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Paths of Yoga?

What is Bhakti Yoga?

Mind has 3 powers:

1.Power of thinking: Gyan Yoga
2. Power of willing: Karma Yoga
3. Power of feeling: Bhakti Yoga
4. When you are ruling not only your own
life but want to rule others life and attain
ONENESS: Raja Yoga

What is Bhakti?

Bhakt = Devotee, but not very accurate….

Meaning is: one who is not confused, fragmented or divided or
disturbed or one who is ONE…
Opposite word of Bhakt is
Vibhakt who is fragmented, confused or divided
or disturbed…. Bipolar or schizophrenia
As per Vashishth Yoga / Vashishth Samhita …. Confusion is a
To connect to the Higher.
How do you get connected to the Higher through Bhakti?
By surrender…
AADhi and Vyadhi? Mental and physical disease.
Where there is no Aadhi and Vyadhi….there is Samadhi

When is Bhakti Yoga powerful?

Whenever the powers of the mind are more concentrated at your

heart, Bhakti Yoga becomes a natural flow from the person.

What is Prayer?

Prayer is an expression of deep thankfulness.

Prayer is not a demand note...not a business...not an activity to
be done…
Is an expression of gratitude...Profound thankfulness...
Which flows with Shraddha (Total Trust) and
Samarpan (unconditional surrender) and Total presence.

Who is doing the Prayers?

Jeev (Atma + impressions) individual soul + impressions

Mind cannot make prayer….mind is a beggar….
Begging is not Prayer….Prayers are to surrender.

Do you Love?

Often people say Yes...but

You cannot love…
Love cannot be done….it happens
Similar way….
Prayer cannot be happens…
Meditation cannot be done….it happens…

Why do we Pray?

To get connected to the Higher and experience the Oneness.

Prayer is done by whom?

By the Atma, individual soul, individual energy, Jeev, not by the

shallow mind…

Prayer is to be performed to whom?

Supreme soul or supreme consciousness or supreme energy or

universal Shakti/ Paramatma

Where can you do the prayer?

Anywhere...but ….more suitable and recommended place is

North - East corner of your room….

How to perform Prayer?

Surrender / Trust/ facing either North or East preferable….

When to perform Prayer?

24/7 but recommended time…

Most suitable is 96 minutes before the sunrise
Brahma muhurta...or Amrit Vela or Nectar time…Al Subh
Another option is evening time, just before sunset.

In which language can we perform the Prayer?

Any….Preferably Sanskrit...or Maun silence…

Whether sitting or standing position?

For healthy people standing but for longer duration prayer

in sitting position.

What kind of seat /mat is suitable for Prayer?

Yoga mat or asana of wool or cotton is preferable. Also keep

one shawl to cover yourself, for the duration of the Prayer.

How Prayer can heal and be useful in Yoga


Matching with the waves lengths and vibrations of the

Universal energy automatically start healing, helping and
repairing, balancing, correcting and awakening the
individual energy. Whatever diseases or imbalances in life
start healing and feeling a great help of balance.

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