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● ​Listen and correct the mistakes: (señalar error en rojo y anotar la corrección
entre paréntesis y subrayado en amarillo)

I ​always (​usually​) wake up at ​6 (​7​) o’clock, except on ​Saturdays (​Sundays​) ​when I

like to sleep in. The first thing I do after getting up is have ​breakfast (​shower​). After
my ​breakfast (​shower​), ​I occasionally have a shower and get dressed (​I get dressed
and have breakfast​). I ​usually (​normally​) have milk and cereal with a cup of ​tea
(coffee). When I have finished breakfast I ​sometimes​ (​always​) clean my teeth.

Some (​most​) days I leave the house at ​7:40 (​7:45​) and ​drive (​walk​) to the subway
station which is ​ten (​two​) minutes from my ​apartment (​flat​). I ​rarely (​usually​) take the
underground because it’s quicker but sometimes I catch​ a taxi​ (​the bus​).

From ​8 ​(​9​) to ​6 (​5​) I work in ​a shop (​an office​) if I’m busy I have a ​pizza (​sandwich​) at
my desk for ​dinner (​lunch​), otherwise, I go to the nearby coffee shop with a

After sitting in front of a computer screen for most of the day I need to get some
dancing​ (​exercise​), so after work I ​often​ (​always​) go to ​dancing lessons​ (​gym​).

In the ​afternoon (​evening​) I like to relax by listening to some heavy music with a
glass of ​cider (​wine​). I ​hardly ever (​rarely​) go out during the week, but on ​Sundays
(​Saturdays​) I ​always​ (​often​) go to the movies with my girlfriend.

I usually go to bed at ​10:20 (​10:30​), but if I’m tired I go to bed earlier. One thing I
occasionally (​never​) do is drink coffee in the ​morning (​evening​) it stops me from


I always wake up at 7 o’clock when I have classes, on weekends I like to sleep late.
The first thing I do in the morning is wash my face and wash a little. After, I make the
bed and get dressed. Then I always take a cup of coffee and clean my teeth.

Usually, I leave my house at 7:28 and walk 2 minutes to catch the bus, because my
classes start at 8:30 and there may be some delays with the public transport, but I
normally am punctual and I like that.

From 8:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m., I study in Valencia, in a private school a grade to
radiotherapy and dosimetry.

After school, I normally get house at 3:15 p.m. and I eat with my family, later I sleep
until 5:30 p.m and when I wake up from a nap, I study and depending on the day, I
end at one hour or another.

When I finish, if I have free time, I listen to music or watch one of my favorite TV
series. If I have to shower, I usually take advantage of that time of day. On the
weekend I’m always with my friends making any improvised plan.

If it's midweek, I usually have dinner at 10:30 and at 11:30 I'm already in bed ready
to sleep.

MªJosé Cumbrero López


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