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1.1 Background of the study

Quality product is means of competency in world market since quality as the totality features of
product and characteristic of product or services that bear its ability to satisfy stated and
implied need. from its very nature quality refer to the ability of product or service that
constantly meet or exceed the customer requirement so that the working definition of quality is
customer dependent(william J Steven) P.403

In addition to this explanation about quality, it also refer to a relative term and generally used
with reference to the end user of product that is fitness for the purpose degree of performance
degree excellence fulfillment promise mode to meet customer satisfaction(Joel E Koss Tom 2
edition) Known days many manufacturing organization have the problem of quality
management on their product quality from this organization Haji Workicho floury factory is one
of them which have low quality on their the product this low in quality of product results the
organization to be in effective and incur unexpected cost as the result of producing low quality

In this study the research interested to asses the problem of quality management in Haji
Workicho floury factory and its consequential benefits improving/managing/quality in the
organization of Haji Workicho floury Factory. Through detailed investigation, the research
would deals the problem which affect the quality of it product.

1 Description of the study areas

Haji Warkicho floury factory the organization found 1977 E.C. when it found in Dilla Town it
distance from Addis Abeba 359 KM and it distance from SNNP Hawasa 86 KM.

1.2 Background of the study areas

Dilla many manufacturing firm have problem of quality management on their product quality.
Dilla flour factory many produces 100% wheat each flour product range such as wheat, maize
flour etc in year 1997 E.C there are around of flour factory in dilla broadly classifying into public
and private enterprise.

It has been established in 1999 E.C with total capital of birr 1 million. Haji warkicho flour
factory is 359KM away from Addis Abeba and 86KM from Hasawa which is capital city of
SNNP. Haji workicho flour factory is one of the biggest flour factory in dilla. it has large sale
volume 60% of sale volume is local 1945 and 40% sale volume is in capital city markets. it was
also ^) member of employer who have native and dynamic in 1997. currently the factory around
100 employees according to total quality management department in the flour factory.

1.3 Research question

regarding the problem the study will be expect to answer the following question.

 what are the main factor affect to produce quality of product?

 In what manner the factory affect the quality of products?
 Does the labor and machinery tools are affecting the quality of the product?
 Doe to what reason the factors occurs?


The factory is committed to in creating abuts for excellence in the flour factory in Dilla in
general and well as other country in some extent.


To increase the asset of the company in country.


To encourage the society and be participated in end caller of the region in particular and the
nationwide in generally.

Quality policy

Knowing the researcher and meeting the customer need and expectation making and maintain a
motivation and conductive environment in which people will be quality concerns.

1.4 Statements of the problem

Manufacturing firm is one of the business operation commercial activities which are
accomplished raw material into useful products through the use of machinery and skilled man
power to create wealth and satisfy demand. The quality product bring more effective in the
organization objective that is profits. When idea this in the case of Haji workicho flour factory it
can't fulfill such requirement depend on the researcher outstanding. Since the researcher are one
of the user of the product. Therefore i have no good approach toward the product due to its
problem of quality.

1.5 Objective of the study

There searcher study will be conducting to achieve certain own objectives.

1.5.1 General Objective of the study

The main objective of this research deal with the investigation of problem of quality
management system in Haji workicho flour factory and recommending the possible solution to
the problem.

1.5.2 Specific Objectives of the study

 To identify the factor that affect produce quality product

 To justify the reason of factory of quality assurance
 To investigate the contribution of quality management system to the factory
 To determine where and when managing quality in most important
 To identify the concern body in managing quality in the organization
1.6 Significance of the study

The study would conduct based on the specific problem concerning the quality management
system of Haji Workicho flour factory by point out the common or recurrent problem. On the
basis of finding the study forward communication can be helpful for actual and reliable
information about the to know the reason why the factory fail to produce quality product.

1.7Delimitation of the study

The title research indicate the study would planning to asses be restrict on dilla town in the Haji
workicho flour factory. The study or the research will be planning to asses quality management
problem the factory. The reseach or study determination is depends on the following reason.

 There will be full information require to the organization due to its nearness
 The researcher minimize the cost that arise distance also the researcher minimize the
budget time or consumption.
1.8 limitation of the study

To conduct this research the researcher faced many challenge some of their where

 The respondent of questionnaire is not willing fill the question and return it on the
specific in time.
 In appropriate of time is the challenge to facilitate the work on time.
 Hack of enough time to conduct the research in full death is additional problem faced in
undertaking this study
 The sacrifice of electric power will be additional problem that the researcher faced.




According to oxford American dictionary define quality as a degree or level of excellence. the
official definition of quality by American nation standard institution(ANSI)and the American
society for quality control (ASCO)in totality of feature and characteristics of production or
services that to bears on its ability to satisfy given needs and wants.

According to Joes E. Ross , the concepts and vocabulary of quality are elusive different people
interoperate quality in differently .fixes can defines quality in measurable term that can be
operational. product base definition: quality is viewed as quality able or measurable
characteristics or attribute. for example durability reliability can be measured (e.g. mean time
best on failure, fits and finishing and the engineer can design to that bench mark.

User base definition: based on the idea that quality is an individual match and products that best
satisfy their performance(e.g. perceived quality in those with high quality).

manufacturing base definition: it concerning with primary with engineering and manufacturing
proactive and use the universal definition of conformance to requirement.

Value based: quality is designed in term of cost and price as well as number of other attribute.
thus customer purchase in based on quality at an acceptable price.

2.1.1 The meaning of quality from to perspective

According to Joes E Ross, quality defined in to two perspective from producer perspective and
from consumer perspective.

Quality from consumer prospective

From this prospective product and services quality is determined by what the consumer wants
and willing pay for since consumer have different product need, they will be different quality
exceptions. This result in commonly used definition of quality as product or services fitness for

its intend use or fitness for use. The dimension of the quality primary for manufacturing product
a consumers look for in product including the following characteristics .

performance: The basic operating characteristics a product. Future: the extra items added to the
basic feature . Reliability: the probability that products will operates properly with in an
expecting time frame. conformance: The degree to which a product meets reestablished standard.
Durability: How long the product cost in life span before replacement. Service ability: The easy
getting repair, the speed repair and the country and competence of the repair person. Aesthetics:
How product look, feels ,sound and small cost. Deftly: assume that the consumer will not suffer
injury or harm from a product/will steven son p.403.

Quality From Producers perspectives.

Product development is a function of the quality characteristics(the product fitness for case / the
consumer dents, need and can offered product or services designed results in design specification
that hope fully will achieves the desired quality.

However once the produces designee have been determining the the producers perceives quality
to be how affectively the production process is able confirms the specification required by
designed referred to as quality of conformance.

2.2 Determinants of quality

The degree to which product or services successfully satisfies its intended purpose her for major
purpose. Design: is it asking point for the level of quality even fully achieved designed involve
decision about the specifics characteristics of the product or service such as size, shape and
location quality designed is the intention of designed to include or exclude feature in product or
services. Conformance: the degree to which good or service conform to the intent of the
designers ease of use and users institution is important; the injurious the chance but do not
guarantee that the product will be used for its intended purpose and in such way that it will
continues use to function properly and safely .

2.3 The consequence of poor quality

It is important for managements to recognize the different way in which the equality of firm
product can affect the organization and to take these into account in developing maintain equality
assurance problem. some of major areas affected by quality are

 loss of business
 liability
 Productivity
 cost(According to will stevenson 406)

2.4 Responsibility for quality

It is true that all members of the organization have some responsibility for quality, but certain
part of the organization are key area of responsibility.

 Top management: it ultimate responsibility for quality while establishing strategies for
facility. Top management must institute program to improves quality.
 Procurement department : has responsibility to ensure process yield product and services that
can into design specification
 Quality assurance: responsibility for gathering and analysis data on the problem that is
presented in the product.

This and the other department like packing and shipping , marketing and sales and customer services
departments are responsible for quality of the product in the organization(According william
stevension).Quality management advocates continuous improvement to Achieves conformance to
specification and reduce variability. quality management could also be defined as more simply by one of
the following according to Joel E Ross and william stevension

 Systematically and continuously improving quality product service and life using all available
human and capital resources
 An organization wide problem solving and process improving methodology
 A system or means to economically produce goods or services that satisfy customer

The quality management is process included the interpretation of all employees, supplier and
customer with in the corporate environment it embrace two imperiling tenors.
 Quality managements is capability which integrant in our employees
 Quality management is controllable process not accident one to mark sure that commitment to
quality throughout the organization is required.

This approaches to the management of quality throughout the entire organization it as involve
in to want is referred to as total quality management.

2.5 Quality management(total quality management)

Total quality management (TQM) is the way to continuously improve areas of an organization
using all available human and capital resource improvement is addressed to award satisfying
broad good such as cost, quality ,market share schedules and growth.

quality management combines fundamental management technique existing and innovation

improvement efforts and specialized technical skills in structure focused on continuously
improving all process.

It demands commitment and discipline and an ongoing efforts operating at a high level of
quality may not be adequate as can be observed form the quite above(according to Joel E Ross
P 190)

According to joe E Ross total quality management is management philosophy that seeks to
intragrate all organization function(marketing, finance design, engineering and production,
customer services e.t.c) to focus on meeting customer need organizational objectives.

Total quality management empower the total organization from the employee to the CEO, with
these possibility reaching quality in their process through the appropriate process improvement

According to Joel E Ross quality management relies on people and asset of guiding principles
that represent the foundation of continuously improving organizational all the process with the
organization and degree which present and future need of the customer are met.

2.5.1 Element of total quality management

Focus on the customer: since the practical of total quality management is an about meeting
customer expectation then the entire total quality management element must be focused it timely
on the customer. Additionally all employees in organization have internal customer thus the
concepts of meeting customer as well.

Work force involvement: first and for most the organization to management must be committed
to quality improvement. This commitment manifest itself in no of way when managers given
their subordinates the resources encouragement and responsibilities to contributes to quality
assessments and improvement the firm will we these result this efforts term of better process
moral product and competiveness manager at all level of the organization must view their role as

Empowering employees as to make decision to solve problem or satisfy customer is one way
managers can built company culture of support and truth. employee view job at companies such
this job and rarely want to leave when employees and devoted and focused on saving internal
and external customer and are rewarded for improving customer satisfaction the firm is well on
the way to embaying the quality concept.

Term Work: it is also an important aspect work force involvement manager create functional and
cross functional terms to allow work to solve complex problem, to break down barriers and
competition between department and faster the cooperation, teaching to concrete result self
directed work team aimed at solving quality problem are rooted in quality circle concepts which
originated in Japan 1660 and include spread use today in many companies team work: is also an
important aspect work force involvement managers create functional and cross functional team
to allow workers to solve complex problem , to break barriers and competition between
department and faster the cooperation, teaching to concrete results, self directed work team
aimed at solving quality problem are rooted in quality circle concepts which originated in japan
1660.s and include spread use today in many companies around in USA (according to Joel D
Winsner G keong loan , keah Chaon Tam (p 220)

2.5.2 The need for total quality management(TOM)

The customer king is true to day them ever before as quality of life improve demand for better
quality services and product also there are customer all over the world how demand that they be
assured and satisfied that the product or service for which they playing will meet their
specification and expectation and perform as anticipated .in this change environment of the
economy and the industry driven by the customer the business is open to competition of world
wide. with transformation of the entire world in to boundary less global villages echoing the
were mantras of world is product , service that factor that contribute to competitiveness quality
competitive pricing and delivery. Pray prime ordeal role.

this is emphasis on quality in product and service is forcing the inductees to adopt internationally
recognized and proven quality management system in their operation to stay in business. this
remind us to the prediction of J.m juran the quality guru ot the world who said that business in 21
century shall be decided be quality and industries be quality and industries ongoing this shall be
wiped out. internationally there have been several authoritative studies to compute the cost non
compliance and they point out that will he manufacturing industries which don't adhere to total
quality management precepts may lose around 25% on this account alone, the loss be away of
cost in service sector could be as high as 40-50%(According to Joel E Ross)

2.5.3 Principle of total quality management

1. Delight the customer: this focus one external customer and ask what would delight them
"Delight " means being best at what really matter most to the customer and this can
change overtime being in touch these change and always satisfying the customer are an
integral Tom.
2. Management by fact: Knowing current quality standards the product/service in customer
hard is the first stage of being able to improve we can only meaning improvement we can
only meaning improvement if we know the base we are starting from.
3. People base management : if people understand what to do how to do it and obtain
feedback on their performance, they encouragement to take responsibility for the quality
of their work. The more people feel involved the great will their commitment to customer

4. Continues improvement: TOM is not short term activity that will finish when asset target
has been achieved. It is not programmed or project it is management process that
recognized that hour we may improve competitor will continues it improves and our
customer will epact more and from us. here continuous improvement is an in
governmental change and not a major break though which shall be the aim of who which
to undertake total quality management journey(According to Joel E Ross)

2.6 The quality environment

The pursuit of quality requires that organization globally optimizes their system of
interdependent stock holder. this system includes employee, customer investors suppliers and
subcontractor ,regulator the environment and the community the origination which consists of
employee and investor, supplier and subcontractors to satisfy the need of the all take holders. At
one end of the system of interdependent stock holders are organizational external customer. each
market segment need and want must be communicated to the organizational. this is accomplish
through an on go are performing in the market place and what improvement and innovation
would optimizes the system of stake holders. The concepts of customer also include regulatory a
services the community and inventory should be applied to all area and people with the

At other end of system interdependence stake holder are the organization suppliers and sub
contractor the organization communicate its customer need its supplier and sub common for so
that they can acid in the pursuit of quality for all stake holders. Employee are the most critical
stake holder of an organization. According to the quality K=orvshikw in management the first
concern of the company is appliance of the people who are connected with it if the people do not
tell happy and cannot be made happy that company have adequate income. This humanity must
be respected and they must be give an opportunity to enjoy their work and load a happy life.

2.7 Benefits of improving quality

Demand approaches to the relationship between quality and productivity stress improving quality
to increase productivity promoting quality no less the chain reaction quality several benefit result
from improving approvers rework decrease productivity raise quality improvement cost per
units in decreased price can be out and work workers moral goes up because they are seen as the

problem. This last aspect lead us to further benefit loss employee absence less burn our more
interest in the job, an increase motivation to improves work.this is the claim reaction of quality.

2.7.1 Ways of improving quality

we complete the quality of the product by using three major methods

1) By living the consultant(advisor) professional in the organization

2) Tend people including to executive to seminar
3) initiating arrest any of quality improvement program

2.8 Principle and concepts of the quality management must be.

 Require dedication, commitment and participation from top leadership

 Build and sustain a culture committed to continuous improvement
 Focus on satisfy job customer need and expectation
 involving every individual in improving his/her own work process
 Create team work and constrictive working relationship
 Recognize people as the most importance resources.
 employ the best available management practice and techniques and tolls

2.9 Quality assurance and top managements

Top management commitment and participation to laying down objective policies and procedure
for quality control system is a vital ingredients of only successful quality assurance quality
assurance program. It can provide support and coordination of various activities to discharge the
quality function with conscious effort and create pride in worker aid supervisor of product
quality change in the policies and contradictory instruction during arise must be avoided as they
create confusion and in the long run result quality problem.

A quality a assurance program has three major concepts

1. Inspectional and testing: Component of assemblies and product at various control point
and inspection and testing of render/standard items for acceptance.
2. Quality auditing system: For independent periodic previous of practice

3. Quality and reliability: program for assuring reasonable performance over the predicted
life of product

2.9.1 Activities under quality assurance

To ensure and prove the criteria's of "fitness for use" a formal plan and review of all phase
product progression is manufacturing necessarily

 Receiving and inspection

 stage control
 Process control
 Final inspiration
 Performance testing
 Life and reliable testing
 server and audit of shop practice and quality control problem
 control gauge , tool and measuring instruments
 field complaints
 Analysis of rejection

Chapter 3
3 methodology of the study

A descriptive kind of researcher conducting is selected because it can easily descriptive the
actual occurrence of issue. And the researcher would described easily any problem that is
related of quality management problem. Because its nearness location of place with

By using their type of researcher method the researcher have collected enough information
regarding about the quality management problem in the floury factory.

3 .1 Target Population and Sampling Technique

The target population that the researcher Focused on is depend on the department of floury
factory. In this department employee are 100 and from this department of total population edit
the research used 40%(27) of these population as the sample to represent whole population by
using simple random sampling technique method.
3.2 Data collection Instrument(tool)
The researcher selected two different type of data collection technique which are employee to
conduct this study. This are interview, observation and questionnaire.
First interview is selected because it cause opportunities for clearing up miss understanding and
allow for creator depth by providing qualitative data.
Secondary Observation is selected because it offer data when respondent are unable target
information without relying on the report of the other.
Questionnaire to reduce time consumption. The researcher questionnaire is prepared by language
that the employee understood.
3.3 Method of data analysis
First the researcher collected and gathered the data that is gained from questionnaire and
interview. And the researcher used the percentage method statisfication tool for the analysis of
the study. The analysis is carried out in the tabulation form by relating the percent age of the

respondent not given the some answer and finally the researcher interpreted in the table.

Chapter Four

4.Data Analysis And Interpretation

This study is descriptive such it deal with present fact and coordination concerning problem of
quality management system in HAJI Warkicho floury factory. The data collocated through
questionnaire and interview.

The study was focu was on the department of Haji warkicho flour factory and this department are
known as assessment of total quality control in haji workicho floury factory in this department
the total population where 66 and of these 27(40%) of the population were considered as sample
respondent out of questionnaire distributed to the respondent 27(40) were returned at all.

4.1 Characteristic of respondent

The data on the character tics of respondent were collected to have the clear picture about person
involved in the study.

Table 3.1 personal data of the respondents

No Item Respondent Percentage%

Sex Male 17 62.96
Female 10 37.04
Total 27 100
Source: Competed from survey questionnaire, 2015

According to the personal data indicated in table one 17(62.9) respondent are male and
10(37.03%) of them are female. This indicates that the numbers of females less than the no of
male in the factory.

Table 3.2 ages of the respondent

No Item Respondents Percentage%

18-25 12 44.44
26-30 8 29.62
31-35 5 18.51
Above 36 2 7.40
Total 27 100
Source: Competed from survey questionnaires, 2015

Regarding their ages in the above table 2 show that the majority of employees 12(44.44%) were
between the range of 18 to 25 years 8(29.62) of the range 26 to 30 years. This implies that
majority of employees are young old aged according to the majority the respondents.

Tables 3.3 qualification of employees

No item qualification Respondent percentage(%)

1 Degree 16 59.25
2 Diploma 6 22.27
3 Certificate 2 7.40
4 12 complete 1 3.70
5 Other 2 7.40
Total 27 100
Source: Competed from survey questionnaires, 2015

Regarding the quality of employees in the above table 3 the majority 16(59.25) of the respondent
are the first degree holder 6(22.2%) of them are diploma graduate 2(7.40%) of them are
certificate holder 1(3.70) them is 12 grade completed and finally 2(7.10) of them are qualified in
the other.

4.2 Presentation and interpretation

The analysis and interpretation of data is based on the types of questionnaire distributed to the
sample population in the factory. Thus the following is Analysis and interpretation of the

Table 3.4 About system of quality managements

No Item Respondent Percentage(%)

1 in the factory is there
any product quality
Yes 27 100
No 0 0
Total 100

Source: Competed from survey questionnaires, 2015

Form the above table 4 all of the respondent s(100%) replied that in
the factory there is a product quality management system. From this the researcher understand
that in the flour factory there is quality management system according to the majority of the

Table 3.5 Quality control survey

No Item Respondent percentage %

in the company the responsibility of quality
control is belong?

-for top managements 3 11.11

-for production department 0 0
-for all factory worker 11 40.74
-for quality control dept 13 48.15
Total 27 100
Source: Competed from survey questionnaires, 2015

From above table the researcher analyzed as follow 13(48.14%) of the respondents replied at the
responsibility of the product quality control belong to quality control department 11(40.74%) of
the respondent replied that the responsibility of product quality control belong to all factory
workers and 11(11.11%) of the respondent replied that the responsibility of product quality
belong top management.

From this the researcher understand that in the floury factory the product quality is controlled by
quality is controlled by quality control department according to the majority the respondent

Table 3.6 Importance of educational in factory.

No Item Respondent Percentage%

3 Do you think that the Educational level of
employee have their own impact on producing
quality product?

Yes 20 74.07
No 7 25.93
Total 27 100
Source: Competed from survey questionnaires, 2015

The intention of the above table 6 is to get full information from different respondent as whether
or not education level was an impact for quality production system of manufacturing firm as the
table 6 above table indicate that 20(74.07) of respondent replied that the education level of work
an impact on the quality production system in the factory. On the other hand 7(25.93) of the
respondent disagree with the item in above. from this the researcher concluded that the
educational level of the worker have an impact on the quality production system in the factory.

Table 3.7 Factor related survey for its quality product

No Item Respondent Percentage%

4 Do you think that the relationship
between organization and it customer
for product quality management in
factory important?
Yes 26 96.29
No 1 3.71
Total 27 100
Source: Competed from survey questionnaires, 2015

From the above table 7 of factory relation to survey the respondent replied that 26(96.29) of
them said that the relationship between the organization and its customer for quality producing is

important and 1(3.70%) of the respondent replied that the relationship between organization and
its customer for producing quality producing quality products is an important.

From this the researcher understands that for producing quality product the relationship between
customer and organization is the most important.

Table 3.8 Factor survey that influence quality management system

No Item Respondent percentage %

5 is there any factor that influence quality
management system in the company?
Yes 18 66.66
No 9 33.34
Total 27 100
Source: Competed from survey questionnaires,2015

From the above table 3 factor survey that influence quality managements 18(66.66%) of the
respondent replied there are factor that influence quality management system 9(33.34) of the
respondent replied that there is no factor that influence quality management system.

The respondent who replied yes also listed some factor, those are:

 Employing the worker who have knowledge about quality.

 Don't visiting the new material supplier company is also the factor.
 low quality row material is also another factor.
 Absence of modernized technological material in the one and the most influential factors.

From this the researcher concluded that there are factory. That influence quality management
system in the factory, the most influence factor are do not controlling row material quality first
then do not employee qualified worker in every department and absence of giving training
regularly for employees when it is need in the critical factor.

Table 3.9 Negative impact on the quality of product.

No Item Respondent percentage%

1 what is the degree of its negative impact of the
company if it the quality grown material is not
controlled properly.
- very 14 51.84
- medium 0 0
-low 2 7.40
-high 9 33.31
-very 2 7.40
Total 27 100

No Item Respondent Percentage%

2 if the response on question no '6' is very
high what was major problem you ever
-production halted 4 14.81
-customer claim 20 74.07
-at required time 3 12.12
Total 27 100
Source: Competed from survey questionnaires, 2015

As can be observed in item 1 of table large of respondent 14(51.14%) agree that there was very
high impact on quality of produced product in the Haji Warkicho flour factory if the row material
quality is not controlled properly the remaining respondent of sample said that 9(33.33%) high
2(7.40) said that there is low and very low impact on the quality produced good if the row
material quality is not controlled properly. with regard to item 2 of above table the respondent
were asked the major consequence that the company ever faced.

The majority of 20(74.04) of respondent replied that the major problem is customer claim while
the rest 14.85% agree that problem is production halted and 3(12.12%) of them believe that the
work is not completed at required time is major problem.

Therefore from the above information the researcher conclude that there is very high degree or
negative in the quality of produced if the quality of raw material is not controlled properly and
result customer claim .

Table 3.10 action taken into consideration to control quality of product.

No Item with response type Respondent Percentage%

1 Increasing salary to employee 7 25.92
2 Find out the factor lead to do not 13 48.14
reform work and giving training to
3 Employing the person who have 7 25.9
through know about quality
4 Using modern technological 0 0
Total 27 100
Source: Competed from survey questionnaires, 2015

From the above table 13(48.14) of respondents replied that identity is the factor lead to do not
perform the ask and giving training to employees is the solution in order to control quality of the
product 7(25.92) of the respondents replied that increasing the salary to employee and employing
the person who have know how about the quality is the action taken in order to control quality

From the above information the researcher understand that finding out the factor lead to do not
perform the task and giving training to employees is major action taken into consideration when
the flour factory want to produce quality product.

Item 10 problem solving inequality managements system for the above question a number of
respondent suggested the follow point concerning problem solving in quality management
system some of them are:

-Employing quality work in the flour factory of haji warkicho

-Employing the employee who have enough know how about quality.

-All employee should work and his/her inyerest.

-Giving paying bonus motivating the employee is one major way to improve quality
of products.

-Controlling row material quality and being punctual in the work place should be
additional problem solving in quality of product.

From the bottom up to top in the company , there should have awareness about quality. From this
the researcher concluded that quality problem should be solved by using above listed point.

Table 3.11 Comparison survey quality in haji workicho flour factory.

No Item Respondents Percentage%

1 What is the quality of your company In nos In%
product in comparison with that of
It have very good quality 14 51.84
It have poor quality 0 0
It have medium quality 13 48.13
It quality standard is not known 0 0
Total 27 100
Source: Competed from survey questionnaires,2015

Form the above table 11 14(51.84%) of the respondent replied that in the floury factory there is
very good quality production than other company and 13(48.13) of the respondent replied that in
floury factory there is medium quality product that other company. From this the researcher
concluded that there is very good quality of product according to majority respondents.

Table 3.12 coordination between quality department and production department

No Item Respondent Percentage%

10 Is there any coordination between In nos In %
production department and quality
control department?
Yes 21 77.77
No 6 22.23
Total 27 100
Source: Competed from survey questionnaires,2015

From the above table 21(77.77) respondent replied that there is coordination between the two
department and 6(22.23) of the respondent replied that there is no coordination between
production department and quality control department.

From the above information the researcher understand that there is coordination production
department and quality control department according to the majority of the respondents.

Table 3.13 Opportunity survey for quality control department

No Item Respondent Percentage%

11 Doe you factory give opportunity for
quality management departments
visit supplier plant?
Yes 23 85.18
No 4 14.82
Total 27 100
Source: Competed from survey questionnaires,2015

No Item Respondent Percentage %

12 In your company producing quality
product regarding the cost providing
the product in the factory influence?
Saves cost 15 55.55
Increase cost 6 22.22
No influence 2 7.40
Neither increase cost 4 14.81
Total 27 100
Source: Competed from survey questionnaires,2015

From the above table 15(55.55) of the respondent replied that producing quality product save
6(22.22) of them replied that producing quality product increase cost nor sale cost and 2(7.40) of
them replied their is no influence. from this the researcher understand that providing quality
product save cost according them majority respondents.



5 .1 Summary of the major finding

The purpose of this study was to investigate quality managements problem in the case of Haji
Workicho floury factory to this end questioner were developed and addressed to the respondent
so also know factor that affect quality and to suggest solution to the problem.

The study employed case analysis and at organizational workers were include in the study as
sample respondent the data obtain was analyzed using percentage method some interview was
analyzed based on the response of manager based on the result of the data analysis the following
major finding were obtained.

 In the factory the percentage female (10%) were less than that of male.
 The entire respondent (100%) said that in the factory their is product quality management
 Majority of the respondent (48.14%) said that in the company the responsibility of
product quality control belong to quality control department.
 A large proportion of the respondent (74.04%) said that educational level of employee its
own impact on providing quality products.
 A mass of the respondent (96.29%) said that the relationship between organization and
customer for product quality managements in the important.
 A large population of respondent (66.66%) show that there are factors that influence
quality controlling system.
 The response of most of respondent (51.84%) replied that the degree of it negative
impacts if the quality of raw material is not controlled properly is very high.


 Snow c. c lipnack J and stamps J.1999 thevirtual organization quality and payoff large
and small in c.l cooper and Din rous sea(Eds) the virtual organization 15-30 New york.
organizational behavior 8th edition.
 Finch Jones an litterer managers for organizational effectivenes an experential aproaches
Mc Graw Hrid New York 1970. organizational Behavior 16 th edition.
 Murphy H.A Hi ider Bandt HW effective total quality management Mc Graw Hill
Publising organizational New York 1991 organizational Behavior 8th edition.
 Wikepedia the free Encylopedia micro soft internet explore commission of the european
communities (2006) Deth of Total quality management in the organizational from
internet.Meeting the Total quality demand of organizational Pro. Fastner inc a 55
employe San Jose california disturbutor.
 Gezanegn Ayele Mekonen Bekele and samia zekeria (2006) productive and efficienly of
pproduct of organization . The Ethiopia development Research Institute (EDIT) research
report 5 Addis Abeba 2006.
 Snow c. c lipnack J and stamps J.1999 thevirtual organization quality and payoff large
and small in c.l cooper and Din rous sea(Eds) the virtual organization 15-30 New york.
organizational behavior 8th edition.
 Finch Jones an litterer managers for organizational effectivenes an experential aproaches
Mc Graw Hrid New York 1970. organizational Behavior 16 th edition.
 Murphy H.A Hi ider Bandt HW effective total quality management Mc Graw Hill
Publising organizational New York 1991 organizational Behavior 8th edition.
 Wikepedia the free Encylopedia micro soft internet explore commission of the european
communities (2006) Deth of Total quality management in the organizational from
internet.Meeting the Total quality demand of organizational Pro. Fastner inc a 55
employe San Jose california disturbutor.
 Gezanegn Ayele Mekonen Bekele and samia zekeria (2006) productive and efficienly of
pproduct of organization . The Ethiopia development Research Institute (EDIT) research
report 5 Addis Abeba 2006.





Questionnaire for the employee

I am conducting research on asssessment of total quality management in case of Haji workicho

floury factory for partial fulfillment of bachelor degree in management.

The data collected from will from you will as an input for for the research. Thank you for resting
your valuable time.


No need of writing

Put "tick" in the give box

1. In the factory is the any product any product quality management system?

Yes No

2. in the company is the responsibility of quality control is belong to whom?

For top management

For production department

For all factory workers

For quality control department

3. Do you think that the educational level of the employee have their own impact on producing
quality products?

Yes No

4.Do you think that the the relation between organization and its customer for assessing quality
management in factory is important?

Yes No

5.Is there any factory that influence quality management system in the company?

Yes No

6.What is the degree of its negative impact on the company?

Very High



Very low


7.if the response on question No 6 is very high what its major problem you ever face?

Production Haltered

customer claim

work is not completed

8.what action should be taken in order to control quality of production in the companies?

Increase salary

9. what is the quality of your companies product in comparison with that of the other?

It have very good quality

It have poor quality

It have medium quality

It quality standard is not known

10.Is there any coordination between production department and quality control department?

Yes No

11.Does your factory give opportunities for quality managements department to visit suppliers


Interview question analysis

1. Does floury factory gives any training about the assessment of quality ato Yemane . yes
training is give to quality management in the floury factory.
From training the employees grasp the knowledge about quality and develop positive
outlook toward the work from this the researcher understand that training is the most
important part of developing attitude in the work place and shaping individual mind be well
profffesional in the field is study accordingly to the response of Yemane training is constant
required for the staff of quality management it may be increase effective demand skill such
as writing team building concepts or verbal skill or it may be cognitively or ented such us
statistical quality control.
2. Does the customer of your company have a good approach to the product good feeling to
your product?

Ato Yeman , Yes because there are so many customer for our product that comes from
outside of the country and with in the country .for both of them have good feeling about our
company product because the quality the cost and price are some what negotiable when
compared with the other company product.

Finally Ato yemane said as the result from the in the point the floury factory gain larges sale
volume with the country and other country. from there research conclude that flour factory
product have wider accept talk in the market.

3. Does floury factory import raw material from outside the country? Ato yemane: Yes floury
factory import raw material from different Ethiopia countries and the some is true it can

export its product to different Ethiopian countries. from these the researcher conclude that
the floury factory has different rent importing section and exporting section.
4. Does the company can get estimated profit? Ato yemane : No it may be rarely occur but,
most of the time the company get above estimated profit and in the other time it may below
the estimated profit because the price fluctuation/variation / in the market from these the
researcher understand the flour factory cannot set the estimated forecasted profit it.


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