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SRRMALRe ERS Leap Year Birthday Perr in Writing and Art Would you want your birthday to be ‘on February 29? Write a paragraph ‘explaining why of why not, Science Review with a partner how days ‘and years are measured by Earth's movement in space. Then, discuss how the length of a year would change if Earth were farther from the Sun, Rédding A-Z arencwod gece wenmnagpacon Coron Leap Year Birthday amazement leap years beamed quarter leap day time traveler ‘written by Brad Bolchunos Tlustrated by Doni Jones eee ren ' birthday different from most people's birthdays? SRRMALRe ERS Leroy was a time traveler—that’s what he told himself, atleast. He was in second grade, but he told himself he was only two years old. ‘Today was his birthday: February 29, otherwise known as leap day. That day only came once every four years, though. As far as Leroy was concerned, that meant he only had a real birthday once every four years, To Leroy, most of his eight years were just “pretend years.” tonetinarinst 3 He didn’t understand why February 29 couldn’t happen each year, like the other 365 days. So much time had passed since his last real birthday, no one remembered this one. Not even. his mother. SRRMALRe ERS Leroy wondered about all those other leap day people. Were they time travelers too? There had to be some explanation for people - like him A “Mom, do we have a book about time “Sorry, Leroy,” Mom said, “but the travel?” Leroy asked. library might. Let’s go see.” oat int 5 6 The librarian asked Leroy’s mother to pretend she was the Sun, and Leroy to play planet Earth. SRRMALRe ERS Next, she told him to spin like a top while also circling his mom. “Every time you complete a spin, one day passes,” the librarian told Leroy. oat int 7 8 “You also move a little bit in a big ¢ = loop around the Sun,” the librarian said. “One full loop is one year. (caters = 1 day That's 365 spins—or days—on your ss journey.” = . “Over time, people figured out that a year was not exactly 365 days,” the librarian explained. “To complete a full year, you have to spin a little bit more. You need an extra quarter of a turn, or six hours, every year. In four years, that adds up to one full extra day, a special year with 366 days.” “Calendars would not work without leap years,” she added. “In a hundred years, summer would start almost a month later.” oat int 4 0 “Why are they called leap years?” Leroy asked. The librarian smiled. "Say New Year's Eve was Sunday last year. Usually that means it would be Monday this year, but in a leap year, it would be Tuesday. It would ‘skip’ or ‘leap’ ahead a full day.” Leroy laughed in amazement He finally understood! When he returned home from the library, Leroy’s friends sprang out at him. “Happy birthday!” they shouted. They hadn't forgotten, and neither had Mom. They just wanted to surprise him, 2 Mom brought out a cake with eight “When you were born, my heart candles. Six were blue and two eaped for joy,” Mom said red—Leroy’s favorite color—for his special leap year birthdays, BARE TARARS aa int 8 4 Glossary amazement (r.)_a feeling of wonder ‘or great surprise (1) beamed (v.) smiled brightly ‘or happily (p. 15) leap day (x) February 29, the extra day that occurs in the calendar every four years (p. 3) leap years (n.) years with an extra ‘day in them, February 29 (p. 10) quarter(n.) one of four equal parts (p. 10) time traveler one who moves (nd through time into ‘Mom beamed at Leroy like the Sun the past or future beams at the Earth. Leroy beamed 3) back. Rédding A-Z eve Mt ‘uckchee ap arity Name ate 1. What is the main idea 3. How are Leroy and his mom of this book? the same? @ Leroy’s birthday is on leap ® They both think they day, which comes once every are time travelers, four years. ® They each have leap ® All people with leap day day biethdays birendays are time travelers. © They both plan a surprise © Librarians are very party for the other helpful end can answer © They both love each other. Heenan 4. What causes Leroy to © sveryone should throw 190 %0 the brary? their frend a surprise Birthday perty. @ He wants more information bout leap day. 2. Which word best describes Leroy? ne ay @ «ary that is overdue. @® mean © Hes being tutored © curious by the librarian. @ sleepy @ He wants to borrow books todo school report 5. Read this sentence: Calendars would not work without leap years. What's 8 leap year? @ a year with an extra hour © a year with an extra month, © a year with an extra six hours ® a year with an extra day Rédding A-Z uiek Check ti Name 6. What happens at the end. of the story? @® Leroy passes his test at school about leap day. @® Leroy’s friends throw him a surprise party. © Leroy’s mom takes him for ice cream for his birthday. © Leroy's dad buys him a new bike for his birthday. 2. When does this story take place? @ February 28 ® January 1 © February 29 ® January 17 8. Which of the following i Sr opinion about leap day? @® Leap day happens once ‘every four years @® Leap day is the best day for a birthday. © Leap day is February 29. © Leap days create years with 366 days. eves irthday Date Leap Year 9. Which word best describes the librarian? @® patient ® funny © mean carious 410. What is another word, for amazement? @® accomplishments ® wonder © brightly © accurately 11. Extended Response: How would this book be different if Leroy’s birthday were on February 287 BARE TARARS nN Réading A-Z cever LO Quick Check Answer Sheet Leap Year Birthday suain Compre Silay Character 1. ® Main idea and Details 2. © Analyze Character 3. © compare and Contrast 4. ® cause and effect 5. © Vocabulary 6. © Sequence Events 7. © Story Elements 8. © Fact or Opinion 9. ® Analyze Character 10. © vocabutary 411. Answers will vary but should indude that this book would not be about leap year birthdays because if Leroy’s birthday were on February 28, it would happen every year. fafa Be onda on wonder ou ABEH PRSetrS BBRESSHAMEARS BREMTURE, ARLFRR SALTS ARMAS ia See you!

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