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Peace Theory










1950 1975 2000 2025 2050


Omar Butt
Peace Theory O F Butt

Cover: US share of world economy collapsing

Peace Theory O F Butt

All praises are for Allah. We seek Guidance and forgiveness from Him.
We also seek refuge in Him from the evils of our own selves.
Whoever Allah guides, no one can misguide him. Whoever He lets go
astray no one can put him back on track. We testify that there is no
god but Allah and we testify that Muhammad is Allah’s Servant and
His messenger.

“Except for those who repent, believe and do righteous work. For them
Allah will replace their evil deeds with good. And ever is Allah
Forgiving and Merciful.”

The Holy Qur’aan 25:70

Peace Theory O F Butt


1. Dar al Mumineen.………………………...10
2. Islamophobia……………………………….13
3. The cathexis of Islam and Christianism…14
4. Deconstructivist decolonialist theory……...21
5. US GDP 2050 in line with population…..24
6. The world economy……………………..…30
7. Islamic sociology…………………………...35
8. Daily, weekly demonstrative faith………...42
9. New Europe………………………………...54
10. Istifaf……………………………………….61

Peace Theory O F Butt



India doesn't stockpile nuclear weapons for Diwali- Smiling

Buddha etc. are but militaristic terrorism, only cowardice can
motivate Indians to bring this fact out into the open for the
whole world to see, I'm referring, of course to the great
Satan, USA, who’s Giga-murder of innocent human beings
since its inception, is terrorism and the morality of human
rights abuses is exemplified by mega murder of American
citizens on it’s own soil by USA’s own people. Non-state US
mega- murder, state terrorism and so on, and state oppression
such as slavery and mass extermination in prisons, prison
camps or mega extermination camps inside the USA. These
are examples of US Giga-murder. This terrorism is founded in
Islamophobia. Indeed, USA itself is an Islamophobic country
which has all been conquered by Islam. If USA causes
worldwide terrorism such as COVID-19, what about the
nation wide extremism of the gun laws which are as well a
form of mega-murder?

I am of the opinion, Pakistan 26th country in the world per

national output can become 12th or 13th as others have
suggested, this is simply by being shown the ropes: by seeing
it done on the screen. Through information technology,
information systems and artificial intelligence etc. advances.

Peace Theory O F Butt

One way in which 4% of the world's population can at least

claim 4% of the world's national output from at present half a
percent, is that the USA or a similar population is claiming
maybe 20% or six or seven times its fair share. Over the next
thirty years however, the US economy’s share in the world
economy will rescind naturally, to an equitable level.

This will this extra world GDP for five or six Americans can
feasibly be turned into five or six new replacement
superpowers over USA: Pakistan, India, Indonesia, Bangladesh,
China etc.

Terrorism doesn't just mean senseless violence. Rather it is

violence without reason. This means there is neither
forgiveness nor being forgiven. By forgiveness or being
forgiven, I mean forgiving self and other. In other words,
there is neither forgiving self, neither other. Neither is self
nor other being forgiven. If I translate this into common
parlance, anti-terrorism and counter-terrorism are forms of
terrorism because they do not give to, forgive me, that are
they being forgiven self, nor other. In fact, it is a much
more powerful form of terrorism which we call anti-terrorism
or counter-terrorism.

The fog of war

Peace Theory O F Butt

I've studied security issues for a long time now. I have I

believe, been alive on earth in this life, whilst the worst of
humanity's wars were waged, and wars are the worst.

The suffering from the fog of war and infocide to the side
for one minute, if we forgive and forget famine or war
famine, for a second; the loss of war or the sufferings of war
falls on a few simple groups as follows:

Military age males (death of soldiers), orphaned children

(death of children’s parents), raped women and girls,
destruction of infrastructure (industrial loss), failed growth
potential (unrealised wealth). Having seen such categories as
above, wipe out many countries, men, women, children's
lives, or other, economic potential losses, I exclude the actual
win or loss of a war and it’s inter- or intra-national
consideration, as a part of the overall success and really,
failure of wars. As an innately pacifist person, I think this is
right. There is no real war. All wars are futile and they belie
tragedy for all those involved.

The failure of reverse colonisation

We say our people take bribes and are therefore corrupt, but
does the system give them a chance? It is a two-tier system.

Peace Theory O F Butt

Firstly, Urdu-medium has to compete with English-medium. If

an Urdu speaker gets an English degree, having read for an
English taught degree at undergraduate level study, is it not
preferable that he does so from his native country?

Secondly, is it wrong to study in the mother tongue in the

first place, given he can’t get a degree at all. If PIA need
pilots, what option do they have for the brain drain?

The failure of decolonisation

in the twenties, fifties, sixties and nineties, many countries

were liberated from the clutches of colonialism. From here we
think, those people, for example, the people of Bosnia, India,
Algeria or Uzbekistan; are free.

However they are not. They are yet to be given their

freedom. When an Eastern European, African, Asian or
Middle Easterner; a person from the country we say has
succeeded as decolonisation has, goes to a library or museum,
from say; Turkey, Britain, France or Russia, they see the
artefacts and treasure from their homes as peoples stolen and
are even asked to recognise this as somehow being encultured
or civilised.

The problem is when Eastern Europeans countries were freed

by Turkey, African countries freed by France, Middle Eastern
countries freed by Britain, and Asia minor’s countries freed
by Russia; they are still in dire need of freedom from their
respective colonisers a hundred, or seventy, or sixty or even
thirty years later.

Peace Theory O F Butt


If, as many Muslim scholars and statesmen have indicated,

the Islamic welfare state can lead to massive income
redistribution in the global economic model, how does this
paradigm shift seek to implement itself, and why?

Without answering briefly as regards to microeconomic and

macroeconomic issues inside and outside the Ummah, this is
not possible.

Briefly, there are six sources of wealth for a person: Work,

rich nears, poor-rate, guarantees, other rights and alms or
favours. As well as this, governments operate with a fluidity
and are not a fixed variable under consideration. The size of
the public sector, emphasis on economic progress in countries
and international aid are all factors to be considered.

Other than this, it is hard to say, given the six factors which
determine largely our obligations, and the other governmental
factors, determining largely rights; what will happen in the
future and why. This is similar to the business and corporate
level between these two.

Nevertheless, the fact of the hidden and abstinent ones being

more deserving of the poor rate, is a good example of the
dualism by which not only does the Islamic economy
implement itself throughout the globe, but the income
redistribution is intuitively attributable to the very beauty of
the religion of Islam as by it’s five pillars.

Peace Theory O F Butt

1. Dar al Mumineen

As the juristic position on Dar al Islam is that dar al

kufr ceases to be so when Islamic law and rule gains
ascendancy, and two other conditions exist as per Imam
Abu Hanifah (RA) and a consensus thereof.

The first condition is that there is safety and security in

the Dar al Islam. This means that there is no major shirk
or kufr exempting the normal practice of the religion of
Islam, and that Muslims and Dhimmis (non- Muslims) are
safe here.

The second condition is that there should be continuity of

land of Islam. This means if we consider a land to be
Dar al Islam, it’s border must be running in the Islamic

These are Imam Abu Hanifah’s two additional factors,

making a total three factors. Dar al kufr, he has said the
converse three factors. Law and order becomes kufr, the
state is bordered by no Muslim state and Muslims and
dhimmis have no safety.

Peace Theory O F Butt

However Abu Yusuf (RA) said if law and order is kufr,

that will suffice. However that is deemed impossible as
Imam quotes the hadith,

“Islam must have superiority and not inferiority”.

By this quote Imame Azam affirms Dar al Islam to be

eternal, as the following statement of Al Jassas says,
otherwise it’s opposite might grow to be dar al harb,

"I believe that Abu Hanifah only said this based on the
conditions that existed in his time when Muslims fought
idolaters. It was not possible according to him that a dar
al-Harb could exist in the middle of the abode of
Muslims, where the inhabitants apostatise and despite the
armies of the sultan surrounding them remain strong and
have loyal subjects. Had he seen what has happened in
this time, where people are negligent of Jihad and betray
one another and those in leadership are engaged in
corruption and show enmity to Islam and its adherents
and belittle the command of Jihad and its due, he would
say the same thing as Abu Yusuf and Muhammad about
a town like al-Qirmiti, and in fact many towns like it
which we dislike to mention here.”

Sharh Mukhtasar al-Tahawi, 7:215-8

Peace Theory O F Butt

If, as in USA, people pray more everyday as per Islamic

laws and norms, and in UK, the people here are praying
more in the week as per Islam; then it is high time we
demand the wars against us Muslims, in Syria and
Yemen and so on and so forth, cease for our own
dignity and integrity to remain in tact. The war on terror
must be seen as now a senile war with clear losses of
UK and USA.

Further, as adult christians in USA are a minority there,

and UK whites are a minority here; the dominion or
former white colonies should be reparated and the
commonwealth dissolved. If we are not part of the
Muslim Ummah as of yet, we are still, in USA and UK,
Dar al Mumineen and Dar al Muslimeen (relative Muslim
majorities, in some respects).

Peace Theory O F Butt

2. Islamophobia

One of the key take-aways of the creation of Pakistan and

the Pakistan Movement is that slogan,

“Pakistan will be created!, We will create Pakistan!”

However this confessional state is the world’s greatest,

Islamic, atomic power. It is not necessary for all to aspire to
such a great populous, such military might nor
confessionalism as such altogether, as such altogether in one
nation. The point being that Pakistan as a country is both
created from inside as a civilisation with it’s own history and
so on; and for outside, as a democratic neighbourly republic
in the world.

In Europe we may be seen as Islamophobic but it is no

reason for our people to not embrace Islam nor for our state
institutions to cleanse themselves of Islam. If we don’t have a
self-created country it means we can still have a Muslim
country nevertheless.

Extremism, quite simply is when non-Muslims are racist such

as Jews are Zionists; or Christians, Fascists or Nazis.
Terrorism, by extension is when the people of the book take
wars to foreign fields without reason.

Peace Theory O F Butt

3. The cathexis of Islam and Christianism

Since Islam emerged as a religion with the coming of Allah’s

Final Messenger (PBUH); we, as Muslims witnessed crusades
and wars against us, always of a false-flag insidiousness. The
real axes of evil, Christianity; through imperialist countries
tried to fight an all-conquering Muslim land (ie. the Ummah
as a whole) by attacking our each and every country one by

What follows is no revenge, no attacks on the European

countries but rather these same empires then begin to take our
countries as colonies. What the war on terror is, as a follow
up to the crusades of the dark ages, is a shift back to a
hunger for empire, but without any failure on the part of
Islam and of the Ummah to have successfully liberated scores
of countries from the colonial advances. So really, the war on
terror is a reaction to decolonisation and the gaining of
independence from western countries.

However if we extend this process and logically draw out a

conclusion, we see it for what it is; nonsense form the
beginning. When Islam came, much of the world; including
the Middle East was and still is a part of Islam, as the
people are Muslim. As the tyrannous crusades were followed
by independence in the face of imperialism and colonialism;
the war against Islam led to decolonial destruction of the

Peace Theory O F Butt

west’s dominance over the rest of the world and the

diminishing of it’s religion on it’s own soil, through
destruction of it intellectually.

Salahuddins and Boumediennes are part of our history, so too

are Osamas; and now too are those who believe Christianity
is terrorist and Christians are colonisers needing to be
defeated. This is a fourth and separate group which now
exists, basically, because the Christian, the murderer of Christ,

should not have a land or empire and not ever have had a
land or empire, not ever, not even in the future. Clearly what
has happened is that psychologically we have in this world,

Peace Theory O F Butt

come full circle; reached a point of mental cathexis, and

found ourselves liberating ourselves from Islamophobia without
realising it. In truth, the so called temptation of Christ in the
new testament is being played out as Christianity loses it’s
position and role as the species’ and the earth’s main

However just as Pilates’, Richard I’s and Churchills’ were

non-Muslims and Islamophobes; so is Brendon Tarrant and the
like, who go to Muslim places of worship, with maximum
Muslim adherents; in imperialist, colonialist, war-bent
countries, and murder innocent Muslims. There is no Christ
for Muslims, and yet how is there a god for Christians?
Because of their murdering Muslims, innocent Muslims.

The four or five extinctions of prehistory plus our Holocene


The Holocene as the sixth


Peace Theory O F Butt

Diagrammatic view of Christianist annihilations of humanity

DAR AL ISLAM Crusades Independence
DAR AL HARB GWOT etc. Decolonisation

Summary of Christianity’s four extinctions of Muslims

1. Crusades against Islam and Dar al Islam

Slavery was a crusade against Islam, as was the African

holocaust which led to the Red Indian holocaust too. In a
sense this was the beginnings of the Non-muslim violence
against Islam.

2. Colonisation and independence from colonisation

Muslim Indian holocaust and so on led to the unshakling of

the Muslim mind from the yoke of Christianity. Although the
Non-muslims imposed mass famines against us, we fought
back and resisted.

3. Global war of terror

Just after the world war was the global war against
Islamophobia. Violent revolution in the Muslim world was
caused by Jews and Christians and led to no real resistance.

Peace Theory O F Butt

4. Decolonialist war

Today are merely remnants of civil wars caused by

Christianists in the world. Here both sides in the violence are
Non-muslim. The terrorists and the authorities etc. False flag
warfare is another way Islam is meted out violence without
being capable of resistance, sadly.

11% extinction at the hands of America

The extinctions of non-humans is; in the Paleozoic, Mesozoic

and Cenozoic, 75, 86 and 96%, 80%, and 60 to 76% loss. In
human life, USA is a 11% extinction in the holocene,
assuming a billion have perished at their hands, and there are
eight billion people alive today ie. measured from today.

Measured from the beginning of US state, since the fifteenth

century when whites occupied Native land with slaves; this
manmade decimation has left us on our fourth species’. In
other words they are making us extinct for the fourth time.

When we look at Pakistan as a secret of civilizations, as well

as the cradle of civilization; it is without doubt the invention
of the city or citadel which has done favour to Pakistan in
the last ice age, and in’sha’Allah will do so again in this Ice
Age. What marks human development before the glacial
period as well as after is the Pakistani city. In’sha Allah azza
wa jal, if China is the world's leading economy by

Peace Theory O F Butt

population, GDP and PPP; it is because in this decade, it has

mainland cities such as Shanghai areas such as Hong Kong: if
India has this potential, then it is because of the potential
Silicon Valley's.

We see Britain as a mega city, Qatar too is albeit, within

Dar Al Islam: America's closest to a city. With self control
comes societal progress, with this growth comes; community
and with this cities and countries.

Like this, Allah subhanahuwa taala harnesses us for His

Might and Glory. Anything is possible. Ancient Egypt had
Cairo. Babylon was there in Mesopotamia; Athens,
Constantinople, Rome. The example of famous and great
cities are out there in the Middle East, nevertheless; Pakistan
has two lessons to concentrate on in the coming future.

Firstly, to grow a secret weapon city. Secondly, for that to

make the country great again. Without doubt a city which
differentiates itself in Pakistan is a requisite for Pakistan to
differentiate itself amongst the countries of the world as a
superpower. Dar al Hakumat might or a capital city works for
India and China. However, USA has no such major city.
Only small Silicon Valleys. UK has 10 or 12 islands as
groups, the Caribbean, Pacific islands etc.

If Pakistan is ever to succeed; after equalising the power of

the world's superpowers, it will only be possible if Pakistan

Peace Theory O F Butt

is invent a mega city. Without the technology of mass

producing silicon chips, which USA has now lost to China;
India and Pakistan cannot lead the world as we are relatively
poor. Pakistanis have income in hundreds or just about $1,000
in a year, whereas Americans by 30 years have it in their
hundreds of 1000s.

India is now very much taking China's route. The great leap
from matches the leap forward and will continue to do so
until it overpowers Maoist revolution (Deng’s reforms and
opening of the Chinese economy and its triumphing over
USA). No doubt microchips will be mass produced there and
not in Pakistan, and this will be to our benefit. The Pakistani
economy will find this boon, both to our advantage and being
a healthy economy; the presence of a superpower next door
will mean Pakistani economy can differentiate itself as a
superpower. Again, for the very reason of Metropolises, and
information age advances.

As a philosopher Allama Iqbal, prophesized EK TAZA

JEHAN, Pakistan, but he has left us a gap in terms of
creating a vision for the mega city, a world mega city.
Where is the first government that can deliver Pakistan from
the potential for superpower to a great country with great
cities again, just as in proto-history?

Peace Theory O F Butt

4. Deconstructivist decolonialist theory

Barring the holocaust of the Red Indians, every gigamurder of

America has been against mainly Islam and Muslims. Slavery,
World war, revolutions, the Raj and all of this conflates in
their war of terror, where nuclear bombs are used on all.

Against Islam

1, Crusades- slavery
- world wars

2. Colonialisation- raj
- mass famines

Against Muslims

3. Global US terror- megamurders

4. Decolonialist war- ?

The theme runs from Judaism, holocaust, the slavery of

Israelites through to the then Christian Americans to
eschatological armageddon-type war or terrorism.

The Decolonialist theorist must begin to deconstruct these

wars of military aggression, in order to know who is the

Peace Theory O F Butt

aggressor? Were the communist famines the intended outcome

of capitalism? Given the usurping of Indian Raj in Asia and
the massive capital formation from India and West Indies too,
it is hard to say the mega-death tolls were never the
intention. Indeed, just slavery and the assault of capitalists on
Africa created World War, the assault in Asia created global
war. Although USA has never formally declared war on
Muslim countries as such, the Islam of Africa, Asia and the
Middle east, such as wars against Yemen; Europe, such as
the Bosnian war, but not the Americas has been noted.

The truth is USA is founded on the mass extinction of Red

Indians. This means although Muslims weren't the target of
US terrorism; in time, we have become public enemy number
one, and faced Giga-murder across the continent.

Just as the requirement for World War was to enslave

Muslims, the requirement for global war was to starve us. If
the deconstruction of American aggression tells us the World
War furnished by the Holocaust is Judaism, then the global
war on terror or of terror, is above and beyond Islamophobia
and is a Christianist attempt to annihilate every last Muslim
on Earth: Indeed, as a former majority Christian nation USA
has occupied the Holy Land such as Iraq, Syria, Afghanistan.

By occupying Iraq, the American gained privilege to pervert

the Torah. But occupying Syria he gained the right to crucify
Jesus and by occupying Afghanistan has attempted to divert

Peace Theory O F Butt

the world's attention from the growth of the religion of Al

Islam. We must understand the precipitate of an American
world is the capture of the worker. Whereas this causes
World War, global war is caused by the American capture of
our staple food. Instead of dying this way, we must learn to
live properly as workers not slaves. And to have food, not be

We are in dire need of making a movement towards that

which we'll understand is where neither the hand that takes or
receives Providence nor that same Providence (rizk) will do
us direct benefit. In fact, we are beneficiaries of a hand that
can and does give us halal Rizq ,and that is God Almighty.
Allah subhanahuwa wa taala is to whom we must move
closer to, to find that.

Peace Theory O F Butt

5. US GDP 2050 in line with population

The problem with decolonisation is it is unsuccessful at the

military level inspite of it’s economic success. the problem of
reverse colonialism is that is, like decolonisation, a cause of
white christian terror or colonialist terror. The more pertinent
model in this case is that industrialisation has spread from
where it was localised to over the globe, all while
deindustrialisation is noted to have occurred historically in the
same countries which are today industrially advancing.

In a sense, industrialisation in the west was fuelled by the

lives and economies of the East and not only did it prevent
India and China from industrialising until recently, but now
as these countries are industrialising, we have the so-called
already industrialised nations as reparations. Pakistan, middle
eastern economies, India and China; will with religious change
primarily in Europe, yield both industrialisation and the
already industrialised countries for the countries where we
were deindustrialised.

This is a very slow process as the richer countries say the

opposite during their industrialisation. That we who are
industrialising are the force to be reckoned with now as well
as the conquerors of industrialised nations. This conquest of
the west, framed as a part of modern economic expansion and
industrialisation, is seen as both a further development from

Peace Theory O F Butt

early industrialisation and a religiously awakened collective

human enterprise, especially in western circles where this
movement of countries are where coloured people, specifically
Muslim peoples are coming up into majority.

US share of world GDP to fall by five sixths by 2050

US GDP 1950- 2050

Year Output Usa %
1960 $1.37T $0.53T 40%
1965 $1.97T $0.74T 38%
1970 $2.96T $1.07T 36%
1975 $5.92T $1.69T 28%
1980 $11.23T $2.86T 25%
1985 $12.79T $4.34T 34%
1990 $22.63T $5.96T 26%
1995 $30.89T $7.64T 25%
2000 $33.62T $10.25T 30%
2005 $47.53T $13.04T 28%
2010 $66.13T $14.99T 23%
2015 $75.22T $18.23T 24%
2019 $87.80T $21.43T 24%
2025 $100T $24T 24% NOW
2050 $600T $39T 7% ...(Ideally, as per 1950 pop.)

The decline of US GDP in world output. Assuming output as

600t USD by 2050.

Peace Theory O F Butt

Whereas USA has had six plates of pie now it will have
only one

1950- 6 times (40/6.3)

1975- 5 times (28/6)
2000- 6 times (30/5.3)
2025- 6 times (24/4.2)
2050- 1.34 (assuming 0.5 b. pop. 6.7/5)
If only the scaremonger would understand the counter-
intuitivity of the media war, would the warmongers understand
the counter-intuitivity of counter terrorism. So-called terrorists
might be forgiven but a counter terrorist can neither forgive
himself nor forgive others and so cannot be forgiven, yet it
would seem we have to do so.

Sectarianism is the threat of the kuffar on Islam and Muslims

that we can drive a wedge between ourselves. This is a
Satan’s wedge that Jews, Hindus, Buddhists, Christians have
been preparing under Satan’s instruction. Having seen the
circumstances of the situation on the ground, which is that
even in the USA, around 15% of women suffer rape or
attempted rape. This represents the Oedipus complex out
there, where infantile people seek refinding of lost parent
figures; but there are newly invented ways of doing this such
as the Samson complex, where it is not crime that is
perpetrated but rather legalised murder or rape, such as war.
Here, war is world war or global war and no one has any

Peace Theory O F Butt

qualms about it. True, the oedipal personality has taken away
many of our loved ones at the hands of the complex, but it
is war or total war, automated war, permanent war, perpetual
war, world war, global war,which is a new worry. This has
taken millions of lives unnecessarily.

Indeed, given the severity of this love affair, it is possibly

hard to imagine anything worse. Like the Rustam complex,
where we murder billions. Where we orphan kingdoms or
generations (eg Iraqi children, Syrian children or Afghani
children) and it is as Afpak, where the world’s greatest
country by number (ie. a Gigapower) is being orphaned
(having no parents left) it seems we have made ourselves
extinct just by doing this.

The cracks in our international order are appearing to the

world in this way. It starts off with an innocent empire or
colony and before we know it the entire creature of our
species is under threat, including our every last country.

We must imagine we are Hazrat e Musa (AS), nationalism is

a Pharawn and sectarianism is a Haman. As Muslims, as
human beings, we have a core and a shell. This is where we
want to be as a peoples, in the middle of the Mizan of Allah
subhanahu wa ta Ala. All Muslims are taught we are going
to stand alone on front of our Lord. All Muslims are taught
to fear the Scale of Allah ta Ala, His Justice, His retribution.
All Muslims are taught that this scale is severe, very severe.

Peace Theory O F Butt

Then, in life, we must learn not to fear standing alone nor

fear the need to lead others; not to avoid justice but to
follow the Shariah; not to fear talking about Allah and the
Last Day nor the severity and scale of His Recompense.
Right now we are not outside of our shell. We need to come
outside of our shells. Picking Egypt, Indonesia, Asia Minor
and another example such as Nigeria, Iran, Argentina or
Japan; give a different bloc for BRICS economies to operate
with. PEAKS with Saudia Arabia, Islam’s biggest economy,
other than Turkiye.

For Pakistan to come out of it’s shell, for the living forgiving
of Prophet Muhammad (SWS), we must overlook terrorists,
counter-terrorists, colonialists and decolonialists alike. We must
try to create an empire in this world. If we are rebutted then
so be it, we would have tried at least. If there are nearly
millions of Pakistanis here in London, some 3 lakh, with
around 4 lakh Urdu speakers across Britain. We have to pick
up Nigeria, and turn it into a Gigapower, or Indonesia.
Because US, Japan, China and Europe at large have
industrialised and have access to 100% literacy and 100%
internet connectivity, we should try to catch up. Because
India is going to try to reach China’s place soon. With Hi-
tech cities such as in Hyderabad and Mumbai, Asia will be
brought into industrialised world and Pakistan must come
forward, Pakistan must come out and Pakistan must come
good. Even if we unindustrialised economies, at present;
aren’t to lead the world as such, we are rather to lead our

Peace Theory O F Butt

regions, our geographical areas. Pakistan is the MENA’s

leading firepower (at number 7, followed as per global
firepower ranking by Turkiye at 11th in the world), Nigeria is
Africa’s new economic superpower, Argentina is South
America’s, Egypt is the Arab world’s largest country,
Kazakhstan is Asia Minor’s, Indonesia is Oceania’s greatest
country and Saudia Arabia is potentially a very rich country.
All of these have potential tomorrow to be what the
industrialised world countries are today. Such as are Iran,
Turkiye, former superpowers of Islam and a form of historic
powers, Sultanats or dynasties who can match today’s

Peace Theory O F Butt

6. The world economy

The fact is, the eye of any economist goes towards GDP as
does it go towards per capita GDP, when analysing prosperity
of a country and so for many countries.

When, as historians we study decolonisation; and as a

Pakistani people, we must see ourselves as involved with this
scientifically as the country we come from is part of a former
British colony.

However, some, such as Aditya Mukherjee and others (2007)

in “India since independence” show per capita of industrialised
nations during industrialisation, I find it more pertinent to
show the real GDP of what I term, the great economies of
the Islamic world or the Dar al Islam (at least partly)
countries of the world, our world.

The figures are used to show not only that India does better
being independent but that given the radical assumption of
decolonisation (see title, “Empire: How Colonial India made
Modern Britain”), that Britain had something to gain by
growth, lack of receeding growth, through letting go of
colonies; or at least had nothing to lose: instead of looking at
accounting for the British in India, in this instance, the
common or lay economist looks around himself and sees the
industrial revolution GDP growth of 1% but he should also
see today; Pakistan, India and China are achieving an

Peace Theory O F Butt

industrial revolution. Irfan Habib tells us 9% of GNP was lost,

30% of capital in Britain was from India, and with West
Indies, 19th century capital formation is 84%.

The Christian schizophrenic

Whereas Jews cry, “death to Arabs, death to Christians”,

Indians cry, “First kill the butchers then the Christians”,
Christians are being amnesty for their wars against Islam and
Muslims. Why?

True, USA and UK compare as much smaller nations than

India and Pakistan; USA, a quarter the size of India, and
UK, a quarter of the population of Pakistan.

True, USA has only Brazil to help fight it’s corner of the
world, in terms of other similar countries, with which empire
of some sort could be built. It hasn’t got a case for
imperialism nor colonialism going forward. But, the world
war’s allies, have gone to war of late, with every Muslim
power they could possibly do, without being roundly defeated.
Pakistan, India or China could have killed Americans on their
own soil. Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, Somalia, Yemen, Saudia
Arabia, Sudan, Bosnia; all suffered megawars and inflicted
no significant casualties on Americans in America.

No, USA never declared it would fight ten of the fifty (20%
saturation) of Muslim countries ie war against Islam. Whereas

Peace Theory O F Butt

Muslims, when we kill in UK (eg. 7/7 in London), we

declare war on infidels (eg. Omar Mateen did this too).

Defeating totalitarianism







From the top; Pakistan, India and China and other smaller
countries (USA & Co).

Assertive: Merology- global vision for states such as Pakistan

Totalitarianism – Chinese

Paranoid: Psychological- Indian

Authoritarian- Smaller nations such as USA, UK

Peace Theory O F Butt

Flow of type of power

1. Centripetal fission (nation-state)

2. Centrifugal fission (International trade)
3. Centripetal fusion (Intranational growth)
4. Centrifugal fusion (Global model)

Hitting the bullseye

Today, hitting the target as per the day’s leading economic

power cannot be achieved without planning of output. Of the
greatly populated countries of our world that is Pakistan, India
and China; each has the right to plan to defeat all others by
the production levels. Where one may ask is USA? Where is
UK? Where, the USSR? In summary the bull's eye can only
be hit by a true Giga-economy; one which mobilises and
empowers billions in a nation state. Nevertheless, the bull's
eye religion is yet to be hit by Pakistan, India and China (By
2050 likely to be the three most populous countries of the

The UK, USA: London, is likely to turn as far as religion of

the masses goes to the religion of Islam.

Truly, we are witnessing China's gross domestic product as

PPP (purchase power parity) exceeding others, a hit of the

Peace Theory O F Butt

Similarly, if neither UK nor USA, have Christian majorities,

they can be termed Muslim given more Muslim worshippers
live than the non-Muslim faiths.

I am a pacifist and no great sheikh on Islam and the lives of

Muslims. But, it is above the ijtihad; knowing how to do
analogical reasoning and to apply it, to be an exegist of the
Holy Quran.

To know what is best for humanity is in our Holy Qur’an, to

know the Holy Book. This is what I am a student of. Not of
reasoning or Islamic sciences such as Ilm al Iqtisad nor

“Say: be in motion throughout the earth and look on how He

began the creation. Moreover, God will truly cause the last
growth to grow.”

29:10 The Holy Qur’an

Peace Theory O F Butt

7. Islamic sociology

The reason Italy and Germany became Fascists and Nazis in

Europe in the last century is simply that Britain and France
were colonialists throughout the globe, in the previous few
centuries. It is a generally accepted theorum that America and
the imperialist drive was not responsible. Nevertheless,
counter-terrorism causes war. Wars are there as well as terror.
I would say the forgiveness is therefore for terror plus war.
War causes civil war as well. Civil wars are there as well as
global war. Nevertheless, America should stop bombing
Muslim Ummah countries and leave the Middle East region.

Islam in UK

Bradford 31% Muslim 34% Christian (2021)

Birmingham 30% Muslim 32% Christian (2021)
London 15% Muslim 40% Christian (2021)

2021 Census UK – 7% Muslim 46% Christian

Peace Theory O F Butt

The reason the above statistics are here is that London is

likely to gain the halfway house to dar al Islam in one or
two decades, taking London to the Bradford or Birmingham
level of Muslim population saturation in Britain. This would
take us out of a significant and sizeable population to a
statistically dominant one.

Black lives matter, London Multicultural English and Black

and Mixed Ethnicities

This will take us away from the old LME, BME, BLM
cultural complexes through Britain's Mosque goers rule
becoming Britain's Muslim Ethnicities rule. In this way
Londonistan Muslim England is created as a new country.
The international reputation of Britain depends on Britain’s
Muslim Ethnicity and the Britain Londonistan Muslim. We
can only look forward to this if we accept this is as an
internal and external definition whereas Great Britain is only
internal. England, Scotland, Wales and Ireland are only
internal. Islam is the very relevant religion in America today.
On the daily basis, they follow the practice of Islam as
religion. Islam in the news media is worth a lot more and
Peace Theory O F Butt

this is the goal to fight RSS, Neo-liberalism and Zionism.

Going forward as a culture and ethnicity, we need to fight

for independence and not just highlight immigration as a
sociological phenomenon. To do this, we must individuate:
metals and metalwork can create or have in the past created
means of production characterising human epochs. In this
sense, Nabi Ibrahim alayhi salam must be our bronze or
Kansi age. Nabi Isa (as) before must be our Iron Age and
then we can know that really like this, humanity is one and
can be one.

What is a modern human? He is a follower and of the Holy

Prophet salAllahu alayhi wasallam. He is not Homo erectus
nor Homo sapien. He's submitted to Allah, submitted to Allah
Almighty since Iron age, he is a believer in Allah and His
messenger (sws) so that is enough for his identity being
Muslim. It is beyond country and nationalism, beyond tribe
and race, beyond family and worldly affiliation; he is a
human being first and he is no longer a good shepherd only,
he's a great one.

Peace Theory O F Butt

In essence, Britons are no longer churchgoers and as well as

this we are now Mosquegoers for it seems forever to the end
of time. Whereas the first is an economic fact. That
materialist dogma precludes adherence to religious norms. The
second is clearly religious one or at least a revolutionary
sociological one. Combined together, the ascendancy of Islam
is a fact of Great Britain being a part of Islamic sociology
and the fact of having an Islamic sociology.

Islam is on the horizon and we anticipate religious admissions

to be greater for Muslims than Christians. Along with
language adjustments, cultural contextualization, given this new
society is building the future; there is nothing wrong with
saying Britain is becoming a Muslim country. It will be
insh’allah. It is a free country. The logic runs that whereas it
is no longer a Christian country by statistical majority implies
the relative majority can still continue to live according to
Christianism (political Christianity or French Christianity), we
nevertheless seek recompense for war crimes perpetrated by
the old state. And so our reparations are explicitly economic
and so on. The more fitting form of majority therefore is the
one which actually is practised and is adhered to in terms of
Peace Theory O F Butt

weekly participation. The demonstrative faith is more

important in this case simply because here there is no
absolute majority faith. A similar situation exists in USA,
there is no Christianism (majority) and Islam is adherent to
on a daily basis. The reason you have this is not that the
Fiqh of Dar Al Islam is fickle: Bosnia is now Muslim,
Nigeria is now Muslim etc. Rather, the way democracy is
forced upon us means a system of rule is irrelevant to faith.

Take Lebanon for example, it is clearly dar al Islam but isn't

ruled by Muslim as far as the prime minister position goes.
The same is for the dar al ahad or dar al amman of Britain.
It may be Islamic sociologically, but the ruler isn't chosen as
per religion. When it was Christian, it wasn't then either.

Indeed in Sunak’s Britain, if Christianism is a relative

majority, the democratically-elected Conservative government
cares not because it takes his directive from the people. It is
not the defender of faith of the christianist faith; the king,
who has authorised the government. Who is the king to
authorise the religion? Further, Christianism is a splitting of
monotheism, monarchianism, monism, modalism and
Peace Theory O F Butt

monasticism; then all these things are really a religion,

philosophy, theology and a way of living life; only testifying
that is not only that Islam is on the horizon. Jesus is on the
horizon. Angel Jibreel is on the horizon. The Holy Prophet
(sws) is out on the horizon.

Reparations for megawars

UK and USA will function as reparations for the mega-wars

that they have waged without reason. They will exist for the
purposes of immigration only.

The fact is the ally states in the war on terror, such as

Pakistan, have suffered hundreds of thousands worth of human
losses; and the enemy states themselves, have human losses in
the millions and tens of millions directly affected such as
injured, orphaned or forced out of their homes. The average
military loss of world wars, of twenty million is achieved,
over the thirty-plus years of conflict eg Afghanistan, plus ten,
twelve other countries.

Peace Theory O F Butt

Great power

What would happen if, having produced and worked

automatically when in our working life, we go into our daily
environment and get all mixed up as groups of consumers.
The coming generation with Praxis A, can better understand
us as their predecessors, did what we were told to do by our
predecessors. Practice a is doing what is told by us to do ie.
by doing what was wanted to do. It identifies as the internal
element. Basically sans the dimensional proponents- a new
country, a new identity, new people as emigration means
risking life and sacrificing efforts of teamwork.

Primary social religion means becoming Muslim; it's mosque-

going, namaz-praying are conquering in Islam. This is deen.

Peace Theory O F Butt

8. Daily, weekly demonstrative faith

By effecting change to the daily practice of our country, the

UK and USA, it can be seen there is no return to
Christianism, because the praxis a concerns worship not just a
ritual of life or creed. This is what we have seen here in
Britain since a new millenium began. Indeed the extra
millions have been praying as Muslims have had an influence
because they find the reason for human existence is the
presence in the place of worship.

Britain is now a place of Mosque-goers and it is indeed

Britons who are now Mosquegoers. However, for namaz to be
the new norm, more Britons do on a Sunday, so to speak;
and the new Sabbath (Friday afternoon), it has to be shown
to be more popular.

Today the world of media and within that internet, exists for
the purposes and intent of information, entertainment and
education. True, the imagination of men exists with a purpose
of water for the woman and bread for the children.

Peace Theory O F Butt

In theory if an Islamic economy grows twice as fast as

others, specifically the Christianist ones; after x number of
years, even at 10% per annum growth, a 50% smaller economy
will level off in five or six years. Five periods of growth to
which COVID, recovery, pre-transition, that levelling of India,
and then India becoming part of greater economies than USA,
is the next three years, times 5=15 years.


When we look at the masses of Christianism-following people

in the English-speaking world, it is warned against us to
blindly follow, have faith or trust in capitalism, trade unions,
entrepreneurship and collectivism. The state as it is seen as
laying its clutches in people's will to power and action.

Nevertheless, Islam firmly teaches us the fact that social

solidarity within a society isn’t always directed towards piety
in self and other, but rather focus is formed on his own
goals after political thought and beforehand. This concept of
asabiyat is a schema, anathema to the directives of the faith
of Islam. Part of being a Muslim is to speak up against
Peace Theory O F Butt

totalitarianism voices, for example, all people should not say

China is my mother; Islam: Islam, a mental illness; no matter
what any state says. However much we say made in China
we’re neither Chinese nor can we or Chinese people see.

Similarly, if a lot of products said made in India, the

response to say mother is India is unlikely. I was saying
India is not. While it is true, they are children of one form
or another, even people do. They don't eat meat. This means
they are prohibited from doing so for reasons. Our faith is no
mental illness. To say capitalists are so for they are
prohibited fraud and perversion such as profiteering. Trade
Union union are so prohibited slavery and exploitation,
entrepreneurs prohibited poverty and borrowing and the
collective is, such as even a Zionist or Hindutva, is forbidden
being on the own and laziness.

Unfortunately today in the world, if hunger means beef and

thirst means Coca Cola, what is piety? What is spirituality?
This is why self righteousness and faith are adult postulations;
interrogating these concepts, God and religion take smart trust
and reasoned faith. We shouldn't take it for granted. Fortuity
Peace Theory O F Butt

otherwise will become a demise. Praxis A is so named, the

generation a. No amount of accounts, business, commerce,
developmental economics will find what God almighty wants
of us. He wants to suffer us. Gen A is those of us who are
children. In the West we have annihilated the children's worth
of the Syrian, Palestinian, Sudanese, Somalian etc. for no
reason whatsoever: without a fair trial, given the adults were
the ones murdered in millions. Also Bosnia, Haiti, Sudan etc.

Praxis A, Generation a, are saying calm down to Generation

X and millennials etc. But as fortuitous economies, how else
should be treated the declining economy? In all religions the
burden of practice is a sacrifice to be paid for faith. With
real belief, there is no such sacrifice; and behaviour is power
and faith is responsibility.

Bigger than the benchmark

The story of the countries of the former third world China,

India and maybe one day Pakistan, overtaking all others and
gaining economic ascendancy is much like the tale of
someone who was weak in the world and managed to
Peace Theory O F Butt

overcome his feelings of inferiority. Eventually India and

China will rival USA. Pakistan has Britain as a benchmark.

Britain is no longer a top 10 economy in the world. Pakistan

plays 27th in GDP PPP and growing quickly will take in two
or three decades to match the once home of the Industrial
Revolution by economic output. Nevertheless, Pakistan is by
people thrice the size of UK economy. It matches this then
we'll be having a third of the per capita GDP. In other
words, Pakistan will do as well as the benchmark, Britain. If
only India, China and USA were above it and all the rest

So Pakistan now like India, like China, is a bigger power, a

gigaeconomy and like it it or not, bigger than the benchmark
itself sets for its goals. Pakistan, India, Indonesia, Bangladesh
and China are hitting the bull's eye, but do they need to do
that a little bit more to kill their victim in the hunt.
Unfortunately, for spectators killing the hunted is not part of
a plan of attack. The game is not a chase. It may be that
China is twice USA where people and greatness are
concerned but what of their income per capita? It still needs
Peace Theory O F Butt

to be achieved as a benchmark and looking at Third World

Economics, this is what Europeans and Americans tell us,
indeed what their economic textbook tells us. If countries like
Pakistan, India, and China are to evict America, Europe and
Japan from their threatening to remain in world systemic
power, we must learn to not only garner a willingness to
gain from new technologies, but to instil a devout forgiveness
upon our loss of yesteryears output.

Whereas art imitates life, technology has the power to recreate

it. Those who tried to conquer it have only destroyed it.


Violent upheavals such as transformative revolution, in the

case of modern China; mass mobilisation warfare, the example
of the States; massive famines such as the Raj in India; and
state collapse like here in Britain, have meant the idea of
Europe being created as an economic bloc by the Black
plague, a fourteenth century catastrophe plague across our
continent, has been all but overruled.

Peace Theory O F Butt

But is this New Stone Age or the Neolithic period, the result
of a great leveller of income inequality by Allah's hands too?
So, why is ancient India or Ancient Pakistan, I should say,
not brought as a proof against this? The Indus man, Tim, is
a Homo erectus, who named China as China; the Indus man
is the father and the sons of Noah, the Table of Nations;
the Indus man is Adam (peace be upon him and his
progeny), and his son. It is an antagonistic thesis to say
income inequality can be avoided by violence.

Nay, India can be created, China can be (a modern China),

USA can be! It's possible to see USA as World War,
Chinese communism as famine. British empire as Indian, and
that the Bronze Age is our Neolithic (the Bronze Age or the
Neolithic Age is the ice age) but it simply isn't true. It is
the opposite. To be honest, USA raped the world; China,
Mao et al, raped China; Britain raped India: but the Great
Flood, which was Allah's punishment, that inspired the world
towards agricultural revolution, or the Stone Age revolution
(or Neolithic Revolution).

Peace Theory O F Butt

The facts of India and Pakistan are that homo erectus was a
Pakistani, homo sapiens is Indian.

Pakistan led the world in the stone age for millions of years,
when man first came to Earth. India led the world in the
Bronze Age for thousands of years, and Homo sapiens is
defined. China led the world in the Iron Age for hundreds of
years, the age of Christ. USA led the world in the modern
age for decades. UK, well, we may see a return to the
Silicon Valley age and for years into the future, we will see
the Umar e Malumat, the Omar e ILM or the information
age or the age of the Giga powers.

This is a sharp contrast between using data and using

information. Indian technology, Pakistani systems; but the
essence of the computer is the same to the handheld desktop
laptop or otherwise pocket held easy phone computational
device able to recreate aspects of the external world to
amazing extent and purpose.

Yesterday, Japan made high tech devices to rival the world's

superpower to compete as a potential superpower of the
Peace Theory O F Butt

world. Today China will find the way the copyright to

provide a superpower for the world to produce microchips.
Tomorrow, Korea will find the market being monopolised and
before we know it, India will come into the game and
Pakistan will not be far from the superpower league
insh’Allah. After Indian, China; Pakistan is the greatest and
only current competition to USA if it can rival Indonesia in
population. So why not?

The “king”

In London, thirty- something percent of people are White

British. The rest, of course, are Non-White British: meaning
the Blacks, Asians, Muslims are in majority. Similarly,
Britain-wide, Non-White British are a majority. If there is any
confusion as to where to look for the jurisprudence for the
country, clearly the answer is that without any system or
majority system, instead of having the nearest relative majority
rule the country until a greater popular relative majority
emerges; the religion of choice should be sought to rule.

Peace Theory O F Butt

Surely, if we have a FID DEF, a defender of the faith in

this kingdom as opposed to a constitutional democracy, it is
valid to appeal to the common faith nonetheless. It is much
like Islam to remind us, God Almighty created all causes in
the universe; if there is a cause which has created another
cause, that first cause was created by God Almighty.

If Christianity is no longer an absolute mathematical majority

but rather is a, mathematically, relative majority; it matters
only less that Islam isn’t a relative majority. It is now
apparent that the country is no longer ruled by it’s people, in
the sense of Anglicanism having fallen from the privilege it

Not only does this reaffirm Allah Almighty is the logical

source of law here (given the higher popularity of Islam in
practice) but it shows implicitly that the cause behind the
cause is God Almighty. If one were to ask, if God Almighty
is the cause behind the universe, who created God Almighty;
then the answer, that no-one needed to create God only
doubly reaffirms the jurisprudential riddle, because neither

Peace Theory O F Butt

whites are in majority nor Christians. Therefore Islam as a

non-racial religion, indeed becomes the religion.

Inclusivity and diversity

The world we live in today should rightly be one where the

moral impetus is for social inclusion. Nevertheless, if we so
desire to include others in our morality and custom, and
actually do aspire to fulfil the right, we have many battles
from east to west to fight, to build the morality of
inclusivity. Indeed, to create morality for inclusivity we have
clear hurdles as a species of humanity: Firstly, to counter the
Islamophobia prevalent in our world, it exists such that they
want us most of us to think the human being fell to earth
because they have killed so many of us. Secondly, to have
the greater populaces of people's enjoy productivity increase.
To do this with Asian economies, is necessary to recognise
that since the Iron Age, they have been bigger and richer
countries. Thirdly to limit the economic share of wrongdoers
or transgressors to the mode. For example, USA should only
have its share as per people and not more than that. Fourthly,
for Europe and America to Islamise for the good of their
Peace Theory O F Butt

own guidance and gaining of piety before God Almighty.

This is the only way that globalisation can fulfil the rights of
people. Indeed, there are the duties of Muslims, Asians, and
Americans, European Muslims, and humanity in general. This
is the future:

• Islam -Muslims agree our duty is the jihad and that our
failure is a failure of our jihad. But no-one is prepared to
fight anymore. Jihad is to kill and be killed.
• Anti-americanism - The G7 is now smaller than the E7.
The world is changing and changing fast. America’s role is
dwindling in the world as Americans grow fatter and fatter.
• European Islam - After the Holocaust, which was the war
Germans waged in Poland; Europeans entered into war in the
Muslim countries far away from their home continent.
Whereas the world wars were two, there were seven wars
against Islam. Islam is increasingly seen as the religion which
is practised of the continent’s people.

Peace Theory O F Butt

9. The New Europe

A significant and sizable killing off of the human race by

any particular component or other mobilised force of nature is
termed encroachment. The Muslim world has been partly
wiped out by the West is like humans being nearly or partly
wiped out. The main and basic reason why imperialism and
colonialism led to these mega wars or Gigawars in various
countries and continents, culminating in continental Gigacide
and the wars of terror is that whereas Islam teaches us the
love of one God Almighty; the disbelievers are at war against

Their culture if you will: Yog, loves many gods and as this
makes no sense and if there were many gods there would be
war in the heavens; they resort to war tactics, in their
business and in the basic relations with us. This is called the
perversity of polytheism (polymorphism). That when we study
the tactics of the kuffar non-Muslim countries during wars
they waged against us, they use every evil to such an extent
to bring their own humanity into disrepute.

Peace Theory O F Butt

Polymorphism is explicated psychologically, sociologically,

politically and economically. The most pertinent explanation
for their politics is that they have learned to make countries
in imitation of our nations. The British Empire, American
aggression, Greater Israel and the New Rome, as well as
Hitler's Third Reich, not to mention modern India and China;
are copies of Muslim nations, whereby there is such as is
impossible to know any distinction between the language, the
culture and the religion.

The British Empire: the language is English, the culture is

English, people are English and the religion is British. The
United States of America: the language is English, the culture
is Western and the people of the religion of Christian. In
Israel, Hebrew, Hebrew, Jewish religion, no Hebrew religion
as well; like in the Nazis, German language, German culture,
German or Christian religion. In India: Hindi language, Hindu
religion, Hindu culture, Hindu religion. In China: Chinese
language, Chinese culture, Chinese religion. Historically, the
ancient Greeks and indeed the Latin-speaking countries too
were at one point, the polymorphous perverts.
Peace Theory O F Butt

The basic problem is they don't recognise different cultures

nor any other languages-speaking people and fail to respect
other religions. To repeat myself what defines polytheism in
this evil is that the polytheist doesn't give due credence to
different outside cultures; due to his racism doesn't have time
for economic systems other than his non slave-taking and
wants other language speakers to be his slave, and is
perverted towards people of other religions all except the one
he has himself.

This form of religion; maybe British, Christian or Jewish and

is marked as a trinity of evil for Muslims. This all goes
unrecognised by the people of the time because of the
interplay of governments, businesses and homes. For example,
private mercenaries in wars who are free to make extinct,
murder and rape.

This evil of murder and rape and so on goes on, as the evil
empires consolidate their own evil, language, culture, religion.
Nevertheless, this is all the same to these evil-doers. I've
dealt with economic misallocation, social inequality and
Peace Theory O F Butt

political poverty. But the basic problem of psychological

perversity is a very heavy burden in a human beings life and
the cause of severe trials and torture etc.

The politics of Pakistanology, the economics or Gigaeconomic/

Gigaforce and Gigapowers. The social Londonistan, the
psychological disproofs of trinity (and trinitarianism). This
form of religion such as the Adolf Hitler, leader of Germany,
made of Nazi Germany has no real language, no culture, no
religion. Is dissimilar to as Pakistani military leaders have
said, we rule people, by people, for people. We distinguish in
Islam; by rule of Hitler's, by Hitlers, for Hitlers.

Democracy is a way of divide and rule set up to destroy

humanity by vying human beings against one another.
Politicians are murderous freak demons going crazy. Rule of
the many by the few or put simply rule of the few is where
there is no intelligence, no language use, no cultural ideation,
no religion. They are prepared for no internal nor external
discussion, then they should long for death.

Peace Theory O F Butt

In spite of the fact that democracy is a system that had that

led to a practical extinction and mass murder and rape, it is
precisely through this, or at least Islamic democracy or
socialism that we can get out of the trap left for us and by
avoiding retribution for the client and taking blood money
reparations of the continental genocides. Africa deserves
reparation and this is an accepted popular feeling that Asia
and the Middle East do too (continents which have large
areas of land almost completely under control of Islam and
Muslims). This is a slightly more recent idea, this idea is
created by the wars of terror of the West. These mega-wars
are wars for which, although millions of innocent Muslims are
killed of late; no one is really fighting back properly, and
like declared 7/7 bombers declared war and Omar Mateen
declared war.

The reason Imperialism is hidden by colonialism and

genocides are hidden by these evil human realities is that for
example the Roman Empire; Latin language has with the
American Britain who make war with the whole world
culturally too and try to pervert religion: atheism, agnosticism,
etc. This is hard to detect other than Nazism and fascism. In
Peace Theory O F Butt

fact, if you analyse Rastafarianism, it is possible to observe

the divide and rule of Ethiopians, for example, or some
mega-murder of their people at the hands of Mussolini and so
on. Modi is another example, conjugation of polytheists in
perversions. Language is Hindi, culture is from Indus man
and religion is like Dharam. Modern China is too, where they
force Muslims to a fake mother tongue, a fake country and a
false religion of atheism.

We see this thing a lot in Europe, where instead of atheism,

there's agnosticism. The devil's language, the devil’s culture
and the devil is religion or irreligion, I should say.

In fact, Kufr is what Muslims suffer from in poverty and in

stress. shirk is our own mistake. In the Middle East, the
problem of Israel getting other Muslim countries to do its
dirty work is similar civil war which erupts from imperialism
and colonialism, itself arises when a power or country, often
Muslim countries are attacked by the evil doers. We know
most of if not all warmongers are not Muslim. This is not
scare-mongering but is the truth. Psychologically, they have

Peace Theory O F Butt

no mothers, sociologically no lands, economically no sense of

justice, and politically no peace ability, no peaceableness.

The politics of a new Europe, and the new global politics is

emerging from the Islamic faith. May be a new polity will
too. A revival and a new sense of comity in the international
order will come from the Muslim Ummah. The new and
more Muslim Europe than ever before; will have equality in
economic justice; peace-loving political lives being lived and
will be a real land with a real society and also have a reality

“Knowledge is acquired by trying to learn, meekness is learnt

by training to be meek, whoever seeks goodness will be
endowed with it and whoever wards off evil will be protected
form it.”

Imam Suyuti’s Jami as Sagheer Hadith collection

Peace Theory O F Butt

10. Istifaf (Abstinence)

The purpose of istifaf ie. abstinence in our society is to drive

tolerance for other people (tasamuh), the word, like tasfif in
Urdu is from saff (a row) means the Islamic usage of rows
of congregants of a prayer or rows of soldiers of an army in
a formation.

Saff means to arrange in rows as in the examples, a jammat

for prayer or a battle formation.

Similar to abstinence from alcohol, drugs, sexual promiscuity,

riba and gambling; in the sense of financial tasfif or
metonymisation, it can refer to the rows of goods of produce
that a seller will present for sale. To a lesser extent it is
used as a reference to the ordinance of monetary value
assumed for the activity of a purchase from a place of sale.

The implied ordinance of a row dan correspond to the rows

of the physical good or produce made available to a person
who is attending the commercial point of sale. When a
shopkeeper puts his goods out to someone in a shop, for
Peace Theory O F Butt

sale; he is going to, by very nature of having a row closer

to the customer and gradually further and further away; make
a more easy sale in the closer, accessible row.

However he should not take advantage of this fact that he

knows. He should realise this and content himself with this
extra demand due to these closer rows.

If he is greedy; should he decide to put, for example, less

than perfect or faulty goods for sale at the front, and leave
the newer or perfect goods behind it, it is an accepted idea
that this is ethically reprehensible. It is cheating the customer.
It is tricking him into believing his goods are OK when they
are inferior.

There is both an economic and a financial aspect to the

missale. In economic terms, a faulty product is being sold
and in financial terms the product is being sold in good faith.

Economic Tasfif

Peace Theory O F Butt

All too often trade is a name we give to a lack of any real

metaphors of buying and selling. If economic metonymy is
framed as the row of soldiers then how wrong for a trader to
sell a faulty good, product or service, in the first place? He
should be happy to serve his life in the performance of his
duty of service. The service of no nation or community
should match the zeal for the service of Allah Almighty and
His creation. Nevertheless, reading between the lines we can
see economics of many people and indeed communities as
fraudulent. This is why a soft, middle road is sought after
against this.

Financial Tasfif

Whereas the economic metonymy is one of a row of soldiers;

financially it is like a row of worshippers who have amongst
them an enemy or in this case possibly, a deviant. What is
in error here is the motivation or intention behind trading. Is
this trade or this trading business, in a mental persuasion of
good faith? Clearly it is dependent on small print, this trade
is evil and is an evil practice.

Peace Theory O F Butt


In summary, economic and further than that, financial Tasfif,

is the replacement of one of the words in a sentence, like a
play of words. Therefore it is very difficult to get around it
other than to employ, with a view of doing to others what
you would like for yourself. Other than look at the basic
metaphors behind the problems. So, in fault we should
forgive; in bad faith we should return good and in greed we
should be generous or else in cheating, we should be honest.

Only this way can our soldiers, all of us, stand in our rows
in our formations. Only this way can our worshippers, all of
us, in our every row; stand neatly and altogether.

83. Surah Al-Mutaffifin (Those Who Deal in Fraud)

1. Woe to Al-Mutaffifin [those who give less in measure and

weight (decrease the rights of others)],
2. Those who, when they have to receive by measure from
men, demand full measure,

Peace Theory O F Butt

3. And when they have to give by measure or weight to

men, give less than due.
4. Think they not that they will be resurrected (for
5. On a Great Day,
6. The Day when (all) mankind will stand before the Lord of
the 'Alamin (mankind, jinns and all that exists)?
7. Nay! Truly, the Record (writing of the deeds) of the
Fujjar (disbelievers, sinners, evil-doers and wicked) is
(preserved) in Sijjin.
8. And what will make you know what Sijjin is?
9. A Register inscribed.
10. Woe, that Day, to those who deny [(Allah, His Angels,
His Books, His Messengers, the Day of Resurrection, and Al-
Qadar (Divine Preordainments)].
11. Those who deny the Day of Recompense.
12. And none can deny it except every transgressor beyond
bounds, (in disbelief, oppression and disobedience of Allah,
the sinner!)
13. When Our Verses (of the Qur'an) are recited to him he
says: "Tales of the ancients!"
14. Nay! But on their hearts is the Ran (covering of sins and
evil deeds) which they used to earn.

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15. Nay! Surely, they (evil-doers) will be veiled from seeing

their Lord that Day.
16. Then, verily they will indeed enter and taste the burning
flame of Hell.
17. Then, it will be said to them: "This is what you used to
18. Nay! Verily, the Record (writing of the deeds) of Al-
Abrar (the pious who fear Allah and avoid evil), is
(preserved) in 'Illiyyun.
19. And what will make you know what 'Illiyyun is?
20. A Register inscribed.
21. To which bear witness those nearest (to Allah, i.e. the
22. Verily, Al-Abrar (the pious who fear Allah and avoid
evil) will be in delight (Paradise).
23. On thrones, looking (at all things).
24. You will recognise in their faces the brightness of
25. They will be given to drink pure sealed wine.
26. The last thereof (that wine) will be the smell of musk,
and for this let (all) those strive who want to strive (i.e.
hasten earnestly to the obedience of Allah).
27. It (that wine) will be mixed with Tasnim.
28. A spring whereof drink those nearest to Allah.

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29. Verily! (During the worldly life) those who committed

crimes used to laugh at those who believed.
30. And whenever they passed by them, used to wink one to
another (in mockery);
31. And when they returned to their own people, they would
return jesting;
32. And when they saw them, they said: "Verily! These have
indeed gone astray!"
33. But they (disbelievers, sinners) had not been sent as
watchers over them (the believers).
34. But this Day (the Day of Resurrection) those who believe
will laugh at the disbelievers
35. On (high) thrones, looking (at all things).
36. Are not the disbelievers paid (fully) for what they used
to do?

All good that I say is from Allah subhanahu wa ta Ala and

any wrong from myself. All Praises are due to Allah. May
Allah send salutation upon His Blessed Messenger.

Peace Theory O F Butt


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