Edexcel A Level Scheme of Work

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A Year 2 Order with two teachers

October/ Practice &

1 Pure and Mechanics November MC
assessment questions
opportunity Ch 1 to 5

2 Pure and Statistics

3 Sequences and 6 Trigonometric

Teacher 1 1 Proof 2 Trigonometry 12 Vectors series functions 19 Forces and motion

9 Further
Teacher 2 4 Functions 5 Differentiation 7 Further algebra differentiation

Hours 5 5 5 5 5 5 5

Where the two lines match up gives an opportunity to swap topics between the two teachers.

Mechanics and statistics are separated so the teachers choose which to do.

The topics take up approximately 150 hours of teaching time of the suggested 180 guided learning hours for the second year o

There is therefore time for revision and formal assessment.

3 : 1 : 1 split 12 Vectors 1 Proof 2 Trigonometry 4 Functions 5 Differentiation

Moment 22
Mechanics 19 Forces and motion Kinemati 21 Projectiles
s of Friction

16 Statistical
Statistics 15 Probability 17 Hypothesis testing
Practice &
December/ Practice & MC
January MC questions
assessment questions March/Apr
Ch 11 to 14 assessmen
opportunity Ch 6 to 10

20 22
8 Trigonometric Moments A model 14 Numerical 11 Parametric 18
19 Forces and motion identities of forces for friction methods equations Kinematics

13 Differential 16 Statistical 17 Hypo

15 Probability 10 Integration equations distributions testi

5 5 5 5 5 5 5

urs for the second year of an A level qualification.

6 Trigonometric 8 Trigonometric 9 Further

ntiation 7 Further algebra 11 Parametric equations
functions identities differentiation
Practice& MC
Ch 18 to 22

March/April Practice &

assessment MC questions
opportunity Ch 15 to 17

Kinematics 21 Projectiles

17 Hypothesis

5 5 5 5

13 Differential
Parametric equations 10 Integration ces 14 Numerical methods
Edexcel A Sections Learning outcomes Precedences Teaching points Technology Integral resources

level book

Ch1 1.1 Problem • Understand the problem solving cycle None


solving • Know that simplifying a problem can help to

4 hours begin in problem solving
• Use algebra to formulate and solve problems
• Interpret your solution in the context of the
• Generalise your solution to extend your
understanding of a wider problem
• Write your Mathematics using appropriate
language and symbols such as
o necessary and sufficient
o ‘if …’ and ‘then …’
o ⇔, ⇒, ⇐ and ∴
o converse of a statement

1.2 Methods of · Prove statements by deduction It is helpful to separate the argument from the The irrationality of root 2
proof • Prove statements by exhaustion presentation of the argument when students are
• Prove statements by contradiction learning about methods of proof. The
• Disprove statements by finding a counter- presentation needs to be rigorous using
example established notation and terminology, coping
with this as well as the argument is very

Ch2 2.1 Radians • Convert between degrees and radians None Students struggle with the idea of radians - often Arcs and sectors

• Know and use exact values of sin θ, and cos θ for due to weaknesses with fractions from early on.
7 hours θ = 0, π/6, π/4, π/3, π/2, π and multiples of these They only need to recall that p º 180° and work
• Know and use exact values of tan θ for θ = 0, π/6, from there using proportional reasoning.
π/4, π/3, π and multiples of these
• Know and use the graphs of sin θ, cos θ and tan θ,
working with radians

2.2 Circular • Find the arc length and area of a sector of a Watch out for p creeping into the formulae.
measure circle, working with radians
2.3 Small-angle • Use the small–angle approximations for sin, cos This is very straightforward, though students try Use graphing
approximations and tan to make it more complicated. software to
compare the
functions with

Ch3 3.1 Definitions • Know the language and notation of sequences None This is mostly self-descriptive so straightforward Graphing Thinking about sequences
Sequences and series

and notation and series: for students. calculators can

6 hours o finite sequence Working out how to get calculators and generate
o infinite sequence spreadsheets to reproduce sequences deepens sequences quickly
o series understanding of the structure of the sequence. for exploration of
o sigma notation patterns, as can
o increasing and decreasing sequences spreadsheets.
o periodic sequences
o convergent and divergent sequences

3.2 Arithmetic • Use arithmetic sequences and be able to find The general term looks different from that used
sequences and o the nth term at GCSE but is the same mathematically.
series o the sum of the first n terms Encourage students to notice the similarities and
differences between the two representations.
Students tend to confuse nth terms with the sum
to n terms, both in terms of knowing which
formula to use and knowing which is required in
solving problems.

3.3 Geometric • Use geometric series and be able to find Spend time looking at the formulae to
sequences and o the nth term understand their structure and why they are as
series o the sum of the first n terms they are.
o the condition for a geometric series to be Students find the 'pure' aspects straightforward
convergent but can struggle with applications so it's worth
o the sum to infinity of a convergent geometric spending time on these.
series Solving inequalities using logs is an area where a
careful approach is required.
Ch4 4.1 The language • Understand the language of functions: None The terms 'domain' and 'range' can be Graphing software Domain-range grid

of functions o definition of a function problematic for students although the idea is can be used with a
7 hours o domain and range simple. Relating it, as always, to the graph is variable constant
o many-to-one, one-to-one essential to develop understanding. facility to continue
• Work with combined transformations on a graph Here transformations are used to sketch graphs. exploration of
o form the equation of a transformed graph transformations.
o sketch a transformed graph
o recognise transformations that have been

4.2 Composite • Find composite functions Students need a firm understanding of the Use graphing
functions • Find the inverse of a function if it exists, and difference between the product of two functions software to
know the conditions for an inverse function to exist and the composition of two functions for work on compare
• Know the relationship between the graphs of a differentiation. individual
function and its inverse Applying the work on domain and range to functions with
composed and inverse functions can be their composed
challenging for students, again a graph can help. versions and
products of

4.3 The modulus • Use the modulus function Modulus functions are new to students. Develop Graphing software
function o sketch graphs of the modulus of linear the ideas graphically and algebraically can be used to
functions simultaneously so that students understand check sketches
o solve simple inequalities involving a modulus rather than following procedures that are and results.
• Use functions in modelling real-life situations memorised.

Ch5 5.1 The shapes of • Know what is meant by concave upwards and None The second derivative gives a 'deeper' indication

curves concave downwards in terms of the shape of a of the rate of change of a function and, in some
10 hours section of curve, and its second derivative sense, predicts what the curve is about to do.
• Know what is meant by a point of inflection The idea of concave upwards and downwards is
o use differentiation to find stationary and non- new at A level.
stationary points of inflection
o use stationary points of inflection when curve
5.2 The chain rule • Use the chain rule to It is essential to be fluent with this technique as a Tangents and normals
o differentiate composite functions significant amount of later work depends on it.
Some students will progress easily to doing this
without a substitution.

5.3 Connected • Use the chain rule to An application of the chain rule. Connected rates
rates of change o differentiate inverse functions of change can be challenging for students,
o find connected rates of change problem solving strategies such as 'What do I
know? What can I do?' can be useful here.

5.4 The product • Differentiate the product of two functions Apart from confusing u and v in the quotient rule,
and quotient • Differentiate the quotient of two functions students find this straightforward.
rules The algebraic manipulation to simplify after using
the quotient rule is a source of many errors.

Ch6 6.1 Reciprocal • Understand and use Ch2 Ch4 Remembering which is which is the biggest Graphing software Sometimes, always, never
Trigonometric functions

trigonometric o the sec, cosec and cot functions challenge for students - best to let them decide can be used.
7 hours functions o the relationships between the graphs of sin, their own 'rule'.
cos, tan, cosec, sec and cot functions Let students sketch the graphs of cosec, sec and
cot before verifying them using graphing

6.2 Working with • Use the identities Encourage students to derive the new identities Graphing software
trigonometric o sin2 θ + cos2 q ≡ 1 from the one involving sin and cos. can be used.
equations and o tan2 θ + 1 ≡ sec2 θ When solving equations involving cosec, sec or
identities cot students can covert to sin and cos but it will
o cot2 θ + 1 ≡ cosec2 θ not always be the most efficient method. Discuss
• Solve equations involving sec, cosec and cot with students alternative methods for their
• Understand and use the functions arcsin, arccos efficiency and accessibility.
and arctan including Students are familiar with arcsin, arccos and
o their relationship to sin, cos and tan arctan from work at GCSE although they will not
o their domains and rangess have used those terms. Again encourage
sketching before verifying graphs.

6.3 Solving · Solve equations involving sec, cosec and cot using Many students are reluctant to do this without
equations radians converting to degrees and then back again once
involving radians the equation has been solved. It is not the most
efficient way!
Ch7 7.1 The general • Find the binomial expansion of (a + bx)n where n None The manipulation of fractions, negative numbers Correct me

Further algebra
binomial is any rational number and brackets presents many challenges for
7 hours expression • Know the condition for the binomial expansion to students. Writing expansions out in full using
be valid correct mathematical notation is the best support
for this.
The idea of a limit as the number of terms
increases builds on previous work on this idea.

7.2 Simplifying • Simplify rational expressions Algebraic division may involve a remainder at this
algebraic o by factorising and cancelling level so fluency is essential for whichever method
expressions o using simple algebraic division by a linear is used.
expression, using inspection, long division or any
other correct method

7.3 Partial • Express algebraic fractions as partial fractions Combining algebraic fractions to see the structure Compare the
fractions o fractions of the form of the answer is good for providing a secure graphs of the
foundation for something students tend to cope original and
well with. expanded forms of
((𝑝𝑥+𝑞))/ the function using
o fractions of the form((𝑎𝑥+𝑏)(𝑐𝑥+𝑑)) graphing software.

o fractions of((𝑝𝑥+𝑞))/((𝑎𝑥+𝑏)
the form


Ch8 8.1 Compound • understand and use the identities for Ch2 Ch6 These are given in the formula book. It is Use graphing Three challenge questions
Trigonometric identities

angle formulae sin (θ ± φ), cos(θ ± φ), tan(θ ± φ) important that the students are sufficiently software to
7 hours familiar with the structure of these to be able to compare the
notice when they may be useful. functions with
their equivalents.
7 hours

Trigonometric ide
8.2 Double angle • Know and use the identities for These are not given in the formula book but can Use graphing
formulae sin 2θ , cos 2θ , tan 2θ easily be deduced and students should be software to
encouraged to do this. compare the
functions with
their equivalents.

8.3 The forms • Write acos θ + bsin θ in the equivalent forms r Encourage students to write out the expansion of Use graphing
rcos (θ + α), rsin sin(θ ± α) and rcos(θ ± α) the version of rsin(θ ± α) and rcos(θ ± α) that they software to
(θ + α) o use for finding maximum and minimum values are using so that they can correctly identify the compare the
o use for solving equations value of tan α. functions with
• Use trigonometric identities Spend time discussing strategies for deciding their equivalents.
o in solving equations which identity to use for solving a problem. It is
o in proofs usually fairly clear once students have some
o to solve problems in context experience of working on these problems.

Ch9 9.1 • Differentiate ekx, akx and ln x and related sums, Ch2 Ch5 Use the inverse relation between the exponential
Further differentiation

Differentiating differences and constant multiples function and ln x to rewrite akx as eln ax, or better,
7 hours exponentials and exln a to be able to differentiate akx using the chain
logarithms rule.

9.2 • Differentiate sin kx, cos kx and tan kx where x is Students need to accurately recall the derivatives Product and quotient rule
Differentiating measured in radians of the basic trigonometric functions - it is a source
trigonometric • Use the chain rule, product rule and quotient rule of many errors in accuracy.
functions to differentiate functions involving the functions

9.3 Implicit • Differentiate functions defined implicitly Watch out for students inserting extra dy/dx
differentiation · Differentiate inverse functions by using implicit simply because they are differentiating, in
differentiation or by using dy/dx=1/(dx/dy) addition to those appearing when using the chain
Ch10 10.1 Finding • Understand that integration is the limit of a sum Ch2 Ch7 Ch9 Setting the calculation out with the conventional Use graphing

areas • Use integration to find the area between a curve notation is important to avoid errors, such as software to sketch
14 hours and the x axis or a curve and the y axis forgetting to integrate or not substituting functions as a
• Use integration to find the area between two correctly. check.

10.2 Integration • Use integration by substitution in cases where Always check by differentiating. Use graphing
by substitution the process is the reverse of the chain rule (either software to sketch
by inspection or by writing down the working for functions as a
the substitution) check.

10.3 Integrating • Integrate ekx, sin kx, cos kx and related sums, The issues regarding signs and division all affect
other functions differences and constant multiples accuracy with these techniques.

10.4 Integration • Integrate 1/x, and related sums, differences and Students readily 'forget' that 1/x is integrated to
involving the constant multiples obtain ln x. Thus they do not see the need to use
natural • Use partial fractions in integration partial fractions if it is not signposted. They also
logarithmic make more errs with the various constants
function involved than with other applications of the chain
rule backwards.

10.5 Further • Use integration by substitution in other cases, Selecting the substitution can be challenging for
integration by finding a suitable substitution students. Spending time going deeper into one
substitution question by exploring various possibilities for the
substitution is valuable.

10.6 Integration • Use the method of integration by parts This is a method of last resort - as far as A level is Methods of integration
by parts o more than one application of the method may be concerned so only use if the other methods won't
required work. Careful labelling of the terms and writing
o use to integrate ln x down all working helps prevent errors.
Ch11 11.1 Graphs from • Understand what is meant by a parameter and by Ch5 Ch6 Ch8 Plotting graphs from parametric equations gives Use graphing

Parametric equations
parametric parametric equations Ch9 students an insight into how they work. This will software after
7 hours equations be deepened after applying the ideas with students have
projectiles later in the course. plotted one curve
'by hand'.

11.2 Finding the • Convert between Cartesian and parametric forms Algebraic fluency is essential here, together with
equation by of equations a strategic sense of which equation to use for the
eliminating the • Use the equation of a circle written in parametric substitution. Trying it both ways at the start is
parameter form valuable to develop this sense.

11.3 Parametric • Use parametric differentiation to find the This is straightforward as an application of the Parametric cards
differentiation gradient function of a curve defined parametrically chain rule although many students make strategic
errors as well as accuracy errors.

Ch12 12.1 Vectors • Understand the terms vector and scalar None The extension to three dimensions is Graphing software Properties of 3-D vectors

• Understand vectors in two and three dimensions, straightforward as the definitions and techniques can be used to
4 hours and express them required extend naturally. display vectors.
o in magnitude–direction form for two
o using i, j and k vectors
o using column vectors
o using notation
(𝑂𝑃) ⃗equal vectors
• Understand
• Understand the link between the coordinates of
a point and its position vector
• Multiply a vector by a scalar
• Add and subtract vectors
• Find a unit vector in the direction of a given
• Understand that vectors are parallel when one is
a scalar multiple of the other

12.2 Using • Use vectors in geometry problems The problem solving aspect of this can be
vectors to solve challenging for students. A clear, carefully
problems labelled diagram is very helpful.
Ch13 13.1 First order • Formulate first order differential equations using Ch10 Students who are familiar with the first derivate Some graphing

Differential equations
differential information about rates of change being the gradient function and gradient showing software packages
5 hours equations a rate of change should find this straightforward. represent
equations using
small line
segments at the
appropriate angle.

13.2 Solving • Find the general solution of a first order Careful setting out of working is important, The world population
differential differential equation by separating the variables particularly when including the arbitrary
equations by • Find the particular solution of a first order constant. This is particularly important with
separating the differential equation by separating the variables integrals involving logs.
variables • Solve problems using differential equations and
interpret the solution

Ch14 14.1 Solving • Find an interval in which the root of an equation None Sketching a graph or plotting it using graphing Some graphing Investigating iterative form
Numerical methods

equations lies, using change of sign methods software is essential in this topic. Using the graph software can draw
7 hours numerically • Know circumstances under which change of sign in parallel with the numerical work enables staircase and
methods do not work students to understand better what is going on. It cobweb diagrams.
• Carry out a fixed point iteration of an equation in also makes it easier to understand how to
the form x = g(x), using a calculator efficiently establish error bounds for a solution.
• Draw associated cobweb and staircase diagrams Staircase and cobweb diagrams can be
challenging for students.

14.2 The Newton- • Use the Newton–Raphson method to find a root Students find this straightforward as the same Some graphing
Raphson method of an equation process is followed each time. Again, a graph software can draw
• Represent the Newton–Raphson process helps students to see how the method works. diagrams to show
graphically how the method
• Understand problems than can arise with fixed converges to a
point iteration and the Newton–Raphson method root.
and how they can be illustrated graphically
14.3 Numerical • Use the trapezium rule to find an approximate This is straightforward and a graph deals easily
integration value of a definite interval with the issue of over and under-estimates.
• Decide whether the trapezium rule gives an
overestimate or an underestimate, where possible
• Use the sum of a series of rectangles to find an
upper bound and lower bound for the area under a

Ch15 15.1 The • Know what is meant by mutually exclusive and None Students find the ideas straightforward but Huge Venn

probability of independent events applying them to solve problems is more

5 hours events from two • Calculate probabilities for two events which are challenging. Careful argument, with appropriate
experiments not mutually exclusive diagrams, is the best way forward.

15.2 Conditional • Use Venn diagrams in probability calculations Create a Venn diagram using data from the class,
probability • Calculate conditional probabilities such as each person tosses a coin and selects a
o using the formula playing card. This creates two sets, Heads and
o from tree diagrams Clubs, for example. The conditional probabilities
o from two-way tables can be worked out from this data by using the
o from Venn diagrams Venn diagram and then a two-way table.
o from sample space diagrams Conditional probability is counter-intuitive hence
· make critiques of modelling assumptions in the false convictions in criminal cases based on it.
probability and suggest possible improvements

Ch16 16.1 Discrete • Recognise situations that give rise to a binomial Ch15 Students find this straightforward. Graphing software
Statistical distributions

random variables distribution, and express a binomial model in the can be used to
8 hours form B(n, p) simulate data
• Calculate probabilities using the binomial from a binomial
distribution distribution.
• Find the mean of a binomial distribution
• Calculate expected frequencies associated with
the binomial distribution
• Use a probability function given algebraically or
in a table
• Use the discrete uniform distribution
16.2 The Normal • Use the Normal distribution as a model Sketch the normal curve alongside any Graphing software Normal curves
distribution • Know the shape of a Normal curve and the calculations to develop understanding and make can be used to
location of its line of symmetry and points of it easier to decide what calculations to do. simulate data
inflection The diagram helps solve problems involving a from a normal
• Be able to standardise a Normal variable continuity correction, however the main difficulty distribution.
• Calculate probabilities from a Normal distribution with a continuity correction is remembering that
• Understand how and why a continuity correction it is necessary.
is applied when the Normal distribution is used to
model the distribution of discrete data including
the binomial distribution
• Know that a linear transformation of a Normal
variable gives another Normal variable
· Know the effect of a linear transformation on the
mean and the standard deviation

Ch17 17.1 Interpreting · Carry out a hypothesis test for the proportion, p, Ch16 Hypothesis testing is challenging for students. Use appropriate
Statistical hypothesis testing

sample data of a binomial distribution Encourage them to write out the parameters graphing software
9 hours using the normal involved and the steps carefully. Confusion to show critical
distribution · Know the distribution of the mean of samples of between the population and the sample is a regions.
size n from a Normal distribution problem; writing them down with a
· Carry out a hypothesis test for a single mean description/definition can help.
using the Normal distribution, using either a p- Remembering to use the standard error rather
value or a critical region than the standard deviation of the population is
o where the population variance is known essential.
o where the population variance is unknown Using appropriate software to show the critical
region is very good for developing understanding.
· Identify the critical and acceptance regions for a
hypothesis test

17.2 Bivariate • Understand the meaning of correlation, This is straightforward although it requires some Graphing software Correlation game
data: correlation association and rank correlation common sense when it comes to what you can can be used to
and association • Use a given correlation coefficient for a sample to infer about correlation in the population. graph the data
make an inference about correlation or association and plot the
in the population for a given p-value or critical regression line.
· Know that correlation does not imply causation
Ch18 18.1 Motion in • Use vectors to model motio in two dimensions Ch11 Ch12 Students need to be clear about the strategy they General motion

two or three o using calculus are using. Which equations will yield the
3 hours dimensions o using constant acceleration formulae information they seek? The most common error
• Find the Cartesian equation of the path of a is to use distance/displacement/position to find
particle when the components of its position the direction of travel. It is velocity that will give
vector are given in terms of time information about direction.
• Solve problems in kinematics using vectors

Ch19 19.1 Forces in • Resolve a force into components Ch12 Sketch a draft diagram first then redraw so that it Newton's laws experimen
Forces and motion

equilibrium • Find the resultant of several forces by resolving is clear what forces are acting on the particle.
7 hours and adding components Include any other information such as angles.
• Know the condition for equilibrium of a particle Students can find the concept of equilibrium
tricky and try to find resultant forces and

19.2 Finding • Formulate and solve equations of a particle in Discuss an algebraic strategy for solving these
resultant forces equilibrium problems - perhaps by writing down all the
possible equations and trying different
approaches to see what is most efficient.

19.3 Newton's • Formulate the equation of motion for a particle As above, draft a diagram then redraw so the
second law in moving in a straight line or in a plane diagram is clear and fit for purpose. Discuss the
two dimensions solution strategy in terms of the algebraic
manipulation required.
Make sure students are clear about when g needs
to be part of a term.

Ch20 20.1 Rigid bodies • Calculate the moment of a force about a point or Ch12 Ch19 The modelling assumption of a particle no longer PHET Balancing animation
Balancing a ruler
Moments of forces

axis applies as we talk about a rigid body. In addition

3 hours · Know the meaning of the word couple to having a zero resultant force the moments
• Know the conditions for equilibrium of a rigid about any axis/point must be zero.
body Make sure students are clear that they can
• Solve problems involving equilibrium of a rigid choose any point to take moments about but
body some points are much better than others in terms
of algebraic demands.
Ch21 21.1 Equations • Model motion under gravity in a vertical plane Ch6 Ch8 The vertical and horizontal motion are worked on PHET animation for projectile motion

for projectile using vectors Ch11 separately. Time connects the two and so needs
9 hours motion • Find the position and velocity of a projectile at Ch12 to be calculated to move from one to the other to
any time solve a problem.
• Find the range and maximum height of a The position and velocity of the particle involve
projectile both the vertical and horizontal components.
Remind students the motion is symmetrical and
that the maximum height is when the vertical
velocity is zero.

21.2 Projectile • Formulate the equations of motion of a projectile This is a much more efficient way of working but
problems using vectors students may be reluctant to use vectors to solve
problems. Switching between separate
components and the vector form is a way forward
as long as the relationship between the two is
well understood.

21.3 Further • Formulate the equations of motion of a projectile Clear diagrams and setting out of working really Projectile problems
examples using vectors helps here. Considering the algebraic strategy is
also valuable.
21.4 The path of • Find the equation of the trajectory of a projectile This is an application of work on parametric Use graphing
a projectile equations and is straightforward. Encourage software to show
students to see the efficiency of using the the path of the
equation of the trajectory. projectile.

21.5 General • Find equations for the trajetory of a projectile Develop these and look at the structure of them.
equations Committing them to memory is not necessary.

Ch22 22.1 A model for • Draw force diagrams including frictional force Ch12 Friction always opposes motion. PHET Forces and motion
Law of friction
A model for friction

friction and normal reaction (normal contact force) Ch19 Ch20 Draft and redraw a clear diagram with
3 hours between surfaces appropriate labels to support solving the
• Model the frictional force as F ≤ µR problem.
• Model friction using F = µR when sliding occurs Spend time discussing how you know that the
• Apply Newton’s Laws of motion to problems friction in a particular situation is limiting.
involving friction The size of the frictional force when it is not
limiting could be anything up to that maximum
Free resources Language and proof
Problem solving

Nrich Mind your Ps Language

and Qs of proof.

Nrich Dodgy proofsMethods of proof.

Working with exact

values enables the
proving of results.

Nrich Stand up arcsSolve problems

involving perimeters
and areas.
Nrich proof sorter -Use
of an APto prove
the formula for the nth

Nrich Direct logic

Language of functions
encourages rigorous

Nrich Inverting rational functions

Nrich Absolutely Modelling.

Nrich Patterns of inflection

Nrich Muddled trig Use to prove results.

Nrich Trig Countdown

Nrich Three by one Show the proofs of the
compound angle
Nrich Equation or identity 2 identities.
Proof using

Proof using identities.

Exponential and log

functions are widely
used in modelling.

Nrich Implicitly
Prove that the area
under a curve is the
integral of the

Nrich Calculus countdown

Parametric equations
can be used in
modelling projectiles.

For example, finding

the equation of the
trajectory of a

Nrich Vector countdown

Vectors are used as a
model for forces.

Problem solving and

Differential equations
are used to model
many real-life
distributions are
models for real-world
distributions are
models for real-world

This is using a model

to estimate
Modelling motion
under gravity.

Modelling forces using


Modelling forces
acting on a rigid body.
Nrich Model solutions
Modelling motion.

Solving problems.

Modelling friction.

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