Origin of Water On Earth

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Rubric Peer Evaluation

Name jose tomas olivares

Video 3 Name of the Origin of water on Earth
Indicate with an X the phrase that best reflects the answer to the
10 9 following7questions 2 0
The video The video The video The video The video
is is is is not very does not
extremely interestin moderatel engaging manage
Engage captivatin g and y and to capture
ment g and manages interestin frequently or hold
holds to hold g but loses attention
attention attention loses attention. at any
from start for the attention time.
Exception Good Understan Evident Poor and
ally clear articulatio dable oral difficultie difficult to
Oral and n and presentati s in understan
articulate clear use on, but articulatio d oral
oral of with n and presentati
ation presentati language, several language on.
on, with with areas for use.
effective minor improvem
Outstandi Good Adequate Limited Almost
ng and creative use of and total lack
Creativit original use of visual and uncreativ of
y and use of visual and auditory e use of creativity
visual and auditory resources visual and and
Originali auditory resources , although auditory originality
ty resources that originality resources in the
that compleme is lacking. . resources
significan nt the used.
20 18 14 4 0
Points (x2)
I perfectly I I It was I couldn't
understoo understoo understoo difficult to understan
d the d the d most of understan d the
Viewer content content the d the content or
Underst and well, content, content of the
anding message although but the video. message
of the some several of the
video. aspects elements video.
were not were

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