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The Ultimate Podcast Tour Playbook

by Courtney Elmer
Founder & CEO of The EffortLESS Life® | Host of the globally-ranked Systems Made Simple podcast
& Creator of the hit podcast coaching program, Binge Worthy™

Table of Contents
(click to jump to…)

1. INTRODUCTION read this before you get started

2. RESEARCH to find the specific shows your audience listens to

3. EVALUATE those shows to make sure they are worth your time

4. PITCH yourself as a problem solver, and follow up until you get a YES

5. CONTROL the conversation within the interview itself

6. MOVE listeners to action with a clear, specific CTA

7. WELCOME new leads via email to deepen the relationship and build trust

8. BONUS! Podcast Tour Checklist

Copyright © 2022 The EffortLESS Life. All Rights Reserved.


Feel like you’re giving away your best content inside every interview, but still not
getting the ROI you want for your time invested?

This is a common problem. Most experts are great at what they do — but what they’re not so
great at is knowing how to present their information in a way that compels someone listening to
take action.

You and I both know that when you’re investing your time and energy into doing something
that’s supposedly going to help you grow your visibility and your brand but you’re not
seeing much ROI on your time invested, it can feel frustrating and discouraging,

Lucky for you, we're about to fix this problem once and for all. The proven framework
you’re about to discover is going to help you optimize every single one of your podcast
appearances so that you are spending your time speaking to the right audiences, on the
right shows, and delivering the right kind of content within your interview to move the right
people to action.

When you execute the steps I lay out for you here, you’ll instantly be able to tap into the
power of listener psychology and structure your content in a way that compels someone
listening to take action, so you can convert more listeners into leads and get the most out
of every interview.

If you’re ready to skyrocket listener engagement, welcome a steady flow of new

leads, and finally experience what it’s like to be one of those guests people can’t stop
raving about — this is for you!


PS: Throughout this guide, you’ll find special PRO TIPS and BONUSES I’ve included to save
you time and make it easier than ever for you to implement these steps. Enjoy!

Copyright © 2022 The EffortLESS Life. All Rights Reserved.

Before you can hope to convert an audience, you have to know who your audience is, and
where specifically to find them.

1. Let’s start with the WHO. Who is your perfect-fit audience?

If you haven’t taken the time to figure out who you should be speaking to before
pitching podcast hosts, you’re wasting your time.

Why is this important?

Because the audiences most aligned to your existing audience are going to be
the people who are most likely to need/want what you offer.

If you sell ice, talking to an audience of Eskimos does you no good, even if it’s a
massive audience and gives you a lot of exposure.

The people you really want to talk to are those people down here in New Orleans
like me, who sweat all summer long and who would give their left arm to have some
cooler summer weather (Can you also take away the threat of hurricanes while
you're at it? Because then you’d really have our attention).

Chances are you see my point. Simply by speaking to an audience who is most likely to
need what you offer, you’ll already be positioning yourself as the problem-solver
who’s going to make their pain and frustration go away (more on that later).

BONUS: If you need help identifying WHO your audience is, this Listener
Psychographic Template will help you get clarity. Note: I developed this for our
podcast students to help them better position their shows in the marketplace, but
the same process applies to identifying your perfect-fit audience, too.

If you want to increase conversions from your interviews, you first have to
know who specifically you are speaking to.

Copyright © 2022 The EffortLESS Life. All Rights Reserved.

2. Now let’s talk about WHERE to find your ideal audience. What shows is your
audience listening to already, that if you were to be a guest on, you’d be speaking directly
to them?

Once you’ve identified who your audience is, now it’s time to find what shows they
are listening to. There’s no cut-and-dry formula for this, but use your smart noggin
— what shows are they most likely listening to?

The tool we love most for finding shows our ideal audience listens to is called

The reason we love it is because with the click of a button, you can search for any
show, see their global ranking (you’ll see why this is important in Part 3 below) and
search for similar suggested shows (which can be a gold-mine) and see their
rankings as well.

You can also search by keyword, which can be a helpful starting point if you don’t
have any specific podcasts in mind. Try searching your topic keywords and see what
shows pop up. Try searching your competitors’ names, and see where they’ve
appeared as a guest. You’ll quickly find ideal shows using any of these three
methods: searching by show name (or host name), searching keywords related
to your topic, and searching your competitors’ names.

The reason it’s so important to find shows who have your ideal audience as listeners
has to do with listener psychology.

When you intimately know a listener’s specific pain points, their specific desires, and
the specific results they are looking to achieve, you will not only be well equipped to
solve their problem… you’ll also increase the perceived value of the content you
deliver within your interview, simply by positioning yourself as an expert who can
solve that problem for them.

That audience is going to be far more likely to convert from listeners to leads
because they will need/want what you’re offering. (Remember, sell your ice to the
hot, sweaty people in NOLA who really need it).

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PRO TIP: If you have a podcast of your own, make sure to claim your Listen Notes profile.
This gives you the blue check-mark so that when people search podcasts, they’ll see that
you are verified. You’d be surprised how many big-name podcasters haven’t bothered to
do this — it’ll help your show stand out when you do.

To recap:
1. First identify who your ideal audience is. Use the Listener Psychographic Profile
Template (linked above) to help you clarify who they are, their unique pain points,
and the desired result(s) they’re looking to achieve.

2. Find the shows that your ideal audience is already listening to by searching by show
name (or host name), searching keywords related to your topic, and searching your
competitors’ names on

3. Make a list of podcasts that would be a good fit for you to appear on as a guest
based on the above criteria. Pay close attention to the “suggested shows” that pop
up as well (you may have to scroll down the page a bit to see them). You may want
to also add these to your pitch list also.

BONUS: We use this spreadsheet internally to list our target shows, and track
our pitches and follow-ups. I’ve included a copy for you here — steal it, use it, and
save yourself some time.

Copyright © 2022 The EffortLESS Life. All Rights Reserved.

Now that you’ve identified the shows that your ideal audience is most likely listening to, you
want to then evaluate these shows to make sure that an interview will be worth your
time before you spend any time pitching yourself as a guest.

Unfortunately it’s (currently) impossible to see how many listens a given show gets every
week as that info is not publicly available. But there is an easy hack you can use to help you
figure out the general audience-size of each show: you can measure each show’s general size
and popularity by using the ranking percentage (%) listen score figures.

For example, let’s say you look up Amy Porterfield’s Online Marketing Made Easy podcast.
You’ll immediately see that she has a 0.05% global ranking. This means she’s in the top
0.05% of all podcasts, across the entire globe. You can safely assume her audience is pretty
dang big.

Then again, there’s the Dave Ramsey Show which is ranked among the top 0.01% of shows
in the globe… and considering the latest report that said he is now one of four podcasts in
history to cross the 1 BILLION download mark (at the time of this writing anyway), it’s also
safe to say you can gauge the size of his audience based on that info. REALLY DANG BIG.

Of course we all want to be guests of Amy Porterfield’s and the Tim Ferris’s and the Gary
Vee’s and the Joe Rogan’s and the Dave Ramsey’s (as long as those shows are ones your
ideal audience listens to, right? ;)

But the reality is, those podcasts are the elite few who have grown to the size they have.

Most shows are not going to be that big.

However, you can crush your interview goals simply by making sure you’re not
getting on shows that are too small. After all, your time is valuable, so your
interviews need to be worth the time you invest.

That’s why I’m giving you my 4-point vetting process to help you determine, based on the
data, which shows would be worth your time. Check it out…

Copyright © 2022 The EffortLESS Life. All Rights Reserved.

Once you’ve identified a list of podcasts you’d potentially like to pitch, run them
through this 4-point vetting process by asking yourself:

1. Does my ideal audience listen to this show?

● This should be a resounding, clear YES, as you’ve identified in the research
step above.

2. Is this show ranked?

● The smaller the %, the bigger the audience.
● Bigger doesn’t always mean better. But, you will maximize your time invested
by getting on shows that are sure to reach a decent-sized segment of your
target audience.
● General rule of thumb: to gain traction quickly, aim for shows with at least a
3% global ranking or higher, HOWEVER…
● If you have a podcast of your own, look at YOUR global ranking. You’ll want to
aim for shows with an equal or greater ranking to yours. For example, my
show is currently ranked among the top 1.5% of podcasts globally. Which
means that for an interview to be worth my time, I want the audience to be at
least equal in size to mine, if not greater. So when I’m doing my research, I’m
targeting shows that have a 1.5% ranking or greater (1%, 0.5%, 0.1% etc)

3. Would appearing as a guest on this show get me in front of an audience who is

likely to convert to leads for me? Does this audience have a specific problem
that I can help them solve?
● Guest interviews do two things: build your credibility, increase your visibility.
● This is all fine and good. But at the end of the day, credibility and visibility are
not necessarily going to grow your business. Leads and sales grow your
● So with that in mind, you want to focus your efforts on interviews that are
most likely to convert listeners into leads for you. That’s where the money’s
at. The credibility will naturally follow.

4. Based on the criteria above, would an interview on this show be worth my

● At this point, it should be a simple YES or NO answer.
● For your NO shows, scratch them off your list.
● For your YES shows, proceed to the next section.

Copyright © 2022 The EffortLESS Life. All Rights Reserved.

Once you’ve identified best-fit shows, you can then pitch the host like you would normally.

Our favorite tools for pitching podcast hosts are:

● PodMatch
● Guestio
● Good Ol’ Fashioned Email

PRO TIP: use tools like, RocketReach, and the paid version of
to quickly and easily find host’s addresses. You’ll be amazed at how simple it is to mine
this data. Scary actually. And totally legal.

However, BEFORE YOU PITCH, know this: It’s not what you say in your pitch that gets a
host’s attention, but how you position yourself in your pitch — this is a critical step that most
people miss.

Let’s pretend for a second that you’re the busy host of a top ranked podcast. More pitches
hit your inbox in a day than you can begin to count, and you’re quickly skimming through
them to see which ones you can delete.

Let’s also pretend that I’m a guest pitching you to be on your podcast. Here’s what my pitch
email reads:

Subject line: Great guest for your podcast!

Hey [your name!] We don’t know each other but my name is Courtney Elmer. I’ve been featured
on Forbes, PopSugar, and Small Biz Trends and I’m an expert in helping people leverage
podcasts to grow their business. I’d love to come on your show as a guest! Here are 4 topics I
can talk about that I think your audience will love:

● How to launch a podcast

● How to use a podcast as a lead-gen tool
● How to get bigger guests on your podcast
● How to monetize your podcast with your own courses, products or programs.

Which one do you think your audience will like best? Would love for you to bring me on if you
feel it’s a fit! Thanks and look forward to hearing back from you soon.

Copyright © 2022 The EffortLESS Life. All Rights Reserved.

Maybe you’re reading this pitch and you are thinking, Nothing really sounds wrong with this. I
pitch like this all the time.

And if you landed in my inbox, I’d hit delete.

Why? Because this pitch does nothing to show me that you care about my audience. If I got
a pitch like this (and believe me, I get them all the time) all this says to me is that you care
about YOU. And you want to get on my show because it can help you.

Of course getting on my show will help you! It’s a big podcast! But I don’t care about how
much you know, until you show me how much you care.

As a podcast host, that means I’m also the protector of my audience’s time, energy,
and attention. I’m only going to bring a guest on if I know that guest can help my
audience solve a problem, fill a need, or fill a content gap that’s missing on my show.

Might want to read that again. Because when you GET this, you will suddenly have the power in
your hands to crush the competition in that host’s inbox and get your pitch noticed.

Now let’s look at Pitch Scenario #2. Imagine you were to get this email in your inbox:

Subject line: Thank you, [your name]!


Despite the innumerable podcast episodes I’ve listened to through the years, your show is the
one I keep coming back to. From the valuable tips you share to your (I-N-C-R-E-D-I-B-L-E)
guests, it’s safe to say you’ve positively changed the way I market my business for the better! I
simply wanted you to know your hard work and effort does not go unnoticed.

Tough to fit it all into a tiny review, but I did my best. You should see this come through in the
next 24-48 hours. :)


In fact that’s why you came to mind today [Name], because I’d love to see if I could give back in
some small way and help you continue providing that “WOW” experience for your listeners. As
a Forbes-featured business systems and podcasting expert, showing business owners how to

Copyright © 2022 The EffortLESS Life. All Rights Reserved.

leverage their podcast as a marketing strategy to drive consistent traffic, increase sales, and
be seen as the go-to authority in their niche is one of the things I’m known for.

Because your community looks to you for effective ways to build their authority, increase
visibility, and drive traffic and leads to their business, I’d love to show your community how
they can optimize their podcast pitches so they can double their chances of converting
listeners from their podcast interviews. We could also show them how to identify the best
podcasts to pitch and which ones to avoid, based on their unique goals.

Would that be helpful??


PS: I saw we have a TON of mutual connections in common on LinkedIN! I’m going to send you
a request in a sec so we can connect there, too. Thanks in advance, [Name]!!

If you were the host of a top-ranked podcast, which one of the pitches above would you be
most likely to respond to?

Let me make it crystal clear: Any host in their right mind will be much more likely to say
yes to a pitch that positions you not just as an expert, but as an expert who can help their
audience solve a hyper-specific problem.

Bonus points when you do your research ahead of time, look at what topics that host has
talked about before on air, and pitch a topic that hasn’t been covered — thus filling a
content gap for that host.

Good pitches are relatable, genuine, and focused on how you can help the host solve a
problem their audience is experiencing. Structure your pitch accordingly.

BONUS: If you need help structuring your pitch, follow the steps I’ve laid out in
my Pitch Playbook, here. I’ve also included a short video walkthrough here
explaining how to use it. My only goal in giving you these gifts is to earn your trust
and deliver more value than you expected. As such, it’s absolutely free. Enjoy.

Copyright © 2022 The EffortLESS Life. All Rights Reserved.

A final word about pitches:

They say that the fortune is in the follow-up.

I say that the YES is (usually) in the follow-up.

When you send a pitch, chances are you’re not going to get a YES right away. People are
busy, inboxes are overloaded, and sometimes emails go without a reply for longer than
they should.

Just because you don’t get an answer right away, usually has nothing to do with you. So don’t
make the mistake of assuming that it does… and don’t make the mistake of assuming that
no immediate reply means “no.”

Simply follow-up until you get a solid answer, one way or another.

My personal follow-up strategy is to send three follow-up emails after the initial pitch. It
typically looks like this:
● Day 0: Send initial pitch
● Day 3-4 (if no response): Send follow-up email #1
● Day 10-14 (if no response): Send follow-up email #2
● Day 18-21 (if no response): Send follow-up email #3

For some pitches you may get a response back within 24-48 hours. More often than not,
you’ll get a response back after the first or second follow-up. If after the third follow-up you
still haven’t gotten a response, consider it a “no for now” and simply make it a point to pitch
them again (perhaps with a new topic or angle) in a few months’ time.

Never assume that because someone says no (or doesn’t respond at all) that it means you
are somehow inadequate or unworthy. Trust that the doors that are meant for you will
open, and the ones that aren’t will remain closed (for now).

Pitch for the yes. Keep going.

BONUS: Need suggestions on what to say in your follow-up? Check out my

formula here. Once again, my only goal in giving you these gifts is to earn your
trust and deliver more value than you expected. Enjoy.

Copyright © 2022 The EffortLESS Life. All Rights Reserved.

This next step may sound a little strange, but you’ve made it this far. So stick with me. :)

It’s time for the final piece of the “pre-interview setup”, which is to control the
conversation by giving your host the questions you want them to ask you.

Before you say it, let me be clear: of course the host still has the liberty to ask you whatever
they want. It’s their show.

But let’s imagine for a second that you’re a busy host of a very popular podcast. You likely
show up to your interviews and ask whatever questions come up off the top of your head,
without a real plan to lead the conversation to a definitive end (i.e., your call to action.)

So the episode ends, they quickly ask you where people can find you online, you quickly
give a list of all the places you have an online presence, and the interview wraps up.

The host publishes the episode, you sit back and wait for the leads to come in… and
nothing happens.

But, when you know how to control the conversation AND make it appear as though you’re
doing the host a huge favor by saving them time from having to come up with specific
questions to ask you in an interview to elicit your genius, you will suddenly stand out in their
eyes as someone who has just taken the time to make their life easier.

And for that, they will feel that deep and intrinsic human need to reciprocate… by asking
you the questions you’ve presented to them.

So, if all goes according to plan, the host will ask the questions you’ve given them ahead of
time, to which you’ve strategically prepared answers that…
1) identify the problem the listener is experiencing as it relates to your topic
2) agitate that problem
3) solve that problem

It’s the old PAS (Problem-Agitate-Solve) model at work. Why does this work so effectively?

Copyright © 2022 The EffortLESS Life. All Rights Reserved.

It goes back to listener psychology.

Simply by showing them that you have a keen awareness of their specific problem (which is
intensified by the fact that you’ve pre-selected an audience who you KNOW struggles with
this exact problem), you will effectively trigger all the little receptors in their brain that
wants to get this problem solved. And they will be eagerly looking to you for the answer.

PRO TIP: When preparing your list of questions, use a mix of “what/why/how” questions
as well as “tell me about/describe for me/explain to me” statements. Below are some
examples of questions I sent a host recently to ask me on air:

Suggested Questions: Feel free to ask me any background-type questions first! Specific
strategy-related questions are below.

1. As podcast hosts, we’re always looking for ways to grow our audience. The
problem is, with so many options out there it’s hard to know which ones are the
best use of our time. You have an organic strategy you’ve been using to grow your
show with a lot of success — can you tell us more about that?

2. Describe for us why this method is so effective.

3. How has this method helped you grow your podcast? Give us the specifics!

4. In your opinion, what’s the reason you think this method is generally overlooked?

5. Ok, but are you really asking podcast hosts to spend more time creating episodes
to grow our shows? Most of us are pretty busy!

6. Let’s say I’m on board with your idea and I’m curious to test it out for my own
show. Where do you recommend I start? (BOOM… I walk those listeners right into my
CTA, which I’ll explain in the next section).

And guess what? During this interview, the host asked me every. single. question.

Because I had the answers prepped ahead of time, it made it ridiculously easy to deliver an
interview that moves a listener to action.

Copyright © 2022 The EffortLESS Life. All Rights Reserved.

Now for the part where you can actually start converting those listeners into leads!

Here’s where it gets exciting.

This is the part where after answering the host’s your questions on air, you’re going
to move your listeners to action with a clear, specific CTA that invites them to take
the next step with you.

If you’ve been paying attention, then chances are you already know that your CTA should
simply answer the next question or solve the next problem that the listener (your potential
prospect) has at this point.

It’s no different than you conducting a sales call with someone. They’re going to come to
you with a problem, you’re going to present an offer or opportunity that will solve that
problem, they will have some objections, you’ll anticipate and overcome those objections,
and you’ll invite them to take the next step.

That’s all you’re doing inside your interviews. And this, my friend, is the secret to interviews
that convert.

So if it helps, go ahead and imagine this “interview” more like a conversation — not
between you and the host, but between you and the listener.

At this point in the conversation, you’ve identified the problem the listener is experiencing.
You’ve agitated that problem, and now they want it solved. So all you have to do to deliver
insane value on air is solve that problem at a high level (give them the broad brush strokes
or step-by-step overview) and then invite them to take the next step to get that problem

Maybe the next step is a free download like this Playbook, walking them through how to
solve the problem in depth.

Maybe it’s to book a discovery call with you.

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Maybe it’s to register for your webinar (just make sure it’s evergreen, because remember
that listeners may be hearing your episode in the future).

Maybe it’s to buy your book.

As long as it’s the natural next step to getting their problem solved, they’ll take the action
because they want that problem solved… effectively bringing you a brand new lead for
every person that hears that episode, both now and in the future, who has that problem
and who wants that problem solved.

Maybe you’re thinking, “Wait, Courtney. I already give a call to action at the end of my
interviews, and it hasn't worked.”

And if that’s you, my questions for you are:

1. Have you done the other steps I’ve outlined here for you inside this guide, before
delivering that CTA? If the answer is yes, reach out to me and I will personally help you
pinpoint the issue. If the answer is no, then you can’t say that it doesn’t work,
because you haven’t properly teed up the CTA.

2. Have you positioned your CTA as the natural next step for your listener to get their
problem solved? Or has it been self-promoting? FYI: Self-promoting calls-to-action
don’t work.

3. Has your CTA been a laundry-list of the links to your social profiles and website,
essentially leading your listener nowhere? A confused mind takes no action.

4. Have you been depending on the links in the show notes to drive traffic to your CTA?
Not every listener reads those, so depending solely on the “link in the notes” to drive
traffic means you’re effectively missing out on a huge chunk of your listening

5. Have you been tracking your lead conversions from your interviews to see how
many people are signing up through your link? (More on how to do this in the next

Copyright © 2022 The EffortLESS Life. All Rights Reserved.

Here’s the thing — until this moment in time right now, chances are you didn’t know how to
properly tee up your CTA (or maybe you haven’t even been giving one).

But now that you're armed with this knowledge, it’s time for YOU to put it into action.
Choose one of the CTAs below, and adapt it to your niche and specific call-to-action.

PRO TIP #1: You don’t have to deliver the same CTA in every single interview. Chances
are, you’ll be talking on a variety of topics. So, match your CTA to your topic and make it
the natural next step for someone to take. This also gives you the opportunity to
promote a variety of your things on air, from lead magnets to webinars to strategy calls
to your book(s) if you have one.

PRO TIP #2: If your goal is to generate leads from your interviews, focus on promoting
free gifts people have to opt-in with an email address to receive. I.e., a lead magnet.

If your goal is to generate sales from your interviews, focus on promoting low-ticket items
like e-books, physical books you’ve written, or low-priced intro courses or mini-courses
you have. Or, if you sell higher ticket items but still want to generate leads and sales,
send them to a link to book a strategy call with you.

PRO TIP #3: Never have more than one CTA in an interview. Forget about promoting your
social media or your website or your podcast. Focus on the one, specific action that you
want your listener to take, and drive them to that action. Remember, a confused mind
does nothing.

Copyright © 2022 The EffortLESS Life. All Rights Reserved.

Below are some examples of CTAs that have worked really well for us on air:

I'm looking for 5 online experts who want to launch a top-ranked podcast in the next 60-90
days so they can monetize their message and drive a steady stream of leads and sales to
their business on autopilot. If that's you, come find me on Instagram @thecourtneyelmer
and DM me the word ‘PODCAST’ so I can show you how to stop struggling to get your ideal
client’s attention and start being seen as an expert in your niche and create the greater
income, impact, and influence you deserve.

Why this works: It gets them to your primary social media profile (mine is Instagram) AND
it gets them in your DM’s where you can then build a relationship and accelerate the buying

Pros/Cons: This is an effective way to build relationships with prospects, which increases
trust (a prerequisite for sales). However, it doesn’t get you a new subscriber to your email
list right away, because there’s no email exchange taking place. You can easily solve this in
one of two ways:

1. Use the same CTA above but instead of “DM me on Instagram” swap it with “head to
[LINK] and enter your info, and I’ll personally reply back via email.” The link will send
them to a landing page where they’ll enter their info, and you can set your email
service provider to trigger an automatic welcome email and also trigger you that a
new subscriber has joined your list via this link, so that you can reach out to them

2. Use the “DM me on Instagram” CTA and in the DMs, give them a free resource that
they have to enter their info to get and get them onto your list that way.

Swipe this CTA:

I'm looking for 5 (your ideal clients) who want to (thing you’re going to help them accomplish) in
(timeframe) so that they can (result they want). If that's you, come (find me on Instagram, go to
LINK, etc.) so I can show you how to stop (thing they don’t want) and start (thing they do want).

Copyright © 2022 The EffortLESS Life. All Rights Reserved.

I’ve got a special gift that I’ve prepared just for the business owners in your audience today
who want to learn how to leverage a profitable podcast to drive leads and sales to their
business. Inside this action guide, I’m going to walk you through the 3 most common
mistakes new podcasters make, so you can learn how to avoid them and double your
chances of succeeding in the podcasting space.

When you go to [LINK] and enter your info, I’ll send you a free copy for you to take action
on right away.

Why this works: It’s short, clear, and to the point. It promises a solution to their problem,
and lays out the steps they need to follow in order to get it.

Pros/Cons: This is a great way to add new subscribers to your list. However, it is a bit more
labor-intensive because you’ll need to set up a custom link and landing/thank you page for
each interview you do so you can track leads effectively (more on this in the next section).
You’ll also need to make sure you’ve got your landing page form set to tag your subscribers
with a unique tag (for tracking purposes) and also trigger the Welcome Email Sequence
that’s actually going to deliver the lead magnet to them.

Swipe this CTA:

I’ve got a special gift that I’ve prepared just for the (your ideal client) in your audience today who
want to (thing you’re going to help them with) to (result they want to achieve). Inside this action
guide, I’m going to walk you through the (explain why they should download this guide. Why
should they care?) so you can (thing they don’t want) and (thing they do want).

When you go to [LINK] and enter your info, I’ll send you a free copy for you to take action on
right away.

Copyright © 2022 The EffortLESS Life. All Rights Reserved.

I’m looking to connect with business owners who want to increase their brand awareness
and generate leads on demand while becoming known, liked, and trusted in their market.

If that’s you, I’m offering a no obligation strategy call to work with you and identify the best
way to leverage podcasting as a strategy for your business. We only open up a few of these
spots each week on our calendar, so you’ll want to act fast because they fill up quickly. Just
go to [LINK] today and schedule your call.

Why this works: It calls out the specific type of person you’re looking to work with, and
clearly explains the specific type of result you can help them achieve (inherently pointing
out the problem they’re experiencing of not being visible, liked, and trusted in their

Pros/Cons: This is a strong CTA if you want to generate sales from your interviews, and it
works especially well for higher ticket offers (provided you can close a deal on a sales call).
It also creates urgency and scarcity by saying you only have a few spots available and that
they tend to fill up quickly. This will get the action takers to take action. However, be careful
to limit your amount of calls so that you’re not suddenly inundated with more calls than
you can handle. If you have team members who typically handle these calls, that’s great
— just make sure you say that in the CTA (“set up a call with our team”). If you’re the only
one who handles these calls, putting a limit on the number of calls you take per week
protects your time AND makes the urgency/scarcity piece of this CTA genuine and truthful.
This should go without saying, but please don’t create “fake” urgency/scarcity. That just ain’t

Swipe this CTA:

I’m looking to connect with (your ideal clients) who want to (desired result) without (problem).

If that’s you, (I’m offering/our team is offering) a no obligation strategy call to work with you and
identify the best way to (thing you do that’s going to help them solve the problem). We only open
up a few of these spots each week on our calendar, so you’ll want to act fast because they fill up
quickly. Just go to [LINK] today and schedule your call.

Copyright © 2022 The EffortLESS Life. All Rights Reserved.

WELCOME to the last section of this Playbook!

Congrats on making it this far.

This is where most people go on their merry way and fail to do what I’m about to outline for
you next.

They’re making a big mistake. When you fail to do these simple but vital steps, the whole
process falls apart. If you dismiss this step, you’ll have no way to track the return on your
time, energy, and effort invested into interviews — and chances are wind up back at square
one, not knowing where your leads are coming from (or whether you’re getting any at all).

WELCOMING your new leads is the most important piece of this process, so that you
can build trust and track your incoming leads from each interview over the span of
90 days to determine which podcast partnerships were the most successful.

This final piece includes four important steps:

1. Create a custom link for each interview CTA
2. Set up a unique landing page and tag so you can identify incoming leads from that
3. Trigger a welcome email sequence that delivers your lead magnet and/or welcomes
your new subscriber
4. Track your data over a 90-day period to determine the success of each interview

Because this part gets a little techy, you might have to actually sit down and do this process
once or twice for it to become second nature. But once you’ve got it down, you can train
someone else on your team to do it for you.

Before I walk you through each step of the setup, you might find it helpful to see an
overview of how this process works.

When all is said and done, your lead-tracking funnel setup will look like this:

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Copyright © 2022 The EffortLESS Life. All Rights Reserved.
Creating a custom link for each interview may seem redundant. After all, why not just send
everyone to the same landing page?

The problem with sending ALL of your traffic (from each unique interview) to one landing
page for them to opt in makes it impossible to figure out where your leads are coming from.

And when you have no idea where your leads are coming from, it makes it impossible to
figure out how successful your interviews actually are in terms of ROI and lead conversion.

However, creating a custom link for each interview CTA quickly and easily solves this

For example, I have a lead magnet called “5 Things You Need to Know Before Starting a
Podcast”. I send a lot of traffic to this lead magnet, and I want to be able to track where that
traffic is coming from.

By creating a custom URL that redirects people to a unique landing page, I can tag those
new subscribers and track the tags to figure out where that traffic came from (more on that
in the steps below).

The URL is important though, because this is the link that you will be saying on air so you’ll
need to prepare this ahead of time. I like to use
so that it’s easy to know which podcast those leads are coming from.

Once you’ve identified your unique URL, you’re going to create a unique landing page for
incoming traffic and set the URL of that landing page to the unique URL you want to share
on air.


Next, you’ll need to set up a custom Landing Page and Tag so that incoming leads are
tagged correctly, making them easy to track.

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For our “5 Things You Need to Know” lead magnet, we had a master landing page created
for it with all the copy, images, and form where a new subscriber will enter their
information to sign up for the lead magnet.

All we do when we need to create a unique landing page is duplicate the master page, and
set the URL to the custom link we want to share on air.

Once we’ve done that, we simply edit the opt-in form to tag contacts from that podcast, so
that when a new lead from that podcast enters their info, they get tagged in our system
and we can look on the back end and see where they came from.

Custom Link: []

Custom Tag: [lead magnet name, podcast name]

The good news is that you only have to set this up once on the back end for each interview.
Once you’ve got it set up, all leads from that particular interview will be tagged correctly no
matter when they subscribe — now, or in the future.

One final note: most landing pages require you to send traffic to a thank you page (and you
should, because this builds trust with your new subscriber and lets them know what to
expect next). However, you do not need to duplicate the thank you page. Even though you
will have multiple landing pages, you can send them all to the same thank you page. See
the image below which illustrates this.


You should already have a welcome sequence (sometimes called a lead magnet delivery
sequence) set up to deliver your lead magnet to new subscribers.

If you do, then this step is just a simple matter of making sure the new tag is added to that
sequence in your Email Service Provider (ESP), so that the sequence will trigger when a new
subscriber with that tag is added.

However if your CTA is something other than a lead magnet, this process will naturally look
a little different depending on what you are promoting.

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If you are promoting a strategy call, the process will be straightforward: they go to your
calendar link, book a time, and receive a confirmation email. All you’ll want to do here is (if
you can) integrate your calendar software and your email software so that you can tag new
bookings based on where they’re coming from.

The setup will be unique depending on the specific pieces of software you use. If you need
help integrating all of these, reach out to the support team / help desk via live chat or email
— they can typically help you set this up.

I learned how to do all of this the hard way in the early days of my business. If I can figure it
out, you most definitely can, even if you don’t consider yourself a “techy” person.

PRO TIP: If you want to sell books on air (or any similar low-ticket item), it’s in your best
interest to follow the same process above with one exception: you will be duplicating
your checkout page instead of a landing page. This way when someone makes a
purchase, they’re added to your email list and you can begin nurturing them with a
welcome email sequence while they wait on their book to arrive (assuming it’s a physical
copy). If it were me, I wouldn’t send traffic to Amazon or B&N… you will not get the
benefit of adding new subscribers to your list that way. However, if all you care about is
book sales and you’re not looking to grow your email list, sending traffic to a 3rd party
retailer could be ok under those circumstances. You could also include something in your
CTA that says, “email a copy of your receipt to and unlock a bonus bundle
that includes (cool stuff they’re going to get).” You can have someone on your team
manually add those incoming emails to your ESP, tag those contacts, trigger the welcome
sequence that delivers the bonus, and help you make money AND grow your list.

The final step in this process is to simply track your incoming leads.

When you’ve set this up correctly, this is easy to do.

All you’ll have to do is log into the back end of your ESP, go to the contacts section, pull up
your list of tags, and mark down the number that specific interview tag has at 30 day, 60
day, and 90 day intervals.

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I’ve trained one of our team members how to do this so that when I look at the tracking
spreadsheet, I can instantly see how many leads we’ve gotten from each individual

BONUS: We use this spreadsheet internally to list our target shows, and track
our pitches and follow-ups. I’ve included a copy for you here — steal it, use it, and
save yourself some time. (YES, this is the same spreadsheet I linked earlier in the
pitch section, except you will be using Page 2 to track your data instead of Page 1 to
plan your pitches).

This data informs my decisions on what shows to pitch next, helping me target my efforts
to find similar shows that will yield a great return.

Then you just start at the top and…

Rinse and repeat.

Rinse and repeat.

Rinse and repeat.

…for every new interview you do.

Copyright © 2022 The EffortLESS Life. All Rights Reserved.

In Closing…
The steps I’ve just laid out for you are going to help you structure your content in a way that
compels someone listening to take action, so you can convert more listeners into leads and
get the most out of every interview — guaranteed.

Are they simple? Yes.

Are they easy? Not necessarily.

Most people won’t bother to do what I’ve outlined here, which means they won’t get
the results they want from their interviews, either.

But you’re still reading this, which shows me that you’re different.

And now you have a choice to make.

Option A: You can keep doing what you’ve been doing, hoping for a different result and
expecting things to magically click without stopping to evaluate whether your current
strategy is actually working. (Spoiler Alert: chances are you’ll eventually give up on podcast
guesting altogether, chalking it up as a shiny object and mourn it as a complete waste of

Option B: Try what I’ve laid out for you inside this Playbook. Expect a different result. Get a
different result — the result you really want.

As Alex Hormozi once said,

Entrepreneurship is about acquiring skills, beliefs, and character traits. To advance [you]
have to determine which skills, beliefs, and character traits [you] lack. Most times, [you]
simply need to improve. And the only way to do that is through learning from experience
and/or high quality sources.

It’s my sincerest hope that what you just learned inside this playbook was of the highest
caliber and quality.

Copyright © 2022 The EffortLESS Life. All Rights Reserved.

If it was valuable to you, it would bring me great joy if you would share it.

Simply use this link to send it to a friend:

If it wasn’t valuable to you, I hope that you’ll let me know how I can improve. You can reach
out to me on Instagram @thecourtneyelmer and send me a DM anytime.

Just remember: in business and in life,

Nothing changes until you do.

Stay hungry, stay humble.


Want my team to personally coach you to launch a profitable podcast

of your own? Schedule a call here to learn about our PROVEN
podcast launch strategy and how it can help you launch a top-ranked
podcast that drives leads and sales to your business on auto-pilot.

(Link will redirect you, just go ahead and click through 🙂)

Copyright © 2022 The EffortLESS Life. All Rights Reserved.

BONUS! Podcast Tour Checklist:

I’ve researched potential shows to identify those that will likely give me the
most return for my time invested, because the audience is most similar to

I’ve vetted those shows to determine that an interview is worth my time

I’ve thoughtfully prepared a pitch that positions me as an expert who can

solve a specific problem for the host’s audience

I’ve located the host’s info and emailed the pitch

I’ve followed up until a yes or a no (generally about three times)

I’ve prepared specific questions for the host to ask me on air, to facilitate a
conversation that solves the audiences’ specific problem

I’ve prepared thoughtful answers to these questions, to help the audience

identify the problem, agitate that problem, and solve that problem from a
high-level on air and set up my CTA

I’ve given a clear, specific, and evergreen CTA at the end of every interview,
instructing the listener on their next step to take (i.e., book a call, download a
lead magnet, join a waitlist, sign up for an evergreen webinar, buy my book)

I’ve created a custom link for each interview CTA with a unique landing page
and thank you page and set it up to tag the leads from that interview with a
unique tag that lets me know where those listeners came from (so I can
determine the ROI from that interview and the success of my efforts)

Copyright © 2022 The EffortLESS Life. All Rights Reserved.

I’ve set up a welcome email automation to deliver the lead magnet or other
asset to the new listener/lead who has just signed up in order to build trust

I’ve tracked my incoming leads from each interview over the span of 90 days
to determine which podcast partnerships were the most successful

I’ve considered other ways I can build upon and leverage the relationship
with each podcast host and created a plan to reach back out at a future date
for potential future collaborations (i.e. lead magnet swaps, JV webinars,
affiliate partnerships, etc)

Want my team to personally coach you to launch a profitable podcast

of your own? Schedule a call here to learn about our PROVEN
podcast launch strategy and how it can help you launch a top-ranked
podcast that drives leads and sales to your business on auto-pilot.

(Link will redirect you, just go ahead and click through 🙂)

Copyright © 2022 The EffortLESS Life. All Rights Reserved.


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