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ECE 331 Control Systems | ~ Sem. 1 2009/2010 Page 2 of § Question One (a) Define the following terms with reference to control systems: (8) Control system = Mampas — Godhead Youle Ko (il) Feedback — (reukrnel $ pave Yt Crp Where (ii) Disturbance - gio “tha: affake to Sore (ie ae (euler AEX ey unc ¥ : Ge) Taput 8) i \cluech 6th Gof ea ee (b) State SIX advantages and TWO disadvantages of closed-loop systems (5 mks) (c) Reduce the system in Figure 1 to a single block and state its transfer function. (7 | GL) HI Sect Me 2 w f Figure 1: ‘. (Question Two {a) State and explain Mason's rule. (3 mks) (b) Draw a signal flow graph for the electrical network of Figure 2. Hence determine the transfer function v3/v using Mason’s rule. (9 mks) Fe (0) State FOUR different types of o eke wifes rape Question Three ggutrol systom models. (2 mks) (@) Steady state performance (ii) Transient state performance (3 mks) \ closed-loop transfer function given by Eat.(1). Calculate the following transient features assuming a step input of 2.7 volts, Wet, wey Pre Ge (@) the damping factor (¢), natural frequency (uy), and the damped frequency (1) (3 mks) (il) the 45% settling time, and the number of oscillations at £6% settling time; (3 mks) -&, (iii) the maximum overshoot; (1. mks) Mee ve aliy) the bandwidth; (1 mks) 474 C= Gwe 3 {fly/the closedtoop peak gain. (3 mks) we ¥ ae Be Ww 6 Gm mG Y Question Four (a) State and explain TWO undesirable characteristics of an unstable control system. (2 )} mks) Wigje* © GanPictvel? 5 o Snerait fellow (b) Respond to the following: (i) Ifa step function is applied at the input of a continuous control system and the output remains below a certain level for all time, is the system stable? Explain. (1 mks) (i) If 6 step function is applied at the input of « continuous control system and the output is of the form y = t, is the system stable or unstable? Explain. (1 mks) (c) Explain the following methods used in determining the stability of Linear Time Invari- ant (LPI) systems Fy aa ECE 381 Control Systems [ ~ Sem. (i) Routh criterion (2 mks) (i) Hurwitz criterion (2 mks) (a) The characteristic equation of @ given LTI system is given by Eat. (2 ) 68+? +6s+K =0 2) (i) What restrictions must be placed upon the parameter X in order to ensure that the system is stable? (5 mks) (ii) If K = 12.5 how many poles have positive real parts? (1 mks) Question Five (a) Define the terms stability and relative stability of a control system? (2 mks) 4 “e (b) Refer to the frequency response function of Eat.(3) F -0.1(s— 1) x GH(s) =a 3) ()= Fer aV(e+3) S) (@) Construct the asymptotic bode plots for the function (use the range between w= 10? and w = 10? rad/see). (ii) Determine the phase margin and the gain margin (12 mks) | Question Six va (a) Define the term mathematical model? (1 mks) (b) Explain the different ways in which a system model can be obtained when (i) the system components and structure is known; (ii) the system components and structure is unknown. (5 mks) 2a (c) A simple diagram of an armature controlled DC motor is given in Figure 3 For D simplicity, we assume the following approximations: the field eurrent is constant ie ag(t) = Ip; the magnetic flux will be constant i.e o(t) = Kyly = 6: Al = Show that the system transfer function is given by Eqt. (4). (8 mks) 5 (2) = iat) K wo Vals) ~ Sole + Re)(GIm + Bn) + Kiki where ee Vek Whe Ved i WR iby Weds 2G - - © = Nal! Alen 4 Bmw bo Yontrol Systems { - Sem. 1 2009/2010 tale) j Meer oh ea ee eee cnee glee ratte te YE) Bu St Figure 3: dm is the angular displacement, and Vz i the armature voltage; Ky = Knd, and Ky is the motor armature current constants Lg and R, are the armature inductance and resistance respectively; ‘Ja, Tm, and By are the motor inertia, torque, and friction constant respectively; Aj is the motor back em constant, and am is the angular velocity Question Seven | i (a) Define the term fresuency response of a system? (1 mks) i (0) Briefly explain the Nyquist stability criterion? State the advantages of this criterion | Compared to other methods of determining system stability? (6 mks) } (©) Sketch and label the Nyauist diagram and imvestian’s the stability for the system with the open-loop transfor funetion of Eat.(5)- (7 mks) GH) = YESH at i 6) J Aw 4 Bunton = Umbtr AE Ss inet tal § Ge = Tyelonkw Get hn bo Ty Flor Buk Cah) = et Leth Ging 40 608 10.08 20.48 20.46 Imaginary Axis Real Axis

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