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First of all; as a democratic state, politics in Mizoram takes place in a multi –

party democratic framework, within the overall context of the national politics of
India. It has one parliamentary seats only. Politics in Mizoram is dominated by two
political fronts: the Mizo National Front (MNF) which is also the current ruling party,
and the Mizoram Pradesh Congress Committee, part of the Indian National Congress.
These two parties have alternated in power since 1972. Even though there are many
other political parties in Mizoram, like the Mizoram Peoples’ Conference (MPC),
Zoram Peoples Movement (ZPM), Bharatiya Janata Party BJP) etc. The two political
parties that we have mentioned mainly dominated Mizoram.

As of these day’s Mizoram is on it’s urge to face the main Election of the state,
and there are many arguments between different political parties in Mizoram. MNF
as a ruling party also faced many discrimination from other political parties. Mizoram
has one big issue on politics which is Corruption, it can be said that corruption has
never left the politicians. Government contracts and roadways are done badly, which
is the result of the corrupted contractors and the politicians.
Besides corruption, another big political issue in Mizoram which is political
recommendation in Government job applications and a political party
recommendation on different Governmental works for the party workers and leaders,
which leads to black marketing on Contracts and resulted in a bad contract works. In
Government job applications there used to be a lot of workers who are taken for the
job vacant that are not fit enough for the job, and even though there are a many
good workers and well educated workers who are taking and facing the job fairly,
there are still many political workers family’s and friends who are taken by unfair
means and are not taking the job seriously.

The education system is also affected by the political issues as we have said
before, there a many workers who are taken by political recommendation which
leads to bad teacher quality , which can lead to bad education outcome. There is also
a big issue on teachers’ salary payment which may be due to Government bad

For the conclusion, there are still many issues and flaws in the political parties
in Mizoram, there are also many new developments in Mizoram that can be seen.
And the corruption issue may also be caused by the peoples who are forcing the
political parties to buy their vote with money which resulted in corruption for the
Elected ministers to get back their loss from the election campaign. And unfair means
on Government job vacant can also be reduced by the peoples fair mentality by not
forcing the political workers to give a recommendation for the unfit. And if the
peoples are fair enough to do a fair means it may result in a corruption free
politicians which can also leads to a better economy state with better educations and
many others.

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