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The researchers would like to express their sincere gratitude to all those who contributed to the completion of this
research study in titled of The Impact of Online Platforms on the Interpersonal Relationship among BSOA students of

First and foremost, We extend the appreciation to Mr.Joshua M. Antalan, the Research Adviser for providing
valuable guidance, support, and insightful feedback throughout the research process. Your expertise has been
instrumental in shaping the direction of this study.

A special thanks to the BSOA students who participated in this study. Your openness and willingness to share your
thoughts and experiences were essential to the success of this research. We are grateful to our friends and family for
their unwavering support and understanding during the challenging phases of this research.

Your encouragement kept we motivated and focused. Last but not least, We would like to express the gratitude to
the entire academic community at the Colleges of Advanced Technology and Management for fostering an
environment that promotes research and academic growth individuals. This research would not have been possible
without the collective effort and support of these , and for that, We truly thankful.

The Researcher


This study entitled " The Impact of Online Platforms on the Interpersonal Relationship among BSOA students of
CATMAN". is heartily dedicated to the parents of the researchers who provided continuous support and
encouragement during the study.

They were the ones that provided the resources required to do this study. It additionally gave gratitude to the
educators who enabled this research by assisting the researcher in finishing the study. To the research adviser, Mr.
Joshua M. Antalan for inspiring and giving the researchers encouragement and guidance for this research.

As well, this study is also dedicated to the students who helped answer the questionnaire, this study is also
dedicated to the school that allows a good time and chance for the respondents to cultivate, intensify, and assess
inherent expertise and knowledge in doing this study.

We give praise to and dedicate this entire study to our Almighty God, who has given us the determination,
knowledge, wisdom, and protection, and will complete this research. This intelligible work is truthfully and chastely
dedicated to all of you.

The Researcher
Chapter I


Background of the study

In today's digitally saturated world, online platforms have become ubiquitous spaces for interaction and
connection, particularly among young adults. This study delves into the nuanced influence of these platforms on the
interpersonal relationships fostered by Bachelor of Science in Office Administration (BSOA) students within the
Central Agricultural College of Tayabas (CATMAN) in Ilocos Region, Philippines. The research aims to explore how
online platforms, encompassing social media, gaming communities, and learning forums, shape the communication
patterns, emotional dynamics, and overall quality of interpersonal relationships among this specific student
Understanding these intricate online-offline interactions holds significance for both CATMAN and the broader
educational landscape, potentially informing strategies to harness the positive possibilities of online platforms while
mitigating potential drawbacks to facilitate the development of healthy and fulfilling interpersonal relationships among
students. Online platforms have significantly altered the dynamics of interpersonal relationships among Business
School of Administration (BSOA) students specializing in Category Management (CATMAN). The advent of digital
communication tools has facilitated seamless interaction, transcending geographical boundaries and time
constraints. Collaborative platforms and virtual forums have become integral components of their academic journey,
enabling real-time information exchange, collaborative projects, and enhanced networking. However, this shift to
online interactions may also pose challenges, potentially diluting face-to-face connections.
Striking a balance between the benefits of digital connectivity and the nuances of traditional interpersonal
communication becomes crucial for fostering a well-rounded and meaningful academic experience among BSOA
CATMAN students. In the rapidly evolving landscape of education, the study delves into the transformative impact of
online platforms on the interpersonal relationships among students specializing in Category Management (CATMAN)
within the Business School of Administration (BSOA). As technological advancements continue to reshape the
academic environment, the use of digital tools and virtual communication platforms has become pervasive. This
research aims to explore how these online platforms influence the dynamics of interpersonal connections among
BSOA CATMAN students, considering both the positive aspects of enhanced collaboration and networking
opportunities, as well as potential challenges that may arise from a shift away from traditional face-to-face
interactions. By investigating this intersection of technology and interpersonal relationships, the study seeks to
contribute valuable insights to the evolving landscape of contemporary education.

The pervasive use of online platfroms has significantly altered traditional modes of communication, potentially
influencing interpersonal relationships among Bachelor of science in Office Administration (BSOA) students at the
CATMAN Inc. Understanding the nature and extent of this impact is crucial for assessing the social dynamics within the
student community. The study aims to explore the influence of online platforms on interpersonal relationships among
Bachelor of Science in Office Administration (BSOA) students specializing in colleges of advance technolody and
management of the phils. (CATMAN INC.). It delves into how digital communication tools and virtual interactions may
affect the dynamics, communication patterns, and overall relationships within this academic community.
The research examines both positive and negative aspects, considering factors such as social media, online
collaboration tools, and their impact on traditional face-to-face interactions among BSOA CATMAN students.
After the presentation of cell phones, the utilization of online networking has risen exponentially. With the ascent
in the utilization of long range interpersonal communication locations, the edge of customary individual collaboration had
been changed and will be more distinctive for the up and coming era. The long range interpersonal communication has its
consequences for society inside and out for instance, specialized techniques, self-expression, disengagement, relations and
the sense of humanity. In India, the trend of using social media platforms is quite alarming.
More and more college and universities students are drawn towards these networking platforms enabling both
communication and entertainment. Consequently this sets the backdrop of the study in order to probe into this phenomenon
further. Interpersonal relationships are the foundation for learning and human development. Thus, it is crucial to analyze
how far Social media platforms influencing interpersonal relationships among secondary school students. Also, Social
media platforms sustain the relations which might have been at a disadvantage due to the absence of geographical
proximity. It enables interaction that may have been inconceivable without it. A social media platform is like a drug to the
current generation and is certainly affecting the interpersonal relationships among students.
The time spent on social media platforms may cause distance or even conflict among interpersonal relationships,
when spending time at home together as a family unit. Individuals may be physically present in the same room, but they
may be so focused on the information they are scrolling through on the SMS, that they could be missing important
nonverbal communication cues due to inattentiveness. Liu, Yin and Huang (2013) investigated the adolescents'
interpersonal relationships with friends, parents, and teachers when using facebook for interaction. A total of 740 junior
high school students were invited to fill in a questionnaire and 673 questionnaires were available. Data were analyzed
using one-way analysis of variance and paired-samples t-test. The analytic result confirmed that adolescents with high
frequency use of facebook for interactions can expand their interpersonal relationships with friends than those who with
low frequency use, regardless of real-life or virtual relationships. However, their real-life interpersonal relationships with
parents may weaken if overly use Internet tools for interactions.
Manjunatha (2013) examined the influence of SNS on interpersonal relationships of college students. Five hundred
college students were selected from both Bangalore and Mysore cities and questionnaire and interview schedule methods
were used by the researcher for the data collection and found that due to the availability of SNS the communication
between college students and their members of family, between college students and their friends was increased.
Ngonidzash (2016) investigated the excessive use of Social Media Sites (SMS) does have a significant impact on the
emotional bonds and physical presence among family members. Britt (2017) found that the more time that the participants
spend using SMS at home lower the quality and satisfaction level of interpersonal relationships at home.
It is further hypothesized that the more time spent on SMS at home will lower the face-to-face verbal
communications with the interpersonal relationships within the home. Social networks have removed all the
communication and interaction barriers, and now one can communicate his/her perception and thoughts over a variety of
topics. Students and experts are able to share and communicate with like-minded people and can ask for the input and
opinion on a particular topic. Furthermore, the present study has multiple direct uses to different sections of the society.
First of all, the study makes the students aware of how does social media platforms influence them and how they
affect their interpersonal relationships. This educates students regarding the proper usage of social media platforms. It also
helps students to improve their social life with the use of social networking sites along with members of their family,
friends and teachers As the social media is the new area of research and is the current or need based problem. The work in
this field has been done in some developed countries like USA, UK and others and the researcher felt that less work has
been done in our country especially in the state of J&K and the researcher felt that there is a great scope of research in this
respective field.
In addition, there are hardly any studies conducted in Jammu district, which helps in assessing the interpersonal
relationship of school students in relation to specific dimensions ie., parents, friends and teachers. Secondly, the present
study is unique and differs from the rest of the studies in terms of variables, population and sample. Researches have
shown that heavy users of social media like Myspace felt less socially involved with the community around them than light
users Nyland, Marvez, and Beck, 2007).
Furthermore, a substantial proportion of respondents were using this social network for entertainment, as opposed
to maintaining or strengthening offline relationships. This line of research echoes one of the most pervasive criticisms
against social media that its lead to users' isolation (Hodgkinson, 2008). On the one hand, there are studies that support a
rich get richer perspective, where those that are psychologically better-off (e.g., have high self-esteem and life satisfaction,
have more offline contacts, are more popular, etc.) gain more from using internet services (e.g., Tian, 2003).
On the other hand, there is research that supports a poor get richer perspective, where those that are less well-off
gain more from the internet than those who are better-off (Stern & Dillman, 2006). Nie (2001) argued that internet use
detracted individuals from face-to-face interactions, which might diminish their traditional interpersonal relationships.
However, later research has found that online communication has a positive role on individuals participation in community
life, fostering norms of trust and reciprocity Best & Dautrich, 2003; Kavanaugh, Reese, Carroll, & Rosson, 2005;
Kobayashi, Ikeda, & Miyata, 2006; Räsänen & Kouvo, 2007). Moorman (2010) conducted a study on the role of
social media on interpersonal relationships of university students. It has been found from the study that interpersonal
relationship quality is stronger in low facebook users.
It means that there could be some negative impact of social media on students* interpersonal relationship. But the
reason is not identified in the above mentioned study as the study depends on only quantitative data though it deserves
qualitative data to find out the reasons of negative impact. Ellision, Steinfied and Lampe (2007) study that face-to face
communication is the tool that fulfills more media gratification than the social networking sites. Most of the social media
users in Nigeria are students (both undergraduates and postgraduates). Though a good number of studies have been
conducted about social media users and undergraduate but very few studies have been focused on new dimension of
changing nature of interpersonal relationships of undergraduate students through social media. The present study is an
attempt to explore this knowledge gap by using mass communication students of Olabisi Onabanjo University, Ago-Iwoye,
Ogun State as a case study.

Statement of the Problem

Generally, this study identified The Impact of Online Platforms on the Interpersonal Relationships among
BSOA students of CATMAN.
Specifically, it sought to answer the following questions:
1.)What is the demographic profile of the respondents in terms of:
1.1 Age
1.2 Sex
1.3Civil Status
1.4Grade level
1.) How do online platforms influence the Interpersonal Relationships among BSOA student of CATMAN?.
2.)What role do social media platforms play in shaping the formation and maintenance of Interpersonal Relationships
connections among BSOA student of CATMAN?.
3.)What are the perceived action to reduce the impact of online platforms on the interpersonal relationship among
the BSOA student?.

Conceptual Framework

I. Demographic profile
II. Online platforms influence the interpersonal relationship
III. The impact of Online Platforms Interpersonal Relationship


Perceived action to reduce the impact of online platforms on the interpersonal relationship among BSOA
students at CATMAN Inc.

-Conduct a survey questionnaire
-Data analysis
-Gathering data

A conceptual framework is an analytical tool with several variations and contexts. It is used to make conceptual
distinctions and organize ideas. It provides an outline of how you plan to conduct the research for the thesis, but it
goes further than that by also positioning the work within the larger field of research. It helps to guide researchers to
analyze the thesis. The researcher used IPO method to illustrate the conceptual framework, it provides a structured
approach for identifying goals and objectives of a system as outputs and how those outputs might be measured to
evaluate choices in process methods. The input consists of the Socio-Demographic profile of the respondents and
also involves the Online Platforms influence the Interpersonal Relationships and The Impact of Online Platforms
Interpersonal Relationships are stipulated here. The process involves the questionnaires used which is the Survey,
the data gathering procedures, and data analysis . The output refers to the action taken after interpreting the results
of the study it states the general output or outcomes of the study and Perceived action to reduce the impact of online
platforms on the interpersonal relationship among BSOA students at CATMAN Inc.

Scope and Limitations of the Study

This study is to determine the impact of online platforms among BSOA students of CATMAN. The data collection
would be collected at Colleges of Advance Technology and Management of the Philippines (CATMAN).
This study will focus to those students who are currently taking Business in Office Administration in CATMAN.
This study is limited for those students who are not able to use online platforms on their interpersonal relationship
among BSOA students.

Significance of the study

This study focused on knowing how online platform works and what is the impact of this in every students of

Hereby are the following list of individuals and intitutes who would benefit the outcome of this study;

This study will help the students to gain understanding of what is the impact of online platforms and its
purpose to a students life and also how important it is for every students of CATMAN.

The outcome of this study will help the parents to know how online platform works in a student. They may
be able to understand their children when they are talking about the use and effects of online platforms. The support
from parents has been found to have an important impact on a students educational transition.

The upcoming results of this research will benefit teachers to identify the problem and concerns that needs
to be seen by choosing online platforms in communicating with other BSOA students.

This may be of use as reference to future researchers when conducting their studies with added new
ideas related to this topic.

Definition of terms

Age. It is the indicator of the respondent's number in year of existence.

BSOA Students. Refers to individuals pursuing a Bachelor of Science in Office Administration, specifically
focusing on individuals within this academic program enrolled in CATMAN Inc.

CATMAN Inc. Refers to the Colleges of Advance Technology and Management of the Philippines, Inc., the
institution where the study was conducted.

Civil Status. It refers to the distinct options that describe a respondent's relationship with a significant other.

Grade Level. It refers to the level of the educational program studied by a respondents

Impact. Refers to the effect or influence that online platforms have on interpersonal relationships among BSOA
students on CATMAN. This could be positive, negative, or neutral, depending on the specific platform, usage
patterns, and individual relationships.
Interpersonal Relationships. Encompasses the connections and interactions between two or more BSOA
students on CATMAN. This can include friendships, romantic relationships, family relationships, classmates,
teammates, and even acquaintances. The quality of these relationships can be assessed based on factors like trust,
communication, intimacy, support, and conflict resolution.

Online Platforms. Digital tools and environments that facilitate virtual interaction, communication, and
collaboration, including social media, messaging applications, discussion forums, and other Internet-based
communication channels used by BSOA students at CATMAN Inc.

Sex. It refers to a person's self-representation of respondents as male or female.

Students. It refers to a person officially enrolled in a school, especially CATMAN Inc..students

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