Definition of Skinwalker

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Definition of skinwalker

Animals associated with witchcraft usually include

tricksters such as the coyote; however, it may include
other creatures, usually those associated with death or
bad omens. They might also possess living animals or
people and walk around in their bodies.[5][6][7] Skin-walkers
may be male or female.[2]
Skin-walker stories told among Navajo children may be
complete life and death struggles that end in either skin-
walker or Navajo killing the other, or partial encounter
stories that end in a stalemate.[2] Encounter stories may be
composed as Navajo victory stories, with the skin-walkers
approaching a hogan and being scared away.[7][8]
Non-Native interpretations of skin-walker stories typically
take the form of partial encounter stories on the road,
where the protagonist is temporarily vulnerable, but then
escapes from the skin-walker in a way not traditionally
seen in Navajo stories.[9][10] Sometimes Navajo children
take European folk stories and substitute skin-walkers for
generic killers like The Hook.[9]

Naguals use their powers for good or evil according to

their personality.[2] The general concept of nagualism is
pan-Mesoamerican. Nagualism is linked with pre-
Columbian shamanistic practices through Pre-
classic Olmec and Toltec depictions that are interpreted as
human beings transforming themselves into animals. The
system is linked with the Mesoamerican calendrical
system, used for divination rituals. Birth dates often
determine if a person can become a nagual.
Mesoamerican belief in tonalism, wherein every person
has an animal counterpart to which their life force is linked,
is drawn upon by nagualism.[2][3]
The nagual trait is acquired at birth, along with other
characteristics associated with a person's birth day. Each
day is associated with an animal that has strong and weak
aspects. A person born on "Dog Day" would have both
strong and weak 'dog' aspects. In Nahuatl the
word tonalli is used to refer both to a day and to the animal
associated with that day.
The nagual is considered different; where the tonal is the
day spirit itself, the nagual is the familiar spirit of the day. It
is probable[citation needed] that the tonal represents the daytime
aspect and the nagual the nighttime aspect of the tonalli,
'the things of the day'. Practitioners of powerful magic
were normally born on days related to animals with a
strong or harmful aspect. They would have specific tonals
such as the jaguar or puma. In Aztec mythology the
god Tezcatlipoca was the protector of nagualism, because
his tonal was the jaguar and he governed the distribution
of wealth.
In modern rural Mexico, nagual is sometimes synonymous
with brujo ("wizard"); one who is able to shapeshift into an
animal at night (normally into
a dog, owl, bat, wolf or turkey), drink blood from human
victims, steal property, cause disease, and the like.
In some indigenous communities the nagual is integrated
into the religious hierarchy. The community knows who is
a nagual, tolerating, fearing and respecting them. Nagualli
are hired to remove curses cast by other nagualli. In other
communities the accusation of nagualism may result in
violent attacks on the accused by the community.[citation

The Western study of nagualism was initiated by

archaeologist, linguist, and ethnologist Daniel Garrison
Brinton who published Nagualism: A Study in Native-
American Folklore and History,[4] which chronicled
historical interpretations of the word and those who
practiced nagualism in Mexico in 1894. He identified
various beliefs associated with nagualism in modern
Mexican communities such as the Mixe, the Nahua,
the Zapotec and the Mixtec.
Subsequently, many studies have described nagualism in
different Mesoamerican cultures such as the Zoques and
the Jakaltek, K'iche', Q'eqchi', and Tzeltal Maya. Among
the Jacaltek, naguals reinforce indigenism by punishing
those who collaborate with non-indigenous Ladinos.[2]
In 1955, Gustavo Correa suggested nagualism is not pre-
Columbian, arguing that it was wholly imported from
Europe, where he compared it to the medieval belief
in werewolves.[5] However, shapeshifting folklore is not
limited to Europe, nor to the Middle Ages; for example,
some of Earth's oldest literature, the Bronze Age Eastern
Semitic Epic of Gilgamesh, and East Asia's Huli
Jing (origin of this folklore is of unknown date, but
eighteenth century at the latest), contain shapeshifters.
The werewolf (lycanthropy) is neither the only nor the
earliest form of folklorical therianthropy (shapeshifting from
human to animal, or vice versa).[citation needed]
Kaplan concludes that, in Oaxaca, the belief in naguals as
evil, shape shifting witches is common in both indigenous
and Mestizo populations. According to Kaplan, the belief in
animal spirit companions is exclusively indigenous. This is
certain for some groups and communities, but for others,
such as the Mixes, Chinantecos, Triquis, or Tacuates,
those who can control their nahual or alterego are
protectors of the people, natural resources and culture of
the community, highly revered, but also feared.[3]
The nagual was popularized in shamanism books by
author Carlos Castaneda.

The Deer Women show characteristics and traits of both

sirens and succubi. The siren, according to the Theoi
Project, are monstrous sea nymphs that lure men to their
deaths with their song.[5] Succubi, as defined by the
Merriam-Webster dictionary, are "demons who take
female form who have sexual intercourse with men in their
sleep"; constant contact with a succubus can result in
failing health or death for the man.[6]
Fiura, of the Chiloé region of Chile, causes deformation in
anyone who looks upon her and will cast spells to confuse
young woodsmen into sleeping with her.[7] La Patasola,
literally "one footed", is a shape-shifter from the Antioquia
region of Colombia who takes the form of a beautiful
woman to lure men with her cries of fear; when the men
(who are often causing harm in one way or another to the
rain forest) come to her, she drops her beautiful mask and
slaughters them in an effort to protect the forest.[8]
La Tunda, another nature spirit from Colombia, lures
people of all walks of life to them with their song and then
drains them of blood; La Tunda can also shape-shift, but
she will always have a single leg of a molinillo that she is
very careful to hide.[9]
The Brazilian Iara are beautiful warrior mermaids who,
when found by a man, will charm him with her voice and
beauty and either drown him, or turn him into something
like her and make him her lover.[10] La Llorona ("the crier"),
who is found in Mexico and the Southwest United States,
is a female ghost who will kidnap the souls of children,
effectively killing them, and whose cries bring irrevocable
sorrow. Sighting La Llorona spells death for someone
within the week.[11]
While all these spirits will lure away and/or hurt others,
they also have various physical oddities. The Deer
Woman has hooves. Sirens are bird from the chest down.
Succubi were originally portrayed as hideous and
demonic. La Patasola has no right leg from the pelvis
down and her right breast is fused to her arm.[

After the death of steve the great from the jeff house hold
He has been a good person known from the neighbours
After doing a lot of research I have found out that steve jeff
was a world war vetran from both 1 and 2 out of ceurosity I
have also found out that he was a defined warrior he has
been doing a lot ever science was know as common
language and study he made his son study science for
protecting there neighbours for not being effected from
any virus his son hade made the best ever bomb nuclear
bomb he has now been one of the best doctors from the
19tees as found out his son michel jeff died due to severe
brain anoyorism which was really sad news for his
neighbours me my self felt really bad about the news I
have heard I fell really sorry ever since then skinwalker
had become a common thing we have been seing dark
figure and a lot of different creature have been seen ever
since there boths dead I felt really uncomfortable about
these city I have been on a research for a while now I am
still trying to skill figure it out but our whole down is on lock
down they are saying no more losing people and doing my
research I have found out there was 9 bodies found out on
our town on different spot which where not a pleasant sine
And the police has warned everyone about not to open
doors if you see an animal that is not seen before but
making sound don’t so mercy to them or don’t be kind to
open the door I have found out that that it is been
happening to us! I am really creept out I am not letting my
cat out we used to let him out these is some type of
creator that kills the animal and takes there identity or
does not kill just takes the identity to enter anyone house
to kill the surrounding people
These all I found around the research I am now trying to
make thinks seem right with my family I am now making
my family think everything is alright just believe on god
Now I am making a journal to spread it around the world
To send us all help now I am being really safe hope fully
every one stays alive good night good luck.

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