Application Form - EuSC Volunteering - 2023-24 - 2

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European Solidarity Corps Volunteering

Application Form
Fill in the name of the 1 hosting project per application form only – fill in the name
hosting organisation which of the hosting organisation here!
you apply for:

Personal Data of Candidate:

First Name:
Last Name:
Date of Birth:
Country of legal residence:
PRN: If you already have a Participant Reference Number (PRN)
on the European Youth Portal, please state it here.

Supporting Sending Organisation:

Correct Name of accredited To participate as a EuSC volunteer you need a Supporting
Sending Organisation (SO): Sending Organisation from your country of legal residence.
You can find a SO close to you here:
Address and Country of the
Contact Person at SO:
E-Mail SO:

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European Solidarity Corps Volunteering

We want to know a little bit more about you! Please take the time to answer the questions,
so we can get a clearer picture of you, your motivation and suitability for the specific
volunteering placement. Danke vielmals!

Please describe yourself briefly. (Who are you? What is your current occupation – work,
unemployment, education etc.?) How would you or others describe yourself? What is
important to you in life? What do you like to do in your leisure time?)

Why are you interested in transnational volunteering? Do you have past experiences in
volunteering? Have you been abroad long-term (by yourself) before?

Why do you want to participate in this specific project? Why should we choose you?
(What do you find exciting about the project and hosting organisation? Which ideas do you
have when reading the info pack? What are your learning goals? What can you bring in to
the activities?)

Do you face any obstacles or challenges in your life?

If you could be an animal, which one would you be and why?

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European Solidarity Corps Volunteering

Which challenges might you experience during the project? Do you have any concerns
about something that could be a difficulty for you during the year? How could you handle
these challenges? Do you have any questions for the Hosting Organisation?

Do you have plans regarding your future? If yes, please describe your plans or wishes
shortly. How do you think this volunteering project can help you in developing and realising

Do you want to tell us something else?

Please attach one to three pictures of you or your life to your application!
If possible, the pictures should have less than 2 MB of size.

Thank you for taking the time to fill in this application form! Please e-mail it to the Hosting Organisation
together with your CV and the signed data protection form.

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European Solidarity Corps Volunteering

Data protection
I consent to Verein Generationen und Gesellschaft (InfoEck) and the Hosting Organisation to store and
process all personal data and media which are necessary for the preparation of the European Solidarity
Corps projects, complying with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) of the EU.

In case of my participation in the project, Verein Generationen und Gesellschaft and the Hosting
Organisation may:
 Store and process all personal data and media in accordance with the GDPR
 Disclose my personal data to the following third parties
o European Commission/Directorate General for Education, Youth, Sport, and Culture.
o OeAD-GmbH - Agency for Education and Internationalization
 forward my personal data to other organisations, participants and applicants if necessary
 edit, copy and use all media (statements, photos, videos, etc.), which have been made within
the framework of the project and all media (statements, photos, videos, etc.) that I have sent to
the Verein Generationen und Gesellschaft for the promotion of the programme, for social media
(e.g. Facebook or Instagram) and all online channels (e.g website, newsletter) free of charge
 forward different media to third parties (e.g. newspapers, National Agency etc.), who can also
use and process them free of charge for the purpose of the implementation, documentation, and
follow-up of the European Solidarity Corps Project and general dissemination and promotion of
the programme.

Details on data protection in the framework of the EU programme European Solidarity Corps can be
found in the “Specific Privacy Statement” of the European Commission:
I acknowledge that my data published on social media could be transferred to third countries where
neither the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) nor the Austrian Data Protection Act apply.
Verein Generationen und Gesellschaft cannot guarantee that measures will be taken to protect my data
in these cases.

Following Art. 7 §3 of the GDPR I may revoke my consent at any time. The revocation is valid from that
day onwards. I may revoke my consent by mail to and to the contact person of the
Hosting Organisation. If media is available online, Verein Generationen und Gesellschaft and the
Hosting Organisation will delete it as far as possible but do not have influence nor any connections to
third parties using such kind of media. It cannot be excluded, that other people can continue to use
media or videos or give them to other people. In addition, there is a right of appeal to the data protection

____________________________________ _______________________________________________

Place & Date Name & Signature

InfoEck EU youth programmes

Bozner Platz 5/1. OG, 6020 Innsbruck, Austria

InfoEck 2023-2024 4
European Solidarity Corps Volunteering

Tel.: +43 699 150 835 14 | Web:

Verein Generationen und Gesellschaft (ZVR 399463751)

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