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shilpa patel mfa Painting

Enrollment No A2528220011
For this I have chosen a who do degital painting tha
Campaney name is RAP India Name of employ Ashish
1.Through clear communication we work as a single unit
. 2.Clear communication is important in establishing work culture.
Self-improvement1.As an individual being
surrounded by talented people gives chance to
improve oneself.
Scheduling 1.It is important as it affects the work
flow. 2.It helps in avoiding procastination.
Time management-1.Creating to do list helps reducing the
time in thinking about Everything that needs to be done.
Conflict resolution
Conflict resolution-
1.Should not ignore the conflict as it can grow and spread like wildfires which can damage
the relationships and the productivity of both individuals and the team.
2.through continuous feedback system we are able to resolve this issue.
Patience1 In order to help the new employer we need to
be patience with them as helping them will increase the
workflow of company.
Self-improvement-11.As an individual being
surrounded by talented people gives chance to
improve oneself.
Thank you

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