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능률김 영어1 3과

[ / 125점]
능률김 영어1 3과

1. 다음 글을 읽고 물음에 답하시오. [능률(김성곤)-3과] 4) 윗글의 내용을 다음과 같이 요약할 때 빈칸 (A)~(D)에 들어갈

한 단어로 알맞은 것을 본문에서 찾아 쓰시오.(단, 필요시 변형
It would be very sad if there were no more wild tigers. 가능) [4점] [Y06509]
Would it really matter, though? After all, we could still
see them in zoos or watch programs about them on TV.
If tigers become (A) _____________
Shouldn’t we be more worried about protecting human

beings? The fact is, however, that we need to protect
The number of deer and boar (B) _____________
tigers in order to protect ① us. This is ② because all of

Earth’s species are interconnected.
Vegetation Begins disappearing
Think about what would happen if tigers became extinct.

③ Existing at the top of the food chain, they maintain
Entire (C) _____________ is affected
the populations of animals they prey on, such as deer
and boar. Without tigers, these species ④ would rapidly
increase in number. As a result, their food source,
If we save tigers
vegetation, would begin to disappear. This would cause

birds and insects to lose their homes, and bigger animals
The other species that share same habitat with tigers
⑤ that prey on them would soon run out of food.
are (D) _____________
Eventually, the entire ecosystem would be affected.
Humans are no exception, as we rely on nature for
everything we need to survive, including air, food and
water. This is how the disappearance of a single species
(A) ____________________ (B) ____________________
can threaten the whole planet.
Now imagine what would happen if we made the effort (C) ____________________ (D) ____________________
to save tigers. Tigers are considered an (A) “umbrella
species.” This is an ecological term referring to species
2. 다음 글을 읽고 물음에 답하시오. [능률(김성곤)-3과]
that live in a large area containing a variety of different
ecosystems. If we choose to protect these species, we
Think about what would happen if tigers became extinct.
must conserve their habitat. As a result, the other species
① Existing at the top of the food chain, they maintain
that share this habitat, including trees and insects, are
the populations of animals they prey on, such as deer
protected too, as if there were a large umbrella being
and boar. Were it not for tigers, these species would
held over them.
rapidly increase in number. As a result, their food source,
vegetation, would begin to disappear. This would cause
1) 윗글의 내용과 일치하지 않는 것은? [2점] [I75509] birds and insects to lose their homes, and bigger animals
that prey on them would soon run out of food.
① All living creatures on the Earth are closely connected
Eventually, the entire ecosystem ② would be affected.
with each other.
Humans are no exception, as we rely on nature for
② Tigers play a big role in maintaining the umber of
everything we need to survive, including air, food, and
animals they feed on.
water. This is how the (A) appear of a single species can
③ The extinction of tigers would eventually affect human
threaten the whole planet.
Now imagine what would happen if we made the effort
④ Humans depend on nature for everything they need to
to save tigers. Tigers ③ are considered an “umbrella
species.” This is an ecological term ④ referring species
⑤ An umbrella species is a species that needs protection
that live in a large area containing a variety of different
from tigers.
ecosystems. If we choose to protect these species, we
must conserve their habitat. As a result, the other species
2) 윗글의 밑줄 친 부분 중, 어법상 틀린 것은? [2점] [X85509]
that share this habitat, including trees and insects, are
① ② ③ ④ ⑤ protected too, as if there were a large umbrella ⑤ being
held over them.
3) 윗글을 읽고 밑줄친 (A)“umbrella species”의 생태학적 의미
를 우리말로 간단히 요약해 쓰시오. [2점] [Z95509]
1) 윗글의 밑줄 친 ①~⑤중, 어법상 틀린 것은? [2점] [Y97609]

⇒ ____________________________________________________________ ① ② ③ ④ ⑤


능률김 영어1 3과

2) 윗글의 밑줄 친 (A)를 의미에 맞도록 변형하시오. [2점] 4. 다음 글에서 전체 흐름과 관계 없는 문장은? [1점] [능률(김성
[X08609] 곤)-3과] [R02036]

⇒ _____________________________________ There are many other things you can do to protect tigers
and other endangered species. You can protect tigers
when shopping. ① Many popular products, including
3. 다음 글을 읽고 물음에 답하시오. [능률(김성곤)-3과]
chocolate, instant noodles, and soap, are made with palm
oil. ② Unfortunately, forests where tigers live are being
At one time, tigers were found all across Asia, from Korea
destroyed to build more and more palm oil plantations.
to Turkey. ( ① ) Illegal hunting and habitat loss are the
③ Palm oil is an important raw material for us and the
main reasons behind this decrease. (②) Their habitat has
whole consumer goods industry, and is also a particularly
been destroyed and degraded by human activities. ( ③ )
good source for biodiesel. ④ Some palm oil, however, is
At the start of the 20th century, it was estimated that
produced in a more sustainable way. ⑤ Products that use
there were approximately 100,000 wild tigers. In recent
this environmentally friendly palm oil usually have a
years, however, three of the nine subspecies of tigers
special mark on the label. Look for it the next time you
have become extinct. (④) In fact, it is now estimated that
go shopping!
there are fewer than 4,000 tigers living in the wild. ( ⑤ )
Some experts even predict that the last of the world’s
wild tigers will disappear within the next 10 years. ① ② ③ ④ ⑤

1) 다음 글의 흐름으로 보아, 주어진 문장이 들어가기에 가장 적 5. 다음 글을 읽고 물음에 답하시오. [능률(김성곤)-3과]

절한 곳을 고르시오. [2점] [K18817]

(A) It would be very sad if there were no more wild

However, the world’s tiger population has been tigers. Would it really matter, though? After all, we
shrinking rapidly. could still see them in zoos or watch programs
about them on TV. Shouldn’t we be more worried
about protecting human beings? The fact is,
① ② ③ ④ ⑤ however, that we need to protect tigers in order to
protect ourselves. This is because all of Earth’s
2) 윗글의 내용과 일치하지 않는 것은? [2점] [P28817] species are related to one another.

① On one occasion, tigers used to live throughout Asia.

(B) As a result, their food source, vegetation, would
② Illegal hunting is one of the reasons why tigers are
begin to disappear. This would cause birds and
insects to lose their homes, and bigger animals that
③ Six of the nine subspecies of tigers still remain.
prey on them would soon run out of food.
④ There are probably more than 4,000 tigers left in the
wild today.
(C) Think about what would happen if tigers became
⑤ It is assumed that tigers will be extinct within 10 years'
time. extinct. Existing at the top of the food chain, they
maintain the populations of animals they prey on,
such as deer and boar. Without tigers, these species
would rapidly increase in number.

(D) Eventually, the entire ecosystem would be

affected. Humans are no exception, as we rely on
nature for everything we need to survive, including
air, food, and water. This is how the disappearance
of a single species can threaten the whole planet.

능률김 영어1 3과

1) 윗글의 내용을 한 문장으로 요약하고자 한다. 빈칸 (A),(B)에 1) 윗글의 제목으로 가장 적절한 것은? [2점] [Z10409]
들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은? [2점] [B69309]
① No Palm Oil, Protect Tigers
② Various Ways to Save Tigers
☞ The reason that we need to (A) __________ is that all ③ Interconnected World : Be the One
the living things on the earth are (B) __________.
④ Turn Off the Light : Save the Earth
⑤ How can We Prevent Climate Change

① respond strongly to injustice - interfered

2) 윗글의 밑줄 친 ①~⑤중, 어법상 틀린 것은? [2점] [B20409]
② develop energy-saving policies - interfered
③ decrease the number of predators - interconnected ① ② ③ ④ ⑤

④ invest more resources on technology - interconnected

3) 윗글의 빈칸 (A)에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것을 고르시오.
⑤ protect endangered species - interconnected
[2점] [Q30409]

2) 윗글 (A) 다음에 이어질 글의 순서로 가장 적절한 것은? [2점] ① conserving energy

[A79309] ② donating for charity
① (B) - (D) - (C) ③ spreading an infection
② (C) - (B) - (D) ④ cultivating the wilderness
③ (C) - (D) - (B) ⑤ having positive experiences
④ (D) - (B) - (C)
⑤ (D) - (C) - (B)
7. 다음 글의 내용과 일치하지 않는 것은? [1점] [능률(김성곤)-3과]

6. 다음 글을 읽고 물음에 답하시오. [능률(김성곤)-3과]

Now, it is obvious that we must protect tigers. You may,
however, still wonder how switching off the lights helps.
It is obvious that we must protect tigers. You may,
Well, the lights in our homes require electricity, and more
however, wonder how switching off the lights ① help.
than half of the world’s electricity is created by burning
Well, the lights in our homes require electricity, and more
fossil fuels. When fossil fuels are burned, carbon dioxide
than half of the world’s electricity is created by burning
is released into the air, and this contributes to climate
fossil fuels. When fossil fuels are burned, carbon dioxide
change. Climate change has a number of negative
② is released into the air, and this contributes to climate
effects, including rising sea levels that threaten many
change. Climate change has a number of negative
parts of the world. One of these places, called the
effects, including rising sea levels that threaten many
Sundarbans, is an area on the coast of Bangladesh
parts of the world. One of these places, called the
inhabited by a large number of tigers. If Earth’s oceans
Sundarbans, is an area on the coast of Bangladesh
continue to rise, this area could be wiped out and its
③ inhabited by a large number of tigers. If Earth’s
tiger population could be reduced by as much as 96%.
oceans continue to rise, this area could be wiped out and
By conserving energy, however, we can slow climate
its tiger population could be reduced by as much as
change, and this will slow the rise of the oceans. So keep
96%. By (A) _____________________, however, we can slow
switching off the lights whenever you’re the last person
climate change, and this will slow the rise of the oceans.
to leave a room!
So keep switching off the lights ④ whenever you’re the
last person to leave a room!
You can also protect tigers when shopping. Many ① 전 세계 전기의 절반 이상은 화석 연료를 태움으로써 만
popular products, including chocolate, instant noodles, 들어진다.
and soap, are made with palm oil. Unfortunately, forests
② 기후 변화가 일어나면 그 결과로 이산화탄소가 공기 중
where tigers live ⑤ are being destroyed to build more 으로 방출된다.
and more palm oil plantations. Some palm oil, however,
③ 기후 변화는 세계의 많은 지역에 위협을 가하는 해수면
is produced in a more sustainable way. Products that use 상승을 포함하여 많은 부정적인 영향을 준다.
this environmentally friendly palm oil usually have a
④ 만약 지구의 해수가 계속 상승한다면, Sundarbans 지역
special mark on the label. Look for it the next time you 은 완전히 파괴될 수 있다.
go shopping!
⑤ 에너지를 아낌으로써 우리는 기후 변화를 늦출 수 있다.

능률김 영어1 3과

8. 다음 글을 읽고 물음에 답하시오. [능률(김성곤)-3과] 9. 다음 글을 읽고 물음에 답하시오. [능률(김성곤)-3과]

At one time, tigers were found all across Asia, from Korea
Now imagine what would happen if we made the
to Turkey. However, the world’s tiger population has been
effort to save tigers. Tigers are considered an shrinking rapidly. Illegal hunting and habitat loss are the
"umbrella species.”
main reasons behind this decrease. At the start of the
20th century, it was estimated that there were
approximately 100,000 wild tigers. In recent years,
Ⓐ If we choose to protect these species, we however, three of the nine subspecies of tigers have
must conserve their habitat. become extinct. In fact, it is now estimated that there are
fewer than 4,000 tigers living in the wild. Some experts
even predict that the last of the world’s wild tigers will
Ⓑ As a result, the other species that share this disappear within the next 10 years.
habitat, including trees and insects, are
protected too, as if there were a large
1) 윗글의 제목으로 가장 적절한 것은? [2점] [E64597]
umbrella being held over them.
① Tigers at Risk of Disappearing from the Wild
② A Conservation Area for Endangered Species
Ⓒ This is an ecological term referring to species ③ A Habitat: the Environment Where an Animal lives
that live in a large area containing a variety of ④ Tigers Standing as Symbols of Bravery and Strength
different ecosystems. ⑤ Stronger Measures Taken to Protect Endangered

2) 윗글의 내용과 일치하지 않는 것은? [1점] [P74597]

1) 주어진 글 다음에 이어질 글의 순서로 가장 적절한 것을 고르
① 한때 호랑이는 아시아 전역에서 발견됨.
시오. [2점] [A12809]
② 개체 감소의 주요원인은 불법사냥과 서식지 상실임.
① (A) - (C) - (B) ③ 20세기 초 야생호랑이는 약 10만 마리로 추정되었음.
② (B) - (A) - (C) ④ 9개의 호랑이 아종 중 3개의 종이 멸종위기에 처해있음.
③ (B) - (C) - (A) ⑤ 현재 야생에 사는 호랑이는 4,000마리 이하로 추정됨.
④ (C) - (A) - (B)
⑤ (C) - (B) - (A) 10. 다음 글의 흐름으로 보아, 주어진 문장이 들어가기에 가장
적절한 곳을 고르시오. [2점] [능률(김성곤)-3과] [S86826]
2) 윗글의 내용을 한 문장으로 요약하고자 한다. 빈칸 (A)와 (B)
에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은? [2점] [R22809]
If Earth's oceans continue to rise, this area could be
wiped out and its tiger population could be reduced
☞ We call the animals like tigers “umbrella species”, by as much as 96%
which (A)________ species that are (B)________ over wide
areas and their protection ends up conserving the
other species that share the habitat. Now, it is obvious that we must protect tigers. You may,
however, still wonder how switching off the lights helps.
(①) Well, the lights in our homes require electricity, and

① represent - distributed more than half of the world's electricity is created by

burning fossil fuels. ( ② ) When fossil fuels are burned,
② conserve - preferred
carbon dioxide is released into the air, and this
③ refer to - contributed
contributes to climate change. (③) Climate change has a
④ contribute - installed
number of negative effects, including rising sea levels
⑤ run out of - escaped that threaten many parts of the world. (④) One of these
places, called the Sundarbans, is an area on the coast of
Bangladesh inhabited by a large number of tigers. (⑤) By
conserving energy, however, we can slow climate change,
and this will slow the rise of the oceans.

능률김 영어1 3과

① ② ③ ④ ⑤ 12. 다음 글을 읽고 물음에 답하시오. [능률(김성곤)-3과]

11. 다음 글을 읽고 물음에 답하시오. [능률(김성곤)-3과] Now imagine what would happen if we made the effort
to save tigers. Tigers (A) [consider / are considered] an
You can also protect tigers when shopping. Many "umbrella species.' This is an ecological term (B)
popular products, including chocolate, instant noodles, [referring / referred] to species that live in a large area
and soap, are made with palm oil. Unfortunately, forests containing a variety of different ecosystems. If we choose
where tigers live are being destroyed to build more and to protect these species, we must conserve their habitat.
more palm oil plantations. Some palm oil, however, is As a result, the other species that share this habitat,
produced in a more sustainable way. Products that use including trees and insects, (C) [is / are] protected too,
this environmentally friendly palm oil usually have a (A) [마치 그들 위에 씌워진 우산이 있는 것처럼].
special mark on the label. Look for it the next time you
go shopping!
1) 윗글의 (A),(B),(C)의 각 네모 안에서 어법에 맞는 표현으로 가
There are many other things you can do to protect tigers
장 적절한 것은? [2점] [D71036]
and other endangered species. You could volunteer at a
nonprofit organization or share important information on ① consider - referring - is
social networking sites. (A) [당신의 활동이 아무리 사소한 ② are considered - referred - is
것처럼 보일지라도, 그것들은 큰 변화를 이룰 수 있습니다]. ③ consider - referring - are
Most importantly, you must remember that we all share
④ are considered - referring - are
the same planet. If a single species disappears, every
⑤ consider - referred - are
other living creature, including human beings, could be
2) 윗글의 밑줄 친 (A)에 맞도록 [보기]에 주어진 단어 또는 구를
모두 한 번씩만 사용하여 가정법 과거 문장을 완성하시오. (단,
1) 윗글의 목적으로 가장 적절한 것은? [2점] [K75709] 필요 시 단어의 형태를 바꾸고 다른 단어를 보충하여 답할 것)
[3점] [U81036]
① To inform the danger of palm oil
② To warn the risks of voluntary SNS users
③ To explain the roles of non-profit foundations
【an umbrella / hold / as / if / there / over them 】
④ To encourage participation in wildlife conservation
⑤ To promote the products with eco-friendly palm oil
⇒ ____________________________________________________________

2) 윗글의 밑줄 친 (A)와 같은 뜻이 되도록 [보기] 단어를 모두

그대로 이용하여 문장을 완성하시오. [3점] [C85709]
13. 다음 글에서 전체 흐름과 관계 없는 문장은? [1점] [능률(김성
곤)-3과] [N44509]

[보기] Then, what can we do to protect tigers? You could

【 actions / difference / huge / trivial / however / your volunteer at a nonprofit organization or share important
/ they / can / may / seem / bring / a】 information on social networking sites. You can also
protect tigers when shopping. Many popular products,
including chocolate, instant noodles, and soap, are made
with palm oil. ① Unfortunately, forests where tigers live
⇒ ____________________________________________________________
are being destroyed to build more and more palm oil
plantations. ② Some palm oil, however, is produced in a
more sustainable way. ③ Sustainable palm oil production
can lift communities out of poverty. ④ Products that use
this environmentally friendly palm oil usually have a
special mark on the label. ⑤ Look for it the next time
you go shopping!

① ② ③ ④ ⑤

능률김 영어1 3과

14. 다음 글을 읽고 물음에 답하시오. [능률(김성곤)-3과] 3) 윗글의 밑줄 친 ①~⑤ 중, 문맥상 낱말의 쓰임이 적절하지 않
은 것은? [2점] [C04924]
It would be very sad if there were no more wild tigers.
① ② ③ ④ ⑤
( ① ) Would it really matter, though? ( ② ) After all, we
could still see them in zoos or watch programs about
15. 다음 글을 읽고 물음에 답하시오. [능률(김성곤)-3과]
them on TV. ( ③ ) Shouldn’t we be more worried about
protecting human beings? ( ④ ) This is because all of
You can also protect tigers when shopping. Many
Earth’s species are interconnected. (⑤)
popular products, including chocolate, instant noodles,
Think about what would happen if tigers became
and soap, are made with palm oil. Unfortunately,
extinct. Existing at the top of the food chain, they
forests (가) [호랑이들이 사는 숲들은 점점 더 많은 팜유 대
maintain the populations of animals they prey on, such
농장들을 짓기 위해 파괴되고 있는 중이다]. Some palm
as deer and boar. Without tigers, these species would
oil, (A) _____________, is produced in a more sustainable
rapidly increase in number. As a result, their food source,
way. Products that use this environmentally friendly palm
vegetation, would begin to disappear. This would cause
oil usually have a special mark on the label. Look for it
birds and insects to lose their homes, and bigger animals
the next time you go shopping!
that prey on them would soon run out of food.
There are many other things you can do to protect tigers
Eventually, the entire ecosystem. would be affected.
and other endangered species. You could volunteer at a
Humans are no exception, as we rely on nature for
nonprofit organization or share important information on
everything we need to survive, including air, food, and
social networking sites. (B) _____________ small your
water. This is how ____________________________.
actions may seem, they can help make a big difference.
Now imagine what would happen if we made the effort
Most importantly, you must remember that we all share
to ① increase tiger population. Tigers are ② regarded
the same planet. If a single species disappears, every
as an “umbrella species.” This is an ecological term
other living creature, including human beings, could be
referring to species that live in a large area ③ containing
a variety of different ecosystems. If we choose to protect
these species, we must ④ converse their habitat. As a
result, the other species that ⑤ share this habitat, 1) 윗글의 요지로 가장 적절한 것은? [2점] [Y857011]
including trees and insects, are protected too, as if there
were a large umbrella being held over them. ① Switching off the lights can save electricity.
② You can make no difference by purchasing
environmentally friendly palm oil.
1) 윗글의 흐름으로 보아, 주어진 문장이 들어가기에 가장 적절 ③ You can save tigers with your small actions.
한 곳을 고르시오. [2점] [J83924]
④ By conserving tigers’ habitats, many other species can
be protected.
The fact is, however, that we need to protect tigers in ⑤ You should check a sustainable production mark on
order to protect ourselves. the label.

2) 윗글의 빈칸 (A), (B)에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은? [2점]

① ② ③ ④ ⑤
① Unfortunately - However
2) 윗글의 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것을 고르시오. [2 ② Unfortunately - Therefore
점] [P93924] ③ Fortunately - Conversely
① we made an effort to hold our rich of biodiversity ④ Fortunately - However
② you get to know about existing at the top of the food ⑤ Fortunately - Therefore
③ scientists know how many species are in danger of
becoming extinct
④ habitat loss and capture by collectors caused most
species’ declines
⑤ a species’ extinction would impact the food web, our

능률김 영어1 3과

3) 윗글의 밑줄 친 (가)을 해석에 부합하도록 [조건]에 맞게 영어 17. 다음 글을 읽고 물음에 답하시오. [능률(김성곤)-3과]

문장을 완성하시오 [3점] [C067011]
Tigers, one of the world's largest feline species. have long
been the kings of Asia's forests. (A) Despite tigers are
the dominant predators of their habitats, they move
1. [보기]에 제시된 어휘들을 모두 한 번씩 사용하고 필요
silently and remain unseen most of the time. Imagine
한 어휘를 추가할 것
how ancient people ⓐ must have felt when
2. 문맥과 어법에 맞게 필요시 변형할 것
encountering tigers in the wild! It is no surprise that
tigers have been feared and worshipped by humans for
centuries, (B) standing as symbols of power and
courage. The fact that ancient rock paintings feature
【 where / live / destroy / build / more and more /
images of tigers (C) show how closely tigers (D) have
palm oil plantations 】
been related to humans throughout history. At one
time, tigers were found all across Asia. from Korea to
Turkey. However, the world's tiger population has been
shrinking rapidly. Illegal hunting and habitat loss are the
⇒ ____________________________________________________________
main reasons behind this decrease. All the start of the
_______________________________________________________________ 20th century, it was estimated that there (E) were
approximately 100,000 wild tigers. In recent years,
however, three of the nine subspecies of tigers have
16. 다음 글을 읽고 물음에 답하시오. [능률(김성곤)-3과]
become extinct. (가) . it is now estimated that
there are fewer than 4,000 tigers (F) living in the wild.
You can protect tigers simply by switching off the lights.
Some experts even predict that the last of the world's
This may sound ① strangely, but it is actually true. An
wild tigers will disappear within the next 10 years. It
everyday action that helps us save energy can also help
would be very sad if there (G) were no more wild
save a ② endangering species. How does this work?
tigers. (ㄱ) Would it really matter, (나) ? (ㄴ)
Let’s take a look.
After all, we could still see them in zoos or watch
programs about them on TV. (ㄷ) Shouldn't we be more
A Species in Danger
worried about protecting human beings? (ㄹ) The fact
Tigers, one of the world’s largest feline species, have long
is, (다) , that we need to protect tigers in order
been the kings of Asia’s forests. Despite ③ be the
to protect ourselves. (ㅁ) Think about what would
dominant predators of their habitats, they move silently
happen if tigers became extinct. (H) Existing at the top
and remain unseen most of the time. Imagine how
of the food chain, they maintain the populations of
ancient people must have felt when you are
animals ① they prey on, such as deer and boar
④ encountering tigers in the wild! It is no surprise that
ⓑ Without tigers ② these species would rapidly
tigers have ⑤ feared and worshipped by humans for
increase in number. As a result, ③ their food source,
centuries, standing as symbols of power and courage.
vegetation would begin to disappear. This would cause
The fact that ancient rock paintings feature images of
birds and insects to lose ④ their homes, and bigger
tigers shows how closely tigers have been related to
animals that prey on ⑤ them would soon run out of
humans throughout history.
food. Eventually, the entire ecosystem would be affected.

1) 윗글의 밑줄 친 ①~⑤중 어법상 알맞은 것은? [2점] [V95826]

① ② ③ ④ ⑤

2) 윗글의 내용과 일치하지 않는 것은? [1점] [E06826]

① 단지 불을 끄는 것만으로도 호랑이를 보호할 수 있다.

② 에너지를 아끼는 일상적인 행동이 멸종위기에 처한 동물
을 구하는데 도움이 된다.
③ 세계에서 가장 큰 고양잇과 동물 중 하나인 호랑이는 오
랫동안 아시아 숲의 왕이었다.
④ 호랑이는 수 세기 동안 인간을 두려움과 숭배의 대상으
로 여겨왔다.
⑤ 고대 암각화에 등장하는 호랑이 모습에서 역사에 걸쳐서
호랑이가 인간과 밀접하게 관련되어 있음을 알 수 있다.

능률김 영어1 3과

1) 윗글의 대한 설명으로 바르지 못한 것은 모두 몇 개인가? [2 1) 윗글의 흐름으로 보아, 주어진 문장이 들어가기에 가장 적절
점] [M28509] 한 곳을 고르시오. [2점] [K30809]

1. 문맥상 (가), (나), (다)에 들어가기에 적합한 연결어는 The fact is however, that we need to protect tigers in
in fact, though, however이다. order to protect ourselves.
2. (A)~(H) 중 어법상 바르지 못한 것은 모두 3개이다.
3. 밑줄 친 ⓐ must have felt 내용의 흐름상 should
have felt가 더 적합하다. ① ② ③ ④ ⑤
4. ①~⑤ 중 지시하는 대상이 같은 것은 ②와 ④이다.
5. 밑줄 친 ⓑ Without tigers는 문맥상 If it were not for 2) 윗글의 빈칸 (A)에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것을 고르시오.
tigers로 바꾸어 쓸 수 있다. [2점] [Z40809]

① isolated
② interconnected
⇒ ________________개 ③ for humans
④ for themselves
2) 윗글의 (ㄱ)~(ㅁ) 중에서 주어진 문장이 들어가기에 가장 적 ⑤ independent
합한 위치를 쓰시오. [2점] [E38509]
3) 윗글의 내용과 일치하도록 아래의 (A)와 (B)에 들어갈 알맞은
말을 위 글에서 찾아 각각 한 단어로 쓰시오. [3점] [U50809]
This is because all of Earth's species are
☞ Because the world is (A)________, the extinction of
tigers can (B)________ the entire ecosystem.

⇒ ____________

18. 다음 글을 읽고 물음에 답하시오. [능률(김성곤)-3과] (A) _____________________ (B) _____________________

It would be very sad if there were no more wild tigers. 19. 다음 글을 읽고 물음에 답하시오. [능률(김성곤)-3과]
Would it really matter, though? After all, we could still
see them in zoos or watch programs about them on TV. Tigers, one of the world's largest feline species, have ①
Shouldn’t we be more worried about protecting human long been the kings of Asia's forests. Despite being the
beings? (①) This is because all of Earth’s species are (A) dominant predators of ② their habitats, they move
_____________. Think about what would happen if tigers silently and remain unseen most of the time. Imagine
became extinct. (②) Existing at the top of the food chain, how ancient people must have felt when ③ encountered
they maintain the populations of animals they prey on, tigers in the wild! It is no surprise that tigers have been
such as deer and boar. Without tigers, these species feared and worshipped by humans for centuries,
would rapidly increase in number. (③) As a result, their ④standing as symbols of power and courage. The fact
food source, vegetation, would begin to disappear. that ancient rock paintings feature images of tigers
( ④ ) This would cause birds and insects to lose their ⑤shows how closely tigers have been related to humans
homes, and bigger animals that prey on them would throughout history.
soon run out of food. ( ⑤ ) Eventually, the entire
ecosystem would be affected. Humans are no exception,
1) 윗글의 밑줄 친 ①~⑤중, 어법상 틀린 것은? [2점] [I37809]
as we rely on nature for everything we need to survive,
including air, food, and water. This is how the ① ② ③ ④ ⑤
disappearance of a single species can threaten the whole
planet. 2) 윗글의 제목으로 가장 적절한 것은? [2점] [Y47809]

① A Species in Danger
② Tigers in Human History and Culture
③ Tigers: The Kings of Asia's Forests
④ Turn off the Lights and Save a Tiger
⑤ The Features of Ancient Rock Paintings

능률김 영어1 3과

20. 다음 글을 읽고 물음에 답하시오. [능률(김성곤)-3과] 2) 윗글의 (A), (B), (C)에 주어진 모든 단어를 문맥과 어법에 맞
도록 알맞게 배열하여 문장을 각각 완성하시오. [3점] [B12509]
At one time, tigers were found all across Asia, from Korea
to Turkey. However, the world's tiger population has been (A) ___________________________________________________________
shrinking rapidly. Illegal hunting and habitat loss are the
main reasons behind this decrease. At the start of the (B) ___________________________________________________________
20th century, it was estimated that there were
approximately 100,000 wild tigers. In recent years, (C) ___________________________________________________________
however, three of the nine subspecies of tigers have
become extinct. In fact, it is now estimated that there are 21. 다음 글을 읽고 물음에 답하시오. [능률(김성곤)-3과]
fewer than 4,000 tigers living in the wild. Some experts
even predict that the last of the world's wild tigers will Now, it is obvious that we must protect tigers. You may,
disappear within the next 10 years. however, still wonder how switching off the lights helps.
It would be very sad if there were no more wild tigers. Well, the lights in our homes require electricity, and more
Would it really matter, though? After all, we could still than half of the world's electricity is created by burning
see them in zoos or watch programs about them on TV. fossil fuels. When fossil fuels are burned, carbon dioxide
Shouldn't we be more worried about protecting human is released into the air, and this contributes to climate
beings? The fact is, however, that we need to protect change. ( ① ) Climate change has a number of negative
tigers in order to protect ourselves. This is because (A) effects, including rising sea levels that threaten many
[Earth's species / interconnected / all / of / are]. parts of the world. ( ② ) One of these places, called the
Think about what would happen if tigers became Sundarbans, is an area on the coast of Bangladesh
extinct. Existing at the top of the food chain, they inhabited by a large number of tigers. ( ③ ) If Earth's
maintain the populations of animals they prey on, such oceans continue to rise, this area could be wiped out and
as deer and boar. Without tigers, these species would its tiger population could be reduced by as much as
rapidly increase in number. As a result, their food source, 96%. ( ④ ) So keep switching off the lights whenever
vegetation, would begin to disappear. This would cause you're the last person to leave a room! (⑤)
birds and insects to lose their homes, and bigger animals You can also protect tigers when shopping. Many
that prey on them would soon run out of food. popular products, including chocolate, instant noodles,
Eventually, the entire ecosystem would be affected. and soap, are made with palm oil. Unfortunately, forests
Humans are no exception, as we rely on nature for where tigers live are being destroyed to build more and
everything we need to survive, including air, food, and more palm oil plantations. Some palm oil, however, is
water. This is (B) [the whole planet / how / a single produced in a more sustainable way. Products that use
species / of / can / the disappearance / threaten]. this environmentally-friendly palm oil usually have a
Now imagine what would happen if we made the effort special mark on the label. Look for it the next time you
to save tigers. Tigers are considered an "umbrella go shopping!
species." This is an ecological term referring to species
that live in a large area containing a variety of difference
ecosystems. If we choose to protect these species, we 1) 윗글의 흐름으로 보아, 주어진 문장이 들어가기에 가장 적절

must conserve their habitat. As a result, the other species

한 곳을 고르시오. [2점] [M64809]

that share this habitat, including trees and insects, are

protected too, (C) [being held over / there / as if / By conserving energy, however, we can slow climate
them / were / a large umbrella]. change, and this will slow the rise of the oceans.

1) 윗글을 읽고 알 수 없는 것으로 가장 적절한 것은? [1점]

① ② ③ ④ ⑤

① 호랑이 개체수 감소의 주요 원인

② 야생 호랑이의 멸종 예상 시기
③ 멸종 위기에 처한 호랑이를 동물원에 보호해야 하는 이

④ 호랑이 멸종이 먹이 사슬에 끼치는 영향
⑤ 우산종의 개념

능률김 영어1 3과

2) 윗글을 읽고 빈칸 (A), (B)를 본문에서 찾아 쓰시오.[(A) 2단어, ① (A)―(D)―(C)―(B)

(B) 3단어] [3점] [S74809] ② (B)―(A)―(C)―(D)
③ (C)―(A)―(D)―(B)
Cause ④ (B)―(D)―(C)―(A)
→ The lights in our homes require electricity created ⑤ (C)―(B)―(D)―(A)
by burning fossil fuels.
Effect 23. 다음 글을 읽고 물음에 답하시오. [능률(김성곤)-3과]
→ Carbon dioxide released from burning fossil fuels
bring about (A)_______________. OUR INTERCONNECTED WORLD
→ (A)_______________ leads to rise sea levels. It would be very sad if there were no more wild tigers.
Solution: Let’s use products made in (B)____________. Would it really matter, though? (A) ________, we could still
see them in zoos or watch programs about them on TV.
Shouldn’t we be more worried about protecting human
beings? (B) ________, the fact is that we need to protect
(A) ___________________________ (B) ___________________________ tigers in order to protect ourselves. This is because all of
Earth’s species are ① independent.
22. 주어진 글 다음에 이어질 글의 순서로 가장 적절한 것을 Think about what would happen if tigers became
고르시오. [2점] [능률(김성곤)-3과] [K06709] extinct. Existing at the top of the food chain, they ②
control the populations of animals they prey on, such as
deer and boar. Without tigers, these species would
Now, it is obvious that we must protect tigers. You rapidly increase in number. As a result, their food source,
may, however, still wonder how switching off the vegetation, would begin to disappear. This would ③ lead
lights helps. to the habitat loss of birds and insects, and bigger
animals that prey on them would soon run out of food.
Eventually, the entire ecosystem would be ④ influenced.
(A) So keep switching off the lights whenever Humans are no exception, as we rely on nature for
you’re the last person to leave a room! everything we need to survive, including air, food, and
water. This is how the ⑤ extinction of a single species
can threaten the whole planet.
(B) It has a number of negative effects, including Now imagine what would happen if we made the effort
rising sea levels that threaten many parts of to save tigers. Tigers are considered a(n) “(C) ________
the world. One of these places, called the species.” This is an ecological term referring to species
Sundarbans, is an area on the coast of that live in a large area containing a variety of different
Bangladesh inhabited by a large number of ecosystems. If we choose to protect these species, we
tigers. must conserve their (D) ________. As a result, the other
species that share this habitat, including trees and
insects, are protected too, (E) ________ ________ there were
a large umbrella being held over them.
(C) Well, the lights in our homes require
electricity, and more than half of the world’s
electricity is created by burning fossil fuels. 1) 윗글의 밑줄 친 ①~⑤중, 문맥상 낱말의 쓰임이 적절하지 않
When fossil fuels are burned, carbon dioxide 은 것은? [2점] [H92709]
is released into the air, and this contributes
to climate change. ① ② ③ ④ ⑤

2) 윗글의 빈칸 (A), (B)에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것을 고르시

오. [2점] [P03709]
(D) If Earth’s oceans continue to rise, this area
could be wiped out and its tiger population ① At any rate - Nonetheless
could be reduced by as much as 96%. By ② Likewise - Consequently
conserving energy, however, we can slow
③ To sum up - For instance
climate change, and this will slow the rise of
④ Otherwise - Similarly
the oceans.
⑤ Therefore - Futhermore

능률김 영어1 3과

3) 윗글의 빈칸 (C)~(E)에 들어갈 말을 윗글에서 각각 찾아 넣으 25. 다음 (가)의 밑줄 친 문장의 ‘small actions’와 ‘big
시오. (단, 어형을 바꾸지 않고 그대로 쓸 것) [3점] [L13709] difference’에 해당하는 행동과 상황을 각각 (나)에서 찾아 우리
말로 쓰시오. [2점] [능률(김성곤)-3과] [V32509]
(C) _____________ (B) _____________ (E) _____________
(가) There are many other things you can do to protect
tigers and other endangered species. You could volunteer
24. 다음 글을 읽고 물음에 답하시오. [능률(김성곤)-3과]
at a nonprofit organization or share important
information on social networking sites. However small
There are many other things you can do to protect tigers
your actions may seem, they can help make a big
and other endangered species. You could volunteer at a
difference. Most importantly, you must remember that
nonprofit organization or share important information on
we all share the same planet. If a single species
social networking sites. (가) [여러분들의 행동들이 아무리
disappears, every other living creature, including human
작게 보일지 몰라도], they can help make a big difference.
beings, could be affected.
Most importantly, you must remember that we all share
the same planet. If a single species disappears, every
(나) According to the Food and Agriculture Organization
other living creature, including human beings, could be
of the United Nations, about 1.3. billion tons of food is
lost or wasted each year. That’s one third of the world’s
food! Fortunately, people are coming up with ways to
1) 우리말을 참고하여, 밑줄 친 (가) 부분을 [조건]에 맞게 영작 solve this problem. For example, people in the Spanish
하시오. [3점] [C95409] town of Galdakao set up a “town fridge” in the center of
the town. Every morning, supermarkets, restaurants, and
individuals fill the solidarity fridge with unwanted or
unneeded food. Everyone can access the refrigerator, and
1. 반드시 사용해야 할 표현: seem / however
if they see something they like, they can take it for free!
2. 6단어로 쓸 것
Thanks to the fridge, a great deal of food is being saved
every day in Galdakao. In addition, the town’s success
has inspired other Spanish towns to start similar
⇒ ____________________________________________________________

2) 윗글의 목적으로 가장 적절한 것은? [2점] [R06409]

(1) Small action(s)에 해당하는 행동
① to inform us to protect tigers
② to remember us to disappear a single species → 갈다카오에 _________________________________________
③ to recommend us to volunteer at a nonprofit
(2) A big difference에 해당하는 상황
④ to suggest important information on social networking
→ 갈다카오에서 _______________________________________
⑤ to encourage us to get involved in protecting
endangered species
26. 다음 글을 읽고 물음에 답하시오. [능률(김성곤)-3과]

Now imagine what ① would have been happened if we

made the effort to save tigers. Tigers are considered an
"umbrella species." This is an ecological term ② referred
to species that live in a large area containing a variety of
different ecosystems. If we choose ③ to protect these
species, we must (A) _____________. As a result, the other
species that share this habitat, including trees and
insects, ④ are protected too, as if there were a large
umbrella ⑤ being held over them.

능률김 영어1 3과

1) 윗글의 요지로 가장 적절한 것은? [2점] [L75609] 2) 윗글의 요지로 가장 적절한 것은? [2점] [H15609]

① Animals must share their habitat. ① Saving energy helps maintain the population of tigers.
② Trees and insects must be protected. ② Sundarbans is an important habitat for tigers.
③ Animals and plants must be conserved. ③ Generating electricity contributes to the global climate
④ The number of umbrella species should be increased. change.

⑤ We must protect the habitat of tigers as an umbrella ④ Carbon dioxide emissions kill human beings.
species. ⑤ Alternative energy sources slow the rise of the oceans.

2) 윗글의 빈칸 (A)에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것을 고르시오. 3) 윗글에서 기후 변화가 호랑이 서식지에 어떤 부정적인 영향
[2점] [D85609] 을 주는지 우리말로 작성하시오.(20자 내외) [3점] [X25609]

① preserve their residential area

⇒ ____________________________________________________________
② drive them out from their habitat
③ identify their influences on human beings
④ know the classification of umbrella species
⑤ check their eco-adaptability in the environment
28. 다음 글을 읽고 물음에 답하시오. [능률(김성곤)-3과]

3) 윗글의 밑줄 친 ①~⑤중, 어법상 틀린 부분을 2개 골라 어법

Think about what would happen if tigers became extinct.
에 맞게 고쳐 쓰시오. [3점] [O95609]
Existing at the top of the food chain, they maintain the
populations of animals they prey on, such as deer and
[ ] : ______________________________________________________ boar. ( ① ) Without tigers, these species would rapidly
increase in number. ( ② ) As a result, their food source,
[ ] : ______________________________________________________
vegetation, would begin to disappear. ( ③ ) This would
cause birds and insects to lose their homes, and bigger
27. 다음 글을 읽고 물음에 답하시오. [능률(김성곤)-3과] animals that prey on them would soon run out of food.
(④) Humans are no exception, as we rely on nature for
Now, it is ① obvious that we must protect tigers. You everything we need to survive, including air, food, and
may, however, still wonder how switching off the lights water. ( ⑤ ) This is how the disappearance of a single
helps. Well, the lights in our homes require electricity, species can threaten the whole planet.
and more than half of the world’s electricity is created by
burning fossil fuels. When fossil fuels are burned, carbon
dioxide is ② released into the air, and this 1) 윗글의 흐름으로 보아, 주어진 문장이 들어가기에 가장 적절

③ contributes to climate change. Climate change has a 한 곳을 고르시오. [2점] [D85297]

number of negative effects, including rising sea levels

that threaten many parts of the world. One of these Eventually, the entire ecosystem would be affected.
places, called the Sundarbans, is an area on the coast of
Bangladesh ④ inhibited by a large number of tigers. If
Earth’s oceans continue to rise, this area could be wiped ① ② ③ ④ ⑤
out and its tiger population could be reduced by as
much as 96%. By ⑤ conserving energy, however, we can
2) 윗글의 내용과 일치하지 않는 것은? [2점] [Z95297]
slow climate change, and this will slow the rise of the
oceans. So keep switching off the lights whenever you’re ① Tigers, which exist at the bottom of the food chain,
can’t control the populations of animals they prey on.
the last person to leave a room!
② But for tigers, the populations of deer and boar would
increase very quickly.
1) 윗글의 밑줄 친 ①~⑤중, 문맥상 낱말의 쓰임이 적절하지 않 ③ Disappearance of vegetation would get birds and
은 것은? [2점] [V05609] insects to lose their homes.
④ Because of their reliance on nature, humans would be
① ② ③ ④ ⑤
influenced by the change of the whole ecosystem.
⑤ If one single species disappears, the entire planet
could be in danger.

능률김 영어1 3과

29. 다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분이 가리키는 대상이 나머지 넷과

다른 것은? [1점] [능률(김성곤)-3과] [W84509]

Tigers, one of the world’s largest *feline species, have

long been the kings of Asia’s forests. Despite being the
dominant predators of their habitats, ① they move
silently and remain unseen most of the time. Imagine
how ancient people must have felt when ② they were
encountering tigers in the wild! It is no surprise that ③
they have been feared and worshipped by humans for
centuries, standing as symbols of power and courage.
Ancient rock paintings feature images of ④ them. This
shows how closely ⑤ they have been related to humans
throughout history.

① ② ③ ④ ⑤


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