Third Level Summary

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Vedaniti, Lear NEOnlne Third Level Summary QED .oin vedantu'srree Mastercalss Join now An introduction The Third Level Class 12 by Jack Finney deals with the irreversible harsh consequences of war. dt war leaves feohle witnessing it in a state of insecurity and fear. ‘tis about modern-day problems uncertainties , and stress which everybody wants to escafe. It is a story of @ 8+-year-old man named Charlie and his psychological condition in which he haLlucinates and visits a third Level of the Grand Contrat Station which has only two levels. The story is very imfortant from the Class 42 examination Joint of view. Given belowis adetailed summaryof Third gevel. Swmmaryof Third Level Class 12 Summary of Third Gevel Class #2 starts with the story revolving around a thirty-one-year-old man named Charlie who had a weird experience. While returning to his residence he reaches the third level of the Grand Central station, which does not exist. He reminisces the entire exterience with his friend Sam, who is a psychiatrist and terms this experience as “a waking dream wish fulfilment.” Charlie had hattucinated time travel to somewhere in 1894, a time before the world saw the two deadly World Wars. difter he had realised that he had time travelled he wanted to buy two tickets to Galesburg, ‘(Winois. He wanted to travel to Galesburg with his wife Zouisa. According to Sam, his psychiatrist friend, he wanted to escafe the reality of the harsh world. The next day Chartie reached the station to look for that third level lo visit Galesburg, but he didn't find it. Charlie hence resorts to his stamp collection which would distract him from his thoughts of the third level. ‘While going through his stamp collections he finds a letter from Sam who had gone missing recently. He wrote that he always believed in Charlie’s idea of the third lovel. He says he himself is, present im the third level, He motivates Charlie and Zouisa to keep looking for the third evel. This is, ideally The Third Level Class 12 summary. CBSE Class 12 English Third Lovet Summary A Detailed Sxplanation The summary of Third evel starts with the narrator himself talking about the third level at the Grand Central Station which has onty two levels in reat life, which the President of New York Gentrat and the New York, New Haven, and Hartford Railroads would vowch for. The protagonist says he himself has been to the third level. Charlie, the protagonist and narrator, was reminiscing about the entive incident with his psychiatrist friend Sam, who said that he was trying to escafe the burden of the present reality Vedaniti, Lear NEOnlne Charlie said his stamp collection was proof that he needed refuge from reality. He adds on to say that his grandfather did not need any refuge from reality and that things were peaceful and simble during his, times. He said that his grandfather also had started stamp collection but not owt of insecurities. We added that even President Roosevelt collected stamps One night, the freviows summer he was returning from his work and was in a hurry, s0 he decided to take a subway from the Grand Central station instead of a bus. He says that he was dressed ordinarily. ‘He says that the station has been growing like a Hant and he has often bumped into new corridors and doors. Hence he thought that he was watking through a secret tunnel and reached the third Level of the station. He said when he reached the level he saw every room was smatier, there was a lesser number of ticket windows, information booths, and train gates. They were ail old Looking and madeof wood. The station was dim-lit. There was the usage of ofen-flame gaslights. People were dressed in old fashioned clothing and there were brass sfiltoons everywhere around. Peobe had fancy beards and moustaches. His suspicion was validated by the date in the newsbafer- June 14, 1894. Charlie after realising his time travel, wanted to go to Galesburg with his wife Louisa. White he ‘went looking for tickets at the ticket counter he found that the currency in use was different from that of the old times. The following day he withdrew ail his savings and got Ht converted to the old century currency. This distressed his wife. He does not find the third level at the station the next day. His wife was worried when she got to know about it. After a while, he distracted himself with stamfs. Somehow, Sam, the psychiatrist disapbeared owt of the blue, This is the Third evel summary. Here the author indirectly describes the refercussions of war. The Third Zevet Class 12 summary shows the urge of feople wanting to tive in a feacefut environment without stress, fear, and ansiety. Write About the Main Characterof Class 12 énglish Chapter“Third 2evet” The chapter majorly revolves around just three characters - Chartic, Sam and Zouisa. Bet us talk in detail about these three characters of the chapter ‘Third Zevet”, Charlie: Charlie is the protagonist of the story and also the narrator of the story. He is @ thirty one year-old man. He was not hafby with his present life, and one night he had a weird incident when he experienced the third level of the Grand Central Station of Xew York, which supposedly has only two levels. He saw fooHe with old fashioned dresses on this third Level and he also found a newsfafer saying the date June M1, 1894. Charlie started to believe in the existence of this third Level, which was oferated im the 1890s. When he told about this exferience to his wife (Zouisa), she started to worry about him and sent him to his faychiatvist friend, Sam. he told Charlie that because he was wnhatby with his life, he experienced “a waking dream wish fulfilment”. Vedaniti, Lear NEOnlne Sam: Sam is the second mostimportant character in the story. He is « psychiatrist and a friend of the protagonist, Charlie, When Chartie experiences the presence of the third level in the grand central station of New York, he visits Sam for consultation due to his wife. Sam said that Charlie is wnhatby with his life due to which he got this experience and called Charley's experience as“ waking dream wish, fulfilment” and declared it « mere“ Temforary refuge” from the tensions of the real world. But after some time, he finds himself entangled in this imaginary world. Sam has to listen to the worries of ‘many psychic patients daily, which affects Sams life badly. dind to excafe this stressful life, he got caught in the imaginary world, Powisa: Louisa Mebbin was the protagonist's wife. She was a shrewd and cunning woman, who forfectly knew how to grab any opfortunity that comes at her door. She was also called an offortunist in the story. She got worried when her husband told her about his exferience of the third level of Grand Contrat Station of New York. Author of Class 12 @nglish Chapter"Third 2evel” The author of class 42 English chapter “Third Level” is an American author, Walter Braden “Sack” Finney. He was born on October 2, 4944,in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA. Heis very famous for his works on science fiction and thriller stories,“ The Body Snatchers” and “Time and digain” are some of his best works. ‘Gast updateddate O4tKINI2028 + Tolal views:288.9k + Views todas:8.24e

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