DNAC-NonFabric Devices

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All Border device must be configured with SSH or TELNET and SNMPv2 or SMNPv3.

username admin privilege 15 password nex@123

ip domain name nexaria.com
interface GigabitEthernet1
description TO_MGMT_DNAC
ip address
no shut
ip route
line vty 0 4
login local
transport preferred ssh
transport input all

snmp-server view ALL-ACCESS iso included
snmp-server group NexGrp v3 priv read ALL-ACCESS
snmp-server user NexUser NexGrp v3 auth sha nexaria@123 priv aes 256 nexaria@123
snmp-server host NexUser
logging buffered 10000

Step-1: Design Network Hierarchy
Version used:

a) Login into DNA center:

b) Click on the icon next to Cisco DNA Center:

c) Click on Design-----> Network Hierarchy

d) You will see the following page:

e) We need to add 3 Areas: NEW YORK, ATLANTA, FLORIDA:

After adding 3 Areas:

f) Click on the Red Box as shown in the image, and add a building

Add Building name & provide the address then add it


Similarly add building for other 2 Areas:

Step-2: Discover Non-Fabric Devices
Click on the icon next to Cisco DNA Center:

Go to Tools---->Discovery----> Add Discovery

We are discovering a CSR router in HQ-NY on the basis of LLDP & IP address:

Scroll down the page and Add Credentials

Minimum one CLI and SNMP credentials are required:

CLI is the configured Telnet or SSH on the Device and SNMPv2 or v3 configured on the Device,

Click save and next configure SNMPv3: Check the config on device for Username & passwords

After saving the credentials:

At the Right-side bottom you can see two options:

Reset: will remove the CLI and SNMPv3 configs.

Discover: Will start discovering the devices with credentials provided. Click on Discover:

Select Now & Click Start:

On left side of the page, you will find: Click on HQ-NY

Above, you can see one Device is discovered by DNAC. Let’s Discover other Sites: Click on

Then Provide the CLI & SNMPv3 credentials. Repeat the steps used for HQ-NY



Logs on CSR

Go to Tools ---->Discovery:

Go to Tools ----> Topology: check your topology

Step-3: Create Project & Templates for a Device

Give Name according to your requirements & click Add present at the bottom:

You will find project created NY-HQ and then click on the circle and Add Template

*** We are creating a Jinja2 “Regular Template”, named “HQ-CSR” for the interface’s configurations.
Device Type, you can click on Edit and add as CSR1000v router then provide the Software & Version Type. ***


Click on Action, then first save then commit

You can Test the template by clicking on the Simulator Editor.

Fill up the required fields * according to the template and Run the test

*** After running the Test you will get success message if the template doesn’t have any errors. ***

Step-4: Create Network Profile to add the devices into our Design

On the Top right-hand, you will find “Add Profile”: Select Routing as our Devices are CSR routers.

Name is NY, Service providers:0, Device:1 and from Device Type is CSR1000v & click Next

Select Skip for Router LAN configs and click next:

Choose Day-N Template(s) and search for the template we created HQ-CSR and click Next

Click Save

Assign an appropriate Site

Step-5: Assign device to the Sites:

Go to Provision ----> Inventory

You can see there are 9 Devices Unassigned, we need to Assign the HQ-Edge router to the NY site.
Select the router and click on Assign:

You will find following:

Select the Site and click Save:

In next window, click on Next and then click on Assign.

Now you will 1 less device in Unassigned Devices.
The Device is assigned to NY, so it will appear under NY Tab

Step-6: Deploying Template (Jinja2)

We created a Jinja2 template in Step-3, named HQ-CSR.

Let’s apply the Template:

Go to Provision ----> Inventory and select New York ----> HQ:
Select the device ----> click Action ----> Provision --→ Provision Device

Click Next

Now Select Day-N Templates(s) ----> click on the HQ-CSR ----> check Boxes if required and
fill up the Field * for the templates (we did run a test for it)

Deploy the template:

Provision Now and Apply

We can see Success:

Now to Verify, click on the device HQ-Edge.nexaria.com.

And Click on the “Run Commands”. A small window will appear “command runner”

Type your command to verify:

We have Successfully Applied out template for the Interfaces on HQ-NY

Logs checked on HQ-Edge:


Step-7: Creating Template for BRANCH-1:

Go to Tools ----> Template Editor ----> Create Project

Add a Template:

Create a Template for all interfaces as shown in the Topology:

Save and then Commit.

Go to Design----> Network Profiles ----> Add Profile (Name ATLANTA) & assign appropriate sites.

Go to Provision ----> Inventory ----> Unassigned Devices ----> Select the Devices and assign SITE

Select the device and Provision Device:

Fill Up the fields * and click Next

Click Deploy


Repeat the Same procedure for all SITEs IP configurations


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