LI L3 Review Test Units 5-6 C

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Review test C: Units 5–6

1 Match the sentence halves. Use a different color for each pair.

You mustn’t copy (A) lies to the teacher.

(1) Two men burgled (B) from the candy store.

(2) You mustn’t tell (C) Alejandro’s essays.

(3) Kaden cheated (D) in an English test.

(4) You mustn’t gossip (E) the house next to ours.

(5) Xavier shoplifted (F) about Mark.

___ / 5

2 Choose the correct alternatives.

A I ate too much.

B You’ll have a stomachache / backache.
1 A I feel dizzy / cold.
B Sit down for a minute.
2 A I have a toothache / headache.
B Go to the dentist.
3 A Your nose is red.
B Yes, I have a cold / sore throat.
4 A Be quiet!
B Sorry, I have a cough / fever.
5 A I have the flu / a rash.
B Go to bed!
___ / 5

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Review test C: Units 5–6

3 Complete the sentences in the past progressive with the words in parentheses.

I was looking (look) out of the window.

1 Two babies ________________ (cry).
2 A passenger ________________ (chat) to me.
3 You ________________ (not watch) any movies.
4 Mom ________________ (use) the restroom.
___ / 4

4 Complete the questions and short answers with the correct form of be in the
simple past.

Were you having a bad dream last night? No, I wasn’t .

1 _________ you waiting for long? Yes, we _________.
2 _________ Paul sitting next to Emma in the movie theater? No, he _________.
3 _________ Daniel and Jonah playing in the basketball game? Yes, they _________.

4 _________ I talking too much at the party? No, you _________.

___ / 4

5 Choose the correct alternatives.

John hurt his arm when / while he was riding a bike.

1 When / While we were walking in the forest, we saw a waterfall.
2 We were doing a test when / while Kevin asked me for an answer.

3 We were sitting in the tent when / while I heard some animals.

4 When / While you were singing in the concert, you forgot your words, didn’t you?
___ / 4

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Review test C: Units 5–6

6 Complete the dialogue with the words in the box. Write the letters.

(A) Should I (B) you should (C) we shouldn’t (D) Should we (E) shouldn’t

Levi This classroom is a mess! People E leave trash on the floor.

Angel (1)__ pick up some of the trash together?
Levi No, (2)__. It isn’t our job.
Angel I’ll see the principal later at band practice. (3)__ tell her?
Levi Yes, I think (4)__.
___ / 4

7 Choose the correct alternatives.

I’d give you some of my candy if I have / had any.

1 We wouldn’t play piano if we didn’t / wouldn’t enjoy it.
2 I’d have a hot drink if I ’d be / were you.
3 Omar and Valeria wouldn’t / didn’t fight if they talked about their problems
more often.
___ / 3
8 Match 1–5 with A–F to make questions. Then choose the correct short answer
(i–vi). Use a different color for each.

If I were taller, (A) if I asked her? (i) No, I wouldn’t.

(1) If Hannah lived in (B) if we didn’t arrive home (ii) No, he wouldn’t.
a different town, on time?

(2) Would Mr. Gibbons (C) would Mark bully me? (iii) Yes, we would.
like me better

(3) If the store had (D) would you and John (iv) Yes, they would.
security cameras, visit her?

(4) Would Reagan go (E) would you shoplift? (v) No, she wouldn’t.
out with me

(5) Would Mom and (F) if I did my homework? (vi) Yes, he would.
Dad be angry
___ / 5

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Review test C: Units 5–6

9 Read the text. Write T (true) or F (false) next to the statements.

Emergency situations
If you had an emergency, would you know what to do? Read this guide and learn how to
respond in two real-life emergency situations.

“My friend Ellie and I were sitting on the sofa and watching a movie at my house. Ellie was
eating a chocolate cookie when she started to cough. She couldn’t say anything. I got her
some water, but it didn’t help. Then I saw that she had a rash on her face. It was very
scary. I didn’t know how to help Ellie, so I called 911 and an ambulance came to take her
to the hospital. Later, I learned Ellie can’t eat nuts—she has an allergy. She’s known about
this for a long time. But we didn’t know that there were nuts in the cookies that we were
What the experts say …
Megan did the right thing to call 911 because Ellie was having a very bad reaction and her
life was in danger. But most allergies aren’t as bad as Ellie’s. Some people feel sick or get a
headache or a stomach ache, for example. If someone has a small reaction to something
for the first time, they should talk to their doctor.

Ellie and her friend were listening to music when the problem started. F
1 Ellie was eating some candy. __

2 Megan felt very scared. __

3 Ellie called 911. __
4 Ellie’s allergic reaction was serious. __

5 You should call 911 if you have a small allergic reaction. __

___ / 5

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Review test C: Units 5–6

10 Read the text. Write T (true) or F (false) next to the statements.

“It was a beautiful day last summer. My friends and I were at the skate park. Jack was
riding his new skateboard when he fell and broke his arm. He wasn’t wearing a helmet, so
he hurt his head, too. He was talking, but he was very confused. He didn’t know his name!
We were very worried. Jack’s mom is a nurse, so we called her at work. She told us we
shouldn’t move him. She came to the park and took him back to the hospital. He was fine
in the end, but it was very scary!”

What the experts say …

Jack was very lucky in this situation. You should always wear a helmet while you’re
skateboarding or riding a bike. If everybody wore a helmet, they wouldn’t hurt their heads.

If someone hits their head, they may feel dizzy or confused. This is called “concussion,”
and it is serious. They should go to the doctor if they don’t feel better after a few days. If
they hit their head and can’t wake up, you will need to call an ambulance.

If you think someone has broken their arm, ask an adult to take them to hospital. They
shouldn’t move it because they might hurt their arm even more.

1 Jack broke his arm at the skate park. __

2 Jack wasn’t with other people when he had his accident. __
3 Jack’s mom is a doctor. __

4 If your friend breaks their arm, they should try to move it slowly. __
5 If you feel dizzy when you hit your head, it is very serious. __
___ / 5

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Review test C: Units 5–6

Trending topics
11 Choose the correct alternatives to complete the notes about a medical

Medical problem I fell / falling and I (1) hurt / was hurting my

People with you My brother, John, and a friend of (2) hers / his

When the problem started We (3) was / were running up steps.

What other people did John told our parents; they (4) took / were
taking me to hospital.

Advice from doctor / pharmacist I (5) should / shouldn’t play sports; I should put
salt in the bath.
___ / 5

12 Use the notes in exercise 10. Complete the paragraph about the emergency
situation. Write one word in each space.

When I was young, I fell on my (1)________ and hurt it. My brother and his friend were
with me. We were (2)________ very fast up some steps and I fell. It hurt a lot, so my
friends ran home and (3)________ my parents, who (4)________ me to (5)________.
The doctor said I shouldn’t (6)________ sports for a few days, and take a bath with salt in
the water.
___ / 6

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Review test C: Units 5–6

13 T03 Listen to the first part of the conversation. Choose the correct

Jessie was on a school trip / not at school last Monday.

1 Jessie was at the beach in the morning / afternoon.
2 Someone stole Jessie’s phone while she was talking to Mom / swimming.
3 Jessie’s friends were buying ice cream / fries.
4 The phone was in Jessie’s bag / pocket.

5 Jessie told / didn’t tell the police.

___ / 5

14 T03 Listen to the second part of the conversation. Choose the correct

1 Jessie called / sent an email to the social media company.

2 Jessie had a headache / stomachache the next day.

3 Jessie felt sick / angry the next day.

4 Jessie is / isn’t going to cut school again.
5 Jessie had a good / simple password on her phone.
___ / 5
TOTAL ___ / 50

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