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INTERNATIONAL BESTSELLING PHENOMENON TA ALCHEMIST A GRAPHIC NOVEL PAULO COELH® PAULO COELHO, born in Rio de Janeiro in are one of the bestselli and most influential aurhor in the world. The Aehemisz, the Pilgrimage, The Var. Brida, Veronika Decides to Die, i re A Eee Cra ELE aera ore Witch af Partabetta, and the or Stands Alane, others, have sold 115 million copies i than 160 countries. Vis 1a eae it the author online ac DANIEL SAMPERE, illustrator, was born in itt ee ears ete ey aren oe ee tocol Ce ee ra H rhe Priaeae ne ady for Moc in Spain. DEREK RUIZ, adapter, has been Bese inas tsar nd editor for the past ten In 2010 he cowrote the gra Pattee ts otetet the New York Times bestselling author D. Koontz'’s Fear Nothing. SEA LION BOOKS LLG, located in Ati Georgia, a newly established publist Petey eet house that speci: Prete certs) soiree urban fantasy, and young adult genres_ www. HarperCollinsPublishers eee eee ete Sern y er Gonzdlez ees UK £14,99 Magnificently illustrated and carefully reviewed by Paulo Coelho, The Alchemist: 4 Graphic Nove/lis a stanning interpretation of this international [Crore See strat se cto wees Ette his homeland in Spain to the Egypti n shepherd boy Santiago travels from preteens in scarch of a treasure buried in the Pyramids. eee ees eee eae ace cn Re inar tl Panties whom point Santiago in the direction of his CrsRe tment stay) who calls himself king, quest. No one knows what the treasure is, or Santiago will be able to surmount the obstacles along the way. But what starts out as journey to find worldly goods turns into a d Rares cts see ure found within_ Ss nee its first printing Te dichemise has been translated into seventy—one languages and sold forty million copies worldwide, establishing itsclf as a modern classic that will enchant and inspire readers for generations to come Beautifully rendered, The dichemist: 4 Graphic Pa a7 a must have for any collector's library. THE ALCHEMIST A GRAPHIC NOVEL TEE ALCHEMIST A GRAPHIC NOVEL PAULO COELHO HarperCollinsPublishers HarperCollins Publishers 77-85 Fulham Palace Road, Hammersmith, London We 8B www First published in the USA in 2010 by HarperOne, an imprint of HarperCollins Publishers This edition 2010 13579108642 © 2010 Paulo Coelho Paulo Coelho asserts the moral right to be identified as the author of this worl A catalogue record of chis book is available from the British Library ISBN 978-0-00-7.42520—0 Printed and bound in the United States of America Alll rights reserved. Ne part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the publishers. PAULO COELHO 30 Setembro 2010 It was an old dream-of mine to have The Alchemist as a graphic novel. I had received several proposals but none of them came anywhere near the classical vision I have if my mind for a graphic format. When I saw Sea Lion Books’ proposal however it took me less than half an hour to make my decision. And I must admit that I'am very thrilled that I had gone with my instinets to go with them instead of another. From the first page to\the last, I have been enthralled by the superior work from Sea Lion Books and kept on the edge of my seat. Santiago just seemed to spring to life right before my eyes, as well as all the other characters from The Alchemist. Iwas honored when David Dabel asked me if I would mind if the King of Salem could bear my resemblance. [had not foreseen that I would star in the graphic noyel, but it was a very pleasant surprise. To those who’ ve read The Alchemist novel before, you will soon discover the graphic novel does not lose theessence of the story at all, but in fact enhances upon it visually. If, however, you are a first time reader, I do hope you enjoy Santiago's journey. Thanks. Sincerely Yours, Paulo Coelho DANIEL SAMPERE When my manager told me if | would draw the graphic novel of The Alchemist, the first thing I thought was “The Alchemist?" there's no action on The Alchemist or super heroes! I've always drawn action comics. Then | started thinking, and I felt a lot of pressure. The Alchemist is one of the most important best sellers in history with million of fans, and | knew that it was going to be a really good challenge for me. When I started working on the pages, the magic of the book quickly invaded me, and I started enjoying drawing desert scenes, really beautiful landscapes. | think when you read the novel, you get a very relaxed feeling, it just calms you in a very good way and that was really difficult to transmit all those feelings on the Pages. | tried to create an art style that would transmit this sensation that the original book gave you It's been a really difficult and stressful experience too, but all the hard work | put into the pages were worth it. I'm very happy because | worked with a really great team, the inkers, and the colorists impressed me. The entire creative team did amazing work. The Alchemist talks about personal legends, and to follow your dreams. It is an invitation for everyone to fight for what you want in life without any fear. That's why I want to dedicate this book to my grandfather, because he was the person ‘who inspired me to be a comic book artist and the person who taught me, and encouraged me to fight to follow my dream. Without him, | would never have become an artist. To the memory of my grandpa, the best artist I've ever met Daniel Sampere Looel? a DEREK RUIZ if feels like only yesterday that David Dabel brought “The Alchemist” to my ettention. Up until that point | never heard of “The Alchemist” or its wonderful message, so reading it was very enlightening. You see, the book tells you that everything on the planet has a Personal Legend. A Personal Legend is what you 2iways wanted to accomplish in your life. You usually know what your Personal Legend is when you are younger, When you are younger you believe all your dreams can become a reality, because they can. Young people are usually described as fearless dreamers. | would rather be a dreamer than someone who just settles for what is easy in life. Since | was eight years old | have wanted to work in the comic book industry. Working in the comic industry and being successful at it has been my Personal Legend. | have had my ups and downs just like Santiago. There have been times where I've wanted to give it all up but my heart wouldn't let it. It would whisper to me that things will get better and all your struggles will pay off. Finally with Sea Lion Books | feel like I've reached = place where my dreams are finally going to be fulfilled and getting to the end of my Personal Legend is finally at hand. i want to dedicate this book to my mother and father for always telling me to follow my dreams because they will never let me down. | would also like to thank my family and friends for being very supportive while | was hard at work on @dapting this book. ‘You guys are the best! Finally | want to thank Paulo Coelho for writing this work of art that makes clear what we all should know about life. Never Give Up On Your Dreams. Derek Ruiz A Special Thank You Tor Paulo Coelho Ménica R. Antunes Gideon Weil Joaquin Garcia Giovani Kososki Dave Lanphear Silvia Ebens Gemma Capdevila Daniel Sampere Fernando Leon Romulo Soares and Lynx Studio Shon C, Bury and Xavi Marturet of Space Goat Productions Klebs Junior and Impacto Studio Nelson Cosentino De Oliveira Carlos Eduardo Jake Bilbao Ernst Dabel Sr. Jorge Correa Jr Mauricio Melo Troy Peteri Vitor ishimura Tony Kordos Andersen Garcia Kuo-Yu Liang Waki Josh Templeton Mehan IGF (Sunny Gho) Shefali Bill Tortolini Digikore izrael ‘The Aon ©asis Lt INTO CAKE... Wwe. Hap To ENTIRE | SEARCH FELIPE! " vOU ALWAYS \So Wake UP TRY TO SLEEP You must BE GETTING USED TO MY SCHEDULE, AMY FRIENDS THE MERCHANT WAS THE PROPRIETOR OF A Dey S000 SHOP, AND He ALWAYS DEMANDED THAT ThE SHEEP BE SHEARED IN WIS PRESENCE, 5O THAT HE WOULD & T plot iNOW eherceos AALS KNEW HOW AS WELL CATCH STOO: UP ON Some: TALKED FOR TWO HOURS, AND SHE TOLD Tit SHE CRS THE MERAORTS BX EER ANE WHERE EACH ee EVERYBODY WELL, IF YOU NOW GOW To READ, Wity Age you TUS REEP Him Warrins BOR THREE DAS. DT HAT COMeTHins ie HAD perereee eae TO LIVE IN ONE PLACE THe RAVEN Hal, His FaRaves Eve WOLb NEES BE THe SAME AGAIN. 7 ANA READY FOR YOU TO SueaR THOSE SLEEP FOR Me. THANK YOU 30 MUCH FoR THis WOOL, HERS 16 THE PAYMENT. mH THESE WONDERFUL suseP. AGAIN NEXT YEAR, T SHOULD Be IN NEEC OF MORE OF Tuts WONDEREUL weet. To WAKE ANY Decisions. Mayee THATS WitY THEY & ALWAYS STAY CLOSE: TO MAE. ONLY THINGS: THAT’ CONCERN, THEM ARE EOD: ANID WATER. T KNOW HOW To FIND THe PASTURES IN ANCALUSIA. THEY LL BE My FRIENDS. —< THE SAME Wit EN URS BETWEEN DAYLIGHT AND DUSK, AND My SHEEP NEVER READ BOOKS OF UNDERSTAND ME WHEN T TELL THEM ABOUT THE PLACES WE'VE BEEN. ARE CONTENT 50 LONG aS THEY WAVE FOOD AND WATER, ANID IN EXCHANGE THEY SIVE ME THEIR WOO THEIR COMPANY AND: ONCE IN A WHILE THEIR RABAT. YOU GUYS TRUST ME, SO MUCH so. YOUVE FERGOTTEN HOw To BECY ON YOUR OWN INSTINCTS, BECAUSE I LEAD YOU TO NGURISHMENT. IT WAS THERE: THAD My DREAM FOR JHE SECOND 7 “Houses aBouT May COMPANIONS, HEN T MEET. EROUANIT™ 7 ASAIN, WILE TELL BER LOW SIMPLE SHEPHERD LIKE ME CAME TO BE GATED. My PARENTS. WANTED ME To BE MORE THAN! JUST A FARMER. THES WANTED ME TO BS A PRIEST. ZATIEROES THE Seaniniary UNTIL T WAS SICTEEN. (TWAS A URES Oe SREAT PROS © FOR MY SIMPLE FARAA FANCY aN T SHOULD Have BEEN, HAPPY. SINCE CHILO 3 THOUSHT ING THE WORLD IMPORTANT 00 AND on A VISIT HOME TWO YEARS ASO, T TOLD nay FATHER 1 WANTED TO TRAVEL. THEY, COME IN SEAR: OE NES THEOUSH THIS VILLAGE, BLOND HAIR OF partic BUT B, Tie BeObLE Wino Le AT THAT: MY FATHER FEI SILENT. [TWEGAIT CINTIC THE NEXT Day THAT F KNEW WHAT HE THOUSHT emis eves, IT WAS A DESIRE STILE ALIVE, SHELTER. I WANTED IT To 8& YOUR INHERITANCE. Wav (lay 13 BEINN A LIPE AS A SHEPHERD. T HAVE SEEN A (eS “SUBDENLY) SHE TUBNED AND PLAGED HES HANDS ON ME, AND WE WERE TRANSPORTED..." BI ANT ONE A Ge THe Treas YOu FIND THIS IS Aa INTERPRETATION: YOU MUST SO Ta THE PYBAMICS, IN EGYPT. T HAVE NEVER. HEARD OF THEM, BUT Ie Fo WAS a CHILD WHO SHOWED THEM TO-YGU, THEY EXIST. THERE YOU WILL BIND A TREASURE SUAT WIE MAKE YOU A RICH MAN. THATS IT? TAA CERTAINLY GLAD THIS, SESSION IS. Be GAsy irs THE SIMPLE THINGS IN Line THAT ARE THE MOST EXTRAORDINARY. ONLY WISE MEN ARE MEANT Te UNDERSTAND THEA HOW Ana T SUPPOSED TO GET TO EGYPT? Tonty INTERPRET DREAM T DONT KNOW How TO RAKE THEM INTO A REALITY. iT bowt GET PAID, SA BOOK THAT Says TT DESCRIBES. ‘Guin PERSO! LEGEND. Many PLACES, BUT FF T COME FROM NE CE. FROM, WHAT BO YOU BO IN SALEMT. WELL, THEN, WE'VE SOT A PROBLEM TLcant You IF YOU" tt WRITTEN iy THE SAND OF THE PLAZA WERE THE NAMES OF Hie. FATHER AND MOTHER ALSO WRITTEN WAS THE MAME OF THE SEMINARY HE HAD ja MERCHAN EVEN THINGS HE HAD Nevers TOLO AMONE WERE WRITTEN IN THE WOULD A Ki TALK Wit EPLIERD? GUE PERSONAL LEGEND. lor APRAIG TO'OREAM, ANP To. YEARN FOR EVERYTHING THey WOULE LIKE TO SEE LAPPET TN THEIR LIVES, BUT, AS TIM SES A MYSTERIOUS FORCE BEGINS TO. CONVINCE THEM THAT IT WILL Be IMPOSSIBLE FOR THEM TO REALIZE THEIR PERSONAL LEGEND. MONE OF WHAT THE OLD Man) WAS GAING MADE MUCH SENSE TO THE BOr, | Burr HE WANTED TO BAW WetaT THE Myerenious Force oO REALIZE YouR, PERSONAL LEGEND. MAN WANTED TO TRAVEL, PF ernie UE bone ARE CAPASLE, AT ANY TIME: IN THEIR Lives, OF DOIN WHAT THEY Break HE SHOULD liave BECOME A ‘SHEPHERD, WELL, HE THOUSHT ABOUT THAT, SUT Bakers ARE MORE IMPORTANT PEOPLE THAN SHEPHERDS. BAKERS HAVE HOMES, SHEPHERDS SLEEP OUT INTHE OPEN. PARENTS WOULD RATHER SEE THEIR CHILDREN MARRY BAKERS THAN ‘SHEPHERDS, IN THE LONG: RUN, WHaT PEOPLE THINK ABOUT SHEPHERDS AND BAKERS BECOMES MORE IAABORTANIT FOR THEAA THAN THEIR OWN PERSONAL tesenos- Wwity ARE YOUTELUNG ME ALL THIET, Because YOU ABE TRYING TO REALIZE YOUR Personal CEGEND. AND YOU ARE AT THE POINT WHERE YOURE AND THATS WHEN YOU ALWAYS APPEAR ON! THE SCENE? NOT ALWAYS: in Tis: Wary, Bur T Always APPEAR IN ONE FORM OB ANOTHER, Sometimes APPEAR IN THE FORM OF a SOLUTION, OR A OOD IDEA, THERE ARE OTHER THINGS I DO, TSS, BUT MOST OF THE Time PEOPLE Dont ReAlize TE BONE THEM, "PEOPLE LEY EARLY iN THEI 5. WHAT 1S Hee BEAZON ae MAYBE THATS wey THEY SVE UP \ WF YOU START ONCE RE By PROMI \s UNGSVERED ay THE FORCE OF FLOWING WATER, Tis BURIED THE SANAE Tomaprow, AT THIS SAME THA BRING MEA TENTH ID TWILL ANY CASE, rs 6008 THaT youve EVERYTHING iN like HAs ‘A PRICE. THar is Mat THe ARRIORS OF THE CletT Tey To TWILL, TEE ONE oO) BREAD, Te rin DISTANCE. T Lave BEEN Sem Tole THe Moors Ye CAME TO OCCUPY “ALE Ge SPAIN. Tee Peder Dunes Te PEOBLE HERE NAMED [7 THE FATHER, Mey he ‘AND Tha WHEN YOU PLAY CARDS THE FIRST TIME, YOU ane MY FRIEND BOUSHT ALL THE ‘OTHER SHEEP IMWEDIATELY. J THaT He Leer FOR YOU. | THE BUTTERFLY TRIGSERED A MEMORY OF Bore. BATHE. Le omens, with, HeLs paso. P Yeu DONT FORS! EVERYTHING YOR ABOVE ALL else eollow BEND TO EQNCLUSION: MY_ONI CONCERN, Hours later Soa m Cur at WAgaton LOOKED Lt iGHOUT THE 7 Ber SE aS A TH TY SHEEP. 43 THE SUN BEGAN ITS PEPAGTURE, THE BOY WATCHED LINTH LEDER BELIND THE HOUSES THAT (REOUNDED THE PLAZA. 1S LOOKING THs FORWARD TO MORNING MEETING AG Ie T CAN LEARN TO. DO you ANT TO. WORK coR wi T CAN WORK REST OF TODAY. FLL EVEN WORK ALL NIGHT UNTIL DAWN, ANID TLL CLEAN EVERY BIECE OF CRYSTA\ IN YOUR SUGP. T NEED EVEN IF YOU GLEANED My GRYSTAL FOR AN ENTIRE YEAR, EVEN IF YOU EARNED A GOOD COMMISSION SELLING EVERY PIECE, YOU WOULD STILE HAVE 70 BORROW Tt TO EGYPT. I NEED. Te IFT CONTIN >A E Te TELL My Ee: i Before. WHY BI, YOU WANT TO SET TO we Have To \Z RESPOND. TO ON THEYRE TA PILE OF ONES. YOU _ COULD BUILD ONE iN YOUR YARD. tert Us FIVE OBLIGATION SATISEY DURING OUR LIVES. DAYS AsO, USAID THAT E Never GaeaMee ‘OF TRAVEL. DBE CHARITABLE TO THE POI WHATS THE FeTH TN oacigation iE EIETH ru OBLIGATION OF EVERY MUSLIN ALOT FARTHER AWAY THAN THE PYRAMICS. chaRee oF TH SHOP; RYSTALS ARE DELICATE THINGS. PA: j - ~ wel Suse ALL THE CH PILGRIMS TIME, HEADING Z 3 OT MOST Of FOR Mece, THE PEOPLE WERE POORER TAN T. THEY WOULD Lace He SYMBOL OF PLERU ON THE DOOR OF THEIR HOUSE: TH Wes ASE Eh LIVING i TANGIER BUYING E LEATHER. MECCA NIG pULe Have ED MY e WE CAN sUuSsT WAIT ONT We YOU GAN NEVER FIND A SOMETHING I DIDNT See BEFORE. EVERY BLESSING = WaNT AR TT leNORED Becomes A Grose I LiFe. ee UT YOU ARE OOK AT WEALTH BRR S US ao ™m © HAVE Never MONDEREUL: HAVE HEARD. il THE ORIENT TRADITIONAL THAN sriouen 12 BUY Raves A UNORED AND TWENTY fp Tua VOU NEED TO 6O O MECCA, WILL YOU 1VE_ME YOUR LESSING? T Ax PROUD OF YOu. MAKTUB. gut. HE DIDNT Say ANYTHING aBQUT BETTING ROBBED, OR OLD KING aI THAT WHEN You Want SOMETHING, THE UNIVERSE CONSrIRES TE HELP yeu ACHIEVE IT, 28 ABOUT, PEOPLE WHO KNOW WANT TQ REALIZE THEAA. TEs ose EE rene TES ee ert RE TE AS Bh SoS ee ie FEE eee EEE a 7 dae Bene BEES S GR STRANGE TO AAG, ANID IT 11a ANID UE HAD Forgot To MENTION THAT, WHEN You HAVE EXIOUSH MONEY To BUY A FLOCK LARGER THAN THE ONE YOU HAD BEFORE, YOU "SHOULD BUY fT. FROM, WHERE HE STOOD, WO THE THE THAT THE: AER OEANT HAIe THE BOY HAD WORKED FOR A YEAR TO MAKE & ONY TOS BACK TD SPAIN Al 1S FLOCK BLT MINUTE BY Mi THAT Wad BECOMING FRIENOS. T AM GOING: N'A JOURNEY To Bayer, may ALLAN BE wrt YOU. TREASUCE. FI nT FIND IT, CAN ALWAYS Go HOME, MAVBE CAN GO SEE THAT ERYSTAL SUPPLIER AND FIN OUT How MUCH IT COST To CROSS THe DESERT. SUT T HAVE A DREAM, AND T MET Wire A Tuer JUST ING DOESNT HAPPEN TO ANYONE. How FAR CAN EGYPT ACTURLLY Be WHERE ARE YOU BOUND? WHO TOLD You agouT Omen? EVERYTHING IN GRE IS aN TH IS a UNIVERSAL, Youre, in CUgK, YOU Two, THERES « CARAVAN LEAVING TORAY FOR AUEAYOURA, LOOKING FOR A TREASURE, THE cAgavAN BEGan TO move, ARD IT WAS IMPOSSIBt eae Wee Was Savi Hie TRUE Fo Bein whey everyTe COMBPLIC: 4 | ASPECTS HAD naape IMPRESSION ON THE BOY. \- His AL HIS: Nt ask THIS MAR! Wi4O IS APPROACHING. My FRIEND (OY vere Has TRAVELED MAND MONTHS TO MEET HAA. THE BOY WENT TO THE Werd eveey Day TO MEET ire BATIAA, DeN"T KNOW. WHEN THE WAR WILL END, AND THEN OTHER WOMEN ARE HAPPY BECAUSE THEY BELIEVE THEIR MEN MAY TAM A WOMAN, ARIE Fan pROUE OE TH HUSBAND NDER FREE as THE Wine Tear TAM LEARNING THE LANGUAGE OF THE WORLD, AND EVERYTHING Int THE WORLE IS BEGINNING TO Make SENSE TO ME, EVEN THE LISUT OF THE GRATEFUL TO BE IN TOVE. WHEN YOU. ARE IN LOVE, Thins Mace EVEN MORE SENSE. AN ARI THAD A Wisin T saw a VISION OF TWAS WATCHING THE HAWKS FIGEIT AND THEN THE VISION FLASHED TO ME, BO AND SPEAK TO THE TRIBAL CHIEFTAIN, TELL THEM ABOUT. THE ARMIES THAT ARE APPROACHING, THey ane MEN GF THe DESERT, THEY BELIEVE IN OMENS. THE MEN FELL INTO And ANIMATED. BISCUSEION. Tean, TELLYSU only Weaer'T Saw 1e vou BOUT FO BELIES You DON 7S RO ANY THING | TWO THOUSAND f YE08S BGO, INA DISTANT If ceuctee aad Se REMAN: gousHT THAT aN, ANE ROUSLT HMA To ESyPT. ALL OF US WHEN THE KieSeves, VW opasact never, Kiecelee, WV prebacr OnSAveee DREAMS ALSO = EERE APES give Jee, ae THOSE MABE THE NEUTRAL TERR Tory, BECAUS i Tomorrow, WE ARE GOINS TO WHO PARES. TO READ THE MEANING OF THE PUSHY OF THE Mawes? DARED TO MANY. LIVES. DO so. witl Be SAVED, BecaUse T WAS Abu TO Ste THROUGH TO THE SOUL OF THE WHY DID YOU READ THE FLIGHT OF THE eIRBE? I READ omy Wier THE BIRDS WANTED TS TELL ME THEY WANTED To SAVE THE TOMORROW ALL OF you Wie Ge, BeCatise THIER ARE MORE MEN AT THE Oasis THAN YOU HAVE. See Se Ren ee HE ALSO CREATED at