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If I were faced with developing a promotional campaign for a new product that was aimed at

both teenagers and seniors, I would realize the need of altering my writing style and tone to
effectively engage these disparate audiences.
For the teenage audience, I would use a more informal and conversational tone, using language
and vocabulary that is relevant to their interests and lifestyle. I'd emphasize the product's aspects
that appeal to the younger population, emphasizing its coolness factor, ease of use, and ability to
improve their social lives. To make the information relatable and entertaining for teenagers, I
may incorporate popular culture allusions or contemporary language. To pique their interest,
incorporate visual elements such as vivid graphics and short video snippets.
When addressing senior citizens, on the other hand, I would use a more formal and courteous
tone. To guarantee that the message is easily understood, I would use simple and straightforward
language. A priority would be to emphasize the product's practicality, safety, and ability to
improve daily life. I might also underline how the new product will assist them in maintaining
their freedom and simplifying responsibilities. Additionally, employing larger letters, simple
images, and even testimonials from older people who have benefited from the product would be
great techniques for engaging this group.
However, I recognize that finding the correct balance may be difficult. For example, it can be
difficult to ensure that the content is not too immature for teenagers or too patronizing for
elderly. To address this, I would hold focus groups or surveys to solicit opinions from members
of both categories. Their feedback would be invaluable in developing and adapting the content to
their expectations and tastes. I may boost the effectiveness and engagement of the campaign for
both teenagers and older citizens by actively incorporating the target groups in its creation.
Meshram, K., & O'Cass, A. (2017). Senior citizens' perspective on the value offerings of third
place via customer to customer (C-2-C) engagement. Journal of Services Marketing, 32, 175-

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