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w to Build a Scalable Tiện ích tích hợp

Tự động hóa với Trello Enterprise

How to Build a Scalable

lication up to 1 Million Users
AWS Kết nối các ứng dụng nhóm bạn
Application up to 1 Million
on AWS
Mọi bảng Trello đều tích hợp tính Công cụ năng suất mà các nhóm
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ProTask 􀊫 Search

Overview Today
highest priority Weight: 4 highest priority Weight: 4 highest priority Weight: 4 some information...

Task 1: About software project Task 1: About software project Task 1: About software project

Jan 29th, 2022 00:00 Jan 29th, 2022 00:00 Jan 29th, 2022 00:00

highest priority Weight: 4 highest priority Weight: 4 highest priority Weight: 4

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Task 1: About software project Task 1: About software project Task 1: About software project

Jan 29th, 2022 00:00 Jan 29th, 2022 00:00 Jan 29th, 2022 00:00

Upcoming (November)

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20 21 22 23 34 25 26

highest priority Weight: 4 highest priority Weight: 4 highest priority Weight: 4

Task 1: About software project Task 1: About software project Task 1: About software project

Jan 29th, 2022 00:00 Jan 29th, 2022 00:00 Jan 29th, 2022 00:00

highest priority Weight: 4

Task 1: About software project

Jan 29th, 2022 00:00

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Project 1 Project 2

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Goal Completed From: dd/mm/yyyy
To: dd/mm/yyyy
In process
Project Manager: Abc XyzXyz
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44% done 12/30

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75% 25% 0%

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Goal Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

Sunday Monday

Project Task 1: Open

Task 1: End
Task 2: Open

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8 9 10 11 12 13 14

Task 2: End Task 3: Open

15 16 17 18 19 20 21

Task 3: End

22 23 24 25 26 27 28

ProTask 􀊫 Search

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An energentic week B
An energentic week

Project 1 75% 75%

Project 2
Section 1
Section 2
Section 3 Step 29th, 2023 10:15
Section 4 Step 23th, 2023 10:15

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An energentic week An energentic week

75% 75%

First_goal Target: 6/10
Mô tả: ...

Weight earned:
highest priority Weight: 3 highest priority
Task 1 Task 1
Step 29th, 2023 10:15 Step 29th, 2023 10:15

Start date: 00:00, September 25th, 2023

End date: 00:00, September 30th, 2023

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Project 1
Project 2 Nguyễn Hoàng Hữu Nhiên todolist 1 60%
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Section 2 Nguyễn Tiến Phát todolist 1
Section 3
Nguyễn Ngọc Quý todolist 2
Section 4

Bùi Đại Thành todolist 2 Name Project Weight Priority Process

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Define KPI Project 1 4 Highest Completed

Define KPI Project 2 3 Medium Completed

Define KPI Project 3 3 Medium Completed

Define KPI Project 4 2 Medium Inprocess

Define KPI Project 5 2 Medium Ready for inspection

ProTask Board Section Team
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A Section 1 edit assign B Section 2 assign
Project 1
Mô tả: this is my first section in
Mô tả: The primary objective of

Protask environmental pollution on aquatic

Project 2
Section 1 ecosystems in urban areas.

Section 2
Section 3 Step 29th, 2023 10:15
Step 29th, 2023 10:15
Section 4

Member: 4 Completed: 0/35 task Member: 4 Completed: 0/35 task

+ Add project

C Section 3 edit assign A Section 4 edit assign

Mô tả: this is my first section in

Mô tả: this is my first section in

Protask Protask

Step 29th, 2023 10:15 Step 29th, 2023 10:15

Member: 4 Completed: 0/35 task Member: 4 Completed: 0/35 task

ProTask 􀊫 Search

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Overview Sort

A Section 1 edit assign B Section 2 edit assign
Project 1 Mô tả: this is my first section in
Mô tả: The primary objective of

Protask environmental pollution on aquatic

Project 2
Section 1 ecosystems in urban areas.

Section 2
Section 3 Step 29th, 2023 10:15 Step 29th, 2023 10:15
Section 4

Member: 4 Completed: 0/35 task Member: 4 Completed: 0/35 task

+ Add project

C Section 3 edit assign A Section 4 edit assign

Mô tả: this is my first section in

Mô tả: this is my first section in

Protask Protask

Step 29th, 2023 10:15 Step 29th, 2023 10:15

Member: 4 Completed: 0/35 task Member: 4 Completed: 0/35 task

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Overview Filter Sort


Project 􀊫 􀊫 􀊫 􀊫
Project 1
Project 2 highest priority Weight: 4
highest priority Weight: 4 highest priority Weight: 4
highest priority Weight: 4

Section 1 Task 1: About software project Task 2:

Section 2 Task 1: About software project Task 1: About software project
Section 3
Section 4 Jan 29th, 2022 00:00
Jan 29th, 2022 00:00
Jan 29th, 2022 00:00 Jan 29th, 2022 00:00

+ Add project high priority Weight: 3

highest priority Weight: 4
Task 1: About software project
Task 3:

Jan 29th, 2022 00:00

Jan 29th, 2022 00:00

highest priority Weight: 4

Task 4: do something

Jan 29th, 2022 00:00

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􀊫 Search

Overview Filter Sort


Project 􀊫 􀊫 􀊫 􀊫
Project 1
Project 2 highest priority Weight: 4
high priority Weight: 3 highest priority Weight: 4
Section 1 Task 1: About software project
Section 2 Task 2: About software project Task 1: About software project
Section 3
Section 4
Jan 29th, 2022 00:00
Jan 29th, 2022 00:00 Jan 29th, 2022 00:00

+ Add project high priority Weight: 3

Task 2: About software project

Jan 29th, 2022 00:00

+ Add task

- X

Task 2 Edit Assign

To do Weight: 3 medium priority
Need complet
Mô tả Task 1 To do list
Task .. Hoàn chỉnh thiết kế giao
.. Task ..
... Task ..
diện Figma, CSDL và kiến
Task ... trúc hệ thốn
Tim hiểu và đề xuất công
nghệ sử dụng hiện thực hệ
Thành viên thống

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Write something for command...

Drag and drop or browse -

Start date: 00:00, September 25th, 2023

End date: 00:00, September 30th, 2023

- X

Task 2 Add to goal Edit

To do Weight: 3 medium priority
Need complet
Mô tả Task 1 To do list
Task .. Hoàn chỉnh thiết kế giao
.. Task ..
... Task ..
diện Figma, CSDL và kiến
Task ... trúc hệ thốn
Tim hiểu và đề xuất công
nghệ sử dụng hiện thực hệ

Đình kèm tệp

Write something for command...

Drag and drop or browse -

Start date: 00:00, September 25th, 2023

End date: 00:00, September 30th, 2023

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