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Initiated the warrior-pharaoh image that characterized the New Kingdom, as the original expeller of the Hyksos

Consolidated and securing the Egyptian control his father established

Started expanding Egyptian control, establishing an Empire

His part in defeating the Hyksos: -> Biography of Ahmose son of Ebana - possibly 3 attacks on Avaris, leading to eventual fall - put down rebellion in Upper Egypt in middle of siege - Drove Hyksos out of Egypt - Campaigned in Southern Palestine - Laid siege to Sharuhen for approx 6 years (Breasted), finally destroying it -> Biography of Ahmose Pen-Nekhbet (noble) - Campaigned against Hyksos further by pushing them into Palestine and Syria - Campaigned in Nubia, regained Wawat -> Fragments - Ahmose Cenotaph complex at Abydos Battle scenes: Asiatics with their characteristic beards and long-sleeved garments, fallen in battle (Breasted)

Consolidated Egyptian control + Began process of reconquering Nubia + Consolidating Egyptian control Extending boundaries of Egypt in Nubia => Biography of Ahmose son of Ebana in order to extend the borders of Egypt (first mention of deliberate expansionist policy) + Thought that he campaigned in Libya + Asia => Biography of Ahmose Pen Nekhbet

Extended boundaries of Egyptian control through military conquests -> Official propaganda: He brought the ends of the earth into his domain (translated by Grimal) th + Extended control into Upper Nubia - as far as 4 cataract + Extended control in Syria (Western Asia) a far north as Euphrates, into Mitanni territory - many prisoners

Defender of Egypt -> Built fortress at Tombos Annihilating Enemy -> Ahmose son of Ebana Countless prisoners -> Ahmose Son of Ebana

Likened to god Min -> Karnak Stela

Likened to Panther -> Ahmose son of Ebana he raged like a panther

Likened to Panther -> Aswan inscription furious like a panther like his father (many historians believe he was not in the battle rebellion in Nubia) Military Campaign -> Ahmose Pen-Nekhbet At least one campaign to Palestine against Shasu Bedouin

Promotion of her military activities Tyldesley: Hat reinventing herself as traditional warrior king, conqueror of the whole world - need to fulfill traditional role of king triumphing over evil- expulsion of isfet(perhaps especially to eliminate doubts of her capability as pharaoh)

Epitomised the warrior-pharaoh image using warfare to turn E -> superpower + military force napoleon of Egypt (Breasted) -> personally participating in battle + returning with prisoners -> The Annals - List of 350 conquered cities during his Syrian campaigns - ellipse containing a bound Syrian prisoner - chief campaigns Megiddo (Palestine) Kadesh (Syria) Mitanni (Naharin) Final defeat of Kadesh - hostage policy, prisoners -> symbolic poses of triumph over enemies -> The Annals - conventional scene: Thut as conqueror holding a group of Asiatic prisoners by hair + smiting with a mace th -> 7 pylon: conquered groups from S lands (Nubia) -> displaying super-human qualities, exaggeration of physical strength + bravery on battlefield -> Gebel Barkal Stela - his arrows do not miss - he attacks every land with his sword w/o there being millions of men behind him -> war-like names and titles -> Gebel Barkal Stela - excellent fortress of his armies, the iron wall of his people - Mighty in strength - menkheperre-is-the-binder-of-the-barbarians (fortress among the chiefs of Lebanon) - menkheperre-is-the-surrounder-of-the-Asiatics (timber wall, enclosing megiddo) -> compared to gods

-> personally participating in battle + display bravery -> Graffito of Ty (treasurer of lower E), near Aswan first-hand account claims to have witnessed Hat when he overthrew the Nubian bowmen and destroyed Nubia ->Djeser-Djeseru inscription overthrew Nubians as was done by her victorious father

-> returning with prisoners -> Djeser-Djeseru relief Nubian god (Dedwen) presenting captives to Hat

-> symbolic poses of triumph -> Djeser-Djeseru limestone statue Hat as conventional sphinx trampling enemies -> Djeser Coronation Text Smiting Nubians with sword +mace

-> collecting booty on battlefield -> Stela of Djehuty

-> Broken block at Karnak land of Nubia in submission to Hatshepsut

Montu, war god of Thebes: - lord of power; like Montu of Thebes Horus: - arrayed in his weapons of war like Horus, the Smiter -> depicted as great sportsman (sportsmanship show valour + strength as warrior king) - successful hunting expeditions -> elephant hunt at Niy (in steps of Thutmose I) -> harpoon hippo original beginnings of the warrior pharaoh image (maat: hippo = isfet)

his main claim to fame was his unusual physical strength Grimal Didnt have many military campaigns but instead strongly enforced warrior img by emph strength Horus Name Powerful Bull, Great in Strength Golden Horus name He who seizes all the lands by his strength Compared to Montu he knew every craft of Montu with no one like him on the field of combat -> Giza stela near Sphinx Exaggeration of Strength on battlefield no one among them could draw his bow strong of arms, untiring when he took the oar he could not be approached in running Valour in sportsmanship - 4 arrows shot through target of copper, so that it came out of it and dropped to the ground it was a deed never yet done -> Karnak depiction + inscription - depicted as child taught to use bow + arrow enjoying himself by learning about shooting - he knew horses Brutal treatment of prisoners of war became terrible like the strength of Seth in his hour Naharin Singlehandedly killing 7 princes -> hung the bodies of six walls of Thebes one walls of Napata, Nubia Syria went out + return alone 20 hands 16 prisoners tied to chariot + drove 60 head of cattle the besieged town surrendered immediately th -> Karnak 4 pylon

THUTMOSE IV scarcity of milit camp -> not seen as great BUT as expected, SHOWED himself as one

Traditional warrior pharaoh image Khepresh + mace -> Karnak, block relief

Exaggeration of Strength on battlefield proceeded to overthrow to (negro) in Nubia mighty sword fear of him entered everybody traversed his ways like a jackal -> Knosso inscription, Aswan (shown as Nubian revolt BUT prob punitive raid agains N attacking E gold caravans near Edfu) Likened to Sekhmet + jackal -> Lateran Obelisk

Valour in sportsmanship Hunting expedition in desert around Giza -> Dream Stela

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