he Det ails screen where t he user ini-
t iat ed t he cust om act ion.

Workspaces Act ions - 105 -

Assign – Assign a Task to a User
Workspaces | Workspaces User | 18.11 | 20.05

If you manage a t eam, you may need t o schedule work t o meet various needs; for example, t o share work across
your t eam, t o accommodat e t eam member absences, or t o sat isfy an SLA1. A user wit h access t o t he Manage
space, such as a manager or a Workspaces administ rat or, can change t ask assignment s t o address any such needs.

To assign a t ask, you must be in t he Manage space, and t he t ask must be assignable t o t he t arget user. Two con-
dit ions must be met for a t ask t o be assignable t o a user:

l The t ask must not be assigned t o anyone.

l The user must have t he necessary permissions t o access t he t ask.

If bot h of t hese condit ions are met , t hen t he t ask can be assigned t o t he user.

If you want t o assign a t ask t hat is assigned t o someone already, you must first remove t he t ask assignment by
unassigning t he t ask. However, if t he t ask is assigned t o you, you can release it inst ead.

To assign a t ask t o a user from t he Manage space's List screen:

1. Select t he Manage space.

2. On t he List screen, locat e t he t ask you want t o claim in t he it em list .
3. Point your cursor at t he t ask it em – t he available act ions appear at t he right -hand side.

4. Click Assign t o display t he list of Workspaces users.

5. Select a user from t he list . The t ask is assigned t o t he select ed user, and t heir Workspaces id is displayed in
t he Assigned column.

To assign a t ask t o a user from t he Manage space's Det ails screen:

1. Select t he Manage space.

2. On t he List screen, locat e t he t ask you want t o claim in t he it em list , t hen select it t o display t he applicat ion
det ails for t he t ask.

1A service-level agreement (SLA) is a commit ment bet ween a service provider and a client . Part icular aspect s of t he

service – qualit y, availabilit y, responsibilit ies – are agreed bet ween t he service provider and t he service user.

Assign – Assign a Task t o a User - 106 -

3. On t he Det ails screen, click a but t on t o display t he list of Workspaces users:

l Workspaces v20.05 – Click t he ( Assign ) icon but t on for t he select ed t ask in t he Timeline.

l Workspaces v19.11 and earlier – Click t he Assign but t on in t he Act ion panel.

4. Select a user from t he list . The t ask is assigned t o t he select ed user, and t heir Workspaces id is displayed in
t he Assigned To field in t he key informat ion.

The user list displays bot h t he Workspaces user name and t he user's full name for each user.

When you assign a t ask from any screen, a message is displayed briefly in t he bot t om left corner of t he page ident i-
fying whet her or not t he act ion was successful.

Assign – Assign a Task t o a User - 107 -

Claim - Assign an Unassigned Task to Yourself
Workspaces | Workspaces User | 18.11 | 20.05

When you need t o work on a t ask, it must be assigned t o you first . You can assign a t ask t o yourself by claiming it .

To claim a t ask, you must be in t he Process or Helpdesk space. You can only claim a t ask t hat is not already
assigned t o someone. If you want t o claim a t ask t hat has already been assigned t o someone else, t he t ask must
be released or unassigned first . To learn about releasing t asks, see Release on t his page. To learn about unas-
signing t asks, see Unassign on t his page.

Furt her, you can only use t he Claim act ion t o assign a t ask t o yourself, not t o someone else. To learn about how t o
assign t asks t o someone else, see Assign on t his page.

To claim a t ask from a List screen:

1. Select t he Process or Helpdesk space.

2. On t he List screen, locat e t he t ask you want t o claim in t he it em list .
3. Point your cursor at t he t ask it em – t he available act ions appear at t he right -hand side.

4. Click (Claim) – t he t ask is assigned t o you, and your Workspaces id is displayed in t he Assigned column.

To claim a t ask from a Det ails screen:

1. Select t he Process or Helpdesk space.

2. On t he List screen, locat e t he t ask you want t o claim in t he it em list , t hen select it t o display t he applicat ion
det ails for t he t ask.

Claim - Assign an Unassigned Task t o Yourself - 108 -

3. On t he Det ails screen, click a but t on t o claim t he t ask:

l Workspaces v20.05 – Click t he ( Claim ) icon but t on for t he select ed t ask in t he Timeline.

l Workspaces v19.11 and earlier – Click t he Claim but t on in t he Act ion panel.

The t ask is assigned t o you, and your Workspaces id is displayed in t he Assigned To field in t he key inform-
at ion.

When you claim a t ask from any screen, a message is displayed briefly in t he bot t om left corner of t he page ident i-
fying whet her or not t he act ion was successful.

Claim - Assign an Unassigned Task t o Yourself - 109 -

Decision - Record a Decision for a Task
Workspaces | Workspaces User | 18.11 | 20.05

When you have all t he informat ion you need about a t ask, you can t ake a decision on t he t ask's out come. Taking a
decision on a t ask complet es t he t ask and moves it along in it s life cycle.

The Decision act ion is available only from t he Det ails screen in t he Process space, and only for t asks t hat are
assigned t o you; you cannot t ake a decision for a t ask t hat is assigned t o someone else. When you t ake a decision,
you must provide bot h t he decision (represent ing some out come, assessment or result ) and a not e support ing t he
decision. The not e is import ant because it helps ot hers t o underst and how you arrived at your decision, and may
be prefilled wit h relevant informat ion.

To t ake a decision on a t ask's out come:

1. Select t he Process space.

2. Locat e t he it em (t ask) of int erest , and select it t o open it s Det ails screen.

3. Click a Decision but t on t o display t he Decision window.

l Workspaces v20.05 – Click t he ( Decision ) icon but t on for t he select ed t ask in t he Timeline.

l Workspaces v19.11 and earlier – Click t he Decision but t on in t he Act ion panel.

4. Select one of t he opt ions in t he Choose a Decision dropdown. The decision opt ions available in your Work-
spaces port al are dependent on your Journey applicat ion configurat ion but may include such opt ions as

Decision - Record a Decision for a Task - 110 -

Approve and Decline.

5. Ent er a mandat ory not e support ing your decision. Ensure t he not e includes useful det ails t hat explain t he
decision you have t aken. Relevant informat ion may be prefilled in t he not e t o assist you wit h t his.
6. Finally, click Submit t o submit your decision. If you're not ready t o submit your decision but want t o keep
t he informat ion you have ent ered, click Save inst ead t o save what you have ent ered so t hat it is not lost .

7. Click (Close) t o close t he Decision window and ret urn t o t he Det ails screen.

If you don’t have all t he informat ion you need t o complet e t he decision right now, you can click Save (at st ep 6) t o
save t he informat ion you have ent ered and complet e t he decision lat er. Subsequent ly, when you are ready t o com-
plet e t he decision, repeat t he necessary st eps above t o ret urn t o t he Decision window, updat e t he Decision and
Not e as required, and t hen click Submit t o record t he decision you have made.

Decision - Record a Decision for a Task - 111 -

New Application - Start a New Application
Workspaces | Workspaces Applicant User | 21.11

A key feat ure of t he Applicant space is t he abilit y t o creat e new applicat ions. This feat ure is available via t he New
Applicat ion act ion which is fundament ally t he same as t he New Form act ion available in Workspaces.

An applicat ion st art ed using t he New Form or New Applicat ion act ions can only be accessed by an aut hen-
t icat ed user; t hat is, a user who is logged in t o Workspaces (including t he Applicant space) or a Journey Plat -
form syst em. However, many applicant s are anonymous or unaut hent icat ed users, st art ing an applicat ion
from an ext ernal websit e such as an online banking websit e, and so will not be able t o access an applicat ion
st art ed using New Form or New Applicat ion.
Handover of applicat ions bet ween aut hent icat ed and anonymous users is possible but may not be offered in
an out of t he box Journey Plat form solut ion. So, if applicat ion handover is import ant t o you, cont act your Jour-
ney Plat form represent at ive t o discuss how your solut ion can be cust omized t o allow applicat ion handover
where you need it in your applicat ion workflow.

In t he Applicant space, t he New Applicat ion act ion is only available from t he Search screen; it isn't available from
t he Det ails screen.

To st art an applicat ion in t he Applicant space:

1. Select t he Applicant space.

2. On t he Search screen, click N ew Applicat ion and select a form / product t ype from t he list displayed.
3. A modal window opens cont aining t he select ed form. Ent er any cust omer or applicat ion det ails t hat you
have, t hen save or submit t he applicat ion and close t he modal window.
4. When you ret urn t o t he Search screen, your new applicat ion will appear in t he it em list . If you can't see it
st raight away, you may need t o refresh t he screen.

Once you have st art ed and saved an applicat ion, you can open it again any t ime t o cont inue ent ering informat ion
unt il t he applicat ion has been submit t ed. For det ails about how t o cont inue an applicat ion, see Resume - Resume
a Saved Application .

New Applicat ion - St art a New Applicat ion - 112 -

New Form - Start a New Application
Workspaces | Workspaces User | 18.11 | 19.11

In a cust omer-focused role such as a relat ionship manager, it helps t o be able t o provide services t o your busy cus-
t omers t hat make t heir lives easier. Workspaces includes many feat ures aimed at reducing frict ion in t he applic-
at ion process. One of t hese is t he New Form act ion which allows you t o kick-st art applicat ions on behalf of your
cust omers.

An applicat ion st art ed using t he New Form or New Applicat ion act ions can only be accessed by an aut hen-
t icat ed user; t hat is, a user who is logged in t o Workspaces (including t he Applicant space) or a Journey Plat -
form syst em. However, many applicant s are anonymous or unaut hent icat ed users, st art ing an applicat ion
from an ext ernal websit e such as an online banking websit e, and so will not be able t o access an applicat ion
st art ed using New Form or New Applicat ion.
Handover of applicat ions bet ween aut hent icat ed and anonymous users is possible but may not be offered in
an out of t he box Journey Plat form solut ion. So, if applicat ion handover is import ant t o you, cont act your Jour-
ney Plat form represent at ive t o discuss how your solut ion can be cust omized t o allow applicat ion handover
where you need it in your applicat ion workflow.

You can st art an applicat ion only from t he List screen in t he Assist ed Channel space; t he New Form act ion is not
available from t he Det ails screen, nor in any ot her space.

To st art an applicat ion:

1. Select t he Assist ed Channel space.

2. On t he List screen, click New Form and select a form / product t ype from t he list displayed.
3. A window opens cont aining t he select ed form. Ent er any cust omer or applicat ion det ails t hat you have, t hen
save and close t he applicat ion.
4. When you ret urn t o t he List screen, a t ask for t he new applicat ion t hat you just saved will appear in your
it em list . If you can't see it st raight away, you may need t o refresh t he page.

Once you have st art ed an applicat ion, you can open it again any t ime t o cont inue ent ering informat ion on t he
applicant 's behalf unt il t he applicat ion has been submit t ed. For det ails about how t o cont inue an applicat ion, see
View Form on t his page.

New Form - St art a New Applicat ion - 113 -

Receipt - View a Receipt
Workspaces | Workspaces User | 18.11 | 19.11

Many of t he act ions you perform in Workspaces rely upon you being able t o see t he informat ion submit t ed by an
applicant ; for example, when you're reviewing an applicat ion t o make a decision or responding t o a cust omer
inquiry. The Receipt act ion allows you t o view a submit t ed applicat ion. To view an applicat ion t hat has been saved
but not yet submit t ed, see View Form on t his page.

You can view a receipt from any space, and for any it em (t ask or applicat ion) even if it 's not assigned t o you. A
receipt is a read-only view of t he informat ion submit t ed by t he applicant , displayed in t he same form used t o cap-
t ure t hat informat ion. Not e t hat a receipt does not allow you t o change t he applicat ion in any way.

To view a receipt from a List screen:

1. Select any space.

2. On t he List screen, locat e t he it em t hat you want t o view.
3. Point your cursor at t he it em in t he it em list – t he available act ions appear at t he right -hand side. If t he it em

relat es t o a submit t ed applicat ion, you will see t he (Receipt ) icon. If you do not see t his icon, t he applic-

at ion has not yet been submit t ed and you will see t he (View Form) icon inst ead; see View Form for
det ails about how t o view a saved applicat ion.

Receipt - View a Receipt - 114 -

4. Click (Receipt ) – a window opens displaying t he applicat ion informat ion. Scroll bars are available t o allow
you t o see t he full page, and you can use any navigat ion t ools on t he form t o see all of t he applicat ion.

To view a receipt from a Det ails screen:

1. Select any space.

2. On t he List screen, locat e t he it em in t he it em list t hat you want t o view, t hen select it t o display it s applic-
at ion det ails.
3. On t he Det ails screen, t he Receipt act ion will be available if t he applicat ion has been submit t ed; ot herwise,
t he View Form act ion will be available indicat ing t hat t he applicat ion has been saved but not yet submit t ed.
For det ails about how t o view a saved applicat ion, see View Form on t his page.
4. Click Receipt – a window opens displaying t he applicat ion informat ion. Scroll bars are available t o allow you
t o see t he full page, and you can use any navigat ion t ools on t he form t o see all of t he applicat ion.

Regardless of which page you opened t he receipt window from, when you're finished viewing t he receipt , click
(Close) in t he t op-right corner t o close t he Receipt window and ret urn t o t he page you st art ed from.

Receipt - View a Receipt - 115 -

Recover – Recover an Abandoned Application
Workspaces | Workspaces User | 19.11 | 20.05

Prior t o Workspaces v19.11, applicat ions could only be recovered in t he Journey Manager dashboard.

Somet imes, an applicat ion is st art ed but not saved or submit t ed. This could be a deliberat e choice by t he applic-
ant , but it may also be due t o circumst ances beyond t he applicant 's cont rol; for example, if t heir browser crashes
or t he form session t imes out . Regardless of how or why it happens, an applicat ion t hat hasn't been saved or sub-
mit t ed event ually becomes abandoned .

Aft er an applicat ion has become abandoned, t he applicant may decide t hat t hey want t o cont inue t heir applic-
at ion. For example, t he applicant may have closed t he form accident ally wit hout saving/ submit t ing it , or t hey may
simply have change t heir mind and want t o complet e and submit t he applicat ion t hey st art ed earlier. The aban-
doned applicat ion probably cont ains a lot of informat ion t hat t he applicant ent ered earlier, and t hey don't want t o
have t o ent er it again. Workspaces allows you t o recover an abandoned applicat ion, wit hin a configured t ime
frame, so t hat t he applicant can cont inue t he applicat ion t hey st art ed wit hout having t o re-ent er any saved inform-
at ion.

Any Personally Ident ifiable Informat ion (PII) in a recovered applicat ion is not available if t he data retention
period has expired.

In addit ion t o abandoned applicat ions, an applicat ion t hat has been withdrawn can also be recovered.

Workspaces does not mandat e how an applicant can access a recovered applicat ion in t he default con-
figurat ion as t his is an aspect t hat will be specific t o each Workspaces port al. However, it 's likely t hat t he applic-
ant will have received an email at some point - such as when t hey st art ed or saved t heir applicat ion - and t his
will include a link t o t ake t hem back t o t heir applicat ion.

You can recover an applicat ion from t he List screen or t he Det ails screen in t he Helpdesk and Assist ed Channel

To recover an applicat ion from t he List screen:

1. Select t he Helpdesk or Assist ed Channel space.

2. On t he List screen, locat e t he applicat ion you want t o recover. If you're searching for an applicat ion, keep in
mind t hat some applicat ion det ails may not be available as t he applicat ion may not be filled in complet ely.

Recover – Recover an Abandoned Applicat ion - 116 -

3. Point your cursor at t he it em in t he it em list – t he available act ions appear at t he right -hand side.

The ( Recover ) act ion is available here because even t hough t he applicat ion has not been submit t ed yet ,
it has been saved (eit her int ent ionally by t he applicant or in t he background by t he form) before becoming
abandoned or being wit hdrawn.

4. Click (Recover) – t he applicat ion is now available again t o cont inue along t he applicat ion workflow.

The available act ions change and a message confirming you have recovered t he applicat ion is displayed
briefly in t he bot t om left corner.

To recover an applicat ion from t he Det ails screen:

1. Select t he Helpdesk or Assist ed Channel space.

2. On t he List screen, locat e t he applicat ion you want t o recover. If you're searching for an applicat ion, keep in
mind t hat some applicat ion det ails may not be available as t he applicat ion may not be filled in complet ely.
3. Select t he applicat ion it em in t he it em list t o display it s det ails.

Recover – Recover an Abandoned Applicat ion - 117 -

4. On t he Det ails screen, click a but t on t o recover t he applicat ion:

l Workspaces v20.05 – Click t he ( Recover ) icon but t on for t he select ed t ask in t he Timeline.

Not e t hat t he Recover act ion is only available for t he first t ask of an applicat ion t hat has been saved
but not yet submit t ed.
l Workspaces v19.11 and earlier – Click t he Recover but t on in t he Act ion panel.

The applicat ion is now available again t o cont inue along t he applicat ion workflow.
5. The available act ions change and a message confirming you have recovered t he applicat ion is displayed
briefly in t he bot t om left corner.

v19.11 and earlier

Recover – Recover an Abandoned Applicat ion - 118 -

Recover – Recover an Abandoned Applicat ion - 119 -
Release - Release a Task Assigned to You
Workspaces | Workspaces User | 18.11 | 19.11

When you no longer need t o work on a t ask, you can release it so t hat it can be assigned t o someone else. Releas-
ing a t ask ret urns it t o t he pool of unassigned t asks in t he it em list , allowing it t o be assigned t o or claimed by
someone else.

To release a t ask, you must be in t he Process or Helpdesk space. The Release act ion is available only for t asks t hat
are assigned t o you. You cannot release a t ask t hat is assigned t o someone else; t he t ask must be unassigned first .
To learn about unassigning t asks, see Unassign .

To release a t ask from t he List screen:

1. Select t he Process or Helpdesk space.

2. On t he List screen, locat e t he t ask you want t o release in t he it em list .
3. Point your cursor at t he t ask it em – t he available act ions appear at t he right -hand side.

4. Click (Release) – t he t ask is no longer assigned t o you, and your Workspaces id is removed from t he
Assigned column.

To release a t ask from t he Det ails screen:

1. Select t he Process or Helpdesk space.

2. On t he List screen, locat e t he t ask you want t o release in t he it em list , t hen select it t o display t he t ask's
det ails.

Release - Release a Task Assigned t o You - 120 -

3. On t he Det ails screen, click a but t on t o release t he t ask:

l Workspaces v20.05 – Click t he ( Release ) icon but t on for t he select ed t ask in t he Timeline.

l Workspaces v19.11 and earlier – Click t he Release but t on in t he Act ion panel.

The t ask is no longer assigned t o you, and your Workspaces id is removed from t he Assigned To field in t he
key informat ion.

When you release a t ask from any screen, a message is displayed briefly in t he bot t om left corner of t he page
ident ifying whet her or not t he act ion was successful.

Release - Release a Task Assigned t o You - 121 -

Resume - Resume a Saved Application
Workspaces | Workspaces Applicant User | 21.11

Aft er you st art an applicat ion, you may find t hat you don't have all t he informat ion you need at hand t o complet e
t he applicat ion, so you save it for now while you go and find what you need. Once you have all t he informat ion for
your applicat ion, you can resume your saved applicat ion t o complet e it and submit it .

To view t he informat ion for an applicat ion t hat has been submit t ed, see Receipt – View a Receipt .

To resume an applicat ion, you must be in t he Applicant space. When you resume an applicat ion, t he informat ion
previously ent ered is displayed in t he same form t hat was used t o capt ure t hat informat ion. While resuming an
applicat ion and viewing a receipt bot h show you t he applicat ion form, t hese t wo act ions differ in one key way.
When you view a receipt , t he applicat ion form is displayed read-only. However, when you resume an applicat ion,
you can ent er or updat e informat ion in t he applicat ion form and t hen submit it .

Any Personally Ident ifiable Informat ion (PII) in a recovered applicat ion is not available if t he data retention
period has expired.

You can only resume a form from t he Det ails screen. To resume a form:

Resume - Resume a Saved Applicat ion - 122 -

1. Select t he Applicant space.
2. On t he Search screen, locat e an it em in t he it em list for t he applicat ion t hat you want t o resume, and select it
t o display it s det ails.
3. On t he Det ails screen, t he Resume act ion will be available if t he applicat ion has been saved but not yet sub-
mit t ed. However, if t he applicat ion has been submit t ed, t he Receipt act ion will be available inst ead. For
det ails about how t o view a submit t ed applicat ion, see Receipt - View a Receipt .
4. Click Resume . A modal window opens displaying t he applicat ion in t he same form used t o capt ure t he ori-
ginal informat ion. Scroll bars are available t o allow you t o access t he full page, and you can use any nav-
igat ion t ools on t he form t o access all of t he applicat ion.

From t his point you can cont inue t o fill out t he applicat ion. When you're done ent ering informat ion, you can sub-
mit t he applicat ion or save it again if you're not ready t o submit it yet . When you're finished wit h t he form, click

(Close) in t he t op-right corner t o close t he form window and ret urn t o t he Det ails screen.

Resume - Resume a Saved Applicat ion - 123 -

Unassign - Remove a Task Assignment
Workspaces | Workspaces User | 18.11 | 20.05

If you manage a t eam, you may need t o schedule work t o meet various needs; for example, t o share work across
your t eam, t o accommodat e t eam member absences, or t o sat isfy an SLA1. A user wit h access t o t he Manage
space, such as a manager or a Workspaces administ rat or, can change t ask assignment s t o address any such needs.

You can remove a t ask assignment using t he Unassign act ion in t he Manage space. Removing a t ask assignment
ret urns t he t ask t o t he pool of unassigned t asks, allowing it t o be assigned t o or claimed by someone else. You can
only remove a t ask assignment if t he t ask is assigned t o someone already, including yourself. However, if t he t ask is
assigned t o you and you're in t he Process space, you can release it inst ead. To learn about releasing t asks, see
Release a Task.

To remove a t ask assignment from t he List screen:

1. Select t he Manage space.

2. On t he List screen, locat e t he t ask you want t o unassign in t he it em list .
3. Point your cursor at t he t ask it em – t he available act ions appear at t he right -hand side.

4. Click (Unassign) – t he t ask is no longer assigned, and t he previously assigned Workspaces id is removed
from t he Assigned column.

To remove a t ask assignment from t he Det ails screen:

1. Select t he Manage space.

2. On t he List screen, locat e t he t ask you want t o unassign in t he it em list , and select it t o display t he t ask's
det ails.

1A service-level agreement (SLA) is a commit ment bet ween a service provider and a client . Part icular aspect s of t he

service – qualit y, availabilit y, responsibilit ies – are agreed bet ween t he service provider and t he service user.

Unassign - Remove a Task Assignment - 124 -

3. On t he Det ails screen, click a but t on t o remove t he t ask assignment :

l Workspaces v20.05 – Click t he ( Unassign ) icon but t on for t he select ed t ask in t he Timeline.

l Workspaces v19.11 and earlier – Click t he Unassign but t on in t he Act ion panel.

The t ask is no longer assigned, and t he previously assigned Workspaces id is removed from t he Assigned To
field in t he key informat ion.

When you remove a t ask assignment from any screen, a message is displayed briefly in t he bot t om left corner of
t he page ident ifying whet her or not t he act ion was successful.

Unassign - Remove a Task Assignment - 125 -

View Form - View a Saved Application
Workspaces | Workspaces User | 18.11 | 19.11

Some of t he act ions you perform in Workspaces rely upon you being able t o see informat ion ent ered and saved by
an applicant ; for example, when responding t o a cust omer inquiry. The View Form act ion allows you t o view a
saved applicat ion. To view an applicat ion t hat has been submit t ed, see Receipt .

To view a form, you must be in t he Helpdesk or Assist ed Channel space. When you view a form, t he informat ion
ent ered by t he applicant is displayed in t he same form used t o capt ure t hat informat ion. Viewing a form differs
from viewing a receipt in t hat t he form is not read-only. When you view a form, you can ent er or updat e applicat ion
informat ion t o help t he applicant t o complet e t heir applicat ion.

To view a form from a List screen:

1. Select t he Helpdesk or Assist ed Channel space.

2. On t he List screen, locat e t he it em t hat you want t o view in t he it em list .

3. Point your cursor at t he it em – t he available act ions appear at t he right -hand side. If you see t he
(Receipt ) icon, t he it em relat es t o a submit t ed applicat ion – see Receipt for det ails about how t o view a sub-

mit t ed applicat ion. Ot herwise, you will see t he (View Form) icon indicat ing t he applicat ion has been
saved but not yet submit t ed.

View Form - View a Saved Applicat ion - 126 -

4. Click (View Form) – a window opens displaying t he applicat ion in t he same form used t o capt ure t he ori-
ginal informat ion. Scroll bars are available t o allow you t o access t he full page, and you can use any nav-
igat ion t ools on t he form t o access all of t he applicat ion.

To view a form from a Det ails screen:

1. Select t he Helpdesk or Assist ed Channel space.

2. On t he List screen, locat e t he it em t hat you want t o view in t he it em list , t hen select it t o display t he applic-
at ion det ails.
3. On t he Det ails screen, t he View Form act ion will be available if t he applicat ion has been saved but not yet sub-
mit t ed. However, if t he applicat ion has been submit t ed, t he Receipt act ion will be available inst ead. For
det ails about how t o view a submit t ed applicat ion, see Receipt .

4. Click View Form – a window opens displaying t he applicat ion in t he same form used t o capt ure t he original
informat ion. Scroll bars are available t o allow you t o access t he full page, and you can use any navigat ion
t ools on t he form t o access all of t he applicat ion.

Regardless of which page you opened t he form window from, when you're finished accessing t he form, click
(Close) in t he t op-right corner t o close t he form window and ret urn t o t he page you st art ed from.

View Form - View a Saved Applicat ion - 127 -

View Notes - View all Notes for an Application
Workspaces | Workspaces User | 20.05

As an applicat ion progresses t hrough it s life cycle, it may pass from one user t o anot her t o perform various assess-
ment s or ot her act ivit ies. Each user t hat t ouches t he applicat ion can add informat ion t o t he applicat ion such as
how it is processed, det ails of user inquiries, or changes in priorit izat ion. Because an applicat ion can pass t hrough
many different set s of hands, it 's import ant t o capt ure t his informat ion in case it 's needed by someone else lat er in
t he applicat ion life cycle, or t o assist in responding t o inquiries. Informat ion capt ured t his way is st ored as a com-
ment , also referred t o as a not e, against t he relevant t ask.

You can view not es for a specific t ask in t he Timeline on t he Det ails screen. This is convenient if you know which
t ask a not e was made against . But maybe you don't know which t ask t o look at , or you want t o see an overview of
all not es for t he applicat ion. In t his inst ance, you can use t he View Not es act ion which is available from t he Det ails
screen in all spaces.

To view all not es for an applicat ion:

1. Select a space.
2. Locat e t he it em of int erest in t he it em list , and select it t o open it s Det ails screen.

3. Click View N ot es in t he Act ion panel t o display t he N ot es window.

4. Not es are grouped by st ep and t ask, placing each not e in t he cont ext of t he applicat ion's and t ask's st at e at
t he t ime t hat it was made.

View Not es - View all Not es for an Applicat ion - 128 -

A scroll bar appears if necessary for you t o view all of t he not es, and you can expand t he window t o use t he
full screen.

5. When you're finished viewing t he not es, click (Close) t o close t he N ot es window and ret urn t o t he
Det ails screen.

To learn about creat ing not es, see Application Details Screen > Timeline.

View Not es - View all Not es for an Applicat ion - 129 -

Withdraw – Withdraw an Unsubmitted Application
Workspaces | Workspaces User | 19.11 | 20.05

If you're using Workspaces v19.11 or lat er, you can wit hdraw an applicat ion from wit hin Workspaces or t he
Journey Manager dashboard. However, if you're using Workspaces v19.05 or earlier, applicat ions can only be
wit hdrawn in t he Journey Manager dashboard.

Consider t he sit uat ion where someone st art s an applicat ion but , before submit t ing it , t hey change t heir mind and
decide not t o proceed wit h t he applicat ion aft er all. So, t hey cont act t he support helpdesk and ask for t he applic-
at ion t o be canceled. Workspaces handles t his sit uat ion by allowing an applicat ion t o be wit hdrawn.

Wit hdrawing an applicat ion is a deliberat e st ep in t he applicat ion workflow and progresses t he applicat ion t o an
end point in it s life cycle. At t his point , processing of t he applicat ion might cease but t his does not mean t hat t he
applicat ion is discarded just yet . This is convenient for an applicant t hat has a subsequent change of heart and
decides t o cont inue wit h t heir applicat ion, as all is not lost and a wit hdrawn applicat ion can be recovered .

While it might be good pract ice t o wit hdraw unwant ed unsubmit t ed applicat ions, it is not mandat ory t o do so, and
an unsubmit t ed applicat ion t hat is not wit hdrawn will event ually expire, becoming . This is import ant t o not e as it
could affect an SLA relat ing t o t he processing of applicat ions.

You can wit hdraw an applicat ion from t he List screen or t he Det ails screen in t he Helpdesk and Assist ed Channel

To wit hdraw an applicat ion from t he List screen:

1. Select t he Helpdesk or Assist ed Channel space.

2. On t he List screen, locat e t he applicat ion you want t o wit hdraw. If you're searching for an applicat ion, keep
in mind t hat some applicat ion det ails may not be available as t he applicat ion may not be filled in complet ely.
3. Point your cursor at t he applicat ion it em in t he it em list – t he available act ions appear at t he right -hand side.

The ( Wit hdraw ) act ion is available here because even t hough t he applicat ion has not been submit t ed
yet , it has been saved (eit her int ent ionally by t he applicant or in t he background by t he form).

Wit hdraw – Wit hdraw an Unsubmit t ed Applicat ion - 130 -

4. Click (Wit hdraw) – t he applicat ion is wit hdrawn, and t he available act ions change.

A message confirming you have wit hdrawn t he applicat ion is displayed briefly in t he bot t om left corner.

To wit hdraw an applicat ion from t he Det ails screen:

1. Select t he Helpdesk or Assist ed Channel space.

2. On t he List screen, locat e t he applicat ion you want t o wit hdraw. If you're searching for an applicat ion, keep
in mind t hat some applicat ion det ails may not be available as t he applicat ion may not be filled in complet ely.
3. Select t he applicat ion it em in t he it em list t o display it s det ails.

Wit hdraw – Wit hdraw an Unsubmit t ed Applicat ion - 131 -

4. On t he Det ails screen, click a but t on t o wit hdraw t he applicat ion:

l Workspaces v20.05 – Click t he ( Wit hdraw ) icon but t on for t he select ed t ask in t he Timeline.

Not e t hat t he Wit hdraw act ion is only available for t he first t ask of an applicat ion t hat has been saved
but not yet submit t ed.
l Workspaces v19.11 and earlier – Click t he Wit hdraw but t on in t he Act ion panel.

5. The applicat ion is wit hdrawn, and t he available act ions change. A message confirming you have wit hdrawn
t he applicat ion is displayed briefly in t he bot t om left corner.

v19.11 and earlier

Wit hdraw – Wit hdraw an Unsubmit t ed Applicat ion - 132 -

Wit hdraw – Wit hdraw an Unsubmit t ed Applicat ion - 133 -
Reviewing Applications
Workspaces | Workspaces User | 18.11 | 20.05

Some of t he images and t ext in t his t opic may be different t o what you see in your Workspaces port al. This is
because t he Workspaces port al has a highly configurable user int erface, and t his t opic describes feat ures
based on a default configurat ion which may differ from how your Workspaces port al is configured; for
example, you may see different branding or ot her fields. Nevert heless, t he feat ures described below work t he
same way in every Workspaces port al.

Applicat ions submit t ed by new and exist ing cust omers are not always able t o be approved or declined imme-
diat ely. These pending applicat ions are referred t o st aff for t heir at t ent ion in det ermining whet her or not an applic-
at ion is successful. St aff can use Workspaces t o review and resolve pending applicat ions efficient ly, minimizing any
delays and cont ribut ing t o higher cust omer sat isfact ion.

The default Workspaces configurat ion includes a Process space for reviewing applicat ions, complet e wit h a List
screen and a Det ails screen. These screens are configured wit h feat ures t hat help t o make processing applicat ions
fast and efficient .

List Screen
The List screen in t he Process space includes all of t he st andard feat ures of a Workspaces List screen.

l An item list populat ed wit h t asks sourced from t he act ive queue.

l A graphical SLA indicator t hat let s you monit or applicat ion progress against an SLA at a glance. | 19.11
l A global filt er t o select t he queue t hat t asks are sourced from.

l A second global filt er, Created Date, t hat rest rict s t he t asks in t he it em list based on t he dat e t hey were cre-
at ed.
l A global view select or, used t o apply a pre-defined set of fields, filt ers and sort opt ions t o t he it em list .

l Flexible search, filter and sort opt ions t hat you can use t o refine t he set of t asks in t he it em list .

l Paging tools t hat you can use t o browse t he it em list .

20.05 and later

19.05 and earlier

Reviewing Applicat ions - 134 -

Reviewing Applicat ions - 135 -
The Process space's List screen displays a list of t asks from t he select ed queue, t aking int o considerat ion t he cur-
rent view and any act ive search, filt er and sort opt ions. Each row in t he it em list corresponds t o a single t ask, show-
ing a set of pre-configured dat a it ems in columns including an SLA indicat or t hat ident ifies how applicat ion
processing is progressing against t he SLA conditions. The name of t he act ive queue is displayed in t he Queue
select or, and t he name of t he current view is highlight ed in t he View select or. The list of t asks displayed can be fur-
t her refined using t he filt er and sort opt ions. Filt ering rest rict s which t asks are displayed in t he list , and sort ing
det ermines t he order t hat t asks appear in t he list . To learn more about t hese opt ions, see Filter the Item List and
Sort the Item List .

Once you've found t he t ask you're int erest ed in, you can select it in t he it em list t o perform an act ion on it . To learn
about t he available act ions, see Process Actions below.

Details Screen
The Det ails screen in t he Process space support s all of t he st andard feat ures of a Workspaces Details screen . It dis-
plays comprehensive informat ion about t he select ed applicat ion and it s t asks, and provides access t o act ions for
processing applicat ions. This includes t he following feat ures, each of which is cont ained in a separat e card or card
sect ion:

Reviewing Applicat ions - 136 -

l Key information about t he select ed applicat ion and it s t asks t hat you may need when processing applic-
at ions.

l The abilit y t o track application progress against an SLA. | 19.11

l A set of standard actions t hat you can perform in t he Process space at t he current st age of t he applicat ion's
life cycle. | 20.05
l A list of applicants and products from which you can select an applicant t o view more det ails. | 19.11

l Personal information for t he select ed applicant , including ident it y and cont act det ails. | 19.11
l The out comes of pre-configured background checks which provide an assessment of a select ed applicant 's
suit abilit y. | 19.11
l A feat ure-rich applicat ion timeline of all t he st eps t hat t he applicat ion has progressed t hrough, showing key
applicat ion det ails as well as t asks wit h accompanying not es. | 20.05
l Timeline t ask it ems t hat show t he applicat ion's progress; select one t o reload t he Det ails screen and present
t he applicat ion in t he cont ext of t he select ed t ask. | 20.05
l A dynamic set of act ions t hat are applicable t o t he select ed t imeline t ask and current ly available for you t o
perform, t hereby giving you confidence t hat you're act ing on t he right t ask. | 20.05

l At t ached documents relat ing t o t he processing of t he applicat ion. | 19.11

l An opt ional display of custom information ; for example, informat ion t hat is not included in t he st andard
cards, or t hat is present ed different ly.

To learn about t hese st andard feat ures, click t he links above or see The Application Details Screen .

v19.11 and earlier

Reviewing Applicat ions - 137 -

Process Actions
The process act ions are:

l Claim – Assign a t ask t o yourself.

l Decision – Take a decision about a t ask's out come.
l Release – Remove a t ask assignment for a t ask assigned t o you.
l View Notes – View all of t he not es from all of an applicat ion's t asks.

The Claim, Release, and Decision act ions are described below in t he cont ext of t he Process space, including
examples of how t o use t hem.

Claim and ReleaseTasks

When you want t o work on a t ask, you can select it in t he it em list and claim it so t hat everyone will know you are
working on it . Once you have claimed a t ask, ot her act ions may become available for you t o perform on t hat t ask;
in part icular, t aking a decision about whet her or not an applicat ion is successful. When you no longer need t o work
on t he t ask, you can release it so t hat it can be assigned t o someone else.

You can claim a t ask t hat is not already assigned t o anyone, t hereby assigning it t o you, but you can’t claim a t ask
t hat has already been assigned t o someone else. Also, you can't use t he Claim act ion t o assign a t ask t o someone
else, only t o yourself. To assign a t ask t o someone else, you need t o have access t o t he Assign act ion, normally only
available t o managers and supervisors.

Reviewing Applicat ions - 138 -

You can release a t ask t hat is assigned t o you, but you can’t release a t ask t hat is assigned t o someone else. Releas-
ing a t ask ret urns it t o t he pool of unassigned t asks in t he it em list , allowing it t o be assigned t o someone else.

Take a Decision
When you have all t he informat ion you need about a t ask, you can t ake a decision on t he t ask's out come. Taking a
decision on a t ask complet es t he t ask and moves it along in it s life cycle.

The Decision act ion is available only from t he Det ails screen in t he Process space, and only for t asks t hat are
assigned t o you; you cannot t ake a decision for a t ask t hat is assigned t o someone else. When you t ake a decision,
you must provide bot h t he decision (represent ing some out come, assessment or result ) and a not e support ing t he
decision. The not e is import ant because it helps ot hers t o underst and how you arrived at your decision, and may
be prefilled wit h relevant informat ion.

If you don’t have all t he informat ion you need t o complet e t he decision right now, you can click Save (at st ep 6) t o
save t he informat ion you have ent ered and complet e t he decision lat er. Subsequent ly, when you are ready t o com-
plet e t he decision, repeat t he necessary st eps above t o ret urn t o t he Decision window, updat e t he Decision and
Not e as required, and t hen click Submit t o record t he decision you have made.

For more informat ion about t he Decision act ion, see Workspaces Actions.

Process Action Examples

Let 's go st ep by st ep t hrough some examples for act ivit ies t hat you may need t o perform while processing applic-
at ions.

You can find examples below for t he following act ions:

l Claim a task on t he List screen

l Release a task on t he List screen
l Approve an application (Take a Decision) on t he Det ails screen

St ep-by-st ep examples are available elsewhere for ot her act ions you may need while processing applicat ions:

l View a receipt on t he Det ails screen

l Upload a document on t he Det ails screen
Claim a Task
This example shows you how t o claim a t ask on t he List screen, using t he search feat ure t o locat e t he t ask t o be

1. Login t o Workspaces and select t he Process space. The List screen is displayed.

2. Click in t he ( Search) box t hen t ype t he full App ID t o search for t asks wit h t his App ID. In t his example,
t he App ID is "79V3QN7", and t wo t asks are found.

Reviewing Applicat ions - 139 -

3. Point your cursor at t he t ask t hat you want t o claim – t he available act ions appear at t he right -hand side.

Click ( Claim ) t o assign t he t ask t o yourself. A message confirming you have claimed t he t ask is displayed
briefly in t he bot t om left corner.

Alt ernat ively, you can click t he t ask t o display it s applicat ion det ails and t hen click t he Claim but t on on t he
Det ails screen.
Release a Task
This example shows you how t o locat e a t ask using t he filt er feat ure t hen release t he t ask so t hat it 's no longer
assigned t o you.

1. Login t o Workspaces and select t he Process space.

2. Click Filt er t o display t he Filt ers select or t hen ent er one or more filt ers t hat will help you t o narrow down
t he list of t asks and make it easier t o see t he t ask you want t o release. In t his example, we know t hat t he

Reviewing Applicat ions - 140 -

applicat ion was creat ed on 15 July 2020, so we'll filt er on t hat dat e.

3. Now, you can release t he t ask. Point your mouse at t he t ask you want t o release – t he available act ions

appear at t he right -hand side. Click ( Release) and t he t ask will be assigned no longer. A message con-
firming t hat you have released t he t ask is displayed briefly in t he bot t om left corner.

Alt ernat ively, you can click t he t ask t o display it s det ails, t hen click Release on t he Det ails screen.

Reviewing Applicat ions - 141 -

Take a Decision - Approve an Applicat ion
This example shows you how t o t ake a decision about a t ask assigned t o you so t hat t he associat ed applicat ion
progresses in it s life cycle. In t his example, we'll kick off t he process t o send an applicat ion for a fraud check t hen
save wit hout submit t ing so t hat we can go and find some informat ion we need for t he support ing not e. Finally,
we'll resume and complet e t he decision process.

1. Follow t he st eps in t he previous example t o claim a task. Not e t hat you could replace t he search wit h any
opt ions t hat help you t o locat e t he t ask. You can skip t his st ep if you've just done it or if t he t ask you want t o
act on is already assigned t o you.
2. Click t he t ask t o display it 's applicat ion det ails t hen click a Decision but t on t o display t he Decision window.

l Workspaces v20.05 – Click t he ( Decision ) icon but t on for t he select ed t ask in t he Timeline.

l Workspaces v19.11 and earlier – Click t he Decision but t on in t he Act ion panel.

3. Not ice t hat t he Choose a Decision box is empt y. Select an opt ion in t he Choose a Decision dropdown
t hat mat ches t he decision we want t o t ake, in t his case Fraud Check . We need t o include informat ion in our
not e t o support t he decision but can't recall t he exact det ails, so click Save and close t he Decision window,
ret urning t o t he Det ails screen.

Reviewing Applicat ions - 142 -

4. Wit h t he Decision window closed, we can find t he applicat ion det ails we need t o support our decision. Once
we've found t he support ing informat ion, we can click Decision t o display t he Decision window again. Not ice
t hat Choose a Decision st ill has t he value Fraud Check t hat we select ed previously. Ent er t he not e sup-
port ing our decision, t hen click Submit .

Reviewing Applicat ions - 143 -

Aft er submit t ing t he decision, Workspaces ret urns t o t he Process space List screen where t he t ask may not be avail-
able as it may no longer sat isfy t he act ive search or filt er crit eria; for example, it may be on a different queue.

Reviewing Applicat ions - 144 -

Workspaces Helpdesk
Workspaces | Workspaces User | 19.05 | 20.05

Some of t he images and t ext in t his t opic may be different t o what you see in your Workspaces port al. This is
because t he Workspaces port al has a highly configurable user int erface, and t his t opic describes feat ures
based on a default configurat ion which may differ from how your Workspaces port al is configured; for
example, you may see different branding or ot her fields. Nevert heless, t he feat ures described below work t he
same way in every Workspaces port al.

Somet imes, applicant s need help. Some applicant s need help t o complet e t heir applicat ion while ot hers just want
t o know how t heir applicat ion is progressing. What ever t he inquiry, cust omer service st aff can use Workspaces t o
help answer cust omer quest ions quickly and efficient ly.

Cust omer service needs are support ed in Workspaces via t he inclusion of a Helpdesk space. In it s default con-
figurat ion, t he Helpdesk space includes a List screen and a Det ails screen t hat are configured wit h feat ures
designed t o make act ivit ies relat ed t o cust omer service fast and efficient , so t hat you can focus on providing a great
cust omer service experience.

List Screen
The List screen in t he Helpdesk space includes all of t he st andard feat ures of a Workspaces List screen.

l An item list , cont aining a list of applicat ions, which may be empt y init ially depending upon how it is pop-
ulat ed.

l A graphical SLA indicator t hat let s you monit or applicat ion progress against an SLA at a glance. | 19.11
l A global filt er t hat rest rict s t he applicat ions in t he it em list t o just t hose for a select ed form / product type.

l A second global filt er, Created Date, t hat rest rict s t he applicat ions in t he it em list based on t he dat e t hey
were creat ed.
l A global view select or, used t o apply a pre-defined set of fields, filt ers and sort opt ions t o t he it em list .

l Flexible search, filter and sort opt ions t hat you can use t o refine t he set of applicat ions in t he it em list .

l Paging tools t hat you can use t o browse t he it em list .

20.05 and later


Workspaces Helpdesk - 145 -

Workspaces Helpdesk - 146 -
The it em list on t he Helpdesk space's List screen is empt y by default . You might find t his surprising but t here's a
very good reason why t his is t he case. When you st art helping an applicant wit h an inquiry, you don't have any
informat ion about t he applicant or t heir applicat ion, and Workspaces reflect s t his sit uat ion via an empt y it em list .
Once you obt ain some informat ion from t he applicant , you can use t his informat ion t o st art looking for applic-
at ions t hat are relat ed t o t he applicant 's inquiry. The most useful informat ion you can get from t he applicant is t he
App ID, but if t he applicant doesn't have t hat t o hand, you can t ry searching or filt ering on ot her crit eria, t hen
browse t he it em list . To learn more about searching and filt ering, see Search for a Task or Application and Filter the
Item List .

Once you've found t he applicat ion you're int erest ed in, you can select it in t he it em list t o perform an act ion on it .
To learn about t he available act ions, see Helpdesk Actions below.

Details Screen
The Det ails screen in t he Helpdesk space support s all of t he st andard feat ures of a Workspaces Details screen . It
displays comprehensive informat ion about t he select ed applicat ion and it s t asks, and provides access t o t he Help-
desk act ions. This includes t he following feat ures, each of which is cont ained in a separat e card or card sect ion:

Workspaces Helpdesk - 147 -

l Key information about t he select ed applicat ion and it s t asks.

l The abilit y t o track application progress against an SLA. | 19.11

l A set of standard actions t hat you can perform in t he Helpdesk space at t he current st age of t he applic-
at ion's life cycle. | 20.05
l A list of applicants and products from which you can select an applicant t o view more det ails. | 19.11

l Personal information for t he select ed applicant , including ident it y and cont act det ails. | 19.11
l The out comes of pre-configured background checks which provide an assessment of a select ed applicant 's
suit abilit y. | 19.11
l A feat ure-rich applicat ion timeline of all t he st eps t hat t he applicat ion has progressed t hrough, showing key
applicat ion det ails as well as t asks wit h accompanying not es. | 20.05
l Timeline t ask it ems t hat show t he applicat ion's progress; select one t o reload t he Det ails screen and present
t he applicat ion in t he cont ext of t he select ed t ask. | 20.05
l A dynamic set of act ions t hat are applicable t o t he select ed t imeline t ask and current ly available for you t o
perform, t hereby giving you confidence t hat you're act ing on t he right t ask. | 20.05

l At t ached documents relat ing t o t he applicat ion. | 19.11

l An opt ional display of custom information ; for example, informat ion t hat is not included in t he st andard
cards, or t hat is present ed different ly.

To learn about t hese st andard feat ures, click t he links above or see The Application Details Screen .

v19.11 and earlier

Workspaces Helpdesk - 148 -

Helpdesk Actions
The helpdesk act ions are:

l Recover – Recover an abandoned or wit hdrawn applicat ion so t hat t he applicant can cont inue wit h it .
l View Form – See a read-only view of an applicat ion t hat has been saved but not yet submit t ed.
l View Notes – View all of t he not es from all of an applicat ion's t asks.
l Withdraw – Cancel an applicat ion t hat has been saved but not yet submit t ed.

The Receipt and View Form act ions are similar in t hat t hey bot h provide a way t o view informat ion ent ered by t he
applicant , but t here are differences in how you can int eract wit h t hat informat ion. The Recover and Wit hdraw
act ions allow you t o change t he st at us of applicat ions, generally at an applicant 's request . All of t hese act ions are
described below in t he cont ext of t he Helpdesk space, including examples of how t o use t hem.

View a Receipt
When you're working on a t ask or applicat ion, you oft en need t o see t he informat ion t hat t he applicant has sub-
mit t ed; for example, t o inform t he decision making process. You can use t he Receipt act ion t o view t he informat ion
for a submit t ed applicat ion.

To view t he informat ion in an applicat ion t hat has been saved but not yet submit t ed, use t he View Form
act ion.

Workspaces Helpdesk - 149 -

A receipt is a read-only view of t he informat ion submit t ed by t he applicant , displayed in t he same form t hat was
used t o capt ure t hat informat ion. Not e t hat a receipt does not allow you t o change t he applicat ion in any way.

View a Form
Some of t he act ions you perform in Workspaces rely upon you being able t o see t he informat ion t hat has been
ent ered and saved by an applicant ; for example, when responding t o a cust omer inquiry or assist ing a cust omer t o
complet e an applicat ion. You can use t he View Form act ion t o view t he informat ion in a saved applicat ion.

To view t he informat ion in an applicat ion t hat has been submit t ed, use t he Receipt act ion.

Workspaces Helpdesk - 150 -

When you view a form, t he informat ion ent ered by t he applicant is displayed in t he same form t hat was used t o
capt ure t hat informat ion. Viewing a form differs from viewing a receipt in t hat t he form is not read-only. When you
view a form, you can ent er or updat e applicat ion informat ion; for example, t o help t he applicant t o complet e t heir
applicat ion.

Recover an Applicat ion

Let 's say someone st art s an applicat ion but t heir browser crashes before t hey can save or submit it . They give up
on t heir applicat ion for now, and so it becomes . A short t ime lat er, t he applicant decides t o complet e t he applic-
at ion t hey st art ed aft er all, so t hey call t he support helpdesk. You're able t o reassure t he applicant because you
can recover t heir applicat ion so t hat t hey can complet e and submit it .

Any Personally Ident ifiable Informat ion (PII) in a recovered applicat ion is not available if t he data retention
period has expired.

It 's easy t o recover an applicat ion. Go t o t he Helpdesk List screen and locat e t he applicat ion t o be recovered, t hen
select t he Recover opt ion. Alt ernat ively, once you've found t he applicat ion on t he List screen, you can view it s
Det ails screen and recover t he applicat ion from t here. This lat t er approach can be useful if you 're not able t o
det ermine from t he limit ed det ails on t he List screen whet her you've got t he right applicat ion.

v19.11 and earlier

Workspaces Helpdesk - 151 -

Workspaces Helpdesk - 152 -
Workspaces does not mandat e how an applicant can access a recovered applicat ion in t he default con-
figurat ion as t his is an aspect t hat will be specific t o each Workspaces port al. However, it 's likely t hat t he applic-
ant will have received an email at some point - such as when t hey st art ed or saved t heir applicat ion - and t his
will include a link t o t ake t hem back t o t heir applicat ion.

In addit ion t o abandoned applicat ions, an applicat ion t hat has been withdrawn can also be recovered.

Wit hdraw an Applicat ion

Now, let 's say someone st art s an applicat ion but , before submit t ing it , t hey decide not t o proceed wit h t he applic-
at ion aft er all. So, t hey cont act t he support helpdesk and ask for t he applicat ion t o be canceled. You can help t he
applicant here by wit hdrawing t he applicat ion.

Just like recovering an applicat ion, it 's easy t o wit hdraw an applicat ion. Go t o t he Helpdesk List screen and locat e
t he applicat ion t o be wit hdrawn, t hen select t he Wit hdraw opt ion. Alt ernat ively, once you've found t he applicat ion
on t he List screen, you can view it s Det ails screen and wit hdraw t he applicat ion from t here. This lat t er approach
can be useful if you 're not able t o det ermine from t he limit ed det ails on t he List screen whet her you've got t he
right applicat ion.

v19.11 and earlier

Workspaces Helpdesk - 153 -

An applicat ion t hat has been wit hdrawn can subsequent ly be recovered should t he applicant have a change of
heart .

Helpdesk Action Examples

Let 's go st ep by st ep t hrough some examples t o demonst rat e how you can use t he helpdesk act ions when
responding t o applicant inquiries.

You can find examples below for t he following act ions:

l View a receipt on t he Det ails screen

l View a form on t he List screen
l Recover an abandoned application on t he List screen
l Withdraw an unsubmitted application on t he Det ails screen

St ep-by-st ep examples are available elsewhere for ot her act ions you may need while responding t o applicant

l Upload a document on t he Det ails screen

Workspaces Helpdesk - 154 -

View a Receipt
This example shows you how t o view a receipt from t he Det ails screen, using t he search feat ure t o locat e t he applic-
at ion t o be viewed.

1. Login t o Workspaces and select t he Helpdesk space. The List screen is displayed.

2. Click in t he (Search) box t hen t ype t he full App ID t o search for applicat ions wit h t his App ID. In t his
example, t he App ID is "79V3QN7", and just one it em is found.

3. Click t he applicat ion it em t o display it s det ails, t hen click Receipt on t he Det ails screen. The Receipt window
opens displaying t he applicat ion informat ion. Scroll bars are available t o allow you t o see t he full page, and
you can use any navigat ion t ools on t he form t o see all of t he applicat ion.

4. When you're finished viewing t he receipt , click (Close) in t he t op-right corner t o close t he Receipt win-
dow and ret urn t o t he Det ails screen.

Workspaces Helpdesk - 155 -

View a Form
This example shows you how t o locat e a t ask for a saved applicat ion using t he search feat ure, t hen view and
updat e t he saved informat ion.

1. Login t o Workspaces and select t he Helpdesk space.

2. Click in t he (Search) box t hen t ype t he full App ID t o search for applicat ions wit h t his App ID. In t his
example, t he App ID is "6PDZ9YJ", and just one it em is found.

3. Now, you can view t he saved informat ion for t his applicat ion. Point your cursor at t he it em you found – t he
available act ions appear at t he right -hand side of t he it em list .

4. Click ( View Form ) . A window opens displaying t he applicat ion in t he same form used t o capt ure t he ori-
ginal informat ion. Scroll bars are available t o allow you t o access t he full page, and you can use any nav-
igat ion t ools on t he form t o access all of t he applicat ion.

Workspaces Helpdesk - 156 -

5. Updat e t he form, adding or modifying det ails as appropriat e, t hen click Save and Close on t he form t o save
your changes.

6. When you're finished updat ing t he form, click (Close) in t he t op-right corner t o close t he View Form win-
dow and ret urn t o t he List screen.
Recover an Abandoned Applicat ion
This example shows you how t o locat e an abandoned applicat ion using t he search feat ure, t hen recover t he applic-
at ion from t he List screen.

1. Login t o Workspaces and select t he Helpdesk space.

2. Click t he (Search) box t hen t ype t he full App ID t o search for all mat ching applicat ions. In t his example,
t he App ID is "L7Z45L3", and just one it em is found.

3. Point your cursor at t he it em you found – t he available act ions appear at t he right -hand side of t he it em

list .The ( Recover ) act ion is available here because even t hough t he applicat ion has not been submit t ed
yet , it has been saved (eit her int ent ionally by t he applicant or in t he background by t he form) before becom-
ing abandoned or being wit hdrawn.

4. Click ( Recover ) . The available act ions change and a message confirming you have recovered t he applic-
at ion is displayed briefly in t he bot t om left corner.

Workspaces Helpdesk - 157 -

The applicat ion is now available for t he applicant t o cont inue. How t he applicant accesses t he recovered applic-
at ion will depend on how your Workspaces port al is configured. However, it 's likely t hat t he applicant will have
received an email at some point - such as when t hey st art ed or saved t heir applicat ion - and t his will include a link
t o t ake t hem back t o t heir applicat ion.

Wit hdraw an Unsubm it t ed Applicat ion

This example shows you how t o locat e an unsubmit t ed applicat ion using t he search feat ure, view t he applicat ion's
det ails t o confirm you have t he correct applicat ion, t hen cancel t he applicat ion by wit hdrawing it on t he Det ails

1. Login t o Workspaces and select t he Helpdesk space.

2. Click t he (Search) box t hen t ype t he full App ID t o search for all mat ching applicat ions. In t his example,
t he App ID is "L7Z45L3", and just one it em is found.

3. If you point your cursor at t he it em you found, t he available act ions appear at t he right -hand side of t he it em

list .The ( Wit hdraw ) act ion is available here because even t hough t he applicat ion has not been sub-
mit t ed yet , it has been saved (eit her int ent ionally by t he applicant or in t he background by t he form). While
you could wit hdraw t he applicat ion here, click t he applicat ion it em inst ead t o display it s det ails.
4. On t he Det ails screen, you can see more informat ion about t he applicat ion which is useful t o confirm t hat
t his is indeed t he applicat ion t hat you want t o wit hdraw. Having confirmed t hat you're looking at t he correct
applicat ion, click a Wit hdraw but t on.

Workspaces Helpdesk - 158 -

l Workspaces v20.05 – Click t he ( Wit hdraw ) icon but t on for t he select ed t ask in t he Timeline.

Not e t hat t he Wit hdraw act ion is only available for t he first t ask of an applicat ion t hat has been saved
but not yet submit t ed.
l Workspaces v19.11 and earlier – Click t he Wit hdraw but t on in t he Act ion panel.

5. A message confirming you have wit hdrawn t he applicat ion is displayed briefly in t he bot t om left corner.

v19.11 and earlier

Workspaces Helpdesk - 159 -

The applicat ion has now been wit hdrawn, but can be recovered should t he applicant want t o cont inue wit h t his
applicat ion.

Workspaces Helpdesk - 160 -

Workspaces Assisted Channel
Workspaces | Workspaces User | 19.05 | 19.11

Some of t he images and t ext in t his t opic may be different t o what you see in your Workspaces port al. This is
because t he Workspaces port al has a highly configurable user int erface, and t his t opic describes feat ures
based on a default configurat ion which may differ from how your Workspaces port al is configured; for
example, you may see different branding or ot her fields. Nevert heless, t he feat ures described below work t he
same way in every Workspaces port al.

Cust omer service needs, such as for relat ionship management , are support ed in Workspaces via t he inclusion of an
Assist ed Channel space. In it s default configurat ion, t he Assist ed Channel space includes a List screen and a Det ails
screen t hat are configured wit h feat ures designed t o make relat ionship management act ivit ies fast and efficient , so
t hat you can focus on providing a great cust omer experience.

List Screen
The List screen in t he Assist ed Channel space includes all of t he st andard feat ures of a Workspaces List screen.

l An item list , cont aining a list of applicat ions, which may be empt y init ially depending upon how it is pop-
ulat ed.

l A graphical SLA indicator t hat let s you monit or applicat ion progress against an SLA at a glance. | 19.11
l A global filt er t hat rest rict s t he applicat ions in t he it em list t o just t hose for a select ed form / product type.

l A second global filt er, Created Date, t hat rest rict s t he applicat ions in t he it em list based on t he dat e t hey
were creat ed.
l A global view select or, used t o apply a pre-defined set of fields, filt ers and sort opt ions t o t he it em list .

l Flexible search, filter and sort opt ions t hat you can use t o refine t he set of applicat ions in t he it em list .

l Paging tools t hat you can use t o browse t he it em list .

20.05 and later


Workspaces Assist ed Channel - 161 -

Workspaces Assist ed Channel - 162 -
The Assist ed Channel space's List screen displays a list of applicat ions t hat you creat ed or t hat have t asks assigned
t o you, t aking int o considerat ion t he global filt ers, t he current view and any act ive search, filt er and sort opt ions.
The Form / Product Type select or shows which form / product t ypes t he applicat ions in t he list relat e t o, and t he
name of t he current view is highlight ed in t he Views select or. The list of applicat ions displayed can be furt her
refined using t he filt er and sort opt ions. Filt ering rest rict s which applicat ions are displayed in t he list , and sort ing
det ermines t he order t hat it ems appear in t he list . To learn more about t hese opt ions, see Filter the Item List and
Sort the Item List .

Once you've found t he applicat ion you're int erest ed in, you can select it in t he it em list t o perform an act ion on it .
In addit ion t o t hese act ions, you can also st art a new applicat ion on behalf of a cust omer. To learn about t he avail-
able act ions, see Assisted Channel Actions below.

Details Screen
The Det ails screen in t he Assist ed Channel space support s all of t he st andard feat ures of a Workspaces Details
screen . It displays comprehensive informat ion about t he select ed applicat ion and it s t asks, and provides access t o
t he Assist ed Channel act ions. This includes t he following feat ures, each of which is cont ained in a separat e card or
card sect ion:

Workspaces Assist ed Channel - 163 -

l Key information about t he select ed applicat ion and it s t asks.

l The abilit y t o track application progress against an SLA. | 19.11

l A set of standard actions t hat you can perform in t he Assist ed Channel space at t he current st age of t he
applicat ion's life cycle. | 20.05
l A list of applicants and products from which you can select an applicant t o view more det ails. | 19.11

l Personal information for t he select ed applicant , including ident it y and cont act det ails. | 19.11
l The out comes of pre-configured background checks which provide an assessment of a select ed applicant 's
suit abilit y. | 19.11
l A feat ure-rich applicat ion timeline of all t he st eps t hat t he applicat ion has progressed t hrough, showing key
applicat ion det ails as well as t asks wit h accompanying not es. | 20.05
l Timeline t ask it ems t hat show t he applicat ion's progress; select one t o reload t he Det ails screen and present
t he applicat ion in t he cont ext of t he select ed t ask. | 20.05
l A dynamic set of act ions t hat are applicable t o t he select ed t imeline t ask and current ly available for you t o
perform, t hereby giving you confidence t hat you're act ing on t he right t ask. | 20.05

l At t ached documents relat ing t o t he applicat ion. | 19.11

l An opt ional display of custom information ; for example, informat ion t hat is not included in t he st andard
cards, or t hat is present ed different ly.

To learn about t hese st andard feat ures, click t he links above or see The Application Details Screen .

v19.11 and earlier

Workspaces Assist ed Channel - 164 -

Assisted Channel Actions
The assist ed channel act ions are:

l New Form – St art a new applicat ion on behalf of someone else.

l Recover – Recover an abandoned or wit hdrawn applicat ion so t hat t he applicant can cont inue wit h it .
l View Form – See a read-only view of an applicat ion t hat has been saved but not yet submit t ed.
l View Notes – View all of t he not es from all of an applicat ion's t asks.
l Withdraw – Cancel an applicat ion t hat has been saved but not yet submit t ed.

The New Form act ion is described below in t he cont ext of t he Assist ed Channel space. Descriptions of t he ot her
act ions are available elsewhere in t he cont ext of ot her spaces.

Examples showing how t o use all of t hese act ions are available or linked below.

St art an Applicat ion (New Form )

In a cust omer-focused role such as a relat ionship manager, it helps t o be able t o provide services t o your busy cus-
t omers t hat make t heir lives easier. Workspaces includes several feat ures aimed at reducing frict ion in t he applic-
at ion process. One of t hese is t he New Form act ion which allows you t o kick-st art applicat ions on behalf of your
cust omers.

Workspaces Assist ed Channel - 165 -

The New Form act ion allows you t o st art a new applicat ion for a cust omer and fill in all of t he applicat ion det ails
t hat you know, accelerat ing t he applicat ion process. You can work wit h your cust omer t o ent er all t he necessary
det ails, and t hen submit t he applicat ion when it 's ready.

An applicat ion st art ed using t he New Form or New Applicat ion act ions can only be accessed by an aut hen-
t icat ed user; t hat is, a user who is logged in t o Workspaces (including t he Applicant space) or a Journey Plat -
form syst em. However, many applicant s are anonymous or unaut hent icat ed users, st art ing an applicat ion
from an ext ernal websit e such as an online banking websit e, and so will not be able t o access an applicat ion
st art ed using New Form or New Applicat ion.
Handover of applicat ions bet ween aut hent icat ed and anonymous users is possible but may not be offered in
an out of t he box Journey Plat form solut ion. So, if applicat ion handover is import ant t o you, cont act your Jour-
ney Plat form represent at ive t o discuss how your solut ion can be cust omized t o allow applicat ion handover
where you need it in your applicat ion workflow.

The N ew Form but t on is available in t he t op right corner of t he Assist ed Channel space's List screen. When you
click N ew Form , a menu appears showing t he list of available form / product t ypes. Select a form / product t ype t o
display t hat form and st art filling in t he applicat ion. When you're finished filling in det ails you can save t he applic-
at ion so t hat you can cont inue it lat er. For det ails about how t o cont inue an applicat ion, see View a Form .

Workspaces Assist ed Channel - 166 -

Applicat ions you st art in t his way appear in your it em list in t he Assist ed Channel space. This makes it easy for you
t o find an applicat ion t o cont inue ent ering det ails, and t hen t o monit or progress of t he applicat ion's t asks once it
has been submit t ed. While t he applicat ion is yet t o be submit t ed, t he applicat ion's st at us is Saved and t he sub-
mit t ed dat e is blank. Once t he applicat ion has been submit t ed, t he View Form act ion is no longer available and you
can make no furt her changes t o t he applicat ion.

Assisted Channel Action Examples

Let 's go st ep by st ep t hrough some examples t o demonst rat e how you can use t he assist ed channel act ions t o
provide bet t er cust omer service.

You can find examples below for t he following act ions:

l Start an application on t he List screen

St ep-by-st ep examples are available elsewhere for ot her act ions you may need while assist ing cust omers wit h
applicat ions:

l View a receipt on t he Det ails screen

l View a saved form on t he List screen
l Upload a document on t he Det ails screen
l Recover an abandoned application on t he List screen
l Withdraw an unsubmitted application on t he Det ails screen
St art an Applicat ion
This example shows you how t o kick-st art an applicat ion on t he List screen. In t his example, we know some cus-
t omer det ails which are ent ered before saving and closing t he applicat ion.

1. Login t o Workspaces and select t he Assist ed Channel space. The List screen is displayed.

Workspaces Assist ed Channel - 167 -

2. Click N ew Form , t hen select an it em from t he form / product t ype list . In t his example, t here's only a single
form / product t ype, Deposit Account Opening, so we'll select t his it em.

3. A window opens cont aining t he new form. Ent er t he known cust omer det ails, name and email address, t hen
click Save and Close .

Workspaces Assist ed Channel - 168 -

4. The applicat ion ID, "H9VXVPP", is displayed; Click (Close) t o close t he form and ret urn t o t he List screen.

5. The new applicat ion, wit h applicat ion ID "PFFP7NZ", appears at t he t op of t he list , and it s st at us is Saved. If

you can't see t he new applicat ion, click (Refresh) t o refresh t he informat ion shown on t he page.

Workspaces Assist ed Channel - 169 -

Once t he applicat ion has been saved, anyone assigned t o t he t ask can use t he View Form act ion t o resume t he
applicat ion lat er. Also, if t he cust omer has received a save confirmat ion email, t his will include a link t hey can click
t o resume t he applicat ion.

To resume t he applicat ion using t he View Form act ion:

1. Locat e t he saved applicat ion. It 's at t he t op of t he list , but if it wasn't we could search for our applicat ion

ID t o find t he t ask. In t he (Search) box, t ype our App ID "PFFP7NZ", and just one t ask is found.

2. Point your cursor at t he it em list it em for our saved applicat ion – t he available act ions appear at t he right -
hand side.

3. Click (View Form) t o re-open t he form and cont inue filling in t he applicat ion.

4. When you're done, click Save and Close again, or Submit if you're ready t o submit t he applicat ion.

Workspaces Assist ed Channel - 170 -

M anage Applications in Workspaces
Workspaces | Workspaces User | 19.05 | 21.11

Some of t he images and t ext in t his t opic may be different t o what you see in your Workspaces port al. This is
because t he Workspaces port al has a highly configurable user int erface, and t his t opic describes feat ures
based on a default configurat ion which may differ from how your Workspaces port al is configured; for
example, you may see different branding or ot her fields. Nevert heless, t he feat ures described below work t he
same way in every Workspaces port al.

If you manage a t eam, you may need t o schedule work t o meet various needs; for example, t o share work across
your t eam, t o accommodat e t eam member absences, or t o sat isfy an SLA1. A user wit h access t o t he Manage
space, such as a manager or a Workspaces administ rat or, can change t ask assignment s t o address any such needs.

List Screen
The List screen in t he Manage space includes all of t he st andard feat ures of a Workspaces List screen.

l An item list populat ed wit h t asks sourced from t he act ive queue.

l A graphical SLA indicator t hat let s you monit or applicat ion progress against an SLA at a glance. | 19.11
l A second global filt er, Created Date, t hat rest rict s t he t asks in t he it em list based on t he dat e t hey were cre-
at ed.
l A global view select or, used t o apply a pre-defined set of fields, filt ers and sort opt ions t o t he it em list .

l Flexible search, filter and sort opt ions t hat you can use t o refine t he set of t asks in t he it em list .

l Paging tools t hat you can use t o browse t he it em list .

20.05 and later


1A service-level agreement (SLA) is a commit ment bet ween a service provider and a client . Part icular aspect s of t he

service – qualit y, availabilit y, responsibilit ies – are agreed bet ween t he service provider and t he service user.

Manage Applicat ions in Workspaces - 171 -

Manage Applicat ions in Workspaces - 172 -
The Manage space's List screen displays a list of t asks from t he select ed queue, t aking int o considerat ion t he cur-
rent view and any act ive search, filt er and sort opt ions. Each row in t he it em list corresponds t o a single t ask, show-
ing a set of pre-configured dat a it ems in columns including an SLA indicat or t hat ident ifies how applicat ion
processing is progressing against t he SLA conditions. The name of t he act ive queue is displayed in t he Queue
select or, and t he name of t he current view is highlight ed in t he View select or. The list of t asks displayed can be fur-
t her refined using t he filt er and sort opt ions. Filt ering rest rict s which t asks are displayed in t he list , and sort ing
det ermines t he order t hat t asks appear in t he list . To learn more about t hese opt ions, see Filter the Item List and
Sort the Item List .

Once you've found t he t ask you're int erest ed in, you can select it in t he it em list t o perform an act ion on it . To learn
about t he available act ions, see Manage Actions below.

Details Screen
The Det ails screen in t he Manage space support s all of t he st andard feat ures of a Workspaces Details screen . It dis-
plays comprehensive informat ion about t he select ed applicat ion and it s t asks, and provides access t o act ions for
managing applicat ions. This includes t he following feat ures, each of which is cont ained in a separat e card or card
sect ion:

Manage Applicat ions in Workspaces - 173 -

l Key information about t he select ed applicat ion and it s t asks.

l The abilit y t o track application progress against an SLA. | 19.11

l A set of standard actions t hat you can perform in t he Manage space at t he current st age of t he applicat ion's
life cycle. | 20.05
l A list of applicants and products from which you can select an applicant t o view more det ails. | 19.11

l Personal information for t he select ed applicant , including ident it y and cont act det ails. | 19.11
l The out comes of pre-configured background checks which provide an assessment of a select ed applicant 's
suit abilit y. | 19.11
l A feat ure-rich applicat ion timeline of all t he st eps t hat t he applicat ion has progressed t hrough, showing key
applicat ion det ails as well as t asks wit h accompanying not es. | 20.05
l Timeline t ask it ems t hat show t he applicat ion's progress; select one t o reload t he Det ails screen and present
t he applicat ion in t he cont ext of t he select ed t ask. | 20.05
l A dynamic set of act ions t hat are applicable t o t he select ed t imeline t ask and current ly available for you t o
perform, t hereby giving you confidence t hat you're act ing on t he right t ask. | 20.05

l At t ached documents relat ing t o t he applicat ion. | 19.11

l An opt ional display of custom information ; for example, informat ion t hat is not included in t he st andard
cards, or t hat is present ed different ly.

To learn about t hese st andard feat ures, click t he links above or see The Application Details Screen .

v19.11 and earlier

Manage Applicat ions in Workspaces - 174 -

Manage Actions
The manage act ions are:

l Assign – Assign a t ask t o a Workspaces user.

l Unassign – Remove a t ask assignment for any t ask.
l View Notes – View all of t he not es from all of an applicat ion's t asks.

The Assign and Unassign act ions are described below in t he cont ext of t he Manage space, including examples of
how t o use t hem.

Assign and UnassignTasks

If you manage a t eam, you may need t o schedule work t o meet various needs; for example, t o share work across
your t eam, t o accommodat e t eam member absences, or t o sat isfy an SLA1. A user wit h access t o t he Manage
space, such as a manager or a Workspaces administ rat or, can change t ask assignment s t o address any such needs.

When you assign a t ask t o a Workspaces user, only t hat user can work on it . Once you assign a t ask t o someone,
ot her act ions may become available for t he assigned user t o perform on t he t ask.

1A service-level agreement (SLA) is a commit ment bet ween a service provider and a client . Part icular aspect s of t he

service – qualit y, availabilit y, responsibilit ies – are agreed bet ween t he service provider and t he service user.

Manage Applicat ions in Workspaces - 175 -

If you need t o remove a t ask assignment , you can unassign t he t ask from t he current user. For example, if a st aff
member goes on leave wit hout complet ing an assigned t ask and you need t o assign it t o someone else, you can
unassign t he t ask from t he current user and assign it t o t he ot her user. In t his way, you can manage t he assign-
ment of t asks t o ensure t hey are complet ed in a t imely fashion.

Manage Action Examples

Let 's go st ep by st ep t hrough some examples for act ivit ies t hat you may need t o perform when managing t asks.

You can find examples below for t he following act ions:

l Assign a task on t he List screen

l Unassign a task on t he List screen

St ep-by-st ep examples are available elsewhere for ot her act ions you may need while managing t asks:

l View a receipt on t he Det ails screen

l Upload a document on t he Det ails screen
Assign a Task
This example shows you how t o narrow down t he it em list t o just t asks for recent ly creat ed applicat ions using
global filt ers, t hen assign a t ask t o a Workspaces user.

1. Login t o Workspaces and select t he M anage space.

2. Click Creat ed Dat e and select a range of dat es t hat covers recent ly submit t ed applicat ions, narrowing down
t he list of t asks and making it easier t o see t he t ask you want t o assign.

Manage Applicat ions in Workspaces - 176 -

3. Point your cursor at t he t ask t hat you want t o assign – t he available act ions appear at t he right -hand side.

Click ( Assign) t o display t he list of Workspaces users.

4. Select t he user t hat you want t o assign t he t ask t o from t he list .

Manage Applicat ions in Workspaces - 177 -

The user list displays bot h t he Workspaces user name and t he user's full name for each user.

5. The select ed user's Workspaces id is displayed in t he Assigned column, and a message confirming you have
assigned t he t ask is displayed briefly in t he bot t om left corner.

Alt ernat ively, you can click t he t ask t o display it s applicat ion det ails, t hen click Assign on t he Det ails screen
and select t he user t o assign t he t ask t o.
Rem ove a Task Assignm ent ( Unassign)
This example shows you how t o use a filt er t o narrow t he it em list down t o just t hose t asks assigned t o a specific
Workspaces user, t hen unassign one of t hese t ask.

Manage Applicat ions in Workspaces - 178 -

1. Login t o Workspaces and select t he M anage space.
2. Click Filt er t o display t he Filt ers select or, t hen click t he Assigned t o field t o display t he user list .

3. Select a user from t he list t hen click out side t he Filt ers select or t wice t o close it . This reduces t he number of
it ems in t he it em list , making it easier t o see t he t ask you want t o unassign.
4. Now, you can unassign t he t ask. Point your cursor at t he t ask t hat you want t o unassign – t he available

act ions appear at t he right -hand side. Click ( Unassign) t o remove t he t ask assignment .

Alt ernat ively, you can click t he t ask t o display it s applicat ion det ails, t hen click Unassign on t he Det ails

Manage Applicat ions in Workspaces - 179 -

5. The value in t he Assigned t o column is cleared causing t he t ask it em t o be removed from t he it em list as it
no longer sat isfies t he filt er crit eria. A message confirming t hat you have unassigned t he t ask is displayed
briefly in t he bot t om left corner.

Manage Applicat ions in Workspaces - 180 -

Workspaces Applicant Space Overview
Workspaces | Workspaces Applicant User | 21.11

Journey Workspaces is a highly configurable and feat ure-rich business port al t arget ed at aut hent icat ed bank st aff
conduct ing act ivit ies like applicat ion resolut ion and cust omer service. As originally designed, Workspaces doesn't
accommodat e ot her audiences, a not able omission being t he involvement of applicant s and t heir represent at ives
in t he applicat ion resolut ion process. To address t his audience, we've int roduced a new applicant -focused port al —
t he Workspaces Applicant space — t hat gives aut hent icat ed non-bank users access t o a limit ed set of applicat ion-
relat ed feat ures. While it is st ill not possible t o accommodat e anonymous users, t he Applicant space enables your
organizat ion t o improve t he cust omer's experience by let t ing t hem cont ribut e t o t he progress of applicat ions
t hrough t he full applicat ion life cycle.

What is the Applicant space?

The Applicant space is a Workspaces ext ension offering an efficient , digit al-first met hod for aut hent icat ed non-
bank users t o have a great er involvement in t he applicat ion process. Wit hin t he Applicant space, users can init iat e
and submit applicat ions, t hen manage and monit or t heir progress t hrough t o a final out come. By giving t he applic-
ant (or t heir represent at ive) more direct involvement in t he applicat ion process, t he Applicant space helps t o
improve t he speed and accuracy of t he applicat ion resolut ion process.

Key feat ures of t he Applicant space begin wit h an opt ion t o kick-st art applicat ions. Having done so, you can search
and filt er t o find your applicat ions, t hen view all t he key det ails and monit or t he progress of each applicat ion as it is
processed. There are opt ions t o filt er on useful crit eria such as t he applicat ion's id, t he dat e it was st art ed, and it s
st at us, so t hat you can find t he applicat ion you need quickly. You can add not es t hroughout t he applicat ion pro-
cess t o help bank st aff process your applicat ion and pot ent ially reduce delays in t he applicat ion approval process.
Any not es you add are available t o all Workspaces users as part of an easy-t o-underst and audit t rail of t he applic-
at ion life cycle.

Out of t he box, t he Applicant space present s a t hought fully designed and feat ure-rich int erface based on a t em-
plat e t hat has all t he feat ures you need. This t emplat e represent s a common applicat ion workflow scenario, and
t akes advant age of t hird-part y int egrat ions t o add a suit e of useful and pract ical feat ures. The t emplat e accelerat es
t he inst allat ion and configurat ion process and can be used as t he basis for your own cust om Applicant space exper-

The Applicant space relies on several core concept s t hat underpin Workspaces. To learn more about t hese, see
Workspaces Core Concepts. Workspaces is designed t o give you a great user experience right from t he st art wit h a
consist ent page st ruct ure and common user int erface (UI) element s. To learn more about t he Workspaces UI, see
Workspaces UI Tour .

Who is the Applicant space for?

The Applicant space provides feat ures for aut hent icat ed non-bank users such as applicant s and t heir nominat ed
represent at ives. Generally, an Applicant space user is a broker or ot her represent at ive of an applicant rat her t han
t he applicant t hemselves. Anonymous and unaut hent icat ed users cannot use t he Applicant space.

Workspaces Applicant Space Overview - 181 -

What's included?
Applicant space includes feat ures designed for applicant s and t heir represent at ives.

l Kick-st art an applicat ion, t hen save or submit it .

l Resume a saved applicat ion t o cont inue adding det ails.
l Wit hdraw a submit t ed applicat ion if you change your mind.
l Recover a wit hdrawn or abandoned applicat ion.
l Search and filt er opt ions t hat help you find your applicat ions.
l A det ailed view of each applicat ion, including any at t ached document s which you can download.
l Monit or t he progress of each applicat ion as it is processed.

Getting Started
Configurat ion
Workspaces is a highly configurable product , so we provide a default Applicant space configurat ion t o get you up
and going fast er. Aut horized users can download t he lat est Workspaces dist ribut ion which includes t he default
Applicant space configurat ion. More informat ion is available in t he Applicant space technical documentation t o
help you configure your Applicant space t o meet your needs.

Browser Support
The Applicant space has been designed for and t est ed against t he following web browsers.

l Google Chrome
l Mozilla Firefox
l Microsoft Edge

For t he best experience, we recommend t hat you use t he lat est version of Chrome, Firefox, or Edge, and t hat you
keep your browser updat ed, especially t hrough t he applicat ion of securit y pat ches.

While you may be able t o access t he Applicant space using ot her browsers, t here's no guarant ee t hat everyt hing
will work, and you may not enjoy t he great user experience available when using a support ed browser. We st rongly
recommend t hat you use a support ed browser for t he best Applicant space experience.

Workspaces Applicant Space Overview - 182 -

The Applicant Space Search Screen
Workspaces | Workspaces Applicant User | 21.11

Some of t he images and t ext in t his t opic may be different t o what you see in your Applicant port al. This is
because t he Applicant port al has a highly configurable user int erface, and t his t opic describes feat ures based
on a default configurat ion which may differ from how your Applicant port al is configured; for example, you
may see different branding or ot her fields. Nevert heless, t he feat ures described below work t he same way in
every Applicant port al.

When you select t he Applicant space, t he first screen you see is t he Search screen. This screen provides feat ures
t hat help you find your t asks and applicat ions so t hat you can do what you need t o t o keep t hem progressing
t owards your desired out come.

The Search screen includes t he following feat ures.

l An opt ion t o start a new application wit hout leaving t he Applicant space.

l An item list , populat ed wit h it ems mat ching various crit eria, and which may be empt y init ially.

l A View selector , used t o apply a pre-defined set of fields, filt ers and sort opt ions t o t he it em list .

l A Product selector t hat rest rict s t he it ems in t he it em list t o just t hose mat ching a select ed product .

l A Created date selector t hat rest rict s t he it ems in t he it em list based on t he dat e t hey were creat ed.

l Flexible search and sort opt ions t hat you can use t o refine t he set of it ems in t he it em list .

l Paging tools t hat help you t o browse t he it em list when t he number of mat ching it ems exceeds t he select ed
page size.

The following image illust rat es where you can find t hese feat ures.

The Applicant Space Search Screen - 183 -

At t he t op of t he Search screen is t he screen header which provides common funct ionalit y applicable t o all Work-
spacesscreens. Below t his, t he main element on t he Search screen is t he it em list which displays summary inform-
at ion for a list of t asks or applicat ions. The View, Product , and Creat ed dat e select ors above t he it em list are t he
main way you cont rol and ident ify which it ems are displayed in t he it em list .

l The View select or shows t he name of t he current view, and let s you select anot her view t o quickly and eas-
ily change how t he it em list appears (including different fields or sort order) and which it ems are displayed.
l The Product select or shows t he name of t he act ive product t ype, and let s you select anot her product so
t hat you can work wit h ot her t asks or applicat ions.
l The Creat ed dat e select or let s you hone in on it ems creat ed in a specific period, and displays t he dat e or
dat e range t hat is current ly select ed.

If you've select ed a view and applied some filt ers, and you st ill can't see t he it em you’re looking for, t here are a few
more ways you can t ry t o find it .

l Search: When you just want t o find a specific it em, you can search for it t o find it st raight away (or not at all).
To learn how t o search, see Search for a task.

l Sort : You can change how t he list of it ems appears by sort ing on a different field.
l Browse: You might not be sure which t ask or applicat ion you need unt il you see it . In t his case, you can
browse t hrough t he it em list unt il you find what you need. A set of paging t ools allows you t o choose how
many it ems are displayed in a page and browse t he it em list pages.

Once you’ve found t he it em you’re looking for, select it t o view more about it on t he Details screen where you can
int eract wit h it furt her.

While you can't perform act ions on exist ing t asks from t he Search screen, you can st art a new applicat ion.

Page Header
The screen header is common t o all Workspaces port al screens, displaying generic informat ion and providing
access t o common feat ures and menus.

Prior to 20.05

The Applicant Space Search Screen - 184 -

On t he screen header, you can find t he following feat ures.

l When t he displayed informat ion was last refreshed, and an opt ion t o refresh t he displayed informat ion.
l A menu but t on providing access t o User Profile opt ions.

l An opt ion t o select t he language used for st at ic t ext in t he Workspaces UI. | 21.11
l An opt ion t o log out of your current Workspaces session.

Workspaces 21.11 int roduced an aut omat ic session logout aft er a defined period of inact ivit y. To learn more
about configuring t he session t imeout period, see Session Timeout .

Workspaces releases prior t o 20.05 also display t he release version number in t he header, while t his has moved t o
t he page foot er in subsequent releases.

When you navigat e t o a Workspaces screen, t he informat ion displayed is up-t o-dat e but it can become st ale over
t ime. The elapsed t ime since t he screen was last updat ed is shown in t he screen header on t he Page Refresh but -
t on. If t he screen has not been updat ed recent ly or you want t o see t he lat est informat ion, click Page Refresh t o
updat e it .

To access t he User Profile set t ings, click t he User Profile but t on (1) and select Set t ings (2). Updat e your profile set -
t ings as required (3) and click Save (4), t hen close t he profile window (5). A message confirming your profile updat e
was successful is displayed in t he bot t om left corner of t he main window (6). You can close t he message (7) or wait
for it t o go away aft er a few seconds.

The Applicant Space Search Screen - 185 -

Start a New Application
The Applicant space includes a set of standard actions for working wit h applicat ions and t asks. However, unlike
ot her Workspaces spaces, t he Applicant space funct ionalit y cannot be ext ended using custom actions as t hese
aren't current ly support ed in t he Applicant space.

The only act ion available from t he Search screen is New Applicat ion which you can use t o st art a new applicat ion.
All ot her act ions are available only from t he Det ails screen; t o learn more about t hem, see Applicant Space Actions.

But t on labels and hint s (where available) are configurable and may not be t he same as t he st andard act ion
t ypes in your Applicant space.

To st art a new applicat ion, click N ew Applicat ion (1) and select a form t ype from t he list displayed (2). The applic-
at ion form is displayed in a modal window (3). Fill out t he applicat ion form and save or submit it (4) t hen close t he
modal window (5). Your new applicat ion will appear at t he t op of t he it em list (6).

The Applicant Space Search Screen - 186 -

Item List
The main element on t he Search screen is t he it em list , a t abular display of informat ion relat ing t o t asks or applic-
at ions. Each row of t he it em list displays brief det ails for a single it em t o help you ident ify what you're int erest ed in.
The t ype of informat ion displayed in each column is configurable, and t his is one of t he ways your Applicant space
may differ from t he default configurat ion.

The it ems displayed in t he it em list sat isfy a set of crit eria t hat is det ermined by select ing a view t hen, opt ionally,
furt her refining t he list of it ems by select ing a product and/ or a dat e range, or by searching for specific it ems. It ems
appear in t he it em list if t hey:

l relat e t o applicat ions creat ed by you; and

l mat ch t he crit eria imposed by t he current view; and

l (opt ionally) correspond t o t he value shown in t he Product select or; and

l (opt ionally) were creat ed on a dat e mat ching t he dat e or dat e range shown in t he Creat ed dat e select or; and
l (opt ionally) mat ch any opt ional search crit eria applied by t he user.

As not ed above, you can only see it ems for applicat ions t hat you creat ed, whet her t hey be your own applicat ions
(as an applicant ) or applicat ions you creat ed on behalf of t he applicant (for example, as a broker). If t here are no
mat ching it ems, t he it em list is empt y; t his will likely be t he case t he first t ime you login t o t he Applicant space.

View Selector
The View select or provides a quick and easy way t o apply a view configurat ion t o t he it em list so t hat you can
focus on a part icular set of it ems.

The Applicant Space Search Screen - 187 -

A view is a predefined it em list configurat ion including fields, filt ers, and sort opt ions. You can t hink of a view as a
short cut for applying a set of filt er and sort opt ions on t op of a defined set of fields.

The default Applicant space configurat ion comes wit h several predefined views:

l M y applicat ions: All applicat ions creat ed by t he current user (wit hout any filt ers or search)
l M y submit t ed: All applicat ions creat ed by t he current user t hat have been submit t ed
l M y saved: All applicat ions creat ed by t he current user t hat have been saved but not yet submit t ed
l M y abandoned: All of t he current user's abandoned applicat ions, regardless of how t hey were abandoned
(t hat is, eit her as a deliberat e act ion by a Workspaces user, or passively by t he syst em when t he data reten-
tion period has elapsed)

Each it em in t he View select or represent s a view. Click an it em in t he View select or t o make it t he current view.
When a view is select ed, it 's configurat ion is applied t o t he it em list t o rest rict t he it ems displayed. A color highlight
provides a visual indicat ion of which view is select ed.

Usually, all available views will be visible in t he View select or. However, if t here's not enough screen space t o display
all t he configured views, you can access t he views t hat are not fully visible by point ing at t he View select or and
rolling your mouse's scroll wheel.

Views are configured by an Workspaces developer or administ rat or. As an Applicant space user, you can’t change
t he way a view is defined but you can use filt er, search, and sort opt ions t o refine t he it ems displayed in t he it em
list .

Product Selector
The Product select or is used in conjunct ion wit h ot her select ors and opt ional search crit eria t o populat e t he it em
list . The Product select or ident ifies t he t ype of product current ly used for populat ing t he it em list . Select a product
from t he Product select or t o display only t hose it ems t hat mat ch t he select ed product .

The Applicant Space Search Screen - 188 -

The available product s are list ed in t he Product select or’s dropdown list as well as an All it em. You can choose any
product from t he dropdown list t o rest rict t he it ems displayed in t he it em list . If you choose All, t he it em list is pop-
ulat ed wit h it ems for all product s.

The first t ime you open t he Search screen, t he Allproduct it em is select ed by default , so it ems mat ching all
product s (subject t o any act ive filt er or search) are displayed in t he it em list . Thereaft er, Applicant space remem-
bers t he last product you chose, and select s it aut omat ically when you open t he Search screen.

Created Date Selector

Anot her Search screen feat ure t hat helps t o reduce t he number of it ems present ed t o you is t he Creat ed dat e
select or which displays t he dat e or dat e range current ly applied t o t he t ime list and let s you apply a different dat e
filt er.

The default dat e filt er rest rict s t he it ems displayed in t he it em list t o just t hose t hat were creat ed in t he last four
weeks including t he current dat e, and t his filt er is applied t he first t ime you access t he Search screen. You can
select a different dat e filt er using t he Creat ed dat e select or.

The Applicant Space Search Screen - 189 -

When you click t he Creat ed dat e select or, a dat e range dialog is displayed. This dialog includes t wo dat e fields,
From Dat e and To Dat e , t hat t oget her define a dat e range. To filt er on a single dat e, select t he same dat e for
From Dat e and To Dat e .

You can ent er a dat e by select ing it from a calendar or t yping it in. To discard any dat es you've ent ered and revert
back t o t he original dat es when t he dialog was displayed, click Reset values. Once you've ent ered t he dat es, click

Save t o apply t he dat e filt er. Alt ernat ively, you can click (Close) t o close t he dialog wit hout applying t he new
dat e filt er while ret aining t he dat es you select ed.

Each dat e field includes a (Calendar) icon; click t his icon t o display a calendar from which you can select a dat e.

You can click (Previous Mont h) or (Next Mont h) t o browse t o and select dat es in ot her mont hs.

The Applicant Space Search Screen - 190 -

Search and Sort
By default , t he it em list shows it ems t hat sat isfy t he crit eria defined by t he current view and any select ions from
t he Product and Creat ed dat e select ors. This may st ill result in a large number of t asks which you might want t o
refine furt her. Searching and sort ing can help you t o focus on t he t asks t hat are import ant t o you right now.

Search for a Task

If you know which t ask or applicat ion you're looking for and you can't see it in t he it em list , you can t ry t o search
for it . Searching allows you t o refine t he list of it ems displayed t o show just t hose relevant t o what you are looking

The Applicant Space Search Screen - 191 -

Like t he Form / Product t ype and Creat ed dat e global filt ers, searching reduces t he number of it ems in t he it em
list by mat ching specific field (column) values. However, searching differs from t he various select ors in a number of

l Searching can t arget one field or mult iple fields, whereas each select or is t arget ed at a single field.
l When searching on one field, t he user can choose which field t o t arget , whereas each select or is t arget ed at a
predet ermined field.
l When searching on mult iple fields, t he same search t ext is compared against all t arget ed fields. By cont rast ,
t he user needs t o select a search value in each select or separat ely.
l Searching is support ed for t ext fields only, whereas select ors support several different dat a t ypes including
dat es.

To search for a t ask or applicat ion, select t he search scope from t he Columns select or, ent er your search t ext in

t he Search field, and press Enter or click (Search). The search t ext is compared against t he searchable fields
in t he search scope, and only mat ching it ems are displayed in t he it em list . If t he search scope is All, t he search t ext
is compared against all searchable fields.

Here are some t hings t o know about how searching works:

l Searching is case-insensit ive; t hat is, it t reat s uppercase and lowercase charact ers as t he same.
l Part ial mat ch is not current ly support ed, so searching only finds it ems t hat mat ch t he search t ext exact ly
(ignoring let t er case).
l When a search is act ive, t he it ems displayed in t he it em list sat isfy t he current view and filt er select ions as
well as t he search crit eria.

A search remains act ive unt il you clear it . To clear a search, click t he (Clear Search) but t on.

Simply delet ing all of t he search t ext does not clear an act ive search. To clear a search, follow t he inst ruct ions

If you select an it em in t he it em list while a search is act ive, when you subsequent ly ret urn from t he Det ails screen

t o t he List screen, t he search will st ill be act ive. This is indicat ed by t he t ext and in t he Search field.

Sort t he It em List
It ems in t he it em list are displayed in an order det ermined by t he current sort select ion. This is indicat ed by an icon

on t he right -hand side of a column name. The (Sort Ascending) icon indicat es t he it em list is sort ed by t he

column values in ascending order, while (Sort Descending) indicat es it ems are sort ed by t he column values in
descending order.

The Applicant Space Search Screen - 192 -

Sort – Ascending order
Sort – Descending order

You can det ermine whet her a column is available t o use for sort ing by point ing your cursor at a column heading. If
your cursor changes t o t he hand point er and a "Sort " t oolt ip is displayed, you can sort by t he column. To change
t he sort order, click t he column name. If you click t he column name for t he current sort select ion, sort ing will alt ern-
at e bet ween ascending and descending order.

The Applicant Space Search Screen - 193 -

Paging Tools
Somet imes, t here are t oo many it ems t o display all at once on t he screen. Paging allows you t o see some of t he
it ems now t hen browse t he it em list one page at a t ime t o see more. Paging t ools let you choose t he number of
it ems t o display on an it em list page, and navigat e (forward or backward) t hrough t he available pages of it ems.

The ( Previous Page ) and ( Next Page ) paging t ools let you browse t hrough it em list pages t o find t he

it ems you need. Click t hese t ools t o display t he previous or next page of it ems in t he it em list . The ( Previous

Page ) t ool is disabled when t he first it em list page is displayed; similarly, t he ( Next Page ) t ool is disabled
when t he last it em list page is displayed.

Rows per page shows t he maximum number of it ems displayed on an it em list page. You can select a different
page size from t he Rows per page dropdown. Select ing a different page size, reset s t he it em list t o show t he first
page again.

The Applicant Space Search Screen - 194 -

The Applicant Space Details Screen
Workspaces | Workspaces Applicant User | 21.11

Some of t he images and t ext in t his t opic may be different t o what you see in your Applicant port al. This is
because t he Applicant port al has a highly configurable user int erface, and t his t opic describes feat ures based
on a default configurat ion which may differ from how your Applicant port al is configured; for example, you
may see different branding or ot her fields. Nevert heless, t he feat ures described below work t he same way in
every Applicant port al.

The Applicant space's Det ails screen is displayed when a user clicks an it em on t he Search screen . The Det ails
screen shows informat ion about individual it em select ed on t he Search screen, and provides feat ures for you t o
work wit h t he t asks and applicat ion associat ed wit h t hat it em. Informat ion is displayed in t he cont ext of a select ed
t ask, and is reloaded whenever t he user select s an it em in t he t ask list .

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The Det ails screen in t he Applicant space support s many of t he st andard feat ures of a Workspaces Details screen .
It displays comprehensive informat ion about t he select ed t ask, and provides access t o act ions t hat let t he applic-
ant cont ribut e t o t he applicat ion's progression t hrough it s life cycle. This includes t he following feat ures, each of
which is cont ained in a separat e card or card sect ion:

l A simple timeline display of applicat ion st eps showing t he st at us of each st ep.

l The list of t asks (My Tasks) yet t o be complet ed from which you can select one t o focus on.

l Key information about t he select ed t ask.

l A set of standard actions t hat you can perform in t he Applicant space at t he current st age of t he applic-
at ion's life cycle.
l Applicant details including a list of applicant s from which you can select one t o view more informat ion about
t hem such as ident it y and cont act det ails.
l The out comes of pre-configured background checks which provide an assessment of a select ed applicant 's
suit abilit y.
l A t imeline of notes relat ing t o t he applicat ion.

l At t ached documents relat ing t o t he applicat ion.

l An opt ional display of custom information ; for example, informat ion t hat is not included in t he st andard
cards, or t hat is present ed different ly.

Generally, each informat ion it em or dat a field on t he Det ails screen has a label and a value. The label ident ifies t he
specific ent it y t hat t he field relat es t o, and t he value is t he applicat ion dat a corresponding t o t he label. Somet imes,
t here may be mult iple values for one label; for example, when dat a is present ed in a t able.

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Fields display informat ion of various dat a t ypes including t ext (name, email address, some IDs), numbers (phone,
SSN), and dat es. A dat e may represent eit her a specific point in t ime (dat e of birt h) or a durat ion (applicat ion age).

Numbers and dat es can be configured t o use a variet y of format s. For example:

l Phone numbers can be format t ed for t he current localit y or t o accommodat e int ernat ionalizat ion.
l 9-digit Social Securit y Numbers are commonly displayed using t he format "AAA-GG-SSSS".

l Dat es represent ing a point in t ime can use eit her absolut e ("1 Jan 2022", "t oday") or relat ive ("last Wed-
nesday", "6 days ago") format s.
l Dat es represent ing a durat ion can use eit her specific ("7 days, 3 hours, 26 minut es") or approximat e ("about
7 days", "last week") format s.

Somet imes a value might be t oo long t o fit in t he space available for it ; in t his case, t he value is oft en t runcat ed and
an ellipsis ('…') is appended t o indicat e t hat you're not looking at t he full value. To see t he full value, point your
cursor at t he t runcat ed value and a t ool t ip is displayed showing t he full value.

By default , values in t able columns wrap when t hey are wider t han t he column. However, somet imes t his behavior
is undesirable, and it can be overridden for specific columns via configurat ion.

To ret urn t o t he Search screen, click t he Back t o ... link at t he t op of t he screen, or click an it em in t he Spaces

Application Timeline
The Applicat ion Timeline provides a non-int eract ive graphical progress display relat ing t o t he st eps in t he applic-
at ion life cycle of submit t ed applicat ions. Complet ed and pending st eps are visually different iat ed, allowing t he
user t o see applicat ion progress at a glance.

The Applicat ion Timeline is hidden for saved applicat ions. It is only display once an applicat ion has been submit t ed.

Key Information
The Key Informat ion card displays import ant t ask informat ion t hat 's handy for Applicant space users t o have at
t heir fingert ips.

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The Key Info card includes bet ween four and six it ems depending on t he widt h of your browser window. The full
widt h layout accommodat es six key info it ems but as t he widt h of your browser becomes smaller, it ems are
removed progressively unt il only four it ems are displayed. Each key info it em has a label and a value.

Applicant Details
When filling out an applicat ion, it 's generally necessary t o provide personally ident ifiable informat ion ( PII1) for
each applicant t hat uniquely ident ifies t hem, and which is oft en used t o perform background checks t hat are crit -
ical in successfully processing t he applicat ion. In t he Applicant space, t his informat ion is displayed in t he Applicant
Det ails card.

1Personally Ident ifiable Informat ion (PII) is informat ion about an individual t hat can be used t o dist inguish or t race

an individual‘s ident it y, such as name, social securit y number, dat e and place of birt h, mot her‘s maiden name, or
biomet ric records; and any ot her informat ion t hat is linked t o an individual.

The Applicant Space Det ails Screen - 198 -

At t he t op of t he card is an Applicant s sect ion list ing all of t he applicant s associat ed wit h t he applicat ion. This sec-
t ion displays key applicant -relat ed informat ion for each applicant including t heir name and email address. Select
an applicant from t his sect ion t o display more informat ion for t hat applicant in t he ot her sect ions of t his card
below t he list .

Sect ions below t he Applicant s list show informat ion about t he select ed applicant in a grid layout t hat improves t he
user experience when dealing wit h applicat ions t hat include mult iple applicant s. A Personal Info sect ion displays
t he select ed applicant 's personal informat ion including t heir full name, address, email, dat e of birt h, and some
count ry-specific ident it y informat ion (such as a Social Securit y Number in USA). This sect ion may be followed by
ot her sect ions showing more det ailed informat ion relat ing t o t he select ed applicant ; for example, a more det ailed
address, or more det ails for an associat ed ident it y document such as t he document t ype and number as well as
when and where it was issued. Addit ionally, your Applicant space may be configured t o include a sect ion displaying
t he result s of ident it y checks or verificat ions relat ing t o t he select ed applicant . To learn more about how t hese
background checks are displayed, see Background Checks.

My Tasks
An it em select ed on t he Search screen may have mult iple t asks associat ed wit h it t hat t he current user needs t o
complet e. My Tasks displays t his list of out st anding t asks and provides a way t o navigat e bet ween t hem.

The Applicant Space Det ails Screen - 199 -

The t asks displayed in t his list are ordered by creat ion dat e in reverse chronological order. Brief informat ion is
shown for each t ask including t he t ask's ID, name, current st at us, and when it was creat ed. When t he Det ails
screen is displayed, t he last (t hat is, oldest ) t ask in t he list is select ed aut omat ically. You can select any t ask from
t he list t o reload t his screen wit h informat ion for t hat t ask. The current ly select ed t ask is indicat ed visually in t he
list .

Throughout t he life cycle of an applicat ion, t here may be t imes when an applicant needs t o provide addit ional
informat ion t o t he bank st aff processing t heir applicat ion. Bot h Workspaces and t he Applicant space support t his
kind communicat ion.

In t he Applicant space, applicant s manage not es in t he Not es card (1). To add a not e, click t he Add a not e field (2)
and ent er your not e t ext (3) t hen click Add not e (4). Your new not e appears below t he Add a not e field (5), and a
message is displayed briefly in t he bot t om left corner confirming your not e has been added (6).

The Applicant Space Det ails Screen - 200 -

A charact er count is displayed below t he Add a not e field and updat ed as you t ype in your not e.

All of t he not es for an applicat ion ent ered by t he applicant are displayed in a list at t he bot t om of t he Not es card
wit h t he newest at t he t op. The t ext for each not e is accompanied by t he dat e and t ime it was creat ed and who
added it .

Bot h Workspaces and t he Applicant space allow users t o add not es t o an applicat ion. Any not es added by t he
applicant appear in t he Not es card, and can be viewed by bank st aff in Workspaces via t he View Not es act ion.
However, not es added by bank st aff in Workspaces cannot be viewed in t he Applicant space.

My Documents
Applicant s are oft en required t o provide document ary evidence, such as a drivers license or an energy bill, t o cor-
roborat e t he det ails t hey have ent ered in t heir applicat ion. These document s are at t ached t o t he applicat ion, and
made available t o an Applicant space user in t he Document s card.

The Applicant Space Det ails Screen - 201 -

Each it em in t he Document s card cont ains t he following element s.

l Document : This ident ifies t he kind of informat ion in t he document file, and is assigned aut omat ically when
a document is uploaded by t he applicant while filling in t he applicat ion.
l Dat e Uploaded: A t imest amp t hat shows when t he document file was uploaded and at t ached t o t he applic-
at ion.
l File name: The file name of t he document when it was uploaded and at t ached t o t he applicat ion.

l Download: On t he right -hand side of each document it em is a (Download) icon t hat you can click t o
download t he document file.

An Applicant space user cannot change t he way document s appear on t he Document s card, nor can t hey upload
or manage t he document s at t ached t o an applicat ion in any way. The only act ion t hey can perform on a document
is t o download it .

Custom Information
In addit ion t o t he informat ion displayed on t he predefined cards, ot her import ant informat ion can be displayed in
cust om cards. Two format s are support ed: a st andard cust om card t o display a set of single-value dat a and a list
cust om card t hat can display list s or t abular dat a.

The Applicant Space Det ails Screen - 202 -

A st andard cust om card is configured t o display a set of dat a it ems and a single value for each dat a it em. By con-
t rast , t he list cust om card displays dat a in a t abular format wit h each column represent ing a different dat a it em

and each row being a relat ed set of values. A (Det ail Link) icon may be displayed for any dat a it em; click t he link
icon t o display more informat ion about t he dat a it em in a pop-up window.

In addit ion t o st andard dat a values and dat a links, cust om cards also support download links. Click a down-
load link t o download t he t arget file associat ed wit h t he link.

Cust om cards provide a read-only view of t he informat ion present ed. An Applicant space user has no cont rol over
t he way t hese cards appear and cannot modify t he displayed dat a.

No Data Scenario
Somet imes, dat a may not be available in t he Applicant space for one or more dat a it ems. This could be because t he
expect ed dat a does not exist (for example, has not been collect ed) or because a t echnical issue prevent s t he Applic-
ant space from being able t o obt ain t he dat a. The Applicant space can be configured t o indicat e t hat expect ed dat a
is not available by displaying a dash ‘– ‘ inst ead of t he dat a value. The lack of dat a is reinforced by t he use of gray
color for UI element s relat ing t o t hese dat a it ems.

The Applicant Space Det ails Screen - 203 -

WorkspacesThe Applicant space can also be configured t o hide it ems wit h no dat a, so you may not even see fields
or records wit h no dat a.

Applicant Space Actions

The Applicant space includes a set of standard actions for working wit h applicat ions and t asks. However, unlike
ot her Workspaces spaces, t he Applicant space funct ionalit y cannot be ext ended using custom actions as t hese
aren't current ly support ed in t he Applicant space.

The st andard act ions in t he Applicant space are:

l New Application – St art a new applicat ion in t he Applicant space.

l Receipt – See a read-only view of a submit t ed applicat ion.
l Recover – Recover an abandoned or wit hdrawn applicat ion so t hat t he applicant can cont inue wit h it .
l Resume – Resume an unsubmit t ed applicat ion in a modal window.
l Withdraw – Cancel an applicat ion t hat has been saved but not yet submit t ed.

Wit h t he except ion of New Applicat ion, all of t hese act ions are available from t he Det ails screen via t he Act ion but -
t on t o t he right of t he Key Info card.

You can start a new application from t he Search screen.

The Applicant Space Det ails Screen - 204 -

The Act ion but t on changes according t o how many act ions are available.

l One act ion:The but t on label is t he name of t he act ion, and clicking t he but t on performs t he act ion.

l M ult iple act ions:The but t on label is 'Act ions', and clicking t he but t on displays a dropdown list cont aining
one it em for each available act ion. Select an it em t o perform t hat act ion.

Different act ions may be available for each t ask because t he act ions t hat can be performed on a t ask at any t ime
depend on several fact ors including t he t ask's current st at e. For example, t he Recover act ion will be available only
for an applicat ion t hat has been abandoned.

But t on labels and hint s (where available) are configurable and may not be t he same as t he st andard act ion
t ypes in your Applicant space.

Some act ions display a brief message in t he bot t om right corner of t he screen confirming t hat your desired act ion
was successful or not ifying you t hat somet hing went wrong.

The Applicant Space Det ails Screen - 205 -

Resum e an Applicat ion
Aft er you st art an applicat ion, you may find t hat you don't have all t he informat ion you need at hand t o complet e
t he applicat ion, so you save it for now while you go and find what you need. Once you have all t he informat ion for
your applicat ion, you can resume your saved applicat ion t o complet e it and submit it .

To view t he informat ion for an applicat ion t hat has been submit t ed, use t he Receipt act ion.

The Applicant Space Det ails Screen - 206 -

When you resume an applicat ion, t he informat ion previously ent ered is displayed in t he same form t hat was used
t o capt ure t hat informat ion. While resuming an applicat ion and viewing a receipt bot h show you t he applicat ion
form, t hese t wo act ions differ in one key way. When you view a receipt , t he applicat ion form is displayed read-only.
However, when you resume an applicat ion, you can ent er or updat e informat ion in t he applicat ion form and t hen
submit it .

Any Personally Ident ifiable Informat ion (PII) in a recovered applicat ion is not available if t he data retention
period has expired.

For more informat ion about resuming applicat ions, see Resume – Resume a Saved Application .

View a Receipt
Aft er you've submit t ed an applicat ion, you may want t o see t he informat ion t hat was submit t ed. You can use t he
Receipt act ion t o view t he informat ion for a submit t ed applicat ion.

To resume an applicat ion t hat has been saved but not yet submit t ed, use t he Resume act ion.

A receipt is a read-only view of t he informat ion submit t ed by t he applicant , displayed in t he same form t hat was
used t o capt ure t hat informat ion. Not e t hat a receipt does not allow you t o change t he applicat ion in any way.

The Applicant Space Det ails Screen - 207 -

For more informat ion about viewing receipt s, see Receipt – View a Receipt .

Recover an Applicat ion

Let 's say you st art an applicat ion but your browser crashes before you can save or submit it . Maybe you give up on
t he applicat ion for now, and so it becomes abandoned . A short t ime lat er, you decide t o complet e t he applicat ion
aft er all. Rest assured, you haven't lost all t he informat ion you ent ered because you can recover your applicat ion,
t hen complet e and submit it .

Any Personally Ident ifiable Informat ion (PII) in a recovered applicat ion is not available if t he data retention
period has expired.

It 's easy t o recover an applicat ion. Go t o t he Search screen, locat e t he applicat ion t o be recovered, t hen select it t o
view it s Det ails screen and recover t he applicat ion from t here.

In addit ion t o abandoned applicat ions, an applicat ion t hat has been withdrawn can also be recovered.

For more informat ion about recovering applicat ions, see Recover – Recover an Abandoned Application .

Wit hdraw an Applicat ion

Now, let 's say you st art an applicat ion but , before submit t ing it , you decide not t o proceed wit h t he applicat ion
aft er all. You could cont act t he support helpdesk and ask for t he applicat ion t o be canceled, but you also have t he
opt ion t o wit hdraw t he applicat ion yourself.

The Applicant Space Det ails Screen - 208 -

Just like recovering an applicat ion, it 's easy t o wit hdraw an applicat ion. Go t o t he Search screen and locat e t he
applicat ion t o be wit hdrawn, select it t o view it s Det ails screen and wit hdraw t he applicat ion from t here.

An applicat ion t hat has been wit hdrawn can subsequent ly be recovered should you have a change of heart .

For more informat ion about wit hdrawing applicat ions, see Withdraw – Withdraw an Unsubmitted Application .

The Applicant Space Det ails Screen - 209 -

Journey Workspaces for Developers
Journey Platform API | Platform Developer | 18.11 | 22.04

Journey Workspaces is a review and approval port al, designed t o support resolut ion and cust omer service act ivit ies
for account opening and onboarding. Workspaces enhances t he cust omer experience and improves st aff pro-
duct ivit y by increasing efficiency and accuracy of t he applicat ion review process, oft en a source of onboarding
delays and cust omer dissat isfact ion.

Workspaces is an int egral module of t he Journey Manager (JM) plat form, designed and developed from scrat ch t o
replace t he previous generat ion Work Space product , adding powerful capabilit ies based on new JM REST APIs t hat
will enable users t o find and manipulat e applicat ions quickly.

Below you can find links t o t echnical document at ion and release not es for current , recent , and unsupport ed Work-
spaces releases. For informat ion about our End-of-Life (EOL) policy, see Journey Platform End-of-Life Policy.

If you're not involved in set t ing up and configuring a Workspaces port al and just want t o learn how t o use
Workspaces, t ake a look at t he Workspaces user guide.

Current release
This is t he lat est generally available (GA) version of Journey Workspaces.

Workspaces 22.04 Documentation Release Notes EOL: 8 Jun 2025

Other recent releases

Informat ion is available for t he following recent Journey Workspaces releases which are st ill support ed.

Workspaces 21.11 Documentation Release Notes EOL: 14 Jan 2025

Workspaces 21.05 No release

Workspaces 20.11 No release

Workspaces 20.05 Documentation Release Notes EOL: 26 Jun 2023

Workspaces 19.11 Documentation Release Notes EOL: 12 Dec 2022

Workspaces 19.05 Documentation Release Notes EOL: 12 July 2022

Older releases
Informat ion is available for t he following unsupport ed Journey Workspaces releases.

Journey Workspaces for Developers - 210 -

Transact Workspaces 18.11 Documentation Release Notes EOL: 10 Jan 2022

Journey Workspaces for Developers - 211 -

Journey Workspaces FAQ
Workspaces | Platform Developer | 18.11 | 22.04

l Is Workspaces available for my browser version?
l Is there a compatible version of Workspaces for my Journey Manager environment?

l How do I promote Workspaces from lower to higher Journey Manager environments?
l How do I import the Workspaces WAR file through the Journey Manager administration console?
l How do I deploy two Workspaces portals in one Journey Manager environment?
l Can Workspaces 19.05/19.11 and Workspaces 20.05 be deployed to the same Journey Manager instance?
l Can I have multiple Workspaces 20.05 Open UX forms in a single Journey Manager instance?

Fresh installation of Workspaces

l When I login to Workspaces for the first time, I just see a progress bar continuously loading
l What Journey Manager roles and permissions are required to access Workspaces?
l What resources are required by Workspaces after a fresh installation?

Logging in to Workspaces
l Logging in to Workspaces while already logged in displays the login screen without any styling applied
l When I login to Workspaces again after logging out, an error page is displayed
l Can I login to Workspaces from two different browsers (multiple sessions) at the same time?

l Can the Applicant card or Background Check card be removed from the Workspaces UI?
l Can the Timeline card or Documents card be removed from the Workspaces UI?
l How do I configure the views and table columns in the Workspaces List screen?
l How do I configure the Key info card in the Workspaces Details screen?
l How do I configure the actions to be displayed for each Workspaces space?
l How do I hide a step from the application timeline?
l How do I restrict a Workspaces user to view only certain spaces in the Workspaces application?
l Are job properties supported in the space JSON configuration for Workspaces?

Journey Workspaces FAQ - 212 -

Workspaces Features
l I can't view the PDF receipts - is this due to access restrictions?
l Searching for a transaction is very slow when there is a huge volume of transactions in Journey Manager
l I can't view certain transactions in Workspaces
l Filtering on more than two submission properties at once does not return the expected results
l Does Workspaces support partial searches?
l I can't filter on an application's metadata after the application is completed
l When I try to change or reset my password, I can't enter my old password
l The Decision action button is still visible after the application is approved or rejected
l How do I pass the Workspaces locale to a form rendered in the Workspaces modal window (for example, the
decision form)?
l How do I close the Workspaces modal window from a form rendered inside it (for example, the decision
l Does Workspaces 20.05 support role-based access to view custom cards?
l Is there a limit on the number of notes that can be added to a task or application in Workspaces?
l Can I hide the Search bar on the Workspaces list page?
l Is it possible to retain search and filter values throughout a user's Workspaces session?
l If I start a form in the Workspaces Assisted Channel, can I hand it over to the customer / applicant to con-
tinue the journey?

l The Decision form cannot read the SystemProfile property
l The Add documents button doesn't appear for applications that are not yet submitted
l Can I configure Workspaces so that Helpdesk users view saved forms in a read-only state?
l How do I configure Workspaces so that Assisted Channel users can fill out a Maestro form?

Journey Workspaces FAQ - 213 -

Journey Workspaces FAQ - Compatibility
Workspaces | Platform Developer | 18.11 | 20.05

Is Workspaces available for my browser version?

WorkspacesThe Applicant space has been designed for and t est ed against t he following web browsers.

l Google Chrome
l Mozilla Firefox
l Microsoft Edge
l Microsoft Int ernet Explorer 11 (limit ed support - see IE11 Support below)

For t he best experience, we recommend t hat you use t he lat est version of Chrome, Firefox, or Edge, and t hat you
keep your browser updat ed, especially t hrough t he applicat ion of securit y pat ches.

While you may be able t o access Workspacest he Applicant space using ot her browsers, t here's no guarant ee t hat
everyt hing will work, and you may not enjoy t he great user experience available when using a support ed browser.
We st rongly recommend t hat you use a support ed browser for t he best WorkspacesApplicant space experience.

IE11 Support

Workspaces is support ed on Int ernet Explorer 11 (IE11), commencing from Workspaces v18.11.4. Workspaces is fea-
t ure-compat ible wit h IE11; however, t he user experience on IE11 may not be as great as when using a modern
browser due t o limit at ions imposed by IE11.

Is there a compatible version of Workspaces for my Journey Manager envir-

St art ing wit h Transact Manager 18.11, a compat ible Workspaces release is available for every Journey Manager /
Transact Manager release. For example, Workspaces 18.11.0 is compat ible wit h Transact Manager 18.11.0.

Check t he release not es for your Workspaces version Workspaces 19.11.x , Workspaces 19.05.x or Workspaces
18.11.x t o ident ify t he correct version of Workspaces t o use wit h your Journey Manager plat form.

St art ing wit h Workspaces 19.05, Workspaces is forward and backward compat ible wit h support ed Journey Man-
ager versions. You can pick t he build t hat is compat ible wit h your plat form in t he downloads area.

St art ing wit h Workspaces 20.05, t he Workspaces client applicat ion is deployed as an Open UX applicat ion and t he
Workspaces API (form space) WAR file comes packaged wit h t he Journey Manager inst aller. For more informat ion,
see t he Workspaces technical guide .

Journey Workspaces FAQ - Compat ibilit y - 214 -

Journey Workspaces FAQ - Deployment
Workspaces | Platform Developer | 18.11 | 20.05

How do I promote Workspaces from lower to higher Journey Manager envir-

Promot ing Workspaces bet ween environment s is achieved by export ing t he Workspaces archive from one envir-
onment and import ing it int o anot her environment . This t ransfers t he definit ions, pages, propert ies, resources and
submission forms associat ed wit h t he port al.

Before import ing t he Workspaces archive t o your environment , make sure you have already had a fresh inst all-
at ion of Workspaces in t hat environment .

There is an issue in Workspaces 18.11.3 and earlier releases t hat prevent s you from export ing your Workspaces
archive. In t his case, t o promot e your Workspaces port al, inst all Workspaces in your environment t hen manually
copy t he Workspaces asset s like propert ies, pages and resources which are t o be replaced.

St art ing wit h Workspaces 20.05, t he Workspaces client applicat ion is deployed as an Open UX form in Journey Man-
ager. To promot e t he Workspaces client applicat ion from a lower environment t o a higher one, export t he Work-
spaces Open UX form (which includes all Workspaces configurat ion det ails) and import it int o t he t arget
environment . No furt her configurat ion is required in t he t arget environment .

How do I import the Workspaces WAR file through the Journey Manager admin-
istration console?
The Workspaces WAR file is inst alled using t he Journey Manager administ rat ion console. Login t o Manager t hen
select Forms > Form Spaces and click Import WAR. For more informat ion about import ing WAR files, see Import
a Form Space as a WAR archive.

The Import WAR but t on is disabled in mult i-node Journey Manager environment s. To inst all t he WAR file, con-
t act cloud host ing support or your infra support t o manually deploy t he WAR file from t he Journey server.

St art ing wit h Workspaces 20.05, t he Workspaces API (form space) WAR file comes packaged wit h t he Journey Man-
ager inst aller.

How do I deploy two Workspaces portals in one Journey Manager envir-

To inst all mult iple copies of Workspaces in one Journey Manager environment , you need t o change t he name of
t he Workspaces applicat ion.

Journey Workspaces FAQ - Deployment - 215 -

For example, t o change t he name from Workspaces t o Temenos, you would need t o make t he following changes
t o t he cont ent s of t he Workspaces WAR file.

Journey Workspaces FAQ - Deployment - 216 -

l \WEB-INF\jboss-web.xml: Change t he cont ext root .


l \Index.htm: Change t he cont ent URL.

<meta http-equiv="Refresh" content="0;URL=/temenos/secure/index.html">

l \WEB-INF\classes\db-config1.xml: Change t he port al name, cont ext pat h and WAR file name.

<portal name="Temenos">
<description><![CDATA[Temenos Workspaces]]></description>

l \META-INF\maven\\tm-workspaces-war\pom.xml

<name>TM: Temenos WAR</name>

<>Temenos Workspaces</>
<portal.project.description>Temenos Workspaces</portal.project.description>


l \META-INF\maven\\tm-workspaces-war\

Journey Workspaces FAQ - Deployment - 217 -


Specification-Title: TM: Temenos WAR

Implementation-Title: TM: Temenos WAR

Rename t he WAR file as well as t m-t emenos.war.

Once t he above changes are done, deploy t he new WAR file in t he Journey Manager environment .

Can Workspaces 19.05/19.11 and Workspaces 20.05 be deployed to the same

Journey Manager instance?
Yes, you can have mult iple different versions of Workspaces in t he same inst ance of Journey Manager. When set -
t ing up Workspaces 19.05/ 19.11, make sure you select t he Workspaces WAR file compat ible wit h your Journey Man-
ager version.

Can I have multiple Workspaces 20.05 Open UX forms in a single Journey Man-
ager instance?
Yes, you can have mult iple Workspaces 20.05 Open UX forms in a single Journey Manager inst ance.

To deploy Workspaces wit h a different name / version, edit t he transact-config.json file.

"buildDir": "build",
"domainModelFile": "transact-schema.json",
"appDef": {
"name": "WorkspacesX",
"formCode": "workspacesx",
"clientCode": "workspaces",
"transactInsights": false,
"formVersion": {
"versionNumber": "20.05"

Journey Workspaces FAQ - Deployment - 218 -

Journey Workspaces FAQ - Fresh Installation
Workspaces | Platform Developer | 18.11 | 20.05

When I login to Workspaces for the first time, I just see a progress bar con-
tinuously loading
This happens in t he fresh inst allat ion of Workspaces 18.11.x due t o t he missing space propert y aft er t he deploy-
ment . Add t he default space propert y t hat comes wit h t he inst allat ion package t o Forms > Form Spaces > Work
Spaces > Propert ies and configure it for your needs.

St art ing from Workspaces 19.05, t he space propert y is refact ored int o a Global propert y and a set of Space
propert ies, wit h one Space propert y for each of t he support ed spaces such as “Process”, “Helpdesk”, et c. A
configurat ion wit h default t emplat e propert ies (for Global and spaces) is included wit h t he WAR file in Work-
spaces 19.05 release.

What Journey Manager roles and permissions are required to access Work-
From Workspaces 18.11.3, t here is a st rict permission check enabled in Workspaces as part of t he securit y enhance-
ment .

In Workspaces 18.11.x releases, make sure t he “Work Spaces St aff” role has t he Collaborat ion Job Complet ed View,
Collaborat ion Job View and Help Desk View permissions. Assign t he “Work Spaces St aff” role t o each Workspaces
user t hat needs t o access t ransact ions from Journey Manager.

From Workspaces 19.05, you can assign any Journey Manager role t o a space in t he Workspaces “Global” propert y
in order t o rest rict access t o t he spaces t o just cert ain users. Ensure t he role has t he Collaborat ion Job Complet ed
View, Collaborat ion Job View and Help Desk View permissions.

Journey Workspaces FAQ - Fresh Inst allat ion - 219 -

What resources are required by Workspaces after a fresh installation?
The following resources must be added t o t he Workspaces aft er a fresh inst allat ion.

19.11 / 19.05 St art ing from Workspaces 20.05, all required resources are included and changed
from t he IDE. For det ails refer t o t he Workspaces technical guide .

l company-logo.png
l en.json
l favicon.png

l workspaces-logo.png

Sample resources are supplied for each version in t he Workspaces download folder.

Journey Workspaces FAQ - Fresh Inst allat ion - 220 -

l company-logo.png
l en.json
l favicon.png
l workspace-logo.png

Sample resources are supplied for each version in t he Workspaces download folder.

Journey Workspaces FAQ - Fresh Inst allat ion - 221 -

Journey Workspaces FAQ - Logging in
Workspaces | Platform Developer | 18.11 | 20.05

Logging in to Workspaces while already logged in displays the login screen

without any styling applied
This issue was fixed in Workspaces 19.11.

This issue affect ed Workspaces 19.05 and earlier.

When I login to Workspaces again after logging out, an error page is displayed
This issue was fixed in Workspaces 18.11.4.

This issue affect ed Workspaces 18.11 and earlier.

Can I login to Workspaces from two different browsers (multiple sessions) at

the same time?
Journey Manager allows only one act ive Workspaces session. You can login t o Workspaces on mult iple browsers,
but only t he first browser in which you perform an act ion will be successful. The second and subsequent browsers
in which you at t empt an act ion will report an HTTP 403 Forbidden st at us code.

Journey Workspaces FAQ - Logging in - 222 -

Journey Workspaces FAQ - Configuration
Workspaces | Platform Developer | 18.11 | 22.04

Can the Applicant card or Background Check card be removed from the Work-
spaces UI?
Yes, t he Applicant card and Background checks card can be removed from t he Workspaces UI.

l To remove t he Applicant card: Add an empt y applicant s propert y inside t he space JSON:

"applicants": [ ],

l To remove t he Background checks card: Add an empt y int egrat ions propert y inside t he space JSON:

"integrations": [ ],

From Workspaces 19.11, t hese cards are int egrat ed int o cust om cards. More informat ion is available t o help you
underst and how t o configure custom cards.

Can the Timeline card or Documents card be removed from the Workspaces
No, it ’s not possible t o remove t he Timeline card or Document s card from t he Workspaces UI.

How do I configure the views and table columns in the Workspaces List screen?
Click one of t he links below for more informat ion about how t o configure views and t able columns in t he Work-
spacesList screen.

Journey Workspaces FAQ - Configurat ion - 223 -

l Configure views in Workspaces 22.04
l Configure views in Workspaces 21.11
l Configure views in Workspaces 20.05
l Configure views in Workspaces 19.11
l Configure views in Workspaces 19.05

How do I configure the Key info card in the Workspaces Details screen?
This feat ure was int roduced in Workspaces 19.05. Click one of t he links below for more informat ion about how t o
configure t he Key Info card in t he WorkspacesDet ails screen.

l Configure key info in Workspaces 22.04

l Configure key info in Workspaces 21.11
l Configure key info in Workspaces 20.05
l Configure key info in Workspaces 19.11
l Configure key info in Workspaces 19.05

How do I configure the actions to be displayed for each Workspaces space?

This feat ure was int roduced in Workspaces 19.05. Click one of t he links below for more informat ion about how t o
configure t he act ions available for each space.

l Configure actions in Workspaces 22.04

l Configure actions in Workspaces 21.11
l Configure actions in Workspaces 20.05
l Configure actions in Workspaces 19.11
l Configure actions in Workspaces 19.05

How do I hide a step from the application timeline?

This feat ure was int roduced in Workspace 19.05.

To hide a st ep, configure t he Global JSON propert y t o include t he hideSteps at t ribut e wit h t he list of st eps t o be
hidden. For example:

"hideSteps": ["Helpdesk View"]

For more informat ion, refer t o t he Global configurat ion in t he Workspaces t echnical document at ion.

Journey Workspaces FAQ - Configurat ion - 224 -

How do I restrict a Workspaces user to view only certain spaces in the Work-
spaces application?
Cont rolling user access t o spaces using Journey Manager roles or groups was int roduced in Workspaces 19.05.

To rest rict a Workspaces user’s access t o cert ain spaces, configure t he spaces at t ribut e in t he Global JSON prop-
ert y wit h a list of roles and/ or groups t hat are configured wit h t he appropriat e permissions.

Journey Workspaces FAQ - Configurat ion - 225 -

l Workspaces 20.05 – access t o spaces is cont rolled in TypeScript configurat ion. For det ails, see Migra-
tion from v19.11 to v20.05 > spaces in t he Workspaces t echnical guide

l Workspaces 19.11 – configure t he permissions at t ribut e

"spaces": [
"label": "Process",
"icon": "BallotOutlined",
"value": "Process",
"permissions": {
"type": "role",
"value": ["Processing Staff", "Work Spaces Staff"]
"label": "Helpdesk",
"icon": "HeadsetOutlined",
"value": "Helpdesk",
"permissions": {
"type": "role",
"value": ["Helpdesk Staff", "Work Spaces Staff"]

More informat ion is available t o help you underst and how t o configure permissions in t he Global con-
figurat ion.

l Workspaces 19.05 – configure t he roles and groups at t ribut es

Journey Workspaces FAQ - Configurat ion - 226 -

"spaces": [
"label": "Process",
"icon": "BallotOutlined",
"value": "Process",
"roles": ["Processing Staff", "Work Spaces Staff"],
"groups": ["Manual Review", "Fraud Review", "Error Review"]
"label": "Helpdesk",
"icon": "HeadsetOutlined",
"value": "Helpdesk",
"roles": ["Helpdesk Staff", "Work Spaces Staff"]

More informat ion is available t o help you underst and how t o configure permissions in t he Global con-
figurat ion.

Are job properties supported in the space JSON configuration for Workspaces?
No, job propert ies are current ly not support ed in t he space JSON configurat ion for Workspaces.

Journey Workspaces FAQ - Configurat ion - 227 -

Journey Workspaces FAQ - Features
Workspaces | Platform Developer | 18.11 | 20.05

I can't view the PDF receipts - is this due to access restrictions?

This can happen when you click t he Receipt but t on in t he Process view and t he message "You are not aut horized
t o access t his resource." is displayed.

Make sure Show PDF receipt s is select ed for t he form associat ed wit h t he t ransact ion. This opt ion is available on
t he form’s Flow Config t ab. Form more informat ion about t his opt ion, see Configure Receipts Delivery Mode.

In addit ion, if you are running Workspaces 18.11.x, make sure t he receiptUrl propert y is present in t he t rans-
act ion’s submission propert y and t he cont ext pat h is point ing t o /workspaces/.

Journey Workspaces FAQ- Feat ures - 228 -

Searching for a transaction is very slow when there is a huge volume of trans-
actions in Journey Manager
Enhanced search performance is available st art ing wit h Workspaces 19.05.8 and Workspaces 19.11.6, and in all lat er
versions. To improve search performance, add t he “Enhanced PII Search” port al propert y and set it t o t rue. For
det ails, see Configure Workspaces Properties in t he Workspaces t echnical guide.

I can't view certain transactions in Workspaces

Make sure t he form relat ed t o t he t ransact ion is linked t o t he “Work Spaces” form space in Journey Manager.

Filtering on more than two submission properties at once does not return the
expected results
This is now support ed in Workspaces 19.11. This issue affect ed Workspaces 19.05 and earlier.

Does Workspaces support partial searches?

No, part ial search is not support ed in Workspaces.

Journey Workspaces FAQ- Feat ures - 229 -

I can't filter on an application's metadata after the application is completed
Make sure PII Search Purge M ode is set t o PII Purge Time for t he Dat a Ret ent ion Management service in Jour-
ney Manager under Services > All Services.

Filt ering on an applicat ion’s met adat a will work unt il t he PII Purge Time is elapsed

When I try to change or reset my password, I can't enter my old password

This issue was fixed in Workspaces 19.11.7 / 19.05.9. if t he feat ure does not work even aft er upgrading Workspaces,
click Rest ore base cont ent on t he Pages t ab of t he Workspaces form space in Journey Manager.

Journey Workspaces FAQ- Feat ures - 230 -

The Decision action button is still visible after the application is approved or
If you are using a cust om decision form t hat needs t o communicat e wit h Workspaces, you need t o call t he
browser's POST message API t o pass messages back t o Workspaces. Add t he following code t o t he Submit but -
t on's click event .

l If t here are just ificat ion comment s t o pass t o Workspaces:

window.parent.postMessage({ submit: data.typeANote }, '*');

l If t here aren't any just ificat ion comment s t o pass t o Workspaces:

window.parent.postMessage({ submitDecision: true }, "*")

How do I pass the Workspaces locale to a form rendered in the Workspaces

modal window (for example, the decision form)?
This feat ure is support ed st art ing from Workspaces 19.11.7. To ret rieve t he locale from t he browser's event , use t he
following JavaScript code.

window.addEventListener('message', function(event) {
locale =;
}, false)

How do I close the Workspaces modal window from a form rendered inside it
(for example, the decision form)?
This feat ure is support ed st art ing from Workspaces 19.11.7. To close t he modal window from t he form, use t he fol-
lowing code in t he form.

Journey Workspaces FAQ- Feat ures - 231 -

window.parent.postMessage({close: true}, '*');

Does Workspaces 20.05 support role-based access to view custom cards?

Yes, Workspaces 20.05 support s role-based access cont rol t o view cust om cards. For det ails, see Custom Cards in
t he Workspaces t echnical guide.

Is there a limit on the number of notes that can be added to a task or applic-
ation in Workspaces?
There is no limit on t he number of not es t hat can be added t o a t ask or applicat ion in Workspaces. However, each
not e's message must not exceed 2000 charact ers in lengt h.

Can I hide the Search bar on the Workspaces list page?

No, it ’s not possible t o hide or suppress t he Search bar in t he Workspaces list screen. However, st art ing from Work-
spaces 20.05, it is possible t o specify t he search scope in Workspaces by adding t he following at t ribut e t o t he cur-
rent space configurat ion:

search: [<field name 1>, <field name 2> …],

Is it possible to retain search and filter values throughout a user's Workspaces

Yes, t his is support ed st art ing from Workspaces 20.05.

If I start a form in the Workspaces Assisted Channel, can I hand it over to the
customer / applicant to continue the journey?
No, t his workflow is not possible in Workspaces due t o reasons relat ing t o securit y.

However, t his can be achieved by breaking t he applicat ion form int o sect ions t hat are bundled wit h a collaborat ion
job t o manage t he workflow.

Journey Workspaces FAQ- Feat ures - 232 -

Journey Workspaces FAQ - M aestro Form
Workspaces | Platform Developer | 18.11 | 22.04

The Decision form cannot read the SystemProfile property

Make sure Unified App Dat a is select ed for t he review form.

The Add documents button doesn't appear for applications that are not yet sub-
The Add document s but t on is visible only during t he review st ages for t hose who are assigned t o review t he
applicat ion. For inflight applicat ions (prior t o submission), you can use t he View Form but t on t o render t he form
which may allow you t o upload document s.

St art ing wit h Workspaces 19.11, Workspaces support s cont rolling t he Add document s but t on t hrough con-
figurat ion. More informat ion is available t o help you underst and how t o configure attachments such as doc-
ument s.

Journey Workspaces FAQ - Maest ro Form - 233 -

Can I configure Workspaces so that Helpdesk users view saved forms in a read-
only state?
Saved forms can be rendered in a read-only st at e by clicking View Form , as long as t he form is designed t o act ivat e
t he cont ent s in a read-only st at e upon receiving t he &pageId=view paramet er in t he URL while rendering t he

Workspaces 19.11 now support s passing messages using t he post Message API. For det ails, see Actions in t he Work-
spaces in t he t echnical guide.

How do I configure Workspaces so that Assisted Channel users can fill out a
Maestro form?
This feat ure was int roduced in Workspaces 19.05.

For informat ion about how t o configure Workspaces t o allow Assist ed Channel users t o fill out a Maest ro form,
click one of t he links below.

l Configure this feature in Workspaces 22.04

l Configure this feature in Workspaces 21.11
l Configure this feature in Workspaces 20.05
l Configure this feature in Workspaces 19.11
l Configure this feature in Workspaces 19.05

Journey Workspaces FAQ - Maest ro Form - 234 -

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