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Clemson University, New Lee Hall College of

Thomas Phifer and Partners
Clemson University-Sikes Hall, Clemson University, 201 Sikes Hall,
Clemson, SC 29631, United States
55000.0 ft2
Project Year
The Main Idea behind the design
- Designing an open floor plan of studios and
classrooms, allow students from different
specialties to meet together.
The feeling of unity is the major element of
the design.

- Another point, which is the focus on the

sustainable which having a very efficient
energy saving method of daylighting
1- large windows
2- circular skylights sun shades

- Transparency is also employed on the

exterior facades to blur the line between the
natural world and the interior environment.
Sustainable methods
University of Melbourne Architecture New Building
John Wardle Architects, NADAAA

Melbourne VIC, Australia

15772.0 m2

Project Year
• “The building had to be an investigation into the future of studio; into
the future of academic work; it needed to be a living building; and it
had to be a pedagogical building—one that teaches us and that we
learn from constantly.
• Clad on three sides in perforated aluminum sunshades,

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