Pakistan - An Anthropological Guide

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Pakistan -

by Nacheez Omar Farooq Butt
Pakistan Omar Farooq Butt

Bismillahir Rahmaanir Raheem

Content chapters


1. Pakistan……………..14

2. Metals………………..85

3. The Indus Man……...107


Pakistan Omar Farooq Butt


The Pakistani economy in a new stage of hyperglobalisation

From agricultural tools defining the prehistoric or proto-historic;

through the markers of over-development (electrical accessories)

to the humble and chaste desire of computers as a productive

tool; right down to the idea of living in grace to computers’

system of information processing; the trick of the mode and

means of production isn’t simply in yielding a scientific and

philosophic interpretation of our lives but rather to impart

meaning to our culture, it’s art and so on and so forth.

It is in the nature of civilization, indeed a part and parcel of the

beauty of any people's development that the physical tools we

will have at hand; whether they are tools for ploughing land, or
Pakistan Omar Farooq Butt

weapons for fighting, accessories and vehicles for everyday use,

or utensils for cooking, or even IT systems; the further down the

chain we go with these, the deeper the involvement of physical

and metaphysical when defining our relation as people with our


History itself is a story of how man was created by Allah

Almighty to fight his lower, carnal self. The fight was to the be

lost first in heaven and is to be won ultimately on earth days

before the kingdom come. Human evolution is a narration of

man’s picking food, picking up stones, making bronze statues,

perfecting metalwork, mobilisation of production in granaries etc,

mobilisation of labour through land, air and space travel as well

as automating of production and ultimately digitalising and

finally information systemising the entire process.

Pakistan Omar Farooq Butt

It is often therefore a measure of our societal growth that can be

gleaned from how far up or down the food chain or production

line, our main defining tool is by which we have characterised

our society. When man was first created,he was, you could say, a

forager. This level of supply and demand production and

consumption is specific to man in heaven. In the Stone age, we

were at very base use of the world’s resources; in the Bronze Age

we developed metallurgy; in Iron Age we illuminated our metal

work. When we actually talk of history and the world's

geography, then it's possible to look at the species favoured tool

and the species superpower.

Early Muslim countries were superpowers, such as Persia, in

inventing the windmill, Muslims gave the world a symbol of

economic activity. This symbol then became the steam train as

Pakistan Omar Farooq Butt

Britain’s industrial revolution took the world by storm.

Aeronautical travel, naval prowess and eventually space travel

took hold as USSR, for example led developments. Electricity

then gave us, in Japan, a potential world economic leader. The

domestic appliance, the tool of over-development was used by

USA in it’s nuclear age.

Ultimately the superpowers of India and Pakistan will show how

digitalisation and systemisation can create world economic

leaders amongst others. At the moment, however,the story of

human progress is being led by Chinese production automation.

Whether former tools were well positioned on the evolution of

production, computers are re-creators of reality instead, and do

not validate ourselves and our lives as humans. Rather their role
Pakistan Omar Farooq Butt

is to recreate the world, in essence, a different type of a part of

the production process’ evolution.

This is why conceptually, it is even harder to understand

information systems as part of computer science. The

development of information systems, lets mankind develop

economically with a view to egalitarian model of industrial

growth in the world, where poorer countries are finding

exponential growth in hyper-globalisation.

In fact, information technology is today a symbol of the day’s

superpower and invariably we see components say “Made in

China” on them. To summarise, the ancient world, like for

example Palestine, was the land of the Prophets (PBUT); early

Islam, home of prehistorical, stone, bronze and iron (tools,

utensils and weapons), Great Britain, home of the steam train,

Pakistan Omar Farooq Butt

USA home of aeroplanes, Russia home of spaceships, China’s

symbol is now the computer; and Pakistan and India will

symbolise systems and the technology behind them in the future.

Just as a food chain is merely deemed as coming afterwards with

respect to a production line, it is not the evolutionary or

phylogenetic role of technology or any object on the process

diagram rather the factual place on the model which we find it

that informs us of it’s relevance and status as an activity, stage or

any other such activity.

1. The world of work- farming, shepherding, agriculture,

granaries (the food chain)

2. The work of self- Agriculture, transport and electrical


Pakistan Omar Farooq Butt

3. The self’s work- Transport, appliances, aerospace travel and

technology (the production line)

4. The self in the world- Aerospace, technology, systems and


Pakistani management economics

If our national output is to increase significantly, personal

incomes are to rise; it is through economic or industrial growth.

Through antiquity our economic surplus as a country of Pakistan

has meant our race, our religion has rich people, in good jobs and

a strong culture. The way we manage economically is through

basirat (vision). We need to see the work of soul before body,

God before man, insight before vision and to put our country

before ourselves.
Pakistan Omar Farooq Butt

As people of Wadi e Sindh civilisation; only Egypt, China and

Iraq are more poignant examples of leader economies. The vast

majority of economies of the world lag behind in sheer size, in

output and in the growth of that output. The Pakistani

Management Economics widens the econometrics of our world to

include population as a driver. On the other side it also shows that

growth and incremental GDP is vital to us. We seek to give and

not take, to be Moses not Pharaoh, to find afiyah in front of bala

by Allah’s permission.

This is the crucial self-realisation we need, other than

appropriating each stage to it’s correct place in it’s planned

sequence; to not overestimate the fact of our socio-economic

disadvantage simply because of political reasons.

Pakistan Omar Farooq Butt

Worship and Justice

Like a line is drawn, a boundary crossed or a limit is reached and

changes a relationship forever, rule of law or jurisprudence is

only triumphed by worship and religion when it gets out of hand.

It is for no other reason that the former is born from the latter.

The very fact of the superiority of religion over law means that it

is the one thing that can change it.

The sort of insistence of western European countries to their very

real extinction and religious replacement theologically; which is

military war is only to be expected by an intelligent observer of

the fact that they drew the very map of the countries which today

conquer them. This military advantage is due to the better

condition of a geographic definition of a country as opposed to a

historic one.
Pakistan Omar Farooq Butt

Nevertheless the conquest is still valid in that by and large Islam

is with the great many countries and has itself left nothing or very

little to the system of kufr and shirk, in the sense of survival of

extinction threats.


The computer, like most tools; is not what some people use all of

the time to make money but what all will use to improve the

production already in existence, whatever that may be. If it is not

left to war to determine how the economic realm pans out, we

can see across the world that supergrowth (the rate of growth of

profits over time), human gini (the rate of the gini index over

time) and tasfeef (the metonymisation within as opposed to

outside of a spread or row); show how the Ummah has

globalised, we have come home and we have a job.

Pakistan Omar Farooq Butt

Radicalisation vs racialisation

Having faced world wars 1-3 as fascism, nazism and zionism; the

future race wars are from reverse colonialism as opposed to

immigration. The exploitation of the term radicalisation (or

extremism or even terrorism) will lead to increasingly partisan

racialised language to explain wars.

Pakistan Omar Farooq Butt

Chapter 1- Pakistan

1.1 Semitism

Muslims are Semitic peoples, we are the real Semites, Jews are

Nazis. Muslim pragmatism for non-Muslims is such a state of

mind that we say and do as such as Muslims, that non-Muslims

can adopt our religion as we say and do; but this won’t happen

without a miracle from Allah Almighty. We must accept they

need to listen to what we say and do what is correct to do. It is a

matter of understanding on our part as much as on theirs to create

Muslim lands in the West.

At the moment they appeal to the most hideous side of

philosophy in their own sight and in the sight of Judaism. What is

this anti-Christian thought? Anti-semitism. As sons of Japeth ie

Chinese are now economically outmanouvering the West,

Pakistan Omar Farooq Butt

Europeans and Americans are to be jealous of us as Semites. As

Elamites are part of this continent ie are Asians, they are jealous

of us Indians and Pakistanis too.

Pakistanis are the ancestors of Israelites, Jews are our

descendents. Spiritually and linguistically, Pakistanis precede

Jews in a great number of ways. Pakistan as a nation was created

before Israel. Pakistan is the world’s sole confessional state (ie

dawlat al Islamiyah) or religious state, Israel the world’s only

Apartheid state (Amnesty 2022). Jesus says, “Before Abraham, I

am.”, Bible, John 8:58. Pakistanis are spiritual, Jews are


We are from Ancient Elamites, pre-early Ancient Elamites, living

as is popularly known as Proto-Elamites, after whom are

Pakistan Omar Farooq Butt

documented, the Early or Old Elamites of over five thousand

years ago. Ancient Elam (Hujjiya in Persian) is named after the

first son of Sam, son of Noah (PBUH). Although this is different

to Persia and Iran as a word it is similar to Khozestan, the main

province. Hujiya is Old Persian for Xuz, in Persian. Early

Elamites are as before Old, Middle or Neoelamites (Pre-Persia),

basically, Ancient Elamites followed Zoroastrianism.

Reciprocalism, the Zakat multiplier

Inspite of Christian majority peoples (cultures) doing their best

all the time to maximise the millions of people, innocent Muslims

that they kill; us Muslims who are a majority here have, instead

of demanding our rights and equality or freedom, managed to

Pakistan Omar Farooq Butt

dispense a sustainable sense of justice or system of justice

whereby we give zakat freely and help others liberally.

Despite the millions of Muslim girls, Christians tried to give birth

to, who would be Christians too, Muslims have correctly

attributed the phenomenon of mega-rape as an evil of the so-

called sexual revolution not as an effect of Bosnia (an example of

Islam re-entering into Europe). Nonetheless there are sometimes,

in the midst of forced conversions and ill-mannered soft war,

wrongs committed which create an impetus for more severe

social justice to be done to correct them.

Indeed if we are charitable we should understand why we are

here and how it is good if we are. It is the contention of mine that

zakat is a just and good cause on the personal and socio-cultural

Pakistan Omar Farooq Butt

level. The real paradox of thrift maxim is, “saving is like zakat

but it is taxed and has a negative effect on national income”.

Indeed thrift and scarcity economics is countered by The Holy

Quran teaching that God’s hand is unfettered to all and the

teaching of equality of all humanity before Allah.

Giving away in an economy causes no decrease to national

income and can effect consumption better than savings would, so

it is a purification of wealth. It increases wealth with Allah ta la.

The Say’s law and Keynesian paradox of thrift show that supply

augmentation can spur growth, investment; and savings act at the

same time as inflation. It derives from the Zakat Function, the

real paradox of thrift. People start to redistribute wealth, creating

growth, investing making jobs and costing inflation in the


Pakistan Omar Farooq Butt

If, in a recession, aggregate supply falls or contracts as per supply

theorists, this is better. If it goes down, there will be a quality

gain. This is at the cost of economic performance, so both output

levels and prices reflect this.

Indeed if supply siders deal better with inflation, Zakat

economists will too. If instead of expansion of supply, it falls

down, inflation is curbed and there is economic growth. This may

mean we are therefore working harder for ourselves and we drive

the economy harder. Especially in recession and depression. This,

anti-Keynesian or anti-deficitary economics is in line with the

idea that Zakat economics like zakat itself, increases wealth and

doesn’t decrease it.

Pakistan Omar Farooq Butt

Financially risky cultures are unsatisfied with wealth and this

explains why they are highly borrowing. However borrowing

highly means borrowing from the poor. If in times of recession

this borrowing increases as do deficits and cash, other reserves

and prosperity all fall; then surely it is time for the poor to catch


It is time for revolution; feminist, industrialist, evolutionist, all

are developmental economics’ way forward, our way forward. If

we don’t lend money to the third world for free, we should no

longer expect them not to be richer than us, for all the riches in

social and other capital we all acknowledge they do possess.

In a world of haves and have-nots, we, the comparatively rich

will never be happier for economic superiority. For the have-nots,

Pakistan Omar Farooq Butt

those in need, it is a struggle for food and starvation; a breath of

fresh air to breathe. What is happening here is that people are

setting a precedent by giving to those who have gone begging, as

ultimately this is like lending money to someone in your family if

they’ve left their wallet at home.

However government deficit, and corporate leverage or gearing

does not fit into this category. It creates a big problem; instead of

offering us an example, a good example that is.

There is a theory of humanity here, in government budgetary

(deficitary) economics and in corporate financial risk. No respect

should be given to Keynes and his ideas let alone to the zombie

corporations in debt.

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We need to look in life further into our own hearts to know

wealth and riches, to dig deeper into our own souls and our own

private and personal reality.

Here we will find the “compassionate family” or our own

personal “compassionate heart”, one that gives not takes. One

that, like your Prophet, the Beloved of God (SWS) fasts while

others eat, prays whilst they sleep, cries whilst they laugh, feeds

others; prays for others, cries for others (perhaps they would not

do the same for him (SWS)). Happiness and prosperity is

spending money for the poor, but saving for the rich; honesty,

frugality and prudence are all one and the same thing, they are

assumptions of mutual love and respect. They are assumptions of

truth for all in a society.

Pakistan Omar Farooq Butt

In the above, we see over-borrowing, overtrading, over-lending

and over-consuming witness a country which is victim of

overdevelopment. We should be settling, repaying, paying off and

being poor instead. The real paradox of thrift is giving zakat, the

more we give the more our wealth is purified. It is not just as

simple as; the more we save, national income rises: it is also true

that if we give to others it is good. The consumption function

assumes higher income (so can the others with lower taxes), but a

Zakat function says all income groups should serve poorer people

and this is good.

Borrowing, debt, lending and money itself are all a corruption;

economically we are better off without them as they give rise to

economic recession.

Pakistan Omar Farooq Butt

They themselves are caused by overdevelopment and give cause

to say the defecitary government is over-borrowing, the zombie

company is over-trading, the family to whom is lent are

overdebted and people using money from their bank accounts are

simply over-consuming.

Given the use of money, small companies and company leverage

is unavoidable, we are led to conclude it is government

borrowing which is untenable. A business may find it

unavoidable to go into debt to start trading, a government has no

excuse. They set the example, indeed they get the ball rolling.

An economy should never run a deficit, especially not in a

recession and definitely not if it is richer than the countries from

whom it borrows. Sadly this is the case for most of the western
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economies including USA, they are promiscuously aquiring

money from poorer countries, developing economies. This

borrowing trap is a vicious circle which will result in the collapse

of their values and value system as well as the western economics

and western economic system.

Altruism in humans

The opposite of human altruism, the gift of self-sacrifice and

selflessness; is what we see as the foundation of Ancient India

and Ancient Greece: war against ourselves and against those who

warred, by others. To this I add, East and West are Almighty

Allah’s, and we did not create East and West, except it was Allah


Pakistan Omar Farooq Butt

“And to Allah belongs the east and west. So wherever you

(might) turn, there is the face of Allah. Indeed Allah is All-

Encompassing and Knowing.”

The Holy Quran, Surah Al Baqarah

Altruism has been defined as an evolutionary and biological etc,

psychological phenomena. To this I would add that it can be

reciprocal. If the altruism is dependent on completion by another

party and is ipso facto mutual benefit, or basically, compromise

to be made. This is like the truth of “I am”, “I am, You are”, “I

am, You are not”, “I am not, You are” and “I am not, You are


Pakistan Omar Farooq Butt

Early and Mature Indus Valley Civilisation

When we think about the Stone Age man, Neolithic man, or

Neanderthal man; it is a simple assumption to use that they were

primitive: No science, so no hypethetico-deduction; no

scholarship, no inductive reasoning. However, with regards to

their powers of intuition and deduction; there are these two very

basic ideas to assume, to grasp how early man evolved language

and communication and so on and so forth:

Either we assume the nature position; whereby although men are

possessed with reason as a faculty, this gives them intuitive

rationality or knowledge such as fire is hot and so is dangerous

and so on, but deductive thinking doesn’t arise in them for want

Pakistan Omar Farooq Butt

of knowing what are general phenomena and what are specific

phenomena mentally.

Alternatively, we can assume the nurture position; which is that,

even primitive life is full of opposites and so humans are full of

instincts and that may include deductive thought processes that

arise from a basic awareness of positive and negative.

Our thinking about the Stone Age man, Neolithic man, his

neolithic diet, his cave man quality is very present in today’s

culture, true. I would suggest two distinct ways of basically

relating to Neanderthals: firstly, through general knowledge and

common sense understanding: as relates to evolution. Secondly,

through evidence and science, archaeological evidence. I will

draw up two basic proofs of Ancient Pakistan. Firstly, of colours,

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sizes, shapes and weights of foods and tools (as well as people).

The secondary meaning of which is, the specific proofs of

Elamites in the time of the Neanderthals.

The geography of the Himalayas

The Himalayan Range are the highest mountains on earth, their

mountains are in Pakistan, India, China, Afghanistan, Nepal and

Bhutan. Part of K5 in Pakistan is Chogolisa, named similarly to

the Holy Quran’s Judiyiy (11:44), a 7665 m mountain sufficient

to capture the Great Ark of Noah with it’s triple face.

In our languages or family of languages, the very word “China”

is proof that there was ceramic and aceramic periods of

Pakistan Omar Farooq Butt

civilisation in the Stone age. Assuming ceramics exosted before

the Great Flood, so did the Ancient Chinese; and it is

hypothesised so did the Ancient Elamites, China being the word

the Dardic or Indic language speaker would have for the area

where ceramics had been found in trade and travel. The word

China could be an isolate from Shina people of Pakistan (Gilgit

Baltistan Province), possibly mixed with the word King as in

Qing dynasty, as well.

Ancient Pakistan helped create East and West

The Ancient Pakistan helped create East and West: The Indus

River Civilisation is, with the discovery of Neolithic sites in

Balochistan between Punjab’s site of Harrapa and Sindh’s

Mohenjo Daro; the potential for significant finds for

Pakistan Omar Farooq Butt

anthropologists, archaeologists and paleontologists. Studying

either side of the start of the Holocene epoch (around ten

thousand years ago), may or may not reveal human life in now

Pakistan, in Ancient Pakistan; yet proof can emerge on either side

of Harrapan civilisation that indicates that Dharam (the term for

Indian religions) takes root from the interactions with the Indus

River Civilisation, just as its main religion, Hinduism is named

after the same river.

In this way, it can be seen that both Eastern and Western religions

are basically from Pakistanis, or Eastern religions and the

Western world are partly Pakistani isolated cultures. This can be

explained as Ancient Sanskrit, which is the language of original

Indian religious books is either from the Indus River Civilisations

(the linguistic component of which is called Elamo-Dravidian

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language hypothesis) or Ganges affiliated cultures, from

Kashmir. Given Ganges is almost an ingrown tributary of the

former it may be impossible to exist as that independent of Indus

River Civilisations.

Further to this the Bactrian Empire was to be founded on these

two rivers’ peoples’ theologies. Mehrgarh, sometimes translated

as the love of heaven or heaven on earth, implies that we can see

in our Ancient Pakistani civilisations; the creation of India and

Greece, given India becomes a central theme of Dharam. This

makes Pakistan seem to be founder of that; since Greece is a

founder of Christianity, such as the Koine Greek Bible, a similar

link with Pakistan is founded here.

Pakistan Omar Farooq Butt

The Bible mentioned in Genesis 2 (10-14), Eden’s river;

assuming as the Indian Ocean flows into four headwaters, this

sounds like the Indus when it mentions Pishon, then it mentions

Gihon, Tigris and Euphrates. Whereas one may think heaven

extends into Ancient Babylon; given the Indus River too has four

headways, the five in total making up the Panch Aab (Indus

becomes Ganga, then Jhelum, Chenab, Ravi and Sutlej) of the

Punjab, this couldn’t be Eden’s river as the Indus River doesn’t

split into the Tigris and Euphrates. However, unlike the Indian

Ocean, no river does, so Pishon and Gihon aren’t names of rivers

either, although Pishin is a village which exists near Quetta, in

Balochistan. Saiyan, Jaiyan, Tigris and Ifrat are mentioned by

Allah’s Blessed Messenger (SWS) in a hadith.

Homo Erectus

Pakistan Omar Farooq Butt

Hundreds of thousands of years ago, the Pak-subcontinent was

formed, most likely with Sri Lanka, the island to the left of it as

we look at it on the map. As Asia moved, it broke off

disappearing and reappearing to the right of the Sub-continent’s

southerly edge. For this reason, as Adam’s peak was nearest to

Karachi and Mohenjo Daro, Channu daro etc. and it was only

later when it split from the southern tip of now India, that it

became as it is. I would say Sayiddinna Adam (AS) was felled to

earth here, in Pakistan no less.

If the person of the second Adam (Sayiddinna Nuh (AS)) was, as

suggested by famous sociologist, Muhammad Farishta; settled in

Punjab and made Multan a city, what was he looking for? What

were his descendents, such as his son, possibly Saam ibn Nuh’s

relation with the area? Was his son, as Farishta said, founder of

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the city? Why is Multan known as the city of the Saints? Where

might the Ark of Noah (PBUH) be found? Where in Pakistan

may it have landed? These questions, along with whether the

human of theory, Homo Erectus, before Homo Sapiens as we are

now; existed in Pakistan?

1.2 Ancient Pakistan

Pakistan in the ilhami books

Pakistan is my home country; the Himalayas were visited by

myself when I was 16-17, the same age as Muhammad Bin

Qasim when he conquered Pakistan as a region (Mahmud of

Ghazni conquered India). Urdu is my mother tongue. When we

Pakistan Omar Farooq Butt

talk of Hinduism, like Hindi comes from the idea of Indus River

peoples of antiquity. We overlook that in this respect, Pakistan is

the Mahabharata, that greater than India.

Of the Hindu texts; Ramayana, Mahabharata etc, Pakistan, as in

Indus River Valley Civilisations people may well prove a factual

link between the people of Bharat and Rama, Krishna etc. (The

Bhagwan). If such a direct link is hypothesised, is it not Pakistan

in the texts that is being fought over, by Rama, Krishna, and

Buddha when he travels away? Where is the proof these people

were not, basically from Now- Pakistan? Sikhism, in Guru

Nanak, hypothesised and failed to disprove these people were

not. Dr David Alpin writes in a book titled “Proto- Elamo-

Dravidian: The evidence and it’s implications” (Vol. 71

Transactions of the American Philosophical Society 1981), that

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Indian and Hindu etymology is referred to as “Comparative

Dravidian” in a chapter heading of the same name. He examines

the similar phonology and lexicon and devises common

morphemes in PED.

Arabs suffer holocausts too

Given Jews, in the textbook attitude of lay Muslims are,

basically, the extremists behind the terrorists; it is hard to say

Hitler killed a million in Germany, Poland, Romania or

anywhere. Certainly not through military means; he may have

starved to death or tortured to death or even worked them to

death but I don’t imagine him using his secret services to take out

very many Jewish Russians, Dutch, Belgian nor Austrian and the

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rest. Anyway, Austrians, Poles and some others, including French

were living in his kingdom or Reich.

I don’t think anyone should seriously imagine anybody in their

right minds really thinks this was possible like today’s Christians;

leaders such as the Queen of England, President Bush and

European heads of state. To kill like today’s Christianist leaders

kill (murder / megamurder), is, in my humble opinion of human

history, absolutely unfathomable because of the direct and

indirect murder; military and famine, imposed civil wars etc.

Furthermore the present “Nazis”are killing very far afield. This

makes it doubly horendous. The real reason is that the so-called

“World wars”, by having the head of the snake, helped justify

both capitalism and money-mindedness (what we call

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freedomism) and indicates freedom by appealing to human

conscience, when really; Hitler, Mussolini and Stalin are no

worse than today’s politicians. In fact, they aren’t as indirect and


The greater holocausts

As historians it is essential to understand simply why we have

holocausts as a phenomena. If it is not specific to Semites as the

sons of Noah or not? I would say, as a phenomena, the holocaust;

by which is meant Adolf Hitler’s so-called holocaust, the revenge

of Christianism taken on Jews for the life of Jesus Christ, now

they are no longer “Little boys”, is clearly framed as a Church

which the devil has divided from the state, which one is

responsible is not clear.

Pakistan Omar Farooq Butt

As a phenomena; holocausts, tending to be Biblical or Arab-

victimisations, such as the Iraq war, Syria war or Palestine itself.

Also, Afghanistan’s war, or Yemen’s, Sudans’; the list is long are

more like Islam is confronting (with atheism in the middle)

freakish forces of modernism, LGBT, liberalism and

conservatism etc. this plays out in a revolutionary way in

Northern Europe; a civil war such as in France, Germany and

USA. In the war-torn countries, it is a very long drawn-out war,

where both sides conceal their enmity towards their enemies.

Gigacides (Continenticide)

Pakistan Omar Farooq Butt

Gigacides mean that the kuffar, headed by USA are now capable

of annihilating billions of people as the G8 powers, one for each

of the earth’s continents or billion people.

Japan will try to destroy the Far East

France will try to destroy Asia

Britain will try to destroy Pak- subcontinent

Italy will try to destroy North America

Spain will try to destroy South America

Germany will try to destroy Africa

USA will try to destroy the Middle East

Canada will try to destroy Oceania

So far, their attempts have yielded only megawars, futile due to:-

Pakistan Omar Farooq Butt

1. Chinese Superpower

2. Communist Revolution

3. Reverse migration and conquest

4. America being stolen land

5. Slavery being called out

6. Defeat of European Fascism

7. Muslim Armageddon

8. Australia and New Zealand become the only kufar lands

Christians believe in murder not God

Christians hate people, and by that I mean the type of hatred that

can be termed intense hatred, part of the paranoid schizoid

Pakistan Omar Farooq Butt

position. The paranoid schizoid position arises as an alternative

to the depressive position. Europeans and Americans specifically

the ethnographic classification for people in Europe and America,

white people, are a minority in London, UK; and so are being led

up the road of being coloured etc. Black and Minority Ethnicities

(BAME) is no longer a technically relevant or correct term, but

the majority coloured in London are the fact of how the West is

experienced as an internal reality.

Europe and indeed Britain, famous for empiricism and pragmatic

liberalism of Locke and others, is no longer marked by “John

Smith in the world”. People are saying, the popular, common

names of townspeople here are rather “Mohammad Hussain”, to

have mercy to God's creation (din, the transaction with Allah ta

Ala, including as His creatures). This notion of common good

Pakistan Omar Farooq Butt

has the potential to liberate Europe. What can defend from

Europe can also defeat Europe. Islamic independence has 15 to

20 new examples in Europe and Eurasia. Fifteen from Soviet

breakaway; with Bosnia Herzegovina, Kosovo and North

Macedonia on top of these. Islamic independence and not only

about knowing God Almighty. His (SWT) mercy to His creatures,

but as is part of this deen, is to know to allow the individual to

encompass others in a human being’s mercy, in humanity. Islam,

in the sense of Khilafah or Dar al Islam, or even stricter and more

Islamically assimilates societies in other than Muslim lands mean

welding towards love of the governments of Muslim lands. Let us

forgive the old terrorists and come to terms with the fact that

Muslims’ lands are ruled by and consist of people who are, by

and large, pacifist, and indeed peacemakers.

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Nevertheless, Islam as a religion finds slight differences of

opinion as to whether people are to fit in as part of a collective,

political will or as the distributive of economic migrants; the

nascent nationalist aspect and the religious fervour of today's so

called fundamentalist thinking about Islam, either way will

struggle to gain political impetus for people whose jihad is

founded in practical thinking about religion. If you have to decide

which countries are becoming Muslim in the next thirty years, it

is as much as though we're looking at how different factors affect

a person for him to accept Islam, and then extend our analysis

towards how society will function, and international relations.

Increasingly the rejoinder to colonialism is the trend of reverse

migration. What industrial economies of previous centuries

travelled to Africa and Asia, from Europe; today the direction is

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opposite. However, the explicated reason as to why reverse

migration along with the economic rise of the non-European

countries is to change, is: if there is an accepted colonial

discourse, eurocentricism and racism impels us to say that

independence, (Islamic European independence) is founded in

migration theories and natural economic theory; only if there is a

decolonial theory, it can be said that not only is Islam in Europe,

but there is an economic industrialization as well as the religious

change internal to Europe and outside of Europe.

As Muslims, we're interested in in the conquest of the West to do

Allah Almighty good works; Satan on the other hand was

interested in the hearts and minds battle. Nevertheless, from

every ocean and every sea, we also like all the humanity

including Europe will be free.

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Indeed, there's an economic impetus to this religious change;

China and India being overpowering economies. Too, their heir-

apparents, being Indonesia and Pakistan, reverse migrations and

demographic trends will have closely followed the industrial

growth model.

Isolating power from the forces of history

Pakistanis are the children of Adam as opposed to Jews who are

children of Israel. Nevertheless, few people realise that God

created the first Pakistani, Hazrat Adam (AS). The first Israeli on

the other hand is yet to be made.

The personnel of the Sputnik Space Programme beat the US in

Star Wars at their own game and the People’s Republic of China

and the whole of the Soviet Union’s people. Indeed the Chinese
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agricultural programme was modelled on this and I think others,

especially India and Pakistan should have an agriculture

programme based on this.

Like Jesus Christ defies mortal plotting of Jew, Roman etc, of the

rich and powerful of his time. Love, peace and harmony in

today's day and age, are a defined of death. Happiness is the

ultimate defiance of our society, it’s death instinct. I refer to the

death of our people in terms of subservience to Jew and Roman,

as well as to the rich and to Satan; a battle he has charged us

with, our hearts and our minds.

I don’t believe in money or having friends except that they have

life after death. Such is the temporary nature of this world, that

we best without that which exists in the future: when a martyr

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pays his sacrifice, the species is murdered without reason as

murder. Living life for another can continue no longer. Living life

for Allah Subhanho wa Taala can. Civil behaviour informs our

civilization and polity.

Given historians say the city of Multan was founded by Prophet

Nuh (AS)’s Great Grandson, Pakistanis and Indians come from

the Prophet Nuh (AS); the second-born, Saam, his first-born,

Elam (Jews come from the younger brother). An example of the

religion of Elam spreading to Babylon is the spread of Shia from

Iran. That said Pakistan, has many Qadiris flourishing, indeed the

Silsilah’s founder was from Iraq.

• Antiquity over Rome and Greece- The original Bible

preferred over classicism is prevalent in the thoughts and

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imaginings of Muslims today; we refer to the true teachings

of Jesus Christ, not the Jews nor the Christians.

• Holy Quran over the Bible- Whereas the Holy Quran was

revealed after the Bible, it could say a lot about Christianity

which which was previously unknown, such as, what is the

trinity, but as the Bible was continually altered; it can only

collect and replace the Bible. The Pakistani antiquity over

Rome and Greece relates to the precedence of the original

Bible over classicism which teaches them only original sin.

• Prophet Mohammad (SWS) over Jesus- Similarly, as it is

possible for Bible to say anything about the Holy Quran,

which itself as the authority over the Bible. The messenger

of Islam, Prophet Muhammad (SWS) is both the Messenger

of Jesus and his Messiah. Jesus is follower.

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1.3 Pakistan

The hypothesis from observing modern-day Pakistan, in antiquity

(ie now- Pakistan); which use Tanba not Kaansi; is that in Now-

Pakistan, food was lighter in weight and in colour too (ie. more

colourful and brighter or more white). If we observe weapons and

tools aside, such as cutlery; cooking utensils are brass in ancient

Pakistan, and Bronze in India or Bharat. The food is larger-

grained in Ancient Pakistan than Ancient India: Barley, as

opposed to wheat or rice (which is, however, heavier). Does this

correspond to mental processes in the people who used these

pulses? Are there looser thoughts in Hind such as are small-

minded? Maybe because Indians filled their bellies more, they

had heavier utensils? Maybe they had more wheat therefore

preferred lighter coloured utensils. The Indus River Valley

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Civilisation never ate to fill but lightened the utensil over time.

Until they started to fill and needed lighter-coloured utensils and

cheaper metals to make them. Having consciously helped other

civilisations develop agriculture and metallurgy, the thoughts of

IRVC remained more or became more developed over time.

Whereas R.E.M. Wheeler’s assumption in “5000 years” is not

only that Aryans or Indians (from Ancient India) were more

active in their relationship with Ancient Pakistanis; is not held,

given he has already relegated us Pakistanis to the Bronze Age,

by disavowing our being part of the Iron Age (by disavowing our

being part of the Mauryan empire). He also assumes our absence

in antiquity by assuming, firstly, that Islam was spread by the

sword, and secondly, that it was itself subjugated by Hinduism.

However, none could reasonably deny Harrapan civilisation

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being charcolithic and therefore part of the Bronze Age; indeed

Neolithic as per the tools, weapons and utensils.

Even Wheeler includes chopping axes in the plates from “’Pindi”.

The stress he lays on totem; totem poles in place of proper

Islamic minarets, is too unwarranted. We may forgive his above

omission of, our antiquity, our peaceability, the domination of our

personality. But not in his saying Muslims were basically self-

obescient. This is his stupidity.

In showing Pakistan to be hill-folk, (herdsmen and farmers)

5,000 year ago, he rules out us being Highlanders or low-lying

land dwellers. He knew Islam had previously divided the land as

per which side of the Indus were dwellers, but, I believe he failed

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to recognise the significance of this division and the high and low

of the land. Whereas for early anthropologists, Pakistanis lived

merely on hilltops; for us it is more befitting to devise a theory of

the North West of Indus River, 1500 ft above the South East, and

of the hilly regions; to go beyond village plains and into a cities,

such as were bigger than other areas. That Islam is partly grave

worship or saint worship other than the pristine observance of

teachings in mosques; is something of an idea here.

Islam has never really existed, between the pantheons and

bestiaries as others believe. We were those historically to manage

to avoid critically these things.

Further there is evidence that in the Stone Age, Now-Pakistan

were well able to support and educate civilisations as well as

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initiate trade relations between two and even more civilisations.

How else has the Ancient Pakistani managed to maintain, in

Sanskrit, and Vedic Sanskrit (it’s extinct form); to support a

language which is informed as a religion? Why else would the

world system be so divided over who, Pakistani or non-Pakistani

is actively engaging the other in formative processes?

Pakistan, a ten thousand year history

It is likely the IRVC predated Sikander Azam and Bharat by

many millenia. The changes in gene pool from Stone Age to

Bronze, indicate Iranian and Middle Eastern influence only. The

height of land West of the River Indus, is a contrast to the

lowland of the East of the River Indus. Though there are too

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hilly lands obfuscating East Pakistan, also East Bengal; they are

very high.

The reversal of precedence of East and West, high and low, is all

too obvious in the rise of the Vedic Sanskrit and Bactrian

civilisation as well as the fall of Dhaka.

If Greeks, Bharatis and Bangladeshis came to us, they hid their

motive behind a facade of predated civilisation. IRVC created

Europe, created India and created the South East of Asia too. We

have done this by first language growth to Europe, then religion

and cultural growth just to our East. And now, in modern times,

slightly East from there too. It isn’t unlikely Organon

to Mahabharata, to Bangladesh as a modern Gigapower, written

by Pakistani blood and guts, not by foreigners’ ink. Organon tells

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the tale of Sikander Azam. Mahabharata tells the tale of Indra

invasion. The Gigapowers tells the tale of a new Gigapower,

unbeknowest in the world, from before the self had fought armies

back, unbeknowest to the world.

“Jewellery and metal casting work in excavation Mehrgarh

proved beyond doubt that the people who were there far more

advanced than any civilization for thousands of years lived.

Terms of amazing foresight, were found in jewellers and

metalworkers Mehrgarh devices such as drills, used stone and

copper, rising ovens, stoves, sinks, and a melting pot of brass

works from the merger Forge equipped workshops, a bit like a

modern work. During the excavation of ancient tombs have been

in and around the walls, an abundance of ornaments and

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jewellery were justified. Tombs, the largest sums were spent on

the artefacts people with complex products, such as figurines of

bronze and terracotta women and animals, baskets, tools, beads,

bracelets, pendants and necklaces. Most of the jewellery found

precious stones such as lapis lazuli, carnelian, agate, turquoise,

shells and pearls. These stones can not be in the region, which

show that the artisans Mehrgarh talks over a large area with lapis

lazuli and copper from the mountains of Afghanistan, agate and

carnelian from Gujarat in India and shellfish, and pearls southern

coast of Pakistan on the Arabian Peninsula, The artefacts from

Mehrgarh are far more advanced and developed as compared to

those obtained from excavations in Turkey and Middle East

especially Jericho.”

- On Mehrgarh I

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Ilm al umraniyaat

The enquiry that we are making must include questions such as,

are societies such as IRVC, more selfish? Is it because their

thoughts are less developed? How did language develop in these

times? Composites and monoliths, such as the metals and alloys.

What other dichotomies played out over time? Which meat was


Was all of this the result of stone age trade and intercontinental

trade? Selflessness is one model, but selfishness, from atama and

anatama, is very narcissistic- sounding. Was all of this caused by

the reaction to their paramanu in their form of religion? Was

there a balance of colour of people, food and tools? Production,

consumption and distribution; change as tools are

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stronger, people are numerous and food is varied.

Capital cities

Mansura, formerly Brahmanabad; and Multan were both capitals

of Islamic khilafat in the region. Just as former capital, Karachi is

just to the West of the River Sindh; Mansura is just to the East. It

was an early Islamic capital after the Lohana dynasty, and it was

Mahmud of Ghazni who first came here. The contrast with

Multan, which is in the middle of the plains of the Indus on the

higher land, further north; is that Mansura, in Sindh is low-lying

land, to one side of the Indus, at it’s mouth. This contrast plays

out as valleys and villages on the one hand; and the proof of

civilisation; towns and cities, perhaps on the higher land, on the

other. There are six bigger cities than Multan today, in

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Pakistan; Karachi, former capital; Rawalpindi, mentioned earlier

(next to Islamabad, Capital and seat of government); Faisalabad,

Gujranwala; Peshawar, and Lahore, the heart of Pakistan. Multan,

the city of Saints is a city which proves the hypothesis that there

were cities, they did contribute to civilisation and that there was

in existence, such thing as Ancient Pakistan.

Invasion theory

Mehrgarh has neolithic civilisation going back into ten milennia

before present (BP). This is twice as far as the government of

Pakistan have really acknowledged before in the books and

literature being sponsored in the research. R.E.M. Wheeler was a

researcher, hired by Hakumat-e-Pakistan for the first three years

of it’s existence. He studied Mohenjadaro (which he says

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is, possibly, literally, “the abode of the dead”) and Harappa cities

or sites as they are known. Since then, in the seventies, Mahrgarh

neolithic sites are being excavated, this has continued until the

nineties. I would posit an independent theory. No migration, nor

invasion theory, but; for migration to hide invasion, we would

need a precipitate causal civilisation. These stone age people

were tooled, weaponed etc. They created, not by migrating, not

by invading, but by entertaining. By hosting. Indeed they hosted

Europe, India, East Asia (possibly even the Far East), as a means

of developing their reciprocal altruism. If Europe, therefore

America; the Far East, and indeed India itself, owe their culture,

and before that their language to us Pakistanis, it is a great


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The precedence of Proto- indo Iranian over Indoaryan by Indo-

European language family scholars, is there in our history, but

who really says that there was civilisation, nay polity in ancient

Pakistan? It would necessitate an Egyptologist or an

Assyriologist to bring proofs of civilisation and cities,

such as prove political civilisation. If this can be proved, Pakistan

is then the very first in the line of ancient civilisations or

countries; as it would precede Assyria, Babylon and Egypt, as

well as ancient Israel, ancient India and China. If an Iranologist

could prove the existence of Sassanid political civilisation, it

would imply some crass form of international, diplomatic

relations as early as the Chalcolithic period of prehistory. This

may well be at the time of the Great Flood. The three sons of

Noah can effect the basic continents:

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1. Americas/ European....Saam

2.Asia/Far East....Japeth

3. Africa/ Middle East....Haam

In this likelihood, the Iraq-born Noah, seems to have settled in

the Punjab, from here he has given Saam language, Ham religion,

and Japeth, culture. The Persian historian Firishta (Muhammad

Qasim Hindu Shah) admits his great-grandson actually founded

the city of Multan from there. Satem and Centum are similar

sounding words as Saam, it could be said the eldest son of Noah

is a hint how Sayidinna Nuh (alaihi salaam) has grandfathered

the linguistic split within what was originally Proto Indo-Iranian

or Proto Indo- European. The first generation of children after the

flood ie. Sayidinna Nuh (AS)’s grandchildren were having

children afterwards, so they are seen as creating Pakistani cities.

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Whereas the point of comparison for the cities of Mohenjaro

Daro and Harappa are previously thought to be Mansura and

Multan, also based in Sindh and Punjab provinces respectively,

Mohenjaro Daro, Harappa and Mehrgarh relate to Karachi,

Islamabad and Lahore respectively. Further to this, I would like

to add, they correspond to the first man, the second Adam

and the Prophetic link goes on as it can here. My theory of

reciprocal altruism or Tabadala khayalat lays before us a

reasoning for why human beings should both give in to the other

in their life and should even allow yet others to control this. The

idea is that either as laid out before; Sayidinna Nuh (AS), his

firstborn, and the descendents of Saam’s two brothers, Ham and

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Yafet (one similar, one different in name), form the reason for

Ancient Pakistan preceding first Ancient India and then Ancient

Greece; or that Ancient India first attacked us and then Ancient

Greece attacked them.

Tabadla khayalat expounds the latter idea that Neolithic

Mehrgarh; without any reference to religious figures and

kingdoms governing, was the impetus for aggression and

belligerency which itself was met with interest. Including

Balochistan in the Ancient Pakistan equation is natural, Sindh

and Punjab are there but are referenced in the literature as

Mohenja Daro and Harappa, so at a lower level than Mahrgarh

which is in fact in the part of the country above 4000 ft. Whereas

Darya -e – Sindh is in Sindh and Punjab, it is in Balochistan

where the Indus Plains largely exist so it is naturally where we

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would expect to find towns and cities rather than the rest of the

river and its tributaries where we would expect valleys and

villages and so on. Khayalat represents Pakistan’s Karachi-

Islamabad- Lahore sensibility. Tabadla khayalat is the notion that

first Hinduism, then Hellenism were reactions first and foremost

to our civilisation, then to themselves. It exists as a theory or a

hypothesis, to disprove the idea that it was purely as a result of

the Great Flood that early civilisations were created and formed.

Because these Neolithic civilisations are evidenced by field

archaeologists’ work, it may be said, not only that we existed but

that we would have gone on to continue to exist and to cause

others to exist too. Tabadla khayalat tells us with respect

not only to the great Flood, the sons of Noah (and the table of

nations etc.) what were the predominant civilisations of the

Neolithic time but also informs us that given Sayidinna Adam

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(AS), Sayindinna Nuh (AS) and so on were members of cities

which were existing in those times it is those preexisting

civilisations which in turn define all other civilisations as cities

and polities. In this case since Pakistan has been defined as

IVRC, India is called as not-IVRC (ie they are less antiquitous

than Ancient Pakistan).

Further to this Greece should be called not- India. It is part of

Ancient Pakistan’s magnanimity that ancient India and ancient

Greece came into existence. In this way the theory of reciprocal

altruism becomes not only the theory for altruism but the theory

from magnanimity. This is because giving life to India was

altruism but creating Greece which represents the rest of the

world, outside of the Subcontinent was magnanimity.

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Villages by the river, cities in the plains- Was Mehrgarh the

capital of Ancient Pakistan?

Legend has it, Ancient Pakistan, five million strong, possibly

with a capital city, Mehrgarh; sufferred a 200-year drought and so

it gave way to Hindus, but it could just be a round two of our

brother, the Hindu (round one being the Vedic period). The

origins of Vedic Sanskrit, an extinct language, is a limiting factor

of Ancient Pakistani civilisation. In this respect, it would not

be wrong to say the end of Ancient Pakistan is the beginning of


This can be seen also in that the beginning of Hinduism and the

beginning of Sanskriti is the end of Ancient Pakistan. The first

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statement is with regards to the start of our ancient civilisation

and the second with regard to the end of it.

For those who believe Lahore is the capital of Pakistan, or even

that Multan is; they are not completely unfounded in that

mistake. If we study ancient Pakistan, Mehrgarh, an ancient

neolithic site in Balochistan, was a city preceding all others in the

world. Ancient Pakistan, famous for Mohenjo-Daro (near

Karachi) and Harappa (near Multan), has been added to with a

city, presumably the capital city of the region, nearer Quetta,

inbetween the two. Whereas India, Greece, Rome (indeed

Assyria, Babylon and Egypt too) don’t start themselves, as

countries, as themselves (ie there is a big difference between the

origins of the country and the defining features or factors of the

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same country), all the Muslim countries and civilisations in the

world, particularly in the Middle East, begin as a founded,

grounded, rooted people (culture). It is possible for us to be

bottom-up and grow as grassroots grow.

Formulations of megacities in Ancient Pakistan

Mohenjo Daro is possibly the Ancient Pakistani city where

Sayidinna Adam (alaihi salam) came to build when he first came

to earth. Not far from Karachi, a port city off the Indian Ocean,

and modern Pakistan’s first capital city, it was populated

thousands of years ago by hunters and barley farmers,

much like Mehrgarh, where it is likely the second Adam,

Sayidinna Nuh (AS) was building a city once he was saved from

the great flood.

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The idea of now Pakistan’s ancient history being one of villages

in valleys ora lack of towns, emerges due to the extraordinary

success our civilisation had with fertilising the germ of

civilisation in both Eastern and Western parts of

the world. In actual fact it is not from the hills that our people

came but we lived in the plains and on the plateaus. Mehrgarh

itself lies between the end of the Indus Plains and the beginning

of the mountainous regions further north.

It is possible to conjecture of the landscape that landforms as

distant as Sri lanka were once joined here (thus the mountain

named “Adam’s peak” here) and this can only be proved by

thorough geological analysis through study of tectonic plates

going back thousands, even tens of thousands of ,years. As it is, it

is likely the Indus Basin where man first settled and the
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Balochistan plateau is where the second Adam came.

Valley ....Multi-landform.....Highland/mountain

Village....Landscape.....…....Towns and cities

To consider Pakistan, India, China, Bangladesh and Tibet, the

Himalayan countries as formed in a so-called River Basin or

River Valley, where the base of the world’s largest mountains are

sitting is at once absurd and secondly holding within it a tacit

theory of geological variation and a geographical theory for

humanity at large.

That valleys and villages therein are proof of civilisation such as

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Rawalpindi’s evidence of Neolithic tools and paleontology,

allows landscapes such as are not just uphill but highland or

mountainous or on plains and plateau’s are themselves

justification for towns, cities, capitals (megacities), and

urbanisation is a one-directional thought process.

For the love of heaven, it is inconceivable that without

urbanology; that the historical Euphrates and Tigris of Biblical

paradise, and the fifth and sixth day of genesis creation narrative

as specified in the Holy Quran can be seen to justify using

variables of geology, geomorphology, geography etc. to create

valley theories for the people of the basin.

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In Surah al Araf and in Ha Mim Sajda, Allah subhanahu wa ta

Ala clarifies how He wa ta Ala created the heaven and earth and

that such as the mountains:

“Firm mountains from above...and He blessed it.. in four

days...He heavens in two days....”

Surah Ha Mim Sajda (THQ -Al Fussilat) 10-12

See Tafsir Al Baghawi, al Zajjaj and al Kashshaf for clarity that

these three verses do not contradict a six-day creation narrative.

The relevence of the Himalayan mountain range in the region of

which Pakistan is a part is relevant here. Given the world’s

largest mountains are here it is not completely incorrect to call

now Pakistan as Indus River Valley

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Civilisation but we mustn’t hasten to think our civilisation is born

in valleys and is only in villages, when in fact the meeting of

mountains and plains in the landscape is possibly where the

world’s biggest city was.

Further the Indus plains are divided into upper and lower. Upper

where the four rivers, Sutlej, Ravi and Chenab; break from the

Indus, which is in the lower only. This is mentioned in Genesis

2:10, and Pakistan’s geography is known as Indus Plain of Punjab

and Sindh, the Highlands (Northern) and Balochistan. These

correspond to Mohenjo Daro, Harappa and Mahrgarh, with the

northern highlands exempted. Alternatively, as per the basin, you

have the Indus Plain Highlands (near Hindu Kush) and Indus

Plain Lowlands (Darya-e -Sindh).

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In a sense, a reason for the ignoring of the possibility of the pre-

dating of Mesopotamia and Egypt and so on, is that lying

between Indian and Eurasian Tectonic plates made it difficult to

differentiate from a basin. This is evidenced in the fact in the fact

that the plateau is different from the plains at large, and that the

distance of Mehrgarh to the River Indus. This is itself distinct

from the Harappa and Mohenjo daro, in Punjab and Sindh

respectively, in the Indus Delta and in the Plains.

Pakistani Paleontology, urbanology

As the studies of various geological epochs are undertaken the

holocene, ie. the present and past 12,000 years show that since

the last ice age or glacial period, Pakistan or Ancient Pakistan

had cities such as today, where there were fortifications and

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palaces as well. The size of such cities were around 100 hectares

or miles across:

1. Harappa

2. Mohenjo Daro

3. Dholavira

4. Ganeriwala

5. Rakhigarhi

Other than the thousands of settlements that are assumed then,

hundred or so have been excavated. Although excavated cities are

largely Brone Age, some of these may be neolithic, these are the

mature Harappan or early Harappan civilisation.

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The major Riverine civilisations of human beings, including early

(so-called prehistorical) human beings are:

1. Indus River speaking Elamite languages

2. Yangtze, Yellow River, speaking Manadrin

3. Nile in Africa

4. Euphrates/ Tigris in Middle East

Indus River has Elamite languages hypothesised for it. From this

language comes Elamodravidian extinct languages, such as

Vedda and Vedantic Sanskrit, Sanskrit being the language of

dharma in India. Just as Yangtze/ Yellow river forms the Riverine

learnt civilisation from Japan to Turkmenistan, the Nile spans

Africa and the Euphrates and Tigris dominate the middle East; so

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Darya-e-Sindh forms South Asia, from Oceania to the other

continents on the border of Asia. It has marked our learning, our

countries names and democracy is where it is in the world thanks

to us and will only continue along these lines.

The love of heaven -the whereabouts of the lost ark

Scientists tell us around a hundred million years ago of a big

extinction in which the esozoic turned into the cenozoic state of

life on earth. Whereas the former includes Jurassic and

Cretaceous stages, the others are in the latter, including the

present holocene of this ice age.

This is when, most likely, the great flood occurred, it is also an

extinction of all life forms on earth, except for pairs of animals

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taken on the ark and Prophet Noah (AS) and the sons and their

wives and children.

Assuming Saam was a father already, his eldest being Elam as

per mentioned (in the table of nations); of Sayidinna Nuh (AS)’s

sons, it was the direct descendent of these same folk who would

disembark here, who are accreditted in the writings of the

Persian, Firishta for example, for founding the cities of Multan,

and I am hypothesising Mehrgarh which is loosely translated

“love of heaven” is too. This puts it’s creation as humanities’ first

city and megacity at around 11,650 years ago. It is therefore

likely the ark is still in Pakistan, where it landed and the Sons of

Noah disbanded form it.

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The lost ark and the search for the lost ark continues to drive

humanity towards excavating the Ancient Pakistani cities and to

find evidence; chemical, paleontological and geological to study

the ice age quaternary, the geological epoch and the last glacial

period. In fact the pleistocene and the holocene together form the

quarternery period.

In k.a. BP (kiloannum before present) the holocene, also the

Flandrian interglacial tells us Mehrgarh periods 1-8 are divided

as five intervals:

1. 10-9 or MP1

2. 9-8 or MP 2

3. 5-8 or MP 3 and 4

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4. 2.5 to 5 or MPs 5, 6 and 7

5. Till 2.5 or MP 8

These are first the neolithic and mesolithic stone ages, and then

bronze age and iron age (4 and 5) parts of history stretching back

to early and middle stone ages, before this. The new stone age or

stone age revolution of farming and animal domestication in

around stage 3 has true farming and aceramic pottery, although

these are in evidence before. By stage 2, PPNB (Prepottery

Neolithic B) , approximately 8,800 years ago known cities such

as Jericho and Anatolia exist which are according to some

sources 3, 700 years older than Ancient Pakistani cities, however,

there is early evidence in the world of ceramics, pottery and

China as far back as 20,000 years ago.

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The very word China, as an isolate from Indic languages,

meaning porcelein etc. may partly prove there was a flood before

Prophet Nuh (AS) where people have lived and flourished on

earth, in the Mesolithic or middle stone age.

Pakistan Omar Farooq Butt

Chapter 2- Metals

2.1. Antediluvian Pakistan

When we consider the decline of Indus River Valley Civilization,

when we talk of Homo erectus, the pre- homosapien hominid

who first graced Planet Earth as we know it thousands of years

ago; in fact, for hundreds of thousands of years, walked upon

earth, as Muslims, it is pertinent to know: firstly, that, as a

species we came to earth with Sayidinna Adam (alaihi salam)

and, that having a second Adam, Sayidinna Nuh (alaihi salam) is

similar, and bares many resemblances to the change to


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Secondly, the early Islam as such is followed with Prophets of

Allah az awajal, (upon whom be peace), mainly from Ancient

Palestine,or more generally, in the Middle East; largely following

in the footsteps of the earlier Prophets, upon whom be peace.

Whereas trade routes and supposed, or assumed international

trade, had routes beginning in the first picture, by the time of

early Islam, whence Muslim identity is present: knowledge of the

Final messenger by name and age is possible. Trade is very

developed and villages, towns and settlements have become cities

and mega-cities with countries.

With the evidence of late from paleontology we can deduce the

earliest of countries in the world is not India, Israel, etc. but

rather Pakistan and Palestine; Egypt, Arabia, Babylon. If today

we find people have more interest in Jericho and so on, then these

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are seen as more as a reminder of the infighting in civilisational

history. A theory of Pakistani proto-history or Ancient Pakistani

theory proposed by Pakistanologists such as REM Wheeler

amongst others, including Hindus; is the migrant invasion theory,

which says dharam is the reason Ancient Pakistan fell, once it

had risen in the stone age as one of the world's four dominant

areas of human life, the others being Babylon, China and Egypt;

but where did these Indian peoples or Greeks, or immigrants

come from, if at all? If first Indians than Europeans came then

how and why at all? The answer seems to be that the early Indus

man was happy to share his culture with his brother-man. First,

he spread his wings to the east, to enlarge his total grip on our

subcontinent. Then he spread his wings to the west where Europe

was discovered. He had probably already discovered China and

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the Middle East. So other than go to America, these were the only


I believe what is virtuous above all, to remember and to bare in

mind, as the people who do know God's Messenger, upon whom

the peace and blessing, by name, as Sayindinna Muhammad

(sallallahu alihi wasalam) is that we respect Arab and non Arab;

Arab wa Ajam. What is clear of Ancient Pakistan is that we are,

as Indus man and as Pakistanis now Ajami people. Indians,

Europeans or whoever, other than our Muslim brothers in faith,

have a culture then, that is really no different from one for which

we already have love and have no desire to create hatred for.

Given to this day, The Indus Man (TIM) divides nicely into

oblator and non-oblator, animal sacrificer and non- animal

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sacrificer; it seems reasonable to assume beyond just drought that

there was actual famine, as after all the Indus Man in the East has

been affected by dharam and restricted from eating animal meat.

The fear of famine, drought and asps is likely a cause for pagan

religions in the area of the sub continent. This is synchronous

with the Prophet Ibrahim (AS) and Ancient Sumerian civilisation,

such as is called Ancient Babylon, Ancient Assyria and Ancient

Egypt,Ancient Mesopotamia etc. Other theories assume only

Elamites were similar and traders with Indus Man. Did the Indus

shifting towards India create dharam in the world? Were the

failures of Indus man to make a surplus output the cause of

famine or drought? Were there tectonic plate shifts or other harsh

geographical changes to the area of the subcontinent?

The theory that Ancient India was borne of Ancient Pakistan,

evidenced by all of above theories is stating metalwork is the

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cause. Without Alloys, India wouldn’t be known as either ancient

nor a civilisation in it’s own right. It is, in other words, not

invasions that have created the Vedic texts but rather they are a

reaction to murti’s and putla’s built in the stone age and after.

This is why we are not called as a Bronze Age civilisation,

whereas they are. In fact, in the context of La ilaha ilAllah, Nabi

Ibrahim (Peace be upon him) was the first of us Muslims. It is

our language (Elamodravidian), our land (eg. Punjab is where

Ramayana was created) and our puppets from the bronze age

which they worship incorrectly. We Pakistanis, were a prehistoric

civilisation before the famine and it is composite metal that they

(Indians) worship because it is the only time they got ahead of us

for once.

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The present theories are added to by the mythology theory of the

tripartite epochs of prehistory. Was ancient Pakistan able to create

ancient India by composition of metal through

metallurgy/metalwork? These a real nevertheless small or

relatively small factors; hydrological shift, agricultural failure,

tectonic shift, famine, drought invasion, compared to the idea of

climate overall flood being the additional fact or the ice age as


“A river watering the garden flowed from Eden; from there it was

separated into four headwaters. The name of the first is the

Pishon; it winds through the entire land of Havilah, where there

is gold. The gold of that land is good; aromatic resin and onyx

are also there. The name of the second river is the Gihon; it

winds through the entire land of Cush. The name of the third

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river is the Tigris; it runs along the east side of Ashur. And the

fourth river is the Euphrates.”

Genesis 2:10-15

New International Version

The first of the “rivers” of the Paradise, Pishon (Genesis 2:11)

that is the land of Pakistan often pronounced “Pakishtaan” by

those of the former East Pakistan, Bengali-speaking of the land of

Bangladesh. What is unclear is the role of Ancient Elamites

(“Persian”people) in aiding and abetting TIM to form Ancient

India, but what is clear is that there is a link to the Tigris and

Euphrates (Genesis 2:15), as a subsident river on earth to the

River Indus, in the Hindu Kush; in Kashmir, the River Ganges.

Pakistan Omar Farooq Butt

Ancient Pakistan preceded ancient India as Ancient Pakistan is a

stone age civilization, which we refer to as Indus man, a stone

age man or The Indus Man (TIM) who's possibly around on

planet earth ever since the continent was formed half of a million

years ago. It is likely Pakistan is through antiquity have been a

civilization. For the entirety of Paleontological period before the

Indus River Valley Civilization extended and we created India,

this means for hundreds of thousands of years, Pakistani history

preceded Indian history. Throughout the Paleolithic, Mesolithic

and Neolithic periods of prehistory or proto-history, Ancient

Pakistan existed and the Indus man was living in what is now

Pakistan. When we say Muslim India is thousands of years old

but modern India only a handful of decades new, it is for a clear

reason; we are an ancient civilization in prehistory, they are not,

they did not exist. While it is true India was united by

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Chandragupta Moria in the history of Pakistan in India; this is

only a precursor to Moghul rule of the sub- continent, or reaction

of the Indus man having spread from Ancient Pakistan to the rest

of the Pakistani subcontinent. Why do I say Indus man was alive

ever since the subcontinent was formed for half a million years


Because, the subcontinent was geographically created when

tectonic plates shifted approximately 50 million years ago.

Human life would only be appropriate to this by approximately

half a million years ago, once he had come to planet Earth. As the

sub- continent is not a continent in it’s own right, it's why I have

said TIM is half a million years old. Human life on this earth, ie.

humankind is. As Pakistanis we’re measured in hundreds of

thousands of years, so called Indians, are measured, if at all in

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mere decades. As a counter argument Bharati’s war-footed so-

called people's can say as per Homo Neanderthalensis, Pakistan

is 50,000 years old as per Foreign or Aryan Invasion Theory

(Wheeler). Given the ice age we live in began 12,000 years

before present, maybe they say Pakistan is over 10,000 years old.

The very least as a rejoinder to stone age Tim is the villages and

pinds that he has created in the Punjab in central and southern

areas of our subcontinent. It is from here a bronze age has been

developed. It's from here that events of hindu texts were staged,

or as is claimed, took place. It is notable that whereas

Mohenjadaro spread wentinto southern areas and parts of

subcontinent which are now hindu (eg,Saurashtra, Dholavira;

Gujarat etc), Harrappan spread went into northern Tim and made

Buddhism and Hinduism and by extending into present day

Rajastan (kalibangan) and Haryana (rakhigari); Mahrgarh made

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Multan city and the rest of the villages of the non-sacrificing

peoples of the East, with Ganweriwal and other such Ancient

Pakistani and Now Pakistani cities; after all Pakistan precedes

India in this important way.

In fact, in that the first step to creating India is what basically is

not Indian, ie shepherdry, so it may be possible to allocate each

of the Hindus Texts to the five rivers; Mahabharata and Krishna

from Sutlej, and Brahma from the Ravi, Ram from the Beas,

Ramayana, Tripitikas from the Jhelum and Upanishads from


What is notable is that whereas Darya-e-sindh is from the oceans,

the Arabian Ocean; River ganges is from the land ie. mountains

of the Himalayas.That the Indus comes from Arabian ocean

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would mean we Pakistanis aren’t folk of the valleys and hills ie.

Pinds, but rather highlanders or uplanders from the Himalayas.

The question of whether India comes from Pakistan means to ask

does Sanskrit originate in Elamodravidian? Does River Ganges

originate from the Indus?Does idol worship originate in

vegetarianism? Perhaps it is more ethically proper to ask instead

of these issues: how has ancient or vedic Sanskrit developed from

Elamodravidian? How is Ganga a mountainous river but Indus an

Oceanic one? Do Hindus miss out on animal sacrifice as per

Abrahamic religion? To answer these questions, study in

comparative linguistics, the geography of the land, river and

oceans, and comparative religious study is required. Nevertheless

as anthropologists and paleoanthropologists, it is possible to say

something good about the social processes of the religion of

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those people known as Tim, Pakistanis; a people who are the real,

original Punjabis, Gujratis, Indians, Bengali’s etc. To know that

in fact, is to be assured Pakistanis are descendents of upland

people unlike Indians who were village dwellers traditionally,that

Homo Erectus was a Pakistani and not Bharati, and that remains

true because of our Paleolithic history.

Indeed admitting Pakistanis Paleolithic history will prove

(through Radiocarbon dated artefacts from the early or middle

stone age),that Ancient Sumer, Cairo, Babylon and any other

civilisations in the new stone age, such as in Palestine; weren’t

the first cities and towns, and maybe that there was a state or a

megacity in the world before them in Pakistan.

2.2. After the Great deluge

Pakistan Omar Farooq Butt

Ancient Pakistan, like it’s sister civilisation, Ancient India is a

Pre-Semitic civilisation. What is clear about Ancient Pakistan is

that it is likely a Pre-Noahide civilisation whereas Ancient India,

most likely was not.

When a historian looks at the Indus Man, from the Indus River

(Darya e Sindh) Basin, it is a difficult to conclude that without a

great flood, the Indian villages exist with or without River


It is for this precise reason that paleontology has so little to offer

as it does nothing to further the cause of the people of our

Subcontinent given so little can be known of the thousands of

year old towns and villages in what is something like the

previous epoch of history or even a previous Ice Age.

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Nevertheless having an antediluvian history means Pakistan,

unlike India is a Paleontological reality, a Prenoahide country.

Whereas this may be worrisome for an Abrahamic religious

country, it is of major importance today as some consolation that

it is also a Presemitic one. It also predates metalurgy.

2.3. Pakistan, before the invention of metallurgy

If metallurgic advancement yields to the two stages of human

advancement, the first is the development of a metal alloy.

Although metalwork before this is largely smelting and

hammering, the deoxidization process of use to purify metals

from the ore, is called reduction. It is the second stage where we

move into the Iron Age,where Iron ore is deoxidized into the

metal and chemical elements we call iron. It is noted that the

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Bronze Age begins with making alloys and the Iron Age with

making light coloured metals which shine the so- called metallic

colour. The Stone Age on earth begins with life here on the earth,

the first use of stone tools thought to be begun with the advent of

human life on planet earth, hundreds of thousands of years ago.

Inspite of the tripartite theory of proto-history, indeed, despite the

three divisions of prehistory, I am including here life on earth

before the great deluge, so from the fall to Earth until the flood

and from metalurgical invention until the present. The reason is

that radiocarbon dating although perfectly simple a mathematical

calculation yield to periods of around 6000 years, meaning 1/50

of the total human history, approximately.

The second last 50th of the 50ths beginning the last Interglacial

period or the last Ice Age. Given the two metallurgical periods

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plus the modern period together, and doubled, give us a length of

time of the ice age, around 12,000 years; it is noted that the

modern period is therefore one or two roughly percent of human

history in time.

Carbon 12 or carbon 14 therefore has a weight or a gramme over

t won where n is 50; up until a gram over 2 times 2, and a gram

over 2. As Muslims, Pakistanis we are victims of conspiracies

against our own good selves, the turning point being, of our

capital cities with Islamabad and Rawalpindi, the burning burden

on us is this twining, Islamabad being small to Pindi. It seems the

world is not content with having great cities as we have always

had since time immemorial, indeed our country for us, is a matter

of great pride and honour.

Pakistan Omar Farooq Butt

The agriculture of the Indus Man is linked inextricably with his

tools and weapons’ material, not least because the utensils are

made of a certain material. It is also on another level agricultural

developments may even, as an opposite, reverse effect; inspire

the metalwork that composes the utensils, tools and so on. Both

the use of barley as opposed to wheat or the introduction of rice

to the Indus Man’s diet can be indicative of a change to the

metallurgical work and then effect of the use of composite

metals. Whereas common theory without knowledge of basic

anthropology would implicate the use of the tool or utensil

determined metalwork; the long run, seminal use of metalurgy,

such as the change from Stone Age is the beginning seen as a

developmental process involving a metaphysical development;

the main inspiration from the unseen world.

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Two very obvious points of comparison here are as follows: One

the diet has lightened in colour as the primary material tools has

become glossy or shiny; two, the chemical composition that was

one from being made up of single metals, to compounds, with

two or more metals combined to form an alloy or metal. The

opposite is where with Iron ore we have subtracted the oxygen

from the Iron ore and purified it to get Iron.

Bronze Age mega-cities in Pakistan

If, paleontology tells us,cities, miles-wide from one end to

another, existed in this part of the world, it would mean, before

Jericho, Babylon or Cairo;Ancient Pakistan is the cradle of

civilisation. There were these mega cities in the country

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altogether by the Bronze age,Ancient Pakistan was the cradle of

civilization as we know it.

It is of interest because they are around 50 sites showing cities

just a pind for which is infamous. These were by then megacities

with working guttering for toilets, so good the drainage is better

able to deal with today's monsoons than that in the modern city.

The mega cities including Mohenjodaro, Harappa and Mehrgarh,

indeed today's Karachi, Islamabad, Lahore, Multan owe much to


Unfortunately, interest in Ancient Pakistani Megacities is

therefore limited to the decline of Indus man.

2.4. Pakistan after the invention of metallurgy

Pakistan Omar Farooq Butt

Iron is used to make the steel, as far as our cutlery, tools, utensils

and other industrial usages go. Early industrialists found adding

carbon to Iron toughens it. We did this first by coking or burning

in a charcoal furnace. To add copper to iron gives the metal a

resistance to corrosion by the elements. It’s non-corrosive

properties mean it has a wide range of uses, as did Bronze and

before that, stone.

As we moved out of the Iron age, or the industrial revolution as it

was; we found an auto-mobile age and a aero-travel age, as well

as the computer age,now. Silicon, a heat resistant material and a

semiconductor, used in computer-chips may too prove a very

useful material which will no doubt take us into the information

age. Because of the nature of computing and information,this has

vast implications for highly populated countries.

Pakistan Omar Farooq Butt

Chapter 3- The Indus Man (TIM)

3.1 The Indus Man

Does the compounding of our emotions and what not originate in

the elements as they are, lacking isolation and specification? For

example, is love, organic elements; respect, metals; peace, non-

metals; and honour, the noble gases etc?

If this is somewhat true, then is it possible the formation of

Ancient Pakistan took place, with the acceptance of herding and

animal- rearing (bringing milk, meat and an object of sacrifice);

as well as the creation of Ancient India to one side and Ancient

Elamite civilisation on the other?

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Certainly, a zodiac is not metaphysical; a language’s alphabet can

be though. We need to search for our Ma’bood, not just our Abd.

Monotheism, Monolith, Monism, even Monasticism are greatly

important ideas when compared to polytheism, composites,

dualism and perversions. Indeed, in front of a true spirituality,

every materialism is confounded.

Physical Anthropology takes evidence from stone, metal, organic

compounds’ (ie. carbonised material such as charcoal) evidence

to gain knowledge about past societies, civilisations and cultures.

Whether there were cities in Ancient Pakistan worthy of being

called as altogether a country, is one of the foundational

questions, any anthropologist of the Indus Man must ask. These

ancient cities may or may not have included a capital. There may

or may not have enough of them to constitute a type of country.

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These Pre-Jericho cities may have preceded Cairo and Babylon

as a centre of civilisation in this world too.

In fact, what modern Anthropologists accepts as the basis of

civilisation; Assyria, Babylon, Egypt, is questioned by this

theory. Like Peking Man, Homo Neanderthalensis and now the

Indus Man, the anthropological evidence for life on earth or

rather the paleontogical evidence for the early man on earth and

the first civilisation here on earth is possibly not linking mankind

to the Middle East as strictly and as sternly as some might have

previously suggested.

The focus of Paleolithic study is trees, fossils and charcoal from

ancient sites. Radiocarbon dating tells us how many half lives (ie

5,370 years approximately) have passed since the physical

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evidence was formed; but the weight of the carbon is halving as

we neglect and fail to appreciate that other societies than Peking

Man, Java Man, Neanderthals etc. could have been older than

thought previously. If there is no Pakistani paleontological

evidence or study of the paleolithic period in Ancient Pakistan,

we cannot continue to assume it is wrong to study the later

periods of the anthropology of the Ancient Indus Man. If we

assume it is better to overlook the tripartite theory for

archaeology and pre-history and adopt a new theory which is Pre-

stone Age, we are left with two major divisions: Pre-

Metallurgical advances , there was the Bronze Age. Post-

Metallurgical advances, there was the Iron Age, and then there

was modern life as we know it. It is in this theory which has

created rupture of Metal-working (called “Dhaat” in Urdu) in

human culture and can shed light of enormous proportion on our

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knowledge of Prehistorical man. I am not implicating a lack of a

Stone Age for the Indus Man, rather assuming a question of a

detailed analysis of what was the metalwork done by the Indus

Man; and answering why and how exactly did it culminate in the

prehistorical developments that took place in the life-cycle of the

Indus Man. Was Ancient India an effect of the metallurgical

advancement of Ancient Pakistan? I dont deny the Mesolithic or

Neolithic periods of development of the Indus Man in Ancient

Pakistan but rather acknowledge it is easier to study the smaller

dates in kiloannum before present, than the larger ones. First, a

theory for why India is so profoundly dualistic in nature and

upbringing. If we look at the present Paleontology; science tells

us Assyria (including Palestine in the South) and Babylon

(including Talmudic lands) and Caira (including Ancient Egypt)

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are the ABC of civilisations and cultures. This is not other than

the fact of the ABC of Islamic civilisations.

What has happened in the growth of Asian economic

developments and the growth of Anthropology has itself led to

new questions being asked and new avenues being explored of

our knowledge of Prehistorical Asians: Peking Man, Java Man,

and now the Indus Man, are recent additions to the neanderthal

man, and other areas of the world, too, have their own

prehistories for the study of the generations.

These add to our knowledge of Ancient man which is based on

sources such as emanate from the ancient East and Middle East.

The question of whether the Indus Man, Ancient India, Java Man

or Peking Man, came first, is then put on hold on a sidelined train

of thought. We can then concentrate on the idea that it is

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revolution from one mode of production, to another, the next;

which is want to study in Anthropology. Stage one is

paleontological revolution, by this I mean moving from the Stone

Age to the age of post-Neolithic development.

This is Stage one of metallurgy as prehistory. Stage two is

moving from this Bronze, Brass or Chalcolithic to the Iron Age

or a further development of metallurgy. Here the metals are

mixed; whereas Stage one is about the use of lighter metals,

Stage two is about harder metals. Whereas Stage one is about

brittle metals, Stage two is about heavy metals. The colours of

the two Stages is also different; whereas Stage one goes darker

into reds, browns and golds; Stage two is about lighter colours

such as are white, silver and metallic. It is this revolutionary

theory which will allow us to say that what we have and know of

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the Indus Man is about the two revolutions or nodes of

production. It tacitly implies that if the Indus Man is two- fold ie.

Dawlah al Islam (ie a Muslim country we call Pakistan) and Dar

al Islam (ie. a former Muslim country we say is Hindustan), it

may well prove beneficial to note the division or at least, the

terms of the division and the causes of the precipitative of the

two stages. My theory is that the Indus Man is actually a Muslim

who has al but apostated in a very great respect thousands of

years ago. This we say is in a reaction to Ancient Babylon,

Arabia, Canaan and Egypt being formed.

Without knowing the precise formula for translation of human

emotions from the elements it may be possible to acknowledge

that the right and responsibility of a human beings existence are

given as such.

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Given the cities of human life in existence in the Bronze Age

were formed of such people who were citizens with rights and

responsibilities, is it not possible to say it was the composition of

metal alloys that led to the development of countries?

If to Copper, we add Tin or Zinc, to create alternatively Bronze or

Brass, has this simply coincided with the “Patriarchs” and their

altruism, self-sacrifice and stories such as highlighting the vitality

of sacrifice?

Around the same time as the Biblical Patriarchs, it can be

observed the religion of the Indus Man is partly pagan and pre-

Islamic and also shows signs of Early Islam. Nevertheless, before

the end of the prehistorical period, we not that the Indus Man has

a type of Duty (Dharma), the beginnings of his own religion. The

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Rigveda shows this development first, in the Punjab as

Ramayana, and Mahabharata shows a full Ancient India.

As we know of the Great Famine of the Indus Man as a cause of

his hunger for Selfhood and fulfilling duty (Sikhi call the

economic, “Dharam da kirat karna”, it can be said that the

economic agenda is paramount and that so is culinary life. Which

utensil we use to cook, prepare and even eat food is concurrent

with our normal tools and even weapons. In the Stone Age we

had old “Stone Tavey” (stone oven areas); then clay ovens, and

now we use metals. To cook today we use no longer the brittle,

light-coloured metal but harder, reflective metals such as steel.

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Without separating Stages one and two it will be easy to

condstruct a theory of Zaat from this Dhaat-work or the

metalwork of prehistory:

Indus Man: No famine, statues nor dharam. Flour from small

grain, meat sacrifice.

Post-Indus Man: Dharmic, iconic (iconoclastic). Flour from

large grains and rice. No oblation.

The Indus Man is a monolithic and overt metallurgical period.

Afterwards is a composite and avert period. In other words,

oblation and ablution are present in the Indus Man period but the

theory of the Indus Man is completed with the composition of

metals. Without the overt revolution there is no avert revolution.

By this I mean, Paleontology is ended by the overt revolution and

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only then is the aversion of the Bronze Age. Ceramics, wood and

other natural materials are all in use but by now it is a lack of

double-take of metal composition which is seen as averted by the

composite metal, Iron. The Indus Man (TIM)’s culture is

informed of pure, raw from the earth as it is, by non-chemical

extraction. Metals from ore etc. The composite is not found in

earth naturally of which we see Zaat paat and dharam.

When the first country of human history was formed it is unlikely

we will know because of the many civilisations it is hard to know

exactly when they were formed; was it Egypt, Palestine, Syria,

Babylon (Iraq), in the Middle East; or Beijing in China. Perhaps

Indus Man preceded all, even Neanderthals in Europe, Mayans in

the Americas and others still in South East Asia. I say this

because of the evidence of the Vidya of wars waged by citizens

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of areas of Punjab. Ancient Pakistan was always peace-loving,

indeed, we had weapons but as well as being sword-fashioners,

we were peace-makers. We ensured the Vidya etc. were written

by the pen.

If there is a parable of Islam over other faiths in their guns but

our numbers it is such as in the West we dominate by number of

followers. Back in the Pak-Ind Subcontinent, it is reversed. It is

their numbers which have shown millions of Muslims born

yearly too.

It has been said by many that Ancient Pakistan should be

acknowledged as greater than all other civilisations, just as the

pen is mightier than the sword. Today as countries of the world

have enough firepower to destroy us all, this is never more

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relevant. Nevertheless, it is our powerlessness which is too

relevant. We are helpless in front of a barrage of nuclear bombs.

Only knowing to believe in Allah and the Last Day and to

remember Allah often, we must accept that Qiyamat, the end of

the world is taking place. We must think of our coming

conquering generations. They are surviving this great or global

war and we mustn’t let them inherit wars such as Af-Pak. We

must instead bequeath them UK and USA.

“Verily in the messenger of Allah ye have a good example for

him who looketh unto Allah and the Last Day, and remembereth

Allah much.”

The Holy Qur’an (MMP translation) 33:21

3.2 Revolution
Pakistan Omar Farooq Butt

Revolution 1- Stone age to Bronze age

Life before Rasulallah (SWS)

Revolution 2- Bronze age to Iron age

Early Islam

Revolution 3- Iron age to modernity

Islam- Coming of Rasulallah (SWS)

3.3 Silicon Valleys

Pakistan Omar Farooq Butt

What characterises the future as revolutionary is that the Late

Islamic period as opposed to the historial Islamic period, leaves

historical developments such as cars, planes, spacecraft and

nuclear wars, behind.

According to the above breakdown, life on earth has two Golden

Ages in Islam. Knowing Islam we know of the Golden Age but

how does mode, node and means of production develop to find a

new way of sustenance and providence? We had stone, bronze

and iron, now what? Silicon. A semi-conductive material giving

us what we know as electric power. The silicon chip being non-

resistant to heat, can revolutionise our metals as it allows us to

harness nature by electrical energy passing without problem.

Silicon valleys will grow such as in Karachi, and corresponding

Pakistan Omar Farooq Butt

intellectual centres such as Islamabad. In Hindustan, Bangalore

and Mumbai.

There are two household inventions of the computer age, the

personal or programmed computer, and the smart phone

telecommunication devices, are the tools, weapons and utensils

which don’t necessitate the old famines, wars and problems. Both

run on the microprocessor chip containing silicon, integrated

circuits made in wafers in water at first and then sliced off giving


OFB 1444AH

Pakistan Omar Farooq Butt


People Paleolithic Mesolithic Neolithic Chalcolithic Bronze Age Iron Age

Colour Light Brown Brown Brown Dark Dark

brown brown
Size Average Average Average Average Average Average

Weight Average Average Average Average Average Average

Table 1: General facts about Ancient Pakistanis (Primary source)

Ancient Ancient Ancient Ancient Ancient Ancient Ancient Ancient

Pakistan India Pakistan India Pakistan India Pakistan India


Food Big Small Barley Wheat Heavy Light Light Dark
Meat Small Big Grilled Grilled Light Heavy Dark Light
Grain Large Small Mong Others Light Heavy Yellow Brown
Weapon Large axe Large Wood/stone Wood/stone Heavy Heavy Brown/grey Brown/grey
Utensils Small Big Wood Wood Light Heavy Brown Grey
Jewellery Medium Large Precious stones Stones Light Heavy Light Colourful
Tools Small Medium Stone Stone Light Light Light Light
Table 2: Stone Age archaeological evidence

Pakistan India Pakistan India Pakistan India Pakistan India


Food Small Small Wheat Wheat Light Light Light Light
Meat Small Big Grilled/fried/ Fried/boiled Light Light Dark Light

Grain Small Small Moong, Masar Mixed Light Heavy Yellow Brown
Weapon Guns Guns and Wood/Metal Metals Heavy Heavy Brown/grey Metallic

Utensils Small Big Steel Steel Light Light Silver Silver
Jewellery Medium Large Gold Gold Light Heavy Light Colourful
Tools Medium Medium Plastic, wood, Plastic, wood, Light Light Light Light

metal metal
Table 3: Today’s anthropological evidence (primary source)

Pakistan Omar Farooq Butt

Paleolithic Mesolithic Neolithic Chalcolithic Bronze Age Iron Age Modernity

Roti, rice Barley Wheat Oat Rice Seeds Fruit, veg Corn
Colour Light Dark White White or brown Green Multi-coloured Yellow
Size Large Small Fine Fine Small Light Light

flours grains
Weight Light Heavy Light Heavy Light Heavy Heavy
Daal- Mong Chana Masur Split Every Every Every

Pulse seed type type type

Colour Yellow Black Green All colours All colours All colours All colours

Size Large Small Small All sizes All sizes All sizes All sizes
Weight Light Light Light Light Light Light Light
Colour Grey Grey Grey Orang Gold Silver White

Size Big Medium Small Small Small Small Small
Weight Heavy Heavy Heavy Heavy Heavy Light Light
Weapons Spear Axe Polished Knives Hammers Swords and Guns,

shields bombs
Colour Grey Grey Grey Orange Gold Silver Metallic
Size Big to Big Large Small Small Small Auto atic, atomic

Weight Heavy Heavy Heavy Light Small Small Small
Tools Stone Stone Stone Copper Brass Iron Metal
Colour Grey Grey Grey Orange Gold Silver Metallic
Size Big to micro. Large Large Medium Small Small Atomic
Weight Heavy Heavy Heavy Medium Medium Light Light
Instruments Flute Flute Flute Flute Pipe Stringed Synthesiser
Material Wood Wood Wood Wood Brass Wood Wood
Colour Light Light Light Light Yellow Brown. silver Computer
Size Large Large Large Small Small Small Virtual
Weight Heavy Heavy Light Light Heavy Light None
Material Stone Waxed stone Waxed stone Copper Brass etc. Silver Gold
Colour Grey Grey Grey Orange Orange Silver Gold
Size Large Medium Small All sizes All sizes All sizes All sizes
Weight Heavy Medium Light All weights All weights All weights All weights
Table 4: General evolutionary processes

Pakistan Omar Farooq Butt

Table 5:Chart of Mehrgarh periods in history (2000 year blocks going back until

antediluvian times)

Paleolithic Mesolithic Neolithic Chalcolithic Bronze age Iron age Today

Cooking Barley Lentils Wheat Meat Rice Daals All
Tools, weapons Stones Stone, wood, Agriculture Chalk Copper, bronze, Iron, steel, metal- Cyber-age

and utensils precious stones brass work

Language Proto Indo Proto Indo Indo Iranian Indo European Indo Aryan Indic Urdu

Iranian European
Script Arabic, Semitic Aramaic Iranian Indo-european Indic Arabic Urdu
Prophet Adam (AS) Nuh (AS) Ibrahim (AS) Musa (AS) Dawud (AS) Isa ibn Maryam Muhammad

Mustafa (SWS)
Religion Islam Islam Islam Islam Islam Islam Islam
Culture Mehrgarh Harrapa Mohenjo-daro Ancient Pakistan Ancient Pak-Hind Muslim sub- Nation state

Animals Goat Sheep Sheep Sheep Cattle Cattle All
Message Purity Redemption Friendship Vice- regency Speech Words Love

Islam’s growth from Prophets of Allah (PBUT); SafiAllah

(AS), NajiAllah (AS), KhalilAllah (AS), KhalifatAllah (AS),

KalimAllah (AS), KalimatAllah (AS) to HabibAllah,

Muhammad Mustafa (SWS).


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