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Here, we would like to extend our deepest gratitude and appreciation towards some individuals
who have been assisted us throughout our project, Design of Egg Grading Machine. The
completion who made it possible and whose constant support has crowned our efforts with

First of all, we thank our God for his endless love and support until this time. Next I would like
to thank our university, University mekelle towards the great opportunity for us to have our final
year project which is to be completed within a year. Our foremost gratitude goes to
Ins.Michael.G our supervisor for the opportunity he had given to us to be a part of his students
under final year. Honestly, it is the most valuable chance for us to explore and expose our self to
the real engineering fields which needs us to be equal in knowledge, skills and managements.

Next, we would like to thank all our colleagues for being supportive and positive minded. We
would like to take this opportunity to thank those who directly or indirectly support us, provide
ideas and constructive criticisms, and motivate us to do our best in everything.

Last but not least, thank you also goes to our families who have given encouragement and
support and enthusiasm throughout the complete project despite many challenges to be
encountered. To everyone, thank you for the supports and inspirations.

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Eggs are the main raw material food sector in Ethiopia and other parts of the word.
Conventionally, separation of eggs by its grade has been done manually which consume the
slower process. Motor driven Egg Grading Machine is designed to overcome the conventional
grading process. Eggs are categorized into five grades, which is grade AA, A, B, C, D and E.
This machine is used a box transport mechanism to transport eggs until reaching the grading
position according to their weight. This machine also uses the candling light to see and then to
remove. The weight of grade AA is more than 65 grams, grade A is from 60-65 grams grade B is
from 55-60 grams, grade C is from 50-55 grams; grade D is from 45-50 grams grad E is less than

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Acknowledgment ............................................................................................................................. I
ABSTRACT .................................................................................................................................... II
LIST OF TABLES ............................................................................................................................. VI
LIST OF FIGURES .......................................................................................................................... VII
LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS ........................................................................................................... VIII
CHAPTER ONE ............................................................................................................................. 1
1. INTRODUCTION ...................................................................................................................... 1
1.1. Background of the project ......................................................................................................... 1
1.2. Problem statement ...................................................................................................................... 2
1.3. Objective...................................................................................................................................... 2
1.3.1. General objective ...................................................................................................... 2
1.3.2. Specific objective ...................................................................................................... 2
1.4. Methodology and data collection ............................................................................................. 3
1.5. Significant of the study .............................................................................................................. 4
1.6. Definition of terms and concepts.............................................................................................. 5
1.7. Scope ............................................................................................................................................ 6
CHAPTER TWO ............................................................................................................................ 7
2. INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................... 7
2.1. LETRATURE REVIEW ...................................................................................................... 7
2.2. Chicken egg quality aspects ...................................................................................................... 8
CHAPTER THREE ...................................................................................................................... 10
3. CONCEPTUAL DESIGN ................................................................................................. 10
3.1. Comparison of egg grader machines ..................................................................................... 10
3.1.1. Automatic egg grader machine ............................................................................... 10
3.1.2. Motor driven egg grader machine ........................................................................... 11
3.1.3. Manual operated egg grader machine ..................................................................... 13
3.2. Transport mechanism ............................................................................................................... 14
3.2.1. Parallelogram: ......................................................................................................... 15
3.2.2. Parallel Motion........................................................................................................ 15
3.2.3. Straight Beam Walking Mechanism ....................................................................... 16

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3.3. Motor.......................................................................................................................................... 16
3.4. Belt drive comparisons ............................................................................................................ 21
3.5. Mechanism of Link on egg grader machine ......................................................................... 25
CHAPTER FOUR ......................................................................................................................... 27
4. GEOMETRIC DESIGN ANALYSIS ................................................................................ 27
4.1. Design considerations .............................................................................................................. 27
4.2. Material Selection .................................................................................................................... 27
4.3. Design analysis of the machine components ........................................................................ 28
4.3.1. Design specifications .............................................................................................. 28
4.3.2. Geometric analysis .................................................................................................. 32
4.4. Design of V-belt and Cast Iron Pulley................................................................................... 33
4.4.1. Design of First Speed Reduction V-belt and Pulleys.............................................. 33
4.4.2. Diameter of a driven Pulley shaft ........................................................................... 39
4.4.3. Design of Key ......................................................................................................... 40
4.4.4. Design of Second Speed Reduction V-belt and Pulleys ......................................... 44
4.4.5. Design of cast iron V-grooved pulley ..................................................................... 46
4.5. Design of kinematic links ........................................................................................................ 48
4.5.1. Design of crank link ................................................................................................ 48
4.5.2. Design of connecting road link ............................................................................... 52
4.5.3. Design of Pin Joint .................................................................................................. 55
4.5.4. Design of translating link ........................................................................................ 55
4.5.5. Design of egg conveyor link ................................................................................... 58
4.6. Design of ball bearings ............................................................................................................ 59
4.6.1. Selection of Radial Ball Bearings ........................................................................... 61
4.6.2. Determination of Bearing Life ................................................................................ 62
4.7. Design of Chain Drives ........................................................................................................... 63
4.7.1. Terms Used in Chain Drive .................................................................................................. 63
4.7.2. Relation between Pitch and Pitch Circle Diameter ................................................. 64
4.7.3. Length of Chain and Centre Distance ..................................................................... 65
CHAPTER FIVE………………………………………………………………………………...72
5.Conclusion and recommendation ............................................................................................... 72

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5.1Result and decision Analysis ............................................................................................... 72

5.2. Cost analysis of the whole machine ....................................................................................... 72
5.3. Conclusion….………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….74
5.4. Recommendation ............................................................................................................... 75
CHAPTER SIX ............................................................................................................................. 77
6. Drawing components and assembly.......................................................................................... 77
6.1. Detail drawings .................................................................................................................. 77
REFERANCE ............................................................................................................................... 88

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Table 1: Weight range of the eggs ................................................................................................................ 4
Table 2: Comparison between BLDC motor and brushed DC motor ......................................................... 18
Table 3: Comparison between BLDC Motor and AC Induction Motor ..................................................... 19
Table 4: Dimensions of standard V-belts according to IS: 2494 – 1974. ................................................... 34
Table 5: Dimensions of standard V-grooved pulleys according to IS: 2494–1974. (All dimensions in mm)
.................................................................................................................................................................... 34
Table 6: Coefficients of friction between belt and pulley ........................................................................... 39
Table 7: Proportions of standard parallel, tapered and Gib head keys. ....................................................... 43
Table 8: Relation between Equivalent Length (L) and Actual Length (L) ................................................. 50
Table 9: Values of service factor (KS)........................................................................................................ 61
Table 10: Principal dimensions of radial ball bearings .............................................................................. 61
Table 11: Basic static and dynamic capacities of various types of radial ball bearings ............................. 62
Table 12: Characteristics of roller chains according to IS: 2403 — 1991. ................................................. 67

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Figure 1: Automatic egg grader machine .................................................................................................... 10
Figure 2: Egg grader and Candler .............................................................................................................. 12
Figure 3: Transport mechanism .................................................................................................................. 12
Figure 4: Model of motor driven egg grader machine ................................................................................ 13
Figure 5: parallelogram transport mechanism ............................................................................................ 15
Figure 6: Parallel Motion generated ........................................................................................................... 15
Figure 7: assembled model back view ........................................................................................................ 16
Figure 8: Model transport mechanism ........................................................................................................ 16
Figure 9: V-belt drive.................................................................................................................................. 22
Figure 10: Flat belt drive............................................................................................................................. 23
Figure 11: link mechanism......................................................................................................................... 28
Figure 12: Motor Speed reduction mechanisms.......................................................................................... 33
Figure 13: V-Belt and V-grooved pulley .................................................................................................... 33
Figure 14: V- belt drives ............................................................................................................................. 36
Figure 15: Power transmitted by belt ......................................................................................................... 38
Figure 16: Gib-head key ............................................................................................................................ 41
Figure 17: Forces acting on a sunk key...................................................................................................... 41
Figure 18: Types of end conditions of columns .......................................................................................... 49
Figure 19: Crank link .................................................................................................................................. 51
Figure 20: Connecting road ........................................................................................................................ 52
Figure 21: Links connected by pin joints. .................................................................................................. 55
Figure 22: translating link ........................................................................................................................... 56
Figure 23: conveyor link ............................................................................................................................. 59
Figure 24: Standard Designations Ball Bearing .......................................................................................... 60
Figure 25: Chain Drives .............................................................................................................................. 63
Figure 26: terms used in chain drive ........................................................................................................... 64

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1.1. Background of the project

Egg grading is the grouping of eggs into lots according to similar characteristics in quality and
weight. The egg grading machine (or egg grader), constructed in stainless steel, is perfectly
attuned to the needs of the egg-laying farm who wish to grade and pack the eggs themselves.
Also it can be used in various egg processing enterprises. The egg grader is with capable of
5400-6000 eggs per hour.

The long title of the project describes it well:‖ improving quality and safety of hen eggs in new
production systems by reinforcing the antimicrobial natural defense and developing tools for
grading egg.‖ A large number of scientists were involved in the various laboratories, and
cooperation between them produced effective synergies.

Eggs are available year round to provide not only delicious meals on their own but as an
essential ingredient for the many baked goods and sauces that would never be the same without
them. Eggs are a good source of low-cost high-quality protein, providing 5.5 grams of protein
(11.1% of the daily value for protein) in one egg for a caloric cost of only 68 calories.

As everyone knows, eggs are the main raw material in food sector. Separation of eggs into grade
available today is manually. The egg production will slow and cannot accommodate market
demand. Production of conveyor equipment‘s for separate eggs motor driven is a tool that can
increase the number of eggs production which can save time.

This project is design of motor driven egg grader machine. Egg grading is the grouping of eggs
into lots having similar characteristics as to quality and weight. The grading for quality of eggs is
the classifying of the individual egg according to established standards.

Grading involves sorting eggs based on quality, size and weight standards. Quality is based on
shell quality, the air cell, the white and the yolk. For example, the highest quality Grade has a
clean, unbroken, unstained shell. Grading also involves sorting eggs into weight classes or sizes.

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As we know in Ethiopia, eggs can divide into 6 grades that is jumbo, extra-large, large, medium,
small and peewee or in symbols grade AA, A, B, C, D and E.
The weight of grade AA is more than 65 grams, grade A is from 60-65 grams grade B is from
55-60 grams, grade C is from 50-55 grams; grade D is from 45-50 grams grad E is less than
45grams.Afew technologies that has been introduced inside production of chicken egg such as
packaging egg, grading egg, and collecting egg. This technologies use to help conserve usage of
labor force and increase farm output.
This machine is able to facilitate the separation of eggs according to their weight in grams and
collect them in different containers for different purposes and to accelerate the separation of eggs
and reduce use of human labor and resources.

1.2. Problem statement

 Selling of eggs takes placed in various places of the study area in Ethiopia including
urban markets, local markets and farm gates is traditionally.
 Eggs with different sizes and quality are selling the same price because separating of
eggs to different grades manually is difficult and boring.
 Eggs with different sizes are not interred to the incubator.
 Lack of storage facilities for chicken products (especially for local eggs) to separate to
their grades and safe for a long period time and to sale during high demand period.
 Lack of appropriate washing of eggs.

1.3. Objective

1.3.1. General objective

The general objective of the project is to design the mechanism of an egg grader machine
grading involves sorting eggs based on quality, size and weight standards.

1.3.2. Specific objective

The objectives of the project are important to ensure the research will fulfill the solution of the
problem of egg grading and handling. All the objectives are shown below:

 Design and develop an motor driven Egg Grading Machine that can separate the eggs
according to grade , A, B, C, D and E.

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 Build a system that can reduce farmers and merchants work and save time in egg grading
and packaging.
 Building a system that easy to operate
 To design and analysis the detail components of egg grader machine.
 To prepare manufacturing drawings of the main components.
 To prepare the cost analysis.

1.4. Methodology and data collection

The egg grader machine helps to separate eggs according their grads, so in order to design we
must consider the following:
• By interviewing concerned body

• By referring different literatures concerning on the egg grader machine

• Visiting internets

• By conducting conceptual designs

• Selection of suitable and effective egg grader mechanism or machine

• Determination of the torque or power required to operate the machine.

• By designing the detail components of the machine such as motor, shaft, belt, pulley and

links etc.

• By using mechanical software such as solid work, catia and AutoCAD.

• Selections of material which will not cracked or affect the eggs.

• Selection of easy operating mechanism.

• Development of full specification of the machine.

• Detail design calculation based on the specifications.

• Preparation of manufacturing 2D, 3D detail drawings

We have taken 100 eggs for the sample in order to grade into different groups in ALMI CAFÉ in
arid campus. These eggs we classified into six groups according to the following. The maximum

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weight of the egg from our sample is 76 gram and the minimum weight of the egg is 36 gram.
Finally we can categorize as follow.

Table 1: Weight range of the eggs

NO. Weight range No of eggs Grade

1. > 65 6 AA
2. 60 - 65 3 A
3. 55 - 60 11 B
4. 50 - 55 19 C
5. 45 - 50 18 D
6. < 45 43 E

1.5. Significant of the study

– Impartial official egg grading that eliminates the need for personal inspection of the eggs
by sellers, buyers, and other interested people.
– Egg grading machine aids orderly marketing by reducing waste, confusion, and
uncertainty with respect to quality values.
– Egg grading requires eggs to be washed and refrigerated according their grades before
being sold to consumers. This is to remove natural farm contaminants and to prevent the
growth of bacteria.
– Egg grading machine is advantageous to both merchants and customers in markets of
eggs, because eggs are supplied according their weight in grams and with fixed price.
– Egg grading machine prevents eggs from cracking and spoiling.
– Egg grading is used to hatching quality chickens in incubator machine.
– Egg grading must be taken to prevent the egg shell from becoming contaminated with
fecal matter.
– Egg grading machine is advantageous to boiled egg sellers.
– Careful storage of edible eggs is extremely important, as an improperly handled egg can
contain elevated levels of Salmonella bacteria that can cause severe food poisoning there
for eggs must be stored based on their sizes.
– Egg grading machine is advantageous in packaging eggs of different grades.

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1.6. Definition of terms and concepts

Definitions of general expressions are included in the General Principles of Food
Hygiene (CAC/RCP 1-1969) For the purpose of this grade, the following terms have the
definition stated:
Breaking – the process of intentionally cracking the egg shell and separating its pieces to
remove the egg contents.
Breeding flock –a group of birds kept for the purpose of production of the laying flock.
Broken/leaker egg – an egg showing breaks of both the shell and the membrane,
resulting in the exposure of its contents.
Candling– examining the interior condition of an egg and the integrity of the shell by
rotating or causing the egg to rotate in front of or over a light source that illuminates the
contents of the egg.
Cracked egg– an egg with a damaged shell, but with intact membrane
Dirty egg – an egg with foreign matter on the shell surface, including egg yolk, manure
or soil
Domesticated birds– members of the Class Aves that are kept for the production of eggs
intended for human consumption.
Egg product – all, or a portion of, the contents found inside eggs separated from the
shell, with or without added ingredients, intended for human consumption.
Incubator egg – an egg that has been set in an incubator
Micro biocidal treatments- a control measure that practically eliminates the number of
microorganisms, including pathogenic microorganisms present in a food or reduces them
to a level at which they do not constitute a health hazard.
Pasteurization –a micro biocidal control measure where eggs or egg products are
subjected to a process, using heat to reduce the load of pathogenic microorganisms to an
acceptable level to ensure safety.
Shelf life– the period during which the egg or egg product maintains its safety and
Table egg – an egg destined to be sold to the end consumer in its shell and without
having received any treatment significantly modifying its properties.

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1.7. Scope
The scope of this project is to design and select main component of an egg grader machine. The
design includes material selection, mechanism design, dimensional analysis, power requirement,
strength analysis, component selection, and 3D model. The machine designed will be based on
the studies conducted by referring to the existing egg grader machine, whether it is pure
mechanical power or semi-automated machine. And the main scope of this report is starting from
conducting literature review, conceptual designs that fulfill the engineering design specification,
design analysis of the components up to conducting manufacturing drawing and modeling of the
machine components.

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Grading involves sorting eggs based on quality, size and weight standards. Quality is based on
shell quality, the air cell, the white and the yolk. For example, the highest quality Grade AA has
a clean, unbroken, unstained shell; the air cell is 1/8 inch or less in depth; the white is clear and
firm; and the outline of the yolk is only slightly defined and free from defects such as blood
Grading also involves sorting eggs into weight classes or sizes including peewee, small, medium,
large, extra-large and jumbo. The USDA Egg Grading Manual explains the required individual
egg weight and how much a dozen eggs need to weight for each weight class. Consumers notice
size variation within a carton but not as much from carton to carton. Most states do not require
small-scale egg producers to grade eggs and cartons usually must be marked as ungraded.
The egg marketing channels in Ethiopia were described as informal and poorly developed and
some of the marketing channels for local eggs included; selling of eggs at households within the
villages, on roadsides during entertainment ceremonies and in local and urban markets in the
traditional ways.
Egg grading generally involves the sorting of products according to quality, size, weight, and
other factors that determine the relative value of the product. Egg grading is the grouping of eggs
into lots having similar characteristics as to quality and weight.
The grading for quality of eggs is the classifying of the individual egg according to established
standards. Standards for quality of individual eggs have been developed on the basis of such
interior quality factors as condition of the white and yolk, size of the air cell, and the exterior
quality factors of cleanliness and soundness of the shell. These standards apply to eggs of the
domesticated chicken.
Eggs are also classified according to weight (or size) expressed in ounces per dozen. Although
eggs are not sold according to exact weight, they are grouped with in relatively narrow weight
ranges or weight classes, the minimum net weight per unit being specified. When grading, eggs
must meet minimum individual egg, carton, and case weight requirements.

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In Ethiopia selling of chickens and eggs is one of the functions of keeping free-range chickens by
smallholder farmers. Village birds and eggs were taken by producer farmers to the local and
urban markets and sold to traders (collectors) or directly to consumers depending on the location
of the farm dwelling.
The term marketing referred to all activities from the producer to the final consumer including
processing and distribution systems. The type and amount of product, the size of producers, the
marketing infrastructure and the policy/institutional environments all determine the type of
marketing system and the effectiveness with which it operates (ILRI, 1995).
Most consumers in Ethiopia prefer to buy eggs and chickens from producers of indigenous birds,
since they are considered to be tasty and better suited to preparation of the traditional ―Doro wot‖
(chicken sauce) and the deep yellow colored egg yolks were commonly favored.
On the other hand, free-ranging local chickens were claimed to be on demand and fetch high
market prices in urban markets of the country (ILRI, 1995). According to Halima (2007); the
prices of chicken products was highly related to supply & demand, plumage color, size, age,
market site and the health status of the chicken.
Small holder chicken owner farmers found in different parts of Ethiopia sell chicken and eggs for
the following objectives: to purchase food items, to cover school fees, grain milling services,
purchase improved seeds and adjust the flock size.

2.2. Chicken egg quality aspects

Chicken eggs are an important and fundamental foodstuff for small holder farmers of developing
countries. In addition to other substances with biological functions, eggs are main sources of
various nutrients such as; proteins, lipids, vitamins and minerals. Egg proteins contain all
essential amino acids and therefore egg protein is used as standard for measuring the nutritional
quality of other food products (FAO, 2003).
Although eggs contain approximately 74% water, they are potentially important and balanced
source of essential fatty acids and as well as some minerals and vitamins. A typical egg would
contribute 3-4% of an adult‘s average energy requirement per day and has approximately 6.5g of
protein (Sparks, 2006). The significance of the egg as a protein source for the nourishment of
humans led the consumers to demand for some qualities in this nutrient (Uluocaket al, 1995). For
many years the most important external and internal egg quality traits have been shown to be;

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egg weight, egg shape, shell thickness, breaking strength, specific gravity, size of air cell,
albumen height, albumen weight, yolk color and yolk index (Sparks, 2006).
Some of the external eggs quality traits included; egg shell color, shell thickness, dry shell
weight, egg weight, egg shape index, which are highly affected by breed of chicken, age of
chicken, molting, level of nutrition, stress, prevalence of disease, the type of chicken production
system (Hamilton, 1982). Egg shell color may be monitored by visual comparison with a serious
of graded standards and egg weight is easily measured by a suitable balance.
Egg internal quality is measured in several ways including factors like; yolk color, albumen
height, yolk height, Hough unit, yolk width and nutritive values. Egg‘s internal quality could be
influenced by factors like; genetic factors, environmental factors (such as temperature, relative
humidity and the presence of CO2), hen age, nutrition status, egg storage condition and storage
time (Juliet, 2004).

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3.1. Comparison of egg grader machines
There are basically three types of egg grader machines these are
3.1.1Automatic egg grader machine
3.1. 2 Motor driven egg grader machine
3.1.3 Manual operated egg grader machine

3.1.1. Automatic egg grader machine

Automatic Egg grader and separator is design to help egg sellers packing egg grade by
grade. Under microcontroller control, these systems afford to separate egg according to grade A,
B and C. With this system also maintenance works can be done more systematic. Apart from this
also can reduce man power and in same time also able to save maintenance cost. Without
operator observation, this system affords to operate by itself.
When use this system, egg production can be maximized and being marketed faster depends on
market demand. Cost for buying this system also reasonable. Overall of the design of this egg
grading machine is divided in two parts that is software and hardware .In the software part, it
include the PLC loader diagram to program the entire of the system .For the hardware there is
mechanical part and electrical part. The mechanical part involves the motor, actuators, conveyor,
the power distribution and chassis of the machine. The electrical parts is includes sensors,
switches, PLC devices and the wiring cables.

Figure 1: Automatic egg grader machine

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Even though the automatic egg grader machine is computerized and can grades many eggs per
hour it has many limitations according to our country‘s egg production level and economic
conditions. Therefore we use the expression design consideration; we are referring to some
characteristic that influences the design of the element or, perhaps, the entire system. Usually
quite a number of such characteristics must be considered and prioritized in a given design
situation. Many of the important ones are as follows (not necessarily in order of importance):
1. Functionality: Not more functional because the machine needs more advanced persons.
2. Manufacturability: It is difficult to manufacturing because it has many complex parts.
3. Noise: Since it has many rotating shafts and bearings it is noisy.
4. Strength/stress: Have good strength.
5. Shape: It has complex shape
6. Corrosion: Exposed to corrosion because parts are contacts to the broken eggs.
7. Control: Automatic controls.
8. Safety: It is safer.
9. Reliability: Not reliable because its complexity.
10. Utility: Not beneficial because of its cost.
11. Marketability: Not marketable because it expensive.
12. Cost: expensive
13. Maintainability. Difficult it has complex parts
14. Weight: very heavy.

3.1.2. Motor driven egg grader machine

This machine is design of motor driven egg grader machine. Egg grading is the grouping of eggs
into lots having similar characteristics as to their weight. Grading also involves sorting eggs into
weight classes or sizes.

As we know in Ethiopia, eggs can divide into 6 grades that is jumbo, extra-large, large, medium,
small and peewee or in symbols grade AA, A, B, C, D and E. The weight of grade AA is more
than 65 grams, grade A is from 60-65 grams grade, B is from 55-60 grams, grade C is from 50-
55 grams; grade D is from 45-50 grams grad E is less than 45grams.Afew technologies that has
been introduced inside production of chicken egg such as packaging egg, grading egg, and

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collecting egg. This technologies use to help conserve usage of labor force and increase farm

This machine is able to facilitate the separation of eggs according to their weight in grams and
collect them in different containers for different purposes and to accelerate the separation of eggs
and reduce use of human labor and resources.
This type of egg grader has electrical and mechanical components. The electrical components
are wiring cables, switch and lamp for candling. The mechanical components are motor, flat belt,
pulley, egg transport mechanisms, springs, egg collector, supports and housing.

Figure 2: Egg grader and Candler

Figure 3: Transport mechanism

The design considerations of this type of egg grader are expressed as follow.
1. Functionality: more functional because the machine is easily operated and simple.
2. Manufacturability: It is easy to manufacturing because it hasn‘t complex parts and all parts are
designed from simple materials.

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3. Noise: Since it hasn‘t many rotating shafts and more bearings it is not noisy.
4. Strength/stress: Have good strength.
5. Shape: It has smart shape.
6. Corrosion: Not choroid.
7. Control: manual controls.
8. Safety: It is safer.
9. Reliability: Reliable because it is easy to operate and not complex.
10. Utility: Beneficial because of its cost materials and cost of manufacturing is easy.
11. Marketability: marketable because it is not more expensive.
12. Cost: Not more expensive
13. Maintainability. Easy to manufacturing
14. Weight: Not heavy.

Figure 4: Model of motor driven egg grader machine

3.1.3. Manual operated egg grader machine

A manual Egg grader is design to help egg sellers separating eggs grade by their weigh,
Apart from this also can reduce man power and facilitate marketing.
When use this system, egg production can be maximized and being marketed faster depends on
market demand. Cost for buying this system also reasonable. This type of egg grader machine is
similar to the motor driven egg grader machine except it operated by man power manually. The
candling process is either by electric or by battery.
The limitation of manual operated egg grader machine
1. Not sustainable operation.

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2. Very small capacity of grading.

3. Not smooth operation because it is operated manually.

3.2. Transport mechanism

A four-link mechanism with four revolute joints is commonly called a four-bar mechanism is the
most suitable way of transporting mechanism. Application of four-bar mechanisms to machinery
is numerous. Some typical applications will involve.
a) Correlation of the angular rotations of the links connected to the fixed link (commonly known
as correlation of crank angles or function generation). In such applications we would like to
have a certain functional relation such as to be realized by the four-bar mechanism. A simple
example will be to convert a linear scale to a logarithmic scale within a certain range.

b) Link that has no connection to the fixed link is known as the coupler link. A point on this link
(which is known as the coupler point) will describe a path on the fixed link, which is called
curves, such as a straight-line or a circular arc, may be found.

c) The positions of the coupler-link may be used as the output of the four-bar mechanism. As
shown in figure below, the four-bar mechanism used for the dump truck requires that the center
of gravity of the dumper to move on an inclined straight line while it is being tilted.

The above applications can be solved by the methods of synthesis which is beyond the topic. In
this chapter we shall discuss some basic characteristics of the four-bar. The coupler-point curve
by proper choice of link dimensions useful

There are three basic types of motion which a four-bar linkage can produce.

 Crank-rocker :- to indicate that link 2 rotates and link 4 oscillates

 Double crank:- to indicate that both the driver and follower rotate
 Double-rocker: - to indicate that both the driver and follower oscillate through certain

The main alternatives of egg transport mechanisms are.

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3.2.1. Parallelogram:

Linkage is a special case of where the opposite links are equal. All four-possible mechanisms are
double-crank suffering from the condition of change point It is possible to control the
mechanisms at the change point by a configuration as shown

Figure 5: parallelogram transport mechanism

3.2.2. Parallel Motion

Another common method of obtaining the parallel motion is to duplicate the same linkage (i.e.
the identical cognate), connect them with a parallelogram loop and remove the two redundant
links. The above technique also results in an eight link mechanism as shown in fig.5.

Figure 6: Parallel Motion generated

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Figure 7: assembled model back view

3.2.3. Straight Beam Walking Mechanism

A straight beam walking mechanism is mechanical devices used to accomplish work. It is the
mechanical portion of the machine that has the function of transferring motion and forces from a
power source or motor to an output.

Figure 8: Model box transport mechanism

3.3. Motor
Of all the components in an electric drive conversion, the motor is probably the most important.
The motor has the most influence on the performance (speed, efficiency) of the machine. Also,
the motor influences the general capacity of the egg grader machine and selection of materials of
other major components.
The motor is a primary factor in the cost of the conversion. There are several motor types and
many sizes (power) and form factors (physical shapes) of these motor types. For reasons of
practicality and commercial availability in the sizes required for motor conversions, the choice of
motor types is reduced to just four types:

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a. Brushed DC brushed motor

b. Brushless DC motor
c. Synchronous AC motor
d. Induction motor
a. Brushed DC Motor
A brushed DC motor consists of a commutate and brushes that convert a DC current in an
armature coil to an AC current, as shown in Figure 9(a). As current flows through the commutate
through the armature windings, the electromagnetic field repels the nearby magnets with the
same polarity, and causes the winging to turn to the attracting magnets of opposite polarity. As
the armature turns, the commutate reverses the current in the armature coil to repel the nearby
magnets, thus causing the motor to continuously turn.
b. Brushless DC (BLDC) Motor
A BLDC motor accomplishes commutation electronically using rotor position feedback to
determine when to switch the current. The structure is shown in Figure 9(b). Feedback usually
entails an attached Hall sensor or a rotary encoder.
The stator windings work in conjunction with permanent magnets on the rotor to generate a
nearly uniform flux density in the air gap.
c. AC Induction Motor (ACIM)
A sinusoidal AC current runs through the stator to create a rotating variable magnetic field that
induces a current in the rotor (typically made of non-ferrous materials). This induced current
circulates in the bars of the rotor to generate a magnetic field. These two magnetic fields run at
different frequencies (usually ω-s>ω-r for the motor) and to generate torque.
d. Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor (PMSM)
The PMSM motor shares some similarities with the BLDC motor, but is driven by a sinusoidal
signal to achieve lower torque ripple. The sinusoidal distribution of the multi-phase stator
windings generates a sinusoidal flux density in the air gap that is different from BLDC motor‘s
trapezoidal flux density. However, newer designs can achieve this sinusoidal flux density with
concentrated stator windings and a modified rotor structure.

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e. Stepper Motor & Switched Reluctance (SR) Motor

Both stepper motors and SR motors have similar physical structures; the stator consists of
concentrated winding coils while the rotor is made of soft iron laminates without coils. It has a
doubly salient structure (teeth on both the rotor and stator).
Stepper motors are designed to replace more expensive servo motors. When the current switches
from one set of stator coils to the next, the magnetic attraction between rotor and stator teeth
induces enough torque to rotate the rotor to the next stable position, or "step." The rotation speed
is determined by the frequency of the current pulse, and the rotational distance is determined by
the number of pulses. Since each step results in a small displacement, a stepper motor is typically
limited to low-speed position-control applications.
Comparison of Various Motor Types
The BLDC motor has several advantages over other motors. Table 2 and Table 3 summarize the
advantages of the BLDC motor when compared against a brushed DC motor and an AC
induction motor.
Table 2: Comparison between BLDC motor and brushed DC motor
Feature BLDC Motor Brushed DC Motor Actual Advantage
Commutation Electronic Mechanical Electronic switches replace
commutation based on brushes and the mechanical devices
rotor position commutate

Efficiency High Moderate Voltage drop on electronic

device is smaller than that on

Maintenance Little/None Periodic No brushes/commutate


Only the armature windings

Thermal Better Poor generate heat, which is the
performance stator and is connected to the

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outside case of the BLDC.

The case dissipates heat
better than a rotor located
inside of brushed DC motor.
Output Power/ High Moderate/Low Modern permanent magnet
Frame Size (Ratio) and no rotor losses.
Speed/Torque Flat Moderately flat No brush friction to reduce
Characteristics useful torque.
Dynamic Response Fast Slow Lower rotor inertia because
of permanent magnets.
Speed Range High No mechanical limitation
Low imposed by brushes or
Electric Noise Low No arcs from brushes to
generate noise, causing EMI
High problems.
Lifetime Long Short No brushes and commutate

Table 3: Comparison between BLDC Motor and AC Induction Motor

Feature BLDC motor AC induction motor Actual Advantage
Speed/Torque Flat Nonlinear — lower Permanent magnet
Characteristics torque at lower speeds design with rotor
position feedback
gives BLDC higher
starting and low-speed
Output Power/ High Moderate Both stator and rotor
Frame Size (Ratio) have windings for
induction motor
Dynamic Response Fast Low Lower rotor inertia
because of permanent

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Slip Between Stator No Yes; rotor runs at a BLDC is a
And Rotor Frequency lower frequency than synchronous motor,
stator by slip induction motor is an
frequency and slip asynchronous motor
increases with load on
the motor

A good motor specification should define performance requirement and describe the
environment within which the motor operates.
Specification contents should include
 Motor horsepower and service factors

 Temperature rise and insulation class

 Maximum starting current

 Minimum stall time

 Power factor range

 Efficiency requirement and test standard to be used

 Load inertia and expected number of starts

Due to the power output from the motor, there is rotational motion of the pulley. The pulley
drives a belt that are used to transmit power from one shaft to another by means of pulley which
rotates at the same speed or different speed it is very important to obtain all the listed
information before making selection
• Source of input power

• Types of driven equipment

• Power to be transmitted

• Speed and size of driven shaft

• Derived center distance and drive arrangement

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3.4. Belt drive comparisons

Types of Belts
Though there are many types of belts used these days, yet the following are important from the
subject point of view:
1. Flat belt .The flat belt is mostly used in the factories and workshops, where a moderate
amount of power is to be transmitted, from one pulley to another when the two pulleys are not
more than 8 meters apart.
2. V- belt: The V-belt is mostly used in the factories and workshops, where a great amount of
power is to be transmitted, from one pulley to another, when the two pulleys are very near to
each other.
3. Circular belt or rope: The circular belt or rope is mostly used in the factories and workshops,
where a great amount of power is to be transmitted, from one pulley to another, when the two
pulleys are more than 8 meters apart.
The amount of power transmitted by belts and ropes depends upon the following factors:
 The velocity of the belt.
 The tension under which the belt is placed on the pulleys.
 The arc of contact between the belt and the smaller pulley.
 The conditions under which the belt is used.
It may be noted that
 The shafts should be properly in line to insure uniform tension across the belt section.
 The pulleys should not be too close together, in order that the arc of contact on the smaller
pulley may be as large as possible.
 The pulleys should not be so far apart as to cause the belt to weigh heavily on the shafts,
thus increasing the friction load on the bearings.
 A long belt tends to swing from side to side, causing the belt to run out of the pulleys,
which in turn develops crooked spots in the belt.
 The tight side of the belt should be at the bottom, so that whatever sags is present on the
loose side will increase the arc of contact at the pulleys.

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Selection of a Belt Drive

The following are the various important factors upon which the selection of a belt drive depends:
1. Speed of the driving and driven shafts, 2. Speed reduction ratio,
3. Power to be transmitted, 4. Centre distance between the shafts,
5. Positive drive requirements, 6. Shafts layout,
7. Space available, and 8. Service conditions
Fundamental differences between the V-belt drive and the flat belt drive
The differences between the V-belt drive and the flat belt drive are shown schematically in the
illustrations below.
The V-belt drive
 Frictional engagement between the lateral wedge surfaces of the belt profile
 Large bending cross-section, large mass.
 Different effective diameters and thus varying speeds of individual belts.

Figure 9: V-belt drive

The flat belt drive

 Frictional engagement on the outer pulley diameter.

 Small bending cross-section, small mass.
 Precisely defined effective diameters across the belt width and therefore exact speeds.

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Figure 10: Flat belt drive

The advantages of the V-belt drive flat belt drive compared to the
Efficiency and energy savings
The small bending cross-section of the flat belt causes little bending loss and only slight
deformation work (flexing work). This fact, together with even running and the absence of pulley
wedge effects, leads to a higher flat belt efficiency as opposed to the open-flank, toothed space
saver V-belt, in spite of the fact that the space saver belt referred to herein is the most efficient
among the various types of V-belts.
Service life
As with the flat belt drive, the belt is frictionally engaged on the outer pulley diameter, not on the
lateral wedge surfaces as in the case of the V-belt drive, owing to the system design, the wear on
the belt and pulleys is consequently less. Also, if several V-belts run on one drive, they wear
unevenly due to production allowances.
Minimal maintenance
Flat belts keep their uniformly high tension force throughout their service life and thus need no
maintenance, whereas V-belts have to be checked and re-tensioned from time to time. In other
words, once a flat belt drive has been correctly installed, it is maintenance-free (apart from usual
control checks) and guarantees constant power transmission during its entire service life.
Smooth running
In contrast to flat belts which are characterized by a uniform distribution of tension over the
entire belt width,
V-belts have the disadvantage that the tensions in the individual belts are unevenly distributed
due to different effective diameters which are brought about by unequal wear on the belt and

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pulleys as well as manufacturing tolerances. Such belt tensions lead to vibrations and fluttering,
uneven and noisy running.
Abrasive properties
Habasit high efficiency flat belts are particularly well suited for applications where the rubber
wear of belt drives is to be reduced – a particularly important aspect for clean-room conditions –
and to prolong the service life of individual components. To determine the abrasion of
comparable V-belt and flat belt drives (fan drives), tests were made at the HTL Brugg-Windisch
over a period of 230 days.
Whereas V-belts are often tensioned somewhat haphazardly, i.e. until the individual belts no
longer wobble, flat belts can be installed very simply and securely. Belts are tensioned to the
calculated initial tension by means of simple measuring marks to be applied to the belt, or with
an initial tension measuring device. Calculated values must be adhered to exactly.
Why selected V-belts rather flat belts?

Because v-belts are;

 The V-belt drive gives compactness due to the small distance between centers of pulleys.
 The drive is positive, because the slip between the belt and the pulley groove is
 Since the V-belts are made endless and there is no joint trouble, therefore the drive is
 It provides longer life, 3 to 5 years.
 It can be easily installed and removed.
 The operation of the belt and pulley is quiet.
 The belts have the ability to cushion the shock when machines are started.
 The high velocity ratio (maximum 10) may be obtained.

The wedging action of the belt in the groove gives high value of limiting *ratio of tensions.
Therefore the power transmitted by V-belts is more than flat belts for the same coefficient of
friction, arc of contact and allowable tension in the belts.
The material used for belts and ropes must be strong, flexible, and durable. It must have a high
coefficient of friction. The belts, according to the material used, are classified as follows:

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1. Leather belts. The most important material for flat belt is leather. The best leather belts are
made from 1.2 meters to 1.5 meters long strips cut from either side of the back bone of the top
grade steer hides. The hair side of the leather is smoother and harder than the flesh side, but the
flesh side is stronger.
The leather may be either oak-tanned or mineral salt-tanned e.g. chrome-tanned. In order to The
belts are specified according to the number of layers e.g. single, double or triple poly and
according to the thickness of hides used e.g. light, medium or heavy.
2. Cotton or fabric belts. Most of the fabric belts are made by folding canvass or cotton duck to
three or more layers (depending upon the thickness desired) and stitching together. These belts
are woven also into a strip of the desired width and thickness. They are impregnated with some
filler like linseed oil in order to make the belt water-proof and to prevent injury to the fibers.
3. Rubber belt. The rubber belts are made of layers of fabric impregnated with rubber
composition and have a thin layer of rubber on the faces. These belts are very flexible but are
quickly destroyed if allowed to come into contact with heat, oil or grease. One of the principle
advantages of these belts is that they may be easily made endless. These belts are found suitable
for saw mills, paper mills where they are exposed to moisture.
4. Balata belts. These belts are similar to rubber belts except that balata gum is used in place of
rubber. These belts are acid proof and water proof and it is not affected by animal oils or alkalis.
The balata belts should not be at temperatures above 40°C because at this temperature the balata
begins to soften and becomes sticky. The strength of balata belts is 25 per cent higher than
rubber belts.

3.5. Mechanism of Link on egg grader machine

When one of the links of a kinematic is fixed, the chain is known as mechanism. It may be used
for transmit A mechanism with four links is known as simple mechanism, and the mechanism
with more than four links is known as compound mechanism. When a mechanism is required to
transmit power or to do some particular type of work, it then becomes a machine. In such cases,
the various links or elements have to be designed to withstand the forces (both static and kinetic)
A little consideration will show that a mechanism may be regarded as a machine in which each
part is reduced to the simplest form to transmit the required or transforming motion
e.g. engine indicators, typewriter etc.

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Kinematic Link or Elements

Each part of a machine, which moves relative to some other part is known as a kinematic link
(or simply link) or element. A link may consist of several parts, which are rigidly fastened
together, so that they do not move relative to one another. For example, in a reciprocating steam
engine, piston, piston rod and crosshead constitute one link ; connecting rod with big and small
end bearings constitute a second link ; crank, crank shaft and flywheel a third link and the
cylinder, engine frame and main bearings a fourth link.

Types of Links
In order to transmit motion, the driver and the follower may be connected by the following three
types of links:
1. Rigid link. A rigid link is one which does not undergo any deformation while transmitting
motion. Strictly speaking, rigid links do not exist. However, as the deformation of a connecting
rod, crank etc. of a reciprocating steam engine is not appreciable; they can be considered as rigid
2. Flexible link. A flexible link is one which is partly deformed in a manner not to affect the
transmission of motion. For example, belts, ropes, chains and wires are flexible links and
transmit tensile forces only.
3. Fluid link. A fluid link is one which is formed by having a fluid in a receptacle and the
motion is transmitted through the fluid by pressure or compression only, as in the case of
hydraulic presses, jacks and brakes.

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4.1.Design considerations
To design this machine the following must be considered;

 Since the egg grader, in which it is consumed automatically after graded from the

machine so that it must be hygiene or free from other contaminations

 As much as possible the cost and weight of the machine must be minimized.

 Material selection is the most important in any mechanical design, so that suitable

material must be selected to each components of the machine.

 The capacity of the machine to grade the egg must be known.

 The clearance between the conveyer and assault systems must be variable so that

different size egg can be grade under this machine.

 Selection of suitable electrical motor by determining the power required to drive the

4.2.Material Selection
The selection of a proper material, for engineering purposes, is one of the most difficult
problems for the designer. The best material is one which serves the desired objective at the
minimum cost. The following factors should be considered while selecting the material:

 Availability of the materials,

 Suitability of the materials for the working conditions in service, and

 The cost of the materials.

 Design life and fatigue affected events during the machine operation

 Welding and other fabrication processes

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Material selections of the egg grader machine can be summarized as follows:

 The hand wheel, roller shafts, frames or covers are made from mild steel

 The egg collector and assault system are made from stainless steel

 Keyway is used to connect pulleys and mild steel shafts so that it must be made from

stainless steel to overcome wear and corrosion effects.

 Cross belt is made from rubber belts which are made of layers of fabric impregnated with
rubber. These belts are very flexible but are quickly destroyed if allowed to come into
contact with heat, oil or grease. One of the principle advantages of these belts is that they
may be easily made endless.

Wooden pulleys are lighter and possess higher coefficient of friction than cast iron or steel
pulleys. These pulleys have 2/3rd of the weight of cast iron pulleys of similar size.

4.3.Design analysis of the machine components

4.3.1. Design specifications
 The smallest electric motor driven in Ethiopia is with speed of 1440 rpm.

Figure 11: link mechanism

 We have two connecting road each connecting road has a length 200 mm, thickness 3
mm and width 40 mm.
 Conveyor with a 1248 mm of length and it has two vertical links with length of 157mm,

thickness 3 mm and width 40 mm.

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 We have two crank link with length 100 mm, thickness 3 mm and width 40 mm.

 Translator link with a872 mm length, thickness 3 mm and width 40 mm.

 The maximum width of the small pulley 20 mm, diameter 50 mm and the maximum

width of large pulley 30 mm, diameter 350 mm.

Therefore from the above given parameters we can calculate the volume of each part using

on the transporting mechanism.

 Volume of connecting road

Vcr = A*L =w*t*l

= 40 mm*3 mm*200 mm = 24000 mm3

We have four connecting roads and we multiply by four

Vcr = 4*24000 mm3= 96000 mm3

 Volume of conveyor

Vc = A*L =w*t*l

= 40 mm*2 mm*1248 mm =99840 mm3

We multiply by three because we have three sides

Vc = 3*99840 mm3= 299520 mm3

 Volume of supporter

Vs = ((40 mm) 2 – (36 mm) 2*200 mm*3 mm =182400 mm3

We multiply by two because we have two supporting

Vs = 2*182400 mm3= 364800 mm3

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 Volume of crank link

Vcl = A*L =w*t*l

= 40 mm*3 mm*100 mm = 12000mm3

And also we have two crank link therefore we multiply by two

Vcl = 2*12000 mm3 = 24000mm3

 Volume of translator

Vt = A*L =w*t*l

Vt = 872 mm*3 mm*40 mm = 104640 mm3

Therefore total volume of the link mechanisms

Vtotal = Vcr +Vc + Vs + Vcl + Vt

Vtotal= 96000 mm3+299520 mm3+364800 mm3+24000mm3+104640 mm3

Vtotal = 888960 mm3= 0.000889 m3

Therefore mass of the whole link mechanisms we can get by multiplying by density. Let we take

the density 8000 kg/m3

m = V*ρ = 0.000889 m3*8000 kg/m3

m = 7.11 kg

Mass of the eggs at the six ranges also can calculate by adding the mass of the average ranges of

the egg.

m eggs = 70g +65g + 60g + 55g + 50g + 45g

m eggs = 345 g =0.345 kg

Total mass of the links and eggs m = 7.46 kg

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Volume of the pulley can be calculated as follow. We start by small first pulley and we assume
the maximum diameter of the small pulley is 50 mm and maximum width of 25 mm and for the
large pulley maximum diameter 350 mm and the maximum width 25 mm at the first reduction.

 Small pulley

Vfps =

= = 49087.4 mm3

 Large pulley

Vfpl =

= =1767146 mm3

at the second reduction also we assume the following parameters, for the small pulley of the
maximum diameter is 50 mm and the maximum width is 30 mm and for the large pulley the
maximum diameter is 300 mm and the maximum width is 30 mm.

 small pulley

Vsps =

= = 58904.86 mm3

 Large pulley

Vspl =

= =1472642 mm3

The total volume of the pulley is we add all the above values.

Vtotal = Vfps + Vfpl +Vsps + Vspl

= 49087.4 mm3 + 1767146 mm3 + 58904.86 mm3 + 1472642 mm3

= 3347760 mm3 = 0.003348 m3

Therefore the total mass of the pulley is can be calculated as follow. We take the density ρ= 8000kg/m3

mass = volume *density = V *ρ

= 0.003348 m3 *8000kg/m3

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= 26.8 kg

The total mass of the whole body of the machine that connected with the motor is

m total = mass of links and mass of eggs + mass of pulleys

= 7.46 kg + 26.8 kg

= 34.24 kg

The total force of the body is also by taking the gravity 10 m/s2.

Ftotal = mass + gravity = 34.24 + 10 m/s2

= 342.4 N

and the power is also can be calculated as follow. First we calculated the velocity

V= = = 1.31m/s

Therefore the power is

P = F*V = 342.4 N*1.31 m/s = 448.2 watt for more safety we multiply by 1.2

P = 1.2*448.2 watt = 537.8 watt take 550 watt

4.3.2. Geometric analysis

We have the selected electric motor (550watt) is enough to drive the machine because it easy to

And we can find the required torque T in [Nm] from the equation below;

P = T*ω


T – Required torque to turn the shaft that comes from the motor [Nm]

ω – The angular speed of driving link [rad/sec] = = = 5.23rad/s

Thus the required torque T is

T = P/ ω = 550watt/5.23rad/s = 105.2 Nm

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4.4.Design of V-belt and Cast Iron Pulley

4.4.1. Design of First Speed Reduction V-belt and Pulleys
As it is expressed in the design specification, the motor speed is 1440 rpm and the required
chains rotational speed is 40-60 rpm so that this motor speed must be reduced 6 times at the first
reduction and 4.8 at the second reduction process (from 1-2 and 2-3) as shown Fig:12.

Figure 12: Motor Speed reduction mechanisms

V-belt is mostly used in factories and workshops where a great amount of power is to be
transmitted from one pulley to another when the two pulleys are very near to each other. The V-
belts are made of fabric and cords moulded in rubber and covered with fabric and rubber as
shown in Fig.12. These belts are moulded to a trapezoidal shape and are made endless. These are
particularly suitable for short drives. The included angle for the V-belt is usually from 30° to

Figure 13: V-Belt and V-grooved pulley

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According to Indian Standards (IS: 2494 – 1974), the V-belts are made in five types i.e. A, B, C,
D and E. The dimensions for standard V-belts are shown in Table 1. The pulleys for V-belts may
be made of cast iron or pressed steel in order to reduce weight. The dimensions for the standard
V-grooved pulley according to IS: 2494 – 1974, are shown in Table 2.

Table 4: Dimensions of standard V-belts according to IS: 2494 – 1974.

Table 5: Dimensions of standard V-grooved pulleys according to IS: 2494–1974. (All

dimensions in mm)

Note: Face width (B) = (n – 1) e + 2 f

The V-belt may be operated in either direction, with tight side of the belt at the top or bottom.
The center line may be horizontal, vertical or inclined.
Given parameters

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 Motor speed (N1= 1400 rpm)

 Link driver speed = 40- 60 rpm (take 50 rpm) to take a safety of breaking the eggs

 First speed ratio ( ) = 6

 since the motor power is 0.55Kw which is less than 0.7Kw, so that type A V-belt is
selected which has width (b) of 13mm and thickness (t) of 8mm (from table 1)
 The diameter of the motor pulley is selected to be 50mm (from Indian standard).
 The included angle for the type A V-belt is usually 2β = 30°.
 Density (ρ) of the V-belt material (rubber) 1140 kg/m3
 Density (ρ) of the pulley material (7800 kg/m3) for cast iron
 The average an allowable stress of 2.8 MPa or less will give a reasonable belt life. An
allowable stress of 1.75 MPa may be expected to give a belt life of about15 years.

Now let‘s determine all detailed dimensions of the V-belt and pulleys.


d1 = Diameter of the driver pulley (50mm)

d2 = Diameter of the follower pulley (unknown)

N1 = Speed of the driver in rpm (1440rpm)

N2 = Speed of the follower in rpm (unknown)

Length of the belt that passes over the driver, in one minute

= π d1 N1

Similarly, length of the belt that passes over the follower, in one minute

= π d2 N2

Since the length of belt that passes over the driver in one minute is equal to the length of belt that
passes over the follower in one minute, therefore

Π d1 N1 = π d2 N2 from this we have the expression called velocity ratio;

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Velocity ratio = = = 6 (given)

From this relation the speed and diameter of the follower or driven pulley can easily find.

i.e. N2 = = = 240rpm and

d2 = 6*d1= 6*50 mm = 300 mm

We know that the peripheral velocity of the belt on the driving pulley, is given by

ν1 = π*d1*N1 / 60 = π*0.05m*1440rad/ 60sec = 3.6 m/s

And let‘s find The Length of V- Belt Drive from the geometry below.

Figure 14: V- belt drives


r1 and r2 - Radii of the larger and smaller pulleys respectively

x - Distance between the centers of two pulleys (i.e. O1O2), and

L - Total length of the belt

Let the belt leaves the larger pulley at E and G and the smaller pulley at F and H as shown in Fig.
14 through O2 draw O2M parallel to FE.

From the geometry of the figure, we find that O2M will be perpendicular to O1E.

Let the angle MO2O1 = α radians.

We know that the length of the belt,

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L = Arc GJE + EF + Arc FKH + HG

= 2 (Arc JE + EF + Arc FK)

From the geometry of the figure, we also find that

sinα = = =

Since the angle α is very small, therefore putting

sin α = α (in radians) =

∴ Arc JE = r1 ( + α) and Similarly, arc FK = r2( - α)

=√( ) = x√

And EF = MO2 = √( ) ( ) ( – ) ( )

By Expanding this equation by binomial theorem and Substituting the values of arc JE and arc
FK from the above equation, the final belt length (L) expression is;

L = (d1+d2) + 2x + ( )

Assuming the center distance (x) between the driving and driven pulleys is to be 500 mm,
therefore the belt length L is;

L = (50 mm+300 mm) + 2*500mm + ( ) = 1550mm

– –
And we have sin α = α (in radians) = = radian = 0.25radian = 14.320and the angle

of lap on the smaller pulley (i.e. pulley on the motor shaft),

θ = 180° – 2α = 180 – 2 × 14.320 = 151.4° = 151.4°* = 2.64radian

We know that mass of the belt per meter length,

m = Area × length × density

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= b*t*L* ρ = 0.013m*0.008m*1.55m*1140 kg / m3 = 0.184 kg

Therefore the centrifugal tension (Tc) of the belt is determined by the following equation;

TC = m.v2 = 0.184 kg/m (3.6m/s) 2 = 2.38N and the maximum tension in the belt

T = σ × area = 2.8N/mm2 × 13*8mm2 = 291.2 N

Therefore the tension in the tight side (T1) of the belt is given by;

T1 = T – TC = (291.2 – 2.38) N = 288.82 N

Let again T2 is the tension in the slack side of the belt and we have a relation between the tight
side and slack side tensions, in terms of coefficient of friction and the angle of contact as given

Figure 15: Power transmitted by belt

2.3log (T1/T2) = μ*θcosec β


μ – Is the friction coefficient between the pulley and the belt = 0.3 (for rubber and cast iron
pulley in dry friction).

θ – Angle of contact in radians (i.e. angle subtended by the arc AB, along which the belt
touches the pulley, at the center) = 2.64 radian (calculated above)

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Table 6: Coefficients of friction between belt and pulley


2.3log (T1/T2) = 0.3*2.64 radiancosec (30/2)

2.3Log (T1/T2) = 0.8199

Log (T1/T2) = 0.3565

T1/T2 = 2.27 (by taking antilog of both sides) and from this we have;

T2 = T1/2.57 = 288.82/2.27N = 127.23 N

 The power transmitted per belt is given by

P = (T1-T2)*v

Where v is the peripheral velocity of the belt = 3.6m/s (calculated previous)

P = (288.82-127.23) N*3.6 m/s = 581.7 watt

Therefore the number of belts required to transmit the total power (581.7 watt) are given by;

Number of belts = = = 0.945 (say 1 belt)

4.4.2. Diameter of a driven Pulley shaft

The shafts in the first speed reduction open V-belt and pulleys are subjected to torsional and
bending moment effects. The 550watt electric motor power from point-1 as shown in the figure

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15 is to be transmitted to the pulley at point-2 having a speed (N2) of 240rpm and diameter (d2)
of 300 mm (as calculated previous).

Let ds is the shaft diameter at point-2 and we know that the torque (T) transmitted by the driven
pulley shaft is given by;

T= = = 21.9 Nm

Since the overhang or the center distance of the pulley is 500 mm, therefore bending moment on
the shaft due to the belt tensions is given by;

M = (T1 + T2 + 2TC) *0.2m = (288.82+127.23+2*2.38) N*0.2m = 84.16 Nm

Thus the Equivalent twisting moment, (Te) is given by;

Te = √ = √( ) ( ) = 86.96 Nm (say 87 Nm)

We also know that equivalent twisting moment (Te) is equivalent with;

Te = *τ *ds3

Where τ – the shear stress of the shaft material (cast iron) = 50Mpa


ds =√ =√ = 0.0207m = 20.7mm take 21 mm (for more safe and standard)

4.4.3. Design of Key

A key is a piece of mild steel inserted between the shaft and hub or boss of the pulley to connect
these together in order to prevent relative motion between them. It is always inserted parallel to
the axis of the shaft. Keys are used as temporary fastenings and are subjected to considerable
crushing and shearing stresses. A keyway is a slot or recess in a shaft and hub of the pulley to
accommodate a key.

There are different types of keys and among these the sunk key is usually used to connect shaft
and pulley. Sunk keys are provided half in the keyway of the shaft and half in the keyway of the

GC 2007 EC. Page 40


hub or boss of the pulley. There are also different types of sunk keys, such as rectangular, square,
Gib-head and parallel sunk keys.

From these keys Gib-head is a rectangular sunk key which usually provided to facilitate the
removal of key.

Figure 16: Gib-head key

When a key is used in transmitting torque from a shaft to a rotor or hub, the following two types
of forces act on the key:

 Forces (F1) due to fit of the key in its keyway, as in a tight fitting straight key or in a
tapered key driven in place. These forces produce compressive stresses in the key which
are difficult to determine in magnitude.
 Forces (F) due to the torque transmitted by the shaft. These forces produce shearing and
compressive (or crushing) stresses in the key.

The distribution of the forces along the length of the key is not uniform because the forces are
concentrated near the torque-input end. The non-uniformity of distribution is caused by the
twisting of the shaft within the hub.

The forces acting on a key for a clockwise torque being transmitted from a shaft to a hub are
shown in Fig. 17.

Figure 17: Forces acting on a sunk key

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In designing a key, forces due to fit of the key are neglected and it is assumed that the
distribution of forces along the length of key is uniform.

T = Torque transmitted by the shaft = 21.9Nm = 21900 Nmm

F = Tangential force acting at the circumference of the shaft,

d = Diameter of shaft,

l = Length of key,

w = Width of key.

t = Thickness of key, and

τ and σc = Shear and crushing stresses for the material of key respectively. The shearing and
crushing stresses for the key material are 42 MPa and 70 MPa.

Considering shearing of the key, the tangential shearing force acting at the circumference of the

F = Area resisting shearing × Shear stress = l × w × τ

∴ Torque (T) transmitted by the shaft,

T=F* = l × w × τ×


ds is shaft diameter = 21mm (calculated above)

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Table 7: Proportions of standard parallel, tapered and Gib head keys.

From the standard table 4 above the thickness and width of the key corresponding to shaft
diameter (21mm) are 7mm and 8mm respectively.


T = l × w × τ×

21900 Nmm = l × 8mm× 42N/mm2× from the required length (l) of the key is;

l= = 6.2 mm (it is very small because it should be greater than the

shaft diameter).

Therefore there is other relation between the shaft diameter and key length. That is, when the key
material is same as that of the shaft, then τk (shear stress of the key material) = τl (shear stress of
the shaft material).

∴ l = 1.571*ds = 1.571*21mm = 32.99 mm take 33 mm

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4.4.4. Design of Second Speed Reduction V-belt and Pulleys

Given parameters

 Speed of the driver (the follower of the motor pulley is the driver of the pulley at point-3
as shown in the Fig-4.2), N2= 240 rpm and power of 550 watt

 Second speed ratio ( ) = 4.8

 The diameter of the driver pulley, which is integrated with the pulley at point-2, is 50

Now let‘s determine all detailed dimensions of the V-belt and pulleys.


d2 = Diameter of the driver pulley (50)

d3 = Diameter of the follower/driven pulley (unknown)

N2= Speed of the driver in rpm (240 rpm)

N3 = Speed of the follower in rpm (unknown)

Since the length of belt that passes over the driver in one minute is equal to the length of belt that
passes over the follower in one minute, therefore

π d2 N2 = π d3 N3 from this we have the expression called velocity ratio;

Velocity ratio = = = 4.8 (given)

From this relation the speed and diameter of the follower or driven pulley can easily find.

i.e. N3 = = = 50 rpm and

d3 = 4.8*d2= 4.8*50 mm = 240 mm

We know that the peripheral velocity of the belt on the driving pulley, is given by

ν2 = π*d2*N2 / 60 = π*0.05 m*240rad/ 60sec = 0.63m/s

The final belt length (L) expression is;

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L = (d3+d2) + 2x + ( )

Assuming the center distance (x) between the driving and driven pulleys is to be 350 mm,
therefore the belt length L is;

L = (50mm+240mm) + 2*350mm + ( ) = 1155.7 mm

– –
And we have sin α = α (in radians) = = radian = 0.27 radian = 15.550and the angle

of lap on the smaller pulley (i.e. pulley on the motor shaft),

θ = 180° – 2α = 180 – 2 × 15.550 = 148.9° = 148.9°* = 2.6 radian

We know that mass of the belt per meter length,

m = Area × length × density

= b*t*L* ρ = 0.013m*0.008m*1.155m*1140 kg / m3 = 0.103kg

Therefore the centrifugal tension (Tc) of the belt is determined by the following equation;

TC = m.v2 = 0.103kg/m (0.63m/s) 2 = 0.0407 N (Negligible because the mass is very small) and
the maximum tension in the belt,

T = σ × area = 2.8N/mm2 × (13*8) mm2 = 291.2 N

Therefore the tension in the tight side (T1) of the belt is given by;

T1 = T – TC = (291.2 – 0.0407) N = 291.16 N

Let again T2 is the tension in the slack side of the belt and we have a relation between the tight
side and slack side tensions, in terms of coefficient of friction and the angle of contact as given

2.3log (T1/T2) = μ*θcosec β


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μ – Is, the friction coefficient between the pulley and the belt = 0.3 (for rubber and cast iron
pulley in dry friction).

θ – Angle of contact in radians (i.e. angle subtended by the arc AB, along which the belt
touches the pulley, at the center) = 2.6 radian (calculated above)


2.3log (T1/T2) = 0.3*2.6radiancosec (30/2)

2.3Log (T1/T2) = 0.8075

Log (T1/T2) = 0.35

T1/T2 = 2.24 (by taking antilog of both sides) and from this we have;

T2 = T1/2.52 = 291.16/2.24 N = 129.98 N = 130 N

 The power transmitted per belt is given by

P = (T1-T2)*v

Where v is the peripheral velocity of the belt = 0.63 m/s (calculated previous)

P = (291.2-130)N*0.63m/s = 101.556 watt/belt

Therefore the number of belts required to transmit the total power (550watt) are given by;

Number of belts = = = 5.41 (say 5)

4.4.5. Design of cast iron V-grooved pulley

Let‘s start from the determination of Face width (B)

B = (n – 1) e + 2 f

Where n is number of belts or grooves = 5 (calculated above)

Since the V-belt selected above is type A, therefore the parameters such as width (w), depth of
groove (d), and other dimensions as shown on the figure above are;

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w = 11mm, d = 12mm, a = 3.3 mm, c = 8.7 mm, f = 10 mm, and e = 15 mm.

B = (n – 1) e + 2 f

B = (5-1)*15mm + 2*10mm = 80 mm

The diameters of the pulleys are equal with internal diameters of the V-belt diameters 50 mm and
240 mm which are calculated in the belt design above.

Dimensions of hub

 The diameter of the hub (d1) in terms of shaft diameter (ds) may be fixed by the following

d1 = 1.5 ds + 25 mm

The diameter of the hub should not be greater than 2*ds.

d1 = 1.5*21mm + 25 mm = 56.5 mm

The length of the hub is related with shaft diameter by;

L =π/2 ×ds

The minimum length of the hub is 2/3*B but it should not be more than width of the pulley (B).

L = π/2 ×21mm = 32.98 mm 33 mm

We know that the centrifugal stress (σt) induced in the pulley,

σt = ρ.ν2


σt = Centrifugal stress or tensile stress in the pulley

ρ = Density of the rim material (7800 kg/m3) for cast iron

ν = Velocity of the rim = πDN / 60, D being the diameter of pulley and N is speed
of the pulley.

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Thus the peripheral speed of the pulley is;

ν = πDN / 60 = π*0.3m*240 / 60 = 0.785 m/s

And the required tensile or Centrifugal stress of the pulley is therefore;

σt = ρ.ν2 = 7800kg/m3*(0.785m/s)2 = 4.81*10-3Mpa

4.5.Design of kinematic links

4.5.1. Design of crank link
The driver links are rotating parts of the mechanism used to transport the eggs. The material used
is cast iron. Since the diameter of the second pulley is 300 mm the length of the driver link is D/2,

 Material selection

Steel with = 540mpa and = 540mpa

 parameters

Length (l=r) = 100mm

Speed (rpm) = 50 rpm

Width = 40 mm

Power of pulley = 550 watt

The angular velocity of the link is calculated based.

ω= = = 5.24 rad/s

The velocity of the rotating link or driver link is found by.

V = ω*L = 5.24 rad/s*0.1m

V= 0.524m/s

Forces Acting in a Mechanism

Consider a mechanism of the driving link drives the connecting road. Let force FA Newton is
acting at the joint A in the direction of the velocity of A (VA m/s) which is perpendicular to the
link DA.
Let TA (known as driving torque) and TB (known as resisting torque) respectively, then the
equations becomes.

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TA = = 105.04 N-m

VA =V= 0.524m/s

FA = ,where r, is perpendicular distance

FA= = 1050.4 N
The tangential load due to the driving chain (FA) is responsible to bend vertically (buckle) the
link. So that this link should be checked under buckling by considering as a column;

Types of End Conditions of Columns

In actual practice, there are a number of end conditions for columns. But we shall study the

Euler‘s column theory on the following four types of end conditions which are important from the subject
point of view:

1. Both the ends hinged or pin jointed as shown in Fig.18 (a),

2. Both the ends fixed as shown in Fig. 18 (b),

3. One end is fixed and the other hinged as shown in Fig. 18 (c), and

4. One end is fixed and the other free as shown in Fig.18 (d).

Figure 18: Types of end conditions of columns

Consider the link as column with both ends hinged or pin jointed
The critical load (crippling) load is given by;

Wcr = =
( ) ( )

Where = crushing or yield stress in compression

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a = rank in constant; a =

L = equivalent length of the column and

K = least radius of gyration; K = √

Table 8: Relation between Equivalent Length (L) and Actual Length (L)

 L from table (Both ends hinged or pin jointed)


 Cases for buckling to occur

1, if Wcr< Wapp or

2, > all

The weight applied on the support frame; assume it is the weight of the pulley, shaft, bearing, screw,
flange, oil drainage, crash head casing and crash head to be;

 Factor of safety for steady load is given as; F.S = 2 therefore, the critical load;

Wcr = Fs *1050.4N = 2100.8N

Assume the link is angle iron type steel with dimensions of width (b = 40mm) and the length of the link is
= 100mm.

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Figure 19: Crank link

From Euler‘s formula of crippling load the polar moment of inertia I is given by;

I = Wcr *
( )

Where E – elastic modulus of the material = 200 – 220 Gpa and

I – moment inertia of the link (m4)

( )
I = 2100.8N *
( )

I = 1.04* 10-11m4 = 10.4mm4

 The vertical column will have two moments of inertias (viz. Ixx and Iyy). Since the
column will tend to buckle in the direction of least moment of inertia, therefore the least
value of the two moments of inertias is to be used in the relation.
Let‘s find the moment of inertia along y-y (Iy)

Iy = = = 8.33*t3 mm4

And the moment of inertia along ‗x-x‘ (Ix) is given by;

( )
Ix = = = 533333 mm4 >> I = 10.14mm4

Therefore the buckling is along ‗y-y‘ (I = Iy = 8.33*t3 mm4 = 10.14mm4) and from this
we can find the required thickness (t) of the material;
t= √ mm =2.07 mm take 3mm (for more safe)

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We have two crank links and they have the same property and dimension.

4.5.2. Design of connecting road link

The connecting road links are rotating parts of the mechanism used to transport the eggs. The
material used is cast iron. Since the length of the driver link,

 Material selection

Steel with = 540mpa and = 540mpa

 parameters

Length (l=r) = 200 mm

Speed (rpm) = 50 rpm

Width = 25 mm

Power of motor = 550 watt

The angular velocity of the link is calculated based.

ω= = = 5.24 rad/s

The velocity of the rotating link or driver link is found by.

V = ω*L = 5.24 rad/s*0.2m

V= 1.048 m/s

Forces Acting in a Mechanism

Consider a mechanism of the driving link drives the connecting road. Let force FA Newton is
acting at the joint A in the direction of the velocity of A (VA m/s) Let TA (known as driving
torque) and TB (known as resisting torque) respectively, then the equations becomes. We have
two links they are link AB and link BC; but we take link AB because they are same dimension.

Figure 20: Connecting road

TA = = 105.04 N-m

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VA =V= 1.048 m/s

FA = ,where r, is perpendicular distance

FA= = 525.2 N
The tangential load due to the driving chain (FA) is responsible to bend vertically (buckle) the
link. So that this link should be checked under buckling by considering as a column;

Types of End Conditions of Columns

In actual practice, there are a number of end conditions for columns. But we shall study the

Euler‘s column theory on the following four types of end conditions which are important from the subject
point of view:

Consider the link as column with one ends hinged and the other end is fixed.
The critical load (crippling) load is given by;

Wcr = =
( ) ( )

Where = crushing or yield stress in compression

a = rank in constant; a =

L = equivalent length of the column and

K = least radius of gyration; K = √

 L from table (Both ends hinged or pin jointed)


 Cases for buckling to occur

1, if Wcr< Wapp or

2, > all

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The weight applied on the support frame; assume it is the weight of the pulley, shaft, bearing, screw,
flange, oil drainage, crash head casing and crash head to be;

 Factor of safety for steady load is given as; F.S = 2 therefore, the critical load;

Wcr = Fs *525.2 = 1050.4 N

Assume the link is angle iron type steel with dimensions of width (b = 25 mm) and the length of the link
is = 200 mm.

From Euler‘s formula of crippling load the polar moment of inertia I is given by;

I = Wcr *
( )

Where E – elastic modulus of the material and I – moment inertia of the link (m4)

E = 200 – 220 Gpa and

( )
I = 1050.4N *
( )

I = 2.03* 10-11m4 = 20.3 mm4

 The vertical column will have two moments of inertias (viz. Ixx and Iyy). Since the
column will tend to buckle in the direction of least moment of inertia, therefore the least
value of the two moments of inertias is to be used in the relation.
Let‘s find the moment of inertia along y-y (Iy)

Iy = = = 16.67*t3 mm4

And the moment of inertia along ‗x-x‘ (Ix) is given by;

( )
Ix = = = 260416.67 mm4 >> I = 20.3 mm4

Therefore the buckling is along ‗y-y‘ (I = Iy = 16.67*t3 mm4 = 20.3mm4) and from this
we can find the required thickness (t) of the material;
t= √ mm = 2.07mm take 3mm (for more safe)
Therefore, we have two connecting road and they have the same dimension and property.

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4.5.3. Design of Pin Joint

We see that the force in the pins at the points is equal to 525.2 N 0n the connecting road and
1050.4 N on the crank link and force in the pin at N.
Since the forces in all pins do not differ very much, therefore the same size of pins may be used.
These pins will be designed for a maximum load of 1050.4 N.
Let d = Diameter of the pins = 10 mm
l = Length of the pins = 1.25 d = 1.25*10=12.5 mm

Rubbing Velocity at a Pins Joint

The links in a mechanism are mostly connected by means of pin joints. The rubbing velocity is
defined as the algebraic sum between the angular velocities of the two links which are connected
by pin joints, multiplied by the radius of the pin.
Consider two links OA and OB connected by a pin joint at O as shown in the figure

Figure 21: Links connected by pin joints.

Let ω1 = Angular velocity of the link OA or the angular velocity of the point A with respect to O.
 ω2 = Angular velocity of the link OB or the angular velocity of the point B
With respect to O, and
r = Radius of the pin.
According to the definition,
Rubbing velocity at the pin joint is gained by
Vr = (ω 1 – ω 2) r, if the links move in the same direction
Vr = (ω 1 + ω 2) r, if the links move in the opposite direction.
Since the links are moves in the same direction Vr = (ω 1 – ω 2) r
Vr = (5.24-1.41)0.012
Vr =0.046m/s
Note: When the pin connects one sliding member and the other turning member, the angular
velocity of the sliding member is zero. In such cases,
Rubbing velocity at the pin joint = ω*r
Where 
ω= Angular velocity of the turning member
4.5.4. Design of translating link
The translating link is translating parts of the mechanism used to transport the eggs. The material
used is cast iron. Since the length of the translating link is 800 mm and for decreasing the load
we make it rectangular hole.

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 Material selection

Steel with = 540mpa and = 540mpa

 parameters

Length (l=r) = 800 mm

Speed (rpm) = 50 rpm

Width = 40 mm

Power of motor = 550 watt

The angular velocity of the link is calculated based.

ω= = = 5.24 rad/s

The velocity of the rotating link or driver link is found by.

V = ω*L = 5.24 rad/s*0.8m

V= 4.2 m/s

Forces Acting in a Mechanism

Consider a mechanism of the driving link drives the connecting road. Let force FA Newton is
acting at the joint A in the direction of the velocity of A (VA m/s) Let TA (known as driving
torque) and TB (known as resisting torque) respectively, then the equations becomes. We have
0ne links this is link AB.

Figure 22: translating link

TA = = 105.04 N-m

VA =V= 1.048 m/s

FA = , where r, is perpendicular distance

FA= = 131.3 N

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The tangential load due to the driving chain (FA) is responsible to bend vertically (buckle) the
link. So that this link should be checked under buckling by considering as a column;

Types of End Conditions of Columns

In actual practice, there are a number of end conditions for columns. But we shall study the

Euler‘s column theory on the following four types of end conditions which are important from the subject
point of view:

Consider the link as column with one ends hinged and the other end is fixed.
The critical load (crippling) load is given by;

Wcr = =
( ) ( )

Where = crushing or yield stress in compression

a = rank in constant; a =

L = equivalent length of the column and

K = least radius of gyration; K = √

 L from table (Both ends hinged or pin jointed)


 Cases for buckling to occur

1, if Wcr< Wapp or

2, > all

The weight applied on the support frame; assume it is the weight of the pulley, shaft, bearing, screw,
flange, oil drainage, crash head casing and crash head to be;

 Factor of safety for steady load is given as; F.S = 2 therefore, the critical load;

Wcr = Fs *131.3 = 262.6 N

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Assume the link is angle iron type steel with dimensions of width (b = 25 mm) and the length of the link
is = 800 mm.

From Euler‘s formula of crippling load the polar moment of inertia I is given by;

I = Wcr *
( )

Where E – elastic modulus of the material and I – moment inertia of the link (m4)

E = 200 – 220 Gpa and

( )
I = 262.6 N *
( )

I = 8.11* 10-11m4 = 81.1 mm4

 The vertical column will have two moments of inertias (viz. Ixx and Iyy). Since the
column will tend to buckle in the direction of least moment of inertia, therefore the least
value of the two moments of inertias is to be used in the relation.
Let‘s find the moment of inertia along y-y (Iy)

Iy = = = 66.67*t3 mm4

And the moment of inertia along ‗x-x‘ (Ix) is given by;

( )
Ix = = = 1041666.67 mm4 >> I = 81.1 mm4

Therefore the buckling is along ‗y-y‘ (I = Iy = 66.67*t3 mm4 = 81.1mm4) and from this
we can find the required thickness (t) of the material;
t= √ mm = 1.2mm take 3mm (for more safe)

4.5.5. Design of egg conveyor link

The conveyor belt is used transport the eggs and it is connected by pines with the connecting
roads and its motion is left-right and up-down motions.

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Figure 23: conveyor link

Material = cast iron

L= Length = 934mm

w = width= 40 mm
l = center to center distance=600mm
Safety factor = 3
u = 414Mpa

To find the force at the second pin of egg conveyor we use moment force

all = = = 138Mpa.

Fb = all*A, But A= *
A= *
A = 4.9m2

Fb = 138Mpa*4.9m2
= 676.2 N

4.6.Design of ball bearings

Bearing permit smooth, low-friction movement between two surfaces. The movement can be
either rotary (a shaft rotating with in a mount) or linear (one surface moving along another).

Bearing can employ either a sliding or a rolling action. Bearing based on rolling action are called
rolling-element bearings. Those based on sliding action are called plain bearings. Plain bearings
are bearings that work by sliding action with or without lubricant.

Some of the guidelines for selecting bearing which are valid more often than not are as follows:

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 Ball bearings are less expensive choice in the smaller sizes and under lighter loads;
whereas roller bearing are less expensive for large size and heavier loads.
 Roller bearings are more satisfactory under shock or impact loading that ball bearing.
 Ball-thrust bearing are for pure thrust loading only. At high speeds a deep groove or
angular contact ball bearing usually will be a better choice, even for pure thrust loads.
 Self-aligning ball bearing and cylindrical roller bearing have very low friction

Figure 24: Standard Designations Ball Bearing

Disadvantages are:
 Must be effectively protected from juice – difficult with conventional mills;
 Drive-side bearing landings must be larger than those of pinions (for assembly);
 High cost and not repairable.
Can be one directional grooved-race bearing having grooved races very similar to those in radial
bearings or two directional, grooved-race bearings consist of two stationary race, one rotating
race, and two ball components.
Known Values

 Diameter of shaft ds = 22 mm
 Pulley diameter d4= 50 mm
 Design power P = 550 watt
 rotational speed N3 = 50 rpm

The torque T transmitted by the roller shaft is given by;

T= = = 105.04 Nm

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4.6.1. Selection of Radial Ball Bearings

In order to select a most suitable ball bearing, first of all, the basic dynamic radial load is
calculated. It is then multiplied by the service factor (KS) to get the design basic dynamic radial
load capacity. The service factor for the ball bearings is shown in the following table.

Table 9: Values of service factor (KS)

Since the machine is electrical motor driven machine, which is light shock load so that Ks = 1.5
is selected.

After finding the design basic dynamic radial load capacity, the selection of bearing is made
from the catalogue of a manufacturer. The following table shows the basic static and dynamic
capacities for various types of ball bearings.

Table 10: Principal dimensions of radial ball bearings

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Since the bore diameter which is equal to the shaft diameter is 22 mm so that nearest bearing
number is 204 having outer diameter and width of 47 mm and 14mm respectively is selected.

Table 11: Basic static and dynamic capacities of various types of radial ball bearings

For single row deep groove ball bearing of number 204(206) both the static (Co) and dynamic
(C) load capacity are 10 kN and 15.3 kN as shown in the table above. Since the reaction force are
3317N and 2585.5N, the selected bearing (207) is safe under this load.

4.6.2. Determination of Bearing Life

We know that the rotational speed (N) of the rollers is 93rpm and the maximum radial or
reaction force R2 = 3317N. And assuming the working days per a year is 300days with

The life of the bearing in revolutions (Lrev) is given by;

Lrev = 60 N × LH

Where N – is rotational speed of rollers or bearings

LH – life of bearing in hours = n-years*300days*10hrs = 3000*n hours

We know that the basic dynamic equivalent radial load (W) is given by;

W = X*V*WR

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Where X- radial load factor = 1.5

V- Rotational factor and it is usually = 1 for most bearings.

WR – the reaction or radial load on the bearings due to the rotating rollers shaft = 3317N
(from the force analysis on the roller shaft)

Thus W = 1.5*1*3317N = 4975.5N

And from [7] we have the relation of the dynamic capacity (C = 20kN) of the bearing with the
life of the bearing (Lrev) and the equivalent radial load (W) by the equation below.

C = W*( ) ( ) where k = 3 for all bearings

20000N = 4975.5N*( ) ( ) from this we get the number of years (n)

n = 15years and LH = 3000*15hrs. = 45000hrs.

4.7. Design of Chain Drives

The chains are made up of number of rigid links which are hinged together by pin joints in order
to provide the necessary flexibility for warping round the driving and driven wheels. These
wheels have projecting teeth of special profile and fit into the corresponding recesses in the links
of the chain as shown in Fig. 4.8. The toothed wheels are known as *sprocket wheels or simply
sprockets. The sprockets and the chain are thus constrained to move together without slipping
and ensures perfect velocity ratio.

Figure 25: Chain Drives

4.7.1. Terms Used in Chain Drive

The following terms are frequently used in chain drive.

Pitch of chain. It is the distance between the hinge center of a link and the corresponding hinge
center of the adjacent link, as shown in Fig. 4.9 It is usually denoted by p.

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Figure 26: terms used in chain drive

Pitch circle diameter of chain sprocket. It is the diameter of the circle on which the hinge
centers of the chain lie, when the chain is wrapped round a sprocket as shown in Fig. 26. The
points A, B, C, and Dare the hinge centers of the chain and the circle drawn through these
centers is called pitch circle and its diameter (D) is known as pitch circle diameter.

4.7.2. Relation between Pitch and Pitch Circle Diameter

A chain wrapped round the sprocket is shown in Fig. 4.9. Since the links of the chain are rigid,
therefore pitch of the chain does not lie on the arc of the pitch circle. The pitch length becomes a
chord. Consider one pitch length AB of the chain subtending an angle θ at the center of sprocket
(or pitch circle),

Let D= Diameter of the pitch circle, and

T= Number of teeth on the sprocket.

From Fig. 4.9, we find that pitch of the chain,

p = AB = 2AOsin ( ) = 2 × ( ) sin ( ) = D sin ( )

We know that θ=( )

∴ p=D*sin 360º( ) = D*sin( )

Or D=p cosec ( )

The sprocket outside diameter (Do), for satisfactory operation is given by

Do = D+ 0.8 d1

Where d1= Diameter of the chain roller.

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Figure 27:Chain
Velocity Ratio of Chain Drives
The velocity ratio of a chain drive is given by

V.R =

Where N1= Speed of rotation of smaller sprocket in rpm,

N2 = Speed of rotation of larger sprocket in rpm,

T1 = Number of teeth on the smaller sprocket, and

T2 = Number of teeth on the larger sprocket.

The average velocity of the chain is given by

v= =

Where D= Pitch circle diameter of the sprocket in meters, and

p= Pitch of the chain in meters.

4.7.3. Length of Chain and Centre Distance

An open chain drive system connecting the two sprockets is shown in Fig. 4.10.

Figure 28: Length of chain

Let T1= Number of teeth on the smaller sprocket,

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T2= Number of teeth on the larger sprocket,

p= Pitch of the chain, and

x = Centre distance.

The length of the chain (L) must be equal to the product of the number of chain links (K)
and the pitch of the chain (p). Mathematically,


The number of chain links may be obtained from the following expression, i.e.

K= + +[ ]2

The value of K as obtained from the above expression must be approximated to the nearest even

The center distance is given by

X = = [K - + √( ) ( )]

In order to accommodate initial sag in the chain, the value of the center distance obtained
from the above equation should be decreased by 2 to 5 mm.

The minimum center distance for the velocity transmission ratio of 3, may be taken as

X min = + 30 to 50 mm

Where d1 and d2 are the diameters of the pitch circles of the smaller and larger sprockets

Given parameters

The rated power is 550 w

Rpm =50 rpm = N1 = N2

The velocity ratio = N1/N2 = 50/50 =1

The number of teeth T1=T2 =18

The design power = rated power*service factor

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The service factor (Ks) is the product of various factor K1,K2 and K3.the value of these factor
(K1) for variable load with heavy shock = 1.5, Lubrication factor (K2) for drop lubrication = 1,
Rating factor (K3) for 16 hours per day = 1.25

Table 12: Characteristics of roller chains according to IS: 2403 — 1991.

The power required to lift the links with the eggs should enough to hold the weight of the three
lifting links.

To calculate these power let‘s assume the mass of the housing and links that is 35 kg.

Weight = mg =35*10 =350 N.

Torque = w*r = 350*0.03 = 10.5 Nm

Where r is the radius pinion

Power = T*ω

ω = 2*3.14*50/60 = 5.23 rad/s

Power =10.5*5.23 = 54.95 watt, we take 55 watt

∴ Service factor, KS = K1.K2.K3 = 1.5 × 1 × 1.25 = 1.875

And design power = 55× 1.875 = 103.12 watt

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Table 13: Power rating (in kW) of simple roller chain

From the above table 13 we find that corresponding to a pinion speed of 50 rpm. The power
transmitted for chain is 55 watt per strand. Therefore, a chain with single strands can be used to
transmit the required power. From

Table 12, we find that

Pitch, p = 9.525 mm

Roller diameter, d = 6.35 mm

Minimum width of roller, w1 = w2 = 5.72mm

Breaking load, WB = 8.9KN = 8.9 × 103 N

We know that pitch circle diameter of the smaller sprocket or pinion,

d1 = p cosec ( ) = d2 = 100 mm

Pitch line velocity of the sprocket,

VP =

= 3.14*100*50/60

= 261.67 mm/s

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W= = 103.12/261.67*10-3

= 394 08 N

Factor of safety

S.f = = = 22.6 KN

The number of chine link

K= + +[ ] 2*

WHER x – is the center distance

T1 and T2 – is the sprocket teeth

K – Is the chain linker distance = 1.5m

The K = + +[ ] 2* = = 333

Figure 29: Tooth profile of sprocket

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Figure 30: Rim profile of sprocket

According to Indian Standards (IS: 2403 – 1991), the principal dimensions of the tooth profile
are as follows:

1. Tooth flank radius (re)

re = 0.008 d (T + 180)……………………………….... (Maximum)

= 0.008*100(18+180) = 158.4 mm

= 0.12 d (T + 2)……………………………….............. (Minimum)

= 0.12*100(18+2) = 240 mm

Where d = Roller diameter, and

T = Number of teeth.

2. Roller seating radius (ri)

ri = 0.505 d + 0.069(d1)1/3…………………………(maximum)

= 0.505*6.35+0.069*(6.35)1/3

= 3.334mm

= 0.505 d…………………………………..…..... (Minimum)

= 0.505*6.35 = 3.2mm

3. Roller seating angle (α)

α = 140 – 90/T = 140-90/31 =1370………………. (Maximum)

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= 120 – 90/T = 1170……………………………. (Minimum)

4. Tooth height above the pitch polygon (ha)

ha = 0625p +0.5d + 0.8p/T = 0.625*9.525 + 0.5*6.35 + 0.8*9.525/31

= 54mm ………………………………………max.

= 0.5*(p – d) = 0.5(9.525 – 6.35) = 1.58mm

5. The pitch circle diameter (D)

D = p cosec (180/T) = 9.525*cosec (180/31) = 94mm

6. Top diameter (D0)

D0 = D + 1.25p – d = 94+1.25*9.525 – 6.35 = 100mm ……….max.

= D + p (1-1.6/T) – d = 94 + 9.525*( 1- 1.6/31) -6 = 97mm …..Min.

7. Root diameter = D - ri = 100 – 3.334*2 = 93mm

8. Tooth width (bf1) = 0.93b1 = 0.93*5.72 = 5.3mm for p<12.7mm

9. Tooth side radius (rx) = p =9.525mm

10. Tooth side relief (ba) = 0.1p to 0.15p take 0.125

Then 0.125*9.525 = 1.19mm

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5. Conclusion and recommendation

5.1. Result and decision Analysis

Egg Grading Machine is composed of several parts, driving mechanisms such as DC motor,
small pulleys, large pulleys, V-belt and Egg transporting mechanisms such as driving links,
connecting road links, egg conveyor links, pins and shafts. Also the machine has grading
mechanisms such as assault system, balancing weight and mass balance..

Turn on the dc motor and. All systems will be derived and controlled by the power of the dc
motor and effectively attention of the operator of the machine. Program to control the whole
system. The number of eggs will be controlled by DC motors which are connected with
mechanical parts. Eggs will be put one by one. A candling booth is standard on this system.
From the start of the machine until the package, all eggs are handled separately without risk of
cracks caused by colliding eggs. This is the ultimate solution to the need for a modern, simple,
reliable and economic egg grading and packing machine. A perfect combination of reliable,
proven principles and modern technology, this machine provides you with years of worry-free
egg grading. These properties, with the combination of simple cast iron construction, make the
egg grading machine for small and medium businesses.

The features of this type of egg grader machine are are:

 Maximum capacity 2640 eggs/hour
 Adopt cast iron, corrosion resisting, beautiful and practical
 Compact construction, easy operation
 Good capacity, accurate grading
 Low energy and maintenance costs
 Individual egg handling
 Full cast iron steel
 Easy to operate and to maintain
 Simple control mechanism
Egg Grading Machine Application
The egg grading machine can be used for grading chicken eggs, they can be used in egg-laying
farms, large-, medium- and small- sized egg processing enterprises and in every towns to
merchants of eggs

5.2. Cost analysis of the whole machine

The cost analysis is a value engineering method that aims to increase the difference between the
cost and the value of a product. The cost is the amount that is incurred in the production and
delivery of the product. This expense can include the price of parts, labor, overhead (e.g.,
building, power) , and advertising, among others. What the product is worth in the eyes of the
customer is considered the value. When completing a functional cost analysis, remembering this
definition of value is extremely important. The design team may not perceive a certain product

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feature to be valuable, however if it is important to the customer, then that feature must be
regarded as valuable. Finally we can conclude as follow.

Driving and speed reduction mechanism cost analysis

No Part Name Quantity Material Manufacturing process cost (Birr)
_ Purchase according to
1 Electric Dc motor 1 specification 3500

2 Small pulleys 2 Cast-iron Sand mold casting 80*2=160

3 V-belts 2 Rubber Purchase 120*2=240

4 Large pulleys 2 Cast-iron Sand mold casting 250*2=500

5 Pulley keys 2 Steel Machining 20*2=40

6 Roller Bearings 2 Steel Purchase 50*2=100

Egg transport mechanism cost analysis

7 Crank Links 2 Cast-iron Machining (Lathe) 40*2 = 80

8 Pin 6 Cast-iron Turning (Lathe ) 16*6=96

9 Connecting roads 2 Cast-iron Machining (Lathe) 160*2=360

10 Translator link 1 Cast-iron Machining (Lathe) 80

11 Egg conveyor
link 1 Cast-iron Machining (Lathe) 120

12 Ball bearings 4 steel Purchase 50*4= 200

13 Chains 2 steel Purchase 230*2=460

14 Chain sprockets 2 steel Sand mold casting 80*2=160

15 Shaft 2 steel Turning (Lathe) 68*2=132

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Egg grading mechanism

16 Candling lump _
1 Purchase 12

17 Egg feeder 1 Tin plate Purchase 50

18 Assaults
system 6 Cast-iron Machining 75*6=450

19 Mass balance
6 Cast-iron Machining 30*6=180

20 Egg receiver
1 tin Purchase 140

21 Supporting
frames 4 Cast-iron Machining 80*4=360

Total = 7420 birr

5.3. Conclusion
Eggs are the main raw material food sector in Ethiopia and other parts of the word.
Conventionally, separation of eggs by its grade has been done manually which consume the
slower process. Motor driven Egg Grading Machine is designed to overcome the conventional
grading process. As we know in Ethiopia, eggs can divide into 6 grades that is jumbo, extra-
large, large, medium, small and peewee or in symbols grade AA, A, B, C, D and E. The weight
of grade AA is more than 65 grams, grade A is from 60-65 grams grade B is from 55-60 grams,
grade C is from 50-55 grams; grade D is from 45-50 grams grad E is less than 45grams.

Since the smallest electric motor available in the market in Ethiopia is with speed of 1440 rpm
we have selected this type of motor and the power required to drive is 550 watt. But the speed we
need to drive the driver link is 50rpm so the belt and pulley speed reduction method is chosen. In

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order to make the machine small in size and safe to operate we have reduced the speed of the
motor in two stages, first speed reduction and second speed reduction of pulley and belt.
We also deeply study the theory of Machines deals with the motion and forces acting on the
parts (or links) of a machine and discuss the kinematics of motion i.e. the relative motion of
bodies without consideration of the forces causing the motion. In other words, also the
kinematics the links deal with the geometry of motion and concepts like displacement, velocity
and acceleration considered as functions of time.
We have also designed the chain to transmit definite motion (i.e. completely or successfully
constrained motion), it is called a kinematic chain. In other words, a kinematic chain may be
defined as a combination of kinematic pairs, joined in such a way that each link forms a part of
two pairs and the relative motion between the links or elements is completely or successfully
It is necessary to candle eggs for fertility when you are incubating eggs artificially using an
incubator and when selling in the market. Infertile or bad eggs can be discarded so that there is
no risk of them going bad and exploding inside the incubator, customers and contaminating the
other eggs.

5.4. Recommendation

After the machine is being manufacture, it can solve a very wide problem but we have some
things to consider. So the following thing should be considered. During do the project, many
problems have accorded. Besides that, by doing some inspection and troubleshooting, the
solution has been found and all devices may function properly.
1. As a design criterion it was aimed to produce a mechanism of links that can easily be
assembled for grading purposes eggs with different weight. However, it was hard to transfer
force and motion only by the links so the chain drive is added in order to operate safely. It also
necessitates some expertise and time to put everything back in place, which can also be
considered to be a drawback for a possible future marketable machine
2. Before the operator of the egg grader machine added the eggs to the machine egg washing is
an important issue in alternative poultry production systems because eggs often become dirtier in

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free-range systems than in cages. Dust, mud, feces, feathers. In order to separate the spoiled eggs
from unspoiled eggs washing eggs is needed.
3. The operator of must feed the eggs continuously without gap, must on the candling light lump
and he or she must attention on the eggs in order to pick up the discarded eggs. If no eggs, power
supply must stop and the DC motor will not work and candling lamp must off. Once the egg is
then added, the motor and candling light must be on. In some states, small-scale producers may
be required to candle eggs to ensure interior quality of the eggs in terms of blood spots, cracks
and more. Even if you are exempt, candling is still important to ensure your customers do not
receive fertile eggs with developing embryos, eggs with blood spots or cracked eggs.
4. Proper handling is a critical part of any egg business despite the size of the operation. Proper
handling ensures quality and safety for consumers and compliance with state and federal
regulations. The information given in this publication provides viable options for small and
medium sized egg producers in executing proper handling within their own production system.

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6. Drawing components and assembly

6.1. Detail drawings

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1. A text book of machine design 14th edition, R.S Khurmi and JK Gupta, Eurasia
publishing house (pvt. ltd) 2005.

2. Mechanical engineering design, 8th edition, Joseph Edward Shigley, Mc Graw-

hill, 2006.

3. Standard hand book of machine design, 2nd edition, Joseph Edward Shigley, Mc

4. Material selection in mechanical design, 3rd edition, Michael F. Ashby.

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