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The Philippines is a country in Southeast Asia. It is a very large country that is made up of many islands. There are
approximately 7000 different islands that make up the Philippines. People in who live in the Philippines are called f
Filipino. they speak Filipino and English.
Like many countries, the Philippines has a very interesting history. Different ethnic groups have lived on the various
islands of the Philippines for thousands of years. An “ethnic group, ”is a group of people who share the same culture,
language, and traditions.
In the 1500’s explorers from Spain sailed to the Philippines. These explorers settled the Philippines as a Spanish
colony [territory]. “Settled” means that they started to live there. The Spanish ruled the Philippines for over 300
In the 1900’s the Philippines became independent nation. This meant that they could form their own government .
Today, the Philippines continues to be an independent nation.
Since the Spanish governed the Philippines for so long, the culture of the Philippines was heavily influenced by Spain
and Spanish culture. Despite this, the Filipino people maintained their own culture. “Maintained” means kept
One of the many ways that Filipino cultures and traditions live on is through folk literature and mythology.

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