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Impact of the Hyksos

- Foreign leaders that dominated + ruled as the 15 Dynasty over Lower Egypt area, in particular Avaris - West semitic origins of most names suggest Palestinian origin - Not known whether they infiltrated gradually through migration or successive waves of invasion

Politically weakened the Pharaoh - restricted Egyptian Pharaohs from politically controlling whole of a unified Egypt

Trade + Diplomacy: Established relations - Syria-Palestine, Nubia, Crete, Sinai -> Hyksos scarabs in Syria-Palestine -> Gold pendant of Minoan design -> wall paintings with typical crete motifs Eg. bull-leaping, rocky landscapes Agriculture: - olive + pomegranate trees -hump-backed zebu cattle

Weaponry changed nature of NKE army -> Horse drawn chariot (esp intro of wheel + harness) -> Composite bow (stronger + larger range) Techniques -> stronger metals = stronger warfare weaponry use of bronze instead of copper -> silver working techniques -> vertical loom improved weaving -> potters wheel (improved) -> Khepesh (Caananite dagger/curved sword) -> Body armour+ helmets (leather/metal corselets, leather/bronze helmets)

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