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Chapter 0

is the time when the lights of the residential buildings are dimmed and the
residents are asleep, but a certain road in Bangkok is alive.
Several large black cars drove over in an orderly manner at the speed allowed
by the law. Two of them were about to stop somewhere on the corner of the
street, but they were not going to stop on the side of the road or on the sidewalk.
They stopped separately in the middle of the road, leaving a distance of one lane
in the middle. Then the other cars also repeated the same operation.
When all the cars were lined up tightly and orderly, 10 strong men got out of the
cars and stood straight in front of their own cars, as if signaling that the "venue"
was ready for tonight's guests.
"Hey, P'Pakin is here~"
Shortly after the signal that the venue is ready for use, the sound of the motor
running at high speed broke through the air, announcing to the subordinates
that... the boss... is coming soon.
It didn't take long for the American-made Hennessey Venom GT super sports
car to appear in front of us at high speed and coolness. The metallic gray and
modern shape looked like a high-end pearl under the midnight firelight. This
luxurious, world's fastest just what Pakin has just added to his
personal collection. A toy that shows everyone who is the most powerful person
here. The appearance of the super sports car made everyone guarding the
entrance automatically open a road, allowing them to reach the center of the
venue at high speed.
Then... the luxury car made a 90-degree turn, the sound of brakes rang through
the sky, and finally stopped perfectly in the middle of the road in one go, and
then the owner of the car got out of the car under the gaze of everyone. Because
of the appearance of the man who just debuted, the atmosphere on the field has
undergone a huge change. The quiet late night is becoming hot with the calls of
speed lovers. Here comes the real devil in the downtown arena. The devil
himself is 185cm tall, handsome and evil-looking, with thick eyebrows, a
straight nose and piercing eyes. Just by looking at him, anyone will be scared to
kneel down. The neat short hair made this man even more handsome. Even if he
only wore brand-name jeans and a short-sleeved shirt, his tall figure did not
reduce his appearance, but on the contrary highlighted his charm. No matter
what kind of dress and hairstyle, it is difficult to hide the wildness in this man.
This male is not kind but charming wild.
"How?" The young man turned around and asked the cronies who arrived first.
"There's only the car left, and it's on the way." Pakin nodded at the answer of
Panachai's tall subordinate. Scanning the venue, the corners of his mouth could
not help but rise, his eyes were full of satisfaction with the upcoming speed
competition. Regular games are fun, but ignoring all the rules and being outside
the's also exciting.
A large container truck of Didi was reversing into and parked in front of the
field, and not far away, Pakin‟s excellent and reassuring technicians were also
watching the work with their chests folded to ensure that Can't go
wrong. Because there are a total of 6 superbikes worth millions of dollars in the
Superbikes... are not just heavy machines or small motorcycles that are a little
bigger than what the naked eye sees.
It's different... something that car lovers will love.
"What's your suggestion this time?" At this moment, the host of the event came
over and patted the shoulders of the person who was standing with his chest in
his arms. The big technician Phayu turned around and looked over, raised the
corner of his mouth and said:
"Then what did P give me to play with?"
"DUCATI 1099 Panigale, the latest model imported this year, just arrived last
week." Superbike Pakin said with a mixed laugh.
1 million is just a drop in the bucket for him.
"P give me some time, and I have to change it to black as required."
"I don't like red, but I don't import (black)." Pakin replied with a smile, but his
eyes clearly said... can this not be done? ?
Phayu's answer raised the corners of his mouth and said:
"It's not that difficult to change the color. The problem is to test the car. P also
knows that I am just a car modification, and I don't drive. Let Saifah try it out,
and then change it." Broke the clutch pump, it was a bit stiff. Changed the
brakes, and the headlights... After all, I have to see what needs to be changed
before the official test drive today. Besides, P also knows that my semester is
not over yet .” Phayu mentions the twin brother who prefers off-road testing
rather than modification-although the driving skills are not as good as another
Mutual friend of the brothers...and Pakin's favorite driver.
As a general, he must be the first choice for Pakin to test a new car.
"Can it compare to 1299?"
"It's not just about performance, it depends on the driver." Phayu said with a
smile, because it can be seen that the owner of the event wants to get rid of the
new car, even though he used DUCATI 1299 Panigale before.
"Hmph, let's take a look. By the way, is he here?"
"Here, I saw kissing with my boyfriend behind the shipping container." Pakin
nodded, and then looked towards the front of the field where luxury sports cars
were constantly entering .
If anyone wants to look down on bikers on the road, let him be, but not the
guests at his events.
This event is not an ordinary car race, and it is not easy to get tickets.
The person who was satisfied with the active atmosphere in the sports field
laughed and thought about it, and walked towards the container vehicle that
opened and showed the 6 racing cars he had personally selected.
Here, he is the master of the venue, the rules are set by him and even the car is
his own. Under normal circumstances, no one will challenge his authority.
"Tell everyone that the first round will end in ten minutes." The young man
turned around and gave instructions to his cronies, then retreated, leaning
against the station with his arms crossed, waiting for the final result tonight.
But he didn't know what was waiting... Today would be completely ruined
because of someone.
The long-awaited moment finally arrived. The staff came to the edge of the
field, which is actually the main road in the city center. The cool cars were
drivers who had clearly reached a certain bet and were ready to go.
And a lot of money is one of the ways to silence government officials.
"Hey, you want to trouble me, don't you!!!"
However, before everyone had fun and the game was about to start, a huge
shout full of anger sounded from the edge of the field. Pakin, who was leaning
on the car with his chest in his arms, turned around and looked over, his
originally pleasant eyes became unhappy. The long legs moved towards the
scene of the incident that attracted the attention of everyone present.
"I didn't bother you, it was me who troubled me first!!!"
Before the young man could go to see who provoked whom, the loud and
willful roar made the long legs suddenly stop, and the originally leisurely man
He also became very serious, and then strode away, only to see...
the bold boy was arguing with two other men with the sleeves of his school
uniform rolled up.
As soon as he saw the boy's face, Pakin was so angry that his teeth chattered.
"Hey, I want to bully the few with more...P'Pakin!"
The tall man immediately grabbed the yelling man by the collar, which quickly
caused the man to turn around in annoyance. When he saw clearly who was
staring at him, the young master couldn't help being startled, and cried out with
a pale face.
Of course, anyone who looks into the eyes of someone who is burning with
anger will be terrified.
"Why are you here?" The tone was not light or slow, suppressing the anger that
was about to rush out, but the person who was afraid quickly put on a show of
bravado, raised his head and pretended to be relaxed and said: "Come in with
your legs. Yes."
"Don't make trouble here."
"I didn't..."
"Graph!" Before he could finish his answer, Pakin yelled angrily, startling the
person who was rebutting. Then asked loudly:
"Who allowed this kid in!!!"
The sound of the question made everyone in the audience as quiet as a chicken,
but both Graph and Graphic backed away in horror. The person who charged
3,000 baht as a hush-hush fee and was responsible for guarding the entrance
quickly hid the money, then looked down at the ground and prepared to
surrender himself in fear.
"I'm asking who let this kid in!" Pakin asked again, his eyes full of the need for
an answer.
"Then what, so what if you know who let me in? I have already come in." The
child who was caught by the collar said immediately, as if he was afraid that he
would not be able to come in like this time next time. Pakin turned around and
"Are you sure you want to answer like this?"
"I let him in, Mr. Pakin."
When the teenager realized how serious the consequences of sneaking into the
venue were, he stuttered and couldn't complete his speech Suddenly, a voice
came from behind. The owner of the event turned around and looked... It was
his confidant.
"Did you let this kid in? Chai!"
Looking over with eyes that must answer, he asked. Panachai turned to look at
one of the teenagers, then at his boss.
"Yes, I let Master Graph in."
"P Chai, P don't need to replace me..."
"I let Master Graph in, Mr. Pakin." Panachai reiterated before the boy denied it
and looked at his boss firmly . Pakin looked away, and then...
The boy was pushed to the ground with a bang, and when he raised his head in
dissatisfaction and wanted to shout, he met his terrifying eyes, and heard the
next sentence in a strong tone: "All back!
" Go home, today's event is over."
"Hey, P Pakin can't do this."
"That's right, P, just a little kid, just throw him out."
As soon as the words fell, there were immediately shouts . Because today's
event is fully prepared, and even the competition is only waiting for the signal
to start. The young man glanced around, and then asked:
"Here...who is the biggest?"
Just one question stopped the shouting, and no one dared to answer, because if
you dare to object, don't expect to come in again next time.
Facing the silence, Pakin said coldly:
"As soon as I see this kid at the event site again, I will immediately end the
event. Also, if anyone lets him in..." The corners of his mouth raised slightly,
and he said:
" I'll just let that man die."
Not a threat... Pakin said what he said.
After finishing speaking, he turned and approached his cronies.
"Go home and take him." He was referring to someone sitting on the ground
Afterwards, the most powerful young man on the field turned around and
walked towards Xinhuan (new car), got in the car, and drove away without
anyone daring to stop him. There was a group of disappointed, dissatisfied, and
angry people, but no one dared to do anything, because everyone knew that the
man named Pakin in this arena... was the biggest.
Chapter 1: Troublesome kid
In a luxurious mansion covering an area of 10 rai (16,000 square meters), the
first heir of a prominent figure is smacking the face of his closest subordinate
with the back of his hand. Go, the sound resounded throughout the living
room. The people who were pulled over were startled and dumbfounded, and
saw that the tall man with a beautiful beard was beaten so that his face turned to
the other side. After a few seconds, nosebleeds flowed from his nose, so he
"Hey, P Pakin can't do this!"
Graph or Kritithi immediately bounced up, stepped forward to try to reason, but
the person who was hit raised his hand to stop P‟ Chaihim, and then politely
"I'm fine, Master Graph."
"How can I be fine? Ah, P Chai. The nosebleeds are coming out!" The boy still
yelled loudly, retorting cautiously, because he didn't want anyone else to be
implicated by this matter.
Who said P‟ Chai let him into the venue, it wasn't at all, I found a way to get in
by myself.
Graph gritted his teeth, turned to look at Pakin, and then froze.
The tall man's gaze was clearly saying...disgusting.
The way he looks at him has always been like this, and it has never changed
since he was a child.
"You know, I don't allow a brat like you to enter the arena." The handsome
young man said displeasedly, while the listener bit his lips sorely, trying to
suppress his anger. But when he walked in front of Pakin, he couldn't hold back
"A brat like me? P probably wants to say that he doesn't want Kritithi to disturb
P's life!!!"
"Oh, you have self-knowledge."
The vicious words made those who heard them clenched their fists and gritted
their teeth. There was a clang, and he raised his head and looked at the taller
person suddenly. Under the raging anger in his eyes was... grievance.
The boy's uplifted face was clearly seen.
Graph is a good-looking child. His fair skin makes him look like a young master
who doesn‟t need to mention anything a little heavier. His eyes are not big and
not sharp enough, but he is good-looking. He has a beautifully shaped high nose
and thin lips. If you sip it too hard and it looks pale, it must have a beautiful
color. The tall, slender figure made the kid look older than he really was, were it
not for the fact that he was wearing a school uniform.
school uniform! Yes, Graph is still reading 5. (Second year of high school)
The kid who is about to go to 6th grade is burning with anger, staring at the
person who doesn't care about Graph's feelings at all.
"If you know, don't make trouble in the arena next time."
"Trouble? He was the one who troubled me first!!!" When he was regarded as a
troublemaker, the boy shook his head and loudly denied it. Pakin frowned, then
raised the corners of his mouth...and laughed. Hiding an unhappy smile.
"Hmph, let me guess." Pakin probed and approached the person who wanted to
make trouble again, and asked disapprovingly. From the corner of the eye, he
looked at the sleeves that were still rolled up like a hooligan on the street.
"You bumped into them while walking, or they bumped into you while walking,
and then you didn't apologize... Boom, such a mindless thing happened." The
listener clenched his teeth more and more tightly, so that pain. Annoyed at the
sight of the tall male in front of him making a contemptuous explosive
movement, and what the hell, Pakin said was the truth.
He just walked into them by accident and was jerked over his shoulder, and
when he was asked to apologize, he yelled why he apologized for such a small
thing, back and forth, so it was like everyone on the field saw …a fact that
cannot be refuted, even if it kills you.
Judging from his face and eyes, it showed that Pakin was right. The young man
sighed and turned around.
"Don't appear at the event site again."
"Why, because I'm still a high school student? But everyone in the P event said
that it's ok to be over 18 years old!" When the ban was issued, Graph asked
dissatisfied. Because he went to peek at this event several times, and gave
money to the gatekeeper several times, but he was fine because he was not seen
by the other party. Until this time we meet each other.
Previously, the teenager also saw that many high school students participated in
the activities.
The question caused Pakin to turn around again, and said:
"So what if they are older than you...It's not a question of age, but..."
Pakin pointed to his temple, making the face of those who looked over flushed
with anger, thinking Punch the other person in the face, or do whatever it takes
to keep that handsome face from smiling. But he could only continue to retort
"I'm not a child, I'm 17 years old."
"No matter how you say I'm not, I'm still a kid." The tall man insisted, and said
"Because If you're not a brat, you should know whose family you are, and if
something happens to you on the court... I will definitely be in trouble."

"My parents don't care about me at all!" As soon as Pakin finished speaking,
Graph immediately retorted, although This time, people with trembling voices
can clearly hear it, but... there is no sympathy at all.
"Whether your parents care or not has nothing to do with me...someone will
send you off later." After the young man said this, he nodded to the person who
was standing there wiping the blood and said that he could take this
troublesome kid out of the house. But Kritithi was unwilling, so he sat down on
the sofa, looked over excitedly, and said,
"I won't come back. If I go back, there will be only one fucking figure."
"Don't look like a brat who lacks love here."

The voice has become a little more irritable, making the listener turn his face to
the other side in displeasure, hiding the tears that have come to the edge of the
eye socket. He didn't want to cry to this man to win more sympathy, so he
pinched his arm until it hurt.
Pakin saw all this, Panachai saw it too, but no one said anything.
"I hate Dad!" Graph said in a low voice, and Pakin's pupils quivered.
"But I respect your father, which is why I didn't kill you 10 years ago."
"P is not respect! P and dad just have a relationship of interest. If my dad is not
a politician, not a minister, and not in the sector that allows P to illegally race
cars, will P still respect my dad!!!" The huge roar asked voice. Those who
listened frowned, and then...
"Ouch!" The Graph child's collar was lifted abruptly, and their faces met.
Then the tall male said in a terrible and deep voice:
"I just said you are a brat...a smart person like him knows what to say and what
not to say. But you never think about things."
Bloody Chung.
The boy's body was pushed down and he sat down on the sofa again, Graph was
too distressed to say anything.
"You can go back, I want to rest." Pakin said in a low voice, crossing his
chest. And the one who fought hard... the one who fought not to cry stood up.
If he stayed here again, he would definitely cry.
"Give me back my car, I'll go back by myself."
"That toy car."
"My car is not a toy, I've been driving it for a year!" Graph continued to refute,
because his superbike cost 2 million Just got it, 4 cylinders, 1000CC, very
powerful. Even P‟ Pakin can't talk about his car.
But the person who couldn't speak shook his head.
"Even if it's not a toy car, it's still driven by a kid, so it's still a toy car... Go
back." Pakin waved his hand away and walked in the other direction. The
people who listened were so angry that their teeth itch.
"Give me back my car!!!"
The young man turned around slightly, with the corners of his mouth raised and
he laughed.
"I'll return the iron filings to you after dismantling."
"P Pakin!!! Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!
"fuck the car. Turning around and walking to the other side, I wiped my face
with the back of my hand, because the tears flowed out uncontrollably. Shouting
in my heart at the same time...
I hate P, hate P, hate P!!!
Although in fact... the feeling towards the other party is exactly the opposite.
"Go to hell, you damn brat!"
After successfully chasing the kid away, Pakin threw himself onto the big sofa,
resting his hand on his forehead, thinking, if it works this time, Graph won't be
like a young duck again Follow him like a mother duck. Then love freedom as
others... and stay out of trouble.
"I really hate children."
The young man said to himself. At this time, as a trusted subordinate, he walked
"I've already sent Master Graph back."
"Okay!" The young man replied, still leaning on the sofa with his eyes
closed. Because just seeing that kid's face gave him a headache.
"Every time I see this brat, I'm so unlucky." The speaker bounced up and sat
down, rubbing his head vigorously, recalling everything that happened in the
past ten years since he met that bad-tempered kid.
The reason why he knew the kid was because his father's job was related to
Graph's father, so the two fathers brought their sons to get to know each
other. Then I don‟t know if the young master is crazy or likes him so much, he
almost does everything he can to pester him, and at that time he was still a
young man at a dissolute age, his need for sex was far greater than taking care
of children, and Every time he sees that brat, his life falls apart again and again.
At first, I thought that after studying in the United States, this young master
would grow up a little bit, have his own ideas, or go to be with his peers, but he
didn't. After returning from 4 years ago, Graph has gone too far than when he
was a child.
Now I don't throw him out of the house every day because I have a "interest
relationship" with the kid's father, as I said, otherwise...he will be exposed.
'Graph admires Pakin very much, so the uncle handed over his son to you. '
"Take it back and raise it yourself!" When I remembered what I was entrusted
with, I couldn't help cursing irritably.
"Mr. Pakin might be able to have a good talk with Master Graph, he's still a kid
after all." The big man said as he sat down on another sofa. But the person who
is the boss turned his head:
"You are too soft-hearted, Chai."
"Master Graph is very pitiful. He secretly cried in the car when he was sent
However, if you want to get mercy from Pakin, it must be hell collapsing and
heaven collapsing. Because my boss just raised the corners of his mouth and
laughed, and then said in a much better mood than before:
"It means that I will have at least a week to quiet my ears, and it is best not to
come out in front of me again." Youth Say so. Because just imagining that there
will no longer be troublesome little ghosts in his life, he feels much better, and
the listener also asked his own doubts: "If you can explain it to Master Graph,
he He probably wouldn't go to the arena. Because if something happens, our
side will be in dire straits, and he might listen." "Do you
think I haven't tried it? The young master said he would take care of himself,
When you grow grow up, your temper is the same as when you were a
child." Pakin said annoyed. He tried all kinds of ways to make this little kid stop
annoying him, but he never succeeded. At most, he disappeared for two or three
days and then reappeared. So I thought the best way was to drive him away.
Let him find someone outside to calm down...maybe a week or two.
Thinking of this, he looked back at his subordinate's face from the corner of the
eye, and then sighed.
"Next time if he comes again, don't forget to wear a mouthguard."
When Pakin couldn't do anything to Graphic, Panachai would show his face
immediately, so that Pakin could punish him and also punish the little brat who
didn't think clearly in advance.
Those who listened smiled.
"It's okay, you can come here a few more times to add some masculinity." With
a little humor, Pakin laughed along with it.
"Go find something to apply, wait a minute, it's not masculine, it's scary."
Because just now I hit it with all my strength.
The young man got up and twisted his limp body, grabbed a mobile phone, and
"Do you have time now?" Pakin didn't say the name of the person he was
talking to on the phone, because this phone was dedicated to relieving stress and
venting emotions. Of course, the people in the address book are all people who
will not upset themselves by flipping cards at any time, and at the same time can
really calm down.
[If it's P Pakin, I'm free anytime]
Although the voice sounds like he's still awake, he can still hear the excitement
from the phone. The young man looked at the clock out of the corner of his eye,
and it seemed that it was past 4 o'clock in the morning, so he said,
"I'll see you at the apartment in half an hour." After finishing speaking, Pakin
hung up the phone and stuffed the phone into his bag. Then he walked out of the
house to vent the emotions that could not be vented on the field. When passing
by his subordinate, who is also the private secretary and special executor of his
underground racetrack, Panachai asked,
"What about Master Graph's car?"
The listener paused.
"Is it going to be demolished?" Mentioning what was said not long ago, the
listeners grinned.
"It's too partial to that brat."
"I just sympathize with him." Although he was ridiculed by his subordinates,
the listeners just waved their hands.
"Let Phayu show it to him, and say it's for a rookie," said the boss before
leaving, and there was a hint of tiredness in his words that he had to help the
little kid clean up the aftermath. But still revealing traces of worry, worrying
about...the troublesome kid whom I have known for nearly 10 years.
Although the class bell has been ringing for nearly half an hour, most of the
students have already entered the classroom, and some teachers are searching
for students who want to skip class, but there are still many hiding places for
naughty students even if the teacher searches the whole school.
At this time, in the deepest part of the school, 5 or 6 students were sitting
together playing handheld game consoles and chatting about pornographic
things about adolescent children in vulgar language. One of the teenagers was
sitting against a pillar, Looking to the other side with indifference to anything.
"Hey, Graph, you said that you want to try... do you want to try a little?"
Suddenly, one of the friends asked. The listener turned his head and saw the lit
cigarette in his friend's hand. At this moment, another person frowned and said,
"Hurry up and kill it now, and you will die when the teacher comes and sees it."
"Don't be so gutsy, okay, even if he comes and sees it I'll think it was sucked by
other teachers." After speaking, he handed the thing in his hand to Graph, and
the person watching paused for a moment, then stretched out his hand.
"Graph! I see it!"
But just as the hands touched each other and before he was about to take the
long-awaited cigarette, the voice of calling came from behind, and the owner of
the name turned his head, and saw a man with long hair A girl with a handsome
face and a good figure is panting slightly with her hands on her hips. When the
girl saw what was in her friend's hands, Yuanyuan's eyes widened immediately.
"What are you doing?"
"The old lady is here, classmate." Although she was teased by her friends, the
girl didn't care, strode forward and grabbed her.
"Let's go, Graph. I'm already late."
"Don't bother me, Chanchao."
The girl named Chanchao who was thrown off her hand and yelled at her head
was taken aback, she could only look at her friend's terribly annoyed face,
Slowly let go of your hand and whispered:
"Graph, I'm sorry, I just saw you coming to school, but I didn't enter the
classroom, so I came here." The girl said. When he saw the things in the hands
of other students in the room, he couldn't help but mouth. Wanted to say
something to stop and say don't mix with this group of guys. But due to the
other students present and not wanting to have trouble in the future, he finally
"Sorry to bother you. I'm going to physics class later. I'll reserve a seat for you."
Chanchao smiled and turned to the direction he came from. After checking the
time, she had to run back if she didn't want to be reprimanded for entering the
classroom late. However...
"Huh?" Just as he was about to start running, his wrist was grabbed. So I turned
my head, and saw...
"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, Chanchao." The good-looking boy said regretfully, but
there was no regret in his eyes but more sadness, apology and fear that his
friends would be angry, so The girl smiled and said:
"It's okay, I'm not angry... Shall we go together?" Then she extended an
invitation with a cheerful smile, and the listener nodded slowly, grabbed the
backpack and threw it on his shoulder to follow.
"Wow~ let's go with mom, bro"
"Damn Graph is so henpecked."
"Of course, where are you going? Don't you go to class?"
A teasing voice sounded from behind, causing Graph to glare back, He said
"Be careful with your mouth, don't talk to my friend like that." After speaking,
he took Chanchao's arm and left. The girl let out a sigh of relief because nothing
happened again.
When the two returned to the teaching building and walked towards the elevator
leading to the classroom, the girl jumped to the side, looked up at the boy in the
school grass group, and asked, "
Last night... what happened?
" Letting his feet stop, a trace of sadness and buckling flashed in the eyes of the
mischievous truant child just now. He lowered his head and stared at the heels
of the school shoes, then heaved a long sigh.
"Again... I was scolded."
The mood of those who heard it also became heavy.
To be honest, Graphic never thought of sharing his affairs with others, even his
best friends, but because last semester he heard that a female classmate in the
same class told other classmates that she had a gay brother who had a boyfriend,
not only accepted by the family, but also openly accepted by herself. So he
looked for it, started talking, and wanted to seriously to win a man's
After getting acquainted, this friend became the only one who knew the secret
in his heart because of an accidental slip of the tongue.
A man who does everything to win the heart of a certain man.
A person who knows he has no chance but still doesn't give up.
I can't give up. Think he hasn't tried it? The last look in his eyes was still
blaming him for being a troublesome brat.
"But Graph is with bad students, smoking or doing bad things, it doesn't help
the matter."
"P Pakin likes that kind of person."
Chanchao's reminder got the listener's powerless rebuttal.
He's been working hard for years, trying to be mature, trying to learn all kinds
of things, trying to be the type that Pakin likes.
Everyone Pakin is looking for is a mature adult, good looking, attractive,
confident and...bad.
So he has to do better. The circle around him does not allow deviant behavior,
but there are loopholes in the school that let him know. So he spent several
years asking his asshole dad to buy him this BMW, not because he likes to play
with cars, but because... he wants to be someone recognized by P‟ Pakin.
"Are you sure? Graph. Are you sure that even if you drink, smoke or even take
drugs... that big brother will look at you?" Chanchao asked seriously, the
listener paused and then turned to run away.
"No... Even if I die... No, if I die P he will be very happy, because there is no
troublesome spirit to pester you anymore." "Don't say that,
Graph. What did he say last night?" The listener remembered what happened
last night, so they couldn't help but clenched their hands together.
"He called me a brainless brat and impounded my car."
"P He is worried about Graph." The friend's voice made the man who was
crying from grief yesterday look up.
"Hmm, he might be worried that Graph is going to drive to the game... Wait,
don't tell me you sneaked into the arena again?" When thinking of the monthly
event mentioned by a friend, the ponytailed The girl cried out in
surprise. Because that is said to be scary. Then the listener replied,
"It's nothing, so what do you mean by worry?" Knowing that the friend was
changing the subject, the listener still smiled sweetly and then got into the topic:
"Well, I'm just
worried. , driving to the race, what if the car overturns?"
"Impossible...he won't worry about me."
Although Graphic said so, his heart still didn't recover much
immediately. When he thought that P‟ Pakin might worry about him, he became
happy, and his beautiful eyes couldn't hide the joy. The people who watched
everything smiled and turned their faces sideways.
"Huh~ I laughed." Chanchao laughed. Graph looked away immediately.
"Who laughed, you think too much."
"Yes, you think too much." The girl said as she led the way. Let the classmates
who followed him ask unconfidently:
"Chanchao, can you tell me to go to P again?"
The listener turned around and smiled sweetly, encouraging his friends:
"How many years has Graph been like this? Will Graph just give up like this?"
The question in reply made the listener speechless for a moment, but Chanchao
already got the answer in those eyes.
"Okay, first of all you have to get that P Pakin to stop troubling you." The girl
said with enthusiasm. However, the words "troublesome brat" made the
listeners wilt, because the original owner who said these words and their eyes
resurfaced in their minds.
But the encouragement I received still made me shyly murmur:
"Thank you, Chanchao. There is only one person who supports me."
"Hahaha, don't use your charm to make me fall in love with you, you already
have someone else in your heart." The girl turned around and joked. Kritithi
couldn't help laughing.
"You don't have to. What are you talking about...beauties..."
"This rotten girl will be so sweet because of two boys together..." Chanchao
laughed. Those who listened also laughed.
This may be one of the reasons why he can stay with this friend comfortably...
Chanchao only sees him as a friend... a friend who doesn't know what kind of
friend she is masturbating into.
"You guys, why don't you come into the classroom!" Before they could say
anything, the voice of the teacher from the other end of the building suddenly
made the two of them turn around immediately.
Then... run away.
When Graphic ran away with a smile and avoided the teacher, the person Pakin
thought would give up and let his ears be quiet for 2 weeks was secretly
I will not give up just like this, P Pakin!
Chapter 2: People who do their best
There are several racing circuits in Thailand, but many people probably don't
know that just a few months ago, there was a new racing circuit on the outskirts
of Bangkok, whose owner had invested heavily and was planning to hold
various categories of races. And its owner is none other than... Mr. Pakin
People who are entering the field go straight to some mechanic who is
inspecting parts on a cool superbike.
When a certain big hand just reached his shoulder, the technician who was
removing the fuel tank with both hands immediately turned his head, and the
person wearing sunglasses nodded and said, " How is it?"
Or how about when P Yao cut that match?" Phayu asked with raised
eyebrows. The listener shrugged and said,
"Then one by one." Phayu said while wiping his hands, then threw the rag to the
other side, and pointed to several cool cars parked neatly.
"I made some fine-tuning. It's okay if P wants to try it himself. As for what
happened that night...P seems to have done it." When it comes to the second
thing, he has been messing with car parts with his father since he was twelve
The talented technician who suddenly chose to study architecture became
serious. Pakin took off his sunglasses, pinned it to his collar, and said,
"Tell me."
"Didn't P Chai tell P?" Phayu asked back, while the listeners shook their heads.
"It's always right to listen to more people's suggestions."
"Everyone said the same thing...P ended the competition halfway, and everyone
was very dissatisfied, saying that P was arrogant, impatient, and that he was just
a kid if he had problems, etc. Wait a lot, P won't want to know, but... P is the
biggest, they just yell a few words." Remembering what the person in front of
him said, Phayu made a little teasing at the end.
Here... who is the biggest.
Of course no one dared to talk anymore.
"If it's just yelling, let them yell. If anyone wants to make small moves in
secret... please emphasize it again." Pakin said, without any hint of joking in his
If they're just gossiping at his events then he won't bother because it just means
they're lip service and shut up when they see him in person, no need for
anything Take care of everything. But if anyone wanted to despise him even
more... the likes of Pakin wouldn't let him go so easily.
"What about the young master's car?"
"The young master?" Phayu immediately frowned, and the speaker had no
choice but to explain:
"Oh~ that kid's, what am I talking about? It‟s time to change my taste in cars
and start using motorcycles.” The private mechanic joked. Seriously, ever since
P‟ Chai called and said to take a look at the BMW, I thought it was weird,
because even if its price is high, speed is not its selling point.
The horsepower is sufficient but the speed cannot be improved, and it is safe,
but it is incomparable with the ones used in competitions.
"Children's toys," Pakin scoffed. I didn't want to see the car, but I just
remembered that kid.
Those who listened smiled and pointed to the technician team on the other side
of the field, where a beautiful blue propeller super motorcycle was parked
"The parts are fine. The DDC system (Dynamic Damping Control) has
enhanced safety, and the body is light, just like that kid. If you want to ride it for
fun, um, it's okay for a rookie to ride it according to P's requirements. I don‟t
think there is any need to make additional adjustments, but did he say that he
wanted to add something? I can‟t decide on my own.” Phayu said a lot, and the
listeners nodded.
However...he didn't want to return it so soon.
The faster he went back, the sooner he would get a headache.
However, this idea turned out to be a huge mistake, because...
"Hey, P Pakin, Safadi krub (hello)."
"How, Saifai..."
When he heard the greeting behind him, the young man turned around, and
followed The person behind the visitor is exactly the person who just
"Uh, this kid was looking for P, so I brought him in." Phayu's twin was called
Saifai, and the boy behind him stepped forward.
Go to hell!!!
Pakin yelled in his heart. The original good mood turned sharply when I saw
who came with Phayu's twins... It was Graph.
A teenager in dark jeans and a designer shirt, and also the kid who gave him a
headache just by looking at his hair.
"How did you come here?"
This time, the big man stepped up to block the boy and said. Graph looked up.
"I went to the office to find P. If P isn't there, he should be here."
"Is it a stalker?" Pakin sneered. The person who was trying to calm down
clenched his fists tightly, and the words of his friend sounded in his heart.
'Graph be calm, talk nicely to P, be a good boy like you were with me. '
'I'm not a good boy. '
'Oh, Graph, just be a cute boy and show a cute side for P to see. I have been
disobedient, try it, and look in another direction. "
Chanchao said that to him, so today Kritithi did what his friend suggested.
He will calm down, not be impulsive, and not dance to the rhythm of the other
"I am not" Although very angry at being charged, but Graphic still tried to
answer politely.
"Then what's the matter? "But the other party did not cooperate, because Pakin
still asked very annoyedly. The listener had to be more restrained.
"I came to get my car back. "
"I will pay it back when I think about it. " "
"But that's my car." "Even though Graph tried to calm himself down, the face of
the other party made him unable to calm down.
Why do you act like seeing his face is the worst thing that happened today.
"Are you using it to make trouble? I'm not your brother who raised you." Pakin
still said politely, but... with a coldness.
"I can be responsible for my actions." The listener looked from head to toe, and
then smiled.
Such a smile made the person being watched feel hot from top to
"That's what I said too." Although the big man said he agreed, his tone made the
listeners think he was being sarcastic.
Yes, I only cause trouble, but if I don't cause trouble, will brother still look back
at me?
"Today I just want to get my car back."
"Will you not come to me again after you take it back?"
The listener stopped immediately and clasped his hands tightly, not knowing
whether he was angry or wronged. Because of hearing this sentence, all his
fighting spirit was shattered, but...
'Graph remember, be calm. If Graph doesn't want to be scolded by P, Graph
should be calm and calm. The
friend said so, so Graphic took a deep breath, and then said lightly:
"If P returns the car to me, I will leave." The listener didn't speak, as if he didn't
believe his words. When the two pairs of eyes looked at each other silently, the
two twin brothers had no choice but to cross their arms and watch the silent
battle between two men of different ages.
No, P‟ Pakin is in a cold war, restraining the urge to bury the other party
underground. Then the big man turned and nodded to Phayu.
"Give him the car, and don't let him come in here again." These words made
Graph tightly purse his lips, staring at the back of the figure who had turned his
head and walked to the other side... as if he was not happy at all.
Saifai watched for a while and then looked at the twin brother, giving a hint.
"My brother's name is Graph, right? Do you want to test the car before going
back?" Phayu asked, and the twin brother also helped to persuade:
"P thinks that my brother can try it. This is a racing field, which is much better
than the road outside."
Graph received Seeing the friendly eyes of the two people, thinking that this is
also an opportunity to stay here more, they nodded.
"I can try it, right?"
"Okay, if there is anything you want to add, feel free to say it, because you
showed P a nice car." Phayu said with a smile. The twin brother also went on to
"P Chao wants to see P Pakin show off his power, but unfortunately he was not
there that day. When I heard Phayu talk about it, I wanted to meet someone who
made P Pakin tough. My brother is very handsome, but he was a little
impulsive. ‟ the Saifai laughed out loud, true to its name. The boy tried his best
to raise his smile, and looked at the man who was giving instructions on the
other side from the corner of his eye. I want that person to be happy, even if
only half of the two twins are happy.
What should I do to make P like me.

At the same time.

"Damn Phayu, I'm here."
"Hey, Oat came just in time, and P Pakin just arrived."
Kritithi looked back when someone also walked into the racetrack, ready to say
hello to the 2 twins. But the first thing that came into his sight was not the man
in the dark leather jacket with the beautiful helmet in his hand, but the man who
followed beside him.
He is handsome and handsome, and his dyed green hair looks even more
dazzling under the sunlight. Whether it's sharp eyes, high nose, good-looking
lips, complexion, height, everything plus the eyes of someone who loves to play
but doesn't get too nostalgic, all let Graphic see it Do not open your eyes.
He has known P‟ Pakin for 10 years, how could he not know which type Pakin
likes... This is the one in front of him.
Know how to dress up, smile provocatively, and have wild eyes... This is the
person Pakin brother will like!!!
Just a glance, I feel that I am compared.
"P Pakin is here? Then I'll go back." The man in the leather jacket frowned,
with complicated emotions, and then said to the twins.
"Hey, no, Oat, didn't you come to help us test the car... P Pakin won't pester
your people." Saifai grabbed his friend's shoulder first and said. The man named
Oat sighed for a long time, and at the same time, the man next to him
immediately put his arm around Oat's shoulder.
"Hmph, what is P afraid of." said the young man with green hair. Oat then
sighed again and turned to look over.
"It's not that I don't worry about you, but about him."
"Then P should know that I can take care of myself."
"Oh, Oat is too cowardly." Saifai teased. The twin brother then said:
"Come to cheer up? Chin."
The person being asked is called Chin. The green-haired owner turned his eyes
and said with a low smile:
"No, P Oat doesn't need my encouragement anymore, I'm just here to find
something exciting, so that I can be as enthusiastic as the people who just
entered the game tonight..." "Chon!" Before Chin finished speaking, Oat
shouted loudly, Call up the name. The man named Chin or Chon had no choice
but to raise his hands to shoulder height (put together to apologize), but his
eyes... were full of provocation.
Then those eyes came to Graph.
"Oh, this is the kid who ruined the event."
"I'm not a kid!" I don't know why Graph just doesn't want to have a good talk
with this person, the more he hears the other person talk, the more he feels how
small he seems, so he shouted refute. The other party paused.
"This is Graph, it's..." Phayu opened his mouth to introduce, but when he
mentioned who it was, the young technician suddenly stopped, and Saifai had
no choice but to continue: "P Pakin's kid."
The person who was not present that day said with a smile. Kritithi's face
burned even though he knew he should deny it. But...
"It's not my little friend."
Before the man could walk back, the voice came first.
The man who looked at him from the corner of his eye as if he was looking at
something unimportant reiterated:
"Just a little brat who likes to attract attention."
"P Pakin!"
"Hey, I told you to calm down, brother, it might be a bit of a joke to contradict
adults like this." Died badly. Let‟s go, come with P Saifai, brother. Let‟s test the
car together, and P will borrow your clothes and helmet for you, come.” As
soon as Pakin finished speaking, the person who had secretly calmed himself
almost rushed up to find him , but because Saifai circled his neck first, pulled
his body hard, and tried his best to relieve the suffocating atmosphere in front of
Now anyone who sees it will understand that P‟ Pakin's emotions have a lot to
do with this kid, although it is more of a negative impact.
When Kritithi was pulled to the other side of the field, everyone turned around
and looked at the leader here.
"I just realized that a boss like P would actually bully children." Chin spoke
first, but Oat stopped him.
"When it comes to physique, I don't think it's that small, but in terms of
behavior... I think P talks too much to that kid." Pakin's gold medal driver can
see it clearly...Although the appearance is not a child, Graph is still There are
children who have special attachments, and there are many of them.
"Since when did you have the face to teach me?" Pakin said politely. So Chin
said with a low smile,
"I'm not teaching P, just telling what I see." The tall man took a step forward,
and his sharp eyes, which were full of anger just now, immediately changed,
and he looked straight at Chin.
A man who, at one time, wanted so badly, but refused without caring.
"Then I want to listen. If you go outside and teach me..." "
If P hasn't forgotten, this mine."
Before Pakin could finish speaking, Oat stepped forward and squeezed between
the two of them, eyes full of It is staring at those in power with seriousness and
dissatisfaction. The person being stared glanced at the young man with dyed
hair who was smiling slightly.
"If P wants to get me, he has to go through this person first."
"I'm not joking, Chin."
"I'm not joking with P either." The behavior of the couple made Pakin laugh
"You also know that P will not pester someone who already has a master." The
young man laughed. Ai Jiang turned around and looked over, and said:
"But P can play, if the owner takes the initiative...isn't it?"
This time, the two young people looked at each other quietly. This made Pakin
feel very funny, because it's okay for him to stop like this now, but seeing the
stern-faced and jealous person in front of him... It's funny.
For him, love is ridiculous, and sex is what he needs.
"Chin, when did you take the initiative to me?"
"That's right, how can P Oat say such nonsense." This time, the young man with
dyed hair also joked. Because he himself was not serious, the person who
threatened Pakin sighed heavily.
"I didn't mention you, I just used an example."
"For example, I took the initiative to seduce P Pakin... right?" Chin asked
earnestly. The person who was talking nonsensically because of jealousy
averted his gaze, and then heaved a sigh.
"I'm sorry, I just spoke without thinking."
"Huh, why don't you try someone like me who speaks with brains?"
"P Pakin!" Everyone was still challenging his nerves, so Oat shouted . And his
lover stepped forward to come to the front of the boss of the racetrack, and
looked at each other with ulterior motives.
From Phayu's point of view, the situation is ridiculous.
These two are alike, so they can't get along.
"No... P is not my style."
The young man with outstanding appearance simply replied. But...heart hurt.
The words of refusal made Pakin laugh out loud:
"I have rejected a powerful person like me twice...Aren't you afraid of being
played by power?" "
I know people like P very well...P will definitely not waste time to retaliate
against refusal and P It's the person who went to bed." Chin's eyes were full of
provocation and determination. At the end of the prank, Pakin sighed
He wanted to be a bad guy, but unfortunately Chin didn't cooperate.
"Oh, no matter how many times we meet, your boyfriend is still the same bad
guy." Phayu said with a smile, putting his arm on his friend's shoulder. Oat
looked at the two men in front of him and shook his head.
He is not afraid of Chin's cheating, but he is afraid of P‟ Pakin... No matter how
you look at it, he still does not give up and still wants to get it.
But before it was time to intervene, a voice sounded.
Everyone on the edge of the field immediately turned to the track and saw... a
beautiful superbike slipped on the track, the rider rolled to the other side, and
the blue and white car... "Fuck !!!"
The one who rushed out first and subconsciously ran to the track was Pakin.
He ran directly to the young master who was the most troublesome, and lost
consciousness instantly because his body collided with the ground when he fell
to the ground. When he ran to the side, his hands quickly checked his body, and
roared angrily:
"Damn little lunatic, I will be unlucky once I see you!"
The loud roar reached the person who was about to lose consciousness
completely heart.
I... have become brother's plague god again.
Kritithi was distracted... completely absent minded, looking to the edge of the
field all the time. I saw that Pakin was chatting with the person with green hair.
Although he told himself to concentrate and show that he can also be good in
this beautiful car and has the ability to control this beautiful car, but... his eyes
Never left the edge of the field.
Even from afar, Graph could feel... Pakin brother wanted that man.
He'd seen that look before... a look of conquest.
"Be careful, brother. No matter how safe my brother's car is, don't take this
behemoth lightly." When Saifai patted his shoulder heavily and said worriedly,
the boy turned his head around again and replied muttering :
"I know." Know carefully, but your heart is not on safety at all, but on another
Graphic took a deep breath, and said to himself that this might be one of the few
chances he got to prove himself, if he could prove to P‟ Pakin that he can take
care of himself, at least he can ride this bike well, he might get Tickets to the
arena instead of sneaking in like every time. So the eyes go back to the track
and get ready.
Everything was normal at the beginning, the machine operated very smoothly,
there was no problem with acceleration, and the balance was also very good,
until Graph slowly picked up the speed, and then unconsciously glanced
towards the edge of the field.
The boy hoped that someone would look this least take a look.
But... What I saw through the helmet was the picture of P‟ Pakin turning around
and approaching Brother Chin. And this scene completely distracted the boy's
attention. Although his body was still controlling the speed of his car, his eyes
never returned to the track. The result was... "!!!"
When he realized it, he saw a Turning around, seeing that if you don't turn
around, you will rush to the guardrail of the auditorium. So in order to pass this
turn, I tried my best to tilt the car with both hands, but because the speed was
too fast and there was not enough time to make a turn, the only thing I could do
was...abandon the car.
Graph's last memory is of his body being thrown into the air, then slamming
into the ground of the racetrack, and the loud roar that hit his heart.
He's just a guy who made Pakin brother unlucky.
"Oh, are you awake?"
After waking up, did you see the person you wanted to see?
The person who greeted him was a man with beautiful hair. I looked around and
found that he seemed to be in the ward.
"Hey, don't move, lie down first...My brother is really lucky, there is nothing
but scratches." Before sitting up, he was pressed on his shoulders and lay
back. During the period, because of the injury to the elbow joint, I frowned in
pain and almost burst into tears.
"Don't tell me you don't even remember?" Chin suddenly paused and asked
uncertainly. The person who felt the pain subsided slowly shook his head.
"Remember... I was stupid enough to flip over in the middle of the racetrack."
Graph said as he grabbed his elbow, biting his lip in pain he had never felt in his
life. When I move my legs, my lips are white because of the hot feeling that
extends to my knees.
"Isn't it because you're focused on other things and you can't concentrate?"
Graph immediately frowned, looked at the other side, and then met the look that
the man looked at, which he didn't like at all... as if The eyes that see through
"It's none of P's business!" So he said loudly, causing the other party to shake
his head.
"That's right." Chin didn't continue the topic, as if he didn't care about his affairs
at all. In this way, Graph became a little sad.
Not sad not to be cared for, but sad not to be someone who was far more
attractive just by shrugging his shoulders than the troublemaker he was.
"Then..." Trying to change the subject. The listener raised his eyebrows and
said, "What?"
Shit, I really hate this kind of smile.
Kritithi yelled in his heart when he saw the eyes in front of him, bit his lips and
"Where's P Pakin?"
"Still at the racing track."
Graph clenched his fists, emphasizing to himself that he was neglected, even if
he was injured like this, the man still wouldn't show up to visit him. But after
thinking about it, he doesn't want to see P‟ Pakin now, because he will only get
scolded when he guesses and guesses, and he is sad and depressed.
"What about my car?" Although he was still hurting, Graphic knew he should
go home immediately. before things get serious.
Chin raised his eyebrows.
"Are you worried about the car after being injured like this?" Chin said
"Don't think that you can take it back soon. P Phayu took it for inspection to see
what caused your car to overturn. And it seems that P will repaint it, and it will
not be returned if it is not perfect." The speaker was very said wearily. This
group of people who love cars like their lives, even their own sons may not be
so caring. I remembered when Brother Oat's car came into the auto repair
shop... early in the morning, in the morning, in the afternoon, and in the
evening, I deliberately went around to have a look.
"Don't worry about it, I can take it to the auto repair shop myself." But judging
from the child's panic, it seems that it is not as good as the car he imagined.
"Give it back, I'm going home!" Graph roared. Chin couldn't help but take
another look, then nodded.
"It will be more difficult to get the car back, or I will send it back to you later,
and P Oat will have to stay here for a while." Although he really wanted to
refuse, the boy knew he had no other choice. So I just nodded in agreement. It is
fine to say that he escapes from mistakes, but he must escape.
"Can you get up?" Chin stepped forward to help him up. The listener gritted his
teeth and stood up to endure the pain all over his body.
"Where are you going?" Too bad someone was standing there by the door
"P Pakin." The brave kid yelled out the other person's name in surprise, and
almost fell back in fright. Fortunately Chin caught it in time.
"I'm asking, where are you going?" Pakin asked coldly, as if he was about to
rush up. The person with the beautiful hair color secretly felt strange.
Strange in the indifference and the extremely bored eyes that are not often seen.
"I want...go's none of P's business!" Graph tried hard to speak harshly,
but he stuttered. Those who listened laughed horribly.
"It's none of my business, you've caused trouble here."
"I'm leaving now!!!" When he was scolded, Graph pushed back in
dissatisfaction. The tall young man looked over.
"So how do you think this matter will be resolved... Thinking like a child, your
dad will definitely not think that this matter has nothing to do with me!" "It has
nothing to do with P, I was too stupid to overturn the car."
" Know that you are stupid and don't do stupid things next time!!!"
Pakin yelled angrily. The listener trembled silently, clenched his hands in anger,
but couldn't refute a word.
After finishing speaking, Pakin stepped forward and grabbed the shoulder, and
then yanked it violently, causing Graph to grit his teeth.
"I'll take you back."
"No need for P..."
"Shut up, do as I say. You don't want to have bigger problems between me and
your dad, do you?" The boy hadn't finished speaking, Pakin He retorted
unabashedly and irritably. People who knew they were causing big trouble
slowly lost their voices.
Graph knew that although it was his fault that the car overturned, it happened on
Pakin's field. Pakin will not let any trivial matter affect his good relationship
with his father. Brother, he must take the responsibility face to face, even if he
is... extremely reluctant in his heart, he will do so.
If my brother really cared about me, not because of my father's relationship... I
would definitely be happier.

Chapter 3: Reasons for obsession

While there are speed limits on Bangkok's roads, coupled with congested traffic,
this doesn't include the man driving the world's fastest premium sports car. No
matter how many cars there are, this man can also steer the car from left to
right, step on the accelerator, and let the beautiful VenomGT move forward
quickly, challenging the authority of the police and attracting everyone's
The beautiful car continued to accelerate, and the motor made a huge roar, but
the interior of the car was as quiet as if it was deep in the forest.
The driver looks at the road, while the doll-like figure in the car stares at the
window sill.
The unusual silence caused Pakin to take a few more glances, and then asked:
"Does the wound still hurt?"
Normally, this child talks a lot, although most of them are contradictory.
"Does P care?" the bad boy said sarcastically, trying to make Pakin feel
guilty. As soon as the words came out, the young man felt relieved, thinking
that the other party was fine.
To be able to talk back is to say that you can't die.
"No, I'm just worried that I will be in trouble."
Graph immediately fell silent after hearing such vicious words, his lips were
tightly pressed together, trying to suppress his emotions, and shouted again in
his heart.
It's no use acting like a good boy, Chanchao, it's only going to make it worse!
Although I understand that Chanchao is right, it is my impatient self who is
wrong. Annoyed after being spat at, he just wants to find a replacement sheep,
so he childishly blames his friend.
And the culprit who left the body and mind hurt turned his head back to the
window, not a little happy at the opportunity to sit in such a top-of-the-line car.
"Ouch!" The movement of the head elicited a groan from the owner of the body.
When the pain spread to the whole body, I had to straighten my legs as far as
possible, but found that the wound was splitting open, with blood stains faintly
visible, and the pain was unbearable. want to cry.
This appearance caused the driver to say indifferently:
"I have already asked the doctor on the track to see it. He said it was just a
scratch. If you are worried, you can go to the hospital for an examination."
Graphic knew that the other party was not worried about him when he said this,
but worried that he would be unlucky because of this, but he was damn happy in
his heart because of a little concern, no, more precisely, it was just the crumbs
of concern thrown by this man. So he pushed back:
"If P is afraid that I will die, why doesn't P take me to the hospital by himself?"
Kritithi doesn't like the hospital, but if P‟ Pakin takes it, there is no defense.
Such an answer was echoed loudly:
"I'm not your father."
A simple sentence hurts the most. Those who listened had nothing to say, and
could only say to themselves in their hearts:
If P was my father, I would definitely not be so mean and allow P to scold me.
Quiet returned to the car again, which made Pakin slightly satisfied. Because at
first he just wanted to distract the children from the topic of physical pain, but
once the conversation started, it gave him headaches all the way. Now that
Graphic doesn't speak, his ears are much more comfortable, and it seems that
the brat's discomfort seems to be beneficial.
At least after suffering like this, he shouldn't come to him so soon again, and
now he just needs to apologize to his father in person and it's over.
While thinking this way, the young man turned the beautiful car into a luxurious
mansion full of servants, and then parked on the marble steps in front of the
building. Now Pakin is about to face a problem.
The big man got out of the car first, then frowned quickly. Because the person
who was sent back was stubbornly trying to open the car door by himself, and
the result was gnashing his teeth in pain. In the end, he had no choice but to
walk over, bend down to open the door for him, and told himself that throwing
the child at the door had already given him face, but... "Come
"No!" The stubborn young master started to get angry.
Now, apart from not wanting to get out of the car, the young master is also
holding his chest and turning his head to the other side, causing the people
watching to have a headache again.
"Come down."
"No, I don't want to go home yet." Being a good boy won't be treated well, so
Kritithi would rather choose to be a bad boy who gets scolded.
Yes, since I am the God of Plague, then I will let my brother be unlucky to the
The angry man said this to himself while looking to the other side. Because I
know that P‟ Pakin will not scold him now, after all, the two of them are in the
domain of his father, if he speaks harshly to his only son, P‟ Pakin will
definitely not find a reason to explain it.
"Graph, come down." As Graphic thought, Pakin could only speak sternly,
while the listener remained motionless.
"No! My wound hurts, I'm going to the hospital, and P is the one who caused
my injury, and P wants to take me for a checkup."
When it comes to responsibility, Graph is the one who should be most
The teenager knew that this would only make P‟ Pakin hate him even more, but
if he could stay together for a while longer or P‟ Pakin could talk to him a few
more words, then the dead Graph would rather be a bad boy and be scolded.
"Don't make me lose my patience."
"Then P don't bear it, I also want to know what P will do." The boy said with
the upper hand. The person watching... laughed badly.
"No, right?"
"P clearly knows." Graph replied. Ask again if you really want such a person
Laughter made Kritithi look back, and...
"Ouch! My wound hurts, P Pakin... Ouch, put me down, put me down, bastard,
Ouch, it hurts!!!" At that moment, Graph shouted. The person who he thought
would be helpless suddenly pulled his injured arm, and the stinging pain hit
instantly. Before he could react, the other party had already pulled hard, and the
boy's upper body was placed on his broad shoulders, and then... "
Ouch, it hurts, my head!"
Pakin pulled hard again, and the people in the low-load vehicle were thrown He
fell headfirst into his arms, his buttocks were placed on the tall man's broad
shoulders, and his feet could only dance wildly in the air. The action is the same
as carrying a rice bag.
Graph couldn't grasp the situation for a while, and the pain of the wound made
him dare not move. In the end, he could only hang and shake on the tall man in
"Let go of me, ah!!!"
"Heh," not only did not let go, but the sneering voice made the disobedient child
so angry that he wanted to kick his feet, but there was nothing else behind happened to be a
beautiful super sports car , so Phain immediately turned around so that his feet
could only kick around in the air. Although it is not his favorite car, such
behavior still annoys the young man very much.
"P...P why spank my ass!!!"
mercilessly slapping the bad-tempered kid on the ass, Graph was startled and
"Heh, why not?" The big man sarcastically raised the Graph a little in order not
to let the kid fall off. Although what I want to do more is to just throw people at
the door of the house.
"Let go of me, let go of me, ah!!! Did you hear that, you said let me go!"
The big man knew that Graph felt very ashamed now. The servants rushed out,
and they were all startled when they saw Master Graph's funny situation. So
Pakin wanted to punish the young master again.
"It's okay to let it go."
"Ah!!!" His letting go meant putting his finger on the ground. Graph was so
frightened that he immediately closed his eyes and shouted.
Yet the one who was about to let go grabbed the ankle just in time. Graph
slowly opened his eyes, trying to calm down. Realize that you must not move
around, or someone with a vicious heart may knock him to the ground to death.
"P Pakin who killed a thousand swords!" All he could do was curse loudly. But
his hands were tightly grasping the back of the opponent's clothes.
The cursing didn't make Pakin angry, but he felt better because he teased the
kid. In order to make him too ashamed to come out to see people again, he was
about to hit his butt a second time and a third time, but at this time the person he
wanted to see appeared in front of the door frame.
"What's going on? Pakin. And...little Grahp."
Graph's father is a middle-aged politician. asked.
Pakin immediately replied with a smile:
"My brother's car overturned, and I sent him back. Then Graph was so painful
that he couldn't walk. I'm sorry to hold my brother like this, but uncle also
knows that Graph is about to ride on my head now that he's grown up." Go up."
"Turn over?... Graph!!! How many times has Dad told you not to play with that
damned broken car, and you never listen!" Graph's father scolded sharply. Pakin
almost raised his eyebrows, but the other party seemed to calm down quickly.
"Uncle isn't talking about Pakin, yours is a career, and this kid is just a kid's
playhouse..." "
I'm not just playing around!"
Graph retorted loudly, while the big man interjected:
"Anyway So, can I bring Graph into the house first?"
"Come in, come in, it's a disgrace to have this son, and Pakin has to do this."
The father said, and the son said Biting his lips tightly, it hurts even more when
he hears the whisper that only two people can hear.
"How many months do you want to be grounded? Master Kritithi, huh?"
Graph knew he was being punished from the laughter, but he was still angry
when he heard such a voice.
He really can't do anything to P‟ Pakin!
Kritithi's family has been in politics since their ancestors, with great power and
wealth that they don't know where it came from. Graph only knows that since
he was a child, he knew that he would never inherit the family tradition-wearing
a mask.
People around my father can only pretend and flatter, and Pakin brother is one
of them now.
"Uncle has to apologize to Pakin, because Uncle's son has caused trouble for
Pakin again."
"It doesn't matter, after all, Graph is like my own brother."
Cursing in his heart, the boy sat cross-legged on a sofa and watched two adults
wearing masks get together. He knew that P‟ Pakin's family was an important
ally of his father, and P‟ Pakin also needed political support for business
It is a mutually beneficial relationship.
The more he thought about it, the more Graph hated this smiling face. The frank
eyes and Pakin's tone of voice were not the Pakin he knew.
Pakin, whom he first met ten years ago, is still vivid in his memory.
Someone who didn't flatter, flatter, treat him as an equal, no, more accurately
the first one who dared to scold him, said that this brat is very annoying and still
visits because he is weak and often needs to be hospitalized Trouble. Of course
Graph understood that it was Pakin's father's order, and he himself never
concealed his annoyance, but such visits became the hope of Graph's childhood
life, which lacked friends.
Expect someone to come to you.
He has long since lost hope of his parents, because no matter how much he
begs, begs, acts like a spoiled child, and plays mischievously, his father and
mother will always have endless work to deal with, but P‟ Pakin will still come
to him with a bad face.
' What a waste of time, get well soon, I hate visiting you so much. '
The person who said that would sit by the bed, and every time he yelled for
something, he would show annoyance on his face.
Pakin brother is the only one he wants.
Also the one who was talking to his father about what happened at the
"Graph, he didn't control the car well and slid off the track, but he was quite
powerful and abandoned the car in time, so the skin was only a little bruised.
But no matter what, I have to apologize to my uncle for hurting my brother.
Knowing that Graph It‟s my fault to let him test drive the car because he can‟t
control it well.”
Brother just said that I was stupid.
When the underrated words came out of a smiling face, Graph couldn't help but
clenched his fists tightly.
"Then I have to impound the car back."
"Hey! No, Dad. Dad said that I was allowed to ride. Don't forget that on my
birthday, Dad will go..."
When the father said that he would impound the car, there was a sound The
person who sat silently immediately bounced angrily. Staring at his father and
saying he disagreed—if he was keeping his knowledge secret.
On his birthday, his father went to find he agreed to buy this car to
please him to express his apology.
Graph understood very well that his father was never stingy with him in terms
of money, he was so sad that he accepted it calmly, and he also knew how to
bargain with his father.
The person who called out his name in a stern tone turned to Pakin and said
with a worried face:
"Grahp is a very naughty kid. Uncle can't stop him from riding a bicycle. Pakin
has to take care of him. Is it okay?
"The person immediately paused, a trace of boredom flashed in his eyes. But
Graph immediately thought of an idea.
"If Dad is worried..." the boy said to himself, causing the two adults to turn
around and look over. So he said even louder,
"Why doesn't Dad let P Pakin teach me how to ride a Superbike?"
"P hasn't been free lately," Pakin retorted, his annoyance palpable. However, the
boy also refuted it back:
"Then wait until P is free. I won't learn from others. Also, if the car overturns, it
will be P's fault."
Graph saw it. Although he was so angry that he clenched his fists and his
eyebrows twitched, as long as his father sat here, P‟ Pakin would not refuse
him, so Kritithi turned to continue to put pressure on his father: "Dad probably
doesn't want to let him go. Mom knows..." The boy stopped short.
Then quietly wait for the result.
"Pakin..." the man who turned to his friend's son said awkwardly.
"Understood, I promised to teach Graph myself." The moment the middle-aged
man turned around and looked over, Pakin knew that he had to agree to this
unlucky thing, so he gritted his teeth and agreed. But if he agreed so easily, it
would not be Master Pakin's. The tall man immediately continued:
"But I forgot to tell my uncle, Grahp sneaked into my event and caused
trouble." , because he was banned by his father from participating in that kind of
competition, and now the damn Pakin brother is suing!
"I think uncle should punish Graph, otherwise he will definitely go again."
"Is it true, Graphic?" His father turned and looked over angrily, making the
person who was about to refute shut up and acquiesce, so The father said
"How many times have I told you that you can't go out after 11 o'clock in the
evening? How dare you disobey my order?
"The elder smiled and resigned:
"Anyway, I will go back first. As for teaching Graph, let's talk about it after the
grounding is over... Oh, I have already asked the doctor at the racing track to
see Graph's injury, but I think I should go again It will be better after an
examination at the hospital..."
"Then take P there."
The situation has reached this point, and the wayward little guy is still
unconvinced. Then without waiting for the adults to stop, the disobedient child
continued his efforts:
"If P Pakin doesn't take me, I won't go. I hate hospitals, so let the wound fester
and rot!"
Graph knew it was the behavior of a bad kid, but if he didn't, no one would
satisfy him.
It's better to be called a bad kid than to be a good kid and get nothing! ! !
"So, does Graph mean that Graph uses his father to bargain with P?"
"Won't you be angry?"
"I almost got my neck broken on the spot."
In classroom 5/2, Chanchao because of wheel He was cleaning the floor on
duty, and not far away was a boy with half of his body wrapped in a bandage,
which attracted the surprise of his classmates. He was sitting on a desk with his
feet dangling, and the conversation between the two was taken for granted.
cannot be separated from what happened yesterday.
What was mentioned terrified Chanchao.
Just thinking about my friend daring to threaten my father makes me feel
terrible, let alone using my father to threaten my brother. Does this really work?
While thinking, the little man looked at the person who was touching the wound
on his elbow, and then heaved a long sigh.
Although she has never seen her friend ride a superbike, but it is said that the
bike is big, powerful and very fast, plus her friend is a rampage guy, so she was
worried that Grahp would overturn at one time, and then Now the unintended
thing happened.
Kritithi can be said to be very handsome now, as the boys say, a man with
injuries is a real man, but the bruises and bruises exposed outside the school
uniform look very scary. The bandages on the hands stretched from the elbows
to the palms, and the bandages on the feet stretched from the ankles to the inside
of the school uniform pants, and I was even limping when I walked... It's not
worth it.
"But it's worth it, because P Pakin promised my father that he will take me to
treatment until I recover."
However, the teenager's thinking is different from that of his friends. If you can
find an excuse to stay by your side when your body hurts, then it will be easy,
the girl walked over, and...
"Ah~ pain..."
"Shut up! Is it worth it, Graph? It's worth it. How is it worth getting hurt like
this? Can you take care of your body!" said the little man. When the hand
pressed hard on the wound, the person sitting on the table almost fell to the
ground, screaming loudly in pain.
"The injury is like this only in exchange for P agreeing to take it to the hospital.
What if the wound leaves scars." "
It's okay, I'm a boy, a little injury..."
"It won't look good, has Graph thought about the future? If Graph takes off
There are scars all over the body after taking off the clothes, do you think P will
rush out the door, huh?" Chanchao asked with a raised voice, hugging his
chest. The mind of the rotten girl has gone far.
When I was in NC, Xiaoshou was covered with scars all over his body, oh my
god... his white body is covered with scars... oh my god, just thinking about it
makes me excited!
"Let's talk about it when we get to the first base." The listener murmured softly,
the snow-white face of the arrogant young man was slowly turning red, because
he accidentally... thought of that scene.
Oh my god, die Graph, let P stop scolding you first, and then think further.
"There will be such a day, so let's talk about it first!" This time, the speaker
blinked his eyes, eyes full of expectation. So the listener turned his head and ran
away, and looked at the time instead.
"I said I'd better wait at the school gate."
"Let's go together! Wait, put away the broom first. Graph, help lift that chair."
The listener immediately shouted excitedly, not wanting to miss seeing A
chance for someone your friend likes. He also gestured to ask the injured person
to help lift the chair, the chair that had just been stepped on. And Graph obeyed
Not long after, the two walk slowly (because of someone's wound) to the front
of the school and see... a bit of a traffic jam.
At this time, students of all grades in the junior high school and high school
gathered around the school gate because of something. Some people took out
their mobile phones to take pictures frantically, some people stretched their
necks to see what happened, and everyone spoke loudly. It also drifted into the
ears of the two.
"Oh my god, this car is so cool!"
"Whose dad's car? It's so fucking beautiful. Today is the first time I can see a
real sports car."
"I really want to see what the driver looks like. If he is handsome, oh my god~!"
"Oh, I can drive this car, no matter how I look, I still look handsome."
The content of the conversation made Graph couldn't help but lick Open your
mouth, you can probably guess what the students are chatting about. So he
grabbed Chanchao's hand and led him to walk towards the focus of the crowd.
Lamborghini Arentador lp700-4
is a Ferrari super sports car with cool appearance and rich modern design. I saw
the black metal body shining in the evening sun, as if it was in a luxury car
show instead of parked beside the school fence.
"What's the matter... who told you to be here?" At this moment, because of the
constant gathering of students, the teacher yelled and walked towards the car.
When he said that parking is not allowed here, he opened the door and walked
got out of the car.
Despite not being in formal attire, the handsome man in a lightweight shirt, dark
jeans and designer sunglasses still drew gossip.
The car is cool enough, but the driver is even more handsome.
"Sir, parking is not allowed here."
"I'm here to pick you up."
"Then move to another place and wait." The elder teacher disagreed. Pakin then
took off his sunglasses, revealing sharp eyes that were visibly irritated, but the
young man still said politely:
"Unfortunately, the person I'm going to pick up is a rude guy, so I have to stop
in front of the school and wait." "What do you mean?" the listener asked in
confusion. Try to recall a student who was bothering you. Pakin continued with
a sneer:
"It means that one of the teacher's students is stupid and doesn't use his brain. I
don't know who taught him. If I get myself into trouble, I just make trouble for
others. So I have to park here and wait.", I didn't intend to violate your rules, but
because of the behavior of one of the teacher's stupid students, I have to do so."
Those who listened hadn't realized who Pakin was talking about.
And I'm not sure if the other party scolded the teacher too.
"Is that so, Graph?" The young man turned his face to the other side, and saw
the boy standing with clenched fists.
"Kritithi, is this your guardian?" the teacher also turned and asked sternly. The
boy gritted his teeth angrily, and looked at the person who was venting his
irritability to his teacher.
No, Graph didn't care who Pakin scolded, but he was the most angry when he
called him stupid and unreasonable in front of dozens of students.
"Yes." Graph gritted his teeth angrily.
"Then tell your brother that you can't park the car here. Today, I see that you
overturned and injured yourself, so let's accommodate. But if you want to park
here, you have to calculate the time, and leave as soon as you stop, understand?"
The teacher spoke like a machine gun, and the listeners had no choice but to
"Get in the car, already wasted a lot of time." Pakin said angrily. Those who
listened wanted to push back, but because everyone in the school was watching,
he had to get in the car unhappily.
"How slow!" said the owner as soon as the door closed.
"I'm slow, does P have the right to scold me in front of the whole school?"
"If you don't want to be scolded, don't do stupid things next time." Pakin said
gruffly, not hiding it at all because he had to wait and pick up He is
dissatisfied. The doll-like person in the car took a deep breath, knowing that he
couldn't fight, he turned his head back and said, "P is free to scold me, no matter
what, P has to take me to treatment until he is cured!"
Pakin turned his head back, sneered and said:
"This time I am following your father's request, but don't think there will be a
next time."
After finishing speaking, Pakin immediately switched gears, and the beautiful
car drove away from the school under the watchful eyes of others, leaving
everyone who looked at each other.
You can say what you like, I will do my best to create another chance.
Chapter 4: A Little Hope in the Hopeless
Kritithi hated hospitals very much, hated the white aisles, hated the nurses and
doctors in white uniforms, hated the smell in the hospital, because everything
reminded him of his childhood when he went to the hospital as often as others
went to school. He hated it very much, especially the small room with the air
conditioner and the glass window that could be seen from the outside.
And now he's right in front of the private hospital he frequents.
"I'll see you in the car when we're done."
"What do you mean?" Graph immediately turned to look at the speaker and
said, when the speaker turned to the back seat, he saw something he hadn't
noticed at first... a bouquet of flowers. The big man
turned around holding a bouquet of bright red roses, and said irresponsibly,
"I'm just going to change the bandage, I can walk by myself."
"Will P not accompany me?"
Come here, with thick eyebrows slightly frowned, and then said something
"I picked you up because of your father's order, but I don't need to take the little
kid to the treatment room, just go by yourself if you have feet, don't say it's just
a little bit hurt I can't just act like a baby." Pakin said impatiently, and got out of
the car. The injured man immediately followed and grabbed the hand holding
the bouquet.
"Where is P going?" Graph asked while staring at the bouquet in his
hand. Those who listened also answered, but the answer was like this...
"When will I have to answer your question?" After speaking, the young man
pressed the car lock button and walked into a building with long legs. The
listener was so angry that he bit his lip sorely, but he still quickly followed the
other party, and retorted:
"But I want P to go with me."
"Are you still a child, Graph!" The listener turned around, Said in a bad
tone. The boy paused, looking at Keimu who was full of displeasure.
"I've tried my best to come here at your request, why bother me? You know, I
still have a table of work to deal with, and now I have to waste time picking up
stupid kids who think they are right and only cause trouble. Can mature Come
on, don‟t give me a headache!” Pakin said louder, the rare and unpredictable
sharp eyes looked even more terrifying, full of disgust, irritability and anger,
making the person being watched can only sigh Mouth.
"I'll see you in the car after we're done. Don't make any more trouble." The
speaker saw that the round eyes in front of him were soaked with tears, like a
child who was raped by an adult and then tried to solve the problem with
tears. But he would not comfort or explain, but immediately turned around and
got on the elevator leading to the inpatient department.
The tall one left, leaving the immature kid standing there angrily.
"Trouble, trouble, trouble, P will only say that I cause trouble!" Graph bit his lip
tightly, suppressing the tears that were about to cry.
"I don't want to cause trouble for P at all, so can't you be nice to me." The
slender man blinked his eyes hard to prevent the tears from flowing, and then
immediately raised his head to see which floor the elevator stopped on. Turn
around and walk to the other side.
"Obviously knowing this will happen, but why don't you give up? Graph." The
boy asked himself for the hundredth time, not that he didn't want to give up, he
thought, liking men is hard enough, but also like Pakin brother Bad man, life
couldn't be worse, but he couldn't let it go.
Graph once tried not to go to see P‟ Pakin, wondering if he would miss him, and
then after a month...his heart began to find excuses, hoping that it would be
good to meet even once, even if he knew that even if he appeared in front of the
other party...he would only be scolded .
"I hate myself." The boy murmured, dragging his injured body towards the
treatment room. Seeing his red eyes, the nurse misunderstood a bit.
"It won't hurt very much, P will try to be as gentle as possible."
Others thought he was in pain because of yesterday's injury, but in fact...who
would think that Graph...was not in pain because of a physical injury, but
because of Being yelled at by someone and created in the heart.
The pain in the body is nothing, the pain in the heart is the worst.
"Ah, please come in."
"Beauty, how are you?"
When Graph was changing the bandages downstairs, Pakin avoided and walked
into a certain recovery room after gathering his mood. The owner of the room
turned around, looked at it strangely, then sighed, raised his hand with the salt
water in it, and said, is this beautiful?
"P's vision is really different. People who have been lying in the hospital for a
week are still beautiful." The woman in the hospital gown shook her head while
talking, and the listeners also laughed, and then walked to the bedside.
"P thinks Fa is still pretty."
"Speaking of which, what do you want?"
"No, P is just telling the truth."
Although Pakin was still irritated by the kid who was too stupid to change the
medicine himself, but After entering this room, the tense face of the young man
immediately turned into a smile, and the irritability in his eyes instantly
disappeared, and he immediately turned into a charming man.
He acts differently to everyone, especially to this woman named Playfa.
Although the hostess of the room had lost a lot of weight and paled due to a
week of flu illness, she still couldn't hide her pretty face. The loose, faded
hospital gown on the body makes women look natural and sexy.
Playfa is one of those people he wanted but still didn't get.
A woman that everyone might think is ubiquitous, but Pakin can spot a
difference in Playfa, especially...on the field.
"How is it?"
"It's much better, the twins also visited a few days ago, and then told some news
about the racing track... At first it was a pity that I fell ill when P held the event,
but now it's even more regrettable that I can't Seeing P Pakin getting angry out
of control." Although Pakin got close enough to see the small figure in his eyes,
the woman's eyes were still full of provocation, she smiled and expressed that
she was not afraid of the young man in front of her, and dared to tease him with
what she had heard. Let the people watching... very satisfied.
Who would have thought that this ordinary-looking woman who works in a
bank has another side... an unnamed female racing driver whose skills are not
inferior to Oat's at all.
Playfa's desire to outmaneuver tall men on superbikes and excel on the track
made Pakin intrigued and...wanted from the first meeting.
"Then do you want to see P get out of control?" The young man said as he put
the bouquet of roses on the table beside the bed, and then moved to the top of
the woman's bed, his big hand fell on the pillow, and the other hand stretched
out to the other's soft above the hair.
Pakin moved his palms to let the dark hair slide through his palms, until he
finally grasped the ends of the hair, grabbed it, and brought it up to the tip of his
nose, his sharp eyes staring at the pale face that was still smiling.
At this moment, the atmosphere in the recovery room immediately changed.
The big man entered the state, his eyes became hot and he wanted to conquer
Playfa also received the emotions passed on.
Pakin has the ability to turn a recovery ward into a luxury hotel suite where
you're about to fight in bed.
This man is hot, she knows it.
"Do you want to bully the patient?" The beauty smiled sweetly, while Pakin
bent his body lower and whispered:
" you want to be bullied?"
The tall man's hoarse voice made the listeners sink into it , so that he didn't
realize that the door was being opened secretly. The beautiful eye contact made
him forget about a certain crazy kid.
"How, Fa..."
"What is P Pakin doing!!!"
Before he could get an answer, the shout from the front door made Pakin frown
suddenly. Then he clasped his hands tightly in the next second, and turned
around and roared:
The moment the young man shouted the name, the weird atmosphere
disappeared immediately, replaced by the rage interrupted by someone. The
woman on the bed also frowned slightly, and turned to look at the person in
front of the door who was clenching his fists tightly, obviously angry.
"What the hell is P doing! P wants to take me to change my medicine, but P is
here!" Graph immediately roared loudly and looked at the man in front very
He asked the nurse to change the dressing quickly, and when the treatment was
over, instead of waiting in the car as promised, he went up to the floor where the
elevator stopped before, and asked the female nurses if they had seen a person
like P‟ Pakin enter which room , because the man's excellence was easily
remembered by others, but when the door opened...
I saw that the person he desperately asked him to bring to the hospital was about
to kiss someone else, and my heart hurt so much that I was about to cry.
Brother and I came here, now it belongs to me, not to this woman!
"Where I'm going is my business, you have no right to ask, and don't act like an
uneducated kid, you are disturbing the patient." "
Patient! What the hell patient will let a man find the ward!"
" ..."
Graph yelled loudly without wanting to save anyone's face, and everyone who
listened looked at him in surprise. This time Pakin didn't make a sound, didn't
say anything, just looked at the boy coldly. Just this is enough to make the
person being watched quiet, and... tears are about to come out of their eyes.
"Heh, cry after the quarrel." Pakin said contemptuously.
"I didn't cry!" retorted the stubborn child, though he was busy wiping the tears
from his face.
He didn't like Pakin's eyes.
Why can't P‟ Pakin look at him like other people, why does he only look at him
with such eyes.
"Go to the car and wait."
"No!" When the other party gave the order, he was also uncompromising, and
rushed to the sofa, hugging his chest to express that if P didn't go, I wouldn't go
This behavior upset Pakin not the slightest.
"If P doesn't go, I won't go either." Graph vowed, and looked at the woman on
the bed with hatred, and at the same time saw the bright red rose bouquet beside
the bed.
P‟ Pakin didn't want to bring him to change the medicine from the beginning,
but came to visit this woman wholeheartedly.
When he thought that he was just someone else's spare tire, Graph held his
hands tightly.
"Or is this younger brother... oh... I see, that's the one."
In the suffocating atmosphere of the two young men, the owner of the room
nodded two or three times while talking, and turned to look at the handsome,
handsome man. But the young man with an unfriendly face turned to Pakin with
a smile and said,
"Is this it? Everyone is discussing it now."
"An annoying person that everyone hates." Although Graph imagined what he
would be like position, but the negative answer still caused great harm to the
"No one thinks I'm annoying, except P."
"If you know, then why did you appear in front of me and annoy me!" Pakin
turned around abruptly and shouted loudly. The other party was taken aback,
and immediately lowered his head because tears were about to pour out, and the
original eloquent rebuttal seemed to be speechless.
If I say it, I will cry.
People who think like this pinch their own flesh in order to numb their order to be numb enough to adapt to Pakin's cruel words.
Knock knock knock
Just then, there was a knock on the door, and then an elderly nurse walked in.
"Please keep your voice down. This is the rehabilitation ward. If your voice is
still so loud, I have no choice but to ask you to go outside, otherwise it will
affect other patients." With a serious face and an irrefutable tone, the incident
was triggered The reporter lowered his head. But Pakin turned around and said:
"It just so happens that I'm going back too." The young man said this, and then
turned to the person on the bed:
"P go back first, and get well soon." Then the young man didn't even look at a
certain boy. After walking out of the room, Graph bounced up immediately.
"P Pakin!" "Hush" yelled loudly, and the nurse stopped him, but the young
master ignored him and just wanted to run to catch up with the people who were
not waiting for him, but at this moment... "
Brother Graph" on the bed called out, and the owner of the name turned around
"Don't call me." But the woman still smiled and said:
"Okay, P just wants to say that P and P Pakin have nothing, don't worry."
"Why are you telling me this?" Graph said angrily, and then rushed out to find
someone. Playfa smiled slightly:
"It's unbelievable that someone can make P Pakin so helpless."
Such thoughts made her want to be discharged from the hospital as soon as
Every time I see Pakin, he is so masculine that it makes her feel a little annoyed,
but when she can see Pakin as an ordinary person, she... becomes interested.
"P Pakin, heck, P Pakin!"
Just as Graph was about to catch up with someone who came down, a luxury car
had pulled out of the park and passed in front of him quickly, making him stare
wide in disbelief. Eye. Although he tried to shout loudly, the rear of the luxury
car disappeared quickly as if he didn't want to wait for him at all.
The young master looked left and right, and then grabbed the phone:
"P Pakin, P can't do this!"
"P Pakin!" Although the other party answered the phone, there was no answer,
obviously saying that he was angry. Graph continued to shout:
"P can't leave me!"
"P promised my dad that P will send me home, otherwise I will complain to
dad!" , and this also caused a deep voice to sound:
[In front of the hospital... Brat]
Then the phone was hung up immediately, and the listener immediately turned
to look in front of the hospital, and ran with both feet as fast as possible. Angry
and resentful, but more than that... very wronged.
P can't drop me like this!
While thinking this way, he ran until he saw a cool car parked near the
sidewalk, so he couldn't help biting his lip.
P is still waiting.
When he was about to approach the car, the car drove away, and he couldn't
help opening his mouth in surprise.
Then stopped a few hundred meters away, so he picked up the phone and dialed.
Beep, beep, beep.
This time, it's not just not answering the phone, but turning off the phone. Graph
gritted his teeth angrily.
"P wants to play like this!" After finishing speaking, Graph immediately walked
towards the car. However, when he was exhausted from running and panting
heavily, he was about to arrive.
The car drove away again, and the boy was even more distressed.
To be honest, Kritithi didn't have to ask for peace, he could just turn around and
hail a taxi to get home comfortably, but he still gritted his teeth and ran after the
car like a madman, letting the satanic villains move like a child with a snack
Che, teasing Graph achingly.
His wound seemed to be opening, but he still chased after him, gritting his teeth
and panting.
"P Pakin! Ah~P can't do this, can't do this to me!" The boy shouted loudly, not
caring what other passers-by thought, he just looked at the rear of the luxury car
that stopped from time to time, his eyes filled with tears.
It's almost gone, it's almost unbearable.
A person who thinks like this becomes a walking person after running, gasping
for breath so hard that his chest hurts, looking at the rear of the super sports car
through the curtain of tears, until... his hand touches the rear of the car, he
almost laughs
happily Come out, but...
The luxury car roared like an angry Indian bison, and sped away on the
road. Instead of driving along the sidewalk like just now, I drove through a red
light at high speed and disappeared. Kritithi just stood there dumbfounded, and
suddenly fell.
The slender body fell down and sat on the sidewalk as if he didn't care about
anything, and then... burst into tears.
I hate P!
I hate that after giving hope, P will do hurtful things over and over again.
Seeing the injured teenager running after the car may attract a lot of sympathy,
but for Pakin, he is... very satisfied.
When Graph was chasing the rear of the car, the young man watched through
the rearview mirror that the young man was collapsing, panting and running
wildly, but he did not admit defeat and waved his car to go home, but kept
chasing his car until it arrived. He also drove away.
He wasn't kidding, he had to teach the brat a lesson.
Whenever he can't do anything to him, can't be rough, and when he scolds and
provocatively comes back to make people angry, he will play him like this. Let's
see how long Master Kritithi can endure. But when the car started and stopped,
the young master was still chasing the rear of the car, so... irritable.
Finally, when Graph hit the back of his car, Pakin decided he didn't want to
waste time playing, so he drove away.
He didn't think he was mean, but Graph had to realize that it was impossible to
bother him anymore.
It was the same just now, what Pakin hates most is when someone shows the
attitude of the master, especially Graph is like a kid who has been robbed of his
things, and he doesn't like to yell loudly like a kid to stop him from doing this or
that. Because people are like others, no one can order them, he can do what he
wants to do, and if he doesn't want to stop doing it, then who does that brat
think he is and actually asks him to do things.
That's what he hated the most, and Graph totally hated him.
Even if the person with him is not Playfa, but a friend, brother, or subordinate,
he doesn't like what Graph shows.
Ya's just a brat begging for attention.
Pakin emphasized to himself again. When he shifted his gaze and looked in the
rearview mirror, what was reflected was the road with many vehicles, not the
boy who smiled because he could touch his car.
"If you are too stupid to go home by yourself, then call your family." The young
man said this, and decided to go back to the office or find something to vent his
irritability, but... "Crazy, shit."
(Sound of turning)
Woo~ (Sound of acceleration)
Suddenly, without turning on the lights, the young man made a sharp turn
without warning, and passed across the front, attracting the cars behind to honk
their horns. But he didn't care, looked at the vehicle in front of him, and sighed
in annoyance.
"Remember, give his father face." The young man said this to himself, firmly
believing that the reason why he switched the car back was for the sake of
Graph's father, and he didn't want to cause any problems in the future for his
own little satisfaction.
Pakin's car turned back, he wanted the kid to find a way to go back, but when he
saw the figure in high school uniform sitting on the side of the road with his
head on his knees, his heart twitched slightly.
Yes, that was the only word he could think of. He stopped at the sidewalk and
got out of the car.
After getting closer, he saw clearly that the curled body was trembling pitifully,
so he stood in front of him, and the shoes that appeared in front of him made the
person sitting with his knees tucked up slowly raised his head, showing what
Pakin saw It was...a face full of tears.
The usual look is annoying enough, but it's not pretty when it's dirty.
It's... very poor.
"Woo... P is back... what are you doing... let's go, go wherever you want!"
When the first sentence came out, all the pity disappeared.
"That's good to say." Pakin was Pakin, and he turned around and was about to
go back to the car.
The man who was so wronged that he opened his mouth to drive away jumped
up and grabbed the man's pants tightly.
"P...fucking...cruel...fucking heartless."
"I didn't say I was kind." The young man said to the sobbing man with his chest
folded. Still able to scold him, the self-righteous young master who was shaving
his hands left and right made him sigh.
"Get in the car," Pakin said curtly, grabbing and lifting his arms, making the
wayward kid stand up, and get into the car sad because he thought he was left
He always thought Pakin would abandon him and not come back.
"P fold... why are you back?" asked the man who was trying to hold back his
tears. The driver just moved his eyes.
"What would happen if someone knew whose son you were...the son of a
famous politician sitting on the side of the road begging..." Pakin just said this,
and the listeners understood.
If there are such rumors, it is Dad who is ashamed, and those who throw him
here, like P‟ Pakin, will be in dire straits.
Because of this, brother only thinks of interests and doesn't care about him at
People who think this way lower their heads even lower and say nothing, and
they can't help but recall the feeling when chasing the rear of a car. It is as if it is
about to arrive, but the next moment it is far away, and it needs to work harder
to grab it. Even if he knows that it is futile to try his best, he will still work like
a madman.
"(Ask) Why? Do you want me to say that I am worried about you?"
The man who bowed his head and said nothing replied. It made the young man
who was about to exit the cabin paused. Turning around to look, I saw a face
that was hard to see because of the hanging head, and a trembling voice.
"I just want P to worry about me a little bit."
Graph, who would always be contradictory, arrogant, and self-righteous, simply
admits, leaving the listener speechless for a moment, before turning and starting
the car. A series of behaviors made the
person who spoke sad. He hoped that Pakin would say, maybe it‟s okay to
pretend, but he just said... "Don't ask for
something that I won't give."
There was silence, but both knew that there was a sob from Kritithi in the
silence, not crying out, but inside... sobbing beyond control.

Chapter 5: heart depths

"I'm home."
In one of Pakin's favorite cars, the young owner said to the people around
him. Then the car slowly stopped in front of the house. But the answer he got
was silence, so he turned around and saw... the old troublemaker had already
curled up and fell asleep.
The tall man sighed heavily, looking at the boy in school uniform who looked
dirty from running after his car, half of his body was wrapped in bandages, and
his hair was combed high It was rolled down because of the seat cushion, and
the posture was uncomfortable no matter what, but the sound of steady
breathing was enough to tell the people watching... This kid has already fallen
Just to put it bluntly, how could it be quiet along the way and not make noise in
my ears.
"Get up." The big hand stretched out and grabbed the shoulder, calling out while
pressing it lightly. However, the slender man still fell asleep without moving,
and only made a humming sound to encourage the other party to continue to
provide wake-up service. The person watching sighed again.
The tall man took off his seat belt, poked his head to look at the face of the child
who caused trouble, and then his pupils trembled involuntarily.
This, did you secretly cry along the way?
The light from outside shone into the car, bright enough to see the faint traces of
tears on the fair face, and it was estimated that Graph kept silent all the way to
suppress his voice and not let him know that he was crying.
"A child is a child." The young man shook his head in disgust. He knew how
brave the young master was, but a child was a child after all, and Graph was a
tall child that he hated.
To be sure, Pakin doesn't like kids, whether they're stubborn, naughty, or so
annoying they want to kick their feet. But Kritithi has all the above mentioned
ones, and once he sees them, he has a headache, and now he is giving him
Graph doesn't want to wake up.
"Graph." Pakin called out in a more serious tone, but the lying figure was
clearly asleep. So the person watching... grinned.
The big hand raised and grabbed the head of the self-righteous brat, wanting to
knock his forehead on the car a few times, to vent his dissatisfaction that he
wasted a few hours, but... "Hot." The abnormal body temperature hit his
body The tall man frowned fiercely, and moved to see Graph's face clearly.
Although he was fast asleep, his brows were still furrowed, as if he was having
a nightmare and sleeping uncomfortably. So I put my hand on my forehead and
"Fuck, that's unlucky."
Ya had a fever.
The young man rubbed his head vigorously with his hands. He forgot that the
young master is not as strong as he showed. Although he has become stronger
and taller than when he was a child in recent years, it is more likely to cause
trouble for him. So much so that Pakin forgot that Ya's body is actually weaker
than ordinary people.
The little things before had already made Graphic physically unwell, and just
now he made Ya run for nearly a thousand meters, threw him on the side of the
road and cried for a long time, it's no surprise that it all added up to this. So he
sighed irritably.
Pakin is not one to run from mistakes. The young man quickly stepped out of
the car, and the loud closing sound did not wake up the stubborn young
man. Walking over, bent to open the car door on the other side, turned around to
look for the maid who was already standing spying and waiting.
"Is uncle there?"
"No, the master won't come back today."
"Where's auntie?"
"Not here either." The answer made Pakin nod his head reassuringly. After all,
he didn't bother to pretend to be guilty in front of the two of them. It's fine if he
isn't there, no He will know that when he comes back, the young master should
be fine, and there is nothing else to do.
"Go and open the door of Graph's room. I want to carry him up."
"What's wrong with little Graph?" Putting it on top of the flaccid body and
wrapping it in his arms, I can't see what I said at all... This child is too grown to
be able to carry it... Even the posture of a princess hugging like this is more than
"Lead the way." Turning around, he ordered the family members in a serious
voice. The change of power caused the other party to turn around, quickly lead
the guest with the young master in his arms, and walked straight to the deep
room on the second floor.
Soon, the maid opened the door of a certain bedroom, and Pakin also walked
quickly to the big bed covered with dark blue cloth.
Pakin almost threw the young master on the bed, because although Graph is not
very heavy, it is not a joke all the way. In addition, he has to go up to the second
floor. In the end, his arms were so tired that he trembled and his breathing
aggravated. Then the maid also asked out of breath,
"What's wrong with the little Graph, do
you want to contact the doctor?" "Since when did you start working here?"
Pakin looked over suddenly and asked, while He fell down and sat on the edge
of the bed, turning his sore shoulders due to his heavy weight. The other party
replied in a low voice:
"Almost half a year..."
"Then do you know that this young master will get sick every month?"
"Oh, I don't know, this is a normal phenomenon. It's just a fever, and it will
disappear after one night's sleep. It's as fierce and angry as before." The young
man said nonchalantly with reproach, and the woman couldn't help being
frightened when he looked over, but he still tried to answer: "But...but little
Graph didn't say that." "
you Don‟t you know how to observe? He is very good at smacking people, but
sometimes his face turns red because he has a fever, do you know how to
observe?” The words of reproach made the maid who didn‟t know about this
situation lower her head even more, seeing The eyes of the person who was
watching became more serious, and then shook his head:
"Go out, let me have a rest, and I will go back later."
"If you have any doubts, just ask your boss who I am "The young man said
solemnly, looking at the face of the person who was worried that he and the
young master would stay alone in this room, it seems that he did not know that
he used to go in and out of this room often, but the age is a bit old, it should be
when he went to study in the United States It's a long time ago.
"Get out!"
"Okay... good good good"
When Pakin yelled, the maid hurried out of the room in fear and closed the
bedroom door. The young man couldn't help shaking his head.
Worried but still closed the door, alas, it can be seen that the person chosen by
the kid's father is taking good care of the child.
The young man sighed deeply while thinking sarcastically, then stood up, and
looked around with sharp eyes to check the changes in the room.
Graph‟s room has not changed much from before, except that there are a lot
more leisure items in the room, such as computers, notebooks, various game
consoles, TV sets, CD players…all of which were bought by Graph‟s father as a
gift. Son's, just..looks boring.
This room is just like this young master's, beautiful and has everything you
need. It looks beautiful at first glance, but it is boring at second glance,
unattractive, uninteresting, and nothing worth remembering.
"It's so similar." The man who thought this way bent slightly to see Grahp's face
The boy who was lying upright on the big soft bed was tall and slender, and his
body exposed outside the school uniform was very eye-catching. The fair skin
makes people want to touch, and there is a face with thick eyebrows, beautiful
eyes, high nose and bright lips, all of which can be said to be unceremoniously
said that Graph is a good-looking teenager, but… Ya can't catch his eye.
"Or because of this mouth."
Pakin moved his eyes to the beautifully shaped lips, if the closed lips were
opened... half of its beauty would be lost.
It's pretty nice to sleep peacefully, but as soon as you start talking...
the thought made the tall man shake his head, looked at the troublesome brat's
face, and then turned his head to look at the drawer beside the bed.
"Heh." When the drawer was pulled out, the young man raised the corners of his
mouth and smiled. Because he guessed that there must be something he needs
here, and in fact there are... cooling patches.
Graph doesn't like to take medicine, so he has to use this instead if he wants to
reduce his fever.
Pakin took the cooling patch out of the packaging bag, peeled off the paper on
the back, and sat on the side of the bed.
With his big hand, he brushed away the soft hair to expose his forehead, and
then couldn't help but...
"Uh!" The big man slapped the antipyretic patch on his forehead as if he was
venting his irritability for taking care of a fussy brat. The lying person groaned
in protest and shook his head slightly, as if wanting to turn over and escape. But
since Pakin was still grabbing his temple with his other hand to open his
forehead, the patient could only twist his body slightly and frown
The action made those watching laugh happily.
"Uh, I may be mentally ill." Because Pakin felt better when he saw the young
master suffering from illness.
"It made me stupid, I have a headache. Don't worry about it." After finishing
speaking, the tall man stood up and prepared to go back. Because I have spent
more time on Graph than I originally imagined, but when I was about to turn
around and walk out of the room...
"P... um..."
I was stopped by a low moan, and I bent down to see him slightly twisting body
of a man's face. There was a soft sound as if being tossed by a nightmare, and
the people watching immediately frowned.
Crazy, I will feel guilty?
Pakin was about to push that thought out of his mind, but he also knew that the
guy that Dead Graph was talking about in his sleep was none other than him. So
he sighed, sat down on the edge of the bed again, looked at the person who
looked like he was about to cry even though he was asleep, and thought while
He is too mean to you, I know it, but I don't want to give in. Because I'm bored,
because I don't like bad things, and I don't like making anyone act like a
master. But sometimes Pakin also wonders if he has other feelings besides
Maybe it's...worry...after all, we've known each other for 10 years.
The kid Graph shouldn't be near him. In the past, Pakin was a high school
student who loved to play, and had a group of friends who made troubles and
troubles, but now that Pakin doesn't like to play, and is keen on more dangerous
and challenging things. Following his father in business, power, money,
everything, but with that comes... enemies.
The kid wasn't ready for the dangers that came with being around him.
The main reason the young man didn't like the kid coming around was because
Pakin was pretty sure he couldn't be bothered to have a problem with Ah's
father because of what happened to Ya. So, this is why young people who have
known each other for 10 years are still worried about this kid.
Stubborn, self-willed, reckless, and dissatisfied with everyone, staying by his
side will only cause trouble.
The person who thought this way put his hand on his forehead again and wiped
it lightly.
"Hurry up." The tone is different from the past, this time it implies... gentleness.
Not much tenderness from this cruel man to a troublesome brat. Then the young
man stood up and quietly walked out of the room without looking back. After
all, he didn't want to do worse things to the patients.
What Pakin didn't know was that a little tenderness was enough to dispel
Graph's nightmare. In the dream...he could never catch up with P‟ Pakin, and
gradually turned into a dream that he could successfully grab the young man's
shirt with both hands.
Although it didn't touch the body, but... it would be nice to be closer to the
Kritithi didn't know when he fell asleep, but he woke up in a daze when the
mobile phone in his schoolbag rang and cut off the entire bedroom, and the
strong vibration all made him sleep Waking up from the dream, I reached out
and staggered to take it out.
"Hello." The boy said sleepily, and the other end of the phone line said shyly:
【Is Graph sleeping? Chi, sorry. Seeing that Graph hasn't called yet, so I'm
worried about what's going on? 】
The clear and familiar voice made Graph open his eyes.
[It's me, if Graph is sleeping, let's talk later. 】
"No... I woke up... My head hurts." When my friend wanted to hang up the
phone, the people here felt uncomfortable all over, and realized that they had a
fever again. Trying to remember how he managed to go back to sleep in the
room, the last memory is sitting in P‟ Pakin's car and looking out the window.
"P Pakin!" Danshen sat up and looked around the room, only to see that the
bedroom was dark and bitingly cold. So the shoulders couldn't help but
collapsed. However, this kind of calling caused the other end of the phone to
ask anxiously:
【What's wrong with Graph? Did he do anything to Graph? Where are you
now, are you home? ]
Chanchao stammered and asked a series of questions, because ever since the
girl saw the face of the person her friend liked, she was secretly afraid of the big
young man. The voice is fierce, and the momentum is invisible, and even now I
am still a little scared. So I worry about whether my friend has been done
something bad.
The question made the young man shake his head slowly.
"It's nothing, P he didn't do anything." Although he denied it, why did Kritithi
feel his voice trembling.
He thought of what P‟ Pakin did yesterday evening and felt so sad that he
wanted to cry.
While thinking, he raised his hand to rub his eyes, and then touched something
on his forehead.
【Um? What is it, Graph? ]
The person on the other side of the phone asked worriedly. The person on the
other end of the phone took off the antipyretic patch from his forehead, and his
head, which was still feverish, started to function. Recalling the dream that still
had an impression, he couldn't help but raised his hand to wipe his forehead
No one knew where he kept his cooling patches, because he hated the messy
things that followed when he was sick. Only one person knows that he hates
taking antipyretics and knows where his former nanny sister usually puts his
antipyretic patches, and he also buys them habitually and stores them in the old
That person is... P‟ Pakin.
Thinking of this, the young man looked around again, he knew that it was
impossible for him to get out of P‟ Pakin's car and walk into the room by
himself, and he also knew that no one in this family could carry him back to the
room, after all, there were only maids and a few thin workers . So the only
person who will take him home and send him to his room is... P‟ Pakin.
[Graph, what's wrong? Why didn't you talk and fell asleep? 】
When he didn't speak for a while, Chanchao asked uneasily. The person on the
other end of the phone who is tightly holding onto a cooling sticker can only
give this answer...
"Chanchao...I like it...really."
[What? what do you like? 】
"I like it...I really like P Pakin, very much." All the speaker could do was put the
cooling patch back on his forehead, and raised his other hand to hug his knee
and curl up into a ball. With a trembling voice, he could only say:
"I like P Pakin, no matter what I like P Pakin...he is the only one who cares
about me, he is the only one who is by my side." Kritithi kept repeating to his
friends. Although he was hurt physically and mentally because of what Pakin
brother did, but all of them disappeared because of the small favor he received.
In any case, the dead Graph likes P‟ Pakin the most.
"Graph, it's really cute."
"I don't think it's cute at all."
"It's really cute, hee hee, he just melted into water with a little kindness,
squeak..." "
Is that laughter, Chanchao."
On a new morning, although he had a fever last night, in order not to let anyone
report to his father, he forced himself to come to school as usual. When he first
started telling his friends what happened, Chanchao kept yelling oh my god, oh
my god, but when he finished speaking, that damn weird smile and the way he
covered his mouth and laughed made him talk The person couldn't help but look
It's so funny, Chanchao should be the only one in this school who thinks he's
"Yes, I still have many kinds of laughter, hehe, giggle, haha...all of them." "
In the end it was the villain." Graph had no choice but to say fiercely to relieve
his embarrassment. The friend laughed openly and leaned on his shoulder.
"If I'm a bad guy, then Graph can write it down as I wish, I'm ready for
The endless teasing made Kritithi lift his chin and turn his face away. Those
who want to know everything blink their eyes.
"Then what? Did you kiss?"
"Madman!" When his friend whispered in his ear and seemed about to scream,
the teenager was startled and yelled out loud. This sound also made the students
sitting not far away look over one after another, and some even laughed and
"Those dead couples, no matter how loving you are, you should worry about the
students, you are too tired of being crooked all day long." Faced with the teasing
of classmates, Chanchao is shy? No, the girl turned around with a happy smile,
and said, "Say it if you're jealous, a 6th grade water chestnut senior."
sleeve. When Chanchao was about to contradict him, Graph interjected:
"Are you manly? You provoke girls to fight. Before you hit Chanchao, step on
my dead body."
The last sentence of the handsome guy in the classroom made everyone quiet,
watching the young couple silently (thinking too much), and then a huge noise
rang out.
"Hey, did you hear that, did you hear that, if you want to touch my girlfriend,
step on my dead body first." "
Haha~ No matter how loving you are, think about your classmates."
"Chachao, it's not that you only want to fuck boys Male CP? How can you
abandon us.”
Graph just shrugged and accepted all kinds of applause from boys and girls with
a smile, because they have already decided...they will become each other‟s
Again, it would be ugly for Graph to keep arguing. I don't participate in reserve
officer training, so I don't have a cropped haircut, so I stand out among boys, so
although I like to be with the squad at the back of the classroom, there are still
several girls who want to be my girlfriend. As for Chanchao, although she is a
well-known rotten girl in her class who loves Tanmei, meat and literature, there
are also many teenagers who pursue her.
When both of them are unwilling to make boyfriend and girlfriend (one wants a
husband, the other just wants boys to be together), they agree to be each other's
"Yes, except for my situation." The answer attracted several people to tease and
howl, and it didn't stop until the teacher entered the classroom. But before
concentrating on class, Chanchao still did not forget to whisper in his ear:
"Don't forget to say thank you to P when he comes to pick him up today... a kiss
is also very useful, hehe."
Finally, he laughed teasingly, making The handsome guy had no choice but to
turn his head away, with a look of indifference, but in fact...he had secretly
decided to do what he said.
No way, if it's like what my friend said, he will definitely become a ghost under
Pahkin's feet.
Such a thought made all the courageous ones disappear with a big sigh, but no
matter what, he will wait for P‟ Pakin after school.
"Mr. Pakin is not free today. I will take Master Graph to the doctor instead."
After school, Kritithi could only stand in front of the big man in the suit without
saying a word. When I saw that the person waiting in front of the school was
not the person I wanted to see, but... P‟ Chai, I was so surprised that the aphasia
was so obvious.
Pakin's right-hand man smiled and said kindly,
"Master Graph still hurts? I heard he passed out." But he didn't need to be polite
to this man.
"Hello, Graph." The slender man stood motionless without saying a word, and
the friend standing beside him couldn't help calling out in a low voice. Looking
staggered at the big man with the beard, he looked terrifying, and one couldn't
help but think of a mafia member.
However, if you ask Chanchao who is scarier, the man who came yesterday or
the man today, she will definitely say... the one from yesterday!
But now wasn't the time to worry about who was scarier, because she was
worrying about someone who was super disappointed.
Graph laughed all day today, and she was in such a good mood that she could
accept it with a smile if she was scolded by the teacher for failing the exam, so
when she saw this, she really couldn't imagine how angry her friend would be.
"Graph!" Before she had time to say anything, the person standing quietly
grabbed her wrist and pulled her with his hands. The girl cried out in surprise,
and Graphic turned to the person who came to pick her up and said loudly:
"P go and P Pakin said, if he doesn't come to pick him up, I won't go back!"
After speaking, he ignored Panachai's stop and immediately pulled his friend
away from the front of the school.
"Graph, I said calm down. P is probably really busy with work, so Graph should
go back with that P first." The girl tried to appease, but the listener shook her
head and said, "Oh, busy with work, busy with other
people Sheets, forget about the promise. Just wait and see, if he doesn‟t come to
pick me up, I won‟t go back no matter what.” The boy said loudly, his hands
were pinched until his knuckles turned white, convinced that the so-called busy
work was just No excuse for not picking him up.
Why, just when I wanted to be a good boy, brother told me to become like this!
Such thoughts were reflected in his face, making the person being dragged
pause for a moment, and then tugged his friend's hand.
"Then Graph wants to try my method?"
"Method?" the listener asked, the little man nodded vigorously and said, "
Well, how can I ask P to pick up Graph's method."
This time, the angry The man stopped immediately, looked back at his friend,
and saw a smile... the smile of a counselor.
Chapter 6 : When a rotten girl makes a move
"No, no way!"
"Oh, Graph, didn't you say you would try it?" "
No, no way, even if you die."
"I won't die."
"Dead! Dead!"
In front of the school In a snack bar, a pair of boys and girls were arguing
fiercely. One firmly said no, and the words became more and more rude, while
the other begged bitterly and shook each other's arms slightly. A punk with a
bad girlfriend.
"Hey, Graph, Graph has agreed..."
"Hey, classmate, my girlfriend is begging you so hard, do you need to be so
cruel?" When the shopkeeper came over with 2 cups of milkshakes He opened
his mouth to blame. Graphic suddenly turned his head and looked over:
"Damn... oops!"
"That's right, P. I've worked so hard, and I don't appreciate it at all." Before the
boy could accuse the other party of being troublesome, Chanchao kicked his
feet vigorously under the table , Then turned his head and blinked to look at the
owner, and said sadly. The sad expression confused the kicked people, so that
they had no time to pay attention to the shopkeeper's participation in his own
"Okay, classmate. If you have such a cute girlfriend, you should treat her well.
By the way, what are you asking for?" The nosy person is still endless, and he
wants to be the bosom brother of the juniors in high school. Chanchao was
about to speak with a smile...
"Just I think..."
"OK, OK, OK, I'll do it, surrender. Satisfied!" Before he could say anything,
Graph opened his eyes and shouted loudly. Nodding vigorously, it was only
then that I realized... I had been tricked.
At this time, Chanchao laughed happily, and immediately threw the
shopkeeper's brother aside, turned around and looked at the page full of paper
that he had written with a pink pen.
This is what she just wrote by herself.
"OK, first of all, Graph said this, and then this..."
"No, no, no, don't say that, just die, it's too nasty, Chanchao... I know P is busy,
and P has work that must be dealt with, but I can wait for P to finish, no matter
what time it is, I will wait. I just hope that P will pick me up... no, just reading it
will make the pores of my whole body stand up, and I have to say it face to
face...impossible!" Graph looked at the fresh and hot script that was just written
on the front paper. Teeth gritted loudly.
Yes, Chanchao is obsessed with what is written and what he should say.
The so-called way to get P‟ Pakin to pick it up is to call and beg.
Impossible, do you want to see being scolded? The hateful Pakin brother will
not compromise because of this kind of show horse.
The firm refusal made the beautiful girl lose face, and she looked down at what
she just wrote.
"But it works every time."
"Huh?" When the friend blurted out like this, the person who said no turned to
look at the friend. Chanchao almost blurts out that it works in the manga, but
instead immediately shuts his mouth and finds whatever strong proof he can
think of.
"These words are really useful. If you don't believe me, I'll call my brother and
ask." When the suggestion was made, the listener paused, and the person who
tried to persuade him decided to call his own brother immediately.
The second brother with a boyfriend.
【what is the matter? Sailor Moon. 】
The girl turned on the speakerphone and asked her friends to listen together, and
then heard her brother's voice.
"P Sun, Chanchao asked something."
【Said. ]
The girl looked down at the paper in front of her again.
"If P Riw sweetly says to P... come and pick me up, I will wait for hours. I will
definitely not go with others, and wait until P comes... Will P come..." 【Go
! Best of all, if P Riw adds 'Nah Sun', even in Bangkok, P will fly to Chiang Mai
to find him. 】The elder brother laughed and said, it seems that such an idea is
very useful. The younger sister turned to look at her friend, as if she was
talking, just say it, see?
[By the way, why? Is there a problem? Wait, or did someone tell you that? Die
Chanchao. 】
"Oh, Chanchao is going to hang up, I promise not, Shasha@##¥...beep" When
the elder brother showed concern, the younger sister immediately hung up the
phone, leaving aside the fact that there is no one now, and then signaled Not
good. Then he turned back to his friend and smiled sweetly, poking the paper in
front of him.
"Okay, call P and read along!" Graph rattled his teeth, wanting to refuse, tear up
the paper, and throw it away, but... "Please, can you not be so dramatic?"
"OK , then I‟ll change it.” When her friend agreed, the rotten girl (who wanted
to listen to the pleas from the boys) quickly revised the content. Felt like being
hanged, Graph wished it had taken longer.
It didn't take long for the stubborn kid (I don't know why he couldn't be more
stubborn than this girl) to hold his breath and call the bad-hearted
person. Finally, taking a deep breath, he accepted the horrifying content of the
speech with powerlessness.
It will definitely be scolded, it will definitely be.
Dudu (connected)
[I'm not free. 】
It didn't take long for the voice waiting for the answer to be heard, and the
indifferent voice that made Graph gritted his teeth angrily came.
"Graph!" But just blurted out a sentence, Chanchao stared blankly, and pointed
heavily at the paper with a pink pen.
"Calm down, speak carefully." The girl whispered, but Graph heard a voice that
was obviously bored and said:
【Didn't I ask Chai to pick it up? If you don't want to go back, don't go back. I
said I have a job, and I don't have time to play house with you every day. 】
The coldness conveyed by the voice could not be more obvious, Kritithi is
determined to fight, and his eyes come to the letter paper.
"I'm hugging..."
[...What do you say? 】The other end of the phone seemed a little surprised, so
he immediately continued:
"I'm sorry, I'm sorry for causing trouble to P. I also know that I am self-willed
and stubborn, but I really hope that P will pick me up...Is it not possible?" […]
This time, the other end of the phone became quiet, but Graph didn't let the
conversation go blank, because the friend was still drawing what he wanted to
say with a pen.
"Yesterday, I'm really sorry for the way I was. I know P doesn't like it, and I
still messed up P, but I didn't mean to make things like that. I just want P to pick
me up, I just want P to accompany me in the hospital." I, P also know that I
don't like hospitals, if P is with me, at least I will feel..." Graph said fearfully
one by one, until the last sentence: "...Uh... Take it easy." The voice trembling
and,stammering, his fair face also slowly turned red, feeling that he had just
done something very embarrassing, but the person sitting opposite was still
dissatisfied. Chanchao tapped heavily on the paper with a colored pen, which
made Graph grit his teeth again. , shaking his head.
"Hey!" The writer raised his eyebrows and stared at the person who was worried
about his friend, and those two damned, humble words made him speechless,
before he realized that Pakin didn't say a word.
The look of not wanting to say made the girl turn around, grabbed the two-color
marker pen and pressed it heavily on the highlight. The person being stared at
looked back depressedly, and then said... very softly: "Okay." (Na
krub )
The other end of the phone is still silent. But the person who was ashamed to
death didn't care anymore, and was covering his face with his hands in shame,
thinking that the sentence he said was okay (na krub)...too fucking soft.
You can swear that he has never spoken to anyone in such a tone since he can
[That's it, right? ]
However, the person on the other end of the phone just replied like this, which
made the super shy person pause, and his red face quickly turned pale. When he
has done this, the other party just asks a question, right?
"Yes." I still answered, and then I took the initiative to hang up the phone.
"Oh, why did you hang up, haven't you finished talking yet..." Because Graph
turned off the speakerphone, the girl didn't hear what the other party said. The
answer was ridicule and strong words...
"P he won't come, no matter how hard I try, P Pakin will never come."
Such a reply immediately made the girl's big smile disappear, In its place was a
look of guilt.
"I'm sorry."
"It's okay, I've said all the good and bad things, he won't care about me."
Finally, Graph could only turn his head to the window, and took a big sip of his
drink. Although the milkshake tasted super sweet, he Now it feels bland and
P‟ Pakin will definitely not come.
impossible! ! !
"It's fake."
After sitting and drinking for a while, when he watched his friend get out his
homework, Graph suddenly popped up from his seat, looked out of the store
from the window, and saw a very expensive, The car with the Trident logo on
the front of the car drove in and parked in the open space where the guardian
came to pick up the child, attracting the attention of everyone in the field of
Maserati Granturismo Sport Nero Carbonated Metallic.
A luxury supercar that is stylish but retains its usual luxurious design.
Maserati... Pakin's car for work.
The car that just turned in made Kritithi's eyes widen, and when Panachai, who
was standing and waiting, walked straight towards the car with long legs, he
became more determined in his heart. The driver pressed and opened the rear
window, listened to his subordinates, and then turned his head to look this way.
It was only for a split second, but Graph still felt that his eyes met, so he
immediately turned to face his friend who was looking up with a confused face.
"What's wrong? Graph, or are you going back?" Chanchao asked with question
marks all over his head. Because although my friend said he would wait until
the other party came, he still had to go to the hospital to change his medicine
after all, and it was impossible to sit around with her doing nothing. The boy
shook his head vigorously, and stammered,
"Who? Who's coming?" The girl asked in a daze, looking up to the outside of
the store, and then Chanchao couldn't help but widen her eyes.
Never been so surprised, but please let her go first...
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah! How could there be such a
handsome face like a god!
This is Chanchao's inner activities when he sees the menacing man approaching
here. Although the man looked scary like Satan before, now he looks like...
A god from hell, but more handsome and outstanding than anyone else.
This big brother looks good in casual clothes, but when he is handsome and
elegant, dressed from head to toe, the girl is not surprised why everyone is
drooling for this man.
…with a handsome appearance and a tall physique, coupled with the exquisite
dark suit, he is more handsome and full of majesty. The dark blue tie makes the
whole person look deep and unpredictable, but in fact, he still hides intense
emotions like a submarine volcano . Even the resolute forehead with the big
back hair that makes you look older makes you look very handsome...all of it
means one thing, P‟ Pakin from Graph...very, super suitable for formal wear!
"He's so handsome that the cows have fainted!" The girl whispered excitedly,
shaking her friend's arm wildly. I am glad that I changed the plan to acting like
a baby and it worked, but it seems that Graph is even more confused, and now
he just looks at her and says happily: " How could it be...successful? "Yeah!"
Because his plan was considered impossible to succeed, Chanchao gave a nasty
look and slapped his arm hard, (to be honest, when my friend hung up the
phone, he also felt that he had failed). Chanchao immediately stood up and said
confidently. But the friend asked in a panic:
"Then what should I say next?"
Graph really didn't know how to deal with the man who was about to open the
door, Chanchao ran his brain quickly, and then...
"No way!" The listener's eyes widened, while the speaker nodded vigorously.
"Trust me."
However, before Kritithi could retort, the store door was opened wide, and the
newcomer had already come to stand at the table of the two. The sharp eyes
swept over, and the teenager who was arguing with his friends immediately
raised his head.
What can I say, after doing such a shameful thing.
Disobedient children ask themselves. If it was every time in the past, he would
definitely grin his teeth and utter threats... Come on P, how many people have
you fooled around with before coming here... But, after saying those damn
things, he can only keep silent, no matter how hard he tries He wanted to open
his mouth to speak, but finally closed his mouth, looking at the serious eyes that
were looking at him indifferently.
Those Graph love-hate eyes.
The silence of the two made the whole store quiet, and they all looked at the
newcomers who probably wouldn't come into this kind of store to buy food.
Such a man is more likely to be in a western restaurant located in a skyscraper.
Until Pakin moved his lips, everyone listened with bated breath, and then a
voice came out of their mouths:
"Is there something wrong with your brain?"
The people who were listening frowned, not knowing what it meant. And Pakin
didn't wait for him to understand, and continued to say in doubt:
"Are you sure you didn't hit your head when you hit the ground when the car
"What are you talking about!" .
"All those words that were said, who put a knife to your neck and asked you to
say them." Pakin would never believe that he would say those words by
himself. Chanchao, who was sitting opposite, almost lifted her notebook and
covered her face, because although she didn't hold a knife to her neck, she used
all kinds of threats. Pakin looked over for a while, and then looked at Graph
"I'm going to say it myself, why, can't I say that!" Graph said loudly when there
was no script (control). When he realized that the other party was just here to
make sure that he was not about to die, he immediately stared at the other party
very angrily, and the joy just now disappeared instantly.
"I asked, is there something wrong with my brain?"
This time, Graph stood up completely, stared back angrily, and then said
"I'm not wrong, I just said what I want P to do, isn't it just a promise? It‟s just
that you can‟t keep the promise with the high school students!” The boy said
loudly, and this almost made Chanchao raise his hands to cover his face, and
finally understood why the other party was so annoying with his friends.
Graph, Graph, this completely exposes the weakness of character.
So, the person who was trying to sit quietly raised his foot and kicked his
friend's leg, trying to remind him to calm down, but the person who was kicked
ignored it and still stared at the face of the taller one, while Pakin... smiling.
"Usually. Let Chai take you there later."
However, when the tall man was about to step away, Graph grabbed his arm
first. The caught person glanced back, and this aroused Graph's dissatisfaction,
just about to explode... "
Oh, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, P, please give me a rag." The completely melted
milkshake was pushed down and spilled all over the table, screaming softly,
lowering its head strangely and then running to the owner quickly for a
rag. During the period, I still didn't forget to bring my small notebook until I
walked behind Pakin who had no interest in small girls.
the thin man immediately picked up the small book, opened it, and raised it to
the same height as the man's head, so that the friend whose face turned to this
side can see it, tried to stand on tiptoe, and pointed to the previously written
The girl moved her lips, poked her fingers vigorously at the line that she had
said to be revised before, and stared at Graph. The person who was refuting
Pakin almost shook his head and refused, ready to act according to his heart, but
the way he immediately thought of his friend did make the person who said he
was busy with work appear here.
Die and die!
"I... I'm sorry... I may have gone too far. I want P to pick me up and I want P to
take me to the hospital. P also knows that I hate doctors and nurses. I don't like
the smell there. I don't want to go just thinking about it. That's why I want P to
go with me. I'll go back after changing the medicine..." Graph lowered his head
and whispered reluctantly.
"Hey Krub P Pakin, Graph...Graph please."
One day Chanchao must be killed and stuffed into the toilet!
What is certain is that the listener paused, seeing that the kid in question was
lowering his head in disbelief, wondering if he was thinking of some evil idea to
harm him. But based on the fact that Ya spoke well, no, the words were too
well-behaved, which made him not sure whether Ah was normal.
So he put his big hand on his forehead. Graph was taken aback.
"Go to hell. The dead child is sick, why don't you take medicine if the fever
hasn't subsided!" the young man said loudly in annoyance. Graph's forehead
temperature is higher than normal, it is estimated that the symptoms of last night
have not fully healed. Finally, he sighed heavily, and said very irritably:
"I have an appointment with the client at one o'clock in the afternoon, so be
good, don't waste time like yesterday and give me a headache." The young man
said in an emphatic tone, grabbed his shoulder, and pulled hard . Let the patients
who don't know their physical condition ask confusedly:
"What does P...P mean..."
"Don't be stupid, okay. Of course you have to go to the hospital, I'm too lazy to
collect your body." The young man said, and He was about to walk out of the
store quickly, but...
oh my god, it was super scary.
He glanced sharply at Chanchao who put down his small notebook in time and
pretended to be wiping the table next to him with a rag. The look in his eyes
made people feel creepy, and instantly the pores of his body stood up, his back
felt chills, and he was so frightened that he was sweating all over his body. But
only for a moment, Pakin...
"Huh." A terrible, heart-crowned sound came from his throat. Then she dragged
Graph out of the snack shop, the girl almost breathed a sigh of relief, but...
"Master Grahp has a very good friend." The other male said with a soft smile
before leaving. The girl immediately turned to look, and almost raised her hand
to slap her on the forehead.
The lines she wrote were not seen by her friend's man, but she forgot that the
elder brother's men were standing next to Graph!
"Uh... just... no, I didn't do anything, I didn't..." The more he said, Chanchao's
voice became softer, and he stared blankly at the tall man with a smile on his
mouth despite his scary appearance. Panachai then laughed and said,
"P didn't say anything, anyway, thank you for saving me one job...and super
tricky job." The tall male smiled again, and went to buy two drinks and himself
Ordered coffee for checkout. Then he held up the coffee, said that P is gone, and
left the snack shop. The people watching almost couldn't help screaming loudly.
"Graph! This P is not that handsome, but he is super nice. Why don't you want
Chanchao asked, screaming in his heart, stomping his little feet restlessly.
If it was this person, the life of a friend might be a lot easier.
However, no one noticed that a car parked in the area waiting to pick up the
students was slowly lowering the window, staring at the beautiful Maserati, and
muttering softly: "Who is that kid? Why
? If you die, Pakin will come to pick you up in have to report it to
the boss."
And what Pakin didn't want to happen is slowly coming.
"Good eyesight."
"Eye... what?"
When Pakin muttered to himself in the beautiful interior of the vehicle, Graph
turned his head and looked at the person next to him in confusion. So the person
who opened the topic recalled the girl who was with the young master.
"That child...should look good when he grows up."
"P can't touch Chanchao!" The listener paused for a moment, and then realized
who the other party was talking about...his good friend, so he said in a bad
tone. Staring back, the person being stared at shrugged:
"I'm not interested in children."
"But P said that if you grow up..."
"I mean you, that's fine, don't come back after dating Annoy me." Graph
squeezed his hand tightly because the other party was mistaking him for dating
Chanchao, or something. There is no reluctance, on the contrary, it is obvious
that he wants to send him to find a friend.
"Even if I'm with Chanchao, I'll keep pestering P." He said dissatisfied. The
listener frowned, and then looked over annoyedly:
"It means I just want to play."
"I don't want to play!" The boy immediately retorted, staring intently. The
person who was being stared at continued indifferently:
"If it's true, be more considerate to that child. Girls don't like boys like you."
"P is old."
"Hmph, I'm so old When I was here, I experienced more things than you." As
Pakin said, he looked over from the corner of his eye. The eyebrows of those
who listened couldn't help but knit together.
"Want to see it? I'll send you a beautiful sister later."
"I don't..."
"Or do you mean that a kid like you has already slept with someone else?" "...
" This time Graph could only remain silent, and turned his head to look out the
window, because he was stabbed to the bottom of his heart.
Yes, he's 17, but he's never slept with anyone else because there's always been
someone in his heart since he was 7...the one who's sending him to another girl.
"Don't refute?"
The stubborn child just kept silent, and his fair face slowly began to turn
red. The person who stopped because of the red light turned his head and looked
over, smiling pitifully. Knowing that Graph didn't expect it, he wasn't as much
of a prodigal kid as he showed.
This kid tried his best to imitate his appearance, trying to become what he was
back then, but he didn't look like him at all.
He knew Graph was bluffing, and he hated it the most. If he's going to spend
time sleeping with someone, it's someone who knows how to make things hot
and fun.
But the little kid sitting there blushing without saying a word reminded Pakin of
things he had never thought of before.
When the disobedient kid acts innocent and helpless... Ya is cuter than

Chapter 7: Don't understand things that should be understood

Private hospitals are generally much quieter than public hospitals, let alone
private hospitals with expensive treatment fees. Just like the people who choose
to come in for medical treatment, they pay attention to confidentiality. Although
there are few people, the people sitting on the thick and soft leather chairs still
feel the 'annoying' eyes looking over.
Pakin may like to be the center of attention, but it's definitely not the same as
coming in to claim the body of a recently deceased elder.
The neat head-to-toe formal attire doesn't match the surrounding environment at
In fact, I didn't want to come, but I came because of the hard work of the poor
stubborn kid who was changing the dressing in the room.
"Heh" Pakin made a sound from his throat, why he couldn't accept that the
stubborn brat said those impossible and abnormal words to himself.
Nah Krub... please... rest assured...everything you say sounds like someone put
a gun to your neck.
It was this kind of thinking that made him give up precious time, just to see the
face of the troublesome kid, and the Graphic he saw was also ridiculous. As the
son of a politician, he looked in a dilemma. He must not know what begged him
at the time The appearance is no different from that of being forced to take
bitter medicine.
He knew that Ya didn't say it voluntarily, and he pretended not to know.
If he shouldn't know, he just pretended not to know.
"Go to hell, it's so annoying." The young man cursed under his breath, because
although it was worth laughing at that time, it wasn't enough to make up for the
time he wasted when he had to sit and wait for the kid to change his medicine,
and go in Before...
'P go in and accompany me. '
'Stop daydreaming. Pakin
answered the boy like this, and this also made his fair face pale, as if he wanted
to contradict back but restrained himself from contradicting.
People who see this start to think it's quite funny that they want to refute but
can't refute.
"But why do I have to sit and wait for him?" The tall man sighed long, and
looked for cigarettes in his suit pocket, but the no-smoking sign on the wall
made the irritable man's eyes tremble even more. But he stood up anyway,
turned and walked to the other side.
Pakin may have been addicted to smoking a lot when he was young, but later he
reduced it to almost no smoking, but whenever he had to come to see this kid,
the young man still had to carry it with him to relieve his tense emotions.
It's unlucky to see it once.
The person who thought this way came to the smoking point, but when he was
about to light it...
"Here we come." As a trusted person came into view, Panachai said while
digging into his suit pocket to find a lighter.
Then start the fire and light it for the boss.
A series of actions attracted several female nurses to turn their heads and squint
at the two handsome men in formal suits who were lighting cigarettes for each
other. For some unknown reason, Panachai bent down and whispered to the
young man:
"It's really following you."
"Oh, just tell me." The report he got only made Pakin grin, then stood up, and
asked nonchalantly:
" Who?"
"I don't know yet, my boss is so powerful that he doesn't even know who he
accidentally offended."
"Don't hurt me, Chai." When the cronies retorted, the listeners growled. At this
time, I saw that Panachai's face was still calm. No one should know that he was
making fun of what happened to his boss a few months ago.
"Don't protect that brat anymore."
"I don't, I just pity Master Graph, after all, he is only 17 years old." The fierce-
looking man said politely. Pakin glanced over silently, and then raised a wicked
smile at the corner of his mouth:
"Then I'll give it to you, do you want it?"
The listener immediately paused, and looked at the young boss in disbelief. I
saw that Pakin didn't mean to be joking at all... This man didn't see the boy's
hard work over the years.
Panachai has been working with the other party for four years, but he has
known Mr. Pakin for more than that. He knew that this man would do what he
said and would never go back on his word. From this look, this tone, he
understood that no matter how hard Master Graph put in, the people in front of
him would never see it.
It made him feel deep sympathy for the child.
"Mr. Pakin should know about Master Graph..."
"P Pakin!"
However, when the subordinate wanted to say more, the person who was the
focus of the conversation called from the other side of the aisle. The slender
man who had just finished changing the medicine immediately ran to this side
quickly, his eyes wide open as if worried about something.
"How could P disappear here, didn't he say he would wait for me!" But when he
arrived, Graph said angrily. And the two people who looked at him could see it
The child is afraid.
"Are you a 5-year-old who got lost with his parents?" the superior said
wearily. The boy couldn't help retorting loudly:
"I thought P..."
"What's wrong with me?" Pakin stared at the face of the person who was
struggling to refute, and stopped the other person's mouth in time. Kritithi could
only keep from turning to the other side, suppressing what to say. However, the
pressing gaze also made him tremble and say as much as possible:
"I thought P... would leave me like yesterday."
This time, the two listening people stopped. Looking at the child who has
always been brave and arrogant, he said sadly, his eyes looked at the ground,
and his shoulders drooped, as if recalling yesterday's bad incident. This made
Panachai feel deeply sympathetic again, but the other person...
"I wanted to leave it behind, but you just came." "
Hey, P can't do that, he promised to take me to the hospital!" Indifference The
voice made the other party immediately raise his head and speak loudly in
dissatisfaction. Thinking that if he came out a little slower, the person who
wanted to accompany him would abandon him again.
Pakin glanced sideways, then turned to face his subordinates.
"Send this kid home."
"I'm not a kid anymore, I'm 17 years old!" Although Graph retorted, the other
party just watched silently, turned around and wanted to smoke a cigarette,
"Cough, cough, cough!!!" The kid quickly grabbed his hand, raised his head and
took a big puff of the cigarette into his lungs, wanting to say that he is no longer
a kid, at least he knows how to smoke. However, the strong taste is different
from the cigarettes I tried with my friends, and I choked and coughed
unexpectedly. The owner of the cigarette sneered:
"Show off!"
The listener almost stopped him in just one sentence, and could only cough until
his face was flushed and his eyes were full of tears, but there was resentment in
The person watching just rubbed the cigarette butt and said,
"I've told you, even if you get lung necrosis, you are still a troublesome kid in
my eyes." "..."
Pakin's last sentence The words hit the listener, and he could only stand there
blankly covering his mouth and nose, his eyes widening as if he couldn't believe
his ears.
Brother is saying that even if I die, brother will not care about me, right? Why is
brother so cruel, why? I just want my brother to look back at me.
"Go see him off, I'm going to be late." Kritithi's silence made the young man
turn around and say to his confidant. This time there was no rebuttal, only the
boy's coughing. Panachai had no choice but to obey, and turned to look at the
other man very worriedly.
After finishing speaking, the speaker turned and walked away to the other side
without waiting for the boy to react. Graph could only clenched his fist tightly,
so angry that he wanted to punch someone a few times. At this moment, the
words of my friend entered my mind.
'Don't forget to thank you with a kiss when P sends you there. '
Don't say thank you with a kiss, just talk for less than 5 minutes!
Such a thought made the young master kick the trash can away and make a loud
noise to vent his emotions.
"Yes, I'm young, shit!" Finally, he could only talk to himself. He raised his head
and rubbed his hair vigorously, venting out his irritability. The person standing
next to him sighed and said,
"Mr. Pakin just doesn't want Master Graph to smoke. Those cigarettes are
"Oh, P Pakin? I just want to find something to scold me." The listener retorted.
"Please believe me, Mr. Pakin is also worried about Master Graph."
"P Don't speak for him, P Pakin will worry about me? Unless the dog can give
birth to cows!" He still said patiently:
"But at least Mr. Pakin came when Master Graph requested."
He clicked.
Again, the listener stood quietly, looked up at each other, met a shallow,
unbelievably chilling smile, and recalled what happened in the evening.
P‟ Pakin came according to his request.
'Graph try to perform better, P will like it. '
"I'll be back later, P Chai." As if he had made up his mind, the person who had
just finished changing his medicine ran vigorously, instead of running to the
parking lot, he ran to stop at the card exchange point in the parking lot. Because
people who are convinced that they will abandon him will not stop
voluntarily. Then, as expected, a luxury car with a trident logo drove up after a
short wait.
! ! ! ! (Sudden braking sound)
The boy quickly jumped forward, blocked the front of the car, and spread his
hands. The other party could barely stop the car.
There was a moment of silence, and then the window was lowered, revealing
the driver's very angry face.
"You want to die, you damn little lunatic!!!" Pakin yelled and cursed
mercilessly. Then Graph didn't want to wait for more curses, because...
The kid jumped forward, grabbed the big man by the collar, and yanked it with
all his might. But Graph didn't want to punch the other party or kick Pakin's car
to relieve tension, but... quickly pressed the tip of his nose to the other side's
cheek, and said as quickly as if a rocket was installed: "Thank you P took me to
the hospital, don't forget to pick me up tomorrow."
After finishing speaking, the bold and cheeky man who kissed and thanked him
let go of his hand, disappeared in a flash, and entered the hospital again, leaving
the man who was the superior man to collapse and sit motionless, as if he had
just met life The strangest thing ever.
What did that kid just say?
Pakin turned his head to look, only to see the disappearing figure disappearing
into the hospital, not haunting him like every time in the past. The big hand
raised his hand to touch his face, and said...
"You must have gone crazy after overturning the car."
He said so, and then drove the car out before the car behind him honked to drive
away. If anyone thinks that the young man will smile lovingly or soften down,
he is very wrong, because he just looked at the rearview mirrors on both sides,
and when he saw a car following him not far away Shine a sharper light.
It's okay if it's just to spy on him, but if it wants to touch the kid...that's another
"Graph, how was yesterday? How is it?"
"Just... the same."
"That means it's good!!!"
After hearing his friend's answer, Chanchao cried out excitedly, clapping his
hands happily. There was a crackling sound, thinking about the past few days.
To be honest, at first the girl was also worried that her friend would be killed by
that big brother and buried. But judging from the current results, Graph went to
school as usual since that day, and he only reminded her after being pressed...
Graph kissed Pakin brother!
This kind of thought made her almost scream like a big candy, but the unusual
quietness of the other party made her dare not go too far. That evening when the
eldest brother came to pick up his friend, Graph himself was speechless in
disbelief, because... no need to be naughty, noisy, or troublesome... he just came
by himself.
The girl with the ponytail couldn't help but yell like a rotten soul... P‟ Pakin
must be fascinated by Graph!
So, on Monday, I asked how it was again, and the answer was...
'Pick up and drop off normally, and I haven't been scolded a word. "
I said, P must have started to have feelings for Graph. Otherwise, he would
definitely not change his attitude towards Graph." Chanchao said happily on
behalf of his friend, even if the friend told her that since the kiss in front of the
hospital that day, P‟ Pakin not only came to pick up and change the medicine,
but also did not curse, but he said...
'Don't be naughty today, I have something to think about. '
This sentence reminded the girl that he must be thinking about her friend.
"I don't know, I don't know, I just feel weird." Kritithi himself was just feeling
uneasy, not as elated as his friend expected, because although P‟ Pakin changed
his attitude towards him, he was calm...too calm.
It was the same at that time, saying that there was something to think about, did
it really have anything to do with him?
At first, I thought the same as my friend, but when almost a week passed, Graph
felt...fucking no.
"Strange? Why is it strange?" The listener asked confusedly, because he only
had the thinking in Boyslove's novel in his mind just now.
Brother, he changed after Graph kissed his face, which means he is developing
for the better. Look, Graph is a little cute, and his heart is moved.
Kritithi frowned, however, because he could not find the words to answer the
"I don't know, I just feel weird, as if... still the original P Pakin."
"Graph is thinking too much." The friend tried to comfort him. The person who
thought it was strange just shook his head and pursed his lips.
"Now I just think about one thing. I have no more excuses. Today is the last
change of dressing, and I have been grounded for 3 weeks. I don't know what
excuse to appear in front of P." The listener also thought Wake up, brother
promised his friend's father that he would help take him to the hospital until he
recovered, but now that the injury is healed, the hospital said today is the last
"Or do you want to find an excuse to go to the racing track again?"
"Graph is grounded now." These words made the boy's mouth clench even
"Oh, goddamn dad."
"Speak well, don't scold your parents." Because of the bad boy's last words, the
friend slapped his arm hard and said fiercely. The murdered person turned his
head away, hating being lectured.
The little man couldn't help but change the subject because of his appearance.
"Well, Graph said that P Pakin promised to teach motorcycle riding."
"Superbikes, not motorcycles." The listener corrected immediately. People who
didn't see any difference in driving various meat-clad iron cars wrinkled their
noses and didn't want to argue.
"Anything is fine, at least P agreed." Kritithi was silent this time, and couldn't
help thinking...this must be more fucking difficult.
This time, before I get what I want, I may be scolded by P‟ Pakin until I cry.
"I'll wait here."
So fucking weird.
The more Graph thought about it, the weirder it became. When the big man in
casual clothes, jeans and a dark shirt nodded, he walked straight into the
treatment room, then sat down on the sofa, and took out his mobile phone to say
that he would sit here and wait.
It may be like a friend saying it is a good phenomenon, but honestly, people
who have been scolded to death can't help but think that it is not like this.
Unusually kind.
The teenager walked into the treatment room while thinking, thinking about
what crazy thing happened in his head? Is it really just because he kissed and
thanked the person who was so bored that he threw himself in the middle of the
road that he became able to talk, negotiate, and take care of him?
Such thoughts kept turning and turning in my mind until I left the room, looking
at the handsome man leaning on the back of the sofa and playing with the
mobile phone with one hand, even making the girls stare at him, but still
strangely looking very majestic, A tall man sitting quietly. But Graph only felt
one thing... P‟ Pakin is tense.
Really? Do people like this have stressful events in their lives?
the boy asked himself. But he really felt that although Pakin was with him, he
was thinking about other things all the time. Pick up your phone when you have
time, as if you are in contact with someone. But it might be about bedmates that
the atmosphere seemed to become more breathless for him. So Graph doesn't
agree with his friend's idea... Pakin doesn't say or scold because he is acting
cute, but because he has more troublesome things to think about than being
around him.
"Who is P chatting with?" So he asked, the person who moved his finger
glanced over, and then stuffed the phone back into his trouser pocket.
"Go back when you're done." There was no direct answer, and the listener
frowned suddenly.
"Is P chatting with P Chai?" This person is likely to be the one at work.
"Yes." The tall man shrugged and gave an ambiguous answer. Then he led them
to the parking lot, and the people who followed him were even more confused.
"P will also have work problems?" Being ridiculed, Pakin squinted at the past,
but he didn't want to scold him for not meddling other people's business, but
said indifferently:
"That's right."
It's you big-headed ghost!
Graph straightened his face, and the other party seemed to be asking and
answering, but he couldn't help clenching his fists, trying to suppress his
displeasure. Following the other party to the luxury car, he was about to say
something, if it wasn't because Pakin spoke first.
"Sit quietly, I have something to think about."
Yeah, been thinking about it for a fucking week, hoping to blow your mind off.
The young man pursed his lips, crossed his chest and looked out the window. I
saw the sports car was slowly leaving the hospital.
A low curse sounded, and Graph turned his head sharply and almost cursed
back, but the other person's eyes were not on him, but on... the rearview mirror.
This action made Graph turn his head and look back, but all he saw was the
countless vehicles driving on the road, so he looked back at the driver again.
"Fasten your seat belt!"
The person who hadn't had time to put on the seat belt could only yell in
surprise, and suddenly the luxury car started running at full speed, almost
getting stabbed in the face, and immediately grabbed the seat belt with both
hands, because he was really afraid of this damn thing , The brave man who
suddenly stepped on the accelerator hard. Moreover, he also penetrates left and
right, and is not afraid of going to the underworld to report at all.
"What the hell is P doing!" Graph yelled, while the driver said nothing,
skillfully controlling the sports car to cut left and right in the traffic jam,
completely ignoring the cursing of the people behind him.
Soon, a luxury car drove into a luxurious mansion, and the son of the family
was still clinging to the seat belt tightly.
"Here's home, get out of the car."
"Hey, P is still talking to me like this after P almost drove me into a pickup
truck." Sure enough, the bad boy will complain a little, feeling that his heart is
beating just now. Car drifting process is about to stop. And Pakin looked back,
Stretching out his big hand in front of him, the boy's eyes widened, his little
heart beat a few beats faster, and he couldn't help but wonder if P‟ Pakin is
going to do what he did a few days ago? But...
"Oh, I opened the door, get out of the car, young master Kritithi."
All the man with a stiff body could do was open his mouth wide, looking at the
person who drove him out of the car in disbelief, and quickly retorted :
"P was so fast that he almost hit the side of the road annoys me so
much, you can drive me out of the car as soon as you want, right?" the boy said
aggrievedly, looking at him with anger and dissatisfaction , but in the end, he
was... sad.
"Yes, get out of the car quickly so that I can end my mission." The person in
front of me said nonchalantly without giving hope. The boy gritted his teeth,
and the words his friend said broke into his mind.
"P can't hide from me, don't forget what P promises to teach me." Graph said
stubbornly, ready to accept the other party's vicious attacks, but something
incredible happened.
"I'm not so old that I forgot what I said, I'm going to the racetrack this
"I mean..."
"I'll do what I say, so you can get off the car." The person who was wronged a
minute ago said happily Laughing, he originally thought that he would have to
struggle for several weeks to get what he wanted, but he didn't expect it to be so
Little kids who get what they want are finally willing to get off.
"Then I'll go to the racing track to find P on Saturday." The listener reluctantly
nodded as if enduring a lot of boredom, but he didn't refuse, which made Graph
feel emotional when he didn't know when. However, when stepping up to the
When he heard his name being called, Graph immediately turned around, only
to see that the other party seemed a little hesitant and then waved his hand:
"Nothing." Although he felt very annoyed, at least he was promised We met this
Saturday, so we shrugged, closed the door, and entered the house. The people in
the car watched and confirmed that the naughty child had completely entered
the house, then shook their heads.
"Anyway, the little brat is grounded, so he shouldn't cause any trouble."
The young man said so, thinking that Graph will be controlled wherever he goes
now, so if someone wants to move Graph instead of him, it shouldn't be too
easy. Besides, if another month passes, those damned guys should think of him
and Graph has nothing to do with it.
And the more Graph pestered him, the more those guys who were following
him misunderstood how close Graph was to him, so it had to be over as soon as
People who think this way don't even realize that they are worrying about the
stubborn child, otherwise why should they worry about the safety of the other
Of course Pakin didn't want to figure it out himself.
Chapter 8: If you don’t make trouble, you will come to your door by

Damn bad guy!

Kritithi was counting the days until Saturday, and when it arrived, she was well-
groomed, confident and looking pleasing to the eye. Let the family driver take
him to Pakin's racing track, expecting to meet the big man who has been waiting
for him, but all hopes and expectations have collapsed... "Today this
man will be Master Graph's teacher."
"How, you brat who dares to challenge the power of darkness."
The person next to Panachai is the very Saifah.
A tall male in washed jeans and a dark T-shirt, in contrast to the bearded man,
with a big, friendly smile. After meeting, he raised his hand in a friendly
greeting, and Graph called out the other party's name in disbelief.
Where did that bastard Pakin die?
"Yes, it's me, P Saifah. A unique handsome guy." Saifah looked at the good-
looking boy in a dark leather jacket, who seemed to be fully prepared to learn
how to ride a superbike. However, the boy's appearance... seems to be a little
unhappy to see him... so he said with a smile in order to reassure the
children. But...
"Ah, I look the same as I do." The twin brothers who were riding a very cool
superbike with a blue fan-leaf logo interrupted. So he laughed loudly and said,
"Where does it look like? My brother is the prince of the School of
Architecture, and I am the elder of the dirty clothes school in the School of
Engineering." Saifah laughed and refuted his brother. Because the elder brother
is a man who has a clean shaved beard and shoulder-length hair, but does not
look feminine but looks very gentlemanly. Wherever he goes in the School of
Architecture, there is a scenery, and he himself looks super clean. Short hair,
with a big beard that girls detest as looking dirty.
"But P thinks it's okay if they have the same hairstyle, and they couldn't tell the
difference when they were freshmen." Panachai said after watching the two for
a long time.
"What about P Pakin?"
When all the young people were making fun of the differences between the
twins, the person who had stood silent for a while asked loudly, which attracted
three pairs of eyes to look at, and the three adults all noticed at the same time...
child Disappointed now...very disappointed.
"It should come soon."
"Should it be, P... He said he would teach me himself!" Although the confidant
of the person mentioned agreed, the listeners couldn't help being
disappointed. He took out his mobile phone and wanted to make a call to make
a scene, asking why he broke his promise. Did he count the days so hard and
look forward to it with all his heart, but what he got was repeated
"Don't be too stubborn."
However, before he could act, someone grabbed Graph's cell phone one step
earlier... The boy raised his head and looked at this person dissatisfied.
"Don't worry about P." Phayu couldn't help but let out a long sigh, looked back
at Panachai and then turned back to look at the very angry boy, and at the same
time... a very poor little guy.
How could you think of pestering someone like Pakin brother?
"I don't mean to care about it. P just wants to remind you that if you make a call,
it will only annoy P Pakin." "
Then what does P ask me to do! It's P Pakin who didn't believe what he said
first. It's not that he will teach himself." Well, didn‟t you say let Saturday come,
why not come, let me stand here stupidly by myself. Why!” Kritithi is very
disappointed now, and this disappointment also makes him uncontrollably
explode to other people, he I couldn't help but resent that I was the only one
who was going crazy.
I also know how many times Pakin-san has been like this, why do I actively
look forward to it and get such pain.
The appearance made the three adults glance at each other, and then Saifah
became the first person to raise his hands in surrender... He couldn't handle such
a child.
"Oh." Then, Pakin's talented technician pressed the hand holding the mobile
phone again, and said calmly: "It's
time to study, and the heat will be unbearable any later."
"I don't..."
"P Pakin likes people who can drive."
Suddenly, Phayu said something like this, which made the person who was
about to refute shut his mouth, turned around and looked at the past in
puzzlement, while the relatively taciturn twin brother smiled and said: "It will
be open
. I can‟t say anything more. At least we have been approved by the three
brothers. If P Pakin comes here, even P Pakin has nothing to say...OK?” The
words are teaching stubborn children to be stubborn about what they want Stuff
doesn't help, and sometimes a step back and a learning challenge can instead
attract the attention of someone who is great at everything.
P‟ Pakin likes people who can drive, if Graph gets the approval of these three
people here...there is a good chance that person will notice him too, right?
Graph slowly put down the phone in his hand, looked down at the ground, and
took a deep breath.
"What am I... going to do?" the boy asked in a low voice, Saifah laughed
immediately and said,
"Come on, little brother. Call me driver Saifah teacher, P has already prepared
the equipment, maybe after the course is over, it will be better than Dead Oat is
even better." After the elder brother dealt with the problem, the younger brother
took over, grabbed Graph's shoulders and put his arms in his arms, and then
walked towards the other direction where the safety equipment was prepared,
almost with his arms around his waist go.
Panachai didn't laugh until there were only 2 youths left.
"He is very good at coaxing children."
"This kid is not really stubborn, as long as he catches a weakness, he will soften,
why can't P Pakin handle it." Phayu looked back and asked inexplicably that he
could handle everything Why can't P‟ Pakin handle a child badly? Even though
it was obvious that he didn't like it, he let the other party yell at him, but he
knew how to calm Graph down after only the third meeting.
Facing the question, Panachai just smiled.
"That's right, P also wants to know why the boss can't deal with it once."
There is a saying that it can't be dealt with because...he is unwilling to deal with
There are some things Pakin just let go of, even if he shows boredom, he still
doesn't want to do anything.
Such an answer made Phayu laugh out loud:
"It will be interesting in the future."
"That's right, but it has to be seen in the long run." This made Phayu smile:
"Then P saw How many years?" This question made the man who looked fierce
but was actually kind laughed softly, but the laughter sounded very bad.
"I've been observing for a few years, and I'm still waiting for the results." I have
been Pakin's subordinate for several years, and this is the most difficult thing.
"Hey, you damn kid, I told you not to turn the clutch."
"I'm not used to it, if I don't turn the car, I'll smoke." "
Because you're impatient, practice hard, open the accelerator, and release the
clutch when you're almost done.
"After teaching the course, Saifah found that this young master is much smarter
than he looks, because whether it is the posture of holding the car, acceleration
or turning, the level of his performance seems to be that of a person with certain
experience, but there is a problem... every time The clutch will be accelerated
before departure.
Accelerating the clutch is to accelerate, if you hold the clutch tightly, let the
machine run at high speed to solve the problem of the car sluggish or twitching,
but it will cause other problems... the clutch plate will age quickly.
"It's okay."
"Oh, brother, if you have an older brother who can drive cars and is a very close
twin brother, you will definitely be kicked to the sky. It's okay to want to turn
the clutch and lick the clutch. But after a long time, there will be problems with
the machine, and it will be better for this handsome guy to quit this habit." After
speaking, Saifah clapped his hands, as if saying that this superbike is his most
handsome son.
"Do it first, it's not too difficult, if you practice more, you will get rid of the
habit." The big man said so that Graphic lowered his head to look at the car, and
then Graph couldn't help asking himself... What the hell is he doing here.
It's not that Saifah's teaching is boring and not good enough, but he still can't
help being disappointed by someone's missed appointment. But like what Phayu
said... Pakin might be more willing to accept him if he does well.
"P Saifah, does P Pakin come here often?"
"Not often. It depends on the mood. In most cases, if there is something, it is
more likely to go to P's auto repair shop. No, most of them will call Give it to
Phayu. But if you are bored, you will go around to find him. In the end, you will
lure Oat out to play. P‟s friend is a super serious person. P Pakin said that it‟s
funny as long as you fiddle with it a little.”
"Then did he bring anyone here?" Graph seized the opportunity to ask questions
when there were always answers. Because no matter how long he has known P‟
Pakin, the boy still doesn't know about his private life.
Saifah laughed out loud at this question:
"No. Oh, it would be a different story if you came here by yourself." Graph was
about to laugh, but the last sentence made his face slowly tense.
"Of course, a character like P Pakin." It's like saying 'but P Pakin', so that the
listener understands that there is no need to add. The person who asked the
question at first felt a little annoyed, so he avoided and moved to another thing
he was interested in.
"Then does P know when P Pakin will hold racing events again?"
"Ah, this P can't say." However, the person who laughed loudly and talked very
much before closed his mouth, raised his hand as an apology, Then he replied in
a hoarse voice.
Graph turned around and said:
"Isn't it okay to say a little bit, P."
"No, I will be killed by P Pakin. I announced it loudly last time."
"Hey, P. I will sneak in, I will definitely not cause trouble for P." When the big
senior was unwilling to say anything, Graph played tricks. Putting the car away,
he turned his head and looked over expectantly, almost grabbing the opponent's
hand and shaking him. Saifah also slowly relented.
What P‟ Pakin said is so annoying, but why do I think the little Graph is more
like a Pomeranian? Even though he loves to bark, his heart will melt when he
looks at it.
"P really can't say it, Graph."
"Please, P Saifah, no, it's Teacher Saifah."
When the child blurted out Teacher Saifah, the listeners stopped, and their tight-
lipped mouth slowly raised up. It‟s not that I like to listen to other people‟s
flattering words, or I‟m obsessed with my own words, but when I hear it from a
child who didn‟t want to call it that at‟s so fucking sweet.
"Call again."
"Teacher Saifah."
As soon as Graph finished speaking, the person who said he would not say
anything pulled the boy's neck and locked it, stretched his head over, looked left
and right, and when he saw that no one would interrupt the conversation, he
turned his head to face him The long-awaited eyes look like they are thinking
about it, even though their hearts softened when they were called teachers.
Alright, let's talk, the kid also said that he will sneak in.
"P Pakin said that the event will be at..."
"What are you doing!"
Surprised! ! !
Don't say that Saifah was scared, Kritithi was also scared enough. When the
familiar voice came from behind, the two youths, young and old, immediately
turned their heads to look back, and then saw... the man who had been gossiped
for a while.
Oh, do you have a Gumantong? Get it right, bro.
Saifah had no choice but to smile first, and glanced at another child who was
pale and obviously abnormal.
"Saifah, what are you talking to this brat about?" That's right, the little Graph's
look is too fucking bad to lie, P‟ Pakin knew what they were secretly talking
about as soon as he came.
"Everything, P." Faced with such an answer, Pakin watched silently, and then...
The terrible smile made the twin brother unable to smile anymore, only
knowing... bad luck.
"I want to talk to P Saifah what has anything to do with P. P still missed an
appointment with me." However, it seems that someone will be more
unlucky. Because of Graph's immediate intervention, the terrifying gaze
changed direction.
"Where did I miss the appointment?"
"P asked me to come over on Saturday, but P is not here." The boy said angrily,
and the listener raised his arms around his chest and said, "It's just that I came
late, so I can't say I missed the appointment.
"It was Kritithi's turn to be speechless immediately, and he looked at the glance,
and then he gritted his teeth angrily.
That's right, P‟ Pakin is here, so it can't be counted as a missed appointment.
"But P promised to teach me, but P lost it to P Saifah."
"Throwing? Where did I lose it?"
"Just P Chai said let P Saifah teach me." Again, the youth laughed, but It was a
bad smile, and retorted:
"It was Chai who told you, not me."
"So, I have not broken my promise to you, I made an appointment to come here
on Saturday, and I am here too. It is you I came too early. As for teaching, I
planned to teach myself, but when I came here, I saw that you were already with
Saifah. Oh, Saifah." "Krub, P!" Just about to run away secretly, The person who
thought he would be saved from death froze and responded loudly. Pakin
grinned, looking straight into Graph's angry eyes.
"Have you taught him?"
"Yes, P."
"Then what's wrong with him?"
"No, except when we set off. But it will be better if you practice more and get
familiar with it."
This time Pakin spread out He clapped his hands, smiled slightly, and said
something that made the person who was watching want to punch him in the
face with his fist:
"See, I'm not keeping my word.
"He clenched his fists and gritted his teeth. When I saw the man in front of me
who couldn't refute him no matter what, I couldn't help trying to recall that the
reason why he fell into the trap was because he believed that P‟ Chai was acting
according to P‟ Pakin's order, so he firmly believed that he was let go, but now
the bastard Pakin Brother said that he did not give such an order, and even if P‟
Chai was strangled to death... it is impossible for him to know whether it was P‟
Pakin's order.
In the end, he cursed secretly in his heart and looked at the other party
angrily. But Pakin seemed not aware of it at all and said:
"Now I don't owe you anything." The listener's face turned pale, because it
meant that the dead Graph had no reason to appear in front of the other party
again, so he could only lower his head and stare at his feet.
Can't fight, never succeeded.
"But I think that if my younger brother performs well, P can also give me some
rewards, P Pakin." When Graph tasted the taste of failure again, someone
walked over while talking like a god who brought blessings.
"P Phayu." He whispered the other person's name.
Pakin also turned around, saw his personal technician smiled and said " "
It's just a reward for a high school student, it won't be difficult for P, what do
you think?" Die Saifah.
" Hey, don't throw shit to Lao Tzu. " The younger brother was startled by the
words thrown by the twin brother. He shook his head for a while, but because
he couldn't fight Phayu, he said with a dry smile: "
Ah, I think Graph is a great apprentice, P should give this kid some rewards
ah. Graph doesn't like the word kid every time, but this time he knows it's best
to be a quiet kid in a situation like this. When all eyes are on the older ones, the
pupils of the one with the power of life and death Started to move.
"What did you use to bribe you? Pakin said a little tiredly. The two brothers
thought at the same time: it's sympathy.
Sympathy for this kid who looked sad when he knew he was powerless.
"It means that P will reward Graph?" Hey, what are you waiting for, tell me
what you want. "Phayu immediately said briefly, and turned to look at the silent
boy. Because he didn't expect it to happen so quickly, if he knew that he could
make a request to P‟ Pakin, he would definitely think about it. However, soon,
when a certain young man
Yoyo When he said the following words, the shallow smile disappeared.
"I'll return the car to you later. ‟ Pakin finished, and continued:
"Wait for someone to deliver that car home, and treat it as a good performance
today... Are you satisfied, damn twins from hell." The young man said this, as if
saying that there is no need to say more. Then he turned around and walked to
the other side, not wanting to listen to the noisy voices, lest he would feel
mental pain. Graph, on the other hand, stood there in a daze, unable to react.
"Hey, Graph, Graph, you have to think fast, if it's P, he'll ask me to eat or take
me to a fun place." Saifah patted reassuringly and still stood without saying a
word little friend, and Phayu shook his head.
"Okay, let's bring it to P's auto repair shop again." He also comforted the child
who was standing quietly. But Graph didn't hear all kinds of comforting voices,
he only thought of one thing... P‟ Pakin agreed too easily, as if trying to push
him away from life.
Not breaking promises, not breaking appointments, and returning the car,
everything seemed to be disconnecting him, so my little heart suddenly felt
bursts of pain.
Is that why hyung doesn't want to see me, or is it that sometimes...don't think
about it anymore, Graph.
Several times, he began to seriously think about it.
"Mom, Chanchao is going."
"Okay, will you be back late today? You have to make dinner."
"If there is no accident, I can come back on time."
In a house with a beautiful environment, the eldest daughter of the family is
carrying a bag full of study materials. Putting the canvas bag on his shoulders,
he walked to talk to his mother who was busy in the kitchen. Then he went to
his younger sister who was lying enviously watching (BL) comics:
"P is gone."
"Ah, P Chanchao, help me to buy the new comics, the comic shop may have
arrived." Dang and younger sister While talking, the third-year student with
shoulder-length short hair suddenly sat up, and took out a list of newly released
comics from his shorts to his sister.
"The book fee is half for each person."
"Okay, half for each person. Come back soon, Buhlan wants to continue
watching Prince Sabato" said the younger sister named Buhlan, and then lay
down again to continue reading manga. The person watching couldn't help
frowning slightly.
"Wait and see, after the college entrance examination, I must read all the
comics." After finishing speaking, he walked out of the house irritably, but soon
all the irritability turned into surprise... "Graph!" When the good-looking boy
was waiting in front of the house sitting on a tall super motorcycle, he turned his
head to look at the house, and then rushed to find his friends.
"Why are you here? Didn't you say you were grounded?"
"Hey, I'm just talking about it. My parents don't care whether my grounding
period has expired or not." Kritithi pursed her lips while talking, and the girl
looked at him with pity.
"Don't worry about the grounding. I'm just bored and don't want to stay at home,
and then I remembered that Chanchao is going to a remedial class, so I came to
pick you up." The boy said this, if it was someone else, he would be shy,
because suddenly the good-looking boy rides Bringing millions of cars home,
and sending them to remedial classes. But the girl just tilted her head in
confusion and said,
"Did something happen?"
If Graph felt bored, he would definitely not come to her, but to play with
students from other classes, and sometimes because of studying. Something
came to her, but if she came here deliberately, it meant... there was a problem.
"No... right... I don't know, I don't know anything." The visitor shook his head
vigorously, and the irritated look made the person watching sigh.
That means I don't get along well with that big brother.
"Let's go together. If Graph sends me there, there may be an hour before the
tutoring session. Go find something to eat, and then Graph will slowly talk
about what happened..." When seeing a friend in a bad mood , then smiled and
said softly. The listener nodded his head two or three times, bent over and took
the helmet and handed it over.
"Your car is pretty cool, but it's very unfriendly to a little girl like me."
Chanchao put on the helmet skillfully. This is of course, not many times in the
back seat. But I'm still not used to having to scramble into the back seat every
time, and it's such a huge car with most of the seats facing the driver sideways.
"Hey, Chanchao, who made you do this!!!"
"Hey, hurry up Graph, wait a minute and P Sun will scold you." Immediately
afterwards, the window on the second floor was opened, and the man with
messy hair who hadn't fully woken up Stretching out her head and shouting
loudly, the younger sister couldn't help but patted her friend's shoulder
vigorously, and said quickly before the man who was worried about her
younger sister went downstairs to stop her. Graph couldn't help laughing.
"I still worry about my sister." Graph said loudly, and then drove the car out of
the alley, and the person in the back seat replied loudly: "It's my
wife who worries more about my sister."
Then the large car deftly circled out of the alley . Until the main road...
! (Sound of brakes)
Suddenly, a car ran across in front of the young girl, Kritithi almost had no time
to brake, and Chanchao was almost pierced in the face.
"Fuck, how did you drive!" The impatient person immediately scolded.
"Speak well, brother."
He clicked.
The next moment he stopped, and saw several large super motorcycles parked
behind him, blocking the road.
"Graph, what's the matter?" Chanchao asked in a low voice with his heart
pounding involuntarily. The listener sullenly said,
"I don't know either."
Graph can guarantee that he hasn't caused any trouble during this period of time,
and even if he did, he wasn't with this bastard and flirtatious adult.
"Master Graph, right? Come with us." The man in the car got off, and the boy
couldn't help squinting his eyes with a smile that was obviously looking for
"Fuck you, get out of the way!" Graph yelled, fearlessly, even though he was
actually fearing for his friend's safety.
He has been in trouble many times, and he is still at Pakin's level. They can't
scare him, except Chanchao.
"The kid who died Pakin is so rude."
"What's the matter with P Pakin!" The name he didn't want to hear was said, and
Graph's body froze, and he pushed back immediately.
The man who seemed to be the leader laughed out loud.
"Let's go together, I'll tell you what's the matter."
"If I don't go, fuck you!" said the angry man, tightly grasping the hand of his
friend who was trembling all over.
"Well, if Master Grahp doesn't leave, you can let this sister go instead of you."
A few people stepped forward and surrounded Graph's car. The boy's brain
started to work quickly, thinking that he should break out of the encirclement or
what should he do? But I noticed that my friend's body seemed to be shaking
more than before.
"Don't touch this girl!" When they stepped forward to catch the young girl,
Graph turned around to block the villain's hand and said loudly. Then turned to
look at the damn boss.
"I can go, but I can't touch my friends."
"Okay. Oh, you can get out of the car. Now Master Graph has something to do
with us." The other party agreed, and turned to look at the one who was tightly
around Graph's waist girl. Graph reassured:
"It's okay, Chanchao. I'm fine, I can go." The slender man whispered in a low
voice, nodded slightly, assuring that he would be fine. Although Chanchao was
also worried, he got out of the car in fear.
Call the police!
The person holding on to the bag thinks so.
"Oh, let's go, or say that dead Pakin's children don't count." Ya said this, making
Graph clenched his fists angrily.
"Okay, lead the way wherever you want!" Now he had to keep these guys away
from his friends as much as possible.
The person who thought this way started the car again, shook hands on the
handlebars, nodded and said Ya lead the way. The guys smiled, and then got
into the car again.
"Don't think about running away, otherwise I can't guarantee the safety of this
girl." Ya said, and then accelerated into the front road, leaving 2 superbikes
beside her. Graph could only look at his friends worriedly, but it seemed that
Chanchao would be safer if he did what they said.
It wasn't until several cars had left that the terrified girl took off her helmet and
held it in her hand, took out her cell phone, and raised her trembling hand.
"Report the crime, report the crime!"
But before calling the police, the BMW car that was turning into the alley
honked its horn lightly, and couldn't help being startled, and turned around in
fear of whether the other party would return again , but the raised face made
Chanchao couldn't help screaming happily.
"P Chin!"
"Did something happen?" The appearance of his brother's friend made
Chanchao feel relieved beyond words.
"P Chin, Graph, my friend Graph was taken away by someone!" the girl ran to
grab the car window and said in a panic. The listener frowned.
"Yes, Graph. Chanchao's friend, suddenly a car and an oversized motorcycle
came to block the road, and then took my friend away. Just said, P Pakin is a
terrible person, and he even brought terrible things to him. To Graph. What
should I do? P Chin." Although the child was too scared to speak clearly, the
young man with green hair immediately picked up the phone after several
familiar names.
"Calm down, Chanchao. P thinks that P knows someone who can help."
Seeing his brother's friend calling someone, Chanchao could only shake hands
Don't worry, please don't worry!
Chapter 9: Badger Guys

fucking crazy! Can't shake it off!

The beautiful high-powered superbike is slowly accelerating. The owner leans
sideways against the body, squints at the two rearview mirrors, and sees several
large motorcycles following closely behind. The hands couldn't help but grip
tighter, twisting hard to increase the speed even higher.
The cool car left several cars in front behind, but when I looked back, I found
that the guys were still biting.
The sound of the horn resounded throughout the road, and when there was not
only one locomotive that loves to overtake, but several other locomotives
followed closely behind, passing across in front of it, it caused great pain to
other road users. The driver who is leading at high speed is feeling sweat on his
forehead, running down his cheeks to his chin.
Fuck, I'm not familiar with this kind of road!
Graph yelled inwardly because he wasn't used to driving on a road with so many
cars. For a long time, although this car has been in hand for several months,
most of the time it is only used to go back and forth between school and home,
or it is taken out and driven in the middle of the night. Now this kind of racing
and dodging requires higher skills than usual, and the blood vessels in the brain
are also swollen due to tension.
How can I escape successfully! How to escape!
The chasing car on the road seemed to be conquered... The chase that started
about ten minutes ago finally came to an end.
Ever since he separated from his friend, Graph has been following those guys
on his bike, pretending that he has no intention of running away, and he didn't
take any action until he was sure he had left the alley where his friend's house
was located for a while... Dead Graph isn't someone's good boy anymore.
So, after those guys were accidentally blocked by a red light, Kritithi steered the
car to turn to another road, throwing off the car that was leading the way from
the beginning. However, they didn't completely get rid of everyone, so they had
no choice but to continue running and chasing on the road.
Under construction.
"That's right there!" Then, Graph glanced at the red warning sign that said
'under construction', and remembered that a new road is being built here and it
hasn't been officially put into use yet, so there aren't many cars, and it should be
easier for him to speed up on the open road Get rid of those guys.
There was a loud brake sound, followed by the sound of acceleration. When
Graph slowed down and turned, he immediately controlled the car and rushed
into the road under construction. At the same time, the heart was overloaded
and was beating fast. I don't know if it was because of fear or nervousness. I
only knew that although I used my body to withstand the wind, my back was
already soaked in sweat.
"It must be able to get rid of it, and it will be able to get rid of after this
distance!" The young man couldn't help whispering to himself firmly on the
road that was so long that he couldn't see the end. Hands and feet are
coordinated to increase the horsepower to slowly bring the speed to the highest
When he was confident that he could escape successfully, his eyes under the
helmet glanced at the rearview mirror again, only to see that the group of guys
had been thrown far away by him. However, just as he was full of ambition...
Suddenly, the car he had thrown off rushed out from a small path, right in front
of him, and Graph yelled out unconsciously. The car almost had no time to stop
and leaned to one side, but fortunately, it was pulled back by memory. But in
the next second, his eyes widened when he saw those guys catching up.
"Hold it! Damn it! Fuck!!!" The boy cursed loudly, and decided to drive the car
back to the normal road after a second. Preparing for the worst in my heart, I
turned around and drove to the other side of the main road, struggling to avoid
being chased.
No matter if it's Dad's enemy or P‟ Pakin's, he will definitely die ugly.
Chi! ! !
"Fuck!" Graph yelled before he finished thinking. Because the road ahead is
blocked by... barricades. So instinctively, the car was forced to stop with the
greatest effort, and the wheels rubbed against the road violently, making a
thrilling loud noise, and the driver couldn't help but widen his eyes in fear.
Going to hit it!
'Remember, if the car is out of control, let go, it's better to kill the car than to
die. '
Suddenly, what Saifah said came into my head, and...
Boom! ! !
"Ouch!" In an instant, Graph lowered the car so that the body and the road slid,
while he let go of the handlebar and let his body fly out of the huge machine. If
he collided with a hard object, he would either be disabled or die. The body
rolled several times on the road until there was a loud boom.
"Whoa, whoa, whoa..."
Graph was lying on the road panting heavily. Thanks to the thick leather jacket
and helmet, he would not go to see King Yan Luo, but when he looked at his
favorite car, he saw The wheels on both sides hit the roadblock heavily, and
sparks rose from the friction between the car body and the ground. Fortunately,
there was no explosion, and only the heavy wheels on both sides were spinning
rapidly towards the sky.
"It's over, Master Graph."
Before he had time to stretch his body, the boy cried out in pain when the big
man approached and stepped on his shoulder. The other party put his head
above his head viciously, laughed disgustingly and asked pretendingly.
"Children these days speak really hard." In order for Graph to speak properly,
Ya crushed his shoulder with the heel of his shoe again before speaking. Graph
grabbed Ya's ankle with his hands and gritted his teeth, but the adrenaline he
had just aroused was exhausted, leaving him exhausted.
"What do you want? Why do you want to catch me!" When he couldn't resist
with strength, the huge roar made the listeners laugh out loud: "I promise you, if
you obediently follow us, we will tell
you But, if you still play tricks like this, then there is no promise at all..."
"Fuck you, how dare you say it. Take a group of people to chase me alone."
Graph gritted his teeth and endured the pain, not wanting to let Anyone who
sees their vulnerable side. At the same time, he tried every means to escape,
after all, his luck was never good.
"Because I heard that he is very good at playing tricks... Even Mr. Pakin had to
do it himself, so I brought some people." Ya said as she raised her feet, and then
squatted down. The person lying open slowly raised himself up, and then...
"Don't compare yourself with P Pakin. You're a sissy!" Graph spat in the other's
face and reprimanded him disdainfully. Ya paused for a moment, then raised her
hand to wipe the saliva off her face, her eyes that were originally excited
became cruel. Graph couldn't help being startled.
"Really defend him, brat. Don't you know he's the same as us!" The other party
was furious, and lifted Graph's collar so that the two faced each other.
"If you don't know anything, don't be self-righteous."
"You don't know everything! P Pakin is not a scum of society like you!" At
least, the Pakin brother he knew wouldn't act like this. Then, it seemed that the
aggressive method was effective, only to see that the smiles of the listeners
disappeared and replaced by stares that wanted to tear him apart.
"Then tell me, what would P Pakin, the great benefactor of your family, do in
such a situation?"
This question made Graph's head spin quickly, and when he caught sight of his
car out of the corner of his eye, he immediately turned his head and said :
"Come compare the car with me!"
"Huh?" Ah turned around and asked.
"If I win, you have to let me go." This time the other party looked back with
interest, and then laughed and said, "
Okay, but if you lose, I will be their wife."
From the beginning of the chasing battle to the present , which became the
sentence that Graph was most afraid of.
The set route is based on one lap of the racetrack, and a new road that has not
yet been opened for use as the track, so it is a long and straight road section
without any obstacles, which means that what the two drivers have to do is Use
the fastest speed and be the first to reach the finish line.
Whoever is faster wins. The rules are unimaginably simple.
"Get ready, P Kon."
Graph had a hand on his aching shoulder as the guys lifted his superbike and
started it. The bodywork is not in great condition, the beautiful paint that has
just been repainted has big scratches and is dented. I can't help but worry that
there will be problems with the car.
At the same time, a middle-aged man was pushing a bright red Nissan superbike
and approached, talking to the person who seemed to be the leader.
Kon...the owner of the name they were calling was a big, murderous-looking
man with irregular eyes. On the other hand, the surrounding atmosphere was not
friendly, which made people doubtful. The teenager couldn't help but ask
himself if he really wanted to compete with them?
If they come here... But if they don't compare, it seems to admit to them that he
dare not compare, he is definitely not such a person.
"Do you understand the rules, brat."
"Are you sure you won't cheat?" The other party turned around and asked, and
Graph looked back with distrust. Although he was so angry that he almost killed
him just now because he was spat on his face, but now he is laughing out loud,
his bloodthirsty appearance makes people's hair stand on end. Then he laughed
so much that the people watching worriedly said:
"Everyone, don't play tricks... If you win, you can leave." Ah promised. Let the
listener feel a little relieved.
It's just a straight road, my car is better.
The boy comforted himself like this. Glance at that big bright red car that looks
like it's clawing, and then look down at your own high-powered superbike, and
it can't beat anyone in terms of performance.
To win, I must win!
Graph repeatedly emphasized to himself. This may be a chance to prove
yourself that you have never had before. If he wins, not only will he be able to
get rid of them, P‟ Pakin may also change his view of him. Besides, if he can't
escape... he will definitely be scolded to death.
Kritithi was thinking that if P‟ Pakin knew about this, he would be called stupid,
so stupid that he would get into trouble. And the worst thing is... making
yourself a burden to my brother.
He didn't want to see the disgusted face of the other party anymore.
You have to win, you have to escape successfully, you have to let P‟ Pakin see
that I can save myself!
The person who thought this way took a deep breath, grabbed the helmet and
put it on again. Look at the guy in the baggy pants and shirt who looks like he's
sitting at a desk working but deftly swings his foot over and straddles the car,
and Ya's face before he puts on his helmet says... The odds are on.
This action makes people think that Ya also has a hand.
Don't think about anything stupid, die Graph, isn't it just a squeeze of the
The slender man patted the car body lightly, as if telling it to help him. Then the
helmet visor was removed, and the engine car...
woo~ woo~
The two cars made a huge mechanical roar like a lion's roar at the same time,
which made Graph inexplicably worried. His eyes glanced at another car whose
motor sound was obviously much louder than his own, and the huge roar of the
competition made Graph couldn't help but squeeze the handle even tighter.
'When riding, you must be very focused. More horsepower and better machine
than ordinary motorcycles, but also more dangerous. Knowing how to ride is
not the same as being able to ride, and you come to learn because you want to
know how to ride, right? The first thing P wants to say is attention. If you don't
concentrate, the better the car, the more dangerous it is. '
Saifah's voice sounded in his head, and Graph turned his head to look at the
road ahead...I saw a car parked at the end of the road, blocking it.
Brake in time before reaching that finish line.
The heavy motorcycle kept making loud noises, and the man holding the flag
stood beside the starting line, raised the flag in his hand, and signaled that the
car would start when the flag was put down.
Calm, calm, dead Grahp. Calm down, calm down, yes. Pedal in, twist the gas,
release the clutch, shift gears, hit top speed, hold on... near the end, downshift,
release the clutch, brake hard...that's it.
That's it... If you make a mistake, that's what happens to your life.
(flag lowered)
In an instant, the flag that was held high was lowered suddenly, and the person
who was reciting how to control the blue lion rushed out at full speed, without
the stutter that Saifah complained about. But there is no time to be happy now,
but to focus on getting the speed up again.
Graph shifted gears, twisted the accelerator, and the numbers on the instrument
panel rose rapidly within a few seconds, and the wind blowing against him was
unimaginably strong.
But these teenagers didn't care at all, he just stared at the finish line ahead,
focused on coordinating his hands and feet, and while listening to the
mechanical voice in his ear, he said he could do it!
woo woo~
Grahp was sure that he set out fast enough and didn't jerk as he accelerated, but
only when he glanced to the side from the corner of his eye did he realize... Ya
The bright red superbike was gradually throwing him away, and covered a very
large distance in just a few seconds. The Graph struggles to accelerate, but
there's only so much top speed the engine can produce in a second.
The accelerator is slow, which means that the speed of improvement is smaller,
which means...he is about to lose.
Woo, woo, woo~
"Bastard!" Graph glanced at Ya's malicious eyes, Ya's engine kept roaring and
the distance grew wider and wider. Although the distance was less than one
meter, he still was left behind. So there was a constant voice in my mind saying
that I was going to lose, I was going to lose.
'It's just a toy. '
Suddenly, P‟ Pakin's words broke into his mind, and Graph immediately
He chose this car because of the brand and because it was the coolest, but he
forgot the fact that it is not a special-purpose racing car, no matter how safe it is,
it cannot win the special-purpose racing car!
People who think this way gradually feel fear, big beads of sweat drip from
their foreheads, their hands feel wet, and they keep saying in their minds...don't
be stubborn anymore.
No! I want to escape!
It was denied by himself within a few seconds, and then Graph saw something.
Immediately afterwards, the blue car slowed down, while the fiery red car
rushed forward at high speed and left far away. But when everyone thought the
game was over, the stubborn kid showed his skills.
Staring at the position of the car he had just evaded, Kritithi shifted gears,
slowed down, hit the brakes, and drove the car off the track. Sideways for the
sudden turn, letting your knees almost touch the ground, praying that the car
will be usable after getting out, and then sprinting off the track while everyone
else is dumbfounded.
"Stupid." Kon cursed loudly, because he didn't have time to change the aspect
of the car, so he could only watch the other car full speed towards the other end
of the new road in great anger. Then turn around in order to speed up and chase
that side.
However, when Graph thought he could escape.
(Sudden braking sound)
Suddenly, several large vehicles drove over from another road. His eyes
widened, and he tried his best to force the car to a stop with his hands and feet.
Fortunately, his car was not damaged in the previous collision, and it slowed
down quickly as usual. The beautiful car came to a stop in the middle of the
life-or-death road with its rear wheels clamped and making a loud noise.
Can't escape!
That's what Graph thought, eyes wide as he watched two cars drive up and
block his path, and then...the guys were catching up.
Suddenly, a metallic gray sports car rushed over from nowhere at high speed.
The sound of tires rolling on the road was loud and gray smoke was raised, and
then the car stopped completely and blocked the road. Everyone couldn't help...
they were stunned and speechless.
Soon Graph's eyes widened, and he only said one sentence...
"P Pakin!"
The owner of the metallic car appeared handsomely, exuding an intimidating
aura that no one can match.
The person who was getting out of the car turned his head and looked over here.
Chi! (Surprised)
The young man couldn't help being startled the moment he met Shang Ruimu's
gaze, and the fear shot up his spine and spread throughout his body. Because it
was the first time he saw... cold eyes.
Are Pakin hyung's eyes so scary?
Although the boy had been stared at by these eyes countless times, this was the
first time he saw such eyes. This time, I couldn't help but secretly said in my
heart that I never wanted to see it again.
It was infinitely more terrifying than looking at him bored.
The owner of the eyes walked towards him, and tried to explain himself:
"It's not my fault..."
But the young man walked past the person who was speaking in displeasure,
and Kritithi had to pause. And Panachai came closer and said,
"It's okay, Master Graph."
"No...but..." The words he said woke him up, and he turned to look at the man
who was chasing him now blocking the car At the other end of the road, it was
the bright red superbike leading the way.
"It's okay, this way please."
"Why is P here? How does P know where I am!" The man who hadn't recovered
from the shock asked loudly. Although his heart was ordering him, he could
safely fall to the ground.
Safe and out of danger!
"About this matter, we can talk about it next time. But for the safety of Master
Graph, please get into the car first." The listener smiled calmly and stretched his
hand towards a large black car, but the stubborn child still Looking back,
another person was standing alone in front of a team of nearly ten people.
"But P Pakin..."
"Mr. Pakin will be fine." P‟ Chai assured, and pushed the frightened man into
the car. Then the young man nodded to the man in charge of handling the car---
the superbike was even more tattered than when it was delivered in the morning,
and recalled why he and the boss appeared here.
At that time, they were in a meeting and suddenly the boss's cell phone rang,
and for some unknown reason, Mr. Pakin walked out of the meeting room like a
whirlwind, until they arrived in time. Then there is what you see.
The superbike is equipped with GPS, and the location suggested can be
convenient for Pakin to avoid the boy, but he never expected that just one day
will become the best location tracker.
Graph got into the car, and Pakin stood with his hands in his trouser pockets,
waiting for his helmet to come off before walking forward.
"Who do you want to say...Mr. Nop's slave."
The moment the young man with indifferent eyes spoke first, the calm smile on
the corner of his mouth made people feel even more inexplicably terrifying.
What was said drew aggressive responses from the other side's men, but Kon
just raised his hand in disgust with a twinkle in his eyes.
"Shadi Krab, Mr. Pakin. It's amazing to see you here like this." Said the other
side. The handsome and handsome young man laughed lightly, as if he had
encountered something funny. Although there is no smile in the eyes.
"I think it's strange too..." paused, then laughed out loud, and said...
"I just found out that Mr. Nop has a bunch of dogs, and he let them out to bite
neighbors, oh, no..." Pakin acted like he said something wrong "It's not a
neighbor, it's just a child. But a bunch of dogs were released... I have to see your
boss again."
Out of the corner of his eye, Pakin saw the hands of the person in front of him
were clasped together, almost to the bone Cracked, it proves that he is very
angry because of being looked down upon, but what did he say wrong?
To catch a high school student with a bunch of men... that's pretty nasty.
This kind of thought was expressed through their eyes, and the people on the
opposite side were so angry that they wanted to rush forward:
"Do you want to move him? P. There are far fewer people than us.
" Otherwise the boss will be killed..."
"Stop!!!" Kon yelled before the gang rushed to Pakin's side. Everyone was
surprised why the boss would stop when he was so underestimated. Although he
never obeyed anyone, Kon still gritted his teeth.
"You are too cowardly, Mr. Pakin. Still carrying this weapon."
As soon as these words came out, everyone looked behind Pakin in unison. All
three of Pakin's subordinates had guns pinned to their waists. If anyone wanted
to play tricks on their boss, they would pull them out immediately.
Pakin just smiled.
"It's called being prepared, because I think I may have to shoot a dog or two."
After finishing speaking, he glanced at the opponent's men, and saw that the
group of guys were too scared to speak and retreated unconsciously. Because
the look in the man's eyes clearly said... Seriously.
Come up if you want to try it.
What is certain is that no one would dare.
"I think you don't have to worry about it, I told that kid that it's better than a
car." "
Strange." Instead of answering, Pakin questioned...
"When did you start cheap enough to challenge a 17-year-old kid?" of?"
He clicked.
"As for me, I can't see that this is a game. There are no referees, and there must
be no rules. No one judges. There are only a group of idiots standing around
watching the idiot boss challenge a child." Without mercy, every Pakin The
words made the other party very angry. Even if there were ten people in the
other party, but Pakin stood alone in front of him, no one dared to pass him.
"I don't think that kid is qualified to compete with you. If you want to compete,
I will handle it. In the racetrack, there are spectators, a sense of honor, and a
good opponent. You won't use such a broken car... Think of the racetrack Try
it?" There was a slight smile, but there was no joke in his eyes.
If you want to play, come and play with him, not that brat!
Everything he said and the way he looked at made the other party so angry, but
Ya was still so suppressed that his hands shook, and then said loudly: "
I can let go first. At least I know that child is very important to you." Ya I said
that to see Pakin's face change, but...
"Don't get me wrong," the young man said, and then added without a trace of
"That kid just happens to be useful to me."
The last sentence made the listener narrow their eyes a little, as if they just
noticed something. He really wanted to slap his subordinate's head hard, let the
girl fall to his death, but he actually thought that this brat was important enough
for Pakin to take over. Look at the eyes, listen to the words, they are clearly
saying... don't care about this brat at all.
"Go back!" So, gritted his teeth and said to his subordinates.
"Wait." But Pakin stopped talking first, then stepped forward and said in a low
"If I were your boss, I would never touch that brat again. I heard that I am
bidding for a road construction project. If the money is in vain, it‟s not easy to
touch that brat in the end.” After speaking, the young man stepped back and
looked at the man who had become an enemy since he returned to the country.
As soon as he returned to China, Pakin joined his father's formation, and
because he was merciless, he hurt the interests of many people. Even the land
area for building a racing track was similarly ruined by a certain powerful
person. remember. In addition, he was arrogant, so he became a defiant brat in
the eyes of those people.
A self-righteous dead child whose power is spreading across the country.
"Ah, tell your boss..." Pakin backed away, and said as if he just
remembered. Then he looked over like he was looking at a stray dog:
"If I were your boss, the first thing I would do would be to replace my
The two men looked at each other silently for a long time, and then the listener
turned around first. .
"Go back! How long do you want to stand stupidly!!!" Angrily shouted at his
subordinates in order to vent his emotions. Then, a group of people got into the
car angrily, leaving the person who just said a few words and won the victory
standing there with his bag... his eyes were cold.
If these guys want to play with him, he will pay back double!

Chapter 10 : move

At this time, all the people chasing Kritithi evacuated, and only a young man
named Pakin stood with his hands in his trouser pockets. He stood quietly until
he saw that everyone on the other side had disappeared without a trace. One
person intended to turn back and continue playing wild with him, the tall man
turned around and prepared to get in the car, and then went home to have a good
talk with the person who caused the incident. But...
"P Pakin."
The person who caused the incident got out of the car and looked at him with
At this time, the children's eyes are no longer self-righteous or arrogant, but full
The initiator of the incident spoke first:
"P...I didn't do anything, this time I really didn't do anything, I didn't. I just went
to find my friends, I just sent them to remedial classes, I didn't mess with them.
Even They didn't touch their shoulders, suddenly they surrounded me and said
that if I don't go with them, they will fuck my friends, so I followed them. I
haven't messed with them before, P can't scold me!!! Graph fired incessantly,
trying to explain that it wasn't his fault. All in can't curse people.
But Pakin's face didn't change at all, which made the boy even more flustered.
P‟ Pakin never believed him, never listened to him, and it was the same this
time, P‟ Pakin must think that he was messing with the other party, and then ran
away with his tail between his legs if he couldn't fight him.
Such thoughts were clearly shown on his face, and then he hurriedly said
"Also, I didn't intend to race with them on purpose, but I couldn't get rid of
them, so they said that if I win, they have to let me go. But I didn't expect them
to say that if I lose, I have to be their wife... P, I didn't mean to make things like
this, I didn't mean to cause trouble for P, I... I didn't... I didn't mean to drag P
into the water..."
Graph didn't know what to say, but he didn't mean to let things develop like this,
and he didn't mean to let Pakin get into trouble. Because if this is the case, it
will only make the other party dislike him even more.
"Oh, are you done?"
After talking for a long time, I got a long sigh, as if saying...annoying.
The person who had just deeply felt what fear was, lowered his head, and felt an
inexplicable pain in his heart.
Even under such circumstances, hyung still finds me annoying.
"It's over... It's over."
Yes, it's over, it's time to give up and end the feeling of never-ending
expectation but no response.
However, the boy still opened his eyes wide in surprise. Because the bored man
now puts one of his arms around his head, pulls in, bends over his
shoulders. This movement made the boy's heart almost stop, and his body was
so stiff that he couldn't believe his eyes.
P‟ Pakin... hug him.
"It's okay."
He only said three short words, but his eyes slowly became hot.
P‟ Pakin is... comforting him.
"It's safe, Graph."
Graph didn't know how to describe the feeling now, and didn't know how to
reply. The voice that used to say cruel things to him in the old days was
unbelievably gentle and whispered at the temple, deep in the heart, telling him
to be safe and no one would come to harm him up. So much so... want to cry.
The boy didn't know whether the tears shed were from relief or resentment.
Resentment at P‟ Pakin is preventing him from giving up completely.
Why did brother come to be a good person, why did brother talk to him like
this, why... brother did this at this time.
The person who thought this way tremblingly raised his hands and grabbed the
opponent's clothes tightly, his body trembling just as when he was being chased
by those guys.
To be exact, he was more scared now than he was then... scared of how he felt.
"Cry if you want to cry, you little lunatic." Although he was scolded and called
a little lunatic, but this time Graph couldn't refute anything, he just grabbed the
other person's clothes and leaned on his broad shoulders, He suppressed sobs so
hard that his body trembled.
Don't want to cry in front of anyone, but the tears are still uncontrollable.
Tears were rolling down from the eyes, when Kritithi felt a big hand on his
head, the other party said comfortingly:
"Cry all you want."
"I...didn't...cry...didn't cry." But stubborn The kid was still as stubborn as ever,
even though he was whimpering hard, he still denied it with a trembling
voice. The listener shook his head tiredly, and gently patted the child's head
with his other hand.
"Okay, I didn't cry if I didn't cry."
"P don't...sarcasm...I...don't make fun of me..." the young master said sobbing,
and bumped his head on the young man's shoulder a few times in protest. Pakin
He refused to accept the appeasement, and protested again after following his
So, the person who was tired of annoying things had no choice but to stand
quietly, patting the trembling little young master in his arms who had a trouble-
making physique. The look in his eyes was full of... relief.
Take comfort in being able to catch up in time, and be relieved that the people
in front of you are safe.
Pakin thought he could pull Graphic out of these things in time, but he didn't
expect that the other party would find trouble with the kid so quickly, so an hour
ago, when Chin called, he was angry... so angry that he expected it
Unexpectedly angry. He put down all his work, followed the young master, and
rushed over.
What he hates the most is...bringing irrelevant people into incidents caused by
Especially this young master, this kid he had been trying to keep a distance
from, but those guys pushed him in, and they couldn't stop him.
In any case, he has been aware since Graph was 7 years old that it is impossible
to put him in danger, let alone under his supervision.
What is it that makes him angry? It should be...
"Practice to be a good boy and be grounded in peace, okay?" When it came to
Ya's escape from the house, the young man couldn't help feeling a little irritable,
so he patted Ya's head. Graph wrinkled his nose and said dissatisfiedly:
"Yes, I'm not a good boy. In any case, I'm just a dead child in P's eyes." The kid
who was always troublesome raised his red eyes and face full of tears while
talking. So the young man couldn't help but pat the kid on the forehead.
"Yes. Naughty and disobedient, it's a headache..." "
But Mr. Pakin rushed out of the conference room because of this dead boy."
Those who listened immediately looked at the person who interrupted, while
Panachai avoided it wisely Looking over at him, he turned to smile at the boy
who couldn't believe his ears and stared wide-eyed and said, "
Anyway, let's go back first. I think Mr. Pakin should have something for Master
Graph to know."
"Things?. What's the matter?" The person who was trembling like a baby bird in
a nest just now asked suspiciously. The eyes of the person named Pakin couldn't
help shaking.
"Tell him, I have to deal with some things." The young man said. Remembering
that there was something to deal with, he was a little unhappy but still trustingly
turned around and walked towards the car beside him. The boy who stayed
behind and looked at it suspiciously, said that it was all right? Then, he opened
his eyes wide because the tall young man next to him said with a smile,
"Master Graph is going to move to the boss's house."
"Home...boss!" After finding his voice, he paused for a while, in disbelief He
stared at P‟ Chai with wide eyes, while the person who spoke nodded and
"Yes, from today onwards, Master Graph will move in with Mr. Pakin for the
sake of safety."
Graph didn't know what to say about the last sentence. To be happy or to be sad,
because as far as the situation is concerned...he can't cut off his love anymore.
Not long after the needle marked 10, a beautiful sports car drove into a huge
mansion, and the young man leaning against the steering wheel was pulling his
face and looking irritable. Recalling what he had just decided on.
All day today, Pakin had to deal with everything after being separated from
Kritithi. Because although there were not many people who saw several cars
chasing, some people still took pictures and uploaded them on social media, so
they had to shut up and stop tweeting this topic.
He's not worried about getting himself into trouble with his reckless behavior
now, but because of what's next.
If the young master's father found out, the problem would definitely become
more complicated.
This time the enemy was his, not Graph's father's, so it was actually Pakin who
had pulled the young master into this mess of his own. It may cause
dissatisfaction from the child's father, so he has to find a better excuse to
explain why he took his only son to take risks. Maybe it's best to connect with
what happened to the kid's father. Then the YMCA takes care of everything
until the news about today's Biker gangster rampage in Bangkok is quickly
And who did he go to see just now? ...someone he least wanted to be in conflict
Kritithi's father.
A person who thinks it's a waste of time to even meet. Looking at the person
who is very powerful in the country but doesn't know that his son has not been
grounded at home, and is looking for a young lover outside without any scruples
at the moment. At that time, Pakin almost pulled his face down on the spot, but
luckily he controlled himself in time.
'Uncle is sorry to have Pakin come here, because it happens that Uncle is very
busy with work. The middle-aged man walked into the hotel lobby and
approached him. Although he
didn't see the so-called 'very busy work', if there was any, the young man should
be a young woman with a slender waist. Pakin just smiled and let out a low
'It's okay, I only have a little business, and I don't want to disturb my uncle's
work time. '
Pakin replied with a smile and understanding. And the other side also laughed
loudly, and nodded to indicate that there is something so urgent to see each
So the young man quickly got to the point.
"I want to ask permission to let Graph live in my house for a period of time..."
The young man took a step forward and whispered:
"I just heard the news that someone is dissatisfied with uncle's previous
proposal. ‟
Pakin clicked to stop, then backed away with a faint smile on his face. The
person watching visibly paused.
'Just now Graph came to ask me to teach him some things about cars, so I
planned to teach him a little bit at home. '
Say it louder, so that outsiders can see that nothing ulterior has happened. He
didn't tell the truth, and made people think that he was just a good person who
cared about the children he grew up with. It is better to voluntarily take up the
responsibility of taking care of children than to have their lives in danger.
What he said made the listeners look serious, but the answer was as expected.
'Like this, the uncle has to trouble Pakin. If it's Pakin, don't worry, uncle, no
matter what, help take care of Graph. If you don't obey, you will kill him, uncle
agrees. '
Everything is as he expected, and he doesn't know whether he is relieved as he
said or he doesn't care about his son at all.
'Do not worry. '
However, although everything went smoothly as expected, Pakin felt
unspeakably annoyed because everything was too simple. And that irritability
has always been hanging in his heart, until he turned the car into a certain huge
luxury mansion, he told himself...
annoyed that the old guy didn't even check and threw the matter to him.
As long as things are handled well and he doesn't get caught, that man doesn't
seem to care about anything.
The person who thought this way closed the door loudly, then strode into the
building, looking around. So the person who came in and stood quietly behind
said politely:
"Master Graph is sitting in the guest room and waiting."
"Wait? What are you waiting for, let him take a bath and go to bed." The
listener said irritably, while Panachai smiled faintly smiled.
"I told Master Graph, but Master Graph still insisted on waiting for Mr. Pakin."
His thick eyebrows were frowned, and he looked at his cronies with stern sharp
eyes, saying why he followed the brat and sent him to sleep, and that's all. He
also wants to rest.
However, despite thinking this way, the long legs still led the owner's body to
the guest room to face the most troublesome problem.
Super big question.
The young man thought as he walked over to the sofa where he liked to sit and
relax and watch some good movie, only to see which sofa was being occupied
by the subject in question, and... fell asleep.
I saw a slender boy wearing a brand new blue pajamas, leaning on a corner of
the sofa with his knees hugged, his head leaning against the backrest, his light-
colored hair covering his entire face, his eyes closed, breathing rhythmically,
Everything is telling the people who are watching... the brat has fallen asleep
and cannot wake up.
"Why don't you let Ya go to sleep." So he asked in a calm voice.
"Master Graph has always said that we have to wait for the boss no matter
what." Although Panachai reported the situation seriously, Pakin still felt that
his cronies were partial to the young master, so he asked dissatisfiedly: "Is it
mine or his
Of course I'm under the command of Mr. Pakin. But I can't bear to refuse a high
school student's request." I'm talking about crossing the line. The person who
favored the boy lowered his head cheekily.
"I'm sorry, Mr. Pakin. I'll take Master Graph to bed later." When the boss gave
him a look that didn't want to hear unnecessary rebuttals, Panachai stepped
forward and knelt down to the side of the slender man who was so tired that he
fell asleep. However...
"What did this brat ask?" The superior stepped in and asked, stopping the hands
that were about to lift the boy up. Turning around, he replied:
"If it's about living here, Master Graph didn't say anything, but he said he
wanted to talk to Mr. Pakin." "..."
The young boss paused and thought for a while. Those who are confidantes still
keep their knees bent, waiting for the boss's order to see if they need to take the
recalcitrant child into the room. Until Pakin said lightly:
"Let's go."
In just two words, the confidants immediately understood, and then retreated
The boss meant that he would take care of the teenager himself.
When there was no one else in the room except the head of the household's son
and the unexpected guest, Pakin plopped down on the armchair, ripped the tie
from his neck, and threw it on the table. Turning his head to look at the troubled
boy who was still sleeping with his head curled up, the next second the young
man finally realized what he was upset about.
"Knowing that his son has a problem, but he doesn't want to take good care of
it." This is what makes him irritated, not because the other party throws the
problem on himself.
Pakin knew very well that he was not a soft-hearted person who would let
grumpy kids mess up his life, but he also knew that what happened today was
all because of him. Furthermore, what Graph encountered today was beyond the
acceptable range of high school students, such as car crashes, injuries and
quarrels with himself in the afternoon.
Graph's experience was too heavy, so he couldn't help but soften his heart.
Seriously... he felt that everything that happened was his fault, that he had to be
responsible for what happened, and that's why he let this kid live under the same
If you let it go, you can't be sure that something will happen again, it will be
safer for you here.
"Oh, it's always so unlucky!" Finally, the person who needed to be the
temporary guardian sighed heavily, and got up to carry the boy to sleep. Today
this matter can be over, and he also needs to rest.
"Yeah." As soon as he touched the body, Ya waved his hand and slapped it
away, and turned his body to the other side, trying to bury his head deeper into
the sofa, as if he was still conscious after falling asleep. The person watching
couldn't help but shook his head.
"Go to hell!" Pakin resisted the thought of throwing Ya out of the house, and
grabbed the resisting hand in displeasure.
He was super tired, but he had to come and take care of the young master.
However, Pakin was dumbfounded when he touched the temperature on his
"Hot." Without saying anything, the other hand immediately came to the
forehead of the person who was trying to turn his head away and fell asleep
immediately. The thick eyebrows frowned unconsciously, and shook his head
not long after.
"Graph." This time, Pakin touched his arm lightly and called out. And the
sleeping person shook his head and made a humming sound. So he touched his
arm harder.
"Wake up!" commanded loudly, shaking his arms even more vigorously. The
exhausted person finally opened his red eyes and looked over, and murmured...
"P Pakin...he's back..."
Under normal circumstances, Ah must have bounced up, pointed at his face and
asked him how long he was going to wait Ah or something, but now the young
master sat up unsteadily, looked at him with a pale face, his eyes were red, and
his once loud voice became very weak.
"You have a fever, have you taken any medicine?"
"Well, it's not very hot." Saying this, Graph raised his head and touched his
forehead, then shook his head and refused.
"It's just that I haven't taken the medicine yet." This answer had only one
meaning, so Graph pursed his mouth and turned his head away. He raised his
hand and scratched his temple, as if talking about a headache. The person
watching sighed a little annoyed.
This is of course, when encountering such a thing, it's no wonder that this kid
doesn't have a fever.
"I'll get you the medicine later, take it and go to sleep."
But then, the person who was sitting wobbly grabbed his arm first, and Pakin
obviously felt a higher than normal body temperature transmitted. Then the
hoarse voice asked in a low voice:
"Is it okay not to take the medicine?"
The staring eyes made Pakin pause for a moment... You are acting like a baby.
And the eyes you usually see when you're sick.
"No." But he didn't soften his heart, otherwise he would be in trouble if he died
at home.
"I don't want to take medicine...the antipyretic patch is fine..."
"I can't say it." The listener pouted and looked over angrily, and then the little
Kritithi turned over and lay down, rolled into a ball, hugged his knees tightly,
and used A voice that couldn't be firmer said:
"I don't take medicine."
"Do you want me to explode?"
A cold voice came from the mouth of the master of the house, and the stubborn
man couldn't help but froze, and turned his head to look back in fear.
There was no trace of forbearance in the eyes of the person who was looking at
him, so he stood up:
"If I take medicine...P won't accuse me, will he?"
"What am I talking about you?" Pakin asked in a calm voice, It made the
listeners panic and wanted to refute that brother is talking about me now. But
because my head hurts so much, I can only answer...
"If I take medicine, P must promise not to scold me for today's incident."
It seems that people who are afraid of being scolded have been worried since
the afternoon until now, Pakin can't help sigh.
So that's what I want to talk about.
"Okay, can you take your medicine?" Although the matter seemed to be over,
and there was no need to repeat the old score, he still agreed, and the stubborn
child reluctantly nodded and agreed to sit quietly and wait for the other party to
leave for a while. The young man returned with a disgusting white pill and a
glass of water in his hand.
As the pill disappeared down the back of his throat, Grahp immediately
"About I have to live here..."
"Whew!!!!" However, before he could finish the sentence, Graph cried out in
surprise. Because the other party stepped forward, hugged his shoulders
obliquely, and said in an irritable voice:
"Let's talk about it next time. Now you are going to sleep, or you will die of
illness." Stretching up his slender body, he walked up the stairs quickly, while
Graph stiffened his body and looked at the back in sight, not knowing how he
should feel. What is certain is that his heart is swelling.
The heart swells to the point of pain, as if it is tightly bound by a rope,
preventing the heart from being too happy. The owner of the body was angry at
the feeling that he was dying of happiness, but if Pakin brother ever got down
again, the guy who died Graph would also be saddened to death.
When the slender body was placed on the soft bed in the guest room,
Yuanyuan's eyes looked straight at the person rubbing his arms that seemed to
be a little sore, and then asked in a trembling voice:
"P...wouldn't kick me out, would he?"
Because he had been kicked out so many times, the sick man asked the most
frightening question. The homeowner raised his hand and patted his forehead.
"If you don't want to be kicked out, don't give me a headache."
"If you are a good boy, P may not take a good look at me." The sick man
retorted. Pakin also immediately retorted, saying:
"If you close your mouth and sleep, then I will admit that you are a good boy."
I don't know if it was because of what was announced or why, Graph closed his
eyes, pulled the quilt up to his neck, It's like saying that I'm asleep, brother can't
scold me.
Pakin, who was watching everything, unconsciously raised the corner of his
mouth, and patted the other person's forehead lightly.
"Oh, it hurts."
"Of course it hurts... Let's talk about something when you are sick. Go to sleep,
you have been tired all day today."
Although it is the most common saying by people and patients, I don't know
Why did Graph take this deep into his heart, indulging in the joy he had never
felt before, even though his heart was saying hate...
he hated this kind of happiness, because it made him matter what
Can't give up.
Although P‟ Pakin gave hope countless times and then brutally killed it, why
didn't he learn the lesson, why did he still look forward to it.
This time, can I look forward to it... I hope to be together, even if it is short,
please let Pakin hyung see me.
That was Kritithi's last thought, and immediately fell asleep due to the effects of
the medicine.

Chapter 11: Related to...Glamour

The morning light shines through the heavy curtains into Ruoda‟s beautifully
decorated bedroom, and you can clearly see every piece of furniture and
furnishings that are comfortable and convenient for those who come in to rest...
You can tell at a glance that it is specially designed for guests And set the room.
There is a huge bed in the center of the guest bedroom, on which is the slender
body of the boy in blue striped pajamas, sleeping soundly.
At this time, the door that had been tightly closed all night was slowly opened,
and the person who opened the door walked in, and approached the bed without
any scruples.
"Hmm." The intruder put his hand on his forehead in order to measure and
compare it with his own body temperature. The gentle touch made the sleeping
person move his body slightly, stretch his neck to avoid it, his eyelids moved
accordingly, and then It opened slowly.
Graph called lightly like a person who has not yet woken up, thinking that he
was still in a dream, dreaming that the person he wanted to see the most was
standing bent over the bed, with his big hand on his forehead, And the eyes...
seem a little worried.
The soft touch feels unbelievably good.
"Keep sleeping, just come in and see if you're dying." However, the words that
came out of his mouth were still flat and hurtful, allowing the half-dream and
half-awake people to fully wake up and face reality.
So Kritithi waved the opponent's hand involuntarily, causing the person who
came in to check his condition to lose face, but the boy pulled the quilt up one
step faster and covered his head, covering his face and hair tightly, under the
quilt Made a vague voice:
"Why did P come in, this is my room!"
"This is my home!" When the disobedient child said stubbornly, Pakin retorted
Originally, I just wanted to come in to see the condition, but I was disturbed by
the crazy child early in the morning.
"Come on, put down the quilt. I want to make sure that you won't die in my
house." The listener immediately pursed his lips, thinking that the happiness last
night was just his own wishful thinking. When I woke up in the morning, it was
still the original Pakin brother, speaking with the same irascibility and
impatience. So the hands that grabbed the quilt began to tremble, but they still
didn't want to show their faces that had just woken up for the other party to see.
"Don't worry about me, it's just a fever, I won't let P die at home and let P take
responsibility!" After the fever subsides, he starts to fall back into old
problems. It made the listener's teeth itch, even though Pakin could turn around
and leave the room, but if he didn't first make sure that the little kid was safe
and sound under his supervision, he would definitely work like this all day
irritated. So, the person who swore never to have any contact with this kid...
The big hand grabbed the end of the quilt and pulled it hard, and the quilt in his
hand fell to the floor, covering half of the room. , while the boy on the bed
yelled out in surprise, raised his head and looked over, then couldn't help but
widen his eyes, and then... covered his face with his hands.
"P get out, this is my room!" Kritithi yelled, then turned his back to the past,
trying to bury his face in the pillow, because... can't see.
He, he couldn't see it in comparison with someone dressed up and ready to go
out for work.
P‟ Pakin is wearing a whole suit today, which makes the tall man look more
dignified, and the hair that usually falls naturally is also combed into a big back,
looking good and aggressive, just as Chanchao screamed and said, As
handsome as Lucifer who fell into the mortal world. Moreover, the other party
was standing very still, but as soon as he stretched out his hand, the deep,
masculine fragrance of the perfume spread out, making those who just woke up
and smelled the fragrance be seduced into a trance.
Everything about P‟ Pakin looks perfect, but in comparison... he is a disheveled,
invisible kid.
Graph has been trying to dress himself up since he was a teenager, because he
knows very well that Pakin likes beautiful and good-looking things, so the
young master always does his best before going to see each other, but now...
just woke up , I didn't brush my teeth.
"Let me be clear again... this is my home." Pakin emphasized, looking at the
brat who was still trying to hide his face. He's going to be late, but he has to
make sure the brat is okay before he leaves.
"Oops! Don't, P, let me go!"
"Graphic! Don't make me angry!!!" The young man grabbed his shoulder and
pulled it back violently, trying to make him lie on his back. But the child was
dying, clenched his fist slightly and hit Pakin on the shoulder. Let the person
who starts to get upset shout out loudly.
The angry shout made the person who had just subsided his fever immediately
calm down, and his little heart fell to his ankle with a snap. The hands that were
pushing hard were also put down and fell to the sides. Successfully forced to lie
flat by the tall man.
"It's okay." Pakin shook his head, raised his hand to gently touch the other
person's forehead, and rested his other hand on his own forehead.
"There's still a little more... I have to eat and take medicine today. If I come
back and find out that you haven't taken your medicine, I will definitely see
you... Do you understand, Graph." "...Understood." I only care about whether he
still has a fever Immediately paused, sharp eyes narrowed slightly. When I saw
the little boy who had resisted fiercely calm down, closed his eyes forcefully
and finally remained still, but immediately turned his hand to the other side as
soon as he left his forehead, he couldn't help but grabbed the opponent's wrist
and wanted to break him back.
The person who saw the eyes of the child in front of him stopped immediately.
Although the eyes were full of self-righteousness before, this was
clearly flustered.
"What's wrong?" He asked softly.
"P let me go, I'm going to school."
"At 8:30, you said you wanted to go back to school? Isn't the school gate closed
at 7:30? It's too late to go now, so let's sleep and rest here." "
Then When does P go to work? Go, go!" Graph chased people away, even
though they used to rush to stay together. Those who listened couldn't help but
frowned, but then they noticed something... the movement of the person on the
bed, he kept trying to wipe off the saliva and eye mucus on his mouth, and he
didn't forget to touch his messy hair during the process. The corners of the
mouth can't help but rise.
"Oh, why did P hit me on the head."
"An annoying precocious kid, no matter how you do it, you won't become an
adult right away."
"I'm not precocious, and I'm not a brat!" Graph immediately raised his voice,
and turned his head to look back. The listener raised his eyebrows, then grinned
and said,
"I have a runny nose."
"Yeah." With just a short sentence, the listener immediately covered his nose,
making Pakin laugh out loud. The boy looked back with a red face.
"P can go wherever he wants!" An angry voice came from behind the hand
covering his nose, making Pakin laugh out loud. Getting up from the bed, he
looked at the kid with messy hair, no matter how he looked at him, he was just a
kid. But before he turned and stepped out of the bedroom...
"P!" the boy called out. So I looked back.
"What time is P today... Forget it, it's fine." Before finishing speaking, Graph
shook his head, pulled the quilt over his head, and lay back. The tall man paused
for a moment, because he knew what the young master wanted.
"I'll be back around 7:30 (at night), let's have dinner together later, and also talk
about the rules of living in this house."
Pakin knew very well...the lonely eyes of the kid from before who coquettishly
asked him to accompany him.
Years have passed, and those eyes are still the same...lonely, sad, lonely eyes
that have never been accompanied by anyone. Although I watched it for many
years, when I saw it for real, I still couldn't help but sighed and agreed.
Not softhearted, just because there is something to talk about.
Pakin said this to himself. Although all day today, when I think of... the
precocious child blushing because he is worried that his eyes are not handsome,
all the irritability turns into laughter.
"Left a child, right a brat, yes, I am a clown in P Pakin's eyes!"
When the adults in the family left the room, the owner of the room (during this
period) patted the soft pillow again as if venting his emotions. Hitting again,
turning the hard-earned haircut into a mess again. But as long as the smelly
Pakin brother is not around, he doesn't have to keep his handsome appearance.
"Hmph, do you think I will be happy when I come back to have dinner
together?" said the stubborn child. Despite the fact that... happy... very happy,
super happy.
How long has it been since I had dinner with P‟ Pakin... It's been a long time...
It's been so long that I can't remember.
Although P‟ Pakin has been to his house many times because of work, and even
though the boy has entangled him several times, the other party has never
invited him to have a meal together. go home. So, don't talk about eating
together, it's even difficult to meet face to face.
"I will come back to have dinner together." The person who just made up his
mind to cut off his love last night fell on the bed, grabbed the pillow and hugged
him in his arms, his wrinkled face slowly smiled, and then quickly put His face
was buried in the pillow.
"What should I do... Oh, Chanchao." When thinking of this, Kritithi thought of
his friend, so he looked left and right to find the mobile phone, and saw that the
mobile phone was placed beside the bed, but... there was no battery up.
No wonder, Chanchao would call at night if he didn't call.
So, all the teenager has to do is find the charging cable and contact the only
person he can share his worries with.
Not only what to do this night, but also everything that happened last night.
【Graph! ! ! Hello, hello, hello, oops, take it easy. Graph is okay...heh, wait]
"Yeah." The person on the other end of the phone could only look
dumbfounded. When the friend answered the phone, he lowered his voice and
spoke quickly, and then heard the following words: [Teacher
, I'm going to the bathroom, and the "big aunt" is here. 】
The person on the other end of the phone couldn't help laughing, forgetting that
it was still class time, and his friend was not as shy as a girl should be, and
instead of going to the teacher to whisper, he ran out with a casual sentence.
Exactly the same as I thought.
[Graph, Graph, are you still there? OK can be said. I locked myself in the
bathroom. ]
"Hahaha, are you going to invest?"
[Hey, don't laugh at me. You know I'm worried to death. I couldn't get in touch
last night, and I don't know if it's dead or alive. I was so worried that I almost
lost sleep, although my brother's friend said nothing would happen. 】
"P's friend?" Graph was touched by these words, but because the other party
was still worried, he continued to explain: "It's safe
now, P Pakin just arrived, and at that time, he must be dead ..." So everything
was said out of his head like a flash flood, from Pakin's rescue to his comfort, to
where he is now, all things that must have been beyond the imagination of
【What? Graph is now at P Pakin's home! ! ! ]
Just like that, the person who was worried to death is now screaming into the
phone, and you can tell how excited the other party is just by hearing the voice.
[What, at first I rejected P and he was out of the game. It was dangerous to
involve Graph, but after listening to it, I thought it was too handsome, a proper
male lead, and because I was worried about the danger, I even included Graph
When I received my home, this is really, this is really, ah ah ah ... I got it! 】
The girl burst out like a machine gun, causing the person on the other end of the
phone to deny it quickly, even though he couldn't help laughing.
"P Pakin didn't say it because he was worried about being in danger...but we
will come back to have dinner together tonight, it seems that we will talk about
it then..." [Eat together! 】
"Oh, calm down, calm down, the eardrums are going to burst." Kritithi pulled
the phone away from his ears because of his friend's screams. But it seems like
my friend doesn't care at all.
【Graph, this time there's something going on. You know, men have no
resistance to food made with their own hands! 】
The person on the other end of the phone frowned, feeling that something
difficult was about to happen. And it is indeed the case, because the girl said
【Has Graph ever heard that if you want to grab a man's heart, you must first
grab his stomach】
"Hey, you won't..."
【Graph, Graph listen carefully, I don't have much time, because Graph also
knows how cocky the teacher is... This is about my brother's friend, P, he can
cook super~super~super~super, and because of the dishes he cooks, his
boyfriend is fascinated I can't get rid of it even if I want to. When I came back
from a business trip abroad, I wanted to eat the dishes made by P, so today
Graph will enter the kitchen today! ]
"Wait a minute..."
[No more, Graph. I don‟t have time to teach you now, anyway, let‟s find easy-
to-make dishes on the Internet, I‟m in the classroom. Oh, don't forget that this
project is called... called Food and Road Return... Use your culinary skills to
firmly bind P Pakin's heart! ]
"Hey, Chanchao!!!" Graph called out his friend's name loudly, but he still
seemed to be unable to catch up with the really in a hurry because the other
party hung up the phone right away. I wanted to call back, but the other party
seemed inconvenient to answer, because it didn't take long for me to send a
message saying... The teacher is watching, so I can't talk.
With just a short message, the friend was successfully exiled to the center of the
"Cooking...ah" the boy repeated into the phone, then shook his head.
"Impossible, let me do the cooking?"
Let a guy like Si Graph do the cooking...the pot has never been touched.
'...Then because of the cooking, his boyfriend was fascinated, and he couldn't
shake it off...'
However, those nasty words kept echoing in his mind, making the boy grit his
"One day I have to break Chaochao's neck!" But before you break your friend's
neck, break your own, because if you understand this, you should do everything.
Because what my friend said was so firm, and because I was determined to try it
out, Graphic found a lot of different dishes on the Internet, and then chose...
fried basil.
Yes, the most common home-cooked dishes can be eaten in almost every meal.
The boy wrinkled his face, because no matter what the dish was, it was difficult
to cook.
"Try it, if it doesn't work, throw it away." Graph encouraged himself because of
the sentence 'I will come back for dinner together'.
For Kritithi, he hasn‟t eaten face-to-face with his parents for a long time, and
even if he can eat together, it‟s like being in a different world. He can‟t
understand what his parents say, and what he says doesn‟t get attention, so he
just Becoming accustomed and numb, no longer looking forward to family meal
gatherings. But now Graph is looking forward to... really looking forward to
having dinner with Pakin hyung.
Just thinking about it makes me go crazy with excitement.
The more I think about it, the more I start to fantasize... I want P‟ Pakin to
praise it and say it's delicious.
If there is one thing that is good about him in Pakin's eyes, that's good.
"Oh! Fuck."
However, cooking is not as easy as others imagined, let alone it is even more
difficult for people who are only responsible for eating. So, although I managed
to borrow the kitchen at home after sneaking around for a long time, but after I
prepared it according to what I said on the Internet, I turned on the stove and
poured oil, and then the excess water in the pot popped out, and Graph
screamed in fright. , Back again and again.
"The fire is too big." The servant immediately ran over to turn off the gas,
because the people who came to borrow the kitchen were timid and would only
stand far away from the pot.
"The oil is all burnt." The boy immediately pursed his lips. Although no one
dared to scold him, the words just now seemed to be blaming him.
"Let me try again!"
Graph stepped forward and poured out the oil, then put the oil down again, this
time the oil didn't pop out and he put in the meat, but...
smack! Clap clap! !
"Oops!" There was also water on the meat, so it still bounced all over the body,
wailing constantly, retreating suddenly, shaking hands, and then the spatula fell
to the ground with a loud sound.
"Uh...Master Graph wants to fry the basil, you need to put the garlic and chili
"Huh?! Can you put it later?"
"If you want to fry it fragrantly, you have to put it first." The servant said
immediately. Graph was flustered, cursing even more when the meat started to
burn. The appearance made the women in the kitchen look at each other
"Is this okay? Aunt Kaew." Secretly whispered to the steward who was picking
vegetables, the female elder who had been watching from the beginning smiled
lightly and said, "Whether it's okay or not,
he is also a guest. Dare to tell him to stop?" When he said this, everyone closed
their mouths. He wanted to help, but the boy insisted,
"I did it myself. If someone helped me, I wouldn't do it myself. It's just frying
basil. Why can't I do it!" Graph said loudly
, his aggressive temper came up again. Although 2 times almost burned the rag,
1 time I hit the blueberry with basil on the ground, cut the meat and cut my 4
fingers, not including the last few leftovers of a large bottle of fish sauce that
was accidentally consumed. Spoon.
All in all, the domestic servants are impressed by his... destructive cooking
"Aunt Kaew, it's time to make dinner. Would you like roasted chicken with
herbs today?" the little maid and the steward whispered. It took a lot of time out
of concern for the safety of the guests who were now standing in front of the
stove, sweating profusely. The guest who never had to do heavy work and
whose fair skin gradually turned red, although he messed up, burned, and
dumped several dishes, he still vowed to do it.
It's so stubborn that people start not to like it. But it can't be said, which makes
the people in the kitchen extremely anxious.
"Oh, I said so." The head chef said, and then turned to check the ingredients.
"Master Graph used a whole plate of chicken to fry the basil, and the pork is
gone." "
Then..." the assistant replied with a look of fear. The head of the kitchen
"Well, it seems that Master Graph's fried basil must be used to serve Master
Pakin." The answer made everyone panic, because this time they might be
kicked out of the house. On the contrary, the cook in charge was looking at the
back of the little girl who continued to work intently even though her hands
were swollen.
'P Pakin, P Pakin, P Pakin wants to play with me, play with me! ! ! The
appearance of the little boy appeared in front of her eyes, which made her ,
who had seen the little boy chasing the young master of this family for several
years, smile slightly.
No matter how many years have passed, the young master Graph still chases
after the young master. And... it's a heartfelt effort.
The original little boy has been chasing the original boy for 10 years.
"Who made this!!!"
Pakin frowned when he saw the usual dish of fried basil and slightly burnt
chicken on the table. The stir-fried vegetables looked weird, and the soup was
as clear as water for washing dishes. He didn‟t say anything about it. After all,
he is not a person who is very particular about food, but when he took a
mouthful of stir-fried basil, he almost vomited Out.
Is it poured in with salt instead of sugar! It's so salty!
So I asked loudly, so irritable that I didn't notice that the person at the same
table was lowering his head so low that it was almost on the plate. He turned his
head to look at the servants who were looking around, but still no one dared to
answer who made this dish, which is very aggressive to the kidneys. The young
man frowned, turned his head to look at the dishes, scooped up the stir-fried
vegetables, frowned again, and then looked at the clear soup.
"You're fooling me, right?"
The tall man asked coldly, threw the spoon on the plate, and then looked angrily
at the servants who bowed their heads and dared not say anything.
He worked all day just to get a decent meal?
Normally, although Pakin is a very strict person to the people around him, he
never blames anyone for family affairs, because there are old family members
like the cook in charge to help take care of everything, however, this is too
much It's time to fool the master like a clown, so I'm going to teach me a lesson,
teach me a lesson.
"Where is Aunt Kaew?"
"Here, Master Pakin."
When he asked the cook, the steward came in with a smile, and the young man
couldn't help asking loudly, "
What's the matter with this dish, who made it?" Is it?" Although the attitude has
softened a little when meeting the old family members who have been under the
same roof for a long time, Keimu is still fierce and intimidating, and the listener
smiled and asked back: "How does it taste
? What about it?"
"Aren't you kidding me... A dog wouldn't eat such a dish! It's so salty, who can
eat it, and this clear soup is like water that's been washed over a plate." The
young man said mercilessly Said, making the listeners back off their smiles, and
looked at the person on the other side of the table who bowed his head, so Pakin
also turned his head.
The disobedient child was unusually quiet today, and he hasn't looked at each
other since he came back.
"Graph, I'll take you out to eat later, go change your clothes." He didn't want to
question the servants when he was with the kid, so he said calmly, ready to go
out and start the car, but... "It's so bad that the dogs won't even eat
it Is it? P."
He clicked.
"Say what?..."
"I said, it's too bad for P to eat, isn't it!"
As soon as the young man finished repeating his question, Graph stood up so
abruptly that the chair fell back with a bang. He raised his head and asked
loudly, so that people could see his face clearly... with a face that wanted to cry.
Pakin immediately frowned at the appearance of a person with a red nose
holding back tears.
"Why are you crazy..."
"Yes, I'm crazy, I'm crazy enough to make this fucking meal for Master Pakin,
I'm crazy to serve these things with my heart, I'm crazy to give dog food to P
Eat!!!" Just like that, the stubborn child pointed at the food on the table and
yelled face to face, making the listeners squint their eyes.
"You did this?" Pakin asked incredulously.
Graph raised his hand to wipe his tears, he was shocked when he heard that the
dog wouldn't eat.
"I'm going to throw it away!" Graph quickly grabbed the plate of sautéed
vegetables and consommé, and that made those watching notice something.
Hands covered with bandages.
"What's going on? Who let Graph into the kitchen!" Pakin turned around and
asked the cook management sternly, and the listener immediately replied:
"Master Graph has been begging to come into the kitchen since the afternoon,
and since then I worked hard to cook. There is nothing in the kitchen, so my
aunt can‟t cook anything else for Master Pakin.” The implication is that the
person who allowed the food to be served on the table was the older woman,
and the young man couldn‟t help but stare at it shake.
"Did you think I won't do anything to you, auntie?" Did you think he didn't
think that if the things in the kitchen are gone, he can't buy them again? There
are several cars in this family, and fresh things can be delivered within a few
words Arrived at the door.
"No, it doesn't matter if Master Pakin kicks you out because of this incident, but
my aunt doesn't want to throw away the food and waste things, and Master
Graph has been working hard for several hours." The listener watched quietly,
Then grin.
"Knowing that I can't drive my aunt away because of such a trivial
have to protect this brat." Pakin laughed lowly, but there was no smile in his
eyes. Because it seems that the cook has already focused on a certain child in
charge, even though she is disobedient to death, she can easily tolerate it.
"Master Graph has never done anything, but now his hands are covered with
Band-Aids, oil is splattered all over his neck, he is sweating and staying in the
heat, even Master Pakin is unwilling to go into the kitchen for 4 or 5 I was
young... so the old man can't bear to throw things away." All in all, it's about
how hard the so-called disobedient children actually work.
Thinking about all of this, Pakin would be soft-hearted... Think about it.
At the same time, the face, nose, and even the eyes were also red, as if someone
who had already cried for a while turned back, grabbed the plate of fried basil
and prepared to throw it away, in order to comply with the owner's
wishes. Don't dare to look at those who have shame in their eyes and pity for
themselves. But...
the man who said he would not soften his heart grabbed his wrist.
"Planning to hurt myself every day so that your dad can tear me apart, right?"
Pakin said fiercely, pulling his hand covered with red and swollen scars from
holding a heavy iron pan to look at it. Graph tried hard to pull his hand back.
"It's none of P's business!" the crying man said loudly. But Pakin still didn't let
go, and put the plate of fried basil on the table.
"It doesn't matter, now you are mine too... sit down and eat!" the tall man said in
a calm voice.
"Does P want to eat dog food!" But the child who didn't listen to him kept on
talking, using what he said to him. However, the speaker himself was trying to
hold back tears, which made Pakin's eyes tremble.
He never thought that Graph would swallow his anger, and would be willing to
stay in the kitchen like that for hours...
"Is there anything for people to eat... Why don't you use up everything in the
kitchen, sit down and have a meal together! ‟ Pakin quoted someone. Pushing
the boy to let him sit down, he sat down himself, pulled the food towards him,
and then started eating the worst meal he had ever said.
In... the surprised eyes of everyone.
Mr. Pakin, would you like to eat? !
"P, but it's not tasty, it can't be eaten..."
"Do you want me to eat it or don't you want me to eat it!" The young man
interjected forcefully, already very tired of the quarrel. The listeners couldn't
reply, so they had to sit down and squeeze their hands together. They couldn't
believe their eyes watching P‟ Pakin scoop up the vegetables and put them into
his mouth.
P‟ Pakin... ate it.
The boy turned his head to look at the cook in charge, the one who ignored the
objections of everyone in the kitchen and agreed to let his dark cooking be
served on the table. I saw that the other party was smiling back at him.
"Don't laugh, I haven't convicted my aunt yet... If I don't want to be kicked out,
I want an fried egg." The person who didn't look back said so. The old man in
the family quickly agreed, and then hurried to do it, even though he had
expected it to turn out like this.
In the end, the big boy who said he was going to find friends softened his heart
to the stubborn little boy with a cute voice.
The old picture made the elders laugh.
And that stubborn kid was eating fried basil...with tears in his eyes.
Not because he was scolded, but because he was happy... being treated kindly...
even a small one deserves to be happy.
Chapter 12: said...into his room

The dinner made by Master Kritithi passed away amidst the trembling gazes and
doubts of everyone at home. They wondered how the host would be willing to
eat it. After all, they, as people who saw how the dishes were prepared, did not
dare to try it. So everyone had such questions one after another, who is this
It's not that other people haven't seen the Graph, they have, but the master
throws a fit every time he sees it.
"This is yours."
At the same time, after drinking 2 cans of beer to rinse his mouth, Pakin
returned to the living room and threw a bag at Kritithi's feet. But the listener still
hasn't come to his senses.
Thinking back again, Graph still didn't expect that P‟ Pakin would be willing to
eat his dishes...and it really didn't taste good.
"What?" The other party just shrugged, and then said to open it. So he reached
out and opened the bag.
"This is my school uniform."
"Yeah, do you want to wear jeans and a T-shirt to class?" Pakin said as if you
didn't think about such a small thing. Sitting down on the sofa, he took a big sip
of beer, and glanced at the man who was pulling out the school uniform and
other items from the bag with his mouth curled up.
"Is it P who brought it to me?"
"You think I'm busy."
Okay, knowing you're busy, saying 'yes' to satisfy me is not enough.
The boy complained grumblingly, and knew that he shouldn't have hope, but
because he was treated kindly for two days in a row, he accidentally hoped for
more. Seeing that the other party spoke mercilessly, it seemed that the aftermath
of the dinner incident was still going on.
Obviously still angry.
If Pakin pulls his neck... Chanchao, you want your friend to be kicked out of the
house, right?
When you don't know who to vent your anger on, you can only vent your anger
on your friends. If Chanchao found out, he would definitely cry and say that it
was useless for me to work so hard to help you find a solution.
"It was Chai who brought it." But the other party still reluctantly revealed who
was responsible.
"Where did P Chai go, didn't P Chai sleep here?" Graph was sure that Panachai
usually stayed here overnight. Because no matter when you come over, you will
see him standing behind P‟ Pakin, but today he didn't show up all day, not even
at dinner time, and I wanted to thank him.
"You know what you're here for?" the young man asked back. And the person
here replied:
"I want to say thank you. Although I am a willful and stupid kid in P's eyes, I
still know how to thank others." "
Yes." However, these words made Pakin choose Eyebrows raised, a sound
escaped from the throat, and then... a grin.
"Before you thank him, thank me first."
"What should I thank P for?" Graph was also dumbfounded, because he wanted
to thank P‟ Chai for helping to bring back his schoolbag and clothes. Didn't P‟
Pakin say it himself? None of his business, did not go to get it. Then why should
I say thank you to him?
The eyes of those who listened were shocked, and then they waved their
hands. Although a little bit irritated inside.
When he knew that the young master was being chased, he almost rushed out of
the meeting room yesterday, and then wasted a whole day dealing with the
pursuers, blocking the news, finding the brat's father, and throwing He took it
home, but this kid didn't think about saying a word of thanks to himself... Then
what else can you expect from this kid?
"Forget it." He replied irritably.
Graph looked at it with a blank face, but he had never understood P‟ Pakin.
"Is the fever gone?"
"It's gone, I'm already cured." When this topic came up, Graph quickly replied. I
was afraid that I would be forced to take medicine again. And when it came to
this, the speaker remembered...the cause of the fever. "Who are
those guys?" The person who finished the third can of beer and was about to
open the fourth can paused, and looked back with question marks, while Kritithi
continued to say curiously:

"Those guys still call P dead Pakin. It seems that they hate P very much, no,
they should hate him. What did P do to them? Why did they come to catch me?"
Graph asked puzzled. He was very sure that what he heard in both ears was not
ordinary anger and resentment. Those who listened were silent.
If he told this brat that it was because he was in the way, blocking people's
money, and sleeping with Kon's woman... how would this brat react?
The thing about blocking people‟s money is intentional, but the woman who
slept with the mad dog is because the woman sent an invitation without
knowing it, and he just agreed. Later, I found out that Kon died because of
being dumped by the woman. super angry. That's all it is, but it won't end easily
until the anger is gone.
Because I slept with Ah's woman, Ah came to fuck Lao Tzu's children, right?
Pakin was amazed at the little friend...he had never thought of
saying that before.
When everyone asks and mentions that Graph is his child, the young man never
admits it, and never thinks he will admit it, but deep down, Pakin also
understands whose family this child is...not that kind of meaning It means that
he has to watch from behind.
"Something happened recently, you just happened to show up."
"When did I show up!"
"Just when I said to stay away from me." Pakin said loudly, he chased the young
master away Time and time again, but no matter what you say is disobedient, it
always appears in front of you all at once. He disappeared for a few weeks
before, but recently we saw each other often because of some things, so that guy
Kritithi, on the other hand, pursed her lips and turned her head away.
The young man didn't intend to play tricks on the small-tempered child, but
"So while you're here, don't cause trouble everywhere, and be a good boy so
that I don't worry."
"Be nice to me first, P." The child Constantly wanting to provoke a new round
of quarrels, the listeners can't help but shake their heads.
Want Graph to be a good boy? It would be easier to get buffalo to give birth to
"No matter what, let's live here first." Finally the young man concluded. The
listeners couldn't help asking:
"How long do I have to live here?"
"I'll tell you when the time comes." A perfunctory answer sounded. The person
who was about to yell and continue to ask finally closed his mouth, sat down
with his arms folded, and kept silent as if he was trying to be a good boy. Gives
a little satisfaction to those watching. But living together requires some
agreement, especially for this super headstrong kid.
"Stay here, you have to listen to me." Pakin didn't intend to wait for the other
party's answer, because the tone of his speech was commanding.
"From now on, wherever you want to go, you have to be picked up by people
"Or do you want to go home?"
The eyes that looked over were full of dissatisfaction with being under house
arrest, but Graph didn't do anything more Argue, just keep your mouth shut and
continue to listen to the next sentence:
"This also includes going to school, I will let Chai find a professional driver, so
if it is not the same person, don't be stupid to get in his car. Even if I ordered to
pick it up It doesn't work... Also, when you want to go, you have to say it first,
whether it's me or Chai, oh, or Aunt Kaew... the cook just now is in charge."
Pakin finally finished. To make someone feel deprived of certain rights.
"What about my car."
"It's scrapped. It's only going to cause trouble."
"Hey!" Graph was terrified, but Pakin didn't look like he was joking. Then the
young man returned to the original topic:
"And the most important thing is..."
"There is more!" The big man ignored the sarcasm, but forced the other party to
continue listening with extremely stern eyes:
"You can't..."
However, Pakin's cell phone rang at the right time, causing the two of them to
pause. The owner of the phone picked up the phone and took a look. When he
saw who was calling, he couldn't help frowning.
"What's up?"
[Come and pick it up. ]
"What!" When the other party just said this, the person on the other end of the
phone asked loudly. And the person on the other end of the phone didn't seem to
want to say more:
[Suvarnabhumi, 9:30
p.m. Couldn't help cursing. Then he turned and looked at the curious bear boy.
"Go to class tomorrow, and then you don't have to wait like last night, I will be
back very late." After speaking, he quickly turned and walked out of the living
room. Without any further explanation, he called his confidant:
"Chai...Win is back." He couldn't help shaking his head while talking.
His recent days have been one after another!
[Look, look, look, look, I said the plan must be successful! 】
"Success your head, the taste is so bad that dogs can't eat it."
[Although dogs can't eat it, but P Pakin from Graph's family ate it, hee hee]
When the owner walked out of the room like a typhoon Afterwards, the
distinguished guest secretly thought which cat or dog he was looking
for? Because that person never sits still, and from years of daily life and death,
does he not know how weird it is that the other person can come home at 7:30
in the evening?
Everyone knows that P‟ Pakin likes nightlife more than daytime activities.
Not sure, maybe they went out to hug men and women.
Thinking of this, he couldn't help but tilt his mouth irritably, walked back to the
room, and then dialed the phone number of his friend in order not to let himself
think about it. And my friend seemed to be waiting for a long time, before the
standby signal sounded, Chanchao answered the phone, and quickly asked how
it was, so he told everything about last night, except that he stayed in the
kitchen for a while. I didn't mention it for a long time.
After talking to her, I felt very ashamed. It was just fried basil, but I made it
more than 10 times, and every time it was terrible.
[Okay, okay, we should defeat it. Graph practice more and one day it will be
delicious. ]
"When is it?" Because the person who was mercilessly ridiculed by the owner
had already lost his confidence. The girl laughed crisply when she heard the
words... The laughter made Graph couldn't help feeling that it wasn't as simple
as sarcasm.
【Hee hee, but Graph can still do it, right? 】
"You're the smart one!" When Graph knew he was being laughed at, he snapped
back. But the other end of the phone was not angry, but laughed again:
[Hey, shy? ]
"Don't make trouble, or you'll die."
【Ah~ Don't hang up, don't hang up, I haven't talked about the next plan yet. 】
"Plan?" Kritithi frowned, because every time a friend said that, he usually got
scolded badly. Even if it's uncannily effective at times, and it works well. So he
decided to keep silent, listening to the crisp voice and continue:
[Yes, I will use love to tie the heart of the underworld male god]
"I've watched too many Korean dramas."
[Hey! Don't underestimate Korean dramas. The show is good, but excellent. If
there is a male and female CP in any drama, ouch, it will be extinct. But it's
rare... Ah, it's a long way off. I just wanted to say that Graph should go to bed
fast and wake up early. Because tomorrow Graph has something to do. 】
"Can you finish it all at once?" When Chanchao stopped, Graph couldn't help
urging. I thought that my friend must be smiling trickyly now.
[OK, let's finish it once. Tomorrow Graph will wake up early in the morning,
sneak into P's bedroom, and get into bed... That's it. 】
"What, I'm serious. Graph rarely has the opportunity to enter P Pakin's house,
how can Graph just stay in his own room, if this is the case, what is the
difference between living in P's house and living in someone else's house .This
time Graph is going to take the lead, you know.]
"It's too much play, if you want me to hug P Pakin, I will definitely be killed. ]
[Hey, who said it was for a hug. It's Graph who thinks too much. Did I tell you
to hug him? 】
The person on the other end of the phone yelled and immediately denied it,
making the person on this side think about refuting and going back while
recalling what his friend said.
Get into bed... Oh, I didn't say I was going to hug.
[Hey, shameless! ]
"..." When my friend said this, the person on the other end of the phone fell
silent, and his fair face slowly turned red until his entire face was red. Of
course, my friend just said to get into bed, but I thought I was getting into the
quilt. And the girl seemed to know that her friend was in embarrassment, so she
laughed out loud.
【I'm talking about getting into bed, not hugging. I just let Graph get into bed,
sneak up and sleep together. Think about that scene, P is sleeping, Graph pulls
P's bracelet around his waist, when P wakes up, Graph wakes up with sleepy
eyes, hazy eyes, loose pajamas, mouth slightly open, oh shit, sexy! 】
Chanchao thinks further and further away, and the listeners look terrified.
What the hell is he doing? What kind of eyes are misty, watery, and full of
smiles, did they just wake up or took aphrodisiacs?
"No." Kritithi refused. So the girl lobbied hard and said:
[Graph, Graph has a rare chance to live in P's house, do you want to give up so
easily? When will it take to go further? If P has dealt with the enemy's affairs,
Graph has to go home. If you don't do something, everything will return to the
original point, and Graph will have to be sad because of P's bad heart, won't
it? 】
The person on the other end of the phone couldn't say a word, but he could
imagine the situation at that time, so he gritted his teeth.
" do I do it?"
In the end, I had to ask in a low voice, listening to my friend's satisfied voice
saying that it should be like this. Then, the girl began to teach secret skills (pure
theory, never practiced), including ideas, dialogues and notes, and even the
movements are designed one by one, and the only thing Graph needs to do
is...sneak into P‟ Pakin's bed.
Although I really don't want the arrival of a new day in the morning, the time
has come to get up.
5:30...Kritithi barely slept because of the things she was about to do, sat up in
bed with a lot of confusion in her mind, and put her head in her hands very
Can I do it? Sleeping on the bed as cute and cute as a Kitty doll, I'm afraid P‟
Pakin will think it's a pile of foot dirt.
The young man sighed a long time, and then took a deep breath. He has
persisted until this point. Whether he succeeds or fails, nothing can make him
more sad. So, Graph threw off the quilt, got up, brushed his teeth, washed his
face, combed his hair, and then gently rubbed it according to what his friend
said, making his hair fluffy a little, as if he had slept.
Then he unbuttoned the first two buttons of his pajamas, looked down at his flat
chest and hugged his head:
"I really want to do it!" Although he said so, his stubborn temper made him
persist. Turn around and walk out of the room, and walk to the other side of the
mansion, because his room and the owner's bedroom are in different directions.
Although the house was very large, although the servants hadn't gotten up to do
the cleaning because it was too early, the surrounding area was still pitch
black. But Graph wasn't frightened by the excessive silence, he was more
frightened by the reaction of the people behind the pearly door.
"It's fine if it's locked." Graph really hopes that the door is locked, because if it's
locked, he can cancel today's plan, and then go to the maid to borrow the key
and ask Chanchao to help make a copy... But no matter how long it takes, it
should be What is done still has to be done.
The heart almost jumped out, because when the lock handle was turned, the
heavy, expensive door opened with a small whirring sound in the ear.
The young man took a deep breath into his lungs, and the fragrance of the
perfume filled his nostrils, and his little heart couldn't help beating even more
violently. After the eyes adapted to the dark environment, they saw the big bed,
work room and rest area in the depths.
With heavy steps, his feet finally came to the edge of Ruoda's bed, and he saw a
figure lying upright on the bed, revealing his tough forehead and shoulders, but
when he saw something, Graph's heart couldn't help but melt.
Only then did I know that people like Pakin would sleep with a long pillow in
their arms.
Under the dim shadow, Kritithi saw that the person under the quilt was hugging
the long pillow sideways tightly, so he walked over there, stretched his hands
towards the quilt to pull out the long pillow, and then, as a friend said... instead
of the long pillow, put it in arms.
However, what he touched was not the soft quilt, but the warm... human body.
Immediately, when it was touched, the thing under the quilt made a sleepy
sound, and the boy stretched out his hand and tore off the quilt covering his
face, revealing...a naked body.
The boy's eyes widened as if he saw a ghost, his heart was beating fast as if it
would stop in the next second, and he took two steps back in surprise.
boom! ! !
Because he backed away without looking at the road, Graph bumped into the
bedside cabinet, and the result was that the lamp next to him fell to the ground
and fell apart... The loud sound made the person on the bed bounce up suddenly,
and then... "Who!"
Pakin He turned over and opened the upper drawer next to the bed, took out the
pistol, raised it, and turned on his own light at the same time, then turned around
and pointed the barrel of the gun at the intruder who dared to come in and
disturb him while he was resting.
But what I saw was... the boy who froze, his face pale, as if he had seen the
most terrifying thing in his life.
And that thing is...
"Well, why is it so loud?... People are still sleeping!" It was the slender figure
lying beside the bed, propping up his body and sitting up. He was... fair,
beautiful and naked, and Pakin …Same.
At this time, the older young man, who was naked and unreservedly showing
his muscular and muscular male body, had an irritable face, disheveled hair, and
a flash of light in his eyes that wanted to tear the disturber away on the spot.
The men's hidden dangerous aura spread throughout the room.
Graph was not frightened by the dangerous smell, because relatively speaking,
he cared more about the person who was sitting up.
A woman... no, a man with slightly curly hair, shoulder-length hair, so at first
glance it might be mistaken for a woman. Although Ya looked a little irritated,
it made the man look unusually sexy without doing anything. Soft and beautiful
appearance, if you don't see the fair body, you will definitely think it is a
woman. The sleepy expression mixed with a little irritability made this person
look attractive.
And, yes...the man is completely naked.
The unclothed body can be seen at a glance, the slender figure, the broad and
full shoulders, the deep collarbone makes people look swaying, the flat chest is
dotted with light-colored round bumps, and the white belly looks soft and
tender. Beautiful... Although it is a male appearance, it is so good-looking that
people can't take their eyes off it.
Graph didn't think there was anything wrong at first, but when the man looked
up at the frowning occupant of the room:
"Kin, what's wrong?"
"Don't call me that name. Also, why are you here?" Graph I have never heard
anyone call P‟ Pakin like this, because I believe that the person who dares to
call him like this will never have a second chance to call this name. However,
P‟ Pakin was not angry, but just asked back, making the people over there roll
their eyes and recall the troublesome things.
"I didn't see you picking it up last night."
"Huh, pick it up? It said it was 3:30, but I checked that the flight departed from
South Korea at 3:30. Who would be crazy enough to wait for 6 or 7 hours?"
"Because I didn't come to pick you up, so I asked someone at home to get the
key and wanted to come in to say hello, but when he wanted to wake you up,
Kin pulled him down and hugged him... I will talk about it in the morning if
there is something else." The sexy man curled his lips, and then leaned his chin
against his knee under the quilt while looking at the person who was fiddling
with the remains of the lampshade.
"Then who is this child... Did Kin bring the child home to raise?"
This question made people startled. Now Graph's hands and feet are so stiff that
he can't move, because although he has seen Pakin entangled with men and
women countless times, but when it comes to seeing this...'afterwards' situation.
I felt like being punched hard in the center of the forehead by reality.
A brat like him who only caused trouble would never get into P‟ Pakin's bed,
only someone like this one could.
Thinking of this, his eyes became hot, and then he shouted:
"P is such an asshole!" The
asshole who let him live in the house but brought his bed partner back to sleep.
"Bastard!" Graph didn't feel a thing when he stepped on the fragment of the
lampshade. He just knew that he had to turn around and rush out of the room
before he flushed with anger and rushed to grab the guy by the neck and throw
him out, because if He did that...he'd never see some bastard's face again.
The door was slammed shut loudly, and the person on the bed still propped his
chin and looked up at the owner of the room.
"Looks like I misunderstood, don't you want to chase after me?"
"No need."
"Oh, Kin is really ruthless."
"It's not funny at all, dead Win." Pakin snapped, making the cosplayer a
beautiful and sexy bed partner Laughing out loud, he straightened his body with
his hands up.
"It's not my fault, it was P who pulled me to sleep." Win or Phawis said while
looking at... the cousin.
Yes, they are relatives.
"If you say you're going back to your country, you'll go back to your country, if
you say you're coming, you're here, what are you arguing with your uncle?"
Pakin said as he got up from the bed, his naked body fully revealing his mature
male body.
Stepping towards a corner of the room, he grabbed the bathrobe and put it on
Those who listened to the question couldn't help but sigh, turned around and
opened the drawer, and found what they wanted...cigarettes.
Phawis lit his cigarette and took a deep breath into his lungs.
"It's annoying...I came back to China because I was ordered to go home,
otherwise I wouldn't even think about being a model." As a top model who was
rushed to sign a contract abroad, he said without love, and the listeners turned
their heads and looked back.
"However, the reason why I came back is not because of my father's fate." "
Win couldn't answer for a while, so he changed the subject.
"Because I just finished my work and I don't want to cooperate with anyone, so
I went back to Thailand first and planned to pick up some work here. I want to
take this opportunity to meet my mother so that I don't have to complain about
work all the time." "
Heh .” For this answer Pakin just smiled and didn‟t say much.
"Where is P, who is that child?" The person who just returned to Thailand
asked, because it is clear that my cousin is not a person who likes to bring a bed
partner home or raise children at home. No, there is no need to raise children at
the level of a cousin. There are a series of children for him to enjoy.
"The child of someone I know will live here for a while."
"Yeah, it's strange...what's his name?"
When he heard the name, the listener raised his eyebrows, stood up with a
smile, I saw under the quilt... wearing small boxers.
Then he went to put out the cigarette, turned around, put his hands on the table
behind him, and looked at his elder brother who had always been a bad guy but
now became a nanny.
"Looking at your name for a long time, I can finally see myself... I must be full
of snot and tears now." "
If you grow up and cry, you will definitely wipe your tears. I'm not toilet
paper." Pakin shrugged Shrugged, said indifferently. The person watching also
noticed it, so he smiled and said,
"Then play with me." He looked over suddenly as if begging his brother for a
Knock knock knock.
Suddenly there was a knock on the door, and an acquaintance walked in from
the outside.
"I met Master Graph just now, so I want to ask Mr. Pakin what happened?"
Panachai came in and looked at his boss, while Pakin pointed to the side of the
"You broke the lampshade." The young man said, and put the gun back in the
bedside table.
Phawis stared at the newcomer for a moment as well, then straightened up.
"P, let me stay here for a while. I'm going to sleep until the afternoon today.
Please tell your people not to disturb you." bypassed.
"Please wait a moment, Master Win." Panachai called, then turned around and
picked up the black coat on the ground.
"Please put it on, or you will catch a cold."
Looking back, the owner of the name only said:
"Put it on for me."
"..." This command made the tall man's hands stop in the air, and the man also
froze. at every turn. So Phawis raised the corner of his mouth.
"If you don't put it on, I won't wear it." After speaking, he walked to the
opposite room, the room he would use when he came to this house. When he
passed his brother's cronies, his confident smile dropped.
"If I say I'm going back to Thailand because I want to see... I'm daydreaming
again, Win."
Daydreams are daydreams, and dreams will never come true.
Chapter 13: Men Who Would Never Coax Anyone

"Don't cry, I won't cry, don't cry!"

Graph is angry now, no, it's grievance, or anger.
Even I couldn't tell what it was like. I only knew that my eyes were blurred, my
body was heavy, and the pain was so painful that I lost consciousness all over
my body. Blood dripped all the way back to the bedroom below, and Graph
rushed to the bathroom, intending to wash away the blur in front of his eyes
with cold water.
No, there is no need to use cold water. When Pakin is in bed with someone else,
he feels as if someone has poured cold water on his head.
He clenched his fists and hit the bathroom wall hard, repeating to himself:
"Get used to it, Graph, get used to it, let yourself get used to that kind of thing!"
He should get used to it, knowing that P‟ Pakin and Others should feel nothing
when they go to bed. But when he saw it with his own eyes, the flesh in his
chest was so painful that it almost stopped beating. Moreover, he never
seriously thought that P‟ Pakin would bring other people back to sleep, even
though he also stayed under the same roof.
Worse than being slighted is being completely ignored.
Sand... sand..
the cold water fell on his head, both hair and pajamas were soaked, but Kritithi
didn't care, he just closed his eyes and put his head against the cold wall... let
the tears come out of his eyes.
No one knows that I'm crying, cry out, die Graph, you can't cry when you leave
this room.
Graph whispered to himself, trying to cover the fragility of a stubborn dead
child with cold water, the child who knows that even crying to others will only
bore the person who is with important people, and even more likely to remind
The other party wants to drive him out.
I want to give up on myself, but why can't I give up after seeing this... Why, die
The boy asked himself repeatedly, letting the tears flow until they couldn't come
"Master Graph's face is a little pale."
"I'm fine, I just don't want to go to school."
In the luxury car, when the driver asked worriedly, Kritithi was looking out the
window with his chin propped up. Because Panachai noticed that the other
party's face was very pale from the moment he got in the car, even his lips were
very white. So the person who originally wanted to introduce the new driver to
the other party decided to send it to the school in person. And the other reason
was to… avoid someone who was keeping him up all night.
He didn't work last night, so he went back to his apartment, but the boss called
and said that the other boss was returning home, and told him to go to the
airport immediately, and then...fucked.
Master Win lied and made him wait at the airport all night, but Mr. Pakin went
back after knowing that he was tricked by the other party.
The person who should have left the gate at 3:00 a.m. did not arrive until 4:00
"Hey." Finally, the tall man sighed a long time, and then looked in the rearview
This must be another victim of Master Win.
"What time would it be better for me to pick you up at night?" When Graph got
off the bus without saying anything, Chai asked politely about another matter.
"Call P when you arrive, I can't go anywhere except school." The boy said
sarcastically, and then walked quickly into the school. Faced with the dry
answer, the people watching did not have too much doubt, but noticed the
unusual and strange walking posture.
Mr. Graph walked as if his foot hurt.
While thinking about it, Chai felt that he should report to the boss.
"Graph, what's wrong with Graph's feet?"
Another person here noticed something unusual.
In fact, Chanchao wanted to go up and ask after seeing the very pale face as if
he had never slept, but she could guess the result without asking, so he had to
smile uncomfortably. Because the plan that I thought would be successful didn't
seem to be successful, but I still have to ask about my friend's weird walking
"Foot? I don't know." The boy said. I'm not in the mood to tell what happened,
nor to blame my friends.
He will carry out the plan set by Chanchao. If there is a mistake, it is also a
mistake that you should not go along with your friends from the beginning.
But it's okay, so Ah will know that P Pakin doesn't care about Ah at all.
This kind of thought made me turn my face away, but my friend sat down
"Graph, take off your shoes." The listener reluctantly complied, and then...
"Oh my God! Graph, what is Graph doing? Why are the socks full of blood!"
Chanchao shouted in surprise, attracting all The classmates all turned their
heads and looked over in surprise. People flocked to see what happened. Seeing
a large amount of blood oozing from the white socks, the girl immediately
pulled her feet over to look without hesitation.
"Here, was Graph injured by something?"
"I don't know." Kritithi himself shook his head, because if it wasn't for his
friend reminding him, he wouldn't know he was injured.
"It's very deep, let's go to the infirmary." Chanchao checked up and down
repeatedly to see the injury clearly, and then decided on behalf of his
friend. Another male classmate was called to help, but the wounded stood up
without feeling any pain at all.
"Go, the infirmary, right?" After finishing speaking, the boy led the way out of
the classroom, which made the people watching feel even more strange.
What happened to Graph? No, something must have happened this morning.
At this time, the teacher in the infirmary has classes, so there are only two male
and female students in the room borrowing treatment tools. I saw that Chanchao
was cleaning the wound of the other party, while the boy was propping up the
table with his hands, looking out of the window ecstatically.
"Graph, does it hurt?"
"Oh, it's a lie. If it hurts like this, it will be hot even if it doesn't hurt." Chanchao
said while making his hair stand on end. Because my friend's injury was not
shallow, and the blood was still oozing out. At the beginning, he said he was
going to the hospital, but the other party insisted that it was okay, it was just that
the wound was open.
" doesn't hurt, and it doesn't feel spicy." Graph looked back, smiled, and
turned his head to the other side again. It's not because I'm afraid of my own
wounds and blood, but because I don't want my friends to see my vulnerable
This appearance made the girl involuntarily grab her friend's hands and hold
them tightly, forcing Graph to turn her head. The girl looked deeply into those
eyes and asked seriously:
"Did something happen? Graph."
Regarding this question, the listener just kept silent, lowering his head to look at
the wound that he also wanted to know what happened. , I feel a little pitiful.
"I don't think it hurts because..." Instead of answering his friend's question, he
said another thing, and smiled wryly:
"I just realized that the pain in the body is far worse than the pain in the heart...
It really hurts, Chanchao ...My heart hurts so much." The man who vowed not
to cry anymore lowered his head, buried his face in his arms, and restrained the
sobs that were about to burst out of his throat. The person watching couldn't
help being startled, and wanted to ask, but was afraid of seeing his friend's
disappointed expression, so he couldn't speak.
"It's okay, Graph. It's okay."
In the end, although Chanchao didn't know what happened to her friend, she
knew one thing... The picture of a 17-year-old boy holding his hand and crying
is really pitiful... so pitiful Want to ask another man what the hell did he
do? And most importantly... wouldn't he take pity on her friend?
Graph felt terrible, crying in front of friends really sucks. Because he didn't
want to be thought of as a fragile person, and he didn't want to be said to be a
kid who would only use tears to solve problems when he was scolded. Instead,
the heart became heavier.
Feeling out of breath, very uncomfortable, but also know one thing... not to
make a scene.
Even though the boy wanted to yell, make a fuss, and ask P‟ Pakin how he
could do this, he also knew very well that the other party would definitely
answer that he could do whatever he wanted as a superior. So no matter how sad
and painful he was, he could only endure it silently.
Just do it like you used to, like you did when you saw Pakin and the others
It's not difficult at all, Graph. As long as you raise your head and act self-
righteous, you will become a disobedient dead child in Pakin's eyes.
The man who had been sitting in a daze all day thought so, until Panachai came
to pick him up about half an hour ago.
After a whole day, Graph didn‟t learn anything. Although I tried my best to get
it out of my mind, the picture in the morning kept reappearing in my mind, and I
couldn‟t help shouting to myself, who is that? Who is the guy? Why can you
call Pakin brother by a name that everyone can't use? However, it will never get
an answer.
"P Chai... Will he stay for a long time?" "Master Graph , you mean Master
Win? "

"It depends on his mood. Sometimes it may be just a few days, or it may be as
long as a month."
"He has so much power, P!" Graph asked in surprise, as far as he knew, P‟
Pakin would not bring anyone home Yes, that is to say, this person is more
special than anyone else, so special that he can get in and out when he wants.
"Yes, he has that right." The big young man still smiled faintly until the car
drove in and stopped at the entrance of the mansion, then turned to look at the
young man who was about to get off the car.
"If Master Graph wants to know who he is, why don't you try and ask Mr.
Pakin?" "…"
And be called meddling?
The boy asked back with such a look in his eyes. He didn't say anything, but
grabbed his backpack and got out of the car quickly, because he didn't want to
talk more about another man himself. I only pray for one thing... I hope that guy
can leave quickly before he gets kicked out by P‟ Pakin.
The most important thing is... It's best not to see it often, otherwise something
will happen.
A person with a trouble-prone physique said this to himself, and then entered
the mansion... "Chai is
going to pick you up?" Calm down, dead Graph. Calm down, don't make
trouble, don't... "It has nothing to do with you." As soon as he entered the
mansion, he met the man... I saw a slender man wearing a solid-color wide-
necked top, showing good-looking shoulders and attractive collarbone socket,
wearing six The trousers are as comfortable as at home, but the aura exuded is
mature, mysterious and worthy of further study. Especially the look and eyes
that seem to know everything well make Graph... even more irritable. Although
I told myself not to make a scene, but yes, he must be educated. I saw that Win
was not angry, but smiled lightly, with a look of indifference, and then
said: "Doesn't Kin teach his own children etiquette?" Although the young model
said it with a smile, his eyes were wide open. It went dark, and Graph couldn't
help being surprised. "I'm not P Pakin's kid!" The listener raised his lips, and
then said... "Because he would n't want it even if you wanted it to death. " Come
on, how can I... Oh no, P is also a few years older, and when you talk to
someone older than yourself, you should call him P." Before he had time to say
more explosive swear words, Phawis laughed and reminded. However, what is
completely different from the laughter is the blame in the eyes, making the
person who has never bowed his head to anyone and never yielded to say

"Why do I want to have a good talk with you!"

"Called P."
"Go to hell!"
When the four eyes were fixed on the battle, the young man felt that he was
going to be forced into a poor alley by this man, his hands trembling with anger,
I wanted to punch him in the face. Most importantly, he felt that he had lost,
because although the person didn't say a few words or laugh many times, when
the eyes that looked smiling at first slowly cooled down, it was obvious that the
owner of the eyes displeasure.
Then, the young model turned around and walked towards the corner of the
room decorated with several photo frames, gently stroked one of the photos and
said, "Maybe I need to tell Kin that the rude child should be kicked out of this
house." "Yeah Who do you think you are, P Pakin won't listen to what you say,
P Pakin will never listen to anyone!" "Then do you want to see how obedient
Kin is?" He clicked.
Kritithi's body froze when those beautiful eyes looked over, her heart
plummeting to her ankles. His heart almost stopped beating when the mouth
corners of the person in front of him rose even higher. And those eyes are like a
lion looking at a little mouse... exactly the same as Pakin brother's eyes when he
is unhappy.
Graph is not afraid of the person in front of him, but he is afraid of the
dangerous atmosphere now, which makes him is impossible to win the
This guy has a higher rank than everyone with Pakin hyung.
Graph clenched his fists until they were shaking, and there was a fire in his
eyes. Although he was very angry, his body, mind and even his instincts
reminded him that if he dared to touch this person... P‟ Pakin would definitely
blow him away.
Heart throbbing with resentment.
Suddenly, the boy who stared at the other party with hatred and looked like he
was about to rush up and beat him up suddenly turned around and strode
upstairs before causing himself even more trouble. My heart hurts so much... I
don't feel the pain coming from the sole of my foot.
Phawis, on the other hand, looked at the direction in which the boy disappeared
with interest.
"Master Graph is still young."
"Then just treat me as an adult who bullies children."
When someone stepped forward silently, his playful eyes sank. Panachai
lowered his head and said,
"I didn't mean to blame Master Win."
"I'm already blaming. Hmph, are you worried about that kid?" Win looked back,
but the other man lowered his eyes at the same time and turned into a strange
man. A loyal little brother who dares to look his boss in the eye. And when the
person in front of him uttered the following sentence, the person who has
always had excellent self-control gripped the photo frame in his hand even
"Master Graph is a very worrying person.
"The hand of the photo frame was trembling, but he quickly took a deep breath
and pressed it against his chest.
"If the kid could calm down more, he would understand that Kin and I are now, the whole room must have been filled with tears." Win raised
the corner of his mouth, then let go of the photo frame and let it fall freely. As
expected, the frame was immediately picked up by another man, surprised but
quickly. And he just said:
"If you are really worried, go and comfort me, oh, forgot, Pananchai has a very
clear relationship between master and servant."
Then Win left, leaving behind the one who quietly grabbed a photo frame. A
fierce-looking man looking is a group photo of the two owners...Mr.
Pakin is on the right, Master Win is on the left, and he is standing behind them.
The position says it all, master and servant will always be master and servant.
Pakin was busy with business all day today, and when the young man returned
home, the hour hand had crossed 10 characters. When the family members will
report that the close relatives have gone out and will not come back until dawn
according to the situation, that is to say, he doesn't have to face two headaches
at the same time.
One is noisy, the other is always silent.
"Master Graph still doesn't eat."
"That's right, he didn't come down in the evening, and the things he brought up
are still untouched. Hey."
At that moment, when the voices of two maids came from the stairs When it
came from around the corner, the long legs that were walking upstairs stopped
immediately, and the owner of the long legs frowned.
"What do you mean?"
"Ah, Mr. Pakin!" The young man ignored the shock of the two maids because of
his sudden appearance, but looked at the tray in his hand, and saw that the
porridge in the porcelain bowl did not show any signs of eating . So Rui Mu
turned around and motioned to continue.
"In the evening, I went to ask Master Graph what time he would like to have
dinner, but he said he would not eat it, and Aunt Kaew asked someone to bring
porridge, but it seemed that he didn't even touch it." When the answer came, the
listener He couldn't help frowning, because he immediately realized that this
should have something to do with the morning.
The result is still the same, this damn child.
"Hey, bring it... oh, and bring the key to the guest room." The person who
originally wanted to go back to the room to take a shower, relax and check on
the situation of the children, now seems to have to change the plan . The big
hand took the tray containing the clear porridge, turned around and walked to
the room whose door had been closed since the evening.
'Master Graph seems to have a little pain in his feet this morning, I'm not sure if
it's because he stepped on a splinter? '
His people will report in great detail, and he can't help shaking his head.
Knock knock knock.
The young man knocked on the door and waited calmly...
"..." After confirming that the people in the room would not come to open the
door, Pakin was not in a hurry because he had already expected it. He didn't
have to wait long when the maid who had been assigned to get the keys before
ran over panting with a large bunch of keys including all the guest rooms. Those
who were waiting just raised the corners of their mouths to smile and nodded.
After receiving the instruction, the visitor opened the lock, twisted the
doorknob, opened the door for the owner, let him enter the room, and finally
closed the door skillfully.
Although the light in the room was dim, it was still possible to vaguely see that
the person on the bed covered his head with the quilt as before, and when he
approached, the boy immediately burrowed into it.
The childish appearance made Pakin's eyes uneasy.
"Why don't you have dinner?"
The tall man shook his head, although he was a little annoyed by the young
master's nervous battle with him, the person with the food tray in one hand still
put the things on the table first Then he approached the big bed, looked around
his chest at the person whose body was rolled into a ball on the bed.
"Even if you do this, it won't make you look cute."
Swish, the young man clearly heard the sound of gnashing his teeth and moving
his body, as if he couldn't suppress his anger and would bounce up and beat him
up the next time he moved. Actually, when he came in with dinner, he could go
back to rest, but the face of the morning appeared in front of his eyes, so...
"Let's settle what you scolded me this morning."
Pakin didn't think he did anything wrong, Although the young man in front of
him misunderstood him, he didn't have the right to scold him like this.
It's not over yet, Ya is still playing nerve warfare. So the young man couldn't
help but said in a cold voice:
"You think I'm here to coax you?" The person who heard the question was still
silent. Seeing that the young master didn't intend to answer, Pakin didn't intend
to pull himself into the game of "whoever answers first loses". The young man
turned and walked towards the door, and threw down such a sentence...
"Eat, I don't want you to die here."
"Black-hearted ghost!"
The person lying in the hood made a vague sound, which made the person who
was about to step out of the room stop, and turned to look at the round thing.
"P is so fucking bad, black-hearted, cold-blooded...P has no heart!"
"I just know." The person who listened with his face buried on the pillow
clenched his fists hard, bit his lips tightly, and desperately suppressed his heart
With the surging emotions of collapse, another man's heart-pricking words
sounded in his ears. Someone threatened to tame this vicious man.
Can it really be done? Does that person have that much power?
The more I think about it, the more painful it is to bite my lower lip... just to
prevent anyone from seeing my vulnerable side.
"P don't bother me." In the end, in order to avoid being seen by Gao Dazi as a
crybaby again, the kid started to chase him away.
The door was closed, but the person on the bed remained motionless, because
he was afraid... If he moved a little, all the patience he had worked hard since
the evening would be wiped out immediately, and then he would make a lot of
noise, cause trouble impulsively, and finally be caught by Pakin Brother kicked
out of the house.
"Don't cry, Graph. Don't cry..."
Kritithi kept trying to emphasize to himself, but finally cried out in surprise,
because... the end of the quilt was suddenly lifted, and the ankle was even more
unexpected Unexpectedly caught by force. When Graph was about to pull back
the quilt to look at it in the next second... "This is
to add some hurt every day here, right?" The man who thought he was out was
now sitting on the edge of the bed with his ankles on his lap. "Did you let the
wound touch water?" "..." Graph didn't answer, not because he was still angry,
nor because he was arrogant, but because the touch on his ankle made him...
hurt. "I'll be back later."

This time Pakin brother really left the room, instead of pretending to close the
door like just now but actually still there, but the pain there continued. Kritithi's
upper body was still hidden under the covers until the big man came back with
the medicine box, sat back down, and pulled the boy's bipod back onto his lap.
"Stop crying and pissing off." A sarcastic voice sounded, but Graph still didn't
reply. But he felt the hotness of the disinfectant and the medicine dripped on the
wound, which almost brought tears to his eyes. What is certain is that P‟ Pakin
is not a gentle person, and the young man can clearly feel the pain that comes
with every step of the wound treatment.
The pain of being forgotten that morning because of being too sad.
Because now the heart is not back to the original pain, but the pain is more
The heart that was numb with pain recovered, just because someone came back
to treat his wound.
When the heart does not hurt, the body... also regains consciousness.
And Pakin could see clearly that the person under the quilt was shaking, even
the feet on his knees were shaking, it was not difficult to imagine that the young
master must be crying. So he sighed impatiently, put the thing back into the
medicine box, pushed it under the bed (so that he could treat the young master's
wound next time) and put the boy's feet down.
But before leaving the room, the man who thought he had done his duty paused
and made a decision. Then...
the big hand gently landed on the head hidden under the quilt, and the young
man who never coaxed anyone said...
"I do good deeds, let me tell you...Win is my younger brother." "!! !"
(Sound of closing the door)
"Hey, P Pakin!" It was too late, when Graph came to his senses and pulled up
the quilt violently, the person who solved the misunderstanding had already left
the room, leaving the boy standing there speechless. Unbelievably, just a few
words made the face that was about to cry... laugh.
Just a few words, from a man who never coaxes anyone, emphatically's not coaxing.
Chapter 14: A man named Phawis

This morning was the third day Kritithi moved into this house to avoid danger.
He was not used to having breakfast with others, let alone Pakin was still
sleeping at this time. So that after the boy came down from 6 o'clock, he could
only sit tensely, because his face...was hot.
What happened yesterday is still vivid in my mind, and the touch on my ankle is
still there, making the boy who always loves to talk suddenly become dumb. So,
all Graph can do now is sit quietly and eat breakfast, while not forgetting to
look out of the corner of the eye at the person who came down in only pajama
"Chai will introduce the driver to you today."
Pakin turned his head to look at the person who was unusually quiet and easily
compromised, so abnormal that he even wondered if the cook gave her some
kind of medicine?
"How's the injury?"
"It's much better." The young man forced himself to ask a few questions that a
guardian should ask, and the listeners answered them simply. But all this made
the young man frown.
Today, the child is really not peaceful, but it's okay.
"Then don't look for things to hurt yourself. You have been injured for two days
after you came to my house. Don't add new injuries today." The young man said
annoyedly, and then stood up.
"Oh, having said that... who allowed you to enter my room!"
The young man was secretly surprised, and tried his best not to show his
emotions. Although it is said that the other man is the younger brother... I
learned from the cook and the steward that he is a cousin, but it does not
eliminate the fact that he sneaked into this man's bedroom, and the reason is...
my friend asked me to do
it The...retarded, dead Graph.
"" The young man was too brave to speak, so he could only look
down at the half-disappeared delicious breakfast. He was struggling to think of
an excuse to save himself, so he stammered...Of course, he couldn't think of a
better excuse to justify his entry into the owner's bedroom other than playing the
king game.
Pakin sneered, and then said in the same cold voice:
"Don't say I didn't remind you, don't have a second time."
"But that guy is fine." After being warned, he couldn't help but refute.
"That guy you're talking about is my brother."
"Just a cousin," Graph said stubbornly when he went into talkback mode,
turning back into his old self. Knowing the status is different, but still feeling
sad because the man in question seemed to be more important and could enter
each other's room at any time, while he was expressly forbidden.
Either way, I really hate that guy.
The thoughts in his heart were fully displayed on his face, so Pakin was about to
say something, if someone hadn't taken the first step... "
I'm back."
Turning his head suddenly to look, one second he was surprised by what he
heard, and the next second he was annoyed by the face he saw. So he pursed his
mouth, lowered his head and continued to fiddle with his breakfast, and prayed
that P‟ Chai would bring the driver on duty quickly.
After seeing the face, I couldn't eat anymore.
The boy said this to himself. The person who had just arrived frowned, then
stepped forward and sat down next to Graph.
"Hey! Don't touch it!" Kritithi was taken aback, because his chin was suddenly
raised and forced to meet his sharp eyes, which were carefully outlined with
eyeliner to make the man's gaze even sharper. And obviously last night was a
sleepless night... not only does the exquisite eyewear not look feminine, but it is
more masculine temptation, which has attracted countless men.
No matter how hard he tries, Graph will never be able to become such an
attractive man.
Phawis didn't get angry because his hands were slapped off, on the contrary...
"I cried a lot." Although others didn't notice, Win could still see the blush under
the boy's well-hidden eyes clearly. This kid's method is not smart at all, just by
looking at him, he can fully understand how sad the other party was crying last
night. This also made him unconsciously let out a long sigh.
"Sorry, I played too much yesterday." said the young model. Graph, on the other
hand, looked away suspiciously.
He has a good memory and will never forget what this guy said yesterday.
"You're in a better mood." Pakin raised the corners of his mouth and said as he
brushed his brother's long hair back, revealing his beautiful face, which looked
weaker than yesterday.
"Well, P, I'm sorry, I was too grumpy yesterday and messed up everything."
Graph didn't know what the two were talking about, he couldn't see where this
guy was grumpy at all, he just knew that he was belittling himself to nothing . It
seems that Phawis knew it himself and turned his head to look at the big clock,
and then said to his brother: "Wait a minute and I will send Graph to school by
It's better to let this guy send him to school than to go to school by himself. But
the guardian turned his head to look at his cousin, waved his hand, and said,
"You can take him wherever you want...can you drive in Thailand?"
"If you can go out yesterday, you can come back." Get brother With permission,
Phawis grabbed Graph's shoulder without hesitation, and pulled hard, making
the boy want to yell, but... "
Let him be sent to school, so as not to hurt my head even more." The youth at
the dining table said The words made Graph pause, and in the end he could only
grab the backpack irritably. As this cousin said...he can make P‟ Pakin do what
he says.
Yes, everything follows my beautiful brother, but I don't care at all!
Unhappily shaking off the grabbed shoulder, but still angrily followed to the
luxury car that was already waiting in front of the house. Kritithi swears that if
he hears anything that doesn't please his ears again, he will definitely turn it
back unceremoniously.
The displeasure was clearly expressed in his demeanor, and the people who
followed couldn't help laughing.
This child is also really cute, showing all emotions clearly.
Although the luxury car has been on the road for 10 minutes, there is only the
sound of GPS navigation in the car, which makes the irritable people feel
depressed... He also felt depressed when he and Pakin were together, but most
of them were because of everything. Depressed from not being able to do it, and
being around this person...feeling terribly cold.
The man in the sunglasses was looking straight ahead at the road, giving Graph
a chance to take a good look at the man's attire.
Famous brand shirts, luxury brand trousers, high-end accessories on wrists and
fingers, even ears. This man likes to dress up a little scary, and he knows how to
dress up to make himself the focus of attention.
"It's much hotter here than in Korea." The man wearing a handsome black print
scarf tore off the scarf and threw it behind him, letting Graph see...there are
quite a few marks of love on his shoulders.
"Well... I went to meet an old friend last night, so I overplayed it." Phawis also
noticed, and couldn't help laughing out loud. When the children around him
looked away from the window, their fair face flushed visibly to the naked eye. It
shows that this good-looking boy who should have had no less than 10 girls
who have had sex with him is actually just a child who lacks experience in bed.
Had he been a child like this before?
Someone who is only 23 years old but has experienced a lot can't help laughing
at himself.
"I'm in a much better mood today than yesterday."
"Old Guan... none of my business." Although still angry, Graph still gritted his
teeth and said politely. It made those who listened laugh out loud.
"Because you were in a bad mood, you became a victim of P."
"Sacrificial?" The listener looked puzzled, and the man behind the steering
wheel had to tell the truth:
"Because I was so depressed yesterday that I couldn't breathe, so I went to find
you. Let's vent and make trouble. Then when I saw a child, I couldn't help but
make him cry."
"Is P still young!" Graph yelled back, completely unaware of the personal
pronoun he blurted out. This also made the listener laugh, but the smile did not
reach the eyes behind the sunglasses, and said at the same time:
"Yes, sometimes P is also an adult in a child's body. If you don't get what you
want, you will act like a child... But I have vented last night, and now I feel
guilty, so I apologize Come on." Win turned his head back with a smiling face,
using a friendly big brother's smile to cover up some things he accidentally said,
and he was completely different from the bad person yesterday. Make the
person watching completely unable to keep up with the changes in the other
party's emotions.
"Nothing happened the day before yesterday. It's just because Kin is a person
who is used to sleeping naked, so he doesn't like people going to the room to
make trouble. And P, he was too tired when he came back, and took off as soon
as he touched the bed. ..Heh, although P is very casual, he won't mess with his
Suddenly, Graph couldn't get angry with this person, and he didn't know
whether it was because he apologized from the heart or because he made things
clear. And the most important thing is that he doesn't like the sound of the other
party saying that he is very casual.
That makes people feel suffocated.
"Why did P tell me this?" The person who already had a prejudice in his heart
asked back, trying to pretend that he didn't care who a certain man slept
with. Win followed with a smile and said: "I like it, do
n't you?" "Do you want to help?" Just the first sentence made the listener's body
stiff like a stone, and he couldn't believe that the other party had already caught
him in less than a few hours of meeting time. The next second sentence made
him immediately turn his head and look at the person who stopped the car
because of the red light. At the same time, the hickey marks on the shoulders
were clearly seen. "How? Let P teach you how to sleep with boys? As an
apology." Now Graph is really more afraid of this man's voice than Pakin
brother, because... Win brother knows how to treat him like this people.
"Graph, Graph can't do it, absolutely not. Graph likes P Pakin, and Graph can
only belong to P Pakin!" "I never said that I want to sleep with that guy." "But
he invited Graph to bed!"
Lunch break Time, when the boy told her what happened yesterday and who
was sent to school and what he said, the girl with the ponytail couldn't help but
whispered to her friend.
Of course, what was told made Chaichao's eyes widen in surprise, he shook his
head vigorously, looked at the boy seriously and emphasized again...
"Graph loves P, Graph should only have P Pakin alone. Going to sleep with
others is not at all It's useless at all!" The girl said firmly, making the once
hesitant person inexplicably at ease.
The moment he heard Phawis recommending himself, he...was a little moved.
Will P Pakin care about me more than he does now if I can sleep with guys?
Such thoughts made him unable to answer at that time, and he just sat
quietly. Get out of the car as soon as it reaches the school, because the heart is
splitting in two.
On the one hand... want to say yes. Because a man likes someone with
experience, if he makes a change...the other person may look back at him a few
more times.
On the other hand is... categorically refusing. Because he is only interested in P‟
Pakin, he only likes P‟ Pakin, and he only loves that man, so much so that he
can't stand the thought of sleeping with other people.
The struggle between the two sides made the boy so confused that he didn't
know how to answer.
Wants the other person's attention, but doesn't want to sleep with anyone else.
"I never said I would promise him." So when his friend resolutely decided for
him again, the boy finally settled down and smiled faintly to Chanchao. The
listener breathed a sigh of relief, and raised his hand to smooth his chest:
"That's how it should be, Graph... Huh, I don't care if that guy is some kind of
relative of P Pakin, and he actually came to invite Graph to sleep with him. I
said it's too bad." The girl expressed her thoughts , because she really doesn't
want her friend to sleep with other people because she wants to train her bed
Anyway, Chanchao is still an innocent rotten girl, fantasizing about finding the
first person, talking about the first love and applauding for love for the first
time. Therefore, Chaichao will never allow friends to sleep with other people
when they have someone else in their hearts.
"Hmph, is Chaichao my mother?" The relieved person couldn't help putting his
hand on the other's head and shaking it slightly, and the shaken person tightened
his mouth.
"Not too soon. The state of Graph yesterday made me worry to death." The girl
wrinkled her nose. The person watching shook each other's head even more, and
"Thank you very much."
The interaction between the two made other students unbearable...
"Will you die if you don't get bored for a day? Fuck, jealous!!!"
"Damn Chanchao, didn't you say you only like boys together? You traitor!"
There were all kinds of teasing voices aimed at the young couple who are bored
in the classroom every day, but I know ? This damn sweet interaction... was all
In short, Chanchao is very sure...Even though she has never met, she doesn't
like P‟ Pakin's relatives!
Why are you here?
"What, Graph. P is here to pick you up."
The moment Kritithi stepped out of the school, his body froze because he saw...
a male in front of him.
A man with the same face as the one I saw this morning, but... more attractive.
At this time, many students were peeking at a tall and slender man standing in
front of the school... a tall man wearing designer clothes. But this is not the
reason why the man attracts attention, but the aura he exudes... That aura may
be his own noble temperament, or it may be because of the whiteness that has
never been exposed to the sun. Clear skin, maybe because of... the face behind
the sunglasses.
I saw the man taking off his sunglasses, poking the corner of his mouth with his
temples and smiling slightly...all of which make people unable to take their eyes
The man stepped forward and stopped in front of the famous handsome
delinquent boy in the school. At this moment...
"Graph! Graph, Graph, Graph! Who is this!!!"
"It's the guy I mentioned."
The friend who came out together and wanted to find something to fill his
stomach before going to the remedial class raised his hand and tugged at the
boy's arm, and asked excitedly. The listener couldn't help but frowned, and
reluctantly replied. And this attracted...
"Come here, Graph !"
Then he whispered excitedly in his ear:
"Graph, Graph, Graph, I saw P on the cover of a magazine, he is a model!"
"I don't know, maybe."
Maybe, after all, he looks so good.
Graph told himself like this, he didn't care at all whether it was true or not, what
he cared about was the reaction of his friend who was staring at stars and kept
shaking his arms.
"Graph! Graph must promise to let P teach you!"
"Hey! Are you crazy!" the listener yelled, and Phawis, who was standing quietly
waiting, couldn't help but tilt his head, and looked curiously at the two boys and
girls. Chanchai shook his head vigorously:
"Graph, listen to me first..."
"Listen, you just said you can't agree."
"Oh, I didn't know Graph was talking about this person... Don't worry about this
person, Believe me!" When the boy shouted a little irritablely, the speaker
immediately comforted him, and then quickly continued in his ear:
"I thought he was going to sleep on Graph, but now it seems that he will not. I
follw over P His report, P he must be an assist, I can assure you, he will not be
on the Graph! I am very sure that he is just imparting some skills and secrets to
tie P Pakin's heart, so Graph has to listen to P's teaching Oh, theory and practice
are different!" Sometimes, Kritithi really couldn't keep up with his friends, so he
could only stare at the girl who said the word 'up'.
(* above, the original text is a more straightforward 'insert')
"Yes, P will not be on the Graph."
At this moment, the person who was standing quietly and waiting came forward
without warning, and... put his hand on Graph's shoulder, looking very familiar
with him.
But that's not the most surprising thing, what's even more surprising is that the
other party brought that face, which is prettier than any man's, to him, and
said...'P will not come', which made the two teenagers stare in shock eyes.
Then he raised his hand and lightly touched the boy's chin, bringing his face
closer, allowing Graph to see those beautiful but cold eyes more clearly.
"But if Graph wants to be can also say it." "
After finishing speaking, he raised his eyebrows again, making the listener's
body freeze, and at the same time...
"Yeah! Mmmmmmm~~~~ I can't do it anymore, I want to scream!" Chanchai
also stiffened his body, but he covered his mouth with his hands stiffly, and
quickly shook Graph's hand to make a hmm sound, like In the next second,
there will be a huge scream, and... a slap in the face, as if seeing his own CP
giving out candy.
"Fuck, I don't think it's funny!" The boy said angrily, shaking his hands off his
shoulders. The teaser couldn't help laughing.
"Just kidding, P won't attack children." Phawis said, and then turned to a certain
"Then if you are relieved, please allow P to take Graph home."
The listener nodded heavily, not only let go of his friend's arm, but also pushed
the boy's shoulder.
"Okay, Graph, Graph and P, go home, listen to P. He will definitely teach
Graph!" He kept telling, making the listeners frown, but they didn't say
anything, or Can't talk about it. Because he was chained around the neck by P‟
Pakin's most special relative and walked towards the eye-catching luxury sports
car parked aside.
"That kid is so cute...Are you twin?"
"Hey, no!" Graph loudly denied while shaking his head vigorously. Phawis
nodded upon hearing this, and his beautiful eyes lit up immediately.
"Okay...then go back and dress up, and I'll take you to a good place tonight."
"Huh? Where are you taking it? No!"
No matter how the boy refused, it seemed that the other party didn't hear
"Hey, where did P take me!"
"You know it at a glance."
"Yes, I know! But does P know how old I am?!"
Now, Graph is very troubled. Because suddenly someone I just met came to
pick me up from school and changed my clothes, and then I was taken out
without saying where I was going, until the luxury car turned into the huge
parking lot of a famous bar in the city center Inside.
The bar looks very high class, not in the same world as the bars on the side of
the road. The building itself is gorgeous and stately, the staff has been
handpicked, and judging by the lineup of luxury cars parked in, this place is
definitely out of the ordinary.
The light emitted from the bar is like an insect trapping light, luring all living
beings, making the small insects that were forcibly pulled over suddenly turn
and look at the person who brought him.
At first, Kritithi also wondered why after changing clothes and going
downstairs, he was seen from head to toe, and then from foot to head, and was
forced to put on a dark coat. And look at the dress of the person in front of
him... He felt very uncomfortable.
Under the seductive light, Phawis was wearing trousers that were specially cut
to show off his slender legs. The dark low-necked top had been dropped,
revealing one shoulder, allowing a clear view of his fair skin. Both hands were
equipped with accessories. Even makeup with just eyeliner looks more
attractive than the pretty faces of all men, but... more attractive at the same time.
Graph feels that the other party is exuding his charm...but it must not be him.
Although the teenager had the experience of going out at night several times, he
only went racing, pestered a man, or went to a small bar to drink with other
classmates, not to have fun like this. Also very uncomfortable being the center
of attention.
Although I knew that the eyes I was looking at were all looking at the people
next to me, but it was still very uncomfortable.
"I know, 17, right?"
"Yes, he won't let me in!" said the person who was inconvenient to do anything
because of the age limit. Those who listened smiled slightly:
"Come with P, no one dares to stop you." The young model looked over with a
smile, and then stepped confidently towards the entrance door. The person who
came with him couldn't help frowning, but he didn't have a car key, so it was
impossible to wait here, so he followed up with a guilty conscience and asked
worriedly: "P Pakin said
where he was going first." Win Looking back, raised the corner of his mouth
and said with a smile:
"I thought it was such a willful child, but in fact it is just a child under Kin's
"I am not a chicken in P Pakin's hands!" When hearing such a sentence When
talking, the boy couldn't help getting angry, so he refuted loudly. The person
who caused the anger smiled slightly:
"If that's the case, you can prove it." The young model walked towards the
person guarding the gate while talking.
"You are not allowed to enter if you are under the age." Naturally, they were
stopped at the front door, because no matter how well-dressed Graph was, his
childish and innocent face showed that he was not old enough. Phawis held up a
sign and came before him, and asked coldly:
"This, you can enter."
The displayed card made the people who saw it say repeatedly:
"Yes, yes, please come in. Please have fun.
" The conversion made Graph suspicious, because he didn't expect to be able to
get in.
This place... P‟ Pakin comes here often, but I can't follow him.
"How did P do it?"
The listener smiled at this question.
"If it has something to do with the's easy." The young model said, and
then led her into the interior of a different world.
The environment is dim but not completely dark, the music is uplifting but not
deafening, the crowd is crowded but not overwhelming, it seems that everything
in the store is designed so that customers can feel relaxed and relax All the
stress is completely released.
"P knows the boss!" Graph asked loudly. The person who led the huge bar and
the crowd to the stairs leading to the second floor shrugged and didn't answer
much. It wasn't until they reached the middle of the stairs on the second floor
that they showed the card to the guarding staff, and Phawis turned his head. And
then... a wicked smile.
"Here...belongs to P Pakin's good don't even know this?"
He thumped.
no...don't know.
Graph could only tell himself this, because he didn't know that this place
belonged to P‟ Pakin's friend, and to be honest, he had never met the other's
friend, only the people who were called subordinates. So he looked around, and
then quickly followed the people who were walking towards the VIP floor.
"That means P Pakin often comes here because he's looking for friends?"
"If you think about it naively, it's true." Again, when the other party pointed
over his shoulder, it was different from upstairs where only the drink table was
used as a separate compartment for private parties. Graph froze when all kinds
of handsome men and women downstairs in the space.
"Kin came here just like P...just like everyone here..." Phawis smiled, lifting the
corners of his mouth. This also made the man look even more cunning, and then
said something that made the bear unable to move:
"To vent." After speaking, he smiled again and walked towards a table where he
could see the downstairs. Graph looked around, and then he saw...he is not in
the same world as P Pakin.
Although he is the son of a famous politician, this colorful world at
midnight...he is not familiar with it at all.
"Is P Sin there?"
At the same time, another man turned to ask the waiter who was bowing
"I didn't come today."
"Oh, it's nothing." The listener sighed a long time, then waved his hand to
indicate that it's okay, then turned to look at the person who was still frozen.
"Sit down." Although Grpah was a little awkward, he sat down and looked at
the smiling person.
"Bringing you here is to let you feel the atmosphere and know what the
challenges are. On the outside, in the eyes of P, Graph is still inexperienced in
bed even if he is mischievous. Knowing more about the world can overcome it..
As long as you don‟t know too much like P.” Win said with a sneer, ordered a
soft drink for the child who was not yet old enough, and then stuck it to his ear
and said: “Come back later, let‟s have fun first.”
Said After finishing, Phawis left his companions to sit there, and went to the
lower floor by himself.
Graph bit his lip, a little annoyed but didn't push back.
Yes, he didn't know this world at all.
He's drunk, he's smoked, he's been in illegal racing, he's been in fights, but
when he's in the midst of the fun-seeking crowd, he's suffocated and wants to go
home and get out of here, but think about it later , what he wants to leave is
actually a place that someone likes.
The world is so different.
"Is it because I'm young?" Graph bit his lip angrily, but he really couldn't refute.
What should I do to make P‟ Pakin pay attention, how many years will it take to
become like Brother Win?
The protagonist who asked the question looked down, looking for the person
who brought him, and then opened his eyes wide, because...
"Whew!!!" Graph gasped in surprise, because only The person who had just left
was about to throw a wine glass in a man's face, but the next second the glass
flew into the bar and broke into pieces, causing the beauties next to him to
scream. Graph jumped up immediately, because although the distance was a bit
far away, the man's face...
Pakin was the same.
The menacing look from those eyes made Kritithi rush to the lower floor
immediately, he didn't know why he wanted to stop it, but he knew that if he
didn't stop it... the consequences would be serious.
Chapter 15: Please do not ban without reason

What Phawis hates the most is people who say nothing, especially people he has
already warned loudly.
After the young model placed his companions in a safe place, he walked down
to the lower floor by himself, crossed the crowd to the huge bar, prepared to
order some drinks for himself, and then sat down to vent his frustrations since
returning to Thailand. Repressed emotions.
Today he has no intention of following anyone, or being watched by anyone.
Win has observed for a long time and found that the best way to be alone here is
to be among the crowd.
He was not the only one around, but he seemed to be the only one.
Staying alone, thinking about things alone, falling into a boundless sea of
thoughts. It's...really lonely.
Whoever wants to say can say as he pleases, Phawis likes this kind of
atmosphere, flickering lights in the dark, drinking to the point of fuzziness,
forgetting everything in his heart that he wants to do but can't do, and wants to
say but can't say. .
"Long time no see, Win." A man stepped forward and put his arm around his
waist, sticking it close, Win turned to look at the person who came.
This guy... oh.
"I saw it yesterday."
Yes, I vaguely remember it. This man had a "communication" episode when he
returned to Thailand last time, and yesterday...seems to have seen it too.
"Yes, but yesterday you were with Mr.'s my turn today."
Apart from other things, he is still pretty handsome, but his eyes full of desire to
flirt are too close, making people can't help but side their necks to avoid open.
"Sorry, I don't think I know you, and even if I did... I don't remember." Win
sneered, pushed the other's chest away, and was about to turn around and walk
to the counter, but... "I don't even remember my ex-
husband Is it?"
The originally cheerful eyes immediately changed, becoming ruthless and full
of anger, and the person who was talking nonsense was lowering his head to
smell the deodorant on his neck. Phawis sat still, reaching for the wine glass of
a beautiful woman next to him.
The beautifully colored drink was poured on the head, and the person who
poured the wine even threw the glass at the other person's face, only to see the
glass pop out and hit the bar, and the people around screamed because of
surprise. The person who was beaten raised his head angrily:
"Hey, what are you doing!"
"Also, do you want to try?" Phawis just smiled. Although he looks like a slender
and handsome man, it's convenient to be looked at like that... unconsciously
stepping back.
"Do you know who I am? You also know what will happen if I'm upset..."
The young model grabbed another wine glass while the person on the other side
opened his eyes wide, remembering the wine he had tasted The man is He Ren's
most cherished relative. He originally wanted to rush up and grab the other
party's collar, but in the end he could only back away and look at the man who
raised his hand and wanted to throw the glass on his pale face again. But...
"P Win!!!" Someone rushed forward and grabbed the wrist in time, and the
young model turned around in displeasure.
"P is crazy!" Although Graph was shouting, what the young model felt was...
There was no trace of hidden concern in the eyes, which also made Phawis'
anger slowly disappear inexplicably.
"P don't cause trouble here!"
"P doesn't need a person who argues for himself all day to teach him a lesson."
Phawis said so, but he was so calm that he put down his glass. I didn't want to
answer how the other party knew.
Although he is not in Thailand, he is very clear about the affairs of the people in
And yes, he knew who would show up if something happened.
"Is there anything? Master Win, Master Graph."
"Hey, P Chai, why are you here!" the boy yelled, and turned to look at the tall
man who appeared out of nowhere. Panachai smiled slightly, put his hand into
the pocket of his suit, then took out a business card and put it on the counter,
smiled at the staff, and said:
"You can send the list of losses here." After speaking, he glanced at the man
who was stained by wine, stepped forward two steps, and whispered something
in his ear. Kritithi didn't know what Chai was whispering, but...
the man opened his eyes wide, turned around sharply, and jumped out
immediately. The person who spoke in a low voice turned around with a
disgusted and kind face and said with a smile:
"Do you want to go back together? Master Win didn't tell Mr. Pakin that he
would bring Master Graph out. Mr. Pakin will be worried." "
"Worried!?" Kritithi interjected in bewilderment and disbelief, looking at P‟
Chai as if seeing a weirdo. The person who is Pakin's left and right hand just
smiled at each other, spread his hands to the other side, and did not even look at
the other owner during the period. Phawis turned and walked towards the exit.
"Hey, P Win... What kind of nerve is this!" Graph yelled, and then quickly
chased him out. The people who followed followed steadily, unhurriedly, and
followed the two masters leisurely. But if anyone looks down at Panachai's
hand, they'll see... it's almost bruised.
"I'm back."
Who said that this person was worried.
Kritithi pouted. Because when he entered the mansion, the boy saw the owner
of the house sitting and looking at his mobile phone while asking simple
questions, and there was a beautiful laptop on his lap. It was as if I never cared
about where my relatives and hosts went together, so I couldn't help but look
back at Panachai.
Didn't you say you were worried? P fabricated it.
The boy asked with his eyes. Because even though he was standing in front of
him, Pakin still didn't look up. Let alone look at his clothes.
"If I don't come back, P won't care." He couldn't help but said irritablely. Finally
Pakin looked up.
"You disobeyed my order." The young man said in a deep, almost stern voice,
while the listener shrugged:
"P Win took me there." The answer made Pakin pause for a moment, and he
jumped again Leaning back on the sofa, he shook his head.
"Just say 'I've said it'," said the owner of the house. Because he once said that if
Graph was going anywhere, he would tell him, his cronies, or the maid aunt,
and the other party would go with his relatives... That means one of the three
would know where Graph was going. So there is no reason to argue with this
"I'm going to find P Sin."
With a click.
"What are you talking about!!!"
However, the person who came in behind just said a plain sentence, which made
the shoulders of the casual and handsome superior become stiff. A pair of sharp
eyes looked at his cousin.
His gaze made Graph feel...frightened.
But Phawis didn't feel scared, instead he said...
"I took Graph to find P Sin."
The beautiful laptop on Pakin's lap crashed to the floor, but the owner didn't
care one bit. Because now the man with the highest authority is standing up
straight, the fierceness in his eyes is becoming more and more obvious, as if
there is a huge wave rushing inside, and the questioning voice made Kritithi feel
that if he confronted him directly, he would definitely feel terrified. Stand up.
"What are you talking about? Phawis!"
Calling him by his first name means... Pakin is very angry now.
"That's it, I'll take Graph to find P Sin."
When Graph was about to step back, a certain man stepped forward and said to
his brother with a smile. Like saying what's wrong with this?
"I remember my name, P Pakin." This was the first time the teenager heard a
young model call a man by his full name. And this also made those fierce eyes
shine, and he grabbed his shoulder and squeezed it hard.
Then, the scowling face... smiled.
A terrible smile that slowly fades away from those who dare to come face to
face with it.
"You know, P can send you back to Korea right now."
Thumbs up.
The change of personal pronouns shows that this is using the power of the elder
brother, rather than letting the younger brother do whatever he wants. The
listener almost glanced at a certain fierce-looking man in the corner of the
room. But he still controlled himself in time, pulled his hand out of the restraint,
and said:
"But P Sin is not here."
Pakin squinted his eyes for a while, and then let go of his hand.
The young man turned his gaze back and looked at Kritithi's face who didn't
know what happened from the beginning to the end. He didn't know why a
person named Sin was so important, and would make the other party furious
like this.
P‟ Pakin's bed partner...?
The man who thought far away bit his lip and bit it painfully, and when the big
man looked at him like a sharp knife and gave the order without rejection, the
boy bit his lip even tighter.
"You are strictly forbidden to go to that bar in the future."
The person who listened to the order didn't understand and didn't want to
understand. He only knew that when he heard the forbidden word, his anger
immediately rushed to his heart, and his long-thought head decided that the
other party was I was blaming him for getting into trouble again and getting into
trouble again. The younger brother who threw a wine glass at someone's face
was not reprimanded, but the boy was kicked out immediately after entering his
own world.
It has always been like this, no matter how hard he tries to get close to P‟ Pakin,
the other party pushes him away as hard as he can.
"If I go, what will happen to P?" The anger in his heart made the bear child's
temper suddenly come up, and he looked at the other party fearlessly, even if
the eyes of the person in front of him were enough to kill... No, that look It's not
like the flames soaring to the sky, but the biting cold that no one dares to fight
The person who heard the question leaned forward until there was only half a
foot (about 25cm) between them.
"It's best not to make me angry, Graphic."
The cold voice made the heart tremble. Looking at the eyes full of cruelty, there
is no mercy, unlike the person who came to rescue the day he was hunted down,
without a little warmth that he had given to the person who hugged and
comforted him, it... just looked at him like Look at a low-level pawn who dared
to resist orders.
That kind of gaze made the flesh in his chest hurt unbelievably.
"Yes, in P's eyes, everything I do is wrong, and P doesn't care about me at all, so
even if I do another thing that makes P angry, I won't die!" The boy pushed the
other party away, and yelled in the face. This also made the body of the person
who had been extremely patient with the child move over...
"Yeah, if P doesn't care about Graph, why does P bother me to bring Graph to
find someone?"
When Pakin was about to grab his hand and pull the child who dared to disobey
the order into the room and lock it, so that the bear boy could reflect on how
dare he disobeyed his order, Phawis cheerfully interjected as if he had realized
it. As soon as the words came out, they immediately attracted an extremely cold
"I heard that P once handed over Graph to others easily... It's just P Sin, P don't
care about it." "
Phawis!" Pakin called out his younger brother's name again, but the young
model did not intend to give in. Plus, when he sees a kid trying to hold his head
up despite a reddened nose and hurt eyes like someone who's hit rock bottom,
he feels...a helping hand.
"I just took Graph to open my eyes."
"But not with Sin!"
"Why? I, didn't I also take P to meet you."
Pakin was so pushed that he couldn't answer, even a little Blocked
heart. Looking at his younger brother who used to be quieter, more honest, and
more obedient than he is now, but everything has changed, all because of his
behavior without thinking about the consequences...Take Win to meet a friend
who knows that he is as bad as himself.
"That's why you became like this, Win."
Pakin smiled, but the words he said were ordinary. This made the listener hurt
in disbelief.
Because his world has changed from the day he met brother Sin... the person
who taught him countless first experiences.
"But doesn't P just like such people?" The man who was as bad as a brother
retorted, and did not give the elder brother in position any chance to speak
again, and said in a soft, intoxicating but indifferent voice: "If
Graph If you become such a person, P may like it. Beautiful, cute,
charming...and good in bed." "..."
the elder brother was silent, the speaker whispered again:
"P Sin You can teach Grap to someone who can do this, brother."
He clicked.
Phawis was very sure that his brother would react, but in the end he froze
because he couldn't react, because it should be someone who was very angry...
There was a huge laugh from the throat, as if he had heard the funniest thing in
the world, then Pakin stopped his voice and smiled:
"Is this kid? Hmph, no matter how many Sins are there to train me, I won't be
interested . "
The short sentence caused the person who was about to cry to be extremely
hurt. Graph's hands trembled, his eyes were hot, and his heart seemed to be
rubbed and crushed by the man in front of him. Feelings of pity and sadness
flowed straight into the young heart... No matter what he did, P‟ Pakin would
never take a look.
At the same time, the two brothers looked at each other wordlessly, neither
convinced the other. And just then...
Suddenly, a watch slammed into Pakin's back, and the person who was thrown
turned his head angrily, and then saw... the boy was sobbing so hard that his
shoulders were shaking, and his lips were bitten so hard Shiro's body trembled
from anger. I saw the person who was yelling in Ruoda's leisure room saying...
"What I want to do is my business, P has no right to prohibit it. Remember, the
bastard P who killed a thousand knives." He
just threw the expensive watch hard behind his back The person above turned
around and rushed out of the room quickly, but the men in the entire room
probably didn't see it... The back of the boy's hand scratched his face.
Facing this situation, only Phawis smiled.
"That's right, what Graph wants to do is also Graph's own business."
"Don't take that brat to find dead Sin!" When returning to the original point, the
big man ordered his younger brother even louder. The young model raised her
head slightly.
"Why? Kin... so that the child will never be able to touch P Sin..."
"Don't cross the line!"
The question was not answered directly, only a dangerous growl and a terrifying
look . The person who saw his brother's angry behavior smiled slightly.
"When P doesn't care about him, P doesn't have to care who Graph wants
to...sleep with."
Then he laughed again, and then Phawis turned, brushed Panachai's shoulder,
and walked out of the room in a victorious posture. Leaving Pakin standing
there without saying a word, not in the dumb of a loser but in eerie silence,
made Panachai stare down at the ground involuntarily.
Now, those two kids have teamed up to make their boss very, very angry.
No matter how much Graph does not want the morning to come, it cannot
escape after all.
This morning the boy didn't want to show his face, he didn't want to see people,
he didn't want to talk, he didn't want to hear the voice of a certain man. Not only
because of being angry, wronged, or heartbroken because of ruthless words, but
because I don't want the other party to see... my own vulnerability.
There is no obvious weakness in the red eyes from insomnia and crying.
He hated himself who was crying because of P‟ Pakin, hated himself who
couldn't give up his obsession with that man.
The person who sat in the dining room and waited while drinking coffee looked
at him without any warmth, and there was only displeasure left over from what
happened last night, so that the feet that were walking in stopped unconsciously,
and then Graph turn around.
"Where are you going?"
"Hmph, I'm a student, where do you want me to go?" Kritithi stood still when
the other party asked loudly, and when Pakin continued to speak, he held his
hands tightly.
"Come and sit down and have a good breakfast." The temporary guardian said
so, and the listener wanted to turn around and pick up the bowl of porridge and
punch the other person's face. But in fact, Graph could only turn around and
walk to the dining table with his head held high, pick up the milk that the
servant had poured into the glass when he saw him, and finish it in one gulp.
thump. (The sound of putting the cup)
"I'm done eating, can I go?" "..."
At this moment, two pairs of eyes quietly closed, the suffocating atmosphere
enveloped the entire dining room, no one dared to move a cent. Then the person
in power in the family nodded slowly, but before Graph could turn around:
"Yes...but remember you can't go to that bar again."
Here it is again, it's so unreasonable for me to want to walk into this man's
world ? Why? Why do you want to push Lao Tzu out like this!
When it came to the fuse of the grievance last night, the listener was so angry
that he gritted his teeth, clenched his fists, swallowed all the grievances in his
stomach, and then stared into his sharp eyes. Those sharp eyes seem to be
saying, this is an order, not a request, not a tell, this is what this man ordered,
and no one can resist.
But...this does not include the person who was deeply hurt just now.
Graph smiled...a smile that made those watching squint, and then the boy said
loudly: "
My dad can't even order me, who does P think he is?"
The boy immediately walked out of the dining room with long legs, and then
heard the voice of a dangerous man from behind. He doesn't give a damn, he's
going to that bar even if P‟ Pakin breaks his neck. To find out what happened, to
see for yourself who the guy named Si Sin who killed a thousand swords was,
he could actually make the other party so angry.
It doesn't matter, P‟ Pakin won't let him go, he can go to Brother Win by
Yesterday, I was still a young model who hated the back of him when I saw him
in front of him, but today I trust him even more. Just because the other party
protected him yesterday.
Brother Win may be scary, but his heart is infinitely better than P‟ Pakin.
The person who thought this way quickly got into the car that was already
waiting, and Panachai, who was about to introduce the full-time driver to him,
didn't say much, but nodded to his subordinates...Master Graph's current
expression is not suitable for him say.
The face of the boy who was sad because of his boss.
Although the boss may appear to be bad-hearted and vicious in the eyes of
outsiders, the boss is also the one who has worked hard to keep this child out of
danger for many years.
'Skipping class today, Chanchai. '
'What happened? Graph. '
'I don't want to say it. '
This is the content of the conversation between the two teenagers and girls after
the team set up in the morning. Kritithi turned to look at his friend who seemed
very worried about him, and saw that the other party wanted to ask again, but
finally nodded in agreement, and said that he would help him with class
notes. So today, the person with deep-set eyes took great strides to avoid the
teacher's school rules inspection and came to the building behind the school,
where he and other classmates gathered.
No one today, that's okay, Graph doesn't want to talk to anyone today.
The person who thought this way threw his schoolbag on the long stone bench,
then lay down, put his feet on another stone bench, rested his head on the
schoolbag, covered his face with his hands, and closed his eyes.
After closing his eyes, the picture of last night reappeared in front of his eyes.
The person with indifferent eyes said... Even if you try to die, it is impossible to
get into his eyes.
"What the hell are you crying for!"
Graph gritted his teeth, because when the tears flowed down again, he hated
himself too. I never liked such a fragile self, but no matter how I tried to stop it,
the damn crystal liquid still flowed down from my eyes, so I wiped my eyes
vigorously with both hands.
"Don't cry, damn Graph!"
"That's right, crying is useless."
The person who thought he was alone couldn't help being startled, because
suddenly a voice sounded from directly above his head, so he lowered his
hands, full of tears and tears. Eyes widened in surprise saw... a boy wearing his
same school uniform.
A tall boy with a crew cut that is common among high school seniors, but it
didn't diminish his beauty. On the contrary, a tall boy with sharp short hair,
sharp eyes, a high nose and slightly smiling lips was handing him a face wipe.
"Do you want to wipe your face? Brother Graph."
"Who are you!"
When he reacted, Graph immediately jumped up, quickly wiped his face with
the back of his hand, looked at the person who seemed to be in the same class
with distrust, and asked loudly. The other party paused for a moment, then
raised his hand and spared his head.
"You really don't know P?"
Seeing that Graph didn't take the handkerchief easily, the other party sighed and
put his hand down, looking very disappointed because Graph didn't know him.
"P's name is Nith, a senior in high school, and a student committee member.
Now we need to catch the students who skipped classes and educate them..."
Before finishing speaking, Kritithi immediately grabbed the schoolbag and was
about to rush out and leave the place before being ordered to enforce the bad
school rules . But the opponent grabbed Graph's shoulder one step faster, and
pressed him back to sit on the stone bench again, while he stood straight in
"Just kidding, if you really want to arrest someone, P will have to be arrested."
The senior said relaxedly. But Graph didn't feel relaxed, and looked at him
uncomfortably as he waved away his hand.
What the hell is this? I wanted to be alone, but a damned senior suddenly
appeared, and he kept chattering.
"P also skipped class because he went to bed too late last night. He went out to
play, but he didn't come home until after 3 o'clock, so he was too sleepy to learn
anything today. He wanted to go to the infirmary to take a nap, but he met him
first. It's the famous middle school fifth student...but we actually met last night."
The person who was looking for an escape route to avoid this strange senior
immediately froze and looked back at the smiling person.
"What's the relationship between Graph and that model?"
Ya was at the bar last night!
Thinking of this, he loosened his grip on the strap of the schoolbag, put the
schoolbag back to its original position, and looked at the senior in front of him
with strict precautions... The handsome, well-behaved senior, who seemed
harmless to humans and animals, was unbelievable A different place would
actually go to that kind of place. Graph then wanted to confirm.
"P is not old enough."
"But P knows the owner of the bar very well."
"I'm very familiar with Si Sin!" The listener asked loudly with his eyes
widened. The other party couldn't help but paused, and then laughed out loud.
"I've never heard someone call P Sin like that... Are you familiar with P? Or..."
Nith stopped, then shook his head. Graph also couldn't figure out what it meant,
but the person who had been burning with anger since last night, the
stubbornness to get revenge on some bad-hearted man immediately rushed up.
"I want to see P Sin."
The senior in front of him was silent, and then sat down.
"Are you interested in P Sin?" the person who asked the question asked
warily. And Graph replied:
"Yes." Such an answer made the other party pause for a moment, and then
looked over worriedly:
"Then if Graph is interested in someone like P Sin, P... has hope.
Not understanding the meaning of what he heard, he could only stare at the
chiseled face with a big smile, and then heard the other party say: "P will take
you there tonight."
However, this answer was exactly what Graph wanted. need. He wanted to see
what a man named Sin could do to make P‟ Pakin lose his temper like that, and
that anger...was what hurt his heart the most.

Chapter 16: Disobedience of orders

Gollum! hole! ! !
"Yeas! I got hit!!!"
"Where did P take me!"
"Oh, bowling alley, haven't you played it?"
Now Kritithi really wants to kill the high school senior in front of him and stuff
it into the toilet, because When the school bell rang for high school students to
leave school, Fang Fang led him out the back door and walked to the car parked
in the alley. The boy was also worried at first, but when he remembered the
indifferent eyes in the morning, he jumped in the car until he arrived... a
shopping center in the city center.
At first Graph was brought here thinking that P Sin guy had something to do
here, but it turned out that asshole P Nith took him to the top floor, paid for the
bowling, and rented it Shoes, and what you see now... Ya is intoxicated with
every strike, making the perfunctory thrower frown.
Dead P Sin must not be here!
People who think this way scan the entire bowling alley. During school hours
like now, the most people in the arena are junior high school students who come
to play in groups, and the older ones are college students, but there is absolutely
no one like P‟ Pakin. Man, no, there will never be anyone at the same level as P‟
He couldn't imagine the sight of that man appearing here, and of course neither
did his brother's friends.
If Pakin was still a student, maybe, but now... the racing track is more suitable.
"I know it's a bowling alley, so what about P Sin!"
This question only caused Nith to turn around and smile, and then passed the
bowling ball in front of the boy.
"It's N'Graph you." Nodded and looked at the scoreboard with Graphic's name
on it, it showed 0/0, indicating that the boy didn't want to play at all, he wasn't
interested, he just wanted to know why he came to waste his time Answer. And
yes, Kritithi ducked, didn't wait for his car, didn't call, didn't think to tell
"Don't play!" Graph swung his opponent's hand away, deflecting the 10-pound
ball a little bit, Nith hurriedly raised his hand like holding a basketball with one
hand, and then smiled as a handsome guy with a small cut , suggested:
"If you can't win, I won't take you there."
"P Nith, P is a senior in high school. I heard that the people who came to the
world first are all seniors." He stared at the other party, but the senior didn't feel
scared because of it, and still smiled at me. Finally, the junior stood up and said,
"Bring it!" In the end, the person who didn't want to play, didn't plan to play,
and didn't want to win took the bowling ball that was a bit heavy for him,
looked around the bowling alley, and then Grit your teeth hard.
"Can't play?"
"No!" Who would say bluntly that he can't play at all. Nith shook his head and
raised his hands to the height of his shoulders (to apologize) that he would do
it. Then stepped back, stood up with arms crossed, and looked at the man who
couldn't even hold the ball...
The out-of-hand bowling ball hits the ground with a loud bang, but a quick, hard
throw doesn't help as the ball rolls...down the trough.
"Heh, hahahaha."
"What are you laughing at?"
"No." The senior who couldn't help laughing quickly denied it, clasped his
palms together to apologize, and looked at the junior who bared his teeth in
anger. I saw the junior striding forward to grab the bowling ball again and throw
it a second time, but the result was... the same.
How can I hit all of them.
This time Nith couldn't help laughing and trembling, attracting the attention of
the girls in the nearby fairway. That's right, there are two handsome guys with
different styles here, even if you can't eat it, you can take a look, otherwise it
would be a pity. And the handsome guy with the appearance of a bad boy
looked at the other person unhappily:
"Is P playing well!" Nith raised a smile that made the girls scream, and then
went to grab the bowling ball and pose , at the moment of swinging his arms
and starting to run, a hidden serious look flashed in his eyes, and then the
bowling ball was thrown out...
boom! ! !
For the fourth time today, the bowling ball fell to the ground with a loud boom.
"It's okay." Turning around, he smiled at the speechless junior.
"Want to teach you?" He raised his eyebrows. And Graph gritted his teeth,
wanting to say don't mind your own business, but...if you can't win, you can't
see (Sin), if you can't see, you're in vain. So the boy lowered his head and said
through his teeth,
"Teach me."
Nith couldn't help laughing out loud, and couldn't help but approached, put his
hand on the other person's head, and rubbed vigorously.
"Hey, let go!" Kritithi waved away the opponent's hand in a panic, and the
person who rubbed his head even locked his neck, rubbed it harder, and said
very affectionately: "I thought it was an ordinary bad boy, I didn't expect you to
be cute."
"I'm not cute!" Graph struggled desperately to free himself, and in the end, the
bad boy who was blushing and out of breath made the people watching laugh
louder, his sharp eyes were full of love, but soon became serious. Shaking his
head, he said,
"It's so cute, it's not good to meet P Sin."
Seeing that the opponent has walked away to get the bowling ball and is about
to continue playing, he immediately stepped forward and grabbed the
opponent's wrist.
"What do you mean?" The listener shook his head, and stuffed the bowling ball
into the boy's hand:
"Go and stand, P will teach you."
"P Nith, what did you mean just now?" Kritithi refused, and grabbed the boy's
hand shoulder asked loudly. Let the person who revealed a little bit of
information heaved a long sigh, looked at the junior whom he always thought
was the boyfriend of a certain girl, he seemed not so sad now, so he asked back:
"Then N'Graph knows that P Sin is What kind of person is he?"
"I asked you to meet him because I didn't know!"
Graph choked back loudly. This also made the listener laugh:
"Do you know that bar? P Sin just came here to have fun and pass the time."
"So what?" The listener became even more confused, making the person who
seemed to know everything laugh:
"P is saying that he has Qian can do nothing after graduation, just do what he
finds interesting, and that bar is his toy. Come and play, manage it if you like it,
kill time, and... find someone to play with ‟” Nith kept scratching his chin, as if
there was something he couldn‟t say. But Graph still didn't understand what it
had to do with it, until the senior looked back and said seriously: "
He is a person who likes to play with anyone, especially... sex." "..."
The listener decided He fixedly looked at each other, but Nith turned around
and looked at the bowling alley, and took the boy's arm to stand in the center,
and ordered: "Oh, hurry up and play, if you can't win, you won't take it with
you." When he said Seeing this, Graph turned around and focused on sports that
he never thought he would be exposed to. At first, it was just to win, to gather
information, and to meet the famous man who loves to play, but when he
couldn't beat the senior no matter how much he played, he ran to drive and
trample the opponent viciously, and the opponent was so amused Laugh out
Although Graph didn't want to come here at first, but being able to talk to the
good-tempered seniors, exerting some strength, being able to laugh and
shouting like himself, let him forget about the things at home, forget about the
things that made him cry, Relieve hours of heartbreak and, most importantly,
forget...he didn't tell anyone he was here.
Kritithi had completely forgotten about being angry at someone...someone who
was calling his phone on silent, vibrating in his schoolbag...someone who was at
home waiting to punch him.
"In the end, P still played tricks on me."
"It's fun, isn't it?"
Kritithi was sitting in front of a beautiful car, frowning, and said slightly
irritatedly, as if talking about today He spent the whole day in vain, not to
mention seeing that damn Brother Sin, he didn't even see a hair, and it seemed
that people who knew about that guy were unwilling to say a little bit more. In
every way...he lost.
Didn't play many times, hands hurt like hell...and lost.
But when he spoke a little irritably, the other party smiled and refuted...and he
couldn't refute.
That was really fun.
A person who is still a child but has never played anything suitable for his age
said this to himself, because he spends all his time chasing Pakin every day. He
doesn't have time... bowling, singing karaoke, hanging out with
friends...sometimes he is forced to go by Chanchao or to cover. When it comes
to actually hanging out...drinking with other classmates...going
racing...sneaking into Pakin's racing event.
That's what his life revolves around, so when he's asked to hang's fun.
"Let's just say it's fun... It's still very relaxing, right?"
"Don't come here."
This time Nith turned around and smiled and shook his head slightly, but Graph
didn't wave his hand away, but turned his head and bared his teeth. Yes, say it
out loud. Even in my heart, I'm already at odds with this talkative senior.
"It's really cute. How can P think you're a bad boy after all these years?" The
implication is that Nith has known Graph for a long time, and only Graph, who
doesn't care about anyone, doesn't know how attractive he is. The boy shrugged
his shoulders, and didn't pay too much attention or thought to what he heard.
"P stop here, I will walk in later."
The luxurious car stopped in front of the huge front door, the boy turned his
head to the slightly surprised senior, and then...
Beep, beep, beep....
Nith honked the horn and asked the people guarding the fort to lean out to see
what happened. When he saw an unfamiliar car, he was about to call into the
mansion and ask if there was any visitor today. ? But...
"I sent Graph back." The owner of the car pressed the window on the side of
Graph, stretched his head and showed up with the bewildered Graph to let the
people over there see clearly... When he saw When it was the child of the head
of the house, the people over there immediately nodded and saluted.
"Hello, please come in."
Who would dare to mess with the host's children, and I heard that he is the son
of a politician.
"Hey, P. How can it be like this, I told you to send it here!" Graph turned his
head and said loudly. Although he knew that P‟ Pakin wouldn't care about him,
even if he disappeared for a whole night, he couldn't help but feel a little
worried when he was sent to the front of his house with a friend he didn't know.
What the hell does Lao Tzu care about? Last night he himself said that he would
never be interested in Lao Tzu.
But Graph didn't say this, and the driver turned his head and smiled at him, and
then drove the car to the uphill in front of the mansion without flinching or
hesitation, and it was so luxurious for such a luxurious car. Mansion didn't care
at all, as if... he was used to this size. And...
"Please." The good-tempered young man got out of the car and opened the door,
making the person who was turning around to grab the schoolbag on the back
"Hey, P doesn't need to do this, I'm a boy, so you don't need to open the door for
me." Graph said, feeling weird. But he still got out of the car and looked at the
person smiling at him. The other party said happily:
"P doesn't know what happened, but calm down and think about it... Going to
see P Sin won't help Graph or anything."
Senior Nith's eyes looked very sincere, but it also made Those who listened
were puzzled.
"Who told you to come back so late? Master Krtithi."
There was a click.
However, before he had time to ask a question, a deep voice sounded from the
front door, so he turned his head abruptly and saw... the man with the coldest
eyes in the world.
When Pakin hyung is unhappy, there is fire in his eyes, but when he is very
angry, his gaze... will become like this.
This kind of gaze makes the person who has never been afraid of anyone
instantly timid, and wants to retort that it is his own business, but... "
Sadudi krub, I am the senior of Graph, and I have sent Graph back."
Responsible for sending The person who came back might also be afraid of
such a look, so he raised his hands together and gave Pakin a calm smile. The
owner of the mansion looked away and sneered. I understand where the dead
child who dared to violate the order died.
Since the evening, Pakin received a report saying that Graph was not at school.
At that time, he was angry because the kid violated the order, but he became
even angrier when he refused to answer the phone no matter what, so he called
his friend to see if the brat was It's not really disobeying the order to see the
other party.
'Child? Which kid? I haven't seen anyone today. "
Just like that, Pakin dropped the phone, because dead Sin, his friend's nose is
super sensitive...especially very sensitive to things that he doesn't want him to
know, if you want to avoid him, don't mention more to him, Otherwise, Ya will
definitely get around this damn troublesome brat.
So, when he knew that Ya was out with friends, Pakin also calmed down.
"Thank you for sending him back, but don't take him away like this in the
future, Ya see It will be troublesome here. Pakin a friendly
guardian who smiled, but with an accusatory tone. The listener nodded and
accepted: "Okay." But if Graph doesn't go out with me, there may be more
trouble. "
This sentence made Pakin pause for a moment, and then when he saw the
appearance of this high school senior, his eyes couldn't help but open a little... A
certain memory vaguely came to mind, and the hands on both sides couldn't
help but clenched . Graph this dead boy is really good at causing trouble!
"Remember me, P. I'm Nith." Yes, how could he not remember.
"Damn Sin'"
Graph's eyes widened in surprise, and he suddenly turned to look at the senior
who had been with him all day. I mentioned the bastard Sin many times, but
who would believe that the distance is so close, this bastard senior is actually
the younger brother of the person I have been looking for.
After finishing speaking, Nith laughed.
"I'm glad P can remember me, after all, we met at my father's birthday party 2
years ago." At this time, Pakin really wanted to slap someone's mouth, maybe it
was that kid Graph or here The younger brother of a self righteous friend... for
years he has kept Graph out of trouble, pushing and pushing Ya away from him,
but Ya just won't listen, and when he realizes again that trouble is very close ,
and the young man felt restless.
If you don't let me see you, you will run into trouble.
But Pakin still hid everything perfectly, and said with a smile:
"Of course I remember, the third wife's son. P still remembers how you lived in
the mansion."
Those who listened immediately paused, because "the third wife" did not refer
to the third wife but the third among the lovers raised by the rich, and they just
happened to have a son. And the reason why he and his mother can live in the
mansion is because...he is a son.
The other party's displeasure made Nith understand that he provoked someone
who shouldn't be provoked, although his purpose was just... "
I just wanted to tell P, I won't tell P Sin about this... because I also like Graph."
This matter...refers to a junior who wants to meet P Sin. Because if the elder
brother finds out... such a cute child as Graph will definitely not be able to
escape the clutches of the elder brother.
There is no conflict between Nith and his elder brother. Although he is the son
of his mistress, his elder brother doesn't care about his father. In the days back,
Brother Sin loved his youngest brother very much. As a younger brother, the
elder brother is a good person, but for others... I don't know if the elder brother
will love him the same.
However, the help from someone who is nearly 10 years younger than me and
the other party's love for a certain bear kid made the listener... sneer: "Thank
but P didn't want kids to help."
". .."
Nith had to close his mouth and lowered his eyes. Because the gaze of my
brother's creepy.
"P doesn't accept guests today, but anyway...greetings to your father for me."
A week ago he met Pakin to pick up Graph, and when he heard that the junior
wanted to see his brother, he decided to send him home and remind his brother's
friends that Graph was putting himself in danger . But it seems that...he himself
got into trouble instead.
"See you at school, Graph." Nith smiled, got back in the car and drove away.
until there are only 2 people left.
"I can go." The boy said fearlessly, but soon...stopped.
"Ouch! Let go!" Because Pakin didn't answer the boy's question but grabbed his
back collar and yanked. Graph hastened to keep up, otherwise he would be
strangled to death. The young man pulled hard without saying a word, causing
the young man to keep shouting.
But this time... Pakin was completely deaf.
"P, let me go! Ouch, let go, it hurts! I said let go, bastard!" "..."
yelled along the way, trying to tear off the hand holding the collar, but the other
party It was so powerful that he couldn't break free. Even though I almost fell
down on the stairs several times, the person who was holding me still didn't
want to let go or relax my strength. The boy grabbed his arm and pushed his
shoulder, but the other party was completely unmoved, and the boy's yelling
also attracted everyone in the family to run out to see what happened.
"What did Kin do to Graph?"
Phawis, who was discussing construction work in the room, also came out, and
when he saw his brother pulling a child in school uniform up, he put down his
phone and asked. He wanted to step forward to help, but...
"Don't meddle in P's affairs."
The person passing by just pushed the young model's chest and said. However,
the look in his eyes, the words he said, and his tone were all extremely
cold. The pronouns used made Win even more unable to walk, so he could only
watch another teenager being pulled and forced to follow behind without
knowing why.
Why is brother so angry?
This question should only be answered by Pakin.
The guy who was throwing the troublemaker into his room. And then...
Pakin kicked back and closed the door with one foot, making the person who
was crying and protecting his aching neck start to feel frightened, his round eyes
stared at the demon who was scrambling towards him, and wanted to speak
Justifies himself by saying he didn't do anything wrong and didn't go to that bar,
he just went out with his senior. But...
"It hurts!" Pakin squeezed the boy's chin tightly, forcing him to raise his head
and look at him... The terrifying eyes made the boy's heart sink.
No matter how much Pakin bothered him, he never looked at him with such
"I really want to see dead Sin, don't you?" Facing such a question, the same
angry person immediately choked back: "
Yes! I'm going to see him." I
want to meet the bastard who made me suffer so much now!
The one who made Kritithi feel like an idiot unilaterally obsessed with the man
in front of him who didn't care about him, and he wondered if that man could
make him attractive to this man.
It never occurred to Graph that the 'change' he mentioned might cause him to
lose something that someone had been guarding.
And this man knew what would happen if he did meet his friend.
"Cough, I'm in pain!" Thinking about it, Pakin pinched the boy's chin even
harder, causing Graph to cry out in pain, and tears flowed out. I saw the young
man grabbing and pushing with his hands, but the other party didn't waver at all.
"And then, sleep with him, right?"
"P is not interested in me, who I sleep with is my business!" The anger on both
sides was equal, but Graph shouted in his heart... No, I don't Will sleep with
other people.
And such an answer also made Pakin...a gleam of light flash in his eyes.
Immediately afterwards, a smile appeared on his face, a smirk that didn't smile,
wasn't happy, had malicious intentions, and knew what he was going to do...
How could he let the young master figure out who he really was.
"Do you want to try it?"
Now that Pakin is tired of this young master's tricks, when he can't drive him
away, then he has to give him a good lesson and let Graph see what real cruelty
is. ruthless.
"What is P going to!!!"
Graph's eyes widened in surprise when...the warm lips were pressed down
The fiery kiss was neither gentle nor sweet at all, completely different from
what was described in the novel, on the contrary, the destructive kiss made one's
own lips crack. He wanted to cry out in pain, but Pakin didn't give him any
chance to cry out. Instead, he crushed his lips more aggressively, biting hard
with his sharp teeth, and the boy was startled. Immediately after, the tip of the
tongue...forcibly barged in, leaving Graph at a loss.
"Hmm! Mmm! Cough!!!" Graph struggled hard, because the kiss hurt him, it
was completely different from what he had imagined. Scratching the opponent's
back with both hands, Pakin... tightened the boy's waist and pressed against his
own body.
Then, the young man slammed into the boy's mouth again, chasing after the
little tongue he was trying to avoid, and entangled with each other crazily... The
sound of intense kissing resounded throughout the room, mixed with moaning,
panting, um, ah, until finally struggling The strength slowly dropped...weaker
and weaker...
"Um... woo..."
At this moment, the lawless brat completely lost his strength. The hot lips were
crushed again, and the tip of the tongue broke in, giving a hot touch that I had
never experienced before. Although it was not gentle or sweet at all, it made the
inexperienced virgin body hot, and the heart beat violently because of fear.
Tears Unknowingly, it has already fallen.
"Um... huh... um..."
All Graph could do was moan continuously from his throat, his eyes were
closed, he was almost out of breath, his chest was trembling violently, and his
body had become weak. His lips hurt, but he didn't want to interrupt... the
feeling of being accepted.
(Body falls suddenly)
Pakin let go of his body, and the boy... fell to the ground.
Like it was said, Graph... inexperienced in bed makes someone feel tainted.
"Heh, heh...heh." Kritithi gasped, unable to believe what had happened and put
his hand over his mouth. The person standing tall and tall said something...
"It's pitifully childish." Graph lifted his head slowly, and through the tears he
could only see... merciless mockery. "I don't even know how to kiss, don't say
I'm dead Sin...I don't even want to." Then... bang! With the loud slam of the
door the person who spoke left, leaving behind someone who...couldn't cry but
was inside...crying loudly.

No matter what I's impossible to get P's attention, right?

Chapter 17: Excited

This morning, the atmosphere in the luxurious mansion looked gloomy and
suffocating. No one dared to move an inch. After all, the atmosphere was
already too terrifying to breath. Every pair of eyes is carefully looking at the
powerful person in the house sitting in the chairman's seat, someone who is
sitting quietly reading a magazine, but the aura exuding from it is... cold, scary
and dangerous .
At this time, there should not be many people who dare to say hello, and among
the few people are...
"Master Pakin."
"Speak." The steward came in and stood behind, while the young man didn't
raise his head. replied calmly.
"Master Graph, he..."
The person who had been sitting quietly stopped for a moment, but before the
cousin who came down to have breakfast with him today noticed, Pakin asked
calmly: "What."
"Master Graph doesn't want to come out Room. It‟s time to go to school, but no
matter how many times you knock on the door, you still don‟t answer, and the
aunt didn‟t open the door to pick up the breakfast when the child (other maids)
was delivered.” Aunt Kaew said anxiously, hoping that her young master could
do it Something, at least allow someone to open the door. However...
"Leave him alone, if you want to lock yourself in the room, let him go."
"Master Pakin!"
"What." The young man looked up at the cook who called him in surprise,
because Aunt Kaew didn't expect to cook in the dark People who are willing to
eat are so cruel to a child.
"If he doesn't want to come out, that's his business. If he doesn't want to go to
school, that's his own business." "..." The listener had no choice but to close his
mouth, sighed slightly, and looked at his young master who was unusually
quiet, but But nothing can be said. Then he said respectfully:
"Then auntie is going back to the kitchen."
When Aunt Kaew left the dining room, Pakin looked at the floor where the little
ghost locked himself in the room without moving. The guardian's duty is to go
up and pull out the kid who skipped class, throw him into the car and send him
to school. And this also made the person who had been sitting quietly say:
"P thinks it's the right thing to do, doesn't it?"
The listener glanced at the person who was sitting and eating breakfast while
playing with his mobile phone. And Phawis raised his head and stared at...
"P must think that doing this will push the child away." "..."
The listener still didn't make any answer, so Win Continue to say leisurely:
"Then who does P think pushed the child away from? Is it P Sin or...P himself."
"I don't need to answer you." The person who heard the question also
sneered. But the young model no longer wants to get an answer from his elder
brother, but just said to himself:
"Speaking of... I'm thinking, Kin. I'm wondering if history is repeating itself?
"After speaking, Win looked at someone who was standing in the corner
waiting for the master's order, and then turned back to look at the person who
was gnashing his teeth unconsciously.
"The more P pretends not to know, the more that child... will follow my old
"Ridiculous!" Pakin said heavily, making the corner of the mouth of the man
who was deliberately making his brother angry rise.
"Maybe. But the more P pushes him out, the more he fastens himself to P's side,
no matter what method he uses, and he may even use the same method as me...
After all, P likes kung fu. Man, isn't it?" Win raised his eyebrows and smiled
softly. Seeing that the elder brother in front of him was angered by success, he
dropped the last sentence:
"Is P a person who likes people who are good in bed or is he desperately
denying that he really wants to get... a young child who doesn't understand the
"Phawis!" Immediately, the big hand slapped the table loudly, the voice was so
loud that the maids were startled. The person who provoked the anger calmly
sipped his coffee, with a faint smile on his good-looking face. He didn't say
anything more, because he had already finished what he wanted to say, and the
rest was up to his cousin.
Do you want to keep pushing the child away from you desperately, or pull it
back to your side?
The hand of the person stared at by his cousin was slowly clenched, but soon a
cold smile appeared on his handsome face, he grabbed the coat on the chair and
put it on his shoulders, and then passed in front of Panachai, a certain The
person who was bowing slightly was about to step up to follow, but...
"The two masters and servants look like ghosts... like to think for others."
He thumped.
The ferocious-looking man paused for a moment, and then followed Pakin with
strides again. Phawis looked up at the ceiling, and retreated from the people on
both sides who dared not move, recalling his past.
'Master Win is still too young now, I think if he grows up, he will understand
what love is. "
It's like seeing your past." The young model slowly shook her head, then looked
towards the second floor.
To be honest, he also wondered if Graph was as determined as he was...
gotta check it out.
Graph didn't know how to describe this feeling... numb from the pain...or numb
from the pain.
...I don't feel anything anymore.
The boy closed his eyes and hid his body on the bed, only what happened last
night in his mind. Although he was angry, he also knew that he had disobeyed
the order. He couldn't blame someone in power like P‟ Pakin for being furious,
but what Graph didn't expect was that he would be kissed like that, and...he was
told that he dared not Believe in vicious words.
All along, Graph tried hard to give up, but it never worked. Because as long as
he receives a little favor and kind treatment, he will immediately be resurrected
with full blood. He firmly believes that P‟ Pakin still treats him well and likes
him, otherwise he would have been thrown far away without even looking at
But last night...all ruined.
The look, the tone he used, and the words that person said all told him that
everything he had been doing all this time... was all his own self-indulgence.
do you care? Daydreaming, Graph, he was just worried that he would be in
trouble. No matter how hard I try, it is impossible for him to want you.
Thinking of this, the boy touched his lips and felt a little tingling at the corners
of his lips. Closing his eyes tightly, the violence from last night came to mind
again, and then he became angry with himself... so angry that he wanted to kill
himself... why did he still think about P‟ Pakin's touch.
If you are more skilled, will you look back at me?
Graph hated being like a boat without oars, and when he was in a rough sea like
Pakin, he could only drift with the current headlessly.
"Don't think about the dead Graph, don't think about it!"
Kritithi slapped the pillow hard, closed his eyes tightly, and then threw off the
covers to reveal a messy hairstyle and a tired face, and... a pair of deep-set eyes
that have changed due to the events of last night It was dry and painful.
"Fuck it!" the boy yelled and jumped up, got up to wash and tidy up, and
transformed into a student in school uniform. Because he wanted to leave here,
even if he couldn't enter the classroom, he couldn't control that much, as long as
he could leave this damn home.
Thinking like this, the person hurried downstairs. The people who were already
sitting and waiting greeted when they saw this:
"Where are you going? Graph."
"P Win."
The turned face made the young model bounce immediately, strode forward and
grabbed the other's chin to get a better look.
"Sigh." You can tell how much Graph has endured just by looking at his face
and eyes. The person watching sighed forcefully, and continued to stare at the
red eyes and cracked lips.
Finally he understood what happened to Graph last night.
Heh, using a kid like this to vent his emotions is indeed a big brother... And he
still treats the kid like this.
The man who feels sorry for his elder brother thinks this way, every time he is
forced to the brink of explosion, Pakin doesn't touch the young master, but just
thinking of Ya going to leave his sight punishes the young master so much that
his lips are split.
"What did he say?"
The "he" wasn't referring to someone else, the one who had Graph biting his lip
"P Win..." The boy didn't know what was going on, but he felt that Brother Win
understood how he felt now. So the child who had been talking aggressively
called out to the other party hoarsely and with a trembling voice. Suppressing
the tears that made my chest ache, although I didn't want to mention it, my body
chose to let it out: "
I... have no hope P... no hope... He said my kiss Too childish, no matter what,
he won't want me...P...asshole...I hate him, hate him!" Graph spoke
intermittently, and tightly grasped the other party's sleeve, expressing his
sadness and vulnerability They were all exposed, and this made Win make up
his mind.
The young model pulled a certain child's head to his shoulder, and gently patted
the other's shoulder in a comforting manner. Although he didn't say a word, he
himself understood this feeling very well.
If the child decides to go on the same path with him, I hope that P will not be
sad because of it.
"Woo... um... no... no..."
"Breathe through your nose, you can't kiss like this, and he will tell you later."
"P's kiss is different. .."
"Compared to a certain devil's kiss, right?" "..."
Now, because of the order of the younger brother of the family ruler, none of
the servants in the mansion dare to pass by the swimming pool next to the living
room. What's more, the scene that was happening made those gossiping people
who wanted to know what was going on to hide as far as they could in fear,
because this scene was exactly...Master Win was kissing Master Graph.
If the owner saw this scene, all the servants would not dare to imagine how the
owner would react.
Will they be quiet and not make a statement, or go berserk... Anyway, they dare
not face it.
At the same time, the young model was looking at the flushed face of the child
whom his elder brother said was just taken over for a period of time... I saw the
handsome boy's cheeks were flushed, his lips were glistening with saliva, and
his eyes were slow. Slowly flushing, and panting heavily, like a person who has
no experience in kissing. Although the deity is over 17 years old.
This appearance made Win gradually smile, because even he understood.
Brother's bear cub is really cute.
That's why he said he wanted to kiss Graph.
'P Win, how to kiss, shit! '
'Want to teach? '
Phawis asked, and the other boy looked back in panic, but his ugly face visibly
turned into an eagerness to try. From the moment he wanted to tease the other
party, he gradually became serious at this moment. So when the young master,
who hadn't eaten since last night, went to find something to fill his stomach, and
called his friend who kept accusing him of skipping school today, the two came
to this place together to... teach kissing skills living room.
In fact, Win saw the hesitation in the eyes of a certain child, but the way he
raised his hand to touch the cracked lips and bit his lips tightly told him... Graph
was repeating every step he took.
The more I was pushed out, the more I wondered why I couldn't do it.
He was once told that he didn't understand what love is, so Win chose to prove
it. The same is true for Graph. When you are told that you can't do anything at
first, you will think about how to make achievements? Does someone just look
at themselves a few more times?
Should I push him away or should I pull him closer?
The young model is stroking the boy's soft lips with his fingertips while
thinking...Win is not a person who likes to eat tender grass, but sometimes if he
wants to make someone realize something, he can't sleep with this child once try
very interesting.
The man stroking his lips and lightly touching the open scar was slowly bending
over, causing Graph to lean back a little in fright.
Jub (pro).
Kritithi was taken aback as the beautiful lips of the young model pressed against
his and pressed lightly. Pushing the other party away a little bit, I was both
shocked and frightened, but... there was no wave in my heart.
Brother Win's kiss is completely different from Pakin's.
What he felt from P‟ Pakin was strength and savagery, which destroyed his
heart to pieces, but it was hot and intense, making his heart pound violently and
scream again and again. Brother Win's kiss was soft and lingering, very
gentle. The kiss that others wanted so badly didn't excite him, on the contrary...
indescribably peaceful.
The pain felt by being hurt was miraculously relieved.
"Open your mouth." The boy once swore that he would never try this kind of
thing with anyone other than the person he has always loved deeply, but he
opened his mouth because of his heartache, anger and competitive heart, as
Win's brother. When the two hands were pressed to the cheeks on both sides,
the boy held his clothes tightly with both hands.
The tactile sensation in the memory is evoking inner terror, but Graph is just...
bent on studying.
The cute appearance made Phawis raise the corners of his mouth, tilt his neck
slightly, and cover the other's lips again, guiding the child to use the correct
method. The warm tip of the tongue plunged into the warm mouth, licking from
the palate all the way, sweeping over the teeth, and then back to the soft tip of
the tongue...
"Um..." Graph seemed to resist, but he was good at kissing, kissing and kissing
The erotic kisser still unhurriedly tangles with the tongue, eliciting a soft,
hesitant whine from Graph.
"Hmm." Win didn't give the other party a chance to escape, but changed the
heat of the kiss, and gently stroked the boy's back with both hands, arousing
desire and making the kiss even hotter.
Kissing like this, Phawis understands that the boy has not yet entered the state,
and his own brother, who is very good at kidnapping people to bed, doesn't
know how rough he is to the child.
Hmph, then P will feel sorry for Kin.
"Uh...uh..." The boy started to move his hands to the back of Win's clothes,
clenched his fists because he couldn't breathe again, but the boy didn't push him
away, but just thought of one thing.
If brother wants someone with extraordinary kissing skills, then I will become
like that!
The submissive appearance made Phawis push the boy who was slightly taller
than him onto the sofa without hesitation, adjusted his hot breathing, and left a
little when he felt that the boy was reaching the limit. Then he was about to lean
on again, but...
"What are you doing!"
The extremely low noise came from the front door, and Graph couldn't help but
suddenly turned his head to look over in surprise, and then saw... the tall man
who had been out since the morning.
The cold gaze of the visitor was so cold that it made one's hair stand on end, and
this also frightened the young man quite a bit. No matter how angry,
dissatisfied, and saddened by the other party's actions, the habit of caring about
this person more than anyone else made the boy involuntarily say vaguely:
"'s not what P wants. like that!"
"Then what should I think?"
"Me and P Win..."
"What you and Win want to do has nothing to do with me."
The man who tried to explain immediately stopped, because when the calm
voice sounded, and there was a grin on the corner of his mouth... that smile was
saying that he didn't care what he was doing with anyone. So the slender man
stood up and faced the super villain who was looking at him calmly.
"Whatever I do is my business, isn't it?" Pakin watched quietly, and then
At the same time, Win could see clearly... the boy's hands were tightly clenched
fist. So there was a smile on the corner of his mouth, and he turned to look at his
brother who was still standing quietly, just... why did he go home at this time?
Someone may feel regretful and go home to coax the children, but instead
become irritable first.
"Just like what P said..."
In the next second, even Phawis opened his eyes wide in surprise, because the
young man whose heart had been hurt again and again rushed towards a certain
person who was standing quietly. A person caught off guard and yanked the
other party's collar, and then the warm lips quickly crushed down, making it too
late for those watching to stop.
"What's this for!" The boy who had been standing nonchalantly grabbed the
boy's arm, pulled hard, and asked loudly when the boy yanked on Panachai's
collar and kissed it. And Graph raised a smile that was about to cry, and said:
" P said that whatever I want to do is my business, isn't it?"
Grinding his eyes, he gritted his teeth and said,
"Come here!" Pakin grabbed his arm and yanked out of the room, while Graph
struggled hard to follow.
Two people who were equally astonished were left behind. But it seems that
Phawis came back to his senses first, and saw the slender body of the young
model stepping forward to stop in front of Panachai, and then... with a wicked
"In the end, you still can't refuse my kiss." With slender fingers stroking the lips
covered by the beard, stroking back and forth, he smiled with satisfaction,
because the person who rejected him for several years just accepted the kiss
from him lips kissed. Then the young man... walked out of the room in a good
Even though Phawis was saying to himself:
If only he had the guts of a part of Graph... just fine.
"Let go of me, since P doesn't care about me, let me go!!!"
Pakin's side. After the young man pulled a certain kid out of the room, the
person who had just reacted was yelling and trying to break free from the
restraint with both hands. But just like last night, no matter how much you pull,
how much you pull, you still can't break free from the opponent's iron
pincers. So Graph...
The boy immediately kicked the opponent's foot, causing the boy to cry out in
pain. Rui Mu looked over with extreme anger, but what he saw was... the tear-
wet face that he had said was very annoying, but now... the anger subsided.
Graph's tears now are not from anger, but from...sadness.
Sad because young people who once said it was impossible to care about
themselves are now constantly meddling.
In fact, what happened last night has been interfering with Pakin's normal work,
and he always stopped working on the documents that need to be processed
today without knowing when. The tear-filled eyes and the utter shock of the kiss
hiding in them made him clenched his fists, flicked his pen angrily, and decided
to go home.
Although he was determined not to touch this young master, but now he has
violated his own prohibition.
grass! Knowing that it will be very difficult, why don't you stop yourself.
The person who thought this way firmly grasped the other boy's hand, staring at
the stubborn eyes that had been emphasizing to himself how annoying he was,
but now those eyes were like a glass that would break at the touch of a touch. It
crashes in seconds. The young man gritted his teeth, pushed the brat to his back
against the wall of the room, and said in a deep voice,
"Graph, I have something to tell you." Pakin thinks this is the best least
when Said it with a straight face.
"Go home."
With a click.
What he said made the listeners' eyes widen in surprise, and the hands that were
free and no longer struggled hung down. Graph didn't expect to be pushed
What does P‟ Pakin think of Lao Tzu? If you want to live together, bring it here
and live together, if you get bored, throw it away, what do you think of me!
The boy really wanted to ask, but he could only hold back the tears that were
about to burst into his eyes, and weakly raised his hand to wipe it off his face,
staring at the other party without saying anything.
The look made Pakin almost want to look away, but he's made up his mind...
sometimes being around him can be more dangerous than being outside.
"Graph, listen..."
"Don't listen!"
However, when the young man was trying to deal with it rationally, another
teenager who should be more rational shouted. He stepped back in shock and
shook his head vigorously, like a person whose mind has collapsed. The person
watching couldn't help but tightly grasped each other's hand.
"I heard you mentioned the kid, so I came here specially to meet him... he's so
However, even Pakin was taken aback when the familiar voice sounded from
the front door of the entrance, his sharp eyes that had softened immediately
became terrifying, and he turned to look at the person standing there with a
"Bastard Sin!"
The man who was grieving immediately turned and looked over, and then
Graph finally saw... the man everyone mentioned.
The tall man with a big smile looked like a very good-tempered person, and his
sharp eyes looked over with interest as if he saw some treasure. The tall man is
comfortably dressed, although he is only wearing a dark shirt and jeans, but he
can't take his eyes off. Not only is she tall, but her looks are even more
advanced. Even the smile...a pretty smile made everyone fall into the trap set by
this young man easily.
The person who walked in continued to say hello as if he hadn't noticed the
weird atmosphere between his friend and another child:
"What's up, I haven't seen you for a long time. I made a phone call and hung up
quickly. I haven't had time to chat yet." .” The newcomer stood next to his
friend who was suppressing his violent emotions, but secretly all his attention
was on another child. Then Pakin turned to look at his friend.
"I'm not as free as I am."
"Oh, it hurts. It seems like I've been scolded as a vagrant." "
If you don't have time, go back to work." Sin laughed, and was tired of his
friends not caring about his affairs General shook his head.
"Well, my work started after sunset, and I came here just after waking up
because I thought my friend was in dire straits. But do you want to welcome me
like this? Master Pakin." The good-natured young man said so, but his eyes
were full of interest Staring vigorously at another child.
And Pakin also looked at the Graph.
"Then what's the matter?"
"Well, come and see the kid. Oh, I seem to have said something wrong."
However, the person who knew his friend's temperament quickly clasped his
hands together and slightly shrugged his shoulders. , It's like saying that I didn't
want to make you angry, so don't be rough.
"It's about work, I want to borrow your power, but now..." Then the person who
said he didn't want to be beaten pushed his friend's shoulder.
"Scattering krub, P's name is Sin, what's your brother's name?" The good-
tempered man moved over and met the eyes that still had tears in them. The
person who stared at... could not help but light up their eyes.
really interesting.
"I don't have much time, so I can talk in the studio if I have anything to say."
Before he could answer, Pakin grabbed his friend's shoulder and pulled him in
another direction. Caught Sin off guard.
"Wait a minute, I haven't finished saying hello yet."
The big hand stretched out in front of him, grabbing the hand of Graph who still
couldn't think of anything, shook slightly, and then blinked.
"You can come to P if you have anything." Something was quickly stuffed into
the boy's hands, and even the head of the house didn't notice it. Because the
person who has been trying to avoid the other party to meet the young master is
pulling the other party to the studio.
"Take it, look for me." The young man said. Leaving Graph standing still like
an idiot who doesn't understand anything. He clenched his fist tightly, letting the
thing in his hand almost penetrate into the flesh.
"What the hell!!!" Kritithi cursed angrily until she came to her senses. Apart
from being sad, it is more...a grievance.
What, it's just a friend coming, is a dead Graph so unworthy of seeing people?
Someone who's just been kicked out of the house bites his lip...bites himself to
stay awake, then realizes he's holding something in his hand, looks down...
a gold card.
"Like... P Win's."
Yes, this card is very similar to the card he saw Brother Win use to enter that
bar. So the man, who was full of doubts and sad to the point of collapse,
clenched his fists even harder.
At this moment, what Pakin didn't know was that a certain hand was pushing a
teenager to the edge.

Chapter 18: The Originally Chosen Path

"Are you sure? Graph."

"He kicked me out, so why don't I have the cheek to stay here?"
At this moment, a luxury car arrived and parked in front of the mansion of a
famous domestic politician, and the driver turned his head. Uncertainly asked
the boy with red eyes beside him. The person who heard the question slowly
lowered his face, and replied angrily and sadly. It seemed that Win could only
let out a long sigh.
"Are you admitting defeat like this?"
"Is there still a chance of winning? P."
The man who has always been full of fighting power asked this time with a self-
pitying smile. The listener shook his head slightly, put his hand on the poor
child's head, and rubbed it lightly a few times:
"Have a good rest, when it's OK, P will pick you up."
"It's useless, P Win. If he doesn't let me stay, he will throw me out no matter
what." It means... If Pakin doesn't come to pick me up, the dead Graph will have
no face to continue living in that house.
"I'm still very grateful to P for sending me back, and for teaching me a lot." The
red-eyed man finished speaking quickly, then opened the door and quickly got
out of the car, threw his backpack over his shoulder, and disappeared in big
strides without looking back. Inside the mansion. The young model, who always
gets a little irritable because of the rude behavior of the children, is very
considerate this time.
Not long ago, Graph suddenly came to him with a backpack and asked him to
take it home. At first he wanted to refuse, but the pitiful look in his eyes
softened his heart. So he chose to ignore Panachai's noisy voice, and ignored the
request of the leader who wanted him to wait first, who was still talking about
things with his friends.
We've had too many concessions already.
Win said this to himself because he felt...something in Graph made him
believe...that wasn't the look in the eyes of someone who had thrown in the
At this time, if you ask Kritithi how does it feel? The boy's answer must be that
he doesn't know.
I don't know how much it hurts.
I don't know how long I cried.
I don't know how to win the other party's heart.
Both the nameless impulse and the contempt made the young man secretly
make a certain determination. So, although I have been home for 2 weeks,
Graph has not thought about wasting time asking the servants if their father or
mother is there, because most of the answers they get are that they are not, or
that they don‟t know where they are or who they are going to sleep with. . In
this home, there is no difference between his presence and absence.
Graph opened the closet door, took out several sets of clothes and threw them
on the bed, but this was not about grooming himself to meet important people,
but to pick and choose which one would look more mature. At this time, the
appearance of the young model flashed into my mind.
Brown jeans, wide-necked long-sleeved tops, and name-brand accessories are
placed all over the table, and next to it is... a silver card.
Yes, driven by the desire to know clearly and the competitiveness, Graph is
going down the road that Pakin doesn't want him to go.
"I must know what it is! I want to see what kind of person P likes to study!" The
boy said loudly, grabbed all his things and went straight to the bathroom.
Tonight, he will use the card he just took out.
At that time, just a little bit past the 9, a teenager stepped out of the taxi and
looked straight ahead...a certain gorgeous bar in the city center with an endless
stream of customers. It was the weekend, and countless luxury cars of all kinds
drove in and parked in the parking lot, like a huge luxury car show. But that's
not the man's purpose... His purpose is the owner of this bar.
"You are not old enough to enter here."
However, as soon as he arrived at the gate of Graph, he was immediately
stopped by the guarding staff, and the boy then took out a certain card from his
trouser pocket.
"What if I have this?"
"Who is that? I've never seen it before."
"That's right, but I have a VIP card... Whose kid is it?"
Kritithi heard chattering voices behind him, but he certainly didn't care. The boy
just quickly passed the gate, tightly holding the pass card he had just received,
and then looked around, completely unaware that he had become the focus of
his sight.
At this time, the handsome delinquent boy was wearing brown jeans and black
short boots, which made his original long feet look more slender. The upper
body is wearing a dark long-sleeved top, the wide collar is turned down to
reveal the snow-white shoulders and beautiful collarbone, and it is matched with
a necklace and a silver bracelet.
The appearance looks very handsome and charming. And he was holding the
VIP card of this bar, which attracted the attention of several pairs of eyes.
"Scatter card."
Graph, who wanted to go up to the second floor where the model had taken him
to because he heard the voice of greeting, turned around... Only a woman with
the same face and figure was holding a hand in her hand. 2 drinks.
"Did you just come here? Or did you come with friends?" Although she knew
she was still young, the woman didn't seem to care about it. She leaned her body
up and smiled coquettishly, making people who have never encountered such a
thing almost step back to avoid it. The boy's feelings from last time couldn't
help but resurface again... This world doesn't belong to him.
"Want to eat tender grass?" Then, a friend of that beautiful woman came over,
and said with a sweet smile, "
But she is so handsome, it is really worth chasing. Do you want to go with my
sisters?" A person hooked Graph's hand and pressed his body against it. Kritithi
hurriedly refused:
"Sorry, I have an appointment."
"Who did you make an appointment with? Maybe my sisters know each other,
and sisters often come here." When the other party said this, the person who was
looking for a certain man Immediately blurted out:
"I'm here to find P Sin."
The two women who were still trying to coax the boy to play together just now
paused, then let go of their hands quickly, shook their heads as if they didn't
know anything, pointed to the floors that no one could go up to, and didn't Too
sure is saying:
"If you want to see him, you have to go up to that floor first."
"Then if I have this..." Graph immediately held up the card he just got. The two
people watching immediately opened their eyes wide, and turned their heads to
look at me and at you.
"I'm sorry, my sisters suddenly remembered that we had an appointment with
friends... let's go." The two women immediately walked in the other direction,
and the listener frowned for no reason. His sixth sense was telling him that it
might not be a wise choice to come here. But the pain from being hurt by
someone made Graph go straight upstairs, showed the card to the staff, and then
said his purpose for today: "I want to see P Sin." Because the pass in his hand
Graph He was able to go to a higher level, but the boy didn't think that it was
easy to come was difficult to get out.
At the same time, another teenager just came out of the luxury car, using his
face as the most effective pass to enter the business where his brother used to
kill time, and greeted familiar staff from time to time.
Nith has been brought here by his elder brother since the beginning of his new
life, so although the young man is not old enough, everyone will know that he is
the boss' younger brother as soon as he shows up, and many people feel that
when they are with this young man, they feel more comfortable. Take it
easy. Because although the two brothers have good tempers, everyone knows
that Mr. Sin's smile is not a little scarier than his younger brother's.
"Would you like something to drink? Master Nith."
"As long as it is non-alcoholic. I will bring the materials to P Sin and I will go
back later. There is an exam on Monday." Nith chatted with the bartender
skillfully, and took out a Pack the information to the other party.
"Aren't you going up? Mr. Sin is here today, and I saw that he was here in the
evening." "
I won't show my face at such a late hour...I'm afraid it's not the right time to go."
Nith joked. After all, I know the personality of my half-brother very well, so I
planned to go back after drinking the sweet drink, but...
"I almost hooked up with Mr. Sirapop's kid!"
"That's right, who would have thought that kid was Sin Mister."
The content of the conversation behind caught Nith's attention, so he turned
around and saw two women arguing about something.
"Look at him ignorant, as if he came to play for the first time. And who would
think that Mr. Sin would be interested in a child like that. Every time I see him,
he is beautiful, or he is like that model. Yes."
"Speaking of models, hey, I think they look a little familiar. I was there when
the accident happened in the bar last time. Did you come here with that model?"
Nith paused immediately, and couldn't help but tighten his hand holding the
drink cup, and unconsciously stepped towards the beauties. Then he quickly
asked, "Excuse me, can I get the details?"
I hope it's not Graph, and I hope it's not his junior who fell into the trap of being
Sin or Sirapop is the eldest son of a family that has been at the top of the rich
list for a long time in China. Anyone would think that he should be a self-
willed, arrogant, and look down on people who are not worthy of his status, but
in fact, this man is a good-tempered person. , loves to laugh, is easy to get along
with, is full of attraction to both men and women, and... doesn't look how scary.
This is what the Graph concludes. Looking directly at the owner of the luxury
bar... I saw a man in a light-colored casual shirt, the sleeves rolled up to the
elbows, the shirt buttons were not properly buttoned, and the long legs in dark-
colored jeans didn't care about the guests put it on the work table, and looked at
it with two or three pieces of paper in his hand.
"Okay, let's stop for a moment. If you read too many words, you will get dizzy."
After reading the last piece of paper, the tall man put the two or three pieces of
paper on the table and turned to look at tonight's guests. During the period, his
feet were still on the table, his hands were loose on his chest, and then he
"Does my brother have anything for P?"
Graph couldn't speak, he just felt that the other party's smile
seemed...intentionally alienating himself.
"Oh, no. I should ask your name first."
" name is Graph."
"Uh huh, then..." Sirapop frowned a bit annoyed, letting the person who came to
see each other wholeheartedly Can't help but clenched his fists tightly. I really
want to ask Brother Win, such a person really turned him into the type that P‟
Pakin likes?
"Not in the mood to joke?" Seeing the boy's obvious depression, the ruler of this
area put his feet down, raised his hands together and said, "Don't face like this,
P won't bite. Come sit here, come." The young man pointed to the chair directly
opposite. The listener hesitated for a moment, but finally stepped forward and
sat in front of the person he had always wanted to see. And to be honest... a
little disappointed.
He thought Brother Sin should feel the same as P‟ Pakin... scary, cold, defiant
and arrogant. But the man in front of him asked him to play that senior...Brother
As expected of brothers, even the smile is exactly the same.
Such thoughts made the boy relax... unconsciously.
"Okay, Brother Graph, is there anything you need to ask P? Did you come here
to tell Pakin to death? P doesn't want to be killed by Ya..." "It has nothing to do
with him!"
When someone's name sounded, Graph immediately said loudly. The person
who was talking to Yoyo paused for a moment, turned his head to meet the
angry eyes, smiled slightly, and then nodded: "
OK, don't talk about it. But P can't figure out what else you and P have.
Something? It‟s unlikely that he just came over to say hello.” The big man
leaned forward a little, and although his smile was still bright, his eyes staring at
Graph... were sly. And of course, inexperienced teenagers can't see it.
"I want to see P." The words blurted out made the listeners laugh.
"P Win said that P can change me."
"Oh, I remembered. Graph was the person who was brought by Win last time
but P was not around. Well, this will be interesting." Pakin said that the person
who has a particularly sensitive nose for special things began to put All kinds of
things are connected together, the smile is getting bigger and bigger, and the
eyes are full of fun at the interesting things that suddenly fall in front of
them. He rubbed his chin lightly as if thinking.
"Yes, that's me... I want to know what kind of person P Pakin likes."
"Didn't you say not to mention this name?" However, the person who caused the
annoyance laughed even harder, making the boy clenched his fists even more
"Can P don't interrupt me? If P doesn't tell me, I'll go back!" Kritithi just wanted
to come over to meet and talk, to find out what a certain man is like in the eyes
of his friends, and he didn't think about anything else More, but Sirapop did the
exact opposite, and saw the youth slowly stand up.
The tall man walked towards one of the walls, and Graph almost jumped up to
answer my question first, but... Sin just pressed a button on the wall, and the
door that was built exactly like the wall opened wide, It reveals a huge bar and a
thick, soft sofa with a thin screen in front. You can see every part of the bar on
the monitor, but what stands out the most is...a bed.
A huge bed is placed against a glass wall that allows a view of the light
reflected from below.
"If this is the case, it's a long story. Come, have something to drink."
Graph hesitated for a while, but the relaxed smile and friendly tone finally made
the boy stand up slowly, and walked through the door In the room, although the
sixth sense was alerting him not to go in, but because Sin kept the door open,
the boy told himself that it was okay, if there was something he could escape,
and if he didn‟t know how to defeat a certain man, he would Is definitely not
going back.
Kritithi doesn't want to continue to be the little kid in Pakin's eyes.
"Is Kin playing a game of trading?"
At the same time, Phawis was standing on the door frame with his chest folded,
looking at his cousin who was always very good at manipulating others but
didn't know how to get along with a certain kid. I saw that the other party was
sitting quietly drinking a drink, but the atmosphere didn't look as relaxed as the
music that was turned on. On the contrary, the person doing this was more like
pretending to be relaxed.
"..." Pakin didn't answer the question, but continued drinking his drink and
staring at the photo of Phayu's latest modified car on his Ipad.
The appearance made the young model roll his eyes thoughtfully.
"Pull it when you want people to come, and throw it back when you want to
avoid responsibility...Is that right? Mr. Pakin." "I don't have time to
talk to you, if you have nothing to do, go out and play." Listen The person still
pretends to speak relaxedly, but holds the Ipad with more force than before.
"Too lazy to go." Win replied simply, and walked to the opposite sofa to sit
down, then raised his legs, put his hands loosely on his knees, and stared at his
silent brother with beautiful eyes.
"I just knew that people like P would rather eat stinky food than fresh food."
"..." The listener raised his head to look at his younger brother, while the person
who wanted to make someone angry smiled slightly .
"I know very well...smelly things, since they are completely stinky, it doesn't
matter if they stink a little bit. But P is worried that if he touches something
fresh in the wrong way, it will be as P likes The appearance is generally rotten
and smelly... Seriously, if you like people who are skilled and good at pleasing,
is it because you don't want to get in trouble or is P trying to avoid the truth?"
"If you weren't my brother, I would have killed you with one shot Already."
Pakin retorted calmly, still motionless. And young models are also very clear.
If the elder brother is not moved, then no matter how provocative he is, it is
useless, so he said very seriously:
"What did I say? Kin..." The beautiful eyes looked straight into the elder
brother's eyes.
"If you don't want it, let it go, don't give it hope and then hit it again and again,
don't make excuses and say it's for safety, because P knows best who ... is the
most dangerous to that child."
"I let go, so what?" Pakin paused for a moment, and then smiled back at his
brother. This almost made Win shake his head.
No, if I really let go, I will definitely not let Graph around me for 10 years... P is
just an older looking male.
However, when Win was about to say something...
Pakin's phone rang, and he took a was Panachai.
"Say." Pakin said leisurely. But...
"Say what!!!"
[Master Nith called to say that Master Graph and Mr. Sin were in the bar. 】
"Stupid!" The person who said he had let go cursed, making the younger brother
easily guess that something must have happened to a certain child, so he
sneered: "P said he would let go Yes."
The resounding words caused Pakin to look back sharply at the person who was
speaking, holding his hands firmly, then...turned around and walked out like a
hurricane, and at the same time said to his cronies who still hadn't hung up the
phone: "To contact the
dead Sin, tell me that if you don't stop, I will definitely die!"
Graph started drinking at the age of 15, because he often escaped to drink with
his friends, so the teenager is not a person who gets drunk after drinking. He
firmly believes that he can drink and knows where his amount goes. So when
the other party handed the wine glass in front of him, the young master took it
without too much hesitation, drank it without disappointing the kindness of
others, and then looked at the other party waiting for the other party's answer.
"Where did you just say? Oh, what kind of person does P's friend like?" Sirapop
asked with a smile, looking at the boy who showed that he liked his friend very
much, but judging from his friend's actions... it seems that he doesn't want to I
want to like this.
If you don't want to be so cute.
"If you's like Win." See, I know it.
Graph turned his head away, thinking back to the young model. The type that
Pakin has always liked...excellent, bold, confident, good-looking and
experienced at a glance.
He didn't understand why the other party would like that, but he also gave
himself the answer, because no matter what to do, he didn't need too much
guidance, as long as he got on the bed, dry wood would meet fire, as intense as
it wanted.
A person like him will never be able to do it no matter how hard he tries, but he
really wants to do it.
The more he thought about it, the more Graph raised the drink in his hand up
and down. The people who watched were also very satisfied. They saw the tall
man moved over and sat next to him, his big hand gently touching the white and
soft face of the young man who had just entered puberty, as if intimately.
"Don't touch..."
"P's friends like people with good skills." Before Graph was about to scold, Sin
said softly. After calming down the anger, the big hand stroked the unique
softness of the skin up to the chin, then slowly lifted it up, and then a beautiful
smile appeared on the corner of the mouth.
"Damn Pakin likes people with good kissing skills." His fingertips lightly came
to the lips, caressing as if there was something. Graph felt creepy, because his
body became unbelievably hot from the contact with this person.
He didn't know why his body agreed, but when the big hand came to his neck,
Graph didn't wave it away... The caress of his fingertips caused a burst of
trembling, and his breathing became hot, and then the boy only saw a For this
matter, the unfathomable eyes were staring deeply into his eyes.
The eyes lure people into a trap like magic, and the big palm has been stroking
all the way down to the waist. His body trembled slightly, and his whole body
became hot because of a few words.
Immediately afterwards, the big hands moved to the soft hips, and the fingertips
dug under the pants, making Graph startle. The sharp handsome face lowered,
and whispered:
"And...the technology is amazing."
"Do you want to be like that? Like Win, like Pakin likes...P himself The one
who taught Win, everything, the first kiss, the first night, the beauty of body
entanglement, P taught them all. Want to be like that, right?" Graph wanted to
shake his head, wanting to deny it. But the face of a demon that had hurt him so
much came to mind.
The one who said he would never want him, said he had no skills, said he
wouldn't even look at him even if he died... the one who drove him out of life.
What could be worse? Dead Graph. No more, nothing worse than now.
"P knows Si Pakin very well, knows what type Ya likes, and P...can make
Graph into the way Ya likes." "P...Can you?"
Finally, the boy asked in a trembling voice indistinctly road. Look at the person
who is smiling, then bend down.
I don't know if it was because of the atmosphere or because of the last sentence
that seemed to hit the soul directly, Graph was lying on his side on the soft
sofa. Breathing hot, looking at the other party who is smiling friendly. I saw big
hands reaching into the long-sleeved top, gently stroking the slender waist, but
just doing that made Graph gasp a lot.
"P is not just okay." The voice seemed to sound from a distant place, and the
boy's back touched the sofa, and he slowly closed his eyes. When the warm lips
touched the neck, it immediately caused a sense of dizziness, and the body
This is what he wanted to do... something he wanted to do for a long time...
'Dad said you were sick, so I was forced to come to see you. '
A certain blurred fragment in memory broke into my mind, and Kritithi saw a
picture belonging to the past...a handsome, tall boy stood by the bed with a
displeased face, and then threw down a large bag of children who were banned
from eating snacks into the lap.
'This is what I have been nagging about wanting to eat, hide it well, or I will be
murdered again. '
'P Pakin, stay with me. P can't go back until I fall asleep oh... na na na'
'Go to hell. Okay, okay, go to sleep, brat. When I fall asleep, I go back to
playing games. '
In his childhood memory, there are no pictures of his father and mother, but it is
full of memories about this man... People who say they are bored but come to
him every time, will listen to people who are younger than him. 10 year old
kid's request person.
Tears flowed from the tightly closed eyes of the flashing image.
"Let go of me, P. I'm going home."
At that moment, Graph pushed the chest of the man buried in the neck and said
in a low voice, then opened his eyes. Sirapop paused in surprise.
"I won't sleep with anyone except P Pakin." Although his body was very hot,
and even clamoring to get vented was unbearable, the boy still said it seriously
and looked at him with displeasure s eyes.
The road he chose, the road to go... No matter how painful it is, there can only
be a man named Pakin at the end of the road.
The boy's words made the listeners sneer.
"You know? Graph...from the moment he walked into this room, it means that
Graph cannot easily walk out."
"If I want to go out, who will do anything to me...uh!" The boy pushed the
opponent away forcefully and stood up, but as soon as his feet touched the
ground, he felt that the ground was as soft as pudding, so he lay down
again. Although he wanted to push away the opponent who folded down and
clasped his hands above his head, he didn't have any strength.
"That wine..." Graph gritted his teeth angrily. The owner of the wine laughed
"Well, it's specially made for VIP guests... By the way, don't you really sleep
with P?" The young man said with a smile, but his sharp and handsome face
lowered to kiss the boy's. face, and then made a gesture to catch up with the lips
that Graph tried to dodge.
"Go to hell, bastard!...Ah."
However, at that moment, the big man's hand reached the center of the
teenager's pants. Surprised the boy.
This is not true. I can't go, how can I go out like this!
The surprised look made the other man look at him with satisfaction.
"P will make you...comfortable." Sin whispered soothingly in his ear, and
slowly eased off the weak man's pants. The movements were unhurried but
aroused so much lust that Graph was on the verge of tears.
Why did this happen to me? No, P‟ Pakin won't sleep with anyone. DON'T!!!
The person thinking this is struggling to escape and just then...
"Oh, it seems that I don't have time to play." Both of them heard a loud sound
from the office door. The owner of the room sighed heavily, and looked at the
kid who was trembling with fear, because the person who should be scared now
is not the young master, but him.
The next moment, the back collar was pulled up forcefully, and then a heavy
punch landed on the face, Sin staggered and fell to the ground. When he raised
his head...
the muzzle of the gun was already attached to his forehead, and a chilly voice
"Don't touch my people!!!"
At this moment, Pakin was very angry, even more angry than when he knew
what his friend had done to his brother.
Chapter 19 (18+): People You Shouldn't Touch

At this time, there was only a frightening silence in Sirapop's private lounge.
The man known as the most dangerous was pointing his gun at his friend who
was sitting on the ground. Stare straight at someone who is defined as a buddy.
But the person who was touching his face with the back of his hand, arching his
tongue and gently protruding his cheek... didn't have a trace of fear.
"It hurts, die Pakin."
When Pakin was very angry, everyone would cringe in fear, except for the
good-tempered young man who was raising his face and speaking
accusingly. The good-natured young man pushed the barrel of the gun away
with the other hand:
"I don't like to use violence." The young man
smiled and said, not caring about the gun chamber that was sticking to his
forehead again and the gun that seemed to say that he would shoot at any time.
Sharp eyes. Standing up all over, he patted the dust in displeasure, as if he cared
more about being wrinkled than being pointed at his head.
"You know, I'm not in the mood to joke." Pakin said coldly.
Ever since he knew that the dead kid was in trouble, Pakin stepped on the gas
pedal and drove straight to this bar, full of anger, and above the anger was...
He understands his friend's temperament very well, if he is interested, no matter
who the other party is, he will not care... just like him.
He understands this kind of temperament best, and he also knows that anything
will happen if it is too late.
This tone made the listener pause for a moment, a certain light flashed in his
eyes, and he laughed loudly:
"OK, I'm serious." Sin said with a smile, and then the smile faded away, and
asked cunningly:
"You man? Is there a sticker on it?"
Pakin didn't hesitate at this question, and immediately replied:
"I know who this brat is."
"I know." Sin nodded slowly, then shrugged.
"If you didn't rush in in a hurry, you would definitely see the materials related to
Brother Graph on my desk." The 2 or 3 documents I read at the beginning...
were exactly He Zhengjuan lying on the other side A brief account of the
Because he wanted to know how important this kid was to his fucking friend, he
actually let Ya hide him at home.
"Then you should know that I am the guardian of this kid now. If something
happens to you, I will be the one who suffers!" The man who was so anxious
that he was going crazy had to suppress all his emotions and pretended to be
calm and indifferent. Just to prevent the opponent from catching his weakness.
It is enough to let Ya understand that the reason why he is angry is because if he
plays with the children under his supervision, it may cause trouble in the future.
It is not necessary to let Ya know how anxious he is.
Exposing a weakness is tantamount to death, and people like Pakin have no
weaknesses! ! !
"Aha, now you are the guardian." The listener laughed softly, but still raised his
hands together, expressing his willingness to surrender to the person with the
weapon in his hand. However, the smile, tone of voice and eyes clearly
indicated that he was savoring the conversation, and Sirapop continued jokingly
said: "
Then Mr. Pakin should know that your young master came to find me by
himself. If I remember correctly, I I seem to have an agreement with Ya, what's
the matter? Oh...if you match, you don't have to care about the method." The
owner of the room said slyly, looking into the eyes of his friend who was still
silent and unable to read his thoughts.
Si Pakin is not a person who easily arouses emotions, no, Ya is a person who is
super able to control his emotions... I have wanted to see Ah lose control for a
long time.
Thinking that Ya would not be so stupid as to disregard the interests between
him and him, so Sin believed that his friend would definitely not start a robbery,
but he was still wrong. When Pakin moved the barrel of the gun slightly to the
right, pressed the trigger close to his head, and could clearly feel the heat of the
bullet when it broke the chamber and hit the wall, the man with a calm face...
"I told you, I'm not in the mood to joke."
The extremely cold gaze seemed to be able to set everything around him on fire,
and the mocking laughter made Sirapop hold back the smile on his face, then he
sighed and shook his head slowly: "I was just joking
, Because I saw that child crying at Ya's house, I just want to get to know him."
"Do you understand?" Pakin asked with the same tone, and no matter who heard
it, the pores would stand up. The listener shook his head:
"Today I have satisfied my curiosity, and I don't want to go home with a hole."
The owner of the room said so, then moved towards the door, raised his finger
and pointed at the punch just now. With a red and swollen nose that was almost
broken, he sneered and pretended to be relaxed but unhappy and said:
"I will definitely find a chance to return this punch... Oh, I forgot to tell you
something." Sin Said leisurely, as if thinking of something suddenly before
leaving the room, said:
"I'm just joking, if I'm serious, it's impossible to find me tonight. Anyway, just
use this room. I Gone... oh, Pakin old father." The good-natured young man
dropped the last sentence, waved goodbye, went back and picked up the 2 or 3
documents on the table, and walked out of the room unhurriedly. But his eyes
became full of...excitement.
It's been a long time since I encountered such an interesting thing.
Pakin's eyes followed him until his friend left the room, then he angrily put the
gun back on his waist, and then...
"What are you going to do!!!"
The young man turned around and scolded him, curling up his body and lying
on the sofa The boy was shocked, and he was even more frightened when he
heard the sound of the trigger again. Pakin didn't care at all, because the youth
was venting his anger on the person who made him have to leave the house.
This dead child who never knew how much trouble he got into.
"What will happen if I don't come in time? Have you ever thought about it?
You're so stupid, brat! How many times have I been asked to clean up the
aftermath, don't you think it's not enough for me!!!" The young man didn't want
to hide his emotions anymore, he just wanted to vent his irritable emotions to
the person who was covering his face tightly, strode forward and grabbed the
other person's hand.
"Did you hear that, Graphic!!!"
Immediately when the big hand was on his arm, the boy tried a little harder to
shake off the hand that was grabbing him, but it didn't waver at all. So he looked
up at the person who came to save him, the person who said he belonged to...
the person who made him happy but also broke his heart to the extreme.
"P drove...I came was P who drove come out." Graph said
desperately, sweat had already soaked his entire forehead. And those words
almost caused the listeners to scold that the reason was not the boy himself, but
the person who watched it stopped because he noticed something unusual.
The skin on his body was scorching hot, his face was too rosy, sweat seeped all
over his face, and even his breathing was so rapid that his chest was constantly
heaving up and down, so his eyes came to the small table.
"Damn Sin!"
The wine bottle and glass were enough to tell him everything, so the angry man
rushed forward without thinking.
"P!" Kritithi was startled. Because suddenly his body rose up and entered into
the embrace of the other party, but the touch of the skin caused him more
serious discomfort and torture...tossing so much that he couldn't help pushing
the other party away with both hands, demanding The other party let him down.
Now, Graph doesn't know whether he should feel happy or sad about the other
party's help, but one thing is very clear... he doesn't want to be hated by Pakin.
Just kissing is enough to expose the ugly face. If he knew that he was having a
physical reaction due to the effect of the medicine, Graph couldn't imagine how
he would be belittled and humiliated, so his hands kept struggling, trying to
break free from the intimate embrace.
"Don't make trouble!" The person holding the boy shouted loudly, causing the
person with hot and red eyes to look up:
"Let go...I...I'm disgusting..."
The person listening deeply He looked deeply at the other party, at the boy he
had been trying to push away for many years, his eyes were deep and straight to
the boy's heart. The face of the person in front of him was about to cry, exactly
the same as when he drove him home, this person could always calm every
strong emotion slowly. Now he finally understands what Win said, what is
pushing and pushing this young master to this point.
"Can you bear it until you go home?" The voice was softer than before, and the
listeners were astonished, because such a tone made the body feel even hotter
and unbearable, so the struggling hands turned to pinch their own, He bit his
teeth so hard that his lips turned white, and his breathing became faster than
The flushed face, body swaying back and forth as if rubbing against his skin to
relieve waves of torture, and hot breath made Pakin make up his mind.
Walking out of the room, the young man strode to the bed in order to put the
self-righteous kid on the bed, untied the pistol and put it on the table beside the
bed, then brushed his hair vigorously, looking at the body that was constantly
shrinking and trying to keep a distance from him , the owner of the body
fearfully said the words that he had been reprimanding all the time.
The pitiful and pitiful appearance made him sigh heavily.
"Let go..."
"Don't move, then I can help you."
Although he has been avoiding and doesn't want to touch this kid, this time...he
is still the same, he can't stand it, and can't bear the torture of this kid.
"What is P...P going to do?"
Kritithi asked with a trembling voice in surprise. Trying to look at the blurred
face of the young man he wanted to see and least wanted to see, he saw that the
other party was slowly approaching, so his brain ordered him to avoid it,
unwilling to be treated as a worthless plaything that could be thrown away at
will again, But...
not only the right wrist was grabbed, but the left hand was also grabbed...
"P Pakin!" Before he could react, the two hands were fixed above the head by
the other party, but before the feet could move At that moment, the tall man got
up and straddled his body, cutting off all his possible escape routes, and his
sharp eyes looked down, making the person being watched so angry that he
gritted his teeth and made his lips hurt.
Graph didn't know if this look could be called pity.
"Don't move around, what can you do in this situation." The slightly impatient
tone caused the man who was tortured physically and mentally to say loudly in
a hoarse voice. "I don't care about P in any situation!"

The person who was in a hurry to save people paused, looked at the brave little
ghost, it was not difficult to break free successfully, but it was impossible to
survive the drug, but he still stubbornly said that it was none of his business.
If it had nothing to do with him, Pakin wouldn't be here at all!
This time, the anger that subsided made a comeback again, the big hand that
locked both hands pressed down on the bed even harder, and the other hand
came to the flat abdomen and went straight down...
"Ah" the young man let out a voice from his throat, shaking his head vigorously
to avoid the touch of the stick, but the man who did his own thing didn't have
the momentum to give up. Since he planned to help the other party further,
Pakin wanted to teach the stubborn child a lesson, let him learn how weak and
helpless he is in his world.
A kid like Graph shouldn't have walked into his world in the first place.
A world where the big fish eat the little fish, it doesn't give immature kids and
people who are just sharp mouthed any time.
In the next second, the young man's hand penetrated under the soft clothes,
touched the fair and smooth skin of a person who had hardly been exposed to
the sun, and stroked and wandered to the entire abdomen with his long
fingers. Gently flattened, the young man under him clenched his teeth tightly,
his chest rose and fell violently as he breathed, his waist opened and closed
back and forth as if he was enduring more severe torture.
The long fingers were still stroking the tender skin, the shirt was pushed up
high, but the sharp and indifferent gaze Still staring at the flushed face, the
wrinkled brows, the lips pursed hard without a trace of blood, the sweat has
already soaked the whole face, and the face that is struggling with the torment
of the effect of the medicine.
"Do you still want me to stop?" Pakin grinned, because he knew Graph had
taken a lot of medicine just by seeing the symptoms. Ya's patience is reaching
its limit.
That medicine is no different from an aphrodisiac.
If the brat kept a distance from him, Ya wouldn't be drugged like this, and Ya
would have a normal teenage life without being involved in the dark world
around him. But it is because this little devil is obsessed with obsession,
stubbornness, self-righteousness, and repeated offenses, that he encounters
things that he himself fears.
His fault, but Graph asked for it.
The question went unanswered because Graph gritted his teeth, trying to
suppress a moan and rub his feet against each other. This appearance made the
watching person move his hands to lift the boy's shirt up to the chest, look down
with sharp eyes, and then had to admit one thing.
The kid has grown up.
Graph is no longer a child of 7 or 8 years old, his body has grown into an adult,
Pakin can teach her sexual experience without hesitation, but because he is this
young master, he once told himself 'never touch ‟, so the young man just moved
his hands...
"Uh!!!!" The fingers just pinched the nipple lightly, and the person who had
never been touched before moaned loudly, so that the person who wanted to
punish this kid did not hesitate Head down, and...
crackling. (A flash of light flashes in the mind)
The tip of the tongue smears the light-colored nipple that has hardened to the
"Oh, don't...ah...don't...ha...P Pakin...don'"
When the wet tip of the tongue licked the immature place, there was no
modified aroma The nasal cavity was filled, as sweet as a virgin who had never
been treated before, just lightly inhaled Graph and struggled restlessly, a huge
moan resounded throughout the room, his chest heaved up and down, and Pakin
couldn't help covering his lips even more...
When his body was so hot that it was about to explode, Graph could only twist
back and forth anxiously. Something in his lower body was wet just because the
lips were sucking nipples, and he arched his chest helplessly for a touch so
intense and hot as he had never imagined.
Yet while the body is clamoring for more, the heart is crying. Just because I
heard the next words:
"It's because of your ignorance that you encountered such a thing. No matter
how unwilling you are, it doesn't matter who you are with if you are drugged!!!"
"No...not..." Graphic is a stubborn Even at this moment, even if his body is
almost weak, he still stubbornly wants to refute. And this also made the listener
raise his head and meet him with sharp eyes.
Facing the displeased stare at the young man who disobeyed orders, Graph has
his own explanation.
So, the boy looked straight into the sharp eyes in front of him through the
curtain of tears, and said in despair:
"Even if I was drugged...but...but if it wasn't P...even if I shouted...heh. the
point of being dumb...I...never...willing...absolutely not!" A pair of eyes were
filled with the four big characters of firmness even though they were blocked by
the mist caused by the effect of the medicine Also still and clearly see. And this
also made the person who was determined to teach him a lesson pause visibly
with the naked eye.
"I will never be with other people... Ha... Absolutely not..."
Although he was too weak to even speak, the stubborn child firmly said his
If it wasn't for P‟ Pakin, he would never want to.
"Hmph, that's it."
The boy really wanted to give himself a pitiful smile, because P‟ Pakin would
never believe him no matter what, and would never believe the feelings he had
been trying to express. Looking at the terribly quiet face that was lowering and
getting closer, the boy waited in fear for the usual humiliation.
"Open your mouth." The tough tone softened in disbelief, but he didn't have
time to think about why, because...the warm lips had already fallen.
Thought it would be the same strong and rough kiss as before, but...
"Heh, um...P Pakin..."
This time the lips regained their shape, and the rosy lips felt much softer than
before. The vicious lips that had cursed him many times also sucked the boy's
lower lip vigorously, and the pleasure spread all over his body. . Unknowingly,
he opened his mouth wide to accept the hot tongue that was poking in.
The tongue is skillfully entangled with the soft tongue inside, and it is wet when
it enters and smears. It felt hotter and hotter, and when Pakin covered his whole
body and grabbed his chin to prevent him from breaking free, the fiery touch
that passed over him almost set Graph's body on fire.
The scorching breath was continuously sent into the mouth, and the sound of
breathing became louder and louder. The crystal saliva flowed down and stained
the lips because of forgetting to swallow. The touch was intense and violent, but
it implied...soothing.
Feeling the touch from this person made Graph's body relax.
"" Graph's body is saying that it can't take it anymore, wanting to
pounce on the other person, wanting to beg for help to escape from the torment
of desire, but his heart is now full of complicated feelings about the behavior of
the person in front of him .
"Ha!!!" However, everything in his mind disappeared in an instant, because the
big hand moved down and stroked the center of the trousers, so he turned his
head to the side to avoid it.
"P Pakin...don't..." Graph could only stop him like this, because he knew very
well that under his denim quilt...
"Is this wet?"
The big man let go of his grip and turned And take off the pants from the
hip. Before it could be pulled off completely, the slippery and sticky patch on
the trousers was enough to explain everything. Graph could not help covering
his face with the free hand.
" have to say I'm...clumsy...heh...heh...really." Graph said in a
hoarse voice, but he didn't dare to look at the other person, for fear of meeting
him. The other party's eyes were as cold as ice and snow. Until I heard...
"I haven't said a word, brat."
"Hey!" Before I could react to this sentence, my big hand
grasped something that was still so hard that it hurt even though I had vented
once. . Just the touch of holding it made Graph's waist arch away from the
mattress, and Pakin was still pulling, and the bearer almost struggled.
"Ha...huh...P...stimulation...this...too exciting..."
Sexual pleasure rushed to the whole body, only because of the strokes given by
the big hands and the pressure of the fingertips on the top. Graph held his head
back hard, startled, and took a big gulp of air into his lungs without noticing that
his buttocks had fallen into the big palm.
"Uh!!! No...ah...ah" Pakin caused more than this commotion, because the young
man was bending over to cover his nipple with his lips, sucking and sucking,
making Graph struggle, and the moan was even louder It came out loudly from
the bright lips, and...
a wet voice.
After a few strokes, there was a loud wet sound, and the crimson tip released a
cloudy white liquid again, staining the big hand.
But Graph almost cried out, because the desire didn't subside in the slightest, on
the contrary, it became more fervent. The body was clamoring for more, so he
removed the hand covering his face, and looked at the worst-hearted man
through the curtain of tears, not wanting to suppress his emotions: "Help...
me...P ..Help me...not...not enough...ha...not enough."
Tears streamed down his face, and he begged another man whose expression
changed now.
Of course, seeing the teenager lying flat on the bed at such a time (can anyone
not change their face?).
The brave child is no longer self-righteous, but pleads with his eyes blushing,
losing all strength due to the tossing of desire. The body is so naked that only
the long-sleeved jacket that is rolled up to the chest is left, and the person who
was once considered to be just a little kid in the eyes is dotted with the scenery
of the light-colored nipples that are wet with his saliva, slightly arched The
moving flat abdomen, and the light-colored things that have obviously never
"communicated" with anyone are also standing tall, and the people watching
can feel that their desires are gradually rising, and they are as strong as a violent
The body stained by his own love juice became whiter and more beautiful,
making Pakin's eyes shine with a certain kind of light.
The body that can easily keep up with his pace no matter how you guide it, and
is trying hard to find his embrace, rubbing the body against it, panting while
crying, the body shaking as if it is bullying no matter what angle it looks at A
handful of fledglings. Those who watched couldn't believe that the boy could
suppress his desire to such an extent.
How long has it been since he touched something so delicious?
This kind of thought made Pakin grit his teeth, because he would actually think
about such a trivial thing.
"P" At this moment, Graph leaned over
and circled his neck, arching his body and rubbing to drive away the fierceness
The desire, but it has not been alleviated in the slightest, but it has become more
and more high, causing the bright lips to keep pressing kisses on the neck, eager
to get more touches. Pakin couldn't help but... soften his heart.
"Uh!!!" Warm lips pressed against bright lips, this time the kiss was no longer
gentle but aggressively attacking, driving Graph to the edge of desire, leading
the ignorant of the world to stretch his toes kids. Another man inserted himself
However, when pushed back to lie down again, Graph would have protested if it
wasn't for the hot lips that were swimming and kissing all over. I saw the kiss
climbing all the way down to Bai Nen's abdomen, and the kiss fell heavily,
making Graph's buttocks so excited that he soared into the air.
"Heh, heh...P Pakin, Chi!
Immediately, Graph moaned loudly A spacious room. Because the hot tongue is
falling heavily on the crimson top that is seeping water, and licking it suddenly
with skill, the person who is drugged is almost about to vent for the third
time. His heart was beating violently, his hands could only grab the soft pillow
and arch his hips to get close, as if he wanted more.
Not enough, this is still not enough.
"Ah! Ah...Uh!!! No...Don't...Ah...Ah..." Graph moaned incoherently, when the
scorching mouth lowered and wrapped around the fragile parts, the electric
current rushed instantly Throughout the body, the sound of breathing is even
louder. The slender legs suddenly tightened and fell onto the soft mattress, all
she could do was to arch her body to accept the fiery touch of an experienced
The lips began to move, suck, and wipe more vigorously, and the big hands
stroked the sweaty back vigorously, encouraging the teenager's longing.
"Stimulating...too stimulating...P...P...No...I can't..." The bad boy's face was
distorted by the deepest need, and tears were already streaming down his
face. The big hand even stretched upwards, came to pinch the delicate nipples
and rubbed them together, making Graph's fingers hold on to the mattress
tightly, and not long after.. "Ah!!!" The turbid liquid overflowed to catch it
tightly in the warm mouth. However, Pakin didn't want to stop, on the
contrary...the youth clearly knew that this was not enough.
"P... not enough... huh... still not enough..."
Kritithi said loudly, grabbing the unruly haired head with one of his hands, and
pushed his body against his mouth again involuntarily. Pakin didn't say
anything, but sucked, swiped, and moved his lips vigorously, causing the young
man to breathe harder. It's like knowing very well how to make your bed partner
extremely happy. At the same time, Sharp Eyes also looked up.
I saw the scene of a child who was once despised and accused of being
extremely stupid to tease her.
The child who was opening and closing his body back and forth under him, was
moaning because of his touch, and was screaming comfortably because he
reached the end point, making the experienced person unconsciously reach out
and slowly press the narrow the channel to. And as soon as you touch's a
big surprise for the convenience.
The voice calling out to the young man sounded the kiss on the lips again, and
on the other hand, it seemed to be sealing the Stopping every cry that was
pulling his sanity back, preventing him from letting himself go after his desires.
"It's okay, I'll help you if I tell you." Pakin whispered, although his fists were
tightly clenched.
Don't break your promise, dead Pakin. don't want!
The person who continuously provides hotness to the small body thinks like
this, touching and stroking the whole body with big hands, surveying every inch
of the body, and imprinting an exclusive mark on every inch of skin. In order to
appease the torment of the drugged person, the place where the kiss is kissed
must leave a mark. This also made the moans resound throughout the room
And the voice was saying that Kritithi was old enough to learn about sex
experientially, but the person who taught... hadn't thought further.
Graph was someone he forbade to touch any further, even if he wanted it very,
very badly.
Chapter 20: Red flags

The first light of dawn rose greatly in the sky, but it failed to shine into
Sirapop's private lounge, because the people in the room pressed the button to
adjust the curtains, and since late last night, the huge glass wall has been sealed
and blocked. It allows the light to enter, but not to make yourself sleep
comfortably, but to allow people who are still tired to sleep on the bed to be
fully rested.
When the sound of a similar object hitting lightly sounded, it didn't sound from
the corner where the bed was, but... the sofa.
On the huge sofa was someone who had been staring at Graph since he fell
This person is holding a wine glass in one hand and playing with two bullets
back and forth in the other hand, making them collide with each movement of
the fingers. Next to it, a soft lamp is placed on the table with drinks, and the
atmosphere is creepy.
The atmosphere around Pakin was scary enough, but it was far less scary than
the thoughtful eyes of the young man sitting on the sofa looking straight at the
big bed.
Pakin hadn't slept all night and had been sitting here since the drugged man fell
asleep restlessly.
He was silently contemplating what had happened.
He violated his ban for the second time.
"Ah." The young man let out a voice from his throat a little annoyed, because
the image of the self-righteous young master came into his mind, the person
who yelled in his arms, the person who trembled uncontrollably just by kissing
his body, just The person who already burst into tears when he touched the
outside...the dead child with red body who never needed other people's body.
It was the dead child who made him so irritated now!
Annoyed because words from relatives popped into my mind.
The damn kid was delicious... the tastiest I've ever come across.
When Ya's voice echoed in his mind, it was so delicious that it was endlessly
Ah, no one is touched except P‟ Pakin.
The young man who was thinking this way slowly shook his head, because he
was thinking lightly that this is impossible, no matter how hard his mouth is, it
is the same for everyone when the body has needs and desires, but it is
impossible for a young man to blindfold his eyes and grit his teeth , Said in a
hoarse voice, as long as he is.
I feel that although he has been pretending to turn a blind eye, Graph has never
given up.
Now, the very powerful youth is asking himself...should he continue to ignore it
or accept it.
"Hmm~" However, before the young man had time to make a decision, the
slight sound of turning over accompanied by a moan sounded from the other
end of the room. So I raised my head and looked up:
"I'm awake."
"Well, this... ouch!"
Pa la.
At first Kritithi was confused about where he was, but when he opened his eyes
and saw the unfamiliar ceiling and the sound from the other end of the room, his
body suddenly jumped up and sat up straight, his eyes widened in surprise and
he looked towards the dark place hiding in the darkness. blurred figure.
"P Pakin..." the teenager wailed softly. Because he was not fully awake yet, he
didn't remember what happened, but he just looked down at himself, and his
eyes widened even more in surprise.
Last night...fuck!
The person who just remembered being drugged immediately pulled off the
quilt, trying to cover his lower body, and looked to the other side in shock,
anger and confusion, and above all the emotions was...fear.
Graph still clearly remembers P‟ Pakin's intense emotions last night...the one
who left the bullet in the room.
The person who scolded him loudly last night... At that time, he was still under
the control of the drug effect, so what about now? Even under normal emotions,
you will be scolded and frustrated physically and mentally.
Thinking of this, his face immediately turned pale, and he suddenly forgot the
strong and anxious feeling he received from the other party, and was replaced
by extreme fear, and the person almost retreated to the edge of the bed, closed
his eyes and waited for the huge heart to collapse scolding.
P‟ Pakin will definitely not want to see Ya again this time.
The boy said to himself pitifully.
Either way, the teen couldn't think of sleeping with someone else, he just
thought he'd be so sick of himself if he opened his legs to someone else, and
would be so mad with grief at being so stupid.
He was not vigilant because he thought he was Pakin's brother's friend, and he
was not defensive because he thought he was the elder brother of the senior.
I'm really as stupid as P‟ Pakin said.
"Put on your clothes."
However, although he was waiting in fear, the other party said calmly, then
stood up, grabbed the pistol and put it back to his waist, and also grabbed the
car keys on the table in front of him, making a gesture To get out of the
room. The boy who was afraid of being abandoned straightened up in surprise.
"Where is P going?"
"Put on your clothes, Graph." Instead of answering, Pakin said calmly. The boy
hurriedly grabbed the clothes next to the bed and put them on, while the other
party stood quietly with his arms crossed. When he saw that the underwear was
wet with muddy fluid, although he felt ashamed and ashamed to death, Graph
still gritted his teeth and put it on, then turned around.
"You can go home."
The listener's eyes widened in surprise.
Brother is pushing me away again, right?
Graph is thinking very negatively... Pakin brother is going to throw him back to
the goddamn home where he has nobody, and if he loses Pakin brother too, he
really has nobody.
The boy was afraid...afraid that this push would be the last, that it would be
impossible to turn back again. Because deep down, Graph also knew that... If P‟
Pakin really wanted to leave him, it would be impossible for him to contact him
The fear caused by this thought was clearly shown on the face, making the
person watching couldn't help but pause, and then sighed:
"Where do you want me to take you?"
"..." Graph fell silent immediately , because dreams are becoming reality. This
also makes the person watching walk up and down with long legs.
Grab your arm with your big hand and pull hard.
"Go back to my house, you brazen child, you won't know where you are going
to get into trouble if you don't look for a while... Go back!" After finishing
speaking, the speaker stepped forward to lead the way, making Graph almost
fall towards him, But soon his legs quickly followed. Although all he could do
was look up in astonishment at the side face with sharp lines and no emotion.
P‟ Pakin wants to take him home.
A house with Pakin hyung... right?
The person who pulled him didn't intend to look back, because he knew very
well what kind of expression this kid would have... It must be the same as when
he secretly brought snacks to the other party a few years ago.
Ah happy expression... still imprinted very clearly in his memory.
From the time when the bar left until the beautiful sports car drove in and
parked at the uphill of the house, Pakin didn't say a word, and the doll-like man
at the front of the car could only keep silent, looking down at his hands and He
moved his body as if he couldn't breathe.
Of course, after what happened last night, the boy really didn't know what kind
of expression he should make.
He was happy with P‟ Pakin's help, but also worried that the other party saw
him in such a situation.
That kind of situation where you can't save yourself will definitely be scolded
for being overwhelmed.
However, although he tried hard to accept every word from the people around
him, Pakin didn't say a word until the luxury car was parked: "Come on,
I have something to talk to you."
Graph was slightly surprised, looking at the person who got out of the car first,
so he took a deep breath, suppressed his panic, and got out of the car like a
person who was exhausted.
He had only been kicked out of this house for less than a day, and then came
back, and maybe this time he was kicked out again within a few minutes of
being here.
"Come back faster than expected, Graph."
Then, someone's voice came from the front door, looked up... and saw Phawis
standing there smiling with his arms crossed.
"P Win."
"You don't need P to pick it up, but someone will pick it up, Graph." The young
model said with a smile, but turned to look at his brother who was standing
waiting for some troublesome brat. The boy didn't know what expression to
return, did he smile back? It must be a very ugly smile. This also made the
speaker step forward to find it.
"Hey!" Before he could react, the charming young model had already hooked up
the collar with his fingers, causing the loose collar to spread out, making Graph
scream out loud, and almost had no time to grab his own collar. I don't know if
Win has seen anything.
"Someone here likes to talk to themselves." Apparently he wasn't referring to
Graph, but someone who just glanced at his brother and then turned to look at
the startled teenager who was blushing.
"I'll go up to your room and wait." After finishing speaking, Pakin left first,
leaving someone alone.
"Did Kin catch up?" The young model immediately had a serious expression.
Graph didn't know how to answer this question, other than looking at him with
"Yeah." He finally nodded slowly. Phawis sighed reassuringly: "P I'm sorry
Graph, P
shouldn't have brought Graph to find P Sin..."
"Is that bastard P Sin really bad? P."
interrupted. Because it is okay to accuse him of being stupid, crazy, or an idiot,
but the boy doesn't think that the other party took him to find the villain who
shouldn't be so close. This made the young model pause for a moment, looked
at the person with question marks in his eyes, and then shook his head:
"No... no. P Sin is not a bad person, he is just... good at reading people's hearts,
good at persuading people, He knows how to make people obey. Graph should
also know..."
"No!" Immediately, the boy immediately retorted. And shook his head heavily.
"I don't know he's good at persuasion and what the hell, my heart is mine and I
know exactly what I want, no matter how many bastards I want, I won't obey. I
just want to know one thing The thing is, is P really OK? Said that a person like
Ya is the first person of P!" Graph may be very angry at being drugged by that
bastard, but when he fully recovered, he felt that he was even more angry at Ya
Said that Brother Win is Ya's property.
It's like brother Win is just a plaything for entertainment.
What he said made Win even more speechless, and met the eyes of a child who
someone said hadn't grown up yet.
Really? Kin. It's not that this kid hasn't grown up yet, it's just that Kin presses
him to make him feel like he's still a kid. At least, the kid is much more mature
than P's brother was when he was his age.
"Well, this is an adult's business. P and P Sin have an agreement on many
things." Win said in order to reassure the other party, and then reached out to
stroke the head of the stubborn child who was still clinging to a certain villain.
"Just come back safely... hurry up, Kin has been waiting for a long time."
When he said that, Graph's face changed, as if he was asking to go together. So
Win raised the corner of his mouth:
"It's all like this... I shouldn't be more cruel." The sharp-eyed man's fingers fell
to his neck, making Graph's goosebumps instantly rise. When he touched the
place where someone left on his neck, there was still an obvious burning
sensation, and his face became extremely red. strode into the house, and Phawis
followed unhurriedly.
Until Graph disappeared into the house, the person who came to intercept and
wait couldn't help but clenched his fists tightly.
If he had had the same look in Graph's eyes back then, would someone have
been nicer to him?
"Nonsense, I know it's impossible."
Because someone didn't push him away like a brother, but held him high above
his head, as if he would never be able to climb up... It was different from
Graph's situation.
How could I not be afraid of P‟ Pakin before!
That's what Kritithi thought as he looked across at the tall figure standing
against the wall in the corner of the room. Feeling bursts of cold air extending
from the back of the head all the way to the spinal cord, large beads of sweat
permeated the temples, the boy could only stand peacefully in the middle of the
room where he had stayed for a week.
The look in Pakin's eyes now... is super scary.
It is not the same as the eyes that look pleasing to him every time and are very
bored, but the eyes that seem to be deciding his future fate.
"Sit down." The other party nodded towards the sofa in the center of the
room. Graph gritted his teeth tightly, but he still didn't follow his word.
A suffocating silence ensued. In the feeling of the person waiting to speak, the
moment of silence became particularly lengthy, his hands were clenched, and
his mind kept thinking about what he should say, what he should talk about,
what he should do, and the only sentence that came to mind It's just... sorry.
But I'm right, he kicked me out by himself, and it's up to me where I'm going!
The teenager squeezed his hands nervously, because his decision almost made
him make a big mistake. "What are you going to
do to find dead Sin?" However, before thinking more about it, the other party
broke the silence and started to ask questions, the boy couldn't help being
startled. He raised his head and looked at the other person in embarrassment,
because how could Graph tell the truth. How could he say that he went to see
him because he wanted to know what to do to make P‟ Pakin look at him
more! The answer is too embarrassing, Kritithi would rather die than say
it! "I...just me..." "Don't say it's none of my business, because I did more last

After finishing speaking, the listeners immediately blushed and widened their
eyes, unable to believe what they heard. Immediately, his body trembled, as if
remembering the touch last night... The hot and strong touch seemed to melt
both his consciousness and body. But Graph also knows it in the rest of his
consciousness...softer than ever before.
'It's okay, I'll help you if I tell you. '
'Shh~ it's okay, brat. '
The comforting words in his ears are still in his heart, but Graph doesn't decide
whether it's real or an illusion, he only knows that recalling what happened
made the brazen kid stop looking at him. So he bent down as if hugging
himself, and then only replied...
"I don't know." He didn't know anything.
"..." Graph didn't know what Pakin's expression was, but he really didn't dare to
raise his head.
And Pakin also became irritable in an instant because he didn't get the answer
he wanted, but the fidgeting performance of the brazen child just made Ruimu
watch quietly, the culprit who disturbed his mind all night and kept him from
sleeping again It's coming... the unwavering eyes that will only become him
The tall man shook off the thoughts just now, and then ordered:
"Don't see me again in the future." The order was based on the cause of
everything. And this made Graph raise his flushed face and meet his gaze.
The eyes of the dead child who thought he had grown up but didn't know
anything about his world looked over... a pair of childish eyes that implied
confusion. So the long legs moved forward and stepped forward...
"Hey!" Pakin slammed his hands down from both sides to the wall, and Graph
leaned back against the wall in fright. I saw the big man leaning forward and
using his eyes to say that no one is allowed to disobey his orders. Graph has
always disliked such eyes, should have been very annoying.
"Do you know how dangerous it will be?"
"But he is P's friend." Someone who loves to talk back couldn't help
retorting. Pakin grinned:
"If I don't say you are mine, Sin won't care about friends or not." The sentence
itself may not mean much, but to the listener it hurts deeply, it hurts like a jaw
being pulled from the top It's like being stabbed, because Pakin brother is saying
that he can never be his person.
No, it is never possible to become the object of the other party's public
protection... that's right.
"Then why does P ask me to come back here?"
Yes, if brother doesn't care and ignore me, why does brother ask me to come
All the thoughts are shown on the face, making the worried man say sternly:
"If you don't do this, you will get into trouble again!"
"But it's not about P, is it?"
"Of course not, If you didn't worry me so much!!!"
Because of the speaker's last words, Graph raised his head in disbelief of what
his ears heard.
What? P‟ Pakin said...worried about him?
The person who spoke had just realized what he said, and was about to rub his
face hard, but he managed to control it in time. Then look straight into the eyes
of the child in front of you.
He was about to yell and say that if something happened to you, there would be
a big problem between me and your dad, but the tears in his eyes were like eyes
that were about to cry in the next second and white bites But the lips
inexplicably calmed down the person who was about to scold him, and he could
only sigh heavily:
"Graph, people like me are surrounded by dangers, do you know that?" "..."
Although Graph didn't reply , but this brat is already very clear.
"If you find out, stay well and don't cause me any more trouble, then I will let
you come back here, at least don't cause trouble for yourself when you are under
the same roof!" The young man said, but people with low self-esteem just
Turning his head to the other side, he said in a blunt voice as if he was about to
be unable to suppress his tears:
"Left a child and right a trouble, I'm just an annoying little devil in P's eyes."
No matter how hard he tried, he was ignored.
If it was before, Pakin would have said yes mercilessly, but when he saw the
bright red mark of love on his fair neck, he could only sigh forcefully.
"Ah." Graph cried out in surprise, because suddenly his jaw was lifted, and then
his eyes widened in surprise even more, because... JUB (kiss)
"It makes me happy Good boy."
The touch on his forehead was surprising enough, but the small and gentle voice
in his ear made Graph's heart stop. He could only sit stiffly and look at Pakin
who was bowing down, not as the boss looked at the younger brother but... as
Pakin himself.
The P‟ Pakin who was kind to him when he was a child.
"Listen to me, okay?" Although confused by the behavior of the person in front
of him, all Graph could do was... nod slowly.
The obedient look made Pakin stand up straight, smiled slightly, and then...
"It's still the old rule, you have to tell your family members wherever you go,
and you have to have a car to pick you up at any time, you can't go astray, you
can't go Dead Sin's bar, you can't go out with Win at night, you can't cause
trouble, you have to go to school. These are very simple rules, even a little kid
can do it, so you can do it too Master Kritithi." Get what you want Immediately
after the effect, Pakin took a step back and finished speaking at once. The
satisfied tone made the fooled person turn around.
P‟ Pakin just used a more merciful way to make him give up!
"I'm not a criminal!"
"But you just agreed to be my criminal, don't make trouble." Pakin said, and
was about to step out of the room, but before he left, the young man suddenly
stopped and turned to look at the Be the brat who gave him a headache again,
but now he is gnashing his teeth, and then... grinning:
"And... so easy to ejaculate, who would want it."
"Hello!!" Graph covered his crotch with his hands and yelled loudly, looking at
the person who walked out of the room without looking back. His eyes widened
before he could react to what was happening, and one of his hands came up to
touch his forehead... gently.
The touch of warm lips is still there.
A touch that makes the heart beat wildly.
"I really hate myself."
Graph hated him for being just a little bit kinder, heart...beating faster.
At the same time, Pakin was also clenching his fist tightly, and the smile on his
face disappeared when he recalled looking straight into his eyes.
How could the youth not know what he had done.
All along he had sworn to himself that he would sever the little lunatic's
expectations, that death would not give any hope, but he had just violated
several of his prohibitions in just one hour.
Yes, it may make things more troublesome, but...
"What happened to you is beyond what you can bear."
What happened yesterday was too serious, far beyond what that dead child
could accept. It would be dangerous to just stay by his side, and he still
accidentally... couldn't help himself to be nice to her, even though he knew what
was going to happen next.
Ah will cling to him even more.
"Go to hell!" The young man cursed in a low voice, because even though he
knew he had to be pushed far away, when Ya came back, I don't know how
many times, he would always make Ya come closer to him than expected, and
now... is even more unprecedented close.
So close that Pakin could sense... danger signs.
It is very dangerous to stay with you, but even more dangerous to leave it.
"Just worrying about a child who is watching grow up."
Pakin repeated to himself the reason for his choice over and over again,
although he knew that the reason was collapsing time and time again.
Chapter 21: Penalty

"Graph, this Graph is going to be the keynote speaker."

"And I will talk about it."
"Ha, what did you just say? Do you?"
"Oh, I didn't listen."
"Listen to me, Graph. The score in this report is life and death, no matter what
your previous performance is, if you don't do it this time It's meaningless, and
then all the hard work in Graph this semester was wasted. You don't want to get
a grade lower than 2, do you?" "Um... sorry ."
Like being drugged, if you have to be taught such a harsh lesson by your friend,
you have to set the time back to noon. He was sitting and reminiscing what
happened when his buddy called and attacked...had to come out and make a
'It's Graph's choice, meet at school or come to my house!' said the girl. Because
he remembered that he almost caused trouble for his friends last time, so the
young master chose to come to school on Saturday. When I arrived at the
school, I saw a beautiful girl with a ponytail who was concentrating on her
notebook. She turned her head and glanced at it, then said with a straight face...
Although they were pretending to be a couple, Death Graph was really afraid of
this fake girlfriend, so he had to sit quietly and look at his friend who was
handing over a large notebook.
'Here are yesterday's math notes. And there was a quiz yesterday, I already told
the teacher that the Graph was uncomfortable, so I went to ask for a certificate
from Dr. Zhang, I know that the Graph can be obtained. Then go make up the
procedure. '
That's what my friend said. Those who listened could only stare at the thick
math book with their heads down and their faces full of fear.
Kritithi is not a bad student, he just likes to skip classes so he can't keep up with
his studies.
In the first semester of Form 4, I didn‟t know Chanchao well. At that time, I
was mixed with other classmates, and my grades were not optimistic. Until I got
acquainted with this classmate who is a rotten girl. Apart from discussing the
topic of love between the two In addition, the other party has also become the
most severe mentor. As a result of being forced to study, my grades improved to
almost 2.5.
It was only after being scolded and scolded this semester that I realized that I
had no intention of learning.
My father and mother don't care what to learn. Because no matter what, I will
be sent abroad after graduating from middle school, or I will be stuffed into a
private school.
However, such an idea was kicked away by Chanchao.
'Others don't love Graph, Graph must know how to love itself. If others don't
care, Graph cares more about itself. I beg you, at least don't give up on studies, I
may not fully understand the Graph dilemma, but I will not abandon my
friends!' Said the second person in the class in the exam. It made... the young
man feel ashamed.
The reason why he didn't disappear or cause trouble until he was suspended
from school these days is because of Chanchao's containment.
But now, the person who has been pulling seems to be disappointed in him.
"Didn't you say you want to see this?"
"This report is due on Monday, so...don't run away!" The girl looked over
fiercely, and emphasized that she couldn't run away. Make the listener laugh.
"Okay... follow orders. Don't run away." Reluctantly replied. The girl smiled
with satisfaction, and then the topic turned to something she was puzzled by:
"Then why did you disappear for several days? You came to school the day
before yesterday, and then suddenly disappeared." The last time we met was
when I met The same day as that senior, so the handsome boy couldn't say
"There are several things."
"For example..."
being drugged... I can't say it.
Graph shook his head slowly. The teenager didn't know how to tell his friend, it
was so pitiful after all. Lost his mind, rushed to other people's bar without
thinking, and took the medicine handed to him... No matter how he sounds, he
feels like a mentally retarded loser. So he couldn't help turning his head to one
"Nothing..." and turning his head the other way was seeing one of the causes of
the event.
"Bastard, why are you here!" Graph almost raised his backpack to block his
face. Because the line of sight happened to meet the person who was walking
this way, and this person Chanchao also turned his head and saw it.
"Oh, it's P Nith."
"You know him too!" Graph asked in a low voice. The friend nodded
"Well, I'm a committee member of the interschool sports meeting. Doesn't
Graph know that P Nith is our chairman?"
Fuck, the world is too small!
The person who listened had a face that wanted to die. Because I don't know if
that bastard brother said anything to his brother. Looking at the smile on the
handsome face in the distance is getting bigger and bigger, he can't help but
think of the man who is the brother of the other party. So his hands were so
itchy that he wanted to punch the opponent in the face.
"But I don't like P him."
"Well, why?" This time, Graph immediately turned to look at his friend, only to
see Chanchao's face was slightly sullen.
"He likes to come and ask me about Graph." The listener frowned even more.
"I think P Nith likes Graph. But I won't tell him about Graph, I don't want a
third party to intervene. P Pakin alone is not easy to deal with." Huh? Like Lao
The young man was a little stunned, and saw the girl with ponytail nodding
heavily, she was very sure of her thoughts:
"Well, I will ask every time we meet, so I don't want to talk to him... Hey, here
we come."
"Sacon krub, N Chanchao, N Graph. What are you doing at school on the day
off?" Before the two friends had more conversations, the people who came from
a distance greeted with a happy smile. Kritithi looked up and met those friendly
eyes beyond love. Shaking his head:
"I said, no, Chanchao. You think too much." Said to friends face to face.
"Oh, I'm telling the truth, trust my eyes."
This time, the newcomer was stunned, because the two juniors started arguing
after seeing him.
"Uh, did P come at the wrong time?"
Didn't Graph himself say that he likes boys, so he probably wouldn't be a couple
with Chanchao junior.
"No. Then why did P come to school?"
"Come to discuss with the teacher about the next semester. By the way, you
haven't answered P's question yet." Nith asked back, and looked at the other
party from head to toe, when he saw that the other party was fine , Or at least
now you have nothing to worry about and you should breathe a sigh of
relief. Because if he had something to do with his brother yesterday, he must not
come to school today.
"Reports, exams, homework, and the plummeting grades." Graph replied
annoyedly citing examples one by one. Then he threw everything on the table
and asked the student council member to look over.
"Do you want to be tutored by P?"
"Hey!" Kritithi yelled, turning to look at his friend who answered on his behalf,
and staring slightly. Didn't it mean that this guy pursued him? Just drive
away. But the girl immediately murmured:
"P Nith was selected through the Olympiad. Besides the teacher, if anyone who
has the best numbers in the sample is P Nith, can observe it." The last
sentence the girl put The voice was lowered, then raised his head and smiled at
the senior:
"It would be great if P Nith can tutor Graph, and Chanchai can concentrate on
the report... You need to pass, no, you need a perfect score, and your grades will
improve by leaps and bounds... P Nith will definitely be able to do it." The
ponytail girl smiled sweetly. The pressure was so great that the senior laughed
dryly. Then he looked back at Graph with a displeased face:
"P seems to be under pressure, Graph. Then P should also put some pressure on
Graph." Nith said jokingly, and his smile grew wider, making the suspect know
whether he knew yesterday The person who worked late unconsciously
tightened the collar with the top button loosened, then nodded slowly.
Senior Nith probably didn't know, otherwise he wouldn't have come here.
The person who thinks like this relaxes a little bit, completely unaware that (in
order to let him concentrate) the cell phone detained by his friend is gently
vibrating, and he has received a short message... When will it end, I will pick
you up later .
"Very hungry, Graph. Can you find something to eat before you go back?" "
I'm hungry too, what do you want to eat?"
"No, it's too sweet."
"Oh, Graph, nah Nah. I eat bread when I eat cake and Graph.”
After Kritithi was stuffed into his head by his friends and seniors for 3 and a
half hours, the exhausted teenager walked out of the school gate like a corpse,
and Chanchao made suggestions Let him nod in agreement. But the proposal
made people who want to fill their empty stomachs with substantial food shake
their heads:
"I'm not full."
Here we go again.
Graph could only sigh in his heart. Because the girl was grabbing her arm,
smiling coquettishly, and said, "Hey."
But when she saw such a smile and gaze, Ya's heart was still shaken, and this
was also the reason why this delinquent boy was willing to go to the
appointment again and again.
Oh, and Chanchao's smooth-tongued courtship.
"I know Graph has a good heart, hey, let's go eat cake together."
"Oh, that's fine too..."
"P also go together."
At this moment, the senior who was left out (as soon as the tutoring was over)
stepped into the small team and looked at the two juniors who didn't look like
they were friends. And Graph glanced at it, and then... shook his head:
"No, last time I saw P, I was unlucky." The last time I was kissed by P‟ Pakin
until my legs were weak and I was scolded until I almost collapsed, so I don't
want to be with you. A certain man who had a problem shook his head again,
and was about to hold his friend's hand and walk to the cake shop in front of the
school. And Chanchao blinked his eyes.
The eyes seemed to be asking which time was the last time? Why doesn't she
Why do you act like you're avoiding him? Nith's eyes widened, and he lunged
forward and circled his shoulders, causing Graph to jerk his head back.
"No, it was fine last time. Is this okay? Let's play bowling together after eating."
The short-haired boy asked enthusiastically. The listeners couldn't help but
soften their hearts a little. The more they stared into the eyes of the person in
front of them, the more they felt that Ya was not like a brother who was
duplicity. And the bowling last time was also very interesting, so I completely
Senior Nith is different from bastard Sin, so it's okay... right?
"Then P please."
"Graph." Such an answer attracted the person beside him to tug on his
arm. Kritithi smiled at the senior and said,
"I will treat Chanchao and
me, as well as the money for bowling." Secondary 6 students should feel more
or less stressed and scared, but for Sirapop's younger brother, it's just a drop in
the bucket. So a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and he took Graph's
hand and prepared to walk to the car parked on the other side.
"Then let's eat cake in the mall, P parked the car on the side of the road..."
However, when he turned to face the side of the road where the car was parked,
the speaker immediately forgot everything he wanted to say, because... at last
People who don't want to interact with it are standing there.
I saw only a tall man in dark jeans and a white T-shirt. Even though he was
wearing sunglasses, he still couldn't hide the ferocious aura he exuded... Just
half turned his eyes, and the dangerous aura surrounding him was enough to
make one chill Back numb.
The man was approaching, looking down as if to stare at the hand grabbing
some teenager's arm.
Although Nith couldn't see the eyes under the sunglasses, the boy knew very
well that he should let go and put his hands together instead:
"Scatter krub, P Pakin."
"Yes." Pakin agreed without hesitation , and then turned to look at someone
who said nothing:
"Why didn't you reply to the message?"
"Huh? Oh, letter... information, etc." Facing the sudden question, Graph, who
couldn't catch the head and tail, patted his trouser pocket, and when his sharp
eyes looked over, he panicked even more.
"Graph, here, here." At this moment, Chanchao also immediately took it into his
shorts pocket and returned it to the original owner. And the owner of the phone
immediately picked it up, clicked it a few times, checked it, and then saw the
message sent by someone a few hours ago, and couldn't help being startled.
P‟ Pakin doesn't like to wait, but I made him wait for an unknown number of
Extremely flustered by what happened last night, the young man trembled and
clicked on the information, so he didn't realize that... the sharp eyes in front of
him were not looking at him, nor at the phone, but at... Chanchao... Keeping the
bear kid girl with mobile phone.
I saw the girl hid behind her friend and tightly grasped the fabric of the back
panel, as if she was afraid to face the eyes of the young man in front of
her...even though it was the eyes hidden under the lens.
"Uh, Swadika, P Pakin." Faced with the greeting, the big man took off his
sunglasses, and…smiled.
"Scattering krub, P is really sorry last time, Graph caused trouble."
"Oh, no." Although I don't remember when, but the girl agreed first, because
she knew one thing very well …the male who belonged to a friend was smiling
but not his eyes.
The smile made the originally unkind face even more frightening, but it didn't
change the aura around the man in the slightest.
"Hey, me? Trouble!" the man in the middle yelled, though secretly surprised
that the vicious Pakin-brother would smile at his friend but not at him. Because
of the yelling, the big man just put his sunglasses on his collar and said simply,
"Go home."
"But I..."
Pakin turned around, swallowing all the rebuttals , Disappeared in the
throat. The long legs took a step forward, and the young man couldn't help but
be surprised, because the other party's eyes were clearly speaking... feeling
The displeased person bent down and whispered:
"You just promised in the morning that you will have a good child."
Although he was kissed on the forehead just to coax his promise in the morning,
it still made the boy's face slowly turn red . Trying not to let his hands touch his
hot cheeks, the boy stepped back, then took the backpack that Chanchao helped
carry and returned it to his hand.
"See you on Monday."
"You can't skip class, Graph."
"Well, thank you. I'll make it up to you about the cake on Monday."
"It's okay, let's go."
To be honest, I'm really scared of Pakin's eyes from Graph's family.
The girl who gently pushed her friend's shoulder thought so. Because she was
inexplicably feeling the creeps.
And Pakin walked ahead and walked towards the beautiful sports car, but when
passing in front of Nith, a voice that was almost whispering sounded, but the
oppressive feeling conveyed by the voice made the middle school students
froze. leg.
"It turns out that the two brothers are quite idle recently."
If you are idle, why do you want to find something to do?
Facing the pair of sharp eyes looking over, Nith could only smile:
"I'm busy with exams recently." Then he took a few steps back, looked at the
bigger man with a smile on his lips and grabbed another boy shoulders, leading
the way to the beautiful car, while Graph was busy running to keep up.
It wasn't until the million-dollar sports car drove away that Nith sighed in relief,
and turned to look at the girl who was stroking her chest as if she had finally
"How? Is Chanchao going to eat cake with P?"
He attacked with a smile. The moon girl smiled slightly and was about to
answer, but...
"Damn Chanchao!"
"P San." A motorcycle drove over and stopped on the opposite side of the road,
yelling loudly at the same time. The girl turned around and saw that the person
who came was none other than her second brother who cherished her the most,
frowning and staring at a certain senior. So I reported to Senior Nith with a big
smile and said happily:
"I'm sorry, brother is here to pick me up." Then he chirped and ran to his brother
who was eager to protect his sister, a boy with a good image who didn't care
about being abandoned at all.
The person watching couldn't help but look at the back of the motorcycle and...
hang down their heads.
"I failed, every time. Alas."
In the end, he could only talk to himself. Because it seems that King Xiang has
a dream and the goddess has no heart.
Graph didn't know if he was thinking too much, but he felt that P‟ Pakin a better mood.
No, it's not like ignoring yourself like before.
Since being picked up from the bar, the teenager thinks he's seen some
noticeable changes. It means that the other party does not say, scold, or say
something that hurts the soul. But fewer words were spoken than before. Even
when I was picking up from school, there was only loud music coming from the
car speakers along the way, and it disappeared at dinner time, and there was no
one at the dinner table the next day. And I haven't seen anyone for 2 or 3 days,
so Graph doesn't know whether to be happy or sad.
Living under the same roof is like being at home.
The dark-faced boy who was concentrating on his textbooks put his face on the
table in the guest room and sighed heavily.
You must be hiding from me!
thump thump.
"Oh my God!"
He rubbed his head vigorously while thinking, and his face fell down. The
people who just came back couldn't help but wander in to see what happened:
"What's the matter? Graph."
"P Win." The boy looked back at Rui Mu who had painted a little eyeliner, and
asked, "Do you have work today?" Now Graph We already know that Brother
Win has taken on some filming jobs in Thailand.
"Well, an urgent case. A friend from my student days was in a hurry to find a
model. I knew that P was back, so I asked for help... P doesn't always accept
jobs without an appointment." Phawis said as he took off his beautiful coat and
threw it on the back of the chair. on, and then walked up to check.
"Is there an exam?"
"Well, I'm so annoying." said the boy in school uniform.
"But it seems that there is more than one thing to worry about." The young
model sat down on the sofa and said with a smile. The listener paused for a
"Does P know where P Pakin went?"
This question made Win turn his head slightly, and then smiled.
The little boy knew that P was hiding.
The younger brother thought with a smile. Because how could he not know that
his brother would go out after 10 o'clock and return home after 4 o'clock in the
morning... It was a perfect stagger with the timetable of the teenager who was a
middle school student, and it was impossible to meet him no matter what.
"I don't know." Phawis said. The stubborn boy could only curl his lips, trying to
put his mind back on the information stuffed by his friend.
The phone rang at the same time, Win looked down, and then paused for a
"Come here in a moment." The young model said so, then raised the phone to
his ear, and walked out of the room. The stubborn child could only watch
helplessly, and then heaved a long sigh. Now the energy to show off seems to
be gone, only the sense of weakness of people who don't know what to do next.
"It's all faded."
Graph slightly opened his clothes a little bit, and looked down at the mark of
love that was dotted on his body, but now the mark has become as white as his
skin, as if there is nothing to explain A few nights ago, someone had hugged
him, comforted him, helped him, doing things that a teenager never thought he
could do.
People like Pakin can use...mouths.
The fair face changed color in a second. Because the more I think about it, the
more blurry images of that night emerge. The hand that was doing the math
problem stopped, and instead squeezed his arm hard.
He still remembered that P‟ Pakin's lips were very hot, and no matter where he
touched his body, his body immediately became hot. There are also big hands
walking on the skin... slender fingers... big warm palms... the powerful touch
touching his whole body, and the most impressive thing is the eyes...the eyes
that have never been seen before.
Not bored or pity eyes, but the eyes that Graph felt for the first time... Pakin
brother looked at him like a child... didn't he?
"I am the only one who is addicted and dreaming."
The other party only regards him as the god of plague, and only the dead Graph
is the one who... sinks deeper and deeper again and again.
Now Graph has understood...he only wants to sleep with P‟ Pakin alone.
Thinking like a naive little girl, so fucking pitiful. "Then do you want someone
to sink together?" suddenly. "Fuck!" Just as Graph was banging his head on the
edge of the table, a voice sounded from above his head. The boy raised his head
in surprise, and then his eyes widened in even more surprise, because the person
standing by the door with Brother Win was... the bastard who drugged
him! "Hahaha, I haven't seen you become rude for a few days." "Hey!" As soon
as the owner of that bastard bar finished speaking, Graph grabbed the pillow
behind him and threw it hard. The good-tempered young man yelled, almost
unable to dodge. And Graph didn't seem to be satisfied, seeing the young man
rushing up, planning to fight, and at the same time, thinking about what Ya just
did to him, blood immediately rushed to his face. "Graph, stop!!!" Win yelled
loudly before throwing out his fist and punching the other party, leaning
sideways between the two of them. Graph stopped, turned his head to look at
the young model inexplicably, and then met someone's ice-like eyes... The eyes
that looked over were saying that if they don't stop, they will not be polite. "Ya
fucked me first!" the stubborn child complained. And Win slowly shook his
head: "Being rough on P Sin won't make things better." "That's right, it's right
for Win to know what to do... right? Beauty." After finishing speaking, Sirapop
raised his hand It was not enough to put it on the young model's shoulders
intimately, I saw that the person's face was still leaning down, ignoring other
people's eyes and snuggling up with the white and soft face. Phawis didn't push
it away, but just sighed: "Stop playing, P Sin. Otherwise, Kin is back, and I
won't help." This made Sin look at the young model for a while, and then smiled
Get bigger:

"OK, OK, let's finish the matter, because P... If you want to eat, you can't think
about it." The handsome nobleman stuck the tip of his nose to the white neck,
smelling the rich body fragrance, filling his entire lungs. The other boy blushed,
not sure if he was ashamed or angry, because seeing Ya taking advantage of
Brother Win's body, it was like saying that Win is Ya's property!
"Let's get to the point. P is here to apologize, and I hope Graph can forgive the
trick last time."
"Trick!" As soon as Ya said it, Graph wanted to punch the smiling person in the
face, because He didn't think it was fun. So Sin raised his hands together, and
then realized that the young man brought a long bag with him on this trip.
"Don't be like this, last time I just made a small joke, just wanted to see Pakin's
reaction. Then I saw it as I wished. Because Graph P can only see interesting
things, so I brought something here today to make amends." The tall man
handed over the bag as he spoke. Graph watched anxiously and was about to
back away, but...
"Open it first." Phawis hurriedly grabbed the bag and handed it to the boy for a
look. Seeing brother Win nodding in agreement, the stubborn child was willing
to accept the thing as an apology, to see what kind of tricks he wanted to
play. Then he said:
"It's wine."
"Brandy, it's the best. It's very hard to find. I just got two bottles. If you drink it
with ice, the taste will be even more invincible." The owner of the luxury bar
said so. But for an 18-year-old boy who has never had a few kinds of wine or
red wine, he just closed the box, stuffed it back into the bag, and said in a deep
"Take back P's things."
He was almost bitten by Ya last time! Do you think I will be stupid enough to
accept this time?
"Can't drink?" Sin raised his eyebrows and said annoyed. The young man
wanted to throw the wine bottle at the opponent's head, but when he thought
about was very difficult to find...and he also knew that some expensive
wines cannot be bought even if you have money.
"P Sin, if P wants to continue playing, then I'll go wash up and go to bed."
However, the young model interrupted. The person who wanted to have fun
with his friend's younger brother laughed loudly, and said:
"OK, this thing is not for Graph... give it to the dead Pakin."
Graph paused at the name of someone in the conversation, looked at the other
person, and saw a man with a big smile and very fierce and dangerous eyes,
like... a snake.
The mouth is smiling, but the eyes are full of playful people.
"Good stuff, strong enough. Even people with a stiff neck will lose their minds."
Sirapop said slyly, then turned to look at the young model again.
"Giving something like Graph as an apology, is Win still angry with P?"
This is the result of the negotiation between the two of them tonight... If Sin
helps Graph, Win will have fun with him all night.
As far as the negotiation is concerned, Sirapop has no problem, because the last
meeting has clearly told him that if he is not so stupid that he is hopelessly
stupid, he should not mess with the kid Graph for the second time, but he did
not say that he cannot become one of the people who eat melons. member. And
he's also looking for ways to pay back to his friend who punched him in the face
a few days ago.
If Ya will jump up and down because of this little friend... then help him to
splash hot water to make Ah jump even harder.
Things are getting a little too much fun.
"P Win, what does this mean?" Only Graph was still confused. Pakin's younger
brother sneered and said leisurely:
"Sometimes we have to take the initiative when our patience reaches the limit,
Sin couldn't help whistling. Because the young man is one of them who knows
the truth...not many people can fight against their friends, and he himself is one
of the few, and the other is...this younger brother.
Heh heh, it must be very interesting this time, dead Pakin.

Chapter 22 (18+): Have an excuse to lose your mind

(Sound of door closing)

"Sorry, I have to trouble you to pick it up."
"You're welcome, this is my duty."
The moment Pakin stepped into the luxury car parked in front of him, the loud
music from behind stopped abruptly. Entering another world, the youth spoke to
the driver who came to pick him up. It was 2 o'clock in the morning, and the
young man was already looking a little tired. Panachai replied politely, and then
drove the car into the road where there were hardly any traffic.
"Where's Win?"
"Master Win went to pick up Master Graph after work today."
The conversation seemed to end like that. Because Pakin thought back to the
past few days after answering.
He didn't want to see that kid, it would make him think that he had violated
what he had always insisted on.
Not once, but twice.
The danger signal alarm made him retreat involuntarily, and a lot of work
became the best excuse, not only taking over the work from his father but also
some of his own matters related to the racing track. The most important thing is
that the big project that has been prepared since last year is also taking shape
Illegal events need a lot of money to continue, and now he has just finalized two
or three sponsors, so there should be no time to think about other things. But
sometimes I can't help but think about... thinking about that bratty brat who is
more attractive than expected.
I didn't expect that little kid would be pursued by someone, and there were men
and women around him. What is even more worrying is that one of them is the
brother of a good friend.
Nothing can be done without Sin.
The bastard friend who disappeared without a trace for a long time suddenly
came out at home a few days ago, which made Pakin a little worried.
Ya may just be looking for Win, but he knows Ya's nature too well... Once you
bite on it, you will never let go.
The same goes for the Graph thing.
"Apart from that day, does dead Sin still come to the house?"
"No, only Master Win came to him yesterday."
Pakin turned his head to look in the rearview mirror, trying to see the eyes of his
confidant, but Panachai turned to look at the road ahead. So the boss raised the
corners of his mouth and said leisurely:
"I didn't stop it."
"...I have no right to stop Master Win." Said the closest subordinate. But how
could Pakin not feel that the speed of the luxury car has increased significantly?
Obviously, the driver's mood has improved, but as he has been turning a blind
eye for a long time, he waved this from his heart, looked back at the empty
road, and couldn't help wanting to take a ride. A superbike at top speed. Just to
dispel the irritability of the past few days.
Otherwise, another possibility is that he drank too much (wanted to drive fast).
"Recently, Master Graph was reading books every day during the exam week."
"It's good to be quiet." The listeners also understood that his subordinates
intended to keep the topic as far away as possible and stay away from
themselves, but then they were stunned.
"Aunt Kaew said that Master Graph waits for Mr. Pakin to come home every
The big hands clasped together unconsciously, the owner of the big hands
sighed with relief, shook his head, and then smiled:
"It has nothing to do with me."
"Well, with It's okay, Mr. Pakin." Regarding the repeated words, the listeners
just laughed mockingly and didn't say anything, but there was a hidden surge in
their sharp eyes.
Thrilled by the memory of the white body writhing passionately beneath him.
The white body is slender and thin, but not flat, whether it is kneading,
embracing or hugging tightly, it can fill the palms, so that they can't help but
leave a few imprints declaring ownership. The faint, unmodified body fragrance
would float into the nostrils every time he buried his head in a kiss, and the
lusty fragrance from that body was also so pure that one wanted to destroy it on
the spot.
That kid has grown up. Also, Pakin can't deny that...the other side is delicious
and worth tasting.
He may not care whether his partner is a man or a woman, but the people he
likes are all those who can arouse passion just by looking at their faces. Just get
in bed and flirt with each other without saying any fancy words, get perfect sex
worth remembering, not technically awkward dudes who kill you.
Graph belongs to the latter.
That kid can't even kiss.
When thinking of this, the corners of his mouth turned up as if smiling, to cover
up the slowly rising heat in his body. When the image of the young master
begging to be released appeared in his eyelids, Pakin understood what is the
way to eliminate these images.
Done with that young master...crazy.
That kind of thought was instantly dismissed by the young man, because as long
as he was conscious, he would never sleep with Graph and make a mess for
himself... Absolutely impossible.
"It's rare to come back, let's have a drink with me."
People who just got home couldn't help but feel a little surprised, because the
cousin not only didn't sleep, but was waiting in the front room with a glass of
wine, but his eyes were stretched, looking at the person who walked in.
cronies. With a flash of sharp eyes, he said leisurely,
"Would you like some drink? Chai."
"No, I have something to attend to tomorrow morning." "The boss is fine, so
why do the subordinates have something to do instead?" Win interjected
immediately, a big man with a fierce face The young man turned around and
"It's something that the boss doesn't need to handle personally, but only needs
one or two subordinates." The answer made Win stare, and then murmured in an
audible voice:
" poor excuse... What about Kin? Come have a drink with me.
"Then, Phawis turned to look at his brother who laughed out of his throat.
"Have you encountered a problem?" "
"Oh, I have already dealt with it myself. "Win replied simply, looking at the
other man. Passed the wine glass to the dear relative, then turned and entered
the back room, and said annoyedly: "A group of lemon spirits, behind their
backs, I got a job because I slept with you , I just overheard it, and I choked
back and said that Dad's power alone can lock their nasty mouths forever at
will. "The young model said so, and then walked to the bar on the second floor
where you can see the swimming pool. Pakin laughed:
"If you don't talk too much, be careful, or your head will know what will
happen? "
"Oh, if Kin deal with it, those guys may understand more, so much so that the
body trembles. This answer made Pakin laugh out loud, because he wanted to
say that it would be right to leave it to him. Then he asked:
"Then why invite me to drink?" "On this question, the listener turned his head
for a moment, shrugged his shoulders handsomely, and said,
"Because Kin has a 'want to drink' look on his face. "
The person who was read out by the younger brother slightly moved his eyes
away, and the person who spoke continued:
"Seeing that I'm tense because of work, I invite you to decompress. After all, it's
Friday. After all, sometimes...maybe it's not just about work." Win said calmly,
Then he continued:
"It's been a whole week."
Those who listened knew what the other party was referring to... It's been a
whole week since he went to rescue the young master from the bar. The knife-
like face couldn't help but smirk.
The young man knew that the other party was trying to stir up his
emotions. And when provoked, he accepts, because someone like Pakin is so
confident that it's impossible for anyone to dig anything out of his heart.
"Well, I haven't had a drink together for a long time. I also want to know if I
have improved over the years." "
P Don't underestimate the people who drink there all day."
"Then take a look."
Pakin said so, because when someone When he wanted to drink together, he
didn't want to go against his desire. Phawis, on the other hand, smiled
contentedly, because he also wondered how strong someone's claim of being
able to drunk a wild elephant would be. Can the little fairy knock down the
devil Satan and release his true emotions?
I'm afraid that if you take off Satan's coat, what you see is Satan's original body.
But his mission is to drink, and the mission of the awakened person...
can escape?
As a frontline force, I couldn't help but wonder if Graph's operation would fail?
"Okay, just do the rest as P said."
"I... can I?"
Kritithi was standing nervously in the bedroom of the owner of the mansion,
looking worriedly at the The man on the bed... The tall man has taken off his
dark leather jacket, leaving only his shirt unbuttoned to reveal a large chest, and
his dauntingly handsome face is also exposed due to the large amount of alcohol
involved A touch of red, but no less intimidating majesty. His eyes came all the
way to the wrists of the two... and saw that the wrists were tied.
And the person who carried out the bondage was none other than the one who
was the younger brother.
For the past one hour, Graph waited for the time to pass with his heart pounding
wildly in his bedroom, until the young model called to tell him to go up to the
bar on the second floor. When he arrived, he saw a big man who was drunk on
the sofa, and helped him to the spacious bedroom. When they returned to the
bedroom, the two of them were already panting heavily, while the drunk man
was still making noises and waving his hands away irritably.
After throwing the big man on the bed, Phawis smirked, tied his brother's wrists
to the head of the bed with a silk tie without waiting for a moment, and then
turned to talk to Graph with ease. But it made the listener pale.
And Win just replied:
"It depends on the graph, judge for yourself." Although he poured so much
alcohol on his brother that he could hardly walk, the young model still said
All the next things will depend on the young man's decision, whether to
continue or stop here.
The person who heard the answer turned and looked at the person on the bed,
biting his lips as if he had made up his mind.
If you don't do something, you'll regret it someday, isn't it a good gamble?
The hesitation in the eyes of the man who was full of bad words towards him
turned into firmness... He could no longer bear the bastard Pakin's avoidance.
"I'll do it."
"Have you prepared as P said?"
He clicked.
However, the next question made Graph suddenly stop, and he turned his head
to look at the young model in panic, and then his fair face began to flush
because of excessive shyness, because what he said meant... . Get your body
To be honest, Win wanted to help in person, but because he was not courageous
enough, the boy refused in a low voice. Then he built his own psychology for a
long time, trying to tell himself that this matter is nothing more than normal, but
when he was first asked, he still couldn't help but blush. So he immediately
changed the subject while nodding to someone:
"Will you wake up? P. I think I'll be drunk until tomorrow morning."
This time, Win laughed... With a secretive smile, he stepped forward and patted
his shoulder, Whispered:
"P asked, when Kin is drunk... sexuality is easier to arouse than usual." "..."
The listener fell silent instead, because he understood what he said in seconds.
Who is Brother Win asking? Of course it's the one who slept with Pakin hyung.
Such thoughts made the flesh in his chest scald like a fire, and jealousy rushed
all over his body. When the door slammed close to my ear, I took a long...
breath... and cheered up for what happened next.
The boy took out a box of small pills from his trouser pocket.
'Take something from P Sin... eat it if you don't want to be in pain. '
It is not difficult to guess that this is an aphrodisiac.
Graph watched intently, then shook his head and threw it beside the bed.
J. He didn't want to sleep with P‟ Pakin because of the effect of the medicine.
He wanted to use this body to remember and engrave all the pain and longing in
his mind. It's like someone who's been dealing with desperation but craves a
chance to get their way, and can't let the other get away.
What is better than this?
The person who thought this way came to the huge bed and recalled everything
taught by the experienced person.
'It's the same for every man, the easiest way to wake up is... there, Graph. '
Brother Win said to him like that. Graph couldn't help swallowing his saliva,
and looked at the big tall man who was already drunk but still couldn't hide the
dangerous aura emanating from him. On the contrary, his knife-like face looked
like Lucifer who was tempting all living beings.
"It's all here, I won't back down!" Graph growled in his throat, then moved and
sat on the opponent's lap, trembling and stretched out his hand to his cheek.
Pakin's face was warm, no, it was hot. So he gently stroked it with the back of
his hand, stroking all the way to the lips that had been entangled with countless
people, at this moment Graph's hair stood on end in an instant. He didn't need to
rely on drugs, just thinking that these lips had kissed his whole body, leaving
big and small marks of love, the boy's body was burning like a person with a
high fever.
The fierce desire drove Graph to lower his head, press a kiss on the well-shaped
lips, and lick his tongue back and forth like a puppy. He moaned because his
heart was beating so fast.
The tension went straight to the throat, and both hands were grabbing the button
of the other person's clothes, opening it... and seeing a strong chest.
Pakin's body is completely the shape of an adult male, just like the tall man
knows how to maximize the charm of this body.
Pakin's muscles are very beautiful and strong, and the muscles on his chest,
abdomen and arms are like those of people who exercise regularly. Anyone who
has been embraced by such a body once will fall in love with it and cannot
extricate themselves. Graph's eyes slowly moved down, over the beautiful
undulating muscles, all the way to the navel, and saw the sparse dark hair
extending into the pants.
Just watching, his body burned instantly, and his hands couldn't help clenching
into fists.
He's not gay, he just can't resist Pakin.
Graph firmly believed that he would never feel this way about the bodies of
other men, but he was different from this man. Driven by instinct, the man who
knew nothing about his own body blushed and bowed, burying his head in his
neck Dear, taste the skin mixed with perfume and sweat with the tip of your
tongue, but this taste can arouse the lust of a teenager more than an aphrodisiac.
The boy obsessively infiltrated a large amount of deodorant deeply into his
lungs, and licked his tongue along his neck all the way to his face. Although his
movements were clumsy as if he had never touched anyone like this before, the
boy still felt the heat of desire pouring into his lower body.
The boy sniffed harder, and the tip of his tongue was licking the dark bulge in
the center of his chest. Just sucking him lightly, his whole body was hot, his
breathing began to speed up, and his desire was undisguised. The passionate
tongue left his chest and wiped over the beautiful muscles. It felt too good to be
That's how Pakin hyung tastes.
It is so sweet that it seems to seduce and make others fall for it, just like the
sweetness in fine wine compensates for the bitterness that people produce in the
process of addiction.
This feeling made him want to stop, and his hands slowly reached out,
unbuttoned, and pulled down the pants, revealing the dark boxers, and there was
something protruding there, but... not in the expected direction.
The young man was stunned, because his lower body was painful just by
pecking his strong body, but why did P‟ Pakin seem so calm and
unresponsive? And as for starting to doubt what a certain man said.
Isn't it easier to provoke people when they are drunk?
"Because it doesn't want you."
Immediately afterwards, the person who thought he was drunk and would only
wake up afterward spoke, and Graph couldn't help being startled. Surprised, he
raised his head and looked up, and saw... P‟ Pakin was staring at him.
The person who was swinging his wrist slightly, turned his head and saw the
bound hands, then looked down at the boy who was lying on his body, and
then... the beautifully shaped lips grinned:
" This is the scheme of you and Win?"
"How did P know!" the boy asked loudly. Although his eyes were red from the
effect of alcohol, the young man answered with a clear mind:
"Wine...Win doesn't drink brandy, so why did he bring such good wine home?
Also, I remember the taste... Sin gave it to me." Those who listened couldn't
have widened their eyes , I can't believe how the other party knew. Pakin
laughed and said,
"I've been tricked."
As long as he smelled the sweet smell, but the alcohol content of the brandy was
as high as 60%, it was enough for him to guess the ins and outs of the matter.
People who like this wine are dead Sin, just one sip is like being hinted by a
friend...someone is designing to get him drunk for something.
When someone thinks he's drunk, Pakin just...fakes drunk as much as he wants.
Although he was really a little drunk and sleepy, his sense of crisis hadn't
stopped functioning. Just hearing the voices of the two people talking, he was
able to connect related things, so he planned to wait and see what the stubborn
child thought. What... best excuse to sit still, to examine the funny things he's
been trying to get rid of.
When there is alcohol in the blood, what will he and himself promise to never
"Oh, it has become like this."
The next moment, the young man raised his knee and wiped the center of the
opponent's pants, which shocked Graph. The boy bit his lips tightly, twisting his
face because of emotion. Trying to get that foot down, but can he do it when
he's with the big guys? Pakin was still rubbing the plow with his knees, rubbing
the hot center of his trousers, feeling the hard heat he had tasted.
"Poor thing,"
said the drunk man with an inferior smile, as if he were looking at young prey
rather than a straddling hunter. He stared down at the bulge of the stubborn
young master with his trousers on.
"What about P!"
"How can I... I have no sexual interest in a brat like you. "Pakin said cruel
words, and the listeners couldn't help biting their own mouths. The competitive
spirit stopped in an instant. Graph moved over, took off the other's pants to his
ankles, and grabbed the burning flesh .
"It's the same for P!" the boy said unwillingly, and touched the hard and hot
thing that was changing. But the bad-hearted adults remained unmoved.
"Me? Will it be the same as you?"
The listener gritted his teeth, and immediately took off the other party's dark
boxers. Seeing that the scorching hard object was still not fully enlarged, as if
helping its owner to laugh at his incompetence, the boy lowered his head.
Pakin was only slightly taken aback, but that was all. Ruimu looked at the
young man who was trying to lick the long thing with the tip of his tongue,
sucking and swallowing, arousing his rapidly burning desire. No one knows that
the young man himself is suppressing desire because of... some teenager's
He has never let anyone pass by, and he has always been the only one who takes
care of others! ! !
The devil-like male with such persistence still sat motionless, watching the boy
in the rainy season licking his long hair with the tip of his lively
tongue. Sucking and sipping in the depression, and then licking all the way to
the balls on both sides, the recipient couldn't help moaning from his throat. But
he still said leisurely:
"The best is this?" Although the huge and hard column has almost completely
swelled, its owner still said so. Those who listened opened their mouths wide in
astonishment, and then took the hot part into their mouths, sucking and sipping
it just like Brother Win taught. But even doing this still can't make Graph feel
confident, just because the other party said that he is too skilled.
"Yeah!!" Although the sound of sucking and licking the hot long thing
resounded loudly throughout the room, the person who moaned loudly was the
boy himself. When the long legs were raised and rubbed the plow between
them, Graph couldn't help but blushed due to the deep friction, as if he wanted
to vent his pain in the next second.
Not just thinking about it, the boy pulled down his pajama pants in the next
second, and released the beautifully colored cylinder that had just grown up a
few years ago to breathe the air outside.
"Can't stand it anymore?"
"Huh...P is the same. I made P like this too!!!"
"A brat like you?" the self-controlled man laughed, even though the hot rod was
fully erect from the teenage fuck. The other party clenched their teeth, moved
up and sat stacked on top of the huge rod even though the breathing became
deep and long.
"I'll prove I'm not a brat!" Graph exclaimed. And that's what the abettor needs.
Now he wants to vent like crazy, and is there any better way than letting the
other party take the initiative?
Pakin doesn't feel apprehensive about being tied down, on the contrary, it's
unbelievably the best excuse, and besides... isn't it worth looking forward to?
Eat what you want, move yourself, Graph.
The bad-hearted man said to himself. Then sharp eyes widened involuntarily,
because Graph was taking out a tube of gel from his pajamas pocket, sat on his
body with his feet wide apart, took a deep breath, and then the determined kid
wiped his whole body with his fingers Rod, and...
"Graph yelled in pain, although his body was already excited by desire, just
licking the thick and long stick made his whole body hot. However, when Ya's
fingers quickly entered the inside, the boy He yelled out loudly, his face was
almost buried in his broad chest. It was more uncomfortable than when he was
cleaning and expanding before, but he still went in.
"If you can't do it, stop. "
"Me!" Do! get! "Graph growled, closed his eyes tightly, took a deep breath,
pressed his fingers in as far as possible and then slowly pushed in, his hot breath
beat his broad chest, causing ripples for the person who said the following
words to Yoyo.
" Can only do this? Graph
gritted his teeth and looked over with tearful eyes satisfied with the ordeal. The
man with clenched fists did not want to wait any longer.
"Take off your clothes. "The man who was driven by alcohol ordered. The boy
looked at him in a daze as if he couldn't react for a while, but he still took off his
pajamas with one hand, exposing his chest to his sight. The big man continued:
"Come down! "
I don't..."
"Bend down!" "
The boy immediately bent down, and then...
"Hey! Ah, ah... um!" As soon as his tongue touched the light-colored nipple,
Graph immediately jumped up, his chest moved up, and his breathing
quickened. The drunk man gnawed lightly and recklessly. Graph couldn't help
pulling his fingers out of the narrow passage, grabbing the hot stick and aiming
at his entrance.
Then he said loudly:
"P will regret what he said!!!"
When he provoked, Graph pressed himself down, and...
chuck! The body was hit hard. When the hot object was rubbing the plow at the
entrance, but the young man realized that entering was more difficult than he
had imagined just by pressing his body down a little. At first, it stimulated the
body as if it was going to be ignited instantly, but soon the pain was so painful
that he had to grab the opponent's shoulder, and squeezed so hard that his
fingers were stiff. Breathe hard.
Impossible, impossible, impossible to get in.
These words kept circling in my mind. Although he tried his best to press his
body to accept the hot object, and the sweat permeated his whole body, but the
boy only felt the pain so much that his body screamed his head and couldn't
stand it. The heart cries out that this cannot be done at all. Coupled with the
words of being despised, the person who has been working tirelessly for a long
time immediately...
"Oh, I just cried like that." A sob came out of the boy's throat. Graph let his
body fall onto his broad chest, panting so that his body jerked up and
down. Pakin then said coldly. And yet...
"Ugh... I'm a ghost... I'm fucking useless... No, I suck. P Satisfied huh. Satisfied
"The person who was lying down raised his head, his eyes were full of tears.
Although his face was not wet with tears, his eyes seemed to be filled with
tears. He shouted as if he didn't want to bear it anymore.
Desperate The sad eyes made the person who didn't intend to do anything grit
his teeth.
"I'm terrible, no matter how hard I try, I will never be able to make P look at
me. "
"Untie me." "
Suddenly, Pakin said loudly. The man who was letting the tears hit his chest
couldn't help but look up.
"I said, untie my hands now!!!"
Graph is very afraid of Rui Mu's eyes, even though he feels that he is not afraid
of him. But he was defeated anyway, reaching out in fear and peeling off his tie,
heartbroken to admit that he had lost. This heart can never be captured.
No hope, die Graph.
However, the man who was waiting for the roar of anger that he had received
every time in the past was still shocked, because when one of Pakin's hands was
freed, his body was crushed with a boom. Pushed down to the middle of the
bed, the big young man spread his fair legs apart. She thought she was looking
at him with boredom, but her eyes were burning with desire.
"You asked for it, Graph."
Because you made me lose all patience.
"Ah!!! Heh...P...P...I...pain...pain...uh...ah..." In the next second, the heat
penetrated deeply into the body . Not giving him any time to adjust, Graph
groaned, pushing his hips out of the way. However, the pain slowly disappeared
into the limbs, and the devil Satan himself was licking his lips:
"Someone reminded me that when I was drunk... I was the reincarnation of
Satan himself." "
No... huh... ah. ..P...No...Don't..."
Although the other hand was still trapped on the head of the bed, Pakin still
pushed his body into the scorching tunnel and shot to the end. Looking at the
teenager who was struggling in a daze with tears streaming down his face, he
bent down and pressed against the other's mouth, sucking and licking
hungrily. And Graph could only sob and wrap his hands around the other's neck.
"Um... ah, ah...

"Now is the beginning." The young man said hoarsely, looking at the face that
squinted his eyes.
The way someone who has never treated himself badly and is asking for what
he has been craving for a week grabs his legs and throws them over his
shoulders, and...
"Whew!!! Ah, ah...P... P Pakin...too...too...too hard...uh...too
exciting...P...don't..." The giant backed out, then pushed again to the deepest
point , making Graph's body tremble, and his hands tightly clutching the bed
sheet. Feel the happiness of being given from a strong erotic desire. But not
only that.
(Sounds of in and out)
The scorching hot thing began to pound in heavily, inserting circles into the
narrow passageway, Graph was startled every time it entered. The original
tingling feeling turned into indescribable joy, the mocking voice turned into
fiery desire, the fiery lips were sucking hungrily, and the lower body was
swinging rhythmically.
"P can't do it...ah...there...there don't...uh."
Graph moaned almost dying . When the big man found the weak point in the
boy's body, he hit it hard, deliberately squeezed, rubbed and slammed into it
heavily. The boy couldn't help gripping the bolster tightly with his hands, and
his legs stretched tightly on his broad shoulders.
"Not enough!" Pakin yelled, and pushed the young man to lie down, then the
young man's body inserted from behind, widening the long white legs, and the
scorching hot thing penetrated unimpeded, intense and extremely hot.
Squeak, squeak, squeak.
Although the foot of the bed was made of high-quality wood, it still shook
violently due to the continuous violent swinging of the person on the
bed. Complemented by the groan in the air and the wet sound of thrusting.
" "Very good! Graph, that's it. "The warm and narrow entrance tightly wrapped
around something convulsed and continued to nibble, making the drunk growl
in satisfaction. Arching harder, the slapping sound of flesh hitting flesh
resounded throughout the room.
The temperature in the room also rose higher and higher, and Graph was lost in
the desire passed on to him, and Graph almost fainted. The body convulsed
uncontrollably, the hips swayed and squeezed the hot stick.
"I'm going...I...P...I can't do it...Ah...Ah...Uh Uh Uh...Ah!!!"
With the gradually high-pitched gasps, the body repeatedly Spasms endlessly. It
wasn't long before Graph was moaning and coming, leaking every morsel of
desire onto the big bed without touching his front.
"P Pakin...don'"
Then, the person behind broke the boy's face and gave him a hot kiss. However,
the body below him was being pumped densely, allowing the young man to
clearly feel the sweaty and strong body that was still being squeezed from
The moment his mouth was free, Graph immediately took a big gulp of air into
his lungs, and looked at the man who was gnashing his teeth until his back
bulged. The person with eyes like fire roared loudly:
"It's your fault, you made me lose my mind!!!"
"Ah!!! Ah, P Pakin...wait...heh... .It‟s so exciting...I...Ah!!!"
There was no time for rebuttal, because the devil Satan who had been with the
child and held the murder weapon was fully awakened, and as Win said, the
other party seemed to be It's Satan himself.
Chapter 23 (18+): Fever
Crack, crack, crack, crack.
Squeak, squeak, squeak, squeak.
"Uh...ah...ah...I...I can't do it...P...No."
At this time, the atmosphere in the big bedroom of the owner of the mansion is
still as hot as it was more than an hour ago . The pillows and sheets had already
been completely displaced, and the person on the bed was still exercising that
hot exercise. I saw the boy clutching the head of the bed tightly, moaning as if
begging for mercy. On the contrary, the evil and handsome man continued to
thrust into the narrow and narrow passage without stopping.
The sound of the body colliding with the body was loud, the Graph was shaken
to the point of falling apart, and the big bed was also making a creaking sound,
as if to say how good the quality was, but even the young man moaned until his
voice became hoarse , but the big man still has no intention of stopping.
"Ah... ah... ah... it's not enough."
A low growl sounded, Pakin was indulging his passion, and his body broke into
the warm and narrow corridor with obsession, feeling the hot flashes and
constant The spasms and nibbles, the body in and out, unwilling to stop.
Not enough, not enough, not enough yet.
"Uh~" The person who was thinking like this pulled his body away, turned him
over and lay on his back on the bed, spread his hands further apart the
opponent's legs, and then...inserted lengthwise and wiped the wet and
tender the inner wall.
"Ah...stop...enough...enough...ah...too exciting...P...I...I can't do it..."
Although the pleasure is attacking every part of the body corner, and almost
died from being overwhelmed with pleasure, but Graph was still trembling and
moaning, breathing so fast that his chest vibrated densely, and his whole body
was sweating from the whole hour of indulging in love. The white hand reached
out to the buttocks being tortured, but the big man had no intention of stopping.
The flame of desire looked at the white body that had been accepting his
penetration with the burning eyes, and the smell of love liquid permeated the
whole room, but this not only did not pull down the high emotions, on the
contrary, this smell even more aroused the belongings. The instinct of the beast.
The more I look... the more Pakin can't help himself.
The obstinate little devil tamed under him, with flushed face, swollen mouth,
tears in his eyes, spotted love imprints on his slender body, his hands tightly
gripping the light pillow, his body even more so with his powerful impact And
swing, dance. Despite saying no and enough, his hips wriggled and swayed with
him, arching contentedly with each thrust of the giant. Let him want to stop here
Remember again.
"Ah !!! Deep ... this posture ... too deep ... I want to die ..."
Continue to thrust.
"Okay... that way, use more force, Graph." Pakin lifted his body lying on the
bed into his arms, letting a child straddle him, holding his white and plump
buttocks with both hands and kneading them addictively. The boy could only
heave his body up and down, and the sound of his butt hitting the dragon
resounded throughout the room. Although there is no superb technique to
seduce, but the pure taste that has not been tasted for a long time makes the
devil Satan... lick his mouth in satisfaction.
"Hmm~" Clinging, kissing, entangled with the tip of the tongue of the sweat-
studded teenager, who was holding his broad shoulders tightly with his hands,
the moans filled his mouth, letting the crystal saliva flow to his chin. And the
white buttocks were still swinging uninterruptedly, biting each other tightly.
At this moment, Graph was so overwhelmed by the pleasure that he almost lost
his breath, he was so excited that he almost couldn't breathe, and the continuous
movement under his body allowed the hot stick to penetrate deeper. Rubbing
and squeezing that spot inside his body made him almost ejaculate. So he
stretched out his hands to cling to him, changing to adapt to the opponent's
rhythm, and the sound of panting resounded throughout the room.
"P Pakin...kiss...uh...kiss..." The
sound of the kiss was accompanied by the sound of the flesh smoothed by the
sweat and the love fluid that Kritithi had released 3 times, which made the two
feel even more surging. Graph pushed the opponent away slightly, buried his
face in his broad shoulders, his round eyes widened, and his body tensed up as
if he couldn't bear it anymore.
"I'm going,
hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. When I got up,
the top of the crimson floated and sank, and the fiery lips also touched the lips
and teeth of the stubborn young master who was tense, took a deep breath, and
then released the turbid liquid for the fourth time today.
"Heh, heh...uh...ha..."
Graph trembled all over, and fell limply in his arms, drowning in
exhaustion. The warm tunnel was squeezed tightly because the boy had just
finished venting, and Pakin could not help clenching his teeth with a forceful
nibble, pushing his buttocks to let his hot part enter the deepest part.
"P, I can't do it...I can't do it...Ah..."
Although the 4th episode has been released, Pakin has not released it once,
which shocked the people who shouted until their voices became hoarse. ,
Biting his lip and slightly raising his face. When the hard object was slowly and
rhythmically speeding up, the force gradually increased, arousing the whole
body to become hot again. However, the feeling of exhaustion after more than
an hour of exercise is almost overwhelming for Graph.
"But I still ejaculate." Pakin said forcefully, turning the boy over and lying on
his back again.
"I can't... huh... ah... can't do it...really... P... uh... uh... wait... ah." Graph pushed
against the wide shoulders, but he had no strength left, so he could only open
his legs wide to accept the hard object that had exited and then re-entered,
looking at the other party with tear-wet eyes begging for mercy, while pinching
his broad shoulders with the other hand, shaking his head vigorously .
Because the small hand against Pakin hit the head of the bed, the tired man was
startled, and looked up to see a small part of the handsome face hidden in the
shadows. I saw that the face was full of demands for desire, sweat flowed all
over the face, the breathing was low and heavy, the roar came from the throat,
and the bright eyes were telling its blazing heat above the head.
"Remember not to joke with me when I'm drunk."
Normally Pakin is calm, but when dealing with one can stop
"I'm not kidding, huh... ahh, I never joked with P..." Graph replied with a
floating voice. Leaning up and hugging the other person's neck, lifting the waist
of the person with clenched teeth around the ankles, and closing the eyes. The
need to swing with the lower body is reaching its peak.
"Do's okay even if you die...ah...I won't admit defeat...impossible..." Graph
gasped. Although the consciousness has been blurred, his hands are still tightly
wrapped around the opponent's neck, and his face is raised high. Pakin pressed
his hands against the wall, feeling the tired softness of the man in his arms, but
he...hadn't stopped yet.
"Ah, P...don't...over there...don't...ahah..." Graph was trembling all over,
moaning until his voice was hoarse. The corridor was forced to shrink again and
"I can't...I can't...Uh...Okay...Ah..." The boy's voice was hoarse and gradually
became light, because his body was about to be unable to bear it. The tension,
mental stress and exhaustion that the body is pushing to the limit all day, so...
suddenly sink.
Kritithi, who was taken for a long time, lost consciousness and suddenly passed
out on the bed. And...
Pakin hugged the slender body in time, and the lustful breath he inhaled filled
his lungs, and he quickly pushed himself several times.
"Graph, huh... huh... a little more... a little more... um... ah"
the big man growled in a muffled voice, gripping the head of the bed tightly
with his hands, twitching his body to expel all the cum Release as much as
possible in the narrow corridor.
After a long time, he fell on the bed. Breathing heavily and long, he opened his
eyes and looked at the person who had already lost consciousness and fainted in
his arms, and then slowly withdrew from his body.
"Whoa, whoa... Ha... I've made progress."
Pakin turned over and leaned against the head of the bed, looked up at the
ceiling, adjusted his breathing to normal, then grabbed a cigarette sideways and
lit it.
"How long has it been since you've done this?"
As said, he has moments of holding back, but it never lasts an hour like this, at
most if he's very drunk It's just doing what you don't want to do. But with
Graph, I don't know why he just doesn't want to stop, doesn't want to rest, wants
to climax, wants to eat thoroughly, maybe it's because he has been craving Ya's
body for a whole week.
Thinking like this, the person turned his head to look at the tear-drenched,
imageless body lying beside him.
"Huh" The tall man took a deep breath of cigarettes into his lungs, and then put
out the fire in the ashtray. Leaning over to look at the boy, seeing a face
drenched with tears, he couldn't help but raise his hand to wipe away the tears
on his face.
Graph's current situation is worse than being gang-raped.
The tall man sighed again, and gently moved the other person to sleep in the
middle of the bed. He brushed his hair vigorously to check the other person's
physical condition.
Although the young man has always hated each other since he was a child until
he grew up, he never thought that he would use the strength of alcohol as an
excuse to make him so miserable. At first, he just wanted to do what he wanted,
so that life would return to peace, but who would have believed that he himself
would feel guilty about Graphic.
Yes, Ya bleeds.
Pakin shook his head slowly, then got up from the bed. But it didn't go far, but
just moved to the bathroom to get wet towels and wet tissues to wipe the body,
and simply cleaned it, especially the most red and swollen parts. It was not until
the other party was refreshed that he pulled the quilt over him.
He wasn't so inferior that he left the young master alone.
After all, I watched Ya grow up.
"But I didn't expect it to be destroyed." Muttered to himself. The hand came to
the pale brow, looking at the face that, although unconscious, still looked like it
was under torture. Finally, he moved up and put his ear close to him and said,
"I'm sorry."
The words of apology don't know whether it's an apology for my own bad
behavior, or an apology for making this kid so sad.
Pakin didn't sleep for many hours before he felt a fire burning on his body, so
hot that he couldn't breathe, which tortured him so much that he had to wake up
from his sleep. At first he was annoyed by the fact that someone leaned over to
hug him and continued to drill into his body, but the temperature of the human
body was much higher than normal, so he opened his eyes and turned his head
to look over.
I saw that the bear was shivering non-stop as if shivering from the cold, but Ya's
naked body was... scalding like a fire.
"Graph!" The young man immediately sat up, reached out to touch the other's
shoulder, and frowned.
Without thinking too much, the young man pulled back the quilt immediately,
and saw that the other party was pale but his face was abnormally red like a
patient with a fever. Everywhere he touched was very hot, so he cursed loudly.
"It's so stupid!!!"
This young master's body is not considered strong. When he is stimulated by a
little bit, he is prone to fever. When his body is under heavy burden, he will fall
ill. What he did last night is far beyond his body. load. When the alcohol wears
off, the youth's senses return fully and realize how much they have gone too far.
"Uh...uh..." The tortured look of the person who shook his head and trembled
more seriously made the people watching hurriedly grabbed the quilt to cover
his body tightly, and then grabbed the intercom:
" Call the doctor, and the aunt will come up to the room immediately."
The phone was put down abruptly, and then the young man raised his hand and
rubbed his head vigorously, looking up at the ceiling. Trouble ensues as soon as
you open your eyes and wake up.
Yes, he wanted to punish the young master, but he didn't consider the
consequences. He was so drunk last night, and his lust overcame his reason, that
now the big trouble is lying on his bed... You can tell what happened just by
looking at the situation in the room.
"" The babbler was groaning inaudibly because of the high fever,
Pakin turned his head and looked over.
"It's causing me trouble again." Although he was merciless, he did not let the
young master ignore him. The tall man turned around and grabbed his pants and
put them on hastily, then came to the bed and lay down on his side.
Pull the sick person's body into your arms and hold it tightly, while gently
stroking the other person's hair with the other hand.
"Don't die because of such a trivial thing."
No one would die because of his sex, and Pakin didn't want this young master to
be the first.
"I'll clean up in my room later. You go and wait for the doctor, and bring it up
when you arrive." "
Okay, Aunt Kaew."
This morning, Phawis woke up early in the morning in deep worry, thinking
Did you make it last night? But when he saw that the servants at home were
busy running around, he was surprised, and the cook seemed to be more busy
than others, so he turned around and walked forward, asking inexplicably,
"What are you doing
this early in the morning?" What about it?" The listener turned around and
forced a smile and said,
"Master Pakin asked to contact the doctor, because Master Graph has a high
fever, and the not very good." The old family member who was
called early in the morning Said in an unsteady voice. Recalling the scene of the
teenager sleeping on the bed, sweating and hot all over, but not only that,
because just stepping into the master's room of the mansion, one can guess what
happened last night.
She probably knew what Master Win wanted to do before, but she didn't expect
that it was to give the little puppy to the lion for cooking.
"Not so good?" Win frowned, but the listener just smiled and conveyed
someone's order:
"Master Pakin also ordered that no one should visit Master Graph. No matter
what, Auntie has to retreat to Graph first." The young master has wiped his
body." Aunt Kaew left and walked up to the second floor. The young model
paused slightly, her eyes full of worry. But soon, the corners of his mouth
turned up.
He can probably guess what happened to Graph. But there is one interesting
thing... no one is allowed to visit.
It can be interpreted in two ways...don't want people to know the mistakes they
made, or don't want people to see the current getting someone's stamp on
it right now.
"I don't think Master Win should get involved in this matter."
However, the smile immediately disappeared due to the accusation sounded
from behind. The young model turned and looked.
At this time, Panachai looked over with an unclear expression, and after turning
around, there was a family doctor who was smiling.
"Hello, Uncle Doctor." But Win didn't pay attention to what the other party said,
but turned to greet another person.
"Uncle wants to take his leave to see the patient first. Young Master, he said to
hurry up." After the senior doctor finished speaking, he followed the maid who
led the way upstairs, leaving the two of them staring at each other silently, and
then the fierce-looking young man once again He reiterated:
"This is a matter between Master Graph and my boss."
"It's over, isn't it?"
Because the person who interrupted the other party stopped immediately, and
saw the other party raised a faint smile and hugged his chest with his hands. So,
as if he was just a child in front of him, he emphasized again:
"No matter how hard Master Win tries to help, the person who makes the
decision is my boss." "
It's over... I have a job today." Win said, Then he went upstairs to go back to his
room to dress up and go out, but the next words still made him stop.
"Master Win can't change anything."
In the blink of an eye, he walked away as if he didn't care about the warning
sound, and the smile on his beautiful face...had disappeared.
Yes, I can't even change things between you and me, but can't I help Graph
prevent him from repeating my mistakes?
He may have chosen the wrong direction from the beginning... The further he
walked, the further away he was from a certain man.
"Uncle gave me an injection and will give me some medicine. You have to take
it regularly. During this period, you need to observe more. If your temperature
rises higher, you have to go to the hospital." Pakin stood with his chest folded
and his buttocks on the edge of the bed,
quietly Listen to the family doctor who has been taking care of his family since
his father's generation. The person on the bed had also been cleaned up and put
on his pajamas again. After the injection, he looked much calmer.
"Usually, this kid doesn't like to take medicine very much, and now it must be
even more impossible to scream and eat." The young man said while nodding to
Aunt Kaew who was observing the person who sucked sweat for him. The uncle
doctor turned his head and said with a smile :
"If you can't take medicine, you have to get an injection, but my uncle thinks
that the patient doesn't need to get an injection in this situation... If the situation
improves, there is no need for stitches ."
From the beginning, I knew how swollen the narrow passage was, and it was so
swollen that it was not torn enough to be carried to the hospital. When the
doctor uncle shook his head slightly with the results of the examination, the
young man felt heavier.
The doctor looked as if he was accusing him of what a horrible monster he had
become last night.
"As for the medicine, if the patient doesn't take it, he has to be fed."
"Hello?" the young man asked back, then he sighed and looked at the face of the
"If you know how to do it, you have to take care of it, and you won't be accused
of molesting children." " It
was suggested by the kid."
"Does a person like Pakin want to go along with the children...and this is the
son of a politician." Listen The person in question could only sigh, because if he
hadn't considered respecting the other party since he was a child, he would have
retorted so that the other party's body trembled. But now he could only
reluctantly nod in acceptance.
The other party naturally knew that he didn't like troublesome things.
"It's also quite interesting. I have been a family doctor for decades, and this is
the first time I have encountered such a case. Every time you would never bring
a child into this house, and let your uncle rush you like this." When the other
party asked curiously When he looked over, Pakin waved his hand to show that
there was nothing to be curious about.
"Just take it over and take care of it for a while."
The other party smiled, then got up:
"Then take good care of it." As a doctor, he also knew that he shouldn't get to
the bottom of it, because the more he got to know the family, the clearer he
would be, not to mention it was the best way to protect the peace of life.
"Talk, when will my nephew's father return to China?"
Pakin looked at the other party and then grinned,
"I don't know when he will come back. But I hope that the matter of this kid
will not get into my father's ears."
Graph It is always the root cause of his busyness and troubles.
Because his father is not only a senior consultant but also has an investment
business in Europe, and even manipulates many business activities behind the
scenes, Pakin has always been free and used to himself, whether it is during
school or after work. And although he was never afraid of his father, he still
knew that some things should not cross the line, including... this young master.
If my father knew that he had touched the young master Graph... hmph, he
would definitely fly back right away.
"Uncle, try to keep your mouth shut." The listener just sneered as a small threat,
and then started to send the other person away, while the person who was about
to leave reiterated and emphasized: "The patient must be given medicine on a
regular basis. Ah, if the situation gets worse, call your uncle, or send him to the
hospital. Besides, this child has a history of going in and out of the hospital, (too
frequently) it seems to be playing." During the process from the hospital to here,
the uncle doctor has already I learned the relevant medical history from
Panachai who was picking me up.
"Uncle Lao is here." Pakin didn't make a promise, but just replied like this. The
person who stepped down the stairs while listening looked back again:
"Uncle knows he shouldn't say it, but he is so rough to the child... Take good
care of him."
The many marks on his body have already explained what happened last night.
things. The other party just sneered, neither admitting nor denying. Knowing
that there was nothing to do with him, he said goodbye and walked downstairs,
but there was already a Panachai waiting downstairs.
As a subordinate, he raised his head and just met his boss's eyes. Pakin paused a
little in the face of the question in his eyes, and then waved his hand.
It means that today's work is cancelled.
The vicious-looking person bent over to acknowledge receipt, then strode up to
see the family doctor away.
"Master Pakin is going to move Master Graph out of the room?" the cook asked
as soon as he returned to the room. The owner of the room couldn't help looking
at the person who was much more stable than before due to the effect of the
medicine, but he still seemed to be breathing a bit rapidly, and he was still
burning like a fire due to the high fever.
Staying here is also a hindrance.
"No need."
"Then Master Pakin..."
What kind of medicine did this brat drug the family?
Aunt Keaw's eyes were full of anticipation, hoping that he would say he would
take care of this stubborn little devil himself. The person who fully understood
the other party's thoughts just smiled coldly:
"I'll sleep in another room later."
"...Okay." Aunt Keaw looked over disappointed, but quickly answered politely.
"Then auntie will come up to sleep tonight to take care of Master Graph."
"Yeah." Pakin replied indifferently, then turned and walked into the bathroom to
tidy up himself who had been so busy because of a young ghost since he woke
up. Aunt Keaw sighed, stroked the poor boy's hair lightly, and sighed slightly:
"Master Graph, please don't dislike Master Pakin. Although he is a rude and
tough person, but But he never really set his heart on you, young master." From
when Graph was a child, he only chased after his young master, until he became
a teenager and still closely followed the same young man, those eyes were
always there Pay attention.
"Don't give up, Auntie will help you."
Aunt Keaw was startled when the bathroom door opened wide. Then the rude
and tough person said leisurely:
"Auntie, if you have anything to do, just do it. I'm free today. I'll see for myself
later." The elder laughed happily after hearing this, shrinking back He nodded
and exited the room quickly. I'm afraid that the other party will see his overly
happy smile.
Pakin looked at the person who was already in a coma until the other person left
the room completely, and tapped his forehead lightly with his big hand: "Get
well soon,
or I will be regarded as a murderer even more."
Although It sounded and looked like he was shirking responsibility, and he
didn't want to be a bad guy in the eyes of others, but the tone of his voice... was
gentler than ever.
Such a tone made the sick person fall into a deep sleep without being haunted
by nightmares.
Chapter 24: Feeding
[P Pakin, what's the plan for this week's game? 】
"It will be held as usual, but tell them that I may not be there."
【Then will P Chai be there? ]
"Well, I'll let him help later."
[Then there should be no problem]
Pakin is talking on the phone with Phayu, who is the exclusive technician, on
the balcony. Hands resting casually on the balcony, the thought of his regular
illegal racing events gets his blood pumping, his heart pounding with
excitement every time, and the law or anyone can't make him feel guilty but
yearn even more. However, that excitement has now become unmotivated, and
even provoked a little irritability in my heart.
And the reason is precisely... that stubborn kid who fell asleep not far away.
No interest in going to the arena at all.
The person who turned his head to look at the tightly closed balcony door
thought so, then shook his head.
Don't worry about anything, you'll be healed soon.
Even though he thought that way, the young man didn't realize that there were
still many things that he had to deal with before Graph recovered.
And of course...the next thing to face.
"Oh, I shouldn't be drunk."
[What did P say? 】
"It's nothing. Just do it like that, and tell Chai if you have any questions." The
tall man shook his head because he accidentally said what was in his heart, and
hung up the phone after leaving the last sentence. He gently held the phone with
both hands, lowered his head slightly, and then...
"Oh." A big sigh came out of his mouth.
Now, the youth doesn't deny that he wants to sleep with Graph, yes, he
does. The best evidence was lying quietly on the bed, but when his senses came
back Pakin realized clearly that he used alcohol as an excuse to create very
difficult troubles for himself.
Graph is different from others, just because Ya's body is different from others.
Graph is not a kid he randomly pulls to sleep, not a kid on the side of the road
that he can treat as he likes, not a brat who can be done with money and bangs
on the head, who is this kid... the son of my father's friend... no, The son of a
prominent dignitary with whom he was least willing to have problems.
Besides, this kid... I've known him since he was waist-high.
Lao Tzu is no different from the bastard relative who slept with his nephew.
The young man sighed again, then shook the matter out of his mind.
It's not that I don't want to solve the problem, but I have to let the damn problem
deity heal first before thinking about it.
At that moment a cool sports car came into view... the sports car he had just
given to his younger brother as a gift for returning home.
If throwing the key in the room is also called giving away.
Although they didn't say it out loud, both cousins knew... Pakin wasn't the type
to say everything.
And now, the relative who is as close as his own brother but who has joined
forces with others to cause trouble for him is getting out of the car, taking off
his sunglasses, and looking up to meet his eyes.
Win made a gesture to go up, and the people here also nodded, stood up
straight, turned and entered the room. And yet...
Someone's hoarse moaning caught his attention, and he turned and walked to
the other side... oversized bed.
"Huh?" The big man couldn't help moaning from what he saw, and strode
towards the edge of the bed.
The boy's pale face was covered with beads of sweat, his brows were furrowed
as if he was in a nightmare, his dry lips were biting together hard, his slender
body was slightly turning back and forth under the big soft quilt, and he was
tortured. The appearance made Pakin walk over and sit on the bed, reaching out
to touch his forehead.
Rui Mu immediately turned to look at the clock, and saw that it was time for the
kid to take his medicine.
"Graph, wake up, get up and take your medicine." The young man shook the
other's hand lightly, but he didn't get any response except that his body was
shivering due to the high fever. Rui Mu became even angrier:
"Graph!" The big hand shook his arm even harder, and the back of his hand
patted his pale face.
"Graph wake up."
"Uh... um..." This time, the shivering man with a high fever opened his red eyes
and looked up, but he still seemed to be awake . Pakin pulled his limp body into
his arms, and with the other hand, he grabbed the medicine and water cup on the
bedside table and held it in his hand.
"Take the medicine."
However, instead of taking the medicine according to the order, the boy plunged
his body into Nuan Nuan's arms, tightly clutching the other's shirt, his hot breath
hitting his broad chest. Only then did Pakin feel the body in his arms trembling
like a chick falling out of its nest, and this also made the owner of the room not
notice the sound of knocking on the door.
"Graph! Open your mouth...fucking crazy!" The tall man yelled at the child who
was having difficulty taking medicine, and the water in the water glass in his
hand splashed on him so hard that he cursed with a headache.
The strong curse made the people who just arrived couldn't help asking:
"What's wrong? How about Graph..." The young model quickly walked to the
edge of the bed, and then stopped. Because I saw an unexpected picture.
The elder brother frowned at the patient.
"Ya doesn't want to take medicine, no, I'm not awake at all." Pakin said in a
deeper voice. He handed over the water glass to his younger brother, supported
his limp body with both hands and lay down properly, and then patted his pale
face with the back of his hand.
"Graph, get me up and take my medicine."
Phawis paused for a moment at the not gentle gesture of the person who wanted
to wake up the child to take the medicine, and then... smiled wickedly.
"No matter how much you scream like this, you won't wake up."
"Then what should I do?" Although Pakin was used to Graph's physical
discomfort, he had never encountered one like this.
Why is it different... The difference is that because of his sex, he has a high
fever and his whole body is swollen and painful.
Normally, he might be more violent, but this time Pakin himself knew that the
culprit for making the boy so ill was him, and he was not so cruel that he threw
Ya out of the house just because the other party didn't want to wake up and take
the medicine. What he saw made Phawis laugh, and then...
Before her elder brother could object, the young model threw the pill into her
mouth and drank a few sips of water.
Wis bent down and quickly folded his lips against the patient's mouth, and
gently pinched his chin with the other hand, allowing the pills and water to pass
into the patient's mouth together. The young man struggled slightly and kept
turning his head away to dodge, but the young model did not give up and tried
hard to use his tongue to ferry the pills and water into his throat.
"Cough cough cough..."
Immediately afterwards, the person watching grabbed his cousin's back collar
and pulled it away forcefully, and Wis walked away a little bit. At the same
time, Graph was choked and coughed so hard that his body heaved violently,
and he spat out all the pills and water.
"Wait a minute, I'll be choked to death." Pakin didn't know whether he was
upset because he saw his cousin feeding Graph medicine with his mouth, or
because he saw the patient's pale face turn red because of choking.
angry. Whatever the reason, he looked at Phawis unkindly, his gaze was
The person who was stared at by this kind of gaze just bent down to pick up the
pills, and then said leisurely:
"If you don't want me to feed it, P has to feed it yourself. Otherwise, if the high
fever persists, you have to take it to the hospital...P Choose yourself."
Then he turned his head to look at his elder brother, whose eyes were slightly
The eyes of the two met each other, and then...
Pakin grinned, took out a new pill and threw it into his mouth, and then fed the
stubborn kid himself.
And Phawis...smirked.
I may not even realize it myself, but I am showing 'protecting' this child, my
good brother.
'The master is not here today, little Graph wants to be with P. '
'Then when will papa and mama come back? '
'P is not clear either, the master didn't say. '
'I don't know, I don't know, I don't know anything!!!'
In the memory of ordinary children, there will be pictures of parents and
children as a family, but for Kritithi, the only memories left in childhood are
constant The changing face of the nanny sister who is responsible for taking
care of him, and the lonely figure of a little boy who needs love and care on the
empty dining table.
Even if there is no deliberate mischief or nonsense, the little boy still can't get
what he wants every time.
The table was still empty.
Parents must be busy with endless jobs too.
And he can only live in pity and pity with everything that his parents have
provided and accumulated from money.
The little boy Kritithi lacks nothing but... warm care.
The little boy was throwing the doll in the face of the obviously nanny in front
of him, the one who was clamoring to talk to his mother but couldn't do it. The
young man who was watching this situation had to turn his face away. All
Graph knows is that he feels very cold right now, he's shivering, he needs
warmth, but bad memories are making him see the last thing he wants to see.
Some scolded him for being nothing more than a troublesome brat who was not
No...even the person who wants the other person's love the most.
'Don't follow, okay? Go where you want to play. '
Suddenly, the voice of the person he wanted to hear the most sounded, and the
boy turned around to look. And then Graph sees...a tall, good-looking teenager
who, while still dealing with his teenage years, already looks like he's not a nice
guy. I saw that he was waving his hands irritably to drive away the seven-year-
old boy who was chasing him with a game console in his hand.
'Play together. ' the little boy invited.
'Don't play, stay away from death. Why did I have to come to this kid's house! ‟
However, the boy refused, and took out a cigarette from his trouser pocket to
light it up and take a few puffs.
'I want to sue. There was a flash of light in the boy's eyes, he turned his head
and looked over, and his
hand holding the cigarette stopped.
'What complaint? '
'Say P doesn't listen to me, everyone here has to listen to me!!!'
It's not accusing the other party of smoking, but the little boy wants to accuse
the other party of not following his wishes. The listener paused, turned his head
to look into the kid's eyes, and laughed loudly:
"It's so scary." '
'If you are afraid, listen to me, Dad said everyone should listen to me!!!' Seeing
that the other party did not follow his own wishes, the little boy Graph yelled
out, turning into a willful little boy and playing the game The machine is thrown
at the opponent's feet. The other party turned around with bright eyes, but soon,
the older person laughed out loud.
'It just so happened that it wasn't me. '
These words made the little boy froze, he held his hands tightly, and then used
the most effective move... Big tears flowed all over his small face, coupled with
The loud cry made the person who seemed indifferent to everything startled and
panicked. He put away his cigarettes and rushed up.
'OK, OK, don't cry. The brat shut up immediately. Wait a minute for the whole
house to come!'
and the capricious brat... laughed.
A memory that no one thinks is necessary to remember, but to those who
watched the has a great meaning. Graph moved closer, wanting to
touch the teen who was clumsily reassuring the little boy, wanting to touch the
warmth that had given him that day when he felt no one belonged to him
'P Pakin...'
"How much longer are you going to mess with me and my life!!!"
Immediately, Graph felt his wrist being grabbed hard, turned around and saw
the same man, who had grown from a teenager to a man who was stronger than
anyone else. Someone with power, someone who had achieved something at a
young age, someone with a bright eye who looked at him like... looking at
something he wanted to throw away.
No longer exists, Pakin brother who would be willing to appease a 7-year-old
boy no longer exists.
"You're not a child anymore, Graph. Don't follow me anymore!"
"What I do is my business!" The boy retorted loudly, struggling to break free
from the detention, but his wrist was so painful that he couldn't resist The gaze
is like looking at millipedes and earthworms.
"Remember, ever since you entered my life, my life has been ruined!!!" "..."
couldn't speak, his strength seemed to be taken from him, and he could only
stare at it. Those who do not put him in their eyes, their bodies seem to fall from
the highest point into the bottomless abyss. It was as if the heart was being
pulled hard, and the body was in such pain that it was about to stop breathing.
"Enough, enough, I can't hold on" Then, the voice of shouting
became very weird, hoarse and hoarse. Graph felt himself sinking into the bed
with a tall man straddling him. The man was constantly hitting his body, and
what he was saying made the boy's whole heart ache.
"You're just a sexual object."
"No... no... I'm not... no..."
In the dark, what Graph saw was not the face of the devil Satan overlapping
him, he saw Dad , mother, nanny sister, servants at home, everyone...all the
people who never loved him.
no one.
No one loves me, no...
"Um... woo..."
"Wake me up, Graphic!"
Immediately afterwards, It's like being pulled up from a huge water tank and
exposed to the surface of the water. Graph opened his eyes, letting tears flow
down his cheeks, panting like someone who couldn't breathe, his breathing was
rapid, and sweat permeated his whole body. His body was so weak and so
painful that he could barely move.
"Heh, heh...heh..." His breathing was as rapid as that of a person who has
finished a long-distance run. And this also made the awakened person look
Graph looked over through the curtain of tears, and all he saw was... the
handsome face of a man who always gets bored every time he sees him, but this
The reply softened, and it seemed to be mixed with concern... an emotion he
was overthinking.
However, the big hand that should have pulled him away suddenly lifted and
gently brushed his sweaty hair.
"Who do you think?" That made Graph want to laugh, but he... cried.
P‟ Pakin is different from the nightmare.
Pakin brother is the only one who wants him to hate himself no matter what.
Grab the men's T-shirt with both hands, as if wanting to pounce on it for
warmth, making the person watching it more gentle.
"Why are you crying... Where does it hurt?" Tears softened Pakin's voice and
asked, letting Ya hold on to his clothes. Although he knew that his body was
broken and it was not in pain, Kritithi just said...
"I don't know... I don't know."
I don't know where the pain is, but now I am relieved to see P‟ Pakin next to me
after waking up side.
"Oh, forget it. But you have to eat and take medicine, I have asked Aunt Keaw
to bring it up." Pakin said, and was about to leave the bed.
"Where is P going?"
"This is my business."
"I won't let P go." Although he realized that his body was weak and his voice
was hoarse, the patient was still stubborn. People who have to leave work all
day and have to stay with the sleepy young master don't know whether it is
good or bad. It is not difficult to know what Ya dreamed from the blurted sleep
I dreamed that I became Satan, tear you up and abandon you.
Pakin also knew that he was not good to this young master, if he had a
nightmare and dreamed of him, he must be close to each other.
"What's the matter?" However, the person who had just woken up after sleeping
for a whole day stopped, and let go of the hand that was holding the clothes, and
put them down by his side. The big man couldn't help asking.
The patient not only did not answer, but also froze without saying a word. The
person watching couldn't help moving forward, and gently patted the other
person's face with the back of his hand.
"Oh, what's going on, if you are conscious, answer it, if you can talk, say it."
The person who has been guarding the unconscious patient all day said a little
annoyed. Because when the boy woke up, he thought he could communicate
normally and didn't need to guess the meaning of Ya's movements like he did
all day, but now Graph is silent... so quiet.
Suddenly, his pale face turned red due to the high fever, and the boy held the
sheet, trying hard to hide his face.
It's not that he's not handsome because he's worried about getting sick, but...
"It hurts..."
Not only did the boy's voice become weak and floating, but his face also
contorted as he grabbed the bed sheet with both hands. The listener couldn't
help turning his head to look over, then narrowed his eyes. word says it all.
Pakin didn't know why Pakin would continue to ask. Although he knew where it
hurt, he just felt that he had never seen a child like this before.
The bear child is turning into a little milk dog, blushing and trying to hide
himself under the quilt.
Good looking, funny, cute. Oops, I don't know how to describe it.
The person who took care of the patient laughed inwardly. To be honest, I have
never seen someone who is so childish in sexual matters before. People who
used to be brave can't do it now, so they can only try to hide their body and
face. Let the numb heart have a little bit of pity.
This brat... is cute.
"..." When Yaba blinked her bright eyes and looked over as if she was about to
"Oh, just tell me where it hurts, or let the doctor check it out."
"NO!!!" Graph yelled immediately, before contorting his face in pain. He
looked at the taller man and saw something happen that he had never seen
The eyes sparkled, and it was impossible to tell whether he was laughing or not.
P‟ Pakin fucking knows where he hurts and still asks.
"I don't know!!! Leave me alone!" The man who had just woken up
immediately shouted hoarsely. The head got into the quilt and
disappeared. Although the pain was tormenting the lower body, the pain was too
painful to move the body. Because the swelling and pain in a certain place
affected the whole body with a slight movement, and the high fever made the
body hot and cold, and the sweat permeated the whole body. So who would
have the energy to answer the cold-blooded person who is laughing at his own
Last night Brother Win helped drink, and then I... what happened?
Shrouded in mist, Graph has vague memories... hoarse moans, hot breaths,
entangled and rubbed bodies, and... momentary loss of consciousness.
Can't remember, what happened after that?
Knock knock knock.
Luckily the patient stopped thinking any more because Aunt Keaw knocked on
the door and came into the room with hot soup.
"Master Graph, eat something and take some medicine."
"I'm not hungry."
The patient replied aloud, unwilling to show his head. Compared with the worry
on the elder's face, the bored person who was taking care of the patient just
raised the corners of his mouth.
"But you have to take medicine!!!" With the voice of the order, the quilt was
jerked away. Eyes reddened by the high fever turned to look over, Graph still
"Don't eat...don't be hungry."
The stubborn kid said so, but the listeners also ignored it. I saw Pakin pulling
the weak body that was trying to deny and dodge, because the owner who was
unable to resist the body had to be pulled up and sat on the bed. With a drowsy
consciousness, he wrapped his trembling and haggard body with a huge quilt,
and his consciousness was vague, but he had a clear attitude towards orders.
"Eat it!"
"I don't..."
"Eat well and let me return you to your father, choose by yourself." "
This time, although the patient wanted to resist, he was powerless to fight
back. The steward of the cook pressed the hot soup to her lips. Although her
throat was bitter and she didn't want to eat, because she hadn't eaten anything
since last night, Graph had no choice but to lean sideways in Pakin's arms and
open his mouth to welcome the warm soup. Slip into the throat, take a sip or
two under the watchful eyes of the owner of the room, until the whole cup is
bottomed out.
"Let's eat."
Eating is already difficult, but it will be even more difficult when it comes to
taking medicine.
"Don't take it, it will be fine later."
The household who had trouble taking medicine said that his spirits improved
because he had something to eat, but the listeners ignored the answers they got,
because this was not a question but an order. He took the water poured by the
cook and steward, inserted a straw and handed it to him.
"I order you to eat."
"I won't eat."
The stubborn child still insisted on his will, and struggled to hide under the
quilt. Delusional thinking that a maddening headache will heal itself.
"Master Graph, eat. The doctor told you to eat on time."
"Doctor?" Graph interjected in a low voice. The old man in the family replied:
"Yes, the doctor came for an examination in the morning."
As soon as the words came out, Graph's eyes widened and his body trembled
even more. Because if the doctor came to check it, he should...know.
"I don't eat, I want to sleep!!!"
Realizing that the doctor should already know what happened last night, Graph
was so shy that he shrouded his body into a ball, not wanting to see anyone,
including the patient who had endured for a long time. People...
Pakin waved Aunt Keaw to sit back, a disadvantaged gleam in his eyes. I saw
the big hand grabbing the pills from the tray and throwing them into my
"Hey, let go... um!!!"
Graph was turned around, and the movement to break free was put on hold and
became motionless. When the warm lips were quickly covered, I couldn't
believe that P‟ Pakin would use this method, and it was still in front of other
people's faces.
Crystal saliva overflowed to his chin. Although Graph tried his best to turn his
head and dodge, he was no match for the power of the man who locked his jaw
like iron clamps. When the resistance was fruitless, it was passed and flowed
into the throat. The body is still in pain, the consciousness is blurred, and the
heat suddenly rises. Graph could only hold onto his broad shoulders tightly.
However, the action of struggling to find freedom just overlapped with the
tantalizing inexperienced image before, leaving Pakin... unable to stop.
When Graph opened his mouth to breathe rhythmically, Pakin's tongue slipped
in, not for medicine, but for... further looting.
Looting the boy who has no way out. The tip of the hot tongue is beating and
tightly entangled with the soft tongue, sucking heavily, feeling that the person in
his arms has become limp, so he pulls the slender body into the arms even
tighter, and the warm mouth sucks the dry lips , bite the teeth lightly, and then
drive straight in with the hot tongue, exploring every part of the mouth, making
the taught kiss even hotter.
"Ah...heh...heh..." The water mixed with saliva stained the surroundings of the
lips, and Graph felt his whole body heat up... suddenly fell onto the bed.
The patient gasped violently, opened his eyes, and saw... the big villain Lucifer
was wiping his mouth with the back of his hand.
"If you are naughty and don't take the medicine, I will not only feed the
medicine in front of Aunt Keaw, but also call the whole house to watch." The
villain said. But Graph didn't have the strength to refute or stop him, so he could
only shyly pull the quilt over his face with the rest of his strength. Juvenile Ba
blinked and looked into the eyes of someone who had never wanted to touch his
body for ten years, but now P‟ Pakin was willing to touch...and in a way that
Graph couldn't imagine.
"Auntie can go to work."
"Okay, okay. I'm going down." The elder himself was shocked and left in a
hurry. Because I never expected my young master to do this.
But the most unexpected person should be Graph himself.
Master Kritithi only knew that P‟ Pakin's kiss this time...was much sweeter than
the ones he had received before.
The man with the corner of his mouth raised backed away and sat back to his
original position beside the bed.

Chapter 25: Children who have difficulty taking medicine

If given the choice between being so sick and losing consciousness and
recovering with the highest treatment, Kritithi would really choose...Let me fall
ill!!! "Does it still hurt?"
"It hurts... what hurts?"
When he opened his eyes and woke up, the only active living body in the room
was a man wearing only a pair of sweatpants, showing the broad chest and
strong muscles of a pure male without hesitation. The person who turned around
looked over at the sound of body moving on the bed, and took a few steps
forward...the question that Graph was most unwilling to answer rang out.
Could it be where it hurts, it's just...
the boy who still has a little fever but feels much better than yesterday could
only murmur to himself. Because when the body just got better, the events of
the day before yesterday flooded back into my mind uncontrollably. Yes, he had
a relationship with P‟ Pakin, so the meaning of asking if it still hurts can only be
The tearing pain in his ass still hasn't subsided, and every time he moves his
body, he frowns in pain.
Pain, I have never felt such pain in my life. Gritting his teeth in pain, he felt that
the entrance there had been split open. Fortunately, he has only regained
consciousness now. Just think about it, if he woke up when the incident had just
happened, the boy felt that he would definitely die in pain.
However, although Graph was asking and answering, the owner of the room
who walked around to get the clothes looked pretty good.
The person who was about to sit up couldn't help gnashing his teeth, frowning,
his face was soaked in sweat, and his hands tightly gripping the quilt were
trembling slightly. And... tears welled up in her eyes.
"Ah." As expected, Pakin let out a long sigh without giving any face, which
made a certain boy clenched his teeth even more aggrieved.
"Has the fever gone?" the young man asked again. Throw the towel in the
basket, and stride over to the bed. Those who didn't dare to move their bodies
pulled the quilt under their chins.
"P is worried about me?" Because he is used to talking back, the hoarse person's
reply immediately attracted the eyes of the listeners.
The body is so unwell and still playing lip service.
"No, I'm just too lazy to collect your body."
Hearing this, the brat who loves to talk back stared at his bright eyes, as if he
was about to cry or explode, which made Pakin feel annoyed. Although the
same expression has long been used to seeing numbness, but when this
expression has long been used to seeing numbness, coupled with the appearance
of hugging the quilt tightly as if using a talisman to protect his body tightly, and
the face that was so afraid that he only dared to show a small square, it is all
very different. Make it look...funny.
Well, it's a little pathetic.
The tall man shook his head slightly, and then continued:
"If you know that I will answer this way, don't ask next time... All in all, I won't
let you die easily." After finishing speaking, he stepped forward and sat on the
edge of the bed , the other party's face turned red and white, and he was
strangely afraid to look up. The young man is satisfied that the talking back kid
finally shuts up and looks cute.
What are you thinking, this brat is so cute?
Pakin shook his head slowly, and then...
"Don't touch..."
As soon as the big hand was placed on the forehead, the boy was startled, and
then he raised his hand and swung the opponent away vigorously. When he met
Rui Mu who was a little bit stunned, his face turned pale, and he saw that the
other party's eyes were full of anger because he dared to refuse so
straightforwardly. Yet he didn't do it out of distaste, it was...shy.
Just remembering what happened the night before yesterday, the boy didn't
know what face he should face.
In addition to tying P‟ Pakin's hand, I also stepped up, actively kissed and licked
him, and what's worse, I was still crying in front of P‟ Pakin, begging him so
"I don't think I'm the prince of any country, I can't even touch it." Immediately
afterwards, the waved hand grabbed the young man's shoulder vigorously, and
the knife-like face moved closer, making a low voice. Said that he is very angry
The brat was still moaning under his body the night before, but now he looks
like he has never been touched.
The big man didn't even realize he was annoyed at the boy's resistance... the
way he acted as master.
The young man locked the opponent's shoulders, stretched out the other hand to
cover his forehead.
"I still have a little fever." The person who has long been accustomed to taking
the temperature of the young master said while putting his hand on his forehead,
frowning a little unhappy.
"Let go..."
"Why can't I touch it?" The doubts in my heart arose again. When the young
man made a gesture to break free and distance himself from him, the young man
moved closer again, speaking in a deeper voice. Graph raised his head slowly,
met the opponent's gaze, bit his lips lightly and said hoarsely:
"I hurt..."
Only then did Pakin realize how hard he had squeezed the opponent's
shoulder. The young man let go of his hand and looked at the person whose
eyes were full of shyness, grievance and anger, but amidst all of these, he
clearly saw another thing... fragility.
The body is already weak enough, but now it has to bear the pain, and even the also exhausted.
If this continues to develop, I don't know what kind of mind it will become.
But the vulnerable person still gritted his teeth and said loudly:
"Let go of me after taking the temperature."
It may be that the poor girl is still sick, or it may be because of guilt that she is
the culprit of exhausting the other party, or it may be because of Deep down in
his heart, he felt ashamed for sleeping with a boy he had known for ten years,
but the person who should be angry calmed down in disbelief. When he saw the
young man's pale face, which was no longer handsome, he felt pity even more.
So, the superior person let go of his hand and let the other party lie back down,
his hand came to his head again, and then he stood up.
"It's good to wake up. Wait for someone to bring the food and take the medicine
after eating." The big hand patted Yuanyuan's head again as if to comfort him.
Pakin never got sick, but he had seen Graph get sick countless times. Deep
down in his heart, he couldn't help but feel... Ya must have suffered a lot. It's no
surprise that he was more kind to his patients than usual.
"Just tell Aunt Keaw what you want," Pakin said. Because he has an
appointment today, and even if he doesn't have an appointment, he doesn't
intend to spend more time sitting and guarding the young master. Ya's condition
looks much better than yesterday, so there is no need to feel guilty for making
the other party sleepy. Although a little angry because of the other party's
reaction, the young man thought it was a good omen for Ya's recovery.
Graph didn't ask for anything...exactly what he wanted.
"P Pakin!" the person on the bed yelled, standing up abruptly at the same
time. The young man couldn't help but turned around and looked over, frowning
as if asking what he thought?
The caller kept silent, lowered his head, bit his lips tightly, and grabbed his
pants even harder with his hands. The person watching couldn't help becoming
"What's the matter? I have to take a shower quickly."
"I..." The kid raised his red face.
I saw that the bear child was red from his forehead to his neck, making the
people watching him frown even more:
"If you have anything to say, hurry up, I don't want to waste time... "
"I want to pee!!!"
"Huh?" Before he finished speaking, the boy yelled out loudly, and then
blushed. Those who listened frowned, and then raised questions from their
throats... why tell me this?
Repressing his embarrassment, the young man whispered,
"I'm in pain...I can't get up."
"Help me...please."
The unexpected result made the listeners pause , because the damned patient in
front of me is speaking in a... pleading voice.
The begging voice came across once when I went to pick him up from school.
At that time, the young man thought that the other party was sick, but now he
must be seriously ill, so he made such a voice. And out loud.
"P Pakin, I'm not joking!" Although Graph tried to keep his voice down, for
Pakin... this was the funniest thing this morning.
The brash brat with his head down to his chest, even his ears are red.
Thinking like this, the bad-hearted person stepped forward with his long legs,
walked up to him and...
"Hey! Let me go!!!"
"You want to go to the bathroom, don't you?" The big man hugged his slender
body in his arms , Graph couldn't help yelling, pushing his hands against his
bare shoulders. Because the broad chest reminded him of that night, even the
morning sweat Kritithi wanted to distance himself from it as much as possible.
The look of trying to break free made the person holding someone frown.
"If you move around again, I will definitely throw you away."
The cold voice indicated that the young man was angry, and the patient
immediately gave up resisting, and turned his head to look at him in panic, for
fear that he would be thrown down and his spine would hurt from the fall. The
person holding the boy didn't say anything more, but took the boy in his arms
and went straight to the bathroom.
Until you put it on the toilet lid.
"What are you looking at? I'll take you back after finishing your business, and
then I can go take a shower." "
P go out for a while." The boy retorted immediately. He raised his head and
looked at the person standing with his arms around his chest, even though the
sharp eyes were flickering with ill-intentioned light.
One can tell that this brat is shy, but what does it have to do with his insistence
on doing what Ya says?
"What the hell are you being shy about? It doesn't seem like you've seen it
before." Pakin raised the corners of his mouth and smiled, while looking down,
the boy could not help biting his lips and gnashing his teeth: "P go out first."
Not only did he not want to let the
party Seeing him urinate, Graph didn't want anyone to see him arching his back
and getting up in a panic.
Damn it, even if it was carried over, it still hurts so much that even the tailbone
is shaking. If I get up by myself, I really can't imagine. But...
"Is this how the elders talk? Kritithi."
P‟ Pakin was teasing him. Seeing Lao Tzu so weak and helpless, it's very
interesting, isn't it!!!
I really want to go back angrily, but because I woke up because I couldn't stand
it anymore, so the brat who never bowed his head to anyone could only
"I didn't hear it." The person watching still crossed his chest and said with a
straight face. The speaker pinches the nails deeper into the palm.
If I recover from my illness, I must take revenge!
"I beg you."
"Can't hear you."
"I beg you!!"
"I didn't hear..."
"I beg you!!! Get out! I'm in such a hurry, please Please, please, please, please,
please, be satisfied!!!" Finally Graph yelled loudly, raised his head so angry that
he was about to cry, he was so angry that he didn't care whether he would be
scolded by the other party . But when he raised his head...
"Huh, that's it. You have to practice how to beg others well, you have to
develop a habit." Just as the big hand touched his head, he said affectionately
while gently rubbing the boy's head. And the most touching thing on top of all
this is the smile... a happy smile, not the kind of smile that annoys him every
time he wants to kill him.
It was the smile Graph never expected to get.
It's a laugh that makes a little heart pound.
A smile that made him forget the hurt he had suffered. The owner of the smile
just walked out, leaving the boy with his head down and muttering to himself:
"P is so fucking bad."
His heart was so bad that he almost died of pain, but... Make him so happy.
Can he have an illusion? Everything will be fine after this... can I have that
idea? P Pakin.
"...I told you that I saw it, but Master Graph always argues."
"I caught it once yesterday, but I didn't admit it."
"Why is Master Graph so disobedient?"
When the two When a woman's voice reached his ears, Pakin just stepped out of
the room, and his feet stopped at the corner of the aisle. The name that appeared
in the conversation made him scratch his fist, because this young master can
mess things up every time.
There was something that had to be dealt with in a hurry yesterday, and it will
be day after tomorrow when the matter is settled. Pakin didn't go around to
check the physical condition of the person occupying his room, but chose to
sleep in another room. Who would have thought that the first thing he heard
when he woke up was the young master's name.
"What happened?"
"Ah, Mr. Pakin." Although he didn't want to bother, he was the kid's guardian
after all. So the long legs stepped forward and asked leisurely. The maid who
was holding the food tray was startled and turned around quickly.
"Aren't you going to school?"
"Yes. Aunt Keaw said you can't go yet. Seeing that someone asked Mr. Chai to
call the teacher to ask for leave." It must be someone, so the maid replied
quickly . And those who listened were not surprised.
After all, it would be great if I could still go to school.
"What's that?"
But when asked about what was being talked about, the other party was tongue-
tied, looking at you awkwardly. Pakin nodded and said go ahead.
One of the maids spoke first,
"Master Graph doesn't want to take medicine."
"Yes." The listener narrowed his eyes slightly. The other side was taken aback,
and hurriedly reported:
"And it's not just that you don't want to take it. Master Graph hid the medicine. I
didn't know it at first, but when I poured out the leftovers yesterday evening, I
found that there was medicine in the bowl under the leftover porridge. I saw
Master Graph secretly spit out the medicine and hid it under the orange peel."
Without further words, another maid pointed to the orange peel. A closer look
reveals several pills mixed in with chunks of orange peel and hidden by paper
Seeing that, Pakin let out a hard breath.
"Get new medicine."
"Get me the room." Pakin said, then turned and strode to his own room, where
there was a stubborn man who was dying of illness but refused to take
medicine. kid. I really want to turn you into a 7-year-old kid...catch me and
spank her ass until it blooms!
The person who thought this way opened the door of his room, strode to the
edge of the big bed, and there was a slender and pale body lying peacefully on
"Uh...uh..." The sleepy person slowly opened his eyes, and then he wanted to
see who was standing next to him...
Someone was standing with arms crossed, his eyes were full of anger.
"P...P what's the matter? How did you get in here?"
Graph is doing a lot better today...good enough to realize how thin and pale he
is, and trying to keep himself in shape like he's been doing for years It looks
good in the other party's eyes. Being stared at fixedly, he was like being delayed
in disguise, so he tried his best not to look away.
"What did you do?"
"I didn't do anything..."
If you don't count the conspiracy with Win to get Pakin drunk, Pakin isn't
fucking drunk either. And...
the person who didn't want to think about what happened that day lowered his
eyes, because to be honest, he was also afraid that the other party would
mention it.
Graph is afraid that all efforts will be in vain, so he has been trying not to
mention it and trying to avoid reality. But it seems that P‟ Pakin is about to
talk. So the boy couldn't help but grab the bed sheet tightly.
No matter what you say, you have to be responsible to me... It's too pitiful, dead
"I said I need to eat and take medicine, right?"
The person who thought far away was startled, and looked up at the other party
uneasily. Feel relieved because you understand what the other person is talking
"Yes, P said that he wants me to eat and take medicine..."
Found it?
The person who let go of his heart is repeating the other person's words, even if
his eyes widen, and when he looks into the eyes of the person who is
suppressing the irritability, he dare not look at him.
"I did what P said, but I was looking for some trouble."
Graph is sure that he is not afraid of P‟ Pakin, but in the past week, after seeing
the other person's fiery temper can burn him like a tongue of fire with just one
look, the boy couldn't help but lower his head with his laughter as if he had seen
through him long ago. lower. Looks like a kid who secretly broke a plate and
didn't tell anyone.
"I said..."
"Eat and... take medicine." After finishing speaking, he couldn't help
swallowing a few mouthfuls of saliva secretly, and comforted himself by saying
that it's okay, if you don't want to eat, don't take it.
Knock knock knock.
That's when there was a knock on the door and the maid came in. The owner of
the room didn't even look at it, but just stared at the patient who was holding his
breath on the bed.
"New medicine."
"Give it to him." So a few round tablets of the deadly enemy were placed on the
lap with a glass of water.
"Kritithi." The voice was terribly low.
If Pakin's use of the pronoun "P" to Win means that he has reached the limit of
his patience, the same is true for calling Graph's real name. The owner of the
name couldn't help but took a deep breath, trying to tell himself that P‟ Pakin is
not scary as if he had been chasing this person for many years.
"I will not eat!"
It seemed that the maid had already told the owner of the house everything, so
the boy made up his mind not to eat it no matter what.
The words and deeds of the households who had difficulty taking medicine
made the corners of the mouths of those who listened raise their lips.
"I reminded you that if you don't take the medicine, how will I feed you."
When thinking back to the last medicine feeding, the listener instantly felt heat
waves rushing to his face. But still didn't shut up...
"P didn't dare, P was just scaring me." It's impossible for someone who always
dodges him to kiss him in front of everyone in the room.
However, the person who was supposed to just scare him came to the soft bed
and approached slowly.
The big hand firmly held the boy's chin, stared at him with sharp eyes, and said
in a dangerous voice:
"I said I took the medicine."
"I...I won't take it!" Although he was getting scared, the boy still Hard-
spoken. This completely angered the person who spoke out.
"I don't like people who disobey orders."
"Whether I obey orders or not, P will never like me." The young man
stubbornly retorted when his mouth became more serious when he was ill. The
listener paused for a moment, then turned to face the standing maid who was
watching with wide-eyed eyes.
"Go and call the whole house."
"Hey!!!" Immediately, Graph yelled. He turned his head suddenly to look at the
commander with a smirk.
"Do you want people to accept the provocation... yes, I will accept it this time."
Pakin said. Bending down, eyes met those eyes that were too panicked to
react. Then whispered:
"Okay, it's okay to want to be kissed in front of the whole room." "
Then...P said that my skills are super bad!!!" The listener retorted loudly. But
the handsome man with a smirk said:
"I have taught you."
The eyes of the speaker clearly stated that this is not a scare but...serious.
Use practical actions to teach the stubborn brat a lesson, don't try to provoke
people like him, and most importantly, don't make him angry.
And the boy's eyes...
grabbing... gurgling.
The teenager grabbed the pill and threw it into his mouth, then quickly poured
water into his mouth. The man who was watching let go of his grip on his jaw
until Graph finished his glass of water with a contorted face.
"That's it."
The boy looked at the other party angrily, but otherwise he could only turn to
the table next to the bed, pour another glass of water down his throat.
"Fuck, it seems to be stuck in the throat." The slender man cursed. Grab
yourself by the neck as if there is still a pill stuck there.
"Are you still a child? Just take a medicine."
"P is not me, P will not know. I have been taking medicine, taking medicine,
taking medicine since I was a child, why do I have to take it when I grow up!" It
may be due to the psychological shadow left by being forced to take medicine
when I was a child. When I grow up, Graph can hide and hide. Even if I
swallow it every time, I still feel stuck in the middle of my throat. So I've been
very bored.
It was said that he thought too much and didn't care about it. He hated taking
medicine, and he hated people who forced him to take medicine.
And the person who is raising his hand is...
Put your hand on your neck and stroke it gently along your neck.
"Did you go down?"
"No...don't know."
Who would have thought that P‟ Pakin was massaging Lao Tzu's neck.
Graph couldn't help but blush, the matter of the pill stuck in his throat has long
since drifted away without a trace. When I saw the big palm stroking the neck,
crossing the Adam's apple and then stroking it again, it was like carefully
sliding a pill down the throat. To be honest, it's kind of unreal.
But it seemed that Pakin didn't intend to let it go, and the man who had been a
good person for less than a second was ordering:
"If someone reports that you are childishly unwilling to take your medicine,
next time..." Pakin withdrew his hand and did not continue, but his lowered
gaze was clearly saying that he would not tolerate the same thing happening
again. The patient could not help but feel the cold.
As long as no one finds out, it's fine, right?
This kind of thinking was a little bit revealed on the face, and the people
watching couldn't help shaking their heads:
"If the illness is cured, I can satisfy a request for anything I want."
"I'm not a child anymore!"
"Does that mean you don't want it?" Rui I glanced at it.
"Yes!" Although angry at being treated like a child, who would refuse such a
proposal. When Graph was staring wide-eyed and couldn't believe his ears,
looking at the person who said he would grant him a request, his dry lips
couldn't help but smile...a happy smile.
A heartfelt, happy smile for this small proposal.
The person who looked into these eyes couldn't help but soften his heart, and
reached out to touch his hair.
"So, take the medicine and get better soon, okay?" the young man asked with a
forced look. The listener raised his head to meet his gaze, and the flesh in his
chest was thumping because of the villain in front of him, but at this moment...
knock knock.
There was a light knock on the wide open door, so he turned and looked.
Now that most of the people in the family have come according to the master's
order, Pakin patted the bear's head lightly and then walked to the door.
"Did something happen? Master Pakin." The cook asked anxiously. Worried
that something happened to the kids in the room? The person who is the host
just said leisurely in a voice that everyone in the room can hear:
"I just want to say that if someone finds that Graph is not taking medicine, I will
have a special reward once they report it. If anyone dares to conspire, I mean...I
also have an unforgettable punishment." He said to every servant, but his eyes
were directed at the cook who had been protecting a certain child. Aunt Kaew
couldn't help lowering her eyes.
"That's all. Go back to work."
"Hey! How can P give such an order!!!"
Pakin didn't care about the boy's protest, but just nodded to the others. At this
The phone rang loudly, and everyone couldn't help but look at me and I looked
at you, but the owner of the phone quickly reported to the stern-faced owner:
not mine, it's Master Graph's phone. I heard the sound, so I brought it to Master
Graph, and it just rang." After speaking, he quickly handed the phone screen to
the master.
"Go to work." Said the person in power in the family. Take the phone and close
the door. Then, instead of returning the phone to its original owner, the young
man's next action is... press the answer button.
"Hello?" He pressed the phone to his ear.
【Graph! The teacher said that Graph is sick, what's wrong! what happen! Alas,
I was so scared to death, every time Graph skipped class, just skip class,
suddenly the teacher said in the classroom that Graph was not feeling well, and
the guardian called to ask for leave. What's the matter? Have a fever
again? Or...]
"P is not Graph."
Pakin was a little annoyed, when he saw this sentence...he had a fever
again...meaning that the girl on the other end of the phone also knew what was
in the room The stubborn brat gets sick easily, and he's not the only one who
knows. So he interrupted...
【Oh, P Pakin...? ]
[Why is Graph's phone at P's place! Ah, no, no, I didn't want to inquire about
anything, just, oh, yes, yes, what's wrong with Graph? ]
The young man felt that the other party's voice sounded obviously excited. But
when I heard the next sentence, I still waved this thought out of my mind.
"I just have a little fever, and I can go to school in a few days." Pakin said
calmly. Although in fact, he is very attractive to women, and he especially likes
girls with Chanchao's appearance, but now the young man has no intention of
exuding his charm, and just wants to hang up the phone as soon as possible.
[Uh, can I chat with Graph? ]
The tall man looked at the door for a while, and then raised the corner of his
"It's not convenient now, and Graph will be able to go to school normally in a
day or two. If there is nothing else, P wants to hang up first..." [Wait a
minute !!!]
"Huh?" The brows could not help but wrinkled, and gradually felt displeased.
【It's... that's, uh, oh, yes. Yes, yes, Chanchao has very important reports to
Graph. Crucial to grades, really, really important. It is so important that I must
get the Graph today!!]
"Heh." Immediately after hearing this, Pakin laughed out of his throat. A large
group of people who talked at once fell silent, probably because they sensed the
powerful aura from the person on the phone. Although he can hang up the
phone now, the young man who is in charge wants to see what kind of tricks
this kid is going to play with him.
play? Will this word be used on a 17-year-old child to bully a little girl too
much? It should be about how the kid wants to play with him.
"Then P let someone get the report that is very important to my brother...
[No... no, no. Only the report is not enough!! Chanchao needs to explain it to
Graph in detail. Yep. To explain, otherwise Graph will not be able to do
it...really. 】
Because of the oppressive feeling conveyed by the other end of the phone, the
girl's voice became softer at the end. And Pakin said:
"Then P will ask someone to pick up sister Chanchao to visit Graph. P is also
very worried that the homework he said is very...important." The voice sounded
very gentle and friendly, but the words There is a sense of oppression hidden in
the space. The girl couldn't help holding her breath, she could only hear the
sound of deep breathing, and then said cautiously:
[Okay, it's really very important. Then Chanchao was waiting in front of the
school at 4:30. Really big thanks to P Pakin. 】
The phone hung up, and Pakin put down the phone slowly, eyes full
The kid knew that he was unhappy, but he still did something that made him
unhappy... a ghost, Graph and Ya's friends made him irritated. So I plan to teach
him a lesson, so that he can understand who he is and who he is, so that he will
not dare to disobey his orders.
"Alright, I also want to know what tricks are available."
Perhaps, Pakin may have forgotten that people like him don't need to care about
a female middle school student. But since this kid is related to some brat, he's
got to get in touch with him... that's all.
"Die Chanchao, you are committing suicide!"
At the other end of the city, a girl named Chanchao was shaking her mobile
phone as if it was her own neck, stomping her legs as if she wanted to step on it.
Wake yourself up...are you crazy!
That's right, she was crazy to provoke that mafia boss who was as handsome as
"Dead, I'm dead. Gossip is getting into trouble. No matter how much you want
to know how uncomfortable Graph is, but the phone is in the hands of P Pakin.
Oh, you shouldn't be so worried about your friends, die Chanchao, die
Chanchao! Die Chanchao!!!"
The girl with the ponytail could only whine to the world, if kneeling down to
beg for mercy was useful, she would definitely do it. But when she insisted on
running into the mafia for her friend and made a promise bravely, she could
only take a long, deep breath, and then suppressed her trembling hands in order
to call someone.
"P Chin!"
Yes, brother's best friend, it's unknown how familiar with that badass mafia.
"P Chin, Chanchao has a will to say... If there is anything wrong with
Chanchao, please P Chin tell P Sun that he wants to find a man named P Pakin
to take revenge. Chanchao is going to break into the mafia's house now." 【Hey
Hey Hello, wait a minute. What's the meaning? 】
When my brother‟s friend asked a question without knowing why, the person on
the phone who dared not tell him directly (because the brother would definitely
prohibit him and would fly over to pick him up) murmured in a low voice:
“Chanchao is going to visit a friend, he does
n‟t Comfortable and now Graph is at that P Pakin's house. Now to be honest, P
Chin, Chanchao feels as if he is going to die..." "
Then should P be used as a shield?"
While the girl was trying her best to convince her brother's best friend, she got
into the car of a man with an unfamiliar face but not dangerous, when
someone's voice came from behind. Turning around and looking back, the girl
frowned, because...
"P Nith."
The handsome senior is throwing a big smile, and made a suggestion:
"P is very familiar with P Pakin's house, and P can take Chanchao to visit
Graph. Although Chanchao's junior is worried about P, it's better than not
knowing Whose it?"
Senior Nith gave a friendly smile, making the girl realize that she got into a car
with a stranger, even if it was a car ordered to pick someone up, or a senior
from the same school Neither is the right choice. The girl took a deep breath,
and said to the person on the phone who was still waiting:
"P Chin, Chanchao thinks the problem is solved. So let's do it."
Then she turned and looked at the handsome senior.
"At least, Chanchao has also known P Nith for a year..." meaning agreed. This
made the listeners laugh from the bottom of their hearts, and the girl secretly
felt guilty for this. Because...
no, in fact, it should be said... at least Chanchao also has a shield for
protection. If Chanchao is going to die, P Nith must be the one who dies first!

Chapter 26: Into the House of the Mafia

Die, die Chanchao. As soon as I entered the mafia's house, I saw the mafia boss
blocking me in the front hall, woo~ no!
The girl couldn't help retracting her head into the shell. Because just got out of
the senior's car, the first thing that comes into view is... the big devil himself.
Oh, what is it if it is not the Great Demon King? I saw Pakin standing leisurely
at the top of the stairs leading to the main room of the mansion, behind him
were the very gorgeous halls in the mansion as the background, and the doors
were wide open from both sides. Although the big tall guy was dressed more
casually than usual, he had a big smile on his handsome and handsome face as if
he was warmly welcoming guests, but it made the girl feel like she was
surrounded by a dark magic and dared not step forward. Previous step.
This is not her crazy excessive fantasy, it is a feeling after seeing it.
"Hey! Don't shake your legs, Chanchao!" The ponytail girl couldn't help but
recite the spell to destroy the demon in a low voice, which made the boy who
followed her get off the car almost burst out laughing. words of thought.
P‟ Pakin's terrible sneer really makes people flinch and dare not move an inch.
Are you looking for lice to put on your head? Die Nith. But come on, show the
most handsome side you can.
"Wait a minute and let P talk about it."
The boy forced himself to say confidently, and then the man who wanted to be
handsome in front of the girl he liked took a deep breath, and led him forward to
find the owner of the mansion. Although, to be honest... I was just as terrified as
This is clearly a suicide mission!
"Scattering krub, P Pakin."
"Did P invite you?"
Can I sue my brother?
Just the first words from the owner of the mansion made the boy want to turn
around and leave immediately, but...
"P Nith, come on!"
When the soft, white hand suddenly grabbed the corner of the boy's school
uniform, the school girl's body hid behind the boy. From the soft voice, one
could imagine how close the body was, and she also said...Come
on. Immediately, the person who was shivering from the fear of his brother's
friend instantly became motivated.
"Graph is a very important student of mine, knowing that he is not feeling well,
how could I not come to visit him." The boy raised his voice and said. Howe
met the sharp, vicious eyes without fear... Or, when the soft body was closer to
him than before, the boy became less afraid.
Pakin interjected, and raised his arms to his chest... The simple gesture seemed
indescribably intimidating.
"Yes, very important junior."
Nith knew that his brother's friend was scary, but seeing the biting cold eyes and
the sneer on his face made him more aware of the one thing he had been
reminded...don't try to make an enemy of this man.
"Uh, P Pakin, scatter card."
Before Nith died first due to the huge pressure, the person hiding behind stood
up and saluted the young man in fear. The piercingly cold eyes changed
instantly, which made Chanchao feel relieved.
"Scattered krub, come to visit Graph, huh? Wait a minute for P to be taken up to
the room."
"Ah, really? Thank you very much."
Scared to death. But to be honest, Pakin from Graph is pretty good.
The girl laughed as she thought about it, and she let go of the (useless)
defensive shield, and was about to walk to find another boy, but... "But
"The person in front of him smiled as if he suddenly remembered something: "P
wants to know what is the very important homework that Chanchao said? Is it
possible to tell P? "A creepy smile...a knowing smile.
Seeing through one thing at once is more about trying to keep digging out
more. The young man stepped forward, stood with his head held high, and
smiled, but the huge sense of oppression made the girl feel as if she was about
to be crushed to the ground. Chanchao unconsciously grabbed the senior's
school uniform again, and lowered his eyes, like a chick staring at a vicious
"Uh..." murmured, and yanked on Senior Nith's school uniform.
Didn't you say you were going to die for me? help!
"Uh...just...that's...ah, it's better for Chanchao to clarify with Graph once, hehe."
"Tell P too..." the big young man said softly, and the long legs took another step
forward , approaching the girl who was almost buried on the back of another
boy. The badly handsome and badly handsome face also lowered accordingly,
and looked at it with charming eyes, while the person being looked at... had
sweaty palms. Backed into a corner!
"Uh, it's..."
"I said, P..."
"P is talking to sister Chanchao, didn't Sin teach my brother any manners?"
There was a moment of silence.
This time, the shield who volunteered was also speechless. Although he was full
of fighting spirit in his heart (because of the closeness of the girl's body), but
seeing the situation continue, he could only lower his head and lower his eyes in
vain. Chanchao's hands were trembling, and his head kept thinking to see if
there was something important that could save him.
What to say now? Summary of chemistry results? No, you can't... have to
prepare in advance. English report introduction? No, Graph himself is
amazing...Thai traditional musical instruments? No, no, it sounds weird no
matter what... What else is there, Si Chanchao, what important homework is
there now? How about mixing it up? Oh, what if P wants to see it? That's not
playing yourself to death!
Even if Chanchao's head was a machine, it would explode on the spot.
"I want to know who is here, so it's Graph's girlfriend."
They thought that death was about to come to their heads, but suddenly
someone's voice came from behind them, so the three of them turned their heads
to look, and then saw... a man with a charming appearance and a slender body
was looking at all the things here. Funny thing that happened.
"Girlfriend?" Pakin interjected. Rui Mu narrowed his eyes slightly and looked at
his younger brother.
"Hmm, last time I went to school to pick up Graph, I saw that I was dating this
little sister." "
No... no, it's not a date. It's really just a friend." Chanchao immediately became
anxious when he realized it Waving back and forth to deny, I don't want P‟
Pakin to misunderstand Graph. I saw the young model approaching the girl and
giving him a smile, a smile that Chanchao believed would captivate many men.
To be honest, although P looks very popular, he will still be secretly moved by
it... Oh, good-looking, how can there be a boy who is so good-looking!
The man who perfectly matches the image of the queen in his mind is close at
hand. If it is normal, Chanchao will definitely start to secretly drink, restraining
himself from screaming. The other party can even smell the body fragrance that
wafts into the nostrils. But because I was mistaken for my friend's girlfriend, I
wanted to continue to deny it, but it stopped when the man named Win put his
hands on his shoulders, bowed his head and smiled to himself: "It's not
surprising that a girlfriend came to see her boyfriend.
" Well, P doesn't think it's necessary to use homework as an excuse."
Girlfriend came to see boyfriend...not surprising...
"Well, actually, I'm Graph's girlfriend. P let me go up Look at the Graph,
In an instant, the girl got the signal from the other party through her eyes...
There is no need to make excuses if she is a lover.
The words said made the two men involuntarily pause.
One... was so surprised that he turned around and looked at the junior.
A... visibly shows a pause.
"Help take this child up to the room to find Graph." At the same time, Win
turned and said to the maid who just passed by. The maid quickly agreed, and
invited the girl who was about to follow her as if she had finally escaped
danger, and left with her, completely ignoring the senior who brought her
along. However, Nith's reaction was fast enough:
"I also know that it is very rude to come uninvited, but Graph is my very
important person (student), please allow me to go up too.
" The boy followed the moon in disrespect, as if he was so worried about
Kritithi that he would break into the house of a man whom no one dared to
offend. Although in fact I was anxious...(Nith, sounds like night in English;
Chanchao, means moon in Thai.)
Didn't Graph say that they are not lovers!!!
Two teenagers and girls dropped the bomb and ran away, and the responsible
The person who ignited the fire, such as Win, still stood there with a smile, and
did not forget to add more ingredients:
"This little daughter-in-law is more attractive than expected."
Phwin deliberately used the word "daughter-in-law", and then quietly watched
the two teenagers and girls. The brother's reaction from the back.
Yes, Win deliberately said it to make his brother jealous, and he wanted to see
interesting things. But...
"That's it." My dear brother just smiled back, no, he laughed out loud.
The person who turned around and looked back said leisurely:
"It doesn't matter how attractive you are."
It's too calm, too difficult to interpret, and it looks...too nostalgic.
"If it doesn't matter, then what is P doing with you?" The young model
immediately grabbed the conversation. The listener frowned slightly:
"Have you forgotten that this is my room? I can't let some kid accidentally open
the drawer and take out a pistol to play... That's it. Oh, and..." Go to the owner
of the room Before seeing the guest, the long legs suddenly stopped, then turned
around and looked back again.
With malicious eyes in his eyes, he said leisurely:
"I've never used the word daughter-in-law to anyone, it's always just
'bedmate'...that brat is no exception."
After finishing speaking, the speaker walked up the room, leaving behind the
close relatives Ping stood there. Because Win thinks...he picked the wrong
focus, the kind that was outrageously wrong.
Maybe, he might have pushed Graph into the pit again.
"Hey, why are you here!"
"Come to visit Graph, what's wrong with (the body)?"
Can this not make Kritithi feel strange, suddenly an unexpected person appeared
and stood in front of the door, making him tired of lying down The man was so
happy that he almost sat up. Looking at the friend who walked in, he almost
rushed to pull him to the bed. The girl looked at her friend worriedly, and then
moved a little closer.
"This morning the teacher said that Graph was not feeling well, and the
guardian called to ask for leave. I was very worried and kept calling.
Fortunately, P Pakin answered the phone. When I asked to come to visit, P also
agreed. So I came to see Graph. So what's going on? Don't talk about getting
into a fight with someone again." The girl spoke quickly, and the listener shook
his head guiltily: "I'm sorry, I didn't pick you up call."
"It's okay, as long as Graph is fine. But I'm so worried." The person who calls
every night but couldn't get through last time said with relief. The exposed smile
made the boy feel better in disbelief.
The only person who would really worry about him was this friend.
"Graph is still a bit hot now." After confirming the safety of his friend,
Chanchao intimately measured the other's temperature with his forehead, but the
girl couldn't help but worry about the abnormal warmth from the skin. Coupled
with the other party's unusually pale face and the appearance of sleeping in
pajamas, he couldn't help but feel very worried.
"Have a high fever? Or something? Did you go to see a doctor? And then Graph
took medicine, right? Didn't he just use antipyretic patches? Did he eat
anything? You need to eat before taking medicine. I can‟t stop eating, and..."
"Okay, I know, enough is enough."
"Oh, Graph!

"What kind of mark is this?"

If it weren't for Graph's hands gripping the collar tightly, the girl's fingers would
have almost touched the faint mark at the base of her neck. The young man
moved his body in a panic and turned his face away. The look made the people
watching suddenly stop. Looking down at my friend's face... already blushing.
The pale face turned red in seconds, almost dripping blood, which made the
radar of the rotten girl start to operate in an instant.
Physical discomfort, drowsiness, marks on the base of the must not be
due to hemorrhagic fever!
"Graph, it doesn't mean, it doesn't mean, it doesn't mean!!!" Chanchao's eyes
widened, and he was so excited that he jumped onto the bed without knowing
it. I just wanted to shake my friend's shoulder to ask what happened, and the
more I looked at the handsome, flushed face, the more self-confidence that
belonged to a rotten girl gushed out, except for the one question that kept
repeating. Can't say anything. Seeing his friend's excited look, Graph turned his
face away, and then...
"Really, really, really, really, Graph. Is Graph telling the truth? Already with P
he...P Is he really!!!" The girl bent over and whispered in a low voice, so
excited that she grabbed her friend's shoulder vigorously, and the listeners dared
not look at each other. To be honest, I feel really shy when my friends ask so
directly. And what's even more embarrassing is that the friend is still a woman.
"Well, that's the one... P him.
" "Ahhhhhhhh~~~Graph is amazing! "
As a result, people who have been giving advice and advice for a long time
almost buried their heads on the shoulders of their friends in order to control the
screams that were about to burst out of their throats, and wanted to cheer as
much as they wanted. They were so excited for their friends that they got
carried away. See Graph Talking shyly, and then thinking about the real
situation and being uncomfortable in bed, it shows that the intensity of that
night must be beyond her imagination!
This is too good to drink!
" Cough, cough. "
However, the friend 2 interaction seemed to force someone (totally ignored) to
clear their throat to remind them that they were still there, and the sick person
turned around sharply, and exclaimed:
"Hey, why is P here!!!"
Seeing the senior standing a little distance away from him, the friend whispered
in a low voice as if he had forgotten the existence of the other party:
"P Nith accompanied me to visit Graph. See, I will Said that P likes
Graph...can't come here, P Nith!" the girl said, and then yelled out loudly, which
made the two teenagers in the room startled. Especially when he heard the next
sentence, the young man at midnight widened his eyes even more.
"P Nith, please take another 5 steps back."
"Huh? Why is P going back?"
"Back, back up." When the beautiful junior said so, the confused young man
finally understood that the second classmate What is the relationship between
people, and then obediently backed away dejectedly. And Chanchao whispered
to his friend:
"What if P Nith likes Graph even more when he sees it like this? Graph is so
cute. I don't want to be attacked. Graph can only belong to P Pakin alone." .It
was hard to get P him." The girl who loves fantasy thinks farther and
farther. Look at her friend, her face is red, her hair is fluffy, her pajamas are
messy, and her neck is full of hickeys... What should other men do if they see it
and want to get hard?
Graph doesn't quite understand his friend's crazy talk, and at the same time
shakes his head because his friend never sees him as a good boy... But that's
okay, the reason why he succeeds is because Chanchao never sees him as a
good boy He is a boy who needs to fall in love with a girl.
"Speaking... does it hurt? Is it a burning pain Graph? How does the Graph feel?
Pain, tingling, excitement, or can't stand it? How, how? I want to know." When
peace of mind with a friend is okay , the rotten soul was killed, and the girl
blinked her eyes curiously and asked in a low voice. Make anyone who needs
an answer feel ashamed of their friend.
Alas, you are a girl and I am a boy, why ask some questions that I dare not

"Ahhhh, really, really, really. Did P change after that?" Although the content of
what he said made people shy, the two were actually talking in a very small
voice, So Nith, who was in the far corner of the room, could only hear the
whispering voices, and looked dissatisfied at the picture of the boys and girls
being close together.
The people here were just dissatisfied, but the other person who stood and
watched for a while was...annoyed.
It's just a bed partner, isn't it, dead Pakin!
The young man said to himself aloud. Then I remembered what I said to my
brother just now, but the thick eyebrows still frowned involuntarily when faced
with the truth. Seeing that brat getting intimate with another girl, even though
I'm sure there's no deeper relationship between the two, and Graph has been
chasing his ass for so many years, but... another brat.
The man who kept saying he was a boyfriend and girlfriend made him even
more annoyed.
She's just a little girl, so why bother?
Dare to face him squarely, dare to appear in front of him, if he grows up another
2 or 3 years, he will definitely be the type he likes, but Pakin doesn't look at this
kid with that kind of eyes. I saw the small white hand touching the forehead of
the shy delinquent boy, and...buried it into Graph's shoulder and embraced him.
Pakin had to admit...he'd never seen this brat get as close as he was with this
little girl.
Unknowingly, the long legs had already walked to the bed. The two boys and
girls couldn't help but turned their heads and looked over.
Chanchao looked on in surprise, while Graph looked... blushing.
Red in the face because of a certain girl.
Strangely irritable.
"P Pakin, I want to talk to my friend."
What made him even more annoyed was that this stinky boy was trying to drive
away the owner of the room, so the young man...sneered:
"Let me measure your body weight to make sure you take your medicine
regularly. "
"I'm on my meds, really." Graph said a little louder, as if he was ashamed to let
his friends see him being supervised to take his meds like a child. The person
watching just made an action.
made a movement that surprised everyone in the room with their mouths wide
open... Pulling up the boy who was lying on the bed, the bent forehead just
touched the boy's forehead, and the big hand reached in , Hug tightly around the
waist so that two people can stick closer together.
This time, the boy's eyes widened, and he couldn't believe what was happening
before his eyes. And Pakin stared deeply into those eyes, and then...said softly:
"It's still a little hot, did you really take the medicine?" The voice was so gentle
that the boy's heart trembled.
"" The young master answered with a trembling voice. It caused the
young man to laugh out of his throat, and lowered his eyes to look at his lips
with deep meaning.
"I thought I was going to feed you."
The child in his arms couldn't help but feel dizzy and tinnitus, unable to speak,
his whole body turned red like a boiled shrimp, and what was even more
terrible... His body was so weak that it was like a deflated rubber band. As soon
as he let go...
Graph fell down on the bed as if he had lost all his strength. He raised his head
and looked at the other person in surprise. treated like this. And Pakin said in a
victorious posture:
"I'm going out, be a good boy and wait for me obediently."
"Ah, um."
Then, not sure if it was because he was overly frightened, Graph obediently
replied. The speaker turned and left the room, and glanced at the other two
children in the room before leaving. It's like declaring to whom the young
master Kritithi belongs.
That's what people who just said they were just...bedmates do.
"What the hell did you do!!!"
The winner cursed with a headache as soon as he left the sight of the three
children, raised his hand as if venting his emotions, and brushed his hair
vigorously. He stopped suddenly at the entrance of the stairs, and punched the
wall next to him, a trace of nervousness flashed across his handsome face.
Yes, what the fuck did he do? He actually gave that kid hope.
"It's just that I feel guilty because I let my desire be dominated by me."
The young man said loudly to himself, insisting that the reason for doing that
was not because he wanted to have any other views on Graph, who had grown
up since he was a child, but because he was guilty of sleeping with him and still
It's all about making the other person too sick to go to school, that's all. When
that kid has nothing to ask for, everything will end just like that.
But... the more I think about it, the more irritable I become.
Is it because it's your first time?
It felt like a victor in possession of a chaste person who accidentally assumed a
position of superior ownership because the other person had never been in
anyone's hands. If he didn't want his life to become a mess, he should try his
best to restore the relationship that happened.
Why not, not only would my life be in chaos, but so would that brat.
Not only would it be dangerous if Ya got too close to him, but if Ya got used to
sleeping with men, Graph wouldn't be able to get back on track. And he didn't
want to draw any scars in this kid's life.
That kid can't be like Win!
This idea made the young man clenched his hands tightly into fists, and then the
man who was so irritable that he was about to go crazy strode downstairs
quickly, grabbed the key of the Hennessey Venom GT, and prepared to go
directly to the small car showroom, wanting to bring his beloved son ( car) for a
hellish speed challenge. That might have put him in a better mood, but...
a nice BMW pulled up to the front entrance of the mansion, and someone who
was supposed to brighten his mood got out of the car.
"How? P Pakin." The gesture of the person who raised his hand in greeting was
very nice.
"Chin..." The man who came made the owner of the mansion pause for a
moment, and looked at the mixed-race youth whose hair was dyed green that
caught his attention from the first sight he saw. In an instant, the straight lips
raised a playboy smile, and the long legs stepped towards the unexpected visitor
and said softly:
"Changed my mind."
Changed my mind to find him instead of guarding a certain man.
Hearing this, Chin shook his head. He sighed annoyedly:
"P don't make trouble for me, P Oat is a fool just because I came here."
Thinking of the person he is dating, the newcomer shook his head in
disgust. The loud roar of the very angry man almost went through the phone to
question him why he went to Pakin, even though the other end of the phone was
also Pakin's racing driver.
'Don't go near P Pakin, how many times have I warned, Chin! "
Go to hell, no matter who is like that, do you think I'm just so watery.
" I told P that I would not cuckold my boyfriend, and P himself said that he
would not mess with someone who has a reputation. . "
Fortunately, P‟ Pakin won't act hastily, at least he still has enough sense not to
pester those who have a master or those who don't want to waste time playing
around. The appearance
makes the listeners shake their heads slightly, their sharp eyes shine brighter,
and then issued from their throats He laughed softly:
"The more I say that, the more interested I am, but forget it, I'm not in the mood
now. "
Pakin's mood is a little better, but still a bit off. And this seems to be noticed by
the newcomer.
" Who upset a big man like P Pakin... hope it's not my sister. "
" "Sister...wouldn't say yes..."
Even if the listener is not stupid, just hearing this, he realizes why the young
man with dyed hair appeared at his house. The sister mentioned must be... .
"...I hope P doesn't touch that child."
The eyes of the mixed-race youth are full of intransigence.
Pakin looked at the other party with satisfaction, and met his eyes. It must be a
very pleasant thing to want to conquer the person in front of you and tame it
into a kitten. However, while thinking this way, the image of someone popped
into his mind...the person he said to be a good boy and wait for him to come
The face of the person in my mind turns a bad smile into a satisfying one.
The big man held his hands out to his sides in a gesture of surrender, though his
sharp eyes... shone brightly.
"I see you from before." Pakin said leisurely, seemingly uninterested. The
people watching were also relieved:
"I heard that I need to raise a child recently." Changed the subject.
"Hmph, where did you hear that?" When a certain kid was mentioned, the
listener paused a bit and asked back. Chin also replied obediently:
"P Saifar said. He said that P is raising a child and has no time to hold races
recently, so I just want to guess who the kid is... The BMW parked on the racing
track is pretty nice It's right." After finishing speaking, he put on a look of
understanding. The listener took out a cigarette and lit it, without making any
answer, just took a deep breath of the cigarette into his lungs, and then held it in
his hand.
"How many people know about it."
How many people know that Graph is here now.
When Pakin asked a serious question, the listeners also got into the mood:
"I'm not sure, but there are rumors that P is obsessed with a child. Even
outsiders like me have heard the news. People in the circle must They also
talked with relish that P did not want to hold any more competitions because of
the children who appeared on the field last time." The more I listened, the sharp
eyes became more settled, and a smile appeared on the corner of my mouth, but
it was not a smile full of smiles. but... Laughing grimly.
The cigarette in his hand was released, dropped to the ground, and then the soles
of his feet were crushed vigorously. There was a sudden, breathless silence, and
then the owner of the cigarette said brutally:
"It seems that some rumors have to be suppressed."
Although the voice was mixed with a smile, Chin's gaze and smile allowed Chin
to sniff out dangerous information. But he is not a timid person, so he said
"But I said, if P does that, P will make those guys believe that the rumor is
true." If it is not true, why would he care? People like P‟ Pakin are interested in
many things, so they don't care about rumors about a child. Words like
suggestions made the listeners pause for a moment, and then laughed loudly:
"Is it true that you don't change your mind?"
He said bluntly, that Pakin wants to possess this person in front of him... let him
appreciate it and read it easily A little expert who understands other people's
thoughts is different from a little devil.
"Is P depressing too much? Go and relieve it." Chin said tiredly as he went back
to this matter. The repressed man laughed softly, put his arm on the half-breed
boy's shoulder and said leisurely:
"Please do what you want."
"And P is going to track down the source of the rumors?" Chin asked
rhetorically. However, Rui Mu, who turned his head to look back, paused, and
Pakin replied half-truthfully,
"No... follow your suggestion to relax."
After speaking, the speaker turned around and left according to the original
route . Because as Chin said, he may have suppressed too much and got too
close to a certain kid, so he should take a little time back to return to the original
world. The world that Graph has never been in contact with... There are no
constraints or additional conditions, and sex is just a world to relieve stress and
That world is completely different from that kid.

Chapter 27: Lonely

Boom! Boom!! Boom!!!
At midnight, a whole floor of a famous hotel in the center of Bangkok was
booked out as an event venue for a party, and the floor that was booked was
just... at the highest point, A place with an open-air swimming pool and a 360-
degree view of the capital. There the music was pounding wildly, cutting
through the floors. Under the alternately flickering lights, shadows are reflected
in the swimming pool.
Of course, those who participate in the pool party must wear swimsuits.
"How about it, beauties. You are all beautiful tonight."
The man who is the host of the party is briskly joining a large group of beauties
who don't have much cloth on his body. Shouting beauties.
"Mr. Sin, do you want to have a drink together?"
"Haha, just one glass. I have to entertain guests later." Sirapop, the eyes of
anyone who likes anything interesting is full of dazzling light, amidst the
screams and applause around She drank the drink in her hand...the big hand was
around the neck of the beautiful woman beside her, staring sharply at the eyes
with thick eyewear, not afraid of being watered at all. With a wicked smile on
the corner of his mouth, he deliberately lowered his face to put on his lips, and
then... drank it all in one gulp.
"Oh, it's spilled, please wipe it off for me." The young man whispered in a
hoarse voice around the area around his mouth that was dirty with a lot of
wine. The beauty with a flushed face raised her hands and wrapped them around
the neck of the handsome young man, rubbed her body against the warm naked
chest, and then stretched out her tongue to lick the corner of the other's mouth
with ease.
Of course, Sin didn't let go of this opportunity, and gave each other a passionate
kiss, ignoring other people's eyes.
"This wine is much sweeter than usual." After pushing it away, he said with a
smile while licking the corner of his mouth.
"Mr. Sin, why don't you drink with me too!"
"It's too much! I want to drink with you too!"
So all the beauties around shouted enviously, looking dissatisfied at Lucky who
was smiling like a winner Son. Make the intentionally glamourous laugh out
"Everyone does, beauties..."
However, before he finished speaking, Ruimu stared at someone who had just
entered the party... and looked in the same direction with the other people in the
Although the lights in the center of the swimming pool were dimmed to create
an atmosphere of a high-end bar, it still couldn't hide the eye-catching
appearance of the newcomer... I saw the man wearing only a pair of dark
swimming trunks, showing his strong body, The shoulders are strong, the tough
and beautiful muscle lines extend all the way to the chest, and there are waves
of beautiful muscles on the abdomen, and the strong gastrocnemius (calf) is also
covered with clearly visible blood vessels, which is very eye-catching, but these
But they are far less glamorous than his looks and the aura emanating from this
Many people were fascinated by the evil aura and powerful fire-like aura
emanating from the man, and they wanted to make up for the flame without fear
of death.
"Oh, it seems to be next time, beauties." Sin handed the wine glass to one of the
beauties and walked towards the newcomer with a big smile on his face.
"Scattering krub, Mr. Pakin... I don't think you will accept the invitation." "
Ha, how can you not participate in such a fun event."
After shaking hands, the two young people put each other's shoulders heavily,
the newcomer The person also raised the corner of his mouth and glanced
around in satisfaction.
Ya is worthy of being the little prince of Party.
"By the way, what is this celebrating?" Pakin said with a smile. And Sirapop
also laughed, and asked back:
"What should I celebrate...the 3rd anniversary of the store...Celebrate my
birthday in advance..." The owner who didn't know what to hold this party to
celebrate said with a smile. The people listening also raised the corners of their
mouths, after all, they knew the nature of this bastard friend.
Celebrations are all excuses, Ya will do it when she sees something interesting,
just like him.
Sin likes parties, and he...does the same thing with racing.
The temperament is exactly the same, and it is also the same in a certain way...
"Let's celebrate it."
Dead Sin likes to pull the tiger's whiskers.
Pakin just let out a dry laugh in his throat, although there was a hint of warning
in his eyes, there was no need to bring up the previous things again. Because it
seems that the bastard friends have already inquired about him, and...
"Don't think that I don't know it's a trick." "
Oh, Mr. Pakin, such a beautiful baby is lying in front of you. If you It's a waste
if you don't eat it. I'm just giving you a simple excuse as a friend." After
speaking, Sirapop turned around and took a drink from the waiter and handed it
to him. The listener pressed his gaze and did not refute, because he himself was
the one who followed suit.
Aware of the unusualness at the beginning, but let it go, because honestly...
really want to eat it.
That self-righteous dead child begging him in bed.
Thoughts that were supposed to make Pakin feel good, but made people who
haven't been home for almost a week feel quite irritated.
Because no matter who she sleeps with, Ya can't get rid of it in her mind.
"Hehe, you can tell me when you want to send it. I am very happy to share
things with you... Oh, Sis Sin seems to be about to say the wrong thing." Before
the party owner finished speaking, the strong, sharp gaze came Staring at each
other suddenly... the eyes are saying that enough is enough for me.
However, instead of making the other party feel scared, on the contrary, Sirapop
felt a strong interest in something he had never seen before.
The more you protect me, the more you want to test him.
"Okay, okay, I won't touch your things. I just think it's fun. And if you want to
find a private place, then... I have reserved a big room for you. "The owner of
the party nodded to the person beside him and the person in charge of the
entrance, meaning that whoever you like can take the room, and just go to his
person to ask for the key.
Then he patted his shoulder heavily.
"Someone is going to make a mess, don't let the handsome guys and beautiful
women down. I'm also going to find my own fun... See you at the gym next
time." The owner of the party raised his hand as a gesture of farewell, and then
continued to perform the duties of receiving guests Responsibilities...and the
guests seem to have chosen too.
Dead Sin's standard is quite high.
Pakin scanned the surroundings while thinking, and saw that the people who
attended the party were not only people with social status and reputation, but
also good-looking people. And now, how could he fail to receive... the
expectant eyes that looked over.
"Heh." The young man took a sip of the drink in his hand, and then walked
straight towards the target of interest with long legs...some two or three
This made several young people sigh, because it is well known that Pakin can
be both male and female, but it seems that today's target is not male.
Because I seem to want to avoid all people and things that can be associated
with a certain kid.
Not long after, under the influence of alcohol and the cigarettes specially
prepared by the host for the party, the young man went to the room together
with three of the most attractive women in the party. But I didn't know that he
said he wanted to be a good boy who was waiting at home... and he was still
waiting obediently.
Kritithi is in a bad mood right now...very bad.
"Where did he die!!!" He
stretched his neck and looked out the window because he heard a car coming in.
When he saw that the car coming in was not what he wanted, but a young model
who had disappeared for a few days and reappeared, After looking around, the
person fell down on the sofa and cursed angrily.
"Oh hello! Where did you go missing? Didn't you tell me to be a good boy, isn't
that already obedient!" The stubborn child has lost patience now, and irritably
beat the sofa with the pillow.
Yeah, the bastard who told him to be a good boy and wait hadn't been home for
a whole fucking week.
Graph knows that Pakin likes to sleep at home, but it doesn't mean that there are
no apartments outside. Based on years of experience in chasing after him, he
more or less knows what those apartments are used for.
Are you going to sleep with someone in your arms?
This kind of thought made the boy's lips tighter, feeling angry and aggrieved,
because this week, he has followed orders to be a good boy, and after
recovering from illness, he obediently went to school, handed in all his
homework, went to exams and did not Skipping class made Chanchao very
satisfied. But is this the result he got after doing it well!
"No matter how well I do it, I won't take a second look at it. Is it to make me
But if I do something wrong, the look will only be extremely disgusting.
The person who thought this way took the previous pillow and stuffed it into his
arms. The quarrel that was about to erupt could only end up sitting down lonely,
shrinking like an untended plant.
The appearance made people who walked in couldn't help but feel amused.
"Has it been like this for a long time?" Turning around, he asked the
housekeeper who called him to return to this house.
During this period of time, Win went home because he couldn't stand his
mother's constant pestering, and he went back to his elder brother's house
because the housekeeper called to say... 'Master Win, please come and
accompany Master Graph, it seems very lonely
But this loneliness may only be relieved by one person.
"Kin hasn't come home yet?" While thinking about it, she turned her head and
continued to ask, and Aunt Kaew nodded with a frustrated face and replied,
since Master Win went out, he hasn't come back, even though Master Graph has
completely recovered from his illness "
"Heh," Win replied with a throaty laugh, because he seemed to see a certain
A good elder brother would also avoid such a kid.
The person who would face everything directly, but would leave his home and
children and flee to other places regardless, this is even more interesting.
"Auntie, go to bed, I'll talk about it later." After finishing speaking, the young
model walked directly to the person lying on the sofa. I saw that the other party
hugged the pillow tightly and turned on the TV, but it seemed that he was
watching him rather than watching TV.
"How? P Win." The sofa beside him slumped slightly, making the boy look
back involuntarily, and then greeted him stiffly. The person who was greeted
asked back:
"What are you watching?"
"The 8 o'clock drama. Chanchao said it was very good, but I think it is ugly as
hell. They are all robbing men." The person in pajamas buried his face in Sofa,
said boredly. Then, in order to prove his boredom, he grabbed the remote
control and turned off the TV, and then buried his face in the sofa again, as if
saying that he didn't want to talk.
"Is this a temper tantrum?"
The small appearance made Win almost couldn't help laughing, because maybe
this brat not only felt lonely because his brother was not at home, but was acting
like a spoiled child to him.
"No." quietly holding his breath, the person who was thrown at home by himself
and had to come back on time, go to school on time, and couldn't go for a stroll
said heavily, but he still refused to look up. Then the young model laughed out
He laughed genuinely, without a trace of falsehood, then moved the boy's head
and sat down beside him, raising his hand to rub the little head.
"I'm sorry, I didn't accompany you."
"I said, I'm not playing my temper!"
The boy said in a muffled voice on the sofa, making the people watching laugh
louder, and the hand rubbing his head turned into a gentle caress.
"Then P is trying to curry favor with you." These words made Graph raise his
head slightly, and then hid his face again.
"What the hell is P laughing, I just said that I am not playing my temper."
People who are 100% playing their temper said so. Win laughed. He really liked
the kid in front of him, but he didn't understand why his elder brother had seen
the cuteness of this kid for so many years.
Who said that Graph is difficult to deal with, if you know the method, it is not
difficult at all.
"Is it better?"
"Okay." The kid who was playing a temper tantrum replied in a muffled
voice. The injury from the last sex has completely healed, and I can play ball in
physical education class with ease.
"Do you go to school every day?"
"Did you eat and take medicine?"
"Do you know that P will be worried?"
The person who wanted to answer immediately became quiet, and then played a
temper tantrum The kid sat up with his messy hair, looked at the young model,
and then looked down at his hands.
"I'm alone at home." The person who said he was not playing his temper
accidentally said what was on his mind. Win moved his body and sat closer.
"Eating is eaten alone."
"It's the same as being in your own home."
It was like accusing, and then the bad boy raised his handsome face and looked
at him For the eyes of the elder brother, whispered:
"Super lonely, P Win."
If Graph had fluffy ears and tail, Ya must be pulling his ears and tail to show
how lonely he is. And the handsome face that looked like a delinquent boy
turned into a cute one, the conceited eyes were rolling around, and the roaring
voice became pitiful and cute, making the people watching sigh, and then He
said understandingly:
"I'm sorry for leaving you alone."
"P doesn't need to apologize, P is not wrong. After all, the owner of this house
has never cared about me!" When talking about someone, the voice can't help
but rise Get up, then curl your lips and say:
"I said I want to be a good boy, but I don't care at all no matter how well I do!"
After the anger, there is only deep loneliness. This made people who didn't
know how lonely the child was, they also understood, so they pulled the boy
and let him lie down on his lap.
"Hey, P, I'm not a child."
"Sleep, sleep or not!" When the voice became more serious, Graph wilted, and
obediently lay down on the famous model's lap, letting Win stroke his head
It feels pretty good.
The two remained silent for a while, and then Phawis asked,
"Is this still sleeping in Kin's room?" The question made the listener pause for a
moment, and his fair face turned slightly pale.
"Chachao said you can't move." After finishing speaking, I remembered what
my friend repeated every day:
"Even if Graph recovers from his illness, he must never move to another room.
If P doesn't rush for a day, you have to have the cheek to occupy his room,
Said To be honest, it's not just because of friends' instigation, but because the
boy himself understands... If he moves back to the guest room, it will be the
same as before. Now that he has an excuse to stay in the big bedroom, he wants
to occupy it until the owner of the room speaks out to drive him away.
The big bedroom has a greater chance of seeing P‟ Pakin.
"I have a good friend."
"That's right, P. If I didn't have Chanchaho, I'd probably be kicked out of school
by now," Graph shared. Then the things in school slowly blurted out, including
classmates, teachers, homework, and subjects studied, as if the boy had been
holding back all the time and said it all at once... No one has ever been willing
to listen to him.
Although Win is a person who never cares about other people's affairs, this time
he is willing to sit down and stroke a certain child's hair quietly. Seeing that the
person with melancholy eyes is now laughing out loud, my heart opens up even
more, so I couldn't help asking: "There are so many good people and things
around me, why should I like a jerk ?
" Bastard, who could you be talking about... is the owner of this house. The
question made Graph also silent, and for some reason, he said what he had
never dared to say: "P Pakin is the first person who made me not feel lonely."
The boy turned over and lay on Phawis' abdomen, wanting to bury him Looking
for a trace of warmth, but didn't dare, so I could only close my eyes and say
with a trembling voice: "No matter how other people get into my life, P Pakin is
the first person who cares about me... P Pakin's heart was once more than it is
now Much better... so much better, P Win." The person listening to these words
didn't say anything, just stroked the boy's hair who seemed to be unable to
speak. It's not because I don't want to say it, but because if I say it... I will
definitely show my vulnerable side. Then, silence flooded the entire room, only
the young model slowly stroked her hair until the tearful person fell
asleep. Until he was sure that Graph was completely asleep, Phawis grabbed his
phone and contacted someone he didn't want to contact...someone with a vicious
heart. "Chai, tell your boss that if you don't come home, I'll set the whole car
showroom on fire." Win's voice was cold enough...but his eyes were even
colder. He hates...hates people who play with other people's feelings.
By the time Pakin received the message from his men, it was already the next
morning...a new morning that was not at all satisfactory.
Last night should be his happiest night, completely venting his primitive desires
and having fun in the middle of the night, but in fact, no matter who he sleeps
with or how many times he vents, he always fails to get what he wants.
It's not what you want's not what you want.
"Mr. Pakin ... ah ... ah ... ah ... light ... light ... no ... no ... I can't. ‟
He hated sharp, piercing moans, even if others found them pleasant and
arousing, but for him it was the exact opposite. Although there were three
women on the bed with him in the cloud and rain, crying and moaning almost
out of breath, the man who was supposed to enjoy the cloud and rain became
No matter how good the situation is, it's just a little bit of venting.
Feel different from someone.
That immature body, almost trembling moans and unaffected reactions... are
completely different.
Despite the same crying and begging for his mercy, it felt completely different.
"Mr. Pakin...Let's play together next time."
The plump identity is attached to the back, the slender and beautiful hands
linger lustfully on the broad chest, and the beautiful face is also bent on the
shoulders, which may make people Countless men are addicted to it, but...
"Do you think there will be a next time?"
Rui Mu glanced over, causing the beauty to stop, watching the sloppily dressed
young man grab something, turn around and walk out of the room without any
hesitation. What made the young man even more irritated was that he saw the
message sent by his subordinates.
"Why are you crazy!"
[I don't know. That's what Master Win said when he called, and the phone was
already turned off when he called back. I called Aunt Kaew and heard that she
went back to the mansion to sleep last night. ]
The subordinates themselves were also confused. So Pakin hung up the phone
cursing and threw it on the seat next to him.
He felt as bad enough this morning as if he hadn't let go, and now he had to
listen to the meaningless madness of his wayward relative. The guy who wasn't
going home for a while finally decides to shift gears and slams the luxury car
straight into the road at top speed, heading back to the house where he left some
kid behind.
Not long after driving on the road in the early morning, the beautiful car drove
into and parked on the uphill of the Lian mansion. The owner of the car bowed
his head and strode into the house, intending to ask Phawis what he wanted and
dared to offend. his sons. However...
"Master Win went out early."
"What!" The butler's polite report caused the person who was about to explode
to yell, so Aunt Kaew could only lower her head and said, "
Yes Yes, it seems that I have a job, so I went out early."
"Damn! Do you want me to challenge the bottom line of my nerves?" Pakin said
heavily, and raised his mobile phone to contact him to go home, but when he
came back, he didn't know. Someone who disappeared without a trace. But no
matter how many calls he made, he didn't answer, and even when he called his
uncle's house, he said that Win didn't answer. (*Because the relationship
between Win and Pakin has not been clarified in the previous article, I always
thought it was a cousin, but in fact it should be a cousin.) "
Damn Chai, where is Win!"
Someone who knows everything, and Panachai said that it will take a little time
to find someone, but this answer is not what someone who is about to rush out
of the house again wants.
"Master Pakin!!!" However, it stopped at Aunt Kaew's rapid and loud call.
Sharp eyes glanced over, and the housekeeper hurriedly said,
"Don't you see Master Graph?
" Pretending to step out of the house.
"Please, Master Graph is very lonely, at least let him meet, I beg you." The old
man and elder of the family grabbed his young master's wrist and begged. If it
were someone else, Pakin would have yelled back, but he calmed down a little
because he was the one who took care of himself since he was a child.
It was because of the word... loneliness that he completely calmed down.
"Please, Master Pakin. Master Graph has become super obedient. He goes to
school every day, eats and takes medicine immediately. But he has to eat alone,
because Master Win is back at his home, Master Pakin is not there, and Chai is
not there either." Come here. Please, at least let him meet," Aunt Kaew
begged. The listener pulled back his hand, looking like he was going to
disappoint the other party, but...
"Just go to see Ya, isn't it?"
"Huh? Yes, yes, thank you, Master Pakin " Aunt Kaew replied happily, looking
at the man who cursed dissatisfiedly but turned and walked upstairs.
"What's so good about that brat? They're all for you!" The
listener smiled happily and whispered behind him:
"If Master Pakin opens his heart, he will understand why Everyone is turning to
Master Graph."
At first Pakin rushed directly to the guest room, but the empty room made him
frown, and he was about to ask someone to find out where the brat who wanted
to see him was, but he suddenly Thinking about it, the long legs led the tall man
straight to the bedroom that he hadn't returned to for a week.
And the person I'm looking for...
"Slept well." The person who had a bad temper early in the morning said with
gritted teeth, because the person who everyone said was very lonely slept
peacefully Very uncomfortable. However, when he saw the sleeping body
curled up in the middle of the huge bed...he calmed down.
Ya looks... quite pathetic.
The young man seemed to be in a deep sleep, but his sleeping position was that
his body was curled up into a ball, the quilt was pulled up to his neck, and his
face was buried in the pillow as if he was hugging himself tightly on the big
dark bed. Anyone who looks at it can feel the loneliness in it.
"Alas." This thought made the superior sigh heavily, sat down on the edge of
the bed and fixedly looked at a small part of the handsome face of the dead
child in front of him.
Silence happened in an instant like this, stretched out a big hand, gently stroked
the boy's head, and then said:
"I'm sorry."
I'm sorry, I didn't keep my promise.
I'm sorry for making you wait at home but never coming back.
Sorry...for leaving you so lonely.
The person who was thinking in this way put his hands on his head, looked at
the person who had fallen asleep, and the depression in his heart eased. He
rubbed his long fingers on the fair face for a while, feeling the soft and tender
tenderness of the warm skin. The touch... belongs to the unmodified skin of the
rainy season boy.
It is more crystal clear, more pure, people can't put it down. So...
the tall man bent over and lay down beside him, pulled the sleepy teenager who
only made a little protest by the neck into his arms, looked at the small part of
his fair face that was exposed for a while, and then buried his face in the dark
hair middle.
"Slightly better."
The aroma of the shampoo is far better than the strong, pungent perfume smell
that has been smelling all night, and this also makes the person who originally
planned to just come in and talk to his brother close his eyes, and even though
he looked The slender body of the clumsy-looking boy was not as soft and
plump as a woman's, but it was warm and comfortable, making one feel
unbelievably relaxed. Then a low whisper sounded:
"You have to be my pillow when you are in my room, you know, brat."
If Kritithi wakes up and hears the wayward voice, she will never be cruel to
someone with a bad heart Don't worry about it.
This sentence is saying this warm pillow...who does it belong to.
Chapter 28 (18+): Raging Desire Waves
Why is it so itchy?
Kritithi moaned softly, like a cat protesting being petted while she was sleeping
soundly. Slightly turning the body, as if trying to avoid the touch, but the touch
did not go away, on the contrary, the itchy caress seemed to touch every part of
the body, making the sleeping person can't help asking himself.
Warm, no, it's hot, why do you feel so hot all over your body?
Waves of heat spread all over the body, and the owner of the body had to twist
his neck to dodge, but that kind of dodge caused a wet and pressing feeling on
the neck, and the stroking all the way across the Adam's apple caused the body
to tremble, feeling like a fever The closed eyes couldn't help trembling.
what? Are you going to school today? Well, going to school. Otherwise
Chanchao will be so angry that he wants to hit someone again.
"Well, what time is it?"
"7 o'clock in the morning."
"7 o'clock, it's late, I have to get up..."
People who are always late seem to be unwilling to get out of the warmth and
comfort they feel. He groaned softly in his throat as if he was standing up, but
the answer he got shocked the young man, his eyes that could not be opened
immediately opened wide in surprise, and he was even more surprised when he
saw 'who' was straddling his body Nothing can be added.
People who haven't seen each other for a week, and then see them in this
No, it's not that P‟ Pakin has no clothes on, but that my clothes are all gone!
"P, what the fuck are you doing!!!" Graph yelled, moving his body to avoid
it. But the other party took a quicker step to grab his wrist and pressed it into the
soft mattress. There was a smile on his knife-like face of love and hate, and his
piercing eyes were happily looking at him at the same level. Jun's face lowered,
and he whispered to his ear:
"Even the youngest child should know what I'm going to do."
The listeners were startled unexpectedly. Because even if I say that, but in this
"Let me go!" The boy struggled hard, trying to avoid the scorching breath on his
The look of full resistance made the people watching... laugh.
After sleeping soundly for an hour, the person who was in a much better mood
smiled wickedly.
Pakin didn't intend to do this at first, but when Ya buried her in his arms and
smelled the aroma of shampoo and shower gel, coupled with the warm body,
the desire that could not be properly vented was instantly ignited, and then it
was like It's been a week since I found someone else to vent. But he still asked
himself in his heart.
Why the fuck did it have to be so complicated before.
The person who provokes lust is this brat, even if he finds other people to do it,
it is not what he wants, but it will only make his desire and dissatisfaction even
The young man knows that this is a very selfish idea, but he has always been a
selfish person, so why is he still trying not to touch her and pretend to be a good
If you pretend to be a good person, you will only feel irritable, everything you
see is an eyesore, and everything you hear is not pleasant. Wouldn‟t it be better
to do what you think?
The selfish person thought like that, and then the person who couldn't quench
his thirst because he drank the wrong water began to quickly undo the clothes of
the child he swore he would never touch, until now the boy's naked body was in
front of him. However, the opponent's body was ready, but his face
looked...very angry.
Although he saw that the other party was angry, he still didn't give in. He
clasped the other party's wrist tightly with both hands, and suppressed his body
so hard that he almost didn't get into the bed. The taller, bigger, and stronger
body just straddled the boy's body.
Because the neck was dodging, warm lips kissed the protruding Adam's
apple. But not only that, the tip of the tongue also slowly licked along the raised
shape, calmly licking all the way to the lower end of the neck. Graph was
shocked physically and mentally, and a soft moan came from his throat.
"Let go... let go!" The boy took a deep breath when the tip of his tongue did not
stop but moved to his ears. Feeling excited and exciting is like riding a roller
coaster. But when the hot tongue licks the small piece of meat under the ear.
"Ah!" A deep moan broke out of his throat, as if he was being stimulated by a
surge, he struggled vigorously like an electric shock, and tried his best to
avoid...someone with a low smile.
"Here is the weak point."
"Um... I said let go... Um... don't lick, shit!!!" The hot breath deliberately
sprayed on the weak point of the neck, and the mouth was pressed hard Kiss,
suck hard, and bright marks bloom accordingly. The bearer struggled
confusedly, his breathing began to become rapid, and he felt as if he was about
to have a high fever because of the few kisses.
Not because the body is saying no, but...
"Go to hell, bad faith bastard!"
Graph is angry... very angry, very wronged, feeling like fucking sucks. Doing
this kind of thing when you come back after disappearing for a week, does
being a good boy have to accept everything? What do you take him for?
"I'm not a whore!"
Although the teenager is the one who started the relationship, is it wrong to
think it's not just about sex?
Pakin, who thought he could easily make the other party sink, but when he
heard Ya say this, the person who heard it stopped immediately, and then
looked at the face flushed with anger and lust.
"I didn't treat you like a prostitute." The voice softened, and the listener couldn't
help turning his red eyes to look over.
"But P acts like I am, wanting it whenever I want." The stubborn kid
retorted. The young man couldn't help but look away, and then said in a more
emphatic tone:
"If I want to find someone to vent, I can find anyone else, so I won't argue with
a brat like you!" Struggled harder.
"Then P will find someone else!!!
"As soon as the words came out, it made my heart hurt even more. The words
also made the listeners look ugly, and then said loudly:
"I just said it, I don't want other people, I want you. Why did it start arguing! "
If it's just for sex, it's easier to find someone than to hook your fingers, so the
reason why I'm wasting time with this bratty brat is because I want to sleep with
you and feel annoyed.
The people who heard this couldn't help but widen their eyes, and some
understood. The struggling and dodging body also calmed down.
When the child began to obediently come down, the person who had been
suppressed for a week didn't want to waste any more time. He released his big
hand and grabbed his chin to force the person who was trying to dodge to turn
his head to accept the fiery kiss that was accurately attached.
A kiss that is different from the past... not a punishment, not a teaching, but a
taste of soft lips, a kiss full of lust.
"Well, ah... ah... um..."
The hot tongue broke into the warm mouth quickly, and there was no time for
the child to take a breath. The lips are eagerly grinding and pressing, the tongue
and the tender tongue are entangled, and the entanglement is about to become
one. I didn't notice at all that the force pushing against my shoulders had
gradually diminished... Gradually... my body also went limp.
Pakin wanted to heighten his desire. The tongue suddenly poked in and rubbed
against the inner wall, making the saliva sweet. The movement of withdrawing
makes people who have never received such a kiss reluctantly follow up. The
warm tongue tries to catch up and entangle. Even though he is about to be out of
breath, the pushing hands are raised instead to hold the wide ones. Shoulder.
Just kissing is already exciting.
This was the thought in the mind of the boy who responded honestly. Because
just that obscene kiss was enough to make something in his pants swell and
harden. So he drove away someone who was in the same situation as himself.
However, wanted people don't just want kisses. Kneading and caressing every
part of the tight but tactile body with big hands, he took off the pajama pants
and retreated to his buttocks.
Oh !!!
"Ah ... ah ... I have a class ..."
In this situation?
" don't want...

The little brain is still confused, so you want to resist him?

The more you obstruct it, the more it will attract further provocations, and the
long fingers caress the light-colored parts accordingly.
"Ah...exciting...too exciting! Don't touch there!!!"
Just pressing the fingertips on the top, the inexperienced man struggled
violently, pushing hard against the strong shoulders, and his eyes were full of
tears Tears, moaning out of sentences.
"Want me to use my mouth?" Pakin whispered slyly. And although he was very
angry, the hot person nodded his head heavily, which caused the other party to
laugh out loud from his throat.
"Hey! No...not where, no...P...don't lick my chest..."
The last time we had sex, it was like a typhoon passing through, but this time it
was different. Because the man with the mouth is not diverted to the delicious
and attractive part, but is focusing on another equally delicious part... beautiful
erect nipples. And just touching... the body trembles like chaff.
So, when the warm lips fell, Graph arched his chest unbearably, and tilted his
head as much as possible. And the scorching lips sucked and kneaded so hard
that there was a slight pain like an electric shock, and the staggered sucking and
licking made the body numb, and I didn't want it to stop.
The man who says no is tightly around the neck of the bigger man. Clenching
his teeth hard, when the bad lips are soothing the nipples, the excitement of lust
is also completely sinking the boy's body, swaying from side to side as if he is
afraid that he will ignore any side, and he does not want to be wronged on both
sides. Big hands stroke the cute spot, making Graph think his dick is about to
Not the ejaculation of passion at the peak but the flow of longing.
With the actions of the young man who knows how to make his bed partner
happy, little Graph's longing tears gradually increased.
The person who bent down looked at his wet hands, and then laughed out loud.
"It feels so good."
How long has it been since I slept with a kid like this... The last time it was
probably around the same age as Graph.
Pakin has also slept with people who don't have much experience in bed, but it's
just one or two girlfriends of the same age and about the same age, and then he
fell in love with people with better kung fu. But just teaching this self-righteous
brat wriggling under him can make him... hard.
It's not so hard, but the back is soaked with sweat because of wanting it.
The person who thought this way took out his trouser pocket, then wrinkled his
face irritably... no condom.
"Where is P going..."
Pakin was about to get up to get the condom in the room, but he was grabbed by
the wrist by a child, and asked hastily, moaning. So he lowered his head and
looked over... the young man who was about to fully grow was lying on his
back on the dark bed, his whole body was flushed because of his embrace, his
nipples were raised high, his long legs were widely spread, and the narrow holes
were jumping to lure him Involuntarily inserted into the body. The impact made
Graph groan.
Rarely so, just looking...and eager to get in.
do not care.
A person who takes protective measures no matter who he sleeps with thinks
this way, and he can let it go without thinking about why he is with Graph at
all. When Graphr couldn't react, the handsome face like a knife lowered and
came between the legs. His tongue licked along the wet growth, swallowing the
fishy sweet body fluid and letting it flow all the way to the neck.
Kiss... kiss...
"Ah!!! Ah! P Pakin...don't smoke, don't..."
P‟ Pakin is so powerful, so powerful that I completely surrendered.
Kritithi could only lie there helplessly, and couldn't bear it anymore, flicking her
hips to meet the other's mouth, indulging in extreme pleasure without noticing
that the tip of her tongue was moving over the narrow hole. Because it didn't
hurt at all, on the made him struggle to hold on to the sheets even
The first finger was inserted across the narrow gap, and felt a dense nibble, so
he pressed in, pulled out lightly, and then inserted another finger in, the heavy
push made Graph arch his body involuntarily, his mind went blank, only
Trembling voice begged bitterly.
"Um...surrender...P, ah...I surrender...let me..."
All dignity is left behind, because if someone is not afraid of moral constraints,
everything will be No need to think about it, so Graph kicked his feet apart and
felt the kind of pleasure that spread all over his body that he never got from
Feel so good.
The pleading voice made the big man raise his head and look over, licking his
mouth in satisfaction, and then gently patted his fair face with the back of his
hand that was stained with love juice.
"Say it again."
If it was normal, he would argue so much that his neck would loosen, but now
all the boy can do is to spread his legs wider, raise his head and look at his tear-
filled eyes, and then said in a trembling voice: "
Very Uncomfortable...P...I surrender...Help me...Help me a little...Um!!!" The
hot kiss pressed against the warm lips again, and this time the strong learner
The child also began to respond skillfully, grabbed his shoulders and wrapped
his neck around his neck, struggled to climb up, and offered a kiss. At the
moment Pakin hastily tore off his pants, the boy's legs were also wide open, and
the hot and hard thing rubbed against it and rubbed it wet.
hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh..." Graph felt like he was on a roller
The pleasure spreads all over the body.
"Uh! Ugh! Ah..."
When the head was inserted, the teenager couldn't help but burst into tears, and
wanted to back away from the pain, but Pakin still strongly entangled with the
tender tongue, kissed, and his hips shook skillfully. Push in and back out
slightly until you can go further into the mystery. And the person under the
bearer groaned and opened his mouth to welcome the continuous in and out of
the hot tongue.
Pakin withdrew slowly, leaving the bearer almost out of breath, and fell
powerlessly onto the bed. And just then...
"Uh~~~~~!!Ah~~~~Hmm...AHH!!!" The hot iron rushed to the deepest part of
the secret place in one go, causing the young man to struggle greatly, and the
sealed mouth let out There were bursts of humming. The body was shaking with
fullness and pain, but on top of that it felt like being thrown into the sky and
then falling suddenly and fast.
This is the most extreme pleasure that Graph has ever had in his life.
The person rushing in paused for a while, and then began to move slowly,
unhurriedly, so that the young man almost bit the neck of the other party in
retaliation because of the pleasure.
"P Pakin...Ha...Ah...Uncomfortable...More...More...Give me again..."
At this time, the boy was already dominated by desire and moaned incoherently,
so uncomfortable Going crazy. But he still tried his best to bear the impact,
making those watching unconsciously growl.
"Okay... just want to see a face like this... very good Graph... please." The big
man tightened his muscles, and the narrow corridor was densely entangled with
him, biting him lightly, more than anyone before His girlfriend and bed partner
should welcome him in. This is making people who are familiar with the secret
place almost fall.
"A little harder...P...Forcing...I want to cum...I...ha..." Because it didn't hurt like
last time and it went in and out smoothly, Graph did as the other party asked
Moaned and begged. Until...
"Ugh! Mmmm!"
The hot thing almost completely backed out and went deep down again, so that
the slender figure almost pulled the single bed out. The breathing is rapid, the
body is trembling, and even the tall light-colored nipples are trembling slightly,
so that the warm mouth can't help but press down, sucking and pinching like not
wanting to let the cute bulge be left out.
"P...coming out...I...

This is exactly what young people want to see, to hear pleas and shameless
"Don't! Don't go out...don't..." At this moment, the person who entered heavily
eased his strength. When he felt that the hot rod body was retreating and was
about to be pulled out, Let the resistance at first be fruitless. The person can
only groan with a trembling voice, and the lower body is trying hard to stick it
like a hot object, preventing the hot object from leaving the body.
The pleading voice added more laughter to Pakin's growl, staring in satisfaction
at the man who was tearing down his face and yelling not to back out.
And gave a reward...
......Papa Papa...
"Ah!!!...Uh...Too exciting, I can't do it, P...Ah...Turn harder... I can't do it... I
can't do it..."
As a reward for entering the deepest part of the body, he grabbed the boy's feet
and put them on his shoulders, leaning forward, his hips twitched and inserted
quickly, and the sound of slapping came and went. The sound of flesh hitting
buttocks filled the room, and the big bed shook with force, and Graph could
only groan.
Pakin was too powerful to resist.
For a person who knows how to make the other party feel the greatest happiness
and how to give the other party the most desired and the greatest satisfaction, no
matter how much Graph begs the big hand, he still forces something not to be
released easily, just like a person who delays the treatment time of a patient
Like the doctor who made the boy beg again and again, praying for an
antidote. The minute hand passed by one frame after another, and the room was
extremely hot with hellish flames, and it seemed that there was no sign of
extinguishing it.
Graph was moaning almost incoherently, and was turned over, sideways with
his back facing him, feeling the sexual pleasure that didn't come from being
drunk but was deliberately given. Consciousness has long been far away from
the body, only the powerful swing extending from the head to the whole body
remains, making the young man's body unable to bear it anymore and pleading
"I can't...let me cum...let me cum...P Pakin...I can't...I...uh!" Already burst into
tears. Trying to hold on to his thing for release, begging unbearably, even
though his ass was still wriggling to accept the fierce thrust of the hot thing
again and again.
No, I'm about to lose consciousness.
It looked like he was really going to faint, so Pakin laughed lowly, growled in
satisfaction, and finally arched deeply his body that he wanted to stop but
couldn't, swinging quickly and powerfully, Repeatedly and violently attacking,
releasing the inextricable desire to the fullest.
Clap clap.
"Okay, Graph, very good.
Finally, the desire is released in the form of turbid liquid and shoots into the
narrow passage, and the person who accepts it Burying his face into the pillow,
he also released the dirty, wet sheet.
"Heh, huh, huh, huh."
Panting in one voice resounded throughout the room, Graph lay powerlessly on
the bed, and Pakin fell to the side and pushed his hair up.
Unbelievably comfortable.
The person who tried his best to extinguish his desire couldn't help but growl,
then turned to look at the young man who was also yearning for him in
disbelief, and whose shoulders were heaving because of his panting.
Realizing that he wanted this little friend so much made him feel both
dissatisfied and happy.
It seemed that he could no longer stop himself from touching Ya.
Thinking like this, he turned over and put his hands on the opponent's waist,
pulling the weak man into his arms. And Graph didn't seem to have the strength
to resist, so he could only breathe heavily on the pillow, deeply feeling the
happiness generated by the physical intercourse.
Keep in mind that there is only one person who can give this kind of happiness,
and that is... P‟ Pakin.
Not only the mind, it seems that even the body... cannot escape.
"I heard that he was a good boy."
"Eat and take medicine on time."
"Didn't make trouble anywhere."
After the wave of desire calmed down, Pakin was reciting Lie halfway against
the backrest, lit a cigarette and smoked, looking at the person who was still
lying face down on the pillow, unwilling to turn his head to look back, and
would only answer um, uh, um. Despite some dissatisfaction, Pakin still
laughed, holding a cigarette in one hand and placing the other on the boy's head.
"Still angry?"
"I'm not angry."
"If that's the case, answer well."
"Fuck, P fucking bastard!" Angry at himself when the bad-hearted young man
looks obviously in a good mood The person who obeyed the other party and
begged the other party without dignity shouted curses. And the hand on the head
immediately...pressed so hard that the head was buried in the pillow.
"Ouch!!! What the fuck are you doing!
Graph jumped up and looked over angrily, while Pakin took a deep puff of the
cigarette, then grabbed the ashtray, lightly tapped the filter, and said leisurely:
"Turn around when talking to
adults , speak well. "
"Is P some respectable lord?" "
I wanted to make a further rebuttal in my heart, but when the cold eyes looked
down, the boy had no choice but to curl his lips.
"Do you go to school every day? "
"Yes! Until P inexplicably reincarnated like a starving ghost and made me
unable to go to school now. "To be honest, I feel a little irritated by the
reincarnation of the starving ghost, because he is not so hungry that he can be
fed, he just eats what he doesn't want and has been dissatisfied with his desire.
But because it is also considered To be honest, Pakin also shook his head.
"Come here. "After speaking, he beckoned the other party to move to his side,
but the stubborn kid remained unmoved.
Angry, disappeared for a whole week and came back like this, even if it feels
good, it can't be forgiven. People can't help but wonder if it's the same person
before and after?
"Hey!" Pakin didn't want to waste any more time when talking well was useless,
grabbed the boy's arm and pulled him to his side. Graph couldn't react at the
moment and could only yell loudly, his body staggered and fell towards the
opponent... his shoulders were entangled.
It's a move that makes... the heart flutter.
Rarely, this person will be gentle once. But when treated like this one is
When the child was silent, the person who knew how to deal with the child took
another deep breath of smoke, and asked calmly, "I
heard that I'm lonely."
"No!" The voice of rebuttal was very loud.
"Someone has come to accuse me."
"How can P Win betray you!"
Yes, this stinky boy went to complain that he was lonely, so he wanted to burn
Lao Tzu's car to death Win.
Thinking that he could trust the other party (but was betrayed), Graph couldn't
help roaring angrily. And Pakin raised the corners of his mouth, looking at the
brave little devil, he wondered what he could do to Win.
How could he be as bad as Win...except for certain things.
"It's not all about him, there are several people who have come to complain...
Hehe, be a good boy and wait for me."
"I've said it all!!!" When Pakin laughed loudly, the person on his shoulders was
firm retorted, even though his face began to slowly turn red. Because let's be
honest... Is really lonely to death.
The big man didn't say anything, he just stretched out his hand to hold down the
cigarette and then looked back at the brat who had turned into a good boy in
disbelief. He asked Ya to lie down and just lie down like that.
"I'll make an apology later tonight."
"Oh?" the child asked curiously. The man who intended to make amends simply
"Take you out to dinner tonight." Graph's eyes widened immediately, but the
speaker just let go of his embrace and lay down on his back.
"Hey, P Pakin, let's talk first."
"No, I'm sleepy. I said it's tonight, not now, and this is my bedroom, and I'm
going to sleep." People who have hardly slept in the past few days are just Say
that. Then close your eyes as the end of the conversation. Graph was about to
say something, but because of the bedroom, the young master
shut up.
P Pakin didn't drive him away, which means he can stay, right?
When thinking that way, he let go of the doubts in his heart, and then he also
fell down and lay down. If he went to school today, he would only be locked up
in the intensive care unit facing the wall, so he should skip class. However...
"P..." The forceful embrace leaned closer again, causing uncertain shouts... I
really don't know how P‟ Pakin wants to scare him.
"Say, go to sleep." The deep voice said, and Graph could only relax his
body. Although he wanted to wash his body, but because he didn't know how
long this good and bad person would treat him, so he... also closed his eyes.
It's not bad to be a good boy.
Chapter 29: Greedy Man
Although he exhausted a lot of energy, the boy couldn't sleep. No matter how he
forced his eyes to close, the feeling of wet lower body caused the young man to
slowly open his eyes and frown slightly. After moving his body a little, Graph
could feel warm liquid flowing down between his legs, and the more he moved
his buttocks, the more it seemed to drip down, so he couldn't help pulling away
the hands on his waist.
"Asshole, I slept comfortably."
Graph could only murmur when he turned his head to look beside him. I saw the
big man who just took off his shirt and threw it to the side of the bed was lying
on his side and fell asleep, his hateful muscular chest was also rising and falling
rhythmically, as if the owner of the body had already fallen into a deep sleep.
The young man had never seen this scene before, so he couldn't help but pursed
his lips.
"If I'm dreaming, wake up quickly."
Because if I wake up after having such a beautiful dream and face P‟ Pakin's
driving, I will definitely not be able to bear it.
Kritithi never imagined that he could be in this situation, sleeping in the same
bed, looking at someone who had only been driving him all this time, falling
asleep after an indoor exercise, and as far as sex... Although I once dreamed that
Pakin brother helped me, but that was just my imagination when I thought it
was absolutely impossible.
Although just now he stubbornly said no, no, no, but in fact the boy is very
happy about it now.
He knew in his heart that he was still a long way from his goal, but at least he
was at the same level as the person who opened his legs to P.
"So what is my identity now?"
This question made the young man frown even more, his eyes fixed on the
sleeping man, and he wanted to reach out to touch the chin with the faintly
visible blue fibrous roots, but he was afraid of the devil Satan will wake up. He
didn't know if the other party would treat him well or would hurt him further
and make his heart hurt again.
This question has been hanging in my mind.
To be honest, Graph didn't think much about what to do next after the
relationship. Because two weeks ago, if someone said that he would see P‟
Pakin straddling him when he woke up, he must have laughed out loud, and
then said it was impossible, and people like P‟ Pakin would not come to pester
him. No matter the poor brat. But when it becomes a reality... still can't imagine
what to do next.
Chanchao said that after having a relationship, they can almost become
lovers. Sometimes teenagers also want to be such an optimistic person, because
the reality is that the fuck is much worse. If they just fall asleep and become
lovers, then this bastard P may have hundreds of lovers.
Furthermore, there are ready-made examples for reference. Brother Win also
slept with that bastard Brother Sin, but Brother Win never said it was a lover
What about Lao Tzu, what is Lao Tzu now? Bed partner, sexual partner is just a
toy to vent desire.
"Fuck it, it's good to be like this."
The boy shook his head, shaking off all his wild thoughts, and then all his
thoughts disappeared immediately when he got off the bed.
"Fuck!" The boy felt that liquid was flowing from between his legs, he couldn't
help being startled, and then cursed as if to ease his embarrassment, and his fair
face slowly turned red. The boy quickly got out of bed, ready to take a good
shower, but...
his fucking legs are weak!
As soon as the feet stepped on the ground, the knees bent immediately, and the
person suddenly fell, and the hands quickly tightened the bed. An indescribable
coolness hit the buttocks, and the face and neck couldn't help but
flushed. Ashamed of being a weakling.
Is this how weak I am after just one sexual affair!
The more I thought about it, the more ashamed I became, and I couldn't help
grinning at the sleeping person again. Then shuffles to the bathroom, but Graph
can't deny that he's damn happy for the shame he's feeling.
I have to admit, P‟ Pakin only came back for a few hours, and the loneliness of
the past week... disappeared instantly.
Men have too much influence on their own hearts.
After washing his whole body inside and out, he felt much better. Master
Kritithi put on his home clothes and stepped out of the bathroom. Then he
encountered a problem... I don't know what to do.
It's not that he doesn't have ways to relieve boredom, Graph is also a kid who is
addicted to games, likes watching movies and listening to music. But when he is
not alone in the room but the owner of the room is still asleep, all pastimes seem
If you want to play games, you have to go to other rooms, but... I don't want to
waste such a good time.
But more ashamed to sit and stare in someone's face.
"Where did you go to get so tired?" So I had no choice but to peep by the bed
and couldn't help observing. I saw that although he was sleeping peacefully,
there was a sense of fatigue on his face, which made the boy who was always
wayward couldn't help but feel a feeling.
Want to help relieve each other's fatigue.
Thinking and moving, the boy walked to the corner of the room, picked up the
receiver and dialed the number downstairs.
[This is the kitchen. 】
"Aunt Kaew, I'm Graph."
【Ka, is Master Graph going to have breakfast upstairs? 】
The boy didn‟t have time to think about why the other party didn‟t come to
wake him up (because in the past few days, if he didn‟t want to wake up in the
morning, he would be woken up by the housekeeper to go downstairs to have
breakfast and take him to the car to go to school), but he was just uncertain He
opened his mouth and asked,
"If you are super tired, what should you eat? Auntie."
【Is Master Graph tired? ]
"No... no, it's not me." She couldn't help but feel shy.
【Oh, or is it Master Pakin? In the morning, I saw that my eyes seemed to be a
little red. I should have had a drink last night. Do you need some hangover
hangover? And does Master Pakin want some breakfast? 】
Before I had time to say who was tired, I said a lot to Convenience politely, but
the face of the listener turned red, feeling like they were caught in the same
room. Then I couldn't help but wonder, did my aunt know what they did just
now... This thought made the boy feel unspeakably ashamed.
Even though Aunt Kaew already knew about it as early as last time.
"Ah, umm. Have you had a drink, I don't know. But bring it up...and then I can
have breakfast here too?" Since he has been asked to eat at the restaurant since
he recovered, the teenager asked uncertainly. The listener replied with pity:
[May I make an exception, let's have dinner with Master Pakin. 】
The elder's voice sounded very joking. The boy then put on airs and said:
"Well, hurry up, I'm hungry."
In fact, he was completely acting like a baby.
After hanging up the phone with his aunt, the boy took a deep breath and tried
his best to pretend that nothing happened, but in the end he burst out laughing,
shy, embarrassed and flustered, and more. ..felt indescribable happiness.
Just imagine what it would be like to be with someone you have had a crush on
for years? Look, this is how it behaves.
People who were thinking like this were trying to find something to relieve their
shame, and then they were touched by a pile of clothes. Even if he has his own
and the owner of the room, if it is normal, the boy who is at the age of turning
the room into a kennel will not care about it, but because he wants to find
something to do and keep his head idle, the boy's legs are loose. Walked straight
over, first threw his own pajamas into the basket, then pulled up pants, shirt
and... dark underwear.
"If Chanchao finds out, he will scream until his ears ring." While blushing, he
lifted it up and thought of his friend from last time. When Pakin walked out of
the room suddenly, his friend screamed again and again, raised his hands and
beat the big bed loudly, leaving a certain senior stunned. And the girl didn't
explain much, but just screamed blindly, holding back her screams, she was so
excited that she couldn't breathe, her little face was even redder.
If it's not about itself, it's pretty darn good.
After saying that, he threw the pants into the basket, but before throwing the
shirt in the basket, his eyes noticed something.
Not visible when it's piled on the ground, but when you hold it up and shake it
in front of your face...
The boy's eyes widened, and the smile on the corner of his mouth disappeared
instantly. The hands holding the sleeves trembled slightly, and after a while,
both hands tightly grasped the clothes, gnashed their teeth, and their eyes
became as if a ball of fire was burning.
The next second, Kritithi rushed straight to find the person who was still asleep
on the bed.
"Ouch! What?"
It may not hurt to throw the clothes on the face, but if the crumpled clothes are
thrown on the face impartially, the loud noise will still startle the sleeping
person . Sitting up, Ruimu was flickering with irritability because of the
interrupted sleep, and his voice was full of anger.
When he opened his eyes and saw who was standing by the bed, Pakin asked
even more in a deep voice:
"What are you crazy about!"
Regarding this question, the boy still stared at the other person, his fists
clenched so that his whole body trembled. Obviously very angry. The people
watching couldn't help frowning.
"What's the matter?" The more he listened, the more Graph felt a surge of anger
in his chest.
"P, you bastard!"
The first sentence he yelled made the listeners stunned, and then the displeasure
in their eyes turned into a chill, as if they were angry. But this didn't make the
teenager feel the slightest bit of fear. On the contrary, the sense of
disappointment was making him fearless. And there was a loud roar at the
"Why did P come to me again after he was done with those girls!!!"
The angry person immediately stopped, and couldn't help but wonder how the
kid in front of him knew. Until he saw something out of the corner of his eye,
bent down and grabbed his shirt and almost guessed it too.
Traces of cosmetics... not only lipstick marks, just seeing the traces of powder
everywhere, you know how intense the entanglement and embrace are, and
there are even eye shadow powders.
Even if it is not a black shirt, it can be seen clearly.
The way Pakin froze made those watching laugh...but it was a sneer.
"I'm really stupid."
Laughing at your own ignorance, you will sink and feel happy because of the
behavior of the person in front of you.
How can I believe that after sleeping with Lao Tzu, this bastard who kills
thousands of knives will no longer sleep with other people... How can I believe
what Chanchao said!
Graph is mad at himself... mad at him for wishful thinking that everything will
be okay and go the way he wants. But he forgot that the person he pursued was
a game of flowers, and there was always an endless stream of people around
Got the answer... Lao Tzu is just a temporary bed partner, no different from
anyone else.
The thought made his eyes heat up, and he felt like tears were about to flow
down his face, so he turned around and prepared to rush out of the room.
"Where are you going!!!"
But he was frightened by the loud roar, and he turned to the person who jumped
up from the bed, holding the evidence tightly in his hands. The teenager
sneered, suppressing his sadness and disappointment and said in a calm voice:
"I can go anywhere, as long as there is no bastard like P around."
Graph didn't care about anything anymore, he rushed out of the bedroom, ran
Downstairs, regardless of the roar from the huge bedroom. As he rushed past
Aunt Kaew who was holding up the food, the housekeeper couldn't help but
shouted in surprise,
"Where is Master Graph going? Breakfast..."
"I don't want to eat it!!! Auntie will bring it to your family and kill thousands
Master of the knife!!!" The young man yelled angrily, sounding like an impolite
brat who disrespects adults, but as an old man in the family, he clearly saw... the
tear-wet face of the bad boy .
The one who knew he was not one but one of many who slept with a man
named Pakin.
Why, why should I fall in love with such a bastard, why!!!
"Hey, do you want to skip class together?"
"Bastard, you kidnapped me to skip class again."
"Can't you go?"
"Hahahaha, do you want to choose? The fence to the west is my masterpiece."
After the bell rang at the end of lunch break, the students rushed They filed into
the classroom, but there was a group of middle school 5 students who could
hide and skip class as soon as they could, and were walking in a group along the
fence behind the school by taking a shortcut. From the beginning, I just
wandered around boredly and didn't want to take the 5th class, but when one
person asked for an invitation, the others laughed at the same time.
Friends have proposed, if you don't respond, you are not a real friend.
Until a group of people came to the target's fence, everyone looked at each other
tacitly, and then...
"Fuck, who!"
"It's terrible."
Everyone threw their schoolbags over the fence one after another, but instead of
the normal sound of falling to the ground, there was a loud roar from the other
side of the fence, and everyone couldn't help but look awkwardly. I and I look at
you, hesitating whether to give up the schoolbag and run away, or step over to
come back. And their voices have been found, and what's worse is that it may
be a teacher who just happened to pass by.
"Run away."
"Wait, I think the voice is very familiar... Hey, who is that?"
"Asshole, it's me."
"Which father? I don't know..."
"Don't yell, that's the voice of Graph." When the big man with the loud voice
asked arrogantly and unrulyly, the boy who was relatively smaller slapped the
opponent's head hard, because his friend was stupid. He shook his head, then
climbed up the fence to look at his friend who hadn't been around much lately.
"Hey, where did you go and come back? Why are you wearing that kind of
clothes." Seeing that the person outside the fence was wearing private clothes, it
meant that the person must not have come to school. This question made the
listeners pause for a moment, and then said with a low smile:
"I have nowhere to go."
Yes, the only place Graph can go after coming out of the mansion is the school
and his own goddamn home, and when he escaped in a hurry, the damn driver
insisted that he could only send him to the school, so he closed the car door hard
and copied The shortcut came to the fence. He knew very well that he would be
arrested if he entered the school openly under such circumstances, and now he
happened to meet this group of friends who were skipping class.
The answer I got made the listeners laugh out loud:
"Oh, let's skip class together. We're going to the game hall." "
Then go to Kak's house for a drink, get drunk, and don't have class tomorrow."
Another friend from The head was exposed next to him and said that the dead
Kak who was mentioned turned his head and looked intimidatingly, as if he was
talking about something about Lao Tzu's house. But quickly nodded.
"Well, yes. My mother is not here tonight, so let's invite Kng's father to have a
drink together. Are you going? Graph." When the friend sent the invitation, the
listener paused for a moment.
In the past few weeks, he has been adjusting himself, trying to be a good boy,
trying to be the look that Chanchao said Pakin brother would like, but what can
he do? In the end, she slept with someone else.
"Is it okay for me to spend the night at Ya's house?"
"Okay, brother. But now I'll pick up Laozi first, I'm going to climb over." The
students from the other class said, and crossed one leg. However...
"Hey, what are
you doing?" Return your legs to the school side. There is no way to escape this
situation, after all, there are a pile of schoolbags outside.
At this time, people who are sure to escape, such as Graph, made a decision:
"Catch it, brothers." In order to destroy the evidence, Kritithi grabbed the
schoolbag and threw it back into the school. To outsiders, it looked as if he had
just been discovered when he threw his schoolbag to the last one, so the
instructor leaned forward and glared:
"Again, Kritithi. What's the matter here without a school uniform? And who are
those brats just now? Follow me to the training room right now!!!" Graph
obediently accepted this order, and then Heard a whisper from the other side of
the wall saying sorry. But he doesn't care at all, because as long as there is a
place to stay and something to keep himself from thinking about it, he is
Now even if the bastard Sin showed up, he might just walk away easily.
When people are sad, it is enough to just have someone by their side.
"It's because I'm hanging on the fence. If I had crossed it in the first place, it
wouldn't be like this." "
Don't blame me alone, who would have thought that the teacher would appear
so soon." "
What are you scolding, definitely not Suspended, after all, you have been
working hard and performing well recently."
"It's because of us."
"You bastard, I just found out."
At this moment, Chanchao was giving the collected homework to the teacher,
and it just so happened Hearing a faint voice from downstairs, he paused. When
I saw Graph's large group of friends passing by, my little face couldn't help but
wrinkle slightly... It was this group of guys who made Graph always get
suspended during his freshman year.
Graph had better cut ties with them.
"Then what do you think Graph will be punished?
When the name of the person he was thinking of appeared in the conversation,
Chanchao couldn't help shouting out loudly, and the students downstairs raised
their heads in panic, when they saw clearly who it was during class time I
couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief as I wandered around.
"Graph's wife. Oh, don't be scary, Chanchao."
"What did you say just now? Graph didn't come to class, why was Graph
summoned!" the girl asked inexplicably. The people downstairs looked
embarrassed and laughed dryly. But still truthful:
"Damn Graph was about to crawl into the school and we were about to crawl
out. Just then the teacher just appeared out of nowhere and Graph threw our
schoolbags back and Ya got caught The air conditioner is in the training room."
The listener couldn't help screaming, looking at everyone angrily, but because
she didn't know them very well, she could only shake her head and hurried to
the training room. Although she didn't know if she could help her friend, she
still wanted to try.
If Graph is suspended again, this time we must let them break up!
"Who was going to climb out just now?"
"I don't know."
"Why don't you know, both eyes saw it there." "
I really don't know, I just heard a voice saying to throw the schoolbag in, It
seems to have fallen from the second floor."
"Impossible, the second floor is far away from the fence."
"I don't know."
No matter what the teacher asked, Kritithi still kept his mouth shut. Because if
he doesn't say his friends will be fine, and if memory serves them, they'll have
to be kicked out of school if they're called here again.
"Then why did you come to school in the afternoon?" When he couldn't shake
the matter of the guys who skipped class, he asked another matter that made it
even more difficult for Graph to speak.
Because some jerk came for me early in the morning, and then I just found out I
was just another jerk in a lot of people going to bed. So I escaped.
This fact made Graph red-eyed, but the teacher thought the boy was afraid, so
he softened his voice:
"The teacher has nothing to say, just answer. I have also seen some good
performances recently..."
Kou Knock knock.
"Excuse me, teacher."
"Excuse me, teacher."
Just as he was about to investigate further, the door of the training room was
pushed open, and the faces of two students appeared with the sound. Normally,
people who come here will definitely be scolded, but because one of them is an
excellent student and the other is the student chairman, the teacher just frowned
"Teacher, I have something to explain."
"Wait a minute, okay?"
"This is about Graph, heck, it's Kritithi." Chanchao said with a dry smile,
turning his head to look at his friend, but the friend just looked at him The girl
didn't raise her head, and the girl couldn't help but feel strange. So she elbowed
the senior she had found from the classroom, and Nith smiled at the teacher, and
then said fluently:
"I'm really sorry to disturb the teacher by coming in, but this matter really
concerns my junior. Because I asked my junior to help keep the documents of
the student union. This morning I also wondered why my junior didn't come,
but Chancho and I Said that Graph student was not feeling well, so he didn‟t
come. Then I planned to ask for permission to leave school, but unfortunately
Graph was forced to bring it out and was met by the teacher.” If the elder
brother is a guy with an unscrupulous face, then the younger
brother He is a master of fabrications out of thin air, and his lies are so fluent
that Chanchao is confused. But she still opened her mouth quickly, afraid that
the teacher would doubt her and said,
"Really, Graph sent me a Line saying that he would take the file to the school
fence, and then Graph would go back to rest. But I didn't see it, maybe because
the teacher first I met my friend in one step."
If the person who spoke was those bastards who skipped class, the people who
listened would not believe it, but because the two people in front of them are the
pride of the school, the attitude of the listeners softened a lot, and they turned
their heads. Looking at another bad boy who didn't say a word. After taking a
closer look, I saw that the young man's eyes were red like a person who was
unwell, so I believed half of it again.
"Then what should I do? Go to class in this suit or go back..."
"I don't want to go back."
Suddenly, the person who had been silent all this time spoke. The other 3 people
couldn't help being stunned, and Nith hurriedly covered up:
"It seems that the student can't go back. Can I let the Graph student rest in the
infirmary? I will send him off at night." The favored student said so The listener
nodded in agreement. Because when I heard that I came to school in such a
physical condition because of my sense of responsibility for the documents I
kept, I already felt satisfied and relieved.
"Forget it this time, but there can't be another time."
These two good students couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.
Then Chanchao immediately pulled the friend out without hesitation, and
thanked the senior from the bottom of his heart. Because if she is the only one, I
don't know if the teacher will believe it, but every time Nith seniors come out,
they will solve the problems one by one.
After all, it is true. Good looks, good studies, excellent sports, and family
background is nothing to say, so people will believe what they say. If Graph
studies hard and doesn't play tricks, he will definitely be the same as senior
"Thank you very much P Nith for your help."
"It's okay, for Chanchao junior, P is extremely happy." The handsome senior
said with the most sincere smile. But the girl frowned, and said in disagreement:
"P, don't say that, other people will misunderstand."
No matter how hard the wall is, it will have ears.
Those who listened just laughed dryly, avoiding the subject and not wanting to
disturb the junior:
"P just wants to help... Graph with all his heart." However, saying this made
Chanchao even more unhappy. I saw that the girl pulled her friend further apart
for no reason.
The other boy who heard the content of the conversation was in the left ear and
out in the right ear, Zelu suddenly stopped in the middle of the conversation.
Chanchao looked back in confusion, and then his eyes widened in
surprise. Because...
"Why is Graph crying!" The girl asked in panic as tears were already streaming
down her friend's handsome face. I leaned forward and found that my friend's
eyes were red and full of pain. Guessing that the matter must have something to
do with that Pakin brother, the girl hurriedly stroked the boy's shoulder as if to
comfort him.
No, I hope I didn't come to school in the morning because 'that' was too was that.
The thing was guessed right, but those who didn't know the details became even
more flustered, trying to appease their friends. But in the eyes of others, the
delinquent boy just stood there and cried non-stop, stroking his face left and
right with the back of his hand. Chanchao hurriedly found a tissue to wipe it
"Graph, don't, don't cry. Graph is making me cry too."
"Ah!" The next moment the girl couldn't help but screamed in surprise, and then
raised her arms around her friend's body without thinking. Because when he
was pulled into his arms, Chanchao understood that Graph was not insulting
her, not at all, her friend just needed comfort, and she was willing to provide it.
There is only friendship between them and no love is mixed in it. The girl did
not hug back embarrassingly, and felt pity for each other from the bottom of her
heart. The person much taller than himself was trembling rapidly, and then
"It hurts super, Chanchao... it hurts."
"Don't cry Graph, it's okay. I'm here, Graph. Graph And me."
The two friends were hugging and comforting, but for those watching... their
knees were almost on the ground.
Don't you mean just friends!
Nith gritted his teeth and wanted to pull the two juniors away, but he was just an
outsider, so he turned around, stood with his fists clenched, and looked towards
the intersection to make sure no one passed by to see this naked scene, so as not
to repeat it Called to the training room. Although I... want to cry in the same
Girl Chanchao, even a little bit, please realize that seniors also like girls, look
back at seniors. well.
Chapter 30: Coax the children
"Thank you P Nith for asking us to come back, please be careful on the way."
Does it mean chasing passengers?
A beautiful luxury car stopped in front of the mansion surrounded by green
plants. The girl who was the owner of the house got out of the car immediately,
pulled the friend who was sitting quietly to get out of the car, raised her hands
to the other person, and said with a smile. Although the eyes are obviously
saying... the senior can go back.
"You can go in and have a glass of water..."
"I'm sorry, Chanchao has drinking water at home, if P Nith is thirsty, just drink
this." Before the handsome senior could finish speaking, Chanchao opened his
schoolbag and took out his lunch bag. I bought a bottle of water that was still
unopened, and said to the other party with a sweet smile. Then he closed the car
door with a bang, and the other hand tightly held the hand of his friend as
mentioned before.
'Wait a minute I'm going to die at Kak's house for the night. '
How can you let him be with those guys, what if he is forced by the bully (?).
Completely forgot that Graph was a boy, and someone who was bigger than
those friends said it loudly to himself. Although I was very distressed, I couldn't
let it go, and finally decided to take him home. Until they walked out of school,
someone promised to take them home.
"Hey, who did you send home? Chanchao."
"P Sun!"
The girl was startled, she turned her head to look at the front of the house and
saw the second brother standing there staring angrily, and his eyes were still
working hard Trying to see the face of the driver. Chanchao pushed Graph's
back into the house immediately before the brother who was eager to protect his
sister made a big noise.
"Hey, who asked you to bring a boy into the house."
"P Sun, do you still have to worry about it? It's said that Chanchao feels
complete as long as he sees a man with a man, and Chanchao will not give him
a boyfriend. You are looking for trouble. Then please step aside now, P Sun.
Chanchao is bringing friends into the house, get out of the way!" The girl
couldn't help but increase her voice when her brother played tricks. The listener
was muttering, about to yell and say no, but they stopped at the red eyes of the
handsome young man, so he asked:
"It's not chasing my sister, is it!"
With a fierce look, if it has a beard and a gun, it will be an evening theater.
Graph turned his head to look at his friend, and said calmly,
"I can find a hotel to sleep in later."
"But Graph didn't bring any money, did he?" The listener shook his head
slowly. Because she had a general understanding of the matter from her friend,
the girl hurriedly said that she didn't want anything to happen. After all, he
didn't even bring his mobile phone with him, and this also made the young man
silent, and then laughed at himself:
"I'm so stupid, Chanchao, I'm so stupid that I could die directly."
People who listened didn't know what Graph meant by stupid What, it doesn't
mean anything or...means falling in love with a certain man.
Sun couldn't help but soften his heart at the young man's lovelessness and red
"Although I don't know what happened, let's talk about it first...but I'm sure it's
He asked uncertainly. Although I met my younger sister's friend once, and the
other party also said that he likes men. It is precisely because this handsome guy
likes boys that Chanchao, who doesn't care much about boys, will open up and
get close to him. However, as the elder brother, sometimes he secretly worries
that this guy is pretending to be gay to get close to his sister?
No, I must have thought too much. Who would be crazy to do that.
"It's sure, P Sun. Chanchao has witnessed it with his own eyes."
"Did you hide under his bed?" The elder brother interrogated dissatisfiedly,
while the younger sister smiled sweetly and said, "
It doesn't matter whether you hide or not, Chanchao knows anyway. Knowing
more than when P Sun brought P Riw back and heard the sound of scratching
the wall." If you think the brother will feel shy towards the younger sister
because the sound of having sex with his lover spreads to other rooms... no, oh,
On the contrary, Sun laughed out loud and said:
"Only P's wife is cute." The person who is obsessed with his wife said so, and
he seemed to be in a better mood. The younger sister then asked expectantly:
"The one with a lovely wife will allow Chanchao to bring his friends to stay
"Hey!!!" Sun yelled, turning to look at his younger sister who was dragging his
friends into the house. And I'm sorry, this friend is a boy, but he can make his
sister's stomach bigger!
"No, Chanchao. You can't bring boys to stay overnight!!"
"Shhh, is P Sun trying to make the neighbors see Chanchao as a frivolous kid!"
With his hand on his lips, he reprimanded the overly worried person. Before the
super good-tempered brother turned into a devil, he hurriedly explained:
"Chachao didn't plan to sleep in the same room with Graph at all. Parents are
away, and P Sun won't know if he doesn't tell. Just one night, P Sun can come to
Chanchao Sleep in the room, stare at Chanchao, and let Graph sleep in P
Tawan's room. Look, it's OK, everyone is at home." The girl mentioned her
elder brother who was engaged in oil drilling in the Gulf of Siam. Since I'm
working recently, I won't be going home, so the room is vacant.
The argument between the siblings was heard by the youngest sister, who poked
her head out: "Will P Graph stay overnight
at our house?"
The family was in trouble, so he followed the voice and turned around to look
over. I saw a junior high school girl with short hair sticking out her head and
blinking her eyes.
"Buhlan...Is that Chanchao's sister?"
"Yes, I'm Buhlan." The youngest nodded vigorously, and the person who came
to interrupt couldn't help saying softly: "Sorry
for the trouble. Wait a minute and leave... "
Hey, don't leave P Graph, wait a minute. P Graph is really gay, isn't it!
The next moment, Kritithi, who was in an emotionally unstable stage, paused,
and turned his head to look at the person who was busy grabbing his arm and
blurting out curiously. But the look in the past made the youngest in the family
startled, he let go of his hand immediately, and then lowered his head.
"Just... Buhlan heard what P Sun and P Chanchao said. It's really worth
screaming. P Graph is super handsome, and P Chanchao said that P Graph's
lover is even more handsome than P Graph, so I I want to make sure. I'm not
gossiping, I just...want to have a sneak peek." At the end of the sentence, he
whispered more and more quietly, and almost heard it. But it still made the
listener pause, and then...
the teenager laughed, very loudly. Even though he was in a mess, he couldn't
help laughing when he saw the similarities between his friend and his sister.
My elder brother has a boyfriend, I am a rotten girl, and even my younger sister
is also a rotten girl. Is there a normal person in this family?
Graph didn't know what he was laughing at, he just knew he was laughing, he
laughed out loud to his heart's content, the weight in his heart dropped
instantly. The boy's laughter also made the two brothers and sisters stop their
quarrel, and looked over in unison. Then Chanchao smiled and murmured in a
low voice:
"It's okay, I can laugh." These words made the elder brother almost twitch his
eyebrows, but he didn't do it because he caught something out of the corner of
his eye.
"Who's here again?"
Sun looked in front of his house, and then saw a super expensive, super flashy,
super luxurious sports car that he had only seen in the game parked in front of
his house. So he couldn't help but frowned, feeling that trouble was entering the
house. And if I'm not mistaken...
"Fuck!" The trouble should be from the laughing teenager. So he couldn't help
but curse out loud.
"I've come here after you!" Now Sun's younger sister also found
out. Chanchao's eyes widened, and he pulled his friend to hide behind the door,
only showing his face, and then saw someone getting out of the car.
"Graph, P Pakin is here, what should I do!!!"
The young man who was taking off his sunglasses and pinning it to his collar
came to a stop in front of the fence.
"Graph, I'm here to pick you up. Let's go back together."
The young man shouted loudly as if he knew the person he was looking for was
hidden inside.
And Graphic said in a deep voice with bright eyes:
"No. Chanchao, I will never go back with that bastard!!!"
To be honest, Pakin didn't have to care about the kid who dared to yell at
him. After all, he already got what he wanted. But in fact, when the shirt that
caused the problem was thrown on the floor, the young man grabbed his pants
and put them on quickly without knowing why, and then rushed out of the room
like a hurricane. But still can't catch up to someone who rushed out of the room
first, and can only see the rear end of a beautiful car driving out of the confines
of the mansion, which is also...anxiety.
"What's going on? Master Pakin."
"Where's dead Chai!" Instead of answering Aunt Kaew's question, the tall man
asked about one of his men.
"I haven't come here today." The answer made the superior turn back to the
house again, grabbed the phone and dialed the person he was looking for, and
then firmly ordered: "Let the driver of Graph
report where he sent you, Then follow me all the time. Do you understand, dead
[Okay, I will follow the order immediately. ]
Although he didn't understand what was going on, he quickly agreed. The
person who gave the order put down his hand, his eyes were blazing, and he
cursed irritably. It is true that he has installed a GPS on his superbike, but he has
not installed a tracking tool.
"Is the fucking chip going to be installed!" Pakin growled in his throat, then
raised his hand to touch the hot side face that was drawn by the sleeve, and
turned to look at the shirt that caused the problem again.
This time, it wasn't a mistake to let the kid see it, but a mistake because of Ya's
unexpected reaction.
For a long time, the young man never concealed who he slept with, and he
didn't care if those people would brag about having slept in his bed, so Pakin
didn't care if someone caught him and said he slept with someone and then went
to sleep with another people. After all, people in that circle have known about
his situation all along. But he forgot... Graph is different from the people in the
The kid doesn't think that sex is a kind of venting, it's just a half-night
pleasure. The kid only slept with him alone, and sex had more meaning than just
expressing desire with his hands.
The young man was not surprised that Ya would be so angry, but he was
surprised that he would be agitated because of a high school student who caught
him sleeping with many people.
"Shit!" Pakin rubbed his head vigorously, because last night has proved that he
is obsessed with the flirting with that kid... so obsessed that he can't let Ya run
away and disappear like before.
This thought made the youth even more irritable.
His only remaining reaction was... to chase her back.
That's why a very powerful person would tell himself that way, and to evade a
truth - the truth about what those tear-filled eyes had done to him.
Pakin took a while to control his emotions before he learned the news from the
report of his cronies, and then he blurted out an order: "Keep an eye on Ya,
don't leave your sight." Then, the young man ignored the appeal of his
body , Not intending to continue to sleep, turned around and entered the
He's tired of being fussy like he's been for the past week, embarrassed by not
getting the right people to vent to. So when he decided to follow his own heart,
he would go to catch that brat back, even if he would force him to make a big
Although Pakin told himself that he was going to capture that brat, the reality
was that he still had enough calmness to wait like a hunter who was watching
and confirming his prey. He knew very well in his heart that if he went to pick
up someone from school, Ya would definitely avoid other trails, and he must be
too emotional to communicate, so he had to wait... until Ya reached the final
Where he blocked the exit, ya... there is no way to escape.
However, the young man did not expect that Ya would come here... the home of
a girl who dared to look directly at him.
"Graph, I'm here to pick you up. Let's go back together."
Pakin was sure that no police would dare to arrest him even if he broke into the
front house, but the tall man still stood and waited, even though Ruimu had
already seen the person inside the house Activity. Because he knew very well
that although the brat was very stubborn, he would still worry about the owner
of the house, so he stood here with pressure.
(The sound of the door opening)
But unexpectedly, the person who came out was another man, a man who knew
at a glance that he was related to the girl by blood.
"Sell things to the doorstep? This family already has a water filter, so you don't
need to buy any more... Uh, this trick doesn't seem to work." The listeners didn't
know who the kid was and where he came from. Just smiled... the kind of smile
that didn't smile, Ya shut up, raised her hand and scratched her head, then
turned to look at the people in the room.
It must have been called out by that girl.
"Scary to death." The other party murmured softly, then turned around and
looked over.
"I don't play anymore, P. If you can drive such a car, you must not be selling
water filters. Who does P want?" Put your palms together, as if
thinking. Although his silence made the child in front of him feel so stressed
that he broke into a cold sweat.
"P thinks my brother is a smart person, and he should know who P is looking
for." Pakin said unhurriedly, although his eyes... were full of unkindness.
"Hey, if P doesn't tell me, how would I know? My family is just me and two
younger sisters. And my younger sister will never know someone like P." The
owner of the house is still pretending, probably because he was told not to let
him into the house. So Pakin shook his head slightly, and said leisurely as if
talking about the weather:
"There are only 3's dangerous."
He thumped.
As expected, this kid is smart enough.
The person who clearly understood the threat in the words froze his body,
staring hard as if he was ready to fight. But Pakin didn't intend to start a war
with him, so the young man formally said:
"Want to talk about it?"
"..." The guarded posture of the young man in front of him made the people
watching couldn't help laughing, and then continued...
"I want That dead kid..."
"Which kid? There is no kid..."
"Chachao is such a beautiful kid who can cause trouble."
Throat laughter from someone who is using their power wrongly, the sound is
so horrible that it makes the listener's hair stand on end. Although he pretended
to curse, it seemed that Sun was smart enough to let him understand that it was
impossible to win the person in front of him, so he was ordered by his drive the guests back, P Sun... said in a serious voice :
"P won't kill that dead child to make soup, will he?"
Sun felt that he had helped to the end, and Pakin also smiled with satisfaction,
and then agreed: " I
promise there will be no blood dripping out."
Looking into each other's eyes, and for the first time, Sun, who had always
expressed loyalty, turned his eyes away first, and then sighed heavily:
"Chanchao will definitely roar all night tonight, alas."
Then the owner of the house did it. The thing that left the people in the house
speechless... opening the barred door to let the guests in.
"Please, P. Take P's person back." After speaking, he made a gesture.
"It's a smart choice." Pakin couldn't help laughing at the young man's actions,
and then the superior walked in easily. Immediately afterwards, people in the
room screamed:
"P Sun is crazy, he can't help anything!"
This made Sun want to yell back.
Your brother would risk his life for his friends, but for his brother's man...why
would he lose his life? Wait a minute what if Lao Tzu's wife becomes a widow
and is eaten by a dog!!!
Also, Sun is finally at ease today because my sister's close male friend is very
safe. With such a man coming to pick her up, Ya will definitely not turn around
and pester his sister. But I'm also very curious...
who is that brat, and why does he have such a scary husband.
It took the visitors a short time to find the child who had escaped from the
house. Because as soon as he entered the house, he saw the figure running
towards the back of the house out of the corner of his eye, so he followed
slowly. Passing over the girl with short hair who opened her eyes wide, the girl
looked at his eyes studded with stars, so she smiled and said, "I'm sorry to
bother you. It
won't take long." The face of the listener turned red , nodded vigorously and...
pointed out the direction in which a certain boy left.
Then Pakin walked across the backyard of the house, taking no time to admire
the well-tended flowers and trees. With a sharp eye, he saw the young man who
was struggling to climb over the wall, and rushed over with his long legs.
"Where are you going!"
"Let go, tell me to let go!!" The hands around his waist exerted strength, and the
body that was about to turn over the other side of the wall immediately stopped
in mid-air, and the boy couldn't help shouting. Struggling and pushing, the
person who came to pick him up frowned.
This brat is not big, but that doesn't mean he isn't heavy.
"If you move around again, I will let go!" However, the person who was afraid
of falling shouted:
"Uh, let go, after all, P has never cared about me, let go. The pain in the body is
much lighter than the pain in the heart Let go, let go, let go!!!" If it was before,
he would have done what Ya said without hesitation, but when the trembling
voice that implied raging anger made the taller person finally put the slender
His body was put down and stood on the ground intact. However, as soon as his
feet touched the ground...
"Don't touch me!" Graph pushed the thicker person away with all his strength,
and staggered a few steps. The young man suddenly turned his head and stared
at the other party, his appearance can be said to be very threatening if it weren't
for... his eyes were red.
Seeing this, the person couldn't help sighing in annoyance, which also made the
other party grit their teeth even more.
"Graph, go back together."
"If you don't go back, I won't go back with a bastard like you, P!!!"
Pakin's eyes lit up, as if he had lost all patience looking at the kid who dared to
call him an asshole many times. And this sound seemed to wake up the
maddened man. Kritithi rushed forward, grabbed her friend's hand tightly, and
hid behind the girl who was 10cm shorter than herself.
"Chanchao, I'm not going back, let me spend the night here."
It's so annoying.
The person who watched cursed in his heart. The feeling of irritability is
doubled, because it can be seen that... Ya is crying to Chanchao.
"Uh, P Pakin." And it seemed to be successful, because the ponytail girl took a
deep breath and then stammered, raising her head and showing her pretty
face. Although he stutters, he is also very good, and he can complete the
"Please let Graph stay here for one night, and P also, uh, go back first...
huh...ha." But the listener said in a deep voice:
"P won't let 'P's little friend' be too disturbing Other people's home... Graph, go
At the end of the sentence, the young man became rough, while the listener bit
his lips and shook his head firmly, his hands even grabbed his friend's shoulders
like he had a shield. Like a shield. Pakin couldn't help feeling amused.
From the outsiders' point of view, this situation must be regarded as two young
people competing for the same girl, but the fact is that the petite girl is using her
body as a shield to protect another boy who has no fighting power at all... If it is
other Sometimes, Pakin would laugh at the poor guy who had to ask others for
help. But actually he couldn't laugh.
"Don't bother me, there are so many people in P. If you want to go to them, why
bother me!" The stubborn child was so angry that he was going crazy.
Because when Graph saw the man's face, he remembered what happened in the
This man said he needed him, so he opened his legs easily, and... he was just
one of the many choices this man had.
Stupid...if you are so stupid, you will think that Pakin brother will not mess with
other people.
Thinking of this, tears filled his eyes, but his master tried hard to hold them
back. And these tears seem to make the people who are afraid have courage
"I also think that's unfair, P Pakin."
"Huh?" The angry man looked at Chanchao, and then saw the girl taking a deep
breath, looking at him with fear and dissatisfaction:
"When When there is only P in Graph, P has an affair with many people. This is
not fair to Graph at all." How much does
this brat know?
The listener yelled in his heart, but when he looked at another When I was a
boy, I saw the boy holding his friend's hand shaking violently, as if what he said
completely represented his heartfelt voice. The young man calmed down a little,
and alternately looked at the two children who could not resist him even if they
worked together, but... this made him stop thinking.
The root of everything is that he needs Graph so that no one else can satisfy
him, and it has been proved in the past week that no matter how many times he
vents, no one can satisfy him, so if there is more or less a little loss Not a huge
deal either.
It's not that you can never find someone else.
"Yes." So the young man agreed.
Graph raised his head with tears in his eyes, his eyes widened as if he couldn't
believe his ears, and he looked at the eyes of the person who strode forward and
whispered, and asked in a trembling voice: "What does P...
P mean?" The eyes are pulling him into the trap of the hunter, from which he
will never escape. Pakin said completely:
"When I'm sleeping with you, I won't find anyone else."
"Lie! P lie!" Graph retorted immediately, but his hands trembled even more, and
he was so angry that he decided not to forgive the other person's heart But it
shook, and helplessly pulled Chanchao between the two of them, and then the
boy heard a voice leaning towards his ear saying, "
I'm serious... As long as I have you, I won't find someone else .”
If the soft voice made the heart tremble beyond the safe value, the lip that fell
on the forehead made the reason completely stop, and only felt the warm touch
left behind and the big hand on his shoulder to shake him Pulling closer, the boy
unknowingly let go of the hand that was holding Chanchao tightly.
The next moment Pakin inserted his big hand into the boy's waist, making the
two of them look at each other, and then the tall man said softly: "Go back now,
I said I would take you to dinner, remember
The boy was as soft as baked beeswax. Because although he has been chasing
each other for several years, Graph has never felt the charm of this man. Badass,
very know how to get what you want, and now Pakin is bringing that charm to a
guy he used to be troublesome to watch.
In this way, how could the small prey escape the clutches of the experienced
"I...I'm still angry with P!" However, Graph still had extra strength to pull the
two bodies apart, lowering his head and saying intermittently in a trembling
"P slept with someone else!"
"I won't do it again!"
"P is selfish!"
"Yes, I am a selfish person." He did not deny this. The straightforward
admission made Graph couldn't help but look up with red eyes, and opened his
mouth to continue cursing, but... "
But I'm begging you, don't be angry anymore.
" Hearing the tone, the person who spent the whole day chasing a child raised
his hand and wiped away his tears.
"I... still angry... I won't forgive P easily, no." Kritithi seemed to be talking more
to herself. I saw the boy just looked down at the grass and said repeatedly, while
the listener turned to look at another girl who was opening her mouth in
surprise: "P take Graph back first,
this kid is causing trouble, very Feel sorry."
"'s okay." Chanchao could only answer in a light voice, looking at the
friend who was taken away. And Graph just looked at his own toes, not daring
to look at anyone. Whether it's the friend's younger sister who is raising her
hand to cover her face, or the friend's elder brother who is sighing with relief,
because right now there is only one sentence circling in the boy's mind.
P‟ Pakin, come... for peace.
Such a person will come to ask Lao Tzu.
A person who thinks like this just stares at the broad shoulders, he can't do
anything but lean over, get in the car, and sit obediently like a doll, his dizzy
little brain is running like hell, asking himself if it's true ? They didn't notice
that the luxury car had driven away... The huge screams also echoed through the
house where the four brothers and sisters lived as the luxury car left.
"P Chanchao, P Chanchao, P Chanchao, P Chanchao, they just kissed, they
kissed!" Buhlan ran to his sister and said excitedly. And the older sister blinked
her eyes, and then...
"Bu...Buhlan! They kissed in front of P, just at such a distance, such a small
distance!!!" Chanchao said to his sister with a trembling voice, He also gestured
with his hand how close the distance was just now. And even if she regenerated
Pakin brother's anger for her friend, now... she forgot all about it, only knew
that she had witnessed that bad man agreeing not to make trouble for her friend.
Pakin had made a promise for this time, but had no idea that that promise
would... be kept forever.
Chapter 31: The Promised Dinner
"Shawty had them Apple Bottom Jeans[Jeans]~
Boots with the fur [With the fur]~~"
Low by Flo Rida inside a beautiful supercar that is also one of Pakin's favorite
sons (cars) Resounding through the sky, the car next to you must also be able to
hear the booming music rhythm sound from the high-quality stereo, but the
music sound only rang for two segments...
The owner turned it off.
The person sitting next to him squinted at the past, and then...
"The whole club was lookin at her
She hit the flo[She hit the flo]
Next thing you know~"
A few seconds after the music sounded, the driver reached out and closed it
again. Kritithi frowned and turned to look at the driver who was still looking at
the road, and then reached out to turn on the music and continue listening, but...
"Don't be naughty." The big hand grabbed the boy's wrist before his fingers
touched the button, and came out The sound stopped. The boy said depressedly:
"I want to listen to the song."
"But I don't want to listen."
"Then P, close your ears." After hearing the sound of prohibition, the bear boy
immediately got angry and pulled his hand from the restraint, but he didn't
Stubbornly touch the speaker again. Because the place where the wrist was
grabbed felt hot... so hot that I had to dodge immediately.
After leaving Chanchao's house, Graph came back to his senses, and then felt
that he was really stupid, so stupid that he was easily led by the nose into the
car. He wanted to make a scene but couldn't open his mouth, wanted to chat a
few words but was so depressed that he was dying, and what happened made
the young man not know what he should do.
He didn't know whether to continue to be angry or pretend nothing happened,
because he had never met P‟ Pakin who begged him for peace like this. The
other party may have coaxed him to save trouble, but the method was definitely
not kissing the forehead and admitting to begging him like half an hour
ago. And without knowing why, Graph turned on the speaker to distract
himself, but was stopped again by the other party.
"I'm still angry with P!" said the voice louder.
This time the driver turned his head and looked over, a look of boredom flashed
in his eyes, and then his temper exploded again...
"I'm here to coax you."
"If P is not sincere, there is no need, I didn't ask P to coax you Me."
"Why run if you don't want to be coaxed?" Pakin retorted immediately, making
the aggrieved person want to yell that anyone in his situation would have the
same reaction. Although he was coaxed, Graph did not forget that the other
party went to him after looking for someone else.
Just thinking about it makes me sick.
He really hates Pakin sleeping with one person after another, and that's what he
always hates.
"Because P is an asshole."
"Chi!!!" The boy yelled in surprise, because suddenly the beautiful sports car
scraped towards the side of the road at high speed, and it stopped firmly before
it had time to shout The knife-like face was already close, and it was so close
that one could feel the other's breath. If it was an ordinary boy, his body would
have been petrified from shock, but because of the piercing cold light shining in
his sharp eyes, like tongues of fire in an ice storm, the boy couldn't help but
tremble slightly.
I saw the other party whispered dangerously:
"If I hear you call me an asshole again..." the superior dropped such a
sentence. But the person who has challenged such a dangerous voice for nearly
10 years continued to hold his breath:
"So what if I say it?"
Graph was taken aback. Because the young man slammed his hands hard on the
cushion of his seat, and his handsome face was so close that his lips were about
to touch. Then Pakin raised the corner of his mouth:
"From now on, I will not impound your car or your belongings to punish you
again, I..." The handsome face like a knife came to my ear.
"...will push you to the bed."
After finishing speaking, Pakin pulled his body away a little bit, only to see that
the face of the pale man turned red instantly. Because the young man must have
realized that this is not alarmist talk, he is serious.
When you are still disobedient no matter how bad you are, then change to a
method that he is satisfied with, and it shouldn't be a loss. The boy's eyes
widened after hearing this, and he said loudly:
"P is just a greedy and indulgent guy."
"Yes, and I promised to use that greed on you."
Don't listen. Overhead, the menacing big hand on the back of the chair was
inserted into the boy's waist, slightly lifted, bringing the two of them closer
together. Graph's eyes widened in apprehension, and then the boy with only two
combat experiences started to get scared...afraid that Pakin would do what he
threatened...on this car...on the traffic-heavy road side.
"Let go!" Pushing against his chest with both hands, he pushed hard and
shouted as if fleeing for his life. And this time Pakin let go of his hand as he
wished, just stared at it for a while, then turned around and drove the car into
the road again.
"Get ready"
"For... why should I prepare, just... just go to bed." The speaker almost slapped
himself in the mouth because of the trembling voice, because he needed to bear
the pain of lust People are also very scared in their hearts... The scene of the
drunk night is enough to tell Graph how scary Pakin brother is if it is serious.
The listener just smiled softly, turned his head and looked over:
"Remember what you said... what are you going to eat tonight?" The sudden
change of subject made Graph say loudly:
"P don't change the subject, I haven't finished yet. I'm still angry with P...Super
angry." To be honest, the listener should feel that the other party is still angry,
very angry. Annoyed, after all, he knew it once he heard it. But Pakin laughed
out loud, feeling that the brat's voice was like the barking of a puppy, attracting
the owner's attention.
"Hurry up and decide, or I will make the decision." The young man continued to
talk about the dinner, which made the doll-like person in the car clench his fists
"Don't eat, I'm not hungry!"
"No matter what P calls me, I'm not hungry, I won't eat." Although the big man
wanted to growl, the boy still looked out the window with his chest folded.
"If you don't eat today, I won't take you there."
"Uh, P is only doing it for himself." The driver was slightly taken aback, but
finally calmed down. Because Pakin seems to understand that this brat will keep
making troubles and disobedience when Ya is not satisfied or cared about. If he
is like before, he will definitely leave Ya on the road and let Ya find a car to go
home by himself, but He wasn't so bad that he didn't know that he was the
culprit who made Ya make trouble unreasonably.
Go to hell, I've never slept with anyone as tricky as ya.
"Then selfish people like me will go back to sleep." Pakin said when the kid
pushed and pulled him up. Turning the steering wheel, changing the original
direction of driving towards the hotel he had booked, he stepped on the
accelerator with his long legs and went straight home. He didn't even look at the
aggrieved boy next to him who obviously didn't want to go home.
If you don't want to eat outside, then he can follow his heart.
Before the beautiful sports car was parked, the door next to the driver was
slammed open, and then the car doll, who was sitting with his chest hugged and
his head down, rushed out and ran to the mansion, not caring about leaning
against the car after getting off the car The driver who looked at everything with
P‟ Pakin wasn't worried because Lao Tzu opened the door before the car was
parked, he was just worried that his beloved son's door would bump into
Boom, thump, thump.
"Master Graph, Master Graph is back."
Thinking like that, Kritithi almost rushed up and locked himself in the room, but
he stopped because of the sound of someone calling, and turned to look
over. Then, before he disappeared, he saw the butler walking towards him at a
fast pace, and the elder's face was full of worry, almost angry. So I couldn't help
but feel guilty.
Aunt Kaew is the one who really cares about him, but Graph yelled at him in
the morning, and now she is telling her to come and find him. If she fainted
because of this, she must be choking.
"What's wrong with Master Graph? He went out suddenly like that in the
morning, and my aunt was scared to death." Graph has scolded many people for
putting on a show. Usually, the nanny sisters hired by my father never really
care about him, but they are just afraid of being scolded. , Afraid of being
deducted money or being driven away, but facing the old man Graph in P‟
Pakin's house, he just lowered his head as low as he could.
Aunt Kaew has helped him many times, even if someone like P‟ Pakin finds
out, she is willing to lend a helping hand.
The men who came to him looked at him as if they were a grandson. The boy
could only say...
"I'm sorry... I'm sorry."
"Why did Master Graph apologize to Auntie?" the other party asked in
surprise. The stubborn child couldn't help holding his hand tightly.
"I said something bad to my aunt this morning, I'm sorry."
"Oh, that's a little thing. It's okay, Master Graph." The elder smiled and shook
his head slowly after hearing this, as if he didn't mind. But this makes the
speaker feel even more guilty.
The person who cares most about him in this mansion is Aunt Kaew, and then
Brother Win, and the owner of the mansion...does he care a little bit?
"It doesn't matter why, it will be more presumptuous if you pamper Yaya too
Before the boy opened his mouth, the person who followed behind said
leisurely. The presumptuous kid couldn't help clenching his teeth, not wanting
to turn around and look back. And Aunt Kaew looked over there and smiled
slightly, then turned her head and continued to talk to the boy: "
Then next time, Master Graph, please don't act like this again. .” If someone
else was yelling at him, Graph would definitely bark his teeth at him, but
because of the gentle tone and warm gaze of the person in front of him, the
person who doesn‟t listen to anyone just said this... “I‟m sorry.

Kaew Auntie is one of the few people who doesn't want to see the eyes that look
at him change...someone who takes care of his clothes, feeds and even wakes
him up for school every day, even though he doesn't have to do it himself
...someone who put up with his waywardness and never shouted at him...not like
Seeing the boy like this, Pakin couldn't help frowning.
"Master Kritithi knows how to apologize."
Because of this sentence, Graph clenched his fists, then turned around and said
to the housekeeper,
"I'm going to the room first."
"Master Graph, don't you want to eat? I haven't eaten in the morning." "
"No...I want to sleep." The boy almost said that he didn't want to see someone's
face, but he kept his mouth shut. Then turn around and walk back to the room,
not the bedroom you escaped in the morning but the guest room at the
beginning. The eyes of the two adults followed the leaving figure in unison.
One... too calm to show emotion.
Then one of them turned to look at the butler.
"Get used to it."
"Master Pakin is used to bullying Master Graph." The listener straightened his
face, while the butler smiled softly and said what he had said several times:
"Master Graph is a poor man, if Master Pakin is
right He's better, he'll be a good boy for you to see." Pakin shook his head but
didn't say any more, but asked again:
"What are you going to do in the kitchen today?"
"Chicken green curry, herb-baked mullet, Deep-fried prawns, Nam Prik Lom
Boat with green vegetables.” Although my young master originally said that he
didn‟t need to prepare dinner, when the two young masters returned home, Aunt
Kaew decided on the menu. And Pakin ordered leisurely:
"Everyone stop."
"What? But Master Pakin and Master Graph are home today, so..." "
Stop, stop everything the kitchen is doing, there is no need to do it. "The young
man just said so. Although the other party didn't know why, he still agreed, and
watched the Shaodong's family step up to the room without thinking about it,
looking for the child who returned to his room. Finally had to sigh.
"Hey, can't you treat him better? Master Pakin. I tried my best to bring Master
Graph back. If I could treat him better..." The person talking to himself stopped
halfway, because he brought him back and adopted him himself. , how could
she not understand who is the more self-willed person.
Although he escaped to the room, although he flung himself face down on the
bed and tried to close his eyes to sleep, but to be honest, Graph just tossed and
turned like sleeping in an infirmary, and then kept thinking about that
shirt. Finally, someone who doesn't want to be immersed in this shit anymore
sits down and calls someone...someone they've been separated from for less
than 2 hours.
【I think, Graph, I think P Pakin has changed. Graph may still be angry with P,
but think about it, Graph said before that he would drive Graph away, but today
he came to my house to beg you. People who Graph said never cared about
others came to Graph. 】
Yes, this person is the personal consultant...the beauty Chanchao.
When a friend said this, the listener calmed down.
"It's because of sex." The boy said in a muffled voice, wanting to say that the
other party's change was because he had already slept. And this also made the
other end of the phone hold his breath and be speechless for a while, and the
person who said it just remembered something.
"I'm sorry, I forgot that you are a girl. I probably don't want to hear it..."
[Think! I want to hear it. Seriously, Graph. I really, really want to hear about
Graph's life in bed, and I'm pinching my hand right now to keep myself from
asking what P did to Graph this morning.... Back to business, Graph. OK, Graph
may think it‟s because of sex, and I‟m equally skeptical that P‟s statement that
he won‟t have sex with other people during his relationship with Graph
means...] “If you get bored, you‟ll dump it right
away Get rid of me." When the friend seemed to choose to automatically mute
the voice because he was about to say something unbearable, the person on the
other end of the phone continued the conversation.
【Well, before he got bored, Graph was obsessed with P Pakin and couldn't
extricate himself. ]
"It's just me! Chanchao, am I the kind of person!" The listeners immediately
shouted. Not to look down on yourself, but it has nothing to believe in at all. P‟
Pakin should feel bored after a few sleeps. Friends, however, are still very
[Oh, not necessarily anymore, Graph. Graph may or may not be compatible
with P Pakin sexually. There are several couples who become lovers after they
have sex. Now that Graph has the opportunity, it should go all out for it. ]
"Which couples in which novels?" Graph couldn't help asking knowingly,
making the person who brought Tanmei novels to school wrinkle his nose: "Oh,
Graph believes me,
if Graph doesn't know what to do, go try and ask P Win. P he should understand
very well.] At the end of the conversation, it turned into a whisper, and even
laughed. It seems that if possible, Chanchao will definitely interview a certain
model‟s bed life in depth. This makes Graph I couldn't help shaking my head
and couldn't help laughing.
[Yeah~ I laughed. Okay, Graph listens to me, Graph may still be angry with P,
but I hope Graph can start again now. P Pakin used to Don‟t think about it, just
think about P. He promised not to sleep with others again, and Graph must keep
it in mind. OK?] "...
It‟s easier said than done.
The young man wanted to refute, But to be honest, all he can do is keep silent,
because his thoughts are the same as those of his friends. He should stop
thinking about the things that the other party has slept with other people, and
focus on the future, but his head and The heart is two different organs, the head
says that but the heart... can't stop thinking about it.
"I will try my best. "So he could only answer like this, and at the same time the
door of the room was knocked.
"Master Graph, dinner is ready." The butler came in and said, while the person
on the bed shook his head.
"I'm not hungry." "Aunt Kaew walked in with a smile:
"If you are not hungry, go down for a while." "
I'm really not hungry." The person who hadn't eaten since morning was still
insisting, but the other party was still smiling and said with a mysterious smile:
"Go, I beg you." The person who made today's dinner has used his
housekeeping skills. "
[Graph go to eat, he will go to eat too. Oh, just now Graph told me that he will
try his best, and meeting P Pakin is one of them. ]
The elder‟s persuasion was not enough, the person on the other end of the phone
also helped to speak, which made the young man shout loudly: "
Are you my friend or my mother? Chanchao."
The friend just laughed and hung up the phone, the young man finally Got up
from the bed and asked falteringly:
"Is P Pakin here?" Aunt Kaew laughed immediately when the question came
out, and then said the same thing:
"Master Graph, please go and see for yourself, I think this meal will be very
appetizing for Master Graph." oh."
No, it still can‟t be done!
At this time, young master Kritithi stood in front of a door not far from the big
kitchen, looking straight at the tall man standing behind the black granite
counter. From the looks of it, this person can only be...P‟ Pakin.
Graph felt strange when he came to the restaurant and saw that there was no one
there, but when Aunt Kaew told him to go to the kitchen, when he went around
to the kitchen where he had gone to help and made a mess, the housekeeper
came and took him around A well-renovated, well-sized kitchen like something
out of a home improvement magazine.
There are 2 counters in this kitchen, front and back, one has all the kitchen
utensils such as stove, oven and refrigerator, and the other is as high as Pakin's
waist, with only a sink, an empty table top and two or three chairs.
The large kitchen focuses on practicality, and it can be seen that it has been used
for many years, but this kitchen is more like a kitchen showroom. This made
Graph feel even more impassable.
Is the man standing behind the counter really P‟ Pakin?
The man who has changed into trousers and T-shirt to look relaxed and
comfortable is very IKEA, feeling completely different from the absolute
authority on the field. Although this look is not suitable for a man, to be honest,
just Pakin turned around and looked at the boy and closed his eyes in confusion,
feeling like... his heart was about to stop.
It's fake, I'm dreaming, it's not true.
"Come and take a seat."
The boy wanted to talk back, and wanted to be as stubborn as ever, but his two
legs obediently led the owner of the body to sit down, ignoring everything, just
staring at him and saying that he was coming back to sleep Man with broad
P‟ Pakin didn't go to bed but cooked dinner himself... It's fake... Oh, it's a
dream, Graph!
So thought the man, still wide-eyed, as he watched the tall male scoop up the
brightly colored soup into high-quality earthenware bowls, then poured a
viscous white meat sauce over it to make the tomato soup even more red and
delicious, and finally put down the basil leaves as a finishing touch. Then Pakin
turned around and put the bowl in front of the boy, making the stubborn kid
purse his lips.
"Did P himself?"
"I just made something to eat by myself, is it that unbelievable?"
"It's just that P doesn't seem like a person who can do this." The stubborn child
argued, even though the hand holding the spoon was shaking. The other party
just shrugged.
"I'm not you, I know nothing." The listener immediately became annoyed.
"P is not the same, he is a person who can only let others do it." Pakin shook his
head slightly, leaning his head and buttocks to the counter with his hands on his
chest, looking more comfortable than before. Despite standing in the middle of
the kitchen instead of the arena, the formidable aura never faded.
But Pakin is not intimidating now, but more like teasing.
"At least I have never messed up other people's kitchens." When the topic
turned to the last time he entered the kitchen, the young man was silent, looking
down at the beautifully colored soup with delicious sauces, and on the one hand
he was afraid I believe that people like P‟ Pakin will cook by himself, on the
other hand, he also hopes it is true.
After all, it was the first time to taste Pakin's handicraft.
"Don't just look at it, eat it." Although he wanted to refute, Kritithi still raised
the spoon and put it in his mouth.
Graph couldn't help saying this to himself the moment the gentle soup touched
the tip of his tongue. The taste is fragrant and fresh, and the taste in line with the
taste made the stubborn child unconsciously take the second sip, and then
Why would he be willing to do this for him.
Regarding this question, the young chef just raised the corners of his mouth, and
then said lightly:
"I'm not a man who breaks promises." He said he would treat him to dinner, and
when the stubborn kid didn't want to go out, he kept his promise at home .
"But P doesn't have to take it to heart." Graph retorted.
Yes, this person didn't need to take to heart what he said to a kid like him, but in
retrospect, no matter how cruel Pakin was, this person never broke his
promise. If I said I would come to visit, I would come as promised. If I said I
would find something, I would help you find it. If I said I would come to the
school to pick up and drop off, I would do it as promised. As long as I promised
to do it, I would definitely do it. But if I said no...even if No matter how
stubborn a boy is, he will never soften his heart.
This time the big man didn't answer, but turned to look at the working oven,
then walked over to open the lid and pull the pot out to look. The smell of steak
instantly filled the room, and the young man's eyes changed slightly before he
pulled the pot out and put it on the heat insulation mat.
"I didn't take it to heart, I just imagined that I could cook something and eat it
when I was in school. It just suits your appetite." The person who cut the five-
ripe steak into bite-sized pieces replied, and then cut the steak Arrange on the
plate already filled with broccoli, then pour the beautiful sauce again on the
meat, and the main course is completed.
"And I don't want you to starve to death under my supervision. Eat it, or it will
be cold." The handsome chef said while looking at the person who drank the
soup with satisfaction.
When he was in the US, Pakin had as much fun as Sirapop. It can be said that
they always held parties outside the house, and every Friday when it was his
turn to go to a friend‟s house to hold a party, he felt that no matter what he did,
he would not waste time, especially It was when he was too lazy to go out of the
After being alone for many years, it becomes a habit to go into the kitchen once
in a while. At least he won't wake up the kids at three or four in the morning to
make appetizers, but when the stubborn kid loses his temper, the young man
thinks it's not bad. The expression on the face of the person after tasting the
food and the disbelieving look in his eyes made him feel...very pleasing to the
"You haven't eaten since morning."
"How did P know?" The diner looked up suspiciously, and the big man looked
down quietly, then... laughed.
A smile that made Graph feel creepy... a smile that understood.
"I've been crying since the morning, so I don't have time to eat."
"I didn't!!!" The listener immediately retorted, denying that he was
crying. Because it seems to let the other party see their vulnerable side. Pakin
propped his arms on the counter, his knife-like handsome face almost crossed
the counter and came to the people sitting and dining, while Graph almost fell
back in fright, but stopped because of the pair of sharp eyes that were fixed on
him up.
Graph didn't know when the opponent's hand stretched out, but when he
realized that the opponent's finger had already touched the corner of his eye, the
man who saw through everything laughed lowly.
"Your eyes say it all."
The stubborn kid whose heart was trembling for no reason turned his head away
and said in a trembling voice, "
My eyes are red because I didn't sleep well, because someone came to bother
me early in the morning, not because I cried Gotta..."
"I didn't say your eyes were red, so why are you in a hurry."
"Just say no!" The head of the person who seemed to be unable to argue was
raised even higher. And this has become the biggest mistake, because the
moment the eyes meet, it feels as if they have fallen into the sharp eyes in front
of them.
The owner of those eyes reached out and grabbed the sliced steak with his bare
hands and moved it to the boy's mouth.
The two pairs of eyes looked at each other. In the end, the young man was
defeated and had no choice but to open his mouth to welcome the beautiful meat
into his mouth. When the tip of his tongue touched the sauce on the other's
fingertips, he was almost taken aback, but Pakin withdrew his finger without
changing his expression, and... licked it.
This time, Graph could only sit with a hot face, watching the young man with
infinite charm licking his finger with his tongue, and staring at him fixedly.
It's no wonder why everyone is so caught up in Pakin's charms, even though he's
so badass.
A person who can make all the anger and grievance disappear after saying a
"I've been coaxing you like this, don't be angry anymore, Graph." It's
not a big deal with a gentle voice, but a person like this is willing to cook by
himself, and all the disappointments of the boy will disappear. There was only
the sound of a heartbeat that was beating so fast that it could hardly keep up
with the rhythm.
Why? Why was he easily defeated by P‟ Pakin?
Why...he nodded and agreed easily, and murmured:
"I... didn't let P coax me."
In the end, no matter how angry he was, he lost to his own heart.
Chapter 32: Rewards for Good Kids
Graph also knew that he was just a brat, because as soon as he lost his temper,
the person who fled back to his room had the cheek to return to the bedroom he
had occupied for a week, even though he secretly felt deeply worried...whether
he would be Get out?
The door was slightly opened, and then the bad boy's face was only showing his
eyes, and he scanned the surroundings to confirm the route. I saw that the light
in the bathroom was on, indicating that the owner of the room was still there, so
I tried to quiet down the footsteps, and prepared to rush straight to the big bed,
and then quickly closed my eyes to try to fall asleep first.
Both Chanchao and Brother Win said that there is no need to move...then
continue to occupy it.
"Phew." After successfully sneaking in, the boy secretly breathed a sigh of
relief, and then closed the door little by little, but...
"Close the door when you come in."
"Chi!" The door is not completely closed Then there was a voice from behind,
which surprised the young man. The hand that was pushing the lock to close the
door slowly shook immediately, and the door was slammed shut as the boy
turned to look at the owner of the voice.
"Gudu" swallowed heavily.
At this time, Pakin only had a bath towel around his waist and a small towel
around his neck, and there was no more fabric on him. His broad chest and
strong muscles were covered with crystal drops of water, and Graph couldn't
help it. Don't rush to open your eyes and turn your head to look at the other side,
because the heart in the chest has already been beating non-stop because of this
Sometimes I really hate that Pakin brother has such a good figure.
"I don't think you're coming." The speaker leaned against the door frame with
his chest crossed.
"P knew I would come?" The big man just smiled slightly at the corner of his
mouth, turned and walked towards the cloakroom, and then simply replied:
"Otherwise, why would I not lock the door?"
He thumped.
Kritithi hesitated, turned back to look at the door and realized belatedly, indeed,
if P‟ Pakin is in the room, he usually locks the door. The last time he was able to
sneak in was because Brother Win opened it in advance with the spare key. The
door, so the other party probably guessed that he would come and didn't lock
the door. And this also made the young man feel unspeakable resentment.
Wow, it seems like I have thrown myself into a trap!
"I'm angry because I'm angry on my own, and when I calm down, I come back
by myself. I'm so fucking pitiful." Graph said to himself, feeling the same as
when he used to chase after the other party's ass. Although everything is
changing now, because now it is not only Graph who is pursuing unilaterally,
but P‟ Pakin also confessed to coaxing him. And yet it feels... nothing different.
I feel that the other party is as high as before.
"Hey, if you want to fascinate brother, how can your friend do it? Chanchao."
The boy muttered to himself. Shaking his head vigorously without any hope for
himself, he squinted at the door of the cloakroom. He also wanted to go back to
his room, and wanted to bet that someone would come after him? But... just
thinking about it.
Back to reality, Graph in his pajamas had already walked over and fell onto the
bed, heaved a deep sigh and picked up his phone to check the message.
Among all the messages, there are messages sent by friends from the drinking
group to thank you for what happened yesterday afternoon, as well as countless
emoticons and short words sent by friends.
...How about the Graph, how about the dinner...
The boy hesitated for a moment, and then connected Chanchao.
[Graph, how is it!!!]
The girl's scream sounded through the phone, and the boy's face couldn't help
but feel slightly hot, recalling the meal that night. From the soup at the
beginning, the main course to the dessert at the end, the boy couldn't help being
That's all done by Pakin himself.
"It's just...nothing."
[Reconciled with P Pakin, right? 】
"I've never been angry."
After chatting with his friends, the teenager gradually became less nervous, but
the slight sound of conversation stopped the person who was walking out of the
cloakroom, his sharp eyes looked at the man who was sitting cross-legged, with
his head lowered, just staring at the bed sheet, but the naked eye It can be seen
that people who have already blushed.
"What did Chanchao have for dinner?" The shy man tried to change the subject,
but the name he said let the owner of the room know who he was talking to.
It's that kid again.
What is certain is that Pakin is a little dissatisfied.
[It's nothing, after Graph left, I asked P Sun to ride a motorcycle to the market,
and bought half a roast chicken, stir-fried vegetables in oyster sauce, and cold
catfish cubes, that's all. 】
"Are you done talking, I'm going to sleep." However, after Graph answered,
Pakin, who checked his phone and found that there was nothing urgent to deal
with, interjected. The teenager looked back, and then saw the person who was
going to turn off the light.
"P can sleep if he wants to, and I still need to talk on the phone." The second he
opened his mouth to talk back, Graph wanted to slap himself on the
mouth. Thinking that he might see flaming eyes and hear a cold voice that
would drive him back to his room to talk on the phone, but the big man
shrugged, and then... "Hey, why did
P take off!" The owner of the room pulled the belt around the waist and took it
off, hastily draped the bathrobe at the end of the bed, this time, not only the
pectoral muscles, Graph saw every inch of the man with perfect body
proportions. And those who bare their bodies feel no shyness.
"Didn't Win say that? I don't wear anything to sleep." Then he shrugged. Those
who listened couldn't help opening their mouths.
"But...but P didn't sleep alone today." Graph retorted immediately, goosebumps
arose. Although he knew they were all men, he didn't dare to look directly at
them. The owner of the room frowned slightly, then... smiled.
"Sleeping alone or sleeping with several people, I am the same. And..." The
speaker glanced at the boy's clumsy body, and then said: "It's not like I haven't
done it before
The face of the listener instantly flushed red. I knew in my heart that I had done
it, but I still unconsciously backed away and pressed against the head of the
bed. When the big man moved his body closer, his big hand also stretched out
to touch his fair face, which made the boy's hand holding the phone tremble
slightly, and he couldn't say any rebuttals. Same as the other end of the phone.
The other end of the phone, who heard every sentence clearly, had already
opened his mouth wide and could not make any sound.
"P...P what are you doing?" Graph shouted as if he had already fallen. Although
he gave in easily in the morning, but now the anger has not completely
dissipated, but the other party just moved his face closer...the boy tightly closed
his eyes.
Do you want to do it? Now?
Graph felt the breath brushing his cheeks, and then...
"Heh, what do you miss me?" Looking at each other, a mocking murmur
sounded in my ears...intentionally let the person on the other end of the phone
with ears pricked hear it.
"You want me to become a hungry wolf now?..."
"What the hell is P...P playing with?" The man who regained his senses said
immediately, pushing away his chest. Pakin just shrugged:
"I'm not playing, I just want to turn off the lights. And even if I'm horny...but I
haven't slept well, I'm not in the mood to do it right now, but if you want
to...then Just let me 'get up'." Pakin ended with a smile, then rolled over and lay
down, letting the boy sit beside him blushing like that.
"talent... I don't want to!
" [Graph just give it a try, let P Pakin move 'up'.]
"That's it! "When Chanchao was whispering, he remembered that his friend was
still online, and the person who heard every word clearly yelled at the phone,
and then quickly hung up the phone. Turned over and lay down, trying to move
his body to the side of the bed On one side. But the naked body was attached to
it, making the young man want to raise his hand and slap himself in the face.
It's P‟ Pakin who is hungry, not me!
The boy tried so hard to talk to himself. But he can't forget the person under the
same quilt...without a thread on his body.
Thinking about it this way, my mind couldn't help going astray, my feet were
clamped tightly together, and my body curled up into a ball. Because deep
down, the teenager was longing too... longing to sleep in the same bed like this.
This is only the first night of sleeping with P‟ Pakin, and my heart almost
stopped, how many more nights can I sleep in this room with the cheek, damn
"Graph, Graph~Graph, Graph baby."
"One Graph is enough, you don't need to call it so many times." "
The only thing Graph is mad at me."
"Not angry."
"Then why doesn't Graph look at me Well."
"Okay, read it. Satisfied."
Today Kritithih went to school as usual, but the strangest thing was not only
that the person who was late every time arrived before the flag-raising
ceremony, but also dodged his girlfriend with a cute voice (in the eyes of
others), although usually the two are inseparable. I saw Chanchao running back
and forth to surround him, with a sweet smile, clear voice, and blinking eyes,
which made those who dodged couldn't help but look away.
It wasn't until being provoked... Graph turned his head around, but turned his
face away again after taking a look.
"Yeah, you're blushing, handsome guy."
"..." The laughing voice silenced the boy, as if he was angry. But for the
spectators who are friends, they have already raised their hands to cover their
faces... This is obviously shy.
"Hey, why is Graph so shy, I know everything... By the way, did you make him
feel better last night?" "
"My friend's curious eyes made the listener want to knock him on the head. "
Chanchao, you are a girl. "
"Wow, are you sexist?" I am rich in theory and lack of practical
experience. "The girl smiled softly, and stopped teasing each other. Because she
just saw that her friend was in a much better mood today than yesterday, so she
felt relieved.
Graph looked really bad yesterday, and Graph may have cried a lot because of
P‟ Pakin This time, but Graph never shows a vulnerable side in public. And
yesterday this friend hugged her and cried at school, so now she will be shy and
can be teased, so she is relieved.
" Like my own mother. "
"Say what?" "
"It's nothing." The ponytail girl hurriedly shook her head, then changed the
subject and walked side by side to the cafeteria.
"By the way, has Graph thought of asking P Pakin for anything?"
"Yes? What do you want?" The handsome boy immediately frowned and turned
to look at his friend in bewilderment. This shows that what happened in the past
two days made him forget an important thing... something that made Chanchao's
eyes widen and he asked in disbelief: "How could
Graph forget, P Pakin The reward you promised. As Graph said, if Graph
recovers from illness, you can make a request to P Pakin." "
Yes, I forgot!" Kritithi yelled when his friend reminded him, and immediately
remembered The thing about being sick comes. At the same time, a big smile
appeared on the corner of his mouth, so good-looking that the juniors passing by
blushed. But it didn't take long for the smile to slowly disappear.
"But what do you want?"
"I want to be P's boyfriend."
The listener pauses, but not in agreement.
"Crazy, if you make such a request, you will not only waste the opportunity but
also be ridiculed... Such a person would easily agree to be someone else's
"Although he is a stubborn kid, he also knows that a certain man doesn't like
anyone showing possessiveness. So my friend lowered his head slightly and
walked into the cafeteria. " What to eat? buy it for you. "
"I can go by myself. "
"No, just sit here and take your place." "Before continuing to chat, the boy went
straight to the empty table, threw down his schoolbag and turned to face his
friend who was a little embarrassed.
"Then what does Graph eat, so should I. "When he got the answer, Graph
disappeared among the students, and his head was thinking about the question
asked by his friend. He really didn't think about the opportunity to make a
request because of the exchange of his body. When he started to think carefully
At that time, he really didn't know what to ask Pakin brother. Be
nice to him... I don't know if that kind of person can last for 2 days.
If there is only one person... I have promised, although it is only for this period
of time.
I have to buy expensive things... my monthly pocket money is already enough.
If you ask for this something you can ask for?
The person who thought this way sighed a long time, and then walked back to
the dining table with two identical meals. I saw my friend scratching and
writing on the notebook.
"What are you doing, Chanchao."
"I'm thinking about what Graph wants to get the best value for money." Those
who listened couldn't help but craned their necks to look, and then saw that the
paper was full of proposals, some of which had even been rejected. It was
scratched and killed. In other words, the girl started to think carefully from the
time he went to buy food. The friend's hard-working and serious appearance
made the boy wonder whether he should be moved or amused.
"So what did you think of?"
"I don't know. To be honest, Graph should think about what you want, and then
I will help you choose the best one." The boy paused, and then... "I
want P Pakin loves..."
in love with me.
"Huh?" Before Graph accidentally said what was in his heart, the boy stopped in
time. Seeing a friend looking up, frowning like what did you just say? So the
boy shook his head slowly, and immediately changed his answer, because he
knew very well in his heart that what he wanted to say was impossible to do.
After working hard for 10 years, it would be foolish to accept his love just
because of a request.
"I want him to treat me better... But such a person will definitely not agree
" "Then if you want P Pakin to treat you wholeheartedly, it will only be one day.
" "The top student immediately suggested, while the bad boy frowned:
"Why is it only for one day? "
"Well, it's a question about stages of human perception, Graph. "When she
heard the person who hadn't held the spoon, she stretched her neck and leaned
over, and then the girl began to actively explain the theory mentioned.
"Graph, think about it, if I ask Graph to treat me to dinner for a week, Graph
will probably only treat me to curry and rice, right? Because it is quite a lot of
money when shared. But if I say let Graph treat me to a meal , Graph might
throw money to treat me to a big meal. Because you will think 'just one meal',
similarly, if Graph makes P Pakin treat you well for a week, he will also share
the goodness equally, but If it's just one day... Boom, he will use it all in one
day." The girl made a bomb gesture, expressing that if P‟ Pakin agreed, the
result would definitely make the boy very satisfied.
"...however, for hello, I think it's too broadly defined, Graph." And the listener
is just interested, because something like this can also think of its consequences,
drawbacks, and rewards , so he couldn't help respecting:
"It's amazing."
The eyes cast over him made the chatter... instantly shy.
"Don't praise me, no matter how powerful you are, you will be shy." The girl
wrinkled her nose slightly, while thinking about how to maximize the result of
her friend's only one chance.
"Then what should I ask for?" Graph also asked seriously this time, but before
the listener could answer... "
This couple is so sweet again. I saw it just now, damn Graph I'm going to make
dinner for my wife." The small group who skipped class suddenly appeared that
day, hugged Graph's neck and laughed loudly. The boy then turned to say hello.
"It's better to help me cook and go to the training room for causing trouble."
Chanchao said in a vicious voice. And Kritithi also seemed to be aware of his
friend's unhappiness, so he pushed his friend's head away forcefully:
"Where are you going to cool off? Didn't you see that I was chatting?"
"Wow, my friend is really afraid of his wife, so you have to be so kind... Oh, oh,
let's go. Don't stare at us so angrily, let's go to a bar together someday." The
handsome friend casts a quick glance, and the teaser throws up his hands in
surrender, and looks terrified of the only woman present. Because no matter
how stupid people are, they can tell that Chanchao doesn't like them, so a group
of people took the initiative to walk to the other side. But those words seemed to
ignite a certain thought in the girl.
"Graph!" Immediately, the girl grabbed her friend's collar and pulled him over,
lowering her head and whispering excitedly into her ear. And this also made the
listeners' eyes widen, and after a while, the handsome face slowly became
colored... The two friends were whispering and chatting about something, but in
the eyes of others... it was Chanchao Burying his head on the boy's neck.
Several people couldn't help watching this scene, and one of them was the
senior high school student who froze when he entered the cafeteria... Senior
The person who was holding a bottle of cold water as an excuse to approach a
certain handsome junior could only stand still. If possible, he wished the bottle
in his hand would fall from his hand to the floor.
Why every time I want to get close to Chanchao school girl, there will be all
kinds of things that can break my heart!
The coolest senior is being hit hard, while the handsome junior is in a better
mood and jumps up,, he knows what he wants from P‟ Pakin!
Pakin had an appointment with his friends today, so after finishing the work, he
went to Phayu‟s auto repair shop to check the condition of the racing car, and
then the cool super sports car drove quickly on the road late at night, heading
straight for the bar in the city center . However, halfway through the drive, the
phone in the bag vibrated so much that the young man had to take it out to look
at the screen.
"What's the matter?" Pakin pressed answer and said dryly. Although I feel
strange in my heart, because Ya never calls him.
This little young master appeared in front of him whenever he wanted, but he
never made a phone call.
[What time does P come back today? 】
"Do I have to report to you?" The young man asked habitually, making the other
end of the phone silent. No need to guess, the young master of Graph must now
look like he wants to drink his blood and eat his flesh, so he continued:
"If it's okay, I'll die."
[Wait a minute, P Pakin. What time does P come back? 】
"It's late, go to bed first."
【No! I don't sleep, I have to wait for P. 】
The person who was controlling the steering wheel couldn't help frowning,
because the last sentence didn't sound like what Graph would say... It sounded
weird and cute, and Ya repeated it again... [No matter how much P comes
back late, I will wait. I'm calling just to say this. 】
The listener put down his phone, but his frown did not relax. Because all along,
if this brat wants something, Ya will definitely say something more self-willed
and annoying than this, as if P has to come to me now... When will P be back? I
have been waiting for a long time, otherwise I will appear in front of him
regardless of the time. Therefore, Graph will wait for the points that he said, and
let the foot that stepped on the accelerator step back.
Pakin was silent for a while, then decided to call a friend:
"Damn Sin, stop for a while today. I'll see you next week." The young man
turned down the appointment, then changed the direction of the luxury car and
went straight home. And told himself that he didn't do this because of the
sentence that he would wait no matter what time, but wanted to know what
made Graph talk to him like that.
"I know that P is a person who keeps his word, P will not break his promise,
right...Although I was sick at that time, I still remember what P said. No matter
what P said I haven‟t forgotten any words. P said that no matter what P is, he
will agree to my request... What the hell is this Chanchao, the content is too
After hanging up Pakin‟s call, the boy sat cross-legged On the bed, staring at the
phone screen. Seeing that he has been reciting since the evening, the writer
handed it over and stared at him with his chest folded, saying that he must say
this and say this.
What line? ...How did you ask Pakin hyung for a reward line?
And who wrote the lines? ...Just Chanchao.
'Graph, you get impatient every time you do something about P Pakin, so this
time, do what I say. Graph must remember, Graph must be calm, although P
promises to agree to one of your requests, but Graph must remember that you
are a person who wants something, you are younger, you have to be
respectful. There is no adult who doesn't like children who respect their elders. '
'But this is not being respectful, this is being coquettish, okay P Pakin, what the
hell is this, Chanhcao. And what the hell is the heart-shaped mark! '
Chanchao very girlishly wrote the lines on the paper with pens of various colors
to read to him, and there is a sweet pink heart mark at the end of the sentence,
which means that the voice spoken here should be full of pleading, small Xiao
Lachang raised his eyes and blinked...Go to hell, who would do it.
Therefore, it was absolutely impossible for Graph to take that piece of paper
home, so it was recorded on the mobile phone notepad instead. Pick something
unspeakable that gives goosebumps and then has to sit down and read it.
"One day, I just ask P for one day, can P give me... a lot." Kritithi sighed long,
then threw the phone in the middle of the bed, fell down on the bed, and sat
reading, Missing and absent minded for a long time, he stretched out his sore
and limp legs. In fact, the teenager kept turning on the TV to ensure that the
voices of reading and reciting were not heard.
"Didn't you say you'll wait, heh, it's only 11 o'clock and you can't wait any
longer?" Graph jumped up and sat up straight, turned his head to look at the
front and walked into the room, thinking that this kid is only normal now
people. The boy pursed his lips tightly, feeling inexplicably unhappy.
Who made P come back just when I was stretching myself!
"What's the matter?" The words spoken from the big mouth in front of the TV
turned off made the person who was planning to calm down accidentally blurt
out following his instinct: "P owes me." Miserable,
Graph . Ya's voice was clearly looking for trouble.
The stubborn kid didn't have time to stop talking, so he could only stare fixedly
at the person who turned around with inexplicably creepy eyes. Then the man,
who was confident that he never owed anyone anything, approached the bed
with a little menace, and this look also made Graph understand that if he
continued to speak in this tone, he would definitely not get what he wanted.
So, Kritithi immediately grabbed the phone, unlocked it, and tried to hold back
the already scattered lines in his mind.
"It's just... what P once promised me, but P hasn't fulfilled it yet. A person like P
who keeps his promise will not break his promise to a kid like me." Hey, that's
not the case. Death
Graph . Chanchao didn't write like that, damn the broken phone, where is Lao
Tzu's notes!
The boy said to himself anxiously. However, the person who was said to be a
dishonest person is putting on a straight face.
"When did I promise something..."
"Found it!...Hey, let's do it again, P Pakin." Graph interrupted the person who
was speaking coldly in front of him. When I found the lines, I saw that what I
should have said at this time was wrong, so I took a deep breath:
"P remember what P said when I was sick?" "
..." P‟ Pakin remained silent. Graph didn't intend to let the courage he mustered
go to waste, so he decided to... Read on now.
Saying it yourself will only cause trouble, and it is best to read it accordingly.
"At that time, P said that if I recovered from my illness, P would agree to
whatever request I made. But now I have recovered from my illness, I don‟t
know if P still remembers. I am not urging, I just feel that it has passed It‟s been
a long time, and I‟m afraid it will be invalid after a long time. Then I know that
P is a person who keeps his word, and P will never break his promise to a child
like me, right? And, even if I was sick at that time, but As long as it is what P
said, I will remember it, but..." "
What is this."
"Hey!" Graph also knows that it is too pitiful to read sentence by sentence, but
he really has no acting talent. I can't remember the lines, and I can't put my
emotions into the lines, so I can only lower my head and pretend to be looking
at my phone to relieve my tension. And that makes the person who's looking at
it...grab the phone and look.
Just like that, the brat, who looked too quiet for himself, immediately yelled,
and rushed forward to grab the phone back, hoping that Pakin wouldn't see what
appeared on the screen.
"P give me back my things!" Just like the two sides of the tape, the person
reading quietly disappeared in an instant, leaving only the yelling teenager
trying to snatch the phone back. But the taller man wrapped his arms around
and secured the boy's waist, holding his mobile phone high, making the boy's
struggle meaningless. And his piercing sharp eyes glanced at the screen, and
then his handsome face, which was irritated by being said to be a dishonest
person... looked very bad at this moment.
When he understood what was what, his sharp eyes lit up involuntarily, and the
corners of his mouth raised.
Just say how can you speak strangely.
"Don't make trouble, the last sentence in your notebook says you want to have a
good talk with me, if you want to talk to me, ask me." The young man turned
his head away, frowning disturbingly. And that should have pissed Graph a lot,
but now the boy felt... wanted to find a hole in the ground.
When he was caught, the boy couldn't help being so ashamed that his cheeks
turned red on both sides.
"Return the things to me." In the end, he could only say in a low voice, and he
didn't have the strength to grab it back, because P‟ Pakin had seen
everything. And the bigger guy laughed out loud:
"That's right, I do owe you... what do you want?
" "..."
"If you don't answer, I will read it myself."
"Hey, don't read it. P Pakin is not allowed to read it!!!" When he threatened, the
boy in his arms yelled. With embarrassment on his face, he tried to raise his
hand to cover the opponent's eyes. The owner of the room turned his face away
in order to adjust his sight, looked at the child with bright sharp eyes, and then
said a word:
"I..." Just one word made Graph want to look away but couldn't do it, so I could
only say in a very low voice:
"I want... want P to listen to me... one day.
" "Listen to you? " Pakin interjected. He felt strange about this request, but soon
Ruimu brightened up as if he understood the meaning.
"You want me to obey you in everything, one day, like that. "
This kid is very good at it.
" Won't P agree? P is a person who keeps his word. Graph said with his tongue
tied as if he was still extremely shy. Then for some reason, although Pakin
understood that he was obviously at a disadvantage, the young man just said
leisurely: "The line is wrong, Graph
. Now what should you tell me. "
Since you have been taken advantage of by a child, let's take revenge.
The person staring at the boy who doesn't understand what to say thinks so,
moves the mobile phone screen to the other party with his big hand, releases the
hand at the waist, and pokes it with his finger Stamped the penultimate line of
the emphasis. It will be worth it compared to what will be lost, because the face
of the handsome delinquent is slowly turning red until the whole face is
completely red.
" Come on, I don't have time to wait all night to hear you talk. "
The listeners couldn't help clenching their fists tightly, biting their teeth until
their lips turned white, but they could only do this, and in the end they could
only defeat the piercing eyes, and whispered: "Okay
, P Pakin. Listen to Graph once... please. "
The person watching almost wanted to say that he didn't hear it, but seeing the
arrogant young master standing there tremblingly, his face flushed and his eyes
watery, as if he was about to cry from embarrassment, so Pakin handed over the
phone. But Graph couldn't wait to yank it back, and then the young man was
about to step back...the young
man immediately pulled the young man into his arms, then lowered his head
and pressed it to his ear:
"Okay! I will listen to you as you wish Yes." The tone of the voice made all the
hairs on the boy's arms stand on end, and Graph could only stand still, unable to
move, his eyes staring at the person who had retreated, and the overlapping gaze
made the boy's chest tremble. The lump of meat trembled. And that wicked
smile made the already charming person even more attractive...
"Since this is the case, tomorrow is just a rest day, how about starting
This time Graph stood there as if his body couldn't react , No, it's because the
heart can't respond, because P‟ Pakin said he would... listen to him.
Chapter 33: The First Battle of a Wayward Child
Science has proven that the period when people can remember dreams occurs in
the second half of the night, which is called the REM period (Rapid Eye
Movement). During this period, although people are in a sleep state, the brain
waves are still undergoing rapid fluctuations. And Master Kritithi is in such a
period right now.
A perfect time for dreaming.
It feels like floating among the clouds, driving a hover car in the air, and it feels
so good that I want to reach out and touch the clouds. The corner of his mouth
raised a big smile unconsciously, and the warm breath quickly enveloped his
whole body, making the boy want to stay in this feeling forever and never
leave. However...
Suddenly, the body that was floating in sync with the cloud plummeted straight
to the ground, and the young man couldn't help screaming, unable to do
anything but lower his head and look down. However, what he saw was not the
green ground, but a huge white mountain connected to the bright red earth, and
within a second, Graph realized that it was not a mountain.
Those were the huge and sharp teeth of the gigantic monster with its mouth
wide open. The boy tried his best to avoid it, but his body fell at a faster speed
in violation of the law of universal gravitation.
It was supposed to be a scene where his body was trembling with fear, but in
fact Graph was much calmer than he imagined. If you can't hide, don't hide.
Thinking like this, you let your body fall again and again...and keep
falling...then the second before falling into the monster's mouth, in that second,
the boy realized something thing.
That's not a's a dragon.
Well, a dragon...isn't that wrong.
People in a daze, half-dream and half-awake thought this way, their bodies fell
into the darkness and they closed their eyes at the same time, but...
"...wake up..."
"Wake up, Graph "
It's so noisy, stinking dragon." The sleeping man murmured, turning over to
dodge, feeling that some noise was disturbing his rest. However, this didn't stop
the person who was calling, because now it felt like not only falling into the
dragon's mouth, Graph also felt the ground shaking. But...
"Give me 2 minutes."
"If you still don't get up, don't say I didn't remind you."
What is the reminder? This stinky dragon is as hot as Pakin, and likes to scare
people. Alas, but my brother is more serious.
"Oh, if you don't answer, you agree."
What the hell did you agree? Also, something crawled on my body...
"Hey!!!" After that, people who felt that insects were crawling under the
clothes, no, when they opened their eyes, they looked down and saw that the
insects hadn't crawled into the clothes , but a person more hateful than a giant
dragon had already unbuttoned his pajamas, and the boy couldn't help being
startled. The symptoms of sleepy eyes disappeared in an instant, and he couldn't
help jumping up and sitting upright in fright. Then (trying hard) he stammered
and asked:
"What the hell is P doing?" The voice should be more severe and dry, but the
voice that came out was hoarse and hoarse. The eyes, as if they are not fully
awake, and the way they grab the clothes like an ignorant girl makes the people
watching... laugh.
The low laughter shook the nerves of the people who heard it, and they opened
their eyes completely awake, looking fixedly at Pakin who should have been
awake for a long time. I saw that the other party was wearing a pair of jeans and
a dark T-shirt. He looked much more comfortable and casual than usual, and his
tough and handsome face looked different from usual... Ruimu looked more
fascinating than before.
It‟s not that Pakin was unattractive before, but that this person always liked to
look at him with cold eyes, which made people feel fearful and intimidated, and
easily made teenagers feel irritable, and every word he said was offensive, or he
was very angry. Nothing can be added. But now, these sharp eyes are shining
with an ineffective light, full of jokes, making people unable to move their eyes
away. Although it looks very dangerous, I believe that anyone who is looked at
by such a pair of eyes will be willing to make up for it and fall for it... What's
more, this is the look of a man who I like so much.
This kind of gaze made the boy's skin goosebumps instantly, his face was
becoming terribly hot, and his hands were so messed up that he didn't know
what to do. The person in front raised the corner of his mouth and said:
"Wake up the lazy brat, I thought I had to use other methods to wake up." Even
the tone of the speech... There is no irritability and impatience, but a smile and
pity... as well as cunning and trickery.
"No...don't scream, I'm already awake." Graph could only mumble his tongue,
watching the person in front of him turn to look at the clock and then come back
and sit down on the bed together.
It seems that the young man is not a person who is used to being too close to
each other, so he immediately moved his body and backed away. The big man
didn't say anything about it, but said casually: "Actually, I wanted to wake you
up at 9 o'clock,
but Seeing that you didn‟t sleep much last night and today is a day off, I want
you to sleep a little longer. And now it‟s 10 o‟clock, so I have to get up and
have breakfast. Otherwise, my stomach will growl later.” If ah, if P‟ Pakin The
tone of the speech was as impatient as before, and Graph would definitely try
his best to refute, but because the tone of the other party was a kind of bored
and a little bit of banter, and the voice was still unspeakable, Kritithi couldn't
help but Wiping his face vigorously, he tried to turn his face to the other
side. Because... shy.
Not ashamed of his own situation, but ashamed of the other person
knowing...knowing that he didn't get much sleep last night.
It‟s all because P‟ Pakin said he would fulfill his promise and give him rewards,
so his head kept thinking about what the other person said, excited and worried,
restless until dawn, so he fell asleep, so Graph was shy It's...the kind that is too
However, the person who used to keep talking until the children were so angry
didn't say anything, but turned and walked to the table beside the bed, and this
also made the boy realize that... breakfast has been brought up and can be
enjoyed in bed!
I saw that the breakfast is a red crepe with powder, which is wrapped with
smooth and soft cream cheese, and the surface is poured with dark chocolate
sauce, and there are various fruits coated with sugar sauce on one side. It looks
sweet and seductive, and the index finger moves. Next to the plate, there are
steaming hot chocolate and orange juice that echoes the food.
It's all on a silver tray, and it's sitting together on Pakin's lap.
"Want to have some breakfast?" The big man raised his eyebrows jokingly,
causing the listeners to purse their mouths.
"Did P make it himself?"
"You know? Sometimes there is no need to ask too much about some things,
just accept it, Graph." Pakin said with a smile, and then cut a small piece of
crepe with a spoon and put it on the boy's lips side. Facing the trace of threat in
his sharp eyes, the boy could only glance at it for a while and finally opened his
Chi, delicious.
It looks like a very sweet breakfast, but it is not as sweet as expected after the
entrance, and the softness of the crepe and the slightly sourness of the cheese
sauce are combined with the sweetness of the chocolate on the surface and a
little sourness of the fruit, the taste is indescribable The fresh and delicious,
completely unexpected delicious. Let the boy who didn't refuse sweets (who has
a female friend who loves sweets like his life) unconsciously open his mouth to
accept feeding again.
"Hehe." The appearance of Jing Jing accepting the feeding made the people who
watched laughed in their throats, and the boy couldn't help but shut his mouth
tightly, and his face became hot and hot uncontrollably.
"Eat it." The person watching gently extended a new small piece of crepe to his
bright lips, Rui Mu looked indescribably cunning, making the person being
teased tremble all over.
Trembling at the other person's actions, words, and eyes.
Everything made Graph powerless to resist. Although he wanted to refute, he
could only say:
"I won't eat."
"Eat, take another bite." Regardless, the young man hit his bright lips with a
spoon again . The person who was being fed only hesitated for a moment,
because the young man with such eyes had no ability to resist at all, and could
only accept it openly.
really tasty.
The person chewing the food thought so while staring down at the silver tray on
the opponent's lap.
"Bring P, I'll eat it myself..."
Before Graph finished speaking, Pakin suddenly stepped forward and licked the
boy's lips with his warm tongue, causing the person being licked to stare wide
When he closed his eyes, his body stiffened immediately, and he could only
stare fixedly at the face that couldn't be closer. The man was licking the cheese
that had just come off his lips, and the moment the two of them met... Graph felt
as if he was going to die.
Looking over at him made the boy's body tremble as if he was sick, and when
the tip of his tongue was squeezed into his mouth, the boy trembled even more
as if he had been upper body... There was no unbearable heat, nor was it so
intense Hot blooded or fierce and wild, but... terribly sweet.
The big man's kiss made the cheese tasted sweeter than its original taste, and
even the tongue of the boy who was being teased responded unconsciously,
entangled as one. When all the food in his mouth was swallowed down his
throat and disappeared, Pakin still didn't back out, but sucked every drop of
taste on the tip of his tongue. The boy who kissed made a fuzzy moan, his body
trembled slightly, and he clutched the other's arm tightly as if he was about to
collapse from exhaustion, even though he was half sitting and half lying on the
Until the big young man withdrew, the bad boy had long since ceased to exist,
and only the limp and handsome boy remained. The young man was already
blushing, his eyes were full of water, and his hands were tightly grasping the
young man's hand. When the other party raised his eyebrows and whispered in
his ear, the young man's face turned even redder:
"This Morning Kiss isn't bad, is it?"
Bad! Dude this is so bad it makes me...shake like this!!!
Graph yells in his head but actually can't do anything except take the tray and
put it on his lap and put his head down for nothing . All I know is that P‟ Pakin
was laughing and got out of bed.
The person who originally planned to let the young master know who he was
playing with, and wanted to tease the young master again, but when he saw the
boy who was always talking back, trembling uncontrollably, he realized that he
should be there. Ya stopped joking before my heart stopped. When he was
about to leave the room and calm down Graph so that he could spend the rest of
the day with him, but...
"P Pakin!" the boy stopped first, then turned and looked over.
The person who pursed his lips tightly, then asked in a low and soft voice:
" many times have you done this?" The person who listened paused for a
moment, then raised the corners of his mouth:
"What you should know is not how many times I've done this, but..." Pakin
paused and then concluded, "...
today I'm just doing it for you."
He didn't deny having done it , possibly little or none. But this is not what the
young master should know, he should only know that today, at this time, he is
treating you 'alone' with all his heart.
Behaviorally, it appears that the pleaser easily wins over the willful at breakfast
"Want to learn how to drive?"
"Well, P teach me."
After breakfast that made his heart almost stop, Master Kritithi finally calmed
down, suppressed his embarrassment and went downstairs to appear in the
entertainment room, while someone was sitting watching a movie. Then the boy
uttered the wish that he came up with after thinking hard in the bath.
Throughout the day today, P‟ Pakin will do everything according to my wishes,
that is to say...any request will be granted.
So Graph tried hard to think about what activities the two of them would do. At
first, he wanted to talk about playing games, but after living in this house, he
found that P‟ Pakin had long since stopped playing games. This is a man who
now enjoys high-stakes games of poker, activities more dangerous than mere
button games, while a man who should be free to do whatever he wants is
actually concerned that the other party will be bored by his interest.
Thinking of the car that both of them are interested in, of course it is the car.
Although Graph has always seemed to be able to drive all kinds of cars, there is
no need to consider whether it is the age to take the driver's license. But in fact,
Graph can only drive super motorcycles. As for the car...there is already a driver
to pick it up.
"Have you ever driven it?"
"I have driven it once, but just for fun, because I prefer motorcycles." The
answer made the listeners nod their heads twice.
It is not difficult to drive, let alone an automatic transmission. You only need to
reverse, move forward, and stop. It is easier than eating bananas, but for people
who have never driven before, they may not even be able to judge the distance
accurately. Everything has to be practiced, not only in theory, because even
those who can drive a superbike the size of a dead man before can't drive a car.
"Wait, someone give me a car for you to try."
"P's car?" The listeners couldn't help but widen their eyes, because everyone
knew that the car in the private showroom was P‟ Pakin's precious son. And this
also made the person who pressed the controller to turn off the TV laugh out
loud, and asked...
"Do you want to die?"
And this made Graph immediately think of the trump card in his hand.
"P said that today P will follow me."
The listener stopped immediately, no, it should be said that his body froze, and
then a trace of tension flashed visible to the naked eye on his knife-like
handsome face, as if he was thinking about breaking his promise and risking his
precious son's life. Which one is more serious among those, and which one is
worse for oneself. And the face of not being able to figure out the result made
the boy puff up his cheeks... Embarrassed.
"Every car in my car uses paddle shifters. Don't you want to practice automatic
transmission... Well, it's easier to buy a new one for you to try than to use them.
Which one do you want to try?" What made the young man feel ashamed was
that the person who never showed embarrassment on his face now had a face
like a bitter medicine.
Wow, it's different than I imagined. Pakin brother fucking makes me feel like
I'm screwing things up.
"I'm just kidding, just give me a car with automatic transmission." Then the
delinquent boy who is actually a good boy changed his tone, and he felt a little
better when he saw his expression improved. . He didn't realize that the big man
was secretly laughing, as if he had already expected how to make the kid's heart
soften, but he just didn't think about it before.
When you actually try it, it's not as bad as it looks.
It's not difficult at all to make this kid soft-hearted and obedient. I just didn't
think about doing it before, and it's cute when he can speak well.
"Hey, P is so fucking bad."
"What's wrong with me?"
"P lied to me."
Now that the matter about the car is settled, the teenager is sitting in the most
suitable car in this house , a car whose price is twice that of ordinary
people. Next to the driver is supposed to be the owner of the mansion, but
now...Mr. Panachai.
The dedicated tutor who was called half an hour ago, while Pakin stood outside
the car with his chest crossed, slightly bowed to look at the kid who refuted with
veins on his neck.
"P said he would teach me to drive."
"I didn't say that, I just asked which car I want to use for practice." The listener
wanted to punch the other person in the face, but in fact he couldn't refute , can
only look at the face of the person who made him completely trapped and
threatened to do what he said today.
"You want me to do what you want and make you happy, don't you?"
"Yes." Graph said loudly, and those who listened could not help but sigh again,
and then turned their heads to look at the steering wheel.
"Then if you ask me to teach you how to drive, I will become a person who
doesn't believe what I say.
" It seems that I have become a fool. The imminent situation made the person
sitting next to him have to explain for his boss:
"Master Graph also knows that, my boss is very serious about cars, if Master
Graph does something wrong, he will definitely be scolded. When teaching
driving To be merciful means to risk your life on the road, even Saifai is more
murderous than Master Graph, isn't it?" The reason made the listeners silence
immediately, looking at the face of the person who was unwilling to break the
promise, and then... . Guilty.
I can't go on being selfish.
The boy's face made Pakin ask:
"Understood, do you?"
"Well, it's okay to let P Chai teach me." The delinquent boy who was cared for
by his mentor readily agreed. This also made the dedicated instructor smile,
turned to look at his boss and saw a scene he had never seen before.
The young boss reached out to touch the boy's dark hair, and then gently rubbed
"If Chai praises you for being a good student, I'll reward you later."
"Really, P!" Graph turned his head happily, making the person who should have
had annoyed eyes... laugh.
A smile that Chai never expected to see.
"This is a deposit."
Chai was so surprised that he couldn't make a sound when his boss kissed the
stubborn child. When the body of the person being kissed stiffened
unconsciously, the young boss backed away, and then patted the roof of the car
lightly: "
Teach him well, don't hit anything." After finishing speaking, the speaker
backed away. Standing with the back of the chest, waiting for the return of the
person who received the praise. But the people under his command wanted to
shake his head.
Throwing such a bomb, Master Graph would be fine without stepping on the
gas pedal and hitting the wall.
The person who thought this way turned his eyes to the boy who was still
holding the steering wheel, and when he met his gaze, the boy couldn't help
being startled.
"Hey, what is P Chai looking at, look at the road!" Panachai followed the order,
even though he couldn't help laughing. Because he could see clearly... The bad
boy was blushing.
When you are willing to face the boss, it becomes too pampering Master
Graph. Today I don't know who is following whose will.
[Will P come today? ]
"Let's talk about the time, maybe I'll go out after sending the kids to bed later."
[Kids? Which kid, P shouldn't pester my brother's kid, right? ]
"It would be nice if that kid is willing to play."
Pakin was standing near the glass wall where he could see the front of the
mansion, chatting with his private technician. When I think of the kid Phayu
mentioned, I can't help laughing from my throat, that person is completely
different from the kid who is practicing driving.
[Does P know, when his kid got P's address from me, Oat was so angry that
Chin went crazy. 】
The listener almost laughed out loud because of the tired tone of the person on
the other end of the phone, remembering the last time a young man of Thai-
Japanese mixed race came to his house to pick up Chanchao, and I heard that
the two quarreled because of it.
And the source of the news is none other than... dead Saifai.
"I've told you every time that I won't pester someone who has a master."
[If P looks at Chin with that look every time, even Oat will be careful of P even
if I die. P is better than Ya in everything, and it is normal for Ya to be afraid. 】
Pakin couldn't help shaking his head slowly at these words, because thinking of
the eyes of the person he wanted... knew that it was absolutely impossible.
That kid is bad, he knows how to deal with the other's kind of badness just by
looking at his eyes, but anyone can see clearly the way that bad boy looks at Oat
that he wants.
Just watching it makes it clear that no time should be wasted messing with the
dead couple, but it's also fun to pretend to do it for fun.
"It's just unreasonable to say that you don't trust me." Pakin said, and then the
topic turned back to the racing matter we just talked about.
"Master Graph, how do you feel about learning to drive for the first time?"
When he came back to his senses again, he heard the greetings of the butler and
the boy who was walking in.
"It's pretty good, at least I didn't bump into the wall at home." Pakin turned to
look at the person who was very satisfied with his study results and talked with
a smile, and then turned his head to look at the closest subordinate who came to
help extra, and The other party was also looking at him.
"Master Graph is very powerful. He can memorize what he teaches once. Now
all he has to do is reverse the car and put it in the garage. When he turns 18, he
can take the driver's license test." It seems to prove that today's apprentices have
done a good job and are worthy of being prepared by the boss. It is the same as
rewarding rewards for teenagers, as the teacher said.
"Then I'll call you later." Pakin interrupted the conversation on the other end of
the phone, and then turned to look at the hesitant child. Seeing the young man's
appearance, he seemed to want to rush up and tell him how well he did today, so
the young man couldn't help laughing.
This kid seemed to be irritatingly irritable before yesterday.
"How? Learn to drive and learn."
"Very good, easier than riding a BMW." The speaker is still clinging to
throwing his Superbike to Phayu's auto repair shop for scrap metal, because he
is sure that the youth I will never return the car to him again.
Whenever the car is returned, troubles will come up at any time.
"That's good." Then, the listener shrugged his shoulders, threw his body on the
sofa and sat half-recumbent and half-sitting, with a casual look, and his eyes
looked over to say...then what's next?
The appearance made the children who were waiting for praise have to hesitate.
Seeing that the person who was supposed to praise the young man still
cherished his words like gold, the young man could only watch quietly. The
atmosphere was so impatient that the housekeeper couldn't bear to add: "Master
Graph is good at driving, Master Pakin. Just now my aunt secretly went to see
" Oh, it‟s my first time practicing driving.”
“Yeah.” The young man responded nonchalantly, then raised his hands and
folded his chest, letting the other person who was explaining continue to say: “
Yes, Master Graph can memorize everything taught, what? If you can‟t do it,
don‟t do it, just go on the road once or twice.”
"That's how it should be. The automatic transmission is very simple." Pakin was
still unmoved, seeing the two cronies outside the house looking at each other in
unison, and then looking at him pleadingly. And the young man who wanted to
be praised was unwilling to say it directly, but his face slowly became tense, his
eyes were burning with anger.
"Why look at me like that, if you don't tell me I don't know what you want." A
person who knows everything well, but just pretends to be stupid about
something like that. And this also made the listener purse his lips.
"Who would look at a person like P... What do you have for this afternoon,
Aunt Keaw, I'm hungry." "
There are spicy noodle soups, chicken and spicy soup, and the chicken is so
rotten. Auntie has prepared it since morning Already." Graph said in a
melancholy voice, took the butler's hand and prepared to walk to the
restaurant. But before he walked out of the room, he still couldn't help but
glanced at someone angrily, and the person who should follow the boy's wishes
and make the boy happy just stood up straight and followed, walking at a faster
After a few steps...
the big hand landed on the little head, the boy couldn't help turning his head to
look back in surprise, but the wicked man just pressed the little head lightly.
Just a short sentence, like a magical spell, successfully made the sullen young
man smile, and the raging anger in his eyes disappeared without a trace,
replaced by the most obvious joy, grasping it with both hands. His own hair,
speechless for a moment. Then he noticed the eyes of the other two people in
the room looking over.
"Look what I'm doing, I'm hungry." Graph said vaguely, and immediately
followed the owner of the mansion to the dining room, and asked, "
What about my reward?" To this question, the big man simply said :
"I know tonight. Are you not angry with me?"
"I'm not angry again!" Kritithi immediately pushed back when he said that he
was having a temper, and then closed his mouth when Rui Mu turned his head
to look back.
"That's it, it's fine if you don't get angry. You don't need to coax."
The eyes that I only saw when P‟ Pakin teased others... The teasing eyes made
the boy's heart tremble.
"I never let P come to coax me." Graph murmured, stopped walking, and tried
his best to deny the fact that he just let P chase him to a friend's house a few
days ago to coax people. Even though I said to myself:
This time it's bad, Chanchao, P‟ Pakin has gotten better, but my heart is shaking
so badly that it's really not good for my heart health.
When the other party's voice sounded, this thought immediately popped into the
boy's mind.
"Then do you want spicy noodle soup? Are you walking or crawling now?" The
man who became nicer to the boy turned around and asked, but...still stopped
and waited for him.
It's great to be able to follow myself like this, but my heart can't stand it.
Chapter 34: A War That Stubborn Goblins Can't Win
Boom! !
"Hey, I won!"
After lunch, Pakin thoughtfully asked the boy what he wanted to do and where
he wanted to go as promised, saying that he was free before 7 pm. And for a
teenager who only loves this bad man in front of him in his life, it's like asking
him what other interests he is interested in besides P‟ Pakin.
Graph is not a guy who likes to play, usually he just hangs around with his
Grpah is not one to ask for valuables either, as he has no shortage of money.
Graph wasn't a guy with a lot of friends, so he didn't know where to go.
And Graph has never had a boyfriend/girlfriend, and he certainly doesn't know
where to go on a date.
So Master Kritithi couldn't think of anything, but he didn't want to waste time,
so something he did not long ago popped into his mind.
That's right, it was about going bowling with a certain senior, so the two of
them came to the bowling alley in Paragon.
At first, I hesitated whether to go to the racing track or come here, but
considering that it is super hot today, Pakin might lose his temper if I go to the
racing track, and I will be miserable, so I chose this place in the end.
While thinking this way, the boy stood there blankly, bewildered by the heavy
ball he threw and knocked the pins into a mess, but why was there only one pin
on each side standing in place, although There is no chance to make up, but I
still can't help but think... the method taught by the bastard Nith really works.
But then I also worried... Will Pakin hyung find it as interesting as I do?
The person who thought this way looked at the person who was estimating the
weight of the bowling ball. He couldn't understand what the other person was
thinking at all, but it was not difficult to guess that he must be looked down
upon, thinking that only children would choose to come to such a naive place,
and ...there was one thing that irritated the boy even more.
Because many people in the bowling alley locked their eyes on the handsome
young man dressed casually today. I saw that although the young man was
wearing jeans, he showed his strong legs. The narrow buttocks that were tightly
wrapped by the fabric looked even more sexy as hell, and the black vest also
fully showed his muscular arms. (A sleeveless shirt was put on again, but now
it's taken off and draped over a chair.)
Well, dude, he's really handsome, damn handsome! Boom
! Boom.
However, the disgust immediately turned into dumbfounded surprise. Because
the handsome, good-for-everything guy throws the bowling ball hard with great
form and power, but the power doesn't help, the heavy ball spins and crashes all
the way down... the gutter.
Yes, P‟ Pakin washed the ditch.
Graph blurted out in disbelief. And this also attracted sharp eyes to look over
suddenly, and then the young man raised his mouth and sneered:
"Yeah, I'm really inferior." The person being watched knew that the other party
must be very irritable, but he was not worth it. It's a pity, because the girls
nearby all sighed with pity for it, and cheered annoyingly. And the person who
rarely wins once said depressedly:
"Oh, I also have something that is better than P." After finishing speaking, the
jealous person walked to get the bowling ball, stood on the pitching area, and
then heard such a question Voice:
"I often come here with my friends?"
"No, I never come here to play with my friends."
Because I spend all my time chasing after my brother, and of course I will never
say this.
The slightly distracted person thought so, and then threw the bowling ball, but
still scored 6 points. Turning around to meet the sharp eyes that looked at him,
he wanted to say something in his heart, but the people in front of him usually
never listened to him. Today might be a good opportunity for him to tell his
own affairs.
At least I want Pakin to know what his normal life is like.
How pitiful, I usually have no friends to talk to?
"My friends like to skip class and go to the game store to play Dota. I used to
like to go with them, but then Chanchao wouldn't let me go. One day I went to
school, and Chanchaho let me go to the classroom. If I skip class... definitely It
will make my ears go numb." The boy said annoyedly, but in fact it was even
more ridiculous, because the teacher has changed a lot about him these days, no
one would dare to mess with him if he is no longer regarded as a politician who
only donates money child.
"It seems that I am very close to that child."
"Yes, Chanchao is my good friend. He helps me with everything, whether it is
studies or other aspects."
Even when he is scolded by his brother, he will come to comfort him.
Graph thought as he turned around and continued to play, imagining the pile of
pins as the face of some bad guy who was looking at his back, probably because
of the power of anger. There are also things he is good at, but...they stop at the
pair of sharp eyes staring at him.
"What is P looking at?" Pakin answered the question with a question:
"Do you only have one friend?"
"Hey, is P saying that he doesn't want to make friends with me?" He waved his
hand, and then the person who has never cared about bad boys for many years
softened his voice and said:
"I didn't mean to pick on you, let's go on, do you only have that little girl as a
friend?" "
Didn't you say, don't Seeing me like this, I also have friends, although they are
friends that Chanchao really dislikes. Because they like to skip classes, drink,
indulge in games, and sometimes go to beautiful women together. I don‟t like
some things, but with them It‟s very comfortable together, no one will ask me
how my grades are, have I read a book, where I plan to go to school next, why I
don‟t do this or that, they never ask me these things, it‟s much better than my
classmates.” , the boy spoke quickly. Think of the friends who sit at the end of
the room and are considered hooligans by everyone in the school, but they also
have a lot of goodness that others don't see.
The last time he asked to stay overnight, Ya easily agreed without asking
What he said made the listeners stare at the young man. His tall body did not
move from the chair he was sitting on. Although he was being stared at, he still
sat with his legs crossed and looked at him.
"So you stay with them and rarely go home?"
"When you go back, no one is there. My dad has a lover, and my mother is
devoted to charity activities. It's fine if the two don't get divorced. There are
only some f***ing flatterers, oh, don't think I don't know, the new maid has
already had an affair with my dad. I'm so annoying to point and point at me,
she's just a servant! "Now that he said it, the kid who had many things hidden in
his heart immediately spit it out. When he found that he was still angry with his
family members, the boy turned his head away, although he didn't care about
those who didn't care about him at all. .
After living in P‟ Pakin's house for so long, he only answered the phone call
twice from his mother and once from his father, and he still repeatedly told him
not to cause trouble for P‟ Pakin.
The person standing quietly thought so, his hands clenched into fists. The
person watching also got up, and stepped forward to stand in front of the boy.
"Look at what I'm doing, you want to scold me again." The man who was being
wronged said in a muffled voice. And that made Pakin laugh out of his throat.
"I talked a lot today."
At the end of the sentence, Graph suddenly raised his head, knowing that he was
in a public place, and there were many pairs of eyes watching him, but he still
couldn't help getting excited.
"P is the one who doesn't want to listen to me since returning to China. P hasn't
listened to me for many years. If I don't let me tell you when I want to say it
now, if it's not today, P will definitely not want to listen to me. Such a brat who
deserves what he deserves!" Graph said in a slightly louder voice, making the
person who had to comply with the other party's wishes pause for a moment,
and then... laughed.
"What the hell are you laughing at?"
"I've been mad at me for many years."
The boy immediately froze his body, he didn't expect the bad-hearted people to
go around there, he couldn't help clenching his hands tightly, because he
couldn't deny it, alas, I felt super angry and wronged.
"How do you calm down?" Then when the other party asked a straight ball and
stared into the boy's eyes with piercing eyes, the anxious person was speechless,
as if all the words were stuck in his throat, although I already have the answer in
my heart.
I just want my brother to listen to me.
"Speak." Pakin asked again.
"Oh, this is P Pakin."
Just as the young man hesitated to speak or not, a clear and clear call sounded
from behind. Graph couldn't help being startled, and turned around sharply, but
It's that woman... who P‟ Pakin visited in the hospital.
Fuck it, why is it today, why did we meet here!
Master Graph almost threw the bowling ball on the ground to vent his rising
anger. At this time, the person who was supposed to follow him in everything
was standing on the other side of the hall, surrounded by 4 or 5 women who
came with him. Among them, the most eye-catching is the woman with long
black hair, whose condition today is completely different from the exhaustion
she saw in the hospital.
Playfa... that beauty that Pakin left him alone and went to the ward to visit in
person, oh, and brought flowers for the visit.
So, the boy was angry and resentful, and wanted to make trouble and dig down
desperately. But because the atmosphere between him and the other party is
different, when Pakin brother looked over and said leisurely...
'Come back later. '
He couldn't go on stubbornly anymore, because he was afraid... afraid that all
the good things today would end in the present.
Now the unscrupulous boy is taking out his mobile phone to play games to vent
his emotions, although in fact his eyes keep looking there, making the game die
again and again. He kept cursing himself that it was fucking unlucky that
someone stepped in when everything was going well, and yes, how could he not
know Pakin brother wanted that woman badly.
"Fuck, go to hell, let's all go to hell!" That man wants everyone to die!
The person who lost the game again thinks this way, and wants to throw away
the phone to vent his dissatisfaction, but all he can do is stomp his heels and
want to go out and wash his face. But just raised his head...
"Scatter card, little Graph, remember P?
That beautiful woman was standing in front of her with a sweet smile.
"P's name is Playfa. We met in the hospital that day. You can simply call me P
Fa." Before he could reply, the other party had already raised a nice smile and
said. And this also made the handsome young man murmur:
"Who wants to know you."
What is certain is that if Pakin was present, he would definitely be scolded for
offending the woman he likes, but now the other party should still be chatting
with this woman's friend, the boy just turned his face away as if he didn't want
to talk more . It never occurred to me to apologize for the rude language.
"But P wants to meet his younger brother, I heard that he is P Pakin's kid."
"I don't..."
"Nothing?" Playfa smiled, looking at the person who wanted to refute but was
speechless. Then when the boy said the following sentence unfriendly, the
beauty almost burst out laughing.
"If I were P Pakin's child, would P stop pestering P Pakin!"
"Why did P have to stop pestering P Pakin?" the woman said with a smile, her
shoulders were already trembling because she couldn't laugh out loud . Because
the kid in front of her seemed to have misunderstood completely, but she didn't
want to explain, because she really wanted to know how a certain man who was
considered to have no weakness would treat this boy.
When P‟ Pakin is with other people, that man looks too perfect, but when he is
with this kid... he looks more like a normal person.
Graph almost yelled, but shut his mouth just in time when he saw someone
walking back. If he heard him swearing, he would definitely be thrown here on
the spot, and he would be scolded again until his heart hurts, so the boy had no
choice but to turn his face away and say that I don't want to talk to you.
Seeing this, Playfa stopped chattering and said with a slight smile:
"P's friend has been waiting for a long time, so see you tonight."
"Tonight?" The boy couldn't help blurting out, turned to look at the other party
and saw that the other party's face was dumbfounded.
"Oh, aren't you going to go with P Pakin tonight? There's an event today...ah, P
seems to be talking too much." The woman raised her hand to her mouth, as if
she couldn't see the person in front of her because she immediately understood
what she was talking about. His eyes widened as he spoke.
"What are you talking about?"
"It's nothing, then Fa will go first." Just as Pakin came back, the woman who
had withdrawn from the group of friends earlier smiled and turned to leave. The
person who would usually continue to tease and have fun did not follow, but
just nodded and turned to look at the child he brought.
Seeing the child clenched his fists, he couldn't help but wonder:
"What's wrong?"
"Nothing! What can I do, it's just that P brought me here and disappeared to find
other women."
"Speak well, Graph. If I disappear I won‟t be standing here anymore.” The
speaker could see it clearly...the boy‟s eyes flashed with grievance, and then the
boy turned his eyes away and said in a muffled voice: “I saw that
P is here, and I‟m still watching It's been a long time."
"Don't make trouble, I just went over there to say hello."
"Damn! It has nothing to do with me." The boy cursed in a low voice, but the
person who heard the curse today just looked at each other sternly and didn't He
didn't say anything, just returned to the original topic:
"You haven't said who you bowled with." Pakin asked and walked away,
throwing the ball casually, not caring whether he could hit it or not. And this
time the score was not too bad, he hit 4 or 5 bottles, he was quite satisfied, but
the answer he heard made the young man's hand stop.
"P Nith. I won't come out with other people, only P alone."
That little brat again, how did you raise your younger brother, Sin!
The man with great power yelled in his throat, and with a certain light in his
eyes, he looked at the little friend who didn't want to look at him.
"P Nith doesn't know how many times stronger than P. Almost every round is a
strike (all hits), otherwise it is a spare (the second round of supplementary
strikes is all hits). Last time I played 4 or 5 rounds with P Nith, so P Nith taught
me how to fight." Graph may be trying to be sarcastic, but he doesn't realize that
the person listening is a... strong guy.
No, because I am a person who has never lost, I hate being compared, let alone
comparing with someone who does not know how many times inferior to
The pushed ball hits a spare (the second plus make-up hits all). Graph just
pursed his lips.
"It's just a fluke, P Nith is much better." The little villain murmured in a low
voice. The person who originally wanted the kid to win couldn't help turning
around and looking back, frowning.
"Do you want to see whether it's luck or strength?"
"P challenge me? I will win no matter what, P Nith has taught me how to fight."
The blurted name made the listeners sneer even more... This smile made Graph
couldn't help feeling a tingle down his spine. But because he had already seen
(the strength of the opponent), the boy stepped forward and grabbed the
bowling ball, and said confidently:
"If I win, P can no longer pester that woman!" Knowing that he was very
unreasonable, he still managed Can not own mouth. The other party just raised
his eyebrows and said, " Are
you jealous?" The boy froze because of this short sentence. Soon, his fair face
turned red. It was unknown whether it was because of anger or shyness from
being pointed at the point, and it also made people feel that he was unilaterally
out of control and going crazy. Pakin didn't continue to chase, but just walked
up and stood in front of the boy, put his hand on the hand that was holding the
bowling ball, and... bent over and put it on his shoulder. "Then if I win...don't
cry tonight." "Hey!" Graph gasped and backed away almost immediately. The
big man didn't care, he just stepped back and returned to his seat, but Sharp
Eyes was shining brightly, as if he was saying... he would do what he said. I
don't want it, no matter what, I will never tonight, I will definitely not be that
woman's substitute. The young man swore in his heart that he would not lose,
and even when he saw his own man pursuing other women like that, at other
times he might be willing to compromise and lose because of being tempted, but
tonight No, I will never take off my pants! Just wait and see, I will win! So the
memorial ceremony for the bullying children began.
It's indescribably curious to see everything in the eyes of another woman...
Pakin is so irritable that he still tries to beat a kid who is 10 years younger than
him, just because he doesn't like to be called by someone... Trouble utter the
names of other men from the mouth of the imp.
"You're tall, you cheated when you lost."
"I didn't cheat."
"What's going on now?" "I 'm
just angry!"
"Because of what?"
"P lied that he couldn't play bowling!"
After the game, Master Kritithi, who was convinced that he would not play too
badly, frowned like a puppy at the beginning, and then he fell down because of
the next score, and then watched the score be far ahead...strike. ..strike is still
strike, where did that rookie disappear at the beginning!!!
"I'm not lying, I was just warming up because I haven't played for a long time."
Pakin said lightly, and led him up to the cinema on the upper floor , while the
boy next to him still had a sullen face, wanting to eat the other party's flesh and
drink the other party's blood, and retorted: "
But P shouldn't be so powerful!"
"I just came to play more often than you in middle school." Boyhood Said
someone whose life was no different from anyone else's. Graph is still grumpy
and angry, feeling like he's made a mistake again, and...tonight.
Fuck, I can't fucking fight at all, so I can only moan pitifully to P‟ Pakin and
beg for mercy in the end.
"Don't be angry, don't you want a reward?" This time, the listener suddenly
turned his head and couldn't remember what reward it was. Then I remembered
that the other party had promised that if they were apprentices, they would be
rewarded if they were praised by P‟ Chai, so they looked around and saw the
two of them went up to the top floor, a movie theater called Enigma, which was
famous for the most expensive tickets in China.
"Watching movies?"
"Don't young people nowadays go to movies?"
"Watch too."
Graph can't keep up. Maybe it was true when he was a child, but the last time he
went to the cinema was a year ago, and if I remember correctly, he was dragged
by Chanchao to watch a romance movie, and fell asleep in the end.
"Still say you don't want to watch it, and if you don't want to, go back."
"Hey, look! I'll see, P." How can the reward be wasted in vain. And although
Graph doesn't watch movies very much, he also knows what kind of movie
theater it is. It is the kind that can adjust reclining seats into a bed, and 99% of
the guests must be couples. So why did he give up this opportunity, even though
his face was burning because of the word lover.
"Why did you choose this place?" To this question, P‟ Pakin replied solemnly:
"I'll take you on a date."
He clicked.
The young man who was not sure at first blushed instantly, his feet stopped
immediately, and his heart was beating violently. To be honest, I never dreamed
that this sentence would come from this man's mouth, so the previous anger
gradually disappeared, and I felt that I was about to be unable to handle
it. Because the person who used to only scold him is now raising his arms
around his shoulders and bringing him into the cinema, making the boy feel
ecstatic, and even more shy because he will see the face of the staff next, and
they are likely to Still the only male-male couple today.
Just like that, Graph ordered some food and drinks... while Pakin brother... just
sat quietly, not paying attention to the curious eyes of each staff member.
Of course, anyone who sees them like this will be very curious.
"Where do you want to sit? Choose."
"What do you mean? Where do you want to sit?" Until entering the infield,
facing the 17 beds in front of him, the young man who had never been treated
attentively could only ask blankly. He turned his head and looked back in a
daze, and when he turned around and met the eyes of the staff who just walked
in, his face seemed to be pressed by a hot iron.
Why are you looking at me like that?
"I booked the entire movie theater."
Yes, the staff's gaze was looking at the man who booked the entire most
expensive movie theater for one person, and he booked it for...another teenager.
It takes a few births to be so lucky.
"For example...if you book the entire movie theater, P might as well watch it in
the audio-visual room at home." It's not that there is no audio-visual room in
that mansion. Although the area is smaller than here, it is still a private movie
theater. Pakin turned around involuntarily. Although the light inside was not as
bright as outside, the boy could still clearly see...the charming smile on the
other side's face.
A smile of someone who knows how to radiate his charm in the most correct
The person who approached and stuck to him whispered,
"I told you, this is a date."
Of course, all the listener could do was to be speechless, looking at the face of
the handsome man, being held by the arm and being led all the way to The
owner of the big hand decided to go to the middle position, and Graph could
only follow closely behind, because the brain was blocked, and the heart was
beating so fast that it was about to jump out.
He completely forgot about being jealous over a certain woman.
He completely forgot the grievance he felt because the other party did not do
He completely forgot all the sadness he had been through.
Once Pakin brother can treat him like this, he will forgive everything.
So, before slumping down to sit down, Graph reached out and grabbed the other
man's coat, which managed to get Pakin's attention, and he looked back. I saw
that the disobedient boy, who was regarded as a troublemaker by everyone,
looked over with complicated eyes and unconfident eyes, and...the emotion in
his eyes was very obvious.
Just by looking at it, you can tell that this look will cause a series of problems,
because it is completely undisguised.
The young master looked over with the most in his eyes.
"I'm sorry, I messed around." He whispered, and then the boy asked in an even
smaller voice:
"P Pakin...can you not go to that woman?"
"Is this an order?"
Graph has the authority to issue today , and he needs orders to be carried out.
However, Kritithi shook his head slowly, grabbed the other man's coat harder,
looked deeply into the other man's eyes and said in a trembling voice:
"I beg P...don't go to anyone else after you've slept with me, P."
Graph doesn't care how quiet the infield is, doesn't care that the staff will hear it,
doesn't care what anyone thinks of the two men booking the show together
movie, he just begged the person in front of stop watching other people.
No matter what I am willing, I will be a good boy, be obedient, and do anything,
just beg...Brother only cares about me, is that okay?
Instead of answering, Pakin pulled the boy to sit on the bed.
And Graph obediently did not resist, and closed his eyes to suppress the
excitement in his heart because of the following sentence... "
Then you can be my pillow instead of them."
The boy didn't want to resist, but obediently turned sideways Buried on each
other's shoulders.
Although it's just a pillow, but if he is the only one, the only one, there will be
no others... Dead Graph will still be willing to be a pillow without any
"P promised." The boy murmured, and at the same time he got a reply:
"You also know that I never break my promise."
The boy just hoped that this time the promise would not be limited... hope.
Chapter 35: This war is far more than the obstinacy of stubborn children
"The movie is not bad."
"Ah, umm, not bad."
Master Kritithi could only answer the people around him in a dizzy and
confused way, and walked out of the cinema. He was not dizzy because the
other party ordered red wine and drank a glass, but because of the atmosphere
that just ended a few minutes ago, he was still dealing with dizziness.
From the very beginning, I thought that a greedy person like Pakin would not lie
down peacefully, because this is watching a movie, and the seats in the movie
theater are covered with curtains, so guests can safely avoid the staff out of
sight to do anything. But in fact, the other party was just lying on his side on a
soft pillow, with his arms around the boy's shoulders and his eyes staring at the
screen in front of him. He turned around and took a sip of his drink from time to
time. The alcohol smell from high-quality grapes mixed with the sexy aroma of
male perfume made him feel He is drunk.
Not only that, but the warmth conveyed by non-erotic skin-to-skin contact has
become a variable. The intimacy of watching a movie together under the same
quilt and the short conversation made Graph try hard to hold his breath and not
pull up the quilt to cover it. face.
That atmosphere was one of the few times where the boy felt so shy.
Perhaps it was because this was the first time he thought of the relationship
between the two as a couple. It wasn't irritability, scolding, or the eyes wanting
to drive him away, but just lying down and watching a movie together.
Graph didn't pull up the quilt to cover his face because he was satisfied with the
dim light in the infield, no matter what, the other party would definitely not see
his flushed face.
Perhaps because of this, the boy felt a heat wave hit his face.
It was too hot to raise my hand to bake.
So, is the movie good...don't know.
What the movie said...don't know.
I even want to say what movie Graphic I watched today... I don't know at all.
From the moment he was pulled over and buried sideways into his broad
shoulders, the content of the movie had completely disappeared from his mind,
and he only noticed the smell of the perfume.
So he's drunk, but not drunk...he's drunk because of Pakin bro.
Drunk willing to sink into it.
"Occasionally this feels good." The person leading the way said while
shrugging, stretching his muscles and bones, and then looked down at his
watch, only to see that the time ended later than it seemed.
"Are you hungry? You hardly ate anything." The young man's question made
the listeners a little overwhelmed.
It's really not used to being treated with such care, and... P‟ Pakin even noticed
that he didn't eat anything. Although food was served on the bed, perhaps
because it was too late, coupled with the unexplainable sense of fullness, he
hardly ate anything. If Chanchao was here, he would definitely make fun of
saying that love is enough.
So this time Kritithi did not refute.
Full... really full... the most full in ten years.
Not because of a full stomach, but because of the satisfaction of being
rewarded. After ten years of chasing after ass, the satisfaction of being rewarded
is gathered together on this day at the same time, and the teenager can't help but
want to extend the day infinitely and never end.
It shouldn't be like this tomorrow, right?
Such thoughts made the boy's eyes sink, and he shook his head.
"I'm not hungry, where is P?"
"Hungry, I want to eat something else."
The young man stopped in his tracks, and immediately raised his face, seeing a
pair of sharp eyes that had been staring at the movie screen shining with some
kind of light. Although he had only just come into contact with this kind of
gaze, he could still know what the other party wanted.
At the beginning, he would scold the need for being too greedy, but when the
boy felt happy and satisfied, he... promised in his heart.
It's not that I don't want it if I have it, in fact, I'm willing to do anything in order
to have sex with P‟ Pakin.
Yes, everything that happened was because of his courage to move forward,
even if there was a cliff ahead, he would continue to walk on without hesitation,
until the current relationship became like this, Graph himself should be happy,
right? The corner of the boy's mouth was trembling and he was about to
answer... It's okay to go home, brother.
The phone in Pakin's pocket rang first, causing the master to frown. But he took
it out and glanced at the screen, then turned his side slightly as if he didn't want
the boy to hear. Usually a stubborn child would try to inquire without hesitation,
but now he just stands quietly, waiting for the other party to deal with the
This old man has now become such a well-behaved and obedient child.
[Will Mr. Pakin participate today? 】
While Pakin was listening to his confidant, he involuntarily looked at the
stubborn young man standing quietly beside him. I saw that the other party did
not question or protest, but just stood with his head down, making the young
man wonder whether he should be worried or amused.
It's funny that Yu Ya behaves so well just because he treats Ah well, but the
worry is that Ah... is getting deeper.
"Why (asking this way)?"
[Something went wrong. You remember the guys who got banned from the
arena? I got word that they will be here today. They shouldn't dare to come if
Mr. Pakin is around, but they may have heard that you won't be there today. 】
The listener frowned, and his sharp eyes showed displeasure immediately,
because he always says what he says and if he says no, he won't. If someone
dares to make trouble, he will not soften his heart. However, when the young
man glanced at the people who were traveling with him, and saw that the young
man was also looking at this side, the person who wanted to deal with the
problem himself said in a cold voice: "No, I will not participate today.
If any of them dare to make trouble, you will deal with it." Good." The other
party agreed. Although the young man could feel that his cronies were still
worried, he believed that Panachai could find a way to deal with the problem
and put him at ease. But when he just put down his hands and turned around...
"Is there a game today?" Graph asked, making the young man frown:
"Who said that?"
"Just listen and guess." The boy didn't want to say that he learned this from the
woman, but said that he guessed it because he heard the conversation on the
phone. Although the teenager knew that going home and having sex was the
best choice, when he looked at his watch and saw that he had several hours
before the end of the day, the teenager took a deep breath: "P took me to
... "
"Hey, didn't you say that P will listen to me all day long!" Before he finished
speaking, the other party immediately interjected, making Graph's eyes widen
and he yelled immediately.
The tall man lowered his voice and said,
"No matter what, I will never take you to the arena."
Especially when there are problems like today.
The last sentence was said by the speaker and himself, because just by seeing
the face and eyes of the stubborn child, he could imagine the problems that
would happen next. Especially the young master always likes to get involved in
dangerous things, even though he has been trying his best to keep Ya from
touching him all these years, but he was chased and overturned by accident.
"But P said he would listen to me."
"It's nothing to do with this, Graph. It's a different matter." The man who had
treated him attentively a minute ago shook his head, and then led the way to the
exit leading directly to the parking lot. The listener tightly grasped his coat:
"It's the same thing. I'm just going to watch the racing, and I won't cause trouble
for P." Graph paused as soon as his voice got louder, because his piercing eyes
looked over , as if asking if you forgot the trouble you got into last time? At this
time, what my friend said immediately broke into my mind.
'Graph calm down. '
Yes, he can't throw a childish tantrum at P‟ Pakin, but no matter how much he
wants to die, Graph still can't think of how to bargain except... "
P take me... just once."
"Today I'm not going to yell at P to stop later."
When he mustered up the courage to say that he had never thought that the
words would come from his own mouth, Graph felt the heat rushing to his face
and turned into a ball of fire. He held his breath and looked at the other party,
but the other party refused to meet his gaze. Knowing that the other party was
thinking, the boy couldn't help hesitating whether he should be happy or sad to
use this matter to bargain. But this is his only bargaining chip.
I don't like to use my body as an exchange, but when it's done, try to make the
best use of it.
"Heh, you're much bigger than I thought." Even Pakin couldn't believe what he
heard. The corners of his mouth curled up when he felt the burning sensation in
his hands.
No matter how stubborn you are, you will still be shy... and this time, you will
not be shy as usual.
"If I agree to take you to the game tonight, you will..." The young man finally
repeated the promise he heard, and the handsome stubborn boy held his breath
and said with a red face: "Today I will not yell at P to
stop Come down."
And Pakin's answer was...
"Just tonight, Graph."
Even though it was only tonight, Graph got his wish.
"Oh, will the event be canceled tonight, P Chai."
"If everyone is invited like this, there will be no problem."
Although the clock has passed one o'clock in the morning, a road in the center
of Bangkok However, the venue is very lively because of the people who come
and go to the special event venue. I saw several dark cars at the entrance
blocking the entrance, and there were inspectors to ensure that everyone who
entered had a pass.
At that moment, a beautiful figure that may be the only super sports car in
Thailand slid over, and the guards skillfully opened the entrance for it. Because
you can tell who's coming just by seeing the car.
Saifa couldn't help turning around and chatting with the overseer in high spirits
when someone came.
He wasn't there when the incident happened last time, so he didn't see P‟ Pakin
show off his power and go berserk. I don't know if he is lucky to see him this
Panachai shook his head slowly and agreed with the same playful tone. Then he
looked in the same direction as everyone else.
His boss was twice as conspicuous as usual. I saw the young man stepping out
of the car with the venue as the background, followed by a handsome young
man. I believe that those who have participated in the event that was forced to
stop last time will remember that this teenager is the one who was ordered to 'no
People with power, such as the young man in front of him, once announced that
once they saw this young man appearing in the event, they would immediately
order the cancellation of all activities, but this time they brought it themselves.
Really very interesting.
"But I'm not surprised that P Pakin will bring it." At that moment, Chin, who
walked over with Pakin's best driver, smiled slyly, eyes staring left and right,
very interested in everything The curious teenager watched, and the young lover
couldn't help asking:
"Why do you think that way? Chin."
"Hehe, just by looking at it, you can tell that the kid is 'special'." Special in any
It wasn't until the tall man who was the subject of the topic approached that
Saifa turned around and greeted the people behind him:
"How? Smelly apprentice."
You don't need to look to know how happy Saifa's face is. The young man
stepped forward and put his arms around the handsome boy's shoulders, rubbing
his little head lovingly, but he didn't stop talking, and then turned around and
made fun of the most authoritative person: "Does
my apprentice have a pass card today? P "
Then you can't get your access card confiscated, Saifa."
Even Saifa, who was fearless, shut his mouth obediently after hearing this
sentence, and immediately shook his head violently. Because the so-called
access card is actually the face, when the host of the event says that entry is
prohibited, if you don‟t go for plastic surgery and rebuild a face, don‟t even
think about being able to enter here again.
"I only allow you to come tonight, and the order remains unchanged at other
"We have agreed, Graph. Only tonight." Before Kritithi opened his mouth to
raise objections, Pakin said in a low voice, And faintly stopped with his
eyes. The teenager was speechless, wanted to refute but was afraid of being
thrown out of the event, and finally could only mutter:
"Too fucking greedy."
"Do you want to be thrown into the car?"
Threatened His words made the stubborn boy shut his mouth immediately,
because although he had sneaked in a few times before, he was always evasive,
and only this time he had the opportunity to show his face in a gracious
manner. He didn't want to be thrown out so soon, was early morning.
Powers gained through rewards have expired.
"No, don't make such an expression, handsome boy. Wait a moment and Mr.
Saifa will take you to visit in person, and you will be lucky tonight, and Oat will
end up dead." When the kid's face darkened, Saifa said flatteringly that the host
of the event couldn't help shaking his head slightly.
"Don't be too indulgent, it's enough to be spoiled."
"Then when will P pamper your younger brother?" At that moment, Chin said
with a smile. Pakin couldn't help but look back, and then met a smile that
seemed to see through the other party instantly, but it didn't make him feel
upset, and felt that the feeling of wanting the other party was still very
strong. So he couldn't help taking a step forward, but...
"P may have forgotten one thing, this is my boyfriend." "
Chin wanted to laugh out loud, because when two men the size of buffaloes
faced each other While standing in front of him, it was amusing to see his
boyfriend immediately transform into a mad dog in front of P‟ Pakin. And the
other party was also laughing inwardly, and then blurted out:
"You are too jealous, damn Oat. I said that I would not pester someone who has
a master." Although P‟ Pakin said that, but Oat was about to say something At
some point, the kid who had a bad complexion from the beginning said without
"But if he wants to play, P will accept it anyway."
Immediately, the smile disappeared from Pakin's face, replaced by Sharp eyes
stared at the speaker. The young man just pursed his lips and turned his head to
the other side as if feeling very disgusted. Saifa, who was hugging the child's
neck, felt a strong sense of coercion, almost let go of his hand, and quickly
stepped back to the other side.
How could this brat stand the attack of P Pakin's eyes!
The person who raised his hands and folded his chest had a firm look in his
eyes, and then said leisurely:
"Are you jealous?"
At the same time, Graph couldn't help being startled, and almost couldn't react,
he turned around suddenly, and then saw everyone's eyes staring at him. His
face flushed involuntarily, and he felt ashamed and ashamed because he was
dragged into the crowd to show the public. But he couldn't refute it, so he could
only turn his face to look at the person he had been jealous of all day.
She is a woman during the day, and a man at night, so what else can she scold
her if she doesn't scold her for greed!
Pakin's vengeance is teaching the unthinking kid... to practice thinking twice
around other people. When Ya made him make a fool of himself now, the
young man had already calmed down a lot and did not do anything too drastic,
and when he saw that his fair face was terribly red, he completely calmed down,
and then turned around to change the subject. Looking for the cronies:
"Who will Oat die with today?"
"Princess Fa." Pakin looked a little surprised when he heard the answer, but
soon opened his eyes with great interest, and turned to face the excellent driver:
What bet? "
It's just a competition. She and I have wanted to compete for a long time, but we
haven't found the opportunity. Today is just here, so we can seize the
opportunity." Oat said. Because to be honest, there are not many rules in the
arena except that Pakin's order is the biggest, and the rest can be agreed by both
The drivers agree on what to bet on themselves, such as women, money, wine
and even honor, but for those who come to watch, it may be more for
straightforward gambling. Of course, the person who is responsible for
everything is the person who organizes the event, so there will not be those
scumbags who randomly provoke competitions on the road, but everyone here
is a child of a respectable family in society, The amount bet is not just one or
two thousand, but I don't know how many times higher.
"What's the current score?"
"Oat is a little bit ahead." Panachai answered his boss, causing Pakin to nod in
"It's interesting tonight."
"Why is it called Princess Fa?" When the host of the event went to look for
Phayu who was in charge of the machine after explaining to the children, Graph
turned his head and asked Saifa about the content of the conversation. The
listeners laughed loudly:
"Because she is the only woman who dares to race with men here." Seeing that
Graph was still puzzled, he continued to explain:
"You know, the race here is not some kind of racing car on the side of the road.
Everyone who comes in is driving a car like a Lamborghini, so racing against
them is a contest of money. If you lose, you will lose your dignity, but if you
win It may cause trouble because of hurting (the opponent's) face, so only men
dare to end the game. And this Princess Fa admires her talent very much, so she
will support her. So there will be no one Dare to make trouble, and the most
interesting thing is that she has never lost to anyone."
"So powerful?"
"Hmm, so people in the arena usually call her Princess Fa." Saifa said with
relish , and maybe because this brother is a cheerful person, people who were
tense at the beginning slowly let go of their worries and immerse themselves in
the atmosphere he tried to touch. When they see how they play, they are even
more excited .
I saw the two cars speeding up to make the mechanical sound deafening, and
the sound of the tires pressing the road one after another, which made the young
man feel goose bumps all over his body, and his heart was pounding with
excitement. After the first group ended, the next group was Oat and a woman
wearing a helmet covering her face.
The teenager saw the tall Oat brother sitting on a huge superbike, raised his
hand to the Chin brother, and then started the car. And that princess Fa... the
woman in the well-fitting leather jacket looks bumpy and very eye-catching.
Although the man has such a graceful figure, he doesn't look inferior at all
standing behind a giant superbike.
"Who does P think will win?"
"It must be Oat." As expected, Saifa was full of confidence in his friend, while
Graph turned his head and looked excitedly at the field. But just then.
"Master Graph, Mr. Pakin has an order to go to the car."
"Ha!" Graph turned around and looked at P‟ Chai puzzled, and then almost
yelled. Because suddenly someone who was very kind to him grabbed his hand
and pulled him towards a container truck, and when he saw Pakin standing
motionless with Phayu, the boy wanted to ask P what he wanted me to come in
for, but ...
The cold stare made him shut his mouth, and followed Panachai into the car,
although he still couldn't help wondering what happened.
P‟ Pakin's face seemed to say...something is happening.
Although Graph kept asking his guardian what happened, he got no answer. He
would have been eager to know what happened before, but because of
Panachai's last words before closing the car door, the teenager could only
continue to be a good boy.
'Mr. Pakin gave this order out of concern for your safety. '
He remained motionless because of the word...worry.
But I really want to know what happened!
The boy stretched his neck and looked out towards the direction of the
container, but because the door was closed tightly, he had no idea what was
happening on the field. I only know that the cheers and the sound of the car's
engine may make the residents in this area complain again and again.
"Hey! Why are you up here?" Then, Graph yelled loudly, because he saw a
person who was still wearing a big helmet and was called Princess Fa in the
arena coming this way, and said a few words to P‟ Chai . But what surprised the
boy was that the beauty opened the car door and got in the car.
Upon hearing the question, the face under the helmet turned around.
I don't know what about me and you!
Graph really wanted to yell, but his eyes couldn't help but widen. Because
Princess Fa, as everyone called it, was taking off her helmet, letting down her
long black and beautiful hair and scattering it all over her back, and the oval-
shaped face smiling at him surprised the boy even more.
Playfa... P‟ Pakin's woman.
"Why did you come here!"
"P said it during the day, see you later."
"But I didn't expect..." "
Oh, I didn't expect P to come to the game. It's because of P's picture that those
men saw it Do you think the face is like a car doll?" Playfa asked with a smile,
looking at the face of the person who obviously couldn't respond, but soon he
came to his senses, and then no matter how he heard it, he felt that he regarded
her as an enemy. road:
"Then why did you come up? Go to the competition." Graph also knew that he
was rude, but he didn't like it when he saw the opponent's face. The person who
teased him from the beginning not only didn't laugh out loud, but the slender
man couldn't laugh anymore, he could only sigh, then nodded and looked in the
direction of the container.
"P doesn't want to add trouble."
"Add chaos?"
"Yeah." Playfa paused for a moment, as if thinking about whether to say it or
not. But seeing the hostility of the other party, I chose to say directly:
"Now there are a group of people who are not at par with P Pakin to make
trouble, and P had some problems with a man in that group before... He lost the
competition I cheated and wanted to follow P, but fortunately the plan failed.
Because no one except P Pakin and Phayu knew what P's face looked like under
the helmet. Seeing that man also coming this time, P Pakin asked Phayu to let
him P hid here."
Playfa said it because he hoped that his brother would let go of his hostility, but
the effect...was the opposite.
"Graph, don't go out!"
Although the beauty wanted to stop, the boy didn't want to hear it at all. He
opened the door and quickly got out of the car. Panachai, who was standing
outside, immediately stepped forward, his kind eyes shining, as if he didn't want
him to pounce on difficult things. But now Graph doesn't care about everything
on the field.
He was burning with anger.
Is this what you call worrying about safety?
That jerk is just worried about the safety of everyone he wants to sleep with!
The moment the boy heard that Playfa was also the one who was allowed to get
on the car, anger surged into his chest from nowhere. Not without empathy for
someone in danger, but he's angry at being put in the same position as that
That felt so fucking bad.
Is brother worried about me, or is he just worried about people who want to
"Mr. Pakin has orders..."
"As long as I go back, I'll be satisfied, right!" Before P‟ Chai was about to
repeat the order, the boy turned around and said in an extremely rude voice,
making the other party look at him in surprise.
"I don't want to stay anymore. I want to go home. I'm not in the mood." No
matter what problem I have, I can solve it by myself. He is also in the way here,
disturbing the person who wants to be a gentleman and protect the beautiful
woman. Isn't it good for him to go back.
All the sarcasm and sarcasm in my heart were expressed through the words I
"I don't want to be a thorn in the side of someone who doesn't keep their
promises and wants to get someone. P let someone send me home. The troubles
like me are gone. P Pakin will definitely feel a lot better." Those who listened to
these words thought Retorted, but now is not the time, so Panachai nodded and
turned to find a subordinate to take the boy home.
The young man's aggrieved look is like saying that he is a trouble that everyone
wants to get rid of quickly. Although Pakin's cronies don't think that way, the
big young man is still relieved that his boss doesn't have to look forward and
backward, because the person his boss is dealing with ...someone who had an
affair with Graph.
At this time, Pakin was standing and looking regretfully in front of a large
group of men who wanted to forcefully participate in his event, especially their
leader, the old acquaintance... Dead Kon, who once chased a 17-year-old with a
pack of dogs Children's people.
"Sorry, Mr. Pakin, to interrupt your activities."
"It's okay, I don't mind. After all, I also know that Mr. Nop raises a group of
wild dogs on the roadside." "...
When the people in front of you hate When he looked over, the owner of the
event almost laughed out loud. Although he didn't know that Ya would come at
first, he still came to the arena because he felt that he couldn't let it go.
The subordinates said that there would be people who were expelled from the
activity sneaking in, but it seems that it is not just as simple as sneaking
in. When he saw the leader of this group of people, he knew who he was talking
"Well, it's better for me to go in, so as not to delay your time." The man with sly
eyes licked his fingers, making the person standing behind him step forward and
stand with him. Saifa, who was standing in the distance when he saw who it
was, folded his sleeves angrily.
"It's damn Max!"
The man who was turning to look at Oat maliciously.
Max... a guy who used to be a resident member of this field, but because he was
dissatisfied with Oat winning every race, he made a sneak attack from the
sidelines, so that the good racer couldn't stand it anymore, and threw down the
gauntlet and said that if he lost, he would kneel Apologize to everyone in
person. And there is no doubt that the result was that Max lost, but Ya still kept
on bringing people to make trouble, so Pakin had to deal with it himself.
In addition to being banned from participating in the next game and being
banned from the event venue, he was also banned from participating in all
businesses in which Pakin personally invested.
"I heard that you don't let Max enter the game... You know, Max's father and
my boss are super familiar." "
I don't think it's necessary to remember boring things."
Pakin could clearly hear the intimidation in the other party's words, and he felt
pity for the kid on the other side, because it was obvious that the guy over there
wanted to use kid Max as a fuse for the peace between the two sides... If he
doesn't let the girl Coming back to participate in the event is like slapping the
face of the begging person, but if he lets Ya come back, it's like telling everyone
that he is afraid of the other party's intimidation--that old guy who is as
powerful as himself.
Ya thought that Ya could treat the old and sell the old, but unfortunately he is
not a person who knows how to respect the elderly.
"Don't be like this, Mr. Pakin. He's just a kid, and Max hasn't committed any
serious violations." If Saifa heard what he said, he would definitely swear, but
the listener's eyes had reached freezing point, but he still slammed it from his
throat. Laughed, and then said in a colder voice... anyone would feel the back
numb after hearing it:
"Unfortunately, 'I am the rule' here."
After speaking, he smiled.
This smile made Kon, who suppressed his anger, want to tear the face of the
dead guy who had snatched his woman away, so he said in a hard voice: "You
don't want to have
bigger problems with my boss, right? He just wanted to take care of a junior,
and he didn't ask too much, Mr. Pakin." But the person who felt that he had said
everything he wanted to say laughed loudly, and then his mouth straightened:
"But I have no obligation to
go Execute."
The answer couldn't be more obvious...he refused.
Although Max was dissatisfied because his uncle's people failed to achieve the
results he wanted, the people who came to find trouble had no choice but to
hold back the anger that was about to pounce on him, and almost ordered all his
subordinates to retreat. When giving the order...
"P Kon." One of the subordinates moved over and put it close to the ear, causing
the listener's eyes to light up immediately.
"At least I didn't come in vain."
"..." Pakin narrowed his eyes, because he saw the mad dog who likes to bite in
the back suddenly looked confident in winning.
"The children of domestic celebrities are also here."
Although Pakin was taken aback in his heart, he still looked calmly on the
surface to see what kind of tricks Ya was going to play. And the other party also
raised a nasty smile:
"It just happened that my subordinates saw that child, it seems that I have to say
hello." Pakin remained motionless, and he must have remained unmoved, if it
wasn't because Panachai walked beside him Then whispered:
"I sent someone to deliver Master Graph, but just now I saw you fainted next to
the car."
Damn Chai!
This time Pakin was extremely angry.
Chapter 36: Sworn enemy
Graph felt that what happened to him was so fast that he couldn't react at all, so
fast that he was blinded for an instant and didn't know what happened.
After the boy followed Panachai's people, when he walked to the car parked
outside the venue, he suddenly felt someone rushed up and locked him from
behind. He knelt down on the ground, covered his stomach with his hands in
pain, coughed so much that he was about to spit out his dinner, and his eyes
were filled with tears.
"Hey! Don't touch Master Graph...Ah, ah." When P‟ Chai shouted fiercely and
was about to rush to help, one of the other party came out from behind and
quickly covered the driver with a cloth The driver's eyes widened. But the fact
is not acting. People don't faint in a second like in film and television works.
The person who was covered by the medicine elbowed the attacker's stomach
and raised his fist to beat him back, but...
"Stop! If you don't want this kid to have a hole in his neck!"
he thumped.
Just as the driver was about to resist, Graph felt a coolness stop on his neck, and
his face was pressed hard to the ground. The pain made the boy speechless, he
didn't even have the strength to shout, so he could only hold his stomach.
The boy looked around out of the corner of his eyes, only to see Pakin's men
raised their hands in surrender, and then...
"Bastard!" The person who was stabbed in the elbow hit the other side with all
his strength, causing the big man to stumble and fall down. When forced to
bend his knees, the original piece of cloth covered his nose again, and this time
no matter how much he struggled...
"I make it clear first, I don't mean to threaten!" Graph didn't dare to move an
inch. Although his body was slowly starting to exert strength, all he could do
was watch the two men team up to grab Pakin's man and cover him with drugs,
praying in his heart that someone would show up to help. I saw the big man was
limp and weak, his eyes began to close slowly, fear filled Sha Nian's whole
P Pakin, I didn't do anything, I didn't!
The boy kept thinking that someone would be mad at him for being in trouble
again, even though he didn't mean it this time.
"Hey, take it easy, don't forget whose son this brat is." "I don't care whose son
it is, I just know that this brat made me get scolded by P Kon!" The person who
beat him heard a familiar name, and the other party lifted him up from the sides,
causing the young man to grit his teeth and raise his head, and the memories of
not long ago came flooding into his brain instantly.
Ah, the one who chased after Lao Tzu!
"I told P Kon that this brat is very important to Pakin, see? You want to believe
me. This brat is here for activities, and there are people who are watching and
protecting him." "Shut up, hurry
up Pull Ya in the car, wait a minute and let P Kon decide whether it is important
or not. Hey, you run and tell P Kon that we caught this brat. Hurry up. Or wait a
minute and the guy will wake up." That One of the gang gave the order and
turned to look at the driver, who was still unconscious and lying there
motionless, while the other ran to the race track, and it made Graph determined
to give it a go.
"Oh, brat!"
Graph broke free with one hand and punched the face of the person who
grabbed his hand, making Ya scream, but a 17-year-old kid was no match for a
strong man with rich experience in combat. man. I saw that Ya just leaned back
a little in fright, but quickly turned around and punched the young man in the
face, causing the young man to feel cramps in his abdomen. The man made a
gesture and rushed forward again.
"Fuck! I said don't hurt this little brat, something will happen later! And you,
you really can't see it, come here!" Graph tried to get up from the ground, but in
fact he didn't have the strength to break free from the opponent. The other party
dragged him into the racing field step by step. Fear began to accumulate
gradually, and the teenager couldn't help moaning:
"Heh, no one will come to rescue you now, everyone is at the racing track." A
group of people laughed loudly and said, and lifted the boy from his sides to a
big truck with a dark film, Then opened the trunk. Graph knew that if he was
thrown in there, his chances of escaping would be zero.
'To me you are just a broom star. '
Suddenly, the face of a very angry person popped into his mind, and Kritithi
shouted with all his strength:
"Help! Someone help me!!!
When he made a sound, those guys immediately covered the boy's mouth and
growled. I thought Graph would give up, but...
"Ah!!! You stinking boy!!!" The young man opened his mouth and bit Ya's
hand hard without hesitation, which made Ya roar loudly, and the boy's body
snapped as soon as he loosened his hand. It fell to the ground with a bang. Ya
Mangfei shook his hands and shouted angrily:
"I can't take it anymore!"
At that moment, Graph could only close his eyes tightly, bend his hands and
feet together, instinctively protect himself with his body, and wait for what is
about to happen. A new round of pain. And this time, the man who was fed to
be as big as Chai will not be soft, but...
"Ouch, who is it!!!"
Suddenly, the sound of fighting sounded in the head and felt the wind blowing
in front of the face However, at the same time, he also heard cursing from
beside him, so the boy opened his eyes in fear, and then Graph saw that the
person who wanted to beat him was lying on the ground not far away. The boy
couldn't help but look up at the person who came to help, and he seemed to
see... God of War.
He never imagined that the green-dyed half-breed who was avoiding another
person's fist would give people such a feeling, perhaps because of the cruelty in
the person's eyes, the contemptuous smile of the other person, and even the light
figure quickly after avoiding the fist Turn around... kick the opponent in the
back of the neck.
"P Chin..."
"I just said that I heard a very familiar voice, so I followed dubiously."
Yes, the person who came to rescue him at this time was...Brother Chin.
Although it was 2-on-1, he still had time to turn around and raise his eyebrows
at him, and then turned around and kicked the fainted man on the chest, but the
moment he turned to greet another person, Graph looked at him several times
from the corner of his eyes The bastard who overwhelmed him rushed out
again, but this time when the bastard rushed up, there was some kind of silver
object reflecting the lights on the side of the road, which made the boy yell out:
"P be careful!!!"
Fortunately, the knife didn't stab the man in front of him anywhere, and Graph
couldn't help feeling surprised and joyful. Chin turned around in time and
twisted the wrist holding the knife, but that wasn't enough, the half-breed also...
fell over his shoulder.
That's right, it's exactly like the over-the-shoulder fall I've seen in movies... The
body of the thick man was thrown down and lay on the ground, and... "
Ah!!!!" Brother Chin kicked It reached the opponent's throat, causing Ya to
struggle endlessly as if being splashed with boiling water, and then the person
Pakin admired turned his head to look over.
"Are you okay?"
"I..." The boy couldn't say anything, and could only sit on the road motionless
with his stomach in his arms. When he felt being lifted up, he couldn't help
being startled, and couldn't help but look back suddenly.
"P Phayu." The person who was looking at the young man whose head was
dyed green had the same expression of disbelief:
"Damn Oat never said you are so good." Chin couldn't help laughing out loud,
and then kicked again Kicked to the throat of the person below, and then raised
a smile... a wicked smile.
"Didn't P Oat tell P what my family in Japan does?" "
No... I don't want to know now." And Graph didn't dare to ask further, all he
could do was put his hands on Phayu's shoulders and Asked lightly and feebly,
"P How did you find me?"
"Oh, P was afraid that the guy would not just come in to make trouble but to
make some small moves, so he guarded the container, and Chin was with me.
Then suddenly saw one of them running in the direction of the racing track, P
was just worried Something happened, but Chin ran out first, so fast that he
almost lost sight of anyone, but fortunately he heard the scream." Phayu said,
and Graph just turned to look at the person he had been prejudiced against.
People, and then said:
"Thank you, P."
"Small matter, let's say P Phayu takes Graph to find P Pakin. I guess I'm going
crazy now."
The boy yelled in his heart. I even felt that the person would actually scold him
for being a troublemaker, so the boy could only say anxiously: "
P Phayu, please take me to P Pakin."
Although I thought Pakin would not worry too much about him, At least... I
don't want to continue to be the evil star in those eyes.
The suffocating atmosphere enveloped the entire special racing venue, causing
several people who did not want to be involved in the incident to escape from
the event venue, while some people were still waiting curiously to know what
happened. Although he was already terrified by Pakin's silent appearance.
There was something to say that this man was not as calm as he appeared to be,
and it was also unbelievably terribly frightening.
"Because you reminded me last time, I knew who the kid was. I wanted to
apologize several times. It seems that this is a good opportunity to
think so, Mr. Pakin." "...
" The listener remained silent, which made Kon laugh out loud.
"Oh, I have to ask you for permission first. I heard that you are the guardian of
that child... Please let me meet Master Graph, Mr. Pakin." As he knew, he met
the terribly cold eyes without fear, because he was sure that the kid was under
his control.
He missed the chance last time and didn't know who that brat was, but this time
he knew how important that kid was, and he was the son of a domestic
celebrity, and what interested him was that the kid was being protected by his
enemies . So it would be very satisfying to put the hat of not being able to take
care of a child on Pakin's head.
If the little ghost is gone, whoever is in trouble is not him.
And the long-term relationship between the two families is bound to collapse
That brat may not be important to Si Pakin, but Ya is of value to Si Pakin.
For those interests and benefits, you will definitely bargain and be willing to do
Kon thought smugly, and looked at the person who once threatened that Graph
was just a child with self-interest...Looking at the silent and unresponsive
person, Kon began to calculate.
And that person actually almost wanted to draw a gun and shoot the speaker in
the middle of the forehead, turning the girl into a wild dog on the side of the
For Pakin, he never allows himself to be defeated by anyone, he never exposes
his weakness to the enemy, because that would be tantamount to suicide, so he
usually wins most of the negotiations. But this time, what the confidant said in
the ear still echoed in his mind, and finally the young man said... "I don't like to
beat around
the bush, what do you want?"
The appearance of not caring about Graph at all, making the other party feel that
the kid is not important and has no value worthy of being threatened, but the
premise is that Ya should be under his protection instead of being like this now.
I don‟t know Ya‟s current situation What is the situation. Because if I say a little
bit wrong...
Pakin cursed loudly in his heart, thinking of the kid who would only get him
into trouble. Even if you let Ya obediently wait in the car, in the end Ah still got
into trouble!!!
Can't you just stay there, Graph!
Pakin's compromise and bargaining made the other party's eyes widen, and he
made a look of disbelief, but Ya continued to fan the flames:
"What do you want? I just want to meet that kid."
The listener said He seemed to put his hands in his pockets easily, but actually
hid his fisted hands, and then said in a deep voice:
"You should also know that the kid has a lot of face and doesn't want to talk to
"Hey~ Just now Did you hear that? Mr. Pakin was unwilling to talk to me just
now, he has changed." Kon turned and said to his subordinates, making the
group of guys laugh out loud, happy that the boss was able to take
revenge. Then the speaker turned around again and said with a sly smile,
"Then I'll tell you everything I want." After finishing speaking, he nodded to
Max, a person who also understood that his uncle was defeating the famous
Someone who doesn't lose to anyone.
The person who has never lost to anyone is still enduring everything, only
showing his calm side. And if Win sees it, he will be the first to back away.
Because it's not that there is no emotion, but that the anger has exploded.
Even the closest brother dare not provoke the extreme anger.
With a click.
When Pakin calmly said the word yes, the laughter all around stopped abruptly,
and instead, all eyes looked at the same place, and then the speaker nodded to
Max: "If you want to come back...
"Fuck!" The speaker didn't pay attention to Saifa's cursing sound from behind,
while the younger brother in the twins was furious and wanted to investigate to
the end, as if he was going to rush to find the gang of bastards in front, but he
also knew that if that What will happen if you become your own little
When the owner of the venue continued to speak, everyone was silent:
"If you can beat Oat to death."
Everyone on the venue was speechless, but Max's eyes lit up immediately, and
he turned around furiously. Look at the great drivers.
"Okay... I will definitely not lose to you, Oat!"
"Oh, I lose every time, and I only win when I play dirty." Saifa said
contemptuously, while his friend shook his head slowly to stop Tell you to shut
up. Because Pakin brother's negotiation is not over yet, he doesn't want to cause
trouble because of Saifa's loyalty.
"This is considered a negotiation." Kon said with satisfaction, patted his boss's
friend's son on the shoulder twice, and then took two steps forward to show that
the matter was not over easily.
"Oh, there is one more thing, Mr. Pakin. My boss heard that you are about to
have a big job. He is a kind-hearted old man who wants to help you. I hope you
can accept his kindness obediently." Although Pakin was already furious, It's
not that his head is down, so how could he not know what the other party wants.
Hmph, accepting the good intentions, I have long wanted to get involved, but I
won't let it go!
"This project is just a small matter, I don't want to bother Mr. Nop..."
"I've never fucked a man before, what do you think?"
Fucking asshole!!!
Before the tall man could finish his sentence, he refuted something that made
him clenched his hands in anger. If he had a gun, he would definitely beat his
head to pieces. Because everyone knows who the man Ya is referring to is!
This time, even though Graph has the aura of being the son of a politician and is
related to interests, but now there is no evidence that those bastards are the ones
who kidnapped people, and the other side declared that Graph is under his
guardianship, if something happens He's bound to be in trouble.
But let's put aside any troubles, as long as the brat is safe and sound!
"You know what you're playing, don't you?" Suddenly, Pakin's tone changed,
and the words that didn't show any emotion turned into creepy words that the
other party could clearly feel, and Kon realized that his mortal enemy had
already I can't bear it anymore.
It was the first time I saw dead Pakin showing such obvious emotions, and it
was for that little kid.
Such thoughts made him wonder whether the relationship between the two is
really just a relationship of interests, or is there a deeper connection?
"I always know what I'm doing, but you don't seem to know who I'm playing
with." Kon retorted with a sneer, and then continued to bargain: "What about
my boss? Mr. Pakin."
... "
It was one of those rare occasions when Pakin was frustrated.
Because people like Pakin who have always regarded themselves as the rules
themselves, now have to change the rules for a child!
"P Pakin!!!"
At that moment, the call sounded from the other side, and everyone turned to
look over. Pakin was the only one who paused for a moment, glanced at him out
of the corner of his eye, and then stared at him like a tiger relentlessly stalking
its prey, only confirming in his heart that the brat was safe now.
"It seems that there is no time to talk."
Kon's eyes widened as he couldn't believe it, and he turned sharply to look at
the group of subordinates, but the subordinates shrank their heads in fear as if
they knew that he would explode in anger next time. But Ya soon regained
consciousness, turned to look over and said with a smirk:
"I think so too. But at least I think I know some useful information... Keep an
eye on your children." After finishing speaking, Kon and Pakin was the same as
the last time we met, he took a step forward and said condescendingly. Then he
left, but before walking out of the racetrack, Ya still said:
"Don't forget about Max, Mr. Pakin. I hope you keep your word." "
Those guys left, but Pakin still Standing still, looking towards the direction of
the road with only a few cars left. The air around the young man was so
terrifying that many people found it difficult to even swallow their saliva, and
also felt the huge anger emanating from that body.
The person who never loses must lose for a boy named Graph.
The boy also didn't dare to go forward, he just stood quietly and looked at the
figure who slowly turned to look at him, and then saw that person walking in
front of him, the boy immediately explained to himself... .
"P I...I didn't do anything..."
However, the owner of the arena passed straight in front of him and left a short
"Go back!" That's all, nothing more. But it made the listeners feel sweaty palms.
Although their hearts were trembling with fear, they still followed quickly.
P‟ Pakin was super angry this time, much, much more angry than ever before.
"Come here."
"P...P Pakin."
As soon as the beautiful super sports car parked in front of the mansion, Pakin
got out of the car and closed the door with a loud bang, scaring people who
were sitting stiffly along the way With a big jump, before he could open the
door and get out of the car, the owner of the car rushed up, pulled him out of the
car, and grabbed his wrist, so that the boy could only yell... yell out in fear.
But the big man didn't care at all, he pulled hard with his big hands, so that the
teenager whose feet were already numb had to follow quickly, otherwise he
would be dragged along the ground.
At the same time, Panachai, who was following him by car, also quickly parked
the car, and then ran up to follow behind his boss.
"Mr. Pakin, Master Graph is right about this, I was the one who accidentally let
those guys kidnap Master Graph..."
Immediately afterwards, everyone in the beautiful mansion opened their eyes
wide , it happened so that they barely had time to put their hands over their
mouths. The person walking in front turned around and slapped the trusted
person's face loudly with the back of his hand. Chai smelled the bloody smell
filling his mouth with such force that his face was slapped sideways.
"I haven't told you yet, shut up and don't even try to move from there...and you,
come here!"
"Hey! P Pakin, wait a minute. I'm right, I..." said the big man After that, the big
hand pulled over Graph, who could only stand quietly aside in fear, and forced
the other party to follow behind. Let the young man speak loudly in a vague
manner immediately, because the young man has been terrified since he saw P‟
Chai being beaten so that his face was turned sideways.
"I didn't go to cause trouble, it was Ya who came to trouble me, P, P, listen to
me, P Pakin!"
However, the person who pulled hard didn't listen to a single word, and just
pulled the boy to follow. But Kritithi could only keep explaining, completely
unaware that his room was right in front of him, and the moment he entered...
With the loud closing sound, Graph's slender body was thrown and hit the wall
of the room, Graph couldn't help but twist his face in pain, tried to pull himself
together, raised his head to explain, but... bang
Suddenly, the big hand hit the wall next to the boy's head forcefully. The boy
was shocked and almost cried out of fear. Because although I have seen the
other party's anger many times, but this time it is more serious than any other
time, so serious that I can't hear a word. When the fierce voice sounded, the
teenager had no choice but to raise his trembling eyes to seek reconciliation.
"I asked you to wait in the car, right!!!"
"Why can't I do this, is my request very difficult? Just stay in the car obediently
and don't cause trouble for me, Just one day, will you die? Ha! Graph. How
difficult is this!!!" The young man yelled loudly, causing the young man to
shrink his head in fear, and he could only shake his head constantly but couldn't
say a word of self-defense.
"How many times have you caused me trouble? Just stay there and sit
obediently for an hour or two. Is it very troublesome and difficult to do? Even if
you can't do it, why do you want to go to get into trouble? Just think about it
forever Do you want to be a broom star!!!"
The boy was about to cry, but he almost couldn't control it when he heard the
other party call him a bastard, but he still sucked his nose desperately and
"I'm not a broom star!!! It's all because of P, let that Princess Fa come to be with
me, P also slept with Ya, right..." "Don't act like a
child!!! "
Before Graph finished speaking, a new series of shouts sounded, and this time,
sharp eyes lit up with even more frightening fire, because the young man
seemed to understand why this brat who should have been sitting in the car
stumbled He was approached by those guys to threaten him. And the most
stupid thing is that a person like him has to give in to those guys, just for this
damn brat!
"Have you opened your eyes to see what's going on around you? Is it a time to
be fucking jealous, have you seen what you lost because of your unreasonable
troubles alone. If you bear it well, it won't take a few minutes for everything to
go away." It's over. But what the fuck is going on now, you want me to cut off
your feet so you don't get in trouble? Have the guts to ask me why I went to
someone else, because other people won't be as unreasonable as you !!!"
Being scolded Graph like this is also very angry, but more of it is fear, the most
is... sad.
If he can just stay there as Pakin brother said, everything will be fine, or is it
really as said...he is just a bastard.
A guy who keeps getting Pakin into trouble.
"I'm... sorry."
The apologetic words were met with stares from burning eyes and lips that
quivered as if something was about to be blurted out, but Pakin swallowed them
back in the end, Then turn around.
"Where is P...P going?"
"Anywhere, as long as you can't see your face." The look made Graph almost
pounce on him, grabbing the other's hand and asking in a trembling voice,
because it's better to curse He was more afraid of that look... that said 'enough is
Although everything is going well, it may be ruined by one of his brainless and
lack of thinking behaviors, so the teenager can only say in a trembling voice:
"I'm sorry. P, I'm sorry, punish
me .If P asks me to wait, I will not be stubborn, I will not disobey the order
again, I will wait as P said..." "
I let you go!!!!" Pakin yelled again, because now he is too angry to want to
Seeing this kid's face again, if he stayed for a few more minutes, he would
definitely do worse things to you than those bastards wanted to do to you. But it
seemed that Graph was still unwilling to give up, because the boy with tears in
his eyes immediately went on to say:
"I won't let it go, P...I'm sorry, I...will do anything, punish me...go...punish me."
The voice of the speaker was almost inaudible as if he was suppressing sobs ,
grabbing each other's hand tightly with both hands. The man with the anger that
could burn everything in his heart turned around and looked at the past, with a
nasty smile on the corner of his mouth.
"Anything? Have you figured it out?"
"I...I can, I can do it!!!"
The listener lowered his gaze and looked at the boy in front of him, originally
planning to find a quiet place After calming down, when the brave brat was
willing to do whatever he wanted, a terrifying smile appeared on the corner of
his mouth.
"If you don't want me to be angry, that's fine." "
Graph looked down at the hand of the man with the thumb out, and then
couldn't help but stare when he saw P‟ Pakin's other hand pulling down the
zipper of his pants Big eyes. His mouth was almost about to yell, but he just
looked up and saw a smile of contempt from the other party, that smile seemed
to say that a kid like him must not be able to do it. And this also made the
person who was afraid of losing lower his body and immediately knelt down.
"I...I can, I really can," Kritithi murmured. But I was almost taken aback when I
saw what the big man was doing.
The big man who pulled his son out of his pants spoke in a calm tone, but if you
listen carefully, you can hear the toughness in the words, as if to say that the
anger has not abated. So the young man could only stretch out his hand and hold
the hot stick in his hand, not knowing what to do, he slowly pulled his hands
"Is the mouth just used to defend yourself?" Immediately afterwards, the big
hand grabbed the chin and squeezed it tightly. The boy couldn't help shaking,
because that wasn't enough, P‟ Pakin forced him to bend his face to face the hot
rod body, so the boy had to open his mouth immediately to welcome its entry.
"Do it, didn't you say you can do it? Heh, you can't stand it like this?" The
cold voice made the boy tremble with fear, and his mouth was accepting the
entry of the hot thing, trying to lick it. Lick, suck. Even though his eye sockets
were burning hot, he was still afraid that the other party would feel disgusted.
"You're just good at causing trouble and getting into trouble."
" The teen felt suffocated and breathless, terrified and terrified as the gigantic
thing was forced deep down his throat, and looked into his mocking eyes as if to
say he was just someone to get rid of. It's just a trouble, just a brat who pretends
to be able to say what he can't do, the boy's eyes couldn't help but get hotter.
"Ah, um." Although he tried his best, Pakin's eyes and face did not change at
all. On the contrary, he felt that he was about to die. One is because I am not
used to the forced insertion of huge things, and the other is that I am afraid of
unknown things.
P‟ Pakin might have been harsh on him before, but he never looked at him like a
stranger like this.
"Hmm." Thinking of this, big tears rolled down his face, and he tightly pinched
the opponent's groin with both hands. And the body was trembling from the
violent sobs.
Pakin silently watched the unbearable tears on the lips of the very brave boy.
"Um... ah... ah..."
Ya stopped still, and this also made the tall man push in again, as if to punish
Graph for being out of breath, and let the boy just He could lift his tear-filled
eyes and look up.
Then Pakin's body backed away, looking at the person who seemed to have
fallen to the ground feebly. I saw the boy coughing and crying. Then the young
man said coldly:
"If you can't do it, don't say it in the first place."
As soon as the eyes in front of him met, Graph could only brush his face with
the back of his hand, and then rushed to the other side with his feet, He
slammed the door hard, as if trying to escape the indifferent eyes that made him
tremble with fear and grabbed his heart.
It's all over, isn't it? All the hard work you've been doing all this time is over,
isn't it?
"I'm just a trouble... just... woo... a... uh... trouble."
Then, the cries of the brave boy who was almost dying resounded throughout
the bathroom.
Chapter 37 (18+): The Last Battle of the Day
Pakin's eyes followed the background of the teenager rushing into the bathroom,
his sharp eyes were still burning brightly, as if the intense anger had not
subsided. The big hand brushed his hair vigorously to vent his irritability, and
retracted the weapon on his body. Then take a deep breath in order to manage
the breathing that is stronger than before.
Then, the long legs turned and walked towards the door, but as soon as they
reached the door...
the big hand stopped there, and...
The young man hit the door panel with a loud noise, then turned around and sat
down at the end of the bed.
Pakin raised his hand and rubbed his face vigorously, then recalled the events
on the field.
"It won't end like this."
A defeat is not just a loss of face, but a huge humiliation brought to him by
losing in front of the enemy's face, which no one else could have imagined.
When the guys get one benefit, there will be a second, third, fourth and more,
not only built for fun, for rich people who are poor and have nothing left A
special racing track where kids come to have fun, Ya's goal and more projects
he invested in.
Although the participants in this event were only little kids with little power, but
they cannot be looked down upon. The transfer of interests between his family
and the families of those children has a long history, and when he jumped into
this circle, the relationship between them The benefits are doubled. Although
this is an underground activity that most people don't know about, it doesn't
mean that sponsorship and support are not needed, and a small mistake is
enough to bring huge and serious losses.
Even the big project with an investment of tens of millions and sponsored by
foreign investors has been prepared for two full years, all because Pakin wants
everyone to know and believe that he is the best among the new forces in
Thailand, and anyone can trust him. It is impossible to beat him. But if it gets
out today that he can't handle a few dogs, who would think that the projects he's
investing in will be successful!
The big what those guys were talking about negotiating, really think
he'd be stupid enough to invite the enemy in to get in the way.
Not just that, not just those guys, over the years he'd built an image of Pakin as
a man who would rather bend than bend, and no one ever doubted that. But this
time it was strong evidence and greatly undermined him. Because little rumors
can be fanned out of control.
Such is his world.
He has been riding on the back of a tiger, and he cannot come down, so those
who want to stand beside him must have the courage to fly up, instead of a
small and thin young deer, so ignorant that he can only be sacrificed and played
And now, those damned hunters have shifted their sights and set their sights on
the deer.
Yes, Pakin was angry, very angry, but in fact he might be angry that he cared
about that brat, was worried about him, and was even willing to expose his
weakness to be caught by others. If he had been more ruthless and pretended
that the brat didn't matter, Graph probably wouldn't have been a target, but
because he was worried about what would happen to the brat before he found
Ya, he stopped thinking and...had to negotiation.
It's not because of the transfer of benefits from Ya's father. Yes, Graph is the
only son in a political family with great power, but in fact, Ya's father will not
be willing to cut off financial support from the government for his son who is
not valued.
If something happened to the Graph, probably no one in the family would come
forward, but if it was about money... sure.
So the reason why he willingly succumbs to those guys on the field is... worried
about that damn brat!
That person who doesn't know what to do if he wants to stay by his side!
Pakin brushed his hair back, trying to deny how anxious he was. When Nop
knows that his weakness is just a high school boy, he will never give up. If he
knew what kind of benefits he could get by just catching Graph in his hand, and
how much he would be hit... how badly.
It's Graph who's in danger now... not him.
"Fuck, I've been trying to keep it from happening years ago, but because of this
damn night." The young man let out another barrage of expletives.
Now he is no longer just P‟ Pakin, the man who used to be able to do whatever
he wanted, he is Mr. Pakin, a man who manages hundreds of people. A person
who has tried hard to distance himself from Ya since returning to Thailand after
finishing his studies. And not long after agreeing to let Ya come closer,
something happened that I was worried about from the beginning.
The person who was thinking this way turned his head and looked at the door of
the bathroom. Although he didn't hear the sound, the tall man could still tell
how terribly the people inside were crying.
Graph must wake up, and must know what kind of consequences Ya's stubborn
behavior will cause.
If you still want to stay here, you have to grow up!
Pakin also knew that his swearing at Graph like a brutal man and his violent
behavior were slowly killing Ya like poison, but if Ah couldn't even resist such
poison, then he couldn't choose Ya.
However, I can't let her go...letting go now is to give her to those guys.
The young man got up again, intending to go out and go to other rooms to calm
down. After calming down, he should be able to find a way to protect the child,
the child who has not grown up and stepped into danger again, but...a face full
of tears broke into mind.
That little face that always put on a show of strength, but now it has turned into
a kid who is afraid of being abandoned.
He should teach Ah a lesson and let Ah remember it in his heart, but...
"Fuck!" The long leg stopped, and instead of leading its owner to the bedroom
door, he changed direction and came to the bathroom door.
Finally opened the door and went in.
Sand... sand... sand...
the tall man heard the water hitting the tile floor first, then saw the steam filling
the bathroom. Rui Mu glanced around quickly, deeply worried that the fragile
little ghost would commit suicide because of the words just now, but at this
"Woo... woo... woo... cough... woo ..."
If you listen carefully, you can hear a crying sound coming from a corner
amidst the most violent sound of water, so the tall man strode forward to the
transparent glass door used to seal the inside, Squinting through the steam-
stained glass, he saw...the owner of the cry.
The person who was sitting and hiding by the innermost wall hugged his knees
tightly, buried his face between his knees, and curled up into a ball. The whole
body was drenched by the water gurgling onto his body, his shoulders kept
trembling and trembling, and the sound of crying almost dying made the people
watching couldn't help but stop their feet.
There was an aura of... despair spreading from the brave kid.
The tear-ridden person had a red nose and was so choked with crying that he
had to open his mouth, but was coughed by the water flowing into his mouth
along his face, but he was reluctant to get up because he was afraid that people
outside would hear the cry. The person who didn't know how to get angry was
so close to him that there was only a window of glass.
The boy brushed vigorously across his face with the back of his hand, but Ya's
tears still kept flowing, his eyes were hot, and his nose already felt a burning
sensation. The body that was drenched in warm water also trembled terribly,
and the flesh in the chest was also beating rapidly, but it was beating like the
heart was about to die, just like a runner who ran out of strength but wanted to
continue running.
"I... I'm sorry... I'm sorry... Woohoo, I'm sorry..."
In the end, the person who said he wanted to teach the lesson and remind the
other party opened the glass door and rushed in.
"P...P Pakin..."
Grabbed the shoulders of the child sitting on the ground with both hands and
lifted them up, the person who came in to cry secretly raised his face in surprise,
and called out rapidly. At the same time, the boy was pushed against the wall
behind him.
And Pakin himself couldn't say anything. Seeing the obstinate and obstinate
child who has been rejected by him for thousands of miles has become like this,
the young man can't help but stare at the horrific face that is crying like rain,
and this makes the person being looked at almost cry With a cry, the brave child
no longer exists.
"I... sorry... woo... P... don't... don't me... I beg you... woo... woo... I... no...
never again Did it...uh...never...never...never again...P Pakin...I love P...I love
The listener immediately froze, and all the words that were blocked in their
mouths were swallowed and disappeared in their throats. Because although
Pakin already knew how the kid felt about him, he had never heard it with his
own ears. But now, the kid who was afraid of being abandoned was holding on
to the hem of his clothes, as if it was the last straw.
I'm afraid that if I don't say it, I won't have the chance to say it again.
"P...Pakin...I love P...I have always loved...Woo...Only love P alone...10
years...I love P...I only have P.. .Woo, alone...don't want me...I have no
one...P Pakin..." The young man leaned his head close to the young man's chest,
as if he really wanted to Said as if out of breath.
"P Pakin...I love"
Graph sobbed against his chest, clutching his hands tightly, and kept the word.
Loving the only person in front of me who has been rooted in this teenager's
heart for 10 years.
What was said made the listener fall silent, looking at the head buried in his
arms. The boy's body trembled like a baby bird that had fallen from the nest,
and the words of love... were like pieces of broken hearts.
It came up too much for him to ignore it.
If it was before, taller people would habitually run away, not wanting to make
things more difficult, but this time...the hands couldn't help but
hugged the shoulders of the boy in front of him, and the body that was pulled
into his arms Not as thin as Playfa, not as strong as Chin, but the one that
bothers him the most. The hands hugged the slender body more tightly, so
tightly that only the cloth was separated between the two, and the person who
was hugged... sobbed non-stop.
"I love P, P Pakin...I love P..." I heard the love words of children who are afraid
that everything will disappear, but this time, the person who has been trying not
to care about the children's eyes said...
" I love Graph, I get it."
Now Pakin was finally willing to accept and listen to the feelings of the
stubborn brat in his arms.
Although the stubborn brat finally stopped crying after that, Graph still didn't
want to leave the grumpy guy, even though he was terrified of what the other
person said earlier, on top of that he was more afraid that it would all end like
that , So the boy grabbed the big man and didn't let him go. He obediently took
off his drenched clothes, and took a shower with someone who was also
drenched. During the period, the two of them... didn't say a word.
Kritithi had confessed, expressed his love clearly enough, but he was afraid to
hear the answer, so when Pakin did not speak, he dared not speak.
"Come and sit here... Take off your clothes too."
Then, when the big man who walked out of the bathroom pointed to the end of
the bed, the teenager couldn't help but let out a small startled sound, afraid of
what happened an hour ago. But because of Rui Mu's gaze, he moved his feet
and sat down obediently on the bed. The teenager tore off the small towel that
hung over his head, and then unbuttoned his pajamas.
And Pakin went to the telephone and dialed the internal number of the person
"Anyone can, get someone to bring the medicine box up."
Hearing this, Graph immediately widened his eyes and looked at the person
who was turning around. As soon as the eyes met, the eyes immediately looked
down and avoided.
And Pakin stepped forward and saw that the brave brat could only lower his
head clumsily, and then his eyes came to the bruises he found in the
shower...the bruises on his abdomen are now red and purple mark.
"What's wrong with those guys?"
"I didn't really do anything, I didn't want to cause trouble, I just wanted to go
home and they came out and grabbed me, and I..." "I didn't mean to
kill you , no need to explain... Long story short, what did they do?" Maybe the
original fear has not completely subsided, when asked, Graph immediately
explained for himself, and the listener could not help but interrupt and go back
to himself Want to know things. The person who tried hard to answer lowered
his voice instantly:
"P...P don't be angry with me... ? "The young man raised his head guiltily, and
the listener raised his hands and hugged his chest and said:
"Don't ask about things you already know. If you want to ask, just ask me why
I'm angry." As if the flowing water had successfully subdued the previous rage,
the calmed down person asked back. Using his tall body to cover the boy from
above who dared not do anything but only look at his palm.
is he angry Of course. But it's not as angry as it used to be.
"Because you haven't thought about what kind of world you are already in."
Before the young man could finish speaking, the listener immediately
replied. The boy couldn't help but raised his head in bewilderment, and Pakin
almost let out a long sigh.
Although things had already happened, Ya was still not clearly aware of her
situation. Because he can get out of danger every time, so Ya can still be a high
school student who knows nothing about the dangers of this world, but now
everything has changed, even though he tried his best to block the boy in front
of him from that dangerous world , but those bastards will definitely drag this
brat into it.
"It's very dangerous to be around me, you know?"
"It's not just high school kids fighting, it's not just teachers and parents chasing
after you. You know, our lives only need a bullet It'll be over in a jiffy, and if
you continue to be naive, use your head, think about everything and don't care
about the consequences, you can't be here anymore..." "
But I..."
"I didn't sleep with Playfa, and I didn't sleep with Chin Passed."
Pakin didn't care about the boy's explanation, because the situation was worse
now than before, he had to make it clear to the brat in advance and let the boy
understand. Therefore, even though the young man thought about such
meaningless things as jealousy, he had to say it clearly.
"Then why did P let her come up..."
"Check the situation around you before asking, Graph... Don't you already know
by now that those guys can do anything and the safest place is in that
car. Although I don't want to sleep on Playfa, I really cherish a good driver who
I have been looking for for a long time. It's not about sex, it's about human
life. "
When the big man spoke in a serious voice, the boy felt, and only felt, a pang of
regret. Because yes, at that time he only thought of being jealous, but he didn't
think of more distant things that were a matter of life and death. But after being
taken away and beaten, he realized how different Pakin's world... is.
"...I'm sorry."
The boy's body became more shriveled, and he didn't know whether it was
because he was still afraid or what. But it was enough for Pakin to continue:
"And I said I wouldn't go to anyone else if you were still here."
Pakin pointed his hands at the person sitting in front of him, and Graph couldn't
help blinking. But the heart that is still full of fear can't help asking this
"Then... just..."
The owner of the room sighed mercilessly, and then said in a deep voice:
"I just want to calm down Emotions, I don't want to go to other people."
The listener shrank his body as if feeling guilty. And just when there was a
knock on the door, the listener couldn't help sighing again, then turned around
and went to take the servant's medicine box. When he came back again, the
stubborn kid had already covered his hair and head with a towel, as if to avoid a
mistake. So the young man moved over and sat beside him.
"P...Am I really the God of Plague, the broom star?" The question still in his
mind made Pakin pause, he took out a tube of medicine and squeezed his
fingers, then stretched out and touched the slightly startled The belly of the
person, while thinking about how to answer.
Every time I see Ya, there will be troubles, but if I ask, is it really a evil star as
he scolded?
"I've said too much about this."
Just these are enough to restore some blood to the face under the towel. The boy
obediently asked the big man to apply the medicine until Pakin got up again
after the application. But...
the man with his face hidden under the towel grabbed him and raised his head:
"P...won't you punish me?"
Pakin stared fixedly at the boy, feeling that he had already punished the brat
enough. However, the eyes that looked over... didn't want to get atonement,
more precisely, they wanted to do anything just to stop him from being angry.
"Want to be punished?"
The silent answer, as if saying no... who would want to be punished.
"Sleep, it's dawn."
However, the person who still wanted to be punished tightly grasped the
opponent's wrist, looked at the knife-like face with the same uneasy eyes as
before, and said in a trembling voice:
" Please punish me."
And Pakin also understood why the kid would say that, because Ya wanted a
proof that he had been punished. So, the young man approached, knelt beside
the young man, bent his tall body, and asked,
"If you are punished, will you repent?" "
I already knew I was wrong, P. I really knew I was wrong." . "
The young man fixed the boy's chin, so that the eyes of the two met.
"Then you will do what I say, won't you?"
Although he was afraid of the shining eyes that looked over, the boy still
"Waist faster, Graph."
The hour hand of the clock has crossed 4 It's been a while, but the room of the
owner of the mansion is full of emotions. The teenager straddling the tall man
let out a vague and trembling moan, his hands were tightly pressed against the
hard abdomen, and he focused on swinging his waist to accept the huge thing
that was inserted deep into his body.
Because of this posture, the boy could only let out a rapid and trembling moan,
his toes were tightly pressed against the bed sheet. When the buttocks of the
person under him spun gently, the huge thing pressed against the inner wall, and
the pleasure of rubbing it spread all over the body, and the young man was
moaning almost to the point of death.
As the shy, wet sound fills the room, with every swing of the hips, receiving
every insertion of the hot rod to the deepest part, the clear gel oozes out and
stains the entrance around.
"Ah...ah...ah..." The boy felt as if his consciousness was about to leave. There's
not much left to just accept the hot hard flesh into reason, and the body can only
honestly swing back and forth, as if trying to release the desire caused by the
Whether it's the lips, the palms, the fingers or the body that is entwined and
rubbed together, Pakin is always the party that ignites the terrifying
lust. However, when Graph begged and said that he couldn't do it, the big man
'If you can't stand it, just do it. '
The tall body moved and leaned against the head of the bed, half sitting and half
lying down, with big hands stroking a huge, lucifer-like lucifer to lure human
beings into the abyss of Avici Hell. Hot and intense, mixed with unparalleled
sexiness, so that a kid like Kritithi can only moan on the top of his body, parting
the warm and narrow entrance that was opened by fingers earlier, and then...
submerged .
The hot and hard feeling brought by the thing's entry seemed to melt him into a
pool of warm water and paralyze him onto the bed.
Graph knew that P‟ Pakin was punishing him, and knew that he should take the
initiative, but he could only bite his mouth tightly, swing his hips back and
forth, and let the thing smear in his body.
Just smearing the boy is almost reaching the end.
"P...P...No...I can't...I...No...Ah...Too." Graph had no choice but to jump
forward and wrap his arms around the opponent's neck, his voice hoarse and
low Said. When the hot cock was rubbing the lust button in his upper body, the
boy's body convulsed suddenly, and the feeling was stronger than the front end
that was overflowing with crystal liquid.
His body was being tortured from behind.
The pleading words made the listener's eyes flash with light, and then he used
his hands to support the snow-white buttocks, until the thing was about to come
out of the boy's body, the bearer couldn't help shaking his head vigorously:
"No...don't...come out
. .."
"Ah!!! Ah...Ahhh." When the buttocks were pressed and the fiery stick stabbed
to the bottom, the boy yelled even more out of sentences. Crystal tears flowed
down the whole face, but not because of sadness, but because of the
physiological stimulation of the body being played with, tears flowed like a
fountain. And the person who was manipulating the boy's buttocks was licking
along the neck with the tip of his tongue, feeling that the body in his arms was
frightened and tense every time he twitched.
"I like it... if you like it so much, it's not a punishment."
Speed up the thrusting.
"Hey! Ah... P... going to fall... I... I... fell... ah... ah...

There was a thrust.
"Hey!! Ah," The more he stopped, the more he attracted more, Pakin no
longer hesitated, and slammed into the lust button in the boy's body again and
again, causing the boy in his arms to jump He got up and hugged the young
man's neck tightly, panting so that his body swayed like a twig in the wind, but
he didn't want to stop.
"Didn't you say you won't stop today?"
", ah...I...I, to...out , I'm going to come out... ah..." The
listener's eyes sparkled even more, and he smiled at the teary face. I saw that the
young man's thin lips were red and glistening, and the redness on his face
spread all the way to every inch of his fair skin, and his whole body turned into
a light pink. But Honest's body is also matching his rhythm, even though the
boy feels that he can't hold on any longer.
He doesn't like ignorant guys, but Graph might be an exception.
From teaching this young master a lesson from the very beginning, it has made
him...more and more lustful.
It only belongs to his body, and his heart...
Pakin immediately stopped his whim when he realized that such thoughts were
too dangerous for him, and put it Turning into the momentum of the body
rushing forward, the big bed shook. The young man pushed down the boy's
slender body and lay down on the soft bed, leaving only his wide-open feet
warmly accepting his touch.
He didn't think about anything, he just wanted to bully this young master
A pair of sharp eyes stared straight at the white body... a body that was still
growing, but just this was enough to make his blood boil, wanting to crash into
the warm, narrow, tightly squeezed body again and again. down the passage of
his son. I want to lick the sweat that reflects the light on the boy's body, I want
to stroke the cute part that is still bright and colorful as if it has never been used
by anyone, I want to make this body moan almost dead, and... Can't live without
Youth don't need to know whether these longings are just physical or deep.
All he knew was...he couldn't stop.
"Ah... ah... ah!"
Although the child in front of him was about to release his desire and dirty his
abdomen, he still couldn't stop. The young man grabbed the slender body and
overturned, forced the young man's buttocks to lift up, and...
a deep thrust.
"Ah...ah..." When the huge thing suddenly penetrated into his body, Graph
couldn't help but close his eyes, and breathed hard. However, this kind of
impact no longer brought a trace of pain, and when the huge smear rubbed the
narrow passage between the legs, there was only endless pleasure left. And
when the big hand reached in and held the softened part, the boy could only
arch his hips back helplessly.
Graph knew that he was dying, but when he was teased... his body still
responded by itself.
When his tongue was licking his upper back, the teenager's hands could not help
but tighten the sheet, and his face fell on the bed, only his buttocks were
swinging unceasingly to accept him, and the part that had softened became hard
again. So he couldn't help but blame, it was P‟ Pakin's fault.
The person who kept making strong attacks sometimes manipulated the young
man so slowly that he was about to die, sometimes so intensely that the young
man almost lost consciousness, and sometimes inserted in circles, the sound of
rubbing wetly resounded all around. Now the pain is long gone, and Graph only
feels endless joy in the vast sea of lust. But the boy kept whispering,
"No...don't be mad at me...heh."
The big man didn't answer, not even when the narrow passage was filled with
the turbid liquid that was gushing out.
The sun had been high in the sky for a while, but Pakin still wasn't sleeping. The
young man was still leaning on the head of the bed, smoking a cigarette, and
kept looking at the naked body lying beside him, which had already fallen
He was asking himself what to do after this.
It's not a question of safety, but of the young master's identity.
Pakin has already figured out that he will strengthen the protection to ensure
that no mosquito can come and touch Ya's body, but what he has not figured out
yet is where he wants to put Graph in his life.
Now everyone thinks that Graph is his little friend, and Pakin himself doesn't
refute this.
This young master belongs to him, at least he has been with Ya Yunyu from the
dawn until the sky is completely bright. But what should he do next?
Ya is not just playing for fun, and he himself is pushing Ya forward so that
there is no way out.
The person with too much power has just accepted Graph's feelings for him, and
once he accepts it, it is impossible to ignore it like before, saying that he will
end it like this, or let it develop so that Graph has no way out?
He has always had a way out, but this kid... is different.
The person who was thinking this way put out his cigarette, then stretched out
his hand to gently rub his sleeping head, and then waved all the things out of his
The young man lay down on his body, then reached out and pulled his
unconscious body into his arms.
Now he is more tired than he looks.
"Sweet dream, hot and charming brat." Pakin whispered in his ear, and then
closed his eyes.
But the young man didn't think that there are some things that even he can't
control, because sometimes the person who has no way out may be himself...not
the child in his arms.

Chapter 38: Concern

The convertible sports car worth more than one million passed through the
fence gate, and then stopped in front of a mansion. Then the driver got out of
the car at a fast pace, and rushed into the mansion with beautiful sharp eyes full
of worry. However...
"Master Win."
"Aunt Keaw, what happened last night?" The newcomer immediately turned
and walked towards the butler, while the listener shook his head slowly:
"Auntie doesn't know the details. I've already gone to sleep. But the youngest
(servant) at home said that Master Pakin was super angry, and then brought
Master Graph to the room. And Chai also waited all night..." "What?"
When hearing someone's Win couldn't help but immediately interrupted when
he named it. Although she didn't wear makeup but was still very beautiful,
Keimu looked nervously at the butler. The elders of the family hurriedly led
them into the inner room, as if they thought it would be better for him to see it
with his own eyes. So Win also hurried to keep up.
"Master Win, look. Chai has been waiting there all night."
Before the butler reported, Phawis had already seen... the back of the big tall
man sitting motionless on the ground, and the lowered head seemed to be saying
The owner of the body slept like that all night because he couldn't resist
fatigue. It looks completely inconsistent with the image of Mr. Pakin's right-
hand man and confidant.
"Kin ordered?"
"Yes." The young model stood still for a while, staring at the broad shoulders
for a long time, then turned to look at the butler again.
After Aunt Kaew agreed, she said goodbye and went back to the kitchen. But
Win still maintained the original posture and stood looking at Panachai's back,
as if thinking about what to do.
He had only just learned what had happened in the morning, and he had rushed
here as soon as he learned about it. Concerned about some teenage boy who will
suffer his cousin's berserk rage, but completely forgets that not only will the
Graph be affected, but the people who oversee everything at the event and keep
the event going peacefully will be affected as well. And now, no matter how
worried he is, he will never enter his brother's room.
Is Win worried about Graph...worried, but he will not deny that he is more
worried about someone in his heart.
The person who thinks like this steps up to the person who is sitting still, walks
around to the person and kneels down. The charming eyes looked at the sharp
face with a small corner of the face exposed, and the line of sight went from the
chin with the faintly visible blue hair roots to the side of the face with the big
bruise, making the heart of the person watching couldn't help but twitch.
He had seen this man get hurt many times, but he never got used to it.
I don't know if it was because of this thought, Win stretched out his hand,
touched the man's face, and then supported the face with the lightest force, for
fear that the man would wake up. Until the sharp-lined face 10 years older than
me was at the level of my line of sight, the conspicuous large area of bruises
immediately appeared in front of my eyes.
The bruise made Win bite his lip unconsciously, and couldn't help stroking the
corner of the other's mouth with his fingers.
You have to let go, Win.
The young model said this to herself, but her hands were unwilling to leave and
touch the skin temperature which was higher than that of ordinary people. It's
always been like this, Panachai's body is warmer than anyone else's, a warmth
he's touched as a child and tried to grab it as an adult disconnected and
floated away.
Win really couldn't help himself wanting to bend down, his eyes fixed on the
face of the person buried deep in his heart. He knew very well in his heart that
he should stop, not just stop and not touch this man, but also meant that the
hope that should have been extinguished years ago but...has never been
extinguished even a little bit of hope.
At this time, the breath of the other party is so close that you can touch it with
just raising your head, and the lips you touched when you were young are right
in front of you.
However, I haven't had time to close my eyelids yet.
"What are you going to do!"
The eyelids that were originally closed were opened, and both hands grabbed
the young man's shoulders forcefully, causing the young model to suddenly
pause for a second, looking at the person who was scolding in a deep
voice. Instead of saying it directly...the other party is refusing.
It was enough to bring a beautiful smile to the young man's mouth... a smile that
was completely separate from what was said.
"I just want to take a closer look at your situation. Why... so narcissistic that I
think I want to kiss you?"
"Master Win."
Before Phawis let go of his hand holding his face, the young model just pushed
his bruised side face and said coldly:
"I should say you deserve it or be pitiful."
No one listened Replying, Panachai just looked at the face of his boss's cousin
for a while, and then lowered his eyes respectfully, even though the other party
was younger than himself. However, the act of looking away made the sober
person see something that should not appear on the neck.
When Win bends down, the wide collar is wide open, revealing several marks
of love, as if the person who left the marks deliberately wanted to be seen by
others, and this also made the subordinates unknowingly fix it Watch, let the
owner of the neck notice too. The young model looked down, and then raised a
boring smile.
"I was with P Sin last night." Win said as he let go of the hand holding his face
and stood up straight. The people who had been waiting here all night also got
"P Sin found out about what happened at the racing track this morning, and I
also found out about it. And I just got here." Win didn't hide that he slept with
his brother's best friend, no... since the first time he decided to sleep with that
man It has never been hidden from the beginning. While talking, the young man
raised his hand to touch the hickey that he had just learned of its existence.
"I've told him many times not to leave marks. I'm well aware that my profession
should not leave such things... You don't have to look at me so disapprovingly."
"...I didn't."
Panachai He quickly turned his gaze to the ground and replied. Those who
listened couldn't help laughing.
Win is laughing at himself.
"Yes." The young model said so, and then stopped talking.
How could he not remember that the other party worried about him only
because of his status as Mr. Pakin's younger brother, nothing more.
The atmosphere of silence made Win almost turn around and go back into the
room, if it wasn't for the person standing two steps away who said first:
"Please be more careful yourself these days."
Phawis paused for a moment, then glanced at the other person out of the corner
of his eye, raised the corner of his mouth slightly, and said,
"Don't worry about being killed by the boss first." The young man said so, and
then walked into the room. Not because he wants to rest, but because he wants
to avoid the eyes that are looking at him as if accusing him of being too casual.
That caring is just a workplace term.
In the end, he was just a task entrusted to Panachai's care by his brother.
The sun has been moving in the sky, rising to the top of the head, and the time
has come to noon, but the two men on the bed did not wake up, until the roar of
the mobile phone rang from the pockets of the pants that were taken off and
scattered on the ground , the owner of the mobile phone moved a little, raised
his head slightly, squinted at the clock, and found that it was nearly 2 o'clock in
the afternoon.
It is certain that Pakin was very disturbed by the sound of yelling, but the sound
stopped when he got up, and when he was about to fall over and continue to
sleep... RRRRRrrrrrr "Fuck!" The communication device rang
again, The owner couldn't help cursing in a deep voice, pulled away the bullet
and stood up irritably, pulled his pants and took them into his pocket, then threw
the pants back on the ground and piled them up, but when he was about to press
the answer button and was about to yell. ..
"Go to hell..." The name displayed on the screen made the person who just
woke up couldn't help whining from his throat even more irritably, but... he
couldn't yell at the other party.
Because this might be the only person he still has scruples about.
"Hello." Pakin said in a dry and short voice, raised his hand and brushed his hair
vigorously, and he was completely awake.
Because the person on the other end of the phone must be clear-headed.
【What's the matter? dear son. ]
Yes, the person who called... was Pakin's father himself.
"What's the matter, Dad?" The young man asked politely, but the hoarse and
deep voice clearly said that he had just woken up, and the person on the other
end of the phone couldn't help laughing out loud: [Is it okay for a parent to call
his son? Do you need something to fight? Dead Pakin. Or...who are you holding
in your arms? 】
Although he didn't see the other person's face, the listener could still receive the
pressure transmitted over the phone. So the young man put his feet down on the
side of the bed and leaned forward slightly, as if he was not in the bedroom but
in the multimedia room, with tigers, lions and rhinos chasing him and cornered
him. The half-closed eyes that were half-closed earlier were also shining with
light, and he retorted:
"Dad also knows that my night life is very rich every night...I'm already an
[Hahahahaha, as expected of my son, your brother is not half of yours, dead
Pakin. ]
The owner of the name Pakin just raised the corners of his mouth, thinking of
his younger brother who has a completely different personality from him. In
comparison, he is an American and he is a British gentleman. And Ya is indeed
going to university in the UK, so he doesn't have to worry about business in
Thailand, and depending on the situation, Ya will not return to Thailand easily.
"Heh, is it now the beauty of Vienna or Budapest?"
[Hahaha, the news is too late, it is the beauty of Florence now. ]
Pakin just chuckled low in his throat, still feeling uneasy, thinking that the other
party must not have just called to ask about his health. And the facts are as
expected, because...
[I heard some rumors. ]
"Which dog did you hear it from?"
[If you knew who my informant was, you wouldn't call him a dog, little
Pakin. 】
The Son of Man just shrugged his shoulders, because he didn't care who Dad's
informant was. Dad knows about his activities in Thailand, and he also knows
about his activities in Europe, but what is suspicious now is which event the
other party's news refers to.
If it's not a business matter, it should be...
The person thinking this way turned his eyes to the other person on the bed, and
saw that the other person was sleeping with his face against the pillow, and
there was no sign of waking up to hear the conversation.
【Do you need help? 】
"Heh, even if Dad points a gun at his head, I won't bow my head to ask Dad for
help." Again, the other end of the phone laughed happily, because he knew very
well that the eldest son is a guy who would never give up Ever since I grew up,
no matter how serious things are, I never thought of bowing to anyone, even if
that person is my biological father.
【If you can handle it... I will go back to Thailand. ]
"When?" Pakin asked rhetorically, while his brain was thinking about how to
deal with his men who turned on the horror mode. And the other end of the
phone just replied...
[Florence goes back when she gets tired. ]
The other party just said so. And the son of man also clearly said that Florence
was not only referring to the name of a city, it was more likely that the other
party was making friends with a woman. Then the other person hung up, and the
man in Thailand sat with his elbows on his knees for a while, then shook his
head slowly and threw the phone back on the pile of clothes. The head is still
thinking about the real purpose of the other party's call.
If it was about last night, it shouldn't be too difficult, but if it's about this young
master... The
person who was thinking like this moved up and came to the middle of the bed
again, looking at the naked body lying on the stomach, and saw there There is a
corner of the blanket covering half of the back, and the head is turned to the
other side of the bed. So the young man stretched out his hand.
"No fever." The target was the face protruding from the pillow. After touching
it, I found that the temperature of the sick young master was normal, and then
the back of the hand slowly moved to the throat, and finally came to the snow-
white shoulders like those who have never been exposed to the sun.
At least you are not sick.
While thinking about it, Pakin wanted to lie down and take another nap, but he
had already fully woken up, and what happened last night came back to his
mind, telling the owner of his body that it was not time to rest, but to deal with
the problem.
A person like him will not let things just be left alone, if he needs to fight, he
will wipe him out in one fell swoop!
The only thing to worry about is...
The child with a small groan in his throat turned over and turned into a supine
position, slowly opened his eyes and half-closed his eyes, as if he was touched
by the touch earlier. Waking up from sleep. The person watching paused.
It wasn't because Ya woke up and stopped, but because he was hesitating about
the idea of fighting back to kill Nop and the others because he was worried
about the young master.
The boy who opened his eyes to see who was looking at him couldn't help but
widen his eyes.
"Who do you think I am?"
"No, no, I...I just..." Graph shut his mouth immediately, because just moving his
body, the symptoms of soreness flooded in, and most importantly... felt
something Put it in the ass.
The indescribable feeling brought back the punishment I received last
night...every frame, every detail, every feeling, even...every pose I did.
Immediately, Master Kritithi almost pulled the blanket over his head, because
no matter how far his consciousness went last night, he could still accurately
remember that his body surrendered to the other party, moaning like an AV
heroine, unable to do anything but He can hug the opponent's neck and let the
opponent punish him as he likes. However, the obsession with being a
masculine man made Graph control himself, but it didn't mean that the hand
holding the blanket... didn't shake.
The young man's every move was clearly seen by the people watching, so the
corner of the young man's mouth raised:
"What are you thinking?"
"" The young man shook his head immediately, but in contrast, his fair
face was visible flushed.
"It's good to not think too much, but about what I told you last night... I still
don't see you being the target of pursuit." Pakin said so, and got up. But the
person who was watching almost jumped on it.
"What's wrong?"
When his wrist was suddenly grabbed, the tall man who stood up straight from
the bed couldn't help turning his head and looking back. I saw the handsome
and handsome face of the delinquent boy raised up to look at him, his eyes were
full of fear and uncertainty, so he fell silent and looked at the boy who was
about to say something. But Ya just didn't say a word, and then closed her
mouth tightly as if she didn't know whether to say or not.
In the past, Pakin would have let the other party finish speaking clearly, but
because of Ya's situation, it was obvious to him that he had gone too far last
night. So the young man calmed down and waited.
Until Graph spoke again, trying to regain his confidence. Yet the voice
"P...don't be mad at me...are you?" The only worry deep inside.
"I don't know if I will cause trouble for P again, but I... I will try my best to use
my brain more... I will work hard... not to trouble P." The voice of trying to
speak trembled Trembling, it shows that the owner of the voice is very, very
guilty. The listener stood quietly without answering.
"P Don't be angry with me... okay." The stubborn kid said a short sentence, but
this time it ended with a respectful and polite particle, which made the people
watching couldn't help but pause.
Ya was scared, how could Pakin not understand. But are you afraid that you
don't know if you will cause trouble again?
However, the person who wanted to make the teenager awaken couldn't help
himself... stretched out his hand to grab the little head and patted it lightly.
"If I was angry, I would have thrown you out of the house," said the tall man,
and moved his big hand down to his forehead.
"I'm going to the company, you go on sleeping. I don't want to come back and
see a patient." "
I'm not that weak..."
The person who wanted to refute immediately shut his mouth, because he hadn't
finished speaking The other party raised the corner of his mouth. He had seen P‟
Pakin smile many times but had never seen such a smile.
Every time it's just a bored smile, or a confident and charming smile, but this's love.
He thinks P‟ Pakin likes him now.
That smile made the young man's voice slowly disappear in his throat, and his
face became even more terribly red. So I had to let go of the opponent's wrist
and pull the blanket up to the neck, not even daring to look at the strong body
with beautiful muscles and the face with that smile. And Graph almost raised
his hands to cover his ears, because...
"Then I'll wait and see."
The melodious and charming laughter echoed in his mind and reached his
pitifully trembling heart.
Although there was no morning kiss like before, no other further touch, only a
bright smile and a gentle voice, but it could easily make the boy go back to lie
down and rest. Because he was feeling that P‟ Pakin was willing to get closer to
him, even though there were only a few steps, it was still close...far closer than
anything he had ever touched in his life.
Master Kritithi thought that he would not be able to sleep if he continued to
sleep, but in fact, because of exhaustion, body aches and energy consumption,
the owner of the body immediately fell asleep again and would not wake up
until sunset, but during this period Graph was out of his body, feeling like he
was floating.
The soft touch on the body makes people reluctant to leave the dreamland, soft
and smooth like some kind of dessert, and...moist.
Not just wet it's warm.
The indescribable touch made the boy open his eyes slowly... gradually... when
he saw...
"Hey! Oops!"
Graph almost tried his best to straddle the shoulders of the person on top of him
Pushing up and throwing his body back at the same time, but because the
overworked muscles were involved in the excessive movement, the person
could not help but let out a groan from his throat. The person who was pushed
away was licking his lips in a seductive posture, and said in a pleasant voice:
"Get up, sleepy young master."
"P Win, why is P crazy!"
Yes, put him It was this guy who woke up with the kiss...Win.
"I'm very serious, I'm here to wake you up. It's already 4 o'clock, little lazy pig."
The young model said with a smile, making the listeners turn their heads to look
at the clock, and they couldn't believe that they would sleep so late , but still
persistently said:
"You can wake me up normally, what are you doing kissing me?"
skillful people. And it can't be denied, it feels really good.
Brother Win's kiss can make people feel smug, which is different from
someone's strong and wild.
"Hey, P!"
The attention has been scattered, and when he came back to his senses, he found
that the other party was watching and studying something, so he looked down
and saw...the blanket was gone!
The thick blanket that had been covering his body was gone on the other side of
the bed, leaving only his naked body to be stared at by the older man, who also
looked at him with satisfaction. If it weren't for the following sentence from the
other party, Graph would not be as shy as he is now: "Size is fine." "Fuck you! I
won't talk to P anymore, I'm going to take a shower." To be honest, Graph...
almost died of embarrassment. Let‟s not talk about whether the size suits
Brother Win‟s wishes, but this is not something to be discussed. After thinking
like this, the boy pulled back his thoughts and entered the bathroom. Although I
still feel some soreness and numbness, it is much better than last night, so there
should be no problem. If it weren't for the following behavior of the person who
provided the wake-up call...Win also followed. "Hey, P Win! Why did you
come in." "I've seen everything about being shy." "P is not shy but I'm shy." Of
course, the teenager desperately wanted to push him out, but who would think
of wearing cropped pants and White T-shirt, but the thin and slender body of the
home clothes that look pretty good will be so powerful, pushing him into the
bathroom together. And the charming face also raised a smile: "What happened
last night?" Unlike the smile on the face, the voice was very serious. And that
earnestness made Graph not dare to be self-willed anymore, so he could only
shut his mouth and recall what happened last night: "It was my fault." "Is it
Graph's fault or Kin made Graph think it was his fault?" ?” Chuck. The boy
stopped immediately, looked at the person he regarded as his elder brother, and
was speechless. He could only step back a few steps, then turned around and
walked into the glass door, and whispered: "I was jealous and made trouble out
of no reason." "Say Come and listen."
While talking, Win jumped onto the sink and sat on it, watching the still hesitant
boy turn on the shower head and then lowered his head as if regretting what he
had done. Phawis, however, had a different idea.
Let's not say whether Graph is really wrong or right, but his elder brother will
never think that he is wrong, so although he has a general understanding of the
matter, he wants to know what happened from this kid. And Ya seemed to be
very depressed, and wanted to find someone to vent it out, and all the little
things gradually poured out of the young man's mouth, making the listeners
heave a long sigh.
"I was wrong, wasn't it P?" Graph asked unsurely.
The boy turned around and looked over, but what he got was silence, which
made him shut his mouth and turn around to turn off the shower head.
"I got P Pakin in trouble."
Phawis still didn't say a word, because he was thinking, and when he figured it
out, the young model felt that if he was at the same age as Graph, he would
definitely make the same decision, will rush out. Because who can stand being
in the same car with a woman who thinks she's slept with someone she
likes? Even now that he's grown up, he can't bear it.
But being an adult has taught you the word 'patience'.
His cousin wants to teach children a word to remember, but has the elder
brother forgotten that it takes time for a person to remember this word. It's like
telling a child that it's bad to talk back to their parents, but wanting that child to
stop talking back to their parents that day...Let the person who said those words
do it first.
And Kin used to be a more tolerant person than he is now.
Looking at the older brother for many years, the younger brother thinks so. And
over the years, I have also seen that although my elder brother is a person who
wants to get what he wants and executes orders, he never loses his temper for no
reason. But after returning to Thailand, Phawis has seen several brothers lose
their temper several times, and in fact, every has something to do with
this kid.
"It's good to have repentance." However, the young model just said so, without
trying to analyze his brother's thoughts to the other party.
Some things will not be believed when they are said, but it will be better to feel
"But, that's great..."
"What did P just say?" Graph had to ask again because the voice dropped and
the sound of the lotus pod. The beautiful and good-looking person just laughed
softly and shook his head slowly.
He didn't want to tell the kids that he was...jealous.
In his opinion, even if his brother gets angry for no reason, everything can be
summed up in one word, a fact that his brother himself may not admit... worry.
I was so worried that I became a mad dog, when will the deity find out.
"P just asked... can I wash it myself?"
"Ha!" The person who was hesitant because he wanted to clean the bottom
immediately turned around and looked at...the person who came down from the
sink and walked straight to the glass door .
The one with a pretty face, piercing eyes even without makeup, and even a
slimmer figure than Graph's, but with strength comparable to his brother's.
"Want to help?" Then Win raised a smile that could captivate the men. But this
actually made the young man's face hot, and he shook his head vigorously.
"No need for P Win, I can."
However, it was too late, because the young model had already opened the glass
door. It wasn't enough, the other guy took the t-shirt off his head in a perfectly
natural way, but it looked... super sexy.
The half-naked body of the tall and thin young model has fair skin, so good-
looking that even a woman would feel ashamed. It is dotted with bumps that are
sweeter than the average Thai color, and the two points look slightly
swollen. And the owner of that body was not shy at all, but walked straight up
to the boy under the water curtain, smiling very nicely. Then he laughed
amusedly and said,
"Can I wash it myself?" Graph wanted to lie and said yes, but when he met the
smiling eyes...
"No... no..." He couldn't say it to Brother Win lie.
"Then P teaches you, you can wash it before doing it next time." However, Win
didn't let go of the opportunity to make fun of it, because the young man
immediately continued: "There is no harm in what you know, because Kin will
definitely not do it just this time
. "The young model came to the bottom while talking, and then what can Graph
do? I can only...obediently accept the teacher's instruction.
He asked his elders to take a bath in hot water first, but what the elders taught
him next... opened the door to an unbelievable new world for him.

Chapter 39: No matter whose family the children should be taken care of

"Ask anything, and you won't know what you're thinking when you look at P
like that." "
I...don't have anything to ask."
Win laughed out of his throat, and closed the page he was flipping through.
magazine, threw it on the glass table in front of him, and then turned to look at
the apprentice who had just imparted knowledge. It's funny to think about it,
who would have thought that a brat like this young master would be so shy,
making young models feel like a bad person.
When Ya was shy, he wanted to play tricks even more. Playing tricks on the
boy, he sat on a corner of the sofa with his pillow in his arms, and held up a
portable game console (PSP) to cover one side of his face, as if trying to hide
his red face from him.
The appearance makes people want to be bullied but can't bear to be bullied.
"Oh, what do you want to ask?"
"...Where did P go?" The boy opened his mouth slightly and then closed it
again, before making up his mind to ask. The listener actually thought that the
other party would ask another question, but Win still raised his legs while
smiling, and put his hands casually on his knees. His demeanor and demeanor
would not be so good-looking if it were done by other men.
"That's not true." However, the rhetorical question caused the stubborn kid to
reply immediately, even though the boy's face was even redder than before.
"Why am I lonely, there are many people at home."
"Don't be angry, P just hasn't been here for a few days... But it seems that these
days are enough." Win shrugged as if he didn't care, But in fact, ever since he
threw the threat of burning the entire exhibition hall to his elder brother through
Panachai, even if he was not afraid of his cousin, he would not wait and let the
other party kill him, so he went back to his home to sleep in those few days .
But who would have thought that several things happened in just a few days,
and the person who bears it is none other than this stubborn young master who
is afraid of being lonely.
Said that this kid is stubborn, who is changing now.
"I never said I was lonely."
"Well, yes~"
"Hey, P Win don't use that voice."
"Then what voice should P use?" The person who didn't believe what the other
party said just raised the corner of his mouth, which made Graph purse his lips,
but he couldn't refute that he was not lonely.
OK, P‟ Pakin has been at home these days, but it feels different when he is with
Brother Win.
Brother Win is someone who has repeatedly helped him in various ways, so in
the boy's heart he already regards him as his own brother. But because of the
relationship of the only child and the indifference of the parents, Kritithi didn't
know what to do, and he couldn't even say something that he wanted to let the
other party stay here.
The boy's appearance made those who watched him no longer ask questions, but
just beckoned.
"What do you want P to do?" Faced with the question, the listener rolled his
eyes, and then said... "
I want to hear more."
Just like that, the young model just blurted out a moan The little ghost almost
sat down like Yan-style diving, but he still held the original pillow in his
arms. The person watching laughed, then pulled another pillow and put it on his
lap, and ordered...
"Lie down."
"I don't..."
"You know, P doesn't like people Refuse."
OK, Kritithi may be very stubborn to the man who is in charge of hundreds of
people, but to be honest, he didn't dare to talk back to the young model who was
so beautiful that women would feel ashamed, so he had to put his head on the
pillow and look up. Look at the person who grabbed the remote to turn on the
Graph kept looking up at the person who gave the order, wondering what made
him lie here? But when the soft voice sounded and continued to speak, the
young man still felt pretty good.
"I will stay here with you in the future."
"Hehe, do you think P is a guy who likes to lie?"
"No, I didn't say it." Although the corners of his mouth were raised happily,
Graph retorted immediately, and wanted to brush his hand on his head, rubbing
gently, but gave up because it felt too good, and there was a The suffocating
atmosphere also disappeared, so the young master couldn't help but ask:
"P Win, I'm asking something."
"Anyone who can answer will answer." Of course, Pakin's younger brother can
never Will give promises before knowing what the problem is. And the young
man hesitated a little, and then hesitatingly asked in a low voice:
"When was the first time P...?"
"Just ask this?"
"Hey, I'm serious." The man laughed out loud as if he didn't think it was a big
deal, and the young master who had just lost his body not long ago said angrily,
turned over and turned to the other side not wanting to look at him. People
watching can't help but find it funny.
No matter how powerful the mouth is, you can tell that you are shy at a glance.
To be honest, this question really had a huge echo in the minds of those who
listened, because Win himself didn't want to think about when it
happened...Recently, he began to hesitate, not knowing what the resolution he
made that day was. right or wrong. But he still replied:
"The first day after turning 17."
This time, the listener turned his head curiously, and seemed to know that Ya
wanted to know more details. So Win laughed loudly and said,
"It's too late, if you compare it with Kin..." "
Hey, I don't want to hear about that person. Even if I don't talk about it, I know
it must have started when I was in my fucking teens." Graph immediately
barked Grinning his teeth, he gestured to cover his ears with his hands. It seems
that I also know that I don't want to hear it because I am afraid that I will feel
Graph was probably just a toddler when Pakin's first night happened.
"Why do you want to know about P?" Win asked back. But the boy replied
before he had time to look at the other person's face:
"Because P Win seems very experienced, so I just want to know more about it."
"I don't have much impression."
Graph may not be a man who knows what to say, but Win looks eerily calm
when he talks about it. So the boy stopped talking, but the face of someone who
drugged him appeared in the boy's mind, and he couldn't help clenching his
hands tightly.
"P don't say that that bastard also drugged P!"
"Ouch, P Win." As soon as the words were finished, the young model slapped
the boy on the forehead, which made Graph protest loudly. And the person who
hit him smiled slightly.
"P Sin is not as bad as you imagined. OK, it is bad. But it is not as bad as
someone..." "Who?"
Graph just questioned what he heard, but stopped the person who was speaking,
and then slowly shook his head:
"It's nothing. Anyway, P's first experience must be different from Graph's, and
his body hurts like a week. Can't get out of bed." Phawis said as if to interrupt
the conversation. But Graph became a little suspicious. He noticed that the
speaker accidentally emphasized the word 'body pain'.
Because the physical pain that day was far less painful than the spiritual trauma
caused by someone's excuse.
Thinking like this, Win closed his eyes, then quickly seemed to regain his
composure, and changed the subject:
"I heard that I'm going on a date, how is it?"
This time the bear boy's eyes froze. He hesitated as if he didn't know what to
say, and then murmured...
"If you don't count the racing's not bad."
This appearance should be more than just good.
"That's good." The young model just replied like that. Gently stroking the short-
cut hair, and then slowly asked each sentence, making the person who had no
place to vent his enthusiasm to talk endlessly. So much so that he didn't realize
that Win was pulling the topic far away from the topic asked by Graph.
The smile of the man lying on the raised knee made Win couldn't help laughing
too, even though he was asking himself:
If he had the same determination as Graph, would everything be different
It was already the next morning when Pakin came home again. When he
recalled what he had just dealt with, his sharp eyes could not help but ignite a
certain light, but something in his mind insisted on stuffing the hot and delicious
kid's face in, so the young man felt even more irritated. From the first time he
felt that sleeping out and even driving home was a waste of time, he told
himself that he must pay more attention and not let Ya accidentally step on
anyone's tail.
When I came back, I saw the person I missed lying comfortably on my cousin's
"Why are you sleeping here?"
"Because the child's owner doesn't want to go home."
Pakin snapped, looking at the relative who was disturbing his mood. The person
whose name was pointed at just shrugged:
"I'm just telling what I saw."
"Hmph, I haven't counted the last time with you." "
A big man like Mr. Pakin still cares about trivial things A small matter?"
This time it was the mansion's turn to pause, then grinned and said nothing, but
just approached the sofa and looked at the man who had slept all afternoon but
was already dark. At one o'clock in the morning, the child was still sleeping
very soundly with his head on his side.
"Take it to bed. I thought that if you came back later, I would ask a servant to
help you carry it up." The man who spoke relaxedly looked at his brother's face
with sharp eyes, and saw the other party twitching slightly. The one who raised
his eyebrows was satisfied to return the child to the owner's house, but he
continued without stopping:
"P should take good care of P's child."
"Why should I take care of him?" the two brothers said while talking. Looking
at the other party steadily, Win only replied:
"P probably doesn't want Graph to become like me." "..."
Just one sentence silenced a character like Pakin.
"Graph is different from you."
"Where is it different... It's all about being rejected by the one you love."
Pakin fell silent again, staring at his slightly smiling cousin's face. As an elder
brother, how could he not know that the memory of that day is still clearly
imprinted in this younger brother's heart, and this also makes the person who
has never expressed anything about that matter put his hand on the other's head:
"You know, I didn't want it to turn out like this."
"It's not Kin's fault."
"Is that trying to blame yourself?"
This was one of the rare times Phawis couldn't refute, so he could only turn his
head away from the big hand, and then He laughed loudly and said,
"Go and rub your children's heads. You're afraid that you'll be so lonely that
you're still stubborn." Win nodded to the person on his lap, and Pakin couldn't
help but look down at him, who was still sleeping soundly despite someone
talking beside him. The person who smelled the incense, then bent down to lift
the boy up with both hands. The boy's body wasn't light, but it wasn't so heavy
that he couldn't be carried by himself.
When the slender body entered his arms, Pakin said:
"Do you know? If you hadn't repeatedly promised that you were voluntary that
day... Sin must have died at my feet." "
Know." Win laugh. His eyes slowed down a little, because he still clearly
remembered how angry his cousin was when he knew what happened. If it
wasn't because he repeatedly assured that what happened was of his own free
will, the two friends would have been in love since that day. So decisive... That
day his brother was going crazy with anger, while the other one just bowed his
head unwillingly.
After that, the two brothers never mentioned it again until today.
However, before the owner of the mansion brought the sleepy child into the
room, the young model still spoke first:
"Don't let Graph follow in my footsteps...take care of this child."
This time, the listeners didn't answer. Pakin walked into the room without
pausing, his eyes full of thought, and he looked down at the child who was in
his arms many times. A kid who doesn't know where he should be in his life and
What is certain is that Pakin will not let this young master follow his younger
brother's path... He is not fit to be a person in that world.
The person who thought this way walked into the room, put the tired-looking
teenager on the big bed, and then lay down beside him exhausted. The young
man took a deep breath, adjusted his breathing, slightly twisted his neck and
sore shoulders, and then looked at the handsome face with a little bad breath in
Now all the anger at Ya has disappeared without a trace, leaving only deep
Just as he guessed, those guys had already set their sights on the young master.
"I've only caused trouble since I was a child." Pakin said almost annoyed, but
instead, he touched the other's forehead with his big hand, and took the other's
temperature to make sure that the child who was prone to illness did not have a
fever. However, the big hand did not stop at the forehead, but reached all the
way to the eyelids that were still red yesterday, and these eyes were still full of
tears last night, so fierce that it made people shudder.
Ya was never afraid of his power, but Ya was afraid that he would not want Ah.
In the end, the person who has been denying the boy's feelings just said one
"If you want to stay here, you have to be obedient."
Now Pakin allows the boy who is digging his temper to stay by his side, but
how long can he stay... who do not know either.
When the dawning sun has not yet come to the horizon, only a faint light is
filling the vast sky, waking up life, big and small, to welcome a new day. And
one of them is a certain boy who didn't know when he fell asleep, maybe he fell
asleep when Brother Win said he was working as a model in Korea.
Every time Graph is Aunt Keaw coming up to call for someone, he is still
unwilling to wake up, but it may be because he slept until the afternoon
yesterday and slept peacefully without dreams, so when he felt a strange
warmth, he woke up by himself today.
When he realized what the weight was hanging on his stomach, Graph's eyes
instantly became clear, and he slowly turned his head to look to the side, and
then saw the owner of the arm.
The man was fast asleep on the pillow next to him, breathing in and out steadily
and regularly. The boy couldn't help but ask himself when P‟ Pakin came back,
and how did he come to the room to sleep? If I didn't think too much...
P Pakin brought me up!
This kind of thought made the face of the person who fell unconscious last night
turn red, and the heart that was afraid that the other party would pour cold water
on him like before was now comfortable and energetic, and full of energy. What
finally appeared was a smile that slowly rose on his face, and his hands gently
landed on the arm.
It seemed that he must have come back very late.
Kritithi slowly removed the hand as he thought, and slid out of bed
silently. Firstly, he was afraid to wake up the other party, secondly, he was
afraid of meeting eyes that seemed to drink his blood and eat his flesh, and
thirdly, he remembered that today was Monday for school.
All in all... go take a shower.
The teenager, who was trying to behave well, grabbed his school uniform,
walked into the bathroom, and quickly washed and dressed up. It wasn't until
everything was settled, that when he looked at the clock, he realized that there
was still a little time before Aunt Keaw came up to wake him up, so his feet
followed his body to the side of the bed, looking at the person who was afraid
he would tell him enough.
P Pakin won't let me go, will he?
The worry in his heart was written on his face, the young master knelt down to
the side of the bed, put his hands on the soft mattress, and stretched his neck to
look at the thick face that looked scary even though he was asleep. Maybe it's
because of the thick eyebrows, the slightly curved downward mouth, the
ruthless mouth and the vaguely visible thick cyan beard, which make people
look away.
Thinking in this way, the boy slowly stretched out his hand and touched the
opponent's chin, feeling the hard beard.
When the person on the bed let out a low moan in his throat, Graph almost had
no time to retract his hand, his heart almost fell to his ankle. Because I was
really super afraid of the other party waking up.
Because what else is there to do except to be scolded for waking up someone
who is sleeping? And he still has such a nasty and ruthless mouth...
The boy made a disgusted expression, but because it was rare for him to wake
up earlier than the other party, he couldn't help reaching out again, wanting to
touch the other party's face, but... "Don't be naughty." Hey!
"When did P...P wake up!" The four words from the person whose eyes were
still closed startled the boy, and he immediately withdrew his hand and said
quickly. And Pakin raised the corners of his mouth slightly:
"Next time you walk, please keep your voice down." The person who spoke
opened his eyes, making the child with heavy steps speechless to refute.
"I'm going to school." The other party should have seen the school uniform on
him, so the boy just nodded repeatedly: "
Well, I'm going to be late. P said to go every day."
"Just be a good boy." The listener shook his head slightly, then got up from the
"Shouldn't P continue to sleep?"
"Sleep later." Graph didn't know why. Because if you want to sleep, you can
continue to sleep, what are you doing when you wake up? But it's not over yet...
The big man lowered his face, pressed a kiss on the boy's mouth, put his hand
on the boy's head and said...
"You go down to have breakfast first, and I'll go down later." After feeling a
warm touch on the boy's head again, the owner of the room walked into the
bathroom naked, yawning again and again, leaving behind him in a daze. The
eyes of the children who stayed there were wide open, because...
P Pakin went crazy just now!
Of course, the next question has not been answered, if there is, it must be really
annoying to be scolded. So Kritithi had no choice but to go down to eat
breakfast with a dizzy head and light body, and told the butler that he would
come down later. On the other side, he frowned:
"Master Pakin won't have breakfast so early." But he still put away the breakfast
as promised.
It wasn't until Graph had finished his breakfast at the speed of light that the
person who said he would come down came down wearing casual trousers and a
simple dark T-shirt. No matter how you look at it, it's not the clothes you want
to go to work, and it's not the outfit that someone like Pakin would wear when
he goes out to deal with business.
The person who came down took the coffee and drank it down, then turned
around and said to the high school student leisurely:
"What are you looking at, let's go. I'll see you off and go back to sleep."
Graph didn't know how surprised he was this morning I'm back, but... P‟ Pakin
is going to see him off? Someone like Pakin brother will send him to school!
Only Pakin knows why he did this... because his brother's reminder is more
influential than imagined.
Because no matter whose family's children...should be taken good care of.
Although Graph has been sitting in the beautiful supercar for a while, it is also
driving through the morning traffic to the famous high school. But the boy still
had a look of disbelief, he couldn't believe that someone who was afraid of
trouble would be willing to drag him up from the bed just to send him to
school. Because just by looking at it, I knew that the other party must have just
slept for a short time, and he was still yawning all the way.
Did you eat something wrong last night?
"How long do you want to look at my face?"
"Just P...oh, then I won't watch it."
To be honest, the boy wanted to ask, but he was afraid that the other party
would scold him for being too busy, so Graph had no choice but to turn his
head. Looking out the window. But this time the driver became the one who
turned his head and looked at the past.
"What about me?"
"Can I ask? If I ask, I will definitely be scolded again, so I won't ask. Now I
have learned my lesson." Graph didn't mean to be sarcastic, but he couldn't
control his mouth. The young man was terrified thinking that he would
definitely be suffocated this time, instead of...laughing.
"Oh, good. Just remember the lesson."
Okay, P is both right and I am wrong.
Kritithi said to himself sullenly. When he saw that the other party was not as
angry with him as he was the night before, his heart became indescribably
brighter. So the most important thing that night taught him was... to use his
brain before doing anything.
"Oh, I have something to tell you. I want to be more disciplined."
"Ha!" The boy suddenly turned his head to look at Feng Rui's face, and lost his
voice in confusion. Try to squeeze your head dry, remember what rules there
were? Then he had to admit, he thought of one.
P Pakin is the rule himself...fuck, so fucking authoritarian.
"Such a bad face, are you scolding me?"
When the driver asked the question, the listener immediately denied it, even
though he was saying yes in his heart. And Pakin didn't care about the muttering
people beside him, but stepped on the accelerator and overtook the car in
front. At the same time, he stated the measures he has taken regarding security
"From now on, you can't turn off your mobile phone, but you have to turn on
the positioning, even if you are at home. This way I can know where you are.
And no matter where you are going, come out of home, go back to school, or no
matter where you come back from. Report to me when you get home. If I don‟t
answer, call Chai, and if Chai doesn‟t answer, send a message. If I don‟t know
your whereabouts, I will treat it as a violation of the rules, and I will have to
punish you You."
(⊙o⊙) What kind of rules is this, I am a criminal!
The listeners couldn't help opening their mouths. Looking at the authoritarian
who set the rules without even looking at the people who need to obey them,
they couldn't help but wonder if they were a 17-year-old high school student or
a rapist who had just been sentenced to prison. ah?
"Hey, P, but every time..."
"Do you know?"
Can I not know?
Pakin glanced at it, but it was a serious one. Let the person who immediately
understood how angry he was immediately shut his mouth, no longer talking
back like before, but replied loudly:
"Speak well."
I want to say something!
Although he was shouting in his heart, when the facts were revealed, he could
only reply:
"No, there are only those who understand and those who don't understand." The
autocratic person emphasized again. The person being scolded couldn't help
pursing his mouth, but...
"Is this how you talk to elders?"
"Understood Krub."
Finally, Pakin got what he wanted. The other person was so angry that his teeth
were chattering, but he still had to bow his head and agree. Because the boy told
himself that he would be obedient, even if this order made stubborn people
dislike it.
He doesn't like P‟ Pakin ordering him like a servant, unlike Brother
Win. Brother Win will speak in a nicer voice, making him willing to do so, but
when it is P‟ Pakin's turn, it is more like the orderer forcing the orderee to
execute. But so what? Graph himself is still in the period of self-repentance, so
he can only tell himself to be patient and not to be as self-willed as Yi.
The driver himself also clearly saw the unhappy face of the person who was
bound by the rules, and understood that the other party did not want to be
monitored 24 hours a day, but the current situation did not allow a little slack,
so he said: "Isn't it said that you will be obedient? "
"I didn't say anything disobedient."
"Then don't talk back."
"I didn't talk back."
"Then what is this now?"
The kid could only secretly clenched his fists, and finally understood why he
behaved abnormally this time. I came to see him off...not to see him off, it
should be said that I came to give him orders. The young man couldn't help
raising his arms around his chest, slowly slowing down his breathing in and out,
trying not to talk back, but just looking outside. Then I saw that it was almost to
his school.
"Then before I get off P's car, do I still have to send a Line to tell P?" The boy
said desperately. And...
"Oh, that's fine too."
Graph didn't know which side he wanted to see more, between a bored look and
a satisfied smile? All I know is that when the handsome face is decorated with a
satisfied smile, the pair of sharp eyes seem to be smiling, and the voice is also
very pleasant, the flesh in the boy's chest can't help but jump wildly.
Is P Pakin kidding me? Such a person is also a joke.
"I really know how to send it." The boy took out his phone and hesitated, but
what he couldn't believe was... P‟ Pakin laughed.
"Today is the first day, so let me accommodate."
P don't laugh like this!
Graph wanted to be mad at himself when he saw that smile. Such a smile, such
an expression made him speechless, he could only put the phone back into the
bag, tighten the strap of the backpack and look uncertain, wondering if he
should get out of the car or not.
"Then I'm going..."
However, before the slender man got out of the car, the big hand grabbed the
boy's wrist first, and looked at the boy with a pair of sharp eyes shining with
dazzling light, and then Pakin asked again :
"Repeat the rules for me first."
"Okay, just... keep your phone on all the time, turn on the location, and report to
P no matter where you go." "Always mean
..." The big man didn't Letting go of this, Graph couldn't help stammering:
"Just...every time you go out, go to school, go out of school, return home, and
every time you go out, you must report when you go, and you must also report
when you return. Report ..krub." At the end of the sentence, the boy did not
forget to bring polite words, which also made the older man smile with
satisfaction, and also made the boy's heart tremble uncontrollably. Get a smile
like this as a reward.
But Graph is witnessing more than just this grin as a so-called reward.
"Very good."
"After school, be a good boy and wait at home obediently, and I will hurry
home and have dinner together."
Suddenly, a warm touch fell on his forehead, and the person who had hardly
received tenderness from this man couldn't help but freeze. up. The soft voice
faded away and only the breath remained. Graph felt the scorching heat
spreading from his forehead all the way to his fingertips, so he could only watch
the unpredictable person back away and sit back behind the steering wheel .
The man put his hands on the steering wheel of the car, looked sideways, and let
the morning sun shine on one side of his face.
"Go to school, hot and tempting brat."
Then Graph didn't say anything, but just opened the car door, got out of the car
obediently, and entered the school like other students. The beautiful car drove
away until it was confirmed that the bear child had disappeared through the
school gate, and the driver had a small smile on his mouth.
It turns out that Ya can also make such a cute expression.
And at the same time...
"Graph, Graph, how is Graph!"
Chanchao just got off the motorcycle, when he saw his friend getting off the
luxury car, he immediately ran from behind to catch up with the boy, And
exclaimed cheerfully. I wanted to gossip about what happened last Saturday, but
when I jumped forward and blocked the other party's way...
"Wow! Is Graph uncomfortable? You are super red, Graph, Graph, what's
wrong? Graph!"
At this moment, any No sound could enter Master Kritithi's head, because only
someone's smile and soft touch was always occupied in the boy's head,
his heart.

Chapter 40: Dream scene

"That means that bad things have become things now."

"I don't know how long it has been."
"It's not difficult. Graph just behaves well, doesn't be stubborn, doesn't be
mischievous, doesn't talk back, and be a good boy of P Pakin.. It will last for a
long time."
Kritithi also wants to look at the world as optimistically as his friends, but what
he has encountered in the past few months tells him not to let his guard down
easily. Things that were fine at noon might turn out to be very bad in the
evening, so one of the things the young man kept in mind was that he should be
more calm and not cause any trouble, and as for not talking back...he thought
about it too.
But guys like Death Graph just can't control their mouths.
"Who would want someone like that? I'm about to die."
"I'm about to die in bed?"
When Chanchao raised his head, shook his head left and right, and stepped to
stick it up, the boy's face turned slightly red, and he unconsciously turned his
head away. Can't help but wonder if it's right or wrong to tell my friend
everything...yes, everything, including being scolded, punished and how I ended
up getting out of bed.
Because like others think, he has no place to vent, he only has Chanchao and
Brother Win to confide in.
"Chachao, do you know that you are a girl?"
"Oh, boys and girls are the same, Master Graph. Although this girl is a girl, she
is also a girl who likes to talk about things between men. So on the table, On the
bed, in the corridor or on the balcony? This girl maintains a strong thirst for
knowledge all the time." The rotten girl said proudly. And the people who
listened to tell the truth... they were ashamed for each other.
"Can you stop saying that? Goosebumps are coming up."
"Oh, Graph, I read an ancient novel last night, and I said..." "
Didn't you say that there will be a meeting at noon?" Before asking something
more frightening, the little handsome guy immediately interjected, making the
listeners pause, and then wrinkled his face like a deflated balloon.
"I want to continue listening."
"Why don't you go to the meeting?"
"Go, how can I be absent. Oh, I don't want to be a committee member anymore.
Okay, then I'll go, no skipping this afternoon, see you in the classroom. "After
finishing speaking, the little beauty shuffled to the other side, looking super
reluctant. This is of course, Datang is right in front of her but she can't eat it, can
she be willing?
Now Graph is getting more and more cute, and he will be shy if he makes fun of
it a little bit, which really makes people want to bully.
People who thought this way couldn't help laughing. No, she didn't restlessly
want to turn her friend into a husband, but was thinking that if a certain man
saw her friend's face now, wouldn't she be unable to resist throwing her friend
on the bed?
Graph is so cute, if anyone disagrees, come and challenge.
When the friend left, the person who was thrown down and left alone on the
side of the court couldn't help but secretly sighed.
It's really embarrassing to talk about these things with Chanchao!
While thinking, Graph raised his hand to touch his face, trying to calm down
until his face, which was scalded by the sun, returned to normal. And the boy's
normal face means...sternly, as if he doesn't care about anyone.
"Hey, it's P Graph!"
"Where, where, where, really! Today he's just as handsome." "
Yeah. What kind of boy is it? It's super perfect. You know, P is from a famous
family. "
I know! He's handsome, rich, and badass." The
appearance that attracted the eyes of the juniors, classmates of the same class,
and seniors aroused a lot of discussion from the surrounding people. And the
people who were being gossiped also heard it, so they chose to look away and
turned to look in the direction of the court without even looking at those
people. It's not that I'm upset because I'm called a bad student, but I don't know
how to react because I'm the center of attention.
Finally, when there was no shield like Chanchao, the bad(?) boy grabbed his
backpack and left the court, ready to find a quiet place to stay before noon. And
that place is not far away... just behind the greenhouse.
And there it was as expected.
"Fuck, bastard. It's too funny, what kind of stupid dog is this?" "
Yes, super mentally handicapped."
Friends from other classes were already sitting there, and when they
approached, they could hear the sound of laughing and laughing.
"What are you guys talking about? The voice can be heard from outside."
"Hey, Graph. Brothers, handsome guy is here." Kak, the little friend who was
snatching the phone from another friend, immediately greeted him, slanting The
other people who were sitting and reading the manga also turned their heads to
look at the past, and then greeted the boy one after another.
"Don't act as if I've disappeared for a long time, okay?"
"Oh, you dare to say it, damn Graph. How many days has it been since I haven't
seen your face? I thought I was ordered by my mother to cut off contact with us
again." The big man next to him My friend said exaggeratedly. Hearing this, the
newcomers threw their schoolbags into the small group, and then sat down in a
much better mood.
Whoever says this group of friends is not good, let them say what they say, I
just want to stay comfortably.
"Old mother? What does it have to do with my mother?" Graph was a little
confused, because his mother never cared about him. So the little friend laughed
out loud:
"Ah, you are talking about Chanchao, your dearest mother. When you helped us
avoid being summoned by the discipline teacher last time, oh my god, she is so
small but scary to death. It‟s as if a schoolbag is about to be drawn on our
“Damn Kak ran away first, and I don‟t even want to talk about him.” Everyone
laughed loudly, while those who listened frowned:
“Don‟t Let Chanchao hear it."
"Hey, don't dare. I'm afraid I'll be caught out by the chemistry book."
When the girl was away, everyone laughed uncontrollably. And Graph also
knew that they didn't really think that way, they just said it as a joke. So the boy
ignored him as he was about to take out his phone to pass the time, but...
"Would you like to have a bite?"
He clicked.
The listener paused for a moment, seeing what his friend handed
If it was before, he would have taken it without even thinking about it, but now
Graph just stares intently. And the friend bumped his arm to express whether
you want it or not? Finally...
"No, I'm going to be a good boy these days."
Graph refused, pushing the other's hand back, thinking of someone who smoked
himself but wouldn't let him. Besides, if another good friend who is not allowed
to be allowed to know, will be very angry if he finds out, and will definitely
fight with these guys. And this also made everyone laugh in unison, mocking:
"I'm afraid of my mother again."
"Don't call me Chanchao like that."
"Hey, brothers. This brat is really super afraid of his wife. Kong He has a nasty
face but is afraid of a girl who is so small." The nasty big friend said loudly,
making those who tried to calm down frown: "What did you say!" The
turned his head sullenly looked over. It's not that he's ashamed of being teased
by Ya for being afraid of a girl who's a little older, but he doesn't like the way
the other party talks about Chanchao. The boy was about to rush forward to
fight, but the other side also turned his head and stared at him with an
expression of disbelief.
"Hey, don't. It's too much...Don't, Graph. Come and see my dog, I will feel
much better." The little friend who was watching from the side immediately
stepped sideways between the two to mediate, Prevent the two from
fighting. The tall friend couldn't help getting more excited, but in the end, Ah
still put his mind back on the manga in his hand, as if saying that he himself
didn't want to make trouble like what he said. And Graph also stared at the other
party, and after a while, he pulled his gaze to Kak.
"What dog?" Graph asked trying to calm his anger. And the other person was
also proud of his proposal, and immediately handed over his mobile phone:
"This is Mu, my dog, my dog."
Graph looked down, and couldn't help but say,
"It's handsome."
What appeared on the screen of the phone was a photo of a Siberian husky
puppy. The gray fur looked soft and fluffy, making one want to hug it and
stroke it. With the appearance of a northern wild wolf and the beautiful sky blue
eyes, people who are upset can't help but say a word... Fuck, this dog is super
"It's called Mumu, I just raised it."
"It's so handsome, why did you name it Mumu? It's so funny." When he was
beaten like that, the kind friend immediately pulled back his mobile phone.
"Oh, don't just look at the face, the Siberian is a very stupid dog, look at it, it's
super stupid." Ah put the phone into the friend's hand again, only to see that the
phone was full of short videos, so Graph didn't Opened politely. From the static
photo, I think the dog is handsome. When it is dynamic... this puppy is also
handsome, but...
'Damn Mu, ice cream, ice cream, ice cream... oh, look at the left. Graph
heard the voice of his friend coming from the phone, and guessed that the friend
should be the one who was waving the colorful ice cream back and forth in
front of the puppy...I saw the little thing pricked up its ears, its eyes were
shining, and its tail was wagging , and then da da ran to stare at the ice
cream. Dead Kak moved his hand to the left, and it looked to the left.
'Ow, turn to your right, right. '
While speaking, the dog really turned to the right, because when the ice cream
waved to the right, it looked to the right, and its tongue stretched out so that the
saliva dripped out. When the dog swung to the left, the dog still made a panting
sound, and his saliva was drooling fiercely.
'Oh, turn around, turn around.
"Hahaha, oh my god, what a bastard!"
So Graph laughed out loud, and immediately shook his hand holding the phone
back and forth . Because the handsome dog on the screen really ran around
itself, just like a cat chasing its own tail, but it was chasing the ice cream and
turning around by itself. The dog was panting after it, but the teaser didn't stop,
and ran away with the thing in his hand, and it also followed closely. Then he
stuck out his tongue, looking pitifully at the teaser, as if to say... really don't let
others eat?
Ever since, the hateful dog owner agreed to put the half-melted ice cream on his
"That's right, Super Two. At first I thought of giving it a handsome name,
Wolverine (Wolverine). But when I saw it chasing its tail, I immediately
changed it. What the hell is Wolverine Wolverine Wolverine, no more, just call
it Mumu." "Hey, show
me one more time." Graph said with a smile, and opened the short video to
watch it again. And the dog owner himself was very enthusiastic, so he quickly
opened the video of his dog to show to his friends. In the end, fortunately, my
friend called, otherwise the two of them were so fascinated that they almost
skipped the afternoon class. But the picture of the puppies running after the ice
cream kept appearing in front of the teenager.
I want one too.
Thinking of this, Graph immediately pursed his lips.
Die Graph, let's daydream. P‟ Pakin won't let me raise it.
Seeing that it was almost 4 o'clock, Pakin couldn't help but look at the phone for
the third time, but the bear boy who was strictly ordered to call to inform him
once he left the school still hadn't heard from him. The young man's brows
couldn't help but knit together, and his eyes, which should have been looking at
the documents that had been put aside since yesterday, turned to the phone
screen again.
Disobedient on the first day?
Thinking like this, the young man unlocked his phone and entered the app
specially used to track disobedient children. When he saw that Ya was still
within the school range, he almost called him to ask the driver who ordered him
to pick up the boy. Are you out of school yet? Didn't he go missing or leave his
cell phone in the classroom?
It's not that he's suspicious, he's just very thoughtful... After all, this is the first
time Ya left home after the incident.
"Master Graph hasn't finished class yet."
However, the person who was still reading the text sent by the American
investor just now turned his head and said leisurely, and the young man couldn't
help but look up.
"The other side asked for an extension of the appointment, hoping to change it
to noon tomorrow." Panachai reported to his boss. But that's not what Pakin
wanted to know, he wanted to know something else.
"He hasn't finished class yet?"
"Yes, Master Graph finishes at 4:30 today, and the last class is sociology."
"Why is class late?" The person who knew nothing about a certain child was
puzzled asked. Because when he was in high school, he never came after school
after 4 o'clock. The person who knew the boy's timetable continued:
"Master Graph studies science, and the class time is tighter than others. It
usually ends at four or five o'clock. Only on the day when other people are
training in the military, Master Graph will leave school at noon. That is
tomorrow." .” Panachai will report one by one according to what he
knows. After all, it is his responsibility to know everything about the boss, not
only the schedule of Pakin, Graph or a certain model.
Then he continued:
"I'll send you Master Graph's timetable now."
If it was before, the young man would definitely say it was unnecessary, but this
"Well, let's send it." After finishing speaking, he lowered his head and sent the
final file, then stood up.
"Where is Mr. Pakin going?" The person who was punished to work around the
clock because of Graph's arrest asked immediately. The listener paused for a
moment, then shrugged and hastily put his suit jacket on his shoulders.
"Call the driver and say there is no need to wait. I will pick it up myself later... I
will be back at 8 pm."
That's all, the cronies couldn't help but freeze, speechless, and could only watch
their boss come from the room. Went out and disappeared. Because how could
he not understand...Call the driver to come back, the boss wants to pick up
Master Graph himself.
Although Mr. Pakin said it was for the sake of safety, he was also worried...too
much, compared with before.
It's not true, it must be fake! Fake!!!
This is exactly what young master Kritithih is saying now. When the school bell
rang, he grabbed his backpack and put it on his shoulder, and then ran down
from the fifth floor with all his strength, regardless of anyone, even the teacher's
yelling not to run in the corridor. Because when his friend whispered an
invitation to grab a bite to eat before heading back home, his phone vibrated and
there was only one message.
...waiting in front of the school...
"Oh wow!
" Grabbing the railing, gliding along the stairs with your body close to the stairs,
and crossing a curved corner, the seniors in the third year of high school
screamed again and again. But the boy didn't care at all, he just raised one hand
to express his apology. When his feet finally reached the bottom floor...he ran.
Is P Pakin really coming to pick me up? I'm not dreaming, right?
That man who was only willing to go to the hospital to pick him up by
threatening him in the name of his father, that man who looked very bored
every time he came to pick him up, but this time he came by himself, can this
not make the boy happy? Although his breathing became heavier, the corner of
the teenager's mouth was raised into a big smile, and his eyes looked around,
looking for the figure of the luxury car. And it's not difficult at all.
It's not that such a car is easy to find, but the big man standing next to the car
with a cigarette between his hands is too eye-catching.
The person who turned his head and looked over threw the cigarette on the
ground, rubbed his feet a few times, and then walked up to the boy.
"Why is P here!"
Of course, Graph asked the question in his heart and looked at Feng Rui's face
that was still silent. However...
"Bring me the schoolbag." Facing the person who tore the straps of the
schoolbag off his shoulder, the boy let go of his hand, and looked at the person
who was holding the schoolbag and turned towards the luxury car.
Graph certainly didn't think Pakin would treat his schoolbag kindly, but saw the
schoolbag thrown into the back seat as he guessed, and then the owner walked
towards the driver's seat, so the boy had to step forward and sit next to him,
turning his head in doubt look at each other. Because until now he still can't
believe it.
"P came to pick me up?"
"Think I'm someone else?"
"No, but P came to pick me person..." Graph didn't know what to say, he
was just excited. Seeing this, the driver couldn't help raising the corners of his
"Run here in a hurry?"
"Well, I came down from the 5th floor. Because only teachers can use the
elevator, so I ran down." The speaker wiped sweat off his face with his hands
while speaking. Then I don't know what touched my heart, Pakin asked:
"Is school interesting?"
"Hey, no. I don't like school, sleepy and boring, especially the last class is about
to fall asleep. I don't know The teacher Luo Li said something so wordy that I
couldn‟t understand it. But when the exam is coming, Chanchao will show me
the guessing questions, so I don‟t have to listen.” Said the boy. And Pakin also
'try' not to care about the little girl's name mentioned in the words.
"By the way, why did P come to pick me up?" Graph returned the topic to the
original place, while the listener just shrugged:
"The work ended early, and I happened to be in this area."
Although he wanted to know what kind of work it was, But the boy didn't dare
to ask more questions, but just couldn't hide the excitement in his heart and
laughed. Then reach out and prepare to turn on the music.
"Can I drive, P."
This time, the owner nodded kindly in agreement. Let the singing sound come
out from the top audio equipment and resound throughout the car. Although
there was no more conversation, the other party was willing to pick him up and
come back to have dinner together as promised. People who have never felt
such a feeling are already very happy.
Because even his dad never came to school to pick him up once.
The person who thought this way held the phone and put it on his lap, until a
huge mansion appeared in front of him, Graph pulled his schoolbag from the
back seat, opened the car door, and quickly went to the main house. And Pakin
shakes his head and prepares to put the car in the back garage, what people like
to call his personal showroom. But...
's phone rang first, and when he picked it up to see clearly...
"Forgot what?" The hot boy's name was displayed on the screen with the
incoming call, making Pakin wrinkle She frowned and was puzzled, what the
hell did you call me when you just entered the house? Then the young man
paused, because...
[I'm going to call and tell P... I'm home, P Pakin. ]
After finishing speaking, Ya immediately hung up the phone. The listener had
to hang their phone in mid-air, and Pakin just... laughed... very loudly.
Ya has become a good boy or a troublemaker.
"Forget it, as long as you are obedient, it's worth going around the car to pick
him up."
Said it was someone who happened to pass by because of fact, it took
more than 40 minutes to reach the school in the traffic jam .
Sitting face-to-face and eating together may be a normal thing for other
families, but for Kritithi, he can't remember the last time the whole family ate
face-to-face. After changing into home clothes, when I walked into the
restaurant, I saw the young model talking on the phone, while the head of the
family was already sitting in the chair. The badly handsome face that the
students said could not help but twitch.
He wanted to laugh, but he was afraid that someone would say he was crazy.
"Master Graph is here, sit down. If you don't eat quickly, it will get cold." At
this moment, the housekeeper also came in, and gently pushed the young man's
shoulder with a smile, letting the person standing motionless by the door walk
in. In the place where I usually sit.
Today is the first time to eat with P‟ Pakin and Brother Win at the same time.
"You help me send the details to my email, I want to take a look first. Then
we'll talk next time... goodbye." Win said the last sentence before putting down
his hand, and then turned his unmasculine handsome face, Smiling slightly, he
"How's it going today, Graph."
"It's the same, P Win. The exam is coming soon, and the teacher just f---ingly
stuffed things into his head, nothing can get into his head. Oh! P Win, P Win, P
raise Ever had a dog?" Graph said slumped, dryly, and then his eyes lit up when
the thing he was interested in was brought up. What's up? ...dead Kak's dog.
"I raised it when I was a child, what's the matter?"
"What breed?" the boy continued to ask.
"P is not sure, I was still very young at that time...Does Kin remember?" The
listener thought for a moment, then shook his head, turned to ask the cousin
who was picking up the spoon, and the other side also shook his head slowly:
"Its owner doesn't even remember, how could I remember."
"Hehe, Suishun. P doesn't remember, what's wrong?" The younger brother just
laughed and turned to look at the person who started the conversation
"My friend just got a dog, and he took a picture to show off. It's a 3-month-old
Siberian, P. But it's only this big, so I want to hug it. And it's handsome, with
eyes It is very sky blue, silver-gray hair, just looking at the photo, it must be
very fluffy. But the personality is super two!!" The young man said
fascinatedly, making the listeners frown slightly: "Two? How should I say it."
"It Chasing to eat ice cream, P Win..." Then, Mumu's glorious deeds were
uploaded on the dinner table. And the face of the person who was talking
excitedly was different from the usual lackluster face when he was alone, with a
big smile on his face, only one thing remained unchanged... his hands were still
placed peacefully.
"Cute, isn't it? P Win."
"Well, cute."
The two brothers happily indulged in their conversation, while the owner of the
mansion listened until...
"If you want, don't ask for a try Try it?"
He clicked.
The people who listened immediately stopped, and the person in the chair next
to him also obviously stopped. Then the young man looked fiercely at the
person who made the suggestion.
Those eyes are saying... don't make a fuss, okay? But Win turned a blind eye.
"This family has never raised anything. It's not a problem to raise a dog."
Naturally, the boy turned his gaze over, his eyes full of excitement, but soon
became uncertain, and finally said with determination :
"No more." Graph's words attracted the attention of two adults.
"I'm just a boarder here, and even my dad won't let me raise it. How can I ask to
be raised here." Although he wanted it very much, Graph still said so. The smile
on the delinquent boy's face gradually disappeared, because he thought that
even his own family and his father didn't want to catch lice and put them on his
head, so how could he throw lice on this family's head? Because after all...the
dead Graph is just a boarder.
The owner of the mansion couldn't help being stunned by his sensible
appearance, and then he only said one sentence:
"Just think about it." Unsurprisingly, the young model frowned because of this
sentence, displeased with what his brother said as if the kid was an
outsider. Even if everyone in the family knows where Graph is sleeping now
and what relationship he has with the master of the house, and he doesn't like
this kid...too self-aware.
"I thought of such a small thing. I wouldn't ask for it...Oh, but I want to play
with it, is that okay?" The boy turned his head and looked over expectantly, and
Pakin couldn't help frowning slightly, It's like talking about a little more
detail. So the person who wanted to play with Gouzi immediately continued:
"Tomorrow I leave school at noon, can I go to my friend's house?"
"Which friend?"
"Friends from school, P."
"No , Alas, I don't have only one friend!" Graph whispered when his friend's
name was heard. Because it seems that whenever he mentions friends, everyone
only thinks of a little girl, so he immediately continued to expand:
"It's a classmate from another class, but I've known him since junior high
school. I used to go to Ya's house for drinks. Ah, my father is very nice, but my
mother is very fierce. When my mother is away, I will ask everyone to drink
together, and my father will not stop me. I learned to drink at my house.
Sometimes I will stay overnight, although it is a bit noisy, but it is better than
staying at my own home." Graph didn't know what he said, he only knew that
he wanted to say it when someone heard him. And the adults in the family also
grasped the point from the conversation... This kid is very lonely.
Not only Pakin or Win, but even the housekeeper and servants can hear clearly,
no, they can see clearly... No one would like to sit alone in the middle of Ruo
Da‟s restaurant and dine alone. Hearing how his daily life is like, no one knows
who the children have friends, so when someone chats with him or asks about it,
the children will easily tell them together.
"So I can go, can't I?" Eyes full of expectation looked at the owner of the house,
the only person with command authority.
"Are you still a child?" However, the big man said something else, which made
the person who made the request open his mouth slightly, and almost couldn't
help shouting, does it matter? But it stopped because the big hand forked a
three-flavored shrimp to his mouth.
"I don't object to talking, but I still have to eat. Oh, open your mouth."
When Pakin gave the order, the person who received the order obediently
opened his mouth to catch the big shrimp, chewed it, and planned to eat it right
away Continue to talk immediately after finishing, but...
wait a minute, just...
The young man seemed to hear the sound of cheeks on both sides turning red,
his round eyes widened, and he turned his head to see people continuing to eat
as if nothing had happened, and when he turned his head to look at brother
Win's Time...
If you want to talk, just say it, don't look at me like that!
The kid immediately lowered his head and looked at the dinner. Because now
it's not just him and P‟ Pakin, but everyone in the family has seen it. The look of
the kid who is good at talking back caused everyone to laugh affectionately, and
when he heard the following sentence, the kid's appearance became even more
adorable... "It's okay to go, but I don't allow more than 5
p.m. Point. There will be someone to pick me up, and I still have to abide by my
rules, can it be done?"
Immediately, Pakin froze himself. Because the shy child raised his head
immediately, and he was usually a sullen face or a person who talked back so
much, but now he slowly raised his smiling face... bit by bit, it turned into a
toothless face A huge smiling face that can be seen clearly.
"Can I really go! I promise, I promise, I will call P when I leave school, and I
will call P when I get to Ya's house. I can also take pictures as proof, I can
really go!! !"
"Think I'm not talking enough?"
"Thank you P Pakin!!!" The kid who stayed at home for a long time said
excitedly, but when he was about to say more, he quickly disposed of the head
of the family who had dinner Then he stood up, and the boy looked at him with
question marks all over his head.
"I'm going back to the company later. I don't know what time I'll be back
tonight. Let's go to bed first." The kid's smile disappeared, and Phawis said, "If
you're so busy, why are you going home for dinner?".
The two brothers looked at each other knowingly, making the person who heard
the question paused and did not answer, but before leaving the restaurant Pakin
still did not forget to put his hand on the boy's head and press it: "Don't listen
too much to
Win Words." The young man said so, and Win let out a low laugh from his
throat, put his hands on the dining table, lowered his head cutely and looked at
the high school student who was obviously speechless, and then invited... Say in
a voice that can be heard by the person who is leaving the room:
"Come to sleep in room P tonight? I want to know something about Kin and I
will tell you later."
The person who was ordered not to listen to Win too much just now did not He
replied with a little hesitation:
"Go, P!"
Of course, there are not many opportunities to hear about this family, people
here, and people who are going back to work, so of course we must seize it.
But Pakin could only move his eyes and say to himself...he needs to finish it
quickly and come back quickly.
During this dinner, Graph himself didn't know that he laughed more in the short
tens of minutes of the meal than in a whole week at his own home. People who
never felt at home are slowly soaking in it now.
Kritithi's childhood dream is slowly coming true in this home.
Chapter 41: A Lonely Child Who Needs Warmth
"Woof~ woo."
"Hey, you've eaten a lot, dead mother. Do you want this too?"
Don't look at me like this, dead mother.
Graph couldn't help swallowing in distress. It's not that he wants to feed the
dog, but who would have thought that a fluffy 3-month-old Siberian husky with
blue eyes would know how to plead and whine for pity? Just because he was
holding leftover roast chicken from lunch.
Whining is not enough, Gouzi must know that the person in front of him has
softened, so the second person in everyone's mouth is now putting the sole of
his front foot on Graph's knee, and his eyes are desperately shooting pitiful light
waves, which makes the handsome boy can't help but ... lowered the hand.
(a mouthful).
Immediately, the abominable gluttonous puppy snatched the roast chicken from
the boy's hand in one bite, grabbed the food with its two front feet, and
completely stuck its body to the ground. Graph couldn't help but yelled, and this
cry made Mumu raise his head and make a series of beeps, as if to say... The
murderer's house, you are in the murderer's house.
That sample...
"Oh, forget it. Eat as much as you want, it's none of my business to get fat
later." Graph could only put his hand on the puppy's fluffy little head, and the
puppy also He yelled in response, and happily ate the delicious roast chicken.
The appearance made Master Kritithi laugh too.
It's so fucking cute, how can there be such a puppy, I really want to steal it
"Hey, Dead Graph, Ya and Dead Mu have been playing for an hour, isn't it
hot?" At this moment, the glass door on the corridor connecting the garden and
the game room in Kak's house was opened, and the fierce battle sounds of the
game followed The news came out, and the owner of the house stuck out his
face and asked in confusion. Those who came here specially to play with Gouzi
couldn't help but glanced down at their watches.
It's almost three o'clock in the afternoon.
Graph also didn't expect that it had been almost 2 hours since he came to his
friend's house. When the rare early school was over, the boy called Kak and said
see you at Ya's house. He did not tell his friends that he is now a prisoner under
supervision (not much time). When we arrived, it was almost one o'clock in the
afternoon. At the beginning, we were still shy and afraid to touch the puppy,
and our friends knew it very well, so Mumu would run to find this friend and
that friend for a while. Teased out of breath. He didn't try to touch it until his
friends got tired of playing with the dog.
Who said dogs are naturally cautious? No, this Siberian doesn't do that, it just
wags its tail wildly and looks at you innocently, like say play with me and...give
me something to eat.
When Si Kak threw the snacks over, Si Mu stayed with him every step of the
way, so the so-called Bad Boy was fascinated by the charm of Gouzi for an
entire hour without knowing it, and even had to give lunch to the children of
friends‟ houses Take it to the wooden corridor... the lunch that was just snatched
by the dog.
"It's hot, look at my sweat." Graph answered his friend's question, and showed
him the sweat by brushing his forehead with his hand. The owner of the house
laughed and waved his hand and said,
"Then you come in to play the physical examination game, but you can't let the
dead mouse in. It's very skinny now. Last time I gnawed on my game console so
much that it had to be scrapped." The little friend said so, but the person who
came to play with the dog shook his head:
"Then you play, I am here."
"Hahahaha, you are obsessed with dead wood. Let Dad buy it too One, my dad
only used 10,000 yuan to buy Mu. This small amount of money is just a drop in
the bucket for my dad.” My friend said this because he didn‟t know that he
didn‟t live at home now, and he was at home. ..
'A dog? You're always in and out of the hospital and you don't have time to take
care of it. ‟
Graph remembers begging his father as a child, but that was the only response
he got. Although he can get everything he wants, it does not include living
things, because both parents think that a small child like him is not capable of
taking care of other small life, and another reason is... that The two don't want
to see furry things in the house at all. If it's anything else...give what you want.
"He even bought millions of motorcycles."
That's because he bought it in exchange for keeping the secret about Xiaosan.
"Ah." Graph couldn't help making a sound from his throat, because he felt like
throwing up just thinking about his father, so he shook his head.
"He won't buy it. I can just come and play with the dog." "
Okay, come on. If that's the case, then take it for a run, and throw things to it.
Let it It's best to be tired and have no energy, this guy is full of energy, if he is
not tired enough, he will come to trouble me later." The friend said, and then
opened the sliding door and ignored this person and dog. The handsome guest
turned to look at the furry creature who had eaten the roast chicken to the bone
and was ready to continue playing.
"No, or I'll have a stomachache later." The boy didn't feel disgusted at all by the
saliva-stained bone, picked it up and threw it on the butterfly that was left with
only residue... Yes, they were all eaten by dead animals, and he took a bite of it.
Did not eat.
"Wow." When it was full and probably knew that there was nothing more to
feed it, the handsome dog stood up and barked at him, as if saying that he
wanted to play.
"Hahaha, you have such a good life, you only have to eat and play." Although
he said so, the boy still threw the toy to the other side of the field, so of course,
the big puppy Then rushed out. Then...
"Wow, woof, woof."
The handsome Albertian husky seriously caught up with the toy, then stood up
straight, barked, looked back and forth between the boy and the toy, and then
ran around the toy as if Saying... come get it and throw it again for me.
"Hey, I'll take it back, why are you chasing after my own tail and biting it. Alas,
I'm too lazy to get up." He said that but Graph still went to pick up the toy,
threw it out again, and threw it out again. ..Because the bastard dog can only run
after the toy but not bring it back.
So it just wants to chase and run, barking and throwing the toy again and again.
He wanted to scold a few words in his heart, but when he saw those pure eyes,
the boy couldn't help but continue to do it.
"Come over here, brat!" Graph rushed up and hugged the furry cutie tightly,
stroking the fur everywhere. That wasn't enough, the face and mouth were wet
from being licked, the teenager laughed out loud and took out his phone to take
a selfie with the big dog, and wanted to send it to someone.
Will P Pakin scold? Forget it, I want Lao Tzu to report the situation often, so I
will report it to you.
The boy sent out the group photo while talking to himself. In the photo, he was
lying on the grass with his body wide open, with a big dog folded on his chest,
panting, and the saliva dripped onto his clothes. The boy unconsciously
stretched out his hands and rubbed his clothes Looking at the dog's head.
"Are you going to live at my house? Mu."
"Woof!" Not sure if he understood what the young man said, the dog barked as
soon as he finished asking. But then it got up and ran to the front yard, so Graph
got up and looked over... Kak's mother came back.
"Ah!" The person who was not afraid of getting tanned and stretched his body
wide to lie on the grass thought this way, suddenly a terrible feeling rose in his
Lonely, I want to have something that belongs to me... only for myself.
As I thought about it, my face became sad, because what I want most in my
heart is someone's heart...but there probably won't be a day when I get it.
Graph knew that Pakin was taking care of him now out of safety considerations,
and he just happened to be sleeping to make him appear special, but his identity
in that family... To be honest, he didn't know what his identity was.
"Fuck, I'm going to cry." The boy blinked back his tears, then sat up.
Was it because he was so lonely that he wanted a dog? That way you won't feel
"But a person like Lao Tzu shouldn't be able to support anything." A person
whose thinking has been fixed by his family thinks that he can have anything he
wants, except for things with a 'heart'.
My father doesn't care about my mother, and my mother doesn't care about my
father, so how to please the person I care about and like... Graph never knows
what to do.
This kind of growth trajectory makes the teenagers do not know how to please
and how to act like a baby to others.
"I don't even dare to act like a baby with P Win."
Yesterday he didn't know why he wanted to hug brother Win, but in the end he
didn't dare to hug him, and finally he could only listen to all kinds of funny
stories and then fell asleep on his side up. Not daring to act is not only because
of the influence of the original family, but also because every time I want to
catch someone, I am ruthlessly pushed away.
The person who just happened to send a message at this time to make the phone
...Don't play in the sun, I don't want to take care of the sick...
The guy who doesn't speak well but writes worrying between the lines makes
Graph...unconditionally obey.
Why is brother being nice to me now?
Graph wanted to know but didn't dare to ask, because he was afraid... for fear
that if he asked, he would never get such attention again.
Just after 6 o'clock in the evening, Pakin just entered the house when he heard
the sound of a car driving in and stopping in front of the main house. The
person looking down at the phone is putting the phone in the bag.
Still wondering why this brat disappeared for an entire hour?
He didn't go home last night. Although at first he wanted to finish the work
quickly, he had to stay in the company all night because something suddenly
came in. It was already 5:30 when the work was finally finished. Before that,
the teenager who was in custody had already called to say that he was about to
leave his friend's house, so he thought that Ya should arrive home before him,
but he didn't expect that Ya would arrive later than him.
The kid with a bright smile got out of the car and looked dirty, which made the
young man wonder if he went to play with the dog or rolled into some mound?
"Why did you come back?" Because Ya left the friend's house half an hour
earlier than he left the company.
Regarding this question, Graph raised his head and said:
"There is a traffic jam, P. A car hit a car near my friend's house, and it took me
half an hour to escape... P came back so fast today." Ya is happy .
How could Pakin not know this. Ya's eyes twinkled with joy, and the corners of
Gao Yang's mouth became brighter and brighter. He bounced up the small steps
and came to the front. The young man couldn't help shrugging his shoulders:
"The work will end soon." "Then P wants to be with me." Do you want to have
dinner together?"
"If not, where are you going to drive me to eat?"
He groaned.
The person who asked the question couldn't help but pause, because the bad-
tempered kid he used to hate no matter what he looked at was looking at him
excitedly, and then said something that made him astonished.
"Then I don't have to eat alone!"
Is this what Win always likes to say... This brat is very lonely.
"Where's Win?"
"P Win called and said that he would be back very late, let me eat first without
waiting for him." The listener nodded and stretched out his hand, making the
speaker pause for a while, his fair face slowing down. Slowly turning red,
lowering his head as if thinking that he would press the girl's head like the past
two days, but... "
Is this playing with a dog or getting into a pile of dog hair?" The young man
raised the corner of his mouth, Pat the dog hair off the boy's clothes. So Graph
also raised his head to look at the past, then lowered his head to look at himself
"Hey!" Graph seemed to have just noticed that the silver-gray hair was stained
with the white school uniform, so he immediately patted it off with his hands,
but it seemed that the hair was stuck too tightly for too long (it was difficult to
pat off).
"Will Aunt Keaw kill you?"
When did you start to be afraid of being killed?
The person who turned into a guardian of the child in front of him couldn't help
frowning, and asked,
"Have you been murdered before?"
"Oh, I don't know how many times, P. I was murdered this morning because I
didn't want to get up , Aunt Keaw was worried that P Win, who was still
sleeping, would be disturbed, so she called me many times. After prying me up
from the bed, the aunt beat me." The listeners were even more surprised, and it
was not difficult to think of the housekeeper. Guessing that the so-called beating
would only lead to mosquito bites, because anyone could tell that the
housekeeper spoiled this little kid very much.
But what is strange to him is...
"Aren't you angry?" Because this wayward little devil can't be provoked,
resisted, or fierce. There will be a lot of noise and headaches for everyone. But
this time seems to be an exception. Graph shook his head violently and asked in
"Why am I angry? Aunt Keaw is doing it for my own good. If I leave late, I
have to go to the training room again. She is better than those nanny sisters."
It‟s much better, they said they would wake me up, but when I yelled and
couldn‟t speak, none of them dared to yell anymore.”
Such an answer made the adult squint his eyes, because he seemed to
understand a little bit.
Ya doesn't need others to follow him, Ya just wants people's concern.
He'd ignored it all this time, and only thought Ya was a headache-inducing brat.
When Graph removed the thorns from his body, he saw a side he hadn't seen in
years. This disobedient little kid is just a lonely, poor child who needs love.
Ah should continue to ignore, dead Pakin.
The young man said this to himself. Because this was a dangerous signal for
him, but he couldn't stop his hand... He stretched out and pressed the hand on
the opponent's head hard, making the boy yell: "Oh, it hurts. P. "
Oh, I just want to admit that you are in pain. Go take a bath, don't shake the hair
everywhere." After speaking, he let go of his hand, and the person who was
scolded as a dog grinned.
"Can't P want to be bitten?" the child asked, and the listener... couldn't help but
chuckle. " Have you been bitten by such a puppy?" If this kind of lethality
wasn't enough, then Jia Jia's half-provocative half-sneering smile was enough to
make the wayward kid shut up, and his face became inexplicably hot. But
before he could open his mouth to refute... RRRRRrrrrrr 's phone sounded
inappropriately. Pakin looked at the screen, his face turned serious, and he
pressed the answer button, whispering, "Can you handle it?" Graph didn't hear
what the other end of the phone was saying, but the big man turned his head and
moved Move your lips. take a shower... Then, the owner of the mansion
walked towards the studio, leaving the boy with his mouth pursed. "I really
know how to order me." But the person who spoke... obediently went to the
room to take a shower. Because of the sudden loneliness...the moment I saw
someone who was busy with work, it disappeared without a trace.
"Go take a shower. Hmph, I really know how to order me!"
In the bathroom, the boy who took off the clothes mixed with dog hair was
standing under the warm water, pumping out shampoo with both hands and
applying it to his wet head, his mouth Talking about it, even though... the smile
on his face is still hanging for a long time.
Because he is very happy just thinking that someone will have dinner with him
after taking a shower.
"Please beg me to play dead to death again." Thinking of this, the young master
laughed out loud. Recalling that he was full and went to sit in front of the
kitchen, waiting for Kak‟s mother who was making dinner to give it food. No
matter how you look at it, it is a greedy dog, even if it is not a god with
predictive ability, it will know it In the future, I will definitely grow up to be fat.
"You're not handsome because you're fat." Graph said as he lowered his head,
closed his eyes, and washed his head, so that he didn't notice that the person
who thought he was busy with work had walked in.
The owner of the room took off his clothes into the blue of the dressing room,
and then walked over naked. When he heard the sound of running water mixed
with the laughter of a brat who seemed to be talking to himself, his thick
eyebrows raised slightly. Until the young man stopped in front of the glass door
where a young man hugged his knees and cried... that stinky boy who is now
humming in a good mood.
Weird...but this scene made the youth laugh.
When Ya is obedient and obedient, she is also very cute.
"P Pakin, why are you in here!"
"This is my bathroom."
Graph immediately opened his eyes when he heard the sound of the glass door
being opened, and what he saw made him scream... It's P‟ Pakin.
The person who was talking leisurely. But the boy didn't look at the opponent's
mouth. He looked all over the opponent's body, and then... blushed.
The man in front of him can be said to have a perfect male body. The clearly
visible thick muscles on the arms extend all the way to the strong shoulders, the
chest is broad, and the muscular abdomen is connected to the pelvis in a V
shape all the way. With dark hair, and the legs that are often exercised are
vascularized and full of tension. Everything on the chocolate-colored skin is
showing... masculine sexiness.
Anyone who looks at the god-like complete body will... be "respected" for it
This man has such a terrifying charm.
The corners of the mouth of the person who was casting unreadable eyes to this
side were slightly raised, making the sharp and handsome face that was
handsome and dangerous on weekdays even more evil and seductive. Compared
with high school students whose bodies have just grown, it is like the difference
between a lion and a mouse.
Although the boy is tall, he is slender and his muscles are not obvious. He only
has the feeling of firmness from exercise during his lunch break. His skin color
is also whiter and his body is smaller. In addition, his immature face under the
age of 20... just Even more weak and helpless.
"Oops!" The brat couldn't help but yelled because he noticed that the water
mixed with shampoo flowed into his eyes, and immediately closed his eyes.
Seeing this, the person watching also came to the front.
"Blink." Even though it was an order, Graph obeyed obediently, blinking
repeatedly to let the warm water filter out the chemicals. When the broad chest
pressed against his body, the boy felt the scalding heat from the other's body.
"Does P want to wash it together?"
Oh no, the mouth is so sloppy!
The brave kid pretended nothing happened and tried his best to speak calmly,
but in fact his voice was visibly trembling. The boy's eyes widened and he saw
that the big hand was pressing against the wall, and the other person lowered his
head close to his ear, and said: "
Well, I haven't washed it in the morning, so I have to wash it at night."
When the vaguely stiff beard touched the earlobe, Graph was so startled that he
almost raised his hands to cover his ears. If it wasn't for... warm lips that fell
slightly below the ears.
When P‟ Pakin pressed hard and...sucked gently, the touch made the boy
tremble all over his body.
"P...Do you want it now? Didn't you say you want to eat?"
"I didn't say I want to eat, I just let you take a bath." The boy was speechless,
because his head began to become blurred by the hot touch from his throat all
the way to his shoulders, and the warm tip of his tongue ran along his white
cheeks. The skin was licked all the way, leaving a string of fiery heat along the
way. The lump of flesh in the chest couldn't help jumping more violently,
because this was the first time the boy was teased like this.
Every time they had sex in the past, they might not have had a good start, but
this time it seemed that P‟ Pakin 'deliberately' wanted to wake him up slowly.
The person who was thinking this way watched the big hands move close to his
abdomen and caressed him, making his abdomen tense involuntarily. When the
rough hand came to the boy's chest, stroking and rubbing the skin, Graph
couldn't help gritting his teeth, realizing that he was waiting for... the tip of his
hand that was touching the nipple.
The pleasure spreads through the tip of the hand, goes straight to the brain and
then spreads to the whole body. His fair skin began to change color, and all the
boy could do was hold his head high, turn back, and look at the thick-faced
person who was sucking his body on his shoulder. And the piercing eyes... were
staring into his eyes.
The hunger in his eyes made the teenager ask in a trembling voice:
"Dear...can I?"
Instead of answering, Pakin raised his head from his fair skin, and stretched out
his other hand to close the shower head, letting the entire space It became silent,
and the handsome and thick face like a god of death leaned closer, and the
distance between the lips and the bright lips was so close that either side could
touch the other with a slight movement of the lips. However, the young man did
not kiss it for a long time. He saw his lips move to the tip of his nose, press a
kiss lightly, and then cross his nose to his eyes and forehead. The young man
couldn't help closing his eyes and feeling every touch. The heat emitted by the
Who'd believe that just being kissed like this makes her body so hot it's like...
just can't take it anymore.
P‟ Pakin was teasing him, making him...beg for mercy.
Graph called out with his mouth trembling, and his fiery lips immediately fell
on the beautifully colored lips, rubbing them hard, making the boy's body
tremble and tremble. The hot tongue caresses every tiny part of the upper
mouth, and then penetrates deeper to caress the inner wall of the mouth, rubbing
the tender tongue to make the recipient gasp and tremble.
The kiss was different this time, but... more than ever.
The kiss that seemed to be swallowed into the abdominal cavity made the boy's
knees tremble, and he could only reach out and grab the other's arm to avoid
The teenager was turned to face each other, and his back was pushed against the
wall of the bathroom, and his hands couldn't help stretching out his broad
shoulders. Then he couldn't help but let out a low moan, because... Pakin raised
his knee and inserted it between the boy's thighs.
"Uh!...Heh..." When the strong knee rubbed against a fragile part, Graph
couldn't help but grab the other's shoulder because of the intense pleasure,
making the kisser's breath unsteady Then slowly back out... The crystal saliva
between the two can't tell you and me apart.
"Oh, that won't work?"
Graph couldn't help swallowing the answer immediately, because his big hand
was grabbing a hot piece of meat, and the tip of his thumb was stroking the
already wet meat The crimson tip, after a few strokes of rubbing, the young man
raised his head, breathed heavily, and was shocked all over his body. And even
more startling, the other's lips... slammed into the swollen nipples.
", P...don't suck...don't suck..."
Not just licking, Pakin brother sucked and sucked as if it would suck out milk,
so the teenager had to grab deep He didn't let go of his gray hair, and greeted
him with his chest up, his breathing was already messed up. When the other
party teased a part that was as masculine as him, the boy felt that he was about
to die.
"Ugh!" Graph almost cried out when the tip of his tongue was just licking up
and down.
This was not enough, the bold man even stretched his hands to the back, gently
rubbing the narrow entrance. The boy couldn't help being startled, the hand that
grabbed his hair became stronger, and then raised his head against the wall,
went in.
Graph bit his mouth tightly. When the fingers moistened with shower gel were
being inserted deeply into the body, the boy's body enthusiastically welcomed
the entry of the fingers. Sucking hard and moving densely, I felt that my fingers
were smearing around the inner wall, and the heavy penetration made the boy
almost fall to the ground due to the huge wave of desire.
"P...Okay...Well...It's too exciting..."
The boy was violated continuously from top to bottom. The lips on the chest
kept biting, and the two hot things on the lower body were tightly attached to
each other and rubbed together. Even the entrance at the rear was stabbed and
attacked fiercely, as if they knew his excitement. The recipient couldn't help
moaning from his throat until he couldn't speak, and could only prop up his
body and rub against the other party.
Fuck, not enough. This is not enough.
"I'm going to fall! P, I'm going to fall!"
"Hurry up." He also understood the other party's thoughts, and saw that the
caressing person lifted up one of the boy's feet, and rubbed the other hand The
tender buttocks let it open slightly, and pushed the huge thing to smear into the
entrance, making the noisy child scream, and quickly grabbed the opponent's
arm with both hands. The person who heard the call... said in a hoarse voice:
"Let's go."
He poked it in.
When the hot iron was inserted deep into the body, Both pain and pleasure hit
the boy, and Graph could not help screaming from his throat. Something hot
was slowly inserted into the deepest part, rubbing against the inner wall and
every corner, making the boy feel stuffed. But on top of all this was the desire to
be entered and filled more, and the feeling was so uncomfortable that the
teenager unconsciously spread his legs further apart.
A cute thing that had been ignored for a while began to throb slightly, and the
boy couldn't help shivering all over. The person watching grabs the other
person's neck, sends a fiery kiss, sprints and entangles the tongue violently,
while the lower body... slams heavily and slowly, causing the child to pounce
forward unconsciously.
"Ah... ah... ah..."
The attack was so violent that Graph had to hug the opponent's neck tightly, his
hips kept swinging, and his legs jumped rapidly. When the huge thing was
pulled out and was about to withdraw completely, it immediately rushed into
the deepest part, tears filled the boy's eyes, and the gasping sound became
louder. The boy felt like he was about to die due to the violent attack in his
"Okay... ah... I can't do it... ah..." the inexperienced child begged for mercy with
tears in his eyes. And yet...
a leap forward.
"Ah! Deep...P...Deep..."
Pakin raised the body of the more slender man, let the teenager's legs tightly
wrap around the narrow buttocks, and his back pressed against the wall behind
him, then he gritted his teeth and moved his body He slammed into it
harder. When the comfortable and pleasant feeling envelops the sons and
grandchildren, the gentle nibble and tight binding make the youth almost
fall. Plus...a face wet with tears.
The self-righteous kid's face was distorted by the intense pleasure, and tears
flowed all over his face, his red and swollen lips kept calling him. Loud moans
hit him more than anyone else.
The young master's body is still very simple and clean, but it is inexplicably
longing for him who is rich in experience.
clap clap.
"Ah!!!P...too...too exciting...I want...ah..." Pakin gritted his teeth, and thrust his
body in, slowly and hard, so hot that the bearer could bear it He couldn't help
shaking his head back and forth, his legs wrapped around his waist more tightly,
and his body was swinging back and forth so that the brightly colored part in the
center of the young man's body touched Pakin's dark hair and rubbed against
each other.
The kid is about to cum.
"P...why...why?" Seeing this, the manipulating young man slowed down the
pace maliciously, which made Graph protest. Geng hugged the young man's
neck and whispered to his ear:
"Let me cum...I...I want to cum...Let me...nap...ah." The boy seemed to be
unable to stand it anymore begged. Because he was almost at the finish line, the
teenager reached out to grab the cock in the center of his body, but Pakin
grabbed it first. The badly handsome, badly handsome face smiled slightly, and
papa papa.
"Hey!!!! Ah... Ah!" The hot thing rushed into the scorching place again, hitting
the lust button in the body again and again, making the slender body startled by
the impact of the hot iron every time, and the eyes widened , The mouth is also
wide open, letting saliva flow out along the corners of the mouth, as if
forgetting how to swallow saliva. All the boy knew was... that he was going to
P‟ Pakin's opening and closing movements made the boy almost out of breath.
"Ah, ah... ah!"
Finally, the teen let out with just a touch of his back, his cock rubbing against
the hard belly in front of him. But when he realized that the hot thing deeply
buried in his body was still thrusting heavily, the boy couldn't help being
startled, his head was shaking, but the boy could only hold on to the other's
strong arm tightly until his whole body convulsed , because... the hot turbid
liquid was sprayed into the body.
Then the hot fluid flowed out of the body along with the scalding thing that was
dragging out.
Graph firmly believes that if the opponent lets go, he will definitely fall to the
ground, and his slender body is still entangled with the opponent because his
feet are so soft that he can hardly stand still. And when a pair of big hands
rested on the young man's waist, the Fengrui face of the man who was panting
heavily due to strenuous exercise lowered and covered with dark hair.
It feels very good to let the children who talk back can't tell the reason, it feels
like being protected, and the children don't want to move their bodies until... "
I will go south from tomorrow, and I don't know when I will be back."
" !!!"
The person who heard this widened his eyes and looked up at the other party in
"What does P...P mean?"
"I have a job."
That's all the mean man said. It's like someone who doesn't know that he is
afraid of loneliness but has a very hard mouth... his heart has fallen to his feet.
Suddenly, Graph felt that this sex was like compensation for being abandoned,
and at the same time a thought popped up in his mind.
Who do you want to go with!
Chapter 42: Rewards for good kids
"Graph, Graph, don't be listless. P must just go to work."
"Who is listless? I'm not listless."
"Oh, my face has been tense all day, what else can I think. "
This is the first day of the guardian's temporary business trip. The departure
time is so early that when the teenager woke up to go to school, he only saw an
empty bed, and when he called and reported that he was going to go out, the
other party had turned off his phone, and the message was sent in the past. After
10 o'clock, I replied with a short message, only one... um. Can he not be
His face was so tense that Chanchao had to give up attending the meeting and
sit down with him, trying his best to make the slender man feel better,
was completely useless.
"Alas." The man who pursed his lips turned his head to the other side, and the
girl stretched out her head to block the other party's sight.
"Graph suspects that P Pakin will bring other people with him?" "
..." The boy can only shut up when his friend is right, but he will tell him
everything when the other party is staring at him Then... let out a long sigh.
"Then it's doubtful?"
"But P said that he won't find other people when Graph is together."
Can you believe this?
Kritithi asked himself, looking at the friend who still looks at the world
optimistically, or the friend thinks that every male protagonist will only be loyal
to the same person with the inertial thinking of a rotten girl, but also try to see
the past behavior of that man.
Would such a person give up pleasure just because of the sweet words promised
to him?
P‟ Pakin is a person surrounded by countless handsome men and beautiful
"I don't know how many days I've been there. People like P Pakin will definitely
not solve it with their own hands... they will definitely find someone to vent."
The boy said... the worries in his heart.
The other party also went to other people when they first had a relationship,
although they promised not to look for it again after that. But looking at the
death scene yesterday, he was so hungry and thirsty that he didn't even eat
dinner and just dragged him to do that. It's really hard not to think that that
person will find someone else to replace him when they are separated so far.
The blunt words made the listeners blushed slightly.
"Ah, it's only been a few days. You probably don't want it that much."
"Don't underestimate that lunatic's desire." The angry man growled before he
remembered something.
"I'm sorry." Sometimes Graph even forgets that Chanchao is a girl.
"No, no, no, it's okay to say. I can listen." It was because of her personality that
he kept forgetting the fact that the other party was a girl.
The person who thought this way slowly shook his head and did not continue
talking. Because although the other party said that he could listen and talk, his
blushing face was telling him to stop and stop talking about it. However, when
the crisp voice continued to ask the following words, the boy still paused.
"Then why didn't Graph ask P directly?"
For this question, the handsome boy already had an answer in his heart...fear.
The jealousy last time almost broke his own heart, so he didn't dare, so he could
only shut up, say nothing, and let the other party wantonly plunder, but he
deeply hoped that P‟ Pakin would keep his promise. Although the boy is very
anxious in his heart, there is nothing he is not afraid of.
He is also a man, of course he knows that men have all these things in their
"Forget it, even if he finds someone else, I don't know." In the end, the boy said
shortly and dryly, no matter what he heard, he didn't feel that his mood had
improved. So the girl with the ponytail started thinking about it, trying to find a
way to make her friend feel better, but at this moment...
"What are you two talking about?
" Sheng Sheng looked over, and then saw the senior senior in high school whom
he met by chance last Saturday. And the other party also showed a big smile:
"Chanchao school girl like P to give cake?"
"Hehe, I didn't eat a single bite. Because it just so happened that
sister snatched them all away." Nith said enthusiastically, and then his face
darkened slightly. Because the cake he tried his best to cut from his classmates
in the remedial class fell into the stomach of another girl.
The conversation between the seniors and the juniors made Graph look back
and forth between the two in doubt.
"Oh, I happened to meet P Nith when I went to the cram school last Saturday. P
invited me to dinner and bought me a cake, Graph... I will tell you next time."
At the end, the little man turned It was a little long for a low whisper to
indicate. Then he turned around and attacked with a smile at the senior who was
frowning because of the intimate behavior of the two boys and girls.
It's too close, I'm almost kissing.
"What's the matter with P Nith?"
"Oh, P wants to invite you. I heard that a new cake shop has opened in front of
the school." "
Oh, that shop. Chanchao's friends have also mentioned it. He's handsome, I
want to see it too... let's go together, Graph." The listeners almost laughed, if
they hadn't heard the second half...the clerk brother is super handsome.
"P is also very handsome."
"Huh?" The speaker hurriedly shook his head to express that he didn't say
anything, but Graph quickly interrupted:
"I'm not going, I'm going to Kak's house today."
"Don't tell me to go with the dog again Play with me."
"Well, P Pakin agreed." The teenager nodded reluctantly, not happy with the
permission, because he didn't know if it was a reward for being asked for a
whole night. But at least there is something interesting in the boring life. And
this also made the rotten girl think for a while, and stared at the other senior for
a while.
"P Nith, help sit closer to the Graph."
"Huh?" As the senior, he could only frown in confusion, but because it was the
request from the junior, the boy moved over and sat on the same table.
chair. And Chanchao took out his mobile phone from his skirt pocket:
"Closer." He also instructed.
So good!
The girl raised the camera and bit her lips while taking pictures. She bit her lip
not because she was angry, but more because she lost her mind for a moment
when she saw two boys sitting together like this, and she became awkward...a
handsome, fair-skinned, a bit bad-looking but very cute ( In one of her eyes),
the other has short hair, a healthy sun-tanned chocolate color, a slightly thicker
body, and both wear high school uniforms that look exactly like the BL novel
they just read.
Powerful and powerful year-on-year attack VS gentle senior attack, which side
should she stand on?
Card wipe.
While thinking this way, the rotten girl quickly pressed the camera button, while
the two teenagers looked at each other in confusion.
"It's okay to separate, or I will be shaken later." So Nith jumped up
immediately, with the word "happiness" in his eyes. I don't know what the girl
meant by shaking at all... It would be bad to cheer for the ghost ship later.
Graph, on the other hand, uses eyes instead of asking questions.
"Ah, Graph, let's go back to class together, we're going to be late. Then let's go
first, P Nith." Moon Girl immediately took her friend's hand and stood up,
saying goodbye to the surprised senior.
"The cake shop..."
"Oh, Chanchao will go with friends later. If I go alone with P Nith, P's fan club
will kill me." Then the girl took her friend's arm and ran away quickly , leaving
the handsome student council director standing in the same place speechless in
disappointment...and failed again.
Chanchao said with a smile when there were only two people left:
"Wait a minute and take the group photo with Graph. If P Pakin doesn't come
back, I will send it to him. I promise... I will be jealous!" The girl winked, as if
she was very sure that the other party was jealous . But Graph couldn't laugh.
That person will eat his vinegar? Impossible.
People who think like this don't know...Some things are only known after
Pakin is standing in a huge resort in the center of one of the islands in southern
Thailand... a place dedicated to receiving foreign tourists who need privacy,
surrounded by white sandy beaches and endless ocean place.
This is an island that he has invested in a few years ago, acquired a lot of land
and rectified for the upcoming large-scale event.
Ruimu pressed his gaze to look at several workers who were working on a large
hole in the asphalt road...a hole not caused by overuse of the road surface, but
blown over by the explosion the night before.
"Do you think this can stop me?" The young man let out a mocking sound from
his throat, because he didn't have to worry too much about who would dare to
enter his territory to cause damage. Who else could I use...that crooked old
His thoughts stopped suddenly, because the phone vibrated slightly, so the
young man took out the phone.
"What's there to be so obsessed with?"
When he saw the photo in front of him, the young man immediately put the
explosion behind him...a photo of a dog sticking out its tongue and panting at
the camera.
Ya went to a friend's house again.
Pakin shook his head slowly. It has been two days since he went south, and it
was also the second day after the bear boy sent him a picture of a dog instead of
telling him where he was. The young man felt strange in his heart, what is so
obsessed with this? Just a fluffy puppy who just chews through shoes.
No need to think about it, if it jumped around him in front of and behind him, he
would definitely kick it.
...I'm eating at Si Kak's house...
A new message came in, and I couldn't help but wrinkled my thick eyebrows in
a blink of an eye. I almost typed and replied that I would go home for dinner,
today P Win He also came back very late, saying that he had work...
It was because of this sentence that the young man's hand stopped moving, and
then he only replied with one sentence... um.
The young man paused for a moment, staring at the information on his
phone. Hesitating again and again not knowing whether to send it out.
"Mr. Pakin."
"What's the matter?" However, the voice from behind made the young man lock
the screen, put the phone in his pocket, and then turned to look at the
approaching confidant.
"About the explosion... After questioning, the villagers did not see the
murderer's face. They only knew that they came by speedboat and heard the
explosion at night. Fortunately, there were no casualties." Panachai summed up
the dense interrogation in the past two days. information, because he knows that
the other party does not want to listen to tirade. And this also made the listeners
nod their heads:
"Let our people increase the manpower for daily inspections. The big event is
coming soon. I don't want to have a bigger problem than this." The island owner
said in a deep voice, sharp eyes He also looked at the staff not far away, and
how could he not understand the meaning of the gaze cast over him.
Pretty...but that's all.
Pakin shrugged slightly. The image of the hot and tasty brat comes to mind...the
one clinging to him, begging him with tears in his eyes, who has had several
relationships but is still unskilled and doesn't know how to please him People
are different from the beautiful and good-looking women here.
The person who thought this way passed the female staff, and said leisurely:
"I won't say anything if you want to sleep with a guest, but please keep your
manners, I don't like it (too ostentatious).
" Say nothing to any staff as it is something out of your control. After all, it is
very difficult for many people to refuse the money they get for providing
special services to foreign guests, but he doesn't want people to rumor that his
island is a prostitute village, and if he wants to sell have to be
even more successful.
After finishing speaking, the young man passed by and nodded to let his
subordinates deal with it.
One person doesn't need to worry about it, but if the whole island is covered, it
needs to be cleaned up.
A lot of people might think he's greedy, but that doesn't mean Pakin is hungry,
and now he's settled for someone in his bed... that troublesome brat in Bangkok
who's obsessed with dogs.
And the message on the phone is just one sentence...
If I buy a dog, will I stop going to my friend's house? ...
Such a piece of information that the owner did not send out.
It's the 5th day, and Pakin hasn't come home yet, so the brat who said he wasn't
lonely yelled on this Sunday afternoon, and then collapsed on the sofa , let the
hands and feet hang down in compliance with the gravitational force. I want to
go to a friend's house, but I'm worried that my mother will think that he goes too
often, and... "
Mr. Pakin has an order not to send Master Graph to a friend's house. If Master
Graph asks, Mr. Pakin asked me to send a message." Said to stay at home and
read a book. '
When he was about to go out, the driver repeated his boss's order. When he
called to make a noise, he shut down his phone and hid himself as if he knew
the clue. He could only read the message but never replied. When he called P‟
Chai, he just said:
'Mr. Pakin is busy. '
Ghosts believe it, it must be because I don't want to hear Lao Tzu yelling.
In the end, those who couldn‟t play with the dog could only sit at home, leaning
on the sofa and reluctantly flip through some learning materials, as if saying that
they had read as much as they could, but it didn‟t enter their heads.
When I called Chanchao, he was stuck in the remedial class and said blah, blah,
blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah blah,
'the exam is coming, Graph has to read carefully, you know? I'll post a summary
later. '
Seriously, is this a friend or an old lady?
"Alas!" Finally, the young man sighed for a long time, and started to play with
his hands out of boredom. Arrived:
"What are you doing? Graph." At this time, the little head was hanging on the
sofa, with only a pair of long legs resting on the backrest, as if performing
acrobatics. The person who was called replied briefly:
"It's boring, P Win."
"Sit down well, or you'll fall off later."
"Oh." The boy sighed, but he got up and sat down obediently. He moved out of
his position and let the other party sit next to him, and then looked at the young
model who raised his hand to rub his temple.
"Are you okay? P."
"I drank too much last night and had a headache." Win said, his eyebrows were
furrowed and his face was paler than usual.
"Would you like something? I'll ask Aunt Kaew for it." Seeing that the beautiful
man was really ill, Graph put down his phone and asked worriedly. The young
model nodded:
"Tell Aunt Kaew to help me make something to hangover."
"Then wait for me." The boy agreed, and then walked with long legs to find the
housekeeper who should be busy in the kitchen. The relative who left the owner
of the mansion leaned his head on the back of the sofa and closed his eyes and
said to himself...
shouldn't drink so much.
And the reason for drinking too much...Yesterday he ran into a senior from the
team when he first started working as a model in Thailand. After chatting, he
drank too much and didn't know what the topic was. And Win didn't think there
was anything wrong, although he was considered casual and could sleep with
any man, but... '
P The best man I've ever slept with should be Mr. Chai. '
As a result, the listener felt as if he had been hit on the head with a hard object.
Although he knew that his brother's confidant was not an abstinent person, he
didn't think that he would be lucky enough to meet someone he had slept
with. Of course... the heartache was as if the heart would stop at any moment.
Then...Win drank like a madman.
He's crazy... crazy to still love that man.
"Enough, Win. It's really enough." Finally, the young model said harshly. After
opening his eyes, he was attracted by the mobile phone that was put aside, so
the young man hurriedly grabbed the mobile phone to look at it.
Phawis doesn't hesitate to fiddle with his brother's phone, and as expected...just
a picture of the dog.
"If you want it so much, try asking." The slender man said with a
smile. Recently, the bears are talking about dogs, their eyes obviously want it,
but they insist that they don't want it.
But when he saw the photo of the two of them, Win couldn't help being slightly
"The face is very familiar, I seem to have seen it somewhere before."
"P Win, Aunt Kaew said please wait for a while, and I will bring ginger water
soon." The person who ran away and disappeared also returned, so Win
beckoned: "Who is this?" Graph approached and sat back to the original
seat He didn't say anything about the other party playing with his mobile
phone. Then he pursed his lips and said,
"Oh, P Sin's younger brother. Coincidentally, he happens to be my senior." The
young man said so, and when the other party lay on his lap, he couldn't help but
widen his eyes a little, just in time You have to yell...
"P's head is hurting, can you not move around?" "
Why is P lying on his knees."
"I know you are shy, but let P lie down." The shy person almost opened his
mouth to refute But when he saw someone whose face was not as good-looking
as usual, he withdrew his voice, let him do what he wants. The boy hesitated for
a moment, then put his hand on the soft hair. I can't help but think that it is
really soft.
"Then why did you shoot this?"
"Oh, a friend took it. He said that P Pakin would be jealous after posting it. It's
so funny, and I don't want to think about how P feels about me." Graph said
dully. Because he didn't think about doing what his friend said, but...he didn't
have time to stop the other party's hand.
"What are you doing P!" This time the boy's eyes widened and he quickly
grabbed his phone back. Because the teenage model went into an app he was
connected to with someone still down south, and...fucking sent the pic.
"Chi, chi, chi, chi, it's dead. Send it!" The boy's hands trembled, but he couldn't
withdraw them. And the teaser...just laughs.
"Don't do this, it's just a photo."
"Hey, P Win!!!"
"I've said it all, keep your voice down. Let me sleep first." But the other party
didn't care, and turned to face the younger He stretched out his hand to hug the
other person's waist, buried his face in his stomach and closed his eyes to avoid
the mistakes he made. The owner of the mobile phone can only open his mouth
wide, wanting to yell but can‟t bear it, but it‟s not a dead Graph without
"P Win!"
The person who closed his eyes omitted the sentence, and...
"Fuck, I've read it!" The screen showed that the other party had read it, but...
there was no reply.
If you don't reply, Graph really doesn't dare to guess what this means.
In this damn photo, the two of them were sitting so close that they were almost
attached to their bodies!
It seems that I am too vain, yes, P‟ Pakin would care about me.
A whole day has passed since the photo of him and Senior Nith was sent to
someone in the south, but there was no movement. Those who scold don't know
how to feel.
Wronged because the other party didn't have the slightest bit of jealousy? Or do
you feel relieved that you have not been scolded?
"Uh, it's the latter... oh." Finally, he sighed heavily and slid to the table in the
physics classroom, completely devoid of the mind to listen to what the teacher
was teaching about mechanical properties. Because even if you listen to it, it
won't get into your head, and then you are about to go to bed...but your friend
came to remind you:
"Graph, don't sleep, listen to the class."
"Okay, old lady."
"Graph." Chanchao wrinkled his nose , but even if they were called old mothers,
they couldn't get their friends to study hard. In the end, both of them were
named by the teacher. In the end, both of them lowered their heads... The girl
lowered her head because she felt ashamed because she was murdered, while
the boy... lowered his head to play with his mobile phone.
...Are you coming to Lao Tzu's house today? ...
It just so happened that Kak sent a message. I looked at the time and it should
be after school. Another possibility is... I skipped class to go to the game hall
since the afternoon.
Facing the question of his friend, the young master hesitated for a moment. He
wanted to go, but he had to ask someone for instructions first, so he only
replied... I will tell you later.
Then Didi 㗳㗳 pressed it up, and went to ask Mr. Guardian for
instructions. Waiting left and right, the other party still didn't reply, until he fell
asleep completely.
The silent phone vibrated in his trouser pocket, so the boy quickly took it out to
look at it.
...go home after school, don't hang out...
I didn't even order that from my dad.
"I'm bored to death, and no one is there when I go home." However, the person
who never listened to his biological father obeyed another old father. After
packing up my schoolbag, I walked down the stairs with my friends in a boring
way, rejected everyone's after-school invitations, and then came to the front of
the school. I was about to take out my mobile phone and tell the driver that
school was over, and I would obey an adult's order to go back Home.
"P Win!" The man wearing designer sunglasses and leaning against the cool car
must be a young model. So the young man strode forward, frowning as if he
was wondering why he came to pick him up in person? And the other side also
answered before he asked the question:
"There is something interesting today."
"Interesting? What interesting thing, P. I can't go anywhere. P Pakin has orders
to go home directly." Graph pursed his lips because he didn't think anything
interesting was going to happen. But it was still strange because of Brother
Win's hearty smile. I saw that the other party took off his sunglasses and
showed a beautiful face, and his eyes... were terribly bright.
"What are you going to do elsewhere? Interesting things are waiting at home."
"What do you mean, P." The listener was still confused, followed the other
person to the car, and was about to take out his mobile phone and report to Mr.
Guardian but was rejected Win grabbed the hand first.
"You don't need to call today, P has already told Kin that he will pick you up in
person." "
Oh, you are willing to answer P's call but not mine." The listener said
dissatisfied. The person who came to pick him up laughed and leaned into the
"I didn't pick it up, I just saw myself just now."
Graph immediately turned his head and looked over, his eyes widened with
excitement. Because...
"Well, Kin is back in Bangkok, this afternoon."
"Really! Back!!!" the boy shouted excitedly. The driver turned his head, raised
the corners of his mouth with a smile, and said...
"There is something even more surprising."
That's all, no matter how much Graph asked the driver, he still kept his mouth
It took time for the duo to overcome the evening rush, but it was worth it. When
the person who had disappeared for almost a week appeared in front of the main
house, the teenager who said he couldn‟t care but missed him to death almost
rushed out of the car. some people.
"When did P come back?"
"It's been a few hours."
Pakin was stunned by the obvious excitement, although he was still a little
irritable at first... because of the group photo sent to him yesterday.
The photo that made him make a decision.
This brat might really be too idle.
But those irritability disappeared because of the big smile and the eyes that were
almost squinted with joy.
"Shall we have dinner together today?"
"No, I'll go back to the company later."
Hmph, sure enough.
When the boy's smile disappeared immediately, the person watching couldn't
help laughing from his throat, and said:
"I heard that there are rewards for being a good boy."
"Rewards?" Graph interjected confusedly road. Then he couldn't help but widen
his eyes, because...
The boy looked straight at the large dog that Panachai brought out from the
house, and then turned back to the person who gave him the reward, but the
person was simple Said:
"In the future, you don't have to go to your friend's house to play, let's play with
This reward was immediately decided by Pakin when he saw a photo of the
child and a certain teenager. He had to remind his brother and let the girl Teach
your younger brother not to stare at other people's things.
Chapter 43: Naughty Hot VS Hot Naughty Ghost
The dog Graph in front of him can‟t even be called a puppy, because it is so big
that it is almost the shape of an adult dog. Its back is covered with black fur that
gradually turns light brown, its nose is pure black, and its face is long but thin.
Well-proportioned, with ears pressed to the ground, and almond-shaped eyes
with deep black pupils, they look formidably intelligent. But looking at it as a
whole...he is as handsome as a police dog.
Yes, the dog in front of Graph is... a German Shepherd.
"Can it bite, P."
The appearance is very different from that of a dead animal.
"Reach out your hand and let it bite you."
"Hey, P Pakin!" The person who got the reward shouted, who would dare to
stretch out his hand to such a fierce dog to test whether it is fierce or not.
And Pakin just flicked his tongue twice.
"Come here."
The smart dog approached and stood close to the new owner's feet, allowing
Pakin to pat it on the head.
"Hey, so fucking smart." Graph shouted excitedly this time, rushing up to take a
closer look. But the fierce-looking Master Dog was still standing motionless, so
the boy couldn't help stretching out his hand.
The dog turned his head and looked over, making the boy almost want to
withdraw his hand, but when he saw that it didn't grin his teeth, the person who
wanted to have a dog carefully stretched out his hand and put it gently on the
head. And who would believe that it looks fierce but has the same soft coat as a
friend's Siberian.
"It's almost 5 months old, and I've already got someone to train it. It's much
better than those dogs that only block the front and bite when they see
something. This only has a certificate. Parents have champion dog blood,
purebred German shepherds Dog. I originally wanted to buy one from abroad,
but because it took time to do the quarantine, I contacted a familiar farm. I
heard that this is just the best. It turned out that he planned to keep it for the
competition himself, but put more money I still agree to sell it." Pakin said
simply, leading him into the house, then fell down and sat on the sofa, with the
vicious-looking dog following beside him.
It also seems to know who is the biggest in the family.
"Is P really for me!" Graph immediately followed and asked excitedly.
"Yes, now you don't have to go to your friends' house every day to play."
"Hey~P is mad at me?" the listener asked without thinking. This question made
the rest of the family wait...and laugh.
I saw the face of the owner of the mansion suddenly changed, but he said...
"No, why am I angry with you."
It's just sending pictures of dogs every day to make trouble, how can you be
The person who thought this way glanced around the family, and everyone
couldn't help lowering their heads immediately, except for the cousin who
laughed out of shame, and said to himself: "I told you, I beg you to try it.
" Try it."
"I didn't expect it to be possible." The boy turned his head away with a smile,
then sat down on the ground, and gently patted the ferocious dog's head with his
hands. A dog that is still good enough to be called a puppy will look like a
buyer anyway.
"Does it have a name? P."
"Not yet, come on. It's your dog." When he saw that it was his dog, the person
who had wanted it for a long time immediately smiled and looked in front of
him A dog with black eyes.
Although the color of the eyes is not as good-looking as other breeds, it is far
smarter and looks much better than my friend's dog.
Although he was sitting obediently, he still straightened his neck and looked at
his dog, which made the boy couldn't help touching its ears back and forth, but
the fierce-looking guy raised his head and buried his face at the buyer's feet.
Roar, arrogant stinky dog!
I thought so in my heart, but I continued to ask excitedly:
"Do you really name me?"
"Why should I lie." The buyer said so, leaning his arms on the back of the sofa
and looking at the dog who was thinking hard. The face of the bear child. I saw
the child biting his lip, turning his face sideways, and frowning even more than
when he said there was an exam. After that, the boy turned his head to look at
him, and murmured,
"That's called...Hot." (It means fierce, brutal in Thai.)
"Haha, ah, yes... I'm sorry, I'm sorry."
When the name of the fierce-looking Mr. Dog came out of Graph's mouth, one
of the maids accidentally laughed, and then Immediately bowed his head and
apologized repeatedly. The dog buyer glanced over, and then looked back at the
brat who has no taste in naming dogs, and from the eyes of the other
must have named the dog to ridicule the dog.
Then, the person who was sitting with his hands on his hands slightly raised the
corners of his mouth...he smirked badly, and said,
"Then it's called a little naughty .
, So he yelled dissatisfiedly, and looked at each other in disapproval.
What the hell, call the dog Little Naughty. The name is so cute, don't even look
at its fierce appearance!
"I don't agree. This is my dog, and it's called Hot!"
"I'm going to call him Naughty."
"Hot!" the dog owner's voice started to rise, and Pakin shrugged.
"Little naughty... because it looks like it will be as naughty as the owner."
"I am not! And I will not agree with it being called this name. It is called Hot,
and its full name is Hotearm.ammahit.fodjairai (cruel · vicious · Super villain)!"
Graph immediately listed his full name. Everyone knows that's not a dog's
How can there be a dog called cruel, vicious, super invincible villain.
And Pakin just turned to look at the butler.
"If you call Little Naughty and it doesn't move, I won't give it food." "
Then I'll feed it myself, this is my dog!" The man who was once afraid of the
fierce-looking dog hugged the dog's neck tightly , staring at the other party
dissatisfiedly, the irritability can be clearly seen. And Pakin just said simply:
"The craftsmanship is so poor, who would eat it..."
"I heard that someone ate up all the basil mixed with fish sauce."
It was none other than the man who made the owner of the mansion was
the model sitting quietly by the side.
The person who was leaning on the sofa with his arms raised a nice smile, the
smile in his eyes couldn't be more obvious.
The superior who was being ridiculed didn't refute but just looked at him
fixedly, Win shrugged slightly and turned his head to look at the neck that was
still tightly hugging the sizeable dog, and asked: "What's its name
Hothearm. P Win, it couldn't be more suitable." The boy said firmly, looking up
at the buyer as he pulled his head out of his hand, as if asking if I really want to
be called this name? Instead of Pakin's answer,
"Come here, Hot." Win was the first to evoke a new name.
"I'm sure it's called Hot." Aunt Kaew also assisted with a smile, and Panachai
also answered,
"I'll change the name on the name tag to Hothearm."
The three of them stood on the side of the dog owner to catch Pakin's eyes He
couldn't help shaking a little irritably. When he saw that everyone in the family
was doting on this little devil, the young man couldn't help but patted the dog's
head lightly, as if to say surrender.
"Call it whatever you want. I don't have any responsibilities. I'm just in charge
of buying it... Chai, let's go and go back to the company." The man who
surrendered to the stubborn boy for the first time stood up and called his
subordinates in a deep voice He shook his head tiredly beside the name. The
person who was called gave the leash to the new dog owner, and said:
"From tomorrow afternoon, there will be a trainer coming to train it. Now if it is
mischievous and gets into trouble, don't pamper it too much, or it will get used
to it. What's the matter?" Master Graph can call to ask...then I'll take my leave
first." Panachai smiled lightly, then turned to follow his boss...and didn't take a
second look at the other boss.
But Win just raised the corner of his mouth and smiled, letting Ya fade out of
sight and disappear. At this time, the younger person raised his head:
"P Win, P Win, Hot is so fucking handsome." The person who was once afraid
of the fierce appearance began to praise his dog... Molested up.
"Super arrogant, just like P Pakin."
Win laughed heartily, not knowing whether it was because of the young
master's happy smile or because of the comparison between the dog and
someone who was exactly the same.
At this time, if you ask Graph if you are happy? The answer is of course, I never
thought I would be so happy.
"Hot, don't be naughty, come here!"
"You have promised to follow me, oops, you are not light."
Graph is very fond of this big dog named after him A headache, to be honest, it
doesn't listen to his orders at all. Now he is pulling the leash according to the
coach's instruction, but I'm very sorry, but the dead Hot is lying on the grass,
with no intention of following along, and his body is still very heavy!
Yesterday was the first day, and it would still be willing to go up to the room to
sleep. The boy also wanted it to sleep on the bed, but he was worried that the
owner of the bed would come back and kill him, so he put the dog's sleeping
things in the corner of the room. Today, I immediately turned down my friend's
invitation, and I still show off a photo of my dog as if I am not very obsessed
(?). Then he returned home as quickly as possible, waiting for the trainer to train
the handsome Mr. German Shepherd.
No matter how many hours I spend, I am willing to wait for it to finish training,
and the phone is full of photos and short videos. The boy couldn't help but feel
proud when he heard the coach praise him for being very smart, and he could
teach it once, but when the coach finished teaching and went back, the smart
stinky dog was lying on his stomach like a lazy dog, so he could only do what
he did now. Pull and pull.
"Hot, come into the house, it's dark."
"Woof! Woof!!!" The dog barked and agreed, but continued to roll on the
ground. Graph couldn't help panting heavily.
"Don't think I don't have a unique trick!" The man who saw the clue shouted
loudly, turned around and entered the main house, and returned with a brightly
colored dog bowl and a bag of dog food from the brand "Deadly Expensive".
"You'll starve if you don't come!"
"Huchi, Huchi, Huchi."
Just like that, the dog with a fierce look immediately ran over at double speed,
Graph sneered and walked into the house with two things, and Hot also ran up
and followed in a dignified manner... With that upright look, does he think he is
participating in a dog competition?
This scene made people in the family laugh out loud:
"Little Hot, you really listen to Master Graph."
"Be obedient? Where? It's naughty to death!" Aunt Kaew said with a smile,
looking at the person who opened the package and poured the food into the
bowl. I saw the boy handing the bowl to the vicious-looking Gouzi, and the
Gouzi was also very polite, sitting and waiting, his eyes staring... his eyes
glowing for the food in front of him.
"It's really docile and obedient to the young master. It doesn't allow anyone to
get close to it except Master Graph and Master Pakin." "I didn't see
any problems with the coach today."
"Master Graph didn't catch up. Coach comes first. When Tian came here, I was
so grinning that my aunt was about to lose her temper." Aunt Kaew said to
Graph while turning her head to look at the dog who immediately lowered its
head and ate a big piece when Graph issued an order to say that it was ready to
eat, and then Then she looked at the disobedient children who were muttering
about this and that, but in fact... the smile on the young man's face at this
moment was exactly what she wanted to see the most.
Ever since his boss softened his heart and treated him better, Master Graph has
become more and more lovable in a good mood.
"It's very obedient in the face of P Pakin." The boy continued to retort, and then
walked into the restaurant to have dinner alone. Because the other two bosses in
the family couldn't come back for dinner... No, to be precise, the buyer of the
dog hasn't shown up since he went to the company last night.
But the original loneliness turned into a little warmth, because...
"Huh? What's the matter, Hot. Are you full?" The naughty adult dog approached
and lay down on his feet, and the boy couldn't help raising his head smile.
Hot didn't bark in answer, but just lay motionless, but his ears were pricked up,
which meant that he heard all the voices. So Graph happily chatted with the
butler, and the harmonious atmosphere should have lasted until the meal was
over, but... "
Hey, Hot, where are you going!"
Suddenly, the ears of the beautiful German Shepherd trembled, and then He
quickly stood up and ran towards the gate. Graph also turned around and
looked, then got up and ran to follow, for fear that it would cause trouble and be
punished not by anyone else but by... Graph himself.
"Woof! Woof!!!" the big dog barked loudly, and yelled towards the gate of the
mansion. Then Graph saw... a cool supercar briskly drove in this direction, and
then disappeared in the direction of the garage. And the big dog also chased
after him, which made the boy purse his mouth in annoyance:
"Is it my dog or P Pakin's." However, the early return of the other party still
made the boy laugh happily. It didn't take long to see the owner of the mansion
coming this way, turning the car keys, while Hot trotted beside him.
It's so handsome that it makes people hate it.
Graph is not a fan of brains, but because both people and dogs are super
"Why are you standing at the door?" The person who had already come in front
of him startled the person who couldn't help admiring, the boy mechanically
shook his head slightly and opened his mouth and said, "Come and
pick up P."
"Why do you want 'right' "
"Come to pick up P." The bear changed a word, and then he was frightened by
what he said, so he said quickly:
"I didn't talk to P last night. I haven't seen each other for a cycle. , said a few
words of P and disappeared again."
"What, miss me?"
Graph opened his mouth wide because of the concluding words, but soon his
bad-looking handsome face slowly turned pale, and he couldn't say
anything. Because this is the truth... I miss it so much.
He wanted to speak hard, but he really couldn't control himself:
"Then... is there something wrong? I think P."
Instead, Pakin stopped this time. Then the young man sighed heavily, and then...
"Hey, P Pakin, where are you going? Oh, let go, it hurts!" The big hand quickly
grabbed the young man's wrist, and suddenly caught Graph by surprise, even the
spoon in his hand fell to the ground. In the process of being pulled up to the
second floor by the owner of the mansion, the boy's head was full of unpleasant
things he had encountered, and at the same time he told himself... Pakin brother
is angry.
"I... I didn't do anything bad, P. I really didn't, P Pakin listen to me first." The
kid who was afraid that he had done something wrong shouted from behind,
struggling desperately but not having enough strength Breaking free, he could
only stride behind the other party, feeling extremely scared and confused. But
the person who pulled him just said:
"Come here, don't talk!"
What a nerve!
The child wanted to yell, but because he had seen this situation several times,
Graph couldn't help but shut his mouth in fear. Looked like he was about to
cry. When it was found that the end point was the bedroom, the fear in the
children's hearts increased a little, for fear that they would be yelled at once they
entered. However...
The door was slammed shut, and then the slender man was pushed violently,
and his back was pressed against the heavy door panel. Graph raised his head in
fear, and his heart fell to his ankles. The eyes met the sharp eyes of the other
party, the eyes with raging hellfire that would appear when the other party was
very angry with him, and now there were two balls of fire in the sharp eyes in
front of him, but it was... lust.
"It's your fault that you shouldn't have made such an expression on me!"
Graph almost opened his mouth to refute, but his fiery lips pressed forward
quickly, with energy The enthusiasm that was enough to burn his whole body
began to fight. The hot tongue didn't give the boy a chance to breathe, it directly
penetrated deeply into the mouth, completely hitting the endless sweetness and
turbulent desire, which made the legs of the bearer go limp.
P‟ Pakin's kiss was already strong, but this time it was even worse.
"Well, P...ah." The person greedily kissing was like being in the desert, without
a moment's rest, constantly grinding and plundering, and not giving the boy a
chance to resist. At the same time, the young man's hands ... touched his whole
body, making the young man who hadn't felt such a touch for a whole week
tremble all over his body.
A kiss like that would really kill.
"Heh, ha... ah..."
Graph gasped heavily when his mouth was free again, and then gasped slightly
as warm lips began to bite on his neck, big rough hands moved and caressed on
his back and chest, He pulled off the boy's home pants and dropped them to the
ground. Then Pakin held onto the young man's fragile part without a trace of
hesitation or pause, stroked it heavily, and within a few moments,
uncontrollable moans came from the young man's mouth frequently.
Meanwhile, only Pakin knew...he hadn't vented in a whole week.
But the person who has never been tolerant in this regard and made a promise
with the stubborn kid didn't take it too seriously, because he still has a lot of
work to do, and the ability to control the lower body at his age is far stronger
than that of a teenager I don't know how many times. But when he saw the face
that he once thought was very annoying turned red, and when he heard that he
confessed to him that he missed him... the young man couldn't bear it anymore.
The desire came from nowhere, so the young man dragged the young man up to
the room.
Those who surrendered to him at a loss could only say in a trembling voice
trembling with fear:
" lubricant, P...I'm afraid of pain."
When a pair of big hands moved away and kneaded the white skin The tender
buttocks were about to be inserted deep into the hot tunnel that hadn't been
visited in a week, the boy hurriedly begged. Pushing against the opponent's
shoulder feebly, the person who didn't want to bear it anymore couldn't help
clenching his teeth.
Pakin himself didn't want to waste time walking to the bedside table and back
The raging desire was so strong that even he himself couldn't imagine it.
"I won't get in." The young man whispered in his ear, and then turned the
slender man with his back to him. Ruimu saw that the back of the neck, which
was colored by lust, was full of sweat, and the crystal beads of sweat were
inviting the young man to lower his head and taste its taste with his tongue. And
this is not a flash of thought... The young man really lowered his head and
licked it down.
Unsurprisingly, the kid was startled, he clenched his hand against the door
panel, panting and trembling, because... the hot thing was pressing against his
groin, and it was still slowly inserting between the forcibly clamped thighs.
It was big and hot and hard.
"Borrow it." The voice whispered in the ear, making the boy's desire rush to
another level...
Graph couldn't help but trembled when his big hands pushed away, deep into
the soft T-shirt, caressing the light-colored nipples, breathing violently, and the
passion of desire rushed to all limbs in an instant. The boy couldn't help
reaching down to his hot flesh blade, and stroked it rhythmically with the
insertion between his legs.
P‟ Pakin's is super hot.
The hot body was about to melt the boy's consciousness. The boy couldn't even
stand upright, but he still pushed his hips to meet the rhythmic and non-stop
penetration of the other party. I heard more...
"Awesome!" The first time he heard the praise, the boy couldn't help raising his
head, clamping his legs even tighter, his body stretched a little, and met the
fierce force of the groin and buttocks. hit.
. When it was a vulnerable part, the boy could only stand back with his round
buttocks high, and when the end point was in front of him, the boy quickly
pulled it up for himself.
Soon, it will be... ah.
Clap clap.
The embarrassing voice resounded throughout the huge bedroom. The young
man's hand movements accelerated, he closed his eyes tightly, opened his
mouth slightly, and then a light flashed in front of his eyes.
Graph shot, while the man behind him still held on to his round white buttocks,
swinging his body quickly again as if he hadn't had enough yet.
"Fuck!" Of course, that's not all Pakin wanted. He thrust his body more
violently, feeling the wetness between the white legs, because the lubricating
fluid of the love liquid even slipped out a few times, the young man couldn't
help gnashing his teeth.
"P... I... I use my mouth... right?"
The young man's proposal made the listeners lose their rhythm for a moment.
The speaker turned around, his handsome, ruddy face looking a little
uncertain. The boy shivered and bent his knees and knelt on the ground, his face
getting closer to the still majestic dragon. Holding it with both hands, I couldn't
help swallowing.
Although the experience last time was very bad, I still want to do it.
As punishment, last time he was forced to vomit, but this time Pakin didn't act
immediately but just stared at the kid who opened his mouth.
Sucking, licking, being careful like the first time, but... still putting it deep
"Close your mouth tightly, just like yourself... ah." The big man moaned in
satisfaction. When the little one started sucking as taught, the big hands came to
the fluffy dark hair, watching the person who worked hard to learn the
technique tightly wrapped his mouth around him, sucked hard, and then began
to confidently and satisfyingly He swallowed rhythmically.
"Very good! That's it." When he was praised, the child who was still not letting
go at the beginning began to lick the paint, closed his mouth tightly and sucked
vigorously, and his hands also came to the strong legs, between the groin, and
went deeper welcome the entry of the dragon.
Graph inadvertently swept his tongue over the watery top, making the person
who had never shown his emotions so much groan in his throat. Playful and
unknowingly swallowed the opponent's giant again and again.
When the rhythm of the mouth became heavier and faster, Graph became more
used to it, so Pakin began to swing his body slowly, arching up with his favorite
rhythm, teaching the child being trained to keep up with the rhythm that
satisfied him. And the kid also learns very quickly. When the end is coming, he
can't help raising his head slightly and breathing deeper and harder.
"Faster!" Pakin growled, and the listener quickened his rhythm, shaking his
tongue even faster, until he felt the other party's strong tension... "Cough cough
cough." Those caught off guard immediately let
go The hot thing was choked and coughed by the bitter liquid that rushed into
his throat, and the boy raised his hand to wipe it away from his mouth.
The released person still pressed his hand against the door, took a heavy and
long breath, and then looked down at the person who lay powerlessly on the
ground and wiped his mouth with the back of his hand. It seemed that he also
knew that the other party must not be used to the bitter taste in his throat, so the
young man grabbed the shirt and wiped the child's mouth.
I'm not used to it." "How could I get used to it? I haven't spoken to anyone
else!" The tired man panted loudly, his eyes burning with anger.
Yes, who would be like my brother? I don‟t know how many times I‟ve eaten it!
angry look made the listeners raise their mouths, and then said:
“Then you have to get used to it, because I will definitely not just eat it today.
I'll let you eat it just once."
He thumped.
These words made Graph's eyes widen involuntarily, staring blankly at the man
who grabbed his arm and pulled him up. The boy immediately stood up,
protesting in his heart that his legs were weak, but when he looked up at the
piercing eyes and heard the deep and hoarse voice, his body didn't listen to his
heart at all.
"Take everything I've saved for a week!" His beating heart was telling him that
for the past week... P‟ Pakin didn't have anyone.
This fact alone prevents the stubborn brat from having a fit. He just knows...
if only Lao Tzu, Graph would be willing to go to hell and die.
At the same time, Graph must not know that this room has become a restricted
area, and the area in front of the room is even more terrifying.
"Hey, you knock on the door."
"Are you crazy, didn't you see Hot guarding the front of the room? Dare you
go!" The two maids argued softly, not even daring to pass by the front of the
room . Although the housekeeper ordered the two masters to go down for
dinner, but because...the vicious-looking dog was lying in front of the door,
and... "Wow~"
Hot would growl and glare whenever someone approached the room , Drive
people away, like saying that if anyone dares to approach within the radius of
the restricted area, it will bite. So no one dared to disturb them at all, and they
all retreated immediately because they were afraid of the fierce-looking dog.
Hot, who was lying on his stomach with his front legs crossed, kept pricking up
his ears to inquire about the movements of the two masters.
Although it was so naughty that Graph changed its name angrily, but... the
fierce aura is exactly the same as the face of the real master.
Hothearm (fierce and cruel)... the dog lives up to its name.
Chapter 44: Go home!?
Usually Pakin likes the banquets organized by his friends, but it must not
include the new product launches of leading companies held by Sirapop's father,
but he had to attend instead of his father who is not in Thailand. Now he is
standing in a corner of such a banquet, watching a group of media reporting and
interviewing celebrities present, and of course he is not among them.
For the fifth time, the young man raised his hand and waved it to signal to his
subordinates that he rejected the reporter's request for an interview. Because he
doesn't like to be interviewed, his job is not to appear on the cover of
magazines, and he doesn't have extra time to show up like some powerful
people do.
A lot of Pakin's businesses are hidden behind his father's company, and he's not
prepared to expose them to the public because there are so many questions to
answer, and of course...he hates trouble.
The complete opposite of Dead Sin.
Ya must be happy now.
The tall man shook his head slowly, looking boredly at his friend who was
being interviewed shoulder to shoulder with the famous actress. At a glance, it
is clear that the relationship between the two is not just the relationship between
the product spokesperson and the brand's son.
However, his eyes stopped when he saw a familiar face.
"It's annoying."
Pakin murmured. Standing up straight, the bored Fengruijun face immediately
changed into a fake face for socializing. When he raised his hand to salute the
middle-aged man who was coming to greet him with a familiar face, a smile
appeared on the young man's face:
"Scatter krub, uncle."
"Here you are too, Pakin. Usually like this I won‟t see you at any event.”
“This time, Sirapop personally came to invite me, and if I don‟t come, we may
break the relationship.” Pakin said with a smile, looking at the famous
politician... Kritithi‟s biological father.
A person who never cared or cared about his son, even though the kid had been
living in his house for a month and a month, he didn't care.
"Hahahaha, uncle forgot that you and the eldest son of the master are good
As much as the young man hated this kind of banquet, he hated the old fox who
never got into the theme.
"Is uncle healthy?" When the other party was unwilling to enter the topic, he
waited to see what the other party wanted. Because you can tell by looking at
the eyes that the other party must not simply come over to say hello to an
It's not the election period recently, so the matter should have something to do
with...that young master.
"It's so-so. Uncle just found out that he's getting older recently. Walking a few
more steps makes him feel sore and painful like an old man." "
If my dad heard this, he would definitely yell. He's still walking around like a
young man. Where is Florence."
"Uncle is not as good as Mr. Panupong." The other party said with a smile, and
mentioned Pakin's father's name. So the young man smiled lightly, waiting for
the person who kept silent. He guessed that the other party was getting ready to
get down to business. And just as he thought...
"Also, uncle misses little Graph. He doesn't want to go home for a few months,
how is he?" Regarding this question, the listener just smiled slightly, and then
Made the most moderate answer. Although I know in my heart that the other
party should know everything, and this may not be a good thing.
"It's not bad."
"But, I heard that Uncle's son caused trouble for Pakin, didn't you?" The young
man couldn't help frowning slightly, wondering when did that kid cause trouble
for him? He already guessed in his heart that someone must have told the other
party what happened that night, but just looked at the other party's eyes... The
other party was not worried about how much trouble he would have, but was
afraid that his son would be implicated.
Hmph, isn't it too late to ask for a son now?
"No, Graph's a good kid."
He wasn't lying if his recent performances were anything to go by.
While speaking, the speaker thought of the young master who hadn't been
naughty or talked back recently. Maybe it's because of his rage that scared Ya,
plus he said that if he behaves well, there will be rewards-he will follow Ah. So
Ya went into calm mode, and it didn't give him any more headaches.
As far as the facts are concerned... Ya is so cute that it's unbelievable.
"But uncle will be embarrassed. The child has been in that house for a long
time, and uncle's time to go home."
For the first time, the listener obviously paused, even though it was only a blink
of an eye, maybe not even his cronies saw it, maybe even Pakin himself didn't
notice it.
For a brief moment...he was surprised, but the surprise was quickly waved away
and thought...that's okay.
His guardian status can be removed.
"Besides, a big event is coming up recently. If I have to take care of one more
child, my uncle will worry that Pakin will be too tired. My uncle's children are
too naughty. If they don't pay attention, they will start messing around and
cause trouble for everyone."
That's right, that brat would get involved in dangerous things every time.
People who think this way still have a smile on their faces, and they are sorting
out the meaning of what the politicians said in their minds. At first, he thought
that the other party was still a little self-conscious about being a father. In such
an uncertain situation, he would worry about his son and wanted to take the
wandering son back to him. But after hearing it, he felt that the person in front
of him was more worried about himself.
Because if the son messes up something with his meddling, the father is bound
to be implicated.
No wonder that brat resisted his parents so much.
"So uncle wants Pakin to send Graph home." The middle-aged man summed up
his request, Pakin could only sigh, make a embarrassed look, and then shook his
head slowly: "It's not that I don't want to
send Graph home, I don't That's right, but my younger brother probably won't
be willing to go home easily. Uncle also knows what Graph is like..." The father
laughed out loud. Even though there was a hint of irritability in his eyes,
because he remembered that the damned good son dared to threaten his father
with his mistress. And the speaker continued:
"I won't beat around the bush anymore. If I want my younger brother to go
home, I have to pick it up in person. Graph should be happy." The young man
finally said. If the bear boy heard that he didn't care where Ya was, and agreed
with her father to pick her up, there would be a lot of noise and a headache for
the person who brought her. But Pakin knew exactly what he was doing.
No, it should be said that he understands Ya's temperament better than the
stubborn young master's biological father.
'Oh, sit down! '
'Wait, don't eat it. '
'Wow woof. '
'OK, let's eat.
"Hey~ah, the dog is as incredible as its breed!"
During the lunch break, a large group of teenagers who had gathered around the
football field since the bell rang were noisily preparing to play football, but this
did not include those from different classes . two good friends. I saw the two of
them sitting together, head to head, looking down at the mobile phone. A
vicious-looking police dog appeared on the screen and followed the orders
seriously, while the owner of the handsome Siberian husky chirped and yelled.
"Well, Hot is super smart, even the dog trainer praised it." "
It's a trick, there is a dog trainer who trains at home. Look at my dog, it's so
fucking lazy. I stepped on dog shit and screamed to drive it out. I was scolded
from morning to night for not being able to keep a dog.” Kak complained
annoyed. Because he saw that the dog of his friend who got a dog later was so
smart, but his dog was still chasing and biting his own tail.
"But it's very cute. Look at my dog, it's so arrogant." Graph said while thinking
of the purebred German Shepherd, although he appeared smart and witty in the
video, but in fact If it doesn't want to obey instructions, even if it shouts out its
throat, it will just lie on its stomach and look at you motionless, recharging its
energy on the side. Sometimes he digs holes in the garden to play, and he has to
take a bath when it‟s hot, and the worst thing is that whenever the person who
bought it comes back, that damn dog will wait in front of the gate .
When I came home, I just looked up and went back to sleep, wow, I get angry
just thinking about it!
"Well, but my dog is cuter and handsomer than Ah's."
"Hey, I don't agree with that .Si Hot is much more handsome than dead Mu. Ya
look at his face, Ya dog can only giggle." "Ah
eyes have problems, Mu is handsome like a European man. But look at Ya dog,
nose It's as black as charcoal."
"My dog is a purebred dog."
"So what, is it the dog of the Nazis?"
At first, they had a good chat, but when the other party compared the dog, they
couldn't help but raise their own. When it comes to appearance, it is even more
important, whoever loves the dog, everyone is a diehard fan of their dog, even if
it has leprosy, it is still handsome. So the two friends who were exchanging dog
raising experience began to stare at each other.
"Here, dead Graph and dead Kak are going to fight."
"It's so mentally retarded that they actually fought over dogs." "
Oh, did you hear what they said? They were arguing about whose dog is more
handsome, It‟s like a wife is arguing that her husband is more handsome.”
Friends on the court booed loudly and made irresponsible remarks frantically.
"Graph like this also has a husband? I don't know how many wives like you
are." "But if Kak
dies, I think it's okay. It's easy to overthrow."
"Oh, let's go, I support it You."
A group of guys became more and more rampant, and the two people who were
staring at me and staring at you turned around and rushed to the field, and then
shouted in unison:
"You bastards!"
As a result, people on the football field burst into laughter. Laughing loudly, the
smaller one chased after and kicked the person who said he would have a
husband. Graph, on the other hand, shook his head and put the phone into the
case while panting heavily, as if talking about such things was very
Anyway, dead Hot is more handsome than dead Mu.
People who are obsessed with their dogs still stick to their ideas. And at this
"Oh, is Graph going to cheat?"
"Chanchao." The boy immediately turned to the back and saw his friend
climbing up to make a partition between the football field and the cafeteria so
that the ball would not keep getting kicked out and hit To the barbed wire fence
of the dishes. Seeing a slight smile on the pretty face, the young man couldn't
help laughing along with the joke:
"Don't dare, I know that Chanchao is the only one I have."
The usual conversation between the two friends who pretended to be lovers, but
because the boy in a good mood replied this sentence, the girl couldn't help but
widen her eyes: "Hey, if you say it like this, the concubine is
sincere and frightened."
"Hahahaha, with the teacher Is the talk over?"
"Oh, it's over." The girl with the ponytail nodded vigorously, and then looked
towards the court in fear:
"Will I get hit in the face by a ball if I go in and sit?" "
Come in, I'll sit for you Get out of the way." As he said that, Graph got up
immediately, and went around the barbed wire to pick up his sweaty friends to
sit on the sidelines of the football field and help with the backpack. This kind of
behavior made the group of guys with dog mouths who had been waiting for a
long time laugh:
"Oh, the old lady is here, brothers."
"Die Kak, die Kak, don't be sarcastic. Your handsome man's wife has arrived "
Damn it! I'm not dead Graph's wife. They bastards don't understand human
language, do they!" the little man running all over the field yelled loudly, and
then chased and kicked each other again. And Graph shook his head, turned his
head to look at Chanchao, and said embarrassedly:
"Don't be angry with them, they just have a bad mouth, but they are easy to get
along with." "
If I don't pull Graph to skip class, I will... ..Just live in peace with them."
It is true that the girl is still angry at the guys who brought Graph into the
training room last time, but seeing that her friends have smiled more recently,
are in a brighter mood, and seem to do things better Having fun, and not even
skipping class, getting into trouble and getting yourself into trouble...or getting
punished again.
"Skipping class, you'll be yelled at."
"Yeah, is it me... or someone else?" Chanchao laughed at the first chance, not
because he was being called an old lady by others, but because She has long
been used to numbness, but she wants to know another thing even more. But the
boy couldn't help but paused for a moment:
"Oh, there is no way to know whether I skipped class or not."
"But Graph still obediently listened to P's words and came to class." When he
was repeatedly teased, the boy who was considered bad-looking and handsome
in everyone's mind couldn't help but blush, making the people watching almost
couldn't help laughing.
How would anyone react if they knew that Graph had never had a wife like she
It may appear to outsiders that she and Graph are a couple, and the relationship
is so close that Graph's fans say behind her back that she must have slept with
Graph, but Chanchao doesn't mind this at all, they can say whatever they want
Well, as long as she and Graph both know it well. And she also knows Graph
very well...the cutest.
This boy is too cute, he won't be anyone's husband, because ah... he belongs to
P‟ Pakin.
"It's laziness, isn't it?"
"You know what you're asking!" Chanchao laughed, and then confessed,
"Graph is in a good mood recently, so I'm happy. Last time I cried like that, I
was so sad. "At that time, my friend was crying to the point of dying, and she
felt so bad because she couldn't help, but now everything has changed, Graph
stopped being self-satisfied and smiled more visibly. And the reason is not
because of anyone else... but because of that man.
Hearing this, the young man couldn't help but paused for a moment, then
nodded and said,
"Thank you. Chanchao, I admit that I'm really happy recently, so happy that I'm
a little scared." Shen, who has experienced countless emotional ups and downs
from a certain man, He lowered his voice and asked the girl with the ponytail to
comfort him:
"Don't do this. Smile, Graph. I heard that when people feel happy, don't be
timid... Oh, by the way, Graph lives at P Pakin's house now. Don't you want to
go back to your own home?" The person who started the conversation changed
the subject because he was afraid that his friend would think of some old things,
after all, life is now happy and happy. And this also made the listeners purse
their lips:
"Why go back, no one in that family may care."
"Don't talk about your parents like that." When the moon girl retorted, Graph
picked up the phone and opened the records on the phone to show the other
party: "Let's see how many times
my parents have called." The listener took it suspiciously. He picked up the
phone, and then slowly frowned. Because I swiped the record and saw... there is
no father or mother's name in the record.
"Got it. They don't care about me, as long as I don't embarrass them." The
speaker also shrugged nonchalantly. He didn't show the loneliness of being
abandoned by his parents, but more of showing loneliness and sadness:
"P Win is more like my dad."
Brother Win... the people mentioned in his mouth can be said to be closer than
his parents , that one will come to pick him up when he is not at work, he will
take him out for dinner when P‟ Pakin is away, and last time he took him to the
movies. Although someone followed him not far away when he went out, Mr.
Guardian still allowed him to go out with Brother Win, and going out with
Brother Win was also very interesting.
"I only have P Pakin, P Win, Aunt Kaew... that's enough. This is already much
more than what I had before." When she felt her eyes were hot and tears were
getting more and more The girl couldn't help biting her lips slightly. Because
although my friend said that he didn't care at all, he was still very
pitiful. However, when the girl opened her mouth to say something...
woo woo woo.
The phone with the ringtone turned off vibrated, which startled the girl, and
hurriedly looked down.
"Graph, Graph's father is calling!"
It is true that the eyes of those who listened were wider than the girl's, because
the name of the person who has never called to care about whether he is alive or
dead just appeared on the phone screen on...Dad.
"What does this mean? What the hell is my dad doing here!"
"I don't know, Master Graph. But my lord, he is in the living room with Master
Pakin right now." " Why the hell
are you here!"
Young Master Kritithi rushed home immediately after his father's call. During
the phone call, his father said leisurely that he would wait for him at P‟ Pakin's
house. So the boy immediately decided to skip class and called the driver, but
the driver seemed to know something and was already waiting outside. The
teenager jumped into the car and rushed home as fast as possible, because it
seemed... P‟ Pakin knew that his father would come.
The boy was much calmer than before, but his eyes couldn't help flickering with
displeasure when he encountered something related to his family.
His parents have always been profit-seeking people, so there must be something
important that made them rush to find a home.
Even though they just asked for a meal together last time, they said they didn‟t
have time!
The person who thought this way sighed deeply, and strode towards the living
room, so he didn‟t notice that Hot, who was lying by the main house‟s door,
was seeing Immediately, he trotted beside him and entered the living room
Unsurprisingly, the very official laughing was none other than...his father.
"Why are you here, Dad!"
said the Son of Man immediately. It attracted two adults to turn their heads to
look over at the same time, especially the middle-aged man frowned greatly and
said harshly: "Is
this how you greet your dad? Graph."
"I I'm just wondering what daddy is doing here." The boy's voice slowed down
a little when he saw the stern look in the other man's eyes, because it was
undeniable that he was afraid of P‟ Pakin but not his own father.
"Come and sit, Graph." Pakin intervened in the conversation between the father
and son, causing the person who had just entered the house to take a deep
breath, and walked to the sofa farthest from his father to sit down.
"I'm here, what's the matter?"
"I'm your father, can I come if I have something to do?"
Haven't you always been like this?
The boy kept his mouth shut, feeling Hot lying down against his feet, the boy
couldn't help calming down a little bit, he reached out and patted it on the head
involuntarily, like I'm saying don't fall, I don't care. And if the dog could talk it
would say... the owner's hands are shaking.
And when the father categorically said the following sentence, the boy's hands
trembled even more.
"I'll take you home."
The listener's eyes widened, and he turned his head to look at the speaker as if
he couldn't believe his ears. He was so surprised that his heart almost
stopped. And when the other party continued to speak, he was almost
"You've been bothering Pakin for a long time, I think you should go home..."
"I'm not coming back!!!"
Immediately, the kid who had been doing well during this period of time
jumped up immediately, shouting hard, Shaking his head, he firmly said without
giving me any sympathy:
"No matter what, I won't go back!" Why did he have to go back to that damned
Thinking like this, the person turned and looked at P‟ Pakin asking for help, but
the owner of the mansion was... sitting motionless.
Graph didn't know what P‟ Pakin was thinking, but he was very, very scared
right now.
What if dad came because P Pakin wanted to drive me away?
"You brat! You've been here for a few months?! Think about Pakin who has to
take care of a kid like you. I'm really ashamed. You're 16 years old, so you need
to use your brain more. .."
"Dad, don't just come and pretend to be a father now!"
When he learned that the other party didn't even know the age of his only son,
Grpah was very angry, never angry before, and this anger was clearly expressed
on his face. The words that sounded neither big nor small caused the famous
politicians to stand up immediately, but the person who could calmly face the
criticism no matter how irritable he was, yelled back because the speaker was
his only son: "Graph
"What, did I say something wrong? Dad knows what grade I'm in now
" The two yelled at each other without admitting defeat, one was so angry that
he could no longer care about his good image in front of the public, while the
other was so angry that he aroused pity, and the housekeeper couldn't help but
squeeze his hand tightly.
I saw that the boy who was desperately talking back was about to cry now.
"Tell me, what grade is your son in!!!" "
However, the father didn't say a word, as if saying...he didn't know.
Not knowing how old the only son was or what grade he was in was the last
straw for Kritithi.
"Listen, I'm 17, not 16. I'm a sophomore in high school. But dad, don't forget,
dad, go play your political games, I'm just a fucking son, I'm only going to be
noisy all the time, and I don't care if I die! And , please remember, I will not go
back to that house again. Dad, don‟t bother me, go find Dad‟s lover when you
have time!!!” After speaking, Graph suddenly turned his head and looked
disappointedly at the owner of the mansion.
The one who didn't lend a helping hand, and his silence was more like pushing
the boy towards the middle-aged man.
Dead Graph never had a place to call home, did it? When I thought this was
it...the host didn't allow it.
"Remember, even if Dad pulls me, I won't go!!!"
"Damn Graph!!!"
After finishing speaking, the boy turned around and ran out of the living room,
not caring at all about the yelling of his father. That person who doesn't love his
son at all, plans to catch the young man, he wants to catch the teenager, let the
other party remember who he is. However...
"Wow, woof, woof!!!"
The big dog jumped in front of him, his eyes were fierce, and his sharp teeth
could be seen clearly. His forelimbs were slightly bent, ready to pounce at any
time. To chase after those who are not good for its owner.
"Woof! Woof!!!!"
The loud roar again scared the people who were about to rush up.
And Pakin moved to Hot and patted it on the head:
"Quiet!" The two words made the big dog shut up, but his eyes were still staring
fiercely at the middle-aged man. As long as the owner allows it, it will pounce
on it at any time. Then, Pakin turned his head to look at the older man, and
sighed pretendingly:
"I think it's better for uncle to go back first, and there shouldn't be any
conclusions to be discussed today."
The listeners could only respond a few times , straightened his clothes, and tried
to pretend he wasn't afraid of the big dog, even though he was actually so scared
that he backed away. Then he said in a deep voice:
"Tell that brat, if you don't go home, I will block all funds. This brat Graph can't
escape!" "
Okay, I'll talk to him." Pakin smiled slightly and turned around with his eyes
The person who stepped out of his house. And the heart is laughing.
How strange that a man like this dared to call himself a father.
Chapter 45:Places to call home
"Fuck, goddamn dad!!!"
Graph rushed into the bedroom, slammed the door hard, and then, as if to vent
the rage in his heart, the gas in his chest was about to explode come out. The
whole person was so angry that he couldn't breathe, his body was shaking, and
his heart... seemed to be smashed and disintegrated by the words of the father.
The person he'd craved for attention but never returned it to.
Other people‟s birthdays will be celebrated by their parents, but Kritithi‟s
birthday has only been a big cake, countless gifts, and a babysitter he doesn‟t
need since he can remember, except that there are no figures of his father and
mother... what he wants most one's gift.
The little boy is only familiar with the four corners of the ward and the
loneliness and loneliness as if he is the only one in this world.
He hated wards, hated birthdays, hated promises that were never kept.
'This year mom will be celebrating with Graph. '
His mother once promised, promised to celebrate the little boy's birthday, so the
little boy counted the days and waited, and said that his mother would celebrate
his birthday together this year, but when the day came, there was no sign of the
person who made the promise , there are just expensive gifts that Kritithi's little
boy doesn't need and a bunch of excuses...
'Mom needs money to buy gifts for Kritithi. '
Is there not enough money now?
Disappointed little boy thinks so and throws things away, he smashes it,
destroys it, and no one will say how much he will buy again, because those who
can teach him have no time to teach him.
Graph grew up with only a lot of money and material things but no love from
his parents, so why should he respect such a person? Show up to him when you
want to call yourself father, force him to do what you want him to do, even dogs
have hearts, feelings, needs of their own, and do they treat him like a dog?
No, Laozi is just a doll, a doll without a heart that can be placed anywhere!
The man standing in the middle of the bedroom and breathing deeply thought
so. Not venting his anger, but just...holding back tears.
"Don't cry, ya, don't cry out! Death Graph, don't!" With hot tears in his eyes, he
was sad because of the fact that his biological person knew nothing about
him. And most importantly, the person he loves, cares about, and values the
most... wants to drive him out of this house.
The person who opened the door to the room with the white corners was also
the person who let him know that he was no longer alone in this world.
'Sick again, what do you want to be sick? Make me waste time to see you
again. '
The first person who dares to go against him, hate him, treat him well and keep
his promise every time.
Although you will be irritable and impatient, but if you say you will come...the
other party will definitely follow the promise and show up.
Pakin hyung is that kind of person.
"Don't cry!" Graph yelled, but the tears... had flowed into two lines with their
own thoughts.
P Pakin doesn't want Lao Tzu anymore, he wants to send Lao Tzu back.
Such a thought made the young man squeeze his hands tightly together,
desperately holding back the tears, and the great anger surged, but in fact Graph
felt very scared now.
He's afraid...of being abandoned.
"Don't want me." This is the truest feeling.
Now the teenager has regarded this place as home, more like home than the
home he grew up in. It was the place where someone would wait for him to eat
after he came back, but maybe it was just his own thoughts.
Graph fell down and sat on the edge of the bed, leaning his back against the
cushion, his knees slightly brought together, his arms folded in his hands, and
his head resting weakly on his knees. Trying to cling to himself, constantly
denying the fact that there was no one else in his life anymore.
No one really needs him.
"Don't cry, dead Graph. Ya don't cry, when you grow up, don't cry!" He Zhi's
voice didn't stop the tears flowing from his eyes.
He may have been used to loneliness, but in fact, once he has experienced
happiness and is impossible to continue to get used to pain.
"Wow! Woof woof!!!"
Immediately, the person who hugged his knees and cried alone was
shocked. When he heard the sound of scratching the heavy door panel and Hot's
barking, the boy couldn't help looking at the door of the room, and before the
owner of the body realized it, he had already walked towards the door with his
feet and quickly opened the door. As if wishing, anyone could... He didn't want
to be alone at this moment.
"Hot, come here." As soon as he opened the door, he saw a big dog waiting
there. Then the naughty and disobedient Hot ran up according to the master's
order, and threw himself into the arms of the young man who was hugging him
tightly. I saw the boy buried in the dark hair, the warmth of the living body
completely disintegrated all the disguised strength, leaving only the fragility and
helplessness of the child who lacked warmth.
"Hot, don't want me, now I...I only have ya...don't want me."
"Woof!!!" The dog barking loudly stretched his head to lick the boy's tears,
making Graph couldn't help hugging even harder Hold it by the neck.
"Don't want me."
Then, the crying sound of the handsome boy resounded throughout the huge
bedroom, and beside him was only a big dog guarding nowhere.
Pakin sent the guests to the car until the car disappeared from sight, and then
turned around to enter the main house, but unexpectedly, he met the
housekeeper who was standing and looking at him dissatisfiedly, so he couldn't
help asking: "Auntie, what's the matter?
" What's the matter?"
"Auntie please, Master, please don't send Master Graph back."
Aunt Kaew will never disobey the orders of her boss, and will never express
any views or ideas that go beyond her duties. Because her duty is just to take
care of the house and keep everything in order. But if she has a request at any
time, the owner will stop and listen carefully. And now is the time for her to ask
for something.
The request made made the listener freeze his eyes. So the housekeeper said in a
softer voice:
"Please don't send Master Graph back to that house. He is very happy here.
Master Graph may not be a good boy, and sometimes his words will make
adults half dead. But if you and just arrived here Master Graph is really much
cuter than when he was there. If he is sent back, he will only face the same
atmosphere and the same loneliness as before. So I beg you not to send him
back to face those things again." The listener Still motionless, the person who
made up his mind continued to speak:
"Master Graph is a person who is afraid of being lonely. He has talked a lot with
Auntie, so to be honest, Auntie doesn't like the way the people in that house are
raised. .As long as that man gives more love to his son, Master Graph will be
cuter and more obedient than now. Master Pakin should be more aware of how
lonely Master Graph is and how happy Graph is here than Auntie.” Older
woman begged.
Aunt Kaew couldn't bear to send the children who were living in happiness back
to face the original misfortune.
She is used to waking up the sleepy teenager in the morning, preparing the best
food for him, sending him to school and waiting for him to come back for
dinner at night. Children who express themselves frankly in an incorrect way.
Anyone who knows how to get along with Graph will know that Master Graph
is a very good kid.
"It seems that everyone in the family is on Ya's side. If Win comes back, I will
have to endure his teasing again."
What the owner of the mansion said made the old elders in the family can't help
pursing their lips, as if Looking at each other as if hoping for a reply. But Pakin
just passed in front of her, and said a word...
"And I didn't say a word about sending Graph back."
What he said made the listeners' eyes widen, and they watched the house
intently. The owner of the mansion returned to the room to find the person who
was crying so much that the whole room was soaked, and then the elder
murmured softly:
"Thank you, Master Pakin."
Pakin didn't need this thank you at all, because he... In the end, he never thought
about sending that kid back.
Before opening the door of the bedroom, Pakin knew that the bad boy who
didn't pay attention to his elders must have turned into a crybaby, but he didn't
expect that the scene after opening the door would make the flesh in his chest
dance so hard.
I saw the unscrupulous boy sitting in the corner of the room hugging Hot
tightly, his face buried in the dog's fur, and he was crying like a river. Then the
boy raised his head and met his gaze.
Ya looks...much more pitiful than ever before.
The tearful man asked him:
"P... is going to take me home, isn't it?"
"What do you think?" Pakin asked back. Seeing the young man who took a deep
breath, he tried his best to look strong in front of him, but the young man's eyes
could clearly see the hands holding Hot, which were trembling.
"P... Are you going to drive me home?"
The young man still didn't answer, he just stood and stared at the young man
who hugged the big dog harder, like it was his only support . I saw the man who
was laughing at himself wiping his face back and forth with the back of his
hand, and said in a trembling voice:
"I know too... I know a kid like me... No one wants one, no one wants one like
me. ..such a fucking brat." Graph said as he stood up and looked into the youth's
eyes, and then the past brash, self-righteous man let the tears flow again, like a
7-year-old kid who needs his parents to celebrate his birthday Ask him:
"I want to stay here... I... woo... I don't want to go... No, don't drive me out."
Graph throws away all dignity in order to stay here. The owner of the mansion
only said one sentence:
"Your father said that if you don't go back, you will lose all your sources of
income .
Graph still knows that if he has no money he has nothing. Although he lives
here every day now, the money in the bank account and credit card will still be
transferred in regularly every month, and it is impossible for P‟ Pakin to be
willing to spend money to support such an annoying brat like him.
Cutting off his father's source of income is like forcing him to go home.
It's over, the blissful time in this home is over.
"I... want to pack things... do you?" Graph asked with a trembling voice, then
lowered his head and patted Hot's head lightly, bending over to meet his eyes,
which had already been filled with tears.
"I take it okay to go with it okay for me to take's the
only one...that didn't abandon me." Graph began to whimper and say let Words
that people can't hear clearly. All the boy knew was to hold on to the hair on the
big dog's neck like it was the last straw.
"I beg you, I want to take go with me." The boy sobbed out of breath,
wiping his face back and forth with the back of his hand. It looks so pitiful that
anyone will soften their hearts when they see it.
"It's already yours."
Graph very much hoped that the other party would say no to go, but such an
answer has clearly answered his question...Go wherever you want, take Just
take it away, as long as you leave this home.
"I... have to... pack my things... woo..." The boy was about to die from crying,
but he still dragged his weak legs and passed in front of the bad-hearted
man. However...
"Go to hell, you bastard. Did I say a word to let you go?"
Immediately, Pakin reached out and grabbed the opponent's waist, forcing the
opponent to turn his face, piercing eyes He stared fixedly at the trembling eyes
studded with crystal tears. I saw that the young man's eyes were full of
grievances, sadness and disappointment, mixed with various emotions and
finally turned into desperate eyes like a puppy, and he was still asking... Is
brother abandoning me?
"I haven't said that I want to send you back. What's the matter with everyone in
this family." "
But P... said... bring Hot..." stubborn The children couldn't speak clearly, they
only knew how to refute each other instinctively. And this also made the
superior shake his head:
"It's your dog, and it's up to you where to take it. But I didn't say I'd send you
back." The young man said wearily as if he was tired of a complaining brat. But
the big hand quickly reached out to wipe his tear-wet face, which made the
young man gasp and want to refute, anyone who encountered such a situation
would think that he was not wanted. But before rebutting, someone took out his
wallet first.
Graph stared blankly at the big hand opening the wallet, and then saw the other
party take out several cards, and tapped them on his forehead: "
Although your father won't give you any money, it's just a troublesome one."
It‟s just a brat, can‟t I afford it? Fold the old cards later and use these instead.
I‟ll ask Chai to get a secondary card in your name tomorrow.” Pakin said
lightly. But it made the listener's eyes widen like they couldn't believe their ears.
The boy unconsciously grasped his strong arms with both hands, and asked with
a trembling voice, "
What does P...P mean?"
The owner of the mansion couldn't help but sigh because the boy's reaction was
too slow, but But he only replied:
"I can stay here."
"Is P serious!!!"
the boy asked eagerly, almost jumping on it. The tears were stopped in an
instant, and she stared fixedly at the sharp eyes that flickered with a little
impatience. He needed an answer, an answer to make sure he heard right.
"I'm not a person who likes to lie." The speaker stretched out his hand to the
boy's head, and pressed it lightly. The touch on the head made the stubborn boy
forget everything, forget all prejudices, and rush into the other party's head.
arms, and then... howled.
People who are not good at comforting can't help hugging each other gently,
and then repeat to reassure the other person:
"You don't have to go back to that house again."
Pakin knew that what was done today would cause a lot of trouble in the
future. From the beginning, he could have sent Ya back, but he didn't do that,
but asked the other side to pick him up in person, because he knew that Graph
couldn't easily agree to go back. And the child's fiery temperament will
definitely make Ya's father so angry that he wants to sever ties, and the fact is
just as guessed. Perhaps the best solution to reluctance to return the child to his
father is to cause discord between father and son, and the matter has smoothly
turned into the child's unilateral decision to continue to stay, and he just has no
choice but to stop it in the process. Even though he knew it well...he had no
intention of sending the kid back from the very beginning.
He saw what Aunt Kaew saw. The kid has changed a lot since he came here,
and he doesn't want to see the annoying kid anymore. Now he looks... much
But... Doing so is like cutting off your own escape route.
Maybe the reason why he wants to make the father and son quarrel is because
he wants to make this place the only place this young master can return to.
What the hell are you thinking, Pakin.
The young man realized that not only Graph had changed, but also his own
heart was changing.
I didn't become anxious because of a certain thought...Maybe I have to raise a
child for a lifetime.
The sun was about to disappear from the edge of the sky, and dyed one part of
the sky orange-red. At the same time, the unscrupulous boy in the huge
bedroom was still holding on tightly to Pakin's hand, and the handsome face that
was once pale and with tears in his eyes looked like a different person from the
daytime . In the corner of the room, there was also a big dog lying in the kennel,
its face buried in its two overlapping forelimbs, its ears pricked up as if it was
listening to its master.
"I won't go back to that house again." The person who stopped crying repeated
as if seeking affirmation, while the person who listened nodded and leaned his
back to the head of the bed, unable to help shaking because he had been lying
on the side for a long time. His neck was sore from talking to the young master
with his head down.
"If you don't want to return it, you won't return it."
"Is P serious about the money?" The boy returned to the matter his father
threatened, while taking out his wallet and several cards and putting them all
over the bed.
The only thing he got in that
"As long as you don't touch my car. I can give you as much as you want." The
owner of the mansion said jokingly, but the fact also has that meaning, because
last time the brat wanted to do it with his car in a whimsical way. bumper
cars. It is true that it is much easier for him to break Ya's neck and throw it
away than to buy a new one.
"Okay, I won't touch P's car, what about mine?"
Graph remembered the most expensive item for him, and began to think about
how to get it back. But the other party shrugged his shoulders as if he didn't take
it seriously at all, and then easily said something that made the listeners' mouths
open: "I got someone to sell it.
That car was worth a million baht. .
"How can P be like this, that's my car!" A little time ago, Kritithi was still a
tearful kid who was afraid of loneliness, but when everything was dealt with
and things developed in a better direction, the original talking back The kid is
back. When he learned that the car he had ridden for less than a year was sold,
he yelled dissatisfiedly.
"Why do you keep it? It's only used to rush down the roadside, so it's better to
sell it. If you want to go racing, go to the racing track. I have several cars
dropped there."
"Illegal racing track?" The listener asked cautiously, because he didn't think that
he would have a chance to enter the racing track again. Hearing this, the
listeners couldn't help laughing out loud, and said,
"I'm still dreaming and I'll take you there again?"
"Okay, I know I'm a bastard." Graph murmured dissatisfied. Dissatisfaction is
nothing compared to the comfort you get when you know you can't stay here
any longer. And this kind of thought was clearly written in his eyes, so the big
man couldn't help but soften his voice and continued:
"I won't say anything when you live here, but you must be obedient and don't be
a bear." "
I... You can come back here at any time, right? P." The kid who was afraid of
loneliness asked cautiously, looked up at the owner of the mansion, the person
who once drove him out of this house and tried every means to yell at him to
leave now nodded, and stretched his head. He put his hand on the boy's head,
without pushing his face back or hurting him, but gently stroking... as if to
comfort him.
"You can go back if you want."
Then Graph asked in a trembling voice,
"I'll call this the writer... is that okay?"
He's going to have a place he can go back to when he needs to, won't he?
Someone here is waiting for him.
There will be no loneliness and loneliness here.
Here is someone willing to listen to everything he wants to say.
He's going to have a place where he can feel at ease like everyone else, isn't he?
The poor kid's question made the hard-hearted person can't help but reply:
"Up to you." Just this is enough to make Graph smile, because all the
grievances, sadness and disappointment are all gone because of such a
promise. Then the person who was not polite when he first came to this house
said politely:
"Thank you, P Pakin."
The words of thanks made the listener feel strange, but the fierce person smiled:
"Thank you What are you doing, thank Aunt Kaew."
"Aunt Kaew?"
"Aunt Kaew never begs me for anything, but today she begged me not to send
you back." The young man's heart couldn't help beating wildly immediately. He
didn't expect that someone would want to keep him from staying here. When the
housekeeper who has been taking care of him since he entered this house dared
to ask someone with a hard heart... he felt unspeakably sweet.
Is this what it feels like, to respect someone from the bottom of my heart...a
feeling I've never had for my biological parents.
"I will definitely thank you." Graph said earnestly, but when he was about to
continue asking something...
Knock, knock!
"Graph! Are you in!!!" Mimi knocked on the door with a familiar voice, The
boy couldn't help but frowned slightly, and didn't look at the owner of the
mansion whose eyes were shaking. Because... the only one who dared fight
Pakin is back.
"P Win, hey, lighten up, do you want to knock the door open?" The young man
had to get out of bed immediately after knocking on the door hard, and rushed
to open the door, and then a slender figure of a young model appeared. I saw
that the face of the other party was still made up with high-end cosmetics, eye
shadow was painted on the sharp eyes, and bright lipstick was applied on the
mouth, all of which showed how quickly the other party came back. And his
eyes are... full of worry.
Afterwards, Win forced his way into the room and stared at his cousin
"I heard that Kin is going to send Graph home."
"Hey, P Win, no. P Pakin didn't want to send me back."
The eyes of the two brothers Damn exactly the same.
The dark eyes looked over abruptly, causing the teenager to shake his head
slowly and quickly explained:
"I don't have to go back to that house, P. I want to be here...can I stay?" The
owner of the mansion agreed Yes, but do others agree? So the boy asked
cautiously, if the elder brother said no...he would be equally sad.
To be honest, when I saw brother Win's face, I wanted to rush up and tell my
dad what he did, but he didn't dare.
He is a boy, how can he do that.
The boy said to himself, looking at the person who sighed heavily, and then...
"Hey, P Win!" Instead, the other party pulled Graph into his arms, caressed the
boy's back one by one and stuck it He whispered,
"Stay here, Graph. Stay here if you are happy staying here. If Kin won't let you,
P will call the real head of the family." The so-called real head of the family is
not someone else , it is Pakin's father. This also made the person sitting on the
bed shake his head slowly:
"Don't complicate things, okay?"
He hates fighting with people with his temperament.
What he said made Phawis couldn't help but stare at the other party, and then
said in a deep voice:
"I originally wanted to make a fuss, but if Kin has already dealt with it, I won't
intervene." "
Oh, the wings of protection are too stretched. Open it?"
The brothers stared at each other, and then the person who looked like he didn't
care about anyone outside raised a provocative smile, and said plainly: "I regard
Graph as my family
. , if someone treats my family badly, I will not let him go easily. This is what P
taught me.” This dogma was what Pakin had said years ago when something
happened to him, the one who was always self-centered Pakin said it when he
knew that his brother lost his life to his best friend and was going crazy.
The owner of the mansion narrowed his eyes slightly, then smiled at the corners
of his mouth, got off the bed and was about to walk out of the room, but before
that, the young man stopped in front of Graph, and said... "
Someone Worrying about you, don‟t you dare call this place a writer?”
The short sentence was deeply engraved in the boy‟s heart.
Graph has it in his heart...who gave him everything he needed.
This man with a bad heart is everything in Kritithi's life, someone who has just
given him a place to call 'home'.
Chapter 46 The soul is one step closer
When the sky was completely shrouded in darkness, only part of the lights in
the huge mansion illuminated the aisle, and the lights in all the rooms were
turned off one after another, indicating that the people in the room also fell
asleep one by one. However, in the owner's room in the deep part of the
mansion, the boy who needs to get up early still blinks his eyes at the owner
who just finished saying: "Tomorrow
I have to go south."
"Again, P."
"So Are you dissatisfied with the tone?"
When Pakin asked back, the stubborn child lying naked beside the bed opened
his mouth to refute, but in the end he couldn't refute and could only shut his
mouth, and then glanced at their eyes. Condition.
Oh, no wonder, I wiped out Lao Tzu because he would not be here again.
Now Graph is very used to flirting with men with amazing stamina. If Hot has
the extra strength to run around the garden all day, the person who bought it can
also want him all night. He can't help but feel that his body has become much
stronger... After all, there are four nights of this kind of exercise a week.
So when the boy was sitting on the bed reading the book Chanchao forced on
him, he was "willingly" to respond to the person who just came back and
straddled him. But now I know that this kind of Meng Lang is because he has to
compensate for the vacant room during the time he went to work, and... " How
?" Breathed out, meaning...very unhappy. "You dare to use this voice to me
now?" "Oh, I'm just a tool for P to vent his desire, how could he take me there."
Now the hot boy already knows that talking back is meaningless, Gao Shouting
is useless, and after trying to do what Win brother said, Graph found that such
an aggrieved voice is the most effective. But I'm not pretending to be wronged, I
really feel wronged. "Oh." Fuck.
The tall man's reaction was only a low laugh, and the young man couldn't help
cursing in his heart, making a gesture to get up from the bed and take another
shower to vent his irritability. However...
the big hand locked the boy's neck first, and the slender man fell down on all
fours and snuggled up to Pakin's chest. The boy looked up.
"Auntie is here?"
Ask yourself first, it's like a ghost.
Graph turned his face the other way, trying not to spout something nasty to
avoid being thrown out of the house. And the big hand fell on the dark hair,
rubbing it gently, as if saying don't lose your temper with me. The sharp and
profound handsome face fell into deep thought.
The big project he's been preparing for years is about to start next month, so he
needs to be as prepared as possible and... as safe as he can be.
It's not about his own safety, but about this kid who has completely forgotten
what happened last month.
Even though it had been a month since the night of the race, how could he, as
the man in power and authority, be unaware that the enemy was waiting for him
to open the door and expose his weaknesses. Although a guy like Pakin would
never expose his weaknesses to others, he still has to admit that this kid who he
once regarded as a big the biggest black spot in his life.
Protect the weakest and darkest spots beneath this steel fortress.
As long as Graph stays in the house and strictly abides by his rules, the young
master will be safe and sound. But how could the young people not know how
much the stubborn children want to go together?
Although this is his territory, now that there are people coming and going from
all around the island to prepare the venue...he doesn't want to take risks.
Pakin is willing to challenge danger at any time, and is brave enough to take
risks under any circumstances, but when he sees the face of a child who wants
to stay by his side, Ya is like a little beast left behind.
Heh, 10 years later, I don't know if I can grow up like Win is now.
Looking at the kid who was muttering to himself, even if he wasn't a prophet, he
would know he was scolding him.
"It's too dangerous there."
The child who was cursing immediately looked up, while the speaker just
stretched out his other hand, took the cigarette on the table by the bed, and
skillfully placed it on it, letting curious people wait like that with.
It wasn't until a puff of smoke was sprayed into the air that the young man
turned his head and looked over again, and it seemed that Graph understood the
command 'wait' just like Hot.
The boy's willingness to lie obediently and wait for him for a few seconds made
the person who didn't want to talk about his work willing to speak up.
Pakin has never told anyone about it except for the person who has a
cooperative relationship, but this time he wants to let the children who have
nothing to do with it know, maybe because... that aggrieved voice is like asking
and throwing Am I alone?
Now that Ya dares to express his fear of being abandoned, he should convince
Ya that he has no intention of abandoning Ya.
"When I was studying in the United States, I had some ideas. When I returned
to Thailand, I began to acquire a large number of islands in the south. Part of it
was to open a casino until I saw this island. The scenery of this island is exactly
what I wanted. Needless to say, there are also hidden resorts far away from
Thailand‟s territorial waters that can be used as hidden residences for rich
people from all over the world, so I contacted and bought them. I almost bought
it after investing everything, and now I have been preparing for more than 2
years.” Graph didn‟t expect it
. The other party will tell him these things, because Pakin has never talked about
himself, let alone work, and more often he likes to talk about such and such
things recently, while the other party Also willing to listen. So now when the
big man is willing to talk, all the grievances in the young man's heart disappear
without a trace.
The boy quietly leaned on the other person's chest, looked up, and listened to
the serious man smoking a cigarette and telling him everything about his work...
The atmosphere was unbelievably warm.
Because the other party is willing to let him take a step closer, he feels at ease
and warm.
"What project, P?" I couldn't help being curious, what project made this man
prepare for two years.
As soon as the question came out, the eyes of the listeners lit up, they took a
deep breath of cigarettes, and then...smirked.
"The biggest illegal racing car, how about it?"
"" The boy turned over and asked with his elbows on his chest,
repeating the words of the other party as if he couldn't believe his ears.
I knew Pakin was addicted to the speed of the car, but I didn't expect it to be
that way.
"Yes, I have reorganized the entire island as a racing track. The track has been
completed. There are steep slopes and sharp turns up the mountain. The end
point is in the center of the island. It will last for a week. There are no rules, no
guarantee of safety, and dirty tricks are fine. All participating drivers must be
mentally prepared to die, because there will be no legal protection. And the
winner will gain both fame and fortune." The more he listened to Graph, his
eyes widened, because he had never heard of it before. over these.
"Then what does P get?"
It must not be just for fun, because no matter how much the other party likes
speed, they will never take the risk of building such a racing track just because
they want to see the driver crashing down the mountain and die. Hearing this,
Pakin grinned.
There was a smile that made Graph's back feel cold and his palms feel cold
when he saw it.
"Think about it... What do you think I'll give in exchange?"
The listener lowered his head slightly, his head spinning rapidly, and then he
agreed in his heart but was not sure.
"Really? Gambling?" The big tall man laughed, turned around and pressed the
cigarette butt, then turned his eyes to the person who was waiting for the
"Don't underestimate gambling. Many people have lost their fortunes because of
it. And don't underestimate the desire of the rich to vent. It is true that betting
with money is valuable, but betting with life... the value will be even higher."
Pakin Easy to say. He has also accepted the cooperation of several investors,
one of which is a friend of his father, a person who taught him a lot when he
was studying there.
He went to study abroad not only to enjoy the sex party.
Pakin still clearly remembers the moment when he saw a luxury car worth
millions rushing straight at high speed and then exploded, and the towering
tongues of flame rushed into the sky, causing a huge crash.
A scene like this can be horrific, but it unleashes human savagery.
After all, if human beings did not have a cruel heart, there would be no
champions in history.
"Then how can P be sure that he won't be caught?"
Pakin is quite satisfied with this question, because it shows that the child in his
arms is thinking.
"A lot of people came to participate, but do you know? Who are most of them?"
Graph was quiet for a while, and then his eyes widened.
"P means..."
"Yes, they are the ones who should arrest me." The man with great power
grinned wickedly.
This project is not only an activity of the rich, but more of the powerful and
powerful, and it is not only Thailand but also foreign countries. If you want to
be brought to justice, just ask who will catch yourself. So this project is illegal,
but he has been sheltered by the dignitaries above the law again and again.
"This activity involves all parts of the world, and the acceptance photos have
been sent to the guests."
Graph did not expect the event to be so large, and he couldn't believe that this
matter has been in the minds of people who have returned from school since
several years ago , and everything is prepared for the upcoming event. In other
words, the racing track built in the middle of the capital is more like mocking
the law. No one will come to trouble with it, because it is like a sauce, which is
completely incomparable with the main course being enjoyed.
"Did P invest because of the money?"
"What do you think is the reason?" To be honest, the young man didn't know,
he had always been unable to keep up with Pakin's thoughts, and he couldn't
keep up now either. The person who asked the question did not clearly solve the
doubts of the other party, although he already had the answer in his heart.
Money is of course the main thing, but it is not the most important thing.
Pakin has known since he was a child that he is a person who likes to accept
challenges and loves adventures, so a thing that can challenge all aspects is his
Moreover, he is not someone who only thinks in his heart, he will do it when he
thinks about it. As for the depends on whether he is fully prepared. He
has been mentally prepared for that since he entered this circle, but now he has
to sit here and worry needlessly because of a child.
And the hard-spoken bear kid was also looking over worriedly.
"That's all for me. Recently, I will often go south to inspect work. The closer the
event is, the more likely I won't come back." The listener couldn't help biting
his lip, trying to swallow the words that he almost blurted out... .Let me go with
How could Pakin not know what the kid wanted. The big hand inserted its
fingers into the soft hair, and then held his head to let him close to him.
"It's too dangerous there. Be a good boy and wait at home obediently... Can you
guarantee it?"
Ruimu stared straight at the shaking crystal eyeballs, because he was not joking
and would not further concessions. And the kid who loves to talk back, who
never obeyed easily, took a deep breath, leaned forward actively, raised his
hands around the opponent's neck, and then lowered his head.
"I'll be a good boy." In the end, Graph also learned how to stay by the man's
Things that don't work just don't work, and if it works... Pakin will give it.
This time Graph still couldn't believe that the person who kept everything in his
heart would tell him the whole story, making the boy who was afraid of the
other party's danger feel the flesh in his chest beating happily and rapidly, and
the boy swore to himself that he would never Will not divulge what you know,
will keep it secret. The boy said in his heart that P‟ Pakin finally accepted him.
At least they agreed to let him accompany him side by side. So, just be a good
boy, Dead Graph can do it.
Such an answer evoked a smile on Feng Ruijun's face, and at the same time, the
big hand pressed down on the boy's face, because... he wanted to touch the
other's lips.
The kiss became hot and thirsty, and the lips that had just said the lovely words
of being a good boy swelled up after grinding, and the nicotine-flavored tongue
swept away every drop of sweetness, and inserted repeatedly, intending to make
the boy His body trembled with unbearable desire. The young man fell
powerlessly onto the opponent's chest, with his feet spread wide apart,
straddling the young man's body, and then he pressed his ear and asked, "
I can call P, can't I?"
"If you don't call... .I'll come back and deal with you."
Pakin replied in a hoarse voice that could shake the boy's nerves. It made the
boy's body tremble, and he couldn't help closing his eyes and moaning loudly,
breaking the tranquility of the night. With the sound of rubbing between the
flesh, the soft mattress swayed, and the fiery temperature in the air gradually
increased, and finally turned into an obscene rhythmic crash.
A crazy rip-off from someone who has to work and never breaks his word.
The bed was shaken and creaked loudly, and in the corner of the room Hot was
sleeping in the kennel, sleeping soundly with his face buried between his
forelegs, but his ears were standing up, as if he was always on guard for his two
masters .
No one can hurt its owner, only they can treat each other in this way.
"Fuck! I'm so bored!"
"You can't talk like that, Master Graph."
"Oh, Aunt Kaew, I'm bored, I can't go anywhere." "
Reading, isn't the final exam next week?"
Little Kritithi The young master was crying because he felt bored playing video
games when sitting down, bored reading comics, and lacked interest in chatting
with friends. He wanted to play with Hot, but he looked at it bored. So he
couldn't help cursing aloud boringly, and Aunt Kaew, who happened to bring
something over, couldn't help but act fiercely at him, and said in a deep voice.
Unsurprisingly, the brat immediately faltered.
Graph dared to say he could talk back to his dad and argue with his mom, but he
couldn't stand up to Aunt Kaew. This person can be said to be as respected and
loved as Win.
The butler was helping to arrange the game consoles neatly, then turned around
and came back with a smile and said,
"Master Pakin has only been south for three days."
"I didn't miss P Pakin." The boy immediately raised his knees and hugged
him. He didn't feel wronged and missed or felt terrible because he said he could
call but hung up the phone after only two fucking conversations. He really didn't
feel very bad! "Then read the
book Well, didn‟t Chanchao work hard to give you tutoring?” Chanchao came
here yesterday, and brought a lot of study materials, and then stuffed everything
into his head, and he had to say that he was about to die. Once he wanted to run
away, the girl united with the like-minded Aunt Kaew to block his every way.
So... I don‟t fucking study today, I have a headache!
The delinquent boy said this to himself while looking at the learning materials
for each lesson on the other table from the corner of his eye, and he also knew
that his friend would not hesitate to escape the remedial class I also came to
give him tutoring because I was worried that he would have to make up the
exam. But I have learned too much, and the brains of people who used to skip
classes before can't absorb it.
"I've watched it a lot, Aunt Kaew." But the resistance didn't work, so the kid
who just learned how to act like a baby flattered Aunt Kaew.
"Auntie won't say anything when playing games today."
The butler held back a smile. The wayward kid couldn't refute, and could only
look at the game console and her alternately, then fell down and lay down on
the sofa to express his willingness to surrender and stop talking back. To be
honest, she wanted the boy to concentrate more on his studies, but thinking of
yesterday... he was already able to concentrate enough.
Master Graph may have said that he hates studying and doesn't want to read
books, but she heard what he blurted out to the girl.
'If the grades are good, P Pakin may be praised. '
That's why I've been studying hard lately, and today... the boy is really listless.
It looks like he must be waiting for Master Pakin's call.
"Then Master Graph didn't invite Master Win to go out?"
"P Win is back?"
"I heard that you will be back in the morning, and you should be waking up
soon." The boy's eyes lit up immediately, and he turned to look at the
clock. Seeing that it was already past noon, he jumped up and quickly said to
the housekeeper,
"Then I'll wake up P Win." Ever since, the listless man ran upstairs as quickly
as if he had found a playmate, and the people watching couldn't help but He
laughed lightly.
That's it, it's like a 17-year-old kid.
Brother Win wants to teach him how to dress up.
Graph doesn't know if he looks bad, but he's still a high school student, and he
basically puts on branded clothes and goes out. But of course it can‟t be
compared with brother Win, even if that person walks on the street in ordinary
clothes, he will turn heads 100% of the time. He once asked why he didn't
become an actor with more job opportunities, but the other party just replied:
'I'm too lazy to act. ‟
Sure enough, it was the words of the fraternity related to Mr. Pakin.
Knock knock knock.
"P Win, are you awake?" After knocking on the door, the boy slightly opened
the door and went in. However, the heavy curtains in the room were still drawn
to block the light from the outside, making the whole room fall into
darkness. The boy could only see a vague figure lying in the middle of the huge
bed, so the boy moved over to see if the other person was awake first, because
he was not a person who was bad enough to disturb others.
"P Win." The boy approached and stuck to the side of the big bed. After his
eyes adapted to the darkness, he saw the other party and was still sleeping
peacefully against the pillow.
"P Win, it's afternoon."
"Well, Graph...?"
"Yes, it's me." When he called again, the person who was still lying on his side
and sleeping next to the pillow let out a hoarse moan... The sound is very sexy.
Usually, Win is so sexy that people can't breathe, but when he just woke up like
this, his voice is hoarse and deep, even if it is not a scary rough voice, it still
makes Graph feel unspeakably oxygenated. As his eyes became more and more
adapted to the surrounding darkness, the boy saw the fact that the other party
was sleeping naked, and his cheeks on both sides turned slightly red.
To be honest, even a straight man of steel would be secretly shocked when he
saw Brother Win like this.
I saw the shoulder-length hair of the man who was slowly standing up, the
hairstyle was a little messy, the lips were slightly parted, and his charming face
narrowed his eyes when he waved to call the boy.
"Pull me." The listener walked up like a sensible child who trusted adults, and
stretched out his hand to pull the young model up from the bed. However...
"Oops!!! What's P Win doing!!!" Graph yelled, because when he was about to
pull the model up, the other party pulled him onto the bed. When the body
stabilized, the teenager opened his eyes and couldn't help but widen them.
P Win is so sexy!
The person who turned over and straddled him, the quilt has slipped down to his
knees. The naked body was exposed in the dimly lit room, but people whose
eyes had already adapted could still see everything, so the boy's face turned red,
and he tried hard not to look down. Because like I said before, Brother Win is
super charming on weekdays, but now this situation... is even more attractive.
"P...P what are you doing?" Graph wanted to keep his voice straight, but
couldn't help but tremble. The person who just woke up smiled slightly: "You
want to 'wake' me up, don't you? Then let me 'get up'."
He was so close that he could feel the other person's breath, and the provocative
eyes scanned the boy's entire face, making the boy's face burn. The slender body
was approaching a little bit, and suddenly the picture of the other party helping
to 'clean' came into my mind that day.
"P...P Win, I won't play anymore, I will really push you away."
"The model's body is the most important thing, okay, push it, if you can't work,
P will say it's Graph damage Yes."
Indeed, the boy could only dare not move.
If Grpah is not Pakin's opponent, then facing Phawis... is even more helpless.
The person in front of him was deliberately outlining his fair face with the tip of
his nose, sliding all the way to his neck, which made the young man startled,
and the hand that was about to push his shoulders was also tightly grasping the
other's shoulders, trembling, because the warm breath was slowly Caressing him
carefully, the soft hand moved a little bit to the buttocks.
JUB (pro).
"Your neck is really easy to bite."
"P...P Win, I really don't play anymore!" Graph's voice became more
determined, and then he couldn't help but take a big breath, because Brother
Win... was sucking him neck up.
Not only did she suck, but she also sucked, licked, and squeezed vigorously,
making Ya's body tremble. But the boy still noticed something abnormal, so he
stretched his hand over the fluffy hair.
"P Win, what happened last night?"
The boy began to notice that once he was bullied severely, it meant that brother
Win's mood was unstable.
Faced with this question, Win turned away from his neck, looked up into the
boy's eyes, and then smiled.
How would Graph react if someone said yesterday that he was a promiscuous
But Win still shook his head slowly, saying it was nothing. Because he was also
very angry with himself who climbed on this kid because of being said that, he
just wanted to prove that people who are not in love can have sex, and Graph
appeared just when he was emotionally unstable. But when you stop and think
about it...
honestly, he's just messing around too... pissing off someone he sees as his
younger brother who can sleep with the one he loves.
The person who was thinking like this fell down on the bed again, and sighed
He told his brother not to push Graph into his old ways, but he did it anyway
when he got upset. Knowing that the kid didn't dare to resist him, because he
was afraid that he would get angry and that he wouldn't want it, so he should
stop, let Graph continue to be the Graph that belongs to his elder brother
physically and mentally.
"Oh, it's not funny... help me open the curtains."
"This kind of joke is not funny at all, P. I don't like it." Kritithi immediately got
up from the bed and said in a deep voice. Clasping his neck tightly with his
hands, he felt dizzy for a while. Those who watched couldn't help laughing out
"If it's not funny, don't laugh, please help open the curtains." "
Okay, P Win, do you want to go shopping together?" Bright light shines into the
room. The person who just woke up frowned slightly:
"Okay, but let me take a shower first."
"Then I'll wait downstairs, P." It's not a good thing to see Brother Win's naked
body, so the person who pulled up the curtains quickly walked out of the room,
feeling his heart beating so fast that he was about to die. I am glad that such a
person is a relative of the owner of the mansion, otherwise...he will definitely
become a jealous and quarreling brat.
Then, when the phone rings, the bored look instantly turns into a huge smiley
"P Pakin!" Know who it is without looking at the screen.
【at home? ]
"Yes, P. What's the matter?" the boy replied enthusiastically. I was about to ask
when I would be back, but...
[Okay, go to the garage and get the keys to the Benz, I may have left the
documents on the front of the car. Help to see if there is any. ]
So I called because of work.
The boy rolled his eyes and murmured. But he didn't yell, otherwise he would
be scolded. His legs walked towards the neatly hung keys, and when he
remembered which car the other party liked, he took the keys and turned to
walk towards the garage at the other end of the mansion known as the
showroom. Hot, who was helping the gardener dig holes, stopped working and
ran up to follow.
"Wait a minute, P. I'm walking to the garage."
[Well, how about today? 】
While walking, someone came to ask for concern, and the person who wanted
to chat immediately said:
"I'm going to die. I was forced to read the exam materials. Because the semester
is about to end, Chanchao yelled and stuffed things into my head every day.
Yesterday also I came to tutoring, and I got a headache when I read the book,
just now Aunt Kaew let me read it again. I just invited P Win to go out with me,
let‟s read the book when I come back. The book will not run away... Now, what
is P‟s file like?"
[In a brown bag, you can see it as soon as you open it. 】
The other party's voice seemed to be tense, but Graph didn't notice, he just
opened the lock of the Hennessey Venom GT (Hennessey version of the Lotus
supercar) worth tens of millions, and then got in to find the file.
"Hot, don't make noise, I'm looking for something... I saw it, P. The brown
Graph was holding the brown file bag in his hand and dropped it again, because
he looked up and saw . ..The vicious-looking stinky dog is sticking its head out
of another window, that is to say, a pair of claws and 10 nails on the two
forelimbs are completely grasped on the door, and it seems that it is not
satisfied, Its nails are still exposed...
The nails are not cut, but they rubbed against the car door and made a loud
sound, which made the boy's mouth open, and he emphasized to himself again...
this P‟ Pakin The most precious son.
【What's wrong? ]
"It''s okay!" Graph almost slapped himself because of the raised voice, but
maybe the other party was also anxious (and didn't notice), so Pakin said
quickly: 【Put it in the room, I'll come back
tomorrow Bangkok, see you in the evening. 】
Then, the phone was disconnected, leaving a crying teenager staring at the dead
Hotkhotlew (name upgraded) who caused him a huge trouble.
This time I will definitely have my neck broken!

Chapter 47 (18+): dog owner... same crime

"It has to be repainted with the same color."

"It's over."
After Graph was too terrified to make a sound, he once thought of escaping by
pretending that he didn't know anything and saw nothing until the owner came
back to see it. fault. He also bit the bullet and looked at the CCTV from the
corner of his eye. If he turned it off early, it would mean that he was lying and
he would only aggravate the crime, so the boy hurriedly ran to the relatives of
the owner of the mansion for help, but the other party shook his head slightly.
'Honestly, Graph. P may be able to help with anything, except for things related
to Kin's car. '
Even Brother Win can't be offended, so does I still have a chance to live?
The people who racked their brains finally decided to find foreign aid...Master
At first, I planned to ask Phayu to come over to help me, because the other party
is a technician whose craftsmanship is recognized by the car owner, but I was
worried that the close relationship between the two would make the crime
exposed faster, so after much deliberation, I still let Saifar Come alone. But
bro...he just happened to bring his friends and his friends' lovers with him.
It's Brother Oat and Brother Chin.
So now the three young people are concentrating on checking the long and huge
scratches from the edge of the car window all the way to the center of the car
body that Hot made, and then the three of them agreed that it is absolutely
impossible to be perfunctory, and they must take it for a new one. Layers with
exactly the same color.
"Okay, P Pakin won't really kill you." Saifar patted his shoulder
sympathetically, causing the boy to fall to the ground with weak knees.
"How could I not kill him! P Pakin loves cars more than his own children, and
he doesn't even care about his wife that much. That man checks the condition of
the car himself when he gets interested. I'm dead, fucking dead. I'm going to be
killed Kicked out of the house." Graph cursed at a loss, causing everyone who
listened to sigh a long time, because... everyone thought so too.
Pakin had to be guarded when his car was parked at the racetrack...he is a
person who loves to such an extent.
"Just say it was Gouzi who did it, it has nothing to do with you."
"But it's my dog." Graph moaned under his breath, then snapped angrily at the
culprit... the dog who was happily rolling around in the garage.
Damn Hot had no idea that he was in trouble!
"Hothia!" Now it's not Hothearm, but a short abbreviation Hothia (*hia, swear
word, fuck, fuck, goddamn...). And it seemed that the dog didn't look back
because he didn't call his full name, but ran back to the garden to continue
digging holes, leaving the owner in the garage until his head almost fell off.
Then, the bewildered boy looked up at the three older brothers and said,
"What should I do?" Since the day he was rescued, Graph didn't hate Chin any
more, and now he can only plead with a face like he's about to cry. Help, make
the older 3 people can't help but look at each other.
"To be honest, P doesn't know what to do with P Pakin to calm down." Brother
Oat was the first to declare his surrender by shaking his head, and then Brother
Saifar couldn't help laughing, scratching his head helplessly: "P can't do
anything, P Pakin is
angry It was so fucking scary. The last time Dead Max came back to compete
with Dead Oat, his eyes were on fire. Fortunately, this guy won, otherwise Dead
Oat would have become food for fish in the Gulf of Siam " Saifar gave a vivid
example, which made the listeners turn paler, and could only turn their heads to
look at the last hope.
The one who was raising his hand to caress the bruises on the beautiful car.
"P Chin, what should I do?" The half-breed shrugged and laughed,
"Kill him before you get killed."
"What?" Graph interjected puzzled. Chin, on the other hand, laughed and said
lightheartedly...but with a malicious look on his face.
"Let him die on the bed first, then he shouldn't have the energy to get angry."
"Is P...P crazy!" It took a full minute for Graph to find his voice. Fortunately,
the young man kept his mouth shut in time, and didn't yell at brother what kind
of stupid idea he was before he was exhausted. Because in the past, as long as
his brain short-circuited, he would go berserk and be humiliated as an ignorant
"Oh, not crazy. Otherwise, is there any other way to coax?" When Chin asked
back, Graph was as quiet as a chicken.
Admittedly, a person like P‟ Pakin is by no means gentle and kind. He just
pleases the person who softly begs for mercy in a low voice, blinks and blinks
his eyes and turns into a small milk cat. No need to think about it, so Chin might
be right, it's better to pass out in bed than to be kicked out of the house.
"Okay, okay. P Pakin may not say anything. That person doesn't use this car
every day, and it may have been a long time before he found out."
Although Saifar comforted him in this way, the boy was still dejected and
looked at it for a while. Looking at the CCTV, I can't help thinking that before
the so-called discovery...maybe Mingtian.
Now he should pack his clothes and dog supplies early and get ready to move
out, because although the culprit in this matter is the dog, the owner of the
mansion has made it clear from the time he bought (the dog) that if the dog The
one who is responsible for doing something wrong is its owner...not the guy
who just rolls around in the middle of the garden looking like he doesn't care.
From now on, I'm going to call it...damn Hotthaenghia!
Then, the fateful day came. One day, Graph rushed home from school, stood
there, poked his head and looked in the direction of Qianyuan, his heart
pounding, waiting for him to come back at any time. And when he saw the
luxury car driving in, his heart sank and he didn't know where it went. He could
only hesitate, walk to the front of the main house with a pale face, and look at
the person who stepped down from the car swiftly.
And that damned good dog...fucking nowhere!
"What's the matter? Why are you standing in front of the house?" Pakin saw a
kid standing and waiting when he walked around the gate from the car, and the
corner of his mouth couldn't help but It rose slightly, and the sharp eyes shone
with joyful light.
Everything is going well, and the progress is moving in a satisfactory direction,
there should be nothing to spoil his fun.
"Miss me?" Many times the kid who is being teased will obviously blush and
talk back to ease the shyness, instead of like now... "Um...Think
, miss P...very much."
"What's the matter?" The people who just came home immediately noticed the
abnormality, because although the bear boy has been obedient recently, he still
dared to look at him directly, and sometimes his eyes showed dissatisfaction,
and he wanted to fight. It's definitely not the shoulders huddled together, the
head lowered to the chest, and the trembling like the day when I thought I
would be kicked out of the house.
The boy took a deep breath and said in a low voice:
"I have something to confess."
Graph decided that he would not confess his crimes because of delaying the
exposure, and the court might give him a lighter punishment than the other party
discovering in person. And when the boy said this, he suddenly narrowed his
sharp eyes, and his voice immediately changed:
"What did you do?"
"'s not me." The boy shook his head desperately, and then continued
to mutter :
"Hot did it, not me. Hey, P come and see for yourself."
Pakin slowly eased his frown, because at first he thought that this brat was in
some danger again, but when he knew it was with him When the matter of the
other dog was concerned, he couldn't help but relax a little. But the uneasiness
returned quickly, as the brat started leading him to his garage.
His face changed, I was dead.
Kritithi found it difficult to swallow his saliva at this time, and looked at the
people who followed him out of the corner of his eye. Pakin's face was slowly
becoming serious. The closer he got to the exhibition hall, the greater the
pressure in the air, making it difficult for the boy to step opened. But the road
has an end anyway, and it... has reached the end.
"Which one?"
When the stern voice sounded from behind, the person leading the way couldn't
help being startled, because the smart people must have guessed that the matter
was related to the baby car. Graph couldn't help but his legs were stiff, and he
sighed deeply. When he moved to the car, Pakin's eyes lit up, and he walked
straight forward and stood in front of the metallic gray supercar.
"This one!!!"
Immediately, the boy was startled, he closed his eyes tightly, and his body
became even more rigid like a statue, not daring to move, looking at the person
who jumped up to check his precious son. When Ruiyan saw the huge scratches,
Fengrui's handsome face suddenly turned around, his lips were about to open,
and he was about to swear so harshly that the little kid wanted to kill himself,
but... "Sorry, P. Sorry
, I didn't stop Hot in time, I'm really sorry. I didn't mean it, I know P loves cars,
but I really don't know what to do. P forgive me. I didn't do anything wrong
except I didn't stop Hot in time I beg you, don't drive me away. I'm sorry." The
child whose reason had collapsed raised his hands above his head and said
quickly like a machine gun. Let the person who was about to scold... lower his
"When did it happen?"
"I asked when did it happen?" When the child squinted his eyes and looked over
in confusion, the young man couldn't help shouting. Graph quickly replied:
Pakin yelled immediately, and finally understood why the other party looked
flustered during the chat. He must be angry. If it was before, he would have
kicked Ya out of the house without hesitation, and sent the bill of expenses to
Ah's father, so that Ah can learn a lesson. But when he saw the pale face and the
pitiful look of the kid in front of him...
"Kill the dog or kill you, which one do you choose?"
He gave you a chance to choose.
Graph thought he was a strong-willed person who would not get scared easily.
However, when he heard the word "kill" from the mouth of the person in front
of him, Ya His heart couldn't help falling straight to his ankles. Knowing that P‟
Pakin will kill people, if you want to kill Hot, you don't have to hesitate. But is
the other party really going to kill him?
If you choose to kill Gouzi... Hot's body must be collected today, but if you
choose to kill...
"Does P really want to kill me?
" The person who asked for help was shocked and wanted to deny that I hadn't
chosen yet, but was preempted by the violent person with hellfire in his
eyes. Because the young man stepped forward, grabbed the young man's
wrist...and then dragged him back to the main house.
"P Pakin, I haven't chosen yet, I haven't chosen yet." "
Then I will help you choose, and I will punish the owner of the dog!"
Then, only master Kritithi's loud begging for mercy was heard , but no one at
home dared to help. Even Hotearm himself sneaked into the garden and lay
there, covering his face with his palms on both sides, as if to say that I can deal
with everyone but the wrath of this master.
This time life or death depends entirely on the benevolence of the car owner.
"P...P, I can't do it anymore...Ah...No...I can't do it...uh..."
"When did I tell you to stop!"
In the huge bedroom, Pakin was talking Roar, it hit the white buttocks with a
slap, causing the boy to scream from his throat. I saw the young man's head held
high, his mouth open, allowing the crystal saliva to flow out from the corner of
his mouth, and the sound of sobbing came out from his throat, while his hands
were tightly bound, and he dodged back desperately.
The naked boy's whole body was dotted with glistening beads of sweat and
fishy stains that had been released several times. However, the owner of the
room was still not satisfied. The legs that grabbed Graph opened wider, and the
huge thing was inserted deeply In the anus, let the stiff light-colored cock
dangle in the air. And the young man undulated his body up and down
according to the order.
Pakin looked at the face full of tears but didn't soften his heart, because the tears
were not caused by his rough treatment, but because the boy was already
exhausted and was about to die, but he was forced to continue to accept the
The person on his body was tired and weak, but he couldn't help being aroused
for the fourth time.
"Heh...I...can't...Uh...Ahhh...I'm powerless..." Graph cried and tried to swing his
hips, swallowing the huge body that was inserted deep into his body, Indulge in
galloping to let the desire of yourself and the other party reach the peak of
lust. But the teenager's legs that controlled the rhythm were exhausted and
unable to lift his body, so he could only tremble.
However, the movement of stopping caused the hot thing to penetrate deeper,
and the boy burst into tears because of the pleasure of lust.
It's too much, it's just that P‟ Pakin's entry will kill him.
"Do you want me to throw the dead Hot out?"
If you choose to kill the dog, Hot will definitely die, but if you choose to kill...
at most, you will just pass out on the bed.
Thinking like this, the young man shook his head, squinted his eyes and looked
at the person sitting on the bed in front of him. He saw that the person was
smoking a cigarette and suppressing his anger, but his sharp eyes were shining
with raging anger. The boy had to suppress his shame and spread his legs
further apart as ordered.
"Lean back and let me see."
"Don't make me repeat it."
"Uh...heh!" Following the order, the young man had no choice but to lean back
slightly, no matter how reluctant he was. He leaned back, supported the
opponent's calf with his bound hands, and spread the legs apart, revealing the
watery pussy that was swallowing a huge hot thing and the stick body that kept
nodding his head up and down because of his every movement.
Shyness is a must, but the more you are stared at by a pair of piercing eyes... the
more drops of water will emerge from the top.
Pakin took a deep breath of the cigarette into his lungs, and he had calmed down
a little. Because all the hateful brats he said fulfilled one by one, the young man
turned around and put out his cigarette, and then turned his head back to his
snow-white body that was becoming pale, because he kept raising his mood. A
wet and hot body.
Just because the young man reached out to rub and play with the swollen
nipples, Graph immediately bounced his ass, arched his body and quickly
caught the hot The things were brought into the body, the breathing was so
rapid that the chest trembled violently, and the white chest unconsciously faced
the big hands that were not only rubbing.
Pakin played with his fingertips in a tight rhythm on the hard and raised cute
part, kneading it heavily and pulling it up relentlessly, making the teenager
scream for mercy from his throat. The big hand finally left the nipple, but then
played with the other side, alternating back and forth. The light-colored cock
looked like it was about to surrender, about to let loose again.
"Looks like you can cum without touching the front?"
"Ah! P...P Pakin...heh...I The boy shook his head
vigorously, and he was almost lying on his back completely, because the big
hand suddenly held the center of the boy, and his fingers began to play with the
top more heavily. The bear boy couldn't help clenching his teeth, and raised his
head high, feeling that the desire was about to erupt in the next second, but...
"No! P let go...let go...I want to cum...P... I'm about to cum...uh uh..."
Pakin took hold of the cute colored cock and viciously sealed the beading tip,
making Graph almost struggle. The boy's legs rubbed against each other
unconsciously, he pulled up the soft bed sheet tightly, his hands grasped the big
man's arm even more forcefully, his eyes were wide open, tears were already
streaming down his face, and his buttocks were fast on the young man's lap. ups
and downs.
"Oh, I haven't ejaculated yet."
The young man patted his white buttocks lightly again, and the man who was
moaning so hard that his voice was almost hoarse couldn't help but gritted his
teeth and lifted his buttocks again to swallow the huge thing, making the huge
The things are constantly sinking into the body and then quickly exposed. The
meat blade rubbed against the soft inner wall and hit the lust button in the upper
body, making the boy almost out of breath, but... he couldn't be released.
"Faster!" Pakin growled. But the boy was really exhausted, and his feet, which
had been tense all the time, slipped and fell on the sheets, he could only raise his
wet eyes and look over:
"I... I'm sorry... Forgive me... Please. .Nah."
The person who looked at him thought he was not a soft-hearted person, and it
was very difficult to find a car, let alone let him go easily, but when he saw his
face, eyes and nose were already red with sweat and tears, Even his lips were
red and swollen, his body was even more dirty with his turbid fluid, and when
he was so weak that he could no longer support his feet, the hard-hearted man
just... Pakin tore off the cloth tied around the boy's hands
, He propped up the opponent's body in the posture of straddling his body,
pushed his fair legs apart, and pulled the boy's hands around his neck, and then
his body hit back and forth densely, which made the boy couldn't help but He
moaned loudly because of the pleasure that hit his whole body. Then the young
man slammed into it more heavily.
clap clap.
"Ah! P, ha ha ... ah ... ah ... good ... great."
The teenager groaned against each other's ears, the sound of the meat stick and
the narrow hole, the sound of friction and impact sounded all around He bent
down and kissed the red and swollen lips, comforting the boy who had been
punished by him for several hours. Graph also opened his mouth to welcome the
hot tongue's penetration with contentment.
The pleading voice was still trembling, and the hard-hearted man obediently
offered a kiss. Because in fact...he wanted to do it from the moment he saw the
other person's face.
If the car incident hadn't happened first, the young man also planned to use a
kiss as a reward to reward the other party for being a good boy.
"You really like kissing."
"Uh...P...have you calmed down...Ah..." Graph asked in a trembling voice,
squinting his eyes and looking at the kiss who became gentle after kissing
people. The rhythm under the body also slowed down, the hot iron slowly
retreated and then slowly pushed forward, allowing waves of sensual
stimulation to attack the limbs and bones.
"Still thinking about it"
"P...Pakin...uh..." the boy protested, and then clenched his teeth. Because with
the impact of the lower body, the big man slowly turned his round hips and
crashed into the boy's body in a circle.
"Like this?"
"Ah... uh, like, like P like this... rubbing... ah! It's so exciting, P. I... ah." Graph
threw his arms around the other's neck and shook it vigorously Lifting his head,
a white light flashed in his brain feeling good because a stronger attack was
coming at him. At this time, the big man also kissed the boy's temple, and the
anger disappeared immediately.
"If there is a next time, I will really let you die on the bed."
"This time you are already dead...ah! P don't...don't...ah...heh, force... It‟s too
hard, ah!!!”
Graph, who was protesting, screamed and begged for mercy as if he couldn‟t
bear it anymore, his waist swung quickly, his feet stretched out to the soft big
bed, because the hot iron came in and out. It became more delayed and
powerful, and the intentional crash to the center made him almost out of
breath. The young man could only swing his body desperately to rub and rub
against each other, and the sound of heavy human breathing rang out in his ears.
Squeak and squeak.
However, Pakin didn't want to hear it, and saw the tall, muscular man shaking
his body heavily and violently, hitting the bed so eagerly that it was about to
catch fire, and the soft mattress rubbed against the big bed making creaking
noises. And the narrow corridor was biting him tightly, and when the boy in his
arms reached the peak of lust, the pussy convulsed suddenly.
The hole was hot, tight and narrow, and the continuous gnawing made him go
This also made the young man couldn't help but sprinting back and forth a few
times, and then...
he released everything, and shot into the narrow passage without a condom.
The two did not take protective measures for the first time, but that was because
he knew he was fine, and he also went to check his body after attending Sin's
party, so when he was safe and fine, he was taken There will be no problem
with the tired and weak young master. Because...he hasn't had sex with anyone
else since then.
The stubborn kid opened his eyes, and asked in a hoarse voice:
"Don't be angry with me...are you?" Even the most hard-hearted person could
only answer:
So, the handsome boy Raising a pale smile, he immediately fell asleep from
exhaustion. Let the opponent withdraw from the body, hastily washed him, then
fell down and lay beside the boy, and did not forget to put his hands on his
forehead and neck.
If you play too much one day, the fragile children will probably start a little bit
of fever... Tomorrow should be no exception.
"Get up and take the medicine first."
"Well, don't." The sleepy man shook his head, making the young man repeat:
"Get up and take the medicine."
"Yeah." Graph murmured unconsciously, only knowing that he wanted to
sleep. The listeners couldn't help but shake their heads slowly. They didn't
expect that someone like him would have to take care of children, and he was so
used to it that he felt terrible.
The person who was thinking like this fell down and lay down, grabbed his
weak body and pulled it into his arms, feeling the greatest comfort in his heart
for many days, and then began to calculate.
At the same time, a car in front of the mansion drove in silently, but when the
servant saw the person sitting in the car, he hurriedly opened the door to greet
him, even the housekeeper and Panachai who was called back late at night They
all rushed out to greet him, because...
"Mr. Pong is back, I should tell you about Naka in advance."
I saw that this older man was tall and tall, with gray hair, instead of looking old,
he looked more amiable, On the contrary, the eyes with the same mold as his
son's, which are not kind and wise, make everyone unconsciously lower their
heads and dare not look at them... such a pair Rui Mu raised his head and
looked at the home he hadn't returned for many years with satisfaction, and
replied in a heavy voice: "
Otherwise (what he said in advance) he will be prepared."
"Master Pakin doesn't know?" Aunt Kaew couldn't help interrupted and
asked. The listener laughed and said,
"I told him, but I didn't say when I'll be back. If I told him, it would give my
good son a chance to escape."
Yes, Panupong is Mr. Pakin's father, In other words, the real owner of this home
has returned to Thailand.
Chapter 48: A New Model of Life
Graph is a child who hates taking medicine more than anyone else, probably
because of the experience of having to take a lot of medicine when he was a
child, so when he grows up and is as healthy as his peers, the boy can hide and
hide He can not take medicine without taking medicine, but recently he has
become prone to fever again.
The reason is precisely because the exercise on the bed was too intense!!
"I told you to take medicine last night." "I 'm sleepy
When taking the temperature, the boy muttered. When he found that there was
only a little abnormality, the person wearing only a pair of underwear turned
around and walked to a corner of the room, opened the medicine box specially
placed for children who often get sick, quickly rummaged for antipyretics,
returned to the bedside, put the medicines to the child's lap.
"Take it."
"I'll take it later."
"Your face is so pale that you can't go to school anymore, and you still have to
pretend and want to throw away the medicine?" The owner of the room raised
his arms around his chest, with the corners of his mouth raised Said clearly. Let
the children who keep throwing medicine out the window secretly have to keep
their mouths shut.
This morning, Graph woke up a little hot, his body was heavy, and he found that
the symptoms of fever and fatigue were worse than last night. When Aunt Kaew
came to wake him up, he couldn't get up, his body was so hot that the people
who planned to continue sleeping clamored for him to get up and check the
symptoms. After finding out the physical condition of the child, the young man
unilaterally decided that it is best for the young man to stay at home and rest
Absent due to exam approaching will definitely be nagged by Chanchao.
The boy wanted to sigh for him, for the person who made him sick, for the
person who would call to question him at any time at noon and would insist on
visiting him... Of course, that person must also bring the study materials for
today's lessons .
"Oh, eat." The sick person still wants to stubbornly say that he will get better
every time he doesn't eat, but when he sees the other party pour the water, put
the medicine in his hand, stand aside and stare at it with his arms folded. When I
looked at him, no matter how reluctant I was, I could only talk to myself. It was
rare for the other party to show concern for me.
In other words, are you really concerned about Lao Tzu?
"Don't forget, you are still guilty."
"Hey, but haven't you forgiven me?"
"Eat or not!" When the boy protested, saying that last night he was so exhausted
that he was about to die, and that he was so ashamed that he would burrow into
the ground and run away. Pakin asked in a deep voice. Children who hate taking
medicine have to mumble and complain, throw the medicine into their mouths
and drink water.
"That's it."
Huh, I will order Lao Tzu, I am satisfied now.
The sick man murmured to himself. He returned the glass of water to the owner
of the room, and saw that the person who turned around and disappeared into
the cloakroom for a while came back with his shirt on.
"What time does P go to work today?"
"At noon, we have an appointment to let Chai stay until the afternoon, so that
you can have a rest." The boy immediately asked a question, and the answer he
got made the boy's face slowly smile, because this That is to say...
"Then P have breakfast with me."
The listener turned to look at the young man's face, and then saw the sick man
smiling expectantly, with piercing eyes, so he couldn't help but ask, "It seems
that he really
misses me."
Damn it The bear boy withdrew his smile, turned his head to the other side, and
curled his mouth. This behavior that used to be considered impolite, but when
he saw the blush on his pale face, it was obviously spoken from the bottom of
his heart. in. Pakin laughed loudly, walked towards the person sitting at the end
of the bed, then put his hand on his head and rubbed it gently.
"I only went there for 4 days, so what will happen next time I go for two
weeks?" "
Two weeks!" Graph turned his head sharply and interrupted immediately. The
tall man nodded and said,
"I'm going to take care of all the preparations in the first week, and hold the
whole week's activities in the second week. I may be away for more than 10
days next month." Pakin thought it was a little funny, Seeing the grievance of
the young man in front of him and not wanting him to leave, but he may have
told the child that this time is not for fun but a lot of investment, so Graph
finally nodded slowly and asked in a low voice:
"Will P answer my call?"
The person who heard such a question laughed out loud:
"Did I answer your call in the past 4 days?" Just like this, the child laughed ,
carefully reached out and grabbed the big hand and put it on the side, then
raised his head and said:
"Then from today until the day I go south, can P come back and have dinner
with me every day?"
Is this being coquettish?
Pakin looked at the man who already knew how to act coquettishly and let
adults fulfill his wishes instead of simply yelling willfully. The young man
raised his head, raised his bright eyes, pursed his mouth full of uncertainty, and
even his voice was soft, as if he was asking for the other party's permission. The
look in front of me... makes the people who look at it feel indescribably
To be honest, I have to admit that the skill of acting like a baby is much better
than before.
Acting like a baby is no longer just saying a few words na, na krub, as if
someone wrote it for him to say, now he is acting like a baby in Graph's own
way, although the child knows in his heart that he may not be able to fulfill his
wish, because he will definitely do it in the remaining month Too busy to go
around, but he still... nodded.
"I won't guarantee it, but I will try my best."
"Yes, that's fine." At first he thought that the stubborn kid would make a scene,
but he nodded sensibly. To make the heart of someone who thinks he'll never
fall for a kid's trap...indescribably good.
She's still cute when she's not stubborn.
No longer stubborn about children, in fact, if Pakin recalls, he will know that
this is all the result of his own behavior. If he is calm and treats each other well
from the beginning, the children will definitely not be scolded.
"Oh, let's go eat, I'm starving to death. I didn't eat anything last night."
I just ate me!
The boy wanted to retort, but he couldn't. So he had no choice but to stand up
with the strength of the pull, and looked down at his own hand that was grabbed
first. I saw that the adult didn't intend to let go, but pulled him out of the room,
The big dog that disappeared without a trace last night immediately raised its
head and let out a low whine, indicating that he had been guarding the room all
night. The head of the family cast a fierce look at the past, making the dead Hot
no longer as fierce as his name, but turned into a puppy whining, as if he knew
that he almost died several times.
"If there is a next time, both the dog and the owner will be dead."
oh well, Pakin obediently agrees with a word, and I don't care how to bark,
hateful two-faced dog!
At this moment, Graph really wanted to kick this stinky dog, because he was
about to die trying to keep it, but in the end, it flattened its paws and stuck to P‟
Pakin's feet obediently, making the boy grin his teeth, The smacking face means
wait and see. And Hot also knew that now was not the time to be naughty,
seeing it standing up and walking back and forth, making the boy want to kick it
with hatred.
Now it's annoying to see my dog! Fucking... so cute.
In the end, the person who was obsessed with his dog still softened his
heart. The young man strode towards the dining room, followed by a big dog
panting behind him. I thought I was the first to arrive, but when I walked into
the restaurant, I saw someone sitting where Pakin usually sat, sipping coffee as
if at home.
One second, Graph didn't recognize him, but the next second...
"Why didn't you tell me when Dad came!" The roar of the people around him
made the boy's eyes widen, and he remembered this tall boy with majestic eyes.
Who is the long male.
"Is this Graph? I've grown into a young man, and my uncle can't even recognize
it." The man with a big smile stood up from the chair, and walked from his son
without even looking at it. Passing by in front of him looking for the young
man, he grabbed the young man's shoulders with both hands and shook him
affectionately. But Kritithi couldn't laugh, and immediately let go of the hand
that grabbed the arm of the owner's son, because in his memory... P‟ Pakin's
father was pretty scary.
A person who Graph thinks comes from the same template as P‟ Pakin.
Panupong...a super businessman recognized by everyone, has talked about
countless businesses, the more people who know the inside story of the business
field, the more unanimously they regard him as the mafia of Thailand, because
of his decisiveness, viciousness, and outstanding vision Long term and
unscrupulous. Many people said that the man had given up all the business to
his son, and he also threatened that he had been beaten by his son so much that
he had to flee abroad for retirement. But if anyone comes to see what the Graph
sees... they will feel that this is not like an ordinary retiree.
In Graph's memory, he only remembers the person whose father was going to
visit and took him to meet his son and ask him to take care of him. It was
because of this that he met P‟ Pakin, but for Uncle Pong, he remembered There
are only eyes and a decisive tone that even my father dare not refuse.
This is how Kritithi children feel about each other, and they also bear in mind
that this person is very scary. However...
"I'm already 17 years old. I was just a little older before. Time has passed so fast
that my uncle thinks he's getting old." Although he doesn't look like a kind man,
the owner with a huge smile said so friendlyly.
"If my uncle remembers correctly, it's been 4 or 5 years since we met last time.
Graph came here with your dad back then. It's a pity that uncle was too busy to
chat with you at that time. It was a lovely age at that time. .” Hearing the word
'cute' made Graph gasp and choke, because it made him sound like a little girl,
even though he was 12 when we last met. But it is undeniable that at that time
he grew slower than his peers.
He didn't jump high until he was 15-16 years old, and before that he was just a
wayward little guy.
"But it's okay. Uncle will stay in Thailand for a while, and I hope to get closer
to Graph." But these words made the young man speechless, afraid to say
anything, because he didn't know how to explain his stay in Thailand. The
reason for this home. And the constant beating around the bush and not getting
to the point seemed to make a certain man couldn't help interjecting:
"What the hell is Dad doing here?"
"Debt collection, brat.
Kritithi wondered if the air around the older man had changed, because he felt a
strange chill for no reason. On the other side, he looked at his eldest son and
smiled, as cunning as an old wolf's smile.
"It's not been a year yet."
"I'm going to see if the money I invested is bearing fruit as you said." The
teenager didn't think this was a father-son conversation at all, it was more like
an investor asking profit situation.
"So don't forget to treat creditors with courtesy."
"Is P Pakin in debt?" the boy couldn't help asking. I saw the elder turned his
head to look over, smiled lightly, and the suffocating air also slightly improved:
"Graph, where does this kid get the money to invest everywhere
invest. And this also made Panupong couldn't help laughing from his throat, and
then shook his head as if he knew what the child was thinking:
"Wrong... I borrowed it from my uncle."
"But uncle is my father...
"Remember, Graph. There are no fathers and sons in the mall, and my uncle
doesn't want to throw money into the sea, even if that person is his eldest son.
This kid has been borrowing money from his uncle since he came back from
graduation. Of course, there is also an agreement to make a loan. " .Now I owe
six or seven billion in total interest...Don‟t forget that you still have less than
five years left.” The listeners couldn‟t help opening their mouths, and turned to
look at the big creditor who didn‟t care at all. of a man. I saw the man raised the
corners of his mouth and said unhurriedly:
"I repay the debt every year, and 5 years...more than enough."
To die, the money is not just six or seven thousand! Hey!
And being a father The latter smiled with satisfaction, his eyes lit up as he was
very proud of his eldest son.
Although Pakin is his son, Panupong does not want to raise his son into a dude
who asks his father for money. He is obliged to support his son until the end of
his studies, and he is willing to invest a sum of money, but if he wants a bigger
As far as the amount is concerned, it is a business matter and has nothing to do
with blood relationship. Because he firmly believes that if it is easy to give, it is
also easy to spend.
The kingdom he built with his own hands, if you want to inherit... you have to
prove that you have the ability. So when Ya came to him with a loan agreement,
and said in a firm voice that a person like Ya would never lose and would not
let anyone climb over his head, he was very proud of being a father.
As a father, the only help he will provide is to introduce people to Ya, but
whether he can cooperate depends on whether Pakin can prove it to the other
party, and he will not interfere.
"I don't think so." The person who just returned to Thailand yesterday said in a
general way, and then looked at the clock on the wall: "
When I work, I never arrive at the company after 9 o'clock, but you haven't
showered and dressed yet. , how can we catch up like this." The older man said
so, and the listeners laughed:
"I have a right-hand assistant."
"Chai, right? Humph, don't forget that I asked him to help you Otherwise, how
could you be as comfortable as you are now." Graph only found out today that
P‟ Chai used to belong to Uncle Pong, because he saw P‟ Chai working for P‟
Pakin since the reunion, and they were almost inseparable.
"Or, the reason why you procrastinate and don't go out is because..." The
speaker smiled slyly, and then came out a sentence:
"...I can't bear to part with the children."
The son stopped his hand holding the coffee, then put it on the plate, put his
hands on the table, clasped them loosely, and looked at the father with a serious
face: "This matter has nothing to do with it
. Dad doesn‟t matter, just like I never care about Dad‟s people.” The father
smiled slightly, leaned back comfortably, and said with the same seriousness in
his eyes: “Yes, but the kid is wrong. Everyone you see can‟t replace
you Your mother, and this little friend of yours...has the same status as your
mother?" Panupong may be able to deal with multiple women easily, but he will
never elevate any one to the mother of two brothers. The same status, because
those women are just his playmates to pass the time after losing his wife. And
he won't take too much care of his son's people, but in his opinion... Maybe he's
serious this time.
The status is the same as your mother... Is the seriousness of Graph the same as
your father? I love only your mother.
This is the information that the father and son communicated through their eyes.
However, the child who was mentioned was groggy due to the effect of the
antipyretics he had taken, and he missed the point.
All he knew was that he was getting annoyed at being called a child again.
"That's my business." The person who answered raised his index finger and
laughed, and then said easily, "
Even Dad can't stop it? Graph."
"Huh?" The boy was startled, He replied ignorantly. The elder couldn't help
narrowing his eyes slightly, and then stretched out his hand, making the boy
almost open his neck, but in the end he held back.
"Are you uncomfortable? How did Uncle hear that he's much stronger since he
came back?"
"Uncle, remember?" Graph asked blankly. The other party laughed and said:
"Remember. Because this brat took you to play in the low sun, you were sick at
your uncle's house before. Uncle almost killed you because you didn't take good
care of you. Pong said with a smile, then turned to look at the butler:
"Kaew, call the doctor."
"Hey, Uncle Pong, I'm fine..."
When he saw the fierce and terrifying eyes of the son, the speaker immediately
shut his mouth. But the uncle still smiled and repeated:
"Let the doctor take a look, okay?
" The kid looked at someone for help, but...
"And you, go to work. Chai has been waiting in the office at 8 am."
Pakin seemed to want to refute, but finally shook his head and got up from the
chair to get ready I went to the room to change clothes, but received the look of
the bear boy, so I went around, put my hand on the head, and whispered in the
child's ear:
"It's okay, I'll come back to have dinner with you soon. I'm off today." The
young man said only this, and then walked into the room. But he still didn‟t
forget to deliberately speak loudly to himself for someone to hear:
“Come back if you have nothing to do, let‟s go.”
The father laughed out indifferently, and then looked back at the guest, one of
his informants reported People who say that they are far more than guests.
"Come on, let's have a good chat while waiting for the doctor, why is Graph
Gudong. (Sound of swallowing saliva)
Graphic sees himself as a tough, determined guy who doesn't get scared
easily. But frankly speaking, he was really afraid of the father and son, to the
point of shrinking his head. I even felt that my forehead was sweating, and I
didn't even dare to swallow my saliva. It felt like being subjected to the most
brutal interrogation ever.
How should he answer Uncle Pong like this.
"I told Uncle Pongh that I have something to do, so P let me stay here."
[That's it? 】
"Well, I don't know what to say."
After answering a few questions, the family doctor arrived. After taking his
temperature and checking, he got a large bag of medicine, and then Graph was
sent back to the room to rest. A phone call came in after a few hours of sleep,
and a new question-and-answer session had to start again.
P‟ Pakin probably doesn't want me to tell about the fact that the two have slept
The boy concluded with himself. Although I feel so wronged to death, even if I
don't give up, it won't help, because he is a boy and not a girl.
【Well, that's fine. ]
The other end of the phone also calmly agreed with his explanation, and the
teenager couldn't help asking holding his breath:
"I... want to change the room? P."
The real head of the family is back, if he still sleeps in In the room of the eldest
son, the other party will definitely guess what the relationship between the two
is. What the boy doesn't know is that Uncle Pong came back because he already
knew... from the beginning, but that's not the main reason for returning.
Pakin was so quiet that the boy held his breath and became disheartened.
[No, you sleep in my room as before. 】
The boy couldn't help but feel relieved because of this answer.
【How is your body? 】
The calm greeting made the young man feel very warm in his heart. Although
he just wanted to know about his recovery, the stubborn child still had a big
smile on his face, and obediently reported the situation to the other party: "The
fever has subsided. I told P that you don't need to take medicine. It's ok, I'll
sleep and wake up and the fever will subside."
[Don't be brave. ]
He scolded Lao Tzu again.
The boy curled his lips a little irritably, and then he turned into a lunatic who
sometimes scowled and sometimes smiled, because the other end of the phone
continued to say such a sentence:
【Go to sleep, I may be back before 6 o'clock in the evening, don't make
troubles and have a fever again. ]
Graph's ears are really super soft. After hearing such a sentence, all anger
disappeared instantly, obediently agreed to the other party and hung up the
phone. Then the boy closed his eyes and prepared to fall asleep again, and if
possible, it would be even better if he dreamed that the hard-hearted person
would come back to him when he was not feeling well.
Graph used to think his body was terrible, but if someone worried about him... a
little ailment is worth it.
"What did you say!!!!"
"Yes, Mr. Pong sent an invitation letter over there."
Pakin never feared his father's authority, on the contrary, he respected him more
since he was a child. The bravery and fearlessness he saw from his
father. Although he respected his father in terms of work and as a father
himself, the other party still had no right to interfere in his affairs. So when he
learned about the matter from his cronies, he couldn't help but yelled, grabbed
the key and rushed home immediately.
His father wants to eat melons and watch a good show, but there is no need to
make such a move!
The young man stepped on the accelerator to the fullest, drove his car back to
the mansion at the fastest speed, and wanted to express his gratitude to his
father who didn't think it was a big deal. Express your strongest dissatisfaction.
Pakin was so irritable that the other party came back without notice, and put
Graph in the same position as his mother, which he could forgive, but now it
was too much to meddle in something he had been trying to guard against.
"This brat has been bad since he was a child. He knew how to make other
people like him and obey him when he was 4 or 5 years old. He became even
worse when he grew up. Uncle has a headache." "What did P Pakin do at that
time? Uncle.
The people rushing home couldn't help frowning when they heard loud voices
coming from the living room, and when they walked straight in... saw the brat
who was scared of an elder in the morning and now But squeezed to sit on the
same sofa, and asked questions enthusiastically, the two looked so close that the
young man couldn't help but sigh heavily.
This brat's reinforcements have increased again, and they are reinforcements
that he doesn't really want to deal with.
"Oh, little Pakin, you came back so fast." The person who was talking about the
past looked back at his son and greeted him in a very good mood. The person
who rushed home couldn't help suppressing his anger, and asked in a
deep voice,
"Why did Dad invite that bastard Nop to my event!"
"Because of your lack of manners, you didn't invite Mr. Nop."
Knowing that his son was very angry, Phanupong sent an invitation card to the
enemy to attend his event next month. Before the other party was about to yell,
the elder asked: "Didn't
I teach you... to show the breadth of your chest to the enemy."
The reporter said again:
"Didn't you say that you are very confident? Don't tell me that you can't handle
just a mouse."
His father is testing him.
"Let me say it first, since Dad invited the mouse in, I will let him die!"
The father and son looked at each other fixedly, and then Pong said loudly,
"Okay! As expected of my son!"
Although Pakin His face was full of confidence, but Rui Mu still couldn't help
but glanced at the boy's face, suppressed the trembling in his heart, and told
himself that as long as he stayed in this house, he would be safe and he didn't
have to worry about anything.
Pakin was only now beginning to feel that he... might be the one who was in the
Chapter 49: I admit it in my heart
"Yeah! Finally finished the test!!!"
"It's great, I don't have to be dragged by a horrible teacher for a whole week of
tutoring." "
Hey, is the Graph scolding me? Scoundrel!!!" "
Haha Haha, I‟m kidding, who dares to scold Chanchao.”
A group of sophomores in front of the classroom were discussing loudly, some
were talking about the last exam that just ended and some were talking about
the holiday activities after the semester ended. Similarly, the two boys and girls
who are a pair of extremely loving lovers in the eyes of everyone are also
talking happily, only to see that one of them is about to throw the textbook out
of the window, while the other is laughing and cursing and teasing each other,
which makes the tutor The teacher pouted.
The reason why Graph was able to answer the test paper can be said to be all
because Chanchao desperately stuffed knowledge points into his brain for a
whole week.
He still said that, he is not a person who likes to study. If his parents forced him
to take remedial classes, he would definitely skip classes, but when he saw his
friends who threatened to help him improve his grades for the future entrance
exams, he could not refuse to be honest, so in the past For a week his life is
studying and studying. And this is also good, because in this way you can not
miss someone who went south.
Who is it... P‟ Pakin.
The hard-hearted person who has been going south for several days to prepare
for work can only make a short phone call every night, and the teenager can
only wait at other times.
At the beginning, it is undeniable that it was because of feeling lonely. After all,
he just got used to having someone to share the bed with, to have dinner with,
and when he did something wrong, someone would shoot him with fire-eyed
eyes. But it was also because of Brother Win and Uncle Pong that he was there
Not so lonely anymore. Especially the latter, it is said that because he has not
been back to Thailand for a long time, he always likes to drag him around.
The last time, Uncle Pong took him to a social event. Although it was very
boring, but because Pakin's father was by his side, his views on shopping malls
began to change.
'Don't think it's boring, take the initiative to make it interesting. There, see the
two women over there? What do you think they are talking about? '
'I don't know, uncle. Let's talk about money. ‟
Then Uncle Pong said calmly:
„No, it was discussing how to approach Uncle. ‟
He couldn‟t help laughing out loud because of the elder‟s narcissism, but he
opened his mouth wide in the end, because the two women really came to say
hello to the uncle, with their watery eyes flashing glances over and over
again. When Uncle Pong winked and said, "Let's talk about it", the teenager
could only look weird.
The teenager found it very interesting to be with Uncle Pong, especially when
he was asked to pay attention to observe the other party when he was talking
with other people. Graph found that the other party's reaction to everyone was
different. It's as if this man knows how to deal with everyone and loves to
gossip about his son behind his back.
'Pakin that brat only wields the power he has. That's not clever at all, that's what
uncle said. '
Afterwards, Graph's views on everything have also changed. Although these
work entertainments are still very boring in his eyes, they can train himself to
deal with all kinds of people best. In short, he has not Feeling too lonely.
"Graph scolded people, woo, let's break up."
Graph turned his head and returned his attention to his friend who was still
puffy. However, the person with the bright, teasing eyes who said he was going
to break up with him and let him find a new love laughed, and Graph couldn't
help shaking his head slowly, and put the bracelet on the neck of the
pretendingly crying girl:
" No matter, Chanchao is mine. I will not agree to break up." "
Hey, you dare to say that I belong to Graph, so does Graph belong to me? Let
go, do you want to moleste me? Let me tell P "
"Speak, let's go. One day I will come to ask for marriage." The slender man
answered with a smile. Because it seems that the family already knew that the
two of them did not have the kind of relationship that Brother Sun worried
about, but rather the best friends of the opposite sex that many people said.
Some people say that it is impossible for a man and a woman to be friends, but
if a man never looks at a woman with admiration, it is out of the scope of the
"Wait and see, I'll ask my family to ask for a lot of dowry, plus tuition fees."
"Don't add too much, I don't have any money recently."
Chanchao chuckled. At the beginning, she was also surprised when she found
out that her friend was blocked financially by her family. She didn't know how
to help, but when she knew that P‟ Pakin would bear all the expenses and
expenses, the rotten woman couldn't help screaming and almost died. I want to
stomp my feet on the ground.
Think about it, support, adoption, etc., can they not be on top?
"Hey, that couple, no matter how loving you are, you still care about everyone's
feelings, okay? Don't let us single dogs envy and hate on one side, okay?" Just
then, a teasing voice sounded from the other side. The two followed the
prestige, and then saw a group of other students in the class all looking over, all
pointing and pointing.
"Envy, envy, we even talked about asking for marriage. It's like you've been
dating for 10 years. Just remind me, you're only sophomores in high school.
" Invitation card." Starting from ordinary teasing, the words became more and
more outrageous, so that the two friends couldn't help but look at each other and
then turned their heads away to secretly laugh, because the wedding ceremony
mentioned may only be limited to the literal meaning. , after all, Master Kritithi,
who is popular with girls, is already famous.
And a very, very difficult person to mess with.
"Oh, it's rare to finish the exam. Do you want to celebrate with everyone?" A
classmate asked.
"Oh, don't invite them, don't invite them, they must be celebrating by
Although they said that, the students still looked over as if saying that you want
to go with everyone?
In the past, Chanchao would celebrate with all her classmates. Last time, she
took Graph with her, but this time she already has an appointment with her
family. The girl looked up at her friend, while the boy shook his head slowly,
lowered his head and whispered in his ear:
"P Win will pick him up today." Then the girl replied on behalf of her friend:
"Graph and I don't have time to go."
"If you want a two-person world, just talk about it... let's go, brothers and
sisters, don't be a light bulb, it will be a crime."
The students continued to make fun of it, and then agreed to call if there is
anything , Then they scattered in twos and threes, talking excitedly about the
holiday. And Chanchao asked:
"Then what will Grah do this vacation?"
"I don't know yet, P Win said that he will fly back to Korea later, and I may go
with him." "
Okay, I want to go too I also want to find a Korean oppa." The girl said
whimsically as she walked to the front door of the school side by side with the
boy, but at that time:
"Chachao school girl, Chanchao school girl!!!"
"Oh, P Nith, scatter the ground Card." The moon girl turned around following
the voice of calling, and saw the senior in the third year running over quickly,
the pace was so fast that sweat covered her handsome face. The girl smiled and
"Congratulations, senior in senior year."
Today they ended their second year of high school, which means that Nith also
graduated from their third year of high school, so the girl congratulated
happily. The other party just smiled to cover up his embarrassment. I thought
the girl would show a little sadness or reluctance, even a little bit, like feeling
sad because they couldn't meet at school like usual. But it seemed that Nith was
thinking too much, because the girl was still smiling, and she was still holding
onto the hand of a certain junior.
These two people say that they are not lovers all day long, but their behavior is
obviously not what they said.
People who are excellent in every way think so. But the person who was
frustrated every time still looked at a certain junior, and then looked at the girl
with a puzzled face. The girl seemed to be asking why she was stopped? So the
boy made a decision.
After high school, Nith will fly to the United States to continue his studies, so
this may be the last chance.
"P has something to say to Junior Chanchao, can you give me a moment?" The
girl frowned immediately, but she had no choice but to nod when she saw the
serious eyes of the other party.
"Then I'll wait here."
Although Graph may not hate this senior anymore, he is also worried about
letting his female friend be alone with him. Because now he began to
understand that it is much better to think in advance than to deal with it later,
and the slender man seemed to have begun to know how this boy felt about his
Every time Senior Nith comes to strike up a conversation, Chanchao's name
appears almost always.
"Then wait a minute, Graph." The girl nodded, and then followed the senior to
the other end of the building, so far away that Graph couldn't hear their voices
clearly but was still within sight.
Even if you don‟t look at Kritithi, you can still think of what senior Nith is
talking about, probably because Uncle Pong taught him how to observe the
people and things around him, of course not only for a man named Pakin. So the
boy turned his face to the other side, and saw that Chanchao seemed to slowly
put away his smile, clasped his hands tightly, and shook his head slowly.
The teenager wasn't surprised his friend would say no, but someone who has
been rejected all too well knows how painful it can be.
Senior Nith's answer was just a faint smile, and the shoulders on both sides
drooped. Graph can't help but feel happy about where he is now.
Because although P‟ Pakin did not open his mouth to explain their relationship,
the other party did not push him away and never see each other again.
Now that he has a chance, he will firmly grasp this opportunity and never let go,
trying to let the other party know that although he is not a good boy and has an
annoying temper, this kid loves P‟ Pakin more than anyone else.
When will P see this?
"Graph..." Immediately, the thoughts in his heart must be put away
immediately, and the boy turned his head to look in the direction of the call.
"Don't cry." Chanchao came back with red eyes, and the boy couldn't help
comforting him.
"It's just... I don't know that P Nith likes me."
"Then why don't you accept it?" Hearing this, the girl shook her head
vigorously, blinked her eyes, tried her best to hold back her tears, and then said
in a soft voice:
"I...I don't think that way about P Nith, I just... feel guilty for not realizing it,
and P he has to go to study abroad. P He shouldn't like me, there will be more
people in the future Waiting for P Nith." Chanchao said with a trembling voice,
because the more he remembered the sad eyes because of her rejection, the
more guilty the flesh in the girl's chest felt.
For a long time, Chanchao thought that the other party came to her because he
liked Graph, but never once thought that the other party liked her, so all the
guilt surged up and turned into tears, and the people watching couldn't help...
okay , don't cry. It's not Chanchao's fault." A warm hug wrapped around the
girl's shoulders, and the man with red eyes buried his face in it. The girl shook
her head a few times in her friend's arms before pushing the other's chest away.
"Don't act so manly to me, or what if I can't help falling in love with Graph."
The ponytail girl tried to force a smile and said, she already felt a little better in
her heart. The listener laughed and put his hand on the other person's head:
"I don't think it's strange that P Nith would like Chanchao, because if I didn't
meet P Pakin first, I would definitely fall in love with Chanchao too." "
Hey, don't be glib. Because Graph has already met P Pakin first, and he has
given his heart." The rotten girl knew that her friend just wanted her to feel
better, so she answered with a smile, not wanting her friend to worry. The girl
walked out of the school with the boy while gently wiping away her tears with
her fingertips, but she still couldn't help turning her head to look in the direction
where a certain senior was standing.
Sorry, Chanchao cannot respond to P Nith's feelings.
However, the girl who thinks this way does not know that the moon is not able
to fall in love with the late night now, but it does not mean that it will be
impossible in the future. (*Chachao means moon in Thai; Nith means night in
[Did you finish the exam today? ]
"The test is over, P. After all the subjects are finished, the results will be
[Okay, do you want to celebrate with your friends? ]
"P let me go? Well, just imagine, I went to sing karaoke with my friends and
someone stood guard in front of the room. Others thought it was the son of
some gangster who came to celebrate the end of the exam." [
No The son is the wife of a gangster boss. ]
Graph was getting off the young model's car while talking on the phone with
someone in the south, chatting happily but didn't expect his legs to stop for a
word. Because the other party uttered a word that he never thought he would
have the chance to hear... Wife.
P‟ Pakin once said that he is his child, but he never mentioned his further
[Oh, stop talking? 】
"Just... because of P!"
The boy retorted loudly, trying to suppress the heat that was rushing up his
cheeks, while the flesh in his chest was jumping fast, even the hand holding the
phone was trembling, and the corners of his mouth were shaking. The big smile
was suppressed so much that his face became weird. The teenager just
knows...he's super happy right now.
【What's wrong with me? ]
"I don't know. Anyway, I've passed the exam." Graph, who was not used to such
conversations, had to turn the topic in another direction. Because it's different
from the day when he asked the other party to obey him in everything, and the
other party deliberately exuded charm, Pakin brother just blurted out the words
that made this kid almost crazy with joy.
[I know, how many times do you want to go back and say that the exam is
over? 】
"P Win will take me out to celebrate today, and Uncle Pong also called to say
that he will come with us after the event."
【Sounds good. 】
"Are you envious? If you are envious, come back quickly." Maybe because P‟
Pakin is busy with a big project and the other end of the phone is very happy,
Graph vaguely felt that the other party's voice was a bit stiff. The young man let
out a low laugh, no matter how he heard it, he felt it was dangerous:
【Heh, don't get sick again when you go back. ]
Dad, you know what you want.
"I'm not a tool for P to vent his desire."
[When did I say you were? ]
The boy was speechless again, and then a huge smile appeared on his handsome
face, feeling unspeakably happy, because he knew that this person did not
regard him as a sexual outlet, at least Death Graph would never admit that
someone The man in the relationship heard the word wife.
So, does that mean he's more special than any other bed partner?
【I gotta go. 】
"Is P going to hang up?" Graph didn't have time to control his mouth, and asked
in a soft voice. Admittedly, he wanted to go on and talk more. And the other
end of the phone was also very clear, so he said with a smile:
[Don't be naughty, I will call you again tonight. Go open the present and see if
you like it, I've already delivered it. ]
After finishing speaking, Pakin hung up the phone, causing the listeners to blink
their eyes, because if they heard correctly...
"What gift?"
"Oh, it's a gift from Kin since this afternoon." The young model who came up
said with a smile, as if trying to hold back someone who was not at
home. Because when he mentioned that there is a kid here who is finishing his
sophomore year, someone just replied... so what?
But on the day when the term ended, someone delivered gifts to the family.
"P Pakin has a gift for me?"
The boy asked out of tune, and Phawis turned his head up to the stairs leading to
the main house door. So the boy looked over again, and Graph couldn't help
scolding himself for not seeing it at first.
I saw that the huge gift had been placed on the steps leading to the main house
gate, and was being covered by a silver car cloth. The lump of flesh in the boy's
chest couldn't help jumping more violently, and he stepped up and rushed up,
and he could still hear the barking of Hot running out to meet him, which also
made the person in charge of delivering the car follow him come out.
"Oh, I'm back, you stinky apprentice."
"P...Saifa." The slender man called out the other party's name in a daze, as if he
was asking why? The person who came to deliver the car instead of the brother
who had already gone south walked up and stood beside the cloth covering the
car, and then the twin younger brother raised a big smile, with a small fire of
excitement in his eyes, and said even more excitedly: "Are you ready to see the
" ?”
“Ready!!!” It is true that the boy was already nodding his head almost off. I saw
that the big hand was opening the cloth, and...
A pair of handsome eyes widened in surprise, and the person in charge of giving
the gift was explaining the function in detail:
"Ducati Scrambler Special Edition Mike Hailwood, fresh and hot in 2016. 4
cylinders, 803CC, nozzle 44MM. Continue to use the old brake system. It is a
medium-sized superbike but will never lose to those big guys. Smaller than your
blue one, but guaranteed It‟s better to ride. P Pakin sent an urgent order the day
before yesterday. After receiving the car, Phayu checked it again. Oh, and P
Pakin also said that if you don‟t like this color, if you want another color, P
Khon will go back and change it later. .”
Graph couldn‟t believe his ears at all, he just put his hand on the cushion, and
then his eyes opened little by little. And when he learned that someone hurriedly
found it for him... he was so fucking happy.
"Oh, but P said that if you want to drive on the track, you should call him first. I
don't want you to overturn like last time." Saifa continued and laughed, and
couldn't help but hold back The smiling little apprentice is happy. Because just
looking at it, you can tell that the other party is actually happy to death. And he
also couldn't believe it, the person who once said that if he saw this kid on the
field, he would immediately stop the car race, now he followed the children's
advice and spared no expense to find this car as a gift... And it was just as a gift
It's just a gift for the end of my sophomore year.
"Do you like it?" When asked, the child turned around, his eyes sparkling
"Need to say? P. I like it, I like it so much."
Grpah said excitedly. I didn't expect that the other party would agree to him
bumping the car again, and not only agreed to bumping the car but also bought
him a new one.
"Then don't forget to call to thank him, I should be waiting for your call." Win
patted the boy's shoulder and reminded. The bear boy nodded vigorously,
promised that the other party would definitely call, then turned around and
gently stroked his new son. And Hot ran around the car non-stop, so the boy
couldn't help but say to it seriously:
"If you scratch this car, you will die, die Hot."
Everyone who saw this scene laughed. Because I remembered that the child
who used to always have a sullen face and lonely eyes is now living a very
happy life, and the once cruel person who can be said to be hard-hearted is
treating this child with heart, as if all the past has long been forgotten. .
Anyone who sees it knows...this goes way beyond just being a guardian.
"Mr. Pakin, the boat to deliver the car has arrived."
"Well, check the quantity, I don't want to make any mistakes during the event."
Pakin nodded in agreement, looking through the transparent glass wall at the
pier where a large ship was docking , where hundreds of cars that will be
involved in the event are shipped, and their value has reached astronomical
figures. Because these are not only prepared by him alone, but also sent by all
the sponsors.
This event is not only to seal off the island for racing, but to build the island.
The eyes of the person whose dream is about to come true are shining, and the
blood in his body is boiling instantly, and he is extremely excited for him to
give everything he has. Just thinking of how many cars will pass the finish line
at high speed, the young man can't wait.
The kid might like it too.
Suddenly, a certain idea broke into my mind, and the face of a self-righteous
child also appeared in front of my eyes. The person who called him just
yesterday, the excited and excited voice made his ears hurt, but the strange thing
is that he was willing to give up the little sleep time and chatted with the young
master for an entire hour. Although he didn't reply a few words, he still listened
Ya love that gift so's worth it for what it's worth.
Pakin knew that the kid liked to play bikes because of him, so he tried his best
to follow him and let him see that Ya also likes the same thing, and now Ah is
really obsessed with motorcycles. It was deeply pleasing to the trouble-hating
man, because Graph would understand how he felt now. And what's even more
unbelievable is...
I want that kid to see it with his own eyes.
Want to make you feel the same way?
The person who thought this way frowned, unable to believe that the kid had
such an influence on his thoughts and feelings. Obviously in the past, whenever
he saw Ya's face, he almost grabbed Ya by the neck and threw Ya out of the
house, but now, when Ya obediently listened to him, became sensible, and
stopped talking back, he agreed to stay by his side. And I don't know when his
smile will make him... miss.
"Maybe I'm tired."
Pakin shook his head slowly. Yes, he was tired, tired from not being able to
bury himself in bed and find someone to relax with. Tired of wanting to see
someone's face.
I want to see what it looks like when you see the gift.
Such a feeling is very dangerous for young people, but this time Pakin doesn't
care, because more importantly, the young master is already under his wing.
Even if you are here, you can definitely get his protection.
The thought comforted him.
Still, such thinking must stop. Sharp Eyes squinted as he saw a small dot slowly
coming into his field of vision, with the sound of loud spiraling blades cutting
the air approaching bringing a huge swirling air current that blew everything
away. to one side. Feet lead the body straight to the roof of the building that
serves as a helipad, and the young man feels dissatisfied in his heart because
someone showed up at random the day before the event.
But when he saw the man with light gray hair walking down in high spirits, his
thick eyebrows still relaxed.
"Don't tell my dad to come and mess it up." The helicopter had shut down its
engine, and the wind was soft and comfortable again. The island owner went up
to find the father, and shook his head at Phanupong's questioning greeting, but
the cunning in his eyes made the young man suspicious.
"Who said I came here to stir up trouble? I brought people to cheer you up."
Pakin was about to open his mouth to ask a question, but a sense of premonition
made him turn around sharply and look at the helicopter again. I saw a close
relative walking down, but the impact was far less severe than that of the pale-
faced other teenager. The young man held the door tightly, and he knew from
the looks that it must be his first time riding a helicopter. This caused a pair of
sharp eyes to stare.
"Oh, don't be angry with the kid, I personally dragged him here this morning."
This was one of the few times when he was angry with his father, and it was
also the only time when he couldn't control himself. . . the tall man walked
straight up to the pale, stammering man.
"P, I didn't know uncle was going to bring me here, I didn't violate the order..."
"Miss you."
Accompanied by soft whispers, a warm embrace wrapped tightly around the
boy's waist.
Just 2 words are enough to make the surrounding changes silent, no wind, no
beach, no birdsong, all the sounds have disappeared, only a low voice is left
saying... Miss you.
Graph unknowingly stretched out his arm to wrap his arms around the other
person's back as an answer, buried his face on the hard-hearted man's shoulder,
and said only one sentence: "
I miss P too."
Chapter 50: Heartless Guys Get Better
A large full moon hung high in the night sky, reflected on the clear
water. Under the moonlight, the sea water kept beating against the shore, and
the tiny waves produced strings of white foam, which splashed onto the soft
sandy beach, forming an extremely peaceful natural picture. However, the
leisurely and comfortable scenery on the island is about to change due to the
holding of large-scale events the day after tomorrow.
"Heh...heh...P...I can't...I can't...I really can't."
At this time, in a room with the most beautiful sea view on the island, a teenager
was collapsing on the huge In the middle of the bed, his body heaved up and
down due to panting, and his body was covered with sweat and fishy water
stains. A tall man straddled the young man, his broad chest heaving up and
down again and again as he panted heavily. After a long time, everything
returned to calm.
"Is it not enough?" Pakin asked while brushing his sweaty hair. Lying
powerlessly on the bed, the blushing man nodded quickly:
"No... I don't have the strength to get up." Graph didn't think that his physical
strength was weak, but that the other party's physical strength was too good.
If you want to ask when have they been in the room? I can tell you the truth,
from the moment Graph set foot on the island, it was too late to say hello to
Panachai, and he didn‟t even have time to stroll around, the island owner pulled
him into the room until now.
I was so tired that I had no energy left.
The big man looked down, stretched out his hand to brush away the hair
sticking to the boy's forehead covering his face, moved his body and sat on the
edge of the bed, and then took a cigarette and lit it.
"Do you like the gift you received?"
"I like it... I like it very much." The person lying quietly on the bed nodded a
few times, trying to prop up his body and sit together, but to be honest, his body
is sore now, and his legs are because of just now convulsed and so weak that he
couldn't move. The young man had no choice but to raise his head to look at the
knife-like thick face, and then couldn't help but his face also became hot.
I haven't seen Pakin for a few days, and his complexion has become more
The person in front of him is leaning on the pillow without covering his body
with a quilt. The strong body with muscular muscles can be seen at a glance. It
is shining with the sweat attached to it. The person who was watching closed his
eyes without daring to take another look. The boy couldn't help but think that
the charm of the other party was so huge that it filled the whole room.
And that sentence that has been coiled in my ears and made my heart tremble
He didn't know if P‟ Pakin's words came from the heart, but it was still enough
to make the children tremble with joy, and they were willing to do anything for
each other, even if they were tired, they would still be willing to accompany
them if they wanted to come to Graph again.
Even if I say that my ears are soft, I won't care.
This is the time that the boy has been looking forward to all his life... This man
has allowed the boy to come into his life.
Not only does it agree, but it is also a special existence that makes the children
who have been desperately grasping willing to let go of all stubbornness and
stubbornness, and let go of all arrogance and dignity. The boy moved his body
and leaned over, put his hands on his thighs, buried his face, closed his eyes,
and said softly and firmly, "I miss
P so much."
The listener immediately smiled. When he saw the hot and attractive young
master pleading, he was still indifferent, but it is undeniable that the other
party's face lying on his lap is really cute, the young man couldn't help but took
a deep breath of the cigarette, then turned around and pressed the cigarette Turn
it off, stretch out your hands to the boy's waist, drag the weak guy onto his
chest, and lay it on his chest.
"Just a few days."
"Almost a week." Graph retorted hoarsely. The listener let out a laugh from his
throat, and stretched his hand into the soft hair to caress happily.
"Can you answer the test questions?"
"I have done everything, but whether it is correct is another matter." "
I heard that someone gave tutoring."
"Ah, yes. I spend Saturdays and Sundays at Chanchao's house, I told P."
Graph nodded, feeling unbelievably good at the moment. When the other party
asked about what happened during the time they couldn‟t meet and was willing
to listen, everyone thought that the child who didn‟t like to mention personal
matters opened up the conversation: “Uncle Pong said he met my dad. I don‟t
know if I told him
everything What, now my dad gave me money again like before, and also said
that I can continue to stay at P‟s house. Uncle also took me to attend events. I‟m
not used to wearing a suit, but it‟s also quite interesting. It‟s all here to please
Uncle, I‟m not laughing after reading it.”
“This is a week with my dad.”
“P Win is not free. It seems that he has accepted a job for a magazine, so he is
not at home. Uncle takes me every day. I went out for dinner, and Aunt Kaew
lost her temper. Oh, it‟s super funny to say, P. Aunt Kaew suddenly hit me
once, and asked me if my aunt‟s craftsmanship was not good, so I didn‟t eat at
home, so I hurried I rushed to the kitchen."
"It seems quite interesting."
"Interesting, P. Oh, and Hot. I really don't understand, when P is at home, he
behaves like a noble dog, but when Whilst P isn't around, fuckin' true. Digging
holes all over the yard, it's a pity the gardener has to fill in every hole he makes.
Last time I had to fill him in, the grass turned into Small clusters of small
clusters, and then it went to dig. I didn't know it buried it with toys. I said why I
don't like to play anymore, I didn't expect it. I was so angry that I almost threw a
toy ball at its head. Graph said happily, his body swayed and slowly slanted
down, and now the slender man was already sitting on the opponent's chest,
leaning against the opponent with his head tilted and shoulders, and his hands
were placed on the big hands that were wrapped around the waist again.
The boy likes the way he is now, even more than the lingering cloud and rain.
Sitting and chatting like this can greatly relieve the accumulated pain of
Yes, he calls P‟ Pakin every day, and sometimes the other party will take the
initiative to call, but after two or three sentences, he hangs up, and he just says
that he will go to school today, take an exam today, etc., and then it is over ,
Hang up the phone, when he can face to face and is willing to listen to him,
Graph wants to talk about everything from this week.
But people who seem to be listening...are not happy.
Not because the kid is having fun in Bangkok while he's busy getting ready, but
because he's not happy with what's being said...without him.
Heh, what are you thinking? Die Pakin, the other party is this brat.
The tall man wanted to shake his head and deny it, but he couldn't let go of the
feelings hidden deep in his heart, and everything became more and more
obvious as each day passed. From being annoyed by a smug little friend
showing up at his house all the time, to getting used to seeing Graph staying at
his house, begging him for dinner, insisting on going out with him to do all the
things teens would be interested in, and then getting used to seeing Graph
staying at his house, begging him for dinner, insisting on going with him to do
all the things that teens would be interested in Allowed to bristle with anger.
Everything has become normal.
The days with Ya by my side are not as bad as imagined.
Graph might not be ready to jump on the tiger's back with him right now, but
Ya's not mindless bait ready to be hunted. This kid is learning how to think, and
understands that obeying orders is not because of his tyranny but because he is
worried about Ya's safety.
Security issues are no longer an excuse.
And what Pakin did was not all because of Ah's father, he...was for Ah himself.
"It still wanted to follow me in the morning. I don't know how it knew that
Uncle Pong was going to bring me here. Uncle just said that he wanted me to go
out with him. When he realized it, he had already been pulled into the car and
was almost killed. I was so scared that I wanted to take the helicopter..."
"Let's finish talking about Hot." Before the hoarse voice was about to finish,
Pakin interrupted in a deep voice, and the boy couldn't help but raise his head
and look over , with the word fear written in his eyes, as if he was afraid of
making the other person angry again, so...
"P is angry with me?"
Pressed up and then pushed the opponent's body up a little bit. Graph was even
more stunned:
"P, I really didn't violate the order, I didn't know that uncle was going to bring
me here..."
"I haven't said anything yet, come here." The tall man shook his head slightly as
he said, got up and stood beside the bed, stretched out his big hand to grab his
arm, and let the boy slowly move to the side of the bed. When the boy was
about to step up his trembling legs...
"Don't move, you are not light, if you struggle, I will let go immediately."
Immediately, Master Kritithi was surprised and puzzled, because the other party
suddenly Just put his hand under the neck, and with all his strength, he floated
his body in mid-air. The teenager jumped up in panic and tightly wrapped his
arms around the opponent's neck, and the weak struggle caused Pakin to accuse
him in a deep voice. The young man suddenly raised his head, and was about to
retort what brother is going to do! However...the
thick face like a knife was decorated with a smile...and it was a teasing smile
that couldn't be more obvious.
"Oh, struggle, I will let go as soon as I struggle."
Who dares? The other party is a man of his word. Hey.
The boy and himself grumbled, twisted their mouths, turned their heads away,
and then their legs kept shaking because the other party started to walk.
"At that time I hugged you too."
"Oh, P carried me like a rice bag, and threw me away." For some reason, Graph
just remembered, he firmly remembered that the other party picked him up and
then Throwing him home, there was no tenderness at that time, as if he was just
a useless thing. It's completely different from now... P‟ Pakin hugged him as if
he was afraid of hurting him.
The person who brought him to the bathroom put him on the edge of the
bathtub, turned on the faucet to let warm water flow into the huge bathtub, and
then stepped into the bathtub first.
"Come here."
You have to follow the instructions in everything, and you will get angry when
you think of the past!
When the pictures of the pain and heartache in the past flashed through your
mind, the young man couldn't help thinking this way, but when he returned to
reality, Graph still slowly put his legs into the bathtub Li, slowly move the body
down, into the bathtub and... into the warm embrace that has been waiting for a
long time.
I have to say, it's really embarrassing.
When Pakin's bad, he's bad enough, but when he's good that it makes
you want to beat the wall.
Graph looked away while thinking this way, and then found that the bathroom
was also facing the sea. He couldn't help but hold the edge of the bathtub and
look at the sea that shone brightly during the day but is now terrifyingly dark.
"It's beautiful during the day." The person watching naturally knew what the
other person was thinking, so he echoed his words while scooping up warm
water from the bathtub filled with water and pouring it on Yi Yi, who was
shivering because of the air conditioner in the room earlier. On the shoulders of
the young master:
"This side is the beach around the island, while the other side has only built a
pier for boats to enter and exit. In fact, it is also specially built for this event.
Although most of the guests who come here Most of them come by helicopter...
because it's too far away." Pakin said so, and the person with his chin resting on
the edge of the bathtub turned his head excitedly: "I'll go and see, can I?
" Yes."
"I still want to play in the water, can I? I haven't been to the beach for a long
time, so long that I forget when I went to the beach before." Ordinary children
may go out with their parents during the holidays, but they definitely won't It is
Graph. Since he was a child, he was most familiar with the buildings in the
hospital during his summer vacation, and when he became stronger, he was
taken with his nanny sister and sent to a summer camp abroad. There is no sign
of the parents who are both busy with their own affairs.
This time may be the first time he really went out to play with people during the
summer vacation.
"Well, there should be nothing to do tomorrow... Let me take you around the
island for a while."
"Really!" The listener moved his body and leaned up again, with a close face
and asked excitedly. Pakin shook his head involuntarily and said,
"How many times have I told you that I never lie."
"Just because P is a bad guy."
"Be careful with your mouth." Gao Dazi lowered his voice, and looked over
with fierce eyes. The person who accidentally talked back couldn't help but stop
for a moment, but because he found the atmosphere more relaxed than before or
maybe because he was a little carried away because of the previous sentence of
"missing you", the boy who was afraid of saying the wrong thing and being
abandoned now turned to him. The other party shook his head and laughed
untidyly. It looks exactly the same as it did a few months ago.
Pakin always said that he was very bored.
"I don't, why do I have to pay attention?"
"Hehe." The small appearance made the person watching laugh in their throats,
and then...
"Yeah." The warm lips covered the swollen lips again, And with Pakin's usual
style, it would never be a light kiss. Touching lightly and tasting gently, but it is
a fiery kiss that is enough to crush all reason, let the scorching heat rise to the
white face, the young man's intrusion made the young man almost breathless,
until the young man backed away to inspect My own masterpiece:
"I reminded you, be careful with your mouth."
Graph's eyes widened, and he raised his hand to gently stroke his lips but
couldn't refute, he could only stare blankly at the charming light shining A pair
of sharp eyes and a thick face with a provocative expression.
"What, continue to provoke me. I won't throw you far away in the future, seems more effective to use my own punishment method." The
young man who puts efficiency first in everything said so, making him want to
get such contact It's been a long time, but when the real encounter, the person
who can't be dealt with can only turn his head to the side of the
sea. Because...the ears are so red that they can bleed.
Fuck, I can't fight!
The man with the mouth curled up thought so, trying to make an expression of
displeasure, but when he was pulled over and fell to his chest, he could only let
the other party manipulate him.
Throw in the towel and die Graph, no matter whether P Pakin is good or bad, he
can't beat him.
Graph learned another thing today... Be careful with your mouth in front of P‟
"P wouldn't say that these are racetracks!"
In the morning of the new day, although Graph was so exhausted from last
night's exercise that he didn't know when he closed his eyelids and how he was
taken to bed, he still didn't want to miss this opportunity to travel around the
island. The boy wakes up early in the morning, wakes up the person in the bed
and asks the other person to get up early to take him to play.
Now, the handsome delinquent in knee-length shorts and a bright yellow tank
top is excitedly yelling at Mr. Driver. The driver, on the other hand, pressed the
button, opened the roof of the beautiful sports car that was also taken to the
island, let the cool wind blow on his body, and then turned his head to look at
the monitoring cameras and the special night race car along the way. Street
lamp workers.
"Yes, the road around the island is a racing track. Hold on tight."
Graph leaned back against the back of the seat, and the people around him
shifted gears and stepped on the accelerator hard. The performance car rushed
through the curved driveway at high speed, and then changed gears again when
it encountered a steep uphill road. Let the engine roar loudly, the speedometer is
constantly rushing upwards, and the scenery on the roadside has all turned into
flashing shadows. Let the blood of the young man who has just come into
contact with this speed boil.
This is the speed that hits the heart...and Pakin likes it too.
"Cool!" Graph exclaimed excitedly. When the other party slowed down, the boy
turned his head and looked back at the curving road that would have bumped
into the curb if he didn't know it in advance. And Mr. Driver also explained:
"The event will start tomorrow evening, and the 10 cars with the most bets will
be selected from them. The road section is not familiar, and only street lights
can be seen around. Just think about how many drivers will be able to drive.
The car reaches the finish line."
"Hmm, I think someone will lose and die."
"I'm sure there must be someone who wants to see this scene."
Graph doesn't know the circle of people who like thrills, but Pakin will invest in
building a There should be a lot of people like that at the illegal island circuit,
and he is not one of those sanctimonious people who would say it is wrong to
do so. If he thinks it is wrong, he will not be the person around this man.
To be able to stand here, P‟ Pakin must have done a lot of things that cannot be
called right, even though he didn't tell him.
"I'll let you participate in the event tomorrow."
"Really!!!" Graph had already been mentally prepared to be locked in the room
tomorrow. From past experience, he is a broom star, no matter where you go, as
long as you take him with you, the event will be ruined, but when you hear that
the other party will let him attend the event together...Jiang couldn't believe his
The person who heard the rhetorical question couldn't help but slightly frowned.
Whenever he said something, this kid liked to ask back every time, and the
reason was because he never gave Ya anything.
I have never got it before, and when I get it, I will ask and confirm it one by one
like an unconfident child.
From now on, let me be more confident, let me know that I am really satisfied,
not just lip service.
Pakin smiled slightly while thinking this way.
It's nice to have a kid like that sitting by my side.
"P, rock-paper-scissors!"
"Are you
still a kid?" "Hmph, so what if you're a kid, and you're still a kid who wants to
play with water. But it's P who says the sun is too poisonous to let me play!"
Graph Rebuttal loudly. At this time, they were standing in the middle of the
game room, in front of the wooden football machine that they didn't expect to
have here... Made of wood, there are rows of little people on the green board,
just like standing on the field Same.
This room is for children brought by their guardians, but the young man didn't
expect that there would be a football machine thrown here, and... "
If P doesn't want to punch, P let me into that room." Graph pointed I moved to
another resort because the teenager knew there was a casino in it. However, the
owner of the island...
Those who listened immediately pouted their mouths, not understanding that he
had done so many illegal things to prevent a 17-year-old boy from going to the
casino, even just to watch and not play. .
"Then go to the beach to play."
"I told you to wait a while." The answer that followed immediately made the
bear climb up on the glass, and he wanted to play in the water very much. I saw
the day's sunlight falling on the blue water, shining like a high-quality glass.
And the sand should be very soft, and it should be fun to play.
The person who had just fought hard yesterday said to himself passionately that
he didn't care about the drinks brought by the staff at all, but just looked at the
person sitting on the side with his hands on the back of the chair with eager eyes
to go down and play. The man had been sipping alcohol since noon, and it was
by no means the only drink of the day.
It wasn't until Panachai came in after a long rest.
"This is the file Mr. Pakin wants." Pakin took it with a quick glance, while the
newcomer turned to look at the kid who wanted to play.
"P Chai, P Chai, are there jet skis here?"
"Yes, in the warehouse where the boats are released. But the hot thing here is
kitesurfing... You know? You stand on a surfboard and strap on a glider, and
when you jump up, it's like flying in mid-air... .”
“I‟ll hit my head on a rock in a second and I‟ll die.”
Pakin signed the paperwork he‟d been waiting for all day, and interjected when
his confidant was introducing water sports to a kid . I saw that the eyes of the
person who often pushed himself into danger and brought himself a series of
troubles lit up because he wanted to try, then he curled up his mouth and
murmured irritably: "What did P allow me to do
Playing on the beach and making a pile of sand, I will fulfill your two wishes at
The listener opened his mouth wide as if he was about to curse in the next
second, but he still closed his mouth because he saw the stern gaze Said only
two super childish activities for you. The person who spoke stood up, and said
to his cronies:
"If there is anything, I'm on the you want to go? Play in the water." "
Go!" When the other side turned to look over, listen The man quickly
agreed. He couldn't wait to stand up, and immediately ran to follow the person
who took him to play in the water. Before P‟ Pakin changed his mind and
couldn't even play in the water, the boy walked to the white sand beach without
any dangers that he wanted to step on since he came here.
The sight of the two of them made Panachai laugh out loud, because he seemed
to see that his boss would fully embrace the talking back kid.
However, when someone's voice was heard, the smile stopped.
"Where's Graph?"
"Master Graph went to play in the water." The young man finally took a deep
breath before turning to face someone who was still dressed charmingly. No, it
should be more charming. Hip-length shorts and a white vest didn't do a good
job of covering the body.
The person who came in stood next to the glass and looked at the two people
who were going down to the beach.
"You know? Sometimes I envy Graph too."
Chai didn't answer, just stood quietly and kept a certain distance, because he
knew that the other party hadn't finished speaking. Then the young model
turned and looked over.
"But I shouldn't be able to get what I want like Graph." The beautiful eyes
looked over steadily, and then smiled slightly: "Don't worry,
our business is over." After finishing speaking, Win turned and prepared to
return to the room. But... " Don't you want to go to Master
Graph?" Still clenched his fists and brought his hands back to his sides. Because
although he wanted to chat with the other party very much, he was not worthy
of doing that, even though he saw clearly and understood very well in his
heart. Those eyes didn't say it was over, but he... forced it to end every time. "I
don't deserve it." I really want to whisper these words to someone who is always
laughing but whose eyes... are crying.
"It's not my fault that I'm sick, it's because the sun is too poisonous."
Graph knew that his body was different from others due to his weak body since
he was a child, but he didn't expect to go out and ride in a car after a violent
affair. After blowing the wind and playing in the water for a few hours under
the sun, the result today is that the body temperature has begun to rise, the lips
are dry, the eyes are red from the fever, and the whole body is sweating
A series of illnesses caused the island owner to sigh mercilessly.
Pakin also had to shake his head for the rebuttal topic that had been arguing
endlessly, put his hand on the boy's forehead, and found that it was much hotter
than ever. It may be because the child's body load this time is heavier than
He asked the doctor to see it, and the conclusion was that he had heatstroke.
"Go to bed after taking the medicine."
"But I want to go too." "
In this situation? You can't even get up and dress up." The boy could only turn
his head and look at the suits that had been hung up one by one. He can see the
activities held by the other party with his own eyes, but he has to stay in the
room because of illness!
"The TV in this room can watch the outside games, so just stay here and watch."
Pakin said while turning to the TV. He nodded in the direction, although he
knew that the kid wanted to watch it wholeheartedly, but he would faint if he
went out in such a physical condition or just sit listlessly during the activity, it
would be better to sleep here.
"Although it is said that the event is only for one day, you can go out when you
are well." He is not a person who is good at comforting children, but he can still
make the boy's face slightly better. Then the young man looked down at his
watch, which also indicated that the host of the event was going out to greet the
"Then I'll go out first, call me if you have anything to do." Pakin put the phone
next to the bed, and the sick man nodded his head two or three times, and his
stubborn eyes softened. The young man couldn't help sighing, he went back and
bowed and kissed the young man's lips.
"Be a good boy and wait here obediently."
"Well, I will be a good boy."
The once stubborn person also agreed and closed his eyes obediently. And the
boy would sleep until Pakin came back to visit for peace of mind, but the boy
didn't expect that when he came back again... the kid would not sleep on the bed
as expected.

Chapter 51: Hostages

The opening banquet at Pakin's new racetrack may not be as packed with speed-
loving enthusiasts as it is for a legitimate motorsports event. Although the
number of people here is relatively small, the quality... cannot be compared.
The honored guests who attended the event all had some way of being superior
to ordinary people.
"It has been completed as you said." "
This time I have to thank you for your help."
"Hehe, I didn't do anything, I just like cars."
Pakin was standing at a gathering In front of a rich young man with nobility,
power, and financial resources...the third prince of a certain country in the
Middle East.
This friend of Pakin when he was studying abroad, the same love speed can
even be said to be even faster than Pakin. After all, who can compare with
spending huge sums of money to lay roads in the desert just to test various
models for collection? new car. Therefore, when he was going to build a racing
track in the sea, this friend was the friend in need that he first thought of.
This indispensable sponsor came today in a low-key way through the exclusive
VIP channel.
"I hope Your Highness can have a good time."
"I hope so, don't let me down." The event host laughed, looking at the person
who would spend a huge amount of money if he was satisfied with this event.
For those who come to this event, money is not the most important thing. If you
have fun, everyone will be willing to spend money, not only this Arabian
prince, but also many other people who are ready to make huge bets, and these
will also be It is the profit return that he spared no expense over the years.
People think so when dealing with one guest after another in an extremely
luxurious venue.
There will be huge screens around the venue that will always show the amount
and fluctuation of each game, because not only all guests present have the right
to play this game, but this event will also be broadcast live to verified members
around the world, so money will always change.
In addition, there is a huge screen broadcasting every corner of the arena and
high-altitude images from the helicopters that have been waiting for a long time.
Pakin has invested heavily in this event and he will not allow anyone or
anything to stand in his way!
Including the bloody vixen his dad invited to the event.
"Scattering krub, Mr. Nop." The person in front of Pakin was his opposite
Nop...a middle-aged man in his mid-fifties wearing a luxurious suit from head
to toe, with a malevolent face staring like an eagle at the man who is more than
ten years younger than him, who is reaching out to say hello. The moment the
hands of the two touched, the atmosphere was so oppressive that everyone in
the room could feel it.
Everyone knew that the two men were at odds with each other.
"The event was held very well, Mr. Pakin."
"If it's not good, it's not me." The reason for the discrepancy between the two
probably came from Pakin's arrogance. He may have regarded the person in
front of him as an enemy, but The opponent is not a competitor who can keep
pace with himself.
To him, Ya is just a person who likes to play tricks, just a dog who is worried
that others will grab the territory but can't resist and barks. Whether it is bidding
or other projects in which he has participated in competing for interests, he can't
compete with him. He will only cause trouble and raise a bunch of subordinates
like that.
No matter how the boss is, his subordinates will only be worse.
"I'm still confident."
"Thank you for the compliment."
"To be honest, I also want to find an opportunity to talk to you. I heard that my
subordinates are going to cause you trouble, right? I have already criticized my
subordinates, I hope you don't mind."
Ya is just a backer.
Pakin smirked, and then replied:
"You don't need to apologize to me. I just bark like a dog, it doesn't hurt or itch,
it doesn't affect me at all."
The island owner saw the listener's hands tightly clenched and then let go, and
his eyes that were burning with anger turned into dissatisfaction. The young
man knew that Ya wanted to shoot him, but the other party also knew that he
must have left Ya's body on the roadside at the end of the island before he did
that. So those who visited the enemy's territory laughed as if they were seeing
something interesting.
Ya is not laughing, Ya is very angry.
When Pakin was can only do so much.
Of course, he didn't want to break his promise. Looking at the man who was
suppressing his anger, the young man thought of that useless guy who came to
bother him and the young master.
If there is a chance, I will make Ya disappear from sight.
Pakin reminded himself that if he was worried about Graph's safety, maybe this
time he returned to Bangkok to deal with the troublesome things that might
arise in the future.
"Well, it's fine if you don't mind."
"Yes. Then if Mr. Nop has nothing else to say, I'll take my leave first. I have to
say hello to many other guests."
More important guests than you.
The young man smiled again, then left with a winner's smile, and went straight
to the dead Nop who dared not even meet face to face... He is not on the same
level as Ya.
The appearance made the people who came to participate in the event grit their
teeth in anger, suppressed their anger, and walked back to the lounge angrily.
"You self-righteous brat!!! If you didn't have the support of your father, you
wouldn't be able to appear in front of me and talk like this!" As soon as the door
closed, Nop immediately yelled. The anger in his eyes caused all the
subordinates who brought him to avoid their sight, for fear of harming Chi
Yu. But the person who came out of the bedroom was different.
"Kon is dead because of you. He has the face to look down on me like this!!!"
The boss yelled at his cronies who bothered the brat but asked him to wipe his
ass instead, while Kon I looked over without fear. Wait for the boss to calm
down a bit, and then report:
"I have a way to deal with it, boss."
"Deal with it? You say that every time. Did you do it? You can't even make him
shut up and laugh." !!!"
"I caught my lover."
"What do you mean..." Nop turned around and looked suspiciously at his
subordinates, while the snake-eyed man spread his hands towards the room he
had just walked out of. The owner of the room couldn't help but walk in to see
what happened.
"Who is this brat?"
Nop couldn't help asking in a low voice with a boy's body lying quietly on the
bed, and a doctor-like figure standing not far away. His eyes snapped at the
smiling subordinates who continued to report on their work.
"That's the guy, the boy who killed Pakin."
"Just this brat? Are you going to cause trouble for me again?" The boss was so
angry that he was about to draw his gun and shoot his subordinates' heads, but
because of what Kon said next, And stopped moving.
"It was this brat who made me willing to accept negotiations. I asked people to
follow this brat. He lived in Si Pakin's house. It was so important that even
Panupong would go wherever he went. And my people also said that this brat
slept with Si Pakin. The same room." No matter how careful the island owner is,
it is impossible to check all the staff on the island, and Kon's people have dived
on the island from the very beginning.
"Fortunately, Ah is sick, and the doctor has given Ah to take medicine and fall
asleep." One of the reasons why Graph was rescued was that the doctor on the
island was the one who prescribed the medicine for Graph. But that was not an
ordinary antipyretic, but a sleeping pill that was guaranteed to allow the
teenager to sleep until the morning.
"How did you get me here?" After hearing this, the boss calmed down.
"Only two guards, you must have been careless, thought everyone was at the
venue and no one knew and brought this kid to the island. I took care of the
people, and as you can see, I also took this kid I got it here."
"Then what do you want to do?"
The person who heard the question immediately raised a smirk, and then
explained the overall plan to the boss in detail.
The plan under his command made the people who were in a bad mood start to
feel better a little bit, because it seemed that this plan could completely destroy
that self-righteous brat, and he would never be able to lift his head in this circle.
It's worth the risk this time.
The sun has completely set from the sky, and the island is already brightly lit for
the racers who are about to challenge their speed. This event not only has illegal
racers in the underground racing world participating, but also professional
racers who come for prize money hand.
Everything is set up, every camera is on the cars on the start line, everyone is
focused on that, but not everyone cares about the race, one of them is that they
are very bored Youth models.
Win came here to accompany Graph, but when he learned that he was too sick
to attend, he became idle.
The slender man knows that he is the focus of attention. Although his figure and
appearance are male, after a long time, he will know how attractive he is to the
same sex, so it is not too strange to be stared at by several pairs of eyes. But the
thing that bothered him the most was... his brother's enemy.
Ya hates his brother but wants his body.
"Heh." Win let out a laugh from his throat, turned around slowly to avoid the
looking eyes, and wanted to get away from the activity. But because of being
teased by Pakin, the middle-aged man, who was in a better mood now, just
walked over, as if there was something pleasant to replace the annoyance from
the island owner.
"Scattering, long time no see."
"Saggy krub." Although the uncle's family is powerful, but the family of
Phawis's father has no connection with illegal affairs, so Win will not be stupid
To make enemies for yourself. The young model just smiled and took the cup
from the other party, but didn't intend to take a sip.
He's not that stupid.
"When did you go back to Thailand?"
"It's been a while, but I haven't been there." "
I shouldn't. I also often meet your father, and I heard that he doesn't like such
activities." Nop said with a smile, eyes He stared straight at the beautiful and
slender figure who was male but was more attractive than female. The listener
also put on a mask and smiled and agreed:
"Yes, I have never liked it. I came here because of my brother's relationship."
Win emphasized his relationship with Pakin, and the other side laughed. :
"But it can be seen that you are very bored. Your brother should be busy for a
long time." "
No, I am going to accompany a younger brother." The young model handed the
cup back to the waiter. Knowing that everyone is focusing on the opening event
of the race car now, and no one will come to help him get out of this man's
entanglement, the young man thinks it's time for him to find a child who is
"That's it, he seems to be a very important younger brother."
Something is telling Win that things are unusual, but because he wants to leave
here, the young model smiled and said:
"Yes, he is an important younger brother, so I will leave first."
"I hope we can meet again next time." I felt relieved to let him go, but deep
down I felt unspeakably worried.
When mentioning Graph, the tone of ya... seems to know Graph.
No, I think too much.
Win whispered to himself, but his feet moved faster, wanting to find the brat
who likes to lose his temper as soon as possible, it's better than trapping himself
in this crap activity that doesn't interest him at all. However, the youth just
walked to the gate.
"Where is Master Win going?"
"Go to Graph." Panachai immediately walked over to block the road, looking in
the direction the young master came from.
It is true that Pakin's confidants are not at ease with that cunning old fox, and
they don't like the look in his eyes when he stares at the young master's back.
"Then I'll take you there."
"Are you free?"
"I still have a little time." The tall man said in a calm voice, not caring at all
about how the other party rejected him thousands of miles away, his sharp eyes
flashed firm and serious as if saying he must be sent to the front of the
room. And this also made Phawis feel helpless, knowing that it was useless to
go on in a stalemate, it was the best policy to hurry to the destination.
Although being close to this man will bring up painful memories.
While thinking, the young man walked towards the passage leading to the upper
lounge, completely oblivious to the unusual silence around him. In contrast, the
frowning follower reached for the waist where the gun was hidden.
"Master Win, please follow me." Unlike usual, Panachai walked in front of him
and covered the frowning man with his hands.
"What do you mean?"
"It's too quiet."
"What do you mean? Wait a minute, where's the Graph?!" Win immediately
opened his eyes and yelled out, because the only room in this area was a small
patient with a high fever Just one person. Rui Mu couldn't help but quickly
glanced around, but he didn't see the person who was supposed to be here. The
young man couldn't help jumping up in fear because he was worried about a
certain child.
"Hurry up!" The model almost yelled, and pushed the person who was still
worried about the safety of the moment. And Panachai said in a deep voice:
"Please follow me closely."
"Okay, I got it. Hurry up!!!" Win wanted to rush, but he couldn't escape the
opponent's wings, so he had to press his hands against the wide back Back and
move on. And the people who were urged also quickened their pace, and the
guns had already been raised in front of them.
Until the two reached Pakin's room.
"Master Win, please wait here for a while."
"Yes, hurry up, Chai. Make sure that the Graph is in there." The speaker tried to
lower his voice, but in his heart he was about to cry because he was worried
about a certain child up. The listener nodded quickly, pushed open the door, and
then stepped inside. And Win himself didn't know what happened, he could
only look around anxiously, and took out his phone to contact his brother.
"Master Win, you can come in!"
With the shouts, Win pushed the door hard without hesitation and rushed in, and
when he entered the room:
"Impossible!" The two staff members lying on the carpet made the young man's
heart fall straight to his ankles. When I looked at the bed suddenly, I saw that
there was no one on the bed.
"Did you see it in the bathroom too?"
"Yes, Master Graph is not here." Panachai said in a deep voice, grabbed the
walkie-talkie and contacted his boss:
"Mr. Pakin."
[Where is ya, dead Chai...]
"Mr. Pakin, there is an emergency. Master Graph is missing "
What did you say! Where is ya now!!!]
The call was once suffocatingly quiet as if the walkie-talkie had broken down,
but when the voice rang again, the roar that burst out through the walkie-talkie
seemed to be caught by someone. This force destroys the signal as loud and
noisy as possible. At the same time, it also shows that the other party knows the
current situation.
"I'm in your room."
[I'm going right now!!!]
There was a loud rustling sound from the walkie-talkie. And Panachai also
turned to look at the pale man:
"Mr. Pakin will be here soon."
"I see! But what I want to know is where Graph has gone. Oh my God!!!" Win
is a person who can bear emotions very much People, but this time he yelled at
another person, almost mad with anxiety. Because just looking at it, I know that
children will definitely not go for a walk on the beach at this time.
The angry appearance made the listener only say...
"Please calm down. Master Graph should be fine."
Although these words can appease the model, it doesn't necessarily reduce the
anger of the person who is running.
Pakin didn't expect that he would leave his important work behind and ran up at
full speed. Big drops of sweat soaked his face, but he didn't feel hot at all. On
the contrary, the young man felt a chill down his spine. And the words of the
confidant are still ringing in his head.
The kid is gone.
Soon he came to the room where his cronies were waiting for orders, and there
was also his younger brother who was nervously raising his hands to cover his
face. A pair of sharp eyes scanned the scene of the incident, and he didn't need
anyone to tell him that he knew it was not a joke.
No matter how naughty and naughty the naughty little devil is, it is impossible
for him to knock down the big man and make them fall unconscious like this.
"Order someone to search the entire island, and the person who takes him will
not go far." The young man turned around and ordered in a deep voice to his
cronies. And Chai rushed out immediately.
But the last sentence made the relatives turn their heads angrily.
"Is this the first thing Kin said after he knew Graph was gone? Don't you worry
about him at all!"
His elder brother was too calm, as calm as a person without conscience, a man
who couldn't even see the kid disappearing from sight People who are cruelly
devoid of any feeling. Pakin didn't answer a word, not caring about his younger
brother's nearly losing his mind.
"Answer! Isn't P angry? I don't know which bastard took me away!!" At this
time, the two seemed to exchange lines. But the man stood still and was yelled
at by the man who was the younger brother. Yes, Pakin still didn't change his
But only he himself knows.
On the surface he was unmoved, but inside he was already burning with anger,
and the burning anger almost burned his heart to ashes. The fear that he had
never felt before quickly devoured the internal organs like a malignant tumor
and spread to the outside, but he hid everything under the calm surface.
Right now he has to be as calm as possible, as calm as he can be and his brain
has to be on standby at all times, and if he loses his mind it's going to be Graph
who's in danger.
That brat, I really shouldn't let you sleep alone in the room!
For the first time, the young man began to blame himself, if he had brought Ya
with him, such a thing would not have happened. But now is not the time to
blame himself, he has to figure out who did it and what will happen next.
"Damn Nop!!!" Pakin immediately thought of who was behind the scenes, and
grabbed the walkie-talkie to contact the person in charge of the ship: "
No one can leave the island until I cancel the order."
[A speedboat just left The island is gone, do we need to send a boat to intercept
it? 】
"Despicable bastard!!!"
The young man cursed loudly, and then ordered:
"Send a boat to chase her back, and I will reward whoever succeeds!"
Then, Pakin called his active helicopter through the walkie-talkie . One of his
helicopters is now used for live broadcast and the other is for emergency use,
and now is the most urgent moment. And before the young man dropped
everything to track down the sick child, the person who had just learned of the
incident also came over:
"Do you need help?" " Dad
Beside the door, the son who once threatened that he would never bow his head
to ask for help could not help but pause for a moment, and then...
Pakin bowed deeply, turning back to the eldest son instead of a young man
whose abilities are not inferior to those who gave birth .
"Help me."
"Although the request is a bit harsh, but for the sake of your willingness to
speak, yes, I will help you. You stay here, this activity can't be done without
you, and wait for me to intercept people on the plane Go in person." Panupong
said in a deep voice. Then the elder, who was supposed to be walking slowly,
turned around and walked out quickly, his brain running fast, directing the
people who followed. Pakin was left to take a long, deep breath.
Fucking bastard!
Now, he'd love to drop everything and go after him, but he's held back by a
sense of duty. After all, he has invested in this event for many years and he
doesn't want to see it ruined by himself.
And then, between ruining the event and losing a certain little friend, just
thinking about it... nearly stops the heart.
It made me so anxious that you will feel better when I come back!
[Shusha...Mr. Pakin, let the car go now. ]
"You deal with it first, I have other things to do."
Pakin didn't care that this was the opening ceremony anymore, he said to the
monitoring room in a deep voice. But when it was about to hang up, the other
party continued to report:
[There is a problem, I just received a report that I saw 3 drivers unconscious
near the beach. 】
"I'll be right over!" No matter how small the clue was, Pakin immediately
rushed out of the room and ran straight to the monitoring room where dozens of
his subordinates were working. The young man rushed straight to the monitor,
and saw that the racing car number 3 was speeding along the track, but it was
not in a team with other people, but was far behind, as if it wanted to attract
attention from others. Note the same.
"Look at the situation inside the car."
However, the picture was pitch black, and Pakin almost cursed.
"Use the walkie-talkie to contact the driver."
"Maybe there is a problem with the walkie-talkie."
"Fuck, really back!!!" Pakin was so angry that he almost threw the earphones to
the ground, his eyes He stared closely at the four doors of the racing car whose
motor had been upgraded and its performance was not inferior to that of a
luxury car worth millions, but because the sky was completely dark, he couldn't
see the situation inside the car at all. However, there is a strange premonition in
the heart of the young man.
If so, which car is it in?
Such thoughts made the young man want to rush into the car immediately and
slam on the brakes, but at that moment...
The mobile phone in the trouser pocket made a loud noise, and the young man
hurriedly took it out, but the number displayed was not someone else.
belonged to the cell phone he left for his sick child.
"Graph, where are you!!!"
[Scatter krub, Mr. Pakin. 】
The young man yelled, hoping to hear the hoarse voice of the patient who
sneaked out to play, but on the other end of the phone was the deep voice of the
person hiding behind the mask. Because of the blocking of the mask, the other
party's voice was deeper than it actually was, so that no one knew who it
belonged to.
"Who is it!!!"
[I have something to show you. ]
Instead of answering, the voice said something else. And then...
"There is a picture, Mr. Pakin..."
The picture inside the box of the No. 3 car appeared on the screen, but the
camera for viewing the situation of the drivers during the race was not facing
directly The driver, but the position directly behind the driver. And the person
who was bending his head in a coma...was none other than Master Kritithi.
The boy who made Win scream out in surprise, and the person holding the
phone... was even more surprised.
Seeing the scene of the boy falling asleep, Pakin's heart felt like falling into the
dark sea.
"Graph." The young man called out his name loudly.
[Are you ready to accept the negotiation now? ]
Pakin could only hold the phone firmly, and took a deep breath to cheer himself
up. Because the rest of Graph's life depends entirely on his decision.
Chapter 52: Flames Soaring to the Sky
The atmosphere in the monitoring room with a large number of monitors is so
suffocating that no one dares to swallow a mouthful of saliva. All eyes are
focused on the screen with the picture of a certain teenager, who everyone saw
yesterday. What an important teenager. When the eyes turned back to the most
powerful person on the island, I saw the raging anger in the eyes of the person
who was holding the mobile phone so hard that the blue veins protruded, as if
his hands were the neck of the troublemaker, trying to rub it to pieces.
"What do you want?"
[Oh, hey, once you get anxious about this kid. 】
"Don't touch my little friend with your hands!"
Pakin knew he shouldn't show too much concern for this little friend, but when
he saw the driver's hand reaching into the camera and stroking the face of the
person who was still pale and unconscious, The man couldn't help roaring,
blood rushing to his face with anger. And this also caused a huge laugh from the
other end of the phone, resounding through the entire auditory nerve.
Ya is feeling happy for his rage.
[Don't be like this, don't forget that you have to be more polite. ]
"What do you want!" The voice of the person who should be speaking politely
hardened, but his sharp eyes were still fixed on the boy's face and
body. Although the boy showed no signs of scratches or scratches, he was still
Ya's situation looks worse than it did in the evening.
Although Graph was asleep, his chest heaved even harder, which meant that the
fever had gotten worse. His face was also very pale, his lips were chapped, and
he didn't need to touch his body to know that Ya's body must be terribly hot. So
he had to bring Ya back as soon as possible.
[You should know better than me, I still have 15 minutes to reach the finish
line. No, I'll give you 10 minutes to make a decision. 】
The listener still didn't make a sound, and quietly listened to the other party
finish speaking. On the other end of the phone, the voice resounding throughout
the racing car continued, and he was convinced that Ya had won.
[I want you to agree to my request in exchange for this kid's life. 】
"I told you kindly, no matter if I agree or not, you will never leave this island."
The island owner said in a deep voice, trying to bargain. If Ya wants to live a
stable life after doing such a despicable thing, Ya must agree to his request and
release Graph. However... the other party laughed.
The loud laughter that came to Pakin's ears made the big hand that was gripping
the phone so hard that it almost shattered.
【Don't be too confident, Mr. Pakin. Don't forget, you haven't even caught the
murderer of the explosion, which means you can't catch me. 】
The listener is not surprised that they are the same gang, but he is also furious
that they can succeed for the second time, not to mention that this time it is
happening right under his nose. And the young man's silence made Ya even
more complacent.
[Even if you use a helicopter to chase me down, when I get what I want, I can
still escape from this island. An incompetent person like you can only grab my
clothes. ]
Pakin immediately understood that they were not only but only the people who
attacked him. If they were so confident, it meant that there were still maggots
(traitors) on his island, and Ya had already prepared the escape route. But now
he still can't think of how Ya can escape successfully. When all the cameras
were staring at the racing car, the young man turned around and nodded to his
After receiving the signal from his boss, Panachai immediately turned around
and walked out, because he still had less than 10 minutes to find out what trick
Ya would use to escape from the island.
[Okay, let's talk about our business. Mr. Pakin you know how fast I'm running
right now. 】
Kui Mu turned sharply and looked to the other side, his people were nodding to
him and sharing the speed of the car on the screen. I saw that the speed of the
car had reached a height where no mistakes could be made. That is to say, in his
life, although he could hold this event as he wished, he couldn't live with that
kid! "Yes, I know."
OK , needless to say... Then you think about it, what would happen if this
handsome guy rushed out of the car at this speed? 】
This time Pakin didn't answer. In his heart, the young man was swearing to
himself that even if Ya managed to escape, he would continue to pursue Ya, kill
Ya with the most cruel means, teach Ya well, so that Ya would not dare to
intervene to touch this little boy. At this time, a certain image also broke into
my mind.
He shouldn't have imagined the worst, but Pakin was watching the limp
teenager being pushed off a speeding car. And even if luckily his head didn't hit
the ground, he might not be able to successfully escape from such a high-speed
driving car by the sleepy and unconscious teenager.
And Ya should also know what he was thinking, because Ya was
Suddenly, the door on the driver's side was opened, and the wind from outside
rushed in violently, slapping the boy's body, and the boy's hair swayed with the
wind. And Pakin was about to rush into the screen in front of him, but he
stopped himself in time, and then grabbed the back of the chair tightly.
"It's impossible for Ya to try to escape!"
However, such a threat seems to have aroused Ya's dissatisfaction.
When the driver drove the car to the side of the road, there were huge crashing
sounds one after another. The opened car door hit the equipment on the side of
the road at full speed, and the body vibrated violently. The teenager was able to
avoid falling and hitting the road because he was wearing a seat belt.
The force of the impact caused parts of the side door to fall off and scattered on
the road, but the entire door was still not completely dislodged. Some of the
debris splattered across Graph's face, drawing blood.
The bright-colored liquid was flowing down, dyeing the pale face bright red,
making the eyes of those watching wide open, the heart almost stopped beating,
and the anger of hell was ignited in the heart.
I want to kill Ya, I want to chase Ya, let Ya die in my hands!!!
Pakin yelled in his heart, but the tone of the question said... ready to negotiate.
"Just say what you want."
[I've made a decision. ]
The whistling wind did not completely cover the villain's voice, and Ya was
also making a request to make everyone in the monitoring room stiffen.
[Stop all your competitions and send the guests home!]
When the other party asked, everyone dared not take a breath, and could only
look straight at the person in power and wait for him to make a decision
...people who have invested a lot of capital in this project for years and have
threatened to continue no matter what happens, but when the collateral becomes
this kid, they have no idea what their boss will decide.
[Let's make the handover, as soon as you announce the termination of this
event, I will immediately return this kid to you. 】
If this event was held in the capital, Pakin would definitely announce the
termination of everything without hesitation, no matter how much money he
lost. But this is not as simple as road racing. The people who come to
participate are all powerful people. Once he announces the termination and
sends everyone away, it means that everything will be ruined.
If he dissatisfies the guests here, he will never be able to stand here again.
If this event is ruined, it also means that his life has come to an end.
Pakin was wondering to himself why this was an easier decision than deciding
which car to buy, but he just couldn't tell.
A person's life and a career invested in a lifetime.
A few months ago, he would have chosen the power in his hands without
hesitation. An annoying brat who would only chase after his ass could not
compare with everything he invested in. But now, the young man's body is stiff,
his lips are dry, and he can't even make a sound.
All he knew was that he couldn't lose Ya.
Ya is just a hot brat who sleeps in his bed every night.
Ya is just a lonely little ghost with no one else and lack of love.
Ya is just an annoying brat who doesn't know how to act like a baby even if he
wants to get others' attention.
Ya is just a brat who often makes his work difficult, but Ya's smile can motivate
him to keep going.
'P Pakin, P Pakin, P Pakin listen to me, I played with Dead Hot today. '
Seeing his happy smile when he was willing to listen to Ya's words, and his
cheerful voice showed that Ah was no longer as lonely and sad as before. Even
the warm body that moved over and buried his face in his lap... this little friend
is not Important, not at all.
Really? If it's really not important, why didn't you refuse?
Pakin couldn't lie to himself, he couldn't lie to his heart that was breaking into
pieces, he couldn't lie to himself that the kid wasn't important. Important, Ya is
more important than anything else.
"Boss, look at that!"
However, just as he was making a decision, the voice of one of his subordinates
rang out, causing the young man to wake up from his dream. He raised his head
abruptly, and then he saw... the kid who was sleeping with his head down
opened his eyes.
Eyes full of tears are staring at the camera, and because the driver is arrogantly
thinking that the kid has completely lost consciousness and doesn't take even a
second to turn his head to care, only the people in the monitoring room know
that Graph has recovered Be conscious and hear every word clearly.
【how? I'll give you another 3 minutes. 】
No, no!!!
Pakin whispered to himself. When he saw the boy's eyes turned to the side of
the road, his premonition surged. The image of the day he took Yahuan Island
for a ride flashed in his mind, and he remembered very clearly that Ya once said
that someone might rush down this road, fall and die.
The corner was coming, and before someone could make a decision, the
teenager's lips moved.
"No! Graph stop!!!"
"I agree, I agree with everything. Stop!!! Stop, stop right now. I agree to
terminate the activity!!!!" Pakin could no longer see When it came to Graph's
face, all he could see was the body turned completely sideways to the driver's
seat, and he heard the voice of the villain shouting. However, his answer was
slow, much slower than the insistence of the kid in the car.
"No, no, no!!!" Pakin yelled. Because from another shot, it can be seen that the
car number 3 is turning at full speed, so fast that the car body can't touch the
ground, and then...
The whole car rushed down the hill where there was no crash barrier, and any
object that fell would be smashed to pieces.
At that moment, the picture in the car went off, and Pakin's feet also bent down.
"Not really..." The young man with his knees bent down on the ground watched
the car rushing downhill until it completely disappeared from sight, and at the
same time he heard Graph's last words.
...I don't want to be the broom star of P hit...
Graph may be an easily sick kid, but this easily sick kid hates taking pills. If he
had a fever, he would put on antipyretic patches and get a good night's sleep. If
he had heat stroke, he would lock himself in an air-conditioned room. He would
do anything to not take so many pills as he did when he was a child.
Likewise... Graph didn't take his medicine today.
Although the doctor prescribed several pills, Master Kritithi hid them under the
pillow without seeing them. Maybe it was because of his illness that he fell
asleep easily, and he would probably sleep like that until the morning of the
new day when he would feel better.
In addition, Graph is still a person who sleeps very hard. Once he falls asleep,
he will not know where he is carried. Therefore, the teenager didn't know
anything after being taken out of the lounge, got into the car, and put on his seat
belt. It wasn't until he felt the strong impact and the burning sensation on his
face that Graph woke up and faced reality.
The fact that he wasn't lying in the lounge.
The reality that someone is negotiating with P‟ Pakin.
And... the fact that he was once again Pakin's hit God of Plague.
I don't know how many times, Graph made that man's investment lose and fail,
and this time it is the same.
As soon as he knew what Ya's request was, the person who was falling into a
high fever and drowsy realized his current situation, and also heard a villain
mention someone's dream, the one who had been there since a few years ago
Start the project.
He remembered very clearly that the man's look, eyes and voice were so
passionate, full of fighting spirit to realize this project. And this is also the first
time Pakin brother is willing to open his heart and let him know him, which
makes the flesh in the boy's chest throb wildly because of the happiness he
feels, and...he also really felt it yesterday.
He entered the island that was fully invested and managed by this man, and
Graph swore that it would never be destroyed because of him! The
teenager saw a small camera installed directly opposite him, but he turned his
gaze to the familiar road section.
P‟ Pakin took him here yesterday, sitting next to the driver's seat, he saw every
corner of the field, and now because he remembered someone brought him to
chase speed, his heart was beating wildly, crazy When everything is in the
upward rush, Graph immediately makes a decision and knows what to do next.
Graph will not think that Pakin will end his activities because of him, but he
will end everything because of Pakin.
The teen was about to do it, but before doing so he spoke to the
those who were watching.
No matter how stubborn and brain-dead this kid is, he will never let anyone say
that he is the plague god and broom star in P‟ Pakin's life.
Graph finally took a deep breath, his relatively free upper body rushed forward
and grabbed the driver's steering wheel, and because he was caught off guard,
the boy was able to completely turn the steering wheel, during which a huge
shout broke into his mind, and the strong impact made him He sat back in an
instant, but Graph didn't care at all, his only obsession was to twist the steering
wheel as wildly as possible.
If Ya dies or he's all over.
At that moment, Graph only saw the face of the man who had been on his mind
for a good ten years.
The man who saw him as an impolite child.
The man who threw him out of the house time and time again.
The man who had thrown him on the road and wept alone.
The man who held him in his arms to comfort him on the day he felt the
The man who said no but bought the dog he wanted the most and gave it to him.
The man kissed his lips and said to be a good boy and wait obediently.
Is he a good boy now? He's not just a wayward stubborn brat anymore, is he?
"I... want to be... P's good boy..."
Graph whispered into the air, hoping it would be heard by someone far
away. With the rumbling sound of the powerful impact, everything in front of
him became blurred, blood flowed into his eyes, his body seemed to be falling
apart, and he couldn't even lift himself up. But what he wanted to see the most
before he lost consciousness was... the face of the man who said that if he was a
good boy, he would find him when he came back.
P Pakin really came, P never breaks his promise.
Graph heard voices from far away and saw the face of someone approaching,
full of fear. But he didn't know anything, the last thing he saw before he lost
consciousness was the flames soaring into the sky.
he died.
"Please let me out, please let me out!"
Surrounded and observed by male and female medical staff, the patient's
wheelchair was quickly pushed along the aisle in order to enter the emergency
room in time, and not far away was a man in dilapidated clothes. The man in the
formal suit and shirt was stained with blood and blood was running after him.
His sharp eyes were fixed on the slender man who was breathing weakly and
was covered in blood as if he had died.
"You have to wait here!!"
"Save him! You can pay as much as you want, and you must save him!!"
Before arriving at the emergency room, several female nurses blocked the tall
man from entering. The person who was about to rush after seeing the situation
couldn't help pleading loudly. He would be willing to spend all his money, as
long as he could take back the boy's breath and breathe longer than he is now.
"Can't let him die! Can't let the person I love die!!!"
Pakin yelled after the door was closed, as if his heart was also closed. The legs
that had been supported all the time fell to the chair as if they had completely
lost their strength, and the hands tightly grabbed the hair as if trying to pull it
The appearance of that child is still vivid in my memory.
The moment he saw the blood-covered body through the damaged car door, his
heart almost stopped, and he rushed up with both feet consciously, completely
ignoring his people shouting that the car was about to explode . He wanted to
pull this little friend out, whether it was dead or alive.
Ignoring the erupting oil drum, trying desperately, completely ignoring that the
flames were spreading and devouring him, and pulling out his body drenched in
black liquid with both hands, the whole car exploded with a bang, raging flames
spurted out to all around. But he doesn't care, Pakin only cares...
'It's not dead! Graph is not dead! Prepare the helicopter now!!!'
His men immediately rushed forward to check it out, tried their best to help
direct the rescue, and then got ready for the timely delivery The equipment was
in the hands of the doctor and sent to the helicopter. And now that Graph was
sent to the emergency room, Pakin didn't need someone to whisper in his ear to
know how slim the chance of escape was.
He is the one who has touched the body with his hands, his fingers can feel the
temperature of the blood flowing out, and even his eyes have kept everything in
his heart.
Pakin ignored the relatives who were approaching. He didn't know that Win was
crying and trembling all over. He only knew that his tears were streaming down
his palms and whispering too fast: "Because of me,
because of me alone." Man, I made Graph like this. Because of me!”
All because of him, if he hadn‟t stepped into this kid‟s life, Graph wouldn‟t
have been in danger, if he hadn‟t met that 7-year-old kid , everything will not be
like this!
The kid who dares to order him and teach him that not everyone will act
according to his orders.
Since then, he has followed his little friend like a shadow.
'P Pakin, P Pakin...P Pakin. '
That kid grew up to be a teenager who was recognized by him in every way.
That young master who was supposed to live a peaceful life, was born with a
golden key in his mouth, and met a good girl, shouldn't have encountered such a someone like him.
What has he done to Graph in the past ten years? It will make that child decide
to give up his life to fulfill someone like him.
At that moment, Pakin realized that no amount of money or power can buy back
human life.
In the end he knew that the most important thing to him was the wayward brat's
smile and hugs trying to grab him.
Graph is someone he loves, more than anyone else.
Now he would rather give anything in exchange, as long as that kid can smile
But he didn't know, he didn't know what could be exchanged.
"Don't die, Graph. God bless...don't die."
Facing the appearance of a man who is in control of everything but unable to
wake up his beloved under the noses of everyone, Phawis can only walk over
and sit beside him, holding his brother in his arms. Even though he was sobbing
"Graph... will be fine... Graph will be fine... that stubborn brat...should be
Now they only hope that the stubbornness of that kid will be sacrificed in order
to continue to live hold on.
"Damn it, I messed it up in the end!"
The speedboat was just about to land, and Nop learned from the phone call from
the island that his cronies' plan had completely failed, so he cursed irritably, not
at all worried because his subordinates were buried in the sea of flames. feel
sad. Because such a person can find someone to replace him at any time.
However, the vicious and cunning fox never expected to meet such a group of
"How is it, Mr. Nop. You look like you have a headache."
Nop raised his head and saw a group of people standing on the bank with guns
pointed at him, and Panupong stood at the front. The elder was looking at him
with cruel eyes different from his age, and the elder's tone was so cold that it
could scratch the listener's skin.
"I heard that you left the event in a hurry. Where are you going in a hurry? Mr.
Nop." The older man said without any ups and downs, and stared at him in
surprise because he didn't expect to see him here. eyes.
You're not stupid enough to think that helicopters are slower than boats.
"It's... so strange that you are here." Nop is still pretending to be confused,
because this time everything was done by the dead Kon, there is no evidence to
track him down, and Ya is also dead along with the wreckage up.
"I'm here to chase you, Mr. Nop. Didn't you see it? Or did you say that one or
two people will die?" "
Then you may have made your trip in vain, and there isn't a single mouse here."
(*Uncle Pong used The word nu, 1 means 'you' used by elders to address
juniors, 2 means 'mouse'.)
Panupong looked at the other person's face quietly, and then... laughed.
The laughter that didn't make people feel happy at all made the air even more
"Okay! It's good that there are no mice here, so please tell that mouse..."
Suddenly, the speaker stopped laughing, and then looked over with eyes like a
hunter preparing to pounce on his prey.
"If anyone dares to reach out and touch that kid for the second time, not only
will my son chase him to the ends of the earth, but I will also peel off her skin to
polish her shoes, and throw her head into the sea to feed the fish! I see. Mr.
Nop." The older man raised a smile, and the last sentence was specifically for
the person in front of him, not for anyone else.
The two pairs of eyes looked at each other silently, and then the middle-aged
man was defeated by such eyes.
"I'll let you know."
Meaning that he won't touch Graph again.
The listener smiled, turned around, and was about to leave. This made Nop
almost heave a sigh of relief, but...
Panupong raised his hand for a signal, and the gun barrel that was facing the
people on the boat turned, aimed at the hull, and...
Ping! Ping! Ping "
The rain of bullets aimed at the beautiful speedboat made the people on board
flee into the water one after another in order to escape for their lives. Laughing,
saying it was just a warning, but if his daughter-in-law scratched a little with her
little fingernail, it wouldn't just hit the hull but the skull.
Now he just hopes that the kid is okay, because he understands his son's feelings
very well.
The man in this family looks like a playboy, he won't stop for anyone, but once
he gives his heart to someone, he will keep that person for life. Because now
every day, this long-term male still only has everything about his wife filling
every part of his heart.
"Don't be careless, son."
Chapter 53: A cruel person is still cruel
In the boundless and wide field of vision, the branches and leaves fluttered in
the wind, the fluffy white stalks floated into the air, and the stars scattered into
tiny fibers and scattered around. In that peaceful and peaceful environment, a
young man was lying on the lawn, wide-eyed. He stared intently at the blue sky.
How long has he been here?
Don't know...don't know how long.
Graph felt very light and comfortable, and the weather was so warm and
comfortable that he would close his eyes and fall asleep at any time, but he
didn't sleep, he still looked at the sky quietly and asked himself, who is he, what
is he doing here, and whether he can go back place?
It's so warm, I want to sleep...want to sleep forever.
...God bless, wake up, wake up Graph...
so noisy, people are going to sleep and still screaming there.
Graph said so to himself. When he heard this repeated sound, he was drowsy,
but the calling sound woke him up, and he looked at the dazzling sky again. The
young man couldn't help but wonder... who was calling him?
...Please, don't fall asleep like this...
Who is calling him like a ghost? Make his heart tremble. Who made him want
to turn around and look around, to see if that person was around. Who wants
him back?
Have it? Is there anyone in my life who needs me?
The boy asked himself, trying to brush the voice out of his mind, and wanted to
close his eyes and fall asleep immediately.
...I'm sorry, don't leave me...
Crying, that person is crying.
The slender man wanted to see what happened, but he didn't have the
strength. All he knew was that the person who was calling him was weeping,
shedding tears for him. But no matter how hard he racked his brains, he still
couldn't think of anyone who would shed tears for someone like him. He can't
remember anything, only that he is a person without needs.
What's the use of staying in a life that no one cares about?
...Don't leave me like this, you nasty brat...
Why? You don't need him, do you? Then what do you call him for? Since you
want to throw him far away, why do you come to beg him not to let him go
Also, who is calling? Who likes to throw him away... who?
Drifter's eyes were blinking and slowly opening, as if the boy was waking up,
but his body remained motionless. He was still thinking, still trying to
remember who had called him a nasty brat, who had said he was an annoying
brat, who had made life a mess because of his proximity.
Graph thought and thought.
He should know nothing, should be resting, but why... tears.
Tears flowed from both sides of the eyes, and fell onto the cheeks, moistening
them. The teenager couldn't help but wonder whether these were his tears or
someone else's? Why do tears fall from the sky? The barrage of questions kept
him from going back to sleep, plus... the pressure on his hands.
Graph couldn't see his hand, he just felt that someone was grasping it tightly,
and he felt very hot when his hands were folded together, and this also made his
heart jump wildly when he wanted to curse, and he almost couldn't breathe
Come. The boy couldn't help thinking that such warmth was very familiar.
Someone once held his hand like that.
Someone hugged him with these hands.
This temperature was so familiar that his heart was beating wildly, and his
mouth, which hadn't spoken for many days, was trembling.
As soon as the name came out of his mouth, countless memories flooded into
his mind, and the same turbulent tears flooded his face.
He remembered who he was and who he... loved.
Do you still want me? Does P still need me?
It was this question that made the boy struggle to move his body, his fingertips
shook slowly but found that it was very stiff, he had to work harder. If the voice
calling him belonged to that man, if the water drops falling from the sky were
his tears, he would go back.
Even if it hurts and hurts again, he will go back!
P Pakin, does P still need me? I still need...
"Graph!!! Graph woke up!!!"
At first, Graph couldn't figure out whose voice it was that shouted him, because
the moment he opened his eyes, there was no beauty in front of him. The clear
sky is filled with bright white light that blurs the vision, and the warm and
comfortable feeling is turning into a huge pain that devours the whole body. At
that moment, he only knew that his mouth was calling, looking for someone.
"P Pakin...P..."
"Graph! Graph hear me! Come on, Graph is awake, Graph is awake!!!"
In the blurred picture, the boy saw tears, but it was not his last The tears of
someone longing to see, but his best friend who was looking at him with red
eyes and craned neck. Crystal tears fell and slapped onto his face, and his friend
stammered desperately to call the medical staff outside to check on his
"Graph, it's me. I think Graph... woo... Graph doesn't want to wake up, doesn't
want to wake up."
His best friend was holding his hand tightly, sobbing The body trembled, trying
to finish the words. The teenager realized that his situation must be really bad,
and Chanchao cried until he almost died.
Graph knew his friend was worried about him, but he just asked...
"P Pakin...P Pakin...where..."
"Graph, listen..." said the tearful girl Without saying anything, but before
answering the question that would make the other party more painful, the
doctors and nurses rushed in and quickly checked the physical condition of the
important patient who miraculously escaped from the gate of death. And all
Chanchao could do was to retreat to the far side of the room, put his hand over
his mouth and cry heartily.
Her friend woke up, he woke up, but how would she tell him... how would she
tell him that the man never came to visit once.
How was she going to answer the question of the man who was calling out for
that wicked man?
Why? Why doesn't P come to visit Graph? Graph became like this because of P,
isn't it? Please God bless, don't make Chanchao's friends hurt more deeply.
"Why is Kin still here?"
"I want to work."
"But Graph is awake!!!" "
In the office of the skyscraper, Phawis knocked loudly on the chairman's door
and then Regardless of Panachai's prohibition, he rushed in, knocked on his
brother's table, and asked loudly in dissatisfaction. And the listener just calmly
asks and work.
Admittedly, this made Win go crazy, staring at his brother as if he wanted to
drink his blood and eat his flesh, when he saw Pakin turn his head and focus on
the files of the racing event that just ended a few days ago It's even hotter.
He held this event very successfully, although the guests did not see the figure
of the host for the remaining days, but the profit was huge. Not only was it able
to pay off the debts borrowed from my father several years ago, but I also
received many voices asking for it to be held again, and some even asked to rent
the entire island as a private racing track.
All of that kept Pakin busy. But for someone rushing's not at all too busy
to get away and find some kid.
"Did you hear what I said!!!" Immediately afterwards, the man who was not
afraid of his elder brother grabbed the document in the opponent's hand and tore
it off in front of his face, and then asked loudly. Pakin looked up at his younger
brother, his sharp eyes flickering with dissuasion:
"Don't think I won't throw you out."
"P is going to throw me out like Graph, right?" "
Brother The two looked at each other quietly, as if they were about to go to
war. But those who never admit defeat, such as Pakin, looked away and looked
at the remaining documents on the table.
"Go out if you have nothing to do."
"P Pakin!!!"
If Pakin expressed his seriousness by calling his brother's full name, then
Phawis also expressed his anger when he called his brother by his full name
However, that did not shock the older man, who still insisted:
"Go back, I have work to deal with."
The listener clasped his hands tightly and stared at his brother with hurt eyes.
Win was feeling sorry for a younger brother who was said to have regained
consciousness after being unconscious for a full ten days.
How sad would Graph be if he knew that the person he loved with his life was
so indifferent? And he didn't know, where did the man crying in front of the
emergency room disappear? The one who is covered in blood, half alive, and
even willing to stop throwing all activities, just to save the life of a certain child.
Why can't he see that man again?
Now it's just the cold, brutal Mr. Pakin he was before Graph moved into the
It turned out that the person who only cared about his own interests.
"I don't understand."
Finally, Win said in an almost hoarse voice. A certain man couldn't help but
looked up and said...
"You don't need to understand." The listener couldn't laugh or cry, and couldn't
say anything except to take a deep breath, trying to restrain the outburst of
It is true that he is more angry with the man in front of him than the man who
hurt him!
"P is a heartless person."
The young model uttered the last sentence and turned around as if she didn't
want to see the man's face. In the office, the tears in my eyes were shed for
someone who was still lying in the hospital.
Win met Chanchao from Graph's school, but only exchanged phone numbers a
few days ago... the girl who has been guarding patients every day since the boy
was transferred to a private hospital in the center of the capital.
The kid called and cried...
'P Win, Graph wants to see P Pakin, can I bring P Pakin? I beg you, I don't want
to see Graph cry. '
That girl was really thinking about Graph.
"I'll send it off."
"No, I don't want to see your face!"
Win said to Panachai in a deep voice, and then walked out of the building
alone. Now he didn't want to see the faces of the master and servant...the two
people with the same bad heart.
At the same time, as soon as the office door was closed, the man who was said
to have a vicious heart stopped everything in his hands, and his calm face,
which seemed to ignore everything in the world, turned into a face full of
pain. Pushing the document out of sight with both hands, he leaned his head
weakly on the back of the chair.
Graph woke up, and the kid came back to life.
This is the only good news he has received today.
In fact, Pakin didn't feel nothing, he was even sadder and crying more than
everyone else in Graph, but what could he do? What face do you have to see
each other?
Everything that happened was because of him.
It would happen again if Graph stayed by his side.
Staying by his side, two lives are not enough. Now that kid has used up his life,
he doesn't want to take away the second life that Graph had managed to leave in
this world again.
Now the original idea is back, the idea of...keeping your distance.
After returning to Thailand after his studies, he plunged headlong into the
underground business, trying to avoid that kid because he didn't want to drag
her into this world. At that time, what was he thinking that he would overthrow
that idea, tell himself that he can take care of him, and tell himself that if you
want to get Ya, just keep Ya by your side. However, this incident proved that
Pakin is not immortal.
He can't control anyone's fate.
If you love... you must push it far.
Now, although the father speaks to the enemy to protect the child's life, but he
has more than one enemy, the young man has many people who want to defeat
him and trample him to the ground, so if he still insists on getting Graph back ,
As a result, the person he loves the most will die in front of him.
Pakin couldn't bear it. The moment he saw the bloody body, he realized how
much he loved each other.
Too much in love to believe that a man who looks so sophisticated could fall in
love with someone.
Now everyone is happy because of Kritithi's awakening, but the one who wants
to hold Ya in his arms the most is him.
The moment he realized this, the heart of the young man seemed to be released,
followed by endless thoughts, wanting to hold him tightly in his arms and kiss
him enough, to hug that child tightly in his ear While talking about sincere love,
but...youth can't do it.
Who said that this man was so indifferent that he never visited a certain
child? no.
"Mr. Pakin should tell Master Win."
"What's the use of telling him? If you tell him, he will tell that kid." Panachai
came in and said politely. The boss, on the other hand, closed his eyes and
shook his head, looking very tired.
Yes, every night when visiting is prohibited, every night after work this man
sneaks out to guard the patients.
Pakin held the boy's hand every night, begging Ya to wake up in the boy's ear
every night, and the boy's tears often fell because he saw the unconscious body
as if he had lost his life.
The doctor said that his life was not in danger, but the person who saved his life
did not wake up for a long time.
Everyone believed that Graph would become the sleeping prince, but he didn't
believe it. He still kept begging for Ya to wake up, and kept kissing the boy's
lips, hoping that the boy would wake up because of the prince's kiss. However,
he is not a prince after all, he is a person who has been a bad person all his life,
so in fact, there are only pleadings from bad-hearted men.
...Wake up, wake up, come back...
Pakin will not pray to God because he knows that he has sinned deeply and hurt
many people, he just wants to trade with Satan that he is willing to suffer all his
life in exchange for that boy's life life.
Now Graph is awake, his little rascal is awake, and he... time to quit.
"Then today..."
"I won't go, I don't have time."
Pakin answered first before the trusted aide finished asking, opened his eyes and
pulled the distant documents closer again, concentrating on the many tasks to be
processed. Because it can reduce the yearning for a certain child, although he
knows very has no effect at all.
He still wanted to see the eyes that opened to look at him, to hear the voice
calling to him, to see the smile that made him happy because he saw him.
Everything Pakin wanted, but... nothing.
"Graph is really lucky, his head is fine, only multiple fractures on his body."
"Is this still lucky?"
"Lucky, at least you didn't poke your lungs and kidneys..."
"Okay, Chanchao. Don't cry Lah, I'm fine."
"But... but Graph has been in a coma for 10 days... 10 days... I'm going to cry to
Surrounded by doctors to check his body, he went in After another head scan
and another physical examination for safety reasons, I met my parents who
thought they didn't care about him at all, holding back tears. The next day,
Graph woke up again, and saw his friends who came to visit him since the
morning, and the moment he asked about his situation, Moon Girl couldn't help
crying again.
She doesn't look like her anymore. When I saw Graph on the first day, he was
like a person who was not breathing. His whole body was wrapped in gauze, his
hands and feet were bound with splints, and a white cloth was wrapped around
his head even more tightly. Everyone was worried about Graph for a while.
There will be a concussion, because even half of the boy's face is covered with
She had never seen anyone injured so badly before, so she was always worried
about him, but the wounded man didn't seem to care about his body at all, and
his scarred face still raised a pale smile at her.
"Don't cry, I'm used to sleeping in the hospital."
Graph tried hard to look happy, but as a good friend, she didn't know how much
he forced himself.
Since yesterday, the boy has not asked or looked for someone again, and he is
as calm as if he has never called out the name of Pakin.
"Didn't you go to the remedial class?"
"No, I can read by myself. I don't want Graph to wake up and not see anyone."
Chanchao said firmly, because even if she went to the remedial class, she would
not be able to learn it, It would be more reassuring for her to stay with her
friends. And the family didn't say anything about her.
Brother Tawan came home recently, he was the one who took her to the hospital
every morning and Brother Sun was responsible for picking her up every night.
'Graph is a very important friend, so the hyungs won't say anything. ‟
Everyone in the family said so, and Chanchao was able to stay here from
morning to night without visiting. But after staying like this all day, she never
saw anyone's shadow.
Seeing the sad look on the patient's face, the girl couldn't help but want to punch
herself in the mouth hard.
"P Win came to see Graph, he also came yesterday. But before Graph woke up,
and then P also came in the evening, but at that time the doctor took Graph for
an examination, so I didn't see him." Girl Qiang Zuo was cheerful, and the
listener also smiled slightly:
"Are your eyes full? P Win is very beautiful, isn't it?"
"Yes~ yes, he is the most attractive boy I have ever seen, and he is so good-
looking even when he is crying. Then My skin is so beautiful that a girl like me
is ashamed. My body is also super good, if I were a man, I would rush up and
rape him." When he mentioned these corrupt women, he couldn't stop
talking. The teenager also feels better when he sees his friends laughing,
although the wound hurts so much that he should stop.
"The color of the nipples is also very beautiful."
"Don't talk about it, I want to see it too!" The patient talked more and more, and
those who wanted to witness it couldn't help raising their hands to cover their
faces, and then quickly Quickly laughed again.
"Graph's parents are here too. Graph's mother comes every day and cries every
day." "
Well, I know. They came yesterday."
"They love Graph very much, it's not that they don't care about Graph."
Chanchao told the other party There are still many people who love her as a
friend, not just the care of parents as they think in their hearts, brother Win also
loves him like a brother, and she is also super worried and doesn't go anywhere.
However, the boy who was supposed to be smiling slowly put away his smile,
and raised his hand that wasn't wrapped around the splint:
" Holding it tightly, he replied as if willing to help with anything. But the
question she heard made her bow her head.
"What about him?"
"Where is P Pakin?"
Don't cry, Chanchao, don't cry.
"Tell me, just say...he hasn't been here, has he?"
Don't cry, damn Chanchao!
But tears are the answer, and the tears that flow from the girl's eyes are the best
answer. And Chanchao just said...
"Sorry, sorry."
Sorry, I can only say the answer that Graph doesn't want.
The appearance of the girl made the listeners only smile slightly, but instead she
held her friend's hand and said, "
It's okay...don't cry, don't tell me you're sorry."
How could it be okay? The friend in front of her looked so sad It was as if she
was about to die, but she couldn't say anything, she could only hold each other's
hand tightly.
"Do me a favor."
"Okay... okay, what does Graph want me to do!" The listener nodded quickly,
and Graph raised a wry smile and said...
"Hand over My eyes, my eyes are a bit uncomfortable."
Chanchao fought back the tears until his shoulders shook, and then raised his
hands to cover his friend's face and eyes. When the person who said that the
eyes were uncomfortable was sobbing, the girl also lowered her face and buried
her face in the pillow.
uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu whoo."
Then, the sound of sobbing turned into the crying of a heartbroken teenager who
was almost dying.
People who say it's okay are crying from exhaustion in their hearts.
Anyone who saw this scene would be saddened by it...the girl who lowered her
head and cried against the pillow raised her hands to cover the face of the boy
who was crying for a bad man without a conscience.
It's over, that's enough. It's a million times more painful than death.
The sky outside had changed color, and my friend was too tired to fall asleep. It
was time for Chanchao, who was a nurse, to go home. The girl with red eyes
walked out of the hospital along the exit and smiled at several nurses with
familiar faces. She greeted her, but luckily no one asked her why she had such a
gloomy face.
I don't want to mention it, it will only make me sad.
How can Graph stand it? After all these years with that bad guy, how did her
friend put up with it?
At that time, Chanchao only knew how to eat CP blindly, found it interesting
and obsessed with helping friends to pursue a man as they wished, and only saw
the beautiful side of love mentioned in the novel, but she forgot that the pain
that followed was not a character The interpretation is her friend's personal
When she saw Graph crying for the first time, she reassured her that she would
be fine.
No matter how bad the hero is, he will become better if he falls in love with
She thought so, but she didn't think that Ya would always be bad and never get
If the girl knew that her friend would be hurt like this, she would definitely
object to her friend's persistent attempt to hit the wall.
Graph threw everything into his heart and suffered all kinds of physical injuries,
but look at the result... Where is that man?
She hadn't even seen a shadow.
"Must be wrong."
However, when the eyes see something, that thought is put away.
When the girl saw a man sitting and turning around, the anger in her heart
surged up, causing the girl to take a deep breath. She will never be afraid of this
man again.
If you want to kill him, throw him into the sea, you can do whatever you want,
but she will never let him go like this!
"P still has the face to come here!"
Chanchao stepped up and stood behind the man, his voice full said angrily and
disgustedly. The man paused for a moment, stood up and looked over.
Looked a little haggard at least.
The girl didn't want to soften her heart, but she accidentally softened her heart
when she saw the dry eyes that turned to look at her. But his friend's face full of
tears suddenly came into his mind, and Chanchao couldn't help but raise his
head and look at him without fear of the other party.
"Are you going back?"
"Yes." Although he felt strange, he answered.
"Do you need to send it?"
"No, I have someone to pick it up."
Pakin looked at the girl in front of him who looked like a cat who was in danger
and was so frightened that she was about to open her armor to threaten him.
Normally he would find it funny, but now he laughed not come out. Not only
could he not laugh, but he kept staring at the person he wanted to fulfill his
elder duties.
The young man knew that this girl came to guard the Graph every day.
"P hasn't answered why he came here!" He wanted to answer, but he just
"P is going back."
"Then let's go, go back!!!" the voice of the listener said sharply. With hands
clasped together, hot tears welled up in a pair of beautiful eyes, Chanchao made
up his mind in an instant, and then said firmly and seriously: "
If P doesn't want Graph, I will take this boy... P has never I will do what I have
done, and I will take good care of him."
This speech made the listener speechless, and Chanchao emphasized again:
"If P came back to make Graph sad, I beg you not to Appear in front of Graph
again. I will take care of Graph myself."
After that, the speaker turned around and left without caring who was older. The
young man only knew that those big round eyes were full of seriousness.
If he doesn't want it, she wants it!
Chapter 54: 1 minute is never worth a penny
"Yeah, I'm finally out of the hospital."
"I'm so happy that I'm the one who's in the hospital." "
Oh, P Win, of course I'm happy, I'm finally out of the hospital." "
It's not because Chanchao hates coming to the hospital to see me anymore Is
"Hey, Graph, who am I?"
Time passed day by day, week after week, and then a month later, at the request
of his parents, he lay in bed for a whole month, and confirmed with the doctor
that it was really safe , After no problem, Master Kritithi can finally be
discharged from the hospital. The bruises from the impact have healed and can't
be seen, and there is only a faint scar on the face that he said is cool, and now
only the hands and feet still need plasterboard.
For a girl who was discharged from the hospital, she acted happier than the
patient herself, and the nurse and the young model who came to pick up the girl
from the hospital all laughed.
In fact, Graph's mom wanted to pick it up but suddenly had work to deal with,
and the boy's answer's okay, I get it.
The stubborn brat who used to talk back, Graph has completely become a
different person during the period of recuperation. In the past, the boy who
made a lot of noise when he didn't like it and insisted on following his heart
became a person who was willing to follow the doctor's orders and take
medicine on time for every meal. His behavior was so good that everyone was
surprised, but everyone I have the same thought in my heart... People will
change after experiencing life and death once.
No one knows what the boy saw while Graph was unconscious, but after
waking up his eyes were different.
From an innocent child to a person who seems to have experienced the world in
his eyes.
After that, the person who was allowed to go home just smiled faintly, and
made fun of the friend he had found early in the morning without much
emotional ups and downs. The friend brought a large bouquet of flowers grown
by himself, packaged and tied with ribbons by himself, and helped to pack
everything when he arrived at the ward, saying in a happier voice than him.
Now everyone in the hospital still thinks he and Chanchao are lovers.
What is this?
Graph wanted to laugh just thinking about it, but he couldn't and he just turned
his head to look at the hospital he'd been trying to avoid since he was a
He hated a room with white walls on all sides, but now he didn't want to leave,
because some little corner of his heart was still waiting...for the arrival of
someone he most wanted to visit, and there was no sign of it.
In a month's time, he taught him two words "admit defeat". The teenager falls
asleep with tears and disappointment every day, and asks himself every night, is
it enough? Can you stop making yourself sad? Or is it enough to let the heart be
broken into powder?
Now Graph knows that there are many people who worry about him, love him,
and hope that he will continue to live.
Parents who thought they didn't care about him ended up coming to him every
day, apologizing for everything in the past.
Aunt Keaw brought a lot of food, so much food was confiscated by the nurse
and she cried in a mess while holding him.
And the most important person is... Chanchao.
A girl who he thinks is the most important, devotes the most, and cares about
him the most, and a good friend who comes to take care of his friends every
day. Cry with him and comfort him on a day when the pain is too much to
bear. It was Chanchao who pulled him up and said...Graph and me.
How could he let such a guy down for someone who doesn't see his worth?
So, now he thinks enough is enough. The moment he stepped out of the hospital
was the end of his wait.
From now on, the Graph guy will live for himself, and for those who see his
"Does Graph hurt? Can he walk?"
"It's just a broken foot, not paralyzed." "
Oh, Graph, I'm worried."
"Can walk, can walk, and walked around the hospital when I was in the
hospital. "
The boy smiled to his friend who helped him. Although the other party's body
was only that big, if he fell down, the other party would surely fall down with
him, but no matter what the boy said, the other party still insisted on stepping
forward to help. But if he asked his friend to do nothing, the other party would
definitely feel uneasy.
Graph reaffirmed in his heart that if he hadn't met P‟ Pakin first, he would have
fallen in love with this girl and couldn't help himself. And now, although he will
not give more love to others except that man, it does not mean that he cannot
take care of others.
He wants to take care of and repay Chanchao, and he wants to return twice as
much as Chanchao gave him.
"What is Graph looking at me laughing at?"
"Just laughing, such a small body collapsed all of a sudden."
"Fall, I'll kick your plasterboard, come on." Chanchao puffed up his cheeks, as
if he really wanted to kick The look of drywall. But the boy believed that even
if he fell down, the person who ran over the fastest would also be the one who
threatened to kick him.
"You can't hit me, so you don't have to play tricks.
" But his hands still supported the boy's shoulders and did not let go. Anyone
watching this scene will laugh. Except for the guy who just put his luggage in
the car...Win.
The young model is feeling very heavy.
For a month he had hoped that his brother would change his mind, but nothing
had changed. If he hadn't noticed it, he wouldn't have seen it, but when he
calmed down and observed carefully...he found that the situation of one big and
one small was more serious than he imagined.
Brother might look the same on the outside, but inside he's gone from bad to
worse. Let him not understand, why don't you reach out and grab it when you
are in love?
This is a question that he may never understand in his life.
In addition, the two boys and girls in front of them became more and more
intimate day by day. Win doesn't know when Chanchao started to fall in love
with Graph, and he doesn't know how many doors Graph has to close to keep
his brother out of his heart, but it should be almost closed. Everything is
distorted and is no longer what it used to be.
"Okay, it's okay, kids."
"It's okay!"
The patient quickly got into the car and sat in the back seat, while Chanchao sat
in the front. Win started the car and drove the large family car into the road, but
his sharp eyes glanced at the opposite side of the hospital, and he saw a man
immediately hid in the car.
Why let it go if you're so worried?
"Oh, P went to the cake shop recommended by Chanchao."
"Is it delicious? I like it very much."
"It's delicious, but there are more delicious cake shops in Korea than this one.
You will love it if you try it Come on."
Win brushed his thoughts out of his mind and talked about other things, making
the girl with a sweet tooth blink her eyes and drool immediately.
"I want to eat it, but if I look for a purchasing agent, it may have spoiled a long
time ago."
"Let's go together when Graph recovers from his illness, P will take you for a
stroll... Do you want to go to a Gay Bar?" "
Yes!! !”
Phawis laughed. He knew that the other party was a senior rotten girl, because
she had already told her frankly, and even asked him hesitantly if she had a
boyfriend. After much deliberation, in order to make the child happy, I showed
her brother Sin's photo. And just like that, he got a glimpse of what it's like
when the girls get high...screaming until he's deaf.
At this time, the girl also stared at him with wide eyes.
"Reserve, Chanchao."
"But Graph, it's Gay Bar!" The girl immediately turned to refute her friend, and
then turned around:
"Can girls go in?"
"Yes, but the boys there won't be interested in you That's all. P thinks Chanchao
might like it. Oh, but he's not old enough." The speaker said as if he just
remembered. The listener couldn't help but turn to look at the person in the back
seat, and almost rushed up to shake the other person's hand.
"Graph, Graph, Graph, let's go to Korea together when we are 20 years old, na
na na. I will be a tutor and save money. After I enter university, I will be a tutor!
Let's go to Korea together!" Moon Girl excited said. Seeing that he was about to
jump up, the listener nodded and replied with a smile:
"Okay, let's go."
"That's it, friend!
" The plan was drawn up and discussed in advance, but Phawis turned his eyes
to the rearview mirror and looked at the boy who was studying the plasterboard
that was painted with various colors... Last week, Kak and the others came to
visit the doctor. The plasterboard was also intentionally painted over.
"Graph, P is going to Korea next week."
"Well, P said it was because of work and going back." The listener nodded,
because it was promised at the beginning that he would go to play with Brother
Win once the holiday was over. But in the current situation, it seems that the
plan fell through. And the person who spoke continued:
"Can you feed Hot?"
He clicked.
"Never go home to sleep." The boy asked in a low voice after a brief pause, and
Win quickly replied clearly without the other party saying his name. However,
such an answer made Graph purse his lips and ask uncertainly:
"Where is Aunt Keaw, P. Can you feed it?"
"I heard that Hot doesn't eat."
Yes, Mr. German Shepherd is as stubborn as him , but there is one thing that
Graph can't do with it... it only eats food given by him and someone. Later, Mr.
German Shepherd is also willing to eat a little bit of what Win brother poured.
The feeder said that it doesn‟t eat much compared to the juvenile‟s.
The dog owner was silent, as if he couldn't find a solution, and the person sitting
in front couldn't help but make a suggestion:
"Graph, take it home." The boy shook his head slowly for this suggestion and
"No. Hot is not familiar with my family members, and it is very fierce to
outsiders. If I bring it home, I can't stop it in my current situation. If it bites a
family member, it will definitely be killed by my father." Chase it out, throw it
away. Also, it once tried to bite my dad, so dad won‟t agree.” The dog owner
sighed while talking, because the dead Hot dog is as fierce as its name. There
was no way in his life he would be able to bring it home.
Because if it is not careful, it will be killed and thrown away by the servant of
that family.
"Can't P Win ask P to feed it?"
"If we meet." Win said leisurely, his voice full of dissatisfaction. And Graph
couldn't laugh, and there was a flash of pain in the lump of flesh in his chest
P Pakin never came home, so where did he go... Forget it, it has nothing to do
with Lao Tzu.
In the end, Graph could only look out the window, watching buildings fly by in
front of him, and the two people sitting in front didn't know what was going on
in the boy's head.
It may be thinking about Hot, or it may be the person who bought Hot.
It was the first time in a week that Pakin went home. Before that, he had been
living in the company, except for work, and a small part of the time he went to
the apartment to sleep. But he's not working so hard to forget things, but
because he's back here many memories.
From the front of the house to the back of the house, there is that stubborn little
ghost everywhere.
"Master Pakin, it's great that Master Pakin is back."
"What's the matter?"
Just as the young man was about to get out of the car, the housekeeper walked
over with a look of relief at last.
"It's Hot."
"What's wrong with it?" Thick eyebrows frowned immediately, and he entered
the house with both feet faster and was about to call the dog's name, but Rui Mu
saw it first.
I saw a large fluffy thing lying powerlessly on the stairs leading to the main
house, its body was visibly thinner, and only the pricked ears indicated that it
was waiting for its master to return. When he approached, Gouzi looked up and
whined like a weak puppy who could only bark.
"How did it come to be like this!" Pakin asked loudly. He put his hand on the
head of the big dog that was trying to move towards him.
"It doesn't want to eat. Look, Master Win poured a lot for it but only ate a little."
Aunt Kaew held up the dog dish for him to see. Then I saw that the whole can
of dog food was only dented a little bit. It was more like pushing the dog food
away from me with my nose than eating it.
"And it doesn't want to go anywhere, it's just lying here. It's waiting for Master
Graph." "...
Before this, Pakin left immediately after returning home, so he didn't notice that
Hot was lying here all this time . And he wasn't surprised that the dog would
wait for its master... the master who should never come back here again.
"Bring another can." In the end, the person who only intended to come back to
get the documents sat on the steps, and Aunt Kaew rushed back to the house to
get new dog food and dishes. And Pakin patted Gouzi's head lightly, looking at
the fierce face that raised his head and rested on his feet.
"Think about it, don't you?"
"Well, I think about it too. I think about it every day."
"Hmm." Hot whined. And he pushed his hand with his nose, as if asking why he
didn't bring the master back if he wanted to? The big man couldn't help
laughing, but he laughed at himself:
"I don't have the face to see him, it's fine now."
After running back, Aunt Kaew just stood with her teeth gritted, holding back
her tears and holding the dog tightly with both hands Canned food and dog
bowls, definitely looking at the owner who never shows his vulnerable
side. However, the man is now sitting on the steps talking to the big dog who
doesn't know if he understands.
For this self-important, almost defiant man, Master Graph is very important, so
important that he shows such a side.
"Master Pakin, it's fine." Finally, the butler could only take a deep breath,
walked up, handed two things to the other party, and called out. She understood
that the boss should not want to talk to anyone now.
Hearing this, Pakin untied the can, poured the dog food into a bowl, and moved
the bowl to the big dog, which was already in the shape of an adult dog. He
sniffed and sniffed it, and then started to eat like crazy. Those who watched
couldn't help but sigh.
"You can show it if you miss him, what about me? How about it?" This
question didn't need anyone to answer, he just stood up slowly. After Hot swept
away his dog food, the young man said,
"It's useless to wait there, come in, Hot." The barking sound made the fierce-
looking dog turn back to look in the direction of entering the house again. , and
then followed another owner into the house. But he still did not give up hope, he
believed that his master would not leave him alone as a dog.
As long as it keeps waiting, the master will definitely come back.
The best rest may be lying on your own bed, but people who haven't come home
for a week are staring at the ceiling with wide open eyes. Although the person is
very tired and tired, Pakin can't sleep, no matter how much he smokes. It doesn't
matter how many cigarettes you smoke or how much alcohol you drink.
He couldn't sleep, or maybe he wasn't used to the emptiness of the bed.
This bed was bigger than the general King Size bed, comparable to the hotel's
special bed, and Pakin had been used to its size for so many years, but this time
it felt different.
The young man didn't lie in the middle of the bed but lay on the side where he
usually sleeps. When he looked to the other side, he couldn't help but think that
there was a stubborn kid lying there with his neck on his side, his face buried in
the pillow, waiting for him to come back and sleep together. But now... no one
is there.
"I can't take it anymore."
The young man raised his hand to his forehead with a headache and said to
himself, then sighed deeply.
"Woof!" replied the big dog lying on his kennel with a loud bark, regaining his
strength from his full stomach. And this also made Pakin stand up and pat the
place next to him:
"Come up here, come."
The person who once said that dogs are not allowed to go to bed said so, and
then watched the big man walk to the other side of the bed, holding his head up
Staring at him, as if asking if you really want me to go up? The young man
"Come up."
Hot responded with a bark, and jumped onto the other side of the bed. And the
owner of the room also lay down on one side of the bed, closed his eyes, and
muttered in a low voice, revealing his weak side to the dog, something that
would not be said to others: "I miss that
kid Thinking about it like crazy."
In the studio on the same floor as the bedroom, a man is standing against a
heavy solid wood table, on which a large number of photos are being arranged
one by one... one by one... almost covering the whole A table, if it wasn't for...
"Just call next time and talk about it." "
If I call, I won't be able to see things you don't know."
The newcomer can only talk at length Sighing, he walked into the studio that
belonged to him but was snatched away by someone, then stretched his long
legs and fell onto the couch. The young man leaned sideways on the back of the
sofa, put his feet on the table in front of him, and then closed his eyes as if very
tired. At the same time, it seems to say that he is almost insomnia.
He barely slept when Aunt Kaew came up to say Dad was home.
After that match, his father flew back to Europe, and now he must talk about
some things he doesn't want to hear.
The older male is waving back and forth with a large stack of photographs.
"Since when did you become a psychopath and stalk that kid?"
"Fly back to Europe from Dad."
Pakin hated to defend himself, and when the evidence was in hand, he replied
dryly. Don't even open your eyes. And this answer made Panupong laugh out
loud, and then looked down at the photos again...all the photos were of the kid
named Graph.
In the photos, there are those who woke up from the hospital, a single photo, a
double photo with Chanchao, and a photo when a doctor went in for an
examination. Different scenes and different angles record everything that
happens every day. There are even photos from yesterday's discharge, all poses
and angles. So the people watching could only shake their heads, knowing that
the eldest son's condition was terminally ill.
The reason why he didn't intervene at the beginning was because he thought that
Ya was smart enough (can handle it by himself), but he forgot that people in this
family were relatively stupid in love.
"If you love that kid so much, why did you let him go?"
"It's just that I can't catch it." Pakin said bluntly, clasping his hands tightly
together, desperately suppressing the strong feeling not to go to that person, and
hugging the slender man in his arms again.
It is true that such an answer made my father laugh out loud, so loud that the
owner of the room couldn't help but open his eyes and look over.
"Why can't you catch him? I don't want him to be in danger, I don't want him to
be a target of attack, I don't want him to be a hostage? Oh, brat, tell me, why?"
listener There is nothing to say, because all the options given to him seem to be
picked out of his heart. A pair of sharp eyes fixedly looked at his father's eyes.
"Looking at me like this, you must be thinking how do I know?"
The son still didn't answer his father's question, and the father hated listening to
his own defense:
"Because I used to think that way too. For the first time since seeing his father,
Pakin sat up straight and put his feet off the
table, his sharp eyes shining brightly as if to say he was paying attention. Those
who want to put on airs can't help laughing:
"But you probably don't want to hear it." "
If Dad wants to get out of the whole 32 rooms here, I remind Dad to speak up."
Panupong laughed louder and nodded twice:
"Okay, now it's cruel enough to threaten to cut off Dad's hands and feet." Even
though he said that, the older male walked over and sat on the other sofa, with
his hands folded, as if to say this It's a very serious thing that he never told
"What kind of mood do you think I married your mother?"
The son was silent, but his eyes seemed to understand something.
"Yes, Pakin, I love your mother more than my own life. I have feared countless
times that she will die, become the target of old people, and encounter countless
dangers if she stays with me. So I almost let her go. But your mother is a
stubborn guy, and she doesn't want to accept what I give her. She once told me
that if people die, they must die, but they shouldn't die, even if it is If the
building collapses, you won‟t be able to die... What about you, what do you
"Graph almost died because of me." The listener held his breath and didn't
speak, but asked in a deep voice when he saw the serious-looking person Said:
"Then how did your mother die?"
The mother was weak after giving birth.
Although he didn't answer, he already had an answer in his heart, so the father
"Yes, Pakin. Your mother was not captured or held hostage by anyone. Your
mother died for the birth of your brother." She proved that she can stay by my
side, and she didn't die because of any coercion." The man who came out of
almost the same shape as the eldest son put all the photos in front of his son, and
then said the most important thing in life One sentence:
"I ate and lived with your mother for 10 years, and those 10 years were the most
precious days of my life. And what I want to tell you is that I would sacrifice
everything in exchange for it to become Let it last a little longer."
Although Evil Tiger's eyes are about to blur to the point where he can't see
clearly, the memories of the past are still vivid...and the beautiful memories of
the woman he loves the most.
"I am willing to do anything, what about you? Have you done it?"
Panupong finally said, then stood up, patted his son's shoulder hard two or three
times, and said the last words to make his son think carefully: "Don't waste time
in vain.
I It may only be 10 short years, but you... may not even have a minute."
He said everything, and the rest depends on whether his son will continue to be
The holiday after the end of the semester may be the best time for students to go
out for a trip, or get dizzy from tutoring, but I believe that no one will have the
same experience as Graph... lying dead at home.
"It's boring."
Today Chanchao couldn't come to him because he had to start tutoring like
before, so Graph made fun of someone who complained that he didn't want to
go, but that person promised to take what he learned on Saturday and Sunday
He taught him knowledge, and the listeners couldn't help but answer the
conversation... It's too troublesome, so it's okay not to teach.
In the end, the bored man had no choice but to hold his crutches up to his
shoulders, slowly move his body out of the room as silently as possible, fearing
that the family members would be disturbed and ran over to help him, so the
boy had to insist again and again. It is not paralyzed to say that it is just a
broken hand and foot.
"It's just a playroom. Are you a kid? You haven't gone down many stairs." The
overwhelmed man said to himself, and then slowly climbed down the
stairs. Hold the crutches firmly with both hands, let the non-painful foot go
down first and then put down the injured foot, follow the steps learned in the
hospital to go down the stairs step by step, and then conceitedly think that he
has gone Half the distance, you can reach the first floor in a few steps.
During this period, the boy was too focused to notice the sound of the car and
the approaching people.
"What are you doing!"
the visitor asked in surprise because of the picture he saw, and Graph was even
more surprised by the familiar voice.
Immediately, both the person and the crutches made mistakes. First, both hands
let go of the crutches, and then the other hand frantically tried to grab the
crutches. Turning his strength to one side, the boy couldn't help but close his
eyes tightly, and sighed...too bad.
"What is this for? Why did you come down alone?" However, he didn't feel any
Graph slowly opened his eyes and saw...the last person he wanted to see.
"P, please let go." Although he was shocked to death, his heart made him say
such a sentence. The person with a tense face because of worry couldn't help but
pause, but he let go of his hand, walked over, took the crutches and sent them
over. Graph stepped back, and only asked,
"Why did P come here?"
His voice was so indifferent that it was not at all like the stubborn kid before,
and the visitors who came in couldn't help but pause, staring sharply at the
crystal eyes. See, there is no longer willing to reflect his image. But he has
already made up his mind:
"Hot misses Master...and I do too."
He has already wasted a lot of time, and from now on he doesn't want to waste a
Chapter 55: I said in my heart that enough is enough
Graph doesn't know how he should feel right now, happy, sad, disappointed or
When he met a pair of sharp eyes that he had missed for a long time, he really
didn't know how he should feel. For having waited and exhausted every last
hope, he would hope for nothing now. And the heart that has been fragile for 10
years is saying...enough, I will never get hurt because of this person again.
Regardless of the voice and the words he speaks, the man who died
Think about it? If I really missed it, I wouldn't let time pass like that.
He was lying in the hospital waiting, looking forward to seeing the person that
every sensory molecule relies on every day, hoping that the other person will
come over, pass through the door he watches every day, send the old smile, and
call him a brat. But no, no matter what day or minute, no matter which god
name he asked for, the present Satan never came to visit him.
So why are you thinking about him now?
If you thought he would pounce on him and hug him tightly... this man was
Time for the weak mind to harden and drain all the blood for his own body.
"I think P said the wrong person." The boy smiled lightly, but he still took a few
steps back. The person who told the story of missing almost followed up and
grabbed him tightly, but due to the boy's injury, he couldn't use as much force as
Graph's body remains as broken and fractured as it was the day it pulled out of
the wreck.
"I believe P said that Hot misses me, but I don't miss P feeling the same way..."
" I really miss
In the meantime, Pakin didn't know which one he wanted to see more.
The person who shook his head slowly said in a voice that no longer had any
"Save it for others to hear, the dead Graph is no longer needed."
"Graph!" Immediately shouted, the body was about to move over, but the young
man stepped back further, making the flesh in the young man's chest feel
unbelievably hot and painful. In an instant, the young man suddenly realized
that this is what the avoidant boy who faced him all this time felt?
"I don't think we have anything to talk about, P. P Win said the event was a
success and I didn't mess it up. So I don't owe P anything, and I'm proving that
I'm not P's bastard...put things Make it like this." Graph looked down at the
tablet that fixed his hands and feet, smiled weakly, and then looked over: "Now
P and I have nothing in arrears, I don't think we need to talk What."
"Graph, don't talk like that!" Immediately, the listener couldn't listen anymore,
and his legs led his body to rush up and grab the injured arm, not squeezing it as
hard as before, but loosely Hold so that the wounded have no chance to escape
from him. And this also made the boy lower his head, and muttered:
"Then what should I say? P Pakin."
"I'm sorry, Graph. Forgive me."
"Did P borrow something? P wants to apologize to me?"
The boy immediately asked back, without pulling back his hand to avoid it, but
looked at it with eyes glistening with tears, smiled self-pityingly and repeated
"P didn't do anything to me, everything that happened to me I caused it myself."
"It's not like that, Graph. No. I'm sorry for you, I didn't visit you, I'm sorry."
Although Pakin said in a very anxious voice, the listeners seemed to stick to
themselves Leaning on the crutches, he turned around completely, took a deep
breath, and seemed to be about to say something, but he didn't accept his
apology: "I may have caused trouble for P countless times,
but I want P to listen to me."
"..." Although what the young man was about to say was not what he wanted to
hear, the young man stopped his movements, allowing the depressed person to
say what he wanted to say.
"When I was in the hospital, I watched the door every day and every moment I
waited for P to walk in. Every time it opened, I was so excited, and then when I
saw that it was not P, I was completely paralyzed. .Although all the people who
came to visit me were very kind to me, my father, mother, Chanchao, P Win,
and a bunch of my friends, but I couldn‟t smile, and I couldn‟t smile and say
thank you for visiting me. Because of my I only think about P in my heart, and I
only think about P alone. Until... I can't bear this feeling anymore." Graph
slowly pulled his hand away from the opponent's grasp, letting his tears flow
down freely.
"Does P know? When I woke up in the hospital, the first thing I thought of was
P, but when I opened my eyes, the first thing I saw was Chanchao's eyes full of
tears." Graph said with a trembling but firm
cry . At that time, he kept calling for the person in front of him, but the person
holding his hand with tears was his good friend. The person who stayed by his
side and didn't go anywhere, even when he thought he had no one left.
That person is Chanchao.
Then, the person who was determined not to let himself get hurt again
"It was only after I almost died that I realized that I have had enough of P. From
now on... I will live for myself."
Graph took two or three steps back, looking Looking at the man he has loved
for 10 years and still occupies his entire heart, but he is no longer stubborn. Not
everyone gets what they want when it comes to love, and he's been blindfolded
for love for so long that he can't see everything around him, and he's never
going to do that again.
The boy will not let love continue to eat away at himself, because the existing
wound...has hurt so much that he can't bear it anymore.
"Is anyone there!"
After finishing speaking, the slender man turned to the other side, calling out to
someone who might be in the kitchen. After hearing the answer, he believed
that someone would run over in a few minutes, and asked him why he was
alone. Came downstairs. However, within a few minutes, Pakin said in a deep
"You said you would live for yourself, but what if... I want to live for you in the
future?" "...
The listener stands there blankly, staring into the eyes of the person who doesn't
know what to think every day, can't help clasping his hands tightly together, and
asks himself... what else does this man want from him?
"Oh, Master Graph! Why did you come down... No, is there a guest here?" The
maid ran over in a hurry and shouted in surprise. Because the master issued a
heavy order, if anything happened to the only son, they would all have to pack
up and leave. But the kid, who never cared about anyone in the face of the
servant's panic, made a reaction that made Pakin feel strange.
"I'm sorry, I came down alone. Anyway, please P help me up."
The person who never apologized to anyone said politely as if he had become
another person. Then Graph turned around:
"As for P, what you want to do is P's business. Because P and I have nothing to
do with each other." After speaking, he turned his head and nodded to the maid:
"Wait a while and find someone to send the guests Let's go."
"Okay, your Excellency..." The servant turned to look at the person who was
still standing there motionless, while the head of the household's son dropped
the last sentence: "
My father is not here today, so P seems to be running in vain. It‟s been a trip. If
you want to meet, I think it‟s better for P to go to the party office. Oh, there‟s no
need to come here again, there‟s nothing worthy of P‟s visit here.” The boy
finished the last sentence, and then limped Walk up and down the room just a
few minutes ago. A pair of sharp eyes stared at him from behind.
When he returned to the room and the maid left, the boy closed his eyes and let
the crystal tears flow all over his face.
"I did it, Chanchao. I did it. I have already severed ties with him."
The boy said as if he had made up his mind, and kept telling himself that he had
to cut off his love. But why... He did it for his own heart but it still hurts.
"That's enough, stop being stupid."
In the end, the boy who stopped crying still shed tears for the same person.

Graph couldn't believe it, really couldn't believe what he saw.

"What's going on, Mom?"
On the new morning, after being helped out of bed, someone was left to help
bathe and wipe himself, and because he himself insisted that he didn't want to
be bored in the room anymore after lying in the hospital for a month. So the boy
was taken directly to the restaurant downstairs. However, Kritithi couldn't
believe that there was another person at the same table besides the mother who
promised to have breakfast with her.
The man sitting there must be right... P‟ Pakin.
Why is this man sitting at the same table as him? No, why did you appear in
front of me again after talking yesterday!
"P He wanted to visit his son, so Mom invited him over to have breakfast
together." The mother
seemed to have no idea who caused her son to suffer such a serious injury
Said. Because she only knew that her son had an accident in a car while
traveling, she warmly treated Pakin. Although I feel strange that I haven't seen
him for a long time, and he looks so familiar with my son.
Not only that, the person who was sitting well stood up immediately, went
directly to the person who was still standing in astonishment, and then grabbed
the crutches and handed them to the maid, which caught Grah off guard.
"I'll hug it."
"Hey!!!" Naturally, Graph exclaimed. Because suddenly the other party quickly
lifted his body, and the movements were very careful and loving. But before he
could utter a loud cry, the young man started to walk to the dining table and
gently put him on the chair.
"I went to talk to the doctor, and the doctor still doesn't agree to let Graph move
his body, auntie. Actually, we can let Graph move to the first floor, so we don't
have to go up the stairs. The feet don't have to bear too much burden, and then
where are we going? It would be better to use a wheelchair first." Pakin turned
his head and said to the middle-aged woman, but the other party repeated: "
Oops, it's been a few days since I walked downstairs like this, is it okay?" "
Anyway, I'll wait It would be better to take him to the hospital for examination."
"Would it be too troublesome for Pakin?"
"No, I'm willing to work for Graph."
The boy could only watch the two adults question and answer without caring
about him at all. At first he pretended not to care, but his mother's answer forced
him to yell softly.
"Then Auntie gave the son to you."
"Did Mom ask me if I want to go?"
"Oh, but my son really has an appointment with the doctor. Is he going for a
follow-up visit? It's just a day in advance It's only two days, it's better to go and
confirm." "
But why should I go with P Pakin." Kritithi retorted immediately. However, it
sounded like a child's coquettishness to the mother, so she smiled and said,
"It seems that you are still as naughty as before after he comes back."
"I don't..." Graph immediately closed his mouth, not wanting to let P Someone
thought it was important to him, but it was just the people Dad knew and
nothing more. So, the young master didn't talk back any more, instead of
focusing too much on breakfast. Because he couldn't use one hand at all, he was
eating breakfast awkwardly, and he didn't want to raise his head for a second to
meet the eyes of the person sitting directly opposite him.
It also prevents Graph from seeing what everyone in the family sees... the eyes
that stare at the boy deeply, unwilling to look away.
Graph didn't want to go to the hospital, and wanted to stubbornly say that he
was really fine, but when he saw his mother's worried look and pleading voice
saying that he could just have a check-up for peace of mind, the boy didn't want
to make him worry. However, when he said that he wanted his mother to be
with him, the other party made a troubled look, saying that he was busy with the
meeting and wanted to see his wife, so those who didn't want any trouble could
only sigh and agree.
So now he sits in a big family car, leaning back, with someone who is arguably
powerful as a driver.
However, there was something else that puzzled the boy. Because Graph has
never seen each other drive such a car since we met, most of them are low-top
supercars that make legs and feet uncomfortable when sitting, but this time it is
a large car that does not match people who like speed at all, So he wondered
why, but couldn't ask.
"If you use other cars, you must be uncomfortable." But the driver himself
noticed the boy's face and behavior through the rearview mirror, so he said
aloud. And the listener just turned his face away from the window, as if
saying... I finished talking yesterday, and now my brother and I have nothing to
Pakin, however, did not flinch.
The young man did not expect to see the attitude of the stubborn child
yesterday, which was different from the children he knew, but the tone of his
speech, the tears he shed, and the pain of complaining to him all told him that he
was still the same person he knew. , just put on a hard armor to keep him away.
Pakin knew he was doing something wrong, but he would fix it one by one and
get everything back on track.
If Ya pushes him away, he will do everything possible to find him.
If Ya doesn't want to see him, he will be more persistent than before.
His lord father was right, he didn't want to waste any more time with this
person. If he only thinks about safety, he may lose his life without doing
anything. So the so-called danger, if a person like Si Pakin can't even protect his
lover, can he still come out to mess around?
If he can keep hundreds of people safe, why can't he take care of the most
important one?
This time the young man is willing to be labeled as a coward and selfish, and he
will return if he wants to return to the young man, and once he has figured it
out, Pakin will definitely rush to the end and never look back.
He's going to do everything until Graph opens up again! The pain of
rejecting him with words like that is nothing compared to the pain he's been
giving Graph for the past 10 years.
"I'm going home."
"I'll take you when I get a doctor."
"I told P..."
"You told me to do whatever I want...I'm doing it right now What I want to do."
The boy slightly flattened his mouth and turned his face away, not wanting to
see the pair of sharp eyes staring at him through the rearview mirror. The young
man shifted his gaze to the buildings passing by the window, thinking that he
was silently interrupting the other party's speech. But he still couldn't help
"P didn't care what I said at all."
After he said it, we never had anything to do with each other again.
"Because what you said is to me... I will try my best to coax you until your heart
softens." "
P doesn't need to coax you anymore, because I'm not angry with P." Graph
really thought that way , although crying miserably, he still knew that he was
not angry with or hated the other party, on the contrary, he still had the memory
of yesterday very clearly in his heart, and it hurt like stabbing the heart with a
P Pakin didn't do anything wrong, it's my fault that I shouldn't fall in love with
such a person.
But the driver said seriously:
"I also want to do it according to my heart." The boy had to close his eyes to
interrupt the other party, because he knew very well how capricious the other
party was. How could he forget? What Pakin says is the rule. But he just didn't
want to stay within those rules.
I got it, I really got it. No matter what P Pakin is going to will never be
my business anymore.
"Why is P here!"
When the morning of the new day came, Pakin hurriedly left home and went
directly to the person who agreed to send him to the hospital yesterday, and the
person agreed to let him be carried in the car until he was sent home. Although
nothing was said during the period, the obedience of the stubborn child was a
good sign. And he hoped it would get better day by day, not like this.
Now the young man was a little upset, because on the way into the main house
there was a little she-cat standing up to him with its fur puffed up.
"Come to Graph."
"I know P came to Graph, but P shouldn't come here again!" Chanchao said
without showing any face, staring at a certain man without admitting defeat. It
seemed that she was about to open her hand to prevent the other party from
passing in front of her. Maybe she had forgotten that as long as Pakin exerted all
his strength, his thin body would have already been dropped onto the steps.
Just drop it, you won't care about such a man!
The girl thought passionately, still looking at the person who spoke with a stern
voice with her hands sideways.
"Why can't P come? My most important person is here."
"Do you still have the face to say something like this? When Graph was crying
to death, where did P go? And now P has the face to say these things again
Couldn't be too selfish!" Chanchao said in disbelief, staring at the villain who
hurt her friend deeply but now appeared here. And those who listened did not
"Yes, P is selfish. P has been very selfish all his life, and P will be selfish and
will not let go of that kid and give him to anyone!!!" It's like answering the
words in the hospital.
He won't give it, even though the girl in front of him once asked him, but he
won't give up the Graph to anyone!
"You're so thick-skinned!" Chanchao couldn't bear it any longer, and couldn't
believe that she would swear like that. However, even if someone accused her
of being a rude child, the girl didn't care, and would scold her even more, if it
wasn't for the maid who came over with breakfast.
"Sister Chanchao, Master Graph's breakfast is ready."
"Oh, good. Wait for Chanchao to take it up by himself... go back, hum!" At the
end of the sentence, the mother cat who guarded the cub turned around and
made a face at the young man, then took the tray from the maid, as if in her own
home He walked into the main house again, and the servant had to turn his head
and say to the familiar guest with a dry smile, "
By the way, Master Graph said he didn't want to see you."
Pakin was speechless for a moment, and had to admit that he always wanted
anything. Those who can get it like others slowly start to get irritable, but they
still suppress their anger and ask the other party:
"Is uncle there?"
"Yes, sir." The young man followed the servant to the other side, although he
wanted to go directly to him. The direction in which Chanchao disappeared.
He won't give up the Graph to anyone!
"Who is that thick-skinned? His personality is super bad, the only saving grace
is his looks and status!" "
You used to cheer and scream."
"Now you don't scream for him, now you just use your nails Scratch that
In the bedroom of the only son, Graph was raising a slight smile, looking at his
friend who was stirring hot porridge and cursing the person who had appeared
at home for the third day. There was raging anger in the round eyes, and the
bright mouth muttered to kill the person mentioned in the mouth.
"Graph stop laughing, he's really super bad!" Being able to get angry for a
friend like this made the listeners laugh out loud, and felt that the heavy heart
became lighter inconceivably.
"Graph, is Graph really okay?" the girl stopped stirring the porridge and asked
uncertainly. He looked over worriedly, making the listeners pause for a
moment, then laughed again:
"I want to say I'm fine, but it's not Chanchao, it's hard to see his face."
"Oh, Graph, next time You can call me this time, and I will immediately
become a dog-beating stick." The girl said as if pitying her friend, and spooned
the porridge into her mouth, making the person who said she could eat it by
herself but knocked it over every now and then have no choice but to raise a
faint smile Smile:
"Oh, why did we meet so late, Chanchao."
"Again, but at least we still know each other, Graph. I will protect Graph
myself." Smaller in stature, but the heart is not as good as the body The petite
girl said enthusiastically. The teenager couldn't help but try to laugh out loud to
reassure his friend, even though he didn't feel any better because he knew that
someone was also under the same roof.
P is enough, stop doing things that make me feel bad.
Don't let this heart tilt again and want to go back and get hurt again.
An hour has passed since Pakin finished talking with the owner of the mansion,
not because he wanted to talk for that long, but because he wanted to find an
excuse to stay in the mansion, and finally he made many valid suggestions In
exchange for him being able to come in and out of the house as he pleases.
The young man believed that he could take better care of Graph than the young
master's biological father.
But now, the tall man was following the servant to the new room where Graph
moved in. After the other party had resigned and returned to work, he slowly
opened the door with his big hand and poked in, expecting to see the young man
smile at him, But he couldn't believe it and saw an extremely cruel scene.
I saw the slender man lying on his side on the bed, with his head resting on the
girl's soft lap, and he fell asleep with his head tilted due to the effect of the
medicine after the meal. The visitor who came to visit also leaned on the bed
with his head sideways, breathing regularly, and was surrounded by learning
materials from the remedial class.
Pakin didn't want to admit it, but the appearance of the two on the bed was
unbelievably compatible.
Is this how it feels? When Graph sees him with other people.
This kind of thought made his heart ache unbelievably, and the long legs
brought his body to the bedside with the slightest sound, glanced at a certain
girl, then slowly bent his knees, reached out to touch the long legs The long
strands that had to cover the face were gently brushed away until the smooth
face and faint scars could be seen.
Graph is a person who sleeps deeply, he knows this very well, so the tall man
can touch the whole picture in front of his eyes that he misses so much without
any restraint, and then bend down...and kiss on the forehead.
Today he should go back first, because the kid probably doesn't want to see his
face, but...
"I won't admit defeat."
Pakin whispered next to the boy's face, then slowly got up, turned around and
used the lightest He walked out at a steady pace until the door was closed, and
after that, the girl who seemed to be asleep slowly opened her eyes.
Chanchao looked at the front door and then looked down at his friend who
asked to sleep on her lap as if he was used to sleeping with someone, then
sighed, and gently stroked his friend's hair.
"Whatever Graph's choice is, I'm going to support Graph."
Weird, why didn't she get high for being able to get up close to the
candy? Because what the rotten woman herself is seeing is the pain between
two stubborn men.
Chapter 56: The Fraudulent Man Brings a Helper
Pakin knows that a certain kid is desperately avoiding him and avoiding him. If
he knows that he is coming, he will go to bed first, no matter whether he is
really asleep or pretending, but basically he has not achieved anything in the
past week of summation. A trace of success makes the young man who has
always only been obeyed by others feel unhappy. If someone had told him years
ago that he hesitated because of a child, he would have laughed until his teeth
fell out.
But now... I really can't laugh.
When normal methods don't work, powerful men turn to help.
It's not the expensive dinner or the sweet words you once gave someone, those
are useless. Pakin thought that if this helper didn't work, then no one could help
"Master Graph, Mr. Pakin wants to see you."
"Then I'm going to sleep."
This is another day when a work-ridden man came to him early in the morning,
and the boy who was reading manga couldn't help throwing the book beside the
bed, ready to lie down Go on to sleep. Despite the fact that he had been awake
for an hour. And this also caused the servant to smile dryly and glance at the
door that was opening a little bit, because... "
But I saw that you were awake."
"I'm sorry, sir, if Mr. Pakin comes, he can see you at any time .”
The man who opened the door narrowed his sharp eyes, looking at the man who
said he was asleep but was awake with clear eyes. So the servant had no choice
but to speak cautiously, knowing very well that if the teenagers were
dissatisfied, they would definitely suffer. Although after that, the mood will be
so calm that there is almost no trace of it.
Grahp, on the other hand, sighed mercilessly, and just said...
"Go get on with your work, P. I won't be angry. If I were to be angry, it would
be at someone who couldn't tell whose home it was." ,” said Graph. He pulled
the quilt over his head, saying that he didn't want to talk, didn't want to say
anything, and just wanted to rest. Just see how long the other party can look at
the quilt.
At first Kritithi's heart ached when he saw the man's face, but after a few days
he himself became numb to the person who always liked to be in sight.
Graph won't let his heart soften until his heart has clearly engraved all the pain
caused by this man.
Even if I come to eat breakfast every day for a whole year, I will still avoid it
like this.
The servant left, leaving the owner's son lying with his head covered and the
visitor standing quietly by the door.
"Why don't you get up and chat?"
"If you don't get up, you won't see who I brought here."
Who cares about you.
The boy still closed his eyes and remained motionless, hoping to fall asleep
without seeing the other party, and didn't care at all who the other party brought
to him. Now even if Aunt Kaew came, he would not change his mind.
"Do you really don't want to see me?"
"Even if I miss you very much, I still don't want to see you?"
In an instant, the person who had closed his eyes immediately opened his eyes,
and suddenly realized the word Ya. Because P‟ Pakin will definitely not use this
word to call Aunt Kaew, so...
"Oh, call your master."
"Woof! Wang!!!" " Hot
The scream resounded throughout the room, Graph tore away the quilt
violently, turned around and looked over in disbelief. I saw a big German
shepherd looking straight at the wicked man's feet. Its black almond eyes were
full of happiness, but because it was tied tightly around the neck, it didn't care.
Jump forward and come to him.
"Wow, woof, woof!!!" A new wave of barking sounded again, and the big tail
flicked back and forth frantically, indicating that it was very excited. The same
goes for Graph, who opened his hands wide:
"Hot, come here!"
As a result, the big dog that was caught by the neck jumped up and down, Pakin
let go, and watched the big dog jump onto the soft bed, and went straight into
the boy's arms. The boy wrapped his arms around its neck tightly as if he missed
it very much, and rubbed its head vigorously with the hand that didn't hurt.
"Wow, woof, woof."
Hot cried happily. That was not enough, the usually arrogant dog licked the
boy's face vigorously, it seemed that he really missed him very much. The dog
used its whole head and nose to sniff at its owner, whom it hadn't seen for
almost 2 months, which made Graph laugh out loud with wet eyes. The boy
missed the shaggy fur and the low, loud bark that everyone else was afraid of.
Miss it, miss it so much.
"Hot, I really miss you very much, very much." And it also barked and replied,
desperately pushing its body closer. Graph felt that the strong and well-
proportioned body in memory was obviously thinner, and he could feel the hard
ribs when he touched his waist.
"Why is she so thin? Is there no food?"
"It's just emaciated in grief." It
was not Mr. Hothearm who answered, but another owner said seriously. So
Graph pushed away and looked up, only to see a pair of sharp eyes staring
straight at him.
"It doesn't want to eat or sleep. It just stays in front of the house. I was busy
with work before and didn't know that it didn't want to eat what other people
fed. When I knew it, it was almost Waiting for you every day,
sleeping in the same place every day and not going anywhere." Pakin stepped
forward, and this was the first time Graph didn't back away. The young man
looked at the man who put his hand on the head of Hot, who looked like he was
barking happily and wagging his tail, and was happy that the three of them were
finally reunited.
"Your master is really super bad, you don't care if you go hungry." Graph turned
his head to look at his precious son and said dissatisfied.
To be honest, he was more angry at the other party for not feeding him than
hurting him.
"The other master is also bad, and he doesn't want to go back and look for her."
The boy pursed his lips and wanted to refute that what's wrong with me? But the
more he showed his emotions, the more complacent he became, so the boy
buried his face in the dark hair and hugged his beloved dog tightly.
"There's no place for me in that home anymore."
"Who said that? It's a home you can go back to anytime."
Graph still clearly remembers the day the other said it was home...a home he'd
always wanted , but now...he has no face to go back.
It has no place for him anymore.
The boy's appearance caused Pakin to stretch out his hand and gently put it on
his head. He found that the other person's reaction was just to freeze but did not
push his hand away, so the young man said in a begging tone: "It's not just that
Hot misses
you Go too."
"I want you to go back and be my stubborn brat like you were."
What's the use of saying now?
The boy knew that the other party was coaxing him and begging him to go back
to the bed, but the boy's heart stubbornly refused, saying that it was useless.
This man has good times and bad times. pointing fingers. When Graph is dead
set on he's just as bad as hell.
So, years of experience remind him...don't believe it.
"Now I'm not a stubborn brat, I know that being stubborn won't get me what I
want. Isn't it Hot? You don't have to be stubborn anymore, you have to agree to
whoever calls you, and you have to eat no matter who feeds you A little, too
proud and you will starve to death later." Graph rubbed the dog's head
vigorously, and removed it from someone's hand.
Knock knock knock.
"Master Graph,"
At that time, the breakfast was delivered, but the person who brought the
breakfast froze because the big dog jumped up and circled her, as if It's the same
as examining whether she will be detrimental to its owner. The little servant at
home couldn't help but look over as if he was about to cry.
Graph also wanted to help, but another person grabbed the tray first.
"Please help me to get the things in my car. There is a black bag in the car,
which contains this guy's food. It's time for his breakfast." Pakin ordered as if he
was at home. The listener also nodded vigorously, but he almost didn't rush out
immediately. After that, the speaker turned to look at the person on the bed:
"Have breakfast."
"Bring P." The person who listened did not stand up, but moved up and sat
down. Watching the big man pushing the table that looked like a hospital bed
for patients, the big dog looked over in frustration.
"You'll have something to eat in a while, Hot. Wait a minute." Graph patted its
head lightly, and had to admit that just with this guy around, the gloomy
breakfast time was becoming unbelievably brighten up.
Then the boy turned around and turned his attention back to his own food, but...
"I can eat by myself." The powerful big man was blowing with a spoon of
porridge, and stretched out his hand to the boy. . Honestly, it doesn't fit this guy
at all. And the person watching didn't want to soften his heart, even if the other
person wanted to bend down to feed him, he didn't care.
Instead of serving the patient for dinner, P might as well go to bed and feed his
bedmate for breakfast.
Graph wanted to say something, but finally swallowed it.
"I see you have been eating by yourself for several days, isn't it inconvenient?"
listener didn't deny that it was inconvenient, he just insisted:
"I can eat by myself."
"If you agree to let me feed, I will bring Hot Come here."
"Treacherous!" The boy shouted, looking at the person who made the
suggestion in disbelief. To be honest, he couldn't refuse. The more he looked
down at the face of the big dog lying on his bed, the more he couldn't refuse.
"Yes, I'm treacherous, and I'll make it worse if you let me get close."
Graph wanted to say that he wouldn't be annoyed anymore, but why were his
lips pursed together? The eyes of the little friend who was about to become a
good baby were on fire, his anger was burning, and his face was more obvious
than before. So the person watching laughed and said:
"Have you decided? Let me feed you breakfast every day, and then you can play
with Hot every day." "Bee.
Graph was going crazy, and wanted to kick the dog and the person who had
joined hands. When one suggested it, the other yelled for help. And it must have
known that the master would be soft on it, because it was pushing his hand with
its nose and then burying its face in it, making the teenager disgusted.
When I was at that house, I didn‟t ask for it, so why did I fawn over here!
"P is really super bad and cruel, and so are you. Don‟t worry about it,
Hothearm.ammahit.fodjairai!" The full name that hasn‟t appeared for a long
time this time It also appeared, and the feeder couldn't help chuckling, shook the
spoon in his hand and stretched it out in front of the boy, and then asked again...
"Have you
"Ah~" Instead of answering, the boy just said loudly. Opened his mouth as if to
say... OK! What else can I do!
Pakin couldn't help laughing because of his small appearance, and his sharp
eyes softened. The cruel person before has disappeared without a trace . The
young man fed the porridge to his mouth, wiped the young man's lips with his
fingertips, and asked himself why it took him so long to discover how cute this
little young master was?
If the youth had confessed his feelings earlier, Graph would not have been hurt
so deeply.
It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter if you know it later, it's better than never
having the chance to understand that the young master's wrinkled face, flaming
eyes and dissatisfied voice are so beautiful, and it's more lovely than the voice
that has been hypnotized for many years to say that it is very annoying Much,
much more.
From now on, he will not deceive himself again, he will face up to Ya's
"Is it delicious?"
"Aunt Kaew's cooking is even better." When the other party asked, the bear
shook his head, his handsome face lowered slightly, thinking of the person he
was talking about:
" How is Aunt Kaew?" Pakin knew that Ya was very concerned about his
housekeeper, maybe even more than him. Because the older woman was the
first to try to understand that the child's stubbornness and defiantness were
caused by being alone and lonely.
"Aunt Kaew is very good, and misses you very much." When the child looked
over with a distorted face, the young man could only comfort him: "
Well, I'll ask Aunt Kaew to prepare breakfast and bring it here tomorrow."
"Then Aunt Kaew herself... "To be honest, the young man also wants to bring
the other party here immediately. When he met those worrying and lonely eyes,
the young man wanted to hold the young master in his arms, but he knew that
Ya would definitely resist. And a certain idea also came into his mind, so the
young man fed the last spoonful of porridge into the young man's mouth:
"After you are done, go to visit her at home."
If anyone wants to accuse him of blackmailing others' concerns, he can say
whatever he wants Go ahead, if this kid is willing to go back and visit that home
again, why can't he bear such accusations? And it seems like Graph figured it
out himself, because the teen just mumbled,
"P is such a treacherous guy."
Yes, he admitted. He would do anything to get Graph back.
"No P, I can take a shower myself."
Of all the treachery that Graph doesn't want to hang on to is...showering.
"Then how do you wash it every time?"
"Someone help."
Does it have anything to do with P!
The young man wanted to yell at his face, but he just remained silent, and his
body was still trembling slightly. Because the air conditioner in the bedroom
blows cold air here, and he is sitting on the edge of the bathtub in only a pair of
thin boxers, with strong waterproof bags on his hands and feet. There was fire in
the boy's eyes, as if he wanted to drink his blood and eat his flesh, he glared at
the young man whose sleeves were folded to the elbow.
Who can believe that this crazy man will bargain with him for anything!
'If you want me to feed you Hot, agree to let me bathe you. '
Go to the negotiations with the uncle!
Think you are joking? ...P Pakin is serious.
The man who put the food bag and dog food tray in the corner of the room
looked at the boy with his arms around his chest and said in a serious
tone. Graph couldn't help but want to yell and say that this is also brother's dog,
but this cruel man once threatened to kill the dog, and Hot also knew about it,
and was looking over in frustration, his pitiful appearance and that fierce dog
The son is like two dogs. Those who love it more than anything else... gritted
their teeth and agreed.
It's just a shower, there's nothing to be shy about, I've done it countless times!
"Who bathed you for the research?"
"The servant at home."
"Woman or man?" Pakin frowned even tighter, and asked in a vicious
voice. The boy had a bitter face and didn't want to answer.
"If you don't answer, I'll take it off."
"Hey!" Facing the person who brought him here, he pretended to approach and
took off his clothes. No matter how calm his temper was, he would be shocked
when he encountered such a threat, so The young man had no choice but to
"Young or old?"
"That's my business."
"OK, I'll take it off then."
"Damn it! Old, very old! P is satisfied!" Graph yelled. He backed away
desperately to avoid it, because the big man stood beside him like a huge
building, trying to grab him and take off his clothes. Although he has done
everything, it doesn't mean that he wants to show off the baby. And this kind of
answer made the thick eyebrows slightly frowned, expressing...not believing.
If you don't believe me, ask me why.
Xin wanted to ask, but he explained:
"The person who helped me in was the one who just brought my breakfast, but
the person who helped me take a bath was my aunt at home. My mother said
that prevention is better than cure, and I don't want people to say that I
undressed alone in front of the other women, and my aunt didn't really wash me,
she just raised my hand to flush." Graph turned his mouth away and turned his
head away. And this kind of answer made the listeners a little bit more satisfied.
If it was bathed by a man, he was planning to buy him from the young master's
father, and then send that man to a remote factory as a worker. And if it is a
woman, compensation will be given and dismissed.
The jealousy that Pakin hadn't expected just exploded at the thought that
someone would see the obstinate brat's naked body.
"Then Chanchao..."
"Is P crazy? Who asked Chanchao to help me take a shower? And that person
also closed his eyes when I undressed!" The troublesome tone when he came to
a friend. And the listener also softened:
"Then take a bath, raise your hand."
"I can do it by myself."
"Hot, it's hungry."
"Wow, woof, woof!"
Do you believe it? This cruel guy really won't give it to dogs. So Hot, who was
lying on his stomach and guarding in front of the door, not wanting to get close
to the water source, barked firmly, turned his black eyeballs to look at the bag
containing food, as if saying that I am already very hungry, if If you don't want
to help wash, I will starve to death.
And Graph gritted his teeth, and then just said one sentence...
"Hurry up! I'm cold!"
I really don't understand why I always lose to a dog, no, why I always lose to P
Lift up The person holding the hand raised his foot to the edge of the bathtub
while thinking about it. Because although the performance of the waterproof
bag is good, if there is water flowing into the gypsum board, it will definitely
rot and stink. I made a mistake last time and had to take it off and put on a new
gypsum board, and it would be very itchy.
The boy admitted that he tensed his body at the beginning, for fear that the other
party would touch the place where he had touched. Because no matter how
much he refused in his heart, the body that was used to this person's touch might
not be able to resist, so when the big hands seriously bathed him and touched
his whole body, he still slowly relaxed.
"Will it be too cold?"
"No, it's just right."
He asked with concern, checking the temperature of the water from time to
time, even though the water temperature had already been set. Then came the
most important step.
"Do you want me to wash it for you?"
"No, I'll just wash it up." Graph almost grinned at the other party. The boy
pumped the shower gel to the palm of his hand with one hand, turned his head
to look at the half-soaked person, and said,
"P, turn around."
After seeing the other party's superb deceit, the boy At first, he was also worried
that the other party would not agree easily. When Pakin really turned around,
Graph was relieved, took out his hand and put it into the small boxer briefs,
rubbed it, and sprayed it from top to bottom. The water was doing the cleaning
work, until it felt that it had been cleaned before prompting:
"P Squeeze some facial cleanser for me."
"I'll wash it, close your eyes." The big man shook his head and passed the
shower head for the boy to hold , and then rub, let the cleanser slowly fill the
boy's face with delicate foam. Graph closed his eyes tightly. He didn't notice
anything at first, but slowly he felt fingers hovering under his eyelids, so the
boy weakened the water flow and opened his eyes to look up.
I saw a pair of piercing sharp eyes looking over with deep thoughts, his fingers
kept touching his scar and asked,
"Does it still hurt?"
" doesn't hurt anymore." Graph didn't understand why he would His voice
trembled, but it trembled as violently as the flesh in his chest, and he felt like he
was about to be out of breath. So I couldn't help but turn my head away.
Run away, die Graph, run away!
My heart said to myself. However, the young man froze his body. When the
knife-like handsome face approached and the warm breath mixed with nicotine
fell to the side of his face, the young man had already realized what was going
to happen, but his body was still stiff and motionless , and then... closed his eyes
tightly in fear.
Graph was genuinely afraid to say that encountering such a situation would
soften his heart.
"I'm sorry... don't be afraid, I won't do anything."
However, the lips fell on the scar with a gentle voice, and then the selfish
person left, turned off the water, and turned to grab the towel for The boy wipes
his body.
What Pakin has done for it has gone beyond Graph's cognition.
When he realized that P‟ Pakin cared about his needs, his heart, which he
thought was already numb, trembled so violently that he was afraid.
I don't want to be hurt anymore, and I don't want to be soft-hearted, but if P
treats me so well, what should I do?
The young man who thought this way could only lower his head and let the
other party gently wipe his head, face and body covered with water. Silence
then filled the entire spacious bathroom, but it was not the suffocating silence as
in the past, but mixed with familiar warmth and tranquility.
Not good, not good, die Graph. "From now on, you don't have to ask other
people to help you take a bath.
I will come to wash every morning.
In the past, he yelled out in a low voice. But Pakin only said:
"Then I bring Hot here every day, but I won't give him food."
"P this..."
Graph couldn't speak, all he could do was swallow his anger, and shook his
head vigorously to let the water droplets splash on the person whose clothes had
been nirvana. Pakin couldn't help laughing: "Don't play , has that been decided
I always wanted to ask if I was going to betray my father or not, but when I saw
the listless face of the much thinner dog, I... "Okay!" It is true that such an
answer made
smile with satisfaction, and put the wash After taking a shower, the person was
hugged back to the bed again, and he carefully dressed Graph without asking for
it. Of course, there is no room for the boy to refuse, because there are always
various fraudulent means to bargain with him, so the debate always resounds
throughout the room from time to time.
At this moment, Graph didn't realize that he was slowly changing back to his
old self.
Because of this man by his side the old vibrant Kritithi was back again, not the
teenager who smiled at everyone and lied that it was okay. Because when there
is Pakin by his side, the person who still gives him vitality will be fine,
and this time he will definitely blame himself...but no matter how painful it is,
he will forget it.
Chapter 57: Decisions
"Graph, is this really good?"
"Well, if you let it go, it will eventually return to the original state."
"But I don't want Graph to do that."
In the entertainment room, Kritithi was sitting on the sofa with a huge The feet
of plasterboard stretched out on the glass table in front, and a laptop was on his
lap, and his eyes were looking at the email he had just received. The ears are
listening to the words of the friend sitting beside him.
Graph knew that his friends didn't want him to do that, but he had no choice.
"P has become better too... Hasn't he?"
"Didn't you say you won't stand on his side?" The boy turned his head and said
with a smile. Because Chanchao almost jumped up and bit the neck of the man
who came to wrap him around more than a month ago, but now the friend's
heart softens and feels sorry for him.
"I tend to soften my heart. And P also came to coax Graph... It's been almost 2
Chanchao whispered. To be honest, she didn't want to stand on the other side,
but in the past two months, that villain has been coming to Graph every day,
taking good care of her, taking her to the hospital, and doing everything to make
the hearts of those around her soften. everything of. Although the man was a
little cunning and tricky in order to stay and help in every way.
For example, when he knew that Graph was soft-hearted towards Hot, that
person would bring Tiantian with him.
However, her friend's answer made her look up involuntarily, and then flicked
her fingers on the other person's face as if she was really happy.
"See? Chanchao is still soft-hearted. Then how long will I be cruel? It should be
soon, Chanchao. If I don't do anything, I will obediently agree, and in the end I
will still be alone Injured."
"Graph's heart is much tougher."
When her friend said in a firm voice that she had made up her mind, the
ponytail girl had no choice but to admit defeat and lowered her head, sighing
long. The owner of the mansion raised a faint smile and said,
"It's just trying to hold on."
Graph wasn't lying, and now he was trying to harden himself.
Everything is just like what Chanchao said, from the day that man promised to
return to his life again, P‟ Pakin has been showing up without missing a single
day. If you don‟t come in the morning, it will appear at night. If you need to go
to the hospital one day, the other party will become the person who carries him
into the car, personally delivers it to the doctor and then sends it home. The spy
would inform that person at any time and appear in front of him immediately.
To be honest, the boy had never been treated like this before, but what made
him feel even more frightening was...he was slowly getting used to it, and he
was afraid that it would paralyze his heart.
When that day comes, I'm afraid that everything will return to its original
position... The dead Graph will accept everything for that man unconditionally.
From the moment he was discharged from the hospital, he made up his mind
and told himself that enough was enough, and he was about to have had enough,
not to mention... "He doesn't love
me, Chanchao."
"Is Graph sure?" Regarding this question The slender man looked over and
smiled back. But it hides a sad smile.
"Because he didn't say it. I won't look forward to it anymore, Chanchao. I won't
be self-indulgent. If I stay here, I will gradually look forward to the day when I
will never give up... If I really Give up, I will come back immediately to marry
you." The moon girl couldn't help but give the other party a heavy punch
because of this joke that could never be fulfilled.
For the two, their relationship may be more than friends but not lovers...but a
deeper relationship.
Chanchao felt that if her friend wanted to use her as someone's substitute, she
thought she would agree. Because instead of getting hurt in the future because
of falling in love with someone who doesn't know what kind of person, being
able to spend the rest of your life with this friend who is afraid of loneliness
doesn't sound terrible.
The things about her friends taught her that love is not necessarily beautiful, it
also has wounds and pains that she doesn't want to be close to and touch.
"But I don't want Graph to go either."
"Oh, you're being coquettish."
"I'm not acting coquettishly." The person who said he was not acting
coquettishly, had steam in his eyes, pursed his lips, gritted his teeth, and his
eyes were flickering, which made the young man spread his arms wide and
wide: "Come on, let me lend you my chest.
"In this way, I have become a rash woman who looks for men every day."
"Then don't you hug?" Graph raised an eyebrow at his friend, which made the
rash man puff up his cheeks, but he still moved over and hugged him tightly.
Live with friends, and shake slightly, as if the maiden was just a little girl.
"Hug, I will hug Graph tightly. How many times in life can I get hugged by a
handsome guy." The person who was hugged said happily, making the listeners
laugh, and gently touched with his friend's soft hair.
"Don't cry. If you cry today, you won't be allowed to cry that day."
"Is there anything wrong? I will prepare a big bucket of tears that day and cry a
lot." The girl could only whisper in the other's ear, Close your eyes and bury
your face on your friend's warm chest... I don't know when Chanchao realized
that this chest has become so strong and powerful, and he was sad when he
hugged her pitifully before.
In just a few months, Graph has grown up, not only his thoughts but also his
aura around him.
The two friends should continue to hug like this, if it wasn't because the person
who came late today happened to be standing by the door with a tense face.
"What are you doing?"
Pakin admitted that he was dissatisfied with the picture of the boy and the girl
hugging each other, and wanted to grab a hand and separate them. Although he
also understands that he has no right to do that. Whoever Graph wants to
embrace now, the young man is just an outsider. So he had to sigh and walked
forward, hoping that the two would separate because of embarrassment.
"I hate P!"
What the hell!
When the girl who seemed to be gradually willing to be more friendly to him
now yelled out loud, the listeners couldn't help but stop in their tracks. I saw the
girl pushed away and left someone's embrace, then turned her head to face
him. Although the girl's hands were still tightly gripping the edge of the sofa as
a protective shield, her big round eyes stared at him as if she wanted to drink his
blood and eat his flesh.
"P has a bad personality. P is a fucking bastard. It's all because of you!"
"You know that? If you met outside, P will definitely order you to clean up."
Pakin suppressed his anger and said loudly.
"No need to threaten, Chanchao won't be afraid!" However, the person who was
not afraid shrank his head behind the sofa and stared at him with dissatisfied
eyes, which were accusing him no matter what he looked at.
"I didn't do that because I wanted to save face for the kid. If someone else came
to pester P, P would have caught them all and thrown them into the sea." He
Graph sat and listened to today's two super boxers fighting and couldn't help but
freeze because he heard... brother's people in both ears.
"Whoever belongs to P, don't be a rascal. Chanchao won't agree." Chanchao
also grasped that word, so he said in a threatening voice. Spreading her hands
sideways in a gesture of protecting someone, and that also made the little girl
look more like a little mouse that came into view under the threat of a man in a
formal suit. The strong sense of oppression made even the person who was not
afraid of anyone turn pale.
"When...Of course."
Woohoo, it's scary.
The girl's head was almost completely retracted. She wasn't afraid before
because she focused on worrying about her friend, and that person didn't care
about her attitude. But now, when he met the eyes that exuded brutal light, his
heart beat uncontrollably and quickly.
No, it's not because he's obsessed with the other person's handsomeness...but
because he's simply afraid of death.
"If P came to scare my friends, P can go."
The powerful person was almost about to win this time, but because the young
man looked up and looked over, the older man could only sigh heavily after just
saying a word, and became the first to be a small man. The one on the girl who
looked away expressed...willing to stop the confrontation.
"Yeah, yeah, stay tight, go back where you came from."
Pakin is not a person who likes to bully women, except for this kid.
"What are you playing today?" The young man had no choice but to change the
topic, and looked at the laptop with sharp eyes, so that he didn't notice that the
owner of the mansion stopped for a while. But before he could see what was on
the screen...
"Hasn't anyone taught the boss of the gangster to peek at other people's
computers? It's impolite?" Go catch the girl by yourself and bully her so that she
doesn't bother him anymore.
"Then no one taught you that you shouldn't talk to adults like this?"
"Yes, but Chanchao's brother said that you should respect the people you should
Don't let this brat stay with Win, or I will be doubled headache.
Thinking that although that guy didn't do anything, every time he left home, he
would raise the corners of his mouth with a smirk, and say, "
You deserve it if you don't go when that kid is waiting for you to coax him." '
Pakin is making up his mind whether to throw his brother back home or to
Korea so that Ya doesn't have to disturb his life anymore. But he can't do that
yet, because as long as he has a blind date named Panachai, Win himself will
still be by his side.
"Then what are you doing here? Are you free?"
"Ah, the remedial class is over, and Chanchao will be free until school starts."
"When P asked my friends, I also wanted to ask P. Why do you come here every
day? Is there no work to do or is it that you can earn enough money for a year
by doing one order?" Graph also interjected. Staring straight at the person who
appeared every day, he was full of anger. The listener raised the corners of his
mouth, laughed out of his throat, and then nodded:
"One bill can earn enough for a lifetime, and it can also support a certain
stubborn brat."
Suddenly, silence enveloped the entire room for an instant. Let the redundant
people like Chanchao want to disappear directly, but they can only shrink up
and sit back to the original position. Then the girl just stared at the rose in the
vase, as if there was something strange about it. The difference was that the
owner's son looked at the visitor fixedly, and then said with a smile:
"I don't need it. P can use the money to support other people... Do you want to
have dinner together tonight? Chanchao."
"Ah, umm. I already have a stomach. Hehe."
At the end of the sentence, Graph turned to ask his friend. The other party
laughed a few times, nodded vigorously, and glanced at the person standing
quietly in fear. However, it seems that the stubborn kid is not afraid at all, on
the contrary... Graph really means that.
That appearance made the tall man sigh secretly, and looked at the small half of
the face of the person who didn't want to look back at him, as if he really didn't
know what to do next.
He felt that he had exhausted all methods, but the children who had listened to
him were more hard-hearted than imagined.
Whenever it seemed that he was about to open his heart, but closed it again the
next day, the repetition made him very depressed. But he will not be
discouraged, after all, it is only two months and what he has done in the past 10
years cannot be compared at all.
10 years? If the children are willing to be coaxed by him, he will keep coaxing
them for 10 years to see who will soften their hearts first.
People who can get what they want think so. However, what he has obtained is
not what he imagined by himself, he will do it himself and redouble his efforts
to complete it.
Same this time.
"Yeah, I finally took off the splint."
"Misunderstanding, the person who took off the splint is not you." "Is it wrong
Chanchao to be happy for his friends?"
"P too, why did you come here too!"
"Hmph, At least it‟s useful.”
The patient is already used to the war between two age groups, and what he
doesn‟t understand is why a man who can make people fearful just at the end of
his eyes is willing to waste time to Arguing with a little girl? Usually if I don't
like my brother, I will stay away and leave him there alone. But ah, recently it is
simply coaxing the National People's Congress to promote sales.
Enough is enough. Dead Graph, thinking too much. After a while, my heart
softens again, do you still want to get hurt again?
And the main content of this round of war is not for anything else... Today the
boy can finally take off the splint and regain his freedom.
During the 3 months that I had to suffer in plaster, I couldn't scratch, I couldn't
touch water and it was itchy. It's over, the doctor just took the final splint off the
foot after taking the splint off the hand last week. Graph had to admit that he
really couldn't accept the smell.
It stinks like this without touching the water. I really can't imagine it if it
touches the water.
"Can I go?"
"Yes, but I'm not used to it."
"Then come here."
Suddenly...Although the legs are very smelly, but the person who used to only
like pretty things didn't feel disgusted and hugged the boy into the arms, with a
ferocious thick face full of worry, the person who has been used to being
hugged for two months can't help but put his arms around the other's neck, and
said softly: "P, lift my feet like this
, Doesn‟t P feel stinky?”
Although he told himself that it was enough to give up, Graph still couldn‟t help
himself and wanted to show his good side in front of the other party. And that's
a red flag that he's losing...a voice in his heart is loud.
The heart is saying that it wants to go back to being the same as before.
"Do you know? Even if you have wounds all over your body, I will hug you like
this." The bad-hearted man said seriously, making the boy shout louder: "Nicky,
P." "Just say what
want , I just want to say it according to the thoughts in my heart." Pakin said,
looking down at the person who turned his face away, but the other person's fair
face was still slightly flushed, and this was the reaction he liked to see.
Although the boy was still unwilling to soften his heart, he would use his blush
to encourage him to continue coaxing him.
"Then P can just think about it in his heart, I don't want to know." The
flamboyant face also shook his head again. If this small appearance was placed
on young people in the past, he would have been bored, but now he misses such
behavior to death. So the young man had to control himself not to bend down
and press the nose hard on his fair face, making it press red marks, so that the
young man could not help but groan in protest.
However, everything can only be thought in the heart.
"Then do you want to go back?"
"Yes, I want to go back and take a shower." Graph nodded vigorously, because
he was in no mood to go anywhere now. Everyone celebrates when they come
off their splints, but not Graph. He would never walk around with that stinky
"Then can Graph wait for me? I'm going to buy some water." After his friend
said that, Chanchao, who was looking at the coffee shop in the hospital,
said. The listener also nodded.
"Do you want something for Graph? P Pakin too, do you want something?"
"No, I'm not thirsty." The boy shook his head, and he also thought that P‟ Pakin
would definitely not drink. That person would never put something in his mouth
if it wasn't famous. However...
"Then help me buy a cup of coffee."
"What kind of coffee? Chanchao doesn't understand coffee."
"I want espresso (espresso)... This is the money for coffee." The driver took out
a thousand-yuan bill and handed it over. Seeing this, the girl wanted to refute
that the store might not have change, but she was too lazy to argue. Because
today she has made the other party dissatisfied many times, and she is afraid
that the other party will vent her anger on the family members if they can't do
anything about her later.
"Then I'll be back later, P Pakin can take Graph into the car first. Chanchao will
follow after a while."
The little man said cheerfully, and then ran to the selected coffee shop, letting
the big man carry his friend back to park good car.
"Really, I said I can walk by myself."
"Be careful too, the bones are just healing." Pakin said as he put down the
slender man and sat in the passenger seat, then returned to the seat behind the
steering wheel and started the car. car. Graph thought in his heart that the other
party was just going to turn on the air conditioner and sit and wait, but...
woo woo...
"Hey, P Pakin, what about Chanchao!" Graph shouted in bewilderment. In the
absence of a certain passenger, the large vehicle drove straight onto the road,
and the teenager had to turn his head back to look at the entrance and exit of the
hospital, and then his eyes widened even more, because the person beside him
easily said: "The ears are much more
comfortable It's gone."
"Now go back right now, P!"
"I said go back right now!!!" Graph was about to breathe fire, and stared at the
sharp little half of his face in dissatisfaction. Emphasized again:
"Go around and pick up my friend!"
Suddenly, the large car turned the steering wheel and drove to the side of the
road quickly. Graph couldn't help but widen his eyes. The near-death experience
stemming from racing made his slender body freeze immediately, his hands
resting on the dashboard, motionless. The driver turned around and asked
"Is that child that important to you?" "
Graph didn't speak, his eyes were still staring at the rearview mirror, but his
hands were Is trembling slightly. Not out of fear of someone, but...
"Please, don't stop like this again, don't do this suddenly. I..."
The angry and jealous man paused, looking at the pale face of the young man
who couldn't say anything more. A pang of guilt surged in my heart, and the
anger disappeared even more, leaving only an anxious voice saying anxiously:
"Graph, I'm sorry. Look this way."
The young robot turned his head away, and this side also made the people
watching Can't help but hold his shoulders tightly:
"Look at my eyes, calm down, and breathe slowly. You are with me, not in that
car. Breathe slowly, yes that's it. Be good, slowly, yes That's it." Graph didn't
understand why he followed what the other person said, but he was slowly
slowing down his heavy breathing, staring at a pair of sharp eyes in front of
him, and those eyes were saying that if it was this man He'll be safe with you.
It was a sense of security that made him want to pounce on him, but he could
only reach out and grab the other person's clothes tightly.
"P, I...I'm fine."
"Really? Your face is still pale." The driver stroked the boy's face and gently
wiped his sweat. The slow and gentle touch made a child finally relax, nodded
his head two or three times, and then took a deep breath:
"Go around the car, P."
"I can go around, but there is a request."
The listener looked up Looking at the past again, I saw the person whose voice
was more serious than before.
"For you, who is Chanchao for you?" Graph wanted to lie, wanted to tell the
other person's face that Chanchao was his new love, but he couldn't tell the
lie. Never lied to this man. So the boy said in a low voice:
"Friend...the most important friend."
He didn't want to answer, because a certain question would definitely come up
"And what about me...what am I to you?"
The boy wanted to lie very much, and wanted to tell his face that hyung was
nothing to me. But he still couldn't say it, he could only hold on to the other
person's clothes tightly and then lowered his head and closed his eyes. He didn't
want to say anything now, because great emotions were bound to surge out.
P is my heart, the heart that I can't deny even if I try my best to reject it.
And that look made Pakin couldn't help slowly lifting his slender body into his
arms, lovingly and cherishingly put his hand into the boy's waist, and pushed
the boy's head against his chest.
"It's okay not to answer me now, I'll wait until you're willing to talk. In the
meantime I'll assure you that I'll never let you be hurt again...I'll wait, no matter
how long." Whispered The sound rang in his ears, and then Graph shuddered...
He shivered just from the warm pressed lips against his temples. The other party
took a deep breath, as if he was going to suck him into his heart and lungs, and
then the driver let go of his body, and moved his fingers to gently stroke his
pale face.
"You are very important to me, Graph."
Now the boy was very angry, angry at the trembling heart of such a sentence.
"Go back and pick up Chanchao." In the end, the boy closed his eyes and
changed the subject. The listener couldn't help sighing:
"I've already given her the money for the taxi."
"Is it like this every time P hates someone? Last time P bothered me, this time P
bothered my friend, then What about next time... when am I going to get kicked
out?" Graph didn't want to bring up old scores, but he had to bring back bad
memories to harden himself. And that also leaves the wayward person
speechless, feeling guilty for what he did in the past.
"I'm really sorry at that point, I'm not going to do that again. Whether it's
throwing you out of my car or out of my life. Believe me, I'm not going to make
you sad again...never again, Graph. "The car owner said in order to convince the
other party, but he didn't know that it would be difficult to fade away after some
things were engraved in his heart.
"Does P know? P is the worst-hearted person in the world."
"But this bad-hearted person regards you as the most important person in this
Pakin answered immediately. At the same time, I turned the car back towards
the hospital, where there must be a child looking for a car.
However, such a sentence also made Graph make a decision.
"P once said that I can go back to that house at any time, right?"
Suddenly... the tall man turned his head in disbelief, and when the stubborn
child continued to ask the following sentence, he was even more afraid
"Can I...can I go back to that home again?"
It is true that the heartbeat of the bad-hearted person also accelerated, and he
said happily:
"You can whenever you want."
Pakin is happy, because this is a good sign, indicating that His stubborn little
friend is cooling off. But for Graph, he just strengthened a certain
determination... that home has only good memories, only good people, and he
should say goodbye to everyone there before he goes somewhere.
It's the last time, the last time to go there.
When these words came out, even he himself was surprised.

Chapter 58: Last night

"Wow, woof, woof, woof!!!"
"OK, ok, I got it, I got it, Hot. I know I'm happy, but I'm not a puppy anymore!"
Wow, woof, woof woof !"
Graph just got out of the car, and he almost suffocated when the huge dog with
great strength ran towards him. After that, the naughty Hot bounced and pulled
him into the boy's arms, causing the boy to take a few steps back and lean his
back against the car door. The super happy dog desperately licked his hands and
face and barked like a world away from the original dog with good manners. So
the boy had no choice but to put his arms around its body.
"Of course Hot is happy, Master Graph. It is waiting for Master Graph in front
of the house every day."
"Aunt Kaew!"
The handsome boy immediately turned around and looked at the housekeeper
who was wiping tears. However, he was restrained by Gouzi's hands, feet, and
feet, and he couldn't get away for a while, because Hot was still desperately
trying to win his attention, so the young man had to pat his head lightly: "That's
enough, okay, I
know Ah, I think that's enough!!!"
"Wow, woof, woof."
Not yet, the big dog still ignored the owner's scolding, and was still expressing
his joy at seeing the owner appear in this home. Because although it can go to
another home to visit its owner, it is different from the owner coming back here
to find it, and it also hopes that the owner can come back every day, play
together every day and sleep in the same room as before.
Hot missed his master so much that he once told himself that if the master came
back, he would be willing to obey all instructions and would not be as
mischievous as before, so when such a voice sounded.... "Sit!!!" the big
dog He fell down and sat on a pair of hind legs, and looked up, as if saying that
if you do it, there will be rewards, right? And this also made Graph's eyes
"Oh my God, you listened to me!"
I wasn't disobedient before, Master, it's because Master likes to scold me loudly
that I don't bother to listen to you.
If Hot could speak, he would have said it right away, but now he can only stick
out his tongue slightly, letting a pair of white hands rub its head vigorously. Let
it close its eyes happily.
When the big dog was willing to be quiet, Graph could finally turn around and
look at the housekeeper. I saw the other party standing aside with red eyes
"Aunt Kaew." Graph stepped forward and stood in front of the other party,
looking at the older woman who was smiling with tears, and then the other party
reached out and gently stroked his face.
"God bless, really God bless, Master Graph, everything is safe at last. Auntie is
very happy that you are back here." "I miss
you too, Auntie."
Because everyone likes to say that he is a disadvantaged and rude kid, only this
one woman loves him and takes care of him in every way since the first day he
visited this house. On the days when a boss is not home, he will accompany
him, wake him up every day to go to school, and will not complain. The boy
respected this woman even more than his biological mother, so the kid who
wouldn't act like a baby to please others now threw himself into her arms.
A hug that Kaew herself didn't expect, but she still stretched out her hands to
wrap around the boy's back, stroking gently as if comforting.
"Do you know? Auntie is worried to death."
"I know, I know Auntie is worried about me." The listener knew that the other
party must be worried that he was worried, so he hugged him even
tighter. Absorbing the warmth of the few people who loved him, and such
warmth also brought tears to his eyes.
I didn't expect... I really didn't expect that this was the first and last time I could
hug Aunt Kaew.
The thought made him cry. However, everyone watching just thought that the
boy was crying with joy.
Because no one knows Graph's decision yet, and only Chanchao and his
biological mother know.
Even the person who appeared in connection did not know.
"P Win, when did you come back?"
The boy withdrew from his arms, turned around and looked at the young model
whose hair was cut shorter than before but perfectly suited to his face shape.
"Two or three days, I still plan to find you. It's good to come here, and I won't
move again, right?"
Graph paused immediately, his smile disappeared slightly, Phawis couldn't help
frowning slightly, and turned to look at his cousin who didn't say
anything. Then a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and he said,
"Children may not be difficult to coax, but adults may be in trouble."
Win knew from the mouth of the family that his brother had figured it
out. Before the elder brother figured it out, he had already made him angry
dozens of times before the elder brother started to coax this stubborn kid, but he
didn‟t expect that he hadn‟t been coaxed well when he came back from
Thailand for so long. Prescribe the right medicine.
"Oh, just say what you want."
Pakin just said that, seeing the slender man hugging others, saying hello to
others, and letting the dog lick his face, but to him... the kid has been reluctant
to talk to him since he picked him up from home. He has spoken.
But at least Graph is willing to come here, and he hopes that Ya will be willing
to move back one day soon.
"It looks so much better with the splint off."
"It's so much more convenient, P. Wearing that splint is super torturous." The
two began to ask about each other's joys and sorrows like ordinary brothers in
the world, and walked side by side The main house, while Aunt Kaew
enthusiastically asked:
"Master Graph, is there anything you want to eat in particular? Auntie will use
her housekeeping skills to make it." "
Anything is fine. Aunt Kaew can cook anything. Auntie's craftsmanship..." The
boy's voice trailed off a little, and then he smiled hugely.
"I will definitely miss my aunt's craftsmanship in the future."
"Don't say that, Graph boy can come here to eat every day. If Master Graph is
angry with Master Pakin, he can be angry, but he has to come here."
The owner of the mansion paused, and looked at the figure of the butler who
dared to speak in front of him. When the boy laughed out loud, looking as if he
was glad that no one was willing to take the side of the master of the mansion,
the boy forgave and let it go. Meanwhile, everyone flocked to follow the fully
healed man.
In the end Pakin could only turn around and look at Hothearm who was still
sitting in the original position.
"It's just Ya and Lao Tzu left..."
"Hey, Hot, how long will you sit, come here!!" Before Pakin could finish
speaking, the people in the room shouted. The big dog who was afraid of him
barked in response, then turned his head to look at him, wagged his tail and ran
to find its owner. The real owner himself was left standing speechless, and then
heaved a long sigh.
In the end it seemed like he had nobody left.
"Oh, forget it. As long as you smile."
Pakin shook his head slowly, and leaned into the car in order to put the car away
himself. Because depending on the situation, whether it is the people in the
garage, the gardener, the servants or the people in the kitchen, they are all
surrounded by that little friend who always thinks that no one likes him, but that
child is loved and loved by everyone in this family without knowing it .
Not only the servants at home, but even the owner himself fell into the pit set by
I love you.
This is the real reason why the young man told himself that he would do
anything until the stubborn kid came back.
"Master Graph, do you want to help?"
"It's okay, I can... Hey, Hot, stop now!!!"
After convincing everyone in the family that he has completely healed and he is
full for lunch Afterwards (because the butler put all his thought into every dish),
the boy named Kritith wanted to digest. And what could be more strenuous than
grabbing a dog to take a bath?
Adult large dogs weigh more than 40 kg.
Because Hot never liked to take a bath, it became quite difficult to catch a dog
to take a bath.
When other people give it a bath, it will grin its teeth and say that you really
come and try it. Only when it is a loving and dearest owner, it is willing to stay
quietly and flush it, but it doesn't pay attention. will still run away.
And even ran to stir up the mud it dug in the morning, so the dog's wet body
became a mud dog directly after getting muddled, making Graph couldn't help
roaring, and didn't care if it was a baby son pointing at his face. Scolding:
"If you don't come, I will go home now!"
"Hot, come here."
The threatening words of the wayward child also burned someone who stood
and looked at everything with his arms crossed. Pakin frowned and stopped
Hothearm loudly, while the dog, who was afraid of the terrible master, turned
around and looked over, barked, and then walked back with his neck down to
continue taking a bath. Seeing this, Graph pursed his lips even more:
"Okay, I am also the master of you, but I always don't listen to me." "
Just (because) you are not fierce."
"I am fierce!"
To be honest, He also didn't want to talk to the owner of the mansion, let alone
after the incident of abandoning his friend at the hospital. Luckily Chanchao
wasn't angry, but honestly he was so fucking upset that he didn't want to talk at
all if he could. But he couldn't help but talk back.
"Why is it so fierce? I only see it yelling at it, but I have never seen it being so
Oh, what is the difference between yelling at it and being fierce!
The expression on the young man's face made the people watching couldn't help
laughing out of their throats, not wanting to say clearly that the young man's
appearance is not only not afraid of dogs, but also not afraid of anyone
else. Because the boy's yelling is not vicious. But he didn't want to say it to
make the children more dissatisfied, so he asked another thing:
"Want to help wash?"
"No, my dog, I can wash." The boy assured in a stiff voice, and then turned to
apply it The dog uses shower gel and rubs the dog's whole body. It doesn't look
like it is bathing the dog, but more like applying foam to itself. Because the
residue of the shower gel had already flowed onto the boy's hair, his clothes
were completely soaked.
That's not enough.
"Hey, hateful dog!" That's it, people who say they are fierce are just cursing,
when Mr. Hot shakes his hair vigorously, all the foam of the shower gel
splashes out, and it even splashes into the eyes. Graph had to let go of his hand
immediately, raised his head at 90 degrees and blinked desperately.
"Are you all right?!"
Seeing this, Pakin rushed up quickly, grabbed the boy's chin and lifted it up in
order to see clearly one side of the eye that was red from the pain.
"I'm fine...let go." Graph was mad at himself for his soft voice, felt his heart
stop beating, and the warm touch on his chin made him even more
silent. Because the man in front of him took off his T-shirt and carefully wiped
his eyes with the clothes.
"It's all right, don't move... That's it, good boy."
I hate what P said!
The boy had to stiffen his body, because the other person's face was so close at
hand, and even the gentle voice calling him good boy couldn't bear it. Let the
last memory of déjà vu wake up... sick in bed that day someone told him to be a
good boy and wait for the other to come back.
That memory made the teenager's eyes fill with tears, and washed away the
shower gel in the eye sockets, making the other party can't help but concentrate
on wiping his eyes nervously.
"Does it still hurt?"
" doesn't hurt anymore." The listener whispered, looked at the sharp face
of the little half that was close at hand, and then closed his eyes. And Pakin
himself was aware of the boy's strangeness.
He was dominated by worry and almost hugged the child tightly.
The pretty face was drenched with tears, and the flattened hair covered the face,
so that the people watching could no longer restrain themselves, and the finger
that lingered on the face to wipe the shower gel turned to touch the boy's face,
full of thoughts and caressingly. The sharp and handsome face bent down, and
the target was the beautifully colored lips that I wanted to taste again. But...
When the trembling voice whispered, the target of the thin lips became the
eyelids on both sides. Because Pakin won't force each other anymore, if the kid
says no, he will stop. And that made Graph purse his mouth, trembling at the
touch of a kiss on his eyelids.
"It doesn't hurt, good boy."
Graph was angry at the warm embrace he pushed away from Si Lian. And the
tall man also turned around and took the flushing water pipe, barking to wake
up the dog, and let it run back to wash off the shower gel on his body.
All of this made the teenager touch his chest on the left side.
Laozi's decision is correct, isn't it?
it is right. If he stays here, he will never give up, but if he goes to a faraway
place, in a new environment, he will forget one day... still haven't said love to
him, haven't said clearly Why coax him back to the bad-hearted man.
I don't need it anymore, I'm just a bed partner.
If you really love each other, you will not leave him alone when you want to
meet the most. In the days when the stubborn little devil was injured for this
man, he disappeared, and the reason why he came back must be because of
other people. pressure.
That's the way it is, Graph.
"Research on who bathes whom? People and dogs are both wet."
"Because I have never bathed a dead Hot."
In the end, the person who threatened to bathe the dog turned out to be dirty and
soaked in water. Mud and shower gel, people can not bear to look straight. In a
hurry, Aunt Kaew ran to get a towel to wipe his body, and then firmly said that
he must take a bath immediately. That was not enough, the aunt also took him
to the room where he used to sleep, not the guest room...but the room of the
owner of the mansion.
The owner of the mansion was also drenched all over, so the two of them were
asked by the housekeeper to take a bath together.
Graph also wants to ask this family has 10 rooms, why do they have to be
washed in the same room? But he was too lazy to do anything, and he didn't
want to be said to be artificial, because he had done everything before, and
everyone knew how many times he passed out and how many times he was
checked by a doctor. Now it's just a shower together, it's not worth mentioning.
"Practice and practice before you can give it a bath."
If there is still a chance.
The boy immediately remained silent, trying to hide all his emotions to the
deepest point, then took off his clothes from his head, intending to leave only
his small boxer briefs like when the other party helped him take a bath, but
when he turned back again.
"Why are all the Ps off!"
The boy couldn't help but raise his voice when he saw his naked and strong
body in front of him. The person who raised his hand and scratched his head
said with a straight face,
"Who would put on clothes when taking a shower?"
"I will."
"That's because I need someone to help me wash it, and I usually take it all off.
The ordinary things I said naturally reminded me of the times when the two of
them bathed together several times. But Graph still insisted on wearing a pair of
boxers. When he saw the other party approaching the position of the shower
head, he walked towards the bathtub, intending to hurry out after washing. But...
"I wash it too."
"P to wash P's!"
"The shower head is broken."
I believe you a ghost!
The young man who slowly lowered his hips and sat in the bathtub raised his
head, tightly grasped the shower head that had been pulled out from the bathtub,
and stared dissatisfiedly at the person who walked over and sat on the edge of
the bathtub. However, the stubborn child is already sitting here, how could the
owner of the room be willing to go back and take a bath alone.
"I can't do anything. Turn around and I'll wash your hair."
"I can wash it myself." "
Then let's sit and argue."
Sitting and arguing is okay for Graph, if there are clothes to cover your
body. But now he was only wearing a small dress and the other party was
dangling naked, so he sighed unbently, handed over the shower head, turned his
back to the other party, and sat with his knees hugged.
"P can do whatever he wants, P doesn't listen to me anymore."
The other party paused, and then put his big hand on the boy's head:
"Who said no? I just want to help you.
" Huh?"
"Well, and it will never come out." Pakin smiled slightly, and turned on the
water when he heard his obsessed voice start to play. The warm water fell on
the head, letting the water flow over the body that was fairer than before
because it had only stayed indoors for several months, and slowly and carefully
rubbed the shampoo to moisturize the whole head.
Pakin has never done such behavior for anyone, this kid is the only exception.
"Close your eyes tightly, or water will get in your eyes."
"Yeah." Graph replied softly. Because he was trying not to let his heart beat too
fast, for fear that the other party would hear his heartbeat. However, the more
tenderly the hands that had held the steering wheel and the gun touched him, the
more he couldn't control his body. I only know that my heart is softening every
time, and I want to turn around and hug each other tightly.
"Does P know? People like P do such things that don't fit 'P Pakin' at all." "
Then what kind of person is a person like me?" The young man asked back,
making the young man smile slightly:
"Cruel, vicious, selfish, mercenary, greedy, doesn't think about others and only
thinks of himself, sets rules for his own benefit, super bad, doesn't care about
other people's life and definitely won't wash a 17 year old's hair. "If it was
someone who listened to it before, they would be angry that someone dared to
say that about him, but now he laughed.
Because the child is willing to talk to him, he is willing to be scolded.
"That's it."
"Don't you refute it?"
"Why do you refute it? It's a fact, except for one thing."
"What?" Graph firmly believed that everything he said was correct, so he
looked up past. I saw that the handsome face with a fierce and thick face now
had a gentle face like a different person, and reached out to gently stroke the
shampoo on his forehead.
"I don't care about other people's life or death, but I will never let you die." The
young man turned off the water, put his hand on the young man's shoulder,
pulled the young man sitting in the bathtub towards him, bent down and hugged
him, and let Graph Can't help froze. Then a soft voice sounded in the boy's ear:
"Don't do that again, Graph. Don't do anything that would stop my heart."
Don't risk your life like that.
The words he heard made the boy purse his lips tightly, and then lowered his
"Why would P care? At that time, P didn't care about me at all." "I don't care
He flicked his hands away, then turned his head with tears in his eyes.
"Then where did P disappear? Where did I disappear when I needed P the most?
P never...never came to visit me...never..." The boy didn't want to be in front of
this person Cry, but his tears are falling. The shoulders on both sides trembled
again and again, and he raised the back of his hand pitifully and scraped left and
right, which made the people watching stunned.
Pakin wanted to tell the truth that he was there every day and all night to watch
over the little friend, but what was the use of him saying it now? It seems to be
justifying himself. If he explained that he planned to let go in order to avoid
another danger, but the next time he would think it sounded pitiful. Anyone who
listened to it would think it was just an excuse for his self-justification, so...
.Youth just apologized.
"P is so... selfish." Graph really didn't know what to scold, so he could only
scold in a trembling voice, with a sob in his throat.
"I will not forgive P, no matter how good P is to me...never." This is not what
Graph said to Pakin, but to himself. The listener stretched out his hand, and then
pulled the slender man who was almost powerless to resist into his arms.
"It was very scary at that time, wasn't it?"
"I won't let you be scared alone like that anymore, I'm sorry." The young man
had no words to justify himself but said sorry, and hugged the slender man
tightly body of. Feel the tears streaming down his broad chest, gnawing at his
heart like a strong acid solution.
It was his fault that he only figured it out now. If he could go back in time, he
would stay by the bed, hold the kid's hand and never let go, and he would be the
first person Graph saw when he opened his eyes. But the young man didn't
Maybe go back to the past, so I can only tell myself that from now on, he will
always stay by the boy's side and will not let go again.
Just hugging the boy and leaning sideways, he cried out as if venting the
depression he had produced during that time.
If there was this person's hug at that time, Graph would never have made a
decision like it is now.
Too late P Pakin, too late.
The sky was completely dark, and the dinner was over a few hours ago, but the
handsome boy hadn't been able to go home yet, because there was always this
person telling him that person to look for him, and he had to say here and there
Stay overnight. Because no matter how you refuse, you still have to stay in the
I didn't see the person who helped him take a bath, but I saw Aunt Kaew and P
Win...especially at the end...
Fortunately, I was able to sleep in the guest room.
"Or it's actually because I want to stay...for the last night."
Graph hasn't slept yet, he just opened his eyes and looked at the ceiling in the
room where he hasn't come back to sleep for a long time, and then thought that
since he moved to P‟ Pakin's room He hardly ever walked into this room again,
so it can be said that he was not used to it. Whether it was the color of the bed,
the wall or the pattern of the sheets, they were more like hotel rooms than the
rooms he was familiar with.
But if you want to go back to that room, go dreaming!
He cried just being hugged, it‟s too embarrassing!
"Sleep, dead Graph. Sleep, sleep, I have to leave early tomorrow." The stubborn
child said to himself, close your eyes. And just then...
(door opening)
(door closing)
Huh? !
When he heard the sound of the door opening, Graph immediately opened his
eyes, frowned greatly, and almost turned on the bedside light, if it wasn't for the
familiar smell of body wash and shampoo that wafted into his nostrils . So the
teenager waited to see what the other party was going to do, but unexpectedly...
"P's bed is not in this room."
"I sleepwalked into the wrong room."
Go to hell, when did P Pakin start being so cheeky!
Graph immediately turned to look at the person who was strung together on the
same bed, his eyes were full of scolding and fierce expression of dissatisfaction,
but he forgot that this man was a guy who pushed his feet more than anyone
else. It wasn't enough because the other party came in and slept together, and
she quietly reached out and impregnated his waist, what's more...
"I came here looking for a pillow to sleep on. I have been insomnia for months."
"Go to clubs and bars to look for it." Graph said mercilessly. Let the person who
didn't care about the strength of the rejection at all, moved over and hugged him
laugh out loud in his throat:
"I only have one pillow to sleep on
Just know it." No matter what, the iron clamps still hugged him tightly, and if it
wasn't for fear that his feet would break again, Graph would have kicked him
hard. So the young man had no choice but to grin his teeth and threaten,
"I'm not the pillow that P used to sleep on!
" In the hair with the aroma of shampoo, he closed his eyes as if he was really
going to sleep. The boy couldn't help biting his lips:
"P Pakin!" "
"P!" "
"P is really asleep?"
I gave up.
In the end, Graph could only sigh, knowing clearly that he couldn't beat this
man for 10 years, and he won't be able to beat this man in the future either. And
the words 'last night' were deeply imprinted in my heart, so I grasped the other
party's hand more and more without knowing it, closed my eyes, and couldn't
control myself and leaned sideways to look for the familiar warmth. And Pakin
smiled slightly.
After that, the unfamiliar room became unbelievably habitual. The insomniac
fell asleep easily because someone was sleeping next to him.
In fact, it's not that the room is unfamiliar, but that you only need someone by
your can feel at ease.
Chapter 59: The Last Escape
At dawn when the sun has not yet touched the sky, with the faint light belonging
to the new day, one can vaguely see a figure opening the door as lightly as
possible, and the movement is so light that it hardly makes a sound. But for the
dog's ears, even the slightest sound can't escape. The ears on both sides of the
dog are flapping back and forth. Go to open the door, then wag your tail and
quickly walk towards a certain room.
"Hush, keep your voice down, hot."
The big dog kept bouncing around the person who came out of the room that
had never been in and out of many times, making the other person raise his hand
to stick whispered on his lips. The dog answered with a bark, sat down on its
hind legs, and looked up at the owner expectantly, hoping that the owner would
take it to the garden to play together.
The small size made Graph couldn't help but put his hands on its head, and bent
his knees so that the eyes of one person and one dog could be on the same
level. I saw the almond-like eyes shining with loyalty and trust to the master.
"Hot, listen to me. I won't be here anymore, do you want to know?" Hot raised
his head in puzzlement. He was wondering why the master said he would never
be here again, but he was already Sitting here.
And this made Graph's hands gradually tremble.
"I have to eat every day when I'm not around. If P Pakin can't feed you, you
have to eat what others feed you. Because I shouldn't be able to feed you again.
I don't know how many years it will be." Graph didn't realize that his nose was
stuffy He was almost out of breath, but he still touched the first living thing in
his life that belonged to him, and it really loved him.
Hot is the dog he has always wanted in his life, the dog he begged to everyone
but no one agreed to let him have it, until P‟ Pakin brought it into his
life. Although we haven't been together for a few months, it sounds like a dog
who has been together for several years. It will jump on his father to protect
him, accompany him when he cries, and wipe away his tears.
It was his friend... close friend, and yet he had to leave it here.
Hot is better here than anywhere else
"You can't waste food, you know? You can't go into P Pakin's garage, because
I'm not here, no one will take the blame for you, don't use your body as a target,
ya Be a good a good to healthy and
wait for me to come back..." Graph cried, he was tight Hugging the big dog
tightly, I felt that it was looking at him, wondering that its master was crying
again, and it also licked away the tears for the master as before.
Master don't cry, Hot will protect the master himself.
If it could talk it would tell its master so. But because it couldn't speak, it could
only lick away its tears and moved its nose to comfort it.
"I don't know when I will come back, but if I come back...I will come to pick
you up and live with you...I don't know...when...but wait for me...I love you,
Hot. Graph clung to it again, burying his face in the soft, dog-wash-scented fur,
before letting go. But because Hot's whole body fell on his lap, it was like
saying that he wouldn't let him go.
"I have to go now, or I won't be able to catch the plane."
"Boom." Hot was still barking, and Graph had to push his head away and stand
up, seeing the dog that followed him as if he was about to pounce on him Then,
in a low but forceful voice, he yelled,
The well-trained dog immediately sat down and remained motionless, so Graph
smiled and put his hand on his head as a reward:
"Do A good boy."
After that, the person who made up his mind immediately and decisively
walked down the stairs, holding the phone with the message from his mother in
his hand.
...Mum was waiting in front of the house...
"Master Graph." Graph thought he would never meet anyone again, but forgot
that someone would wake up so early. So he could only take a deep breath,
quickly wiped away his tears, and then turned to look at the housekeeper.
"Where are you going?"
"Yeah. Auntie, Mom is here to pick you up." Aunt Kaew was actually very
surprised, but when the boy answered, she just smiled and replied: "You can
come again anytime, next time Auntie
will make a snack and wait for you. Auntie is practicing Do you like Western-
style dim sum more than Thai-style dim sum Graph?" The boy couldn't speak,
the words were stuck in his throat. When he can't tell what he's doing, he can't
even smile.
All Graph could do was turn around and hug the elder's body tightly. Kaew
frowned in surprise.
"Auntie, you have to take care of yourself."
"Why would Master Graph say..."
"I have to go, I don't want to keep mom waiting too long.
" Just such a sad smile. Then the teenager turned around and quickly walked out
of the house, heading straight for the large car where his mother was sitting
there waiting for him, and there were several huge suitcases inside.
Don't look back, die Graph, if you turn your head back, you will definitely not
be able to control yourself.
"You're late, you might not be able to catch the plane later."
"I'm sorry."
"So this is saying goodbye to everyone in this family?" The mother asked
curiously. She was not at all surprised that her son said that he would spend the
night at this home, and today was the day of departure, so he must have come to
say goodbye to everyone, but she was still surprised why no one came out to see
him off. But Graph said indifferently:
"It's too early, Mom. I said goodbye to everyone yesterday." "
If you say so...then the car can start." The mother turned her head and ordered to
the driver Dao, and Graph just looked down at himself, not daring to look back
at the huge mansion with so many memories... he had learned more there in the
past few months than he had in the past 17 years.
But although she didn't look back, the tears slowly fell to her knees, and the
mother couldn't help comforting her:
"Why are you crying? I just went to study abroad, and I can fly back whenever I
want, and it doesn't take many hours."
Graph didn't reply because he...has no plan to come back.
Enough has been chasing someone for 10 years, and he's going to cut everything
"Woof! Woof!! Woof!!!"
"What's going on!"
Because of the loud barking of the beloved big dog, the person on the bed woke
up with a start. I wondered what it was barking, because the dog knew that if he
was sleeping, he shouldn't wake him up, but Pakin opened his eyes and
frowned, because he saw the person he came to sleep with He got up and went
out, so he immediately walked to the door.
There was only a big dog sitting on a pair of hind legs in front of the door, and it
turned its head to look in the direction leading to the downstairs and barked
loudly, so the young man said fiercely, "
What are you barking for? Hot."
" Woof! Woof!! Woof!!"
It turned to look at the young man, then turned and walked towards the front
room, barking vigorously. It makes dog owners even more confused.
"Can you make it quiet? It's been barking for half an hour." Win came out of
another room yawning, and asked a certain kid, "Where's Graph
" I haven't seen it." The tall man replied, and then looked down at the big dog
that was still barking loudly, and then something unknown surprised him:
"Graph!" The young man shouted out
something The name of a child, a pair of long legs walked down from the
second floor and then ran, looking for the child who was playing hide-and-seek
from room to room. Because the time is so early, the other party usually won't
wake up so soon. And his yelling made the housekeeper run out immediately to
see what happened.
"Master Pakin, what's the matter? Why are you shouting so loudly?"
"Did you see Graph?"
"Oh, I've been back for almost half an hour. The car at home is here to pick him
up." The elder replied with a worried look on his face, and then Turning around
and looking upstairs:
"Hot has been barking since Master Graph went out. He couldn't make it quiet,
but just sat in front of the room and didn't go anywhere." The brows of the
listeners frowned even more, Feng Rui's handsome face was extremely
nervous. Because something was telling him that something was out of the
If you were really in a hurry to go back, you should have told the people in the
house, but you still hurried away as if you were...running away!
This kind of thought made the big tall man turn around and run back to the
second floor quickly. He went directly to the bedroom in order to find his
personal phone
. , Pick it up!"
[Good morning, Mr. Pakin. 】
"Chai! Contact the person in charge of Graph for me, hurry up!" Pakin ordered
loudly, not caring that the other party had just woken up. Because the mobile
phone with the APP that tracked Graph had been destroyed in the incident that
day, so he didn't know where Ya was now. At this time, the person on the other
end of the phone also woke up completely, and used another mobile phone to
contact the person who was ordered to monitor the boy, and the answer he got
made Panachai's eyes widen.
【He said that Master Graph is on his way to the airport. 】
Pakin didn't think that he was going to see someone off, he was running away
from him!
"Follow him, and check which flight you are on immediately. I'll go to the
airport right now!" The young man almost roared After giving the order, he
rushed into the dressing room, quickly grabbed his clothes and put them on, put
on his pants, rummaged through and found his passport in his hand, then
grabbed his phone and stuck it to his ear: "Is it all right?" [Give
some Time...]
"There's no time!!!" Pakin could be said to have lost his mind this time, yelling
at the phone while turning around to find relatives who couldn't understand
what happened. Said in a deep voice:
"Win, if you can contact Graph, please call me, try to contact me!" The young
man said in a calm voice, and then he rushed down the stairs in three steps at a
time and rushed to Close to the garage, take out the most powerful car to find
the man who is about to run away from him.
Don't go to Graph, don't go anywhere.
Now he is extremely anxious, afraid that his heart will be out of his hands.
"Don't leave me like this!!!"
"Don't cry, Chanchao."
"As for Graph...I don't know how long I went to Graph, didn't I agree to enter
the same university." "I'm sorry
"Ugh~ don't say sorry, no..."
Suvarnabhumi International Airport is the first stop for tourists visiting Thailand
and the gateway to foreign countries. But this time it became a parting place for
a child who decided to fly to the UK to study. At the same time, there was a
young girl standing there crying, beside her were two elder brothers who didn't
want her sister to go out alone early in the morning.
"For making my sister cry like this, she should be arrested and eunuched as a
police officer."
"No matter how much you love your sister, there must be a limit, Sun." Graph
turned to look at his second brother who no longer hated his friend, but Because
seeing my sister crying, I couldn't help threatening. And this also made the
person with a strong smile couldn't help lifting his friend's neck on the bracelet
and pulling him to his side.
"Hey, let go!"
"No, Sun. Graph is going to study abroad now, just hug him and pretend he
didn't see it. P thinks the other person is more scary." The second brother
couldn't help frowning.
"Who? P Tawan."
"Go there and take care of yourself, Graph. I heard that you are not in good
health. When it snows and rains in England, you should keep warm." As the
eldest brother, there is no Instead of answering his younger brother's words, he
turned around and gave him a warm smile like a big brother who loves his
younger brother. The boy also raised his hands together:
"Thank you, P. Thank you for coming to see me off."
"Graph...are you leaving..."
Chanchao asked in a trembling voice. She didn't want her friend to go to study
abroad, but he said it was the best way to escape from someone.
Staying here will only soften your heart and return to the hurt days before. If
you want to give up... Graph has to escape to the other side of the earth.
For more than a month, he secretly prepared everything without anyone
knowing. He submitted the admission materials to the school over there by
himself. Fortunately, he used to attend summer camps and knew the relevant
application procedures. He also had a 10-year visa and all the required
materials. And after getting the email reply of admission, Graph just needs to
wait for the wound to heal.
"Well, it's time. I don't want the crew to make a final call." The teenager said,
then pulled his friend into a tight hug and shook his body gently: "Thank you
Chanchai for everything. When I'm ready, I will Will come back."
"Graph really...doesn't... change your mind?"
"Hahahaha, it's all like this. It's rare that my mother happens to have something
to deal with over there, so she can fly with me," said the boy, nervously. He
hugged his friend tightly and then pushed him away:
"Thank you very much." Graph said the last sentence, then took two steps back,
raised his hands to salute the two brothers, turned to look at the friend with red
eyes, and said again :
"Thank you."
Thank you for being with him for more than a year. Without Chanchao, he
really doesn't know how to survive everything.
After that, Graph turned around without looking back as before, for fear of
crying and being seen by his friends. But when he turned to look at his mother
who was waiting on the side, tears flowed down immediately, and he had to
wipe it back and forth with the back of his hand. But my feet are still going
straight to the exit gate for passport inspection, and it is completely unknown
when I will return.
Goodbye P Pakin.
[Got it, Master Graph's flight is direct to the UK, departing at 7:40. ]
"Book a plane ticket for me right now."
[I have already bought it, and my people have now processed the check-in under
the name of Mr. Pakin through the channel. ]
Pakin wished he could step on the gas pedal to the bottom, but the traffic jam in
the morning made his sharp eyes sweep to the clock on the car, listening to the
voices of his subordinates who had prepared everything for him. All that
remains now is whether he himself will be able to catch the plane in
time. Although they really want to use their power to prevent the plane from
taking off, only half an hour is not enough to negotiate with those high-level
So, the only way for him to catch up in time is for him to carry the kid off the
plane himself. However...
Youth hit the horn like thunder, only half an hour to deal with not a short
distance is no joke, the door will be closed 10 minutes before takeoff, he only
has 10 minutes Drive to the airport and 10 minutes to find the plane that Graph
is on!!!
"Don't do it Graph, don't do it!"
Pakin nearly hit the car on the left, but even if he had to land on the curb he
wouldn't Must get to the airport. And when you ask yourself what did he do
wrong? Is there anything he can't do enough? To make Graph want to hide from
him again, is there anything this man hasn't done? Then suddenly the answer
popped into my mind.
He'd never told Graph he loved him yet.
The moment he came up with the answer, he desperately connected his hands to
find someone, but it just went to the message service, so the young man threw
the phone on the cushion next to him and stared at the road. When he was able
to enter the road in a hurry, the long legs stepped on the speed of the functional
car to the highest value as if he didn't care about any laws and regulations!
However, no matter how fast, fast and hard he tried, Pakin still took nearly 20
minutes to reach the airport, and his people were already standing there holding
the boarding pass. The young man rushed up and grabbed it while looking down
at his watch, only to see that it was time to close the door and get on the plane.
"The flight has already taken off, Mr. Pakin."
Can't make it, can't make it!
This is the first thought that flashed into my mind, and then Rui Mu flashed a
light of not admitting defeat, and a pair of long legs led the body into the
building, He rushed directly to the counter of the airline that Graph's plane
belonged to, and went directly to the staff who was exiting the counter: "
Please help me contact the captain of the flight that is going to the UK. It takes
off at 7:40." "
Ha The other party asked back in surprise, and the young man couldn't help but
said anxiously:
"Please, help me contact the captain." I can't believe that a person like Pakin
would ask others for help, but he didn't have time to contact any high-level
Help, now he's just a normal man begging for more time to catch up with his
lover. And the staff were about to shake their heads.
"My love is on the plane, I just arrived. I have to go up and tell him how much I
love him, I need time, please, put me in touch." The only person who can stop
the takeoff is the captain, so he must make it . At this moment, an elderly staff
member was about to walk over quickly to check the situation, and wanted to
refuse to say that it could not be done, but what Pakin did was...
The person who valued power more than anything else fell to his knees, raised
his head and begged,
"I beg you, I really have something to say to my lover. He is misunderstood me,
no matter what, I have to talk to him." He made it clear. I only asked for 10
minutes, and told him to wait for me first. Please help me once." Pakin said in a
begging voice, looking closely at the other person's eyes for help.
And this made the other party pause slightly.
"Only this one time." He grabbed the phone and dialed it, then handed it to the
person who kept muttering such a sentence... "
Thank you, thank you very much."
In order to be able to tell that child how much he loves Pakin are willing to do.
Graph fell down and sat on the first-class seat, and then looked out the window
with uncertain eyes, asking himself if he did the right thing to escape like
this? Although I asked myself hundreds of times, I still got the original
answer. If you want to stop the loss in time, you should go far. And this also
made the mother turn around:
"Does Graph know? Mom didn't have to force her son to study abroad. The
reason why she sent her to summer camp before was to give you more choices."
" The teenager didn't answer , I just looked at my mother and wanted to ask
what I was expressing?
What Graph didn't know was how sad his eyes were, making the heart ache for
anyone watching:
"Graph, if you want to stay here, Mom won't disagree."
"It's...too late, Mom. The plane It's about to take off." The boy gave a faint
smile, then turned back and looked out the window again. The other party could
only sigh, because she herself had never comforted her son once, and it must be
too late to comfort her son now.
Ya should make it clear to him that everything is over.
Graph knew it was an excuse, an excuse to hear someone's voice one last
time. So I decided to turn on my phone and prepare to call someone, but...
The phone vibrated strongly as soon as it was turned on, and the name that
appeared on the screen made him pause slightly.
"P Win."
[Graph, why does Graph do this? 】
It means that everyone in that family knows about it.
"What did I do? P Win. I didn't do anything."
[Graph, Graph listen to P. Ha. P doesn't know if Graph knows about this, but
listen to P carefully. When Graph was in the hospital, the person who guarded
Graph every night was not Chanchao, but the person crying holding Graph's
hand was a man named Pakin!] "
P Don't lie to me." Of course the boy didn't believe it, it must be just It's just a
lie that doesn't want him to escape. And this also made Win can't help saying
[Graph, Graph has to trust P, P Pakin loves Graph so much, he goes to Graph
every night when he refuses to visit. To hold Graph's hand, to cry for Graph, to
beg Graph to wake up, do you know how Graph was rescued? He was the one
who pulled Graph out of the car when it was about to explode, and he was
willing to lose his life for Graph as much as Graph died for him. Graph, please,
listen to what P Pakin has to say first. 】
The boy wanted to deny everything he had heard, and wanted to say it was
impossible. That's impossible, but that's the man who holds his hand and cries
for him every night?
Are those tears not Chanchao's but P Pakin's?
Did the tears that woke him from death, the voice whispering in his ear not to
leave him and leave, the warmth of the hand that held and wrapped him tightly
belonged to that person?
[He may not have appeared in front of Graph for you to see, but he has been
following Graph behind his back, finding every doctor in charge of you to
understand the situation, and invested a lot in order to keep Graph's life. And
keep it a secret. Trust P, that man loves Graph. Don't leave him like this. Graph
has a chance to get love back, don't abandon him, don't give up this opportunity
that P didn't get. 】
The boy no longer knows what the other party said. He is thinking about the
worst those are not dreams. The person who rescued him from the
car wreck, the person who held his hand, and the The one who had ordered him
not to let him die, the one he thought had left him alone. However...
"It's too late, P Win. The plane is taking off, thank you for letting me know."
Graph said the last sentence and hung up the phone, looked out the window and
saw the shadow reflected on the glass was a crying person , so he raised his
hand to wipe away the tears.
He was too late to get off the plane.
"Graph, are you okay? Kid."
The loud sound of the engine, accompanied by the bridge connecting the door
like an elephant's trunk, separated from the fuselage, indicating that the aircraft
was leaving the parked position. The boy shook his head slowly, realizing that it
was impossible for him to get off the plane now. So he just whispered:
"Mom... Graph doesn't want to go, I don't want to leave him."
Finally, the thoughts in his heart were released, and then Graph couldn't believe
that he heard such a voice in his ears:
"Who allowed that?" Did you leave my life?"
"P Pakin!!!"
Graph turned around sharply to look behind him, and then saw the sweat-soaked
man panting and heaving his body, and the eyes looking this way were even
more Full of sternness. The boy's body couldn't help froze.
The person who rushed straight over pulled his body into his arms, and a
vicious voice rang in his ears:
"Neither the gods nor Satan can take you away from me."
Pakin hugged him tightly the boy's body.
He caught up, caught up with his own heart.
Chapter 60: love feeling
On the plane that was moving away from the passenger terminal of the airport,
in the first-class cabin, a young man was hugging the body of another young
man tightly. His body was soaked with sweat from running with all his strength
to find the flight door. Rui's handsome face was buried in the dark hair, and the
begging voice made the listeners' eyes widen.
"Don't leave me, Graph, don't do this."
The boy couldn't say anything, the facts he learned from Brother Win and what
P‟ Pakin said and did now made him unable to move. , his head was blank, and
his portrait seemed to be completely confused.
After that, the person who looked more selfish than anyone else slightly pushed
away his body and met the boy's eyes:
"I haven't told you yet? I love you."
All Graph could do was fill his eyes Shaking his head tearfully, he stared at a
pair of sharp eyes that only had his shadow in his pupils. The person who is
saying everything in his heart is pouring out everything in his heart as if he will
never have the chance to say it again: "
You may not believe me because of everything I do, but I love you. See The
moment you were in that car, it felt like my heart stopped. I would give
anything in exchange for your safe return. You know? When you told me that
you would not be my broom star again, How do I feel... I want to kill the man
who yelled at you that you are the bastard of life. No, Graph. You are not, you
are not a troublesome brat, you are not a stubborn brat, you are not I want to
throw away the little brat that I can never see again, you are the only kid who
broke in and stole my heart..." The teenager
just realized that he saw the tears in the man's eyes for the first time, this one
still doesn't People who are willing to remove their hands from him seem to be
afraid that once they let go, they will never be able to touch them again for the
rest of their lives.
"Graph, I don't know when it started, maybe it was the moment we met years
ago or maybe when you moved into my house. You slowly became more and
more important to me until I no longer Don't want to lose you. If that car blows
up, I will never forgive myself, I will never forgive myself for leaving you alone
in that room sleeping in that room... No amount of money is worth it, if there is
no If you're around."
Crystal tears flowed from the eyes of the man obsessed with power, and flowed
onto his cheeks. His big hand trembled and held the white hand with great care.
"Let's go home, I'll go back with you. Go find Hot, Aunt Kaew, Win, stay with
me like before." "P, I, I don't know...
I..." Graph what Unable to speak, he just shook his head in tears, not knowing
what was true and what was a lie. All I know is that this person is weeping for
him and begging him.
"Graph, I don't know what I should do. I have never loved anyone in my life,
not one. When I fell in love with you, I didn't even know how to protect this
love. Maybe just like you, a scared Lonely little devil doesn't know how to act
like a baby to others. I have missed many opportunities, but I still want to ask
you to give me a chance, I only need one chance, and I will never miss it again."
After that, Pakin
fell He knelt down, making the body of the person watching tremble even
more. Can't believe a man like that would kneel for him.
"I love you, give me another chance... Please."
The boy's body trembled even more, and he fixed his gaze on the person who
was willing to give up everything for him. Under the gaze of several pairs of
eyes in the first class cabin, the young man was not afraid at all that someone
would say that Mr. Pakin was incompetent, that he was just a kid and couldn't
handle it. No... the person in front of him is not Mr. Pakin who holds great
power, but just an ordinary man who is begging for love.
An ordinary man who made Graph sob.
" the one who went to the hospital to protect me...isn't it..." "
Yes, I went."
"P is the one...who told me...not to die... Is that so?"
"P please don't leave P alone... is it?" "
Yes, I beg."
"P is the one who cried and begged me to wake up. You know? I heard every
word, I know every word P said. And you know how sad I was when I didn't see
P in the hospital ?I thought it was just a stupid dream where I wished I could
meet P, I thought it was a fantasy to lie to myself...don't do that again...don't
make like that... Graph sobbed hard, looking at the man in front of
Isn't that enough? Graph. Ya said that she would not go back to accept the harm.
The slender one whispered to himself. Watching the man he'd loved all his life,
but now wasn't the same person anymore.
If it was Pakin brother from before, he would definitely not look at him like
this, but why did this person make the wall that was built to prevent him from
being hurt collapse?
It had completely collapsed, and the original determination, the idea of fleeing
to the other side of the world, disappeared the moment the man caught up with
the plane.
Enough is enough, I have had enough...
The young man fell down and hugged the tall man tightly, and then cried
"Don't...don't...don't leave me anymore...don't leave me alone ...uh...don't...don't
leave me...alone...don't..."
Enough, the false toughness that threatened to run away from this man wasn't
working anymore.
Graph stopped lying to himself that he could do nothing to face the man who
walked into the hospital ward years ago, the only one who could drive the
loneliness away, open the door and come to him, and give the little child the
strength to go on living Alone...he can't cut off his love for Pakin brother.
"P Pakin... woo... I... love P... love P since... I was a child... I love P...alone."
Those who heard the words of love hugged tightly Living in the body of a child,
he said in the boy's ear what he should have said a few months ago:
"I know, good boy, I love you too."
Added a sentence... I love you.
"Let's go back together."
"Well, go back...go back...let me go back...let me go back...I don't want to
go...England...don't want to go..." the boy sobbed, still like For fear of losing
this embrace again, he hugged the tall man tightly. And Pakin swore to himself
that he would never let this kid disappear from his sight again.
His love was lost and found, and he never wanted to lose it again.
Dad was right, if he just wallowed in fear and didn't do something about it, he
wouldn't even have a minute of being together. Now Pakin understands that
even for a minute, there will be a world of difference between having this little
friend in his arms and not having this little friend in his arms.
When he can hug Graph, even a minute will be more meaningful than his past
"I'm taking you home, Graph."
Immediately, the young man looked back following the touch on his shoulder,
and met the eyes of the middle-aged woman who was smiling at him. The other
party said softly:
"Auntie allows you to take this charming little friend home, but now you two
should sit down and fasten your seat belts, understand?"
Pakin glanced around. He found that although there were only a few guests in
the first class cabin, every pair of eyes was looking at him. So the young man
stood up together with the young man who hugged him tightly and refused to let
go, handed the boarding pass that was almost thrown away when he rushed to
find Graph to the flight attendant, and then saluted everyone:
" Sorry, I delayed the flight. Thank you very much for waiting for me.”
I don‟t know if it‟s because everyone witnessed what happened to the two of
them, but the only answers I got were smiling and saying it‟s okay. After that,
all eyes turned to the boy who buried his head in his broad chest and lovingly
hugged the big man tightly. And the boy's mother also stood up:
"Pakin, come and sit with your brother, wait a moment and change the seat by
"Sit down, Pakin is more important to this child than auntie. Thank you for
taking care of my brother for 10 years...Auntie gave him to you." After that, the
wife of the famous politician turned around and said a few words to the flight
attendant , Walked and sat on the seat purchased under Pakin's name, leaving
his own seat to be taken by a young man.
During the flight into the sky and the direct flight to the British capital, the
hands of the two never separated, even when the captain came out to say hello
and wanted to meet a certain man...Someone said that I would do anything The
thing is that I only hope to get a man for even 10 minutes.
When the man turned his head to look at the young man who fell asleep due to
exhaustion, his eyes... were full of love.
"Aren't you shy? Does P know how to write about being shy?" "
You've asked this question many times, and my answer is... no."
I can't see it. But when I came back, I could see it clearly...Everyone looked at
me as if they saw a strange person, asking back and forth if they wanted this or
that? They were laughing all the time." "
They I like you."
In a high-powered car driving at high speed on the road leading to Bangkok, a
man like a car doll raised his hand to cover his face, and then brought up the old
story again and again. From the time the plane departed from Heathrow Airport
until it arrived in Thailand, someone lowered his head to his chest and did not
dare to speak to anyone, because the flight attendants were the same as the ones
who went there! Not allowed in
Pakin After going to the UK without traveling, Ponupong was already waiting
and came in to pick up the plane after getting off the plane. During the 3 days in
London, he kept teasing his son happily, which made the young man wish to fly
back to Thailand immediately. But because my biological father said 'who are
you today because of', I kept it in my heart. At the same time, it took some time
to complete the withdrawal procedures from the school that Graph just received
a reply from.
Finally, they flew directly back to Thailand yesterday, and were received by the
crew of the original flight, and even the original captain came out to greet them
in person.
I don't know which high-level leader came over and said in a low voice. In fact,
the man who came to kneel and beg at the last second was a well-known and
well-known important figure in Thailand. As a result, the service level of the
cabin was improved. The staff came to ask questions from time to time, brought
things to entertain them from time to time, and the gossip and staring eyes made
Graph almost get into his seat and dare not meet people.
It is true that he was in a period of emotion when he went there, but when he
returned, the boy's emotions had returned to normal, so he fell into a period
of...extremely embarrassing.
Lao Tzu hugged P Pakin tightly like a newborn monkey!
He really hugged him tightly, and he buried his face in P Pakin's shoulder all the
way from Thailand to England.
He still clearly remembers the eyes of the staff who lined up in a row and
wished them eternal love instead of 'thank you for using the service of this
route', making him have to say to the big man who dragged him away, big
brother, don't you care? ?
"Okay, stop being coquettish." Pakin stretched out his hand and gently touched
the boy's head, while the person who received the touch pursed his mouth.
"I didn't act like a baby."
"My mouth is not right."
"Let's talk about myself first."
"Now I agree with my heart."
Pakin said indifferently, not caring that some people said he was selfish and
thick-skinned, because the priceless treasure has already been obtained. Say
what you want to say, but if someone dares to say a word to this kid, he will
definitely put a gun to his head.
Hearing this, Graph curled his lips and turned his head to look at the scenery
that he thought he would not see again for many years, but he didn't expect that
he had only been there for 3 days, so he put his hands on the glass and
murmured softly: "We are going
back Is it home? P."
"Yes, our home."
Not the home Graph was born and raised in but the home Graph lived happily in
for was that kind of home. The boy turned his head to look at the
other party:
"Will you be angry with me?"
He left without saying goodbye and abandoned everyone. Aunt Kaew, Brother
Win, especially after hanging up like that. The person who put his hand on the
boy's head couldn't help stroking it comfortingly, turned his sharp handsome
face and said with a smile: "
Trust me, no one will be angry with you. Otherwise, try acting like a baby to me
Let's go."
The coquettish kid who couldn't beat the long flight at high altitude was so cute
that Pakin wanted to stay locked in the room until dawn. Hugging tightly in his
arms, conveying his love with body language, and whispering endless love in
each other's ears, while the child who loves to act like a baby will snuggle up to
his chest.
Who said Graph can't act like a baby? Now he is the first to disagree.
Feed him to death from the first night in London.
"I didn't act like a baby to P." But the boy still denied it, completely ignorant of
how cute Bulling Bulling's round eyes are and the gaze that wants to get
something by acting like a spoiled child. The warm body of the young man
squeezed closer, making the person who was honest about his love almost lose
his mind.
In the past few years, he has not discovered his own intentions, but it is also a
good thing, because if he found out early, he would definitely fuck a child who
is only 7 years old willfully.
"Believe me, no one will be angry with you, they are more happy that you can
come back."
Then the young man said as if he just remembered:
"Your friends should be happy too."
"Did P tell Chanchao too? Graph asked, unable to believe his ears, because he
used to be so annoyed to see his friends. The listener laughed out loud:
"I haven't said it yet."
"Well, there are many things that P didn't tell me."
OK, Graph probably knew that someone was guarding him in the hospital, and
he also knew that he was afraid of seeing him again. The nonsense idea of
pushing him away in danger, even Uncle Pong pulling out some man who hid in
a room he knew, but not about Chanchao. Because he himself has no time to
contact his friends.
"Don't be petty, say it now."
"I said I didn't lose my temper. So what's the matter with the research?" Graph
immediately turned his head away to avoid the touch of the big hand, and tried
his best to lower his voice. The listeners laughed, but they still said truthfully:
"On the day I chased after you, I met Chanchao near the check-in counter. She
told me which door you went out, and she said loudly in the airport that if I If
she doesn't bring you back, she will be mad at me for the rest of my life... If you
want to be angry, just be angry, that brat is not important to me." The young
man who held the monstrous power said indifferently, which made Graph turn
his head and look over:
"Don't call my friend 'that brat', and if P thinks my friend is not important, don't
say it... Chanchao is my best friend, a very important good friend. P should
remember." The voice is very strict and serious. The man approaching home in
the luxury car slowed down and pulled over to the side of the road. His big hand
landed on the back of Graph, and his eyes sharpened when
he looked over:
"Is this the way it is?
Still brings back old memories.
You shouldn't be kicked out of the car like this, right?
The person who closed his eyes tightly thought so. When the big hand reached
out and aimed straight at the door of the beautiful luxury car, fear broke in and
ate the boy's heart. However...
those hands tightly encircled him, and...
Fú... Fú... Fú!!!
The tip of the towering nose pressed heavily on the boy's face. My face
hurts. The teenager couldn't help yelling loudly:
"Let go of me, ah~~~ let go of me, oh, it hurts!" The pressure was so blue!
The big man couldn't help hugging him even tighter with his nose on his cheek.
Grinding for a minute, then said in a tired voice:
"I really didn't withdraw from you... It's okay, I can take that brat seriously, but
don't hug Chanchao anymore. It was very annoying before, and now I'm so
annoyed that I want to kill Just hug and lean on each other." The young man
really surrendered to the excessive intimacy between the two boys and
girls. Graph couldn't help looking up:
"Is P jealous?"
In the past, the young man would have burst into laughter, but now...
"Yes!" The young man only replied with one word. And this also made the
listeners' eyes widen, and they yelled again and again in disbelief:
"P, eat my jealousy! Impossible!" Ah must have forgotten, he just said that he
loves Ah.
"Already jealous, and eating a ton."
"Fake, people like P Pakin are also jealous?" The listener really wanted to teach
the other party a lesson, to let the other party know that he would be jealous and
the jealous kind. So the young man looked at the past fiercely with a pair of
sharp eyes, but it seems that the child is not afraid now and he stretched his face
to ask. The young man couldn't help changing the gear, and it was better to
focus on driving again than to answer the questions that gave him a headache.
"When did P start to be jealous of me? Where? Why didn't I find out?" "I didn't
know it was jealousy, how could you find out." At that time, he didn't know
what it means to cherish, treasure someone . Because after all, I have never
loved anyone before, and when I fell in love with a child who was so bored that
I wanted to catch and throw it away, I just took that feeling as the previous
boredom. Who would have thought that it was a dangerous signal.
Graph raised a big smile, forgetting all the embarrassment on the plane, and just
kept asking where and when? Then the teen couldn't help but go quiet as the
cool supercar drove through the gate and into Mr. Pakin's territory.
There was a line of people standing in front of the main house, all of them,
along with a dog, waiting for the return of the owner of the territory.
At this moment the boy was afraid.
"No one will be angry with you, come down."
The driver bent down and opened the car door for the boy, bent down to look
into the eyes of the boy who was about to cry, and nodded to give him
confidence. So Graph slowly got out of the car, looked up at everyone, and then
murmured softly: "
Back... back.
It has been the owner for 3 days. During these 3 days, it just kept looking in the
direction of the gate, waiting hard and barking loudly. The dog pounced on it,
sticking out its tongue and panting, Graph couldn't help but hugged it tightly
and patted its head. Feel at ease because of the warmth you feel.
"Have you been a good boy? Hot. I'm back."
"Wow!" At least it is certain that there is a dog who is happy.
"Welcome home, Master Graph."
"It's really back, isn't it?"
"Let me take Master Graph's luggage up, can you?" "Is
(food) ready for (on) the table? Master Graph is tired after coming back." "We
need to wash first Shall I take a bath?"
"It will be better to eat something to cushion your stomach, and auntie will go to
the kitchen to get something out immediately."
Graph's face has not yet lifted up, but the warm words that everyone is saying to
him make him look up He raised his head and looked at the noisy people who
were welcoming his return.
The gardener who had gone to help with the filling was helping to unload the
The maid sisters in the kitchen who once messed up the kitchen because of their
own stubbornness were debating whether to set the table.
Aunt Kaew was busy running to the kitchen.
Everyone was excited for him to come back to this home, and...
"Welcome home."
The smiling brother Win opened his arms wide, and the teenager couldn't help
rushing up to find his only brother.
"P Win, I'm back. I'm sorry, I just hung up on you like that. I'm sorry." Graph
stammered as if he was afraid that the other party would get angry, closed his
eyes, buried his face into his charming shoulders, and held his hands tightly
Respond by hugging the other person. And Win put his hand on the boy's head,
lovingly rubbing it lightly:
"You can forgive me, but you have to promise me one thing."
"What, P? What?" Graph asked with a trembling voice. Win couldn't help but
tapped the boy's head lightly:
"Don't run away like this again, it's quite shocking." The young model said
relievedly, then hugged her precious brother tightly and shook her. And Graph
nodded quickly and said in a trembling voice:
"I'm not going, I'm not going anywhere. Please let me stay like this, P." The boy
pushed away a little and looked over, while the listeners turned back The person
"There, please ask that person. P is just a boarder himself. But it seems...the
owner of the house will not allow you to move out." Phawis said with a smile,
just seeing his brother look at Graph. Knowing something has changed... This
man is no longer the cruel and heartless man he was before, but a man who
loves the stubborn little friend he is carrying.
"Well said." A group of people who nodded relaxedly pulled out the hands
inserted into the trouser pockets on both sides, then walked behind the person
who had just returned, put their hands on the boy's head as if declaring
sovereignty, and then stood up Looking at the people who greeted them, they
"From now on, Graph will come back and live here...forever." The
announcement made many people laugh, and a relative asked further:
"Tell me why Identity."
Pakin looked at his younger brother, and then said decisively:
"My wife."
"Hey, do you want to do this, P!"
Graph yelled, turned to look at the speaker, and saw the other side Seriously and
no kidding.
"That's it, why cover it up? Everyone in the family knows." "
P can also say...P's children or whatever, but it's his wife, P Pakin. I'm a man."
Graph kept going refuted, but the listener frowned slightly, and said with a
slightly upset face, is there any difference?
At the same time, Win also smiled and hinted to other people to enter the house,
and did not forget to grab the collar of the big dog who barked and expressed
that he wanted to be with its owner, but depending on the situation, the two
owners should make an agreement first just work.
"A man can also be a wife. You have proved it several times."
"Hey, how can P use this as an argument."
"Whether it's a child or something else, just say it, why are you pissing me off?"
"Then, what else does P want to do!" Graph said dissatisfiedly, looking up at the
past without fear, hoping to win the opponent for a while. Because although P‟
Pakin will listen to him, not everything will follow him. The old man obsessed
with power is still there, but with the addition of loving him, so he will win.
"Nothing..." The man with unkind eyes raised the corners of his mouth, and
"Yeah! Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm!!!" Dead
Graph yelled in his throat, because his warm lips pressed heavily On the lip,
grind it hard, as if you are saying that you still want to fight? The eternally
defeated general could only yell
hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhssesses. After that, Pakin backed out and
"I warned you to be careful with your mouth."
Yes, be careful not to be blocked by your mouth.
It's more of an act than saying 'it's the wife' because it' front of the house.
"P...P...Damn it!" The defeated man could only curse and prepare to flee into
the house. But because of being hugged tightly by the owner of the mansion, he
bowed and said in his ear:
"I love you."
Just two short words made the listeners quiet down, and then only said one
" P is really bad."
"And you like it very much."
Finally, Master Kritithi was defeated again. But he was defeated with a big
smile on his face, and the boy leaned sideways into the other's warm
embrace. Although this embrace has played tricks on him for several years,
from now on it will let him know... how much he loves him.
He's going to feel the love from this person and this family...forever.

"Graph~, let's go eat cake together!"
"Today? Didn't you say you have to hurry back?"
"There's no rush, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go together!"
1 minute ago As soon as the school bell rang, the pretty girl with a tall ponytail
rushed to the table of the handsome boy who had a bigger fan base this
year. The once arrogant boy has now become more kind, making many juniors
want to apply to be his lover, but everyone knows that the handsome boy's wife
is in the same class.
The main room himself was blinking and inviting the boy to eat cake after
"The cake shop where the boss is handsome?"
"Yes, yes, that's the one. P is super handsome, and the cakes he makes are
delicious. I heard that he used to work in a hotel, and now he runs his own shop
The taste is super super good." Chanchao once again confirmed the quality of
the store with two thumbs up. The people who listened were also a little
interested, because they heard from this friend and Si Kak that the cakes in this
store were delicious, and Si Kak himself was one of its many fans, which made
the boy want to try it. However...
"There is something special today."
"Ah~ What a pity." The person who grabbed the edge of the table withered
immediately, but in a blink of an eye he raised a big smile again: "
It doesn't matter, other days are fine. As long as Graph and I went to the same
university, so I can steal Graph any day.” Chanchao said happily, looking at his
classmates, the little gangster who used to lead the class and was called the boss
all day now has become The Graph senior who manages the juniors in the sports
department, and his grades are gradually improving, so it's not ugly. Let the
teachers wonder what happened in the past summer vacation?
Although there were rumors that an accident had caused some damage to his
head, he himself did not say anything. Only two people in the school knew the
truth... Graph and Chanchao.
And the fact is that Kritithi is just re-focusing on his life because he doesn't
have to fight with someone anymore.
"Don't say it for that person to hear, I don't want to hear the voice of nagging
and complaining."
"Hahaha, have you become a man who likes to be jealous?"
"Super!" Graph replied in full agreement, thinking of a certain moment The guy
who still squints at his buddy every day. And at this moment...
"Get out of the way, get out of the way, out of the way, this stinky couple in the
class. Sin, they get in the way here." The classmates still think that the two of
them are in a sweet and loving relationship, And none of the two were anxious
about it and came out to clarify the misunderstanding, but were willing to let
others say.
Because firstly, Chanchao can avoid suitors, and secondly, Graph can also reject
people who come after him. The two get what they want, so their pretending to
be lovers has reached the third year.
Now Graph is in his third year of high school, and the university entrance exam
is slowly approaching recently. If he wants to enter the university with a very
high score chosen by his friend, he has to work hard. So in the end he asked
someone to take a remedial class, because if he left it alone, he would definitely
not pass the exam.
And of course he got permission, but...
"Then I'm leaving, I'll make an appointment next time. P Pakin should pick me
up soon." "
Okay, let's go. It's great to have a teacher come to teach "
Yes, P‟ Pakin didn't send him to other places to take tutoring classes, but found
a tutor to do tutoring at home.
"Tell me if there is something good to drink." Then Chanchao said with a smile,
making the listeners laugh out loud: "Are you
still drinking?"
"Of course, the pink breath of the love period can be anytime and anywhere."
Guang said Not enough, the girl pretended to be a flower blooming, which
made Graph laugh out loud. The boy raised his hand to say goodbye, then
grabbed his schoolbag and strode towards someone who was already waiting at
the school gate to pick him up. And he didn't need to look around to find it,
because the super sports car was too conspicuous.
The people waiting in the car got out of the car when they saw the boy appear:
"Don't worry, the doctor said you need to pay more attention to your feet and
bones, and don't jump off the stairs."
"I jumped the stairs, not the building." Graph retorted and got into the car,
turned the air conditioner on his head, then looked at the man who had become
the exclusive driver, and asked, "
Chanchao told P."
"Some ...Thanks to Aunt Kaew's recent cake."
Oh ~ so someone used the cake to seduce his friends and get information about
what he did in school. And those like Chanchao don't need to give money, just
give desserts.
"I just jumped a few stairs, it's fine. The doctor said I can exercise." Graph
patted his knees a few times to prove his words, then turned his head and looked
over: "P doesn't need to pick it up in person,
let It's fine for others to pick it up, isn't there a competition today?"
"Yes...but wait until you go to sleep first."
"I'll go too, can I?" the boy asked expectantly, even though he already knew the
"Stinger." So the young man could only murmur in a low voice, holding the car
door and looking out the window to express his dissatisfaction, although he
knew in his heart that this person would not agree. It may be because of the
incident a year ago, so this is the only thing that he will never get permission no
matter how much he begs.
Pakin paused for a moment when the young man lost his temper, and then put
his hand on the other's head: "It's
not that I don't want to obey your wishes, but you have to understand me."
If it was the past, the young man would definitely yell in the face, but now
Graph turned his head and looked back, and met the eyes of the person who was
talking about how worried he was. The old stubborn boy nodded twice:
"Well, I understand. I won't be stubborn."
The good boy said that, and then he was rewarded with a gentle stroking his
head full of affection. After that, Pakin drove the luxury car into the road and
drove directly to the home where the tutor was already waiting. And along the
way, a young man recounts what happened today as a melodious background
sound that accompanies the young man's driving.
Who would have believed that the ordinary daily life of high school seniors
would be so fascinating when spoken from Graph.
One day he will not be able to fall asleep if he doesn't hear the children talking
about himself, although sometimes he will hear some unpleasant things.
"My classmates still think that Chanchao and I are a couple. It's super funny.
When they come to ask, Chanchao will nod and then just answer um, I heard
that her brother taught it. If you don't want to answer, just nod and keep um, let
Others misunderstand by themselves." Graph said with a smile, while the
listeners frowned slightly:
"Next time, tell them who is the person who came to pick you up."
"Too lazy to say," Graph objected immediately. His classmates did ask him who
the owner of the luxury car that came to pick him up was, and his answer was...
told them it was Dad."
This is where Pakin was dissatisfied.
I don't know if the young master did it on purpose, calling him uncle if he
wasn't dad. He didn't mention age but still called him elder, in fact the age
difference between the two is only 10 years, and he is not yet 30 years old!
"Are you still sleeping with dad?"
"Oh, don't be angry P, I'm too lazy to answer them. OK, OK, next time it's
Those who listened were still upset, and those who watched laughed Come out:
"Oh, this look is not good, crow's feet are coming, P Pakin."
Whenever this happens, I want to punish this brat.
"Be careful with your mouth."
The listener raised his hand and quickly covered his mouth, his eyes widened,
as if he was really saying, come and kiss me. But the downright frightening
person just felt that there was nothing he could do about the stubborn kid at
first, so he could only stare, sigh, and then speed up and drive straight towards
home. And those who feel that they have gone too far also said explicitly:
"Are you angry with me? P."
"Why should I be angry?"
OK, angry.
The boy laughed awkwardly, realizing that once the other party's voice became
so blunt, he should stop joking. So the boy moved his body and leaned towards
him slightly, grabbed the other person's clothes slightly and pulled them lightly
a few times, and said softly, " Graph apologizes
, I'm sorry."
An old man would laugh if I said it myself, and this time it's the same, and it
also comes with...
Jub (pro).
"Have you calmed down?" The kid who couldn't be coquettish leaned forward
and kissed his face heavily, then backed away, skillfully using the skills he had
learned in the past few months. Because he knows someone here likes to be
Although his face was still ferocious, the terrifying light in his eyes had already
weakened. After all, if anyone in the family made a mistake, they would all
come to ask him for help, because it seems that only Master Kritithic can bear
P‟ Pakin's anger, and even Brother Win said that he lost to Graph.
"If I have to eat before going to work tonight, I will calm down."
Eat, sometimes Graph.
"If the tutoring time ends early." The boy didn't fully agree, but it was enough to
make Pakin laugh: "I'm just
kidding, go and concentrate on studying." Hearing this, the boy almost laughed
out loud, if it wasn't for what happened next For this sentence...
"Let's talk about it tomorrow after rest."
Kritithi immediately curled his lips, because the meaning of that sentence was
that he couldn't escape. As soon as the cool car was parked, the boy
immediately got out of the car, turned his head and stuck out his tongue at the
other party, and said loudly: "
Dream, old man.
The person who returned home couldn't help laughing and said,
"This is trying to die."
"Oh, P Win is back?" Graph turned his head to look at the person who abetted
him... and told him that if he wants to see Pakin's other side, he can try calling
him an old man, or call him an old man when he is angry Embryos are fine too.
"Go around and talk to the elders. Next week P is going to the foreign
government, so Kin asked me to talk about it." "
Oh, about work. By the way, I saw the cover of P's magazine, and it was
Chanahao who brought it to me." I saw it. It‟s super sexy and alluring!" The
listeners couldn‟t help laughing:
"Is that the cover of Han Feng... The photographer likes that kind of theme
concept, and after shooting it, he feels that he is not a man anymore. "
Hey, I think it's very beautiful, super pretty." Graph stopped in his tracks,
apparently wanting to continue the chat, but because the servant at home came
and said that the tutor had been waiting for a long time. However, before the
boy ran to the entertainment room of the study room, Win stopped the boy, and
said with a smile, "Are you happy
every day?"
"Okay... let's go." The boy ran into the room and disappeared, while Phawis
remained standing motionless. Because he was seeing his own shadow overlap
with the kid.
"Fortunately, Graph chose this path."
They fell in love at about the same age, and also fell in love with a hateful
person, but Graph chose the right path and got the happiness he had been
talking about for a lifetime, and he... I am really happy for my brother.
"What are you talking about? The voice is so loud that I heard it before entering
the door."
"Something about the elderly." When the voice sounded from behind, the young
model turned to look at her brother who was related by blood, and teased. Those
who listened couldn't help but stare:
"Don't teach my children, okay?"
"Then P feels happy?"
"Hehe, it seems that he knows." Pakin said without evasion, and then said
"I will let that child know that falling in love with me is the most correct thing
he has done in his life." This is Pakin's goal. He will dedicate all his love to that
child, so that the child will not fall in love with someone like him. Sad, sad
because of someone like him, hurt because of someone like him.
From now on, Pakin will make the kid named Graph the happiest person.
The answer he heard made Phawis laugh:
"Do you have to watch over the children even when you are studying? The
teacher is so scared to death."
"I just sit and work, and I teach as long as I teach." The owner of the mansion
said Said, but how do you look at the person who talks about work... he is
obviously going to guard the children.
After speaking, the young man followed into the entertainment room.
"What is P doing in here!"
As expected, a loud yell came out, making Win couldn't help laughing. And
would have continued to laugh like this, if not for someone who came into the
room with a stack of papers...someone who wiped the smile off the young man's
"Master Win."
Panachai stood there, causing the owner named Win to turn around and look
over, and then Chai said something...
"Please give me more advice from now on."
After that, because of a whole month's work, Phawis will have a Close
While a kid who has been through a series of bad things is falling in love and
laughing throughout the mansion, another young man is embarking on a new
love journey with the original bad-hearted man.
Kritithi's love came to a happy end.
And Phawis' love... is setting sail...
Special 1: just brothers
"Will P Win scold? Why does Hot always look like a stray dog every time." "
I was about to ask why it went there."
"Hot! Stop digging! Damn dirty dog! It
was the noon time when Master Kritithi had finished his lunch, and at a glance,
he saw a big dog running and playing in the garden. Seeing it rolling around
energetically every day, I didn't think much about it at first, but when I turned
my head and looked again... Is that muddy, dirty dog still the same one! Graph
got up and opened the
corridor door, and yelled at the big dog. The dog just looked back, flicked its
tail back and forth, and then went back to play with itself without looking at him
again. The boy couldn't help but wonder, did he become naughty again not long
after he listened to him?
Since Graph came back to this house, Hot has listened to him more than before.
He will listen to whatever he says, but he hasn‟t behaved for a few months. I
don‟t know if it‟s because of habit, numbness or How about calling it now...not
answering, ordering...not listening, cursing...even puffing up at him impatiently,
and even ran to find another master to please.
Whose dog is it?
" Just now it jumped into the pool, Mr. Graph, and all the servants went to help
rescue it, but before it could dry itself, it ran to dig the soil again, so it became
It‟s like this. Aunt Kaew said, if you don‟t take a bath, don‟t let it enter the
house. The dirt on it is very difficult to clean.” Aunt Kaew said wearily while
looking at someone who didn‟t care about the house at all. How dirty and would
never want family members to sleep outside.
The place where Hot usually sleeps is in the big bedroom.
So I had to grab it and take a shower today.
"Can someone help me?" It's not that Graph hates bathing his dog, but he has
learned from experience several times that when it turns its head and looks in
other directions, someone must help grab the leash and lock it. The neck is fine,
otherwise the big and powerful dog will run away and run wild in the backyard,
making him anxious to find someone to help catch it back.
Regarding this question, Graph couldn't help but wondered if Hot must be very
unpleasant, because everyone who heard the call for help... all backed away in
unison. So the boy could only sigh for a long time, and turned his head to look
at the last hope.
"If P helps, what can I get?" Brother Win was eating the aftermath of the meal
and supplementing with rich vitamins, then turned his head and raised his
eyebrows slightly, and asked about an interesting proposal. The boy couldn't
help curling his lips:
"P Win, help me, I'm tired of haggling with P Pakin." He said straight and
straight. Now he will not be stubborn anymore, because being stubborn will not
help anything, and it is more important and effective to follow the wishes of
bad-hearted people.
Hearing that Phawis laughed out loud, touched his face thoughtfully and then
stood up:
"Yes, I can help you."
"And the terms of exchange..."
Those who watched couldn't help getting goosebumps Yes, because of that
unmistakable... vicious smile.
How about the smiles of the master and servant, the younger brother is equally
terrifying. There is a saying, if you don't want to die, don't despise P‟ Pakin's
power, and if you don't want to be cut in the eyes, don't disobey the man named
Phawis! The two are equally
"P should first tell me what the terms of the exchange are."
"It's not difficult, I've done it several times." When the person who respected
and loved him like a brother said so, the listener could only slowly nod his head,
It shouldn't be a problem, P Win is super nice... right?
The cold water gushes from the end of the hose and splashes around, forming a
cute little rainbow under the sun's rays. This should be a scene that makes
people smile, but... "Don't move,
Hot "
Oh my god, it's so hot!"
The two brothers are wrestling with the excited Gouzi, and the model, who is
not as muscular and slender as her brother who is related by blood, can't help
saying viciously, trying to pull Gouzi back . Instead, Hot ran around him, giving
the model no chance to bathe him.
In addition, the current temperature is very hot, and the teenager who is used to
being under the air conditioner is already sweating. Even if he repeatedly wiped
his forehead with the back of his hand, the sweat still flowed into his eyes, so he
grabbed the dog even harder, saying that the workload was too much. Bigger:
"Ah! I can't take it anymore!"
Finally, Graph threw away the hose, pulled up the already soaked T-shirt and
threw it aside, his eyes sparkled brightly with anger. Clutching the adult dog
down to the ground, then handing the hose to another person to flush.
"P, I'm going to punch my whole body, I'll grab it by myself." Now he doesn't
care if he's wet or not, Graph jumped on his body and grabbed Hot tightly,
locking his neck so that he can't move, in order to completely wet the dog the
whole body while another person hoses down and rubs the thick hair. The
young man couldn't help asking:
"Aren't you going to wash it in the store?"
"Last time you bit your teeth, P. P Pakin stuffed a lot of money so that they
didn't make a fuss." Graph said wearily, and then Continued:
"When I brought it back just now, it wasn't so fierce, and it could be sent to the
store, but when the person who usually bathed him left, the new person couldn't
control it, and the store didn't dare to accept it. So It's tough to wash yourself.
And it's so thick, I brush it twice a day and it still tangles," added Graph, fed up
with the fact that Hott is a dick whenever he's at home.
At first it was a majestic, cool and handsome dog, but now it can compete with
dead dogs...if it doesn't bite people to death.
That's why no one dares to bathe it. If P‟ Pakin was there, it would be easy to
talk, because the man yelled "Hot" and then got down on the ground, looking
discouraged, and obediently asked people to take a bath.
"Stinky dog!"
"Don't bark, I won't sympathize with you if you cry to death!" Graph patted the
dog's head hard, making it moan pitifully. But this guy is not worthy of
sympathy at all. He is so smart that he will grin his teeth if he knows who he
can kill.
"Then throw it in the temple."
"Hey, P Win."
"Whirling!" When he heard the cold voice, the dog owner immediately turned
around, and the big dog also protested cried out. The speaker couldn't help
looking at the person and dog in front of him, and then sighed tiredly:
"That's how it is, it will become a dog with such virtue. It's because of yourself,
isn't it? What? Follow it, do what you want. You should throw it in the temple
for a week, and see if the dog who eats too much can survive a week."
Hotkhotdeu immediately lay down on the ground, using both front
paws He covered his face, expressing his fear, don't mess with me, or I will
starve to death.
After that... it took a bath obediently as if it was afraid of being abandoned.
"That's it." Win said while hitting its head with a hose, helping to apply the
shampoo to make the foam cover the whole body, and then helping to rinse it
off. The muddy and dirty dog has been washed and looked like a new one, but
the work is not done, and the cleaning is just the beginning, because... hoo hoo
hoo hoo hoo hoo hoo hoo hoo
The thick-haired dog shook vigorously, causing the water to splash around. The
person who bathed him had to raise his hand to cover his face, and couldn't wait
to throw a towel over its body to force it to dry.
"P put a fence over there, or it will run down again." Graph shouted to the
gardener, now there is a fence that is easy to remove and install to block big
dogs, and the reason why he was not kept in captivity at first is because If it is
trapped in the column, Hot will bark and howl, super affecting the auditory
nerve. The solution is to circle the soil to prevent it from going down and
dirtying the body.
"Oh, just go where you want to go, and come back to brush when you're done."
Graph tore away all the towels, and patted its buttocks lightly. The big dog who
was caught taking a bath for nearly half an hour ran to the sun to dry its hair
until its hair became dry, beautiful and shiny again.
The dog has been bathed, and the two people who helped bathe the dog... have
both become wet and dirty.
"Hot." Graph looked down at his condition, only to see that there was only a
pair of shorts left on his body, with dog hair sticking all over his body. The boy
turned his head to look at Brother Win who was looking down at him, and
The young model was also unbearably hot, so he opened the hose again, turned
the water jet to himself, and sprayed it from the top of his head to let the heart-
cooling water flow all over his body. The scene in front of him made Graph's
eyes widen.
The young model wearing a white vest let the cold water trickle down from
above and wet his whole body, making the young man blush so
seductively. The wetter the clothes, the tighter they are so that the charming
body curves that are far beyond the average male are fully revealed. Even the
movement of rubbing the hair and pulling it back made Graph feel palpitations.
Brother Win looks too beautiful and charming, no matter who he is, he will fall
in love with him.
That's enough, whether it's P‟ Pakin or Brother Win, they are so charming that
people can't help but look back a few more times. The gardener on the side even
stared wide-eyed.
"Hehe, what are you looking at. Come here, since you're wet, it's comfortable to
shower like this." Brother Win, whose body was glistening because of the water
droplets, said with a smile, and handed the hose to the boy, while Graph
laughed dryly. :
"P... see nipples."
I have seen it once, and Graph has seen the other party wear a vest at home, but
I have never seen it protruding under the wet clothes, and its color looks darker
than the average Thai. Light, just like what I said to Chanchao, it is pink. And
now, because of the cold water flow, the nipples stood up stiffly.
"Want to touch it?"
Graph shouted, shaking his head, and immediately denied it. Although in my
heart... I was thinking about it.
The other party once told him that he has rich and colorful experiences in love
affairs, which made the teenager itchy and wanted to learn more.
"Oh, if you want to touch, let you touch."
"P Pakin will kill."
"I won't know."
"P don't let me cheat. I finally understand why the hateful P Sin is so obsessed
with P, every time Seeing his appearance, you can tell that he is desperate to
pull P into bed right away." Graph shook his head whistlingly, and mentioned
his lover's friend in displeasure. Because that person showed very clearly what
side of Win brother he needed. Those who listened laughed:
"To be honest, P also wants to try with Graph."
Phawis moved his face closer, and this also made the listeners' eyes widen.
"Are you kidding me?"
"No, do you want to try it? P won't tell P Pakin of Graph. Haven't done 1, have
you? Want to try it on P?" The person who spoke brought his face closer,
Because with the end of his eyes he could clearly see that Hot was running
towards the front of the mansion, which meant that someone was coming back,
and he also wanted to that person would react.
"P...P Win, stop playing." The boy took a few steps back and shook his head
vigorously, knowing clearly in his heart that this was Satan's call.
However, the person who asked the question moved his body and leaned
forward, his eyes sparkled, he reached up to touch the boy's cheek, and gently
stroked it, causing the young man's belly to grow a little seedling of desire.
"P, I won't play anymore." The boy was so surprised that he pushed the
opponent away, making the person who couldn't react sit down on the ground.
"P Win, I'm sorry. I'm really sorry."
"Just kidding, you're too serious. Ouch, it hurts." Phawis raised his head and
laughed, but still paused, reached out to rub his butt vigorously, and threatened
"If P can't start work."
"I'll help, I'll help, let Graph help you." The person who was afraid that the other
party would be angry called himself by a small name, walked forward in a
panic, and stretched out his hand to lift the other party from the ground. Pull it
up, but the boy doesn't know how much the person who said it hurts is laughing,
"Wow!!!" Graph immediately yelled because his hand was pulled hard, his
slender body As soon as he crooked, he pounced on the person who seemed to
have no strength but could pull the boy down. That wasn't enough, the young
man's body was just stacked on top of the young man, allowing certain
touch together.
Graph's mouth and throat were trembling because his nipples were rubbing
against Brother Win's, and his body reacted quickly because of being trained by
someone. Graph couldn't help trembling even more, trying desperately to stand
up, but was hugged tightly by Brother Win.
"You still owe P something, remember?"
"Yes, but what does it have to do with it?"
"Help seduce someone."
Graph didn't realize what happened before , Suddenly warm lips covered his
lips, the tight touch and soft touch were very different from someone. And it...
hooks teenagers from the first contact.
How did it feel when Professor Win kissed for the first time, and the feeling is
the same now.
Brother Win's kiss will make the heart tickle and flutter, and Brother Win's kiss
will also make the heart pound, soft and delicious, making people want to
entangle and rub each other's tongue. The boy thought it was just a playful kiss,
and he even asked P to help him clean it, so this kiss was nothing. But he didn't
know... misfortune was coming his way.
The impending misfortune appears in the form of a tall man standing with arms
folded. I saw the man watching what happened with eyes burning with raging
fire, but...the anger had not burst out yet.
Pakin stood aside and continued to watch, wanting to see how long the two
lying on the ground were going to kiss. And behind him, there was a confidant
who immediately lowered his head stood.
The kiss should have lasted longer, but Graph pushed away the other's shoulder,
shook his head and said:
"P, that's enough. We are brothers."
"Well, P also thinks it's okay. Because Graph is P's younger brother, But..."
Phawis paused when he heard the weary whisper of the person beside him,
causing the boy to frown involuntarily. Then the young man continued to say in
a low voice...
"Look to the left."
"P Pakin!"
When he looked to the left as his elder brother said, the boy suddenly stood up
from the opponent, staring at the standing man with a sneer. He didn't scold,
didn't say a word, but frowned slightly, as if he was saying is it over? The boy
couldn't help but panicked, and then became more and more afraid...I don't have
any clothes on.
"It seems to be in good spirits."
"It's not like what P thinks, it's really not, P!" Graph said inarticulately. But the
other party just laughed, and that laughter sounded like the arrival of death.
This time it was dead.
"I just bathed the dead Hot, and then P Win came to help. Then I just fell down,
P. I fell down and my mouth touched." The listener also nodded as if he heard
but Turn around and ask the trusted person:
"Did you ever fall down and fold your mouth? And your tongue."
"No." P‟ Chai also replied in a terribly low voice. The boss nodded twice,
turned to look at the bear and...
"Oh." After that, he turned and went into the room without saying anything, and
Graph could not help but run after him immediately.
"P, there's really nothing there, just a kiss."
The person walking in front still didn't say anything, just walked into the
house. Let the boy with a fair body follow him, and explained:
"P Win and I are really just brothers, P. It's just that our mouths touch our
mouths, and then P Win just wants to play tricks." "
Well, like this Brother."
"It's really just a brother." Graph still persisted, grabbing the opponent's arm,
but he couldn't stop the opponent's pace. Then before they knew it they had
reached the bedroom.
As soon as he arrived, the tall man turned around and looked back, and said...
"Then I should teach you not to be such a brother with others.
When he was on his shoulders, the boy could only yell, wanting to struggle but
dare not, wanting to scold but remembering his guilt, so he could only scream
miserably and was carried into the bedroom. And the sad voice will disappear
and quiet down after dinner.
This time Pakin will teach and let the other party remember... You can no
longer be brothers with other people!
At the same time, Win just got up, grabbed the hose and poured it on his body
that was soiled by dirt, completely ignoring the other man who was standing
motionless beside him. When he was clean, he walked up the house, and just as
he was about to pass him...
"Please don't do this again." The suit was untied and put on the young man's
shoulders, and a calm voice followed.
"What I want to do is my business."
"Is it fun to tease Mr. Pakin like this?"
"Are you jealous?" Win turned and looked over, while the listener lowered his
"I have nothing to do with you , so I don‟t have that kind of power.”
The listener was speechless for a moment, then pulled his suit and slammed into
the other person‟s chest.
"Shut up if you don't have power."
After that, the teaser entered the house. Because it seemed that the elder brother
who played tricks on him made him feel sick because of the unexpected elder
brother's person.
It doesn't matter...that is, we don't have any relationship.
Special 2: before or after
"Ah...ha, P...don't...don't look like that."
"Don't you like it?"
"It's...very weird..."
"Seeing that you want to go to Win, so I just I'll let you know how it feels."
At this time, Graph's hands were brought to the head of the bed, and beside him
was a tall man with his legs crossed and his sharp face drooping looked at him
displeased. The big hands are manipulating some kind of equipment
rhythmically, which makes the boy almost out of breath. The sound of sucking
and crotch pounding resounded throughout the spacious bedroom.
That utensil... is also called a masturbation cup.
With separate recesses for male genitals in need of venting, the thick, elongated
device sucks at Graph's vulnerable parts while the person who picks it up
rhythmically manipulates it. Teenagers know all too well how to feel
comfortable with teenagers who have never used the front of their bodies to
crash into anyone.
The boy was swinging his hips back and forth because he was feeling really
weird right now. The soft, springy thing sucking on his precious son vibrated
eerily as it pulled his little boy in and then slowly backed out, making the teen's
legs tense and arched. Tears oozed, desperately begging someone to take that
thing off because he wasn't used to it.
He may be used to being taken from behind, and he was really uncomfortable
with the feeling of being oppressed and tightly wrapped around his youngest
son, so the boy kept trying to back away from this strange feeling as soon as
Is it cool... Yes, but Graph shook his head vigorously when he thought that he
had entered a hole he didn't know what it was.
"It's just that you want to fuck Win, and then Sin just came to bother me."
Pakin said calmly, as if he was not angry, but his eyes shone with a terrible light
on the contrary. Recalling the jerk friend I just met in the morning, the bastard
forced something for him, and said with a smile: "
In case your children think about it, you don't have to be jealous." '
At first, he didn't care what it was, so he opened it in the car with Panachai as
the driver, and then he couldn't help cursing loudly, and he wanted to call back
and scold him. But Sin has already turned off the phone as if he knew it a long
time ago... Ah bought him a sex toy, and it was the kind he didn't want the last
Now that I have done it with him in the back, who would want to teach my
children to do things in the front? But when Ya plays with his blood relatives
like that, it seems that he has to teach Ya and let Ya know which is better and
more comfortable, and he will never have the idea of using this part with other
"No...don't...don't...ah." When the big hand flicked the tank almost out of the
stick, the tank suddenly sucked the stick into the deepest part again, Graph
could only say no. Shouting, tears were about to flow in the next second, and his
mouth quickly said in order to calm the other party down:
"I... I was kissing and playing with P Win, it's just... like this "
"How many times has this happened?"
"Several times, ah...several times...." When tortured like this, the boy could only
say in a trembling voice . He directly confessed that he had kissed someone
several times. Although he didn't have any other thoughts, the fact he heard still
made Pakin's eyes light up. He knew that his younger brother must not have
fallen in love with this young master but was just using her.
"Don't do it again, you know!"
"Yeah, I know... I... know... take it out..." Graph said with tears in his eyes,
trying to push away his body. However, he couldn't escape, and the listener
didn't allow it and reached out to caress the boy's chest.
"That's better?"
Pakin gently fiddled with the erected nipples with his fingertips, and the
listeners were shocked, more than being touched When he was behind, he
moaned hoarsely. The teenager opened his eyes and looked over, but still didn't
answer the question. And the tall guy didn't want to wait any longer...he wanted
to punish him so badly that he wouldn't dare to do that again.
The burning tongue landed and licked on the hard spot, and the long fingers
fiddled with it even more heavily. Graph couldn't help puffing out his chest to
meet him, his bound hands were tightly clenched together, the pleasure reached
his lower abdomen, and his breathing became louder and louder. The movement
of the mouth of the licking person completely turned into sucking, which made
the boy gasp emotionally.
"," Graph said hoarsely, looking down, making the person who
was also looking up suck even harder. The boy's body staggered and convulsed
as the other party licked and wiped. After that...
"Ah, no...don't bite...P...don't...pain..."
Graph groaned bewilderedly as the sharp teeth scraped against the wet nipple,
and still Not only scraping his teeth, but also biting down gently, which made
the boy's buttocks tremble, and his feet rubbed against the sheet
uncontrollably. The boy shook his head and said don't do this. The biter, in
contrast, backs away from the mouth and instead pinches and kneads with the
other hand. The young man looked down at the lower part of his body, and
pushed the tank to the deepest point:
"But the bottom is fine."
"Yes...I'm sorry...I won't...with P Win... I played...I'm sorry." The boy
apologized with a hoarse voice. Then it bounced up again, because the tank
suddenly dropped and completely engulfed the little Graph, causing the boy to
hold his breath. That's not enough...
"The verbal promise of the brat can't be trusted, and it needs to be severely
punished." Pakin said coldly, pushing up his white buttocks so that the narrow
hole that was shrinking violently could be seen at a glance. The young man let
the can eat the young man's vulnerable parts like that, and then...
"Hey! Uh... too exciting... P... I can't do it... ah..."
The tongue poked lightly on the small Graph almost struggled, his buttocks
trembled densely, and his legs hanging above the mattress were widely
separated, kicking back and forth in the air. When the hot tongue is slowly
coming in and out, it teases people who are used to using this part almost out of
P Pakin sends Lao Tzu away with every lick.
The big man not only licked and wiped the outside, but also pushed his tongue
inward, touched the soft inner wall around the narrow opening, and scraped
back and forth with his constantly waving tongue. The boy almost died on the
spot, his breathing was strong, his chest heaved violently, the light-colored
tunnel contracted more and more eagerly, devouring the hot object pretending to
be a regular visitor that was entering bit by bit.
"No...not enough...uh..." Graph crooned after that, having to admit that the
other's tongue was driving him crazy, but it didn't go as far as he'd like. The
licker raised the corners of his mouth, pressed his fingers into the warm tunnel,
and touched slowly to let the boy get used to it, then withdrew his tongue, and
slowly pressed his middle finger into the deepest part.
Someone who knew the boy's lust button like the back of his hand rhythmically
pushed it out and then pushed it back in. The boy closed his eyes tightly and
sobbed in his throat but he didn't stop. Conversely, the teenager spread his legs
further apart, allowing long finger insertions to increase to 2, then 3.
The boy clearly knew that it would be a little painful at first, but it would be
followed by an unparalleled pleasure.
As soon as the pain was over, the boy couldn't help opening his mouth wide
when his fingertips hit a certain point in his body. He didn't make a sound but
let the crystal saliva stain the corners of his mouth. The eyes are full of beauty,
as if one more click will reach the end.
Afterwards, the long fingers rubbed back and forth, causing the boy below to
close his body several times, whispering in a hoarse voice:
" more fingers...P's... It's for P."
Graph opened his watery eyes and looked up, aloud seeking something that
would bring him more pleasure. The young man stretched out his other hand to
wipe away the boy's tears, and rudely took off his pants, revealing the huge
thing that had swollen to the extreme, and then moved up and straddled the
boy's mouth.
"Help me."
Graph did not refuse such a request. The boy immediately lowered his head and
began to suck, and his tongue quickly licked and wiped the entire meat blade,
and the familiar taste permeated the entire mouth. Then he slowly pushed it into
his mouth, and in an instant the boy felt the scorching heat permeate his entire
mouth. After getting used to it, Graph began to move his head in and out slowly,
and felt the trembling of satisfaction from the person above.
"Okay baby, that's know exactly what I like."
Pakin said in a low voice, looking down at the charming face that was serving
him. Slowly swinging his hips, slowly inserting and then withdrawing, being
careful not to let himself go too deep into the boy's throat, making the other
party unable to breathe. He just swayed slowly, pulled it out when he felt
enough, and then gently wiped the water from the boy's mouth.
"I know, I'll give it to you now." The young man whispered, lowered his head
and kissed away the boy's tears, then rubbed the scorching hot thing into the
narrow corridor.
The scorching temperature made Graph froze his body to accept the opponent's
entry, and then...
"Hey! Ah...ah...ah...ah...P...great...great. .." Graph was startled, his stomach
tensed. The hot object like a fire stick was slowly and deeply inserted into the
young man's body until the hot object penetrated to the deepest point, making
the young man moan unbearably.
The familiar heat made the boy's body gladly accept it.
"Do you like it?" the person above asked, and the naughty child nodded
"I like... like... move... move... heh." The listener replied directly. When the
other party stopped swinging, bursts of impatience hit the boy, and the boy's
cute words also made Pakin...start his own music.
"Ah! Still... P... And..."
The scorching fire rod was pulled until it was almost out of the body, and then it
was stuffed into the deepest part again, so that Graph couldn't help but jumped
on it and whispered eagerly. And the bad-hearted person also responded to the
other party's request and swung his body again, but the painfully slow speed
made the person who received it scream tremblingly, biting his lips so hard that
he was about to bleed.
At the same time, Pakin also moved his lower body in the same rhythm and
quickly fiddled with the can in front of the boy. His sharp handsome face bent
down and sucked up the boy's firm nipples, making the boy almost attack him
from back to forth, up and down. And couldn't breathe.
The big man whispered in the boy's ear:
"Front or back?"
"Wh... what..." the man who was sinking in the supreme joy asked confusedly.
"Ah! Hmm..."
When there was no answer, the young man slammed into it, causing the
inexperienced young man to groan incoherently. The young man asked again,
"Here, which one do you" In order to explain what he was
asking, Pakin started to fuck again. The person whose eyes were full of tears
couldn't help but opened his eyes and looked up, tremblingly whispered:
"'s's P's...I like P.. .Love P...If it's P, P will can."
The listener paused on the spot, and the flesh in his chest throbbed wildly. His
little friend is telling him the outcome of his choice...he only wants him.
Whatever dead Pakin was going to do, the kid was ready to take it.
"I'm sorry, I'm too jealous." After that, the jealous person said in the boy's ear,
with a gentle tone, and kissed the sweaty temple. He pulled away the rope that
bound the boy's wrist.
"P... move... it's uncomfortable... nah... nah" When his hands were free, Graph
threw himself on the young man's neck, and the listeners couldn't help offering
kisses as a reward. The recipient of the kiss opens his mouth to welcome,
feeling the violent deep sucking on the lips and the simultaneous impact of the
lower body.
After that, the young man took off the sticky can and put it next to the bed,
hugged his slender buttocks and...
"Ah...good...great...P...ah, um..."
"Graph...naughty young can't do it like that...understand !" The
rhythm became heavier and longer, and Pakin's back was soaked with sweat. He
sprinted into the warm interior, causing the young man to nod vigorously, and
said in a trembling voice, "Ah... ah... I'm
P. person."
No matter how many times you listen to it, the powerful young man's heart will
be shocked. He put his arms around the young man's white body and pressed
them tightly into his arms. Said in a deep voice:
"I love you, Graph, I love you."
Love made him cherish this young master more than anyone else, just seeing
him kissing Win made his heart go crazy. Although it is very clear in my heart
that these two people will never have a relationship more than brothers. Graph
loves him, and Win loves his cronies, the two just have a deep bond. But when
he saw the two kissing together, he even used his tongue, no, he would go crazy
even if it didn't work.
Thinking of this, the hot lips covered the red lips, as if declaring who it
belonged to. At the same time, the rhythm of the impact is heavier and longer,
more ferocious, and faster. The slender figure below him is convulsing
violently, and it seems that it will reach the end at any moment in the next
At this moment, the sound of the body hitting the body became louder and
louder, the sound of heavy breathing was released with the sweet kiss, and the
sweat was sticking all over the body. The ultimate end point can be reached by
taking a small step forward.
The boy reached the finish line first, and Pakin's body was stretched by the
continuously shrinking and gnawing tunnel. The young man gritted his teeth
and refused to fall here, but the clumsy child who had been underestimated for a
long time shrunk tightly, and he couldn't help but quietly buried his head into
the young man's body, reaching the end...all released into the warm tunnel Then
he backed out slowly...
The tall man yelled out loudly, because the person holding his neck bumped
into his shoulder, flung his body and escaped. Although the boy's feet were still
trembling, his eyes were blazing when he looked over, and despite his
exhausted breathing, he still cursed angrily: "
P is crazy! Crazy! How can you do this! I said and P Win is just! Did you hear that!!!" The person who spoke was so tired that
he was almost out of breath, and this also made the person watching couldn't
help reaching out to grab the child who was struggling desperately but still had
no strength to resist, Hug tightly.
"I'm sorry...I'm so jealous."
"Jealous!" Graph was angry at the other party playing this trick. To be honest,
he didn't like it. But when he was hugged tightly, coupled with the low voice in
his ears, his heart softened every time.
"I'm really sorry, yes, I'm jealous. But don't kiss Win like that again." "
What about P? How do I know that P won't either!" And the tears shed, only
anger was left in the eyes.
"Since I made a promise to you...I have never touched anyone else." "
The listener stopped talking, leaving only eyes full of distrust, and this made
Pakin couldn't help but once again Promise:
"I swear."
"P...don't pretend."
"Really, I only love you, only you."
After getting a firm answer, the angry person gradually calmed down , slowly
relaxed his body and leaned into his warm arms. The boy looked at the serious
sharp eye and closed his eyes:
"No more, P. I'm really scared, I'm really super scared when P is angry." "
I'm sorry." This person never apologized to anyone but said sorry to this kid. I
don't know how many times all over. So Graph also pulled the opponent's
bracelet to his waist, and buried himself in the opponent's arms. Although I
often say that I don't know how to act like a baby, but the people watching...
think that Ya is too good at acting like a baby.
"Listen to what I have to say next time, P. Don't take yourself as the criterion,
you will die." "I will
work hard."
"Can't you agree?"
The listener sighed for a long time, wanting to agree But he didn't want to break
his promise, and the seemingly stubborn child also understood this. The boy's
optimistic face slowly lowered:
"It's enough just to work hard." Graph said with a smile, then turned around
completely, climbed up and lay down on the young man's chest, and his hands
and feet came to the sides of the broad chest.
"I also like P to be jealous, but can I be jealous like a normal person? High
school students can't stand jealous behavior like a gangster level, P." When one
enters three, the people watching can't help but want to Pinched the other
person's nose and shook it:
"As a gangster's wife, you have to hold on." "
Give me another 5 years, and I will show you bravely."
The boy said with a smile, and this also made the listeners nervous. Hugging
him, he pressed the kiss heavily and promised:
"I can give you my whole life."
"Then please be merciful, it's all bruised." Graph said, then moved up and
kissed the thin lips , the eyes also began to plead. The look made the person
watching slightly squint their eyes and looked down.
This look... is the look of asking for something.
"What are you going to do?" the young man immediately asked seeing through
everything, and Graph raised a big smile:
"Let's make an exchange, P. P punished me, and I want a reward."
"Go ahead."
"Agreed Ha."
"Let's listen first."
"I agree first."
"P Pakin!"
In fact, it is okay for Pakin to refuse, but when the brat looked at him with
grievances, the young man had no choice but to agree: "
That's it, he The smile he wanted to see appeared in front of his eyes, but what
the boy said made his smile disappear immediately.
"From now on, P has the responsibility to bathe the dead Hot... The report is
It is true that people with a huge workload don't have so much time, but when
they see the face of the person who is happy for this proposal, the young man
has no choice but to ...
"If it wasn't for you, I wouldn't have agreed."
"If it wasn't for P, I wouldn't have 'revenge'." The kid also said bluntly. So the
big man...turned over:
"Then I want to pay the dog for bathing."
"I can afford it."
For such provocative words, Pakin will make the other party deeply
understand...paying the debt of the gangster It's much harder than imagined.
Special 3: Stubborn Child Mode
"P Pakin, don't be angry."
"Oh, P, it's only for a while."
"No, it's not."
"P Pakin." "The answer is
Everyone went around to the studio with the door wide open to see what
happened. I saw a teenager standing at a desk, and the person sitting behind the
desk was repeatedly saying...impossible.
"It's only been two days, 2 days."
"Ever heard of a kid who was sucked away by the ocean while playing with
friends?" "
P, I heard he was alive, and I was going to the waterfall." "
Don't haggle "
P Pakin!"
And the cause of the incident was not any other reason, but because the yelling
child was asking for permission to travel to the seaside with his friends. The
activity of the whole class travels for a period of two days and one night. In the
past, Graph would not be interested in such activities, and would not go if he
could. However, when he gets closer to his classmates and it is the last year of
high school life, he himself wants to fully integrate into it. But it is true that Mr.
Guardian does not allow it.
The child's begging has entered the second day, and everyone in the family is
secretly betting on who will be the winner of this war. Situation scores are more
inclined to the children's side.
"Then I'll go to my dad to sign it!"
"Your dad gave me custody."
"Is that what P wants!"
Pakin nodded, looking at the person who wanted to play, but he was more
concerned The safety of this young master. Besides this waterfall, the young
master will fall into the sea if he goes to the beach, but won't he fall into the
ravine when he goes to the cliff? So the sharp and handsome face slowly shook
his head, making the listeners almost raise their hands and thump the table.
"Okay, if P wants to do this, I won't admit defeat either!"
Graph yelled in the face, then walked out of the studio quickly with his head
bowed, to calm down. Of course he would not admit defeat, he just went to find
a way to bargain with this hard-hearted man.
Think about it, die Graph, think about what you can do!
Method 1
"Is P Pakin tired? I'm going to cook, come and give P the first taste."
Use cooking skills to buy.
Graph looked proudly at the fried basil that he tried again and challenged
successfully, both in color and appearance, it was as tempting as it came out of
a gourmet magazine. When it was sent to someone who was talking about work
with P‟ Chai, the teenager didn't care if the work he was talking about was
important, because his food was more important.
Unsurprisingly, Pakin narrowed his eyes.
"Could it be that the fish sauce is all poured down?"
"Of course not, Aunt Kaew is standing and watching." Graph shook his head
and looked hurt.
"Won't P eat it?"
"Hey, bring it here." He could eat up all the fish sauce and basil in the past, but
now that he is in love with this young master, how could he waste his
heart. Under Panachai's funny eyes, the young man raised the plate to his face.
"Are you sure you can eat it?"
"It looks delicious, isn't it P Chai." The kid turned to another person for support,
and the reinforcement smiled and said, "Yes
, the appearance is qualified."
The problem is its Taste is another matter.
Pakin sighed, but took a spoonful of his mouth anyway, and then... paused.
"How is it? P."
"It's...delicious." The young man was about to tell the truth, but he couldn't bear
it because he met the expectant gaze, so he forced the words in his mouth
Something swallowed his throat and said something that would make the
children happy. Hearing this, Graph smiled happily:
"Then I'll make food for P...Let me go on a trip."
The whole dish fell on the table immediately, and at the same time there was a
young man's deep voice:
"No way."
"P! I have been working hard in the kitchen all morning for this dish! P will
promise me."
"If you say no, it's no."
"Damn it!" The person who worked so hard to make lunch as he wished could
only say angrily, and the curse caused Pakin to cast a forbidden look at the other
party. So the boy had no choice but to walk out of the room irritatedly.
Until the kid left the room completely.
"Do you need me to take it and throw it away?" The person who had been
observing asked, looking at the tempting fried basil that seemed to be hiding an
ominous power. Hearing this, Pakin paused for a moment, then shook his head:
"I worked so hard to make it, I'll eat it myself later."
He said so, but he didn't know if his stomach could take it. Because although
fish sauce was not poured this time, sugar and monosodium glutamate were
replaced. After eating, the kid might be able to travel, because he might have
been admitted to the hospital.
Method 2
"P Pakin, do you want to take a bath? I'll put water for you."
The owner of the mansion came back today after 10 o'clock in the evening.
After talking about work with Sirapop, the boy who had been waiting when he
walked into the bedroom jumped up and rushed. Going up, raised a nice smile
and asked. He was about to be happy about it, but how could he not know the
kid's intentions... He wanted a reward.
"I use the shower head to wash."
"P is very tired when I come back, let's take a bath. I have already boiled the
water and squeezed the toothpaste." The boy said with a smile on his face, and
ran into the bathroom to get everything done. Squeeze the toothpaste, add water
to the bathtub, and even put away the towels for washing your body. Those who
walked in couldn't help but sigh heavily.
"No need if you have another picture."
"I don't have one, P. Come on, I'll help you undress."
Graph immediately shook his head, walked up, and then helped to tear off the
suit from behind. After that, I also helped take off the shirt and pants, and
almost even helped to wash the shower. Everything you do is for one thing.
"No matter how coaxed you are, I won't let you go." "
Let me go. It's only two days. Many people went together."
until. Don't underestimate this super annoying kid, he will persist until he
achieves his goal, after all, he has got the heart of a big man, hasn't he?
"No... damn, it's hot!" Pakin shook his head, because he interrupted the other
person as he stepped into the bathtub, he didn't have time to notice why there
was strange smoke floating on the bathtub. As soon as the toes touched it, he
cursed loudly.
"Is this going to boil the eggs!!!"
The boy turned around and looked over, then laughed dryly.
I was so excited that I forgot to turn on the cold water.
"Then P just take a shower...I'm going games." When there is a
mistake, there will be something waiting to be turned on, so the boy
immediately ran out of the bathroom. But the person whose feet were burned
didn't have time to grab the opponent's body, so he could only shout behind the
"Don't let me catch it!"
The second method is too dangerous, and he may die before he succeeds.
Method the end!
"P, I'm sorry, I didn't mean it. Don't be angry with me." "
I'm not angry."
"Alas, P Pakin. I really mean it." Teenager Trying to defend himself, he looked
at the same naked person who slipped into the blanket and lay down on the bed
as before. I saw that the foot that was scorched red was placed outside the quilt
alone. After that, the boy moved over and fell in front of the young man,
rubbing his head and pushing his nose like a hot boy, but it still didn't seem to
"It's useless to act like a baby."
"If P asks me to go, I won't be stubborn." "
If you want to stalk me, go ahead and stalk me, it's pretty cute." The owner of
the room didn't mind at all, on the contrary He quite likes the slender man to
squeeze and rub him with his body, act coquettishly and hug him, his eyes are
pitiful, and his voice is soft and slow, no matter how you look at it, it will not
make people feel in a hurry.
Recently, he likes Ya acting like a baby, because he won't lose anything by
acting like a baby, even if what he does makes Ya a well-deserved kid who likes
to get involved in incidents.
"P Pakin, really, I really want to go."
"Seriously..." Pakin looked over, and then tapped the young man on the
"I won't let you go, go to sleep." Then the young man Then he fell down and lay
down, turned his back to the boy, ignoring a certain kid who was twisting his
face. But he seems to underestimate Graph too much, she was the one who
made him want to throw him out of the house before...
"Nah." "..."
"Nah, Pakin."
" Please, it‟s only been two days.”
No matter how much he closed his eyes, there was still a voice interfering in,
making the young man unable to sleep, and the young man‟s hands were still
tightly grasping his arm, shaking it non-stop.
"P let me go."
"P Pakin."
"Okay, I will keep pestering until P agrees to go with me." No matter how silent
he is, the little bastard beside him is still unwilling to sleep, and even got up and
sat cross-legged , shook his arm vigorously, and then began to sing a nerve-
interfering, eardrum-stinging song. And it looks like the momentum will
continue until the youth give permission.
"This song is good... Tell me why you are so cruel and evil or because I am not
the right person... What should I do... to make you come back and become the
original deep Lover~" The young master has turned into a little expert who can
sing as soon as he opens his mouth. (*song name "The Heartless Man")
"Ah!" Finally, the unbearable person got up and sat up again, his sharp eyes
bursting out with terrifying light.
"I won't stop if I don't agree?"
"Then I'll let you yell about other things." The young man made a gesture to hug
and knock down the stubborn brat, but Graph raised his hand first and
bargained. :
"Promise to let me go first, or I won't give it."
The listener closed his eyes irritatedly, and then became even more irritated
because... "
Even if P tells me to shut up now, but tomorrow, The day after tomorrow, even
on the day of traveling, P has to be bothered by me like this. Come on, come on.
P also knows that I have been pestering P for ten years, and it only takes a few
days to think about it, how could I not do it!" Those who listen know that you
can do it, and you can persist in doing it very well. So the young man raised his
head and raised his hair to look at the person who looked back at him without
admitting defeat.
"OK, you can go."
"Really!!!" Graph's eyes widened immediately, and he was about to pounce on
him and hug him, if it wasn't for... "
But I'll go too."
"Hey, don't! "
If you want to go, don't make excuses. Also, I don't have time to talk. I want to
sleep. Good night." someone. Because this is already the maximum he can
give. Graph can't speak, looking at the people who will really do what they say.
On the day of the tour, there must be gangsters following and taking care of the
lives of high school students, but he is very unwilling.
Alas, why do you have to bring your 'old father' with you to travel with your
But, if you want to have to bring your old father along.
This time, the method of the stubborn kid is to stalk and beat the other party
until they get bored, while the method of the experienced person make the
other party have nothing to say.

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