Determinants of Behaviour of Working Capital Requirements of BSE Listed Companies An Empirical Study Using Co-Integration Techniques and Generalised

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Determinants of behaviour of working capital

requirements of BSE listed companies: An
empirical study using co-integration techniques
and generalised method of moments

Rakesh Kumar Sharma, Apurva Bakshi & Sheena Chhabra |

To cite this article: Rakesh Kumar Sharma, Apurva Bakshi & Sheena Chhabra | (2020)
Determinants of behaviour of working capital requirements of BSE listed companies: An
empirical study using co-integration techniques and generalised method of moments, Cogent
Economics & Finance, 8:1, 1720893, DOI: 10.1080/23322039.2020.1720893

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Published online: 31 Jan 2020.

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Sharma et al., Cogent Economics & Finance (2020), 8: 1720893


Determinants of behaviour of working capital
requirements of BSE listed companies: An
empirical study using co-integration techniques
Received: 19 December 2018 and generalised method of moments
Accepted: 19 January 2020
Rakesh Kumar Sharma1*, Apurva Bakshi1 and Sheena Chhabra1
*Corresponding author: Rakesh
Kumar Sharma, School of Humanities
and Social Sciences, Thapar Institute
Abstract: The paper investigates the determinants of working capital to forecast
of Engineering and Technology, the future requirement of working capital of BSE-listed top 150 companies in India.
Patiala, India
E-mail: The study is conducted by collecting the data of 150 top-performing BSE listed
Reviewing editor:
companies for the time period of 2009–2017. The ten firm-level explanatory vari-
David McMillan, University of Stirling, ables and one dummy variable to characterize the nature of business i.e. manu-
United Kingdom
facturing and service sector companies are used to discover the significant
Additional information is available at determinants of gross and net working capital of selected companies. The four
the end of the article
alternative methods are used to verify and validate the results obtained from each
other viz. Ordinary Least Square (OLS), fully modified OLS (FMOLS), dynamic OLS
(DOLS) and generalized methods of moments (GMM). The empirical findings of four
different methods indicate that tangibility, leverage, nature of business and board
size are observed as significant factors to forecast the future requirements of net
working capital. Return on common equity (ROCE), board size; indicate the positive


Dr. Rakesh Kumar Sharmais an Assistant Efficiently managing working capital is a great
Professor in the School of Humanities Sciences challenge for every organization. Every organi-
and Social Sciences at Thapar Institute of zation intends to maintain the optimum level of
Engineering and Technology (Deemed University), working capital. Since the excessive working
Patiala where he has been a faculty member capital creates an idle fund and inadequate
since 2012. He has published more than 25 working capital interrupts the day to day opera-
research papers in national and international tion of the business. For this purpose, it becomes
journals including ABDC listed and SCOPUS much essential to investigate certain determi-
indexed journals of repute and presented more nants to forecast determinants of working capi-
than fifteen research papers in various interna- tal to forecast the future requirement of working
tional and national conferences. capital. The study has been conducted after
Dr. Apurva Bakshi, Assistant Professor (School taking into consideration the recent historical
of Humanities and Social Sciences, Thapar economic reforms in the eminent Asian’s emer-
Rakesh Kumar Sharma Institute of Engineering and Technology, Patiala) ging economy. The study investigates many
has been teaching at TIET for the past 13 years. authentic determinants of working capital after
His academic and research interests include employing four alternative econometric techni-
Management and Strategy, Intellectual Propery ques to forecast the future requirement of
Rights and Business Ethics. working capital. The study will be mainly lucra-
Dr. Sheena Chhabra, Assistant Professor tive to policymakers to design optimum level of
(School of Humanities and Social Sciences, working capital and academician as it adds sig-
Thapar Institute of Engineering and Technology, nificantly to the existing body of knowledge
Patiala) has been teaching at TIET for the past 9
years. Her academic and research interests
include Management and Finance especially
Initial Public offerings.

© 2020 The Author(s). This open access article is distributed under a Creative Commons
Attribution (CC-BY) 4.0 license.

Page 1 of 30
Sharma et al., Cogent Economics & Finance (2020), 8: 1720893

association with gross working capital. On the other hand, tangibility, nature of
business and size of the firm show a negative relationship with gross working
capital requirements. The findings from different methods have resulted in similar
significant determinants to predict the future requirement of the net and gross
working capital. The outcome of the study will be useful for management autho-
rities for maintaining the optimum level of working capital and to forecast future
requirements of working capital.

Subjects: Economics; Finance; Accounting

Keywords: networking capital; gross working capital; net tangible; leverage; asymmetric
information; sargan test; generalised method of moment; dynamic OLS; fully modified OLS
JEL classification: M40; G30; G31; G32

1. Introduction
In recent years Indian economy has experienced tremendous growth. During 2014–2017, gross
domestic product (GDP) has remained quite high and there was a huge jump in the BSE and NSE
Sensex values. It was due to combined performance of the manufacturing and service sectors.
After 2014, Indian economy witnessed historical economic reforms. These reforms affected the
different sectors of the Indian economy in a significant manner. Demonetization in 2016 affected
the manufacturing and service sectors. In 2017, the implementation of Goods and Services Tax Act
also affected both these sectors. The present government has brought favorable policy to boost
the growth of various sectors. Recently in 2019, the government slashed the corporate tax rates.
These developments have encouraged researchers to explore different areas. Investigating the
determinants of working capital is one such area. The working capital influences the day to day
operation of the business. To maintain an optimum level of working capital to enhance the
performance of the business is certainly the prime concern of every company’s decision-makers.
Since we know that inadequate or excessive working capital are both dangerous for the company’s
financial health. Inadequate levels of working capital hinder day to day operations of the business
and excessive working capital creates idle funds. Every organization wants to avoid these two
situations. Every company wants to keep an adequate level of current assets to meet the expenses
of day to day operations. It is thus essential to investigate the key determinants of working capital
requirements. The present study tries to answer the following research questions: (1) what are the
key determinants of gross and networking capital after the historical economic reforms in India.
(2) How these determinants are helpful to management authorities for maintaining an optimum
level of working capital. To find the answer to these questions, the study is carried out using four
alternative techniques to identify the key determinants of working capital.

Liquidity always remains the prime concern for all the undertakings whether dealing with the
manufacturing or service sector. All the firms would like to maintain that level of liquidity which
will enable them to carry on day to day transactions smoothly. Usually, manufacturing companies
need more liquid assets as these companies have to incur various expenses in day to day basis.
Efficient management of liquid assets or current assets helps the firm to increase profitability and
sustain itself in the business world for a longer period of time. The problem of liquidity may put
obstacles for doing different types of business activities which results in a decline in productivity as
well as the performance of the business. Similarly, there should not be excessive working capital as
it remains idle and puts the burden on business which ultimately affects profitability. A firm’s net
working capital position influences its ability to obtain debt financing as many loan agreements
with financial institutions require a firm to maintain a minimum net working capital position
(McGuigan, Moyer, Rao, & Kretlow, 2012). The management of current assets is similar to that of
fixed assets in the sense that both affect return and risk. The management of fixed assets and
current assets differs in significant ways: First for managing fixed assets time plays a vital role, so
discounting and compounding techniques play a very important role in capital budgeting and

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Sharma et al., Cogent Economics & Finance (2020), 8: 1720893

a minor one in the management of current assets. The second: high level of current assets,
specifically cash strengthen the liquidity position of the company but also reduces the profitability
as excessive working capital result in idle capital. Third, the level of current assets and fixed assets
depends upon future sales, but only current assets can be adjusted due to fluctuation in sales in
the short run. (Pandey, 2007).

Working capital management should be more effective as it prevents the company from liquidity
crises and also affects profitability, solvency position, and survival of the company (Mukhopadhyay,
2004). Effective working capital management depends upon the planning and controlling of
current assets and current liabilities. As it is the most important factor responsible for the
elimination of the risk of failure to meet short term obligations and additionally to avoid excessive
investment in the assets (Eljelly, 2004). Working capital mainly manages the optimal difference
between its components i.e. cash, receivables, payables and inventory, etc which is the cause of
the success of any business (Filbeck & Krueger, 2005).

The developing economies generally face the problem of underutilization of resources. While
fixed capital and working capital are both contributors to the total capital of the developing
country, working capital makes utilization of the production capacity generated by the fixed assets
possible (Vijayakumar & Venkatachalam, 1996).

2. Background and hypothesis development

An organization is required to maintain a certain level of working capital. This is also required for
taking loans from financial institutions. Organizations focus on inventory management for improv-
ing their working capital performance. This helps them in reducing the working capital investment.
There are several factors that impact working capital management (Wasiuzzaman & Arumugam,
2013). Working capital management is done by monitoring the current assets and current liabil-
ities of the organization (Atseye, Ugwu, & Takon, 2015). This is required for the proper functioning
of daily operations and maintaining sufficient cash flow. Working capital investments should be
kept minimum otherwise they decrease the profitability of the organization (Manoori &
Muhammad, 2012). It is the responsibility of managers to maintain an optimum level of working
capital in order to minimize risks (Atseye et al., 2015). The literature review has been arranged as
per the different determinates used in the present study.

2.1. Leverage
Working capital has a negative relationship with leverage. An organization opts for external
financing when it does not have sufficient internal financing. An organization with more debt
has less working capital (Atseye et al., 2015; Salawu & Alao, 2014). The organization has less
money for day-to-day operations when it has to pay debts. In such a scenario, the organization is
expected to utilize the working capital in an efficient manner. Thus, organizations with high debt
ratios are cautious about working capital (Wasiuzzaman & Arumugam, 2013).

In the present study, leverage has been measured through the debt to equity (D/E) ratio. It is
expected that leverage (LEV) has a negative relationship with both types of working capital used in
the current study i.e., gross working capital and net working capital. Alternative Hypothesis (H1a):
Leverage has a significant negative influence on the level of working capital.

2.2. Growth opportunities

There are contradictory arguments regarding the relationship between working capital and the
growth of an organization. There are studies that demonstrate a positive relationship between sales
growth and working capital (Manoori & Muhammad, 2012; Wasiuzzaman & Arumugam, 2013). An
organization that expects growth in sales will increase its level of inventory and short-term invest-
ments. This will lead to an increase in working capital. Thus, growth in sales leads to increased working
capital (Wasiuzzaman & Arumugam, 2013). This positive relationship between working capital and
sales growth was also observed in a study related to Nigerian manufacturing firms (Salawu & Alao,

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Sharma et al., Cogent Economics & Finance (2020), 8: 1720893

2014). But, several studies have also established a negative relationship between the revenue growth
rate of an organization and working capital (Wasiuzzaman & Arumugam, 2013).

Revenue growth has been used as the proxy of immediate investment or growth opportunities
for the selected companies used in the study. The same measure was also used by(D’Mello,
Krishnaswami, & Larkin, 2008). Revenue for the current period or t period has been divided by
revenue of the previous period i.e., t-1 period. Then, the natural logarithm of the calculated value
has been taken to find the revenue growth rate of BSE listed 150 companies including BSE Sensex
30 companies. There is an absolute consensus regarding the type of relationship of revenue
growth rate with two different types of working capital measures used in the present research.
An alternative hypothesis has been built in the following way:

Hypothesis (H2a): Growth opportunity has a significant impact on the level of Working capital.

2.3. Asymmetric information

It is difficult for less transparent organizations to obtain external financing. Information asymme-
try is lower for organizations with more tangible assets. Organizations with higher information
asymmetry have to focus more on internal resources. There is a negative relationship between
information asymmetry and working capital. Thus, organizations with a high level of asymmetric
information have lower working capital (Wasiuzzaman & Arumugam, 2013).

Hill, Kelly, and Highfield (2010) measure asymmetric information as the book-to-market ratio
(MTB), especially in connection with the long-term investment opportunities of a firm. In the
present study, the same measure has been used as a proxy of asymmetric information. In the
present study, the market value of equity has been calculated by taking closing prices with BSE at
the end of the respective financial year. On the other handbook, the value of equity has been
calculated by taking all total assets except fictitious assets of the respective financial year and
subtracting all long term debt and current liabilities. Then, market to book value (MTB) has been
calculated by dividing the market value of equity by book value of equity. From the above
discussion and study, it is expected that asymmetric information may have a negative impact
on the working capital of the firm. Accordingly, an alternative hypothesis has been formulated:

Hypothesis (H3a): The level of asymmetric information has a negative impact on the future
working capital requirement of the firm.

2.4. Nature of business

The nature of business is an important determinate of working capital. The future requirement of
working capital in firms may differ as per the nature of the business. In the BSE Sensex, there is
a combination of two types of companies that companies belonging to the manufacturing sector
and service sector. In the present study, for quantifying the nature of business dummy variables
have been used as 1 has been assigned to manufacturing companies and 0 to service sector
companies. The working capital management differs from industry to industry. In this way, the
nature of the business may be addressed as one of the determinants of working capital. A simple
comparison of the service industry and manufacturing industry can clarify the point. In the service
industry, there is no inventory and therefore, one big component of working capital is already
avoided. So, the nature of the industry is a factor in determining the working capital requirement
(Efinance Management, 2018) It is expected that the nature of business has a negative impact on
the future requirements of BSE listed companies (Banerjee, 2017).

Hypothesis (H4a): The nature of business has a negative influence on the future requirements of
working capital in BSE listed companies.

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2.5. Size or capital market access

In comparison to small organizations, large organizations have better access to capital. Large
organizations have better growth opportunities and require more money for their daily operations.
But they are better at cash management. Thus, a negative relationship has been observed
between working capital and the size of the organization. Larger organizations can afford to invest
less money in working capital (Manoori & Muhammad, 2012; Wasiuzzaman & Arumugam, 2013).
Small organizations require higher working capital as they are more vulnerable to risk (Bereznicka,
2014). But, a study conducted in Nigeria established a positive relationship between working
capital and the size of the organization. This is because large organizations can make working
capital investments due to plenty of financing alternatives (Salawu & Alao, 2014).

Hypothesis (H5a): Size or Capital Market Access has a positive impact on the future working
capital requirement.

2.6. Asset tangibility

A negative relationship is expected between working capital and asset tangibility. Limited financial
resources are available which have to be invested wisely. Organizations choose to invest in areas that
offer high returns. Organizations prefer making long term investments thus reducing working capital
investment (Wasiuzzaman & Arumugam, 2013). Assets tangibility has been measured by the ratio of
net fixed assets to the total value of assets during the study period of selected BSE listed companies.
Banos-Caballero, Teruel, and Martínez (2010) used this variable to predict working capital but they
observed that the effect of tangibility on working capital investment is not clear.

Hypothesis (H6a): Asset Tangibility has a negative impact on the future working capital require-
ment of the firm.

2.7. Revenue volatility

Revenue volatility is associated with sales volatility. It becomes difficult to forecast revenue
generation due to sales volatility. This financial parameter is an indicator of operating risk.
Organizations with greater revenue volatility tend to invest less money in working capital. Thus,
a negative relationship is observed between revenue/sales volatility and working capital invest-
ment (Wasiuzzaman & Arumugam, 2013). Hill et al. (2010) find varied results for the relationship
between working capital requirements and revenue volatility based on past literature. They argue
that with higher revenue volatility, or high deviations in demand, coming up with the optimal level
of inventory may be difficult and so to be on the safe side, firms could increase inventory levels.

Hypothesis (H7a): Revenue Volatility has a negative impact on the future working capital require-
ment of the firm.

2.8. Profitability
Profitability has a significant impact on working capital. Organizations with high profitability are
likely to invest more in working capital due to the availability of cash. Thus, there is a positive
relationship between working capital investment and profitability of the organization (Manoori &
Muhammad, 2012; Wasiuzzaman & Arumugam, 2013). Whereas, a study conducted in Athens
established a negative relationship between profitability and working capital (Atseye et al., 2015).
High profitability helps firms strongly to bargain with both vendors and customers, and firms can
use these competitive advantages to improve their liquidity (Petersen & Rajan, 1997; Shin &
Soenen, 1998). Profitability has a significant positive impact on working capital requirements.
More investment in working capital means more sources engaged and make more opportunity
cost for firms (Deloof, 2003).In the present study return on common equity (ROCE) has been used
to measure the profitability of selected organizations.

Hypothesis (H8a): Profitability has a positive influence on the future requirements of working
capital in BSE listed companies.

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2.9. Operating cash flow

Operating cash flow has a significant impact on working capital. Organizations with better operating
cash flow tend to increase their working capital investment (Atseye et al., 2015; Wasiuzzaman &
Arumugam, 2013). On the contrary, some researchers believe that operating cash flow has a negative
relationship with working capital. Better cash flow results in reduced working capital investment
(Manoori & Muhammad, 2012). Appuhami (2008) and Chiou, Cheng, and Wu (2006) explored the
significant negative relationship between operating cash flows (OCFA) and working capital require-
ments. But other researchers did not find any statistically significant relationship between working
capital and operating cash flows (Al Taleb, AL-Zoued, & AL-Shubiri, 2010; Nazir & Afza, 2008).

Hypothesis (H9a): Operating cash flow has a significant (positive or negative) influence on the
future requirements of working capital in BSE listed companies.

2.10. Board characteristics or board size

A study of 192 companies in Malaysia established that the board characteristics (board size and
board independence) do not have a significant impact on working capital investment. This may be
due to the fact that board members do not make decisions regarding working capital. Also, the
decisions made by the board members on significant issues do not impact working capital invest-
ments (Wasiuzzaman & Arumugam, 2013).

Hypothesis (H10a): Board Characteristics or Board Size has a significant influence on the future
requirements of working capital in BSE listed companies.

2.11. Economic conditions

A study conducted in Singapore found that GDP has a negative impact on working capital investment
(Manoori & Muhammad, 2012). On the contrary, a study conducted in Nigeria established a positive
relationship between working capital and GDP (Salawu & Alao, 2014). During the recession, the
organizations may choose to invest more in working capital for the smooth functioning of day-to-
day operations. But some researchers have a different point of view. They argue that economic
conditions have a negative impact on working capital investments. The organizations reduce working
capital investments due to financial constraints during the recession. They believe that working capital
investments increase during economic growth (Wasiuzzaman & Arumugam, 2013).

Hypothesis (H11a): Economic conditions significantly affect the future requirements of working
capital in BSE listed companies.

3. Objectives of the study

The following are the main objectives of the study:

O1: To identify the determinants of gross working capital requirements of selected BSE listed

O2: To identify the determinants of net working capital requirements of selected BSE listed

O3: To provide useful suggestions to the board of directors companies for forecasting working
capital requirements and to arrive at an optimum level of working capital.

4. Research methods
The present study is an empirical analysis of determinants of working capital of the top 150 BSE
listed companies including BSE Sensex 30 companies using the most recent available data. There
are around 5000 companies listed with the Bombay Stock Exchange at the time of the study.
A sample of 150 companies has been taken as these companies are top-performing companies
and these companies represent the entire economy as well as different industries. These

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companies engaged in diverse business viz., banking and finance, FMCG, power and infrastructure,
telecommunication, refinery, pharmaceuticals, Information technology, etc. For arriving at good
analysis and an adequate number of observations for the study more recent data have been taken
off the last 9 years. Secondary data related to selected companies have been taken from the
financial statements available at the prowess database of the Centre for Monitoring Indian
Economy (CMIE). Data have been collected for the last nine years i.e., from 2009 to 2017.
Selected companies have age either 15 years or more when data was retrieved from the above-
mentioned sources. In the present paper eleven exogenous and two endogenous variables (NWC
and GWC) are used. These exogenous and endogenous variables are stated in Table A1. In the
present study, four different methods have been used to develop models to forecast the future
requirement of working capital of selected companies. The first method is the ordinary least square
method (OLS). The paper employs two cointegration techniques (FMOLS and DOLS) and generalized
method of moment (GMM). We consider alternative methods of panel data estimation to check
whether the findings from the methods are consistent and justify the relevance of the findings
from the earlier studies. Before applying cointegration techniques (FMOLS and DOLS), it is manda-
tory to check that data series of every endogenous and exogenous variables should be stationary.
There is also a second essential condition that there should be cointegration in the model which is
supposed to be developed using FMOLS and DOLS. To check stationary of data series, three
different unit root tests have been applied viz., ADF (Dickey & Fuller, 1979), PP (Philips & Perron,
1988) and KPSS (Kwiatkowski, Phillips, Schmidt, & Shin, 1992). These tests have been applied
without constant (none) and trend (T), with constant and constant and trend (C and T).
Johansen cointegration unrestricted rank test is performed by taking the criteria of trace value
and maximum Eigenvalue. After meeting these two conditions, FMOLS and DOLS have been
applied to develop models to forecast future requirements of net working capital and gross
working capital. The determinants observed in this study can be utilized to know the future
working capital requirement selected BSE listed companies. But the interpretation can be made
for the whole set of Indian companies listed with BSE. The measures of working capital have been
identified from the studies conducted across the globe. At the initial stage, the various determi-
nants of working capital are pulled from the previous studies conducted around the world.
Consequently, OLS, cointegration tests (FMOLS, DOLS) and GMM are employed to determine
whether there exists a relationship between the multiple explanatory variables. Regression equa-
tions are formed to develop the models using firm-specific determinants and Eviews10 software
has been used to obtain the results of four different methods.

4.1. Ordinary least square vs cointegration tests

Dynamic OLS and fully modified OLS are better than ordinary least square methods due to
a number of reasons. First OLS estimates are super-consistent, but the t-statistic obtained without
stationary are only approximately normal. Even though, OLS is super-consistent, in the presence of
a large finite sample bias’ the convergence of OLS can be low in finite samples.

Second OLS estimates may suffer from heteroskedasticity autocorrelation since the omitted
dynamics are captured by the residual so that inference using the normal tables will not be valid -
even asymptotically. Therefore, “t” statistics for the estimates OLS estimates are useless.

Dynamic and fully modified OLS take care endogeneity by adding the leads and lags (DOLS). In
addition, white heteroskedastic standard errors are used. FMOLS does the same using
a nonparametric approach (Arize, John, & Ghosh, 2015) and (Arize, Thomas, & Slottje, 2000).

Both the cointegration tests DOLS and FMOLS are proffered over OLS estimator as they take into
consideration small sample bias and endogeneity bias by using leads and lags of the first-differenced
regressors. However, the parametric DOLS is prioritized over nonparametric FMOLS. As the later
imposes additional conditions that all the variables should be integrated of the same order [i.e., I
(1)] and that the regressors themselves should not be cointegrated (Masih & Masih, 1996).

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4.1.1. Equations for OLS, FMOLS and DOLS

(a) NWC = α+ β1 (Nature of Business) + β2(Growth) + β3(Profitability) + β4(Size)+ β5(Assets
Tangibility) + β6(Leverage) + β7(Revenue Volatility)+ β8(Operating Cash Flows)+ β9(Board
Size)+ β10(Asymmetric Information)+ β11(Economic Condition)+e

(b) GWC = α+ β1 (Nature of Business) + β2(Growth) + β3(Profitability) + β4(Size)+ β5(Assets

Tangibility) + β6(Leverage) + β7(Revenue Volatility)+ β8(Operating Cash Flows)+ β9(Board
Size)+ β10(Asymmetric Information)+ β11(Economic Condition)+e

In the above equations α is the intercept, β1 to β16 are the slope of different exogenous
variable and e is the error term in the models

4.2. Generalised method of moments

Hansen (1982) first introduced the generalized method of moments (GMM). GMM is one of the main
statistical tools for the analysis of economic and financial data. GMM can be applied cross-
sectional data, time-series data, and panel data analysis Generalized Method of Moments (GMM)
is an estimation procedure that allows economic models to be specified while avoiding often
unwanted or unnecessary assumptions, such as specifying a particular distribution for the errors.

This method requires that a certain number of moment conditions are to be specified for
developing a model using GMM. These moment conditions are functions of the model parameters
and the data, such that their expectation is zero at the parameters’ true values. The GMM method
then minimizes a certain norm of the sample averages of the moment conditions. The GMM
estimators are known to be consistent, asymptotically normal, and efficient in the class of all
estimators that do not use any extra information aside from that contained in the moment
conditions. The specification we use for this purpose for the two models takes the following
general form:

NWCit = α0 + f (NWCit−1, it, Age it, BOD Size it, Price Earning Patio it, Size it, Profitability(ROCE) it,
Leverage it, Growth it, Revenue Volatility it, operating cash Flow it, Tangibility, it)+ ni +nt +εit

GWCit = α0 + f (GWCit−1, it, Age it, BOD Size it, Price Earning Patio it, Size it, Profitability(ROCE) it,
Leverage it, Growth it, Revenue Volatility it, operating cash Flow it, Tangibility, it)+ ni +nt +εit

Where NWCit and GWCit are the net working capital and gross working capital ratios of the firm
I in year t, ni is the unobserved firm-specific effects, nt is the time-specific effects and εit is the
error term. The remaining variables in the above equations are already used as explanatory
variables in the previous two methods of estimation except for the nature of the business. Due
to adding the lagged value of the dividend payout ratio as an exogenous variable in the model,
there was problem of multicollinearity due to the nature of the business which was taken as
a dummy predictor variable in the previous two models. Now, this variable has been removed as
the results of the GMM model were not coming due to the high level of multicollinearity.
Unobserved factors of the firm which may have a significant impact on a firm’s dividend payout
ratio are expressed as ni. nt expresses the effects of macroeconomic factors such as interest rate,
inflation, etc.

OLS estimation technique remained biased in the presence of firm-specific effects, by presuming
that ni is unobservable and there is covariance between predictors variables and unobserved
characteristics (ni) (Hsiao, 1985).In this situation, an instrumental variable estimation method
provides consistent results if the error term (εit) are serially uncorrelated. Taking the assumption
that error term serially uncorrelated, the generalized method of the moment is proposed by
Arellano and Bond (1991). GMM is the most efficient method in the class of instrumental variable
estimators (Honore & Hu, 2003). In the present study, the two-step GMM estimation has been

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used. It is observed by many previous studies that two-step GMM is more efficient than the one-
step estimation when the disturbances are expected to show heteroscedasticity in large sample
data with a relatively long time period (Arellano & Bond, 1991; Blundell & Bond, 1998).

However, the effectiveness of GMM estimation depends upon certain assumptions that lagged
value of the dependent variable and other predictors’ variables should be valid instruments and
error terms of model do not exhibit autocorrelation. For this purpose, Arellano and Bond (1991)
proposed three tests. The first is to test that there is not first-order serial correlation or auto-
correlation of the error term of the proposed model. Under the null hypothesis of no serial
correlation, the test statistic is distributed as a standard normal. Second is to check that there
should not be second-order autocorrelation of the error term of the GMM model, which is dis-
tributed as a standard normal under the null hypothesis of no serial correlation. The third is the
Sargan (1958) test or J statistics of over-identifying restrictions. This tests the validity of the
instruments and is asymptotically distributed as Chi-square under the null of instrument validity.

5. Analysis and interpretation

The descriptive statistics of all eleven explanatory and two endogenous variables (GWC and NWC)
are presented in Table A2. The mean value of the proportion of gross and networking capital (GWC
NWC) to total assets has remained 0.57 and 0.07 respectively during the study period. The
standard deviation of these two measures of working capital is quite high which reflects high
volatility in the gross and networking capital of selected companies. Specifically the case of NWC,
volatility is quite high.

The average board of directors (BOD size) of selected BSE listed companies has remained 11 with
a standard deviation of 2.90. The average GDP of the country has remained 0.07 or 7% with
a standard deviation of 0.01 or 1%. It shows much consistency in terms of the economic growth of
the Indian economy. Growth could be an important indicator to predict future working capital
requirements of selected organizations. Growth, as measured through the natural logarithm of
revenue of selected BSE companies, has remained quite high i.e., 0.12 or 12% with very high
standard deviation. Leverage, as measured through total debt/total assets, is 0.33 but it also
shows high dispersion as revealed from standard deviation. For studying the nature of the busi-
ness, dummy variables have been used (Where 1 for manufacturing and 0 for service Sector
Company) average score of nature of the business is 1 and the standard of deviation is 0.48.
Operating Cash Flow (OCFA) has mean value 0.20 and the standard deviation is quite high (1.01).
Market to book value (MTB) has an average score of 5.64 with a high standard deviation. Revenue
volatility (REVVOL) as measured through the coefficient of variation of net sales of the rolling
period of 4 years has an average value of 0.21 with a standard deviation of 0.11. The average
return on common equity (ROCE) is quite high (22.29 %) of selected BSE listed companies with
a high standard deviation. The size of the firm as measured through the natural log of total assets
is 10.56 with a low standard deviation. Assets tangibility (TANG) as measured by net fixed assets to
total assets (NFATA) has a mean value of 0.28 of selected BSE listed companies with high volatility
as revealed from high standard deviation.

According to (Malhotra & Dash, 2009) to test the assumption of a normal distribution, Skewness
should be within the range ±1 and Kurtosis value should be within range ±3. Some people use ±2
range of Kurtosis.

Further, the most widely used method, at least in econometrics, that has been suggested and
used for testing whether the distribution underlying a sample is normal is the (Bowman & Shenton,
1975) statistic, which subsequently was derived by Bera and Jarque as the Lagrangian Multiplier
(LM) test against the Pearson family distributions. For that reason, the JB test is also referred to as
the Jarque-Bera test (Bera & Jarque, 1982; Bowman & Shenton, 1975; Jarque & Bera, 1987;
Shenton & Bowman, 1977). The JB statistic has an asymptotic chi-square distribution with two
degrees of freedom. The JB test is simple to compute and its power has proved comparable to

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other powerful tests. It turns out that this test statistic can be compared with a χ2 (chi-square)
distribution with 2 degrees of freedom. The null hypothesis of normality is rejected if the calculated
test statistic exceeds a critical value from the χ2 (2 degrees) distribution. JB test statistic is much
greater than 5.99 of all dependent and independent variables (chi-square table value at 2 degrees
of freedom), that the null hypothesis of normality is rejected and data series is not normal as per
JB statistics. The Jarque-Bera test statistic of all variables exceeds the critical values for any
reasonable significance level to lead to the conclusion that data series of different variables do
not follow a normal distribution.

Table A3 reports the correlation coefficients of variables and VIF coefficients. There are two
alternative measures of working capital which have not been correlated. The correlation coeffi-
cient between these variables is 0.24. The variance inflation factor (VIF) coefficient is the indicator
of the existence of multicollinearity between explanatory variables. Among the explanatory vari-
ables, SIZE is highly correlated with leverage (correlation coefficient is 0.72), similarly, MTB is also
showing a high correlation with ROCE i.e., 0.68. On the other hand nature of business (NOB) is
showing a high negative correlation with leverage (−0.57) and size demonstrate a high inverse
correlation with MTB.Size also depicts a high inverse correlation with tangibility (correlation
coefficient is −0.51). One measure of working capital (GWC) is highly correlated with ROCE
(correlation coefficient is 0.43. Whereas, another measure of working capital (NWC) is showing
a high negative correlation with TANG. Other explanatory measures Viz., BOD Size, GDP, OCFA, and
REEVOL are minimum correlated with other explanatory variables as well as with two measures of
working capital. VIF tests reveal that the value corresponding to each explanatory variable is less
than 10, which indicates that multicollinearity is not a serious problem here. Multicollinearity is
a serious problem if the value of the variance inflation factor (VIF) is greater than 10 (Nachane,

5.1. Unit root test (ADF and PP)

The unit root test is carried out by using (Dickey and Fuller, 1979) or ADF, (Philips and Perron, 1988)
or PP and (Kwiatkowski et al., 1992) or KPSS techniques

The following hypotheses are set up for ADF and PP.

H0: There is a unit root for series.

H1: There is no unit root for the series. The series is stationary

5.1.1. Unit root test (KPSS)

The unit root test is done by KPSS by setting hypothesis as:

H0: The Series is stationary.

H1: The Series is not stationary.

The unit root tests (ADF and PP) for data series for dependent and independent variables have
been conducted in three different ways i.e., without intercept and linear trend (without C and T),
with intercept or constant (with C) and with both trend and intercept/constant (with C and T).

Table A4 reports the results of the unit root test of ADF, PP, and KPSS. According to ADF and PP
tests, the data series of all explanatory variables and two dependent variables are found to be
stationary at level. T statics of two endogenous variables and eleven exogenous variables are
shown in Table A4 accompanied by p-value in parenthesis. Since p-value < 0.05, so the null
hypothesis is rejected. It reports that data series are stationary for two dependent variables
(NWC and GWC). Without constant and trend using ADF test, BOD, GDP, Growth, NOB and size
are not stationary at a level as their associated p-value >0.05. Similarly, p values of t statistics of PP

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test of variables viz., BOD, GDP, and Size are greater than 0.05 at without constant and trend. But
with constant as well as constant and a trend p-value of all the exogenous variables are less than
0.05. It means that data series of all these variables are stationary at level.

According to the KPSS test, data series are assumed to be stationary if the null hypothesis is
accepted or LM statistics of KPSS test are less than the critical value. In this test, critical values at
a 5 % significance level are shown in the parenthesis. Data series of dependent variables (NWC and
GWC) are found to be stationary, as the associted critical values (0.46300 and 0.1460) are quite
higher than the actual calculated value of LM statistics as depicted in Table A5. Similarly, critically
values at a 5% significance level are also higher than the calculated value of LM statistics of all
exogenous variables. It means that data series for all eleven exogenous variables are stationary at
level (Table A4).

5.2. Cointegration test

Johansen’s unrestricted cointegration rank test is performed for model 1 (NWC). According to trace
value criteria as shown in Table A5 there are eight cointegration equations out of eleven equations.
In all cointegration equations, the calculated value of trace statistics is higher than the critical
value at a 5 % significance level and p-value < 0.05. The trace values of first seven equations are
742.4614, 486.5950, 349.0122, 262.3885, 202.1680, 155.1471, 111.0497, 72.12307, 17.82775 and
8.542550 respectively. All these trace values are higher than the critical value at a 5% significance
level. It denotes the rejection of the null hypothesis and acceptance of the alternative hypothesis.
It means there is a cointegration in model 1 (NWC).

Johansen’s unrestricted cointegration rank test is also performed using the criteria of maximum
Eigenvalue for model-1 (NWC). According to Eigenvalue criteria as depicted in Table A5 there are
four cointegration equations. As maximum Eigenvalue statistics is greater the critical value at 0.05
level and p-value < 0.05. The maximum Eigen statistics of the first three equations are 137.5828,
86.62373, and 60.22047 respectively which is greater than the critical value at a 5 % significance
level. The equation 11 is also showing significant value as its p-value < 0.05. These equations
denote the rejection of the null hypothesis and acceptance of the alternative hypothesis. It means
there is cointegration in model 1 (NWC) as per maximum Eigenvalue criteria (Table A5).

Johansen cointegration rank test is also performed for model 2 (GWC) using criteria of trace
value and maximum Eigenvalue. According to trace value criteria as depicted in Table A6, all
eleven cointegration equations have calculated value greater than the critical value and p-value
< 0.05. These cointegration equations have trace value 680.5220, 423.7147, 305.1810, 225.5563,
167.0569, 121.3377, 83.10222, 52.98266, 32.23084 and 8.132066 respectively. These equations
reflect the rejection of the null hypothesis at the 0.05 level and acceptance of the alternate
hypothesis. It means there is a cointegration in model 2 (Table A6).

According to maximum Eigenvalue criteria (Table A6) for the model −2 (GWC), the four coin-
tegration equations are found significant at a 5% level. As maximum Eigenvalue statistics is
greater the critical value and p-value < 0.05. The maximum Eigen statistics of the first four
equations are 256.8072, 118.5338, 79.62470 and 58.49943 respectively. These equations reflect
the rejection of the null hypothesis and the acceptance of the alternative hypothesis. It means
there is also cointegration in model 2 (Table A6).

5.3. Results of OLS, FMOLS, and DOLS

Table A7 reports the significant determinants of networking capital (NWC) obtained through three
different methods i.e., ordinary least square, fully modified OLS (FMOLS) and dynamic OLS (DOLS).
According to OLS, there are five determinants of networking capital Viz., board size (BOD), leverage
(LEV), nature of business (NOB), market to book value and assets tangibility (TANG). All these
variables have t statistics greater than 1.96 and p-value < 0.05. All these variables are predictors of
future requirements of networking capital (NWC) and showing a negative association with net

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working capital. It means due to an increase or decrease in these variables there will opposite
change in net working capital. T statistics of leverage (8.078) are highest followed by tangibility
(−6.677) and nature of business (−3.717). The constant or intercept is also found significant in OLS
as t statistics are 7.945 and p-value < 0.05.

According to FMOLS, there are only three significant predictors of the requirement of networking
capital which are also found significant in OLS viz., leverage (LEV), nature of business (NOB) and
tangibility (TANG). The t statistics of these variables are −4.1292, −2.1108 and −3.8899 respectively.
Just like the previous method, these variables show a negative relationship with net working
capital. This method validates the results of OLS.

The dynamic ordinary least square (DOLS) method reflects only two significant variables in Table
A6, which are also observed significantly in the previous two methods (OLS and FMOLS). These
variables are leverage (LEV) and tangibility (TANG). The t statistics of these variables are −3.3739
and −3.2429 respectively. Since p values < 0.05, so both these variables are significant as per DOLS.

R square reflects the percentage of variance as properly explained by all significant variables of
net working capital. In the case of OLS, all five significant variables explain 30.8 % percent of the
variance of net working capital. In fully modified OLS (FMOLS) and dynamic OLS (DOLS), R square
values are 0.2930 and 0.3816 respectively. It means that FMOLS and DOLS explain 29.30% and
38.16 % of the variance of the dependent variable (net working capital). The minimum difference
between R square and adjusted R square validates the results of all the methods used to develop
models to forecast future requirements of net working capital. Durbin Watson ratio reflects that
there is no problem of autocorrelation in the case of the OLS method as this value is greater than
1.50. Anova value (24.916) is also found significant in OLS technique as p-value < 0.05 (Table A6).

Table A8 reports the significant exogenous variables of gross working capital (GWC) obtained
from three different methods Viz., OLS, and FMOLS and DOLS. OLS method has found five major
determinants of gross working capital of BSE listed Indian companies viz., board size (BOD), return
on common equity (ROCE), nature of business (NOB), size and tangibility (TANG). All these variables
have t statistics > 1.96 and p-value < 0.05. All these variables are significant as per the OLS
method. Return on common equity (ROCE) and board size (BOD) have a positive coefficient value
which reflects the positive association with gross working capital. The remaining three significant
determinants (NOB, SIZE, and TANG) demonstrate a negative relationship with gross working
capital. Constant is also found significant in the ordinary least square (OLS) method with
t statistics 4.916 and p value< 0.05.

FMOLS method demonstrates six determinants to forecast future requirements of the gross
working capital of BSE listed companies. These determinants are board size (BOD), nature of
business (NOB), operating cash flows (OCFA), market to book value (MTB), return on common
equity (ROCE) and tangibility (TANG). All these variables have t statistics > 1.96 and a p-value of
less than 0.05. ROCE, MTB, and BOD are showing a positive relationship with gross working capital
and the other three variables (OCFA, TANG and NOB) are showing a negative association with GWC.

Four significant variables are obtained in the dynamic OLS (DOLS) method. All these variables are
also significant in the previous two methods. These variables are the nature of business (NOB),
operating cash flows (OCFA), return on common equity (ROCE) and tangibility (TANG). Only ROCE is
showing a positive impact on gross working capital and the remaining three significant variables
are negatively related to GWC.

R square represents the total variance explained of the dependent variable (GWC) by all
significant explanatory variables together. In OLS and FMOLS, the total variance explained of
gross working capital by all exogenous variables is 33.9% and 33.81% respectively. In the dynamic
OLS (DOLS) method, the total variance explained (42.8%) is quite high as compare to the previous

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two methods. In all the models, the difference between R square and adjusted R square is less
than 0.05 which further authenticates the validity of these models to predict the future require-
ment of gross working capital (GWC). Durbin Watson’s ratio reflects that there is no problem with
autocorrelation in the case of the OLS method as this value is 1.3465. Anova value (23.968) is also
significant in the case of the OLS technique as a p-value < 0.05 (Table A8).

5.4. Results of generalized method of moments (GMM) estimation

Table A9 reports the results of the GMM estimation for two alternative models specified of Eq. 1
and 2 using the alternative measures of working capital. The lagged working capital ratio found
significant at one percent level for both models along with other explanatory variables. So both
models meet the first condition as proposed by (Arellano & Bond, 1991).

In model one (NWC), other explanatory variables which are also found significant at 1 percent level are
GDP, the price-earnings ratio (P/E) and tangibility (Tang). Age and leverage are also found significant at
the 10 percent level. In model two (GWC) along with lagged gross working capital ratio, age, and board
size, operating cash flow (OCFA), market to book value ratio (P/B), return on common equity (ROCE),
leverage and size are also found significant at 1 percent level. The price-earnings ratio is significant at 5%
level. In model one, lagged net working capital ratio, price-earnings ratio and leverage are showing
a positive association with net working capital. Other significant variables have a negative association
with the dependent variable (NWC). In model two related to gross working capital, five variables are
showing positive relationship endogenous variable (GWC ratio). The remaining variables are showing
a negative relationship with the dependent variable. In both the models on age are showing a similar
relationship, the rest of the significant variable has an opposite association in both the models. It is
because of that in both models dependent variables are not the same. The first model is related to
networking capital ratio and second deals with the gross working capital ratio.

In both the models, values of the Surgan test or J statistics are 20.20069 and 19.81940 respectively.
Null hypothesis means that instruments are valid and they are uncorrelated with residual

So, we accept the absence of correlation between instruments and residuals and instruments
are valid. The validity of instruments is proven by the Sargan test with respective p-values 0.2640
and 0.2042, which are higher than the significance level of 5%. Results of this indicate that
instruments are valid and instruments and error terms are uncorrelated. Serial correlation as
calculated for the first order is found significant at 10 % (P < 0.10) level for NWC, but not for
model two (GWC). For both the models, the serial correlation calculated by Arellano and Bond
(1991) method is showing a negative value. But second-order correlation accepting the null
hypothesis and showing positive values in both the models.

The tests of serial correlation of Arellano and Bond (1991) should show that the first order
statistic is statistically significant, whereas the second-order statistic is not, which is what we
would expect if the model error terms are serial uncorrelated in levels. In our study, the first-order
serial correlation is statically significant for the first model at a 5% level and second-order serial
correlation is not statistically significant. But in model two, first and second-order serial correlation
is not statistically significant.

Table A10 reports the acceptance and rejection of a hypothesis using four alternative methods
of estimation. Leverage (H1) is a strong predictor of networking capital as revealed from the four
alternative methods of estimation. Hypothesis (H4) is also accepted all the alternative methods
that the Nature of business has a negative influence on the future requirements of working capital
in BSE listed companies. According to the hypothesis (H8), profitability can also be strongly
recommended as a predictor of the future requirement of gross working capital, as it is found to
be significant in all the methods. Hypothesis (H10) is accepted that Board characteristics or Board
Size have a significant influence on the future requirements of working capital in BSE listed
companies. Hypothesis (H6) strongly recommended as an explanatory variable to predict the future

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requirement of the working capital of Indian companies, as it is found significant in four alternative
techniques. Hypothesis (H3) is partially accepted that the level of asymmetric information has
a negative impact on the future working capital requirement of the firm. It is found to be
significant, according to OLS and FMOLS. Similarly, hypothesis (H5) is also partially accepted that
size or Capital Market Access has a positive impact on the future working capital requirement.
According to GMM technique, hypothesis (H12) is accepted the lagged value of the dependent
variable (NWC and GWC) positively affect the future requirement of Working Capital.

6. Discussion of results of OLS, FMOLS, DOLS and GMM

The study conducted by (Akinlo, 2012a; Chiou et al., 2006; Nyeadi, Sare & Aawaar, 2019Singh & Kumar,
2017; Wasiuzzaman & Arumugam, 2013) observed that leverage is inversely related to working capital
requirements.The results of present study similar to these studies. Study observed that assets tangibility
has inverse relation with working capital. The similar findings are observed by (Fazzari & Petersen, 1993;
Kieschnich, LaPlante, & Moussawi, 2006; Singh & Kumar, 2017) The Board size has also been founds
significant variable showing negative association with working capital. The similar results are also
observed by (Moussawi, LaPlante, Kieschnick, & Baranchuk, 2006). On other side Zariyawati, Taufiq,
Annuar, and Sazali (2010) found insignificant relationships between leverage and assets tangibility
variables for the Malaysian case. Our study shows the positive association between working capital
and profitability (ROCE). There are numerious studies who have also found the similar findings (Atseye
et al., 2015; Azami & Tabar, 2016; Azeem & Marsap 2015; Banos Caballero, Garcı´a-Teruel, & Martı´nez-
Solano, 2010; Shin & Soenen, 1998; Chiou et al., 2006; Fatimatuzzahra & Kusumastuti, 2016; Nyeadi,
Sare, & Aawaar, 2019; Petersen & Rajan, 1997; Singh & Kumar, 2017; Wasiuzzaman & Arumugam, 2013).
The our observed size of firm is inversely associated with working capital. However, (Chiou et al., 2006;
Fatimatuzzahra & Kusumastuti, 2016; Kieschnich et al., 2006) stated that the requirement of working
capital increased with size. So there is a positive relationship between size and working capital. The study
conducted by (Wasiuzzaman & Arumugam, 2013; Sare, Yakubu and Aawaar, 2019) found that require-
ment of working capital declines as the size of business increases. The current study shows that
operating cash flows (OCFA) negative association with working. The study conducted (Wasiuzzaman &
Arumugam, 2013) also arrived with similar findings. Contrary (Fazzari & Petersen, 1993; Hill et al., 2010;
Myers & Majluf, 1984; Wasiuzzaman & Arumugam, 2013) disclosed that working capital requirement
(WCR) positively related to the operating cash flow.

7. Conclusion
The study is carried out to explore the determinants of the gross and networking of BSE listed
companies. Four alternative methods (OLS, FMOLS DOLS, and GMM) are chosen to develop models
and to identify the significant variables affecting the working capital of selected companies. It is
intended to use four different methods so that results obtained from one method can be verified
from other methods. The first method OLS identified five significant variables to forecast the future
requirement of net working capital. These variables are board size (BOD), leverage (LEV), market
price to book value (MTB), nature of business (NOB) and asset tangibility. All these variables are
showing a negative relationship with net working capital.

It means that due to change (increase/decrease) in these variables, the net working capital (NWC)
will move in the opposite direction. The second method FMOLS method has obtained three significant
variables (nature of business, leverage and assets tangibility). These three predictor variables are
common with the previous method and also showing a negative relationship with net working capital.
So FMOLS, validate the results obtained from OLS. The third method DOLS has explored only two
significant variables (leverage and assets tangibility) to forecast future requirements of net working
capital (NWC). These variables are also found significant in the earlier two methods and showing
a negative association with net working capital (NWC). All these methods have also been used to
develop a model to forecast the gross working capital requirements of selected companies. The first
method of ordinary least square (OLS) has identified five predictors variables of gross working capital
Viz., return on common equity (ROCE), board size (BOD), size of the firm (SIZE, assets tangibility (TANG)
and nature of business (NOB). The two variables (ROCE and BOD) are showing a positive association

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with working capital and the remaining three variables (NOB, Size, and TANG) have shown a negative
relationship with gross working capital.

FMOLS has explored six significant determinants of gross working capital. Three variables (board
size, return on common equity and market to book value) out of them are showing a positive
impact on working capital. Three other variables (nature of the business, assets tangibility and
operating cash flows are depicting a negative relationship with gross working capital.

Out of these six variables, the four variables (nature of the business, return on common equity,
the board size, and assets tangibility) are also found significant in the previous method (OLS).
Dynamic OLS has explored four significant predictors’ variables of gross working capital viz., nature
of the business, operating cash flows, return on common equity and asset tangibility. These
variables are also significant as per fully modified OLS.

The results generalized methods of moments (GMM) are also similar to the previous three
methods. Determinants, as identified for networking capital by earlier three methods (OLS,
FMOLS, and DOLS), are supported by GMM except for few exceptions. Similarly, determinants, as
identified for gross capital requirement, are also observed the same in GMM. But there is an
addition of new determinants of GWC by using GMM. Now we can say that the findings of four
alternative methods of panel data estimation are consistent and justify the relevance of the
findings from the earlier studies with some new developments.

The study will have numerous benefits to policymakers specifically board of directors/mangers of
BSE listed companies. Board directors always want to maintain an optimum level of working
capital and want to avoid the inadequate and excessive working capital situation. As an inade-
quate flow of working capital put an obstacle in the day to day business operation and excessive
working capital creates idle funds. The different significant variables as discovered in this study
shall be useful to concerned authorities of the company for arriving at optimal working capital of
the company and providing maximum benefits to existing shareholders of the company.
Consequently, concerned authority will be able to utilize significant variables of the company in
such a way, so that they may be able to forecast future requirements of working capital of their
companies. The study has made recognized that any increase in profitability board size in Indian
companies will lead directly to increment in working capital in a firm while increase in leverage,
Size assets tangibility and operating cash flows will lead to a decrease in working capital if a firm.
The managers or policymakers will be benefitted by into account all the variables showing positive
or negative association while arriving optimum the optimum level of working capital so as to avoid
waste in firm operations. The study contributes significantly to existing body of knowledge. This
study has been carried by taking into account the historical economic reforms so it provides
complete new insight for forecasting the requirement of working to existing Indian firms.
Although this study is carried out by taking into account only 150 BSE listed firms but interpreta-
tion from this can be made for whole set of Indian firms as well as outside the India. This study will
provide new base to academician to explore further the determinants by taking into consideration
the similar situation of particular economy.

Funding Citation information

The authors received no direct funding for this research. Cite this article as: Determinants of behaviour of working
capital requirements of BSE listed companies: An empiri-
Author details cal study using co-integration techniques and generalised
Rakesh Kumar Sharma1 method of moments, Rakesh Kumar Sharma, Apurva
E-mail: Bakshi & Sheena Chhabra, Cogent Economics & Finance
Apurva Bakshi1 (2020), 8: 1720893.
Sheena Chhabra1 References
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Table A1. Measures & determinants of working capital

S.No Variable Measure Citation
1. Net working Current Assets—Current Akinlo (2012a), Wasiuzzaman and
capital Liabilities/Total Assets * Arumugam (2013), Singh and Kumar
100 (2017), Nyeadi et al. (2019)
2. Gross working Current Assets/Total
Capital Assets * 100
3. Nature of Business Dummy Variable- Akinlo (2012a), Onalapo and Sunday
(NOB) I for manufacturing (2015), Banerjee (2017), Efinance
companies and 0 for Management (2018)
4. Growth (GRW) Natural Logarithm of Nunn (1981), Akinlo (2012a), Kwenda
Revenue in t period/ and Holden (2014), D’Mello et al. (2008),
Revenue in the t-1 period Hill et al. (2010), Wasiuzzaman and
Arumugam (2013), Manoori and
Muhammad (2012), Salawu and Alao
(2014), Azeem and Marsap (2015),
Banos Caballero et al. (2010), Akinlo
(2012b), Atseye et al. (2015), Singh and
Kumar (2017), Nyeadi et al. (2019)
5. Profitability (ROCE) Return on Common Myers and Majluf (1984), Nazir, 2009;
Equity = Profit available to Abbadi and Abbadi (2012) Lyngstadaas
equity shareholders/ and Berg (2016), Onalapo and Sunday
Shareholders funds or net (2015), Shin and Soenen (1998),
worth Petersen and Rajan (1997), Deloof
(2003), Wasiuzzaman and Arumugam
(2013), Manoori and Muhammad
(2012), Azeem and Marsap (2015),
Atseye et al. (2015), Banos Caballero
et al. (2010), Fatimatuzzahra and
Kusumastuti (2016), Azami and Tabar
(2016), Singh and Kumar (2017), Nyeadi
et al. (2019)
6. Size Natural Log of Total Atseye et al. (2015), Olayinka (2012),
Assets Wasiuzzaman and Arumugam (2013),
Manoori and Muhammad (2012),
Bereznicka (2014), Salawu and Alao
(2014), Akinlo (2012a), Agyei, Oduro,
and Ansong (2013), Fatimatuzzahra and
Kusumastuti (2016), Lyngstadaas and
Berg (2016), Onalapo and Sunday
(2015), Mongrut, O’shee, Zavaleta, and
Zavaleta (2014), Nazir (2009)
7. Assets Tangibility Net Fixed Assets to Total Banos-Caballero et al. (2010),
(TANG Assets Wasiuzzaman and Arumugam (2013),
Shaista and Veeri (2013), Singh and
Kumar (2017).
8. Leverage (LEV) Total Debt/Total Assets Salawu and Alao (2014); Wasiuzzaman
and Arumugam (2013), Azeem and
Marsap (2015), Onalapo and Sunday
(2015), Banos Caballero et al. (2010),
Olayinka (2012), Abbadi and Abbadi
(2012), Agyei et al. (2013), Akinlo
(2012a), Elbadry (2018), Nazir (2009),
Onalapo and Sunday (2015), Azami and
Tabar (2016), Singh and Kumar (2017),
Nyeadi et al. (2019)


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Sharma et al., Cogent Economics & Finance (2020), 8: 1720893

S.No Variable Measure Citation

9. Revenue Volatility The coefficient of Wasiuzzaman and Arumugam (2013),
(REVVOL) variation of net sales of Hill et al. (2010), Shaista and Veeri
the rolling period of (2013)
4 years
10. Operating Cash Operating cash flow (OCF) Manoori and Muhammad (2012),
Flow is measured as the Appuhami (2008), Chiou et al. (2006), Al
(OCFA) earnings before interest Taleb et al. (2010), Nazir and Afza
and taxes (2008), Shaista and Veeri (2013),
(EBIT) plus depreciation Wasiuzzaman and Arumugam (2013),
and amortization minus Atseye et al. (2015), Azeem and Marsap
interest expenses, tax, (2015), Atseye et al. (2015), Singh and
and common dividends. Kumar (2017).
It is then scaled by
revenue at time t-1.
11. Board Size (BOD) Number of directors Wasiuzzaman and Arumugam (2013),
Shaista and Veeri (2013), Moussawi
et al. (2006)
12. Asymmetric The market Price to Book Hill et al. (2010), Wasiuzzaman and
Information Value Ratio Arumugam (2013), Shaista and Veeri
(P/B) (2013), Azami and Tabar (2016), Myers
and Majluf (1984)
13. Economic Gross domestic product Azami and Tabar (2016), Emmanuel
Condition (GDP) growth rate of India (2016), Manoori and Muhammad
(GDP) (2012), Atseye et al. (2015), Lamberson
(1995), Akinlo (2012a), Lyngstadaas and
Berg (2016), Olayinka, (2012), Nyeadi
et al. (2019)
Source: Author’s Compilations

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Table A2. Summary statistics for working capital and its determinants

Mean 0.07 0.57 11.93 0.07 0.12 0.33 0.63 0.20 5.64 0.21 22.29 10.56 0.28
Median 0.03 0.59 11.00 0.07 0.12 0.24 1.00 0.13 4.28 0.19 16.86 10.42 0.23
Sharma et al., Cogent Economics & Finance (2020), 8: 1720893

Maximum 0.88 2.43 22.00 0.10 1.04 0.89 1.00 7.47 50.71 0.70 142.01 14.80 1.00
Minimum −1.26 0.01 8.00 0.05 −0.85 - - −10.51 0.46 0.01 −38.18 6.91 0.00
Std. Dev. 0.31 0.33 2.90 0.01 0.15 0.32 0.48 1.01 5.55 0.11 21.69 1.64 0.23
Skewness 0.05 2.27 1.56 −0.61 −0.49 0.56 −0.55 −2.00 3.84 1.17 2.62 0.34 0.65
Kurtosis 4.05 14.10 5.71 3.01 13.02 1.82 1.31 62.07 24.41 5.49 12.84 2.59 2.80
Jarque-Bera 14.05 1,796.24 213.91 18.43 1,265.88 33.06 51.17 43,816.39 6,469.67 145.98 1,551.72 8.03 21.55
Probability 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.02 0.00
Sum 21.30 170.43 3,579.00 21.8 36.84 100.38 190.00 61.18 1,692.6 61.99 6,688.44 3,169.4 83.23
Sum Sq. Dev. 28.58 31.97 2,509.53 0.05 7.08 29.97 69.67 305.27 9,195.16 3.83 1,40,716.50 804.27 15.77
Observations 1350 1350 1350 1350 1350 1350 1350 1350 1350 1350 1350 1350 1350
Source: Author’s Calculations

Page 20 of 30
Table A3. Correlation coefficients between variables and VIF coefficients

NWC 1.00 0.24 −0.00 −0.04 −0.00 −0.15 −0.19 −0.05 −0.18 −0.06 −0.07 0.06 −0.36
GWC 0.24 1.00 0.09 0.00 0.03 −0.03 −0.19 −0.12 0.30 0.04 0.43 −0.07 −0.15
Sharma et al., Cogent Economics & Finance (2020), 8: 1720893

BODSIZE −0.00 0.09 1.00 0.02 −0.10 −0.13 0.24 0.06 −0.10 −0.12 −0.02 0.11 −0.23 1.360
GDP −0.04 0.00 0.02 1.00 0.01 0.03 0.01 0.01 0.04 0.09 −0.01 −0.02 −0.04 1.018
GROWTH −0.00 0.03 −0.10 0.01 1.00 0.14 −0.14 0.22 −0.05 0.34 −0.01 −0.00 −0.01 1.231
LEV −0.15 −0.03 −0.13 0.03 0.14 1.00 −0.57 −0.02 −0.35 0.32 −0.34 0.72 −0.34 2.753
NOB −0.19 −0.19 0.24 0.01 −0.14 −0.57 1.00 0.03 0.23 −0.24 0.15 −0.56 0.41 2.037
OCFA −0.05 −0.12 0.06 0.01 0.22 −0.02 0.03 1.00 −0.03 −0.02 −0.07 −0.01 −0.04 1.083
MTB −0.18 0.30 −0.10 0.04 −0.05 −0.35 0.23 −0.03 1.00 −0.06 0.68 −0.49 0.32 2.140
REVVOL −0.06 0.04 −0.12 0.09 0.34 0.32 −0.24 −0.02 −0.06 1.00 −0.11 0.06 −0.12 1.375
ROCE −0.07 0.43 −0.02 −0.01 −0.01 −0.34 0.15 −0.07 0.68 −0.11 1.00 −0.40 0.25 1.989
SIZE 0.06 −0.07 0.11 −0.02 −0.00 0.72 −0.56 −0.01 −0.49 0.06 −0.40 1.00 −0.51 2.989
TANG −0.36 −0.15 −0.23 −0.04 −0.01 −0.34 0.41 −0.04 0.32 −0.12 0.25 −0.51 1.00 1.570
Source: Author’s Calculations

Page 21 of 30
Table A4. Panel unit root tests for the level of the variables

Without −5.7601 −2.6495 −0.8713 0.0007 −1.7288 −3.3190 −1.7993 −10.7643 −3.3087 −2.3140 −3.8196 −0.7581 −2.8087
C&T (0.000) (0.008) (0.3379) (0.6821) (0.0795) (0.001) (0.068) (0.000) (0.001) (0.020) (0.000) 0.3873 (0.005)
Sharma et al., Cogent Economics & Finance (2020), 8: 1720893

With C −5.9478 −5.8769 −4.1596 −6.2911 −16.9742 −4.8144 −3.1515 −11.4767 −5.5427 −9.9599 −5.6541 −4.7484 −5.3560
(0.000) (0.000) (0.000) (0.000) (0.000) (0.000) (0.024) (0.000) (0.000) (0.000) (0.000) (0.000) (0.000)
With C & T −6.0113 −5.9369 −4.2388 −6.3456 −16.9598 −4.8119 −3.1740 −11.4951 −5.8074 −9.5848 −5.7984 −4.9386 −5.3454
(0.000) (0.000) (0.004) (0.000) (0.000) (0.000) (0.091) (0.000) (0.000) (0.000) (0.000) (0.000) (0.000)
Without −5.6055 −2.1428 −0.8727 −1.4982 −14.1810 −3.3983 −2.6948 −16.5331 −3.8694 −3.1375 −3.8196 −0.5257 −3.0558
C&T (0.000) (0.0311) (0.3373) (0.1255) (0.000) (0.000) (0.007) (0.000) (0.000) (0.000) (0.000) (0.4884) (0.002)
With C −5.8127 −5.4949 −4.5543 −28.1973 −16.9882 −4.9012 −4.4809 −17.1392 −5.9233 −8.3514 −5.8482 −4.8674 −5.5155
(0.000) (0.000) (0.000) (0.000) (0.000) (0.000) (0.000) (0.000) (0.000) (0.000) (0.000) (0.000) (0.000)
With C & T −5.8839 −5.4207 −4.5772 −29.1460 −16.9766 −4.8989 −4.5194 −17.2367 −6.1270 −8.3370 −5.7153 −5.1006 −5.5054
(0.000) (0.000) (0.001) (0.000) (0.000) (0.000) (0.001) (0.000) (0.000) (0.000) (0.000) (0.000) (0.000)
Source: Author’s Calculations

Page 22 of 30
Table A5. Model 1 (NWC) unrestricted cointegration rank test (trace value & maximum eigen value)
Hypothesized Trace 0.05 Max 0.05

No. of CE(s) Eigenvalue Statistic Critical Value Prob.** Eigenvalue Statistic Critical Value Prob.**
None * 0.579934 742.4614 334.9837 0.0000 0.579934 255.8664 76.57843 0.0001
At most 1 * 0.372733 486.5950 285.1425 0.0000 0.372733 137.5828 70.53513 0.0000
Sharma et al., Cogent Economics & Finance (2020), 8: 1720893

At most 2 * 0.254455 349.0122 239.2354 0.0000 0.254455 86.62373 64.50472 0.0001

At most 3 * 0.184649 262.3885 197.3709 0.0000 0.184649 60.22047 58.43354 0.0330
At most 4 * 0.147339 202.1680 159.5297 0.0000 0.147339 47.02088 52.36261 0.1591
At most 5 * 0.138847 155.1471 125.6154 0.0002 0.138847 44.09747 46.23142 0.0833
At most 6 * 0.123619 111.0497 95.75366 0.0029 0.123619 38.92660 40.07757 0.0670
At most 7 * 0.089981 72.12307 69.81889 0.0324 0.089981 27.81543 33.87687 0.2221
At most 8 0.049599 44.30764 47.85613 0.1037 0.049599 15.00688 27.58434 0.7477
At most 9 0.038145 29.30076 29.79707 0.0570 0.038145 11.47300 21.13162 0.6001
At most 10 * 0.030985 17.82775 15.49471 0.0219 0.030985 9.285204 14.26460 0.2632
At most 11 * 0.028543 8.542550 3.841466 0.0035 0.028543 8.542550 3.841466 0.0035
Source: Author’s Calculation

Page 23 of 30
Table A6. Model 2 (GWC) unrestricted cointegration rank test (trace value & maximum eigen value)
Hypothesized Eigenvalue Statistic Critical Value Prob.** Max-Eigen 0.05

No. of CE(s) Eigenvalue Statistic Critical Value Prob.** Eigenvalue Statistic Critical Value Prob.**
None * 0.581272 680.5220 285.1425 0.0000 0.581272 256.8072 70.53513 0.0001
At most 1 * 0.330892 423.7147 239.2354 0.0000 0.330892 118.5338 64.50472 0.0000
Sharma et al., Cogent Economics & Finance (2020), 8: 1720893

At most 2 * 0.236555 305.1810 197.3709 0.0000 0.236555 79.62470 58.43354 0.0001

At most 3 * 0.179879 225.5563 159.5297 0.0000 0.179879 58.49943 52.36261 0.0105
At most 4 * 0.143568 167.0569 125.6154 0.0000 0.143568 45.71917 46.23142 0.0567
At most 5 * 0.121564 121.3377 95.75366 0.0003 0.121564 38.23547 40.07757 0.0795
At most 6 * 0.097061 83.10222 69.81889 0.0030 0.097061 30.11956 33.87687 0.1317
At most 7 * 0.067928 52.98266 47.85613 0.0153 0.067928 20.75182 27.58434 0.2915
At most 8 * 0.048863 32.23084 29.79707 0.0257 0.048863 14.77873 21.13162 0.3047
At most 10 * 0.027190 8.132066 3.841466 0.0044 0.031100 9.320045 14.26460 0.2605
Source: Author’s Calculations

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Table A7. Determinants of net working capital as per OLS, FMOLS and DOLS

Explanatory variables Model-1 T Statistics Model-1 T Statistics Model-1 T Statistics


CONSTANT 0.686 7.945* 0.6759 1.7712*** 0.5677 0.92000

Sharma et al., Cogent Economics & Finance (2020), 8: 1720893

(0.00) (0.0776) (0.3584)

BOD SIZE −0.012 −2.102** — —


GDP — — — —

GROWTH — — — —

LEV −0.490 −8.078* − 0.5772 −4.1292* −0.5834 −3.3739*

(0.000) (0.000) (0.000)

NOB −0.156 −3.717* −0.1668 2.1108**

(0.000) (0.0356)

OCFA — — — —

MTB −0.010 −3.407* — —


REVVOL — — — —

ROCE — — — —

SIZE — — — —

TANG −0.534 −6.677* −0.5656 −3.8899* −0.5712 −3.2429*

(0.000) (0.000) (0.000)

R 0.546

R Square 0.308 0.2930 0.3816

Adj. R Square 0.286 0.2659 0.3081

Anova 24.916

Durbin Watson 1.596

Source: Authors calculation with Eviews

Source: Authors Calculations
Note: P value is presented in parentheses.

Page 25 of 30
* The coefficient is significant at 1 per cent level.
** The coefficient is significant at 5 per cent level.
*** The coefficient is significant at 10 per cent level.
Table A8. Determinants of gross working capital as per OLS, FMOLS and DOLS

Explanatory variables Model-2 T Statistics Model-2 T Statistics Model-2 T Statistics


CONSTANT 0.844 4.916* 0.5874 1.7880*** 0.6326 1.1674
Sharma et al., Cogent Economics & Finance (2020), 8: 1720893

(0.000) (0.0748) (0.2441)

BOD SIZE 0.016 2.642* 0.0199 2.1470** —– ———-
(0.009) (0.0326)
GDP — — — —

GROWTH — — — —

LEV — — — —

NOB −0.221 −4.945* −0.1993 −2.9298* −0.2013 −2.2724**

(0.000) (0.0037) (0.0239)
OCFA — — −0.0461 −1.9975** −0.1130 −2.1080**
(0.0492) (0.0360)
MTB — — 0.01222 2.0233**
REVVOL — — — —

ROCE 0.007 8.308* 0.00582 3.9117* 0.0061 2.6160*

(0.000) (0.000) (0.009)
SIZE −0.040 −2.951* — —
TANG −0.274 −3.229* −0.3325 −2.6561* −0.3139 −1.9823**
(0.001 (0.008) (0.0476)
R 0.574

R Square 0.339 0.3381 0.428

Adj. R Square 0.315 0.2919 0.378

ANOVA 23.968
Durbin Watson 1.3465

Source: Authors Calculations

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Note: P value is presented in parentheses.
* The coefficient is significant at 1 per cent level.
** The coefficient is significant at 5 per cent level.
*** The coefficient is significant at 10 per cent level.
Sharma et al., Cogent Economics & Finance (2020), 8: 1720893

Table A9. Two-step GMM estimation of the models

Explanatory Variables NWC (MODEL1) GWC (MODEL2)
(Constant) 0.385935** 0.27595***
(0.0111) (0.0762)
Δ NWC-1 & Δ GWC-1 0.5672* 0.80033*
(0.000) (0.000)
BOD Size −0.022455 0.02471*
(0.7344) (0.000)
GDP −1.62221* 0.02812
(0.000) (0.9452)
Growth 0.03813 −0.02791
(0.1524) (0.6546)
OCFA −0.00065 0.00984*
(0.8915) (0.000)
Profitability (ROCE) 0.00213* −0.00342**
(0.001) (0.0225)
Asymmetric Information −0.00042 0.012471*
(P/B) (0.5678) (0.000)
Leverage 0.20669*** −0.89822*
(0.0728) (0.000)
Revenue Volatility −0.07653 0.12346
(0.3993) (0.2955)
Tangibility −0.38101* 0.15899
(0.000) (0.1560)
Size −0.03361 0.16011*
(0.3286) (0.000)
Correlation1 −0.5558** −3.4675
(0.0444) (1.000)
Correlation 2 0.2896 0.4187
(0.1940) (1.000)
Sargan test or J Statistics (df) 20.20069 (1) 19.81940 (1)
(0.2640) (0.3430)
No. of Companies 150 150
Observations 1350 1350
Source: Author’s Calculation with Eviews
Note: P value is presented in parentheses.
* The coefficient is significant at 1 per cent level.
** The coefficient is significant at 5 per cent level.
*** The coefficient is significant at 10 per cent level.

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Table A10. Acceptance and rejection of hypothesis
S.No Hypothesis Acceptance or Rejection


Sharma et al., Cogent Economics & Finance (2020), 8: 1720893

Ha1 Leverage has a significant negative Accepted Rejected Accepted Rejected Accepted Rejected Accepted Accepted
influence on the level of working capital.
Ha2 Growth opportunity has a significant Rejected Rejected Rejected Rejected Rejected Rejected Rejected Rejected
impact on the level of Working capital.
Ha3 Level of asymmetric information has Accepted Rejected Rejected Accepted Rejected Rejected Rejected Rejected
negative impact on the future working
capital requirement of the firm.
Ha4 Nature of business has negative Accepted Accepted Accepted Accepted Rejected Accepted Rejected Accepted
influence on the future requirements of
working capital in BSE listed companies.
Ha5 Size or Capital Market Access has Rejected Accepted Rejected Rejected Rejected Rejected Rejected Accepted
positive impact on the future working
capital requirement.
H6a Asset Tangibility has negative impact on Accepted Accepted Accepted Accepted Accepted Accepted Accepted Rejected
the future working capital requirement
of the firm.
H7a Revenue Volatility has negative impact Rejected Rejected Rejected Rejected Rejected Rejected Rejected Rejected
on the future working capital
requirement of the firm.
H8a Profitability has positive influence on the Rejected Accepted Rejected Accepted Rejected Accepted Accepted Accepted
future requirements of working capital
in BSE listed companies.
H9a Operating cash flow has significant Rejected Rejected Rejected Accepted Rejected Accepted Rejected Accepted
influence (positive or negative) on the
future requirements of working capital
in BSE listed companies.


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Table A10. (Continued)
S.No Hypothesis Acceptance or Rejection


Sharma et al., Cogent Economics & Finance (2020), 8: 1720893

H10a Board Characteristics or Board Size has Accepted Accepted Rejected Accepted Rejected Rejected Rejected Accepted
significant influence on the future
requirements of working capital in BSE
listed companies.
H11a Economic conditions significantly affect Rejected Rejected Rejected Rejected Rejected Rejected Accepted Rejected
the future requirements of working
capital in BSE listed companies.
H12a Lagged value of dependent variable NA NA NA NA NA NA Accepted Accepted
(NWC and GWC) positively significantly
affect future requirement of working
Capital (Only for GMM)
Source: Author’s compilation

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Sharma et al., Cogent Economics & Finance (2020), 8: 1720893

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