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By Ivan “Skady” Soares

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Various conventional and magical forms of healing will be
presented here. Much of the conventional material is in the
net-book “Spirited Away”.
This net-book is the second in the “SUGAR” series, with
alternative themes. The first in the series was “Rock 'n' Roll”,
also written by me. The next ones (if they haven't been released
yet) will probably be about medieval sports and poisons, both minor.
By: Skady
Note: Everything about the setting in this book refers to
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1 - Baths

Simple bath:
Hot water, some (few) oils, maybe, with luck, some refreshing herbs.

Even with little luxury, every 15 minutes of bathing will recover 1d3-1 hp. The bath
can never recover more than 6d3-6 hp.

Soothing herbal bath:

Slightly cold water, refreshing and comfortable, this bath, in addition to cleansing the
body perfectly, calms the bather, leaving him with a feeling of being “light”.
Its calming properties (coming from a combination of dark herbs and refreshing herbs) are
capable of recovering 1d6+2 hp, in addition to leaving the character incredibly calm, peaceful,
and cannot be affected by spells that interfere with the character's mind, for 2d6 hours. after
bathing (which lasts 40 minutes, but can be extended, changing the effects proportionally).

Cherry blossom petal bath: Very hot

water, with sublime effects. The bath cleanses not only the body, but also the mind of
the bather. All worries seem to literally go down the drain.
As it is highly relaxing, it recovers all of the bather's health points in its duration (75 minutes!).
The character will also pay more attention to everything he does (at least 2d6 hours after
showering), making all tests of medium difficulty involving concentration easy, and those
difficult tests medium (consider easy ones automatic successes).

Bath with wild herb and citrus fruit oils: Perhaps

one of the best in the world, they even put the bather to sleep. It lasts 100 minutes
(!!), eliminates simpler diseases (colds, fevers and others, although the entities that bathe
here do not have this type of disease), recovers all the bather's HP, and provides him with a
day, +3 points in CAR, for the great perfume, and also for your calm and patience.

2 - Herbs
The rain fell heavily on the balconies of the dreamlike Alabaster Halls. Fiona and Garr,
healer and patient, with bare feet, watched nature and smelled the pleasant and natural smell
that came from the earth.
“Feeling better, I presume” – Fiona stepped forward and bathed her delicate hands
in the rain. Garr couldn't see her, but he felt the tender smile she was giving at that time.

Garr shook his head. “Life, one day, will enlighten me about the mysteries of plants...”.
He took a step forward in order to get closer to the cozy female figure. “...and how your guild
obtained this... shall we say, ability to manipulate them.”
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The young woman turned around, quickly, conviction flashing in her eyes. “It’s not the plants, the
plants don’t have any power. The mind provides the cure.” She smiled, collecting water in her hands, washing
her face. The raindrops ran contentedly down her smooth skin; they rolled down her white linen clothes up to
her cleavage. Garr even thought that Fiona was actively trying to seduce him. He then scolded himself,
disregarding the foolish idea.
But he couldn't help but think about how soft that skin was. Like a chamomile leaf.

-Blandine- Host of the story circle –

Shepherd's purse:
This herb makes an extremely effective tea against high blood pressure, but its taste (if we can call it
that) is incredibly bad, accompanied by its foul odor. The measure is 2 grams of herb for 50 cm3 of boiling
Rarity: Easily found.
Characteristics: Dark green, long with small green dots at the top.
Narrow, prickly leaves.
Side effects: Nausea caused by the terrible taste and unpleasant odor.
Identification: Normal Herbalism or Botany test.

With dried nettle leaves, it is possible to treat rheumatic pain by making teas from them. The teas
have a slightly sweet taste, not being too bad. Its smell isn't the worst.

Rarity: Easily found.

Characteristics: Light yellow flower, with dark green, pointed leaves, resembling the
suit "spades" on a playing card.
Side effects: Itching all over the body.
Identification: Easy Botany or Herbalism test.

Elderflower As protection
against flu, colds and respiratory tract infections, elderflower tea is made. For gargling, Saracura is
Rarity: Normal.
Characteristics: Broad, moss-green leaves. Thin, light green plant, with small fruits (white and purple).

Side effects: Drowsiness.

Identification: Generally, you just need to know how to read the product label to
understand it.

Against diarrhea and other problems in the digestive system. Poppy juice or opium
are extracted from the poppy head by incision.
Rarity: Easily found.
Characteristics: Long, brown stem, which ends in a brown fruit, shaped like a small fig.

Side effects: None.

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Identification: Those who have the Botany or Herbalism skill do not need to
do tests.

Very effective tea against insomnia.
Rarity: Normal.
Characteristics: Characteristics: White flowers with a yellowish core. Green stem
clear, with few leaves.
Side effects: None Identification:
Normal Herbalism or botany test.

Dandelion: A few
pieces of dandelion leaves are effective against constipation.
Rarity: Easily found.
Characteristics: Red or yellow flowers, with an orange core. yellow stem,
very strange, spear-shaped leaves.
Side Effects: None Identification:
Easy Herbalism or Botany Test.

Saint John's herb:

To cure depression and general discouragement (infrequent) we use herb tea.
St. John's or walnut fiber tea.
Rarity: Rare.
Characteristics: Yellow flower, like a daisy, with a raised, red core.

Side Effects: None.

Identification: Generally, you just need to know how to read the product label to understand it.

Fennel: The
most common among all herbs. In addition to being a pleasant tea, it facilitates digestion.
Rarity: Easily found.
Characteristics: Similar to a cocoon, from which several stems emerge.
Side Effects: None.
Identification: No testing required.

Birch Leaf: Used to

prevent kidney stones. Your tea is very pleasant, however, it causes insomnia.
Rarity: Easily found.
Features: Leaf in an exact V.
Side Effects: Insomnia.
Identification: Difficult test of botany or herbalism.

Centaur herb: One

leaf of centaur herb a day, and your arteries will never stiffen!
Rarity: Very rare.
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Characteristics: Thin and light leaves, of a beautiful plant that ends in buds
Side Effects: None.
Identification: Generally, you just need to know how to read the product label to understand

Lilac willow: Stops

the blood with this efficient plant.
Rarity: Easily found.
Characteristics: Long, pink, beautiful and large flower.
Side effects: None.
Identification: Easy Herbalism or Botany test.

Powers Of
Faith “Armand woke up before the sun rose. That would be a busy day. Collectors from
Axmania would come to collect the bonds. The poor cleric barely had enough to eat, let alone
pay taxes! But the laws of that place are harsh and rigid. He would die by hanging if he didn't
pay... The inspectors arrived. They were mounted on white steeds, but Armand had already
prepared everything. They demanded the twelve titles from him. He said he didn't have it. They
punched him. Nothing happened. They stuck the knife in him, and nothing happened. He pierced him with the spear.
Not a single groan of pain was heard. When Armand noticed the men's surprise, he said a prayer,
and they began to writhe and bleed. The inspectors died right there.
This day was called the justice of the few. This power was known as the Armand pardon.”

Devil's Clauses Cost:

Created by God's angels to deceive the poor devils in the war in heaven. If someone
signs on a sheet of paper, under the effect of this power, the person who signed, instead of
causing damage with attacks, will heal the person who receives the blow (the attacker's HP is
restored by 100%).

Beginner's cure
Cost: 3.
Taught to first-year students in Kali, this power of faith restores xd3
points of damage to the person who casts the power or someone around them, where x is 1d6.

Advanced Healing
Cost: 6.
Taught to Kali's final year students, this power of faith restores xd10 points of
damage to the person who casts the power or someone around them, where x is 1d6.
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Skady's Healing
Cost: 15.
It can only be used once in a lifetime. Whoever casts this power loses 1d6 permanent hit
points, in exchange for curing any evil or disease, magical or otherwise, that involves the recipient
of the power (who knows, perhaps this is the cleric himself).

Strength of God
Cost: 1.
Must be used before or during combat. From the moment this power is used, every time
the word “God” or “Skady” (or any god that is revered in the scenario) is pronounced, the cleric
recovers one hp. If there is a combination between the fighters, and the pronunciation is intentional,
the cleric loses one VP.

Custo: 4.
Gui-gui-gury, the great eccentric of the caves gury uses this to restore life to beings he
kills. Gury went crazy when he was locked in a very large cave. He is called Gui-gui-gury because
he developed a dirty act of wallowing in the mud while singing the ancient song of his people:
“guri, gui gui gui. Guri guri guri. Gui gui guri or being gures...” Gury is crazy and kills some small
animals (fish and cave urchins) for pleasure and then regrets it later. When this happens, he uses
this power, which leaves the creature alive for another two hours. The power only works for beings
that had CONS lower than 6. Gury thinks they come back to life, but in fact, two hours after the
power, the fish dies again.

Claus' indignation
Cost: 5
Restores 1d6 hp for each point of faith the cleric has (in addition to the 5 spent).

Armand's Forgiveness
Cost: 7
Must be prepared one hour before it is expected to be useful.
All damage that would be caused to the cleric is absorbed (up to a maximum of 25 points of
damage), and the cleric does not even feel pain. Two minutes later, this damage is dealt to the
one who caused it.

Enchanted river
Cost: 8
Must be used in relation to any piece of running water. Everyone who drinks the water
within a period of ten minutes will have 2 hp recovered.
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Howl of Pain
Cost: 3
The user will not feel pain for two hours.


Nothing like good food to ward off fatigue and pain. Follow the recipe and how to
preparation, and then the effects when digested.

Mushroom salad
3 tablespoons olive oil 2
tablespoons white wine or fine vinegar 1 teaspoon sugar 1
teaspoon mustard salt to taste

1/2 kg of mushrooms 1
teaspoon of sugar salt to taste
almonds to

Preparation method:
Cook the mushrooms in water seasoned with salt and sugar. Drain and reserve.
Toast and grate the almonds. Reserve.
Sauce - Mix the sauce ingredients well, pour over the mushrooms.
Garnish with toasted and grated almonds and serve
When ingested, it recovers 1d6 HP from the person who ingested it.

Barnecute soufflé

4 medium chayotes
1 small leek 1 medium
tomato, skinless and seedless 3 cups (tea) of
whole milk 3 tablespoons of butter 2
tablespoons of wheat flour 3 eggs
1 tablespoon of sauce tomato 3 tablespoons
walnuts 4 tablespoons breadcrumbs salt
to taste

Preparation Mode:
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Remove the ends of the chayotes, wash them, peel and cut into 1 cm cubes.
Clean the leek, remove the ends, wash and roughly chop. Finely chop the tomato. Place a pan with the
chayote, leek and milk over low heat. Cook, stirring occasionally, for 25 minutes, or until the chayote is
soft. Remove from the heat, discard the leek (use it to make stews) and drain the chayote with the milk in
a sieve placed in a bowl. Reserve 1 1/2 cups of milk. Melt 2 tablespoons of butter in a pan, sprinkle the
wheat flour and brown, stirring constantly, for 2 minutes. Continue stirring and gradually add the reserved
milk. Cook for another 5 minutes, until you get a thin cream. Remove from the heat and sift the egg yolks
over the pan with the cream. Add the chayote, tomato sauce, chopped tomato, walnuts and salt. Turn the
oven on to medium temperature. Return the pan to the heat and cook, stirring occasionally, for 5 minutes,
or until a thick cream is obtained. Remove from heat, transfer to another bowl and, once warm, add the
egg whites. Mix gently until smooth and add salt. With the remaining butter, grease 6 refractory baking
dishes, suitable for souffles, with a capacity of 150 ml each and sprinkle with breadcrumbs. Pour in the
cream and bake for 25 minutes, or until the soufflé is golden. Serve immediately.

When ingested, it recovers 1d10 HP from the person who ingested it.

Rice in the Marianas


1 cup (tea) of brown rice 1 medium

orange 1 clove of
garlic 2 teaspoons
of salt 1 cup (tea) of fresh
frozen peas 2 tablespoons of olive oil

Preparation method:
Wash the rice and let it drain in a sieve. Wash the orange, remove the peel from half of the fruit
(without the white part). Break it in half and remove the juice. Peel the garlic cloves, cut them in half and
place them in a pressure cooker. Add the rice, orange juice, orange peel, and 3 cups (tea) of water. Cover
the pan, put it on the fire and cook for 20 minutes, or until the rice is al dente. Remove from the heat,
release the pressure from the pan, open it, discard the orange peel and add the salt and peas. Mix gently.
Return to the heat and cook, with the pan uncovered, until the rice is tender.

Remove from heat and let rest for 5 minutes. Distribute the rice on plates and drizzle with olive oil. Serve
next. When ingested, it recovers
1d3 hp from the person who ingested it.

Heidfeld pudding

1 cup (tea) of concentrated acerola juice 1/2 cup
(tea) of powdered sweetener for cooking
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5 egg
whites 5 tablespoons of powdered sweetener for cooking
2 tablespoons of light margarine

Preparation method:
Turn on the oven at low temperature. Beat the egg whites with a mixer for 4 minutes, or until firm
peaks form. Without stopping beating, gradually add the sweetener and continue beating until you get a
shiny and firm meringue. With margarine, grease 4 molds with a hole in the middle, with a capacity of 300
ml each. Spread the meringue, pressing gently with the back of a spoon to remove any air bubbles. Bake
for 17 minutes, or until the pudding rises and is lightly golden. Remove from the oven and unmold the
pudding while it is still hot. Syrup: mix the acerola juice and sweetener in a pan. Bring to a boil and cook,
stirring occasionally, until you get a slightly thicker syrup. Remove from heat, wait for the syrup to cool and
refrigerate. When serving, arrange the puddings on plates and serve with the acerola syrup.

When ingested, it recovers 2d6 HP from the person who ingested it.

Arnon dumplings

1 kg of peeled and chopped cassava 3 cups

(tea) of milk 1 tablespoon
of butter 2 eggs 1 dessert spoon
baking powder 1 and 1/2 cup (tea) of wheat
flour 200 g of ground mozzarella 2
tablespoons chopped sage 2
tablespoons chopped fresh thyme oil
for frying salt

Preparation method:
Place the cassava and milk in a pan and cook, over low heat, for 35 minutes, or until the milk
evaporates and the cassava falls apart. Remove, pass the cassava, still hot, through the juicer and transfer
the mass obtained to a bowl. Mix the butter, eggs, yeast and salt. Reserve. Separately, sift the wheat flour
and, little by little, add the cassava dough, stirring constantly with a spoon. If necessary, add more wheat
flour. The dough should come together and come away from your hands. Reserve. In a bowl, mix the
mozzarella, sage and thyme and set aside. To make the dumplings, roll out some dough in the palm of
your floured hand, add a little of the mozzarella mixture and roll up without leaving any gaps or folds. Fry
the dumplings in a pan with very hot oil until golden. Remove and place them on paper towels to eliminate
excess fat. Serve the dumplings with green salad. If you prefer, sprinkle with grated mozzarella when

When ingested, it recovers 1d6 HP from the person who ingested it.
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Toschir style broccoli


3 tablespoons of sesame oil 2 cloves of

crushed garlic 1 tablespoon of
grated ginger 1 medium onion, cut into
cubes 1/2 cleaned broccoli (only with
the flowers) 1 medium red pepper, cut into
cubes 1 medium yellow pepper cut into cubes 150 g of
pickled mushrooms, split in half 5 tablespoons of soy
sauce 3 tablespoons of honey salt to taste

Preparation method:
In a large frying pan, heat the sesame oil, add the garlic, ginger and onion and sauté over low heat for
4 minutes, or until the onion starts to become transparent. Add the broccoli, peppers and mushrooms and sauté
until the vegetables are soft but still brightly colored. Turn off the heat and set aside. Separately, in a bowl, mix
the soy sauce, honey and salt. Return the pan to low heat, pour the sauce over the top and stir for 4 minutes,
or until the sauce is evenly distributed.

Remove from heat and then serve. If you prefer, decorate with toasted sesame seeds.
When ingested, it recovers 1d3 HP from the person who ingested it.

Mountain potatoes

700 g of potatoes
300 g of mixed mushrooms 1
clove of chopped garlic
olive oil chopped
parsley 2 eggs 4

tablespoons of wheat flour breadcrumbs

salt to taste

Preparation method:
Turn on the oven at medium temperature. Wash the potatoes, scrubbing them with a brush and cook
them whole and without peeling them in the preheated medium oven for about 30 minutes, or until they are
soft. If you prefer, wrap them in aluminum foil. Clean and wash the mushrooms, dry them carefully with a
kitchen towel and chop them into thin slices. Sauté the garlic in a little olive oil, add the mushrooms and cook
for a few moments, over high heat, stirring occasionally. Then reduce the heat, cover the pan and cook for
another 10 minutes, or until soft. Before turning off the heat, add plenty of parsley and adjust the salt. Remove
the potatoes from the oven, peel and
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pass them through the juicer, collecting the puree in a bowl. Add the egg, wheat flour and mix well until you
get a homogeneous dough. Separate the mixture into small portions and shape into a potato, placing 1
spoonful of the sautéed mushrooms in the center.
Dip the potatoes quickly in breadcrumbs and place them in a baking dish greased with olive oil. Bake in a
preheated medium oven for about 20 minutes, or until golden.

When ingested, it recovers 2d6 HP from the person who ingested it.

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