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By thiago luiz "Guerrad" Souza Gomes.

RPG Anime Brasil Team

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Robot Characters in Anime RPG:

Good science fiction authors are THE THREE LAWS OF ROBOTICS.
visionaries. Jules Verne is always the best 1 - A Robot cannot harm a human being or
example, with his Twenty Thousand Leagues allow a human being to be in danger; 2 - A
Under the Sea, or Around the World in 80 Days, Robot must
or even with From the Earth to the Moon obey the orders of a human being, unless such
(Who knows, maybe we'll adapt these works one orders are in conflict with the first law; 3 - A
day?!), in which he tells the story of three men who Robot must protect its own existence, as
set off in a rocket, from Cape Canaveral, towards long as this is not in conflict with the first or
the lunar surface. Some time ago, NASA's first second law.
expedition to the moon took place (at that time I
wasn't even born!): three men, the same Cape
Canaveral, the same destination. Jules Verne wrote
the book in 1885, 104 years before Neil Armstrong
took that small step that would change humanity's Enhancement:
conception of technology and, consequently, of the
Robotic Points
This Enhancement indicates how many Robotic
Points your Robot has to spend on Robotic
Isaac Asimov, in 1950, wrote I, Robot
Advantages (see below).
(one of the classic books in literature, at least in my
opinion!). Whether the book is by Asimov is as
1 point: 2 pt. of Robotic Power 2
accurate a prediction as Jules Verne's stories, we
points: 3 pt. of Robotic Power
still don't know. The story takes place in 2035 and
3 points: 5 pt. of Robotic Power
talks about a society in which robots are part of the
4 points: 7 pt. of Robotic Power
routine, work in domestic tasks, and in many cases
5 points: 9 pt. of Robotic Power
are almost part of the family (as in the cartoon "The
6 points: 11 pt. of Robotic Power
Jackson's"), and there are millions of copies.
7 points: 13 pt. of Robotic Power
8 points: 15 pt. of Robotic Power

The "Three Laws of Robotics", published by Asimov

(and which you can see below), are a kind of code Frame
The frame is the basics of a robot. 1
of conduct for robots and ensure that they do not
point: the robot only has its chip boards and wires
harm humans. If you find I, Robot in a bookstore
showing, and no iron frame. IP0 (zero). 2 points: it
or have this book at home, be sure to read it!
Required reading!!!! has some plates,
strengthening its frame a little and covering (a little)
ROBÔS is the newest netbook from the its wires and chips. IP0. 3 points: it is covered with
plates (you can now buy "Armoring" to increase the
RPG Anime Brasil Team and its proposal is to bring
resistance of the plates!). IP1. 4 points: the robot
to Anime RPG Characters that are Robots, just like
is completely covered on the outside and its chip
what Isaac Asimov described, but in Anime
boards and wires are on the inside
Campaigns: they can even be used in our official
and have IP1.
scenarios, like YOSHIRO ( inhabitants of Biotech)
and DUNGEON FLY (I haven't finished the Basic
Module yet, but it's also a futuristic setting!). I've
also written a netbook similar to this (CHOBITS
RPG) that can be downloaded for free at Shielding Even so, I hope you take Indicates the robot's resistance in plates (or
advantage of ROBOTS for your futuristic Campaign! covering its body, with Frame 4 points). 1 point:
IP2 2 points:
IP3 3 points:
IP4 4 points:
(Some texts above in the introduction were copied from IP6 ...and so on!
Zap Magazine)
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Robotic Force. 1 point: normal view of a human being. 2

Calculates the Robot's FR, used to lift weights and/ points: eagle vision. 3 points:
or even to hurt! 1 point: FR5 2 points: microscopic vision 4 points: vision in
FR10 3 points: dim light (darkness). 5 points: X-ray vision.
FR15 4 points:
FR20 5 points:
FR25 ...and so on. building a robot
A Robot is an NPC (or Character, if you
want a more unusual Campaign!) and does not
advance in Level (because "Level is a human
Programming Capacity Indicates the robot's concept").
artificial intelligence. 1 point: INT1 2 Building a robot takes a little time equivalent
points: INT2 3 to hours. It goes like this: (hours equal to the Robotic
points: INT3 4 Power Points that the Character will want to build
points: INT4 5 [with money for materials] +15) -
points: INT5 ...and
so on. your Character Level.
At the beginning of the Campaign, the
Character can purchase Robotic Points
Basic Energy Indicates for your robot. Soon after, when building a new robot,
a robot's Internal Battery, as well as its Hit Points. he will choose how many Robotic Points he will use
For every hour that the robot is active, it loses 1 PV to build the robot (to do this he must have the
and will shut down when its Points are reset. 1 point: equivalent material seen in the Table below and
1 Life Point. 2 points: 3 Life Points. 3 points: 5 spend the necessary number of hours).
Life Points. 4 points: 10 Life
Points. 5 points: 15 Life
Points. ...and so on. Example: Thiago (the Alchemist) is going to build a
robot and he is a 4th Level Character and he wants
to build a new robot with 4 Robotic Points. To build
this new robot, it will take 15 hours of work (4 Robotic
Powers +15 -4 from Character Level, totaling 15
hours.) However, in addition to spending the 15
Motor Coordination Indicates the DEX
and AGI of a robot. A robot that does not have any hours of work, he will also spend $776.25 on
"Motor Coordination" Level will have a value of "0" materials and will be able to sell more expensively
(zero) in these Attributes. 1 point: AGI-DEX 1. 2 later.
points: AGI-DEX 3. 3
points: AGI-DEX 5. 4
points: AGI-DEX 10. 5 NOTE: special material is needed to buy robots
points: AGI-DEX 12. (metal, frames, chips, wires) but here we do not
provide a list of materials so as not to mess up the
players' heads and instead we provide an amount of
money that the Character must pay to have the
Rust Resistance Indicates how many material.
years the robot's plates heat up with time and rain. 1
point: 1 year. 2 points: 2 years. 3 points:
3 years. 4 points:
2 Level $230
4 years. 5 points: 5
3 Level $345
4 Level $517, 50
5 Level $776, 25
6 Level $1164
7 Level $1746
Macroscopic View
8 $2619
Many robots have much greater vision abilities than
$3928, 50
any human being, and we could not fail to mention
this Power here:
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Robots Guide for Anime RPG

The ROBOTS FOR ANIME RPG netbook provides just a small overview of how to build robots for
Anime RPG games. However, I have plans to build a netbook supplement for this and it will probably be
called ROBOTS GUIDE - containing some robot sheets and their respective prices and new powers for
robots, such as war robots.
I hope that RPGists will not be upset that this netbook is low on material (unlike others I have already
written) but understand that the objective of this work was to show simple rules for building robotics, without
providing large tables and rules worthy of the laws of robotics . Even so, I would accept the opinion of all of
you to see "where did I go wrong" via my email: or join the EQUIPE RPG ANIME BRASIL
Community, which is on Orkut (if you are registered on this site, enter!). We don't have the link for now, but it
will be visible on our other netbooks!

-Firstly to God, for not being a respecter of persons and loving me the way I am.
-To my brother Rodrigo "Yoshiro" Jeferson, for helping me a lot in building the RPG Team
Anime Brasil and for being a very important person in my life.
-To my cousin André "Andarilho da VM", for always testing our games and checking our campaigns
and continuing to NOT Master. He's the first guy in the world to think the Storyteller System is GOOD and
BAD (at the SAME time).
-To my cousin Gabriel "Tagashi" for always liking RPGs (he started playing RPGs with us when he
was just 5 years old!!!!) and today he is 13 years old and can already be considered a "veteran" (but the
problem is He's still such a beginner this first time...heheheheh!!!!)
-To my friends: Julio "Kobold" (for making YOSHIRO's new Character Sheet), Frederico "Beholder"
(who REALLY needs to LEARN TO MASTER and whose D&D campaigns even seem like a "checkers
game"), Maicon " Fogosa" (Only plays with Barbarians in D&D), Felipe "Druid" (Only plays with Druids in
D&D), Alan "Hunter" (Congratulations on your son and trains him to play RPG and enjoy anime), Felipe
"Kbrito" (Continues the Werewolf campaign, you stupid kid!!!!) and everyone else (in case I forget anyone).

-To everyone who follows our work (since the time of Extrapolando Games and
today becoming the RPG Anime Brasil Team). Thanks for the strength!!!
-To Marcelo Del Debbio, Gizmo and the people at Daemon. Thank you very much for providing our
netbooks (and those of other authors) so that we know that the best RPG writers are from Brazil and thank
you for promoting our work.
-To my future wife (who I STILL DON'T KNOW when I write this here) and to my children (when I
get married and have them) that when I'm older I will show this to them (I know I'm going to get married and
have children because God will provide for me). At this point, the time has not yet come...

-To all Otakus (Anime fans), RPGists and KOF/RAGNAROK-Maniacs from Brazil abroad. I tend to
be proud to be part of the same "social class" as you! Wait for our next releases...

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