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= WT R Aq) i) 0 4 — INTERNATIONAL MATHS OLYMPIAD STUDY MATERIAL English Workbook _Knowledge(GK) Workbook ‘Class 1-10 Class 1-10 ‘Science Workbook Class 1-10 a RCT Computer Workbook Art(Orawing) Workbook Class 1-10 Class 1-10 PREVIOUS YEARS’ QUESTION PAPER SET Separate previous years’ question papers sets for Round-1 and Round-2 are available Students can practice more with the question papers provided to achieve that extra mile in this National Examination! (This question paper set consists of question papers, practice OMR sheets, answer keys & solutions. ) CONTENTS ‘ CHAPTER 01 NUMBER SYSTEM 02 ADDITION & SUBTRACTION 03 MULTIPLICATION & DIVISION 04 FRACTIONS 05 MEASUREMENT 06 MONEY 07 TIME & CALENDAR 08 (GEOMETRY 09 DATA HANDLING 10 LOGICAL REASONING MODEL QUESTION PAPER ANSWER KEY AND EXPLANATIONS = ~y< 3S a ¥ SAMPLE OMR ANSWER SHEET (7 ) INDIAN TALENT seein ALENT Schl Cods [lm] Seal ‘8L.No. M-061330 sui DMR ANSWER SHEET MH3421] 06 | 001 ‘CANDIDATE NAME PARENTS NAME 3 NAVEEN KUMAR EVARUN S KUMAR a SS el 7 | = oo 4 Sipeoannees cet css ere aiec cava pon cones rik e0000 Bs a tha anewer may not ° ®OOOOo OG) | 2 nares suid be dark an compat ft oa eonee9 BG] | kegheommat nn dnt east B899oa) OG} | enema ey nh pce provi No mar wb rn fr wrong foyotofoyoto) Oe ae tmotenas nt tan Basess | 3 G8 DO@@Oo a | Hee = SLES = i i Roses: © ‘suBeeT ws — 7 lence © Wahi © [6 |umeues eee J@O} Jocneriocmsnce © Sener (DO; [erousn oO “wae @@ “ct a is remus ©. oq mec] | ee i SL eam 3 mes | || ee aD jee =. = EO eee =s : — oc aT Wa OmROH TOR CASE FORD AROE 1® © © O]/"@ © © O/® © © O/|"@ © © O| 1D © © ® 10 © © O/® © © O/® © © OO © © OD OOD +1 © © O|® © © O|h@ © © O|@ © © O|\@ © © © 4® © © O|® © © O|@ © © O|@ © © O|\@ © © © 1® © © O||@ © © O|/s@ © © O|@ © © O||@ © © © 1 © © O|® © © O|@ © © O|@ © © O||@ © © © 11® © © O|"|® © © O|/@ © © O|"|@ © © O||@ © © © 11 © © O|® © © O|@ © © O|\@ © © O|\@ © © © 11 © © O|*® © © O|@ © © O|@ © © O|\@ ® © © 1 © © O|@ © © O|@ © © O||1@ © © O|1@ © © © TRVGHATOR SIGNATURE ANDORTE SGNATORE & AA be ata 8 The smallest 4-digit number formed by using the digits 4,0,1,3is__. a.0134 b.4310 c.1034 d.3014 The successor of the smallest 5-digit number is. - a.9999 b.10001 ¢.99999 lerore=___. a.10million b. Lbillion ¢.1 million d.10thousand Thirty three thousand eleven is same as. . a. 33,110 b. 33,311 ¢.30,311 d. 33,011 Write the number in standard expanded form. 219,842. a. 210000 + 10000 + 9000 + 800 +42 b. 20000 + 19000+ 9000 +800 +40+2 ¢. 200000 + 10000 + 9000 + 800 +40 +2. d. 20000 + 1000 +900+ 20+42 Fillintheblank. 7U,2Tens, STTh, 9Th_59270 a> b.< a= d.None ofthese Write the number-namein the international system 1400317. a. Fourteen lakh three thousand seventeen. b. Fourteen lakh thousand three hundred seventeen. c. One million forty thousand three hundred seventeen. d. One millionfour hundred thousand three hundred seventeen. Ten million is a, digit number. a7 bs cS Place value of 9 in 3,45,986is__. a.900 b.90 ¢.9000 d.90,000 ‘Thedescending order of 5611, 5460, 5890,5430is__. ‘@.5611, 5430, 5890, 5460 b.5430, 5611, 5460, 5890 ¢.5430, 5460, 5611, 5890 4.5890, 5611, 5460, 5430 How many times does the digit 4’ appear between 1 and 50? ala bis .16 4.20 Fillin the blank. ‘The difference between the place value of '9" and face value of '2'in 9620is_ . a. 8980 b.9020 c. 8998 d.9002 A bucket has 5,794 marbles. What will 5,794 rounded to the nearest hundreds be? a. 5,800 b. 6,000 5,500 d.5,900 Amit read number plate of her friend house as ‘thirty five thousand five’. How is it written imnumericform? a. 35,500 b. 30,550 ¢.35,005 d.35,555 Choose a number from the options such that the numbers in the circles remain the greatest to the lowest. 4.8136 b.8187 ¢.8112 d.7915 There are 15,950 people watching a cricket match in the stadium, 8065 are men and rests of themare females. What is the number of females to nearest hundred? a.7,900 b.7,800 8,000 d.7,500 Akshay was paid fifty seven thousand ninety two rupees for his skit performance. What is the number in numeral form? a. 357,792 b.%57,092 850,792 4.359, 792 Forming the largest and smallest 5-digit number from the digits given in the figure, find their difference. a.42,874 b.44,654 c. 44,864 d. 43,974 Which of the following is incorrect about the largest S- digit number formed by using the digit 4,7,2,0,37 a.3isin hundreds place b.Oisintens place c.4000is the place value of 4. d. Predecessor of the number on ten thousands place willbe 6. _ SSS 20. Study the given numberline. Y coo 2400 2500 2600 2700 2800 Which of the following is the value of Y? a.2550 b.2540 c.2575 7 aad ADDITION & SUBTRACTION 01. When zerois added toanumber, thesumis: a.One b.Thenumberitself —_c. Zero d. None of these 02. Which pair of numbers when added make more than 850? a.314and534 b.152and 688 407 and 445 d.301and540 03. Ina factory there are 2,050 workers who come in the first shift, 1560 workers in the second shift and 460 in the third shift. Total how many workers are therein the factory? a.4520 b.4,070 ¢.3504 4.4135 04. —_Inacity, there are 1585 children and 2800 men. The total population of city is 6280. Whatis the population of womenin the city? 1824 b.1850 1895, 4.1900 05. —_Findthe sum: 74000 +5460+135+5, a. 79,600 b.78,880 ¢.78,650 4.79,550 06. Find the sum of the largest number of 5 digits and the smallest number of 7 dij a.1099999 —_b. 1099998 1099991 d.1099990 07. The girls had 3 weeks to sell tickets of their play. In the first week, they sold 75 tickets. In the second week they sold 108 tickets and in the third week they sold 210 tickets. How many tickets did they sell in all? a.385 b.393 375 .357 08, — Madhurihas madesweets for Diwali, she has arranged all sweets in 5 boxes. After putting 18sweetsin each box, she was left with 15 more sweets. How many total sweets did she make? a.95 b.120 c.92 d.105 09. From which of the following numbers must 4560 be subtracted to get the answer as 2560? a, 6820 b.6900 ¢.7120 4.7250 10. Aman bought a gadget for 3,206. How much did he gain, if he sold it for €9,163? 85947 b.%5957 ©. 85597 4.35759 11, 18tens—Bones=__. a.188 b.192 127 4.172 NS 06 | SD Vz 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. Class 04 INDIAN TALENT What will replace the question mark? 25-18+20+8-15+12-5=? a.35 b.8s ©.27 d.18 The answer to an addition is 915. One of the numbers is 427. What will be the other number? a.463 b.457 488 4.472 Shreya read that North America covered an area of 9,361,791 square miles and South ‘America covered 6,880,000 square miles. How much bigger is North America than South America? a. 2,481,791 b. 2,425,308 c.2,520,028 d. 2,480,994 Afarmer had 2450 kg rice and he sold 1244 kg rice to X customer and 1156 kg to Y customer. How much rice is left with him? a.55kg b.S0kg c.65kg .45kg If 320 soaps are there in Box A and 398 in Box B. How many more soaps Box A require to equalize with Box B? a.70 b.68 ©.72 4.78 20000» OO A» It O'svalueis 4, then what will be the value of A? a.10 b.15) 12 4.18 Observe the following figure and answer the question. >) >) Class 04 INDIAN TALENT Harshad has £2000. He purchased a bag, a bat, a storybook & a pair of speakers, then how much money will remain with him? a.%120 b. %40 c.%60 d. %100 19. Ina school picnic, 210 students are from 6th class. 7th class has 13 students more than 6th class and 8th class has 25 students less than 6th class. How many total students are going forthe school picnicfrom these 3 classes? a.625 b.592 618 d.652 20. Whatwill replace the value of B and Cin the following equation? 4B82 22420 1862 cl 911 a.B=4andC=3 b.B=2andC=7 c.B=4andC=7 d.B=2andC=5 11© © © Oj |/s/@ © © O| |3/@ © © O| [vO © OO |\Vio@OO 218 © © O |65/@ © © O| |w/® © © O| |41® © O O| |zl@ © O O 31© © © O| |7/@ © © DO |u/]@ © © O| |/@ © © DO} |v © O O 41@ © © DO |s|@ © © DO |2X/@ © O O} |u/@ © © O| |>|\W © OO ras MULTIPLICATION & DIVISION 01. Fillintheblank. b.2000 ¢.3200 4.2400 02. Thenumberwhichis multiplied to S01 and product remains the same, is a b.500 ©.501 40 03. Howmanyminutesare therein 3 days? 4320 b.1440 ©.63 d. 180 04. The price of 1kgflouris £25. How much will Rishi pay for 22 kg flour? 2.2110 b.%550 ©2420 4.2425 05. if 425treescan be planted on 1 hectare of anorchard, howmanytrees canbe planted on Bhectares? a.3200 b.3800 ¢.4500 4.3400 06. Ramesh buys 1 kg stainless-steel for 212, but sells it for 214. How much will he earn when he sells 32 kg stainless-steel? 2.8384 b.%60 «864 4.448 07. Whichof the following expressions true? a.10x5=4x5+10 b. 15x ¢.5+20x1=6x1412 d.12x 08. —_ Select the correct division sentence for the picture shown below. a.9+3=3 62S SBS 68S b.6+3=9 09. —_Fillintheblank. 0+13=(_] 2.130 bl 13 4.0 10. How many dozens of mangoes are there in total of 504 mangoes? a4 b.42 6.48 447 11. When 738is divided by 10 then the remainder will be. ‘ a8 b.6 o4 4.2 ( > Class 04 INDIAN TALENT 12. Whatisthe quotient qand remainder r, if Neha has arranged 840 fruits in9 boxes? a.q=95andr=5 b.q=96andr=0 .q=93andr=3 d.q=89andr=8 13. Simplify:(21+5)+(4-2) a2 b.26 13 4.28 14. Neelubrought 15 storybooks in her class. Today 45 students are present, How many Students will need to share one book? a6 b.3 a4 as 15. Think ofa number thatis divisible by 2, 3and Sand comes between 25and 50. a.27 b.40 ¢.30 4.35 16. — Whatis?, if8x6=2%2x8 a.32 b.4 6.3 4.2 17. _ Ina company, there are 750 employees. Each donated 15 for the cancer patients. How much money was collected for donation? a. 11,250 —_b. %10,500 c. €14,750 d. 12,220 18. Mr. Shetty paid salary 10,550 to each driver. He has 7 drivers then how much money Mr. Shetty will withdraw from bank to pay their salaries? a.%70,250 b. 265,800 c. 782,650 4. 73,850 19. A Gardener has 933 saplings. He plants 16 saplings in a day. How many days does he require to plant all the saplings and how many saplings are left to plant on the last day? a. 57 daysand left with 12 plants b.54days and left with 2 plants c. 59 days and left with plants d50daysand leftwith 10 plants 20. Studythe givenequation. O*O- O-0- & D 7/@ © © 0 3]@ © © O 3/08 © © O »l@ © © 0 31@ © © O 4J®@ © OO 3/0 © 00 %]@ © © © 1306 @ O00 0J@ © OO 7/® ® © O| |110 © © O s|@ © © O| [2/®@ © © O 5/9 ® © O 651®@ 000 What will replace CD and © toget correct equation? 110 ® © O 210 © © O 310 © OO 41@ © © O ie Pe aly yy FRACTION 01. What partofthe whole is coloured? a 2 at be 3 3 en a4 3 02. _ Whichofthe following model represents +> fraction forts shaded part? ml tt . ie os a b c d 03. Match the following coloured parts to its fraction. A)

1) quarter a. A-2, B-1,C-3,D-4 8)

3) Three Quarters d,A-1, B-3, C-4,D-2 D) > 4) Whole 04. at 4 Sanz and> te 9’9'9 9 9 9 05. Compare the pair of fractions using <, > or = sign. sus as b> as d. None ofthese 06. Howmany one-fourth will make one whole? as bs 4 d.12 07. | Howtowrite the following fraction in words? 92 4 a. Nine and three quarters b.Nineandone fourth ¢. Nineand one quarter d.Nine anda half \ ( 4) Class 04 INDIAN TALENT 08. Fillinthe blank. ses 55 0 a4 bs 8 4.3 09. Whatis the sum of the shaded parts? 7 11 ax ya 18 oS Pe! ait 7 18 10. What fraction of letters are vowels in “Histograms” word? a2 BS «2 at 11 9 10 3 11. Sanjay ordered 45 cold drinks for a function. Out of these, 32 were Pepsi and the rest were Coca-cola. What fraction of the drinks is Coca-cola? 3 13 2 12 az b.— ce . 5 45 2 45 12. Meghali bought 37 cherries out of which 12 are spoiled. What fraction of cherriesis good? » 5 23 11 25. an = 4 = 7 37 v7 37 : 13. ‘The figure is shaded to show what fraction? a at b. 3 c 22 d. at 5 5 5 5 14, Byhow much 22 is greater than 2-2 . 25 25 De ee 25 25 25 2 15. How many more triangles must be shaded so that half of the given figure is shaded? as b.3 4 d.2 XS i Class 04 INDIAN TALENT 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. Which two figures have shaded parts that represent equivalent fractions? @Q® Awa RE .<® Whatis the difference between 7 ninth and 3 ninth? at c2 as 3 9 3 g What fraction of the figure is shaded? 4 a ot 6 4 3 5 4 10 Observe the given number line and find which of the two numbers are equal. 0 0 1 2 5 5 8 nn 4 5 ew atand Sb 2 andi ¢.0 and > 5 b 5 5 Sonali had 36 chocolates. She gave ; of chocolates to Shraddha and ito Madhuri. How many chocolates are left with her? aS b.3 c8 d12 >, eeoe ® © O |5/@ © © OD |9/@ © © O |8/O © © GO [7/0 © © ® O DO |s/®@ © © O| |»}® © © O| |¥/@ © © O| |8/O © O ® © O |7/@ © © O| {1/0 © © O |s/O © © O| |8/O © © ® © O| |#/@ © © Oj [xX ® © O} |¥|® © © O} |H|O © © @eoeo0 a 01. 02. 03, 05. baal ais - MEASUREMENT In a3000 meters race people run, km. a.9km b.300km .30km .3km The weight of each of the 4 identical tomatoesis a.40g bt wuew 50g d. 25g des o 10 bags contain 1000 kg of cement. One bag contains kg. a. 1000 b. 100 c.10 d.110 From a roll of 125 m long electric wire, a piece of 17 m 65 cm is cut. What length of wireisleftontheroll? a.107m53cm b.107m35cm ©170m35em 4.117 m35cm The length of the rectangle is 5 cm and the breadth is 4 cm. Find the perimeter. a. 18cm b.15cm c. 25cm d.30cm 7 Class 04 INDIAN TALENT 07. Whichofthe following figure has the least perimeter? a.Fig.1 ie b.Fig.2 3cm Sem onl d. Can't be determined acm 3cm hen 08. ‘The perimeters of Square A and Rectangle B are equal. Find the length of each side ofsquare A. a.6em b.2em c4cm d.8cm 09. Find the heaviest item in the given figures. (#) S Sugar Metals a. Metals d.Gift 10. Raj made the longest jump of 3 meters 40 cm. Rajesh came second as his jump was 20 cm shorter than Raj's. How long was Rajesh’sjumps? a.3metres2cm b.3metres 40cm ¢.3metres 20m d.320 metres 11. Total weight of 7 cabbages and 20 potatoes is 5 kg. If each potato weighs 20 g, what is the weight of 7 cabbages? a.4kg 200g b. 3kg 900g cake d.4kg 600g 12. Raghu has a 216 cm long piece of wood. He wants to cut it into 3 equal lengths. What will bethelength of each piece? a.72em b.66em c.68em d.78cm 13. _Fillintheblank. 30km250m25 cm+41 km385 m12em= a.70km135m32em b.71km 635m 37cm c.11km265m67cm d.72km 335m 33cm S >) 7 Class 04 INDIAN TALENT Directions (14-15): Observe the following figure and answer the given questions. fe oy oe @, Key: 1 box=1unit 14. Whatisthe mass of cauliflower? a.2units b.3units c. 4units d.6units 15. Which of the following is 3 times heavier than the apple? a. Beet root b.Watermelon ¢.Beetroot._d.Noneofthe above 16. _Sayaliis 6 years older than Harshali. Harshaliis half the age of Manali. If Manali is 26years old, how old is Sayali? a.19year b. 16years ¢. 7years d.15 years 17. _A fashion designer uses 6 m 50 cm of cloth to make a dress. How much cloth will be required for 12 such dresses? a.72mS0cm b.78m ¢.74m 50cm 4.75m. 18. _ Reshma goesto the market and returns home following the same path asshown in the figure. How much distance does she cover? a.40km, b.42km 2k .45 km 4.48 km ge Skm 19. Thefigure below shows rack to keep medicine boxes. 3m How many medicine boxes of the same thickness can be arranged on the rack if each medicine box is 10 cm thick? a.15 b.30 ©.20 4.25 & >) J 708 ®@ © O 318 © © O 3/60 © © O »J@ © © O| 310 © © O 4J@ © O O 510 © © O %]@ © © O| 3e 000 0®@ © © O 1/0 © © © 21@ © © O b.8litre d.12litre se 000 609 OOO 710 © © oO #1@ © © O z i 3 i ; — 5 E : 3 i 3 i 2 i S i i 5 & 3 does it need to travel a distance of 180 km? 1/0 © © © 20 © 00 310 © 0 0 43@ © 0 0 Css ti) 01. ‘The change of 50 paise coins fora 10-rupee coin is a ——— 50 paise coins a.10 b.20 25 4.15 Which one of the following is not a correct denomination of Currency notes in India? a. Hundred Rupee Note b. Fifty Rupee Note c.TwohundredRupeeNote _d. ThirtyRupee Note How many paise are there in 2100? a.10000 b. 100000 c.1000 d.100 If a person who runs a tea stall earns 2500 in a day. How much will he earn in 10 b. 210000 ©. 500 d.%3000 ‘The price of 1 kg sugar is 225. How much will Kiran pay for 30 kg sugar? 2.8700 s Fant b.2750 -F ©. 8500 4.8650 Calculate total amountif there are c.%2040 d.%2450 ‘The rate of 1kg of tomato is 28. How much does half kg tomato cost? a.%16 b.82 c.84 4.212 ( >) Class 04 INDIAN TALENT 08. Bill of the hotel is given below, if he gave %500 to the cashier, how much money will he get back? Sandwich Pav bhaji Paneer tikka a.%170 b.160 8150 4.2190 09. —_If1 DVD costs 2300, then8 DVDs will cost__. a.%2400 b.%2600 c.%3200 d,%3000 10. Meena got 8 notes. If she has 22000, which combination of notes does Meena have? a. 3notes of 2500 and 2 notes of 100 b. 4notes of 2500 and 3 notes of 100 ¢. 2notes of %500 and 8notes of 2100 d. 3notes of $500 and 5 notes of 100 11. _ Expressthe following amount of moneyin words, a. Rupees Four Hundred Two and Sixty Five Paise b. Rupees Four Hundred Twenty and Sixty Five Paise. c. Rupees Four Hundred Twenty Sixty Five. 4d. Rupees Four Thousand Two Hundred Sixty Five Paise. 12. Ateam 5 won first prize of 25250 in singing competition. Find the share of each. a.%1,500 b. 950 ¢. 81,050 4.%1,150 13. _ Nine members of Sharma family want to go for a picnic. Entry fee of 1 person is 21500. What will be the total cost? a.%13,500 b. 215,000 c. 811,500 d.%10,000 14. Abusiness man earns 710 lakh 20 thousand in one year. If he spends %5 lakh 10 thousand in his business over the year, then how much profit he earns at the end of year. a, %5fakh 90 thousand b. %5lakh, ¢. 34 lakh 30 thousand d. %5lakh 10 thousand Fr 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. Class 04 INDIAN TALENT Ifthe price of laptop was 22,400. Now it is €25,800, How muchis the increase in price? a. 83000 b.%3400 c. 3800, d.%4000 Cost of 3 dozens of pencils is 7108, what will be the cost of 1pencil?: a. 5 b. 8 ©. 84 d, %3 Seema went to a toy shop and purchased 6 pairs of teddv for 22100. What is the cost of each teddy? a.%150 b. %300 c. 8175 4. 250 Sureshsavess of his salary per month. If his monthly salaryis 215,000, then how much does he save inamonth? a.%10,000 b.27,500 ¢.%5,000 4. 8,000 Soham and Kia went to vegetable market. Soham spent 2400 on shopping. They had 2900 altogether. Soham had twice as much Kia, then how much money is remaining with him? a.%100 b.2200 c. $300 d, 7400 Whatisthe value of J. ? 815 4.220 >) 11@ © © O| |5/@ © © OD |2/@ © © Of |3/@ @ © O| |vV]O © © O 2/@ © © GO |s|® © © O| |Hx/®@ © © O| |4/@ © © O}| |zv/O OOO 310 © © O /7|/9 © © O| |x/O © O O| |4/O © © DO |8¥]!H OW OO 4|® © © O} [2/9 © © O| |2X/®@ © O O} |4/@ © © O| |W|IOO OO & 13. 14, 1s. 16, 17. Class 04 INDIAN TALENT Directions(13-15): The given pictograph tells us about the kind of toys shopkeeper kept in his shop. Study the pictograph carefully and answer the following questions. Seeee8 Key: One toy equals to 2. How many toys the shopkeeper had in all? a.28 b.30 ¢.26 d.15 How many car toys did he keep? as b.6 tal, a8 Which kind of toys were keptin large numbers? a.Car b. Doll c.Helicopter d.Teddy Directions (16-18): The given table shows the number of people visited to different placesin2days. Day 1 day 24 day Places Garden 120 150 Museum 420 380 Beach 895 1025 Water park 98 298 How many people went to Beach over two days? a. 2020 b. 1960 c.1920 d. 1850 What was the difference in the number of people who visited to Water Park in day 2andday 1? a.103 b.197 c.153 4.193 >) How many people visited to different places on day 1? a. 1430 b. 1483 ¢. 1503 d. 1533, Directions (19-20): The circle chart shows the number of students taking part in annual function in different category. Play Speech sel aes What fraction of the children took part in singing? 1 3 1 2 as b= = oe 2 4 4 3 If there are 60 students taking part in dance then how many students took part in play, speech and anchoring? Z ae LOGICAL REASONING 01. _ Find the missing number in the given number pattern below. @ © 686 O8-O 0-9-0 © @ © all bs c.12 d.2 02. Howmanysmiling face will be therein pattern 4? @ S ©@ & O®, pasa 1 oe oe e als b.12 cd d.21 03. fale’ aly (71) (ole SEOO ela? [eel a7 b.10 19 d.21 04. Which number will replace the question mark (?)? a.64 b.54 50 4.60 & If yesterday was Monday, then day after tomorrow willbe .. - a. Thursday b. Wednesday c. Friday d. Saturday = & 7 Class 04 INDIAN TALENT 06. 07. 10. = Arrange the given words in descending order according to their values. Ltrillion 2. thousand 3. billion 4. million at342 4231 1432, — d.43,2,4 Directions (Q.7-8): Look at the arrangement shown below and answer the following questions. Amsee #8 |W Which item is the fourth to the right of S rh a ww a b © Whats the position of sunflower? a. Third to the left of book b.Second tothe right of butterfly c. Third to the right of apple d. Second to the right of apple Which number will replace the question mark (?). c.18 d.17 How many triangles will replace the question mark? oO OO = “A aA then =? oo OO = O10 “A AAA .AA .AAAA SS _ £]1/?o?ANSpW Sh (7 >) Class 04 INDIAN TALENT 11. Lookatthe pattern below. OOK KOCK KOO? KOOKK What shape is missing from the pattern? aO b. YY .@ a* 12. IfA=1, B=3, C=5, D=7, and so on, which word will be formed by numbers 37, 17 and 39? a.SIT b.SU ¢.NOT d.POT 13. Whichnumberwill replace the question mark (2)? a.80 b.70 .85 4.75 14. Birds Treated Number of tds Treated | ames | Which alternative shows the months arranged from least to greatest number of birds treated? a. July, April, May, June b. May, June, July, April c.May, June, April, July d.June, May, April, July 15. | 36istoGas64isto? a4 b.8 12 4.47 16. _Identifythe one whichis different from the others. 2.3445 b.4556 ©. 7889 d.5567 & og J >) 7 Class 04 INDIAN TALENT an: Find the missing number in the place of '?' in the following. a.10 b.12 e111 d.13 18. Find the odd one out. 13, 17,23,63,71 a.63 b.17 c.13 d.23 19. Which is the next figure in the series? ww vy ak X& a ° ‘° fs oe = a a. b. Cc. d. 20. —_ Onlyone of the given alternative fits in place of the question mark. Identify the group. 016Q R197] [C22 W][ ? | aA2C b.K13M ©X25Z d.N140 1]@ © © O| js]® © © O|.[s]@ © © O| [ux]O © © OC [vO OO O 21 © © O |s1®@ © © GO} |H/® © © O| |4¥/@ © © O| |¥!® OO O 3108 © © O] |/7|/9 © © GO |1/®@ © © O| |s/@ © © OD [VS OO @ 41®@ © © Oj [2 |®@ © © OG} |2x|® © © O| |s|\®@ © © O| [~/® © © O & 01, 02. 03. 05. 07. MODEL QUESTION PAPER The number of weeks in 147 days are: a.27 b.21 ¢.23 d.22 Inwhich figure does the shaded partrepresents 4 Soe Atrain leaves town P at 12:05 p.m. At what time will itreach town Q, ifthe journey takes 1 hour and 42 minutes? a.1:37 p.m. b.1:47p.m. ¢.3:47p.m. d.3:47a.m. The diagram shows anew bottle of liquid detergent. Rupa.uses 1 Lof the detergent. Find the quantity, inml, of detergent leftin the bottle. a.1000 ml b.100m! ¢.10ml 4.2000 mi correct representation of 2703 on the spike abacusis: GALE d. ‘At what time does the hour hand point between 1 and 2, and the minute hand point at 6? a.1:30 b.2:30 ¢.6:05 d.12:06 640 + howmany tens = 1000? a.360 b.460 ©.36 4.46 The price of 1 kg brassis 2170. How much will be the cost of 7 kg of brass? a.%1700 b.%1190 ¢.%1170 d.%1200 7 09. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. >) Class 04 INDIAN TALENT Fillin the blank. 80,00,000 + 5,000+ 300+20= . a.80,05,320 b.80,50,320 ¢.85,00,320 —-d..85,05,320 Which of the following isan open figure? In CD Ag a b c d How many more squares can be filled in the given rectangle? a8 b.7 66 4 C 72 kg wheat, 94 kg rice and 41 kg sugar are loaded on the cart. What is the total weight of loadonthe cart? a.207kg b.210kg c.21ike .222kg After buying 3 pencils at %12 each, Ram has 27 left. How much amount did he have at first? 2.45 b.43 42 4.46 The following figure shows fruits in a basket at Ridhima's house. What fraction of fruits are apples? Which of the following is correct? 2.400421=402#1 b.400+21=410+2 ¢.400+21=40+21 d.400+21=401+20 Whatis the time shown on the digital clock? a. Aquarter past one in the afternoon. b.Aquarter to onein the afternoon. C.Onefiftyin the afternoon. 4d. One fifteen in the morning. (7 4) Class 04 INDIAN TALENT 17. Thediagram shows aroad map. fe a 0m 650m a Se ie House School Post Office Ramu walks to school from his house and then to the post office, How far does he walk? a.1km b.1100m ¢.1500m d.2km 18. —_‘Fillintheblank. 9,056+2,058=2, 058+. . a.11114 b.0 ¢. 2058, d. 9056 19. A bucket contains 10L 725 ml. of milk. Another bucket contains 4L 685 ml of milk. How much milk is contained in the buckets altogether? a.15L410ml b.21L300m! c.16L410ml d.14L400mi. 20. Fillin the blanks. 7009g=__kg__g a.7;90 b.7;900 €.70;9" .7;9 21, Thesmallest 6-digit number using the digits 2, 0, 4,5, 7, Lis: a.0,21,457 b.2,10,457 .1,02,457 4.1,20,457 22. Find the sumof the perimeters of the figures given below. Sem a.25cm b. 28cm: 31 3m ¢.27¢em scm d.30em aeeal 4cm High order thinking section: om 23. Shona put a number into the ‘START’ box below. OR OO Gy START END Ifthe"END' number was 30. What number did Shona put into the 'START' box? a.25 b.23 €.27 d.20 & 39) Y (7 >) Class 04 INDIAN TALENT Direction (24-25): Read the menu of the famous cafe and answer the following questions. LO Meng [___item Cost’) [Masatates [75.00 | 24. If Rina bought 2 Masala tea, how much does she have to pay? a.%150.00 b.2100.00 ¢.%125.00 d.2175.00 25. Shyam has ordered 1 Cappuccino, 2 Assam tea, 1 Espresso coffee in office. How much does he have to pay? a.%262.00 b.%255.00 c. 264.00 d.%238.00, Logical reasoning section: 26. Which of the following will be the next term in the given number pattern? 1D |B) 5D |a7D aid |2 a.150 b.162 c.243 d.336 27. _ Inwhich of the following figures, fig (X) is exactly embedded as one of its part? Fig X IA b. IX] N/a & 40 | J ; Class 04 INDIAN TALENT 28. If banana 9is removed from the given arrangement, then whats the position of banana 4 from right end? D D D DB D D, a. First b. Fourth c. Fifth d.Sixth 29. Which ofthe following does not belongto group (X). 30. Find the figure which replaces the question mark. OLLTYD *: Hooton: 32 ACOLTA . ACCA DAA . Aco a. If DIPTI coded as KRQBR and PIYUSH is coded as QRIAES, then identify the code for DISHTI. a. IRAEBR b. KRESBR: c.QESBRA d. ESBRZIK 32. _-Ansertthe missingnumber. 12 i oN 16, 58 24 30 39 12 20 34 a.93 b.97 c.101 d.103 & > (- ) Class 04 INDIAN TALENT 33, A+O=7 O-A=1 If these number sentences are true, which of the following may be correct? a. A=4,0=3 v. A=3,00=4 «. A\=2,00=5 a. A=5,0=2 34. Each part on the number line drawn below is of 1¢m. The sum of AC + DE + GJ is equalto ABCDEFGHIS a. AF b. BH ©.0G d. Fs 35. How many possible combinations of and , can be formed from 2 locks and 3 keys? a5 b.6 8 d.12 11@ © © O] | 2/9 © © DO [1/9 © © O| | AH OO OD |310 © OO 210 © © 0/3/09 © © O || © © DO | 310 © O DO |H'H © OD 318 © © GO} /10 © © Of |7/@ © O GO| |\*O OO O |31/10 © O O 41@ © © O}/11O © © Of |8/@ © © GO |H1@ © O O |2/1O © © O 51®@ © © OF /27® © © GO |91®@ © O DO |HO OO OH |8'O OOD 61®@ © © O}/ 30 © © O \AG OO 0 |7HO OD |*O OOO 7]@ © © O} [HO O © O [A © O O| |W® © OD |H}O OO O & Y Lb 2c 1d 12.¢ Multiplication & | 1d 2a 12.¢ Vil. Time & Calendar 1d 2b 5 4d a 6a . BC 9b 1i.c | 12.b Ls 14.4 a 16.c M 19.b 1d 2c 11.b | 12.¢ Data Handling ae | 24 lic | 12a Number system 59,027<59,270 10 million = 1,00,00,000is 8 digit number 9000 (place value) -2(face value) = 8998 15,950-8065 = 7885 =7900 64320 (largest number)-20346 (smallest number) = 43,974 largest S-digit number = 74320 ¥ —_.___1__ 2500 = 2525 2550 §= 2575 = 2600 Addition and Subtraction 35 +0=35 zerois added to anumber answer is the number itself. 407 + 445 = 852 makes more than 850. 2050 + 1560 +460 = 4070 workers 6280—[1585 (children) +2800 (men)] = 1895 (women) Largest number of Sdigit = 99999, Smallest number of 7 digit = 1000000 99999 + 1000000= 1099939 Total number of tickets sold =75 +108 +210=393 393 tickets were soldinall. 18+18+18 +18 +18=90+ 15=105 sweets 7120—4560= 2560 %9,163 -%3,206 =%5,957 Aman gain 5,957 from gadget. 180-8=172 North America is 5,528,208 miles bigger. 9,361,791 - 6,880,000 = 2,481,791 square miles much bigger North America is 2,481,791 square miles much bigger than South America. 1255(X) +1156 (Y)=2400 2450-2400 = 50 kg rice left with farmer, 398-320=78 4444444+10=26,10+10+15=35, C>=4,Q =10andA=15 450 +360 +665 +485 = 1960 2000-1960 =%40 (left with Harshard).. 6" class = 210, 7th class = 223, 8" class =185 210+223+185=618 students Total students going for picnic= 618 students. 311 A282 12420 1862 911 Multiplication and Division 800x3=2400 3idays=3% 24 hours (in 1 day)=72 hours 72x60 minutes(in 1 hour) =4320 minutes in 3 days Ramesh buys 1 kgstainless-steel(SS) for 212, so buying prize for 32 kg =12x32= 384 Ramesh sells 1 kg SS for 214, so selling prize for 32 kg=14x32=448 Ramesh earn money = Selling prize - buying prize = 448-384=%64 Adozen=12 +" 5304+ 12=42 mangoes are there in dozens. 8isthe remainder. 93 (Quotient) 81 30 27 3 (Remainder) (21+5)+(4-2)=26+2=13 45+15=3 3 students need to share one book. 30+2=15,30+3=10,30+5=6 30s the number whichis divided by 2, 3 and5 comes between 25 and 50. Bx6=2x2x8 8x(6) = (2%?)x8 We know that 6=2%3 2.283 750% 15 = %11,250 10,550%7 = %73,850 933 +16=58, 5 (remainder) From the options, 13* 28 = 364, 28-13=15 Shaded triangle = 6 4 triangles must be shaded so that half of given figure shaded. ="*4 — 16 pa Dgt optione: 4 = oo 9 Given figure is divided in 12 equal triangles. Out of that, 4triangles are shaded Option bigand 10<1 1 1 ion c; Qand =, 0 < = Option c; 0 an q 5 Option d; and = 1... ans is option d. 36 x z= 9 (Shraddha),36 x 2. 24 (Madhuri) 9 + 24 = 33, Chocolate left with Sonali = 36 — 33 = 3 Measurement 200+4=50gm Weigh of each of the 4 identical tomatoes is 50 gm. 1000+10=100kg 10 bags contain 1000 kg of cement. One bag contains 100kg. 500 ml +500 ml+ 500 mi=1500 ml 125m-17m65cm=107 m35 cmlength of wire is left on the roll. Rectangle =2(I+b)=2(5+4)=2(9)=18cm. Perimeter of rectangle(Fig 1) =2 (length + breath) =2(2+ 4)=2(6)=12 Perimeter of Triangle (Fig 2) = side + side + side=3+3 +3=9 Perimeter of square(Fig 3)=4 (length) = 4(2)=8 Perimeter of square =Perimeter of rectangle 4 (length) = 2 (length+ breath) 4 (length) =2(5+3) 4 (length) 3m—-20cm= 3m 20cmis Rajeshjump. 1 potato = 20g, 20 potatoes = 20x 20 = 400g Weight of 7 cabbage = 5 kg=400gm = 4kg 600gm. 26+3=72em 30 km 2Z50 m 25 cm +_41 km 385 m 12 cm 71 km 635 m 37 cm Aweightof Lapple = 2unit Aweight of 2 apples=4 unit The figure shows 2 apples are balanced with 1 cauliflower. So the mass of 1 cauliflower is equal to4 units Aweightof 1 apple =2unit Aweight of 3 apples = 3 x 2=6 units (means 3 times than the apple) The figure shows 6 units are equally balanced with watermelon, So the watermelon is 3 times heavier than the apple. ‘Manali is 26 year old, Harshali is half the age of Manali i.e. 13 year old, Sayali is 6 years older than Harshali i.e. 19 years old. 6m 50cm x 12=78m 5+7+12=24km (From house to market), 5 +7 +12 = 24km (From market to house). Total =24 km +24km=48km she covered. 3m=300cm medicine box. 5 litres petrol for 100 km distance. 1litres petrol required= 100+5=20km So 1 litre petrol required for 20 km distance, then for 180 km distance required 180/20 = 9 litre petrol. Money %1=100paise %100 = 100 100= 10000 paise 500x 10=%5000 He willearn %5000 in 10 days. 25x30=750 2750will pay for 30 kg Sugar. 60+50+200=310(Totalbill), He paid 2500 then (500-310= 2190) will get back. %300 x 8=%2400 1 DVD costs is 300 then 8 DVD cost will be 2400. %5250+5= 71050 %1500x 9 =%13,500 10,20,000—5,10,000 = 5,10,000 he will earn at the end of year. %25,800-%22,400=%3,400 1dozen = 12 pencils, 3 dozens =3 x 12= 36 pencils %108 = 36 (3 dozen) =%3 17. 18. 19. %2100+12(6 pair of teddy) =%175 2 x %15,000=%10,000 Total money they have =%900, 3partsare there in 2900. 900+3= 2300 1 partis of Kia 2300 and Soham has twice as much Kia= €600. Soham spent = 400, Money left with Soham =600-40U .200 We a ~ e55—eq.1 vy + A+ le = e50 eq. 2 A: ede - 40— eg. 3 itwe consider > =15, In equation 2, 15+ 20 + M=5040. Weso- s-t 5s In equation 3, 35+ 40, P= 95-85 inequation1, WM +5+ ME -38 +3 Who —> A Wass —> (38-25 -0e Me HF 25 HHS gy F10 fy =T 15 Time and Caler .— 6years8 mo:..hs- 9x12) 4=80 yonths It will ta..> SL minutes to move the minute hand from 12 hours 50 minutes to 1 hour 15 minutes, t ee ane JL JL] ef Jme [at 120secm4s=. minutes —>1 page ‘Sminutes —>? ‘4, 42 awillread 4 pagesin 8 minutes. = )9ur5 20 minutes = 3 x 60 + 20=200 minutes Class 04 INDIAN TALENT 45 min 09. 4:00 = 4:45 (quater to 5) 10. From 14"* December 2014 +45 days =27" January 2015 11. 31 days (January) «24 hours = 744 hours B. years 7 months + 3 years 6 months 9 years 1 month 14, Leap years are any years that can be exactly divided by 4, Example: Leap year 2012 +4=503 16. Mr. Rathod has joined the company in 1999. 20 years experienced he will get till 2018 in the samecompany. 17. 2weeks=14 days, they return fromwacation on January 7th. 19. a.quarter of nine in night =8:45 pm; b. quarter pastin morning = 8:15am; c. one-fourth of year mean quarter; d. Half past 8in morning =8:30 am ...option bistrue. 20. Snehasolved 1 questionin 1 min 40 sec. and Mitali solved in 120 seconds (2 min) Vill, Geometry 05. Cube has8 vertices, answeris a. Obtuse angle: 07. -Acute angle 09, "1 11. letter © has infinite lines of symmetry. Infinite number of lines passes through the point symmetry about the center O with all possible diameters. . 4 Given angles obtuse angle i.e. less than 180° East temple street 8A turn Main ++ Acute angle street Perimeter of rectangle = 2(Length x Breadth) = 2(6 +2) =16m Triangle only has 1 obtuse angle. Other figures have more than 1 obtuse angle. In the given square axis R divides square diagonally in two equal parts. Same as Line Q divides square horizontally in two equal parts. Measure of angle ABC= measure of angle DBC + measure of angle ABD 90°= 40°+ ABD Data handling Sunita brought 12 books and Sujata brought 8 books 12-8= 4 books Sunita has brought more than Sujata in her school bag Total numbers of 4s hitby 3 players in2011-2012=54+50+45=149 4shit by Virendra Sehwag in this four year=48+42+49+50=189 4shit by Sachin Tendulkar than Yuvraj Singh in 2010-2011 =52-39=13 Monday 50 people saw movie. Oneticketcostis %100 then collection on Monday is %100x50= %5000 People visited to beach over two days = 895 + 1025=1920 ‘Thenumber of people who visited to Water Parkin day 2 and day 1=295-98= 197 ‘The number of people visited to different place on day 1= 120+ 420+ 895 +98 = 1533 60 students are taking part in dance, 30 students are taking part in singing and remaining 30 students are taking part in Anchoring, Speech and Play. Logical reasoning In the first pattern,the middle term is the sum of top and bottom number and left and right number. Similarly in the second pattern (11 +4) = 15 and (8 +7) =15 hence in third pattern the missing number's (3+12)=15 and (10+5)=15. correctoptionis (c). 6+7+7=20 74+44+8=19 4+6+7=17 2x2=4,3x3 If yesterday was Monday then today is Tuesday, tomorrow will be Wednesday and day after tomorrow will be Thursday. Add 2 numbers below to get the number in the box above them. 25 +50=75. ‘The pattern of the digits is different from the other numbers. +increase from 2in right halfof circle and +2 increase from in lefthalf of circle. Allother numbers are prime numbers, Model Question paper 147+7=21weeksare therein 147 days. Liquid Detergent bottle have 3 L detergent after use of 1 L detergent= 3-1=2L= 2000 mI 640 +36tens= 1000 170x7=1190have to pay for 7 kg of brass. 72kg+94 kg +41 kg=207 kgis total weight of items loaded on the cart. 1pencilsat %12 each, 3 pencil carries3 x 12= %36 Ram has 27 left, he hasatfirst= 736+ %7= %43 9,056 + 2,058=2,058+a 11114=2,058+a a=11114-2058 =9056 10L725 ml+4L685 ml=15L410 ml milkis contained in the buckets together, Perimeter of triangle=3+3+5=11cm Perimeter of Square=4x4=16cm Sum of the two perimeters are 27cm. 23+5=28,28-6=22,22+8=30 2Masalatea =2*75= 7150 1 Cappuccino, 2 Assamtea, 1Espresso coffee = 75+2 x 69+49 = 262 1x3=3,3x3=9,9x3=27,27x3=81,81x3=243 12+14+12=38-: 6 16+24+20=60-2=58 30+34+39=103-2=101 As3, (] =4 344=7,4-3=1 AC+DE+GJ=2+1+3=6cm Similarly fromoptions BH shows 6 cm ansisb. Combination lock and key from 1* lock and 3 keys=1x3=3 And from 2" lock and 3keys=1x3=3 3+3=6 Combinations from 2 locks and 3 keys. PRACTICE PAPER 56 EAC ACL 4 _— Mathematics Workbook English Workbook Class 1-10 COMPUTER ee at Computer Workbook Class 1-10 ‘Art(Drawing) Workbook Class 1-10 INDIAN TALENT OLYMPIAD No. 1005, Kailas Corporate Lounge, Veer Savarkar Marg, Powai-Vikhroli Link Road, Vikhroli(West), Mumbai-400 078 Toll Free No.: 18002669192 Tel. No.: 022-25170711 | 25170811 | 9987930600 | (© 9987621382 E-mail: Website:

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