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APEUni PTE Vocab List Visit www.apeuni.

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APEUni WFD Exam Vocab

1 sustainable 25 purchase

2 demand 26 word

3 factor 27 prosperity

4 literature 28 vulnerable

5 explore 29 technique

6 abstract 30 launch

7 during 31 electric

8 e ort 32 manufacturer

9 university 33 entirely

10 Budget 34 qualify

11 design 35 species

12 perception 36 presentation

13 ingredient 37 company

14 combine 38 nancial

15 agricultural 39 approach

16 industrial 40 reduce

17 broad 41 mainly

18 solar 42 toddler

19 scienti c 43 observe

20 critical 44 internal

21 capacity 45 allocate

22 innovation 46 substantial

23 contest 47 elephant

24 core 48 source

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49 necessarily 75 surprisingly

50 struggle 76 fossil

51 conclusion 77 posture

52 wave 78 likely

53 output 79 human

54 positive 80 speci c

55 potential 81 debate

56 hypothesis 82 recent

57 highlight 83 evidence

58 association 84 establish

59 postgraduate 85 propose

60 poverty 86 accept

61 strategy 87 publication

62 management 88 journal

63 day 89 mood

64 analysis 90 extent

65 preparation 91 judge

66 semester 92 rely

67 scope 93 focus

68 convince 94 external

69 measure 95 promote

70 union 96 negative

71 connection 97 despite

72 London 98 requirement

73 great 99 environment

74 career 100 resource

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101 limit 127 legislation

102 supply 128 de ne

103 operate 129 unite

104 professor 130 aid

105 faculty 131 comparison

106 travel 132 region

107 e ciency 133 obtain

108 represent 134 minimal

109 single 135 explanation

110 aspect 136 characteristic

111 loan 137 billion

112 workforce 138 statistics

113 participate 139 variable

114 gain 140 graph

115 series 141 select

116 type 142 statistical

117 quantitative 143 analyse

118 whereas 144 click

119 option 145 button

120 relatively 146 chief

121 temperature 147 executive

122 dangerous 148 balance

123 cannot 149 motivate

124 regulation 150 legal

125 vary 151 philosopher

126 employ 152 rational

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153 emotional 179 unlike

154 carefully 180 possession

155 scientist 181 originate

156 latest 182 revolution

157 function 183 skilled

158 logical 184 employer

159 tend 185 engage

160 global 186 appreciation

161 atmosphere 187 collection

162 trend 188 security

163 environmental 189 ow

164 concern 190 locate

165 worldwide 191 earth

166 greenhouse 192 climate

167 gas 193 reform

168 personnel 194 pace

169 datum 195 agree

170 male 196 conference

171 candidate 197 Republic

172 politics 198 jam

173 emission 199 structure

174 fuel 200 stage

175 urban 201 complex

176 trade 202 coastal

177 apply 203 contain

178 import 204 collapse

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205 device 231 competitive

206 digital 232 essential

207 assistant 233 quality

208 application 234 participant

209 commercial 235 track

210 provider 236 statistically

211 prove 237 signi cant

212 grade 238 Parliament

213 item 239 crown

214 content 240 crucial

215 secure 241 mar

216 mistake 242 occur

217 integrate 243 sea

218 argument 244 physical

219 historian 245 researcher

220 novelist 246 cell

221 sympathy 247 molecule

222 entertainment 248 bacteria

223 adapt 249 aim

224 bene t 250 a ect

225 successfully 251 tap

226 exam 252 current

227 concept 253 shift

228 currently 254 impact

229 increasingly 255 wildlife

230 relate 256 photograph

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257 prefer 283 publish

258 adopt 284 initial

259 lifestyle 285 maximum

260 reproduce 286 author

261 threat 287 switch

262 marine 288 strike

263 vital 289 signi cantly

264 port 290 pro t

265 exist 291 perspective

266 pollution 292 threaten

267 overlap 293 currency

268 economics 294 expert

269 demography 295 step

270 pure 296 economy

271 detail 297 sandwich

272 identify 298 layer

273 status 299 react

274 visual 300 oxygen

275 highly 301 tube

276 bias 302 rm

277 image 303 permit

278 accurate 304 schedule

279 habitat 305 involve

280 nearby 306 discourage

281 amount 307 redesign

282 agriculture 308 original

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309 audience 335 fully

310 organisation 336 various

311 democracy 337 criteria

312 technological 338 implement

313 journalism 339 thesis

314 site 340 destroy

315 update 341 feature

316 foreign 342 tradition

317 collaboration 343 fund

318 topic 344 account

319 neuroscience 345 ensure

320 stock 346 appropriate

321 recognise 347 con ict

322 demonstrate 348 advance

323 unique 349 Roman

324 durable 350 expand

325 creature 351 hire

326 throughout 352 gender

327 impossible 353 proactive

328 attempt 354 overlook

329 scale 355 charge

330 crisis 356 rate

331 su er 357 heat

332 loss 358 deposit

333 con dence 359 native

334 solution 360 renowned

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361 predominant 387 higher

362 expectation 388 chemical

363 engineer 389 acid

364 raw 390 stream

365 considerably 391 cultural

366 recommend 392 institution

367 prestigious 393 display

368 department 394 primarily

369 muscle 395 exotic

370 contract 396 captivity

371 major 397 approve

372 universe 398 category

373 tricky 399 normal

374 aware 400 associate

375 conceive 401 reception

376 plagiarism 402 disease

377 presidential 403 opportunity

378 vegan 404 employee

379 hour 405 bene cial

380 reset 406 e ective

381 tourism 407 experimental

382 overseas 408 strain

383 visitor 409 consume

384 theory 410 beyond

385 selection 411 assembly

386 individual 412 assessment

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413 academic 439 immunity

414 anxiety 440 constantly

415 adulthood 441 considerable

416 growth 442 compose

417 contribute 443 organ

418 harm 444 organism

419 consideration 445 fundamental

420 oor 446 transport

421 decrease 447 component

422 sophisticate 448 exclusive

423 reward 449 convert

424 per 450 dine

425 lifetime 451 artistic

426 carbon 452 income

427 respond 453 su cient

428 politician 454 psychology

429 mass 455 rapidly

430 range 456 historical

431 production 457 circumstance

432 compound 458 salt

433 lab 459 consequence

434 era 460 infrastructure

435 partnership 461 freshwater

436 critically 462 failure

437 colleague 463 participation

438 trigger 464 pathway

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465 underlie 491 extension

466 recovery 492 investor

467 stair 493 centre

468 automatically 494 identity

469 adjust 495 cruelty

470 sales 496 immediately

471 consumer 497 root

472 elderly 498 crop

473 assistance 499 lack

474 low 500 foundation

475 transform 501 acknowledge

476 harsh 502 secondary

477 invest 503 closely

478 multiple 504 mental

479 scholarship 505 assignment

480 intend 506 property

481 seek 507 nancially

482 ignore 508 unable

483 entire 509 steam

484 enrol 510 pursue

485 previously 511 consist

486 verify 512 gure

487 eligibility 513 behaviour

488 large 514 elevator

489 upgrade 515 catch

490 advise 516 ight

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517 le 543 gather

518 nal 544 recognition

519 distribute 545 generally

520 developer 546 distinguish

521 initially 547 personality

522 register 548 handle

523 tax 549 press

524 court 550 release

525 arrest 551 revise

526 con rm 552 mobility

527 astronomer 553 obesity

528 consultation 554 wreck

529 America 555 lecture

530 investment 556 edge

531 manufacture 557 attract

532 annual 558 package

533 dioxide 559 disagree

534 atom 560 interpret

535 access 561 curriculum

536 gap 562 elective

537 distant 563 psychologist

538 NASA 564 fee

539 hydrogen 565 apartment

540 extremely 566 attitude

541 castle 567 emphasis

542 happiness 568 Hong

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569 comprehensive 595 responsibility

570 interactive 596 undertake

571 reserve 597 mathematics

572 monitor 598 prominent

573 transmit 599 female

574 software 600 create

575 momentum 601 implementation

576 absolutely 602 desirable

577 majority 603 within

578 rural 604 driver

579 exception 605 movement

580 Norm 606 boundary

581 path 607 proportion

582 variety 608 evolution

583 extensive 609 greatly

584 awareness 610 massive

585 bay 611 enormous

586 investigate 612 applicant

587 authority 613 intimidate

588 theft 614 organic

589 counter 615 placement

590 misunderstand 616 equipment

591 experiment 617 arti cial

592 hang 618 commitment

593 undergraduate 619 inform

594 nance 620 directly

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621 diet 647 minute

622 extract 648 via

623 guest 649 vote

624 decline 650 election

625 feasible 651 construct

626 portion 652 timetable

627 disappear 653 mislead

628 seminar 654 optional

629 tutor 655 brief

630 leisure 656 web

631 safely 657 infect

632 outline 658 previous

633 consumption 659 outbreak

634 practical 660 automatic

635 accommodation 661 teller

636 exhibit 662 anatomy

637 gallery 663 Sydney

638 peer 664 breath

639 architecture 665 phase

640 sky 666 campus

641 acquire 667 registration

642 session 668 steadily

643 tutorial 669 anthropology

644 e-mail 670 correctly

645 section 671 cite

646 bus 672 audition

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673 lecturer 699 submit

674 familiar 700 leadership

675 facility 701 representative

676 tribe 702 mechanical

677 chapter 703 overwhelm

678 summary 704 supervisor

679 daily 705 committee

680 download 706 concise

681 ethical 707 bigotry

682 discount 708 residence

683 essay 709 printer

684 overcrowd 710 calculate

685 coursework 711 critic

686 accuracy 712 distance

687 reaction 713 regular

688 dilute 714 biology

689 reference 715 tough

690 appropriately 716 appointment

691 bibliography 717 immigration

692 underscore 718 contact

693 detection 719 optimism

694 solid 720 validate

695 identi cation 721 false

696 glad 722 formal

697 celebrate 723 sector

698 attendance 724 credit

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725 correlation 751 clinical

726 bookshop 752 deadline

727 weekday 753 cash

728 aw 754 indicate

729 pharmacy 755 reimbursement

730 thorough 756 receipt

731 imagination 757 phenomenon

732 dedicate 758 downloadable

733 vocabulary 759 editor

734 jargon 760 poetry

735 contradict 761 convention

736 entrance 762 guideline

737 module 763 rigorous

738 slide 764 comment

739 economist 765 controversy

740 handout 766 cafeteria

741 insu cient 767 accessible

742 intelligence 768 earn

743 archaeology 769 unclear

744 eldwork 770 relevant

745 numerous 771 mathematical

746 mentor 772 organise

747 additional 773 principle

748 discipline 774 frequent

749 prospective 775 severe

750 evaluation 776 philosophy

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777 equality 803 wildly

778 ought 804 mechanics

779 some time 805 fairly

780 conduct 806 vitamin

781 employment 807 Golden

782 sooner 808 appreciate

783 Oil 809 recommendation

784 motivation 810 treatment

785 architect 811 unsustainable

786 freedom 812 enterprise

787 combination 813 textile

788 gravity 814 commission

789 frequently 815 exceed

790 input 816 nutritional

791 journalist 817 nutrition

792 educator 818 rethink

793 planner 819 compute

794 extreme 820 linguistics

795 conquer 821 fellow

796 specialist 822 calculation

797 gadget 823 tropical

798 absorb 824 perfectly

799 insight 825 extend

800 quantum 826 protest

801 element 827 complaint

802 uncertainty 828 rail

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829 inhabitant 855 archaeologist

830 shelter 856 exceptional

831 grant 857 addition

832 inspire 858 sanitation

833 print 859 quantity

834 branch 860 paci c

835 musical 861 moisture

836 mixture 862 peculiar

837 feedback 863 accompany

838 drill 864 expansion

839 illustration 865 donation

840 concentrate 866 confuse

841 at 867 playground

842 monthly 868 expense

843 grateful 869 wage

844 cyclone 870 underwater

845 practise 871 cure

846 shelf 872 migration

847 recession 873 migrate

848 literacy 874 prevail

849 Calorie 875 bar

850 bury 876 stripe

851 stable 877 barn

852 technician 878 procedure

853 risky 879 construction

854 conductor 880 incorporate

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881 statement 907 edit

882 exploration 908 minimum

883 priority 909 correlate

884 renovation 910 autonomy

885 classical 911 smartphone

886 contemporary 912 atmospheric

887 erce 913 classify

888 ray 914 weed

889 observer 915 chart

890 evacuate 916 thrive

891 strictly 917 sorrow

892 witness 918 phenomenal

893 undergo 919 nitrogen

894 password 920 consciously

895 workshop 921 compulsory

896 cart 922 portray

897 instruct 923 regional

898 structural 924 comprise

899 unemployment 925 accelerate

900 illustrate 926 experience

901 contribution 927 excursion

902 counterpart 928 dynamics

903 globally 929 observation

904 pose 930 geographical

905 acceptable 931 logic

906 continuous 932 vocational

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933 audit 959 extraordinarily

934 vacuum 960 quali cation

935 accumulation 961 likelihood

936 underground 962 fashion

937 disability 963 labour

938 forecast 964 artefact

939 accountant 965 globalisation

940 laundry 966 deliver

941 airport 967 geological

942 microscope 968 utilise

943 doctoral 969 a ordable

944 submission 970 buyer

945 anonymous 971 disposable

946 mineral 972 actively

947 certi cate 973 conservative

948 bookstore 974 statue

949 aquatic 975 enquiry

950 laptop 976 instrumental

951 tense 977 dependant

952 bilingual 978 midday

953 humidity 979 emphasise

954 dissertation 980 biotechnology

955 athletic 981 fertiliser

956 excellence 982 extrapolate

957 mature 983 founder

958 in ation 984 Arab

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985 commence 1011 accommodate

986 protective 1012 uency

987 container 1013 eradicate

988 inventor 1014 antibiotic

989 elaborate 1015 designer

990 cosmetic 1016 philosophical

991 de nitive 1017 plight

992 formally 1018 legume

993 visually 1019 metabolic

994 stakeholder 1020 intertwine

995 gym 1021 obey

996 syllabus 1022 limitation

997 carbohydrate 1023 foremost

998 progressively 1024 underestimate

999 urbanisation 1025 fourteenth

1000 agenda 1026 generous

1001 dip 1027 exempt

1002 Greece 1028 education

1003 insurance 1029 playlist

1004 thief 1030 highlighter

1005 vitality 1031 interim

1006 consensus 1032 lounge

1007 specialise 1033 architectural

1008 anticipate 1034 communicable

1009 experimentation 1035 accountancy

1010 concession 1036 aerial

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1037 promptly 1063 fatally

1038 inadequately 1064 eyewash

1039 unconsciously 1065 stressful

1040 unavoidable 1066 punctually

1041 adviser 1067 stipend

1042 mule 1068 Cambridge

1043 verbally 1069 child

1044 deduction 1070 internship

1045 logo 1071 toast

1046 reputable 1072 commissioner

1047 morbid 1073 approachable

1048 toxin 1074 enormously

1049 mutually 1075 insightful

1050 complementary 1076 poster

1051 forefront 1077 sociology

1052 principally 1078 synopsis

1053 nervously 1079 demure

1054 bate 1080 compositional

1055 intentioned 1081 estimation

1056 simplify 1082 world-renowned

1057 negotiable 1083 untapped

1058 monolithic 1084 constructive

1059 time-restricted 1085 lam

1060 mishap 1086 cooperation

1061 entrepreneurship 1087 reconciliation

1062 bene ciary 1088 catalogue

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1089 gown 1115 inconclusive

1090 commencement 1116 vie

1091 quiz 1117 librarian

1092 omit 1118 reproductive

1093 repetition 1119 equip

1094 strangely 1120 devolution

1095 spontaneously 1121 calculator

1096 cooperator 1122 worthy

1097 interconnection 1123 orchestra

1098 batch 1124 choir

1099 lea et 1125 extracurricular

1100 overlong 1126 sovereignty

1101 improper 1127 unsure

1102 hydrant 1128 ngerprint

1103 exit 1129 coverage

1104 collaborate 1130 projection

1105 allergic 1131 policy

1106 tomb 1132 guilty

1107 velocity 1133 ticket

1108 rationally 1134 team

1109 addiction 1135 feast

1110 demotion 1136 eventual

1111 liner 1137 secretary

1112 baseline 1138 automate

1113 stationery 1139 smoothly

1114 purity 1140 boredom

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1141 outdoors 1167 emirate

1142 foliage 1168 catchment

1143 outlet 1169 unwell

1144 systematic 1170 political

1145 criticise 1171 least

1146 traveller 1172 system

1147 harbour 1173 o er

1148 deepen 1174 discuss

1149 alumnus 1175 e ect

1150 cocoa 1176 nation

1151 southeastern 1177 drug

1152 incorrect 1178 economic

1153 city 1179 assess

1154 Rugby 1180 issue

1155 side 1181 parent

1156 goggle 1182 themselves

1157 refrigerator 1183 former

1158 authorise 1184 view

1159 con guration 1185 probably

1160 car 1186 canteen

1161 presenter 1187 rent

1162 ask 1188 advertize

1163 recollection 1189 advertizement

1164 continuously 1190 doubtful

1165 add 1191 guy

1166 dedication 1192 industrialise

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1193 partway

1194 moment

1195 send

1196 mathematic

1197 abidingly

1198 enrolment

1199 spaceship

1200 further

1201 overabundant

1202 o -road

1203 gorgeously

1204 homebuyer

1205 abidance

1206 Easter

1207 unattended

1208 organisational

1209 useable

1210 specialisation

1211 neurone

1212 premiss

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