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Math AA HL

Test on Proofs
by Christos Nikolaidis
Date: 20 January 2023 Marks: /30
40 min
without GDC

Name of student: __________________________________________________

1. [Maximum mark: 6]
Let a , b and c be three real numbers.
(a) Prove that, if a  b  c  1 then at least one of the three numbers is greater than
or equal to . [4]
(b) Does a  b  c  1 imply that all three numbers are between 0 and 1?
Justify your answer, by giving a proof, or by giving a counterexample. [2]















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2. [Maximum mark: 9]
It is claimed that
1  21  2  2 2  3  2 3  ⋯  n  2 n  ( n  1) 2 n 1  2 for any n  Z  .

(a) Show that the claim is true for n  4 [2]

(b) Prove the claim by using mathematical induction. [7]

























3. [Maximum mark: 6]
Prove by mathematical induction that
(2n)!  2n n for any integer n  2 .

























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4. [Maximum mark: 9]
(a) Prove, by using contradiction, that for a, b  ℝ  {2}

2a  3 2b  3
if a  b then  [5]
a2 b2
(b) State if the following statement is also true:
2a 2  3 2b 2  3
if a  b then  2
a2  2 b 2
Justify your answer, either by giving a proof, or by using a counterexample. [2]
(c) Based on the results in (a) and (b), write down a conclusion for the functions

2x  3 2 x2  3
f ( x)  , x  2 and g ( x )  2 . [2]
x2 x 2





















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