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Toll‐Free: (877) 514‐51
Fax: (267) 362‐48
Email: ap

Dishonest em
mployees can sig
gnificantly Ja
anitorial Servvices Bond A
damage your business.
For example:

• An employee of o a janitorial serrvices business waas

cleaning an autoo dealership. A cu ustomer left his keys
k Name of Business
in the night drop
p; the employee stole
s the keys and
the vehicle. Thee employee drovee the car to anotheer Bu
usiness Addres s (attach a list including any branch locatioon
city and wreckeed it. Ad

• An employee of
o a janitorial serrvices business waas Street and Number
cleaning a law office
o and found two
t envelopes
containing cash in an attorney's desk
d drawer. She
y and bought a carr.
stole the money
Citty State Zip

• On his first daay on the job, an employee

e of a
janitorial services business who wasw cleaning in a Mailing Addresss:
bank stole $15,0 000 cash from thee vault.

Strreet and Number

The janitorial bu
usinesses in thesee examples were
protected by thee Janitorial Servicces Bond and Citty State Zip
their losses were covered by our Surety’s up to th
coverage limits purchased. Coverage is subject too
the conviction of
o the defaulting employee.
pplicant’s Phone Nu

Don't wait un
ntil it's too late to get the Ap
pplicants Email Adddress
protection you need.

Have you Sustained aany employee dishhonesty losses in thhe last six years?
We've designed d our Janitorial Seervices Bond to Yess No
quickly and easiily provide protecction for you and
your customers.. Hopefully you never
n experience If yes,
y please providee all the details in a letter.
problems with a dishonest emplo oyee, but with ourr
Janitorial Servicces Bond, you'll rest
r easier knowin ng
you're covered ifi you do.
Exaact number of Own
wners Exactt Number of Emplloyees (Both Full- and Part Time) *

Aree owners to be covvered?

Our Janitorial Services Bond is designed to: Yes No

ustomers from losses incurred by

• Protect your cu Am
mount of Coverrage Requested:
dishonest acts of
o your employeess.
$5,000 $10,0000 $25,000

$50,000 $1000,000
• Cover against acts that cause a loss to your valued
customers by all company emplo oyees, including
part- and full-tim
me employees. Sub
bject to $100 deductibble.

*Includes all employees.. If owners are coverss, the premiums based

d on the total numberr of all owners and
empployees. Rates subjectt to change at any tim
n order to protect youu and your employeees against unjustified allegations of dishoneesty, the employee mu
be convicted
c before coveerage will apply.

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