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Expulsion of the Hyksos regained Egyptian control

Consolidated Egyptian Control + Thought that he campaigned in Libya + Asia => Ahmose Pen Nekhbet + Contin campaign in Nubia - process to reconquer hoping to expand Egyptian control => Ahmose son of Ebana in order to extend the borders of Egypt (first mention deliberate expansionist policy) to enlarge the borders of E smote N bowmn fleein destryd his ppl + cattle pursued

Expanded Egyptian control, establishing an Empire Extended boundaries via military conquests -> Official propaganda: He brought the ends of the earth into his domain (translated by Grimal) + Extended control into Upper Nubia far as 4 cataract Consolidation - Rebellion -> Ahmose son of Ebana - many prisoners to repel the intruders to crush rebellion enraged like a leopard helpless before Uraeus slaughter was made head downward at the bow of his majestys ship living captives -> Tombos Stela of Thut I overthrew N chief not a single survivor young panther among fleeing cattle + Extended control in Syria (Western Asia) far north as Euphrates, into Mitanni territory -> Commemorative Stela, banks of Euphrates - many prisoners + Built Tombos Fort - mrk new S boundary E control

Drove back Kerma who capt E fort at Buhen -> Recaptured Buhen = launching pad for further expansion => Ahmose son of Ebana sailed to destroy N bowmen great slaughter conquered S + N

THUTMOSE II Consolidated Egyptian control Possibly put down rebellion in Nubia -> Aswan inscription

HATSHEPSUT Consolidated Egyptian control Nubia -> Djeser dmg inscription, sphinx statue overthrew N as was done by her victorious father -> Djeser accompanying relief Nubia god Dedwen presenting captives to Hat -> Broken block at Karnak land of Nubia in submission -> Stela of Djehuty collecting booty on battlefield ->Graffito Tiy overthrew N bowmen chiefs brought as living captives

THUTMOSE III Consolidated Egyptian control - tributary alliances Consolidated Egyptian control + further expanded Empire -> Empire unrivalled power + strength Co-regency Gaza control -> inscription at Gaza the town which the ruler had taken Nubian rebellion -> unknown stela seek him who rebelled against him in that land. Sole rule NUBIA (more subdued, already paying tribute) th 6 Pylon 115 N town names overthrew great slaughter Bio Ineni wretched overthrown tribute of all countries SYRIA-PALESTINE (estb + maint empire effectively) Meggido revolt yr 23 -> The Annals Amun: conquer wretched enemy + extend E borders Spoils: 900 chariots, 2000 horses, 340 prisoners Oath of loyalty Kadesh yr 30 -> Tomb of Amenemhab captured the city lords as living prisoners hostage policy Mitanni yr 33 + Final Kadesh yr 42

furious like panther overthrew those barbarians

Many historians believe he was not in the battle

Campaign to Palestine against Shasu Bedouin -> Ahmose Pen-Nekhbet

(Tyldesly) fears in danger of underestimating his military prowness, overshadowed by Hatshepsut and Thutmose III

Syria-Palestine (Retjenu) -> Djeser Inscription her arrow is among the northerners.

Power of Empire -> Gebel Barkal Stela Gifts from rulers of Babylon, Crete, Assyria Successful consolidation -> no records of further trouble

Remembered as a far less intellectual leader (than dad) but he was still able to preserve the prosperity + power of Egy - Grimal Consolidate rebellions showed great strength threats of force + fear + power of Egypt. Thus still preserved prosperity + power of the Egyptian Empire. Revolts: (threats of force) Naharin - hung bodies of 7 princes - booty: Nubia Usersatet Inscription Brought tribute of S foreign lands Syria - 16 prisoners tied to chariot - 20 hands of slain syrians - booty: Memphis Stela records Mitanni, Hittites, Babylonian princes competed to give best presents + prayed for peace No records of anymore wars in the Levant for rest of his reign these were last campaigns E ever had against Mitanni Doesnt do as much as Thut III, but strongly enforces his strength via violence + brutality in his threats of force to consolidate the empires strength + power

THUTMOSE IV Diplomatic relations foreign relations: war -> diplomacy princess of Mitannian King, Artatarma I Nubia Extensive records N activities Consolidate greatest extension of E S boundary Knosso Inscription proceed to overthrow Negro in N
fear of him entered everybody traversed ways like a jackal

NUBIA Egyptian Policy: Dictated by politic + eco necessity -> politically design to protect E south border from threat -> economically guarantee safe access to resources = exp in imperial lang -> military conquests (fierce resistance = some yrs to accomplish )

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