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Program Title

“Spaces for work: Life Skills and Entrepreneurship Training for Youth in Balochistan”

Applicants’ Name

1. Aziz Ahmed (PhD Economics), Professor, Department of Economics, BUITEMS Quetta (CV is attached)
2. Mr. Nazeer Ahmed, English Language Teacher (TEFL), Teacher Trainer & Social Activist (CV is

Organization Name
Contact Balochistan Rural Development & Research Society (BRDRS), Quetta (as Institution)

Propose Date of Program

Start of May-2023 to End of April-2024

Brief Purpose of the Program

The purpose of the program is to achieve the following objectives at the end of the program,
1. To provide fundamentals of English language course to precarious working women,
under-employed private school teachers, Afghan refugees and unemployed youth of
2. To enhance communication skills of English language of the precarious working women,
under-employed private school teachers, Afghan refugees and unemployed youth of
3. To enhance human capital formation and communication skills development of
precarious working women, under-employed private school teachers, Afghan refugees
and unemployed youth of Balochistan
To enable the marginalized, unemployed, under-employed, Afghan refugees and women with precarious
jobs to get communication skills that work in labor markets, enhance their human capital formation, skills
development, capacity building in starting independent business start-ups, equip them with effective
bargaining power attributes and educating the target groups to enhance their levels of living by using the
program given skills and education to enhance their socioeconomic wellbeing. The purpose also includes
to empower the target groups of people to get decent work, employment, start independent businesses, and
use the learned skills of this program in working at labor markets inside and abroad the country.

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