SOW - Education Sells

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Ad Copy Secret…
Education Ads Target And Hook
Your Best Customers…

Here’s a fact: 90% of your offer’s success is based on

the SUCCESS of your ads

If you don’t have winning ads, you’ll NEVER have a winning offer…

No matter how great the product is…

No matter how incredible the offer is…

And no matter how much you want it to work.

Here’s how I know…

We’ve tracked and tagged over $58,780,000 in total ad spend…

Meaning, we KNOW exactly what copy elements are used in each and every
And we track those tags based on metrics and spend (ie. VVR, CTR(all), CVR).

Bottom line is…

If you want to scale and WIN….

Ads are the FIRST and MOST important aspect of your business.

And that’s why we believe there’s ONE

“un-sexy” advertising philosophy that’s built our 9-figure golf business….

Education = $$

Here’s how we discovered this secret…

- Spent over $58 million

- Two of the offers = 541 SSTS Ads, 544 OSSF Ads (new ads… NOT
- 5,553 variations over 14 months (*396 ads each month)
- 10+ tests each day

And here’s the facts…

- 100% of ads that spent more than $100,000 were following an

EDUCATION formula in the first 15 seconds:
It Looks Like This…

Variation 1: Demonstrative Proof + Credibility + Easy

If you want to start playing golf… or get better at golf…

What do you WANT and NEED?

Golf lesson!

SPEND: $1,047,778.04
OG ID: ossf-gu-00459a
video link:

VariationIntro 1 (a):

[EDUCATION LESSON - Haney lesson - demonstrative proof]


Hi, I’m Hank Haney, Tiger Woods’ former coach.

Over the last 40 years…

I’ve eliminated over 100,000 amateur slices using ONE drill.

It’s called the One Shot Slice Fix…

And it’s like an instruction manual for hitting draws on demand.

If you can swing a club, you can do this drill.

It’s so simple… it only takes one shot and just five minutes…

To permanently put an end to your slice…

And shave at least 7 strokes off your scorecard.

You just grab a club… hit one strategic shot… and you’re done.

Literally – in the same amount of time it’s taken you to watch this video…

You can eliminate your slice – forever.

Whether you’re just getting started or playin’ all your life…

There’s no fairway you can’t hit with the One Shot Slice Fix.


So if you want a quick… simple… and proven way to end that humiliating slice…

While boosting your distance… accuracy… and love for the game…

Click through to the next page… and I’ll show you how to do it in one shot.

Variation 2: Proclamation + What It’s Not + Real Reason

SPEND: $251,539.74
[ossf-gu-00479 - slice again - teleprompter - ben]

Intro 4:

[callout text: FACT: You slice because of THIS]

FACT: You slice because your clubface is open relative to the path.

[b-roll of golfer working on over the top swing]

So forget about working on your over-the-top swing…

[b-roll of golfer working on inside out swing path]

Inside-out path…

[b-roll of golfer flipping their wrists and practicing their release]

Or trying to perfectly time your release.

Because if you don’t fix the REAL problem first…

You’ll NEVER stop slicing.


[Hank Haney proof graphic]

Hey, it’s Hank Haney.

If you’re like most of the amateurs I’ve worked with…

At some point you THINK you’ve fixed your slice.

[b-roll of three quick cuts of driver hitting balls + sound effects]

You flush 3 or 4 straight drives and say to yourself…

“I got this.”

But then…

[golfer with buddies and/or cart girl watching]

Usually when you need a good swing the most…

[nasty slice]

Your slice comes back with a vengeance.

And all that progress you THOUGHT you made…

Falls apart like a house of cards.

Ya know why that happens?

Cause nothin’ you’ve been doing to fix your slice gets to the root of the problem.

[b-roll of working on over the top swing]

You’ve probably been tryin’ to stop swinging over the top…

[b-roll of flipping wrists and working on release]

Workin’ on your release…

[b-roll of trying to keep clubface square or closed during the whole swing]

Or tryin’ to keep the clubface square – or even closed – throughout your swing.

But all those things…

And everything else you’ve been workin’ on…

IGNORE the root cause of your slice.

And the same with any other problem…

If you ignore the root cause of the issue…

Things get worse.

[b-roll balls slicing OB]

And nothing costs you more strokes…

[b-roll balls slicing into water hazard]

Lost balls…

[b-roll of golf buddies laughing at bad slice]

And respect on the course…

Than that nasty left-to-right ball flight.

That’s why I’ve spent over 40 years…

[tease the drills in the sequence – show them but don’t give them names. Going for curiosity
and intrigue]

Perfecting a Counter Slice Sequence for amateur golfers.

It’s a simple plan ANY golfer can follow and get the results you’re looking for:

Straighter, longer drives.


[CTA timer and graphic]

To see the same training over 100,000 golfers have used to stop slicing…

Often in as little as five minutes and ONE shot on the range…

I put together a FREE training to show you my Counter Slice Sequence in detail.

So if you want to know exactly what to practice…

And stop just “exercising” out there on the range…

Click through to the next page now to see the free training for yourself.

Then grab your driver and ONE golf ball…

And get ready to fix your slice for LIFE.

Testimonial end-card

Variation 3: Curiosity/UMD + Outcome + Timeframe

SPEND: $577,418.11
OG ID: ssts-gu-00130e
video link:

Variation/Intro 5 (e):
[curiosity / unique mechanism of delivery]
This clubface control trick…

Stops you from hitting thin shots, fat shots, and shanks…

[timeframe to achieve promise]

In only 10 balls on the range.


[Mechanism Education]

So if you want to make solid contact…

The most important thing to know…

Is that the ball is NOT the bottom of your swing.

So that’s really important, so let it sink in…

The ball is NOT the bottom of your swing.

[real reason why]


The reason for fat shots, thin shots, and mis-hits of any kind…

Is THAT simple.

[objection handling tied back to main mechanism idea – works for anyone]

And it doesn’t matter if you're brand new to the game...

Or you’ve been playing for 10, 20, or even 30 years…

The first thing you need to do…

To start making solid contact more often…

Is to STOP trying to HIT the ball at the bottom of your swing.

So instead of keeping your head down in your swing…

Trying to hit down on the ball…

Or trying any other random YouTube ball-striking tips…

I’ve developed a simple 10-ball sequence…

That works for any golfer trying to make more solid contact.

This simple sequence automatically programs your swing…

So you hit ball-first then turf…

Making it literally IMPOSSIBLE to make poor contact.


So if you’d like to learn about this simple 10-shot sequence…

That has been proven in 50,000 lessons…

To give you solid contact on command…

Then the next step you have to take…

Is to click now…

And watch the free training on the next page…

Click over there now and let’s fix your contact in just 10 shots.
Variation 4: Contrarian

SPEND: $321,653.11
OG ID: ssts-gu-00010b
video link:

Variation/Intro 2 (b):

[If you want benefit…. Contrarian EDUCATION

- tell people not to do things they're used to being told to do
- tell people to do things they're used to being told not to do

If you want to make solid contact, you need to stop trying to HIT THE BALL.


[Contrarian Education: **NOTE: we are NOT using “contrarian” angle for “shock factor” but
rather to PRIME for an education VSL]

I know trying NOT to hit the ball sounds a little nuts…

But the truth is, there’s only ONE reason you or any golfer on the planet makes poor contact.

It’s because your ball is NOT supposed to be the bottom of your swing.

Let me explain.

As you probably know…

During your golf swing…

Your body is rotating and relocating.

And as you turn through the shot…

That means the bottom of your swing at address is NOT the bottom of your swing at impact.
That’s why aiming for the ball only leads to such disastrous, inconsistent results.

Hi, I’m Martin Chuck.

Over the last 35 years…

I’ve given over 50,000 lessons to amateur golfers…

And I’ve spent decades developing my 10-ball “Simple Strike Sequence.”

Using just two simple drills – the No Turn Backswing and Low Point Control Drill…

We’ll fix your contact issues – permanently – in 10 shots on the range.

It doesn’t matter if you just picked up a club for the first time...

Or if you’ve been struggling with your contact for 20 or 30 years.

This sequence will help you consistently hit the dead center of the clubface...

And it will give you an instant confidence boost to get out there and play great golf.

To show you exactly how it works...

I put together a video where I go into a lot more detail about how to use this sequence...

So you can say goodbye to frustrating mishits forever.


If you’re on desktop, click the link in the bottom left corner of this video to watch it right away.

If you’re on mobile, the link’s on the bottom right.

Click over there now, and in 5 minutes and 10 shots on the range…

We’ll fix your bad contact for good.

Why is this
Advertising on social media is harder than ever…

More marketers than ever….

More competition than ever…

And most importantly, advertising is more EXPENSIVE than ever!

So if you want to WIN… you have to educate yourself on HOW to win.

Here’s how to win…

1) STOP hiding or omitting your gold (ie. mechanism) and START sharing
or giving away educational FACTS (THAT CHANGES THE ENERGY AND

Old-School DR: Generate curiosity and desire through OMISSION (ie. I have a
magic trick… and you read 10 pages to buy the magic trick). People use
omission by NOT giving you what you want… hoping you’re going to want the
thing they don’t give you.

Example: One Legged Golfer Letter (old way, see ads above for new way):

Today’s Secret: CREATIVE TRANSPARENCY (CREATION) — You can GIVE people

what they WANT…

Meaning, EDUCATE them on the magic trick… follow that up IMMEDIATELY with
proof/credibility/authority that this is REAL…

And we believe THAT attracts, qualifies, and retains “high-intent” buyers

[see examples above]

The only way to capture and create attention is to “scream benefits” and play
the higher, faster, louder game… or do crazy shit to hook your audience
2) Use education as a form of instant authority and IMMEDIATELY follow it
up with proof

The time between making a claim and having to prove it is shorter than ever…

So make sure you follow this formula in the first 3-15 seconds of your ads.

**NOTE** - On our ads that spend over $100,000, 88% of people drop off at or
before 15 seconds on Facebook…

How do I do it?
- Know YOUR shit… you can’t just make up concepts and ideas and think
“GOOD” copy swipes will work

- Go deeper into EXACTLY what your audience (ie. BUYERS) already

KNOW… and what they’ve already HEARD…. because that informs what
they value and interest. And when you know what someone values… you
KNOW what they want to learn and what motivates them.
- We believe knowing what our audiences wants to learn… tells us
what our audience wants to BUY.

- Create “compatability” between ADS and VSL

- If VSL = Education Messaging, then Ads MUST = Education

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