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i ———a aamapss pear canreation [© tia used in tho fied of architects. project _ wet = teamslengingers, © § manctactenng Imaragement engneetng desor- graphic design ee _ {oCAD Commands/Tools Used in + Moneta 88 POS enceng for iota comes som ene 124MAJOR CAD SOFTWARE PRODUCTS fozsrate, high QUAY Savings Gaston: CAD SYSLEMS produce errors with den <-ARC: Creates an are snes ete [ s5eR: cates ne area and permeter of objets oF of defined areas ‘L BacenTeR: Manages and insons content such a Blocks. xrefs, and hatch patterns e Limited Analysis ass properties (Mass, inertia) jisions between parts, clearances, o ligns objects with other objects in 2D and i¢ CAD Process Generic CAD Process L-APPLOAD: Load Applications Engnceng —- ESD _E-ARRAY: Creates multiple copies of objects in a pattem. Sect (Serres) unis, Gat snap) \_-ACTRECORD: Starts the Action Recorder. 2 <> = et Inserts a user message into Came ese soles ‘an action macro, _-ACTUSERINPUT: Pauses for user input in an action macro. ACTSTOP: Stops the Action Recorder and provides the Option of saving the recorded actions to an action macro file. as ATTIPEDIT: Changes the textual content of an attribute Within a block. LATTDEF: Redefines a block and updates associated ‘AutoCAD (Autodesk)-» mainly for PC. cities Pro Engineer (PTC), Solid Works (Dassault Systems). E_ATTEDIT: Changes attribute information in @ block. + CATIA (IBM/Dassault Systems) Le TLBLOCK: Creates a block definition from selected + Unirephics (USS). objets + EDEAS (SDRC). ARCLOSE: Closes the Block Editor. w2saurocan __BEDIT: Opens the block definition inthe block etor * tise commercial Computer Aided Design (CAD) —-HATCH: Fils an enclosed area or selected objects and drafting software application, developed and with.ahatch pattem, solid fill, or gradient fill Imatketed by Autodesk. Before AutoCAD 2S BOUNDARY: Creates a region ot a polyline from an developed, most commercial CAD programs run ‘nmainframe computers or mini computers win ~*nslased. area, _ each CAD operator working at a separate BREAK: Breaks the selected object between two Gaphics terminal. Since, 2010 AutoCAD wi points. ‘leased asa mobile and wed ap 68 wel an mobile SAVE: Saves the curent block deft Sold and used as AutoCAD 360. — maniacs 1ES MASTER Publication | CHAPTER Computer Aided Design 12.1 COMPUTER AIDED DESIGN {CAD} BEES © eee product designers in los ro Creating a beometrical representation of the artifacts they ax designing 22. Basic Hlements of a CAD System *_Dimensioning, ToleranS On aee cos + Configuration Management (changes). Peace © Archiving 424 Major CAD Sotware Products «Exchanging part and assembly information between leans + organization fz5 AmwecaD + Feeding subsequent design steps. Seer + Analysis (CAE) + Manfuacturing (CAN. 412.2 BASIC ELEMENTS OF ACAD SYSTEM {) Input devices: Keyboard, mouse, ‘CAD keyboard, Templates and Space Ball | (iy Main system: Computer, CAD software and database. (ii) Output devices: Hard-cisk, Network Printer and Plotter 42.3 MAJOR BENEFITS OF CAD |) Productivity (= Speed) Increase ' + Automation of repeated tasks «Doesn't necessarily increase creativity! «Insert standard parts (€.9. fasteners) from database. | supports Changeability |» Don't have to redo entire drawing with each change © Keep track of previous design iterations DIMEOIT: Exits dimenWON LOH BAF Oops, On eng Ihe distance ANd angi DIST; Measures 0° batho | points : GAMERA: Sots 8 camera end tarpet Inoation to creator [| DIVIDE: Crvates evenly 8haced Point objects, ond save 8 30 penoea elon tho Fong oF Porter ofan eye CONSTRAINTBAR: A toolbarike Ul element that DIMJOGLINE: Adds OF FEMOVES & Jog Ling g, a GEEHlays The avatadie geometric constants o1 ‘or aligned dimension, - 8m odject | DIMJOGGED: Croates jogged dimensions fo, ci PROPERTIES: Contris propernes of existing ctyects ; ond orcs. CHAMFER: Beve's the eaiges of objects __DATALINK: The data link dialog box is dept, CHECKS TANDARDS: Checks the current drawing for Stangards victatons. COMMANDLINE: Displays the Command Line window. COLOR: Sets the coicr for new objects | DATALINKUPDATE: Updates data to oy fro established external data link. ma | DONUT: Creats a filed circle oF a wide ring DIMORDINATE: Creates ordinate dimensions COPY: Copies objects a specified cistance in 8 | | DIMOVERRIDE: Contols overides of system vay Speatfed direction. used in selected dimensions, CTABLESTYLE: Sets the name of the current table | DRAWORDER: Changes the draw order of imag Sye. ; and other objects. : NAVVCUBE: Controls the visibility and display | ) DIMRADIUS: Creates a radius dimension for a ck | a Properties of the ViewCube tool. or an arc. CYLINDER: Creates a 3D solid cylinder. DIMSTYLE: Creates and modifies dimension styles. DIMANGULAR: Crestes an angular dimension, DIMARC: Creates an arc length dimension. DIMBASELINE: Creates a linear, angular, or ordinate dimension from the baseline of the previous or selected dimension. DIMREASSOCIATE: Associates or re-associa selected dimensions to objects or points objects, __ DRAWINGRECOVERY: Displays a list of drawing that can be recovered after a program or st failure, DSETTINGS: Sets grid and snap, polar and ob snap tracking, object snap modes, Dynamic In DBCONNECT: Provides an interface to external and Quick properties. database tabies. DIMCENTER: Creates the center mark or the centerlines of circles and arcs. DIMCONTINUE: Creates a dimension that starts from an extension line of a previously created dimension. TEXT: Creates a singleJine text object. DVIEW: Defines parallel projection or perspective vi by using a camera and target. DATAEXTRACTION: Extracts drawing data ‘merges data from an external source (0 2 extraction table or external file. DIMCONSTRAINT: Applies dimensional constraints to selected objects or points on objects. DIMDISASSOCIATE: Removes associativity from selected dimensions. . DIMDIAMETER: Creates a diameter dimension for a circle or an arc. DDEDIT: Edits single-tine text, dimension text, att Gefinitions, and feature control frames. _ ELLIPSE: Creates an ellipse or an elliptical at EXPORTPDF: Exports drawing to PDF. ome \Bincovcermg Arituoe ps FEANALRUFERENCES: Orang iy acces pol tt pxtend! Extands objocts 10 moe ths 960 of enter ii i opjocls yr Ents tho progratn al RT: Saves the Objects Ina drawn to » aterteg | : filo format RUDE: Extends the dimensions of a 20 cayect og 30 {ace into 3D space k iL ALTER: Creates a list of requirements that an otyect must meet (0 be included in a selection set FSMODE: Creates a selection sat of all objects that tough the selected object. Rounds and filets the edges of objects | } fSHOT FLATSHOT: Creates a 2D representation of all 3D objects based on the current view, GROUP: Creates and manages saved sets of objects | called groups. GEOCONSTRAINT: Applies or persists geometric relationships between objects or points on objects, GRADIENT: Fills an enclosed area or selected objects with @ gradient fill t GEOGRAPHICLOCATION: Specifies the geographic | location information for a drawing file. t | HATCH: Fills an enclosed area or selected objects with a hatch pattern, solid fill, or gradient fill HATCHEDIT: Modifies an existing hatch or fil | HIDE: Regenerates a 3D wireframe model with hidden | t lines suppressed. INSERT: Inserts a block/Wlocks or drawing ito the | t iB current drawing, IMAGEADJUST: Controls the image display of the brightness, contrast, and fade values of images. IMAGEATTACH: Inserts a reference to an image file. 'MAGECLIP: Crops the display of a selected image to 2 specified boundary. 'D: Displays the UCS coordinate values of a specified location, | IMAGE: Displays the External References palette. IMPORT: imports files of different formats into the Current drawing, Ciamiiin Aces Boom” [EE WITERSECT: Creates 0 3D solid, surface, of 20 region thon orertagping shits. suttaces, Of regions. | INTERFERE: Creates a ternpotary 3D sold from tho terlerercas batenan tan sats of selected 30 tics INSERTOBS: incerts a irked of embedded object. JOIN: Jans simitar objects to form a single, unbroken copes LINE: Creates straight tine segenects, LAYER: Manages layers and layer properties: LAYERSTATE: Saves, resicees, and manages named layer mates QLEADER: Creates a teadier ard leader annotation LENGTHEN: Changes the lengtn of objects and tne inctudes ardge cf arcs. MESHMOOTHLESS: Decreases the level of smootnness for mesh cbjects by one level LIST: Displays property data for selected objects LAYOUT: Creates and modifies drawing layout tabs. LINETYPE: Loads, sets, and modifies linetypes. LTSCALE: Changes the scale factor of inetypes for all objects in a drawing LWEIGHT: Sets tne current lineweight, lineweight display optons, and lineweight units. MOVE: Moves objects a specified distance in a specified direction. MATCHPROP: Applies the properties of a selected object to other objects. MATERIALS: Shows or hides the Materials window. MEASURE: Creates point objects or blocks at measured intervals along the length or perimeter of an object. MEASUREGEOM: Measures the distance, radius, angle, area, and volume or selected objects or sequence of points | MIRROR: Creates a miored copy of selected objects. MLINE: Creates multiple parallel lines, MLEADERALIGN: Aligns and spaces selected multileader objects. \ES MASTER Publication | | | EEG Eksntcerse Deswia GS io Evi Aig MUEADERCOLLECT: Organizes selected multieaders fi POINTCLOUDATTAGH: Insets an indexed poi {hat contain blocks into rows or columns, and | | file into the current drawing displays the result with a single leader. | PoINTCLOUDINDEX: Creates an indexed poiny MLEADER: Creates a multileader object. t (OG 18D) fo fom Scar Mi MLEADEREDIT; Adds leader lines to, or removes leader lines from, a multileader object, | pEDIT; Edits polylines and 3D polygon meshes PLINE: Creates a 2D polyline. MLEADERSTYLE: Creates and modifies multileader POINT: Creates a point object. styles, HIDEPALETTES: Hides currently displayed pajg, {including the command line). PROPERTIES: Controls properties of existing objects. MESHSMOOTHMORE: Increases the level of | POLYGON: Creates an equilateral closed polling Smoothness for mesh objects by one level SHOWPALETTES: Restores the display of hig MSPACE: Switches from paper space to a model space | —_ palettes. od |_| PROPERTIES: Displays properties palette MARKUP: Opens the markup Set Manager. || PREVIEW: Displays the drawing as it will be piot MTEXT: Creates a multiline text object. | PLOT: Plots a drawing to a plotter, printer, or file MVIEW: Creates and controls layout viewports. } | PSPACE: Switches from a mode! space viewport GEOGRAPHICLOCATION: Specifies the geographic _ eper space. location information for a drawing file. \ POLYSOLID: Creates a 3D wall-like polysolid. NEWSHOT: Creates a named view with motion that is played back when viewed with ShowMotion. PUBLISHTOWEB: Creates HTML pages that inch images of selected drawings. NEWVIEW: Creates a named view with no motion. | PURGE: Removes unused items, such as bl. | } OFFSET: Creates concentric circles, parallel lines, and | Seflnaions end layers, from the craving. parallel curves. | PYRAMID: Creates a 3D solid pyramid. | | quickcaL 3DORBIT: Rotates the view in 3D space, but | QUICKCUI: Displays the Customize User Intert constrained to horizontal and vertical orbit only. | | _Eaior in a collapsed state. QUICKPROPERTIES: Displays open drawings « layouts in a drawing in preview images. OPTIONS: Customizes the program settings. Opens the QuickCale calculator. OSNAP: Sets running object snap modes. PAN: Adds a parameter with grips to a dynamic block definition. PASTESPEC: Pastes objects from the Clipboard into. the current drawing and controls the format of the data. PARAMETERS: Controls the associate parameters used in the drawing. BPARAMETER: Adds a parameter with grips to a dynamic block definition, QSAVE: Saves the current drawing. | QVDRAWING: Displays open drawings and layout | a drawing using preview images. QVDRAWINGCLOSE: Closes preview images of % drawings and layouts in a drawing. QVLAYOUT: Displays preview images of model §? and layouts in a drawing, QVLAYOUTCLOSE: Closes preview images of ™ space and layouts in the current drawing: REDRAW: Refreshes the display in the ou” viewport. REDRAWALL: Refreshes the display in all view? SURFPATCH: Creates a new surface by filting a cap ‘over a surface edge that forms a closed loop, POINTCLOUD: Provides options to create and attach point cloud files Ewoweenno Arrruoe eROROP: Render a Speci etna aes, ed 0 cxoP window, thn a viewport a al 1 Regenerates the entire drawing fom the | AE ent viewport. gent: Renenerale th avrg ad eens EE 1 viewport. eran: Creates 2 rectangular poiyine, fe: Converts an objects that encloses an area region objec. es! fo 8 ote: Changes te nares assigned tems such as layers and dimension siyles, o1VE: Creates a 30 solid or sutace by sueeping 120 object around an axis ROTATE: Rolates objects around a base point jENDERPRESETS: Species render presets, reusable rendering parameters, fr rendering an image RPREF: Displays or hides the Advanced Render Settings palette for access to advanced rendering setings. RENDER: Creates a photorealistic or realistically shaded image of a 3D solid or surface model. | RENDERWIN: Displays the Render window without starting @ rendering operation, STRETCH: Stretches objects crossed by a selection window or polygon. SCALE: Enlarges or reduces selected objects, keeping the proportions of the object the same after scaling SCRIPT: Executes a sequence of commands from @ script file SECTION: Uses the intersection of a pane and sos, Surfaces, or mesh to create a region. SETVAR: Lists or changes the values of system Variables, SHADEMODE: starts the VSCURRENT command SUCE: Creates new 30 soi and surtace by scng aa Mein. exiting ojeos AP: Restri intervals, ‘ Be Cte otc ages at antes FELL: Che, icts cursor movement to speciied | cks spelling in a drawing ‘Couruter Arseo DESIGN 174291 | SPLINEDIT: Edis a spline oF spline-fit polyline. SPLINE: Creates a smooth curve that passes through oF near speatied points. SECTIONPLANE: Creates a section abject that acts 45 a culling plane through 30 objects. SEQUENCEPLAY: Plays named views in one category MESHSPLIT: Spits a mosh face into two faces SPLINEDIT: Exits a spline or spine-fit polyline. SHEETSET: Opens the Sheet Set Manager STYLE: Creates, modifies, or specifies text styles, STANDARDS: Manages the association of standards files with drawings. SUBTRACT: Combines selected 3D solids, surfaces, oF 20 regions by subtraction. MTEXT: Creates a multiline text object. TABLET: Calibrates, configures, and tums on and off ‘an attached digitizing tablet. TABLE: Creates an empty table object TEXTEDIT: Edits a dimensional constraint, dimension, or text object. THICKNESS: Sets the default 3D thickness propery ‘when creating 20 geometric objects. TILEMODE: Controls whether paper space can be accessed. TOOLBAR: Displays, hides, and customizes toolbars. TOLERANCE: Creates geometric tolerances contained in a feature control frame, TORUS: Creates a donut-shaped 3D solid TOOLPALETTES: Opens the Too! Paleties window. TRIM: Trims objects to meet the edges of other objects. TABLESTYLE: Creates, modifies, of specifies table sys. | UCSMAN: Manages defined user coordinate systems, UNITS: Controls coordinate and angle display formats and precision UNISOLATEOBJECTS: Displays objects previously hidden with the ISOLATEOBJECTS or HIDEOBJECTS command, [| UNION: Unions two solid or two region objects, IES MASTER Publi ‘ation EQ ENGnezng Dravme 2 ~~ 6s wo ENGncerag XCLIP: Crops the display of a selec. reference or block reference tg.» by a Views, layout views, and preset views. 4 | boundary. | | VIEWGO: Restores a named view VIEW: : EW: Saves and restores named views, camera [7 f DDvPoINt: IE: Creates a line of infinite ten Sets the 3D viewing direction. a ‘th VIEWPLAY: Plays the animation associated fo a named view. | XREF: Stars the EXTERNALREFEpe, command Ne ZOOM: Increases or decreases the magn. the view in the current viewport i, ANALYSISZEBRA: Projects stipes onto a 3p to analyze surface continuity. VSCURRENT: Sets the visual style in the current | | viewport. VISUALSTYLES: Creates and modifies visual styles | | and applies a visual style to a viewport WBLOCK: Writes objects or a block to a new drawing file, ETRANSMIT: Creales @ Sell-Extrectng oy 2, Transmittal Package. WEDGE: Creates a 3D solid wedge. NAVSWHEEL: Displays a wheel that contains @ Collection of view navigation tools. Example 12.1 The insert command (a) Objects in the current file (b) Objects in any file (c) Blocks in any drawing file (4) Blocks and whlocks in the current craig TESE-a used in ‘Auto CAD’ tg EXPLODE: Breaks a compound object into its component objects. XATTACH: Inserts a DWG file as an extemal reference (xref). XBIND: Binds one or more definitions of named objects jin an xref to the current drawing. | Sot: (d) ———EEE

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