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1. Rearrange the following sentences in the correct order and put the numbers in the given

(1) Rip had to leave his group eventually. (2) On one of these days Rip had (3) Rip used to sit and talk with his friends.
gone high up to the Kaatskill

(4) He heard a voice from the distance (5) His wife complained that his (6) Poor Rip was reduced almost to despair.
calling, "Rip Van Winkle !Rip Van friends encouraged his idle
Winkle." habits.

2. Fill in the blanks with words from the Help Box.:Help Box: high, complained, assisted,encouraged, work

Rip __________children at their sports. He always helped others in their ____________His wife
____________about his idle habits. One day Rip went_________up the Kaatskill Mountains.

3. Word Nest:

1) Assisted 2) strayed 3) subsided

4) sole 5) inn 6) ninepins
7) merely 8) previous 9) gaze

4. Write 'T' for true and 'F' for false statements in the given boxes. Give supporting
statements for each of your answers:

(a) The stranger wanted to assist Rip. (c) Rip felt very thirsty.

(b) All the strangers had beards. (d) Rip saw that his village had become smaller.

5. Answer the following question:

1) How do you think Rip felt when 2) How did the stranger 3) What did Rip learn about Nicolas
he heard a voice from the look? Vedder?
distance calling?
4) What attracted the attention of 5) What did Rip 6) Who looked exactly like Rip's
the people when Rip entered the suddenly notice? previous self?
7) Why was Rip surprised when he 8) How long did twenty 9) What happened after Rip had drunk
came near the village? years seem to Rip? the liquid?

6. Fill in the blanks with appropriate form of verb

a) He …………. to b) I …………. the c) Does he …………. d) The e) She …………. that

college every Red Fort. (have run fast? (run/ Earth ………… film already. (has
day. (goes/ never seen/ runs) . around the seen/ saw)
going) never saw) sun.

f) My younger g) How did h) But Today i) The j) Ice …………. at 0˚ C.

brother ………… they …………. to he …………. very sun …………. (melts/ is melting)
. to Mumbai India? (come/ badly. (is in the East.
last month. came) playing/ plays) (rise/ rose)
(go/ went)
l) I …………. in
k) He …………. Patna since m) She …………. n) Five plus o) It …………. for five
from fever last 1998. (have before her five …………. hours. (has been
night. (has been living/ husband came. ten. (make/ raining/ is raining)
suffered/ has lived) (had died/ died) makes)
been suffering)

p) He …………. just q) The r) The train had s) He told me t) Neha will have
now. (has Mughals …………. left before that reached home
arrived/ the battle of they …………. at she …………. before the
arrived) Panipat. (have the station. (has for seven sun …………. (will
won/won) arrived/ arrived) days. (had sets/ sets)
been ill/ was

u) I …………. v) Mahatma w) They will play x) He …………. a y) When I …………. my

working for Gandhi …………. cricket if the letter yet. work, I shall take a
two hours. in 1948. (has principal …………. (has not rest. (finished/
(have been/ died/ died) them. (allows/ written/ did finish)
am) allowed) not write)

7. Write a passage within 60 w0rds on how you spent your last winter vacation.

8. Read the sections below, and answer the questions that follow.

We must exert every effort to avert war and civil unrest. The majority of conflicts take place in
underdeveloped nations, particularly those that are poorly governed or where income and power
are not allocated equally among various tribal or religious groups. Therefore, creating a political
structure with representatives for each group is the best method to stop fighting. It is essential to
guarantee everyone's economic prosperity and human rights.

The UN charter does not mention the following essential freedom. The leaders had no idea that a
situation like this would develop in 1945. Future generations will have the freedom to inhabit this

Many of us still do not fully comprehend its significance. For the time being, we are utilizing all of
the scarce resources. We are wasting them and using them excessively. In actuality, we are
depriving our kids of their right to life.

Our wildlife, fisheries, and forests must all be protected. Because of our own behaviour of eating
or destroying them, all of these are crumbling.
1. Why do disputes predominate in developing nations?

2. How should conflicts be checked?

3. What does it mean for future generations to be free to live?

4. How are we depriving our kids of their fundamental rights?

5. What must we keep for the sake of our kids?

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