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Physical quantities &
measurement techniques
learning outcomes
Using a metre (or half-metre) rule


Accurate measurement of a marble’s diameter
Accurate measurement of a marble’s diameter
Using a vernier caliper
Using other apparatus
Apparatus for measuring length
Apparatus Precision Range

A. trundle (measuring) wheel 1 m 1000 m

B. tape measure 1 mm = 0.001 m 10 m

C. metre rule 1 mm = 0.001 m 100 cm = 1 m

D. vernier caliper 0.1 mm = 0.01 cm = 0.0001 m 150 mm = 15 cm = 0.15 m

E. micrometer screw gauge 0.01 mm = 0.00001 m 50 mm = 5 cm = 0.05 m

Measuring weight
Spring balance
(force meter)

Compression balance
Measuring mass

(Triple) beam balance

Electronic (analytical) balance

Volume of regular solids

Volume = Length x Width x Height

V = L x W x H
Volume of a liquid
To measure the volume of a liquid,
use a measuring (or graduated)

What is an accurate reading of the

measurement shown?

What precautions are being taken

in this diagram?

Can you think of other precautions?

Avoiding parallax error (again)
What readings will be observed by T, M, and B?

Which one is most accurate?

Which precautions can be taken
to avoid parallax error?

Volume of a gas
To measure the volume of a gas,
use a gas syringe.

Often the syringe opening is sealed

in order to contain a fixed mass
of gas.

If each division measures 1 mm3,

what reading is shown in the diagram?

Can you think of any precautions?

Volume of an irregular solid using a measuring
What is the volume
of the irregular
solid shown here?

Which additional
precautions can
you think of?
1.4 Density
What weighs more:
a kilo of cotton
a kilo of gold?
Order by increasing density
learning outcomes
Density is a measure of mass per unit volume.

⍴ = m / V

Symbol: ⍴ (lowercase Greek letter “rho”)

SI unit: kilogram per cubic metre (kg/m3)

Other unit: grams per cubic centimetre (g/cm3)

Calculating density of a liquid
How do you ensure that the mass reading for the empty
measuring cylinder is zero?

Which measurements are taken?

How is density of the liquid

Calculating density of
an irregular solid
Which measurements
are taken?

How is density

How do you ensure

that the calculated
value of density
is accurate?
Density explains…
What do you notice
about the liquids?

What can you say about

density of the die?

Which force causes the

vertical movement of
liquids and solids in
this container?
Graphs of mass against volume
By observing the graph, can
you tell which object, J or
B, is denser?

Can you think of a way to

calculate densities of
objects J and B?
Float or sink?
For each substance, do
you know whether it
floats or sinks in water?

Do the graphs support

your hypotheses? Can you
order the substances by
increasing density?

Can you calculate the

density of water?
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Apparatus for measuring time
A. B.

Apparatus Precision

A. clock 1 s

B. stopwatch 0.01 s
Examples of motion… what’s common?
Periodic motion
Periodic motion is a movement that repeats in
equal intervals of time.

The interval of time for one cycle (repetition,

vibration, oscillation, etc.) of this motion is
called a period (symbol: T).

An oscillation is a periodic motion about a

central position or state.

In your opinion, what should be the SI unit for

Oscillations demonstration 3:55-4:35
1. How much time was taken by twenty oscillations?

2. What is the period of oscillation?

Can you think of any sources of error when measuring time?

How can you make your measurement of period of oscillation

more accurate?
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