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Home test-3

Date : 18-12-2023 STD 12 Mathematics Total Marks : 90

chapter 10 and 11


* Choose The Right Answer From The Given Options.[1 Marks Each] [15]
1. If a line makes angle α, β and γ with the axes respectively, then
cos 2α + cos 2β + cos 2γ =

a. -2
b. -1
c. 1
d. 2
2. The perpendicular distance of the point P(1, 2, 3) from the line
3 2 −2

a. 7
b. 5
c. 0
d. None of these
3. The lines
1 2 3 −2 −4 −6

a. Coinicident.
b. Skew.
c. Intersecting.
d. Parallel.

4. The straigth line

3 1 0

a. parallel to x-axis
b. parallel to y-axis
c. parallel to z-axis
d. perpendicular to z-axis
5. If the projection of a⃗ ^ ^ ^
= i − 2 j + 3k on b⃗ ^ ^
= 2 i + λk is zero, then the value of λ is:
a. 0

b. 1



6. −
−→ −
ABCD is a parallelogram with AC and BD as diagonals. Then, AC − BD =

a. 4AB

b. 3AB

c. 2AB

d. AB

7. Let a⃗, b⃗, c ⃗ be three unit vectors, such that ∣∣a⃗ + b⃗ + c∣∣⃗ = 1 and a⃗ is perpendicular to

b. If c ⃗ makes angle α and β with a⃗ and b⃗ respectively, then cos α + cos β =




c. 1

d. −1

8. If ∣a × b ∣= 4 and ∣a.b ∣= 2 then ∣a 2 2

∣ ∣ b∣ is equal to:
a. 4
b. 6
c. 20
d. 2
9. If vectors (x − 2) a⃗ + b

and (2x + 1) a⃗ − b

are parallel then x:

b. 3

c. −3


10. If θ is the angle between the vectors 2^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^

i − 2 j + 4k and 3 i + j + 2k, then sin θ =

a. 2



c. 7



11. Two or more vectors having the same initial point are:
a. Coinitial vectors
b. Colinear vectors
c. Equal vectors
d. Cannot say
12. Ratio in which the xy-plane divided the join of (1, 2, 3) and (4, 2, 1) is:
a. 3: 1 internally
b. 3: 1 externally
c. 2: 1 internally
d. 2: 1 externally
13. What is the sum of the squares ofdirection cosines of the line joining thepoints (1, 2, -3)
and (-2, 3, 1):
a. 0
b. 1
c. 3


14. A(3, 2, 0), B(5, 3, 2) and C(-9, 6, -3) are the vertices of a tringle ABC. if the bisector of
∠ABC meets BC at D, then coordinates of D are:

19 57 17
( , , )
8 16 16

19 57 17
( − , , )
8 16 16

19 57 17
( ,− , )
8 16 16

d. none of these

15. If the directions cosines of a line are A, k, k, then:

a. k>0
b. 0<k<1
c. k=1
√1 √1
d. k =

* Answer The Following Questions In One Sentence.[1 Marks Each] [1]

16. Find the angle between the lines 2x = 3y = – z and 6x = – y = – 4z.


* Given Section consists of questions of 5 marks each. [70]

17. Find the values of x and y if the vectors a⃗ = 3^ ^ ^
i + x j − k and b
⃗ ^ ^ ^
= 2 i + j + yk are
mutually perpendicular vectors of equal magnitude.

18. Find the angles which the vector ^ ^
a⃗ = i − j + √2k
makes with the coordinate axes.

19. Let a⃗ = x
2^ ^ ^ ⃗ ^ ^ ^
i + 2 j − 2k, b = i − j + k and c⃗ = x
2^ ^ ^
i + 5 j − 4k be three vectors.
Find the valuse of x for which the angle between a⃗ and b⃗ is acute and the angle
between b⃗ and ​ ​ c⃗ is obtuse.

20. Show that the points whose position vectors are

^ ^ ^ ⃗ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^
a⃗ = 4 i − 3 j + k, b = 2 i − 4 j + 5k, c ⃗ = i − j from a right triangle.

21. Express the vector ^ ^ ^

a⃗ = 5 i − 2 j + 5k as the sum of two vectors such that one is
⃗ ^ ^ ⃗
parallel to the vector b = 3i + k and other is perpendicular to b.

22. If a⃗ and b⃗ are two non-collinear unit vectors such that ∣∣a⃗ + b⃗∣∣ = √3, find
⃗ ⃗
(2a⃗ − 5b). (3a⃗ + b).

23. Let u⃗, v⃗ and w⃗ be vectors such u⃗ + v⃗ + w⃗ ⃗

= 0. If |u⃗| = 3, |v⃗| = 4 and |w⃗| = 5, then
find u⃗. v⃗ + v⃗. w⃗ + w⃗. u⃗.

24. If a, b, c are the langths of sides, BC, CA and AB of a triangle ABC, prove that
−→ −
−→ −
⃗ a b c
BC + CA + AB = 0 and deduce that =
sin B
= .
sin A sin C

25. The two adjecent sides of a parallelogram are 2^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^

i − 4 j + 5k and i − 2 j − 3k. Find the

unit vector parallel to one of its diagonals. Also, find its area.

26. If p⃗ and q⃗ are unit vectors forming an angle of 30°; find the area of the parallelogram
having a⃗ = p⃗ + 2q⃗ and b⃗ = 2p⃗ + q⃗ as its diagonals.

27. Let a⃗ ^ ^ ^ ⃗ ^ ^ ^
= i + 4 j + 2k, b = 3 i − 2 j + 7k and ^ ^ ^
c ⃗ = 2 i − j + 4k. Find a vector d

is perpendicular to both a⃗ and d⃗ and c.⃗ d⃗ = 15.

28. Find the equation of the perpendicular drawn from the point P(-1, 3, 2) to the line
^ ^ ^ ^ ^
r ⃗ = (2 j + 3k) + λ(2 i + j + 3k). Also, find the coordinates of the foot of the
perpendicular from P.

29. Prove that the lines through A(0, -1, -1) and B(4, 5, 1) intersects the line through C(3, 9,
4) and D(-4, 4, 4). Also, find their point of intersection.

30. Find the vector equation of a line passing through the point with position vector
^ ^ ^
i − 2 j − 3k and parallel to the line joining the points with position vectors
^ ^ ^ ^
i − j + 4k and 2^ ^
i + j + 2k. Also, find the cartesian equivalent of this equation.


* Case study based questions [4]

31. Read the following passage and answer the questions given below:
Teams A,B,C went for playing a tug of war game. Teams A,B,C have attached a rope to a
metal ring and is trying to pull the ring into their own area.
TeamApulls with force F1 ^ ^
= 6 i + 0 j kN

TeamBpulls with force F2 ^ ^

= −4 i + 4 j kN

TeamCpulls with force F3 ^ ^

= −3 i − 3 j kN ,

(i) What is the magnitude of the force of Team A?

(ii) Which team will win the game?
(iii) Find the magnitude of the resultant force exerted by the teams.
(iii) In what direction is the ring getting pulled?
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